Book an Experience at Canada's Home for Music!
National Music Centre’s school programs work towards the mission of amplifying the love, sharing, and understanding of music in Canada. Our hands-on programs are based on Alberta’s K-12 curriculum and programs of study. Featuring items from NMC’s rare and unique collection, programs are led by talented musician educators who will make the concepts come to life.

Teachers can select the visit that aligns perfectly with their in-classroom teaching — from science to math and everything in between!
Are you looking for an unforgettable field trip for your students? Well, Studio Bell, home of the National Music Centre (NMC), is just the place to strike a chord in young learners.

Led by talented musician educators, NMC’s handson, ears-on, minds-on programs are based on Alberta’s K-12 curriculum and programs of study. Students can explore the museum and encounter fascinating items from the National Music Centre collection, watch demonstrations to see instruments come to life, and engage with interactive activities that will activate their musical awareness.
“We get such incredible feedback from the schools that visit us,” said Paige Foley, NMC’s Programs Manager. “This is where kids come to be inspired. Students often leave surprised by all the ways that music relates to subjects like math and science. Making learning fun is our ultimate goal!”
NMC has a range of new programs and activities that make all sorts of curriculum connections. That means you can select the perfect visit that aligns with your in-classroom teaching for the ultimate field trip experience.
Learn more at nmc/ca/schools or contact education@nmc.ca
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4th Street Lilac Festival
3613 Blackburn Road SE
Calgary, AB T2G 4A3
T: (403) 453-7424
E: info@lilacfestival.net www.lilacfestival.net
Absolute Baseball Academy & Fitness Centre
2221 Crowchild Trail NW Calgary, AB T2M 4S7
T: (403) 284-4006
E: info@absolutebaseballacademy.com www.absolutebaseballacademy.com
Aero Space Museum of Calgary
4629 McCall Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 8A5
T: (403) 250-3752
E: education@thehangarmuseum.ca www.thehangarmuseum.ca
Afrikadey! Arts and Culture Society of Calgary
Box 22144 Bankers Hall SW
Calgary, AB T2P 4J5
T: (403) 708-9245
E: info@afrikadey.com www.afrikadey.org
Agriculture for Life
32 Priddis Creek Drive
Foothills, AB T0L 1W2
E: info@agricultureforlife.ca www.agricultureforlife.ca
Airdrie Edge Gymnastics Club
800 East Lake Boulevard
Airdrie, AB T4A 2K9
T: (403) 948-7769
E: info@airdrieedge.com www.airdrieedge.com
Alberta Ballet Company
141 18 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2S 0B8
T: (403) 245-4549
E: boxoffice@albertaballet.com www.albertaballet.com

Alberta Ballet School
906 12 Avenue, 2nd Floor, West Annex
Calgary, AB T2R 1K7
T: (403) 245-2274
E: calgarystudios@albertaballet.com www.albertaballetschool.com
Alberta Birds of Prey Centre 2124 16 Avenue
Coaldale, AB T1M 1J8
T: (403) 331-9520
E: info@burrowingowl.com www.burrowingowl.com
Alberta Model Engineering SocietyIron Horse Park
820 Railway Gate SW
Airdrie, AB T4B 0L4
T: (403) 948-2601
E: info@ironhorsepark.net www.ironhorsepark.ca
Iron Horse Park is open to the public, Sundays, from Victoria Day long weekend to Thanksgiving.
The park is operated by the Alberta Model Engineering Society, a volunteer organization whose members want to share their hobby and the awesomeness of trains with children of all ages. Stop in for a picnic, a train journey, or a walk around the grounds. For $3 per person you can enjoy a journey on the miniature railway. Birthdays and special events can be booked online or at the park.

Alberta Theatre Projects Student Matinees
Give your students the life-changing, unforgettable experience of live theatre!
ATP is thrilled to offer Student Matinees and we strive to assist teachers in integrating the arts into their curriculum by providing quality, contemporary, relevant plays from our home on the Martha Cohen Theatre stage in downtown Calgary.
ATP Student Matinees provide:
• Performances exclusive to students and educators, with 11:30am start times
• Discounted tickets (only $21 per student ticket)
• An Educator Resource PDF booklet to help bring your students into the world of the play, featuring production details and discussion topics
• A post-show Q&A talkback with artists from the show, providing the opportunity for students to ask questions and feed their curiosity around the show and the art of live theatre
Charlotte’s Web: Generations have delighted in E.B. White’s classic tale of an unlikely friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a spider called Charlotte, and children will be wowed to see their favourite characters and moments brought to life onstage. This cherished story illustrates the enduring power of friendship, love, and community, and is the perfect way to introduce kids to the magic of live theatre. Grades 1-5 (ages 5+)
King James: “King” LeBron James’s reign in Cleveland brings promise, prosperity and renewal to a city in need of all three. It also brings together two unlikely friends in a bond forged by fandom. Told over twelve years (from LeBron’s rookie season to an NBA Championship), King James is a funny, fast-paced comedy that is remarkably moving, highlighting the profound connections that sports can cultivate. Grades 9-12 (ages 14+) *Features coarse language.
Liars at a Funeral: Grandma Mavis stages her own funeral in order to reunite her estranged family… just in time for an ice storm to trap them all in a funeral home. But, little does she know, she’s not the only family member bending the truth. Liars at a Funeral is an uproarious, laugh-out-loud romp through the absurdities of family dynamics and the lengths we go to for love and connection. Grades 9-12 (ages 14+) *Features mature content and discussions of sex
With some performances already sold out, now is the time to book your students in to experience the magic of live theatre! Check out albertatheatreprojects.com/studentmatinees for details and booking information. Questions? Please contact us at tickets@atplive.com or 403-2947402.
Student Matinees just not fitting the schedule? Tell your students about That $20 Ticket Thing, a special performance of every show when students can see the show for only $20!
Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge7th Street
318 7 Street S
Lethbridge, AB T1J 2G2
T: (403) 320-0555
E: info@artslethbridge.org www.artslethbridge.org
Allied Arts Council of LethbridgeCASA
230 8 Street S Lethbridge, AB T1J 5H2
T: (403) 327-2272
E: casa@artslethbridge.org www.casalethbridge.ca
Alberta Provincial Police Barracks
7809 18 Avenue, PO Box 306 Coleman, T0K 0M0
T: (403) 563-5434
E: cnmuseum@shaw.ca www.appbarracks.com
Altadore Gymnastics Club
128, 10905 48 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 3E1
T: (403) 720-2711
E: info@altadoregym.com www.altadoregym.com
Ann and Sandy Cross Conservation Area
20, 194001 160 Street West Foothills, AB T1S 4K9
T: (403) 931-2042
E: info@crossconservation.org www.crossconservation.org
Art Evolution Inc.
208 1 Street W Cochrane, AB T4C 2E7
T: (403) 851-4544
E: info@artevolution.com www.artevolution.com
Arts Commons
205 8 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 0K9
T: (403) 294-9494
E: education@artscommons.ca www.artscommons.ca
Aspen Crossing Box 30
Mossleigh, AB T0L 1P0
T: (403) 534-2129
E: info@aspencrossing.com www.aspencrossing.com
Aspen Ranch Outdoor Education Centre
350070 Range Road 5.0
James River Bridge, AB T0M 1X0
T: (403) 722-4041
E: info@aspenranchcanada.com www.aspenranchcanada.com
Atlas Coal Mine National Historic Site
110 Century Drive, PO Box 521 East Coulee, AB T0J 1B0
T: (403) 822-2220
E: info@atlascoalmine.ab.ca www.atlascoalmine.ab.ca
Badlands Community Facility
80 Veterans Way
Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y2
T: (403) 823-1370
E: bcfinfo@dinosaurvalley.com www.dinosaurvalley.com
Bar U Ranch National Historic Site
Township Road 17B and 17A
Longview, AB T0L 1H0
T: (403) 395-3044
E: baru.info@pc.gc.ca www.parks.canada.ca/lhn-nhs/ab/baru
Bassano Dam - Eastern Irrigation District
502 2 Avenue
Bassano, AB T1R 1B2
T: (403) 362-1400
E: eid@eid.ca www.eid.ca
BBQ on the Bow - Montgomery Community Centre
5003 16 Avenue NW Calgary, AB T3B 0N2
T: (403) 708-1900
E: info@bbqonthebow.com www.bbqonthebow.com
Beakerhead - Crossroads of art, science, and engineering
220 St. George’s Drive NE Calgary, AB T2E 5T2
T: (403) 817-6800
E: connect@beakerhead.com www.beakerhead.com
Bellevue Underground MineAlberta Historical Site 2531 213 Street, PO Box 519 Bellevue, AB T0K 0C0
T: (403) 564-4700
E: bellevuemine@shaw.ca www.bellevuemine.com
Big Fun Inflatable Park
10, 261024 Dwight McLellan Trail Calgary, AB T4A 0T5
T: (403) 274-2722
E: info@bigfuninflatablepark.ca www.bigfuninflatablepark.ca
Bomber Command Museum of Canada PO Box 1051
Nanton, AB T0L 1R0
T: (403) 646-2270
E: visitorinfo@bombercommandmuseum.ca www.bombercommandmuseum.ca
Bow Habitat Station - Environmental Education Centre 1440 17a Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 4T9
T: (403) 297-6561
E: bow.habitat@gov.ab.ca www.bowhabitat.alberta.ca
Brookfield Residential YMCA at Seton 4995 Market Street SE Calgary, AB T3M 2P9
T: (403) 351-5262
E: seton@ymcacalgary.org www.ymcacalgary.org
Brooks & District Museum 1269 Sutherland Drive E Brooks, AB T1R 1C7
T: (403) 362-5073
E: museum@bdmhs.ca www.brooksmuseum.ca
Brooks Aqueduct 142 RR
Newell County, AB
T: (780) 431-2321
E: christopher.weber@gov.ab.ca www.brooksaqueduct.ca
Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre 197 1 Street SW Calgary, AB T2P 4M4
T: (403) 262-5071
E: info@culturalcentre.ca www.culturalcentre.ca
Calgary Comic & Entertainment Expo 1410 Olympic Way SE Calgary, AB T2G 2W1
E: info@calgaryexpo.com www.calgaryexpo.com

Nalini Nadkarni: Roots to Canopy
MON/TUE NOVEMBER 18 & 19, 2024
/ Ecosystems / Rainforests
MON JANUARY 27, 2025
Andrés Ruzo: Hunt for Sleeping Giants Volcanoes / History / Civilizations
MON APRIL 28, 2025
Doug Smith: Wild Wolves of Yellowstone Wildlife / Food Webs / Geography
Kakani Katija: Designed by Nature
MON MAY 26, 2025
/ Technology / Engineering
Calgary Folk Music Festival
1215 10 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 0W6
T: (403) 233-0904
E: hello@calgaryfolkfest.com www.calgaryfolkfest.com
Calgary Fringe Festival
3 Riverwood Close SE
Calgary, AB T2C 3Z4
T: (403) 451-9726
E: info@calgaryfringe.ca www.calgaryfringe.ca
Calgary Highland Games c/o Calgary United Scottish Games Association PO Box 24022, RPO Evergreen Calgary, AB T2Y 0J9
E: info@calgaryhighlandgames.com www.calgaryhighlandgames.com
Calgary International Film Festival 260, 999 8 Street SW
Calgary, AB T2R 1J5
T: (587) 393-3730
E: info@ciffcalgary.ca www.ciffcalgary.ca
Calgary Performing Arts Festival
Calgary, AB T2H 2G2
T: (403) 283-6009
E: info@cpafestival.ca www.cpafestival.ca
Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra
Floor 2, 205 8 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 0K9
T: (403) 571-0270
E: info@calgaryphil.com www.calgaryphil.com
Calgary Public Library - Memorial Park Library 1221 2 Street SW
Calgary, T2R 0W5
T: (403) 260-2600
Calgary Reggae Festival Society Chinook RPO, PO Box 30244
Calgary, AB T2H 2V9
T: (403) 355-5696
E: crfinfo@ReggaeFest.ca www.reggaefest.ca
Calgary Tower 101 9 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 1J9
T: (403) 266-7171
E: tourgroups@calgarytower.com www.calgarytower.com
Calgary Turkish Festival
2937 19 Street NE
Calgary, AB T2E 7A2
T: (647) 675-0371
E: info@calgaryturkish.ca www.calgaryturkishfest.ca
Calgary Ukrainian Festival 240 90 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2J 0A3
E: info@calgaryukrainianfestival.ca www.calgaryukrainianfestival.ca
Calgary Underground Film Festival 617 8 Avenue SW
Calgary, AB T2P 1H1
T: (403) 444-8315
E: cuff@calgaryundergroundfilm.org www.calgaryundergroundfilm.org

Calgary Zoo, Botanical Garden & Prehistoric Park
1300 Zoo Road NE
Calgary, AB T2E 7V6
T: (403) 232-9300
E: guestrelations@calgaryzoo.com www.calgaryzoo.com
Call of the West Museum 64137 Highway 543 East, PO Box 5271 Stn. Main
High River, AB T1V 1M4
T: (403) 938-2385
E: info@callofthewestmuseum.com www.callofthewestmuseum.com
Camp Chief Hector YMCA PO Box 250 Exshaw, T0L 2H0
T: (403) 673-3858
E: cchy@calgary.ymca.ca www.ymcacalgary.org
Camp Riveredge YMCA
1215 50 Avenue SW Calgary, T2T 2V8
T: (403) 700-4421
E: cchy@calgary.ymca.ca www.ymcacalgary.org
Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame
4629 McCall Way NE Calgary, AB T2E 8A5
T: (403) 250-3752
E: info@cahf.ca www.cahf.ca
Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame
169 Canada Olympic Road SW Calgary, AB T3B 6B7
T: (403) 776-1059
E: programs@cshof.ca www.sportshall.ca
Canadian Badlands Passion Play
605 17 Street SW, PO Box 457 Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0
T: (403) 823-2001
E: info@badlandsamp.com www.badlandsamp.com
Carifest - The Caribbean Community Council of Calgary
357, 1500 14 Street SW Calgary, AB T3C 1C9
T: (403) 836-1266
E: info@carifestcalgary.com www.carifestcalgary.com
CASA - Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge
230 8 Street South
Lethbridge, AB T1J 5H2
T: (403) 327-2272
E: casa@artslethbridge.org www.casalethbridge.ca
Chester Mjolsness World of Wildlife
211 1 Avenue SW, PO Box 314 Sundre, AB T0M 1X0
T: (403) 638-3233
E: sundremuseum@telus.net www.sundremuseum.com
Chinook Bowladrome
6455 MacLeod Trail SW
Calgary, AB T2H 0K8
T: (403) 252-5747
E: info.chinookbowl@shawbiz.ca www.chinookbowl.com
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Alberta
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales

Claresholm CPR Station & Visitor Information Centre
5126 1 Street West
Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0
T: (403) 625-3131
E: stationoffice@claresholm.ca www.claresholmmuseum.com
Claresholm and District Museum 5115 2 Street E
Claresholm, AB T0L 0T0
T: (403) 625-1742
E: museum@claresholm.ca www.claresholmmuseum.com
Classroom Agriculture Program
32 Priddis Creek Drive
Foothills, AB T0L 1W2
E: info@agricultureforlife.ca www.agricultureforlife.ca
Clay For Kids Calgary
132, 250 Shawville Boulevard SE, Box 150
Calgary, AB T2Y 2Z7
T: (403) 281-4882
E: calgary@clayforkids.com www.clayforkids.com
Crowsnest Pass Doors Open & Heritage Festival
PO Box 594
Blairmore , AB T0K 0E0
T: (403) 562-7388
Crowsnest Museum - Coleman National Historic Site 7701 18 Avenue, PO Box 306 Coleman, T0K 0M0
T: (403) 563-5434
E: cnmuseum@shaw.ca www.crowsnestmuseum.ca
Cypress Hills Provincial Park & Visitor Centre Box 12
Elkwater, AB T0J 1C0
T: (403) 893-3833 www.albertaparks.ca
Dark Sky Guides Ltd. PO Box 56
Waterton Park, AB T0K 2M0
E: info@darkskyguides.ca www.darkskyguides.ca
Devil’s Coulee Dinosaur and Heritage Museum
300A County Road
Warner, AB T0K 2L0
T: (403) 642-2118
E: dinoegg@telusplanet.net www.devilscoulee.com
Dinosaur Provincial ParkUNESCO World Heritage Site PO Box 60
Patricia, AB T0J 2K0
T: (403) 378-4342
E: customtours.dino@gov.ab.ca www.dinosaurpark.ca
Downhill Karting by Skyline Luge Calgary
88 Canada Olympic Road SW Calgary, AB T3B 5R5
T: (403) 776-0617
E: calgary@skylineluge.com www.downhillkarting.ca
Drumheller Aquaplex
100 Riverside Drive West
Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y2
T: (403) 823-1322
E: aquaplex@drumheller.ca www.drumheller.ca
Eastern Irrigation District (Bassano Dam)
550 Industrial Road West, Box 128 Brooks, AB T1R 1B2
T: (403) 362-1400
E: eid@eid.ca www.eid.ca
Esplanade Arts & Heritage Centre
401 First Street SE
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8W2
T: (403) 502-8580
E: esplanade@medicinehat.ca www.esplanade.ca
Evergreen Theatre - Discover the fine art of science
2, 1709 8 Avenue NE
Calgary, AB T2E 0S9
T: (403) 228-1384
E: programs@evergreentheatre.com www.evergreentheatre.com
Expo Latino - Hispanic Arts Society
McHugh House, 102 17 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2S 0A1
T: (403) 271-2744
E: info@hispanicarts.ca www.hispanicarts.ca
Flying Squirrel Trampoline Park 5342 72 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2C 4X5
T: (587) 387-5867
E: southcalgary@flyingsquirrelsports.com www.flyingsquirrelsports.ca/southcalgary-alberta
Flying Squirrel Trampoline Park 105, 572 Aero Drive NE
Calgary, AB T2E 6K2
T: (403) 879-2148
E: calgary@flyingsquirrelsports.com www.flyingsquirrelsports.ca/calgaryalberta
Fort Calgary
750 9 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 5E1
T: (403) 290-1875
E: info@fortcalgary.com www.fortcalgary.com
Fort Museum of the NWMP and First Nations Interpretive Centre
219 Jerry Potts Blvd.
Fort MacLeod, AB T0L 0Z0
T: (403) 553-4703
E: info@nwmpmuseum.com www.nwmpmuseum.com
Fort Normandeau
28054 B RR 382
Red Deer, AB T4N 5E6
T: (403) 347-7550
E: fortnormandeau@waskasoopark.ca www.waskasoopark.ca
Fossil WorldDinosaur Discovery Centre
PO Box 2579, 1381 North Dinosaur Trail
Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0
T: (403) 823-6666
E: fossilworld@outlook.com www.facebook.com/ FossilWorldDiscoveryCentre

Discover the cosmos with a trip to the Waterton Planetarium. This inflatable dome planetarium experience features enriching full -dome film programs that perfectly compliment Sky Science learning, while incorporating Indigenous Sky Lore of the First Nations. It is also possible for the dome to visit your school.

http://watertonplanetarium.ca info@darkskyguides.ca

Waterton Lakes National Park (WLNP) is an amazing place for students of all ages to discover, explore, and reconnect with the natural environment. Recently named the world’s first transnational International Dark Sky Park by the International Dark Sky Association, WLNP is quickly becoming a recognized astrotourism destination that draws people to discover the night sky, thanks to efforts that have been made to minimize the area’s light pollution footprint at night. Aside from being an International Dark Sky Park, WLNP has also been declared a Natural World Heritage Site by UNESCO, a World Biosphere Reserve through the UNESCO MAB program, the world’s first International Peace Park, and Canada’s fourth National Park.
A visit to Waterton Lakes National Park can be an enriching experience at any time of the year.
The tourism season runs from early May to early October, when full services are available. But considering the National Park is open year-round, there are plenty of opportunities to discover all that the area has to offer, even during the winter months. While some services are limited or unavailable during the winter, there are a number of businesses that cater to off-season travel to the National Park.
Dark Sky Guides (DSG) is a small family-owned business, operated by year-round residents of Waterton Lakes National Park. DSG historically offered guided interpretive nighttime tours and stargazing opportunities in WLNP, by providing tour participants with the chance to stargaze using quality telescopes, binoculars, and other stargazing equipment. The Dark Sky Guides are storytellers that deliver personable, memorable, interpretive tours that focus on showcasing the night sky, the moon and neighboring planets, deep sky objects like distant nebulae and star clusters, the Milky Way Galaxy, constellations, and even Aurora Borealis and nocturnal creatures. Ultimately, Dark Sky Guides encourage people, young and old, to foster their own personal connection with both the night sky and Waterton Lakes National Park. The company is committed to promoting WLNP as a noteworthy dark sky area, and to create awareness of the area’s official status as the World’s first transnational International Dark Sky Park.
Recently, DSG has expanded its operations to offer year-round experiences including wintertime snowshoe tours, as well as introducing the area’s only inflatable dome planetarium. As part of this shift to offering year-round experiences, DSG has recognized an opportunity to share the night sky with peoples of all ages. In particular, helping children and students to discover the night sky, and connect with the cosmos, has become a priority of DSG, considering the ever-increasing threat of artificial light at night, which is expanding around most urban municipalities.
The Waterton Planetarium features various full-dome film programs for viewers to discover the cosmos from the comfort of the inflatable dome planetarium, located in Waterton Lakes National Park’s old Falls Interpretive Theater, near Cameron Falls.
Dark Sky Guides President and Co-Founder, Keith Robinson, is a year-round resident of WLNP and has been a tour guide in the area for decades. He is available to help plan any visit to WLNP and can provide information about all services, amenities and experiences offered in the area, as well as offer additional contacts, to create the perfect itinerary (email: keith@darkskyguides.ca).
Frank Slide Interpretive Centre
PO Box 959
Blairmore, Crowsnest Pass, AB T0K 0E0
T: (403) 562-7388
E: frankslideinfo@gov.ab.ca www.frankslide.ca
FunnyFest - Calgary Comedy Festival
3130 16 Street
Calgary , AB T2T 4G7
T: (403) 228-7888
E: tickets@funnyfest.com www.funnyfest.com
Galt Museum & Archives
502 1 Street S
Lethbridge, AB T1J 1Y4
T: [403] 320-3954
E: info@galtmuseum.com www.galtmuseum.com
Glenbow Museum
150 9 Avenue SE
Calgary , AB T2P 3H9
T: (403) 268-4100
E: infodesk@glenbow.org www.glenbow.org/programs/school
Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation
255001 Glenbow Road
Cochrane, AB T4C 0B7
T: (403) 851-9053
E: experienceglenbow@grpf.ca www.grpf.ca
285, 2323 32 Avenue NE
Calgary, AB T2E 6Z3
T: (403) 569-9679
E: contactus@globalfest.ca www.globalfest.ca
Granary Road - Active Learning
Park & Farmer’s Market 226066 112 Street W Foothills County, AB T1S 5S5
T: (403) 453-7623
E: fieldtrips@granaryroad.com www.granaryroad.com
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump
Interpretive Centre - UNESCO World
Heritage Site
Box 1977 - NW of Fort MacLeod on Hwy. 785
Fort Macleod, AB T0L 0Z0
T: (403) 553-2731
E: info.hsibj@gov.ab.ca www.headsmashedin.ca
Heritage Acres Farm Museum 7316 RR 293
Pincher Creek, T0K 1W0
T: (403) 627-2082
E: info@heritageacres.org www.heritageacres.org
Heritage Crowsnest 7701 18 Avenue, PO Box 306 Coleman, T0K 0M0
T: (403) 563-5434
E: info@heritagecrowsnest.com www.heritagecrowsnest.com

Looking for Calgary attractions with a unique twist?
Downhill Karting Calgary is a fun, fast-paced family activity that people of all ages and abilities can enjoy.
Skyline’s Downhill Karting experience is a unique wheeled gravity ride on a purpose-built track. Designed and manufactured in New Zealand, our karts give you full control over your descent, so you can enjoy the thrilling track at your own speed.

With more than 50 twists and turns and covering a distance of over 1,800 metres on a continuous downhill trajectory, you’ll soon realise why once is never enough!
Hop in the driver’s seat and let gravity and your sense of adventure do the rest!

Heritage Lanes
8, 6200 67A Street
Red Deer, AB T4P 3E8
T: (403) 309-6385
E: groupbookings@heritagelanes.com www.heritagelanes.com
Heritage Park’s Historical Village
1900 Heritage Drive SW Calgary, AB T2V 2X3
T: (403) 268-8500
E: info@heritagepark.ca www.heritagepark.ca
Hidden Valley Ski Resort
8304 Highway 41
Elkwater, AB T0J 1C0
T: (403) 893-3961
High Performance RodeoInternational Festival of the Arts 21, 225 8 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 0K8
T: (403) 294-9494
E: info@hprodeo.ca www.hprodeo.ca
High River - Call of the West Museum
64137 Highways 543 East
High River, AB T1V 1M4
T: (403) 938-2385
E: info@highriverag.com www.callofthewestmuseum.com
High River Agricultural Society
64137 Highway 543 East PO Box 5271 Stn. Main
High River, AB T1V 1M4
T: (403) 652-7349
E: info@highriverag.com www.highriverag.com
Homestead Antique Museum
901 North Dinosaur Trail
Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y1
T: (403) 823-2600
E: hamuseum@telus.net
Honens Festival
1170, 105 12 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 1A1
T: (403) 299-0140
E: info@honens.com www.honens.com

iFly Calgary
811 64 Avenue NE
Calgary, AB T2E 3Z8
T: (800) 604-3489
E: info.calgary@iflyworld.com www.iflyworld.ca
Inglewood Bird Sanctuary & Nature Centre
2425 9 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2G 4T4 www.calgary.ca/parks/inglewood-birdsanctuary.html
Inglewood Sunfest
3613 Blackburn Road SE Calgary, AB T2G 4A3
T: (403) 453-7424
E: info@inglewoodsunfest.ca www.inglewoodsunfest.ca
Inside Education
701, 615 MacLeod Trail SE Calgary, AB T2G 4T8
T: (403) 263-7720
E: info@insideeducation.ca www.insideeducation.ca

Kerry Wood Nature Centre
6300 45 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 3M4
T: (403) 346-2010
E: general@waskasoopark.ca www.waskasoopark.ca
Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village 1037 Bev McLachlin Drive, PO Box 1226
Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
T: (403) 627-3684
E: edcoordinator.kbpv@gmail.com www.kootenaibrown.ca
Laser City North Calgary 125, 572 Aero Drive NE Calgary, AB T2E 7Y4
T: (403) 744-4121
E: calgarynorth@lasercity.ca www.lasercity.ca/calgary
Laser City South Calgary 18 9950 MacLeod Trail SE Calgary, AB T2J 3K9
T: (403) 640-1245
E: calgarysouth@lasercity.ca www.lasercity.ca/calgarysouth
Leighton Art Centre
282027 144 Street W
Foothills, AB T1S 0Y4
T: (403) 931-3633
E: info@leightoncentre.org www.leightoncentre.org
Leitch Collieries Provincial Historic Site c/o Frank Slide Interpretive Centre
Off Hwy 3 in the Municipality of Crowsnest Pass
Blairmore, Crowsnest Pass, AB T0K 0E0
T: (403) 562-7388
E: frankslideinfo@gov.ab.ca www.leitchcollieries.ca
Lethbridge Corn Maze PO Box 121
Shaughnessy, AB T0K 2A0
T: (403) 381-3775
E: theo@lethbridgecornmaze.com www.lethbridgecornmaze.com
Lethbridge Symphony 318 11 Street S
Lethbridge, AB T1J 4A2
T: (403) 328-6808
E: hello@lethbridgesymphony.org www.lethbridgesymphony.org
Lougheed House, National & Provincial Historic Site 707 13 Avenue SW Calgary , AB T2R 0K8
T: (403) 244-6333
E: info@lougheedhouse.com www.lougheedhouse.com
Mad Science of Southern Alberta Bay 30, 4816 35B Street SE Calgary, AB T2B 3N1
T: (403) 263-4140
E: madscsab@telusplanet.net www.calgary.madscience.org

Marda Gras Street Festival
33 Avenue SW between 19 and 22 Street
Calgary , AB T2T 1P4
T: (403) 685-5667
E: mardagrascalgary@gmail.com www.visitmardaloop.com
Medalta in the Historic Clay District
713 Medalta Avenue SE
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 3K9
T: (403) 529-1070
E: reception@medalta.org www.medalta.org
Medicine Hat Exhibition and Stampede
2055 21 Avenue SE, PO Box 1298
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7N1
T: (403) 527-1234
E: mhstampede@mhstampede.com www.mhstampede.com
Medicine Hat Jazzfest
The Esplanade, 401 First Street SE
Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8W2
T: (403) 529-4807
E: office@medicinehatjazzfest.com www.medicinehatjazzfest.com
Melcor YMCA at Crowfoot 8100 John Laurie Boulevard NW Calgary, AB T3G 3S3
T: (403) 547-6576
E: cfy@ymcacalgary.org www.ymcacalgary.org
Millennium Lanes
105, 100 Stockton Avenue Okotoks, AB T1S 1B3
T: (403) 938-9536
E: mlanes@telus.net www.millenniumlanes.com
MNP Community and Sport Centre 2225 Macleod Trail SE Calgary, AB T2G 5B6
T: (403) 233-8393
E: info@mnpcentre.com www.mnpcentre.com
Monster Mini Golf
2020 32 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 9A7
T: (587) 354-0244
E: calgary@monsterminigolf.com www.monsterminigolf.com
Museum of the Highwood
406 1 Street SW, PO Box 5334
High River, AB T1V 1M5
T: (403) 652-7156
E: info@museumofthehighwood.com www.museumofthehighwood.com
Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden
835 Mayor Magrath Dive Lethbridge, AB T1J 1M8
T: (403) 328-3511
E: info@nikkayuko.com www.nikkayuko.com
Nose Creek Valley Museum
1701 Main Street SW
Airdrie, AB T4B 1C5
T: (403) 948-6685
E: ncvm@telus.net www.nosecreekvalleymuseum.com
Pioneer Camps of AlbertaPioneer Lodge
32134 RR 63
Sundre, AB T0M 1X0
T: (403) 638-2660
E: lodgeinfo@pioneercamps.ab.ca www.pioneercampalberta.ca

Located just 20 minutes from Lethbridge and just North-East of Park Lake. 104051 Range Road 224, Lethbridge County T: 403-381-3775

E: theo@lethbridgecornmaze.com www.lethbridgecornmaze.com www.facebook.com/lethbridgecornmaze
The Lethbridge Corn Maze features many engaging activities in an authentic farm setting. Navigate through any of the 3 corn mazes, hedge maze, and puzzle maze. There are many different farm animals to visit and feed in our petting zoo. The giant slide, “rat rollers”, tractor rides, zip lines, and a jumping pillow are sure to bring fun for all.
Remington Carriage Museum
623 Main Street
Cardston, AB T0K 0K0
T: (403) 653-5139
E: RemingtonCarriageMuseum@gov.ab.ca www.remingtoncarriagemuseum.ca
Remington YMCA in Quarry Park
108 Quarry Park Road SE Calgary, AB T2C 5R1
T: (403) 351-6678
E: ry@ymcacalgary.org www.ymcacalgary.org
Rocky Mountain Wine & Food Festival 3, 225 58 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2H 0N8
T: (403) 228-0777
E: info@rockymountainwine.com www.rockymountainwine.com
Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
1500 North Dinosaur Trail - Midland Provincial Park
Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0
T: (403) 823-7707
E: Tyrrell.bookings@gov.ab.ca www.tyrrellmuseum.com
Saddletowne YMCA
180, 7556 Falconridge Boulevard NE Calgary, AB T3J 0C9
T: (403) 237-2393
E: ty@ymcacalgary.org www.ymcacalgary.org
Servus Calgary Marathon 17, 1515 Highfield Crescent SE Calgary, AB T2G 5M4
T: (403) 264-2996
E: community@calgarymarathon.com www.calgarymarathon.com

713 Medalta Avenue SE Medicine Hat, Alberta 403-529-1070
education@medalta.org www.medalta.org
Grandstand, Stampede Park, 3 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 5A2
E: boo@hex.ca www.screamfest.ca
Shakespeare by the BowTheatre Calgary 220 9 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 5C4
T: (403) 294-7447
E: info@theatrecalgary.com www.theatrecalgary.com
Shane Homes YMCA at Rocky Ridge 11300 Rocky Ridge Road NW Calgary, AB T3G 5H3
T: (403) 351-6673
E: rry@ymcacalgary.org www.ymcacalgary.org
Shawnessy YMCA
400, 333 Shawville Boulevard SE Calgary, AB T2Y 4H3
T: (403) 256-5533
E: shwy@ymcacalgary.org www.ymcacalgary.org
Field Trips
Visit Medalta Potteries in the Historic Clay District for a 90-minute field trip to tour the museum and create a unique clay project. Specialized field trips are available to target specific learning objectives and are customized to the age/grade of the students.
Day Trips
Day trips allow for more in-depth exploration of the Clay District and connected learning opportunities. This full day experience can be customized for any age/grade or group. The day trip is often used to document information for extended learning in the classroom and always includes a clay project!
Community Classroom Program
• Innovative • Experiential • Cross-curricular
This cultural and educational immersion model moves student learning “beyond the classroom” into the Historic Clay District for several days, not hours! Our program engages students in inquiry-based learning and exploration through a host of creative, integrated activities that align with the Alberta Program of Studies. Students learn from a variety of experts and enrich this learning through many journaling and documentation techniques. And of course, every day includes a clay project!
Skyline Luge Calgary
88 Canada Olympic Road SW Calgary, AB T3B 5R5
T: (403) 776-0617
E: calgary@skylineluge.com www.skylineluge.com
South Country Fair
249 Lyndon Road
Fort Macleod, AB T0L 0Z0
E: info@southcountryfair.com www.southcountryfair.com
Southern Alberta Art Gallery
601 3 Avenue S
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0H4
T: (403) 327-8770
E: info@saag.ca www.saag.ca
Spruce Meadows
18011 Spruce Meadows Way SW Calgary, AB T2X 4B7
T: (403) 974-4200
E: information@sprucemeadows.com www.sprucemeadows.com
Studio Bell, Home of the National Music Centre
300, 851 4 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 1P2
T: (403) 543-5115
E: info@studiobell.ca www.studiobell.ca
Sundre & District MuseumPioneer Village
211 1 Avenue SW, PO Box 314 Sundre, AB T0M 1X0
T: (403) 638-3233
E: sundremuseum@telus.net www.sundremuseum.com
Celebrating the Way We Were

Taber Irrigation Impact Museum
4702 50 Street
Taber, AB T1G 2B6
T: (403) 223-5708
E: tiimchin@telusplanet.net
Telus Spark Science Centre
220 St. George’s Drive NE Calgary, AB T2E 5T2
T: (403) 817-6802
E: educators@sparkscience.ca www.sparkscience.ca
The Fort Museum of the NWMP and First Nations Interpretive Centre
219 Jerry Potts Boulevard Fort MacLeod, AB T0L 0Z0
T: (403) 553-4703
E: info@nwmpmuseum.com www.nwmpmuseum.com
Sundre & diStrict MuSeu M
Featuring the World of Wildlife Exhibit
Take a walk on the wild side as you travel the globe with our World of Wildlife exhibit. You will see six continents represented in over 170 animal mounts in this natural science display.
Travel back in time! Celebrate the way we were by exploring our four acre heritage village. Here you will find a number of buildings including a trapper’s cabin, barn, blacksmith shop, pioneer house, schoolhouse and others. See how early Sundre and area pioneers lived. Educational guided tours and programming are available. We offer tours, group rates and even a night at the museum for those interested in a more personal experience. Bring your picnic lunch and enjoy our green spaces. Be sure to check out our events and follow us on Facebook.

We offer a wide range of fun and challenging activities for every season. Schedules are flexible to accommodate your plans and we are available to assist you before your arrival. Pioneer Camp adheres to the safety standards set by the Alberta Camping Association and Christian Camping International. All our year-round staff have current first aid training with at least a standard level.

Our year-round, winterized facilities are available for group bookings from September through June following our Summer Camp Programs. Contact us to book your group experience today!
Explore our two beautiful locations in Sundre and Rocky Mountain House with their own unique landscape and facilities. Experience the same enthusiastic welcome, spirit of adventure and dependable staff team at both!
We acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 and 7 Territories in Alberta of the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.
Activities that We Offer
Axe Throwing (Pioneer Ranch, Rocky Mountain House site only)
Bouldering Wall (Pioneer Ranch, Rocky Mountain House site only)
Canoeing (Pioneer Lodge, Sundre site, May & June only)
Canoeing (Pioneer Ranch, Rocky Mountain House site, May & June only)
Climbing Wall Evening Program
Games Equipment Hiking
Horse Care
Horse Drawn Sleigh Rides (winter)
Horseback Riding
Horse Drawn Wagon Rides (seasonal)
Indoor Games
Mounted Archery
Outdoor Camping Skills
Skating (winter)
Initiative Task Course
Pony Rides
Sledding (winter)
Sports Snowshoeing (winter)
Swimming: Lake (Pioneer Ranch, Rocky Mountain House site, seasonal)

Team Building Program Wide Games Box 660 Sundre, AB T0M1X0 403-638-2660 guestcoordinator@pioneercamps.ab.ca www.pioneercampalberta.ca
The Hangar Flight Museum
4629 McCall Way NE
Calgary, AB T2E 8A5
T: (403) 250-3752
E: info@thehangarmuseum.ca www.thehangarmuseum.ca
The Military Museums
4520 Crowchild Trail SW
Calgary, AB T2T 5J4
T: (403) 410-2340
E: bookings@themilitarymuseums.ca www.themilitarymuseums.ca
Theatre Calgary
220 9 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 5C4
T: (403) 294-7447
E: info@theatrecalgary.com www.theatrecalgary.com
Trochu Arboretum and Visitor
Interpretive Centre
222 Northfield Road
Trochu, AB T0M 2C0
T: (403) 588-8600
E: arboretum@town.trochu.ab.ca www.town.trochu.ab.ca
Trochu and District Museum
315 Arena Avenue
Trochu, AB T0M 2C0
T: (403) 442-2220
E: trochumuseum@gmail.com www.town.trochu.ab.ca
Turner Valley Gas PlantNational & Provincial Historic Site
Sunset Boulevard SE Turner Valley, AB
T: (403) 933-6243
E: tvgp@gov.ab.ca www.turnervalleygasplant.ca
Vulcan Tourism and Trek Station
115 Centre Street E Vulcan, AB T0L 2B0
T: (403) 485-2994
E: tourism_info@townofvulcan.ca www.vulcantourism.com
Waterton Lakes National ParkParks Canada
404 Cameron Falls Drive Waterton Park, AB T0K 2M0
T: (403) 859-5133
E: waterton.info@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/eng/pn-np/ab/waterton/ index.aspx

WordFest - International Writers Festival
2nd Floor, Memorial Park Library, 1221 2 Street SW
Calgary, AB T2P 0W5
T: (403) 237-9068
E: info@wordfest.com www.wordfest.com
YMCA Calgary Association Services 11300 Rocky Ridge Road NW Calgary, AB T3G 5H3
T: (403) 237 (YMCA) 9622
E: headoffice@calgary.ymca.ca www.ymcacalgary.org
YouthLink Calgary Police Interpretive Centre
5111 47 Street NE
Calgary , AB T3J 3R2
T: (403) 428-4530
E: youthlink@calgarypolice.ca www.youthlinkcalgary.com
Zoolights at the Calgary Zoo
1300 Zoo Road NE Calgary, AB T2E 7V6
T: (403) 232-9300
E: guestrelations@calgaryzoo.com www.calgaryzoo.com
The Fort Museum’s award winning Redcoats Program features an engaging play and historic interactive scenarios for teaching students of the history of the NWMP and First Nations People of Southern Alberta. The Program is run through May and June, with two bookings available per day. Please book as much in advance as possible to ensure preferred booking dates.
For more info please visit: www.nwmpmuseum.com/redcoats
Adventure Bus
494, 9768 170 Street
Edmonton, AB T5T 5L4
T: (780) 700-8287
E: info@adventurebuskids.com www.adventurebus.ca
Agriculture for Life
32 Priddis Creek Drive
Foothills, AB T0L 1W2
E: info@agricultureforlife.ca www.agricultureforlife.ca
Alberta Aviation Museum
11410 Kingsway NW
Edmonton, AB T5G 0X4
T: (780) 451-1175
E: info@albertaaviationmuseum.com www.albertaaviationmuseum.com
Alberta Ballet School - Ruth Carse Centre for Dance 11205 107 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 0Y2
T: (780) 702-4725
E: edmontonstudios@albertaballet.com www.albertaballetschool.com
Alberta Railway Museum
24215 34 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5Y 6B4
T: (780) 472-6229
E: albertarailwaymuseum@gmail.com www.albertarailwaymuseum.com
Alberta Sports Hall of Fame & Museum
102, 4200 Highway 2
Red Deer, AB T4N 1E3
T: (403) 341-8614
E: info@albertasportshall.ca www.albertasportshall.ca
Alix Wagon Wheel Museum 4912 50 Street
Alix, AB T0C 0B0
T: (403) 358-9848
E: alixmusuem@gmail.com www.alixwagonwheelmuseum.ca
Allstars Indoor Playland
9510 12 Avenue SW
Edmonton, AB T6X 0J5
T: (780) 757-0055
E: info@allstarsplayland.com www.allstarsplayland.com
Alternative AdventuresJasper Hinton Zipline
50122 Highway 16 W
Hinton, AB T7V 1X3
T: (780) 817-9696
E: darrelbossert@mail.com www.alternativeadventures.ca
Amazone Playzone
173, 3210 118 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5W 4W1
T: (780) 760-4190
E: amazoneplayzone@gmail.com www.amazoneplayzone.com
Art Gallery of Alberta
2 Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton, AB T5J 2C1
T: (780) 422-6223
E: info@youraga.ca www.youraga.ca
Art Gallery of St. Albert 19 Perron Street
St. Albert, AB T8N 1E5
T: (780) 460-4310
E: ahfgallery@artsandheritage.ca www.artsandheritage.ca
Arts and Heritage St. Albert
200, 20 Perron Street
St. Albert, AB T8N 1E4
T: (780) 459-1194
E: office@artsandheritage.ca www.artsandheritage.ca
Arts on the Ave 9351 118 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5G 0N3
T: (780) 471-1580
E: info@artsontheave.org www.artsontheave.org
ArtVentures - Mobile Art
Education Provider 725, 52304 RR 233
Sherwood Park, AB T8B 1C9
T: (587) 989-2668
E: emma@artventures.ca www.artventures.ca
Augustana Miquelon Lake Research Station - University of AlbertaAugustana Campus 4901 46 Avenue
Camrose, AB T4V 2R3
T: (780) 679-1100
E: admissions@augustana.ca www.ualberta.ca/augustana/research/ centres/amlrs
Beaver Hills Biosphere Reserve 17503 45 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6M 2N3
T: (780) 483-1885
E: info@beaverhills.ca www.beaverhills.ca

Field Trips
Explore our gallery, museum and historic sites all in one day
Engage with programming virtually, in-school or on-site
Experience our unique Indigenous programming
Call 780-459-1163 or email registration@artsandheritage.ca.

Beaver Hills Dark Sky Preserve
Elk Island National Park
Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8G 2A6
T: (780) 992-5790
E: pnelkisland-elkislandnp@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/pn-np/ab/elkisland www.rasc.ca/lpa/dark-sky-sites
Beaverhill Bird Observatory PO Box 1418
Edmonton, AB T5J 2N5
E: education@beaverhillbirds.com www.beaverhillbirds.com
Big Valley Jamboree
4250 Exhibition Drive
Camrose, AB T4V 4Z8
T: (888) 404-1234
E: bvj@bigvalleyjamboree.com www.bigvalleyjamboree.com

Bioclean Aquatic Centre
2902 59 Avenue
Lloydminster, AB T9V 3H5
T: (780) 875-4497
Birch Bay Ranch
51505 RR 215
Sherwood Park, AB T8E 1H1
T: (780) 922-2883
E: office@birchbayranch.com www.birchbayranch.com
Blacksmith Shop Museum 5020 49 Street Lacombe, AB T4L 1Y2
T: (403) 782-3933
E: info@lacombemuseum.com www.lacombemuseum.com

Butterfly Wings n’ Wishes Ltd.
Programs are 1 hour long. All programs feature 6-8 living animals: repiles, amphibians, or invertebrates –both native and exotic.
Capacity is 30 participants. Attendees must be aged 3+.
Our focus is on the individual experience: every participant will have an encounter on their own terms, personalized to their consent level.
We are child-focused: content is child led and communication is curated to the age and capacity of those present.
Boardwalk Ice on Whyte Festival 10447 86 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 2M4
E: info@iceonwhyte.ca www.iceonwhyte.ca
Bodo Archaeological Site & Centre
1st Street E. Railway Avenue
Bodo, AB T0B 0M0
T: (780) 753-4056
E: bodoarchaeology@gmail.com www.bodoarchaeology.com
Bowden Pioneer Museum
2201 19 Avenue
Bowden, AB T0M 0K0
T: (403) 224-2122
E: bhs@shawbiz.ca www.bowden.ca
Brazeau Collieries Mine Tours & Nordegg Discovery Centre PO Box 67
Nordegg, AB T0M 2H0
T: (403) 721-COAL (2625)
E: heritage@clearwatercounty.ca www.clearwatercounty.ca
Butterfly Wings n’ Wishes Ltd.
T: (780) 462-1839
E: bugs@butterflyab.com www.butterflyab.ca
Calnash Trucking AG Event Centre 3611 Hwy 2A South Ponoka, AB T4J 1J8
T: (403) 790-7894
E: events@paecs.com www.ponokaageventcentre.ca
Camp Kuriakos 5, 39317 RR 24 Lacombe County, AB T4E 2R7
T: (403) 746-2702
E: info@kuriakos.ab.ca www.kuriakos.ab.ca
Camrose & District
Centennial Museum
4522 53 Street
Camrose, AB T4V 4E3
T: (780) 672-9949 www.camrose.ca

Journey to discover the wonderous history of Blatchford Field.
Explore the evolution of flight in Alberta – from bush planes, bombers, jets, and more.

11410 Kingsway NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5G 0X4
780-451-1175, ext. 106 programs@albertaaviationmuseum.com

The museum has expanded significantly over the past year, offering an array of services beyond field trips. Our programs include kids’ aviation-themed birthday parties, Simulator Saturdays, PD Day camps, Summer camp and various major events. Specifically tailored to field trips, our flagship program is “Theory of Flight,” designed for grade 5 and 6 students. This program, available in-person or virtually Monday to Friday (9:15 am – 2:15 pm), explores key concepts such as air and aerodynamics, the four forces of flight, aircraft components, stability, rotation axes, control surfaces, and more.
Maximum: 32 students
Cost: $13 / Student
Curriculum Connections: Air and Aerodynamics/ Flight Units
Additional components: Alberta aviation history tour and hands-on experience in our flight simulator lab.
If this program doesn’t align with your needs, we also offer customizable school tours, individually or as a combined package for large groups. These tours delve into flight history and science, featuring interactive elements like flight simulators to enrich the educational experience.
For an enhanced experience, consider adding flight simulators to your visit.

The Beaverhill Bird Observatory’s BirdSmart Education program travels across Alberta, delivering in-classroom presentations to students about the importance of birds, conservation, and climate change with a live education ambassador bird!
The program includes topics such as, How Birds Survive Winter, Birds in Flight, Wetland Conservation, and Birds in Ecosystems, all of which are linked to the Alberta curriculum.
We offer presentations from Pre-K to Grade 12, as well as after-school groups, private events and birthday parties! The BBO believes in the importance of engaging youth in nature and conservation to foster a connection with the natural world.

“Absolutely the best in-school presentation that offered excellent information. Each grade was presented with the appropriate topics that complemented the Alberta Curricular expectations”. — Westlock School
“I recommend you to everyone!!! You guys are amazing and the work you do is so important!!!”

Backyard Birds Nature Shop
Jana and Keith.
Jon and Maple.

Birch Bay Ranch offers a range of outdoor activities and experiences for groups of all ages. Students will experience adventure and have fun while trying new things, gaining confidence, teamwork skills, and building relationships with their peers.
In the spring and fall, activities include horseback riding, rock climbing, ziplines, high and low ropes course obstacles, archery and target activities, field and gym sports, and nature exploration.
Winter activities include snowshoeing, nature walks, indoor and outdoor horseback riding, gym sports, select ropes course activities, and self-led outdoor activities.
Birch Bay Ranch also offers meeting and learning spaces, campfire and picnic areas, and delicious meals and snacks in the indoor dining hall. In addition, bunk-style accommodation and a group camping area are available for overnight trips and retreats.
Give your students an experience and adventure they’ll never forget! Book a field trip at Birch Bay Ranch, just 30 minutes east of Edmonton. Visit
Camrose Heritage Railway Station and Park
4407 47 Avenue
Camrose, AB T4V 1X2
T: (780) 672-3099
E: canadiannorthern@telus.net www.canadiannorthern.ca
Canadian Birkebeiner Ski Festival
7240 82 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6B 0G1
T: (780) 430-7153
E: coordinator@canadianbirkie.com www.canadianbirkie.com
Canadian Energy Museum: Home of Leduc #1
50339 Highway 60 S
Leduc County, AB T9G 0B2
T: (780) 987-4323
E: info@canadianenergymuseum.ca www.canadianenergymuseum.ca
Canadian Tractor Museum
9704 96 Avenue, PO Box 5414
Westlock, AB T5P 2R6
T: (780) 349-3353
E: canadiantractormuseum@telus.net www.canadiantractormuseum.ca
Carstairs Heritage Centre 1138 Nanton Street
Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0
T: (403) 337-3710
E: info@carstairsmuseum.ca www.carstairsmuseum.ca
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More Various locations in Alberta
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Citadel Theatre 9828 101A Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5J 3C6
T: (780) 425-1820
E: boxoffice@citadeltheatre.com www.citadeltheatre.com
City Arts Centre - Edmonton 10942 83 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6G 0V5
T: 311
E: CityArtsCentre@edmonton.ca www.edmonton.ca/activities_parks_ recreation/city-arts-centre.aspx
Clareview Community Recreation Centre
3804 139 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5Y 3G4
T: 311
www.edmonton.ca/activities_parks_ recreation/admission-memberships
Classroom Agriculture ProgramAgriculture for Life
32 Priddis Creek Drive
Foothills, AB T0L 1W2
E: info@agricultureforlife.ca www.agricultureforlife.ca
Clifford E. Lee Nature Sanctuary
Sanctuary Road
Spruce Grove, AB T7Y 1E7
E: info@cliffordelee.com www.cliffordelee.com
Collicutt Centre Dance Magic Studio
3031 30 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4R 2Z7
T: (403) 309-7319
E: office@reddeerdancemagic.com www.reddeerdancemagic.com
Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre
11000 Stadium Road NW Edmonton, AB T5H 4E2
T: 311
www.edmonton.ca/activities_parks_ recreation/commonwealth
Cooking Lake-Blackfoot Provincial Recreation Area
RR 203
Sherwood Park, AB T8G 1G2
T: (780) 922-3293
Crankpots Ceramic Studio 10702 82 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6E 6P4
T: (780) 414-1005
E: crankpots@gmail.com www.crankpots.ca
Crimson Lake Provincial Park
14 km west of Rocky Mountain House & 6 km on Hwy. 756
Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1B5
T: (403) 845-2330
Daines Ranch Pro Rodeo
28420 Township Road 362
Penhold, AB T0M 1R0
T: (403) 598-0311
E: dainesranch@gmail.com www.dainesranch.com
Danish Canadian National Museum
35544 RR 31, PO Box 92
Spruce View, AB T0M 1V0
T: (403) 728-0019
E: manager@danishcanadianmuseum.com www.danishcanadianmuseum.com
Deep Freeze:
A Byzantine Winter Festival 118 Avenue between 90-95 Street
Edmonton, AB
T: (780) 471-1580
E: info@artson the ave.org www.deepfreezefest.ca
Dickson Store Museum 1928 2 Avenue
Dickson, AB T4G 0K8
T: (403) 728-3355
E: dicksonstoremuseum@gmail.com www.dicksonstoremuseum.com
Didsbury Museum and District Historical Society 2110 21 Avenue, PO Box 1175
Didsbury, AB T0M 0W0
T: (403) 335-9295
E: ddhs@telusplanet.net www.didsburymuseum.com
Discovery Wildlife Park 5400 42 Avenue
Innisfail, AB T4G 1P9
T: (403) 227-3211
E: info@discoverywildlifepark.com www.discoverywildlifepark.com
Double Tree Village Museum 36304 RR 41
Spruce View, AB T0M 1V0
T: (403) 728-3875
E: dbltreem@telus.net www.doubletreevillage.com
Dr. Woods House Museum 4801 49 Avenue
Leduc, AB T9E 7G6
T: (780) 986-1517
E: woodsmuseum@telus.net www.drwoodsmuseum.com
Outdoor Education, Leadership, Teambuilding

Kuriakos Outdoor School provides exciting educational programming for all age groups. Throughout its 90 years, Kuriakos has valued belonging, growth, and togetherness; Outdoor School is a terrific opportunity for students to experience these values, in a setting that is different from their usual school routine. Students will be encouraged to learn and to challenge themselves, as they build new relationships and discover common experiences. You’ll be amazed at the difference an Outdoor School experience can make in your students!
We work closely with all our school groups to develop a program that suits each school’s needs. For Christian schools, many activities can also be facilitated to encourage growth in your students’ faith. Haven’t planned something like this before? We have! We are happy to assist with paperwork, parent communication, and other logistics.
Kuriakos is a camp and outdoor centre located at the north end of Sylvan Lake. Since 1930, Kuriakos has been a gathering place for communities from across the province, providing recreation and learning opportunities to hundreds of families.
We welcome you to our site, and invite you to become a part of our community.

dreamESCAPE Gaming
5205 50 Avenue
Leduc, AB T9E 6T2
T: (780) 986-2882
E: info@dreamescapegaming.com www.dreamescapegaming.com
Dry Island Buffalo Jump Provincial Park
50 km east of Innisfail on Highway 590 Elnora, AB T0M 0Y0
T: (877) 537-2757 www.albertaparks.ca
East Coulee School Museum
359 2 Avenue, PO Box 514
East Coulee, AB T0J 1B0
T: (403) 822-3970
E: ecsmuseum@gmail.com www.ecsmuseum.ca
East Coulee Springfest
359 2 Avenue, PO Box 514
East Coulee, AB T0J 1B0
T: (403) 822-3970
E: ecsmuseum@gmail.com www.ecsmuseum.ca/springfest
Edmonton Corn Maze 51529 RR 262
Spruce Grove, AB T7Y 1B3
T: (825) 535-3600
E: hello@edmontoncornmaze.ca www.edmontoncornmaze.ca
Edmonton HeritageFest 14603A 118 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5L 2M7
T: (780) 488-3378
E: admin@heritagefest.com www.heritagefest.com
Edmonton International Film Festival 201, 10816A 82 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T6E 2B3
T: (780) 423-0844
E: info@edmontonfilmfest.com www.edmontonfilmfest.com
Edmonton International Street Performers Festival 10212 112 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5K 1M4
T: (780) 425-5162
E: info@edmontonstreetfest.com www.edmontonstreetfest.com
Edmonton Opera Centre 15230 128 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5V 1A8
T: (780) 429-1000
E: boxoffice@edmontonopera.com www.edmontonopera.com
Edmonton Public Schools Archives & Museum - McKay Avenue School 10425 99 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5K 0E5
T: (780) 422-1970
E: archivesmuseum@epsb.ca www.archivesmuseum.epsb.ca
Edmonton Radial Railway Society - High Level Bridge - Edmonton Streetcars
PO Box 76057 Southgate PO Edmonton, AB T6H 5Y7
T: (780) 437-7721
E: info@edmontonstreetcars.ca www.edmontonstreetcars.ca
Edmonton Riverboat 9734 98 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T6C 4P6
T: (780) 424-BOAT (2628) www.edmontonriverboat.ca
Edmonton Symphony Orchestra and the Francis Winspear Centre for Music
4 Sir Winston Churchill Square
Edmonton, AB T5J 4X8
T: (780) 428-1414
E: box.office@winspearcentre.com www.edmontonsymphony.com
Edmonton Valley Zoo 13315 Buena Vista Road NW Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7
T: (780) 442-5311
E: attractions@edmonton.ca www.edmonton.ca/attractions_events/ edmonton-valley-zoo.aspx
Elk Island National Park 54401 RR 203
Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 0V3
T: (780) 922-5790
E: pc.pnelkisland-elkislandnp.pc@canada. ca www.pc.gc.ca/pn-np/ab/elkisland
Ellis Bird Farm 39502 RR 260
Lacombe, AB T4L 1W7
T: (403) 885-4477
E: info@ellisbirdfarm.ca www.ellisbirdfarm.ca
Farmfair International
Edmonton Expo Centre, 7515 118 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5B 0J2
T: (780) 378-5111
E: farmfair@ExploreEdmonton.com www.farmfairinternational.com
Father Lacombe Chapel
2 St. Vital Avenue
St. Albert, AB
T: (780) 459-1528
E: museum@artsandheritage.ca www.fatherlacombechapel.ca
Festival of Trees, University Hospital Foundation
Edmonton Convention Centre, 9797 Jasper Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5J 1N9
T: (833) 448-3843
E: info@givetouhf.ca www.festivaloftrees.ca
Flatiron Building Museum 5005 50 Avenue
Lacombe, AB T4L 2L1
T: (403) 782-3933
E: info@lacombemuseum.com www.lacombemuseum.com
Fort Edmonton Park 7000 143 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6H 4P3
T: (780) 496-7381
E: info@fortedmontonpark.ca www.fortedmontonpark.ca
Fort George and Buckingham House Provincial Historic Site 6015 TWP Road 565
County of St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4
T: (780) 724-2611
E: fort.george@gov.ab.ca www.fortgeorgebuckinghamhouse.ca
Fort Normandeau
28054 Township Road 382
Red Deer , AB T4N 3M4
T: (403) 347-7550
E: fortnormandeau@waskasoopark.ca www.waskasoopark.ca

Fort Ostell Museum
5320 54 Street
Ponoka, AB T4J 1L8
T: (403) 783-5224
E: fom01@telus.net www.fortostellmuseum.com
Fountain Park Recreation Centre
4 Cunningham Road
St. Albert, AB T8N 2E9
T: (780) 459-1553
E: fprc@stalbert.ca www.fountainpark.ca
Free Will Shakespeare Players Theatre Guild - Edmonton Expo Centre
7515 118 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5B 4M9
T: (780) 425-8086
E: info@freewillshakespeare.com www.freewillshakespeare.com
12930 St. Albert Trail
Edmonton, AB T5L 4H6
T: (780) 953-4263
E: admin@gameovr.ca www.gameovr.ca
Goldeye Centre
PO Box 26
Nordegg, AB T0M 2H0
T: (403) 721-2102
E: reservations@goldeye.org www.goldeye.org
HeLa Ventures - Outdoor Adventure Education Centre
93066 Old Highway 11A
Clearwater County, AB T4T 2A4
T: (403) 845-4325
E: bookings@helaventures.com www.helaventures.com
Heritage Lanes
8, 6200 67A Street
Red Deer, AB T4P 3E8
T: (403) 309-6385 www.heritagelanes.com
Historic Markerville Creamery Museum
114 Creamery Way
Markerville, AB T0M 1M0
T: (403) 728-3006
E: admin@historicmarkerville.com www.historicmarkerville.com
Hudson’s Green Nature and Activity Centre
6210 61 Street
Ponoka, AB T4J 1R7
T: (403) 783-0131
E: recreation@ponoka.ca www.ponoka.ca/p/ponoka-arena-complex
Innisfail & District Historical Village 5139 42 Street, PO Box 6042
Innisfail, AB T4G 1S7
T: (403) 227-2906
E: idhs@telus.net www.innisfail.ca/historical-village/
Inside Education
11428 100 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5K 0J4
T: (780) 421-1497
E: info@insideeducation.ca www.insideeducation.ca
International Children’s Festival of the Arts
5 St. Anne Street
St. Albert, AB T8N 3Z9
T: (780) 459-1542
E: childrensfestival@stalbert.ca www.childfest.com
JJ Collett Natural Area Near MorningsideSouth of Ponoka, AB
E: contact@jjcollett.com www.jjcollett.com
John Janzen Nature Centre
7000 143 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7
T: (780) 442-5311
E: artsattractionsbookings@edmonton.ca www.edmonton.ca
John Walter Museum
9180 Walterdale Hill NW Edmonton, AB T6E 2V3
T: (780) 442-5311
E: attractionsexperiences@edmonton.ca www.edmonton.ca/attractions_events/ john-walter-museum.aspx
Jurassic Forest
2, 23210 Township Road 564
Gibbons, AB T0A 1N0
T: (780) 470-2446
E: events@jurassicforest.com www.jurassicforest.com
Kaleido Family Arts Festival
9351 118 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5G 0N3
T: (780) 471-1580
E: manager@thecarrot.ca www.kaleidofest.ca
Kerry Wood Nature Centre
6300 45 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 3M4
T: (403) 346-2010
E: general@waskasoopark.ca www.waskasoopark.ca
Kinsmen Sports Centre
9100 Walterdale Hill NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 2V3
T: 311
www.edmonton.ca/activities_parks_ recreation/kinsmen-fieldhouse-courts
KJ Bowl
12143 54 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5W 3N4
T: (780) 477-3132
E: jocelyn.kjbowl@telus.net www.kjbowl.ca
Kraay Family Farm, Home of the Lacombe Corn Maze
Site 6, Box 9, RR 1 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N1
T: (403) 754-5502
E: info@kraayfamilyfarm.com www.kraayfamilyfarm.com
Laser City Edmonton 5104 67 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6B 3N9
T: (780) 800-4920
E: edmonton@lasercity.ca www.lasercity.ca/edmonton
Latitude 53 Society of Artists
10130 100 Street
Edmonton, AB T5J 0N8
T: (780) 423-5353
E: info@latitude53.org www.latitude53.org
LaunchPad Trampoline ParkSouthside
6142 50 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6B 2N7
T: (780) 468-3161
E: info@launchpadtrampoline.com www.launchpadtrampoline.com
LaunchPad Trampoline ParkWestside
10442 184 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5S 0K3
T: (780) 760-JUMP (5867)
E: contact@launchpadtrampoline.com www.launchpadtrampoline.com
Leduc Heritage Grain Elevator
5209 47 Street
Leduc, AB T9E 7K7
T: (780) 980-7170
Legislative Assembly of Alberta 9820 107 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5K 1E7
T: (780) 427-7362
E: visitorinfo@assembly.ab.ca www.assembly.ab.ca
Lloydminster Museum & Archives
4207 44 Street
Lloydminster, SK S9V 2H1
T: (780) 874-3720
E: info@lloydminster.ca www.lloydminster.ca/lcsc
Maclab Centre for the Performing Arts
4308 50 Street
Leduc, AB T9E 6K8
T: (780) 980-7170
E: maclabcentre@leduc.ca
Meadows Community Recreation Centre
2704 17 Street
Edmonton, AB T6T 1H9
T: 311
www.edmonton.ca/activities_parks_ recreation/meadows
Medicine River Wildlife Centre
Box 115
Spruce View, AB T0M 1V0
T: (403) 728-3467
E: info@mrwc.ca www.medicineriverwildlifecentre.ca
Michener House Museum & Gardens
5036 51 Street
Lacombe, AB T4L 1W2
T: (403) 782-3933
E: info@lacombemuseum.com www.lacombemuseum.com

Goldeye Centre is a year-round outdoor education centre located just west of Nordegg in the Rocky Mountains, on beautiful Goldeye Lake. We are available for school and youth group bookings of all ages, with a wide range of programming options to choose from provided by our highly certified and trained staff.

Low and High Ropes Courses
Wilderness & Survival Skills
Interpretive Hiking
Initiative Tasks
Winter Specific Activities:
Winter Hiking
Cross Country Skiing
Wild Ice Skating
Abraham Lake Ice
Hostel-style Accommodations
Hotel Rooms
Single & Group Cabins
Indoor Dining Halls
Indoor Gymnasium
Outdoor Playing Field
Meeting & Learning spaces
Outdoor Fire Pits
Private dock

Who we are
Our outdoor education facility provides school and youth groups an inclusive, holistic and enriching experience that fosters personal development while promoting a lifelong love for outdoor adventure. Our programs focus on building the next generation of community leaders as participants take on new challenges and achieve goals, leading to increased self-confidence and resilience.
Year-round programming
We are available for booking in all seasons! From lake canoeing, orienteering and our high ropes course in summer to snowshoeing, cross country skiing and skating in winter, we have a wide range of programming options to suit groups of all ages and levels and can assist you to meet Alberta Curriculum outcomes. Our programming team is made up of qualified educators and certified guides that specialize in the delivery of outdoor education programs, and have a minimum of a 40 hr Wilderness First Aid. Email us at reservations@goldeye.org to create a custom program for your group.
Our facility
Our facility is comprised of a variety of accommodations including bunkhouses, hostel-style rooms, hotel rooms, as well as single and group cabins. We can accommodate up to 120 people. Also on site are two indoor dining halls, an indoor gymnasium, an outdoor playing field, several meeting & learning spaces and of course, our private dock right on Goldeye Lake.

Our programs typically include a full meal service, as well as snacks throughout the day. You will not go hungry during a stay at Goldeye! We do our best to accommodate special dietary requirements.

“The gravity-defying stunts performed are truly breathtaking and a joy to watch.” – The Stage
Backed by the driving rhythm of a live percussionist, seven acrobats push their physical limits again and again without reserve.

An annual Festival favourite, St. Albert Children’s Theatre brings fun and popular musicals to life for children of all ages to enjoy!
Additional 2025 performances coming soon!
Early access tickets go on sale January 29, 2025! Join our mailing list at childfest.com

“Our Festival experience was so fun! We appreciated the School Liason’s help planning our school trip to make it work best for us and our timing. The knowledge of the volunteers, the friendly atmosphere, the vast amount of open space for us to eat and have some downtime to play between activities and the convenient drop-off and pick-up spots were fantastic!”
– Evansview School
Curriculum Connected Programming Don’t forget to book time for engaging and creative paid activities: • visual arts
cultural exploration • storytelling and literary art • Indigenous views, culture and tradition • and more!
Mark your calendar for the best field trip of the year!
Millet and District Museum, and Archives and Visitor Information Centre
5120 50 Street
Millet, AB T0C 1Z0
T: (780) 387-5558
E: info@milletmuseum.ca www.milletmuseum.ca
Monster Mini Golf
3414 Gateway Boulevard
Edmonton, AB T6J 6R5
T: (780) 756-5533
E: edmonton@monsterminigolf.com www.monsterminigolf.com
Mountain View Museum & Archives
5038 50 Street, PO Box 3882
Olds, AB T4H 1P6
T: (403) 556-8464
E: mountainviewmuseum@gmail.com www.oldsmuseum.ca
Musée Héritage Museum
St. Albert Place, 5 St. Anne Street
St. Albert, AB T8N 3Z9
T: (780) 459-1528
E: edprogrammermhm@artsandheritage.ca www.artsandheritage.ca
Musée Morinville Museum
10010 101 Street, PO Box 3252
Morinville, AB T8R 1S2
T: (780) 572-5585
E: morinvillemuseum@shaw.ca www.museemorinvillemuseum.com
Muttart Conservatory
9626 96A Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6C 4L8
T: 311
E: artsattractionsbookings@edmonton.ca www.muttartconservatory.ca
North Dance Magic Studio
200, 6731 52 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 4K8
T: (403) 347-9101
E: dancemagicnorth@gmail.com www.reddeerdancemagic.com
Norwegian Laft Hus Society 4402 47 Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 6T4
T: (403) 347-2055
E: norwegianlafthus@gmail.com www.norwegianlafthussociety.ca
Old Strathcona
302, 10314 Whyte Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6E 1Z8
T: (780) 437-4182
E: info@oldstrathcona.ca www.oldstrathcona.ca
Onoway Museum / Heritage Centre & Visitor Information Centre
4708 Lac Ste. Anne Trail North, PO Box 1368 Onoway, AB T0E 1V0
T: (780) 967-1015
E: admin@onowaymuseum.ca www.onowaymuseum.ca
Ortona Gymnastics Club
c/o U of A SCSC, 11610 65 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
T: (780) 492-7300
E: fieldtrips@ortonagymnastics.com www.ortonagymnastics.com
Pioneer Camps of AlbertaPioneer Ranch
403048 Buster Creek Road
Rocky Mountain House, AB T0C 0A0
T: (403) 845-6777
E: ranchinfo@pioneercamps.ab.ca www.pioneercampalberta.ca
Ponoka Ag Society
Box 403
Ponoka, AB T4J 1R5
E: ponokaagsociety4043@gmail.com www.ponokaagsociety.ca
Ponoka Arena Complex
4410 54 Street
Ponoka, AB T4J 1R7
T: (403) 783-0131
E: recreation@ponoka.ca www.ponoka.ca/p/ponoka-arena-complex
Ponoka Aquaplex 5315 46 Avenue
Ponoka, AB T4J 1R7
T: (403) 783-0131
E: recreation@ponoka.ca www.ponoka.ca/p/ponoka-arena-complex
Ponoka Civic Centre and Jubilee Library
5604 50 Street
Ponoka, AB T4J 1G5
T: (403) 783-3843
E: ponokalibrary@prl.ab.ca www.ponokalibrary.com
Ponoka Stampede PO Box 4336
Ponoka, AB T4J 1R7
T: (403) 783-0100
E: stampede@ponokastampede.com www.ponokastampede.com
Prairie Gardens & Adventure Farm
56311 Lily Lake Road
Bon Accord, AB T0A 0K0
T: (780) 921-2272
E: info@prairiegardens.org www.prairiegardens.org
Prime Stock Theatre Company PO Box 21043
Red Deer, AB T4R 2M1
E: info@primestocktheatre.com www.primestocktheatre.com
Rabbit Hill Snow Resort 20715 57 Avenue SW Edmonton, AB T6Y 0J5
T: (780) 955-2440
E: info@rabbithill.com www.rabbithill.com
RAD Torque Raceway
50342 RR 253 - Edmonton International Airport
Leduc County, AB T9E 0V6
T: (780) 461-5801
E: info@radraceway.com www.radraceway.com
Red Deer Museum + Art Gallery 4525 47A Avenue
Red Deer, AB T4N 6Z6
T: (587) 797-4040
E: museum@reddeermuseum.com www.reddeermuseum.com
Red Deer Safety City Society
3030 55 Street
Red Deer, AB T4P 3S6
T: (403) 314-9914
E: safetycity@telusplanet.net www.safetycity.ca
Reynolds - Alberta Museum 6426 40 Avenue
Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 2G1
T: (780) 312-2065
E: reynoldsalbertamuseum@gov.ab.ca www.reynoldsmuseum.ca
Rocky Mountain House Museum
5406 48 Street (Highway 11)
Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1C8
T: (403) 845-2332
E: rmuseum@telusplanet.net www.rockymuseum.com
Rocky Mountain House National Historic Site
Site 127, Comp 6, RR 4
Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 2A4
T: (403) 845-2412
E: rockyinfo@pc.gc.ca www.parks.canada.ca/lhn-nhs/ab/ rockymountain
Royal Alberta Museum
9810 103a Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 0G2
T: (780) 468-6000
E: info.ram@gov.ab.ca www.royalalbertamuseum.ca
Rutherford House Provincial Historic Site
11153 Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton, AB T6G 2S1
T: (780) 427-3995
E: Rutherford.House@gov.ab.ca www.rutherfordhouse.ca
Ryley Museum Society
5103 49 Street
Ryley, AB T0B 4A0
T: (780) 663-3653
E: Admin@Ryley.ca www.ryley.ca/museum
Saville Community Sports Centre 11610 65 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E1
T: (780) 492-1000
E: sportperformance@ualberta.ca www.ualberta.ca/saville-communitysports-centre/
Servus Credit Union Place
400 Campbell Road
St. Albert, AB T8N 0R8
T: (780) 418-6088
E: spquestions@stalbert.ca www.servusplace.ca
Silver Skate Festival
10212 112 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5K 1M4
T: (780) 488-1960
E: office@silverskate.ca www.silverskate.ca
Snow Valley Aerial Park
13204 Rainbow Valley Road, PO Box 21100
Edmonton, AB T6R 2V4
T: (780) 434-3991
E: ski@snowvalley.ca www.snowvalley.ca
Snow Valley Ski Club
13204 Rainbow Valley Road, PO Box 21100
Edmonton, AB T6R 2V4
T: (780) 434-3991
E: ski@snowvalley.ca www.snowvalley.ca
Spruce Grove Grain Elevator Museum
120 Railway Avenue, PO Box 3012
Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3A4
T: (780) 960-4600
E: elevator@sprucegroveagsociety.com www.sprucegroveagsociety.com
St. Albert Botanic Park
265 Sturgeon Road
St. Albert, AB T8N 3S9
T: (780) 458-7163
E: stalbertbotanicpark@gmail.com www.stalbertbotanicpark.com

Most students would say that the best field trips are about having fun, while most teachers feel that fi eld trips should be about education.
So where is the happy medium?
Here at Ortona, we combine fun games, activities and gymnastics circuits to create a field trip that is not only engaging and exciting but also physically challenging and educational for every grade level.
We offer field trips year-round for all grades and for students of all abilities including special needs.
Promoting physical literacy is beneficial for improving academic performance, cognitive skills, mental health, psychological wellness, social skills, and healthy lifestyle habits.
Why choose gymnastics?
Gymnastics helps develop self-esteem, selfdiscipline, self-awareness, and utilizes physical literacy to form the healthy f oundation for an active lifestyle.
Gymnastics is one of the three foundation sports decreed by the International Olympic Committee; and is the ultimate human movement experience.
Ortona Gymnastics Club is a not-for- profit, independent sports organization that was formally incorporated in 1976
As one of the oldest gymnastics clubs in Edmonton with roots stretching back to 1972, Ortona has a long history of community involvement, athlet e development and child/youth sport activity and movement. Ortona is very proud of its legacy in the Edmonton community
We look forward to your participation in gymnastics at our club
You are never too young — or too old — to gain something positive from the sport of gymnastics at Ortona.
Book your field trip today.
Gymnastics for All! Unique
and Exciting!
What you need to provide:
• Schools and groups are responsible for the transportation of their students to and from our facility;
• Each participant’s guardian is required to provide a completed waiver;
• Teacher and parents volunteers welcome with a completed waiver.
Ortona provides the instructors, physical activity, and fun!
Bring your students to experience and enjoy a range of exciting sports, games, and other recreational and fitness activities at one of Canada’s premier universities. We offer multiple sessions to fit each school’s needs within our expanded gym:
• 1 hour of gymnastics and fitness activities
• 1.5 hours of gymnastics and fitness activities
• 2 hours of gymnastics and fitness activities
Please contact us for further program details, pricing, or to book your field trip:
Email: fieldtrips@ortonagymnastics.com
Phone: (780) 492 – 7300 and leave a message for the field trip coordinator.

St. Albert’s Historic River Lots and Grain Elevator Park
4 Meadowview Drive
St. Albert, AB T8N 2R9
T: (780) 459-1528
E: museum@artsandheritage.ca www.artsandheritage.ca
St. Albert Place Visual Arts Council (SAPVAC)
St. Albert Place, 5 St. Anne Street
St. Albert, AB T8N 3Z9
T: (780) 459-1500
E: sapvac@hotmail.com www.sapvac.ca
Stephansson House Provincial Historic Site
2230 TWP Road 371
Red Deer, AB T4G 0M9
T: (403) 728-3929
E: Stephansson.House@gov.ab.ca www.stephanssonhouse.ca

Stone Barn Garden
4613 44 Street
Leduc, AB T9E 4C4
T: (780) 980-7118
Stony Plain and Parkland
Pioneer Museum
5120 41 Avenue
Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1L5
T: (780) 963-1234
E: info@pioneermuseum.ca www.pioneermuseum.ca
Strathcona County Museum and Archives
913 Ash Street
Sherwood Park, AB T8A 2G3
T: (780) 467-8189
E: admin@strathma.ca www.strathma.ca

Strathcona Wilderness Centre
52535 RR 212
Ardrossan, AB T8G 2E9
T: (780) 922-3939
E: swcinfo@strathcona.ca www.strathcona.ca
Sundre Pioneer Village Museum and World of Wildlife Exhibit
211 1 Avenue SW, PO Box 314
Sundre, AB T0M 1X0
T: (403) 638-3233
E: sundremuseum@telus.net www.sundremuseum.com
Sunnybrook Farm Museum
2879 Botterill Crescent
Red Deer, AB T4R 0T9
T: (403) 340-3511
E: sbfs@shaw.ca www.sunnybrookfarmmuseum.ca

Teacher’s Pet Educational Services
11215 180 Street
Edmonton, AB T5S 0B4
T: (780) 434-8224
E: fieldtrips@tpet.ca www.tpet.ca
TD Edmonton International Jazz Festival
10046 116 Street
Edmonton, AB T5K 1V7
T: (780) 990-0222
E: info@edmontonjazz.com www.edmontonjazz.com
Telus World of Science - Edmonton 11211 142 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5M 4A1
T: (780) 451-3344
E: bookings@twose.ca www.telusworldofscienceedmonton.ca
Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre
2051 Leger Road
Edmonton, AB T6R 0R9
T: 311
www.edmonton.ca/activities_parks_ recreation/terwillegar
The Association of Science and Engineering Technology Professionals of Alberta - ASET
1600, 9888 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB T5J 5C6
T: (780) 425-0626
E: asetadmin@aset.ab.ca www.aset.ab.ca
The Carrot Community Arts
Coffee House 9351 118 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5G 0N3
T: (780) 471-1580
E: manager@thecarrot.ca www.thecarrot.ca
The Jungle Farm
28120 Township Road 362
Red Deer, AB T4G 0M7
T: (403) 227-4231
E: info@thejunglefarm.com www.thejunglefarm.com
The Works International Art & Design Festival
10635 95 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 2C3
T: (780) 426-2122
E: theworks@telusplanet.net www.theworks.ab.ca
Tien Lung Taekwon-Do 10744 124 Street
Edmonton, AB T5M 0H1
T: (780) 669-6666
E: info@tienlung.com www.tienlung.com
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K Dino Senses
Tommy Banks Centre
9720 102 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 4B2
T: (780) 428-1414
E: edbookings@winspearcentre.com www.winspearcentre.com/learning
Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village 195041 Highway 16 (50 Km. east of Edmonton)
Lamont County, AB
T: (780) 662-3640
E: uchv@gov.ab.ca www.ukrainianvillage.ca
Ukrainian Pysanka FestivalVegreville Cultural Association 4737 45 Avenue, PO Box 908
Vegreville, AB T9C 1S1
T: (780) 632-2777
E: info@pysankafestival.com www.pysankafestival.com
University of Alberta Botanic Garden
51227 Highway 60 (5 Km north of Devon)
Devon, Parkland County, AB T6G 1X1
T: (780) 492-3050
E: uabg.info@ualberta.ca www.ualberta.ca/botanic-garden/index. html
Vegreville Regional Museum
14413 Highway 16A, PO Box 328
Vegreville, AB T9C 1R3
T: (780) 632-7650
E: info.museum@telus.net www.tourismealberta.ca
Vertically Inclined Rock Gym 8523 Argyll Road
Edmonton, AB T6C 4B2
T: (780) 496-9390
E: climbing@verticallyinclined.com www.verticallyinclined.com
Victoria Settlement Provincial Historic Site (Smoky Lake) 58161 RR 171A
County of Smoky Lake, AB T0A 3C0
T: (780) 656-2333
E: VictoriaSettlement@gov.ab.ca www.victoriasettlement.ca
West Edmonton Mall
8882 170 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5T 4J2
T: (780) 444-5321
E: guestservices@wem.ca www.wem.ca
Westerner Days Fair & Exposition
4847A 19 Street
Red Deer, AB T4R 2N7
T: (403) 343-7800
E: askus@westernerpark.ca www.westernerdays.ca
Westlock Pioneer Museum 10216 100 Street, PO Box 5806
Westlock, AB T7P 2P6
T: (780) 349-4444
E: westlockmuseum@yahoo.ca www.westlockmuseum.com
Wetaskiwin District Heritage Museum Centre 5007 50 Avenue
Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 0S3
T: (780) 352-0227
E: wdhm@persona.ca www.wetaskiwinmuseum.com
Wild Mountain Music Festival PO Box 5170
Hinton, AB T7V 1X4
E: wildmountainmusicfest@gmail.com www.wildmtnmusic.ca
Winspear Centre 9720 102 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5J 4B2
T: (780) 428-1414
E: edbookings@winspearcentre.com www.winspearcentre.com/learning
World Famous Gopher Hole Museum
208 1 Street S
Torrington, AB T0M 2B0
T: (403) 631-2133 www.worldfamousgopherholemuseum.ca
YMCA Health Fitness & Recreation Centre - Don Wheaton 10211 102 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 0A5
T: (780) 452-YMCA (9622)
E: contactcentre@northernalberta.ymca.ca www.ymcanab.ca
YMCA Health Fitness & Recreation Centre - Boyle Street Plaza 9538 103A Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5H 0J3
T: (780) 426-9265
E: contactcentre@northernalberta.ymca.ca www.ymcanab.ca
YMCA Health Fitness & Recreation Centre - Castle Downs 11510 153 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5X 6A3
T: (780) 476-YMCA (9622)
E: contactcentre@northernalberta.ymca.ca www.ymcanab.ca
YMCA Health Fitness & Recreation Centre - Jamie Platz 7121 178 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5T 5T9
T: (780) 481-YMCA (9622)
E: contactcentre@northernalberta.ymca.ca www.ymcanab.ca
YMCA Health Fitness & Recreation Centre - William Lutsky 1975 111 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T6J 7C6
T: (780) 439-YMCA (9622)
E: contactcentre@northernalberta.ymca.ca www.ymcanab.ca
YMCA of Northern Alberta - Bill Rees 10315 109 Street
Edmonton, AB T5J 1N3
T: (780) 429-YMCA (9622)
E: contactcentre@northernalberta.ymca.ca www.ymcanab.ca

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Bring Marine Life to your classroom with a variety of curriculum-based programs!
Reptiles are fascinating creatures and play an important role in the world’s ecosystem. Our intereactive program will teach you all about them!
Our unique, hands-on program is all about our marine invertebrates. Bring the ocean to your students and have them experience it by seeing, smelling, and touching! SPINELESS

Learn about African penguins from our Marine Life staff and see the African penguin right in your classroom.

Galaxyland, the world’s largest indoor amusement park, is a 400,000-square-foot sensation with excitement around every corner. With more than 24 thrilling rides and attractions, it’s a spectacular place to set learning in motion!
Students can solve a variety of problems, helping them to understand the physics behind their favourite rides and attractions at Galaxyland. This program lasts approximately 2 hours, and students can enjoy the rides once they have completed their worksheets.
Topics include: Acceleration | Gravity | Force of friction | Centripetal force | G-Force | Gravitational potential energy | Kinetic energy
MATH 101
World Waterpark is five acres of wet, wild, and wonderful fun, where the temperature is always a balmy 31 C. With more than 17 waterslides and play features, it is the perfect place to enhance classroom learning. Students can solve a variety of problems, helping them to understand the math behind their favourite slides and attractions at World Waterpark. This program lasts approximately 2 hours, and students can enjoy the slides once they have completed their worksheets.
Topics include: General problem solving | Rates, ratios, proportions and percentages | Units of measure | Trigonometric ratio | Linear scale factor | Polynomial expressions and equation solving | Area and volume slope | Circle properties

Alternative Adventures - Jasper Hinton Zipline
50122 Highway 16 West, PO Box 5028
Hinton, AB T7V 1X3
T: (780) 817-9696
E: darrelbossert@mail.com www.alternativeadventures.ca
Art Gallery of St. Albert 19 Perron Street
St. Albert, AB T8N 1E5
T: (780) 460-4310
E: ahfgallery@artsandheritage.ca www.artgalleryofstalbert.ca
Arts and Heritage St. Albert 200, 20 Perron Street
St. Albert, AB T8N 1E4
T: (780) 459-1194
E: office@artsandheritage.ca www.artsandheritage.ca
Athabasca Regional MultiplexFitness & Aquatic Centre
2 University Drive
Athabasca, AB T9S 0A3
T: (780) 675-2967
E: multiplexinfo@athabasca.ca www.athabascamultiplex.ca
Athabasca Heritage Society 4705 49 Street
Athabasca, AB T9S 1B7
T: (780) 675-2063
E: town@athabasca.ca www.athabascaheritage.ca
Athabasca Portage Pool 9531 94 Avenue
Lac La Biche, AB T0A 2C0
T: (780) 623-6777
E: poolstaff@laclabichecounty.com www.boldcenter.ca/portage pool
Bold Center Recreation Facility 100, 8702 91 Avenue
Lac La Biche, AB T0A 2C0
T: (780) 623-3829
E: info@boldcenter.ca www.boldcenter.ca
Bonnyville Pro Rodeo and Chuckwagon Racing
4201 55 Street, Box 6767
Bonnyville, AB T9H 2H2
T: (780) 826-3240
E: admin@bonnyvilleagsociety www.bonnyvilleagsociety.com
Bonnyville and District Centennial Centre
4313 50 Avenue
Bonnyville, AB T9N 0B4
T: (780) 812-3400
Bonnyville and District Museum
4401 54 Avenue, PO Box 6995
Bonnyville, AB T9N 2H4
T: (780) 826-4925
Canadian Tractor Museum 9704 96 Avenue, PO Box 5414
Westlock, AB T7P 2P5
T: (780) 349-3353
E: canadiantractormuseum@telus.net www.canadiantractormuseum.ca
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Alberta
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Cold Lake Air Show 2024
Canadian Forces Base Cold Lake
Cold Lake, AB T0A 0T0
T: (780) 594-3546
Cold Lake Energy Centre
7825 51 Street
Cold Lake, AB T9M 0B6
T: (780) 639-6400
E: energycentre@coldlake.com www.coldlake.com/en/play/energy-centre. aspx
Cold Lake Museums
3699 69 Avenue
Cold Lake, AB T9M 0B5
T: (780) 594-3546
E: info@coldlakemuseums.org www.coldlakemuseums.org
Col. J.J. Parr Sports Centre
720 Kingsway
Cold Lake, AB T9M 2C6
T: (780) 840-8000
EC Bar Ranch Adventures 74342 RR 165
High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0
T: (780) 523-0242
E: info@ecbarranch.ca www.ecbarranch.ca
Edmonton Public Schools Archives & Museum - McKay Avenue School 10425 99 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB T5K 0E5
T: (780) 422-1970
E: archivesmuseum@epsb.ca www.archivesmuseum.epsb.ca
Father Lacombe Chapel
2 St. Vital Avenue
St. Albert, AB
T: (780) 459-1528
E: museum@artsandheritage.ca www.fatherlacombechapel.ca
Fort George and Buckingham House
Provincial Historic Site 6015 TWP Road 565
County of St. Paul, AB T0A 3A4
T: (780) 724-2611
E: fort.george@gov.ab.ca www.fortgeorgebuckinghamhouse.ca
Fort Heritage Precinct
10006 100 Avenue
Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 0J3
T: (780) 998-1783
E: museum@fortsask.ca www.fortheritageprecinct.ca
Fort McMurray Heritage Park
1 Tolen Drive
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1G7
T: (780) 791-7575
E: programs@fmheritage.com www.fmheritage.com
Fort McMurray Marine Park
8405 Prairie Loop Boulevard
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1Y6
T: (780) 791-7575
E: programs@fmheritage.com www.fmheritage.com
Fun Park Amusement Centre
101, 10101 118 Street
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 3X9
T: (780) 830-4146
E: managergp@funparkcanada.ca www.funparkcanada.ca
Golden Arrow Motor Coaches
20204 111 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5S 2G8
T: (780) 447-1538
E: coachcharters@gabuses.com www.goldenarrowbuses.com
Grande Prairie Museum and Heritage Village
Muskoseepi Park - 10329 101 Avenue
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0Y8
T: (780) 830-7090
E: culture@cityofgp.com www.cityofgp.com
Grande Prairie Stompede
Evergreen Park - 55051 Township Road 710
Grande Prairie, AB T8X 4A3
T: (780) 532-4646
E: office@gpstompede.com www.gpstompede.com
Heritage Discovery Centre
Lower Level Centre 2000, 11330 106 Street
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 7X9
T: (780) 513-0240
E: info@centre2000.ca www.centre2000.ca
Historic Dunvegan Provincial Park
PO Box 2269, 10209 109 Street
Fairview, AB T0H 1L0
T: (780) 835-7150
E: Historic.Dunvegan@gov.ab.ca www.historicdunvegan.ca
Kinosoo Performing Arts Association
Cold lake, AB
T: (780) 639-1645
E: williey4@hotmail.com www.kinosooperformingarts.ca
Kinosoo Ridge Aerial Adventure Park
63231 RR 411
Cold Lake, AB T9M 0A1
T: (780) 594-5564
E: info@kinosoo.ca www.kinosoo.ca/227/Aerial-AdventurePark
La Crete Mennonite Heritage Village Box 791
La Crete, AB T0H 2H0
T: (780) 928-4447
E: lacretemuseum@gmail.com www.lacretemuseum.weebly.com
Lac La Biche County Sports Hall of Fame
100 8702 91 Avenue
Lac La Biche, AB T0A 2C0
T: (780) 623-3829
E: info@boldcenter.ca www.boldcenter.ca
Lac La Biche MissionNational Historic Site of Canada 67453 Mission Road, Site 640, Comp 2, RR 2
Lac La Biche, AB T0A 2C2
T: (780) 623-3274
E: llbhs@mcsnet.ca www.LacLaBicheMission.com
Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory Box 1076
Slave Lake, AB T0G 2A0
T: (780) 849-8240
E: info@lslbo.org www.lslbo.org
Little White School
2 Madonna Drive
St. Albert, AB T8N 2M2
T: (780) 459-4404
E: museum@artsandheritage.ca www.artsandheritage.ca
Marina Bowling Centre 904 7 Avenue
Cold Lake, AB T9M 1B1
T: (780) 639-2950
Mason Watt Memorial Raceway 6901 16 Street
Cold Lake, AB T9M 1P3
T: (780) 747-2602
E: coldlakemx@gmail.com www.coldlakemx.ca
Musée Héritage Museum
St. Albert Place, 5 St. Anne Street
St. Albert, AB T8N 3Z9
T: (780) 459-1528
E: edprogrammermhm@artsandheritage.ca www.artsandheritage.ca
Muskoseepi Park 10329 101 Avenue
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0Y8
T: (780) 830-7090
E: culture@cityofgp.com www.cityofgp.com
Native Cultural Arts MuseumNorthern Lakes College
64 Mission Street
Grouard, AB T0G 1E0
T: (780) 751-3200
E: museum@northernlakescollege.ca www.Northernlakescollege.ca
Oil Sands Discovery Centre
515 MacKenzie Boulevard
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4X3
T: (780) 743-7167
E: osdc.education@gov.ab.ca www.oilsandsdiscovery.ca
Onoway Museum / Heritage Centre & Visitor Information Centre
Box 1368, 4708 Lac Ste. Anne Trail N
Onoway, AB T0E 1V0
T: (780) 967-1015
E: admin@onowaymuseum.ca www.onowaymuseum.ca
Pandora’s Locks Escape Room
212, 4910 50 Avenue
Cold Lake, AB T9M 0G1
T: (780) 594-0237
E: pandoraslockscl@gmail.com www.pandoraslockscoldlake.com
Paradis Valley Honey - Valley Bee Cafe
242009 TWP Road 779
Watino, AB T0H 3R0
T: (866) 624-8175
E: info@paradisvalleyhoney.com www.paradisvalleyhoney.com
Peace River Museum, Archives and MacKenzie Centre
10302 99 Street
Peace River, AB T8S 1K1
T: (780) 624-4261
E: museum@peaceriver.ca www.peaceriver.ca/museum
Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum 9301 112 Avenue
Wembley, AB T0H 3S0
T: (587) 771-0662
E: programsmanager@dinomuseum.ca www.dinomuseum.ca
Reverend Forbes Homestead and Pioneer Hospital 10424 96 Street
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 1Z9
T: (780) 830-7090
E: culture@cityofgp.com www.cityofgp.com
Rocky Meadows Country GetawayMini Golf Township Road 624
Bonnyville, AB T9M 1P1
T: (780) 826-6053
E: info@rockymeadows.net www.rockymeadows.net
South Bear Creek Park 6125 100 Street
Grande Prairie, AB T8W 2Y1
T: (780) 357-8700
E: southbear@cityofgp.com www.cityofgp.com
South Peace Regional Archives
Muskoseepi Park - 10329 101 Avenue
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0Y8
T: (780) 830-5105
E: info@southpeacearchives.org www.southpeacearchives.org

St. Albert’s Historic River Lots and Grain Elevator Park
4 Meadowview Drive
St. Albert, AB T8N 2R9
T: (780) 459-1528
E: museum@artsandheritage.ca www.artsandheritage.ca
St. Albert Place Visual Arts Council (SAPVAC)
St. Albert Place, 5 St. Anne Street
St. Albert, AB T8N 3Z9
T: (780) 459-1500
E: sapvac@hotmail.com www.sapvac.ca
Stony Plain and Parkland Pioneer Museum 5120 41 Avenue
Stony Plain, AB T7Z 1L5
T: (780) 963-1234
E: info@pioneermuseum.ca www.pioneermuseum.ca
Telus World of Science - Edmonton
11211 142nd Street NW Edmonton, AB T5M 4A1
T: (780) 451-3344
E: bookings@twose.ca www.telusworldofscienceedmonton.ca
The Magnificent River Rats Festival Box 1440
Athabasca, AB T9S 2B3
E: mrrfestival@gmail.com www.riverratsfestival.com
Thrill Hill Disc Golf Course 102 Street and 88 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0Y8
T: (780) 830-7090 www.gpdiscgolf.ca
University of Alberta Botanic Garden 51227 Highway 60 (5 km north of Devon)
Devon, Parkland County, AB T6G 1X1
T: (780) 492-3050
E: uabg.info@ualberta.ca www.ualberta.ca/botanic-garden/index.html
Wild Mountain Music Festival PO Box 5170
Hinton, AB T7V 1X4
E: wildmountainmusicfest@gmail.com www.wildmtnmusic.ca
Ye Olde MacLean Hobby Farm 45015 Township Road 613
Bonnyville, AB T9N 2H2
T: (780) 826-4723
E: m.maclean1958@gmail.com www.facebook.com/
YMCA of Northern AlbertaFort McMurray - Eagle Ridge Community Centre
2, 301 Sparrow Hawk Drive
Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0P1
T: (780) 743-9600
E: contactcentre@northernalberta.ymca.ca www.northernalberta.ymca.ca
YMCA of Northern AlbertaGrande Prairie 200, 10006 101 Avenue
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0Y1
T: (780) 539-YMCA (9622) www.northernalberta.ymca.ca

Alternative Adventures - Jasper
Hinton Zipline
50122 Highway 16 W, PO Box 5028
Hinton, AB T7V 1X3
T: (780) 817-9696
E: darrelbossert@mail.com
Banff Gondola
1 Mountain Avenue
Banff, AB T1L 1B2
T: (866) 756-1904
Banff Mountain Film & Book Festival
107 Tunnel Mountain Drive, PO Box 1020
Banff, AB T1L 1H5
T: (403) 762-6100
E: banffmountainfestival@banffcentre.ca www.banffcentre.ca
Banff National Park
SnowDays Festival
224 Banff Avenue
Banff, AB T1L 1B3
T: (403) 762-8421
E: info@banfflakelouise.com www.banfflakelouise.com

Banff Mt. Norquay
2 Mt. Norquay Road
Banff, AB T1L 1B4
T: (844) Norquay (667-7829)
E: info@banffnorquay.com www.banffnorquay.com
Banff Park Museum National Historic Site
91 Banff Avenue
Banff, AB T1L 1K2
T: (403) 762-1558
E: caveandbasin@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/ab/banff
Boundary Ranch
2 Guinn’s Road, PO Box 44
Kananaskis, AB T0L 2H0
T: (403) 591-7171
E: info@boundaryranch.com www.boundaryranch.com
Buffalo Nations Luxton Museum
1 Birch Avenue
Banff, AB T1L 0C0
T: (403) 762-2388
E: info@buffalonationsmuseum.com www.buffalonationsmuseum.com
Canadian Wilderness School & Expeditions - C.W.S.X
42 Lac Des Arcs Drive
Lac Des Arcs, AB T1W 2W3
T: (780) 695-5141
E: tours@cwexpeditions.ca www.cwexpeditions.net
Canmore Cave Tours
202 129 Bow Meadows Crescent
Canmore, AB T1W 2W8
T: (403) 678-8819
E: info@canmorecavetours.com www.canmorecavetours.com
Canmore Civic Centre
902 7 Avenue
Canmore, AB T1W 3K1
T: (403) 678-1500 www.canmore.ca
Canmore Folk Music Festival
2B 110 Kananaskis Way
Canmore, AB T1W 2X2
T: (403) 678-2524
E: info@canmorefolkfestival.com www.canmorefolkfestival.com
Canmore Museum and Geoscience Centre
902B 7 Avenue
Canmore, AB T1W 0C1
T: (403) 678-2462
E: info@canmoremuseum.com www.canmoremuseum.com
Canmore Nordic Centre
Provincial Park
1988 Olympic Way
Canmore, AB T1W 2T6
T: (403) 678-2400
E: Canmore.NordicCentre@gov.ab.ca www.albertaparks.ca/parks/kananaskis/ canmore-nordic-centre-pp
Canmore Recreation Centre
1900 8 Avenue
Canmore, AB T1W 1Y2
T: (403) 678-1878
E: facilitybookings@canmore.ca www.canmore.ca
Canmore Visitor Information Centre
2801 Bow Valley Trail
Canmore, AB T1W 3A2
T: (403) 678-5277
E: localexpert@explorecanmore.ca www.explorecanmore.ca
Cave and Basin National Historic Site
311 Cave Avenue
Banff, AB T1L 1K2
T: (403) 762-1566
E: caveandbasin@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/ab/ caveandbasin
Columbia Icefield Skywalk Highway 93
Icefields Parkway, AB T1L 1J3
T: (866) 606-6700 www.banffjaspercollection.com
Dark Sky Guides Ltd. PO Box 56
Waterton Park, AB T0K 2M0
E: info@darkskyguides.ca www.darkskyguides.ca
Douglas Fir Resort and Chalets
525 Tunnel Mountain Road
Banff, AB T1L 1B2
T: (403) 762-5591
E: info@douglasfir.com www.douglasfir.com
Elevation Place
700 Railway Avenue
Canmore, AB T1W 1P4
T: (403) 678-8920
E: elevation@canmore.ca www.elevationplace.ca
Get Outside Adventures
14, 1119 Railway Avenue
Canmore, AB T1W 1R4
T: (780) 722-2589
E: info@getoutsideadventures.ca www.getoutsideadventures.ca
Indeygo Fundraising PO Box 8346
Canmore, AB T1W 2V1
T: (877) 463-3946
E: info@indeygo.com www.indeygo.com
Jasper Adventure Centre
611 Patricia Street
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-4056
E: jasperadventurecentre@gmail.com www.jasperadventurecentre.com
Jasper Dark Sky Preserve & Festival
Tourism Jasper, 500 Connaught Drive
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-6236
E: inquiries@jasper.travel www.jasperdarkskyfest.com
Jasper Fitness and Aquatic Centre
305 Bonhomme Street
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-3663
E: aquatic@jasper-alberta.ca www.jasper-alberta.com
Jasper Heritage Firehall
411 Patricia Street
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0 www.pc.gc.ca
Jasper Municipal Library
500 Robson Street
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-3652
E: jasperlibrary@town.jasper.ab.ca www.jasperlibrary.ab.ca
Jasper National Park PO Box 10
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-6176
E: jasperinfo@pc.gc.ca www.parks.canada.ca/pn-np/ab/jasper
Jasper National Park Icefield Information Centre and Glacial Gallery
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (877) 423-7433
E: jasperinfo@pc.gc.ca www.parks.canada.ca/pn-np/ab/jasper
Jasper Planetarium 1 Old Lodge Road
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 931-3275
E: info@jasperplanetarium.com www.jasperplanetarium.com
Jasper Raft Tours
611 Patricia Street
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-BOOK (2665)
E: info@jasperrafttours.com www.jasperrafttours.com
Jasper SkyTram PO Box 1198
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-3093
E: res@jasperskytram.com www.jasperskytram.com
Jasper Park Information Centre National Historic Site
500 Connaught Drive
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-6236
E: jasperinfo@pc.gc.ca www.parks.canada.ca/lhn-nhs/ab/ jasperinformation
Jasper Tour Company Box 1267
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-7070
E: info@jaspertourcompany.com www.jaspertourcompany.com
Jasper Park Two Brothers Totem Pole
416 Connaught Drive
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-6245 www.parks.canada.ca
Jasper Visitor Experience Centre
414 Patricia Street
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 820-1006
E: inquiries@jasper.travel www.jasper.travel
Jasper Yellowhead Museum and Archive
400 Bonhomme Street, PO Box 42
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-3013
E: manager@jaspermuseum.org www.jaspermuseum.org
Jasper’s Whitewater Rafting Ltd.
618 Connaught Drive
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-7238
E: raftingjasper@telus.net www.whitewaterraftingjasper.com
Kananaskis Outfitters
1, 279 Mt. Sparrowhawk Crescent Kananaskis, AB T0L 2H0
T: (587) 850-3394
E: info@kananaskisoutfitters.com www.kananaskisoutfitters.com
Lake Louise Fall Festival
PO Box 1298
Banff, AB T1L 1B3
T: (403) 762-8421
E: info@banfflakelouise.com www.banfflakelouise.com/events
Lake Louise Ski Resort & Summer Gondola
1 Whitehorn Road
Lake Louise, AB T0L 1E0
T: (877) 9-Louise (956-8473)
E: info@skilouise.com www.skilouise.com
Lake Minnewanka Cruise
Minnewanka Loop Drive
Banff, AB T1L 1J3
T: (866) 474-4766
Maligne Lake Cruise Maligne Lake Road
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (888) 900-6272
E: maligne@malignelake.com www.banffjaspercollection.com
Marmot Basin
1 Marmot Road, PO Box 1300 Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-3816
E: info@skimarmot.com www.skimarmot.com
Miette Hot Springs
61 km east of Jasper Improvement District No. 12 AB T0E 0E0
E: information@pc.gc.ca www.hotsprings.ca
Mt. Norquay Ski Resort
2 Mt. Norquay Road
Banff, AB T1L 1B4
T: (844) Norquay (667-7829)
E: info@banffnorquay.com www.banffnorquay.com
Northern Lights Wolf Centre
1745 Short Road
Golden, BC V0A 1H1
T: (250) 344-6798
E: info@northernlightswildlife.com www.northernlightswildlife.com
NWMP Barracks
609 8 Street
Canmore, AB T1W 2B1
T: (403) 678-1955
E: info@canmoremuseum.com www.canmoremuseum.com
Rocky Mountain River Guides Ltd. 618 Connaught Drive
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-3777
E: info@rmriverguides.com www.rmriverguides.com
Sunshine Village Ski & Snowboard Resort
1 Sunshine Village Access Road
Edgewater, AB T1L 1J5
T: (403) 705-4000
E: reservations@skibanff.com www.skibanff.com
The Palisades Stewardship Education Centre
Jasper National Park of Canada, PO Box 10 Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-6192
E: centrepalisades@pc.gc.ca www.thepalisadescentre.gypsd.ca
Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies
111 Bear Street, Box 160
Banff, AB T1L 1A3
T: (403) 762-2291
E: Info@whyte.org www.whyte.org
Wild Blue Yonder Adventure Tours Ltd. 11113 Hoppe Avenue
Grand Cache, AB T0E 0Y0
T: (877) 945-3786
E: fun@wildblueyonder.ca www.wildblueyonder.ca
Wild Mountain Music Festival PO Box 5170
Hinton, AB T7V 1X4
E: wildmountainmusicfest@gmail.com www.wildmtnmusic.ca
William A. Switzer Provincial Park and Visitor Centre
3rd Floor Government Centre, 131 Civic Centre Road
Hinton, AB T7V 2E6
T: (780) 865-5600
E: scott.sunderwald@gov.ab.ca www.albertaparks.ca
Yamnuska Mountain Adventures
200, 50 Lincoln Park
Canmore, AB T1W 3E9
T: (403) 678-4164
E: info@yamnuska.com www.yamnuska.com

OUR AIM IS SIMPLE: to create the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the energizing power of nature. All you need are the right tools and a little bit of guidance. That’s where we come in!
Why join our Hiking, Backpacking, or Snowshoeing tour?
• Learn about the rich history of the area and elevate your experience.
• Maximize your safety and enjoyment by hiking with a professional.
• Are you new to the outdoors? Learn from an expert.
• Remove the stress and simply enjoy the experience. We will plan the adventure!
• Challenge yourself in a safe environment and ask questions.
• We love sharing our extensive knowledge, and it shows!
We see a future filled with adventure, community support, and a whole lot of laughter. We want to see more women outside in leadership roles, inspiring other women to do the same. We believe it is our responsibility as locals, leaders, and adventurers to maintain an active social conscience. We are committed to supporting the outstanding community around us. We hope you will feel the same!
Guided Hiking, Backpacking, & Snowshoeing in the Canadian Rockies and Beyond…
Adventure Bus
494, 9768 170 Street
Edmonton, AB T5T 5L4
T: (780) 700-8287
E: info@adventurebuskids.com
Brewster Transportation Centre
100 Gopher Street
Banff, AB T1L 1J3
T: (403) 760-6944
Cunningham Transport Ltd.
26024 Meadowview Drive
Sturgeon County, AB T8T 0K8
T: (780) 458-3255
E: info@cunninghamtransport.ca www.cunninghamtransport.ca
First Student - Charter Bus Rental
4833 6 Street NE
Calgary, AB T2E 3Z8
T: (403) 531-3939
First Student - Charter Bus Rental
2 East Lake Circle
Airdrie, AB T4A 2K1
T: (403) 948-1180
First Student - Charter Bus Rental
11456 97 Avenue
Grand Prairie, AB T8V 5Z5
T: (780) 532-3545
First Student - Charter Bus Rental
87 Slater Road
Strathmore, AB T1P 1R8
T: (403) 901-0609
First Student - Charter Bus Rental
10401 75 Street
Peace River, AB T8S 1R2
T: (780) 624-3538
First Student - Charter Bus Rental
6304B 52 Street
Taber, AB T1G 1J7
T: (403) 223-5670
First Student - Charter Bus Rental
921 Davidson Avenue
Pincher Creek, AB T0K 1W0
T: (403) 627-3060
First Student - Charter Bus Rental
16105 66 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5Y 0H7
T: (780) 377-2244
First Student - Charter Bus Rental
4934 48 Avenue
Rimbey, AB T0C 2J0
T: (403) 843-6161
First Student - Charter Bus Rental
3531 37 Avenue
Whitecourt, AB T7S 0C3
T: (780) 778-2850
Golden Arrow Motor Coaches
20204 111 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5S 2G8
T: (780) 447-1538
E: coachcharters@gabuses.com www.goldenarrowbuses.com
Jasper Tour Company
Box 1267
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-7070
E: info@jaspertourcompany.com www.jaspertourcompany.com
National Motor Coach Systems Ltd.
3606 50 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2B 2M7
T: (403) 240-1992
E: charter@nationalmotorcoach.com www.nationalmotorcoach.com
National Motor Coach Systems Ltd.
103 Owl Street
Banff, AB T1L 1C2
T: (866) 240-1999
E: charter@nationalmotorcoach.com www.nationalmotorcoach.com
Open Top Touring
100 Gopher Street
Banff, AB T1L 1J3
T: (877) 258-6877
E: info@banffjaspercollection.com www.banffjaspercollection.com
Southland Transportation Ltd.
823 Highfield Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 4C7
T: (403) 287-1395
Southland Transportation Ltd.
4105 13A Street SE
Calgary, AB T2G 3J6
T: (403) 253-9322
Southland Transportation Ltd.
216 Griffin Road
Cochrane, AB T4C 1C6
T: (403) 932-7100
Southland Transportation Ltd.
13503 149 Street
Edmonton, AB T6V 1M1
T: (780) 455-8222
Southland Transportation Ltd.
1210 31 Street N
Lethbridge, AB T1H 5J8
T: (587) 425-4245
Southland Transportation Ltd.
3314 17 Avenue SW
Medicine Hat, AB T1B 4B2
T: (403) 526-4655
Southland Transportation Ltd.
117 Stockton Point, Box 735
Okotoks, AB T1S 2C3
T: (403) 938-3966
Southland Transportation Ltd.
501 Serviceberry Trail
Rockyford, AB T0J 2R0
T: (403) 533-3959
Sparksman Transportation Ltd.
661001 Range Road 225
Athabasca, AB
T: (780) 675-8835
Sparksman Transportation Ltd.
8030 Golosky Avenue
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1V5
T: (780) 790-3960
Stock Transportation
7032 Farrell Road SE
Calgary, AB T2H 0T2
T: (587) 403-3191
Stock Transportation
26955 Ellis Road
Acheson, AB T7X 6N3
T: (780) 960-0753
Sundog Tours & Transportation Ltd.
611 Patricia Street
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-4056
E: info@sundogtours.com www.sundogtours.com
Sundog Tours & Transportation Ltd.
607 Connaught Drive
Jasper, AB T0E 1E0
T: (780) 852-4056
E: info@sundogtours.com www.sundogtours.com
Traxx Coachlines
10235 180 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5S 1C1
T: (877) 872-9977
E: sales@traxx.net www.traxx.net
Traxx Coachlines
105, 2874 Kingsview Boulevard
Airdrie, AB T4A 0A9
T: (877) 872-9977
E: sales@traxx.net www.traxx.net

Traxx Coachlines
2450 South Highway Drive SE
Redcliff, AB T0J 2PA
T: (877) 872-9977
E: sales@traxx.net www.traxx.net
Universal Coachline Ltd.
2932 Kingsview Blvd. SE
Airdrie, AB T4A 0C9
T: (403) 948-6788
E: infoab@universalcoach.ca www.universalcoachline.ca

When two-time trampoline gold medal winner Rosie MacLennan was a child, her grandmother had an activity chart at the family cottage and insisted just like at a summer camp that they try a new skill every day. MacLennan and her older brothers Matt and Michael, and older sister Kate, had to prove they could do an activity three times before getting to colour off a square on the chart. Today encouraging young people to be active and try new things can be hard when they are staring down at a screen. It can be even more difficult when the safety of the new activity is questioned.
Trampolines were originally designed in the 1930 as training devices for gymnasts. The uses quickly adapted into several different uses but soon evolved into consumer products as they became more affordable and the backyard trampoline was born.
Trampolines are a great source of aerobic exercise and help develop balance and coordination if used properly, said Dr. Gary Smith, president of the Child Injury Prevention Alliance and spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatrics.
“We really want to encourage people of all ages to be physically active. We just want them to do it in a smart way so they don’t end up decreasing physical activity due to injuries,” said Smith.
It wasn’t until 2002 that the idea allowing kids to jump in a controlled trampoline environment where safety is the focus.
Darren Balderson, the owner operator of Alberta’s first Trampoline Park, LaunchPad Trampoline Park, says the trampolines in his park are specially manufactured for extra stability and endurance. Much greater stability than a typical backyard trampoline. The frames are solid 4 ¾-inch wall steel tubing covered by two inches of high-density foam padding to create give and reduce impact. Backyard trampolines come in a variety of strengths depending on how much the customer is willing to pay. Balderson goes on to say, “Often the padding has worn off these backyard trampolines after a year or two and you’ll have kids jumping 10 feet in the air
with metal framing and springs exposed. Balderson continues, “I can most likely tell you that these backyard trampolines are not getting regularly inspected.”
Trampoline Parks offer the best and safest way for kids to enjoy the feeling of flying in a controlled environment. Since opening in 2013, Launchpad Trampoline Park is proud to have had over 500,000 happy jumpers enjoy the unique feeling of jumping from one trampoline to another to another. Launchpad upholds the safest possible environment and uses the best practices including regular inspections and maintenance of equipment by well trained staff. LaunchPad has dedicated safety coaches to enforce rules and teach proper jumping techniques to kids. There is always a first aid certified staff member to help with any issues. A safety video is provided to inform customer who are new to jumping of the safest ways to navigate the park. Launchpad has the largest foam pit in Canada with foam six feet deep and a bottom layer of high-density foam. It would be impossible for somebody to touch or even find the ground in Launchpad’s massive foam pit.
The safety focus continues as Launchpad has designed their trampolines adjacent to the foam pit with waterfall technology. This technology removes the steel frame of the trampoline on the one side where people jump into the foam pit. There is no metal framing between the trampoline and foam. Not only are all the trampolines in the park double reinforced there is over 15,000 square feet of safety netting under the trampolines. Below each trampoline Installed is a dual layer RocBloc netting that provides secondary fall protection in the event a trampoline mat should fail.
Trampoline parks allow kids to move in a way they have never felt. It expands their mind. Encourages creativity and helps them understand themselves. Rosie MacLennan has said, “The trampoline gym helped me develop confidence. It helped me learn the value of struggle and the opportunities you can have when you face a challenge. It helped give me a positive perspective.”

Our ultimate indoor trampoline park offers high-flying fun for every grade. At LaunchPad, you can tire your kids out by having them literally bounce off the walls so the bus ride will be nice and quiet.
We can cater to your curriculum with our variety of activities and have something for all jumping skill levels!
Our Park Areas include:
• Slack line
• Time Rover Interactive Speed Game
• Climbing Walls
• Orbiter Whiteout Game
• Huge Inflatable Astro Jumpr
With so much to do, LaunchPad Trampoline Park is the ideal venue for your next field trip.
quick and easy booking procedures:
Edmonton Southside: 6142 50th Street 780-468-3161 • info@launchpadtrampoline.com
Edmonton Westside: 10442 184th Street 780-760-5867 • contact@launchpadtrampoline.com
Call and ask to talk to a manager regarding the booking and emailing date and size of group.
Book by email by emailing the date and size of group.
group discount based on the number of jumpers
Additional info about group rates at: www.launchpadtrampoline.com/about/pricing-sessions/
• No Jump Socks required
• Parent/Legal Guardian permission required via online submission or paper form. for more information visit: launchpadtrampoline.com