Len Hayduchok
Nanine Gallo
Marketing DirectorMakopano Mutloatse Editor
Bridget Fitzpatrick
Resident Journalist
Mary Jo Tarallo
Resident Journalist
Nina Hall
Graphic Designer
The Delaware Retiree Connection™ Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
This email is published quarterly. Please feel free to email us with questions and thoughts, connect@delawareretiree.com
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What a pleasure to do life TOGETHER, and do it WELL! Connecting in a meaningful way is one of the most fulfilling components to a rich life. We are engaged and committed to help you explore a better day as we LOVE LIVING HERE™.
The Delaware Retiree ConnectionTM is here to inform, inspire, and infuse your journey with life. As you enjoy your retirement in our coastal communities, we are here to help you to do more, enjoy more, and LOVE LIVING HERE TM!
We get to partner with amazing 55 and better’s, helping YOU make the most of this opportune time, learning to flourish as individuals, as well as family and community members. Our goal is to give you fun tips and expert guidance to maximize exploring the many avenues of life you’ve waited years to traverse.
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traditional way, flipping through each page to see what’s next OR click on the article title you like to go straight there (with clickable links in many of our articles). Enjoy!
Financial planners often get asked, “What is the best financial product?”
One way to answer that is with a very familiar example. Let’s say a retiree is looking to buy the best car for a spouse.
A car salesperson might suggest a Rolls-Royce, but the retiree counters she would like something a bit more affordable. So the salesperson offers a brochure on a compact car, but she wants something a little bit safer. The salesperson shows her an SUV, but the customer wants something a bit more fuel efficient. The salesperson offers a great, fuel-efficient sedan, but the retiree wants something a little more prestigious. And the salesperson returns to the Rolls-Royce...
The retiree was shown many different cars, all possibilities, maybe each one the best car in its class. But there were trade-offs. There were things she didn’t like about one vehicle, things she didn’t like about another.
The same thing is true about financial instruments.There is no one best financial product, as every one has features a particular investor will find attractive or unattractive, and individual investor’s opinions will vary.
Everyone wants products that deliver safety, liquidity, and returns, but there’s no single financial instrument that will deliver all three. A product will provide two of the three at best. Let’s say the retiree wants something that’s safe and liquid, such as money in the bank or a CD, but that’s not going to give much in the way of interest. If another wants something that’s liquid and pays good returns, that might be a stock, but it’s not going to be as safe. And if one wants a product for the safety and returns it provides, the best option might be an annuity, which is not all that liquid. So, every product has an advantage, and every product has a disadvantage or defect.
The issue is not to get the best product but to identify the one that meets the retiree’s needs most effectively – having the features that are important and having unattractive features
the retiree can live with. First, a retiree’s specific objectives must be matched with products having the most-needed characteristics. As a second step, the goal is to find the best product in its class that provides the client’s most favored combination of attractive and less-attractive, but acceptable features.
It’s important to carefully look at what one is trying to accomplish and put the most appropriate solutions (which are not perfect and have their faults) in place to meet their needs. It’s advisable to find a fiduciary, a financial advisor who is legally obligated to place the interests of the client ahead of their own, to put the most appropriate product in place. With professional guidance, retirees can weigh which characteristics best match their needs to get their best financial product.
Retirement doesn’t have to mean giving up on achieving a well-organized, clutter-free home! Whether you’re a senior looking for some spring cleaning tips or just in need of some new decluttering hacks - we’ve got you covered. Get ready to make your home sparkle with these easy and helpful ideas for house cleaning and tidying designed specifically for seniors.
As a first step in senior spring cleaning, seniors should focus on decluttering their home. This includes donating items they no longer need or use and organizing the items they actually want to keep. Taking on this task can help provide a sense of accomplishment and joy to seniors, while giving them more freedom of movement and easy access to their important items.
Creating an organized cleaning schedule is essential for retirees who are maintaining a clean home. Scheduling time each week for tasks like vacuuming, dusting, and laundry can help make sure every base is covered so you don’t miss any vital steps.
Hiring professionals to clean your home makes life easier and helpful when it becomes physically taxing. Professional cleaners can save you time by completing larger tasks like deep cleaning carpets or shampooing furniture quickly and efficiently with specialized equipment. (You may also benefit from
investing in a few high quality tools that help you get big jobs done with less effort, like steam mops or robotic vacuums.)
Make things easier by using additional housekeeping aids such as customized organizers that make it easy to store items, kitchen racks to place food where it’s easily accessible if needed, sturdy step ladders with secure handrails. Portable carts with swivel wheels also allow you to move heavier items around without having to lift them up higher than necessary.
Organizing regularly used areas in your home will help reduce clutter and free up some much-needed space.
Add shelving units for books, set up baskets for chargers or electronics accessories, install towel bars in bathrooms — which are great for hanging wet towels — and pull-out cabinets under sinks are great alternatives when living space gets tight.
Spring cleaning for seniors is much more than just getting rid of stuff – it’s about contributing to worthy causes as well.
Consider bringing value to your local community by donating items that you no longer need but could be beneficial to someone else. Take the time to sort through your things, keep what you love, and confidently give away the rest. Contact a few local charities to find out what items they are in need of and schedule a pick-up. It’s a great way to free up space and make a positive impact on your community at the same time!
Once you’ve made it through your spring cleaning tasks, prepare for home maintenance challenges. This might include setting up a schedule to mow the lawn or weed the garden, maintaining any outdoor furniture, regularly checking window frames and doors to ensure they’re secure, and occasionally cleaning out gutters. Keeping up maintains a safe and comfortable home.
Are you or a loved one getting ready to retire? If so, decluttering can be a helpful way to make life easier. Caring Transitions of Southern Delaware provides tips for seniors for both spring house cleaning and organizing for retirement. These simple hacks can help streamline the transition process, making it stress-free and seamless. Our compassionate and reliable professionals are available to help with downsizing and estate sales, so retirement can be enjoyed without worrying about decluttering!
and other arachnids than they are to what we think of as crabs or lobsters. They can go a year without eating.
Aunique phenomenon descends upon Rehoboth Bay each spring! Strange looking but fascinating creatures from prehistoric times put on a show that literally attracts people from all over the world. Horseshoe crabs have been on Earth more than 300 million years, pre-dating dinosaurs. They are called “living fossils” because their closest relatives have been extinct for millions of years. Typically, in May and June, thousands of them indulge in their annual mating ritual along the shores of the Bay. It is the largest concentration of spawning horseshoe crabs in the world with peak spawning occurring on evening high tides during the full and new moons. The males grasp onto the females and together they head to the shoreline. On the beach, the females dig small nests and deposit eggs, then the males fertilize the eggs.
Curiously, horseshoe crabs are not crabs at all. They are more closely related to spiders
The head is the largest part of the body. It contains much of its nervous and biological organs - like the brain, heart, mouth, nervous system, and glands, all protected by a large plate. The head also protects a large set of eyes and NOT Betty Davis eyes!
Horseshoe crabs actually have nine eyes scattered throughout the body and several light receptors near the tail. The two largest eyes are useful for finding mates – a clue? The other eyes and light receptors are useful for determining movement and changes in moonlight. Female crabs can produce several thousand eggs at a time once they reach 10 years of age. Horseshoe crab eggs
typically hatch 14 to 30 days after fertilization. The life span of a horseshoe crab is relatively short, but they can live up to 20 years if they can make it through the eggs stage.
Migratory birds and many ocean animals, like sea turtles, feast on horseshoe crab eggs and larvae. The eggs are an important food source for at least 11 species of migratory shore birds who rely on the eggs to replenish their energy reserves before heading to their Arctic nesting grounds. The red knot is one such bird, which relies strictly on horseshoe crab eggs for food. Think of it as a diner for migratory birds.
While the eggs are an important food for predators, the crabs themselves are just as crucial for the medical well-being of humans. Their blood provides a natural source of limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) which is used to test vaccines, drugs, and medical devices to ensure that they aren’t contaminated with dangerous bacterial toxins.
You might say that horseshoe crabs are the “original Blue Bloods”. Blue in color, the blood is obtained by collecting adults and extracting a portion of it. Institutions in the biomedical industry are required by the FMP, released alive to the water from where they were collected. Unfortunately, some die and the procedure has become somewhat political. Volunteers can register to help with the horseshoe crab harvest here. The Delaware National Estuarine Research Reserve (DNERR) conducts a spawning survey each year on several local beaches. Volunteers are required to be trained in survey protocols before being able to participate in a survey. Conversations and media coverage about the local horseshoe crab harvesting issues have surfaced recently.
Meanwhile, the Milton Historical Society is planning its Horseshoe Crab Festival June 3, 9am-3pm.
Acollegial and creative group of five planted the seed that bloomed into today’s 1,763 member Rehoboth Film Society. In 1997, five friends in the Rehoboth Beach area spent a lot of time discussing how independent and thoughtprovoking films might make their way to coastal Delaware. That question and desire birthed what was to become the Rehoboth Film Society.
From humble beginnings, this non-profit arts organization has become a membership and sponsor continuing with the same driven quest to share with our coastal community the love of cinematography, both new and classic.
The organization now owns a theater located on Coastal Highway in Lewes, and features an incredibly diverse assortment of films, some new and in vogue, some obscure (although whether that’s
for good reason or not is a matter of taste). A look at their schedule illustrates their dedication to new or vintage jewels. And they are more than just that. With more than 1,700 supporting members who sustain the film society, many other endeavors to support the cinematic arts have blossomed. Each year, they seem to host MORE, starting with their Festivals:
• Rehoboth Beach Italian American Film Festival
• Rehoboth Beach Independent Film Festival
• Rehoboth Beach Jewish Film Festival that promote and celebrate diverse audiences. There are also lectures, discussions and specialty groups. And let’s not forget how they bring the ARTS alive in our backyards through ambitious endeavors:
• Journey through Art History:
“a cinematic immersion into the world’s
best loved art, accompanied by insights from the world’s leading historians and arts critics.”
• The METropolitan Opera, Live in HD: “live transmissions of 10 spectacular productions. The affordable opportunity to see world-class opera in your community is a wonderful experience for all ages.”
You name it, there’s a group of local film enthusiasts who will come together to experience special events. If you browse their menu of film and event choices, you’ll immediately pick up on how inclusive the nature of the audience is. There are films and discussions that nod towards several
religious, cultural and artistic experiences that are all about urging the community to be open-minded. Ethnic or equality topics also pepper their menu of events and films.
The Rehoboth Beach Film Society has a 2023 schedule that is likely to inspire us all. And many of their events are conducted virtually, including the Metropolitan Opera and speaker forums on a variety of subjects. Everything from mental health to art history are topics that attract members and anyone curious about learning and appreciating more.
Interestingly, the society also promotes the art of film making by showcasing regional, aspiring cinematographers. Competitive opportunities are available for anyone of any age to pursue. Many of its events have understandably been canceled or postponed due to the pandemic circumstances, but the organization clearly intends to expand its horizons and offerings.
For such a small community, this grassroots effort to enforce the importance of cinematic arts (and who doesn’t appreciate that these days?) IS unique and important in our coastal community.
While you may not have a wedding around the bend, you can borrow this little ditty for your next jaunt around our area’s many thrift shops. And what is the difference between antique shops and thrift shops? Since there are plenty of both scattered among Delaware Coastal towns, we’ll start with a few definitions:
Collectibles are items from 20-99 years old that are worth more than the originally purchased price. Just based on inflation, that could apply to a wide range of products.
Antiques are collectibles that are at least 100 years old.
While Vintage pertains to culturally significant items that are “worthy” of being collected (enough people like them to make them considered attractive again). Antique dealers know that they might discover unique finds in any of those categories at local thrift shops. So many browse and even buy items of interest you can then find in their shops at a higher price. While thrift shops can afford to keep prices low because the inventory is donated. For your first two to peruse – Unfinished Business, and New Life – are clustered just below and above the Midway shopping center off Coastal Highway.
“Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”.
Privately-owned Unfinished Business is housed in the Storage Solutions building behind Panera Bread. Community advocate Lynne Maloy founded the shop after retirement. Her vision included helping to fund various organizations such as Camp Rehoboth, Milton Historical Society, Delaware Hospice and the Rehoboth Library. Maloy had a long history of helping to fund or create various non-profit groups but she lost her battle with cancer in late 2021. Now her husband Patrick and daughter Allie carry on the shops mission “to help serve the residents of Sussex County with gently used clothing, furniture and household items at reduced rates”. The Maloys have contributed thousands of dollars to their associated charities and non-profits.
The shop is beautifully merchandised with items that are brand-spanking new or lovingly maintained. You can get CD,
DVD or VHS players for those collections from yesteryear, a trophy to use as a gag gift or a drone to “spy” on the neighbors.
New Life Thrift Shop, behind, the Jiffy Lube, carries many of the same products as Unfinished Business and Beebe but its vast space allows for even more merchandise in each category. In fact, New Life is housed in two buildings and this shop probably has the best selection of furniture among the three. And, what partially sets it apart is its vast collection of Christmas ornaments and wreaths plus its periodic special sale days when selected items might be reduced 50 percent off on already very affordable prices.
Of course, we’ve all heard that 40 is the new 20, and now 60 is the new 40, etc. There’s a reason for that. None of us want to associate aging with inactivity or limited mobility. In general, today’s seniors are far more active than previous generations, thanks to things like increased longevity, Title 9 and a general awareness of living a healthy lifestyle. Here in southern Delaware, there are plenty of activities and organizations that “cater” to seniors. We’ve outlined opportunities and organizations that cater to the 50+ crowd. Everything from weight training to Bingo and everything in between are right in our neighborhoods. Here’s a guide to get you started.
By Bridget FitzpatrickCHEER Lewes - CHEER has several locations throughout Delaware. Their mission is to provide services such as transportation, meals from Meals on Wheels and social activities for people 50+.
Retaining independence as we inevitably age is paramount to CHEER’s purpose. Not only does CHEER provide supplemental assistance to seniors, but it also has an army of volunteers, and they are always looking for more people who can help in one or more capacities. Driving, preparing meals and even simple companionship are possible through volunteering.
The address for the Lewes chapter of CHEER, known as “Harbour Lights CHEER” is 34211 Woods Edge Drive in Lewes, 19958.
Indian River Senior Center - Located in Millsboro at 934 Irons Ave, this center has a menu of activities to offer specifically to seniors. Here, you can try water aerobics, join a billiard or golf league, enjoy an affordable lunch 5 (the price is now $5) during weekdays.
They also offer organized bus trips to interesting destinations in Delaware and beyond. Annual membership is $40, so members can take advantage of most adventures at a lower cost than non-members.
Cape Henlopen Senior Center - Located in the heart of Rehoboth Beach, the Cape Henlopen Senior Center is a hub for active seniors. Their address is 11 Christian Street, Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971. Membership is only $30 per year, which buys you access to many interesting activities you’d really never tried. Members get discounts on most tours, and guests are permitted to join (at a higher charge per event). Want to learn that lifelong goal to some day play the ukulele or guitar? How about touring Longwood Garden or New York City
during its famous holiday season in December?
The center also provides several services such as transportation to shopping or medical appointments. Take advantage of other services including Medicare counseling and notary services.
Lewes Senior Center - Conveniently located just off Coastal Highway (32083 Janice Road), this recently renovated center has something for everyone. There are yoga and exercise classes, a gym that can be reserved for you personally, a pantry of donated food items, a library of several donated books and more. Very popular is its ceramics studio. The senior center also provides occasional discounted take-out meals free of charge, and professional advice on filing tax returns – free of charge, and (continued to page 16)
(continued from page 15)
conducted by volunteer accounting and tax professionals. Like the other local senior centers, Lewes Senior Center also provides free transportation for appointments and shopping. Volunteer drivers and events preparation are always welcome. Membership is $35 annually.
Volunteer 50+ - A division of Delaware’ State of Volunteerism, Volunteer 50+ is basically an active clearinghouse
for matching senior volunteers with organizations seeking assistance. Most of the organizations it serves are nonprofit, and if you’re familiar with how challenged and understaffed they tend to be, perhaps this is a good fit for you. Everything from fostering children to handing out water at a running event requires dedicated volunteers. Check it out! There is a bounty of activities in Delaware designed to keep us engaged, enthusiastic and healthy.
about your well-being to be able to make the decisions you want them to make, for you.
Afinancial advisor is a key person to speak with regarding your retirement plans, and has no vested interest in whoever you leave your money to. Whether you plan, or just leave what’s left, it’s your money-- what you leave and who you leave it to is up to you.
Everyone who’s retired should have a few Important Legal Documents in place:
• Will
• Power of Attorney
• Healthcare Power of Attorney
• Advanced Medical Directive
By having these in place, you will prepare those who you want to be concerned
Another important document to consider is a TRUST. Trusts provide several benefits. One is to avoid probate. By putting assets into a trust, your will does not have to go through the court system and your assets that are in the trust pass to heirs very easily. Financial Advisor who are not members of the bar cannot give you legal advice. But it is very important for Financial Advisor to direct you to have these documents prepared by properly credentialed individuals.
Trusts serve two important roles, one is to avoid probate--the process by which the
will is reviewed by courts to make sure it is the intention of the person who has passed away. A second benefit to having a trust is that it provides Creditor Protection. Assets that are in a trust cannot be attacked by creditors who may have sued you, and after some period of time the assets in the trust are protected from individuals who have to go to a nursing home.
Perhaps the most important service that a Financial Advisor can provide you in regard to Legal Planning is to make sure that any taxes that your heirs have to pay on the assets left to them are minimized. We do not have high estate taxes in DE at this time, but assets like 401ks, IRAs are taxed at normal income tax rates. If it’s important to you to leave as much as possible to your heirs, you need to do tax
planning while you’re alive to minimize how much taxes your heirs will pay when you pass away. Two advisable requirements to look for when choosing a financial advisor are a thorough understanding of the professional fiduciary obligation to act in the client’s best interest, and credentials such as being a Certified Financial Planner or having a comparable professional designation.
Len Hayduchok is the director and owner of Dedicated Financial Services. As a fiduciary and Certified Financial Planner® , he offers his wealth of experience to guide others through the mire of financial and retirement planning. As a Certified Life Coach, he pairs his financial expertise with a heart to help others who want to make the most of their retirement plan. Investment advisory services are offered through SGL Financial LLC.
With a passion for Vintage Base Ball (yes, it was spelled that way for many decades), the Lewes Base Ball club follows the rules from an era preCivil War, and for several years before the game rules morphed slowly into the rules we know today.
Why the fuss? Nostalgia for the origins of baseball in America.
Vintage Base Ball, like many sports, started with friendly competition between coworkers or neighborhoods, eventually developing into an organized association that regulated the game’s format. As the amateur leagues increased in popularity and became more competitive, professional base ball (it became baseball somewhere around 1897) saw the beginning of upper tier talent playing for wages – from the highest interested bidder.
Lewes Base Ball club adheres to the authentic rules as they were in 1864, those that the Vintage Base Ball Association still enforce in competitive
play today. Period equipment and uniform designs including knickerbockers were required in the advanced leagues. Some of the rules seem common to today’s baseball. Nine players, three outs and nine innings. But no gloves. Gloves were prohibited with the exception of catchers, who began using gloves somewhere around the mid-1880s. You won’t find any on the Lewes players. There are plenty of other oddities and terminology. For example, there’s overrunning first base. Foul balls were allowed to bounce once before caught by the fielders, resulting an Out and a pitcher replacement.
Batters had a chance to request the pitcher’s height of the pitch: knee high, waist high or shoulder high. That’s a far cry from pitching of today. Pitches were generally underhand until the late 1800s. The vintage base ball etiquette rules are expected to be followed, such as “gentlemanly behavior” and acceptable language. After all, the leagues of the time
tried to mimic the atmosphere of British cricket clubs. And don’t let the name country club fool you. In Vintage Base Ball, country clubs were actually a derisive reference to the less skilled rural leagues. Popularity of local leagues exploded following the Civil War, especially in the Mid Atlantic states. Admission was free until 1858, when professional level teams began charging. However, most clubs remained amateur and casual for many years. Base Ball was a favorite of the working class – company teams, neighborhood competitions, etc.
Women, not to miss the latest craze began playing on their own teams shortly after the Civil War. For many men, this female athleticism was considered unbecoming, and women were prohibited to participate at certain clubs and games. Softball eventually evolved in the 1930s, and although their games were not as popular to attend, women made their mark in an “unladylike” sport. (The hit movie “A League of Their Own was based on the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, AAGPBL.)”
Today’s Vintage Base Ball leagues remain a popular sport for sentimental baseball enthusiasts and historians. Teams can be seen at annual tournaments throughout the Mid Atlantic region and beyond, and even at many Civil War reenactments.
Lewes Base Ball attended a regional championship on the fields of Gettysburg last summer. This year’s schedule is not yet posted, but keep checking their web site (lewesbaseball.org) for updates.
The Lewes Base Ball team consisted of 20 players during the 2022 season. This year’s roster is under development, but if you’re interested, you have to come up with your own nickname. 2022 saw the talents of Bullfrog, Lovey, Hot Sauce, Moonshine and Bones amongst others. You can watch the ball players at their games on their home field at Five Points Village (near the bike trail on Old Orchard Road). Be sure to watch them as they host “Base Ball at the Beach,” August 27-28.
Spring in the air whispers that soon golf season will be in full swing.
Whether you are a duffer or +7 handicap, now is the time to start getting ready. With men’s, women’s and mixed leagues that range from mostly social to mostly competitive, there’s no shortage of options!
Courses range from easy and very affordable Par 3s like Midway and Milton’s Shamrock Farms to the finely sculpted terrain at private membership clubs like Rehoboth’s King’s Creek and Rehoboth Beach Country Club. Another upscale but public course is Baywood Greens in Long Neck.
One of the largest leagues is associated with the Indian River Senior Center in Millsboro. Millsboro resident, Albert Herman who played in the league for approximately thirteen years, “assisted in setting up formats for play for those wanting to challenge themselves in a team competition”. Senior Center membership ($40 annually) is required to participate.
Nearly 800 players are registered over the five divisions with weekly turnouts averaging 75-100 players through seasons which run from mid-March
through late November. The group, that includes men and women, utilizes approximately 24 courses in the Delaware-Maryland region.
More noteworthy options include two of Herman’s favorites, Rum Pointe and Eagles Landing. “Both are well maintained and offer a variety of tee box locations that make the courses fair for all levels of play,” he says. “The two courses are adjacent to Assateague Island lending themselves to some spectacular vistas and possibly a glimpse of a bald eagle or two”. There’s also Glen Riddle, a course that has a unique history of its own. The club house is built on what was the stable of the Glen Riddle Farm, home to racehorses Man O’ War, War Admiral and the incomparable Seabiscuit. Arguably, the biggest horse racing event in history was the matchup between Man O’ War’s son and grandson, War Admiral and Seabiscuit, held at Pimlico Racetrack in Baltimore on November 1,1938. Seabiscuit beat the reigning Triple Crown winner.
If you are just breaking into the game, you may be more comfortable at public
courses American Classic Golf Course (9-hole course) between Rehoboth and Lewes or The Rookery in Milton. Both offer lessons for all ability levels and organize ladies and men’s leagues but on a smaller scale than Indian River.
For Becky Caprano, an avid golfer involved with the ladies’ program at The Rookery, “Golf is a game that challenges me every time to play & score better than the last time. You can’t beat it”, she says. The great outdoors, plus personal growth, social time, and exercise—a winning combination. Try it out and maybe you’ll catch the golf bug too!
Zoomba’… sounds like such an exotic word. This exercise/dance regimen actually is an alluring import now in more than 125 countries around the world. Compared to the somewhat complicated balance techniques or body poses of another foreign-now-local trend, yoga. The simplicity of the movements is part of the program’s appeal. (No need to learn beyond basic dance steps.) Read full article (link to: https:// delawareretiree.com/zoooom-to-zumba/)
If you want to combine some fun with a good workout, try LaBlast. If you can clap it, you can dance it. This dance fitness program starts with clapping the timing of the dance is the first step. “LaBlast is a perfect balance of dance and fitness,a ‘workout in
disguise’ that gets you moving to dances like the Quickstep, Viennese waltz, Cha Cha, Foxtrot, and many more,” shares instructor Cindy Beaver. Read full article (link to https://delawareretiree.com/ time-to-have-lablast/)
Ever been to a wedding where everyone gleefully pours on to the dance floor for some line dancing, and you have two left feet with no clue about the steps? Don’t feel alone or that you will miss out on all the fun. Line dancing is a great form of exercise, especially for the lower body, but good instruction is the key to mastering the steps. AND you can learn it at the Lewes Senior Activity Center with Beginner, Advanced beginner and Intermediate levels. Read full article (link to https://delawareretiree.com/line-upfor-fun-in-southern-delaware/)
Bethany Beach Farmers Market
Garfield Parkway & Pennsylvania Avenue (PNC Bank parking lot)
Bethany Beach, DE 19930
Sundays, 8 a.m. – Noon
June 4 – September 3, 2023
Broadkill Farmers Market
Riverbank Side
Visit their Facebook for details
Fridays, from May 26th until October
Historic Lewes Farmers Market
George H. P. Smith Park
DuPont & Johnson Avenues
Lewes, DE 19958
Saturdays, 8 a.m. – Noon
May 6 – September 30, 2023
Historic Lewes Farmers Market at Crooked Hammock Brewery
37707 Crooked Hammock Way and Kings Highway
Lewes, DE 19958
Wednesdays, 8 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
June 7 – September 6, 2023
Nassau Valley Vineyards Farmers’ Market
Nassau Valley Vineyards & Winery
32165 Winery Way, Lewes, DE 19958
Sundays, 12 p.m. – 3 p.m.
May 14 – October 15, 2023
www.facebook.com/nassauvalley summerfarmersmarket
Rehoboth Beach Farmers’ Market Grove Park, Rehoboth Avenue (adjacent to Lighthouse Circle)
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
Tuesdays, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
May 9 – October 24, 2023
Riverwalk Farmers’ Market
Downtown Milford
South Walnut Street at Riverwalk Park
Milford, DE 19963
Saturdays, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
May 6 – October 14, 2023
www.downtownmilford.org/events/ farmers-market
The Farmers’ Market at Sea Colony Marketplace at Sea Colony Shopping Center (parking lot), 33546 Market Place
Bethany Beach, DE 19930
Wednesdays, 8 a.m. – Noon
June 7 – August 30, 2023