Attracting a world-leading LNG project to treaty lands
he Nisga’a Nation, Rockies LNG,
the neighbours of Ksi Lisims LNG to
anticipated to commence in late 2027
and Western LNG have filed
provide meaningful input into how Ksi
or 2028.
the Initial Project Description
Lisims LNG can maximize benefits and
for the Ksi Lisims LNG Natural
minimize impact on the environment
Two natural gas pipeline projects are being evaluated for Ksi Lisims LNG.
Gas Liquefaction and Marine Terminal
and nearby communities.
Project with the Government of British
“Attracting an economic base to the
regulatory approvals following robust
Columbia and the Government of
Both pipeline projects have received
Nass Valley has long been a priority for
environmental assessment processes
the Nisga’a Nation,” says Eva Clayton,
and can connect resources in
Ksi Lisims LNG (pronounced s’lisims),
Nisga’a Nation President. “This is why,
northeastern BC to the proposed project
meaning “from the Nass River” in
for close to a decade, our Nation has
site. The selected natural gas pipeline
the Nisga’a language, is a proposed
worked to attract a world-leading LNG
will be owned and operated by a third
12-million-tonne-per-year liquefied
project to our treaty lands, and why
natural gas (LNG) project at Wil Milit
we are proud to commence the formal regulatory process for our project, Ksi
“Ksi Lisims LNG will provide Canadian
near the Nisga’a village of Gingolx, B.C. Filing the Initial Project Description
Lisims LNG.”
natural gas producers with new access to growing global energy markets,
is part of the ongoing first phase of
The proposed project site is owned by
and importantly, global LNG prices,”
engagement to ensure First Nations,
the Nisga’a Nation and is located within
says Charlotte Raggett, President and
local communities, and the public
Nisga’a treaty lands on the northern tip
CEO of Rockies LNG. “We look forward
can work with the Ksi Lisims LNG
of Pearse Island on the Portland Canal,
to working with the Nisga’a Nation,
proponents as project design is
west of Gingolx, B.C.
other First Nations, governments and
finalized and can provide input to
Ksi Lisims LNG will be designed to
stakeholders as we advance Ksi Lisims
assist the provincial, federal, and
produce up to 12 million tonnes of LNG
Nisga’a governments in scoping
per year and will receive approximately
Ksi Lisims LNG will have one of the
the environmental assessment
1.7 to 2.0 billion cubic feet of natural
lowest unit carbon emissions rates of
process. Early engagement allows
gas per day. Commercial operations are
any large-scale LNG export project in B.C. OIL & GAS REPORT • 2022/2023