Newsprint issue 6 31 may, 2013

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De La Salle College

Newsprint Issue 6 – 31 May 2013

FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Families, Greetings from the College! We trust that all students have been studying rigorously this weekend in preparation for the mid-year exams which commence on Wednesday 5 June. Exams are an occasion for boys to attempt to revise and re-learn all that has been presented to them thus far in Semester 1. It is an opportunity for them to see how, in a small test or more formal exam, they will be helped by the experience to develop those skills which will be fundamental for their VCE. For Year 12 students their exam skills should have been well-developed by now and their exams will just reflect how well-prepared they are for their VCE exams later in the year. We just hope that all students will try to do their best. Our AFL football scene has been marked, in recent weeks, by the lessons still to be learned about racism in our society. We might excuse a 13 year old girl and look rather to those from whom she has learned the behavior. We might excuse Eddie McGuire because he was very tired when he was on air on radio and in attempted humor he got it badly wrong. But are we guilty, at times, of making comments which could be construed as being racist in nature? Do we reflect often enough on those words and expressions we use and which might appear to us as rather humorous but could be seen by others, in a different context, to be very insulting and hurtful? There has been a long history in Australia of coining insulting words and jokes when referring to members of our indigenous community. In the 1950’s our expressions were widened to include English, Italian and Greek immigrants. In more recent times it would appear that people of African or Asian descent, or people who are identified by as Muslim, have been targeted. In an interview during the week, the Collingwood footballer, Harry O’Brien, observed that Aussies appear to hide their racism under their larrikinism. In other words, when we are having fun or being ‘wild’ (a larrikin as we would once have said), we sometimes make racist comments as part of our humour and forget that the context does not justify the racist remarks. How often have we heard people pass an off-handed comment which, in a different context, would be racist. And so we de-sensitise ourselves by saying “Oh, I was only joking” or “Have you lost your sense of humour” if someone is offended. Racist remarks reflect a lack of respect for others. Racist remarks can easily have their origins in humor and only those hurt are left to rue the “humorous” comment! We must always respect all citizens, in our great southern land because we were all immigrants at one time. And our indigenous peoples deserve the same respect as the first Australians. We are called to respect …………… We, the people of Australia, are called, as one people, regardless of race, language or religion, to build a society where justice and equality are paramount and all can live in peace and harmony. Perhaps we still have some way to go!! May we all learn something from the incidents of this week for ourselves, our families and our students. The learning must go on! Brother Paul fsc

Cover: Founders Day Activities – Matthew Steen (Grade 6) and Eli Te Moni (Grade 6)

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Newsprint Issue No. 6- page 1

REST IN PEACE Old Collegian David Hollier (1976) died last Saturday, 25 May 2013, aged 54. After having survived an earlier bout of pancreatic cancer he was recently diagnosed with lung and stomach cancer. His father (Allen, 1931) and brothers, Laurie (1967), Michael (1969) and Peter (1974) were also Old Collegians. David is survived by his wife Jayne and their two children, Adam and Lauren. At school David was a very successful member of both the Under 15s and the First XV111 football teams. Upon graduation, he joined the Old Collegians Football Club in 1976 and had a long and illustrious career with them, spanning 179 games. He began in the Under 19’s and then followed with 138 games which included premierships in 1979, 1980 and 1983. He was not only respected as a player but also as a person. His funeral was a great testimony to the many wonderful friendships he had enjoyed both in school and with the Old Collegians. Bernard Slattery (1953) passed away on 11 May at Dandenong Hospital. Bernie was being prepared for heart surgery when he suddenly became very ill and died in his wife’s (Pat) arms. Bernie was a former College Captain and an outstanding runner and footballer. He was also a member of the 1958 Old Collegians premiership team. The College had only recently welcomed him back as part of the Re-union which included all those from 1940’s – 1963. He was very happy to be amongst all his former school mates and recount stories of old. Bernie was, as one Old Collegian has described, “a good bloke!”

He’s Learning to Live and Lead

Newsprint Issue No. 6- page 2

SEMESTER 1 EXAMINATIONS As classes for Semester 1 come to a conclusion attention is now drawn to preparation for the exam period, commencing on Wednesday, 5 June. Arrangements for the Semester 1 exams have been finalised and a letter explaining these arrangements was emailed to parents on Friday, 24 May. In addition, a hardcopy to take home was given to all students on the following Monday. Accompanying the letter was a year level’s timetable, as well as a list of student expectations for the exams. The email contained links to all timetables, published on the De La Salle website. Students and parents are encouraged to take careful note of all of the relevant information well in advance in order for study and revision to be as focused and productive as possible. At this time, the whole of the College community will no doubt come together to support our young men in demonstrating what they have learnt over the first half of the 2013 academic year. Mark Gustincic Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning

ENHANCING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IDENTITY SURVEYS A number of parents have been contacted by the College over the last month to participate in the Enhancing Catholic Schools Identity Survey as part of a data collection exercise by the CEOM to assist the College in its 5 yearly review to be conducted in 2014. Thank you to all those parents who took up the invitation to take part. If you have not already done so and you would like to participate, please complete the survey by Friday, 14 June. Any parent who did not receive a letter from the College but would like to participate in the survey should contact the College Reception on 9508 2100 for log on instructions. Tom Ryan Deputy Principal – Pastoral Care and Organisation

STUDENT WELLBEING Is Your Prince, Charming? Thanks to all those parents and staff who attended the evening last week. A big thankyou too to members of the Student Wellbeing Team who co-presented: Jordan Kelly (Year 9R); Jordan CoughlanStevenson (Year 8H); Zane Kovacevic (Year 8) and Will Clarke (Year 8B). Notes from the evening are online. To access, go to the College “Moodle” link; then click on “Student Wellbeing”, then scroll down to the “For Parents” link and click on “Is My Prince, Charming”. Pascal Rohan Director of Student Wellbeing

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Newsprint Issue No. 6- page 3

CHAPLAIN’S NOTES Last Sunday we celebrated the great feast of Pentecost; a feast that celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit in the lives of all believers. St John Baptist de La Salle was a man who knew how to listen to the Spirit. He often struggled discerning what God wanted, but came more and more to know the voice of the Spirit in his life. We too are empowered to do important work in this world. May we all be attentive to the voice of Spirit asking us to make a difference in the lives of those around us.


Confirmation will be held on Sunday, 28 July at the 11.00 a.m. Mass at St Anthony’s Parish Glen Huntly. Parents are asked to ensure the following dates are in your diary: Tuesday 23 July Confirmation Retreat Day Monday 22 July Mass for all families and presentation of Confirmation Medals and Practice Friday, 26 July Students to meet with the Bishop I ask that you keep our young people in your prayerful support as they prepare to make their own commitment in faith. May the Spirit dwell in your hearts. Joan Ferguson College Chaplain

De La Community An invitation is extended to the mothers in the De La Community to attend the Mission Action Awareness Lunch on Wednesday 26 June at the East Malvern RSL starting 12 noon. Br Anthony Cummins, a resident of the Brothers community here at Malvern will be the guest speaker, discussing a new De La school in Cambodia. Cost is $30. If you are interested in attending you can ring me (see below) or Marie Grafen on 9509 1742. Marie is one of our MOFS (Mothers Of Former Students). Trish Woodman

PARENTS’ NETWORK Trivia Night – See Attached Flyer Help is needed by the parents to cold call businesses to obtain generous donations. Collect your introductory letter from the campus office. For donations contact Virginia Fairchild (see details below) Our next committee meeting is Monday 3rd June. Please direct any questions you have to the President of the Parents’ Network, Virginia Fairchild on or phone on 0408 947 886. Susanna Watterston Publicity Officer

He’s Learning to Live and Lead

Newsprint Issue No. 6- page 4

GREENHILLS VISIT I take this opportunity to thank all of the Host families who took such great care of the students from La Salle Green Hills, Manila. The two weeks flew by with the boys experiencing ‘A slice of life in Melbourne’ visiting the sights and landmarks of our town as well as seeing wild kangaroos and dolphins on the trip to Jan Juc. The highlight of the visit for the boys was, however, the families that looked after them. To quote a response written by one of the boys, “I felt so welcome by my host family and was included in everything. Even though our cultures are different, I noticed how similar we are. This may be because we are Lasallian, but there is more in common that differences and the differences just make it more interesting. I can’t thank my Aussie family enough”. David Happ Exchange Coordinator

He’s Learning to Live and Lead

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Melbourne Entertainment™ Book

12 students have indicated their intention to do Coolies this year. The Indian Brothers have asked us to work in a school in Tutiocorin in Tamil Nadu. The new 2013/2014 Melbourne Entertainment™ Book starts in 1 June. distribution available. Please support us.

We still have copies for

Order securely online at Click the option “the book was already sent home with my child.” I will send it home next day with your child. Br Denis Loft

RECYCLE YOUR MOBILE PHONE Year 7 Geography students have been studying Endangered Species this semester. On a recent visit to the Zoo we learnt about many of the threats facing Gorillas, with illegal Coltan mining affecting the habitat of the Gorilla in Central Africa. Coltan is found in all mobile phones and by recycling phones we can help to alleviate the need to mine this mineral and raise funds to support programs overseas, that help lift people out of poverty and employ rangers to enforce anti poaching laws. For every phone collected the school will receive $3, with the money raised going to support the Coolies program and hence help lift people out of poverty and the International Anti Poaching Foundation, started by an Australian this organisation helps to train local rangers in Africa to help in the frontline fight against poachers. So please send in all your old mobile phones for recycling. Phones can be handed in at the Tiverton or Kinnoull office or to homeroom teachers. Mr Andrew Wozencroft

He’s Learning to Live and Lead

Newsprint Issue No. 6- page 6

2013 YEARS 10-12 DEBATING This year, the Years 10-12 Debating teams have been taking part in the Caulfield region of the Debating Association Victoria competition. All teams have a mixture of those who have debated in previous years, as well as students who have never debated in a formal competition. Each week the teams have tested their skills against formidable opposition and continue to develop their manner, method and matter with each successive debate. Round 1 Year 10- had a victory due to a forfeit against McKinnon Secondary School. Year 11- Alec Young, Steven Lau and Jonothan Dent were defeated by Caulfield Grammar 2 on the topic “That we should abolish special youth wages” Year 12- Tom O’Dwyer, Floyd Cox and Maxwell Le were defeated by St Michael’s College 1 on the topic “That Greece should leave the Eurozone” Round 2 Year 10- Matthew Mottola, Liam Gava and Lachlan Kafer defeated Elwood College 2 on the topic “That we should ban academic streaming in schools” Year 11-Ed Hirst, John Buchanan and Josh Talbot were defeated by St Michael’s College 1 on the topic “That Feminism is irrelevant for young women in today’s society” Year 12- Alex Di Medio, Tom O’Dwyer and Jeffrey Xu defeated Wesley College 2 on the topic “That we should allow the advertising of prescription medications” Round 3 Year 10- Raphael Canty, Lachlan Kafer and Karl Maul lost due to a forfeit Year 11- Alec Young, Jonathon Dent and Josh Talbot were narrowly defeated by OLSH College 2 on the secret topic of: “That Dictators should be given immunity in exchange for their resignation” Year 12-Alex Di Medio, Jeffrey Xu and Tom O’Dwyer were defeated by Bialik College 1 on the secret topic: “That all environmental policies should only be made by a panel of scientific experts” We congratulate the boys on their efforts thus far. There is a sense of challenge and determination to improve within the teams and so we look forward to the final two rounds of the competition for 2013. Christine Thompson and Neil Thomas

He’s Learning to Live and Lead

Newsprint Issue No. 6- page 7

WHAT’S HAPPENING (some reminders) JUNE Monday, 3 June

Parent Network Meeting – Tiverton Staffroom, 7:30pm

Tuesday, 4 June

Year 10 ACC Sports Finals

Wednesday, 5 June

Years 7-11 Exams commence (until 13 June) PACTS Workshop for Year 9 Parents – Kinnoull Library, 7:00pm-8:30pm

Thursday, 7 June

End of VCE Semester 1

Monday, 10 June

Queen’s Birthday – Public Holiday

Tuesday, 11 June

College Board Meeting

Wednesday, 12 June

VCE GAT Exam – Gymnasium PACTS Workshop for Year 9 Parents – Kinnoull Library, 7:00pm-8:30pm

Thursday, 13 June

Year 7/8 ACC Sport Finals

Friday, 14 June


Monday, 17 June

Start of VCE Semester 2 Year 10 Work Experience (until 21 June)

Tuesday, 18 June

Primary Music Concert - PAC

Wednesday, 19 June

Senior ACC Sport Finals Year 8 Vincent Learning Experience (until 21 June) Year 7 Band Concert (Semester 1) – PAC

Friday, 21 June

Newsprint No. 7 emailed to families Old Collegian 10 Year Reunion

Monday, 24 June

Morrisby Report Testing of Students – Morgan Hall, 9:30am-12:30pm

Tuesday, 25 June

Year 9 ACC Sport Finals Morrisby Report Testing of Students – Morgan Hall, 9:30am-12:30pm Semester 1 Drama Night – PAC, 7:30pm

Thursday 27, June

Year 12 Formal Dinner Dance at Lincoln of Toorak, 7:30pm Year 10 Camps (Optional) depart

Friday, 28 June

TERM 2 CONCLUDES – NO CLASSES FOR YEAR 12 STUDENTS End of Semester 1 (Years 4 to 10)

He’s Learning to Live and Lead

Newsprint Issue No. 6- page 8

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