Newsprint Issue 12 - 2 November 2012

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ISSUE 12 2 November 2012 Issue No 12 - 2 November, 2012


He’s Learning to Live and Lead

From the Principal Dear Parents and Students, The College has had several celebrations over the past two weeks to farewell our Year 12 students. Our Year 12, 2012, have made significant contributions to the life of the College over the years as sportsmen, students, performers, musicians, debaters, public speakers and leaders. We are grateful to them and wish them all the very best in what will follow for them in 2013, and beyond. To our College Leaders, 2012, in particular we owe a special debt of gratitude. They have been a remarkable group of young men. In the Centenary year they were called on to help in so many extra ways and they never failed us once. Their presence and stature as representatives of the student body in whatever role they played, was exemplary. They were indeed very fine models of service and commitment. To Nicholas Rodway, Miles Fabris, Nick Curwood and all the College Leaders, our very special gratitude and appreciation for what you did for us in every facet of College life in 2012. May our graduands carry with them the value of their God who is always present; a service call that requires them to always be men for others and to give without expecting anything in return; and, to recognise that we all need a community of people in our lives for mutual support and to help us to grow. We wish them well in their VCE exams and beyond. And may the 22 students who have volunteered for India have a safe and enriching experience with what they will be asked to do over there. College Leaders 2013 Our Year 11 students are currently going through the process of identifying their Leaders for next year. Each candidate who has passed the first round will be presenting to their peers this Thursday. Elections will follow. It is an important exercise for our Year 11 boys that carries significant responsibility. We wish them all the best. In the next two weeks the Head of the Senior Campus, Tim Ford, will present a letter to all Year 10 & Year 11 families outlining deadlines and expectations as we head towards the end of the academic year. Students will be asked to finish the year by preparing for the next one and our Headstart program for Year 11 students is very important therefore. The month of October is the month dedicated to the holy Rosary. Whilst the practice of saying the family rosary may not be widespread these days, I am sure that many of you have fond memories of how our parents or grandparents used to gather us in the evening for this purpose. It was the days before TV and multichannels, play stations and easy transport – that’s true! I wonder how we give due deference to Mary, the Mother of God, during this month? God and his Mother should not be left to moments of loss or serious illness. Let us remember that we are always in the holy presence of God. Br Paul Rogers fsc Principal

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He’s Learning to Live and Lead

YEAR 11 RETREATS On 18/19th October, our Year 11 students engaged in a day of reflection at the Baptist Centre at Syndal. The Lasallian Youth Ministry team from Sydney were the facilitators, assisted by the RE teachers from the College. Students were helped to reflect on the role of God in their lives and to consider what was important to them as they prepare for their last year in school. Fr Hien Vu, Parish Priest of Ashburton and a regular at College these days, celebrated Mass for them to conclude the day. We are grateful to Father Hien and to James Camden and his team from Sydney for making the day such a valuable one for our boys. We now conduct retreats for our students each year at Year 9 and Year 11 and are hoping to include a reflection day also for Year 7 in the future.

YEAR 8 LEARNING EXPERIENCES The Year 8 Class Learning Experiences wind up this week at Jan Juc with 8 Vincent being the last group on the list. These are great learning experiences for our boys in so many ways and they truly enjoy the trip. We are grateful to our Camp Coordinator, Michael Wilson, who is responsible for each class camp and ensures that the programs are suitable and safe and that every boy is well taken care of. Thanks to Michael and each Homeroom Teacher who accompanies their class.

CONGRATULATIONS We offer congratulations to all those parents who were involved in the 2012 Ride to Conquer Cancer last Sunday. It was a 200km ride with all proceeds going to the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. A noble effort for a good cause.

LASALLIAN PUBLIC SPEAKING COMPETITION 2012 This year the following students participated: Adam Crestani (Year 7D), Kyle Williams (Year 8V) , Raphael Canty (Year 9M), Dominic Symes (Year 10D), Richard Buckley (Year 11S), Darcy Conlan (Year 12S). Though they did not win the honours on the evening each student spoke very well and represented his school with distinction. Just watch for some of our younger boys as they develop.

STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS We offer congratulations to the following De La boys:Congratulations to Lachlan Reeve (Year 7J) who participated in the Science Talent Search in late September and was awarded a bursary valued at $40 for his entry. Well done, Lachlan. Our current Year 12 student, Daniel King on being awarded the Queen’s Scout Award for 2012. This award is the highest youth award achievable in the Scouting movement. Well done Daniel.

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He’s Learning to Live and Lead

YEAR 7 ENROLMENTS 2014 Applications for a place in Year 7 De La Salle for 2014 have already begun. They will close at the end of February 2013 and enrolments confirmed toward the end of April, 2013. Families are reminded that if you have a younger son whom you wish to come to DLS, you do need to enrol him in the usual way. He has a priority as a sibling but we will know your intent by receiving that application. Any queries about enrolments can be directed to the Registrar, Robyn Miller – 9508 2104.

CYBERSAFETY PARENT INFO EVENING The opportunity to hear Susan McLean, an Aussie guru on online issues and keeping children safe when online, was of great value to the 130 people who accepted the invitation to listen to her last Wednesday, 31 October, here in the PAC. Susan had addressed our students earlier and she always cherishes the privilege of being able to speak with parents on this topic which is so important to her. The College will continue to provide more occasions for parents in 2013 as part of our ongoing responsibility to help parents better understand what you can do to help your children stay away out of danger when online. Our thanks to Pascal Rohan and Kate McIlroy for organizing the evening.

REST IN PEACE - Elizabeth Crestani We were informed by Robert Crestani that Elizabeth - mother of Adam (Year 7D) has passed away unexpectedly, she was aged 47. Could I ask that you all keep Adam and Rob in your thoughts and prayers.

School Fees A reminder that the 2012 school fees are already overdue for payment, unless you are on a regular payment plan to the end of the year. All outstanding fees need to have been finalized by now. As always, if any families are experiencing any difficulties, please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your situation. All outstanding accounts will be forwarded to the College Debt Collection Agency for further action. Ann Corcoran Business Manager

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He’s Learning to Live and Lead

2013 Exam Timetables Listed below are the exam timetables relevant for your son’s year level. Please note specific details for each year level below:  Year 7 and 8 students are to be at school for homeroom during the exam period. They will attend exams as

scheduled and return to normal classes for the remainder of their school day. Click to download the PDF of the Year 7 Exam Timetable - Semester 2, 2012 and Year 8 Exam Timetable - Semester 2, 2012.  Year 9 students are to attend homeroom every day of scheduled exams where they will receive instructions

regarding procedure for the day. They will not have any scheduled classes and will be dismissed at the conclusion of their last exam each day. Some Year 9 students will have an exam in sessions 1 and 3 but not session 2. In this instance they will be allocated a study room and will have normal lunch and recess breaks. They will not be permitted to leave the campus at any time during the day. Click to download the PDF of the Year 9 Exam Timetable - Semester 2, 2012.  Year 10 and 11 students are not required to be in homeroom, however, they are to present at their exam room

at least 10 minutes prior to the commencement of their exams. They are not required to attend school except for their scheduled exams. Click to download the PDF of the Year 10 Exam Timetable - Semester 2, 2012 and Year 11 Exam Timetable - Semester 2, 2012.  Year 12 students commenced Unit 4 exams on Thursday, 1 November. The English and Mathematics exams

(Thursday and Friday of this week) will be held in the College Gymnasium, Tiverton Campus. All other exams will be held in the St. Miguel Theatre, Kinnoull Campus. Boys are to present at least 15 minutes prior to the commencement of their exams. They are not required to attend school except for their for their scheduled exams. Click to download the PDF of the Year 12 Exam Timetable - Semester 2, 2012.

All normal school expectations apply regarding travel on public transport and it is a College requirement that all students attend exams in their full school uniform. Click here for a downloadable PDF version of the Exam Expectations for Students. Sally Buick Deputy Principal - Curriculum

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He’s Learning to Live and Lead


N OV E M B E R Monday, 5 November

Melbourne Cup Long Weekend - NO CLASSES

Tuesday, 6 November

Melbourne Cup Day - Public Holiday

Wednesday, 7 November

Year 4 Camp at Phillip Island commences (until 9 November)

Friday, 9 November

Year 7, 2013 Orientation Day - NO YEAR 7 CLASSES College Uniform Shop open - 9.00am to 4.00pm All VET (External) classes conclude

Monday, 12 November

Year 7/8 ACC Debating and Public Speaking Competition Parent Network Meeting - Tiverton Staffroom, 7.30pm

Wednesday, 14 November

VCE (Year 11) -Unit 2 Exams commence (until 21 November)

Thursday, 15 November

Primary Showcase - PAC, 7.30pm

Monday, 19 November

Semester 2 Drama Night - PAC, 7.30pm

Tuesday, 20 November

College Board Meeting Year 9/10 ACC Sport Finals

Wednesday, 21 November

Year 10 Exams commence (until 27 November) Semester 2 Year 7 Band Concert

Thursday, 22 November

Year 11 Final Mass and Guest Speaker Year 7/8 ACC Sport Finals Year 7 (2013) Information Evening - Gymnasium, 7.30pm

Friday, 23 November

Year 11 Final Assembly Tour of College, 9.15am VCE & VCAL Secondhand Textbook Sale Year 12 (2013) Headstart Program commences (until 30 November)

Monday 26 November

Years 7-9 Exams commence (until 30 November)

Wednesday, 28 November

Year 11 (2013) Headstart Program commences (until 4 December)

Friday, 30 November

Final date for return of all Library books Newsprint No. 13 emailed to families

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He’s Learning to Live and Lead

Wellbeing News Ending well It’s that time of year again when all is hastening towards “some type” of conclusion for us all. It is important that we exert as much control over our “conclusions” as we can. IT IS IMPORTANT TO END WELL! For students, questions such as the following are good to ask:

 What do I need to do to end well?  What do I need to say (and to whom) to end well?  What have I left undone that needs completion so I can end well?  What do I need to mend in order to end well?  What is my plan, my “timetable” so that I can work towards ending well? And then having asked these questions, it’s essential that they are answered by determined action. If we don’t end well, it is likely that REGRET will be our experience … and “regret” is an experience better avoided. So to all students (and teachers and parents), let’s get busy about ending well … and eventually bask in the joy that ending well, inevitably brings. Pascal Rohan Director of Student Wellbeing

Primary News Primary Regional Athletics On 14 October several primary boys participated in the Primary Schools Athletics Championships.  The Grade 6 Relay Team (12/13 years) in Dalton Di Medio, Nick Paspaliaris, Oliver Conwell and Liam

Halloran came 4th in their event;  Dalton Dimedio (12/13 years) from Grade 6 came 7th in the Long Jump;  Will Bitmead (11 years) from Grade 5 came 3rd in the 100 metre sprint; and  Harry Langkau (10 years) from Grade 4 came 4th in the 100 metre sprint.

Mr Ray Leetham Primary Coordinator

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He’s Learning to Live and Lead

Careers News Work experience Thank you to all Year 10 students and their parents for their participation and assistance with the organisation of work experience this year. It is a big undertaking for all and like most things the students who put the most effort in received the most rewards. When reading the boy’s evaluation forms, most students enjoyed the week and learnt more about what it feels like to go to work 5 days per week. Many spoke of the good things they participated in and just as many spoke of the mundane things they were asked to do. Ask your sons to read his employer evaluation. In most cases the employer was more than satisfied with each boy’s efforts. Some excerpts from the boy’s evaluations are as follows: “Working as an electrician has enabled me to decide that this is what I want to do……” “It was interesting working with armored vans, installing security systems and reprogramming devices…..I am going to ask them for a part time job….” “This week has confirmed my interest in studying medicine at university…..the doctors and staff at the Alfred were very kind …….They showed me just how specific medicine has become and how all the units within the hospital work together….” “Working at Ten enabled me to explore the world of television from a different perspective. Rather than being behind the screen I was behind the scenes and involved in the production and coordination of the news and day time programs……..Never before have I seen such complex computer systems….” Ben Stafford (Year 10D) worked with the Victoria Police Air Wing. Not only did he work with their engineers but he got to fly in a helicopter. He wrote; “ This experience has confirmed for me that I want to spend the rest of my life as a pilot. I got a huge rush from flying and I love the lifestyle that comes with it……” Some advice for others boys when organising work experience – get in early as good places fill fast and are very competitive. Give some thought to exploring a career that you have an interest in exploring and don’t rely on your parents to do all the work! Carmel Smart Careers Coordinator

Year 10 Dance Program 2013 Just a little reminder to those wishing to participate in next year’s Year 10 Dance Program that you must get your application form to me asap to secure a place in this popular activity. There are only 80 places available so, not to be disappointed, I suggest you make sure I receive your payment and application form before the end of November. If you require any information regarding the Program or wish to discuss your son’s involvement, please either email me at or phone 9775 6110 after Monday, 17 November, 2012. Joy Bew Coordinator of the Year 10 Dance Program

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He’s Learning to Live and Lead

De La Volunteers I’m back from Long Service Leave and am keen to hear from anyone who can help out on any of the following occasions in Term 4. Contact me on 9508 2138 or email Thursday, 15 November at 11.00am The Final Bag Packing at Docklands VCE & VCAL Secondhand Textbook Sale Thursday, 22 November at Kinnoull Please note this early VCE & VCAL sale date is being organised to make the purchase of secondhand textbooks easier for our VCE (2013) students. Wednesday, 21 November Helpers needed to prepare for sale - 9.00am till 3.30pm or part thereof. Thursday, 22 November Helpers needed to prepare and sell - 9.00am till 5.00pm or part thereof (minimum of 2 hours) Year 11 Final Assembly Friday, 23 November Set up, serving and clean up for morning tea after Assembly - 8.30am to 1.00pm in the PAC. Years 7 - 12 Secondhand Textbook Sale (Tuesday, 4 December) Help will be needed on: Friday, 30 November (afternoon)  Monday, 3 December (afternoon)  Tuesday, 4 December (minimum of 2 hours)  Wednesday, 5 December (morning)  Thursday, 6 December (morning) Any remaining VCE & VCAL Textbooks will be sold on this day. Final Mass and Assemblies  Years 9 and 10 - Wednesday, 5 December  Years 7 and 8 - Thursday, 6 December  Primary - Tuesday, 11 December

Set up, serving and clean up for morning tea after assemblies - 8.30am to 1.00pm in the PAC. Trish Woodman

ACC Chess Tournaments On Thursday, 25 October the ACC Junior (Years 7 and 8) and Intermediate (Years 9 and 10) Chess Tournaments were played simultaneously at Parade College. It was an all day event in which the team players played in ranked order in a time restricted (10 minutes/player/ game), round robin format. Well done De La Chess players. Larry Evans

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He’s Learning to Live and Lead

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There are a limited number of memorabilia items for sale. These items are available from the Tiverton Office or alternatively postage can be arranged.

Please telephone the office to organise delivery on (03) 9508 2100. Â Â

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