B.C. Oil & Gas Report 2022/23

Page 22


A Boilermaker working atop the massive LNG tank at Kitimat, securing the 92-metre-wide roof. LNG promises abundant opportunities for B.C.’s energy dector.

Always there for B.C. industry, from the beginning and into the future BY RICHARD MACINTOSH


he Boilermaker trade was

workers construct, repair, and revamp

development provides about 12,000 jobs

instrumental in 1860’s British

the industrial plants, terminals, and

for British Columbians. The industry

Columbia, when the industrial

storage tanks that are at the heart of

will be responsible for $5.1 billion in

revolution roared its way into the

the energy sector. Always sharpening

government revenues (through federal,

province’s economy. By 1890, the trade

our skills and mastering the ever-

provincial, and municipal taxes) over

was organized into the International

evolving tools of the trade, Boilermakers

the next decade and will represent $122

Brotherhood of Boilermakers union, and

are poised to usher in a new period of

billion in economic activity over that

we’ve been building and maintaining

prosperity and innovation in the wake of

same period.

B.C.’s industrial infrastructure ever

the COVID pandemic.

From B.C.’s bountiful reserves comes

We know how vital B.C.’s energy sector

two per cent of Canada’s daily

A key partner in the forward

is to the Canadian economy and to

conventional oil production and a

development of B.C.’s natural resources

the world’s energy needs. Upstream

whopping 32 per cent of its overall

sector, our union’s highly skilled

conventional oil and natural gas

natural gas production. B.C. is a net


22 B.C. OIL & GAS REPORT • 2022/2023

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