17 Northway Ln Latham, NY 12110 833-NY-ALTA-2
4554 West Saile Dr Batavia, NY 14020 833-NY-ALTA-3

17 Northway Ln Latham, NY 12110 833-NY-ALTA-2
4554 West Saile Dr Batavia, NY 14020 833-NY-ALTA-3
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Collins – Collins Asphalt
13870 Taylor Hollow Road Office: 716-532-3371 Fax: 716-532-9000
Freedom 11216 Route 98 Office: 585-496-5244 Fax: 716-492-3962
Springville –
Springville Asphalt 13650 Benz Drive Office: 716-592-3371 Fax: 716-592-7352
Delevan Asphalt
11802 Route 16 Office: 716-492-0250 Fax: 716-492-2013
191 Broadway Road Office: 716-532-2723 Fax: 716-532-9402
South Dayton Country Side Sand & Gravel 8458 Route 62 Office: 716-988-3271 Fax: 716-988-3272
Chaffee 11860 Route 16 Office: 716-496-5111 Fax: 716-496-5059
West Seneca Asphalt 1655 Union Road Office: 716-675-3371 Fax: 716-675-1003
Great Valley 4353 Horton Road Office: 716-945-2103 Fax: 716-945-1279
Irving 12670 Buffalo Road Office: 716-549-0551 Fax: 716-934-3698
Westfield Asphalt 7802 Persons Road Office: 716-793-3371 Fax: 716-793-3372
Steel City Salt 3175 Rt. 5 Lackawanna Office: 716-532-0000 Fax: 716-532-9000
13870 Taylor Hollow Road, Collins, NY | Ph: 716-532-3371
With the COVID-19 pandemic largely behind us, the major challenges we will be facing over the years ahead have come into sharp focus. The labor pool is shrinking. Supply chain is sues and material price increases are not letting up. Historic inflation levels are proving difficult to control. Economic and political disruptions around the world and here in this country are affecting our businesses and daily lives. And our state government is becoming increasingly hostile to business, especially those in construction.
The good news is construction companies face adversity and overcome difficult challenges every day – this is a regular Monday for us! And the best way to stay ahead in times like these is to work together. That is why the Construction Ex change exists. Our board, committees, and staff look forward to working with you to face these challenges.
Speaking of coming together, there were 243 Construction Exchange members and guests in attendance for the annual general membership meeting on Sep tember 21, 2022. We presented the annual report to members, recognized the graduates of our RISE UP initiative, and Ron Raccuia, EVP of Pegula Sports and Entertainment, was there to give an inside look into the Bills’ stadium project. It was great to hear more Bills fan questions than stadium construction questions!
An event to look ahead to is our annual Christmas reception on December 16, 2022 at the Seneca Niagara Casino. This is a great opportunity for the industry to come together over the holiday season while supporting a worthy cause, our Con struction Industry Education Foundation’s “12 Days of Christmas” that raises funds for construction workforce development. We are looking forward to getting back to our pre-pandemic attendance with over 1,000 joining us for the event.
Lastly, be sure to check out all the educational opportunities for members avail able through Construction Exchange University. There are weekly courses on top ics from labor law to blueprint reading and everything in between. Find the calen dar on our website at conexbuff.com/education.
As always, thank you for your membership and support!
Joe Benedict Executive DirectorChairwoman Nicole Savage NW Contracting
Vice Chair Dan Sarzynski Rupp Baase Pfalzgraf Cunningham
Executive Director
Joe Benedict
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & Western New York
Doug Elia Montante Construction
Omar Abdallah
DV Brown and Associates
Michelle Ashby Tipping Point Communications
Kevin Biddle
Mader Construction
Lynne Bona Iroquois Bar
Joseph Brennan Northwest Bank
Brad Buyers County Line Stone
Mercedes Calway
RP Oak Hill Building Company
Lauren Chmielowiec Upstate Rebar/Upstate Steel
George Churakos Mark Cerrone, Inc.
Rob Coppola Lawley Insurance
Kirk Fitscher Gilbane Building Company
Carley Hill CaHill Resources
Susanne Kelley Sienna Environmental Technologies Vince Kirsch Arc Building Partners
Joe Mannarino
Buffalo Construction Consultants
Dave Muskopf MLP Plumbing & Mechanical
Jim Panepinto Pinto Construction
Luis Rodriguez Rodriguez Construction Group
Peter Romano Romano Associates
Sal Sciandra Frey Electric
For the past 37 years, Scott Lawn Yard has established itself as a multi-faceted site construction company offering a wide range of services from land clearing to landscaping and everything in between.
Scott Lawn Yard provides a wide variety of services including earthwork, water and sewer line installation, building foundation preparation, parking lot and roadway construction, landscaping, concrete, asphalt paving, and FEMA disaster response.
Our services are primarily aimed at municipalities, public agencies, developers, and general contractors. From small commercial landscape installations to multi-million dollar full site construction packages Scott Lawn Yard is able to deliver quality service from the groundbreaking to the ribbon cutting.
Franklin D. Simpson* Raymond E. Kelley, Inc. 1988-1989 Pat Casilio* Casilio Companies 1990-1991
George Schlemmer Industrial Power & Lighting 1992
Melvin E. Rupp Jr.* Rupp Rental & Sales 1993-1994 Pat Sullivan Scranton’s Thruway Builders Supplies 1995 Debra Malis Grandview Construction 1996-1997
Jack Dumpert Vanner Insurance Agency
Anthony Picone Picone Construction Corp. 2000-2001
Bill Besecker Lovell Safety Management
Dave Shanley Volland Electric 2004-2005
Lynn Wardour Signal Construction 2006-2007
Michael Modrzynski Allied Mechanical, Inc. 2008-2009
Kelly Besaw Chaimpou Travis Besaw & Kershner, LLP 2010-2011
Michael Tylwalk First Niagara Risk Management
William K. Buscaglia, Jr. DeSpirt Mosaic & Marble Co., Inc. 2014-2015
Joe Dommer Baer & Associates 2016-2017
Gary Bichler RP Oak Hill Building Company 2018-2019
Moira Moldenhauer Dwight Moldenhauer, Inc. 2020-2021 Jim Keefe The Bonadio Group
Thank you to all the members featured in this edition of Building Western New York for your contributions to our community. We are proud of the work you do and of your impact on Western New York!
AmyRae joined the Construction Exchange in July 2022. She is respon sible for recruiting new members and improving member engage ment. Her daily activities include meeting with existing and potential members, overseeing marketing and events, crafting member/indus try communications, and promoting member benefits and service.
AmyRae is a hospitality professional, spending time as a director with Larkin De velopment Group, Rich Products, The Erie County Botanical Gardens, and Uniland Development. She is a 2016 graduate of Leadership Buffalo, and a member of BNSME and The Amherst Chamber of Commerce. She was a member of Construc tion Exchange previously and worked with the previous director to understand the organization.
Outside of the office, she and her husband Eric live in Elmwood Village where they wrangle a house always abuzz with activities with their two children, Eloise and Rex, and a menagerie of pets. In her spare time, she enjoys British procedurals and taking in live music. The best way to reach AmyRae is by mobile at (716) 725-3733 or email at anessa@conexbuff.com. F
The median age of con struction industry workers is 43 years old. In fact, roughly 40 percent of all workers in the industry are 45–64, according to an electrical contractor article by Tom O’Connor published on February 15, 2021. To boot, approximately 41 percent of the
current construction workforce — in cluding many people in management roles — will retire by the year 2031, according to the National Center for Construction Education & Research. These statistics are further intensified by the current disproportion between the industry’s workforce demands and the availability of skilled individuals to
meet said demands. In fact, the con struction industry will need to attract nearly 650,000 additional workers on top of the normal pace of hiring in 2022 to meet the demand for labor, according to a model developed by Associated Builders and Contractors. (ABC article published on February 23, 2022). Given these startling statistics, it becomes clear that the labor short ages plaguing our industry now will be compounded in the coming years. So what can we do now to help improve the industry’s outlook?
Perhaps, embracing the “retired, not expired” philosophy is one simple way we can begin to address the issue. This playfully simply phrase is a call to action for retirees to remain involved and give back to the industry after retirement so it remains a viable and lucrative career path for the generations that follow. Considering the uphill battle our indus try faces, it is, perhaps, more important now than ever before, to begin encour aging and finding ways for retirees to adopt this mantra. So how can retirees give back and stay involved beyond at
tending events and sitting on boards?
Jenn Van Dusen, at jvandusen@conexbuff.com
The first way is to begin sharing their highly developed skillset with the cur rent construction workforce by present ing skill or topic specific seminars at the Construction Exchange of West ern New York’s Construction University (ConEx U). Regardless of the position held or role performed within the in dustry during their tenure, a retiree’s firsthand experiences, knowledge, and expertise is invaluable to the industry and should not be lost upon retire ment. Participating in the educational development of both the businesses and individuals currently working in construction will assist in business growth and prosperity so companies are better equipped to handle industry demands.
Another non-traditional way to re main involved after retirement is to assist in workforce development by engaging with youth and adult career changers to inform and encourage them to consider careers in the skilled trades. Construction is often a misun derstood industry, and those related myths and misconceptions can deter people from choosing construction as a career path, ultimately contributing to the current workforce trends. Pro viding opportunities for individuals to hear personal, anecdotal accounts that dispel these negative perceptions of the industry straight from those who worked in it is integral in building back up the workforce our industry so des perately needs.
If you are currently retired, or plan to retire soon and wish to be “retired, not expired”, please contact the Construc tion Exchange’s workforce and educa tion director, Jenn Van Dusen, at jvan dusen@conexbuff.com to learn more about how you can stay involved. F
There are tenacious, driven women all over the world, but none like the women you will meet in the underrepresented population of the construction industry.
I have been gifted the extreme plea sure and privilege to work closely with several remarkable women right in our region. Although we are on many dif ferent paths, we all have the same mis sion: to grow and succeed in the con struction industry.
With women representing 47 per cent of the workforce overall but less than 11 percent of the construction in dustry, it is still not common to see us
Texas. Sixteen women working in the construction industry founded it in 1953. NAWIC was created as a sup port network for women working in a male-dominated field. Women in Con struction of Fort Worth was so success ful that it gained its national charter in 1955 and officially became the National Association of Women in Construction.
I joined the construction industry a little over four years ago and was sur prised to see the disparity around me. I worked for a very small construction and dumpster company with just a few people and, certainly, no other women. I quickly felt the need to find people that I could relate to, collaborate with,
of NAWIC veteran Jillian Penkin and a small group of empowered women, we resurrected the NAWIC Buffalo Ni agara Chapter with 25 new (and a few original) members. Since then, we have gained an additional 30 members in just 18 months. The member affiliations and backgrounds vary from owners, ex ecutive level leaders, project manag ers, educators, saleswomen, attorneys, and, of course, tradeswomen in the field. These women have joined the or ganization for various reasons, such as business opportunities, mentorships, fresh connections, and to help recruit more women for their companies. The core purpose of our organization is to
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our successes, and to work on growth through a commitment to inclusion for all.
Starting a chapter during a pandem ic was certainly challenging. Much like everyone else, in order to continue to grow, we needed to meet each other, learn from each other, and form friend ships while on a Zoom meeting. We held our chapter installation event via Zoom with over 100 guests joining the
call to watch and support us as we be came an official chapter, NAWIC Buf falo Niagara No. 388.
As soon as it was safe and recom mended, we took to opportunity to hold our events outside with our first general election. It was strange and amazing that this was the first time some of us had met in person, and it was natural and felt like we were back to some sort of normalcy. When you
think about the challenges we have all faced, it is not surprising that we could form this chapter with these bonds during a time in our history that we will never forget.
The success of our chapter has achieved over the past 18 months is just the beginning for us. Not only have we grown in membership, but we have also managed to raise a fair amount of scholarship money. This year we were ecstatic that we had raised enough to award three different $1,500 scholar ships to young women that will be entering the construction field in their continued education.
In addition to that, our chapter hosted its first regional conference in October 2022 right here in Buffalo at the Hyatt Regency. NAWIC members across the northeast will come together to learn, grow, and network over a two-and-ahalf-day conference. It will be our op portunity to showcase our beautiful city and the phenomenal growth we have achieved in our landscape, and to spot light our companies with sponsorships and networking.
I am forever grateful that an organi zation like this in my personal toolbox. As we continue to grow, I encourage anyone interested in meeting, collabo rating, and soaking up the intelligence of the many women that belong to this group to join us at our monthly meet ings, which is on the first Thursday of each month from September to June. Please know, although you must be a fe male to be a member, that anyone can attend a meeting and network with us. We are so thankful for the support of the Construction Exchange of Buffalo and New York and Building Western New York for your commitment to our chapter, our message, and the oppor tunity to reach your followers. We look forward to an exciting year of collabo ration and continued success for all. F
Atop a vacant, aban doned industrial brown field site, Ellicott Sta tion is breathing new life into the area as a mixed-use redevelopment project.
Construction commenced on the project in November 2021, with a slated completion date of June 2023, according to Courtney Samuels-Cox, vice president of development for Sa varino Companies, and Kylie Gordon,
development operations manager for Savarino Companies. Ellicott Station is a 3.3-acre, mixed-use project, with its most prominent feature being a fivestory podium building with 55 units of affordable housing. The ground level consists of parking, while the up per floors are residential units. Samuel Savarino, CEO of Savarino Compa nies, says other aspects of the project include additional surface parking, a 17,000-square-foot commercial office building and factory building being re stored as a brewery and entertainment center.
The multitenant office building is not currently under construction, it is planned to be constructed in a future phase once the apartments and brew ery are completed.
Samuels-Cox says, “The project also involves improvements to a public walking trail that traverses through the
site as part of the City’s Rails-to-Trails initiative. A unique tax agreement with the Genesee County Industrial Devel opment Agency will allow a portion of the project’s payments in-lieu of taxes to be refunded as reimbursement for mak ing improvements to the City trailway.”
Samuels-Cox says the site had been vacant for a long time, so the Batavia Development Corporation took con trol of the site and facilitated a request for proposals (RFP) process. Savarino Companies submitted their proposal and were selected.
“The project sits upon a contaminat
ed site, so an application to the New York Brownfield Cleanup Program was required,” Savarino says. Afterwards, the site had to be remediated. Prior to Ellicott Station’s arrival, the site was previously home to repair shops. Pe troleum-related products were leaking into and contaminating the site.
“There was soil that needed to be excavated and replaced with clean soil,” Samuels-Cox says, adding they also demolished three old structures that were on the site and performed stabilization work to reconstruct the public infrastructure.
“There is a large storm sewer line that runs through the site between five to 10 feet below the surface. That was a fun surprise,” Samuels-Cox recalls. “Nobody, including the City, knew it was there until we started drilling test pits to sample the soils.”
The materials used for the building is a combination of concrete, structural steel, and some wood framing. The building cladding is metal panels, while the former factory building is predomi nantly brick. The commercial building will be constructed of structural steel and metal panels.
When complete, Ellicott Station will consist of 37 parking spaces inside a covered garage, as well as additional surface parking. Of the 55 apartment units, 52 will have private balconies, and nine will be adapted for enhanced accessibility and mobility above ADA standards. All units will come with insuite laundry. Shared amenities include a community room, bicycle storage, and playground. The brewery building
will feature three overhead doors that will create an indoor/outdoor perme ability between the beer garden and building, tasting room, and banquet area.
“This is among the most notable new construction projects in Batavia in recent history, and it will transform the look and feel of downtown Batavia,” Samuels-Cox says. According to Wanda Wilson, asset
manager for Savarino Companies, 16 one-bedroom apartments and 20 two-bedroom apartments will be tar geted to households with incomes at or below 50 percent of AMI. Nineteen one-bedroom apartments will be tar geted to households with incomes at or below 60 percent of AMI.
“Initial tenant selection will be based on the results of a public lottery. The date, time, and location of the lottery will be advertised once determined,” Wilson says. Interested applicants can contact Savarino Companies at (716) 332-5959. They also can visit www.ellicottstation.com or feel free to contact her at (716) 208-1181 or wandaw@savarinocompanies.com.
“The positive aspects of Ellicott Station apartments relative to the target population and market are ac cess to services, walkability, rent ad vantage, and there are waitlists for affordable apartments in the primary market area,” Wilson says. “We are excited about this new housing op portunity coming to Batavia and hope to have more applications submitted than units available. We encourage all those interested to apply.”
The subcontractors that worked on this project are Thomas Johnson, Inc.; Alp Steel Corp.; Thomann As phalt Paving; H&H Roofing; Ricmar Electric; Colvin Draperies; Hamburg Overhead Door; FSR Contracting; Cooper Sign Company; Brigham Con crete Construction, AM Build Supply; Pro Carpet, Inc.; MW Dylag Builders, LLC; Schindler Elevator Corp.; Triton Mechanical, Inc.; Niagara Plumbing & Mechanical Inc.; Comfort Systems USA (Syr), Inc.; ICC Insulation Coat ing Consult; Kingspan Insulated Pan els; Bears Playgrounds; and Frontier Glass. F
WNY, Inc.
It is often said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and so far, it’s been of unanimous opin ion among Buffalo residents that the Buffalo AKG Art Museum is going to be a sight for sore eyes.
According to Matthew Peters, senior project manager at J.W. Danforth., the $200-million project to construct the
Buffalo AKG Art Museum is led by de sign architects OMA/Shohei Shigemat su with executive architect Cooper Rob ertson. There are two major facets to the project: overhaul renovations to the historic 1905 and 1962 buildings and erection of a new state-of-the-art, threestory building (the Jeffrey E. Gundlach Building) that will more than double the
number of works the museum can dis play by adding 30,000 square feet of exhibition space to the campus.
Construction on the project began in 2019, and completion is slated for spring 2023. Peters says the existing buildings underwent selective demoli tion rather than being completely gut ted.
“Renovation of the existing build ings included everything from floor ing, to classrooms, to ceiling, to roof,” John Cleary, senior project executive at Gilbane Building Company, says, adding that marble interior floors were taken out and will be replaced with wood flooring. The monumental exte rior staircase on the west side of the 1905 building will also be rebuilt to its original architecture.
The new building, which features mechanical, electrical, and plumbing units in the basement and sub-base ment, is still in the works. Offices and galleries are encased in a steel build ing with a glass façade/curtainwall that covers all four sides.
“There are walkways and viewing ar eas around the exterior of the building. Connecting the Gundlach Building to the 1905 building is a bridge that ser pentines around a bunch of trees that is a piece of art in itself,” Cleary says.
Jason Cadorette, AIA, senior asso ciate architect at Cooper Robertson, says the new building is situated on the north end of the site, a predominantly glass structure with hints of marble along the façade. The Gundlach Build ing also has an indoor glass-enclosed sculpture terrace on the second floor that visitors can walk out on and expe rience art and the city at the same time. There will also be a new, 6,000-square-
foot space called the Town Square be tween the 1905 and 1962 buildings, which will now be a public area. For merly an open-air courtyard, the Town Square is now covered by Common Sky, a new artwork designed by Ola fur Eliasson and Sebastian Behmann of Studio Other Spaces. Running from the east to the west side of the facil ity, the area will include a restaurant,
a shop, and the Creative Commons. Eighty underground parking spaces will also be located underneath the Gundlach Building.
Frey Electric performed electri cal and communications work on the 1905, 1962, and Gundlach Buildings, including fire alarms, audiovisual com munications, and security according to Frank Pagel, project manager. They
also supplied specialized lighting for the gallery and public spaces.
Mark Cerrone, Inc. performed the mass excavation on the project, ac cording to Greg Bostard, project man ager, and George Lodick, director of operations.
“We did all the foundation excava tion for the north building,” Bostard says. “The excavation was 30 feet deep. It had soldier pile and lagging.”
In addition to the excavation con tract, they also received the site work contract, which included storm and water utilities and hardscapes, as well as the select demolition and asbestos abatement contracts for the 1905 and 1962 buildings.
“We’re excited to be working with the museum. It’s an awesome project, and definitely a great addition to the city,” Bostard says.
Although the grand opening is still a while away, there is already plenty of excitement about the renovated and expanded gallery.
“The Buffalo AKG has one of the best collections of modern art in the country, and this renovation allows them to exhibit more of what is a world-renowned collection,” Cleary says.
“One of the great things about this expansion is you can tell Buffalo has really endorsed it,” Cadorette says. As someone who isn’t a Buffalo native, Cadorette says every time he has spo ken to an Uber or taxi driver on his way to the site, they excitedly ask questions or share anecdotes about visiting the
their youth – which he thinks is a positive sign of a meaningful proj
Pine Pharmaceuticals has taken steps to accommo date its inevitable future growth.
As the old saying goes, “we’re getting the band back togeth er”: the team that worked on the origi nal Pine Pharmaceuticals project has reunited to expand the facility. John Krebs, senior project manager at Mon tante Construction, says he had been the original project manager on the original project five years ago. Since then, Pine Pharmaceuticals has out grown the space for manufacturing.
“The original building in 2017 was 25,000 square feet, and we tripled its size by adding another 50,000 square
feet,” Krebs explains.
Stephen Parrish, project manager for LaBella Associates, says he had done the original design for Pine Pharmaceu ticals’ manufacturing and warehouse facility as well. However, in the original design, they had only planned for a 10,000-square-foot expansion for use in the future.
“They had grown much faster than they had planned. Within 18 months of them opening, they were looking at ex panding again because they had out grown their warehousing and some of their production spaces,” Parrish says.
The plan was to keep the expan sion as close to 10,000 square feet as possible, but once they were deep in
BY CINDY CHANthe planning stages, they realized they needed way more space to handle the future growth.
Construction began on the expan sion in March/April 2021 and wrapped up in early 2022. The facility received its certificate of occupancy on March 1, 2022. Pine Pharmaceuticals’ expan sion consisted of a red iron steel con struction frame building with insulated metal panel skin, an EPDM rubber roof, and some masonry on a portion of the building for the break rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms.
“The intention was to match the ex isting facility and not to have it look like two separate buildings,” Parrish says. “For the most part, the addition is a
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large rectangle, with a little bump-out for the break rooms and locker rooms.”
In the newly renovated Pine Pharma ceuticals building, the former packag ing and shipping area is now the en gineering and quality control area, ac cording to Krebs.
“The new building overall houses inspection, packaging, labelling, ship ping, quality control,” Krebs says, adding there are also two new clean rooms. However, the largest feature is the increase in warehouse space for in coming and outgoing materials.
John Militello, owner of Kimil Co., installed the plumbing system on the new expansion for the new bathrooms and lab areas. Militello comments that it is nice to see a manufacturing com pany expand and flourish in New York state as it has seen the flight of many businesses over the last few decades.
“It was an honor to be selected the second time for their expansion and we enjoyed working with them,” he says.
Ryan Glenn, vice president of Brawdy Construction, says his company was the concrete subcontractor, providing both concrete building foundations and the interior concrete slabs. Like Parrish and Krebs, Glenn worked on the original building.
“It was nice to be able to put a size able expansion on an existing facility that we worked on not too long ago,” Glenn recalls.
It may seem like history is repeating itself, but Parrish says they have added even more space for a future expan sion. After going through the disrup tion of construction while maintaining a functioning facility, Pine Pharmaceuti cals agreed to tack on a decent amount of space to avoid going through the renovation process a second time.
“Pine Pharmaceuticals is a dominant market leader in what they do,” Krebs says. “It’s rewarding to be involved in a project of this scale to meet the needs of the medical industry.”
Other subcontractors that worked on the project were Tom Greenauer Devel opment, ALP Steel, Gypsum Systems, Kostusiak Coatings, Heritage Flooring, and Ferguson Electric. F
The students at Niagara University are now able to achieve their fitness goals at the school’s newly renovated and expanded Kiernan Center, the primary recreation space on campus.
The Kiernan Center has received substantial renovations and an expan sion to its existing space. Construction on the center began in July 2021 and wrapped up in August 2022 in time for the start of the fall semester. It has been primarily used by both the intramural and club sports programs, the Division 1 athletic program teams, and the gen eral student body for aerobics, weight training, and fitness classes. The origi
nal building was constructed in 1989; since then, the students and staff have outgrown the facility. Not only do the athletic teams use the space, but so does a large population of the student body as a whole.
The newly renovated Kiernan Center will be able to accommodate a heavier student population. The previous facil ity saw 2,000 individuals in the center on a weekly basis, with 400 students participating in club sports and 1,000 in intramural sports, Zumba, Pilates, kickboxing, and yoga.
“This expansion will certainly help to expand access to students who had to negotiate their facility access with Divi sion 1 programs. This will allow a great
BY CINDY CHANnumber of people to use the facility,” Christopher Sheffield, vice president for student affairs for Niagara Univer sity, says.
“We did an 18,000-square-foot ex pansion on the two-story building, as well as a complete renovation of the existing offices and locker rooms. That included upgrading the building with new sprinkler systems and fire alarm systems and replacing all the equip ment. We renovated both gyms, and completed a facelift on the façade,”
Nathan Scheffinger, project executive for LeChase Construction Services, summarizes.
Daniel McMann, director of facility services for Niagara University, says the
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addition included a new weight room, new sports medicine area where the trainers service the student athletes, two large dance studios, and a spin studio. Jeff Panza, LeChase’s regional operations manager for the Buffalo region, says the addition is located on the east side of the building and in cluded concrete foundation, structural steel, exterior skin, and roof, as well as the interior fitout.
“The interior renovation included new gym floors and finishes through out the building,” Panza says.
The dance studios are large, open spaces, McMann says. One dance stu dio features a multipurpose floor with the intention of using the room for aerial training as part of the school’s theater program.
“We can hang straps and aerial ap paratus that the theater program stu dents use for training, so they can ap ply it on stage for their performances,” McMann says.
Meanwhile, the other dance studio includes a hard floor. Both rooms have mirrors, ballet bars, and audio-visual technology. The spin room, which is also a large, open space, features mul tipurpose flooring, storage areas, and 20 to 25 spin bikes. All three rooms also have the flexibility and option to be used as classroom space.
“The new weight room is three times
the size of the previous weight room. It includes all new machines, overhead rigs with bench press systems for multiuse training, and a short turf track for sled drags,” McMann adds.
A big part of the project involved providing better access to spaces, Panza adds. Previously, the coaches’ offices were only accessible by cutting across the gym. Now, individuals can get to the offices via the second level without crossing through other spaces.
“We’ve had an increased student in terest in physical health and wellness,” Sheffield says. “Physical fitness is a big part of anxiety and stress management and overall wellness, so this facility
will be crucial in accomplishing those goals.”
Outside of the student body, Panza says the Kiernan Center will also be available to the community, such as recreation leagues for various sports.
Frey Electric was responsible for the electrical upgrades, lighting, new transformer, and main gear for the ex pansion and existing building, accord ing to Jim Waddell. Blue Ox Roofing provided the new roof on the addition, according to Dustin Schnell, president. It is a multilayer, fully glued system, with a base layer of hardboard and a
vapor barrier adhered on top of that, followed by two layers of 2.6-inch rigid insulation and a half-inch hardboard on top of that, and then, finally, a fully adhered 80-millimeter grey PVC roof system.
“We love working with Niagara Uni versity,” Schnell says. “The facility is going to be a great addition with extra space.”
D.V. Brown & Associates, Inc. sup plied the HVAC and plumbing for the project, says Omar J. Abdallah, execu tive vice president. Abdallah says it was a challenge to keep the HVAC and
plumbing system live during construc tion so that the facility’s operations weren’t constantly being disrupted.
“We’re thankful for the opportu nity to continue to support the West ern New York community through our construction and processes,” Abdallah says.
The other subcontractors on the project included Mark Cerrone, Inc.; Mader Construction Company, Inc.; Apollo Steel; 34 Group, Inc.; Heritage Contract Flooring; WNY Flooring; Tie de-Zoeller; and Sterling Glass, Inc. F
“We’ve had an increased student interest in physical health and wellness,”
“Physical fitness is a big part of anxiety and stress management and overall
so this facility will be crucial in accomplishing those goals.”
The New York labor laws promulgated for the pro tection of workers affect all industries, but no in dustry is more impacted than the construction industry. Sections 200, 240 (1), and 241 (6) are the key sections which impose non-delegable duties upon the owners and general contractors of construction projects for workplace safety. This places both significant legal and financial burdens upon owners and general contractors in the state of New York. This burden can be somewhat lessened by taking prudent action at the outset of any project.
Based in New York City, Russo & Gould LLP was founded in 1996 by a team of civil trial attorneys, who pro vide legal counsel and representation
to insurance companies and large selfinsured corporations on a wide range of civil liability and insurance matters in the New York City metro area, Buffalo, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. Alan Russo, founder and managing partner at Russo & Gould, says that the representation of owners and general contractors in connection construction projects is a specialty of the firm. This is especially the case when it comes to defending against liability suits arising out of New York labor law cases.
Florina Altshiler, a partner at the firm, heads the firm’s New York Labor Law trial unit as part of the firm’s practice group that focuses defending against New York Labor Law Section 240 (1) and 241 (6) cases, which are the key construction accident statute sections focusing on defending contractors,
general contractors, and subcontrac tors as a result of accidents on job sites.
So what do contractors, general contractors, and subcontractors need to know about New York labor laws?
According to Russo, New York is the only state that imposes absolute liabil ity on owners and general contractors for violations of Section 240 (1), which cause gravity-related injuries on a job site and vicarious liability for industrial code violations that result in injuries on a job site pursuant to 241 (6). As a re sult, construction accidents attract a lot of aggressive personal injury lawyers to the field. The combination of the law and type of attorney who specializes in these cases leads to greater financial li ability exposure to owners and contrac tors in New York than anywhere else in the United States.
“Due to the nature of the liability ex posures presented by the New York la bor laws, insurance costs have skyrock eted for owners, developers, and gen eral contractors on projects throughout the state,” Russo says. “To protect yourself, if you are a general contractor on a site, you have to make sure that you have an airtight indemnification agreement with all your subcontrac tors, as well as to require that all sub contractors also need to indemnify the owner of the project. Furthermore, all general contractors also need to make sure any downstream subcontractors also need to indemnify the owners and GCs on the development.”
Additionally, any general contrac tor should also ensure that the owner/ developer are also named as an addi tional insured on the subcontractor’s policy on a primary basis, meaning that their insurance coverage will kick in first before any other coverage so as to not expose the general contractor’s insur ance carrier. This way, it will lower the GC’s insurance premiums and improve their loss runs, which will lower their overall insurance coverage.
Another item that is important for a GC to consider is the enforcement of safety on their projects. After all, pre vention is key to avoiding lawsuits. It helps financially to lower their insur
ance premiums overall if GCs and own ers have consistent, injury-free projects.
“Safety is important, so there are companies that can provide on-site safety monitoring,” Russo explains. “If the GC is controlling the project, then they need to have someone designat ed as a safety coordinator.”
New York Labor Law 240 (1) is the absolute liability section, which applies to any gravity-related risks. The GCs have to make sure anyone working at a height follows the rules (for example, someone working on scaffolding needs to be provided with side rails and locked wheels).
“One thing I advise that GCs and subcontractors do to protect them selves is to have safety checklists and protocols that are reviewed and signed by each worker on the project,” Russo says. As a result, those checklists and signatures can be used as a possible defense if the worker does not know ingly follow a safety rule that causes an accident. “If you have a signed agree ment from the worker that affirms a safety procedure to be used and they don’t do it, that can be powerful evi dence in defending the case.”
Legal verbiage can be intimidating to most people outside the industry, so Russo and Altshiler recommend – de pending on the size of the company
– that GCs have a longstanding rela tionship with an insurance broker and/ or lawyer who is knowledgeable in this field to serve as the first line of defense. Smaller contractors may also want to consult with an attorney to review the insurance coverage to make sure they have the proper insurance policies in place before starting a project and more specifically to review the indem nification language and safety require ments in their contracts.
“It can be pretty extreme,” Altshiler says. “A scenario is you’re a roofing company and all you do is roofing work. You can obtain liability coverage for $1 million and there is an exclusion in the policy for any roof-related work. So now you have a $1-million policy that’s never going to apply for any of the work the contractor is doing. That’s an actual example of what they have seen in a policy that excludes some thing that the company is in the busi ness of doing. You really have to be careful to make sure that you not only have enough coverage but also that the coverage covers the scope of work you do. Otherwise, you have a policy that’s never going to cover what you intended it to cover.”
For more information, visit russogould.com. F
Wishes do come true: the Na tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Pacific Marine Division or dered a fully self-contained ISO 7 labo ratory, a project that went swimmingly.
The John W. Danforth Company team, which included Patrick Fonzi, sales executive; Jason Dodge, de sign engineer; and Mike Bement, vice president of shop operations, says they started construction on the lab in Sep tember 2021. The lab was delivered from Buffalo to Seattle, Washington in July 2022.
“We ended up shipping it out of there on July 10, 2022, and they re ceived it on the 14th,” Bement clarifies.
“This is a field laboratory, so the specimens being brought to the site are from oceanic investigations,” Fonzi says.
Before shipping the lab to Seattle, it
was tested in Buffalo before being cer tified and commissioned to satisfy the ISO 7 requirement at its destination. The laboratory was built to an ISO class 7 specification, which is a cleanliness and operating standard for laborato ries, according to Fonzi. That specifica tion requires a number of construction minimum standards, which includes fiberglass reinforced polyester walls, vinyl coated ceilings, and biograde floors. The lab also featured casework that was painted like aluminum or steel, storage cabinets, epoxy work surfaces, and UV lights for sterilization.
“It had controls for outside air and room pressure, and an exhaust fan to serve the biological safety cabinets,” Fonzi explains.
“We started with a standard Conex container, which is a mobile storage unit of steel construction on all sides, including the bottom,” Dodge says. “It’s basically a giant steel box with a wooden floor.”
Within the 20-foot Conex container, the lab equipment included two bio logical safety cabinets and an RO pu rified water system. The HVAC system included a special customized ventila tion system with HEPA filtered supply air outlets. The interior also included an entry room that was five feet, while the remaining 15 feet was dedicated to the lab itself. The entry room allows
individuals to take off their shoes and gown up before going into the lab.
Another part of the project includ ed building a box on top to raise the height of the unit approximately 18 inches, because the unit was not tall enough for an eight-foot-high drop ceiling in order to install the exhaust fan and HEPA filters required.
“The exterior walls are covered with
an FRP product, so they are wash able,” Dodge says. “Everything had to be washable and easy to clean.”
The lab was described as mobile, otherwise known as portable, in or der to move it from Buffalo to Seat tle. Once it arrived at its destination, which is the University of Washington, the lab was fixed in place and welded down in the parking lot. However, it has the option to be easily picked up and moved elsewhere as long as it can be connected to utilities on the site.
Jon Wilcox, project manager and estimator for Lehigh Construction Group Inc., was a subcontractor on the project. Wilcox says Lehigh Con struction Group Inc. provided car pentry work on the project, which included doors, hardware, millwork (countertops and cabinets), drop ceil ing, and flooring.
“It’s the first time I’ve ever done a project like this,” Wilcox says. “Nor mally, we’re doing construction work on permanent fixtures. For this, we needed to work with something mo bile.”
So how did John W. Danforth get involved in a cross-country project? A scientist found them online when he visited their rooms and laboratories section of their website. The scien tist was searching for a company who could provide design-build services for the specific project concept his team was trying to achieve.
“We’re a mechanical contractor. We did everything, from working with strategic partners to coming up with a layout for casework design,” Dodge says. “We worked with a local engi neer to assist with the electrical and mechanical. We talked to architects. A lot more went into this than just me chanical.” F
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Erie County is going to shine a lot brighter with its new solar array at 303 Woodward Avenue.
Daniel Montante, presi dent of Montante Solar, says he and his team commissioned a 450-kilowatt solar project on behalf of Erie County. The project includes 1,200 bifacial so lar panels mounted on a pile-driven tiltracking system.
According to Steve Erck, project ex ecutive at Montante Solar, this project has been years in the making, and Erie County is now reaping the rewards. The solar array is built on a remediat ed brownfield site that had previously
been home to a ball bearing company from 1887 to the early 1990s. As a re sult, there were limitations to methods of construction; any disturbed soil had to be transported off-site for testing and disposal.
Construction on the solar array be gan in late spring 2021, wrapping up spring 2022. However, the brownfield cleanup had been completed well be fore the project went out to bid.
“It had been a ball bearing factory that went out of business. They let ev erything deteriorate,” Erck says.
When Erie County assumed site own ership in. the early 2000s, they remedi ated and capped the property under a
voluntary cleanup agreement with the New York Department of Environmen tal Conservation. Montante Solar came into the picture 20 years later.
“The parcel had been dormant all those years,” Erck says.
Part of the cleanup process involved Erie County removing a variety of soils that contained asbestos and contami nants. For years afterwards, the county had been looking for ways to reactivate the site.
“Montante Solar responded to an RFP issued by the county back in 2020,” Montante says. And the rest, as they say, is history.
The project was built at 303 Wood
ward Avenue. Each of the 1,200 solar panels are rated for 375 watts. The project also incorporated six inverters that invert direct current solar elec tricity into alternating current. The so lar power pushed into the utility grid is then identical to that which flows through homes and businesses.
“Something that is notable about this project is that this is the first proj ect in our region to utilize bifacial solar panels,” Montante says.
A bifacial panel collects the sun’s energy on both sides for the panel; in other words, instead of just front-facing solar cells, there are also solar cells on the back of the solar panel.
The solar array is slated to generate 550,000 kilowatts a year. As a result, Erie County can brag about avoiding 97,000 tons of carbon dioxide from being released in the atmosphere over the solar array’s lifetime.
It has only been a few months, yet Erie County is already reaping the re wards of the new solar array by pro curing clean, renewable electricity at a costlower than could buy in the open market.
“The county benefits in three big ways. First, they reduce the environ mental footprint of their operations by powering it from a renewable source. Second, they stabilize their long-term operating costs because a meaning ful share of their energy requirements are now locked in at a low rate for a 20-year period. And, finally, the county reaps immediate cost savings that are especially impactful in today’s inflation ary environment,” Montante says. F
Erie County is already reaping the rewards of the new solar array...
Aformer school is mak ing its transformation from an educational in stitution into affordable apartments.
CDS Monarch, Inc. (“CDS Monarch”) is the owner of the project, while Chris ta Construction provided construction services. The project includes convert ing the classrooms, gymnasium, and ancillary spaces of the former School #78 (located at 321 Olympic Avenue) to 46 affordable apartments and spac es for community programs and ser vices. Of the 46 units, 43 will be onebedroom units and three will be twobedroom units.
The majority of the project’s funding came from tax credits and supplemen tal financing sources administered by the New York State Homes and Com munity Renewal, as well as funding
from Better Buffalo Funds from Empire State Development, energy incentives from NYSERDA, and a donation from the CDS Wolf Foundation, which is a charitable division of CDS Monarch. Construction on the project began in November 2021 and is slated to be complete spring 2023. As of October 2022, the site work is ongoing. Asbes tos abatement took place throughout all the levels, not just on the three floors of the apartments, but also the basement and attic. The demolition is nearly complete, with the rough-ins (mechanical, HVAC, plumbing, elec trical) at 80 percent completion. The apartments will have new metal stud framing, which is 90 percent complete. Twenty-five percent of the new Marvin windows have also been installed.
Patrick Pinkerton, director of CDS Housing, says CDS Monarch – its parent
BY CINDY CHANcompany – is the owner and developer of the Olympic Avenue Apartments. CDS Monarch is a 501©(3) missionbased, non-profit organization whose primary focus is serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabil ities. CDS Housing is the housing arm of the organization formed to create affordable and supportive housing de velopments. Pinkerton says the City of Buffalo put out a request for proposals in 2017 to renovate School #78, which had been vacant for several years; CDS Monarch was then chosen to take on the project in 2018.
During the RFP process, CDS Mon arch worked closely with the commu nity and the City of Buffalo, receiving feedback and guidance on how best to build the apartments to meet the com munity’s needs. Overall, the Olympic Avenue Apartments are for individuals
and families who oftentimes in the cur rent housing market are rent-overbur dened or forced to accept substandard housing. The creation of this housing will provide an affordable quality alter native for 46 households.
Renovations included plenty of abatement, followed by select demoli tion, and buildout of apartments. As a historically designated building, School #78 had elements that were historically significant, so the project required CDS Monarch to maintain those char acteristics per the guidelines of the State Historic Preservation Office and the National Park Service. Construc tion included gutting out the majority of the building, converting the class rooms into units, and creating commu nal spaces, such as a community room with a kitchen, computer room, exer cise room, dedicated storage for resi dents, and laundry facilities. The school already featured a theater space, which is being refurbished to maintain its his toric character.
“As a mission-based service organi zation, the goal for all CDS Monarch developments is to not only provide
affordable but also supportive hous ing,” Pinkerton says. “To achieve this goal, all CDS developments integrate a special needs population with holistic supportive services provided to allow these residents to remain successfully housed. For this development, we’re proud to partner with Western New York Independent Living, a Buffalobased organization with a strong rep utation in the community, to provide these services.
Eight of the 46 affordable apart
ments are set aside for residents with physical and intellectual disabilities. Western New York Independent Liv ing will have an office on site so a staff member will be available to provide services to those individuals.
“We built things as accessible as possible, even though it is an older building built in the 1920s,” Pinkerton says. “All of the common areas are ac cessible for anyone with any physical limitations, and several units are fully ADA-accessible.” F
Stone/Blacktop Phone: 716-826-7310
Concrete Dispatch Phone: 716-566-9690
Concrete Dispatch Phone: 716 826 7310 Phone: 716 566 9690 Fax: 716-826-1342 Website: www.nesl.com Port of Buffalo Phone: 716-566-9638
1 Way Construction & Property Services Inc.
Mr. Aaron Mackowiak
11086 Big Tree Road East Aurora, NY 14052
Tel: (716) 903-3638 contact@1wayrenovations.com
1320 Military Road Inc. DBA
Jameson Electric Heating & Air
Mr. Jim Williamson 1320 Military Road Kenmore, NY 14217 Tel: (716) 875-4546 jim@calljameson.com
34 Group Inc.
Ms. Patti Thomas 541 East Delavan Avenue Buffalo, NY 14211 Tel: (716) 242-5564 patti.thomas@34group.com
360 Land Survey, DPC
Mr. Marshall D. Wilson 2368 Maryland Avenue Niagara Falls, NY 14305 Tel: (716) 587-8380 mwilson@360landsurvey.com
4th Generation Co.
Mr. Nicholas Yarussi 5650 Simmons Avenue Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 283-7057 Fax: (716) 283-5928 nick@4thgenco.com
716 Garage Door Repair, Inc.
Ms. Sierra Sadowski 3-2881 Southwestern Boulevard Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 608-0053 garaga@716garagedoor.com
716 Site Contracting Inc.
Mr. Eric Pacer P.O. Box 120 North Boston, NY 14110 Tel: (716) 912-8328 Fax: (716) 695-2928 epacer@716sitecontracting.com
Mr. Michael Williams 12587 Route 438 Irving, NY 14081 Tel: (716)532-0137 Fax: (716) 532-4036
84 Lumber Co.
Mr. Mike Abbass 3317 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 683-8450 Fax: (716) 683-3732 mgr@0601.84lumber.com
A Superior Concrete
Mr. David Hill 8443 Slayton Settlement Road Gasport, NY 14067 Tel: (716) 772-2276
A.C.S. Mr. Raj Chopra P.O. BOX 986 Grand Island, NY 14072 Tel: (716) 480-2125 rschopra@yahoo.com
A-1 Land Care Inc.
Mr. Drew Langston 1527 Ridge Road Lewiston, NY 14092 Tel: (716) 754-4999 Fax: (716) 754-2622 drew@a-1landcare.com
Aberdeen Plate Glass Co., Inc.
Mr. Paul Russo 2119 South Park Avenue Buffalo, NY 14220
Tel: (716) 826-4444 Fax: (716) 826-4447 aberdeenplateglass#1@yahoo.com
ABR Wholesalers Inc.
Ms. Jody Monaco McGarry 94 Benbro Drive Buffalo, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 681-6360 Fax: (716) 681-3956 jodymcgarry@abrwholesalers.com
Abraxas, Inc.
Mr. Tim Shilling 430-1769 Baseline Road Grand Island, NY 14072 Tel: (716) 774-8844 Fax: (716) 774-8844 tjshilling@gmail.com
Abstract Architecture PC
Mr. Michael Anderson 313 Broadway Buffalo, NY 14204
Tel: (716) 812-2596 mikea@abstractarch.com
Ace Flagpole Company
Mr. Chad Vosseller 5444 Transit Road Depew, NY 14043
Tel: 1 (800) 908-9100 Fax: 1 (800) 908-9102 chad@aceflag.com
Mr. Stephen Lutter 205-298 Northampton Street Buffalo, NY 14208 Tel: (716) 427-0427 stephenl@acehandymanservices. com
ACE Mechanical Services
Mr. Shawn Flynn 4568 Bailey Avenue Amherst, NY 14226
Tel: (716) 833-3500 Fax: (716) 833-0626 shawn@acehvacpro.com
Action Commercial Repair LLC
Mr. Raymond Miranda 1336 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14209 Tel: (716) 881-4357 ray@mirandaholdingsinc.com
Action Roofing, Inc.
Mr. Michael Jackson 10267 Crump Road Glenwood, NY 14069
Tel: (716) 592-7752 Fax: (716) 592-7344 actionroofing@hughes.net
Active Fence Co., Inc.
Mr. Mike Mangione
5295 Bayview Road Hamburg, NY 14705
Tel: (716) 648-3970 Fax: (716) 648-3970 mikemang1@verizon.net
Active Logistics Inc.
Ms. Linda McCarthy P.O. Box 2052 Blasdell, NY 14219
Tel: (716) 826-9351 Fax: (716) 826-4579 activelindamc@aol.com
Active Workforce, Inc.
Ms. Marie Patton
853 Brighton Road Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 447-9988 Fax: (716) 447-7503 marie@activewf.com
Adams Leclair LLP
Mr. Anthony Adams
1500-28 East Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 Tel: (585) 327-4100 aadams@adamsleclair.law
Adema Heating & Air Conditioning
Mr. Kyle Adema 378 Englewood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14223 Tel: (716) 834-7611 Fax: (716) 834-7617 kyle@ademaheating.com
Admar Supply Company, Inc.
Mr. Ray Borzillire, Branch Manager 1394 Military Road Tonawanda, NY 14217-1318
Tel: (716) 873-8000 Fax: (716) 873-8455 rborzillire@dimarcogroup.com
Advanced Cable Technology, Inc.
Mr. Mark Andrews
184 Two Road Road Marilla, NY 14102-9762
Tel: (716) 681-5935 Fax: (716) 681-3565
Mr. Devon Amado
100-300 Airborne Parkway Cheektowaga, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 932-1265 Fax: (716) 932-1470 damado@aerotek.com
AFP Group, Inc.
Mr. Kevin Cole 6746 Akron Road Lockport, NY 14094 Tel: (716) 438-7970 Fax: (716) 433-6924 kcole@afpgroupinc.com
Airtite Wholesale Building Supply
Mr. Mike Botticello 8645 Roll Road Clarence, NY 14032 Tel: (716) 741-2127 Fax: (716) 741-4765 mikeb@airtitewholesale.com
Ajay Glass & Mirror Co., Inc.
Mr. Keith Sawyer 6-2813 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 674-0004 Fax: (585) 393-0105 ksawyer@ajayglass.com
AJ’s Heating & Cooling
Mr. Jayant Coe 143 Autumnwood Drive Buffalo, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 271-2446 ajshvacllc@gmail.com
AJ’s Tree Service
Mr. Jeff Tomaro P.O. Box 650 East Amherst, NY 14051 Tel: (716) 908-1282 jeff@ajstreeservice.com
Aktion Associates
Mr. Tim Cooke 3454 Parkwood Common Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 344-8145 tcooke@aktion.com
Alba Coatings Inc.
Mr. Len Alba 346 Oliver Street North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel: (716) 693-9500 Fax: (716) 693-7137 albapainting2@aol.com
Alcott HR
Mr. John Bradley 120-1780 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 626-9500 johnb@alcotthr.com
All In Painting
Mr. James Katsinis P.O. Box 987 Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 604-2776 allinpainting123@aol.com
All State Fire and Security
Mr. Kurt Juliano 400 Mineral Springs Road Buffalo, NY 14224-1016 Tel: (716) 783-9670 Fax: (716) 783-9718 Kurt.juliano@allstatefirewny.us
Ms. Joyce DeLong 3959 Union Road Cheektowaga, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 634-5966 Fax: (716) 634-0841 joyce@allegracheektowaga.com
Allgaier Construction Corporation
Mr. Kirk Allgaier, President 10080 County Road Clarence, NY 14032 Tel: (716) 741-7350 Fax: (716) 741-7351 ksallgaier@msn.com
Alliance Construction of WNY DBA Alliance Homes
Ms. Andrew Rowmanowski 4727 Camp Road Hamburg, NY 14705 Tel: (716) 646-6555 Fax: (716) 646-0249 andrew@alliancehomes.com
Allied Flooring Contractors
Mr. Ron Figiel 2323 Elmwood Avenue Kenmore, NY 14217
Tel: (716) 874-1001 Fax: (716) 874-0809 rfigiel@alliedflooring.com
Allied Mechanical, Inc.
Mr. Michael Modrzynski 1111 Niagara Street Buffalo, NY 14213
Tel: (716) 882-1234 Fax: (716) 882-1010 mikem@alliedmechanical.us
Allstate General Contracting, Inc.
Mr. John Germann 31 Ransier Drive West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 675-0333 Fax: (716) 675-0335 agc0333@aol.com
ALP Steel Corporation
Mr. Robert W. Waver, Jr. P.O. Box 1085 Buffalo, NY 14220-8085
Tel: (716) 854-3030 Fax: (716) 854-3070 rwaverjr@alpsteel.com
Alta Construction Equipment New York. LLC
Mr. Joe Frawley 4554 West Saile Drive Batavia, NY 14020
Tel: (716) 770-7989 Fax: (585) 815-0220 joe.frawley@vanquip.com
AM Masonry LLC
Mr. Anthony Mills 14904 Konert Road Collins, NY 14034 Tel: (716)218-5224 WNYAMMasonryllc@gmail.com
Amairican Air Balance Co. Inc.
Mr. Mel Scheeler P.O. Box 137 Springbrook, NY 14140 Tel: (716) 807-8557 amairbal@gmail.com
American Concrete of WNY Inc.
Mr. Kevin McCabe P.O. Box 572 Lockport, NY 14095
Tel: (716) 923-5017 Fax: (716) 434-7053 americanconcrete11@verizon.net
American Contracting & Environmental Services Inc.
Mr. Zach Hein 102-10330 Old Columbia Road Columbia, MD 21046 Tel: (716) 796-4067 zach.hein@aceservinc.com
American Demolition & Nuclear Decommissioning (American DND)
Mr. Bill Schaab P.O. Box 553 Grand Island, NY 14072
Tel: (866) 699-5515 Fax: (716) 773-5515 bschaab@americandnd.com
American Paving & Excavating Inc.
Mr. Guy Berberich 5880 Thompson Road Clarence Center, NY 14032
Tel: (716) 741-2649 Fax: (716) 741-2218 guyb.american@aol.com
Mr. James Roetzer
330 Meyer Road Amherst, NY 14226
Tel: (716) 834-4961 Fax: (716) 838-6016 Jimroetzer2@outlook.com
Mr. Brad Cimino
104-50 Sheffield Drive Dover, NH 03820-4738 Tel: (603) 978-3579 bcimino@ampunited.com
Amstar of Western New York, Inc.
Mr. John Lignos, Vice President
825 Rein Road Cheektowaga, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 204-9755 Fax: (716) 204-9761 jlignos@amstarwny.com
Mr. Gary Anastasi
4430 Walden Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086-9771
Tel: (716) 683-5003 Fax: (716) 683-5045 garya@anastasitrucking.com
Anchor Marine Group, LLC
Mr. Robert Mikulec 1501 Ferry Road Grand Island, NY 14072
Tel: (716)773-7063 Fax: (716) 773-6977 rmikulec@anchormarine.com
Anderson Equipment Co.
Mr. John Park
2140 Military Road Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 877-1992 Fax: (716) 877-1581 jpark@andersonequip.com
Apollo Concrete Coatings
Mr. Matthew Prieur 3781 Abbott Road Hamburg, NY 14075-0650
Tel: (716) 649-7992 apolloconcretecoatings@gmail. com
Apollo Dismantling Services LLC
Mr. Sam DeFranks 4511 Hyde Park Boulevard Niagara Falls, NY 14305
Tel: (716) 278-9419 Fax: (716) 278-9492 sam@apollodismantle.com
Apollo Steel Corp.
Mr. Bill Crissy 4800 Wilton Avenue Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Tel: (716) 283-8758 Fax: (716) 283-1136 bill@apollosteel.com
Appliance Associates of Buffalo, Inc.
Mr. David Glina 200 Amherst Street Buffalo, NY 14207
Tel: (716) 873-5093 Fax: (716) 873-4417 dglina@applianceassoc.com
Aqua Systems of WNY
Mr. Adam Reeves
7071 Transit Road East Amherst, NY 14051
Tel: (716) 688-0139 Fax: (716) 688-0364 adam@theaquateam.com
Arc Building Partners LLC
Ms. Patty Weber 100-100 South Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: (716) 427-6100 pweber@arcbldg.com
Archie Donoughe Sanding, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Retzlaff 163 Robinson Street North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Tel: (716) 692-8416 Fax: (716) 692-8416 adsanding@aol.com
Architectural Building Products
Mr. Fred House 609 Indian Church Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 875-5030 Fax: (716) 875-2119 jim@buffalosales.net
Arctic Refrigeration Company of Batavia, Inc.
Mr. Richard Mager, President 26 Cedar Street Batavia, NY 14020-3339
Tel: (585) 343-2678 Fax: (585) 343-2194 rmager@arcticrefrigeration.com
Armor Fence Company of W.N.Y., Inc.
Ms. Millie Blasz, President P.O. Box 745 Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 649-0114 Fax: (716) 992-9457 armorfencewny@gmail.com
Arric Corp.
Mr. John Rusnak/ Mr. Paul Keller 5033 Transit Road Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 681-3535 Fax: (716) 681-5889 arriccorp@yahoo.com
Arrow Sheet Metal Works, Inc.
Mr. Paul Schubring, President 75 Thielman Drive Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 847-6800 Fax: (716) 847-0548 paul@arrow-sheetmetal.com
Ashford Gypsum Services, Inc.
Mr. Cory Creeley 2343 Union Road Cheektowga, NY 14227
Tel: (716)822-4611 Fax: (716) 822-4604 courtney@ashfordgypsum.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 62Ms. Trisha Weiser
2957 Alt Boulevard Grand Island, NY 14072
Tel: (716) 775-0104 Fax: (716) 775-3329 trish.weiser@asisignage.com
Aslan Plumbing and Mechanical Services, Inc.
Mr. Gregory Zakrzewski 5715 Royalton Center Road Gasport, NY 14067
Tel: (716) 735-3927 Fax: (716) 735-3942 aslanplumbinginc@gmail.com
Assembly House 150 Inc.
Mr. Dick Hanaburgh
150 Edward Street Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel: (716) 560-8170 rhanaburgh@assemblyhouse150.org
Assured Partners
Mr. Tom Vanner
90A John Muir Drive Buffalo, NY 14228
Tel: (716) 688-8888 Fax: (716) 688-9001 tvanner@vannerinsurance.com
Aurora Window Systems & Contracting, Inc.
Mr. Darold B. Fountain 710 Kensington Avenue Buffalo, NY 14215
Tel: (716) 833-2500 Fax: (716) 235-2580 daroldfountain@gmail.com
A-Verdi Storage Containers
Ms. Jessie Vallance
3-14150 State Route 31 Savannah, NY 13146 Tel: (800) 248-3734 jessie@averdi.com
B&J Development & Contracting Inc.
Mr. David Jones
330 Watson Street, #2 Buffalo, NY 14212 Tel: (716) 335-8105 djones2bnjdc@gmail.com
B&L Wholesale Supply Inc.
Mr. Brian Mack
1 Bud Mil Drive Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 853-2600 Fax: (716) 853-2623 bmack@blwholesale.com
B. J. Muirhead, Inc.
Mr. Dennis Maines 115 Mid County Drive Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 667-7100 Fax: (716) 677-7104 dmaines@bjmuirhead.com
B.T.S. Services Inc.
Mr. Todd Anderson 7871 Transit Road East Amherst, NY 14051
Tel: (716) 688-4812 Fax: (716) 636-3690 kingoil1926@gmail.com
Balducci Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. Robert Balducci 521 Pound Road Elma, NY14059
Tel: (716) 632-6572 Fax: (716) 632-8656 balducci@balducciconstruction. com
Mr. Martin Griffith 101-535 Washington Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 462-5500 Fax: (716) 200-4835 martin.griffith@bankonbuffalo.bank
Barclay Damon, LLP
Mr. James Domagalski, Esq. 200 Delaware Avenue, the Avant Building Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 566-1510 Fax: (716) 566-4003 jdomagalski@hblaw.com
Barnaby Construction LLC
Mr. Matthew Barnaby P.O. Box 126 Alexander, NY 14005 Tel: (585) 739-0722 mbarnaby3@yahoo.com
Barry Steel Fabrication, Inc.
Mr. Randy Allen P.O. Box 579 Lockport, NY 14095
Tel: (716) 433-2144
Fax: (716) 433-7742 rallen@barrysteel.com
Baschmann Services, Inc.
Ms. Cindy Baschmann P.O. Box 320 Elma, NY 14059-0320 Tel: (716) 655-1101 Fax: (716) 655-0374 cbaschmann@baschmann.com
Batavia Turf LLC
Mr. Chuck Hoover 6465 Transit Road Elba, NY 14058
Tel: (585) 548-2552 Fax: (585) 548-2259 chuck@bataviaturf.com
Battista Construction Inc.
Ms. Sharon Battista 3315 North Benzing Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 823-0191 Fax: (716) 823-2455 battistaconcrete@gmail.com
Baughman Magic Seal
Ms. Chrissy Martineck P.O. Box 663 Amherst, NY 14226 Tel: (716) 836-8880 Fax: (716) 836-8884 chrissym@baughmanmagicseal. com
BBT Construction Service
Mr. Greg Didas 8289 Sackett Road Bergen, NY 14416 Tel: (585) 331-1442 didasent@yahoo.com
BCB Excavating
Mr. Brian Bolt 8465 Transit Road East Amherst, NY 14051 Tel: (716) 688-8055 brianbolt@msn.com
Be Your Own Hero
Ms. Caitlin Mattice 4-6480 Main Street Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 626-0070 caitlin.mattice@beyourownherous. org
BE3 Corp.
Mr. Peter Gorton B150-960 Busti Avenue Buffalo, NY 14213 Tel: (716) 362-6532 pgorton@be3corp.com
Beau Enterprises
Mr. Ken Lilly 4250 Williams Road Ransomville, NY 14131 Tel: (716) 791-3000 Fax: (716) 791-3003 alilly@beauent.com
Belknap Heating & Cooling Inc.
Mr. Gary Gorenfo
8655 Transit Road East Amherst, NY 14051
Tel: (716) 688-1728 Fax: (716) 688-0356 gary@belknapheating.com
Belmont Housing Resources for WNY, Inc.
Mr. Brad Packard 1195 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14209
Tel: (716) 884-7791 Fax: (716) 884-8026 bpackard@belmonthousingwny.org
Mr. Brian Benchley P.O. Box 220 Forestville, NY 14062
Tel: (716) 934-4330 Fax: (716) 934-3290 bbenchley@benchleycrane.com
Bender’s Technical Detailing, Inc.
Mr. John Bender
275 Fillmore Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 695-7693 Fax: (716) 695-0239 jb@benderstech.com
Benderson Development Co., LLC
Mr. Tim Liddle 570 Delaware Avenue Bufflalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 886-0211 Fax: (716) 886-1026 trl@benderson.com
Mr. Michael Bengert 230 French Road West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 440-4841 Fax: (716) 823-3120 bengertmichael@gmail.com
Berkley Building, Inc.
Ms. Anne Mcintosh 114 Prospect Avenue Hamburg, NY 14075
Tel: (716) 445-4375 anne@berkleybuilding.com
Besroi Construction Corp.
Mr. Jim Hockwater
5434 Genesee Street, P.O. Box 202 Bowmansville, NY 14026
Tel: (716) 684-0355 Fax: (716) 684-0751 newwork@besroiroofing.com
Mr. Mike Strong
723 Garber Street Caldwell, ID 83605
Tel: (716) 525-5054 mike.strong@bestbath.com
Better Business Bureau of Upstate New York
Ms. Melanie McGovern 100 Bryant Woods South Amherst, NY 14228 Tel: (716) 276-3738 mmcgovern@upstatenybbb.org
Beyond the Basics Property Services, Inc.
Mr. Noel M. Will 89 Lind Avenue West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 602-1928 Fax: (716) 674-0158 kennedy199@aol.com
BGI Interiors, Inc.
Mr.John R. Bowden, President 22 Simon Avenue Lackawanna, NY 14218 Tel: (716) 893-1417 Fax: (716) 893-1438 jbowden@bgiinteriors.com
Big L Windows & Doors
Mr. Ron Brewster 2727 William Street Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 895-8484 Fax: (716) 895-5390 ronb@biglwindows.com
Bison Electrical Services Corporation
Mr. Joseph Picone 2548 Elmwood Avenue Kenmore, NY 14217 Tel: (716) 833-7300 Fax: (716) 833-7302 joe@bisonelectrical.com
Bison Elevator Service, Inc.
Mr. Bud Wood 295 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 852-3031 Fax: (716) 852-0603 bwood@bisonelevator.com
Bison Iron & Step
Mr. David Hatcher, President 1601 Harlem Road Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 893-5777 Fax: (716) 893-1125 bisoniron@aol.com
Bison Painting and Decorating Corporation
Mr. Paul Scouras, President 1783 Kenmore Avenue Kenmore, NY 14217 Tel: (716) 873-1448 Fax: (716) 874-9262 bisonpainting@adelphia.net
Bison Scaffold & Masons Supply, Inc.
Mr. David Pera 885 Bailey Avenue Buffalo, NY 14206 Tel: (716) 821-1995 Fax: (716) 821-1997 dave.pera@bisonscaffold.com
Black Rock Controls
Mr. Matthew Kane 2852 Delaware Road Buffalo, NY 14217 Tel: (716) 912-8392 matthew.kane@blackrockcontrols. com
Blackline Equiptment Rental and Sales LLC
Mr. Evan McGee 6274 Main Road Lockport, NY 14094 Tel: (716) 957-2926 emcgee956@gmail.com
Blackstone Construction of WNY, Inc.
Ms. Britt Donnelly 11800 Big Tree Road Wales Center, NY 14169 Tel: (716) 397-2431 Fax: (716) 299-2666 blackstoneconstructionofwny@ gmail.com
Bliss Construction
Mr. Paul Bliss 100-6790 Main Street Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716)204-2910 Fax: (716) 204-2911 pbliss@blissco.net
Blue Cord Plumbing & HVAC
Mr. Garrett Jackson 4683 Parker Road Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 912-0643 garrett.a.jackson@gmail.com
Blue Ox Roofing
Mr. Michael Marinucci 2139 Lockport Road Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 731-6671 Fax: (716) 731-1394 BlueoxRoof@aol.com
Blum Builders Inc.
Mr. Jeff Blum, President 8570 Roll Road Clarence Center, NY 14032 Tel: (716) 741-9970 Fax: (716) 741-3270 jeffb@juliusblumbuilders.com
BMG Systems Inc.
Mr. Gary Slawinski P.O. Box 1307 Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 432-5160 Fax: (716) 683-3335 garys@bmgsystems.net
Mr. David Zielinski 320 Perry Street Buffalo, NY 14204 Tel: (716) 855-6711 dzielinski@bmhahousing.com
BOMA Buffalo
Ms. Jennifer Aiple 465 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 856-3801 info@bomabuffalo.com
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
Mr. Daniel Forsyth 900-200 Delaware Avenue, the Avant Building Buffalo, NY 14202-2107 Tel: (716) 853-7262 Fax: (716) 854-6430 dforsyth@bsk.com
Mr. Jack Dumpert 122 Columbia Boulevard Kenmore, NY 14217 Tel: (716) 713-2094 jsdumpert@verizon.net
Brady Electric, Inc.
Mr. Thomas Brady 63 Industrial Drive North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Tel: (716) 693-0404 Fax: (716) 693-0109 tomb@bradyelectric.com
Mr. Clyde Prince 6389 Woleben Road Portlans, NY 14769 Tel: (412) 295-7185 Fax: (585) 458-5911 caprince@brandsafway.com
Brawdy Construction
Mr. Ryan Glenn P.O. Box 470 Clarence Center, NY 14032
Tel: (716) 741-8714 ext. 217 Fax: (716) 741-8749 ryan@brawdyconstruction.com
BRD Construction Inc.
Mr. Michael D. Masters, President 82 Pearl Street Buffalo, NY 14202-4106
Tel: (716) 847-0042 Fax: (716) 847-0089 mmasters@brdconstruction.com
Brier Hill Contracting Inc.
Mr. Mike George 1716 Alleghany Road Attica, NY 14011 Tel: (585) 591-1868 brierhill77@yahoo.com
Brooks Rigging Corp.
Mr. Daniel Brooks 621 Conley Road Elma, NY 14059 Tel: (716) 652-8121 Fax: (716) 652-8130 dhbrooks@verizon.net
BSL Direct Sales, Inc.
Mr. JP Bogard 3898 Broadway Buffalo, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 725-7854 jpbogard@wonderwindows.com
Bucket Pro, LLC
Mr. Bradley Kyler 1898 Buffalo Street Olean, NY 14760 Tel: (716) 602-2557 kyler1662@icloud.com
Ms. Jessica Corrigan
630-726 Exchange Street Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel: (716) 819-9845 Fax: (716) 819-9849 jcorrigan@wdcinc.org
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 64
Buffalo Barricade LLC
Mr. Dennis Xenos
237 Fillmore Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 694-2250 Fax: (716) 694-2252 dennis@buffalobarricade.com
Buffalo Business First
Ms. Hannah Buffa 465 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 541-1629 hbuffa@bizjournals.com
Buffalo Commercial Flooring & Installations
Mr. Jeff Wells
2262 Union Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 997-6525 Fax: (716) 668-2986 jeffwellsbcf@gmail.com
Buffalo Concrete Accessories
Ms. Bev Gaglio 250 Grider Street Buffalo, NY 14215 Tel: (716) 332-2800 Fax: (716) 332-2803 bev@buffaloconcrete.com
Buffalo Concrete Coatings
Ms. Kirsten Smallwood 1 Cadby Industrial Parkway Lancaster, NY 14006 Tel: (716) 986-7325
Buffalo Construction Consultants Inc.
Mr. Joe Mannarino 496 Kennedy Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 302-4040 jmannarino@buffaloconstruct.com
Buffalo Drilling Company, Inc.
Mr. Matt Winfield 10440 Main Street Clarence, NY 14031 Tel: (716) 759-7821 Fax: (716) 759-7823 mwinfield@buffalodrilling.com
Buffalo Erie Niagara Land Improvement Corporation
Ms. Marjorie McAllister
602-403 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Tel: (716) 243-3996 Fax: (716) 262-0839 m.mcallister@benlic.org
Buffalo Industrial Chemicals Inc.
Mr. Kurt Thomas P.O. Box 664 North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Tel: (716) 696-6400 Fax: (716) 696-6422 kurt@getbic.com
Buffalo Landscape Design, Inc.
Ms. Theresa Elie 990 Campbell Boulevard Amherst, NY 14228 Tel: (716) 673-5477 theresa@ buffalolandscapedesigninc.com
Buffalo Lodging Associates
Ms. Denise Peacock 570 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 339-4877 Fax: (716) 880-3565 dpeacock@buffalolodging.com
Buffalo Millwork & Supply
Mr. Patrick McNamara 8615 Roll Road Clarence Center, NY 14032 Tel: (716) 741-4819 patrick@buffalomillworksupply.com
Buffalo Neighborhood Stabilization Co., Inc.
Ms. Dawn Wells-Clyburn 1-429 Plymouth Avenue Buffalo, NY 14213 Tel: (716) 884-0356 Fax: (716) 884-0358 dawn@pushbuffalo.org
Buffalo Networks
Mr. Jim Szczublewski 525 Hertel Avenue Buffalo, NY 14207 Tel: (716) 210-9056 jms@buffalonetworks.net
Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus, Inc.
Mr. Mark McGovern 401-640 Ellicott Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 854-2662 Fax: (716) 218-7150 mmcgovern@bnmc.org
Buffalo Niagara Partnership
Ms. Ann Brooker 600-257 West Genessee Street Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 852-7100 Fax: (716) 852-2761 abrooker@thepartnership.org
Buffalo Office Interiors
Mr. Michael Cuviello 1418 Niagara Street Buffalo, NY 14213 Tel: (716) 883-8222 mcuviello@boisite.com
Buffalo Plastering, Inc.
Mr. Gary Bolles 315 Hinman Avenue Buffalo, NY 14216 Tel: (716) 885-9020 Fax: (716) 885-9020 beno777@aol.com
Buffalo Silt Sock
Mr. Brandon Sutton P.O. Box 483 East Amherst, Nyn 14051 Tel: (716) 249-3094 sales@buffalosiltsock.com
Burgio & Campofelice Inc.
Ms. Marie Campofelice 114-2721 Transit Road Elma, NY 14059
Tel: (716) 685-6595 Fax: (716) 671-5100 marie@bcampo.com
Busy Beaver Lawn and Garden
Ms. Allyssa Keem 117 French Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: 1 (833) 623-2837 Fax: (716) 473-5331 admin@ busybeaverlawnandgarden.com
BVR Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. H.L. Stephenson II 8 King Road Churchville, NY 14428 Tel: (585) 458-9730 Fax: (585) 458-0570 cstephenson@bvrconstruction.com
C&T Design & Equipment
Mr. Kevin Craig 22-786 Terrace Boulevard Depew, NY 14043 Tel: (716) 302-4284 kcraig@c-tdesign.com
C. Concrete Inc.
Mr. George Sisson Sr., President 4347 Broadway Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 683-6826 Fax: (716) 683-6954 cconcreteinc@gmail.com
C.S. Behler, Inc.
Mr. Thomas G. Casarsa 203 St. Mary’s Street Lancaster, NY 14086-2091
Tel: (716) 684-6060 Fax: (716) 684-5784 tomc@csbehler.com
Ms. Carley Hill P.O. Box 166 Akron, NY 14001 Tel: (716) 364-3022 carley@chillresources.com
Call Associates
Mr. Joe Call 211-567 Exchange Street Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel: (716) 853-1045 Fax: (716) 853-1418 jcall@callassociatesinc.com
Calspan Development & Construction
Ms. Amanda Newton 4455 Genesee Street Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Tel: (716) 632-2121 amanda.newton@calspan.com
Cambar Contracting Inc.
Ms. Andrea Barone 4676 Baer Road Ransomville, NY 14131 Tel: (716) 913-5241 Fax: (716) 625-1548 andrea@cambarcontracting.com
CamCo General Contracting Inc.
Ms. Cameron Sitarek 10994 Tinkham Road Darien Center, NY 14040 Tel: (585) 547-3898 Fax: (585) 547-3855 camco585@gmail.com
Campobello Construction Co., Inc.
Ms. Carol Opalinski, Office Manager
23 Stratford Road Buffalo, NY 14216
Tel: (716) 873-5090 Fax: (716) 873-2242 info@campobelloconstruction.com
Campus Construction Management Group Inc.
Mr. Nicholas Humphrey 100-6225 Sheridan Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 239-4884 nhumphrey@campuscmg.com
Capital Fence Co., Inc.
Ms. Sylvia Raymond 42 North Ellicott Creek Road Amherst, NY 14228
Tel: (716) 691-7438 Fax: (716) 691-0688 mail@capitalfence.com
Cappella Construction Services
Mr. Michael Cappella 3685 Route 39 Collins, NY 14034 Tel: (716) 544-5455 mike.ccservices@outlook.com
Carrigan Drywall Inc.
Ms. Wendy Carrigan 7525 Tonawanda Creek Road Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 438-0421 Fax: (716) 433-1850 wcarrigan@aol.com
Casarsa Construction Supply
Ms. Mary Casarsa 209 St. Mary’s Street Lancaster, NY 14213 Tel: (716) 912-1286 mary@casarsasupply.com
Casella Waste Management of NY, Inc.
Mr. Giorgio Panepinto 2409 Whitehaven Road
Cassidy Masonry
Mr. Ray Cassidy 6024 Maxwell Road Bliss, NY 14024
Tel: (585) 750-5727 Fax: (585) 322-7476 cassidyray33@gmail.com
Mr. Elijah Mbugua 1266 Townline Road Alden, NY 14004
Tel: (716) 651-4642 Fax: (716) 651-4638 elijahmbugua@catcony.com
Cavlee Development Inc.
Mr. Shaun Burke 5983 South Transit Road Lockport, NY 14094 Tel: (716) 628-6720 shaun@cavleedev.com
Caysea Contracting
Mr. Chris Jerge 65 Allendale Road West Seneca, 14224 Tel: (716) 677-4858 Fax: (716) 677-4868 chrisj@cayseacorp.com
Cctec Software. Dr. John Cordaro 3600 Moyer Road
CED Stone North America Inc.
Mr. Ruan Ellis 500-99 Hudson Street New York, NY 10013 Tel: (716) 955-9911 info@cedstone.com
Cellino Plumbing Inc.
Ms. Amanda Magrum 631 Bullis Road Elma, NY 14059 Tel: (716) 675-1111 Fax: (716) 675-1134 office@cellinoplumbing.com
Certified Safety Products of NY
Ms. Christine Joyce 807 State Route 417 East Andover, NY 14806 Tel: (607) 478-8467 cjoyce@ctcsigns.com
CFO Solutions Plus
Mr. Thomas Huebsch 2410 North Forest Road Getzville, NY 14068-0686 Tel: (716) 648-1710 tmh@cfosolutionsplus.com
CGI Communications Inc.
Mr. Chris Sokal 130 East Main Street Rochester, NY 14604 Tel: (585) 427-0020
Chevalier Lawn & Landscaping
Ms. Sue Frank 9580 New York 39 Springville, NY 14141
Tel: (716) 592-0854 sue@youroutdoorlivingspace.com
Chiampou Travis Besaw & Kershner LLP
Mr. Kelly Besaw 45 Bryant Woods North Amherst, NY 14228
Tel: (716) 630-2400 Fax: (716) 630-2401 kbesaw@chiampou.com
Chittenden & Dylag LLC
Mr. David Dylag 9614 Snipery Road Corfu, NY 14036
Tel: (585) 599-3075 Fax: (585) 542-5598
Christa Construction LLC
Ms. Lynsey Ross 104-737 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14209 Tel: (716) 393-1317 lross@christa.com
Mr. Andrew Bell 150 Allen Road Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
Cintron Contractors Inc.
Ms. Lisa McCormick
3069 Clinton Street West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 777-1280 Fax: (716) 822-2017 lisa@cintronllc.com
CIR Electrical Construction Corp.
Mr. Marc Brunelle 2517 Long Road Grand Island, NY 14072
Tel: (716) 362-5000 Fax: (716) 362-5010 mbrunelle@cirelectric.com
Mr. Steve Savidge 504-726 Exchange Street Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel: (716) 856-8400 steves@cvcm.com
CJS Architects
Mr. Robert Stark 755 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14210 Tel: (716) 856-6448 Fax: (716) 852-1722 rstark@cjsarchitects.com
Clarence Wall and Ceiling, Inc.
Mr. Albert E. Nemmer, President 9393 Main Street Clarence, NY 14031-1912
Tel: (716) 759-2944 Fax: (716) 759-2888 alsr@clarencewall.com
Clark Companies
Mr. David F. Clark, Vice-President 500 Ohio Street Lockport, NY 14094 Tel: (716) 433-4600 Fax: (716) 433-4629 dave.clark@clarkrigging.com
Clean MD Commercial Cleaning, Inc.
Ms. Toni Boglev
100W-3176 Abbott Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 671-8068 Fax: (716) 954-7111 toni@cleanmd.net
Clean Water Mechanical and Construction LLC
Mr. Shaun Roberson 16 Stranton Street Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 853-1061 Fax: (716) 852-1438 sroberson@cleanwatermechanical. com
Cleanscapes LLC
Ms. Theresa Thompson 11100 Transit Road East Amherst, NY 14051 Tel: (716) 818-2320 cleanscapesllc@gmail.com
Ms. Julie Higgins 291 Clearfield Drive Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 688-6946 Fax: (716) 688-6946 clearfield5@gmail.com
CME Associates, Inc.
Mr. Mohammed Rony 2-2727 Broadway Buffalo, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 877-9577 Fax: (716) 877-9629 mrony@cmeassociates.com
CMH Co. Inc.
Mr. Mark Metz 1-12750 North Road Alden, NY 14004
Tel: (716) 937-6307 Fax: (716) 937-6392
CMR Construction and Roofing
Mr. David Whitman 4308 Garland Drive Haltom City, TX 76117 Tel: (314) 705-3869 dwhitman@cmrconstruction.com
CNA Surety
Mr. Casey LaChapelle 191-595 New Loudon Road Latham, NY 12110
Tel: (518) 313-4054 Fax: (518) 313-4059 casey.lachapelle@cnasurety.com
Cold Spring Construction Co.
Mr. Ryan Forrestel P.O. Box 358, 3 Jackson Street Akron, NY 14001
Tel: (716) 542-2011 Fax: (716) 542-4944 rmforrestel@ coldspringconstruction.com
Collingwood Construction Corp.
Mr. Lawrence Chumsky, President P.O. Box 686 Getzville, NY 14068-0686
Tel: (716) 689-2213 Fax: (716) 689-2988 collingwoodconst@cs.com
Color Tech Painting Contractors Inc.
Ms. Beth Grimmer 200 Roosevelt Street Tonawanda, NY 14150-3503 Tel: (716) 807-0300 Fax: (716) 693-2906 colortechpainting@verizon.net
Colvin Draperies Inc.
Mr. Jamie Sturtz 100-2429 Elmwood Avenue Kenmore, NY 14217
Tel: (716) 362-9720 Fax: (716) 875-4929 jamie@colvindraperies.com
Comfort Windows Co., Inc.
Ms. Wendy Hickman 560 Fillmore Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 200-0166 whickman@comfortwindows.com
Commercial Credit Group
Mr. Alonson Scriven 340-400 Essjay Road Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 935-6600 Fax: (716) 935-6596 ascriven@commercialcreditgroup. com
Commercial Pipe & Supply Corp.
Mr. John L. Hurley, Jr. 1920 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14207
Tel: (716) 875-1300 Fax: (716) 875-2975 info@commpipe.com
Community Steel Corporation
Ms. Sally Lauck
P.O. Box 883 Buffalo, NY 14240-0883
Tel: (716) 854-5927 Fax: (716) 854-1401 slauck@communitysteel.com
Complete Payroll
Mr. Robert Kropczynski A18-505 Ellicott Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 482-7580 robk@completepayroll.com
Concept Construction Corp.
Ms. Alison Mazurkiewicz 2555 Transit Road Elma, NY 14059
Tel: (716) 675-9171 Fax: (716) 675-6609 alison@conceptconstruction.com
Construction Cloud Solutions
Ms. Brianna McGuire
2558 Hamburg Turnpike Lackawanna, NY 14218
Tel: (716) 364-6682 brianna@ constructioncloudsolutions.com
Construction Monitoring Consultants, Inc. (CMC)
Mr. Brian Smith 4242 Ridge Lea Road Amherst, NY 14226
Tel: (716) 989-4417 brian@go-cmc.com
Construction Trades Staffing, Inc.
Mr. Scott A. Hayes
P.O. Box 1108, 3959 North Buffalo Road Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 204-7555 Fax: (716) 204-7556 scotthayes@ct-staffing.com
Contour Steel
Mr. Chris Okie P.O. Box 7 Lakeview, NY 14085-0007
Tel: (716) 627-1140 Fax: (716) 627-1038 cokie@contoursteel.com
Cooper Sign Company/ Old Glory Flag & Banner
Ms. Jennifer Cooper 7350 Porter Road, P.O. Box 172 Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 297-2340 Fax: (716) 297-5159 jen@oldgloryflag.com
Copper & Slate Inc.
Mr. Steven McGoldrick
1729 Bailey Avenue Buffalo, NY 14211
Tel: (716) 893-0402 Fax: (716) 892-5009 sm8810@aol.com
County Line Stone
Mr. Brad Buyers
4515 Crittden Road, P.O. Box 150 Akron, NY 14001
Tel: (716) 542-5435 Fax: (716) 542-5442 brad@clstone.us
Mr. Richard A. Schaab, President 2260 Clinton Street Cheektowaga, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 773-7110 Fax: (716) 773-3656 rschaab@covercoinsulation.com
Craig Construction LLC
Mr. Brian Craig 11 Pinewood Trail East Aurora, NY 14052 Tel: (716) 913-7689 craigconstruction716@gmail.com
Cranesville Block Co. Inc.
Mr. John Tesiero 400 Pfohl Road Cheektowaga NY 14225 Tel: (518) 627-9119 office@cranesville.com
Cratsley Pane Agency
Ms. Jennifer Cratsley 6692 Prescott Drive Derby, NY 14047 Tel: (716) 901-4254 Jennifer_Cratsley@outlook.com
Creative Remodeling Services, LLC
Mr. David Olejniczak 3614 North Buffalo Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 662-9277 wnycreative@gmail.com
Creeley Construction LLC
Mr. Jake Creeley P.O. Box 364 Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Tel: (716) 822-4611 Fax: (716) 822-4604
CSS Construction
Mr. Russell D. Kyte 100-550 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14204 Tel: (716) 882-1226 Fax: (716) 882-1227 russellk@cssconstruction.biz
CTS Contracting Inc.
Mr. Michael Fronckowiak 320 Crabapple Lane Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 668-4444 Fax: (716) 668-4512 mike@ctscontracting.com
Culligan Water Conditioning
Mr. Tom Herberger 31 Lewis Road Akron, NY 14001
Tel: (716) 807-5202 Fax: (716) 791-4079 tomculliganman@roadrunner.com
Custom Carpet Centers
Mr. Jay McDonnell 2847 Southwestern Boulevard Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 674-0678 Fax: (716) 674-2689 jmcdonnell@customcarpetcenters. com
Custom Crews, Inc.
Mr. Robert Haas 6111 Old Niagara Road Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 434-6600 Fax: (716) 434-6058 bob@customcrews.net
CVF, Inc. Concrete Construction
Mr. Charles Farruggia 100 Burkhardt Avenue Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 836-1673 Fax: (716) 836-6820 cvf111@roadrunner.com
CVN Painting & Construction
Mr. Christian M VanNote 2815 Gowanda Zoar Road Gowanda, NY 14070
Tel: (716) 949-2226 cvnpaint@gmail.com
D&H Paving LLC
Mr. Robert Gonnell 485 Kennedy Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 893-0066 Fax: (716) 892-1486 vito@dhpaving.com
D&M Refrigeration, Inc.
Ms. Anne Mackiewicz 1340 William Street Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 852-4084 Fax: (716) 852-4092 admin@dmrefrigeration.com
D.R. Chamberlain Corp.
Mr.Thomas Johnson Jr. 50 Simonds Street Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 434-7301 Fax: (716) 434-3553 chamberlaintom@ chamberlainconstruction.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 68
D.V. Brown & Associates, Inc.
Mr. Omar Abdallah 567 Vickers Street Tonawanda, NY 14150-2516 Tel: (716) 695-5533 Fax: (716) 695-5538 oabdallah@dvbrown.com
Dan’s Snow Plowing LLC
Ms. Rachel Bliemeister 66 Aberdeen Street Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Tel: (716) 428-3244 rachel@dansllc.com
Davis-Ulmer Sprinkler Company, Inc.
Mr. Brian Swann One Commerce Drive Amherst, NY 14228-2395 Tel: (716) 691-3200 Fax: (716) 691-1230 brian.swann@davisulmer.us
Day Automation Systems
Mr. Daniel Vaccaro 7-435 Lawrence Bell Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (800) 836-0969 dan.vaccaro@dayautomation.com
DC Hauling Excavating & Snowplowing
Ms. Heather Colella 5679 Upper Holley Road Holley, NY 14470 Tel: (585) 204-7625 dc_haulingllc@yahoo.com
DCB Elevator Co., Inc.
Mr. Peter Hall 310 Center Street Lewiston, NY 14092 Tel: (716) 254-1645 Fax: (716) 254-1648 phall@dcbelevator.com
DEL Communications Inc.
Mr. David Langstaff 300-6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, MB R3L 0G5
Tel: (204) 254-6418 Fax: (204) 475-0913 david@delcommunications.com
Deltex Electric Inc.
Mr. Dave Santillo 220 Elk Street Buffalo, NY 14210 Tel: (716) 822-8622 Fax: (716) 824-1882 dsantillo@deltexelectric.com
DeSpirt Mosaic & Marble Co., Inc.
Mr. William Buscaglia Jr., CEO 1085 East Delavan Avenue Buffalo, NY 14215-3195
Tel: (716) 892-5294 Fax: (716) 892-5321 bbuscaglia@despirt.com
DGI Electrical Services, Inc.
Mr. David Gomesky B-2735 Bedell Road Grand Island, NY 14072 Tel: (716) 297-7999 dave@dgielectric.com
Dig It of New York, LLC
Ms. Michelle Serafini 3529 Broadway Street Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 684-7232 Fax: (716) 684-7732 f
Dirt Works inc.
Mr. Nick Snyder 11518 Jamison Road East Aurora, NY 14052 Tel: (716) 863-1744 dirtworks27@yahoo.com
DiVal Safety Equipment Co., Inc.
Mr. Marty Schneider 1721 Niagara Street Buffalo, NY 14207 Tel: (716) 874-9060 Fax: (716) 874-4686 mschneider@divalsafety.com
DJM Contracting, Inc.
Mr. Daniel Munich 7174 Boston State Road Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 575-4232 Fax: (716) 655-0347 danmdjm@gmail.com
DMR Contracting, Inc.
Mr. David Rowe 1769 Center Street East Aurora, NY 14052 Tel: (716) 655-2035 David@dmrinc.co
Mr. Darius Myles 1901 Connecticut Avenue Niagara Falls, NY 14305 Tel: (716) 909-0718 dariusmyles@dmylesinc.com
dobkin tile & Stone
Ms. Melinda Wickenhiser 51 Benbro Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 684-1200 mwickenhiser@dobkintile.net
Donahue Control Corporation
Mr. Keith Kotlowski 11834 Westwood Road Alden, NY 14004
Tel: (716) 863-3060 Fax: (716) 937-7827 keith.kotlowski@donahuecontrols. com
Door 2 Door Inc.
Ms. Jamie Kaye 4578 Sunset Drive Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 694-0700 Fax: (716) 525-1738 jamie@door2doorwny.com
Door Specialties, Inc.
Mr. Kevin Dikeman 530 Fillmore Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 895-6155 Fax: (716) 895-0208 kevin@doorspec.com
Douglas Development
Mr. Sean Heidinger
1 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY, 14203 Tel: (716) 207-8908 sheidinger@douglasdev.com
Dowd Battery Co.
Mr. Justin Dowd 1571 Bronson Road Grand Island, NY 14072 Tel: (716) 773-3151 justin@dowdbattery.com
Draghi Burgos Construction, LLC
Mr. Alexander Burgos 681 Michigan Avenue Buffalo, NY 4213 Tel: (716) 949-6127 aburgos@draghiburgos.com
Driven Contracting Inc.
Mr. Scott Piorun
1891 French Road Varysburg, NY 14167 Tel: (585) 535-7175 drivencontractinginc@gmail.com
Duke Holzman Photiadis & Gresens, LLP
Ms. Elizabeth A. Kraengel 750-701 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel: (716) 855-1111 Fax: (716) 855-0327 ekraengel@dhpglaw.com
Durable Demolition, LLC
Mr. Ryan Plache P.O. Box 71 Lockport, NY 14095
Tel: (716) 957-2604 durabledemolition@gmail.com
DWC Mechanical, Inc.
Mr. David Cloy II 100 John Glenn Drive Amherst, NY 14228
Tel: (716) 891-0350 Fax: (716) 691-6742 dcloy@dwcmechanical.com
Dwight Moldenhauer, Inc.
Mr. Egon Moldenhauer 600 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: (716) 854-2616 Fax: (716) 854-2631 emoldenhauer@ dwightmoldenhauer.com
Dyno Group Inc.
Mr. Christopher Wan A-61 Johnson Drive Buffalo, NY 14201 Tel: (716) 616-0056 Fax: (888) 917-5501 chris.wan@dynogrp.com
E & D Specialty Stands Inc.
Mr. Jon Williams 2081 Franklin Street, P.O. Box 700 North Collins, NY 14111 Tel: (716) 337-0161 Fax: (716) 337-3436 eanddbleacherman@gmail.com
E & M Star Painting Inc.
Mr. Tim McCluskey, President 3503 Genesee Street Cheektowaga, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 863-4917 Fax: (716) 632-1224 shadesofcolor6@aol.com
E & R General Construction
Mr. Angie Passucci 38 St. Davids Drive West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 675-5277 Fax: (716) 675-5277 epassucci@verizon.net
E.J. Militello Concrete Inc.
Mr. Edward Militello 8565 Roll Road Clarence Center, NY 14032
Tel: (716) 406-9741 Fax: (716) 406-9836 eddie@ejmilitello.com
Eastwood Industries, Inc.
Mr. Larry Rozborski, President P.O. Box 305 North Boston, NY 14110 Tel: (716) 941-7420 Fax: (716) 941-5884 office@eastwoodind.com
EBC HR & Payroll Time Parking
Mr. Sean Umlauft 250-301 Ohio Sttreet Buffalo, NY 14204 Tel: (716) 674-7900 sumlauft@ebch.com
Eberl Iron Works, Inc.
Mr. John Eberl, Sales & Marketing 128 Sycamore Street Buffalo, NY 14204 Tel: (716) 854-7633 Fax: (716) 854-1184 john.eberl@eberliron.com
Eco Serve Pest Services
Ms. Lindsay Hartnett 3573 North Buffalo Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 536-5806 lindsayh@ecoservepest.com
Edbauer Construction
Ms. Stephanie Torgalski 2790 Clinton Street West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 883-0280 Fax: (716) 883-0720 stephanie@edbauerconstruction. com
Edward H. Cox Co., Inc.
Mr. William Cox 91 Union Street Hamburg, NY 14075
Tel: (716) 648-6321 Fax: (716) 648-2812 bcox@coxhvac.com
Edward Hulme, Inc.
Mr. Tom Flint 17 East Buffalo Street Warsaw, NY 14569 Tel: (585) 786-5880 Fax: (585)786-8269 tomtoolman02@yahoo.com
Egriu Inc.
Mr. Emin E. Egriu 16 Linwood Terrace Buffalo, NY 14209 Tel: (716) 603-1847
Ehrhart CM Services, Inc.
Mr. Bryan Ehrhart 161 Main Street Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 926-6463 info@ehrhartcm.com
Mr. Michael Krawiec
35 Lee Street Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel: (716) 826-8707 Fax: (716) 826-0969 mkrawiec@essibuf.com
Elevator Maintenance of Buffalo, Inc.
Mr. Joe Cattarin 65 Innsbruck Drive Cheektowaga,NY 14227
Tel: (716) 854-5454 Fax: (716) 854-5458 jcattarin@ elevatormaintenanceofbuffalo.com
Ms. Katie Gartler
5880 Route 39 Springville, NY 14141
Tel: (716) 715-1805 Fax: (716) 684-6739 katie@elkspecialtyflooring.com
Ellicott Development Company
Mr. Frank Jacobi
700-295 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 854-0060 fjacobi@ellicottdevelopment.com
Emerald Services of WNY, Inc.
Mr. Ed Shanahan 1504 Bailey Avenue Buffalo, NY 14212 Tel: (716) 570-2211 Fax: (716) 408-5542 emeraldservices11@gmail.com
Empire Building Diagnostics, Inc.
Mr. Michael Young
1-786 Terrace Boulevard Depew, NY 14043 Tel: (716) 685-4588 Fax: (716) 685-6055 michaely@ebdinc.com
Empire Dismantlement Corp.
Ms. Jackie Brown 2680 Grand Island Boulevard Grand Island, NY 14072
Tel: (716) 773-7707 Fax: (716) 773-7790 empiredc@sysr.com
Empire Erectors Inc.
Mr. Steve McDowell
P.O. Box 1066 Buffalo, NY 14220
Tel: (716) 667-1362 Fax: (716) 667-1562 sjmflash@gmail.com
Empire State Signs
Mr. Neal Wilcox 317 Wheeler Street Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 213-0797 Fax: (716) 213-0798 neal@empirestatesigns.net
Encorus Group
Mr. James Handzlik 2745 Broadway Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 592-3980 Fax: (716) 592-4216 jhandzlik@encorus.com
Energsmart Insulation LLC
Mr. John Bartlo 483 Sawyer Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 775-8035 Fax: (716) 775-8057 jbartlo@buffalofoam.com
EnergyMark LLC
Mr. Andrew Waters 6653 Main Street Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 632-1800 Fax: (716) 632-1818 awaters@energymarkllc.com
Engasser Construction Corporation
Ms. Cheryl L. Engasser, President 691 Olean Road East Aurora, NY 14052
Tel: (716) 655-1104 Fax: (716) 655-5311 concwalls@aol.com
Engineered Air
Mr. William Lenyo 27-1951 Hamburg Turnpike Buffalo, NY 14218
Tel: (716) 822-4500 Fax: (716) 822-4510 engair@buffnet.net
Envirosafe Inspections & Consulting
Mr. Tim Finster P.O. Box 671 Honeoye, NY 14471
Tel: (585) 704-4385 tf@envirosafeinspections.com
Epic Contracting
Mr. Chris Strawbrich 4991 Scrabble Hill Road Collins, NY 14034 Tel: (716) 662-2782 Fax: (716) 662-2789 chris@epic-contracting.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 70
Mr. Louie Sardo Jr. 300-350 Essjay Road Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 276-7617 Fax: (716) 631-4764 louie.sardo@equitable.com
Erb Company Inc.
Mr. Bob Rager P.O. Box 1269 Buffalo, NY 14240 Tel: (716) 825-1400 Fax: (716) 825-1314 brager@erbco.com
Erie 1 BOCES
Ms. Christa Mchale 355 Harlem Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 821-7000 cmchale@e1b.org
Erie Community College Construction Management Dept. 6205 Main Street Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 851-1542 Fax: (716) 270-2841 mamons@ecc.edu
Erie Contracting, Inc.
Ms.Lisa Dzwigal 188 Erie Street Lancaster, NY 14086 Tel: (716) 686-3860 Fax: (716) 206-0758 lisa@eriecontracting.com
Erie Test and Balance
Mr. William Dorsheimer P.O. Box 141 West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 381-8819 Fax: (716) 381-8970 erietestandbal@aol.com
Etank Ltd.
Mr. Matt Kichman 4360 Walden Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086 Tel: (716) 796-3355 MKichman@etank.net
ETS Clearing
Mr. Tim Burden 4159 Foxwood Lane Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 270-3895 etsclearing2@yahoo.com
Mr. Gene Sprecker 4945 Southwestern Boulevard Hamburg, NY 14075
Tel: (716) 649-3866 Fax: (716) 649-6459 southtownsplumbing@yahoo.com
Evans Bank
Mr. Michael Welch 6460 Main Street Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 562-3253 Fax: (716) 926-8690 mwelch@evansbank.com
Excelsus Solutions, LLC
Mr. Chris Laniak 40-12 Pixley Industrial Parkway Rochester, NY 14624 Tel: (585) 533-0003 claniak@xl-sus.com
Mr. John R Swanson 3140 Sheridan Drive Amherst, NY 14226 Tel: (716) 833-3348 john.swanson@expresspros.com
F & S Environmental, Inc.
Mr. David Stotz, President 24 Windsor Ridge Drive Lancaster, NY 14086 Tel: (716) 683-5939 Fax: (716) 683-6077 david.stotz@fsenvironmental.com
Fairway Floor Covering, Inc.
Mr. Dave Dussing, President 55 North Gates Avenue Lackawanna, NY 14218
Tel: (716) 842-3131 Fax: (716) 842-2730 ddussing@fairwayfloorcovering. com
FB Displays & Designs, Inc
Ms. Francine Brooks 107-338 Harris Hill Road Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 635-0282 francine@displaysanddesigns.com
Federated Insurance
Mr. Jason Popielarz 4-4498 Main Street Amherst, NY 1426 Tel: (716) 573-3357 jrpopielarz@fedins.com
Federowicz Concrete, LLC
Ms. Janelle Federowicz
2 Wendling Court Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 206-0024 Fax: (716) 206-0025 janellef@federowiczconcrete.com
Felber’s Building Supply, Inc.
Mr. Rich Felber 5555 Transit Road Willliamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 688-5517 Fax: (716) 688-6308 rfelber@felbersbuildingsupply.com
Mr. Don Freedman
333 Ellicott Street
Buffalo, NY 14203-1678
Tel: (716) 852-2010 Fax: (716) 852-4887 dfreedman@fergusonelectric.com
Ferraro Pile & Shoring, Inc.
Ms. Brigette Armstrong 13590 Genesee Street Alden, NY 14004
Tel: (716) 937- 4800 Fax: (716) 937-0355 barmstrong@ferrarops.com
Fibertech Environmental Services, Inc.
Mr. Pat Haynes 149 Gunnville Road Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 876-4080 Fax: (716) 876-4293 fibertech@fibertechenv.com
Fiddler Roofing Inc.
Mr.John Petrozzi
2335 Niagara Falls Boulevard Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 284-1322 Fax: (716) 731-1471 fiddlerroofing@aol.com
Fierle Underground LLC
Mr. Chris Fierle
7049 Versailles Plank Road Derby, NY 14047
Tel: (716) 392-4888 fierleunderground@gmail.com
Filipiak Construction Consulting and Management
Mr. Devin Filipiak
2-3913 South Park Avenue Blasdell, NY 14219
Tel: (716) 997-9668 Devin@Filipiakccm.com
Fire Safety Systems, Inc.
Mr. Terry Connelly 200-525 Aero Drive Buffalo, NY 14225-1443
Tel: (716) 894-9700 Fax: (716) 894-4354 tconnelly@firesafetysystemsinc.com
Fisher Concrete Inc.
Mr. Kenneth Fisher 741 Welch Road Java Center, NY 14082
Tel: (585) 457-3221 Fax: (585) 457-4149 sfish739@aol.com
Five Star Equipment Inc.
Mr. Bill McDonald
P.O. Box 985 Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 662-2191 Fax: (716) 662-1038 mcdonaldbill@fse-i.com
Fleet Maintenance Inc.
Ms. Deborah Gawron 67 Ransier Drive West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 675-9220 Fax: (716) 675-5710 debg@fmibuffalo.com
Flex Epoxy Flooring
Mr. Mike Jonas 136 North Ogden Street Buffalo, NY 14206 Tel: (716) 768-5867 michaelj@flexepoxyflooring.com
Fohl Sales, Inc.
Mr. Rob Fohl 5735 Main Street Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 631-1526 Fax: (716) 633-1055 robfohl@fohlsales.com
For the Love of Concrete
Ms. Kathy Beardsley 4910 Schurr Road Clarence, NY 14031 Tel: (716) 983-8508 kdevoogle1973@gmail.com
Forbes Homes Inc. DBA ForbesCapretto Homes
Mr. David Capretto 470 Cayuga Road Cheektowaga, NY 14225-1310
Tel: (716) 688-5597 Fax: (716) 688-6674 vcelestino@forbeshomes.com
Foreman Enterprise, Inc.
Mr. Michael Hereth P.O. Box 587 East Amherst, NY 14051
Tel: (716) 440-1721 Fax: (716) 691-8090 foremanconstruction9@gmail.com
Forest Materials, Inc.
Mr. Jeff Hoffman 1665 Harlem Road Buffalo, NY 14206-1987 Tel: (716) 895-3900 Fax: (716) 895-2488 jhoffman@forestmaterials.com
FOS of Cannon Design
Mr. Joseph Cassata 200-50 Fountain Plaza Buffalo NY 14202 Tel: (716) 774-3364 Kreiger@foscd.com
Fox Fence, Inc,
Mr. Mark Fox 2637 Lockport Road Niagara Falls, NY 14305 Tel: (716) 284-1444 Fax: (716) 284-7148 mark@foxfence.com
Frank’s Commercial & Home Services, Inc. Mr. Frank Dimaria 2080 Military Road Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 877-3008 Fax: (716) 876-8322 fadimaria@franksbasements.com
FranNet of Western and Central New York
Mr. John Adams 421-53 Assembly Drive Mendon, NY 14506 Tel: (585) 739-6625 jadams@frannet.com
FRC Orzel, LLC
Mr. David A. Orzel 4545 East Overlook Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 998-6486 dave@orzel.us
Freed Maxick CPAs, PC
Mr. Henry Koziol CPA 800-424 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14202-3508 Tel: (716) 847-2651 Fax: (716) 847-0069 henry.koziol@freedmaxick.com
Frey Electric Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. Kent Frey 100 Pearce Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150-6711
Tel: (716) 874-1710 Fax: (716) 874-0203 kfrey@frey-electric.com
Frey Well Drilling, Inc.
Ms. Bonnie Frey, Admin. Assist. 11565 Broadway Alden, NY 14004-9533
Tel: (716) 937-7977 Fax: (716) 937-9390 drillerfrey@aol.com
Mr. Rob Zuchlewski
504-500 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14204
Tel: (716) 447-7587 Fax: (716) 447-7593 rzuchlewski@fic-services.com
Frontier Insulation Contractors
Mr. Jon Wopperer 2101 Kenmore Avenue Buffalo, NY 14207
Tel: (716) 874-6470 Fax: (716) 874-7219 jon@frontierinsulation.com
FSR Contracting Inc.
Ms. Mary Johnson 4140 South Taylor Road Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 822-1200 Fax: (716) 822-1229 Mjohnson@fsrcontracting.com
Funke Electric Inc.
Mr. Keith Funke 6968 Gowanda State Road Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 807-1600 keith@funkeelectric.com
G&J Contracting, Inc.
Ms. Crystal Jonathan 5140 Walmore Road Sanborn, NY 14132-9327
Tel: (716) 297-0389 Fax: (716) 297-7355 gjcontracting@aol.com
Galbo Group
Ms. Kristin Dotzler 1-786 Terrace Boulevard Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 913-1941 kristind@galbogroup.com
Galler Construction, Inc.
Mr. Ernie Gallersdorfer 6372 Riddle Road Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 439-0031 Fax: (716) 439-1306 gallersteel@aol.com
Gallman Excavating
Mr. Thomas Gallman 4735 Zenner Road Eden, NY 14057
Tel: (716) 432-4642 Fax: (716) 549-5995 gallmanxcavating@aol.com
Geiter Done of WNY, Inc.
Mr. Michael Honer Jr. 300 Greene Street Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 895-8121 Fax: (716) 895-8129 mhonerjr@geiterdone.com
Gernatt Asphalt Products, Inc.
Mr. Bill Schmitz, Vice President 13870 Taylor Hollow Collins, NY 14034 Tel: (716) 532-3371 Fax: (716) 532-9000 bills@gernatt.com
Gernatt Spray Foam, LLC
Mr. Michael Gernatt 2986 Brown Street Collins, NY 14034 Tel: (716) 353-2684 mgernatt@gernattsprayfoam.com
Gibraltar Chimney International
Mr. William Nolan, President 92 Cooper Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 876-9195 Fax: (716) 876-9141 bnolan@gibraltarchimney.com
Gilbane Building Company
Mr. John Cleary 79 Perry Street, 5th floor Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 907-2500 jcleary@gilbaneco.com
Goergen-Mackwirth Company, Inc.
Mr. Jeff Mertz
349 Sawyer Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150.
Tel: (716) 874-4800 Fax: (716) 874-4715 mertzj@gomac.com
Goldberg Segalla LLP
Ms. Iffie Ifedigbo 1425-665 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Tel: (716) 710-5851 iifedigbo@goldbergsegalla.com
Goodwin Electric Corporation
Mr. William Ginther 201 South Youngs Road Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 634-4000 swolf@goodwinelectric.net
Gordon W. Jones Associates
Mr. Scott Jones, Partner 5757 Main Street Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 633-9000 Fax: (716) 633-9005 scott@jonesarchitects.net
Gorenflo’s Buffalo Wholesale
Lock Co., Inc.
Mr. John Gorenflo 1349 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14209
Tel: (716) 882-6603 Fax: (716) 882-1122 jgorenflo@buffalolock.com
Gradeline Concrete
Ms. Candice Renaldo 96 East Avenue West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 783-2741 Fax: (716) 674-6724 candice@gradeline.one
Grande Landscaping LLC
Mr. Charles Grande 42 Green Castle Lane Williamsville,NY 14221 Tel: (716) 688-0246 Fax: (716) 688-0246 grandland@verizon.net
Granzow Construction
Mr. Zachariah Granzow P.O. Box 607 Gasport, NY 14067-0607 Tel: (716) 807-5502 Fax: (716) 778-1232 zgranzow@hotmail.com
Graybar Electric Company
Mr. Patrick Miller 425 Cayuga Road Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Tel: (716) 565-5900 patrick.miller@graybar.com
Graystone Consulting
Mr. Marc Fischer 200-300 Linden Oaks Rochester, NY 14625 Tel: (585) 389-2271 marc.r.fischer@msgraystone.com
Great American Innsurance Group
Mr. Dave Watson
140-1099 Hingham Street Rockland MA 02370 Tel: (617) 308-2834 dewatson@gaig.com
Great Lakes Building Systems, Inc.
Mr. John Wojdan 116 Gruner Road Buffalo, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 892-5253 Fax: (716) 892-5855 jwojdan@glbs-inc.com
Great Lakes Iron
Mr. Russel Cramer 2305 Youngstown-Lockport Road Ransomville, NY 14131 Tel: (716) 622-8908 greatlakesiron@gmail.com
Great Northern Associates Inc.
Mr. Marlo Schoeneman 3918 Broadway Street Buffalo, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 684-2511 Fax: (716) 706-0367 marlo@teamgna.com
Greater Niagara Mechancial Inc.
Mr. Rodney Siegmann 7311 Ward Road North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel: (716) 695-3600 Fax: (716)695-3700 rsiegmann@greaterniagaramech. com
Green Top
Mr. David Lanfear 31 Brayton Street Buffalo, NY 14213 Tel: (716) 238-6053 david@greentopbuffalo.com
Greenauer Blacktop Inc.
Mr. Steve Krauss 391 French Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 826-6565 Fax: (716) 826-4119 regalbbq@aol.com
Mr. Andre Green 1777 East Henrietta Road Rochester, NY 14623
Tel: (585) 351-6600 agreen@greenlightnetworks.com
Gross Shuman P.C.
Mr. Matt Chandler 600-465 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Tel: (716) 854-2787 mchandler@gross-shuman.com
Grove Roofing Services, Inc.
Mr. John Embow 131 Reading Street Buffalo, NY 14220
Tel: (716) 828-1870 Fax: (716) 828-9095 jembow@groveroofing.com
Mr. Chris Guard 3755 River Road Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 819-8992 Fax: (716) 332-9044 chrisg@guardconstruction.com
Gypsum Systems, LLC
Mr. Anthony Adinolfe P.O. Box 449 Elma, NY 14059-0449 Tel: (716) 652-9573 Fax: (716) 652-5700 aa@gypsumsys.com
Mr. Todd Bown 700-300 Pearl Street Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: (716) 685-2300 todd.bown@gza.com
H & H Roofing, Inc.
Mr. Gerald Husman, President 7430 Olean Road Holland, NY 14080
Tel: (716) 655-0258 Fax: (716) 652-2510 hhinc@roadrunner.com
H&V Sales, Inc.
Mr. Christopher Bartnik, V.P. A-2800 Walden Avenue Cheektowaga, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 897-5010 Fax: (716) 897-2702 cbartnik@hvsales-usa.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 72H. C. Zang Agency, Inc.
Mr. Craig Pilc
6204 Goodrich Road Clarence, NY 14032
Tel: (716) 877-3677 Fax: (716) 877-1983 craig@zangagency.com
H. J. Seitz Paving & Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. Larry Engasser 8334 County Road East Amherst, NY 14051
Tel: (716) 741-2282 Fax: (716) 741-2282 seitzpavin@yahoo.com
H. Miles Enterprises Inc.
Mr. Henry Connor
4256 East Lake Road Wilson, NY 14172
Tel: (716) 213-8397 hmilesenterprisesinc@gmail.com
Habitat for Humanity Buffalo
Ms. Teresa Bianchi 1675 South Park Avenue Buffalo, NY 14220 Tel: (716) 204-0740 Fax: (716) 235-8258 tbianchi@habitatbuffalo.org
Haggerty Flooring Co.
Mr. Patrick Haggerty 725-140 North Street Buffalo, NY 14201 Tel: (716) 534-0762 patrick@haggertyfloors.com
Hale Technology in Practice LLC
Mr. David Nachreiner 232 South Plymouth Avenue Rochester, NY 14608
Tel: (716) 696-2876 dn@haletip.com
Haley Concrete, Inc.
Mr. Larry Haley 10413 Delevan-Elton Road Delevan, NY 14042 Tel: (716) 492-0849
Hamburg Floor Covering
Mr. Todd Czarcinski
3882 South Park Avenue Blasdell, NY 14219
Tel: (716) 825-0070 Fax: (716) 362-3518 todd@hamburgfloorcovering.com
Hamburg Overhead Door, Inc.
Ms. Jennifer Kuhn, President 5659 Herman Hill Road Hamburg, NY 14075
Tel: (716) 649-3600 Fax: (716) 648-6470 jen@hamburgdoor.com
Hampton Inn Buffalo/ Amherst
Ms. Stephanie Pericozzi 1601 Amherst Manor Drive Amherst, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 559-7010 Stephanie.pericozzi@hilton.com
Hanes Supply, Inc.
Mr. William C. Hanes 55 James E. Casey Drive Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 826-2636 Fax: (716) 826-4412 whanes@hanessupply.com
HARCAT LLC dba Boismenu Mechanical
Mr. Harold Scott 53 Hawthorne Drive Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 959-9757 hscott@boismenumechanical.com
Harmco Fastener
Mr. Chad Collier 4525 Broadway Depew, NY 14043 Tel: (716) 871-1650 ccollier@harmcofastener.com
Haun Welding Inc.
Mr. Bob Florek 300 Woodward Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14217 Tel: (716) 630-9353 Fax: (716) 630-1563 bflorek@thehaunedge.com
Hayes Construction Services Corp.
Mr, Paul Nyznyk 656 Genesee Street Buffalo,NY 14211
Tel: (716) 768-0145 Fax: (716) 235-2610 paul@hayesbuild.com
HBS Building Supplies, Inc.
Mr. Mark Downing 601 Vickers Street Tonawanda, NY14150
Tel: (716) 692-0084 Fax: (716) 692-1789 markdowning@hbs-corp.com
HDE Electric Inc.
Mr. Mike Durkin Jr. 5841 Seneca Street Elma, NY 14059
Tel: (716) 674-7259 Fax: (716) 674-0225 mdurkin@hdeelectric.com
Health Management Group
Mr. Donald Will 3020 Bailey Avenue Buffalo, NY 14215
Tel: (716) 831-1800 Fax: (716) 831-1818 dwill@horizon-health.org
Heatwave Inc.
Ms. Robin Cloy 100 John Glenn Drive Amherst, NY 14228
Tel: (716) 891-9283 Fax: (716) 691-6742 rcloy@dwcmechanical.com
Mr. Dylan Zutell 1900 Ridge Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 712-0674 dzutell@healthworkswny.com
Mr. Ben Hauser 701 Ellicott Street, 2nd floor Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (507) 321-1204 ben.hauser@helixintel.com
Henley Executives LLC
Mr. Peter Henley 1205-237 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 310-4245 Fax: (716) 542-4396 peter@henleyexecutives.com
Mr. Joe Desmond 4025 Walden Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086 jdesmond@hepaco.com
Herc Rentals
Mr. Pete Riedy 125 Milens Road Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 876-4779 pete.riedy@hercrentals.com
Hercules Corp.
Mr. Barry Heller 550 West John Street Hicksville, NY 11801
Tel: (516) 281-8754 Fax: (516) 937-3914 barry.heller@hercnet.com
Heritage Contract Flooring, LLC
Mr. Donald Faltisco 29 Depot Street Buffalo, NY 14206 Tel: (716)853-1555 Fax: (716) 853-1561 dfaltisco@heritagefloor.com
Herman’s Supply Company
Mr. Kevin Chodkowski 240 Westminster Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (905) 641-2000 kevin.chodkowski@hermanssupply. com
Hertel Hardware & Plumbing Co. Inc.
Mr. Neil Filbert 250 Ramsdell Road Buffalo, NY 14216
Tel: (716) 875-3900 Fax: (716) 875-3901 nfilbert.hhp@gmail.com
Hey Builders Inc.
Ms. Mary Ann Hey 1001 Alleghany Road Attica, NY 14011
Tel: (716) 937-6526 Fax: (716) 937-6526
Highland Acres Landscaping, Inc.
Mr. Todd Gawronski P.O. Box 263 Eden, NY 14057 Tel: (716) 570-6513 Fax: (716) 648-6066 highlandacres@verizon.net
Highland Masonry & Restoration, Inc.
Mr. Lee Carrick, President 33 Ransier Drive West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 712-0781 Fax: (716) 712-0785 hmr@highlandmasonry.net
Hildreth Electric Inc.
Mr. Thomas Hildreth P.O. Box 555 Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 439-0518 Fax: (716) 439-8266 hildrethelectric@live.com
HJS Supply Co., LLC
Mr. Scott DePaolo 2983 Seneca Street West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 674-9860 Fax: (716) 674-9862 scott@hjssupply.com
Hoffman Hanafin & Associates, LLC
Mr. Scott Hoffman 303-500 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14204
Tel: (716) 842-0700 Fax: (716) 608-1405 shoffman@hoffmanhanafin.com
Hogan Glass, LLC
Mr. John Hogan 162 Colgate Avenue Buffalo, NY 14220
Tel: (716) 822-2222 Fax: (716) 822-2022 john.hogan@hoganglass.com
Hohl Industrial Services, Inc.
Mr. David Hohl, President 770 Riverview Boulevard Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 332-0466 Fax: (716) 332-0467 daveh@hohlind.com
Mr. Craig Mahoney 100-75 Pineview Drive Amherst, NY 14228 Tel: (716) 580-2935 Fax: (716) 505-5352 craig.mahoney@holcim.com
Holler Excavating & Grading Inc.
Mr. Micahel Fuller 590 Cayuga Creek Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 464-3771 Fax: (716) 464-3014 mike@hollerexcavating.com
Home Handyman Service Inc.
Mr. Louie Gott 415 Rhode Island Street Buffalo, NY 14213 Tel: (716) 860-0579 joeHHS@aol.com
Home Insulation & Supply Inc.
Mr. John M. Fragale 154 Cemetery Road Lancaster, NY 14086-9703
Tel: (716) 681-0849 Fax: (716) 681-8055 john@homeinsulation.com
Hoot Mechanical & Electrical
Mr. Richard Bowers P.O. Box 428 Lockport, NY 14095-0428
Tel: (716) 433-8348 Fax: (716) 433-8348 dick.bowers@hootco.com
Hopkins Building Contractors, Inc.
Mr. Gregory Hopkins 12125 Gales Court Chaffee, NY 14050
Tel: (716) 983-8878 hopkins2348@yahoo.com
Horizon Masonary Restoration, Inc.
Mr. Nick Kwiatek 4142 Broadway Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 895-990 Fax: (716) 895-9909 nickkwi@yahoo.com
House Crafters
Mr. Mark Casillo 4063 Union Road Cheektowga, NY 14225 Tel: (716) 626-6777 Fax: (716) 626-6776 mrblast@aol.com
Hover Networks Inc.
Mr. Daniel Floyd 475 Lawrence Bell Drive Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 650-5650 Fax: (716) 650-5651 dfloyd@hovernetworks.com
HRI Commercial Food Service
Mr. Cuyler Lewis 2360 Cherry Street Erie, PA 16508 Tel: (814) 453-4747 cuyler@hriusa.com
Huber Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. Tom Ward 136 Taylor Drive Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 681-8881 Fax: (716) 684-1601 tward@hubercon.com
Huron Plumbing & Heating Inc.
Mr. Mark Gfroerer 61 Fillmore Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 692-3950 Fax: (716) 692-0475 mark@huronplumbingny.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 74
Hurwitz & Fine P.C.
Ms. Amber Storr 1300 Liberty Building Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 849-8900 Fax: (716) 855-0874 aes@hurwitzfine.com
Hybrid Building Solutions
Ms. MariLouise Merkwa 9780 Brauer Road Clarence Center, NY 14032 Tel: (716) 741-7416 Fax: (716) 706-5174 ml@hybridbuildingsolutions.com
ICC Commonwealth Mr. Ed Gasiecki 55 South Long Street Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 634-3967 Fax: (716) 634-3983 ed.gasiecki@icc-commonwealth. com
Ideal Concrete, Inc. Ms. Grace M. Dettelis, President 400 Kennedy Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 893-6122 Fax: (716) 897-1534 grace@idealconcreteinc.com
Imperial Door Controls, Inc. Ms. Leah Bellomo 85 Oriskany Drive Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 877-4141 Fax: (716) 877-6563 lbellomo@imperialdoorcontrols. com
Indoor Air Professionals, Inc.
Mr. Joel Solly, Project Manager 800 Commerce Parkway Lancaster, NY 14086-1738 Tel: (716) 683-3000 Fax: (716) 683-3005 keithk@indoorairpro.com
Industrial Power & Lighting Corp.
Mr. Rick Lombard 60 Depot Street Buffalo, NY 14206 Tel: (716) 854-1811 Fax: (716) 854-1828 rlombard@iplcorp.com
Ingalls Site Development, Inc.
Mr. James Ingalls,President 297 Meyer Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 675-7051 Fax: (716) 675-7191 jingalls@ingallssite.com
Ingersoll Painting & Construction
Ms. Sue Ellen Elvers 1890 Niagara Street Buffalo, NY 14207 Tel: (716) 877-6502 Fax: (716) 877-5900 selvers@ingersollpainting.com
Innovative Mechanical Systems
Mr. William Brown, VP 623 Young Street Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 692-0608 Fax: (716) 695-3403 billbrown@ innovativemechanicalsys.com
Insight Floor Covering, Inc.
Mr. Scott Meer 2250 Military Road Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 864-7664 insightfloorco@gmail.com
Insurance Associates
Marketplace Agency Inc.
Mr. Paul Chisholm 3849 Delaware Avenue Kenmore, NY 14217 Tel: (716) 875-6944 pchisholm@iamagency.com
Integrated Construction Services & Solutions, Inc.
Ms. Karen M. Jerge
P.O. Box 228 Buffalo, NY 14205 Tel: (716) 332-5858 karen.jerge@integratedbuf.com
International Masonry Institute
Mr. Brian Trimble
501 Dorchester Drive Seven Fields, PA 16046 Tel: (716) 200-8742 btrimble@imiweb.org
International Stone Gallery
Mr. Somers Sherman 6251 South Transit Road Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 625-8400 Fax: (716) 625-8475 info@intstonegallery.com
Irish Companies
Mr. John Ronan
1444 Clinton Street Buffalo, NY 14212
Tel: (716) 827-2727 Fax: (716) 827-2739 jronan@irishcompanies.com
Iroquois Bar Corp.
Mr. Tom Saia, President
155 Commerce Drive Lackawanna, NY 14218
Tel: (716) 822-8205 Fax: (716) 824-5313 tsaia@iroquoisbar.com
Irr Supply Centers
Mr. Mark March
908 Niagara Falls Boulevard North Tonawanda,NY 14120
Tel: (716) 692-1600 Fax: (716) 692-1611 mark.march@irrsupply.com
Ivy Lea Construction, Inc.
Mr. Michael J. Washington
765 Walck Road North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Tel: (716) 875-8654 Fax: (716) 875-1574 mike@ivyleaconstruction.com
J & D’s Sealtech Corp.
Mr. John Valenti 138 Chandler Street Buffalo, NY 14207 Tel: (716) 743-1017 Fax: (716) 213-0440 jjpaveandseal@gmail.com
J & R Specialties, Inc.
Mr. Jeff Fancher
13661 Main Street Akron, NY 14001
Tel: (716) 442-5040 Fax: (716) 442-5044 jeff@jrbuffalo.com
J & S Mechanical of Buffalo, Inc.
Mr. John Zaepfel 211 Ayer Road Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 625-8114 Fax: (716) 625-8117
J&C Construction Support Services
Ms. Jackie Mahoney 496 Kennedy Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 239-0262 jmahoney@jcconstructionsupport. com
J. Battista Construction Inc.
Ms. Sharon Battista
5525 Rogers Road Hamburg, NY 14075
Tel: (716) 570-5025 jsb821@aol.com
J. Bognar Construction, LLC
Ms. Jennifer Bognar P.O. Box 4 Sardinia, NY 14134 Tel: (716) 222-4082 jbognarconstruction@gmail.com
J. M. Avino Builders, Div. of Javino Builders Inc.
Mr. Joseph M. Avino 67 Wenonah Terrace Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 832-7184 Fax: (716) 832-2510
J.R. Swanson Plumbing
Mr. Rick Selbert, Estimator 413 103rd Street Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 283-3802 Fax: (716) 283-4549 rselbert@jrswanson.com
J.W. Swanson & Associates, LLC
Mr. John Swanson 11 Thielman Drive Buffalo, NY 14206 Tel: (716) 877-6900 Fax: (716) 877-1713 jswanson@jwswanson.com
Jameson Roofing Co., Inc.
Mr. Tony Schunk 106 Evans Street Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 646-9494 Fax: (716) 366-6824 tony.schunk@northeastadmin.com
Jay’s Concrete Coatings LLC
Mr. Jeremy Rojas 54 Camden Avenue Buffalo, NY 14216 Tel: (716) 427-9500 jaysconcretecoatings@gmail.com
Jens Glass Company
Mr. Christopher Jensen 2903 Lakeview Road Hamburg, NY 14075
Tel: (716) 432-5464 Fax: (716) 648-6315 jensglassco@aol.com
JHCC Construction, Inc.
Mr. Joseph Hoage 9161 Wilkinson Road Batavia, NY 14020 Tel: (716) 225-7409
Jim Ando Plumbing Inc
Mr. Jimmy Ando 6-4534 Clinton Street Buffalo, NY 14224-1747
Tel: (716) 771-3601 Fax: (716) 771-3602 jimmy@andoplumbing.com
JIT Toyota Lift
Ms. Joyce Schwob 25 Boxwood Lane Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 569-2410 Fax: (716) 569-6375 joyce@jitny.com
JLB Installations dba Pacific Pools
Mr. Vince Ciotoli 8533 Transit Road East Amherst, NY 14051
Tel: (716) 636-1480 Fax: (716) 636-1631 vince@jlbpacific.com
Mr. Bill O’Brocta
5111 Transit Road Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 683-6800 Fax: (716) 685-1746 billo1@joebasilchevrolet.com
John H. Black Company, Inc.
Ms. Sheri Carter
3370 Broadway Street Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 206-2391 Fax: (716) 206-2398 salcarter@johnhblack.com
Mr. Pat McParlane
300 Colvin Woods Parkway Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 832-1940 Fax: (716) 832-2388 pmmcparlane@jwdanforth.com
John W. Stickl Construction Company, Inc.
Mr. John Stickl 3952 East River Road Grand Island, NY 14072
Tel: (716) 773-7344 Fax: (716) 773-4687 jkstickl@msn.com
Johnson Controls Fire Protection
Mr. Keith Wahl 3-6850 Main Street Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 633-8465 Fax: (716) 635-9280 keith.wahl@jci.com
Jos. A. Sanders & Sons Inc.
Ms. Wendy Sanders
P.O. Box 814 Buffalo, NY 14240
Tel: (716) 893-1470 Fax: (716) 893-6623 sanders@jasroofing.com
Mr. Joy Martin 3354 Ely Avenue Niagara Falls, NY 14303 Tel: (716) 602-7452 step337@hotmail.com
Julies Portable Toilets
Ms. Julie Snyder 2575 Fuller Road Burt, NY 14028 Tel: (716) 603-4860 julie@juliesportabletoilets
K & R Day Trucking
Ms. Karen Trouskie 840 Bullis Road Elma, NY 14059
Tel: (716) 655-0660 Fax: (716) 655-1822 karen.krdaytrucking@gmail.com
K & S Contractors Supply Inc.
Mr. Chris Lucidi 1971 Gunnville Road Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 759-6911 Fax: (716) 759-1419 clucidi@kands.us
Kamco Supply Corp.
Mr. Frank Bremer
1300 Perry Street Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel: (716) 823-3905 Fax: (716) 823-7914 fbremer@kamconewengland.com
Kamholz Outdoor Living
Mr. Jordan Kamholz 5641 Seneca Street West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 982-1663 jordan@kamholzoutdoor.com
Kanaka Construction Management
Mr. Ray Brady 400-2150 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 580-7208 rbrady@luthuligroup.com
Kandey Company
Mr. Richard Szucs Jr. 19 Ransier Drive West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 675-7245 Fax: (716) 675-4957 rszucs@kandeycompany.com
Kazmar Construction
Mr. Gary Kaczmarek 1547 Military Road Kenmore, NY 14217 Tel: (716) 548-9559 kazmarconstruction@gmail.com
Kee Safety, Inc.
Mr. Jim Kondziela 100 Stradtman Street Buffalo, NY 14206 Tel: (716) 896-4949 Fax: (716) 896-5696 jkondziela@keesafety.com
Kelco Construction Management
Mr. Charles Kelkenberg P.O. Box 98 Clarence, NY 14031 Tel: (716) 759-7858 Fax: (716) 759-7857 chaskhomes@gmail.com
Kelley Bros
Mr. Charles Long, Branch Manager 101 Benbro Drive Buffalo, NY 14225-4805
Tel: (716) 684-8665 Fax: (716) 684-9659 clong@kelleybros.com
Kemper System America
Mr. Larry Ryndak 1200 North America Drive Buffalo, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 558-2971 Fax: (716) 558-2967 lryndak@kempersystem.com
Kenneth L. Young Paving Inc.
Mr. Kenneth Young 632 Blairville Road Youngstown, NY 14174
Tel: (716) 745-9985 Fax: (716) 745-3916 kenyoungpaving@aol.com
Key Bank, NA
Ms. Kristin Arnold 900-726 Exchange Street Buffalo, NY 14210 Tel: (716) 228-8492 kristin.arnold@keybank.com
KHEOPS Architecture, Engineering & Survey DPC
Mr. Doug Hager 500-300 Pearl Street Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: (716) 849-8739 Fax: (716) 856-0981 dhager@kheopsdpc.com
Kim Industries
Mr. Jesse Palczewski 110-2205 Kenmore Avenue Kenmore, NY 14207 Tel: (716) 880-6810 Fax: (203) 778-5002 jessep@kimindustries.com
Kimil Construction Inc. Mr. John Militello 2-493 Kennedy Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 893-3660 Fax: (716) 892-1487 john@kimilco.com
King Brothers Construction LLC. Mr. Brett Schiltz 1745 Welch Road North Java, NY 14113 Tel: (585) 535-7526 Fax: (585) 535-7448 bretts@kingbrosconstruction.com
Kirst Construction, Inc.
Mr. Andrew Kirst 7170 Boston State Road, P.O. Box 171 North Boston, NY 14110
Tel: (716) 649-0906 Fax: (716) 649-0206 andrew@kirstconstruction.com
Kistner Concrete Products, Inc.
Mr. Clarence Conrad P.O. Box 218 East Pembroke, NY 14056 Tel: (585) 762-8216 Fax: (585) 762-8315 clarence@kistner.com
Kittredge Equipment Company, Inc.
Mr. John Cannata 17 Pearce Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 479-2371 jcannata@kittredgeequipment.com
Klein Reinforcing
Mr. Tim Dotzler 11 Turner Drive Spencerport, NY 14559
Tel: (585) 352-9433 Fax: (585) 352-4474 tim.dotzler@frontier.com
Kostusiak Coatings & Construction LLC
Mr. Scott Kostusiak 2-6091 Seneca Street Elma, NY 14059 Tel: (716) 982-6190 scott@kostusiakcoatings.com
Mr. Michael Kraft 92 Cooper Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 876-9000 Fax: (716) 876-4530 mikek@kraftwerks.net
KT Construction Services
Mr. Kurt Mang 50 James Street Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 525-1097 Fax: (716) 525-1124 kurt@ktconstructionservices.net
KTG Services LLC
Ms. Katie Reding 7440 Boston State Road Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 536-4184 ktgservicesllc@gmail.com
Kulback’s Construction
Mr. Neil McGinty
2 Wendling Court Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 681-1600 Fax: (716) 681-2825 neil@kulbacksconstruction.com
L&D Construction
Mr. Henry Secord P.O. Box 935 West Seneca, NY 14224-0935 Tel: (716) 668-3141 henrysecord@me.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 76L&W Supply
Mr. Christopher Croce
380 Dick Road Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 681-3285 Fax: (716) 681-0587 christopher.croce@lwsupply.com
L. J. Quigliano II, Inc.
Mr. Lawrence J. Quigliano II 2395 Lockport Road Sanborn, NY 14132
Tel: (716) 731-9008 Fax: (716) 731-9009 ljq2@frontiernet.net
L.D.C. Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. Jeffrey Dinsmore 1920 Baseline Road Grand Island, NY 14072
Tel: (716) 773-7357 Fax: (716) 775-5304 ldcdigs@aol.com
LaBella Associates
Mr. Don Hoefler 130-300 Pearl Street Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: (716) 551-6281 dhoefler@labellapc.com
Lake Effect Flooring
Mr. Ryan Campbell 295 River Street Depew, NY 14043 Tel: (716) 270-7457 rcampbell716buffalo@gmail.com
Lake Side Contracting Co., Inc.
Mr. Rodney Rogers 500-3198 Union Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 681-6260 Fax: (716) 681-0642 rrogers@lakesidecontracting.com
Lake View Lawns, Inc.
Mr. William Maher
6131 Old Lake Shore Road Lakeview, NY 14085-0007 Tel: (716) 997-1347 wmaher@lakeviewlawns.com
Lakeside Sod Supply Co.
Mr. Michael Loberg
6660 Goodrich Road Clarence Center, NY 14032
Tel: (716) 741-2877 Fax: (716) 741-4463 mikeloberg@lakesidesod.com
Lamparelli Construction, Co., Inc.
Mr. Paul Lamparelli 590 Kennedy Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 891-8599 Fax: (716) 891-8213 paul@lamparelliconstruction.com
Lancaster Tanks & Steel Products
Mr. John Brennan 107 Dorothy Street Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 332-5928 Fax: (716) 332-6081 jbrennan@lancastertanks.com
Lancer Door & Glass
Mr. Joe D’Angelo 5205 Broadway Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 684-9161 Fax: (716) 684-2569 joe@lancerglass.com
Landmark Wealth Management
Ms. Mark P. Collard 101-2410 North Forest Road Getzville, NY 14068
Tel: (716) 630-2473 Fax: (716) 408-8899 mark@landmarkfirm.com
Laubacker Enterprises, Inc. (SDVOB)
Mr. Robert Laubacker 528 62nd Street Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Tel: (716) 579-6522 robert@laubackerenterprises.com
Lawley Insurance, Inc.
Mr. Chris Ross, Principal 361 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 849-8618 Fax: (716) 849-8230 cross@lawleyinsurance.com
Lazarus Industries
Ms. Rhea Rudey 382 High Street Buffalo, NY 14204
Tel: (716) 216-0500 Fax: (716) 259-9329 rhea.rudey@lazarusindustries.com
LCA Development, Inc.
Ms. Linda Artmeier 478 Hopkins Street Buffalo, NY 14220
Tel: (716) 823-9645 Fax: (716) 823-9647 linda@lcadevelopment.net
LeChase Construction Services, LLC
Mr. Jeff Panza
451 Elmwood Avenue, Suite 210 Buffalo, NY 14222
Tel: (716) 529-4723 Fax: (716) 855-2229 jeff.panza@lechase.com
Ledge Creek Development, Inc.
Mr. Scott Roetzer
10100 County Road Clarence Center, NY 14032
Tel: (716) 741-3174 Fax: (716) 741-3175 scott@ledgecreek.com
Lee’s Enterprise of WNY, Inc.
Mr. Anthony Lee Jr. 211 Davidson Street Buffalo, NY 14215
Tel: (716) 812-5287 leeenterprise9@gmail.com
Lee’s Environmental Services, Inc.
Mr. Anthony Lee Sr.
2-718 Hopkins Street Buffalo, NY 14220
Tel: (716) 510-1094 leesenviro@gmail.com
Lehigh Construction Group
Mr. Doug Eberhardt 4327 South Taylor Road Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 662-2151 Fax: (716) 662-9041 deberhardt@ lehighconstructiongroup.com
Leisure Craft Pools
Mr. Jeff Kohlhas 2 Lancaster Parkway Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 684-3100 Fax: (716) 684-3111 jeff@leisurecraftpools.com
Lemur Construction Corporation
Mr. Jeffrey Rosser
P.O. Box 852 East Aurora, NY 14052
Tel: (716) 655-6650 Fax: (716) 655-5599 jrosser@lemurconstruction.com
Len-Co Lumber
Mr. Steve Coppola 1445 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14210 Tel: (716) 822-0243 lencospc44@lencobuffalo.com
Mr. Robert Mitchell
5062 Brittonfield Parkway East Syracuse, NY 13057
Tel: (585) 732-7392 Fax: (315) 453-7042 robert.mitchell@libertymutual.com
Life Safety Integrated Systems, Inc.
Mr. Jerry Augello 2A-6455 Lake Avenue Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 200-4218 gaugello@lsisinc.com
Linde Gas & Equiptment
Mr. Kraig Okerlund 85 Great Arrow Avenue Buffalo, NY 14216
Tel: (716) 895-5601 Fax: (716) 895-5602 kraig.okerlund@linde.com
Mr. James Papafagos
900 Niagara Falls Boulevard Tonawanda, NY 14223 Tel: (716) 256-1116 james@linklogix.io
Ms. Molly Schrock 16-430 Lawrence Bell Drive Buffalo, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 631-9200 Fax: (716) 631-2024 mollyschrock@linstar.com
Lock City Supply Inc.
Mr. William Kelley 650 West Avenue, P.O. Box 481 Lockport, NY 14095
Tel: (716) 625-8666 Fax: (716) 434-0296 kelley@lockcitysupply.com
Loewer Paving Inc.
Mr. Ken Loewer P.O. Box 301 Clarence Center, NY 14032-0301 Tel: (716) 741-2913 loewerpaving@outlook.com
Lougen, Valenti, Bookbinder & Weintraub, LLP
Mr. J. Kincaid 130 Bryant Woods South Amherst, NY 14228 Tel: (716) 204-9000 Fax: (716) 204-9841 jkincaid@lvbwcpa.com
Louis Del Prince & Sons, Inc.
Mr. Ken Del Prince 580 Cayuga Road Cheektowaga, NY 14225-1312 Tel: (716) 633-6944 Fax: (716) 633-1053 office@louisdelprince.com
Lovell Safety Management Company
Mr. Bill Neeley 6277 Hessler Farm Path Cicero, NY 13039 Tel: (315) 800-3634 bneely@lovellsafety.com
LPL Financial
Mr. David Will 4-2821 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 903-4139 david.will@lpl.com
Lt. Col. Matt Urban Human Services Center of WNY
Ms. Maya Shermer 1081 Broadway Buffalo, NY 14212 Tel: (716) 893-7222 Fax: (716) 893-7242 mshermer@urbanctr.org
Lume Strategies, Inc.
Mr. Brad Lawson 250 International Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 631-8310 lawsonb@lumestrategies.com
M & C Utilities
Mr. Joe Laraiso 155 Commerce Drive Lackawanna, NY 14218 Tel: (716) 822-2142 mcutilitieslaraiso@yahoo.com
M & M Electric Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. Robert Marasco 4819 Henry Avenue Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Tel: (716) 297-7060 Fax: (716) 297-7063 mmelecconstcoinc@aol.com
M & M Insulation, Inc.
Mr.Jim Moores 2312 March Road Eden, NY 14057 Tel: (716) 319-8159 jim@mminsulationinc.com
M&T Bank Property Mgmt
Mr. Mike Danciak One M&T Plaza, 18th floor Buffalo, NY 14203
Tel: (716) 639-6333 Fax: (716) 639-6613 mdanciak@mtb.com
M&T Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. Bart Kresse 4000-285 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202-1885
Tel: (716) 853-7960 Fax: (716) 651-4290, (716) 6514291 bkresse@mtb.com
M.I.S. of America, Inc.
Mr. Jerry Meyer Jr.,President 4391 Walden Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086-9754
Tel: (716) 681-3758, 1 (800) 6883758 Fax: (716) 681-3979 jerryjr@misofamerica.com
M.K.S. Plumbing Corporation
Mr. Joseph Marchitte 19 Raniser Drive West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 675-5771 Fax: (716) 675-0441 jmarchitte@mksplumbing.com
Mach Architecture
Mr. Brian Kelley 2000 Sheridan Drive Buffalo, NY 14223
Tel: (716) 424-2035 bkelley@mach-arch.com
Mader Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. Kevin Biddle, President P.O. Box 420 Elma, NY 14059-0420
Tel: (716) 655-3400 Fax: (716) 655-4427 kbiddle@maderconstruct.com
Mandon Building Systems, Inc.
Mr. Kenneth Stephan, President 84 Gunnville Road Lancaster, NY 14086-9748 Tel: (716) 759-8106 Fax: (716) 759-8109 ken@mandonbuildingsystems.com
Manning Squires Hennig Co., Inc.
Mr. Brian Kelly 8426 Seven Springs Road Batavia, NY 14020 Tel: (716) 913-9880 Fax: (585) 343-7452 bkelly@mshco.com
Maple Hill Site, Inc.
Mr. Jason Michel 265 Bowen Road East Aurora, NY 14052 Tel: (716) 913-9880 maplehillsiteinc@yahoo.com
Mark Cerrone Inc.
Mr. George Churakos 2368 Maryland Avenue P.O. Box 3009 Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Tel: (716) 282-5244 Fax: ( 716) 282-5245 gchurakos@markcerrone.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 78
Mr. Mark W. Schiller
20 Tannon Drive South Fairport, NY 14450
Tel: (585) 259-0275 markmws1@aol.com
Masters Edge, Inc.
Mr. Giuseppe Surdi
3409 Broadway Street Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 651-0551 Fax: (716) 651-0317 burkemastersedge@gmail.com
Mr. Matt Kolo
7008 Omphalius Road Colden, NY 14033
Tel: (716) 860-0039 mattkoloexcavating@gmail.com
Matthew Kandefer Inc.
Mr. Timothy Joldos II 79 Fillmore Avenue, P.O. Box 1046 Tonawanda, NY 14151
Tel: (716) 893-8376 Fax: (716) 894-6945 mattkinc@gmail.com
Mazza Mechanical Services, Inc.
Mr. Daniel DeRose
430 North 7th Street Olean, NY 14760
Tel: (716) 372-0091 Fax: (716) 373-6021 dderose@mazza-hvac.com
McAllister Plumbing Heating & Cooling Inc.
Mr. Thomas J. McAllister 3080 Amsdell Road Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 649-6377 tjm@mcallisterphc.com
McGuire Development Company, LLC
Mr. David VonDerau
455 Cayuga Street Buffalo, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 829-1987 Fax: (716) 885-1319 dvonderau@mcguiredevelopment. com
Mr. Charles R. Murdough
6-149 Gunnville Road Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 523-8724 cmurdough2@gmail.com
Melco Construction Services Inc.
Mr. Chris Andrews 1352 Genesee Street Buffalo, NY 14211
Tel: (716) 332-4069 Fax: (716) 332-4072 mel@melcoconstruction.com
Merani Hotel Group
Mr. David Carroll 401 Buffalo Avenue Niagara Falls, NY 14303 Tel: (716) 524-3344 Fax: (716) 524-3330 david.carroll2@hilton.com
Mr. Rob Richter 8185 Main Street Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 633-0088 rrichter@mercedesbenzbuffalo.com
Merit Apprenticeship Alliance, Inc.
Ms. Penny M. Hazer 210A-6320 Fly Road Syracuse, NY 13057 Tel: (315) 440-8989 pmhazer@MeritAlliance.org
Metric Collective - FranFunnel
Ms. Susan Duane 16 Sherborne Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 435-0476 susan@metriccollective.com
Metro Contracting & Environmental, Inc.
Mr. Harold Hibbard, President 2939 Lockport Road Niagara Falls, NY 14305
Tel: (716) 285-9280 Fax: (716) 285-9301 hhibbard@metroenvironmental. com
MGR Constructors Inc.
Mr. Gregory J. Topol P.O. Box 61 Bowmansville, NY 14026
Tel: (716) 681-9383 Fax: (716) 681-3427 atmgr@roadrunner.com
MidCity Office Furniture
Mr. Jim Smyth 240-2495 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14214 Tel: (716) 832-0138 Fax: (716) 832-0892 jim@midcityoffice.com
Midland Asphalt Materials Inc.
Ms. Cheyl Suszczynski 640 Young Street Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 692-0730 Fax: (716) 408-8983 cheryl.suszczynski@midlandasphalt. com
Mike Steffen Contractor Inc
Mr. Mike Steffens
P.O. Box 305 Bemus Point NY 14712 Tel: (716) 386-6666 Mikesteffencontractor@gmail.com
Mikelly Construction
Mr. Michael Maliszewski P.O. Box 315 Sanborn, NY 14132 Tel: (716) 298-1100 office@1844mikelly.com
Milherst Construction, Inc.
Mr. James L. Collins Jr. 10025 County Road, P.O. Box 430 Clarence Center, NY 14032-0430
Tel: (716) 688-9098 Fax: (716) 688-9562 jimjr@milherst.com
Millennium Construction, Inc.
Ms. Gail Cefalu, President 8320 Quarry Road Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 299-7107 Fax: (716) 299-7106 gail@mci2010.com
Miller Environmental Group Inc.
Ms. Jennifer Weremblewski 4429 Walden Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 261-5994 jWeremblewski@millerenv.com
Ms.Melissa Brinson
800-3901 Genesee Street Buffalo, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 633-5600 Fax: (716) 633-5641 mbrinson@ampbuild.net
Milton CAT
Mr. Jason Pierce 400 Wheeler Street Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 341-7714 Fax: (585) 815-6199
Milwaukee Electric Tool
Mr. Timothy Furner 1850 Brothertown Road Deansboro. NY 13328
Tel: (262) 606-7371 timothy.furner@milwaukeetool.com
Mitchell Drywall Inc.
Mr. Ronnie Mitchell 534 Puritan Place Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 444-2428 ronniemitchell71@gmail.com
MJ Mechanical Services, Inc.
Mr. Dave Ebert 95 Pirson Parkway Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 874-9200 Fax: (716) 874-6807 debert@mjmechanical.com
MLP Plumbing & Mechanical Inc.
Mr. Dave Muskopf Jr. 300-3198 Union Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 681-6997 Fax: (716) 681-0642 dwmuskopf@mlpcorp.com
Modern Disposal
Mr. Anthony Thomas 4746 Model City Road P.O. Box 209 Model City, NY 14107 Tel: (716) 462-7389 Fax: (716) 754-8964 athomas@modern-corp.com
Modular Comfort Systems
Mr. Salvatore Gorino 207 West. Huron Street Buffalo, NY 14201 Tel: (315) 484-9048 sgorino@mcsmms.com
Mollenberg-Betz, Inc.
Mr. Van Mollenberg, President 300 Scott Street Buffalo, NY 14204 Tel: (716) 614-7473 Fax: (716) 614-7465 vmollen@mollenbergbetz.com
Monroe Tractor
Mr. Bruce Morgan 5035 Genesee Street Buffalo, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 681-7100 bmorgan@monroetractor.com
Montante Construction
Mr. Doug Elia 2760 Kenmore Avenue Buffalo, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 876-8899 delia@tmmontante.com
Montondo Trailer
Mr. John Montondo 1800 Broadway 4C Buffalo, NY 14212 Tel: (800) 680-2902 jack@716trailer.com
Moore Road Construction, Inc.
Mr. Jason Russell 71 Nason Boulevard Springville, NY 14141
Tel: (716) 592-0950 Fax: (716) 592-0951 mrc1721@yahoo.com
Morris Masonry Restoration LLC
Mr. Jeffrey Morris 441 Bailey Avenue Buffalo, NY 14210 Tel: (716) 894-0102 Fax: (716) 891-9443 mmr@morrisrestoration.com
MPG Properties, LLC
Mr. Michael Gish 1089 Davis Road West Falls, NY 14170-9726 Tel: (716) 432-8455 mike@mpgproperties.com
MTW Development of Medina, Inc.
Mr. Mark Zacher 11827 Million Dollar Highway Medina, NY 14103
Tel: (585) 798-3095 Fax: (585) 798-3595 mzacher@rochester.rr.com
Murray Roofing
Mr. Jeff Murray 600 Cayuga Creek Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 896-5555 Fax: (716) 894-5730 jeff.murray@ murrayroofingcompany.com
Napier and Sons, Inc.
Mr. John Napier 517 Brighton Road Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 832-9000 Fax: (716) 832-2030 john@napierandsons.com
National Fuel
Mr. Erik Solomon 6363 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 857-7000 solomone@natfuel.com
National Grid
Ms. Whitney Skeans 144 Kensington Avenue Buffalo NY 14214 Tel: (716) 990-7690 Whitney.Skeans@nationalgrid.com
National Maintenance Contracting Corp (NMCC)
Mr. Samuel Lehr P.O. Box 258 Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 285-1583 Fax: (716) 285-3580 sdlehr@nmccnational.com
National Overhead Door Inc.
Mr. Donald Larson 5880 New Taylor Drive Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 667-3500 Fax: (716) 667-0982 national4doors@aol.com
National Solar Technologies
Mr. Paul D. Vargovich Jr 166 Taylor Road Depew, NY 14043 Tel: (716) 683-2505 Fax: (716) 683-8655 paul@NSTsolar.com
National Water Main Cleaning Co.
Mr. Gary Millington 928 Broad Street Utica, NY 13504 Tel: (315) 624-9520 Fax: (315) 624-9523 gary.millington@nwmcc-bos.com
NCH Transport Services LLC
Mr. Nick Hathaway 4828 South Newstead Road Akron, NY 14001 Tel: (716) 481-2766 nchtransportservices@gmail.com
NCI Construction
Mr. John Nichter 616 Broadway Street Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 309-3100 Fax: (716) 684-8795 john@nciconstruction.com
Near Me Remodel, LLC
Mr. Raymond Brook 117-3380 Sheridan Drive Amherst, NY 14226 Tel: (716) 598-4376 nearmeremodel@yahoo.com
Mr. Joe Karl 411 Burnham Street Hartford, CT 06108 Tel: (860) 290-9044 joe.karl@nefcocorp.com
Mr. Mark Neff 146 Taylor Drive Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 685-3539 Fax: (716) 685-3566 mneff@nethandson.com
New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc.
Mr. Curt Resetarits 500 Como Park Boulevard Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 826-7310 Fax: (716) 826-1342 cresetarits@buffalocrushedstone. com
New Frontier Excavating & Paving Inc.
Mr. Rick Zydel 7003 Brown Hill Road Boston, NY 14025
Tel: (716) 226-4298 Fax: (716) 226-4299 rick.newfrontier@roadrunner.com
New Heitz Site Services, LLC
Mr. Jonathan Heitzenrater 8644 Buffalo Avenue Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Tel: (716) 299-8885 j.heitzenrater@new-heitz.com
New York Power AuthorityNiagara Facility
Mr. Anthony Dell’lsola, P.E. 5777 Lewiston Road Lewiston, NY 14092
Tel: (716) 286-6114 Fax: (716) 286-6931 anthony.dell’isola@nypa.gov
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 80
Newfane General Contracting
Mr. Tony Porter
P.O. Box 403 Barker, NY 14012
Tel: (716) 795-3887 Fax: (716) 795-3430 newfanegeneralcontracting@ yahoo.com
Newstead Homes & Improvements Inc.
Mr. Daniel Eckerson
214 East Avenue Akron, NY 14001
Tel: (716) 481-2772 Fax: (716) 442-5407 dan@newsteadhomes.com
Mr. Daniel Cirasunda
188 Ellicott Road
West Falls, NY 14170-9726
Tel: (716) 821-9519 Fax: (716) 821-9747 newtonconcreteinc@yahoo.com
Niagara Building Systems, LLC
dba HMP Builders
Mr. Harry Illenz 2040 Military Road Tonawanda, NY 14150-6704
Tel: (716) 438-7720 Fax: (716) 997-1814 harry@hmpbuilders.com
Niagara Coatings Services, Inc.
Mr. Allen Richards
8025 Quarry Road
Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 297-5834 Fax: (716) 297-5603 arichards@niagaracoatings.com
NKM Contracting Inc.
Mr. Bruce Hora
510 Ellicott Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 440-6388 Fax: (716) 939-3889 nkmcontracting@gmail.com
NOCO Natural Gas & Electric
Mr. Pierre Aubertin
2440 Sheridan Drive Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 308-7526 paubertin@noco.com
Nordstrom Williams
Ms. Lynn Novo P.O. Box 224 Bemus Point NY 14712
Tel: (716) 800-2219 Fax: (716) 800-2219 lynn@nordstromwilliams.com
North Forest Office Space
Mr. David Merrell 1-2829 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 626-9764 davem@nforest.com
North Star Supply Co., Inc.
Mr. Nick Schiferle 55 Thielman Drive Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 853-7332 Fax: (716) 856-6259 nschiferle@northstarsupply.com
Northeast Diversification, Inc.
Mr. Lee Cadby, President 2 Cadby Industrial Parkway Lancaster, NY 14086-9570 Tel: (716) 681-8879 Fax: (716) 681-3407 lee@northeastpaving.com
Northeast Window Tint
Mr. Jon Lewandowski 352 Hartford Avenue Buffalo, NY 14223 Tel: (716) 875-5408 jlewandowski@ northeastwindowtint.com
Northern Dreams Construction, Inc.
Mr. David Dettelis 400 Kennedy Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 332-3765 Fax: (716) 240-9935 ddettelis@ northerndreamsconstruction.com
Northern Erie Supply
Mr. David Linneborn 63 Knapp Road Akron, NY 14001 Tel: (716) 697-9999 northerneriesupply@yahoo.com
Northern Exteriors Inc.
Mr. Michael J. Outten 100-2712 West Avenue Newfane, NY 14108 Tel: (716) 772-7118 Fax: (716) 772-7822 mjobricky@aol.com
Northernstar Construction LLC
Mr. Michael Leone P.O. Box 190 East Amherst, NY 14051 Tel: (518) 222-3494 michael@ northernstarconstructionllc.com
Northspur Construction
Mr. Bob Dickinson 3662 California Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 374-5996 bobdickinson109@gmail.com
Northwest Bank
Mr. Joseph Brennan 100-375 Essjay Road Amherst, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 242-9770 josephbrennan@northwestbank. com
Nova Site Company
Mr. Gino Zagarrio 6 Lena Court West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 677-0435 Fax: (716) 677-0451 gzagarrio@novasiteco.com
Nowak Industrial LLC
Mr. Christopher J. Nowak 145 Suzette Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 803-4078 cnow01261@verizon.net
Numarco, Inc.
Mr. John Nuttle, President 1021 Maple Road Elma, NY 14059-9530
Tel: (716) 652-9190 Fax: (716) 652-3442 numarco@aol.com
NW Contracting
Ms. Nicole Savage 3553 Crittenden Road Alden, NY 14004
Tel: (716) 937-6527 Fax: (716) 937-9360 nicole@nwcontracting.com
Oakgrove Construction, Inc.
Ms. Amy May 6900 Seneca Street Elma, NY 14059
Tel: (716) 652-2200 Fax: (716) 655-3919 amym@oakgroveconst.com
Oaks Construction and Dumpster Rental
Ms. Jen Burton 230 Sawyer Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 875-6257 jen@oaksdumpster.com
Obanion Cleaning Service and Restoration
Mr. Steven Obanion 60 Marjann Terrace Buffalo, NY 14223 Tel: (716) 597-8999 obanionsrestorations@gmail.com
Occhino Corp
Mr. Anthony Milone 2650 Seneca Street West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 827-7000 Fax: (716) 828-0073 amilone@occhinopaving.com
O’Connor Mechanical Corp.
Mr. Dean O’Connor 203 Fisher Road Lackawanna, NY 14218 Tel: (716) 824-2100 Fax: (716) 821-9611 dean@omchvac.com
Ojibway Construction Corp.
Mr. Michael J. Zwelling 1332 Tanglewood Drive North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel: (716) 589-0675 mike@occwny.com
Old Dutchman’s Wrought Iron, Inc.
Mr. Michael Deck 2800 Millersport Highway, P.O. Box 632 Getzville, NY 14068-0632 Tel: (716) 688-2034 Fax: (716) 688-2036 mike@olddutchman.com
Omar McDowell Co.
Mr. Craig McDowell 320-25109 Detroit Road Westlake, Ohio 44145 Tel: (440) 808-2280 Fax: (440) 808-2266 craig@omarmcdowell.com
On Track Construction Inc.
Mr. Jesse Milley 1553 Center Street East Aurora, NY 14052
Tel: (716) 866-2838 Fax: (716) 652-0599 jesse@otcmx.com
ONE Diversified, LLC
Mr. Mickey Ames 3-10 Vantage Point Drive Rochester, NY 14624 Tel: (585) 738-7849 mames@diversifiedus.com
Oneida Sales and Service
Mr. Fred Saia 155 Commerce Drive Lackawanna, NY 14218 Tel: (716) 822-8205 Fax: (716) 824-5313 fsaia@oneidagroup.com
Onyx Global Group
Ms. Brenda L. Calhoun P.O. Box 1487 Buffalo, NY 14215 Tel: (716) 570-2241 Fax: (888) 486-0164 onyxofbuffalo@gmail.com
OSC Equipment Services, Inc.
Mr. Andrew Cappello 1001 East Delavan Avenue Buffalo, NY 14215 Tel: (716) 800-3333 Fax: (716) 332-1250 acappello@oscinc.com
Outstanding Outdoors LLC
Mr. Joseph Sitek 5557 Birchwood Drive Lakeview, NY 14085
Tel: (716) 261-0017 outstandingoutdoorsllc@gmail. com
Oza Inspections Inc.
Mr. Gordon Shaw, President P.O. Box 125 Lewiston, NY 14092 Tel: (716) 832-9513 Fax: (905) 945-3942 gordonshaw@ozagroup.com
P. A. T. Construction
Management Corp.
Mr. Peter Casilio 2457 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 633-9933 Fax: (716) 633-9937 peterc@casilioco.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 82
P. Max Engineering
Ms. Raquel Loya 598 Lafayette Avenue Buffalo, NY 14222 Tel: (716) 381-9389 info@pmax-eng.com
Paint of WNY
Mr. Mike Giordano 2205 Hopkins Road Getzville, NY 14068 Tel: (716) 863-1115 Fax: (951) 344-1707 mike.giordano@paintofwny.com
Paintcraft LLC
Mr. William Vail 379 Hammocks Drive Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 289-0437 info@paintcraftwny.com
Painters Plus
Ms. Anna Bettis 800 Walck Road North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel: (716) 693-7587 annab@paintersplus.us
Paramount Windows and Doors
Mr. Clark Doll 53 Cook Road East Aurora NY 14052 Tel: (716) 982-5579 Sales@paramountwindowsny.com
Parise Mechanical Inc.
Mr. Samuel Parise 1106 Sheridan Drive Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 694-4900 Fax: (716) 694-7988 sparise@parisemechanical.com
Park Place Installations, Inc.
Mr. Joseph Tucker 206-255 Great Arrow Avenue Buffalo, NY 14207 Tel: (716) 240-9779 joseph@parkplaceinstallations.com
Parker Trucking, LLC
Mr. Shane Parker 2 Wendling Court Lancaster, NY 14086 Tel: (716) 863-5498 shane@parker-trucking.com
Parkside Fire & Security
Mr. Anthony Marshall 237 Highland Parkway Buffalo, NY 14223
Tel: (716) 348-3800 Fax: (716) 348-3801 amarshall@parksidefiresecurity.com
Patriot Insulation LLC
Mr. Jesse Palczewski 10306 Jennings Road North Collins, NY 14111 Tel: (716) 880-6810 jessep@patriotinsul.com
Patterson-Stevens, Inc.
Mr. Todd Dowling 400 Sawyer Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 873-5300 Fax: (716) 873-4094 tdowling@pattersonstevens.com
Paychex, Inc.
Mr. Joe Galen 911 Panorama Trail South Rochester, NY 14625 Tel: (844) 846-7824 conex@paychex.com
PCA Technology Group, Inc.
Mr. Jason Covelli 303 Cayuga Road, Suite 100 Buffalo, NY 14225 Tel: (716) 632-5881 jcovelli@pcatg.com
PCS Plumbing & Heating
Mr. Chris Tryjankowski 2286 South Park Avenue Buffalo, NY 14220
Tel: (716) 685-0710, (716) 822-4302 Fax: (716) 822-4304 chris@pcsplumbing.com
Peak Development Partners & Construction
Ms. Rose Seege 604-701 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14210 Tel: (716) 240-9177 rs@teampeak.com
Pella Window and Doors
Ms. Joanne Harris 558 Sonwil Drive Buffalo, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 681-2000 Fax: (716) 683-3896 jharris@pellasolutions.com
People Inc.
Mr. Anthony Rushford 1219 North Forest Road Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 880-3801 arushford@people-inc.org
Pepe Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. Michael Pepe
2-4085 Seneca Street West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 826-0400 Fax: (716) 826-0463 mikep3320@hotmail.com
Petschke Inc.
Mr. Richard Petschke
P.O. Box 234 Alden, NY 14004
Tel: (716) 937-4956 Fax: (716) 937-4955 petschke7@yahoo.com
Phillips Lytle, LLP
Mr. Kelly Marks
One Canalside, 125 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203-2887
Tel: (716) 847-7057 Fax: (716) 852-6100 kmarks@phillipslytle.com
Picket Fence & Exteriors
Mr. Charlie Reid
6695 Transit Road, P.O. Box 757 East Amherst, NY 14051
Tel: (716) 688-1672 Fax: (716) 688-1673 picket@roadrunner.com
Picone Construction Corporation
Mr. Anthony Picone, President 10995 Main Street Clarence, NY 14031
Tel: (716) 634-9994 Fax: (716) 633-6956 ajpicone@piconeconstruction.com
Pinelli Landscaping Inc.
Ms.Tammy Pinelli 4524 Clinton Street West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 656-1000 Fax: (716) 656-1002 tammy@pinellilandscaping.com
Pinnacle Sales
Mr. Roger Davis
512 Hall Road Elma, NY 14059
Tel: (716) 553-5462 Fax: (412) 461-9967 roger.davis@pinnaclereps.com
Pinto Construction Services, Inc.
Mr. James J. Panepinto, President 132 Dingens Street Buffalo, NY 14206
Tel: (716) 825-6666 Fax: (716) 825-6773 jpanepinto@pintoheavyconst.com
Planned Futures Financial Group, LLC
Mr. F. James Ginnane 210N-300 Corporate Parkway Amherst, NY 14226
Tel: (716) 632-4200 Fax: (716) 276-1196 jginnane@financialguide.com
Mr. Mark Massa 396 Zimmerman Street North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Tel: (716) 810-2859 Fax: (917) 534-6075 mmassa@plant-iq.com
Platinum Communication Services
Mr. Bill Hardick 208-1868 Niagara Falls Boulevard Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 629-3675 Fax: (716) 989-4530 billh@platinumcsllc.com
PNA Construction Technologies
Mr. Greg DeFransicso 155 Harlem Road Guenview, IL 60025 Tel: (585) 626-5522 gdefrancisco@pna-inc.com
Precision Masonry
Mr. John Sheffer 2931 East Church Street Eden, NY 14057
Tel: (716) 992-8942 Fax: (716) 992-8942 bgsheffer@mac.com
Preferred Electrical Services of WNY, Inc.
Mr. Eugene Boos 1089 Kinkead Avenue North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel: (716) 304-8015 eugene@preferredelectrical servicesofwnyinc.com
Preferred Seed Company
Mr. Ray Favale
575 Kennedy Road Buffalo, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 895-7333 Fax: (716) 895--3421 ray@preferredseed.com
PremCom Corp.
Mr. Joe Osika 1-85 Northpointe Parkway Amherst, NY 14228 Tel: (716) 691-0791 Fax: (716) 691-0795 josika@premcom.com
Prentice Office Environments
Ms. Jackie Flynn 472 Franklin Street Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 884-8452 Fax: (716) 884-0894 jlf@prentice.us
Preservation Buffalo Niagara
Ms. Jessie Fisher 617 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 852-3300 jfisher@pbnsaves.org
Prevision Construction Consulting and Management, LLC
Ms. Jody Potter 59 Highland Avenue Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 880-4428 jodean.potter@yahoo.com
Prime Time Energy Services, Inc.
Mr. Nicholas Cappelli 67 Sheldon Avenue Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 685-4331 Fax: (716) 685-4334 nick@primetime-energy.com
Priority Abatement and Remediation
Mr. Aaron Friend A-2437 Berg Road Buffalo, NY 14218 Tel: (716) 313-2844 afriend@emailpar.com
Pro Dock and Door
Ms. Megan Smaldino 1492 Milestrip Road North Collins, NY 14111 Tel: (716) 913-5630 msmaldino@prodockanddoorwny. com
Pro Squared Facility Solutions
Mr. Ken Casseri 1243 Military Road Kenmore, NY 14217
Tel: (716) 810-0200 Fax: (716) 871-2685 ken.casseri@prosquaredfs.com
ProCore Industrial Inc.
Ms. Amy Fotevski 7350 Cole Road Colden, NY 14033 Tel: (716) 476-1898 Fax: (716) 279-3552 procoreinc@hotmail.com
Progressive Roofing
Mr. Jeff Jenkins 331 Grote Street Buffalo, NY 14207
Tel: (716) 873-8711 Fax: (716) 874-6767 js.jenkins@verizon.net
Pro-X Window & Door Inc.
Mr. Aaron Quinn 1484 Friedman Road Darien Center, NY 14040 Tel: (716) 310-3635 aaron@pro-xwindowanddoor.com
Pure Construction Services LLC
Ms. Candace Kresin 205-5360 Genesee Street Bowmansville, NY 14026 Tel: (716) 970-2533 Fax: (716) 970-2595 candacek@pureconstruction.com
Purtill Plumbing
Mr. Mike Purtill 3959 North Buffalo Road Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 662-1678 mpurtillplumbing@yahoo.com
Pyramid Masonry
Mr. Todd Watkins P.O. Box 194 West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 866-0782 Fax: (716) 662-3393 pmasonry1@verizon.net
Mr. Don May 1799 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel: (716) 826-1095 Fax: (716) 826-2100 qandm1799@roadrunner.com
Quackenbush Co., Inc.
Mr. Adrian Quackenbush 495 Kennedy Road Buffalo, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 894-4355 Fax: (716) 893-1992 aquackenbush@qcoinc.com
Quaker Millwork & Lumber
Mr. Robert Raber 77 South Davis Street Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 662-3388 Fax: (716) 662-2220 bobr@quakermills.com
Quality Structures Inc.
Mr. Gary Roth
P.O. Box 60648 Rochester, NY 14606
Tel: (585) 647-2852 Fax: (585) 662-4469 gary.roth@qsiconstruction.com
Queenston Steel, LLC
Mr. Quinn Baker 257-150 South 8th Street Lewiston, NY 14092 Tel: (716) 622-6843 qbaker@queenstonsteel.com
R & M Paving & Sealing Inc.
Mr. Monty Ganan 5574 Old Saunders Settlement Road Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 439-8351 Fax: (716) 438-1286
R. Peer Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
Mr. Joseph M. Castle 10 Gooding Street Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 434-1212 Fax: (716) 434-1512 Good10ing@yahoo.com
R.A. Anzalone Electrical Contracting,Inc.
Mr. Ronald Anzalone P.O. Box 457 East Amherst, NY 14051 Tel: (716) 625-4022 Fax: (716) 625-4142 tammie@anzaloneelectric.net
R.B. Mac Construction Co.
Mr. Kevin McKenna 6688 Lincoln Avenue Lockport, NY 14094 Tel: (716) 433-2495 Fax: (716) 433-2906 kevin@rbmacny.com
R.B. U’Ren Equipment Rental, Inc.
Mr. Richard U’Ren Jr. Manager 1120 Connecting Road Niagara Falls, NY 14304-1593
Tel: (716) 283-4466 Fax: (716) 283-5125 urenrichrd@aol.com
R.I.S.E. Sales Co., Inc.
Mr. Richard W. Rollison, President 8225 Stahley Road East Amherst, NY 14051
Tel: (716) 689-6194 Fax: (716) 689-0224 rise.rick@verizon.net
R.M. Headlee Co., Inc.
Mr. Craig Eckert 3649 California Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 662-9813 Fax: (716) 662-1557 ceckert@rmheadlee.com
R.W. Painting Inc.
Ms. Christine Inluxay 65 Mid County Drive Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 662-3552 Fax: (716) 662-7149 rwpainting65@aol.com
Rain For Rent- Branch 53
Mr. Nick Thomashefski 5626 Tec Drive Avon, NY 14414 Tel: (585) 226-8280 Fax: (585) 226-9483 nthomashefski@rainforrent.com
Ray Brigham Concrete Construction Corp.
Mr. Tom Brigham Jr. P.O. Box 566 Lockport, NY 14095-0566
Tel: (716) 433-3615 Fax: (716) 433-7052 brighamjr@yahoo.com
Raymond E. Kelley, Inc.
Mr. Ronald C. Schlegel, President 33 Main Street Bowmansville, NY 14026-1094 Tel: (716) 684-3550 Fax: (716) 684-3554 rschlegel@rekelley.com
Ms. Jillian Penkin 21 19th Street Buffalo, NY 14213
Tel: (585) 435-0762 jpenkin@rdweis.com
Regan Landscape
Mr. Daniel Regan 2-1517 Kenmore Avenue Kenmore, NY 14217 Tel: (716) 573-1212 Fax: (716) 833-6801 dan@reganlandscape.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 84
Regional Environmental Demolition, Inc.
Mr. Enrico D. Liberale 6281 Wendt Drive Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 284-3366 Fax: (716) 284-7331 rico@redwny.com
Regional Heavy Equipment & Truck
Mr. Brad Rowles 6621 Dysinger Road Lockport, NY 14094 Tel: (716) 433-3373 BradR@regionalrepair.com
Reliable Onsite Services
Mr. Brian Sheflin 6089 Loomis Road Farmington, NY 14425 Tel: (585) 657-1010 bsheflin@ur.com
Repp Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. Chris Repp 3810 Taylor Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 662-5605 Fax: (716) 662-0232 info@reppconstruction.com
Resetarits Construction Corporation
Mr. Matt Resetarits 100-1500 Union Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 675-1082 Fax: (716) 675-1182 matthew@rccorporation.com
Restoration Crew LLC
Mr. Brian Crimmen P.O. Box 344 Elma, NY 14059 Tel: (716) 400-5555 Fax: (716) 655-2708
Mr. George Prusock 30310 Emerald Valley Parkway Solon, OH 44139 Tel: (440) 222-5717 george.prusock@rexelusa.com
Mr. George Wopperer 1032 Niagara Street Buffalo, NY 14213 Tel: (716) 883-1421 Fax: (716) 883-1423 gwopperer@ribcoinc.com
RIC Plumbing Inc.
Mr. Scott N. Kuhns 5984 Dunnigan Road Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 625-8200 Fax: (716) 625-9016 rk@ricplumbing.com
Rickard General Construction, Inc.
Mr. George Rickard 4919 Blacknose Spring Road Sanborn, NY 14132 Tel: (716) 465-2493 rickardsguideservice@gmail.com
Ricmar Electric Inc
Mr. Jeff Rice 7293 Schultz Road North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel: (716) 693-3207 Fax: (716) 693-3218 jeffrice@ricmarelectric.com
Ridge Overhead Door, Inc.
Mr. Michael Ridge 778 Oliver Street North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel: (716) 693-0678 mike@ridgeoverheaddoor.com
Riefler Construction Products
Mr. Chris Riefler 5628 Maelou Drive Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 435-7663 criefler@gmail.com
Rigidized Metals Corporation
Mr. Chip Skop 658 Ohio Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 849-4714 Fax: (716) 849-0401 chipskop@rigidized.com
Riverfront Custom Design
Mr. Paul Tucker, President 200 River Road North Tonawanda, NY 14120-5708
Tel: (716) 693-2501 Fax: (716) 693-2502 ptucker@rfront.com
Riverview Contracting & Services, Inc.
Mr. Sidney Saverino 101 Meadow Stream Drive Amherst, NY 14226 Tel: (716) 804-1982 libertysid82@gmail.com
RJM Contracting and Plumbing Inc.
Mr. Mike Mankowski 3002 Sunset Drive Grand Island, NY 14072
Tel: (716) 525-5377 rjmplumbinginc@gmail.com
RMF Construction, LLC
Mr. Robert Formaniak 5307 Hollenbeck Road Lockport, NY 14094 Tel: (716) 998-7457 bob.rmf.construction@gmail.com
Robinson Paving Inc.
Ms. Wendy Robinson Burke P.O. Box 266 East Aurora, NY 14052
Tel: (716) 687-1045 Fax: (716) 687-1047 cwendypave@aol.com
Rock-It Direct
Mr. Jason Fullone 10862 Mileblock Road North Collins, NY 14111 Tel: (716) 621-6009 jay@fullonetrucking.com
Rodems Construction
Mr. Gregory Rodems, President 3555 North Buffalo Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 662-6990 Fax: (716) 662-6976 grodems@rodems.net
Rodriguez Construction Group
Mr. Luis Rodriguez 683 Northland Avenue Buffalo, NY 14211 Tel: (716) 464-3257 lar@rodriguez-cg.com
Roman Construction Development
Ms. Mary Pinzone 7298 Paddok Ridge Pendleton, NY 14120 Tel: (716) 946-6844 romanconcrete@aol.com
Romano Cpnsulting Co Inc.
Mr. Peter Romano 954-6396 Midnight Cove Road Sarasota, FL 34242 Tel: (716) 553-5594 pjr@pjromano.com
Roofing Trade Services, Inc.
Mr. Brian Mattice 134 Rowlee Road Fulton, NY 13069 Tel: (315) 402-2803 bmattice@rtsreps.com
Roy H. Turnbull, Inc.
Mr. William Hayes, President 50 Franklin Street Batavia, NY 14020 Tel: (585) 343-2005 Fax: (585) 343-2289 manager@turnbullhvacr.com
Roy’s Plumbing, Inc. (WBE)
Ms. Marsha A. Dollendorf, President 140 Cooper Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 873-4685 Fax: (716) 877-7752 mad@roysplumbing.com
RP Mechanical
Ms. Patrice Ferguson 7165 Genesee Road Springville, NY 14141 Tel: (716) 592-3067 Fax: (716) 592-4276 pat.rpmechanical@inbox.com
RP Oak Hill Building Co., Inc. Ms. Mercedes Calway 3556 Lakeshore Road Buffalo, NY 14219 Tel: (716) 822-4966 Fax: (716) 822-4367 mcalway@rpoakhill.com
RP Universal Ms. Linda Potwora 5947 Cole Road West Valley, NY 14171 Tel: (716) 912-5014 rpexcavate@aol.com
Rucker Lumber Inc.
Ms. Gail DeGrood 9184 Boston State Road Boston, NY 14025 Tel: (716) 941-5223 Fax: (716) 941-3719 ruckerlumber1@yahoo.com
Rupp, Baase, Pfalzgraf, Cunningham LLC
Mr. Daniel Sarzynski 1600 Liberty Building Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 854-3400 Fax: (716) 332-0336 sarzynski@ruppbaase.com
Russo & Gould, LLP
Ms. Florina Altshiler 600-12 Fountain Plaza Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 800-6389 Fax: (212) 482-0002 faltshiler@russotoner.com
Mr. Jeffrey Russo 3710 Milestrip Road Blasdell, NY 14219
Tel: (716) 844-8745 Fax: (716) 931-9071 jrusso@russodev.com
Mr. Patrick Ryan 36 Tennyson Avenue Buffalo, NY 14216
Tel: (716) 997-8150 ryansons.homeimprovement@ gmail.com
S & S Site Development Inc.
Mr. Jeff Schoenthal
P.O. Box 13 Holland, NY 14080
Tel: (716) 801-3011 jeffs@sandssite.com
S&S Construction of WNY, Inc.
Mr. Steve Shafer
9450 Maple Street Clarence Center, NY 14032
Tel: (716) 741-4210 Fax: (716) 741-3539
S&T Bank
Mr. Joseph Brennan 225-403 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 242-9270 joseph.brennan@stbank.com
S. E. G. Construction, Inc.
Ms. Stacy Gnacinski 3371 Harlem Road - Rear Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Tel: (716) 602-9105 Fax: (716) 639-7847 stacy@segconstructioninc.com
S. J. Kraft Company, Inc.
Mr. Steve Kraft
1258 Jewett Holmwood Road Orchard Park, NY 14127-2878
Tel: (716) 662-1524 kraftsj@verizon.net
S.A.B. Specialties
Mr. Thomas Adymy 5540 Southwestern Boulevard Hamburg, NY 14075
Tel: (716) 646-0047 Fax: (716) 646-5510 tadymy@burkebuilders.com
S.B.Z. & Galle Stone, Inc.
Mr. Stephen Zinter 482 Two Rod Road Alden, NY 14004
Tel: (716) 913-4576 Fax: (716) 902-5206 steve@sbzgallestone.com
SafeSpan Scaffolding LLC
Mr. John Leviness 252 Fillmore Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 694-1100 Fax: (716) 694-1188 jleviness@safespan.com
Sahlem’s Roofing & Siding Inc.
Mr. Jeff Piccirilli
2260 Southwestern Boulevard West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 662-0062 Fax: (716) 662-5743 bsahlem@sahlems.com
SAMCO Technologies, Inc.
Mr. Rick Posa
1 River Rock Drive Buffalo, NY 14207 Tel: (716) 743-9000 ext. 241 Fax: (716) 743-1220 posar@samcotech.com
Savarino Companies LLC
Mr. Stephen Walentynowicz 508-500 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14204
Tel: (716) 332-5959 Fax: (716) 332-5968 stephenw@savarinocompanies. com
Schaefer Plumbing Supply Co., Inc.
Mr. James Crandall 146-160 Clinton Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Tel: (716) 853-2406 Fax: (716) 852-3732 jcrandall@schaefersupply.com
Schneider Construction Services LLC
Mr. Matthew Newton 443 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 923-7000 ext. 108 Fax: (716) 882-4293 matthewn@schneiderservices.com
Schuster Construction LLC
Mr. Matthew Schuster 360 Gould Avenue Depew, NY 14043 Tel: (716) 681-8847 matt@schusterconstructionllc.com
Schwab Aggregates
Mr. Clayton Wood 10091 Pigeon Hill Road Delevan, NY 14042 Tel: (716) 353-8398 claytonstevenwood55@gmail.com
SCI Telecom
Mr. Eric Seger 3-5434 Genesee Street Lancaster, NY 14086 Tel: (716) 681-4646 eric.seger@scitelecom.com
Mr. Jeff Molnar 3253 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 672-5168 Fax: (716) 672-4753 jmolnar@scottelectricusa.com
Scott Enterprises
Ms. Lori Schieder 120 Gruner Road Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 896-5867 Fax: (716) 896-4132 lori.scottent@gmail.com
Mr. Justin Bennett 16-2728 Niagara Falls Boulevard Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Tel: (716) 343-3020 shpainting716@gmail.com
Scott Lawn yard, Inc.
Mr. Scott Miller 3305 Haseley Drive Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Tel: (716) 731-6415 Fax: (716) 731-6485 scottmiller@scottlawnyard.com
Scranton’s Thruway Builders Supplies Corp. Mr. Douglas Scranton 3360 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043 Tel: (716) 684-5600 Fax: (716) 684-1915 dscranton@scrantonsthruway.com
Scrufari Construction Company, LLC
Mr. Matt Squires 3925 Hyde Park Boulevard Niagara Falls, NY 14305 Tel: (716) 282-1225 Fax: (716) 282-7699 matt@mshco.com
SDN Insurance Agency, LLC
Mr. Jim Demer 300 Spindrift Drive Amherst, NY 14221-7814
Tel: (716) 633-3400 Fax: (716) 634-2908 jldemer@sdnins.com
Seneca Industrial Services Inc.
Mr. David Hartman 1720 Pallister Avenue Barker, NY 14012 Tel: (716) 930-1773 d.hartman@senecaindustrial.com
Seneca Steel Erectors, Inc.
Mr. Jason Biscup, President
611 Indian Church Road West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 592-3350 Fax: (716) 592-1801 jbiscup@senecasteel.com
Sentry Metal Services
Mr. Mark VeRost
553 West Avenue Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 285-5241 Fax: (716) 285-6233 mark@sentrymetal.com
Sergi Construction, Inc.
Mr. Alfred Wall 775 Jewett Holmwood Road East Aurora, NY 14052
Tel: (716) 652-8014 Fax: (716) 655-5449 alfredwall66@gmail.com
SERVPRO of The Southtowns
Ms. Lyn Braun 97 Evans Street Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 646-6684 sales@servprothesouthtowns.com
Sessler Environmental Services
Mr. Eric Hoban 2558 Hamburg Turnpike Lackawanna, NY 14218 Tel: (585) 617-5710 ap@sesslerenv.com
Mr. Kelli Graham 2491 Wehrle Drive Amherst, NY 14221 Tel: (855) 871-6580 kelli_graham@seton.com
Shanor Electric Supply, Inc.
Mr. John R. Shanor, Jr., President 2440 Sheridan Drive Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 876-0711 Fax: (716) 876-5844 jackshanor@shanorelectric.com
Sharco Ent. Inc.
Ms. Sharon Clark 6752 Mill Street Boston, NY 14025
Tel: (716) 941-5307 Fax: (716) 941-5721 sharonbva@msn.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 86Shelby Crushed Stone, Inc.
Mr. Tom Biamonte
10830 Blair Road Medina, NY 14103
Tel: (585) 798-4501 Fax: (585) 798-1451 tom@shelbystone.com
Sherwin Williams Paint Co.
Mr. Jeff Herzog 2578 Walden Avenue Cheektowga, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 685-1444 Fax: (716) 685-3110 jeffrey.w.herzog@sherwin.com
Sicoli Construction Services Inc.
Mr. Benjamin Sicoli 4800 Hyde Park Boulevard Niagara Falls, NY 14305
Tel: (716) 205-0540 ext. 103 Fax: (716) 205-0541 bsicoli@sicoliconstruction.com
Siemens Building Technologies Landis Division
Ms. Stacey Kirby
8-85 Northpointe Parkway Amherst, NY 14228-1886
Tel: (716) 568-0983 Fax: (716) 568-1449 stacey.kirby@siemens.com
Sienna Environmental Technologies
Ms. Susanne Kelley 350 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14222
Tel: (716) 332-3134 ext. 302 Fax: (716) 332-3136 skelley@siennaet.com
Simmers Crane Design & Services, Inc.
Mr. Peter Gruenthaner 365 Wheeler Street Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 332-0760 Fax: (716) 332-0759 pgruenthaner@simmerscrane.com
Sinatra Development Company
Mr. Cole Hatley
200-617 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14203
Tel: (716) 220-8468 Fax: (716) 299-2061 cole@sinatraandcompany.com
Site Speciaties, LLC
Mr. Dana Donnelly 12658 Big Tree Road East Aurora, NY 14052 Tel: (716) 913-8306 Fax: (716) 805-3345 sitespecialties@gmail.com
SJB Services, Inc.
Mr. Stanley J. Blas, President 5167 South Park Avenue Hamburg, NY 14075
Tel: (716) 649-8110 Fax: (716) 649-8051 sjblas@sjbempire.net
SJF Construction
Ms. Donna Ferry 2025 Attica Road Darien Center, NY 14040
Tel: (585) 547-9490 Fax: (585) 547-9401 sjfconst@frontiernet.net
Skrlin Coating & Blasting
Mr. Griffin Miller 2901 Lockport Road Niagara Falls, NY 14305 Tel: (716) 284-4254 Fax: (716) 284-8528 gmiller@skrlincoatingandblasting. com
Skyworks LLC
Mr. Robert Steward 100 Thielman Drive Buffalo, NY 14206 Tel: (716) 822-5438 rseward@skyworksllc.com
Southern Rootz Corp
Mr. Lou Cerre 205-3871 Harlem Road Cheektowage NY 14215 Tel: (716) 990-8558 nlcerre@yahoo.com
Southside Precast Products
Mr. Richard Workman, President 1951 Hamburg Turnpike Buffalo, NY 14218
Tel: (716) 825-9300 Fax: (716) 825-1155 rworkman@southsideprecast.com
Spanitz Backhoe Service, Inc.
Mr. Jeff Spanitz 12516 Liberia Road East Aurora, NY 14052
Tel: (716) 652-4174 Fax: (716) 652-4174 bspanitz@rochester.rr.com
Spray Tech Coatings Inc.
Mr. Mike Wlostowski 116 Lake Avenue Blasdell, NY 14219
Tel: (716) 823-1122 Fax: (716) 823-1346 spraytech1@hotmail.com
Spur Line Construction Corp.
Mr. Ron Osborn 11171 Alley Road Alden, NY 14004
Tel: (716) 481-9668 Fax: (585) 937-6100 rosborn@spurlineconstruction.com
Stadium Solutions, Inc.
Mr. Cory Roenigk 897 Winfield Road Cabot, PA 16023
Tel: (724) 352-4258 Fax: (724)352-4268 croenigk@stadiumsolutionsinc.com
Stark Tech
Mr. John Stuber 95 Stark Street Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 693-4490 Fax: (716) 693-5280 stuberj@usservicesinc.com
Stark Tech
Ms. Charlene Buseck 60 Lawrence Bell Drive Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 631-9640 Fax: (716) 631-5471 johnsonc@starktech.com
Stately Builders
Mr. Jacob Chameli 101 Jamison Road Elma, NY 14059 Tel: (716) 725-2641 jchameli@statelybuilders.com
STC Construction
Mr. Mark Brammer, President P.O. Box 459 Springville, NY 14141-0459
Tel: (716) 592-3400 Fax: (716) 592-4367 mark@STC.build
Sterling Glass Dual Pane, Inc.
Mr. James Girardi 1415 Niagara Street Buffalo, NY 14213
Tel: (716) 853-5800 Fax: (716) 853-5805 jgirardi@sterlingglassinc.com
Stimm Associates, Inc.
Mr. Francis J. O’Connell 10 Katherine Street Buffalo, NY 14240-0593
Tel: (716) 847-0353 Fax: (716) 847-0638
Stock Service Inc.
Mr. John Stock 727 Bennett Road Angola, NY 14006 Tel: (716) 570-1181 jpstock.service1954@yahoo.com
Stohl Remediation Services Inc.
Mr. Paul Gizzarelli 3860 California Road Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 312-0070 Fax: (716) 312-8092 pgizzarelli@stohlremediation.com
Straightline General Contractors, Inc.
Mr. Derek Acker 6771 Seneca Street Elma, NY 14059
Tel: (716) 714-5656 Fax: (585) 486-3092 derekacker@gmail.com
Streamline Designs
Mr. Chris Lorich
3475 Niagara Falls Boulevard North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Tel: (716) 255-2578 chris@streamlinedesigns.com
Strokes Painting and Contracting
Ms. Danielle Bickel P.O. Box 766 Getzville, NY 14068 Tel: (716) 491-1550 dbickel@paintwithstrokes.com
Strut Systems Installation LLC
Mr. Steven Dahn 103 Sycamore Street Buffalo, NY 14204 Tel: (716) 332-6983 Fax: (716) 954-7163 steven.dahn@strutinstallation.com
Ms. Sarah Morrison 193 Orchard Drive Toanwanda, NY 14223 Tel: (716) 903-0421 sarah.morrison@stryker.com
Sunbelt Rentals
Mr. Joel Casale 1801 Union Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 393-7347 Fax: (716) 771-5263 joel.casale@sunbeltrentals.com
Ms. Susan Pritzker 97 Darling Avenue South Portland, Maine 04106
Tel: (617) 549-7301 Fax: (617) 549-7301 susan.pritzker@wexinc.com
Superior Contracting Inc.
Mr. Andy Kiss 1035 Rein Road Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Tel: (716) 685-2037 Fax: (716) 685-0476 office@superiorci.com
Surianello General Concrete Contractor
Mr. Frank Surianello,President 635 Wyoming Avenue Buffalo, NY 14215-2699
Tel: (716) 837-7710 Fax: (716) 833-9401 surianello@aol.com
Susquehanna Sheet Metal Erection Service, Inc.
Ms. Helen M. Shaffer 4177 Rosedale Avenue Eden, NY 14057 Tel: (716) 992-9093 Fax: (716) 992-9301 helena@adelphia.net
Sutton Paving and Excavation Inc.
Mr. Brandon Sutton P.O. Box 253 East Amherst, NY 14051 Tel: (716) 542-1272 Brandons@ suttonpavingexcavation.com
Swiatek Studios Inc.
Mr. Brett D. Swiatek 9670 Main Street Clarence, NY 14031 Tel: (716) 597-6683 swiatekstudios@gmail.com
Swimco Mftg.
Ms. Cynthia Schlecht 6701 South Transit Road Lockport, NY 14094 Tel: (716) 625-9269 Fax: (716) 625-8543 cswimco@gmail.com
Switala’s Construction
Ms. Wanda Switala 9160 Clarence Center Road Clarence Center, NY 14032 Tel: (716) 741-6983 Fax: (716) 741-3180 switalasconst@msn.com
Swogier Construction Inc.
Ms. Stan Swogier 6461 Walmore Road Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Tel: (716) 731-4240 Fax: (716) 731-4685 stan@swogier.com
Mr. Jeff Sullivan 6111 Brown Hill Road Boston, NY 14025
Tel: (716) 634-6804 jsullivan6111@gmail.com
Targeted Lending Co. LLC
Ms. Jennifer Warnes 300-5500 Main Street Williamsville, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 266-6700 jwarnes@targetedlending.com
TDH Refrigeration Inc.
Mr. Jack Genovese 55 Boxwood Lane Cheektowaga, NY 14227
Tel: (716) 668-1328 Fax: (716) 668-1590 jgenovese@tdhrefrigeration.com
Ms. Maria Wilke 3768 Seneca Street, Unit 2 West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 217-0704 maria@techwny.com
Tedesco Construction Services
Mr. Jeffrey Tedesco P.O. Box 810 Lewiston, NY 14092
Tel: (716) 807-8271 Fax: (716) 754-1050 jeff@tedescoconstruction.com
Telco Construction, Inc.
Mr. James D. Milks 500 Buffalo Road East Aurora, NY 14052 Tel: (716) 805-1520 Fax: (716) 805-1522 jimm@telcoconstruction.com
Mr. Chuck Guzzetta 461 Tonawanda Street Buffalo, NY 14207 Tel: (716) 398-7040 chuck.guzzetta@terracon.com
Terratek GPS Modeling
Mr. Tim Arnold 65 Greentree Road Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 799-4187 Fax: (716) 343-6739 tim@terratekgps.com
Terry Mooney Construction
Mr. Terry Mooney 18 West Buffalo Street, P.O. Box 26 Warsaw, NY 14569
Tel: (585) 786-3450 Fax: (585) 786-9297 mooncons@frontiernet.net
TGR Enterprises
Mr. Robert Reese 248 Lein Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 674-8303 rreese@tgrenterprises.net
The Bonadio Group
Mr. Joseph Peresan 200-100 Corporate Parkway\ Amherst, NY 14226
Tel: (716) 688-4343 Fax: (716) 688-4875 jperesan@bonadio.com
The Bradberry Group Inc.
Mr. Wellington Smith 1801A-14 Lafayette Square Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 341-1858 wellington@bradberrygroup.com
The Business Council of New York State, Inc.
Mr. John T. Evers 111 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12210
Tel: (518) 694-4463 Fax: (518) 465-9567 johnny.evers@bcnys.org
The DaK Agency
Ms. Donna Donovan 250-301 Ohio Street Buffalo, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 523-6289 donna@the dakagency.com
The Environmental Service Group (NY) Inc.
Mr. Brian Harris 177 Wales Avenue Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 695-6720 Fax: (716) 695-0161 bharris@esgenv.com
The Krog Group, LLC
Mr. Patrick Sheedy 4 Centre Drive Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 667-1234 Fax: (716) 667-1258 psheedy@kroggrp.com
The Massaro Group, Inc.
Mr. Dominic Massaro, Vice President 8525 Porter Road Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 297-0484 Fax: (716) 297-5748 dmassaro@massarogroup.com
The MJA Company
Mr. Tim Kudla
P.O. Box 501 Williamsville, NY 14231-0501 Tel: (716) 831-7091 Fax: (716) 835-0600 info@themjaco.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 88The Peyton Barlow Co., Inc.
Ms. Karen VanOsch
300-360 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 842-0630 Fax: (716) 842-0639 karen@peytonbarlow.com
The Pike Company
Mr. Corey Stewart 100-740 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14210-1478 Tel: (716) 949-7646 stewc@pikeco.com
The Pump Doctor, Inc.
Mr. Ben Appleton
2706 Hemlock Road Eden, NY 14057
Tel: (716) 992-3181 Fax: (716) 992-3186 office@thepumpdoctorinc.com
The R. E. Krug Corp.
Mr. Tom Fleming 190 Oliver Street North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel: (716) 692-2305 Fax: (716) 692-2394 tfleming@rekrug.com
The Service Collaborative - WNY Youthbuild
Mr. Bryan Lawrence 100-173 Elm Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 418-8500 ext. 129 Fax: (716) 822-3060 blawrence@tscwny.org
The State Group Industrial Limited
Mr. Gus Klidas 100 Stradtman Street Cheektowaga, NY 14206 Tel: (716) 283-0620 Fax: (716) 283-0675 g.klidas@stategroup.com
The ZLC Group CPA’s LLC
Mr. Jon Zach 634 Main Street East Aurora, NY 14052
Tel: (716) 204-1124 Fax: (716) 204-7524 jz@thezlcgroup.com
ThePro Nextdoor
Ms. Sonika Singh Gajendran
5680 Glen Iris Drive Clarence Center, NY 14032 Tel: (716) 288-6218 sonika@thepronextdoor.com
Thermal Foams, Inc.
Mr. Chris Wopperer 2101 Kenmore Avenue Buffalo, NY 14207 Tel: (716) 874-6474, Fax: (716) 874-8180 chrisw@thermalfoams.com
Thomann Asphalt Paving
Mr. Eric Thomann 56 Gunnville Road Lancaster, NY 14086
Tel: (716) 759-0430 Fax: (716) 759-0433 eric@tapc.net
Thomas J. Johnson Construction, Inc.
Mr. Thomas J. Johnson, President 6435 West Quaker Street Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 662-1341 Fax: (716) 662-3811 tjh@thomasjohnsonhomes.com
Thomas Johnson, Inc.
Mr. Paul Johnson 4196 South Taylor Road Orchard Park, NY 14127 Tel: (716) 662-4575 Fax: (716) 662-5326 paul@thomasjohnsoninc.com
Thomason Concrete Construction Inc.
Mr. Gerald Thomason 3009 Norman Street Niagara Falls, NY 14305 Tel: (716) 285-9868 Fax: (716) 285-9868 thomasonconcrete@yahoo.com
Tiede-Zoeller Tile Corp.
Mr. Daniel Hull 250-250 Sonwil Drive Cheektowaga, NY 14225 Tel: (716) 901-7365 Fax: (716) 901-7366 dhull@tztilewny.com
Tile Collective LLC
Mr. Stephen Ruhlmann 312 Capen Boulevard Amherst, NY 14226 Tel: (716) 989-7620 tilecollective@gmail.com
Tipping Point Communications
Ms. Michelle Ashby A4-505 Ellicott Street Buffalo, NY 14203 Tel: (716) 575-9162 michelle@tippingpointcomm.com
Titan Epoxy Floorin
Mr. Bruce Sage 105-8750 South Main Street Eden, NY 14057 Tel: (716) 698-5430 bruce@titanepoxyflooring.com
T-Mark Plumbing Heating and Cooling
Mr. Ian Donnelly 2788 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14217 Tel: (716) 558-6275 ian@t-markplumbing.com
T-Mobile USA, Inc Mr. Rich Taylor 29 Windcroft Lane Lancaster, NY 14086 Tel: (716) 449-1040 richard.taylor140@t-mobile.com
Tom Greenauer Development
Mr. Scott Rowan P.O. Box 250 Springbrook, NY 14140 Tel: (716) 675-9434 Fax: (716) 675-4739 srowan@tomgreendev.com
Tom Rall Contracting Inc.
Mr. Tom Rall 2389 Whitehaven Road Grand Island, NY 14072 Tel: (716) 583-4786 whr2389@aol.com
Tompkins Community Bank Ms. Julie Skinner 1 Hopkins Road Amherst, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 777-7308 jskinner@tompkinsfinancial.com
Tonawanda General Concrete Inc.
Ms. Lisa Torrelli, President 12509 Stage Road Akron, NY 14001
Tel: (716) 542-9848 Fax: (716) 542-9848 tonawandagnrlconcr@live.com
Torino Mosaic Flooring
Mr. Tim Frappa 5178 Keller Road Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 864-1660 Fax: (716) 646-6195 tim@torinomosaic.com
Toronto Construction Association
Mr. John Mollenhauer
70 Leek Crescent, Richmond Hill Ontario, Canada L4B 1H1
Tel: (416) 499-4000 Fax: (416) 499-8752
Total Wrecking & Environmental, LLC
Mr. Frank Bodami
P.O. Box 326 Buffalo, NY 14231 Tel: (716) 692-2002 fbodami@totalwrecking.com
Tracey Trucking, Inc.
Ms. Tracey King 400 North Main Street Holland, NY14080 Tel: (716) 258-1765 tracey@traceytrucking.com
Trademaster Plumbing Inc.
Mr. Lou DiCarlo 7278 Wilrose Court Wheatfield, NY 14120
Tel: (716) 668-5851 Fax: (716) 668-2912 michele@trademasterplumbinginc. com
Tradesmen International Inc.
Mr. David Gorski 108-2564 Walden Avenue Cheektowaga, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 651-1990 Fax: (716) 651-1993 david.gorski@ tradesmeninternational.com
Trane US Inc.
Ms. Tammy Barten 103-45 Earhart Drive Buffalo, NY 14221 Tel: (716) 626-1260 Fax: (716) 626-7539 tdbarten@trane.com
Transit Construction Services
Mr. John Waugh 3181 Transit Road Elma, NY 14059
Tel: (716) 656-7350 Fax: (716) 656-7352 johnw.tcs@roadrunner.com
Transit Redi-Mix, Inc.
Mr. Neil Bopp 9775 County Road Clarence Center, NY 14032 Tel: (716) 741-8264 transitredimix@gmail.com
Trautman Associates
Mr. Robert Stelianou 100-37 Franklin Street Buffalo,NY 14202
Tel: (716) 883-4400 Fax: (716) 883-4268 rstelianou@trautmanassoc.com
Mr. Matt Brooks 5000 Saunders Settlement Niagara Falls, NY 14305 Tel: (716) 998-4174 Mbrooks@tri-dyn.com
Trinity Building & Construction Management Corp.
Mr. David Allan 4-56 Marion Avenue Sarasota Springs, NY 12866 Tel: (518) 376-0023 dallan@trinitybcm.com
Tripi Transportation
Mr. Anthony Alu 77 West Drullard Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086 Tel: (716) 681-3386 Fax: (716) 681-7642 tonyalu@tripitransportation.com
TripleTrack HR Partners
Ms. Lisa Stefanie 106-6265 Sheridan Drive Williamsville NY 14221 Tel: (716) 639-8041 Lisa@tripletrackhrpartners.com
Tri-R Mechanical Services, Inc.
Mr. Brian Hamner, Vice President 150 Empire Drive West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 674-0222 Fax: (716) 674-8903 brianh@trirmechanical.com
Tronconi Segarra & Associates, LLP
Mr. Jeremy Blecha 8321 Main Street Williamsville,NY 14221
Tel: (716) 633-1373 Fax: (716) 633-1099 jblecha@tsacpa.com
Trophy Point Construction Services and Consulting
Mr. Pete Petermann 4588 South Park Avenue Blasdell, NY 14219
Tel: (716) 436-5560 Fax: (716) 831-0001 ppetermann@trophypoint.com
Tschetter’s Construction Corp.
Mr. Craig Tschetter 4560 Clinton Street West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 656-7311 Fax: (716) 656-7313 craig@tschetters.com
Turf Tec of WNY, Inc.
Mr. Steven Molloy 5096 Lockport Road Lockport, NY 14094 Tel: (716) 625-8990 steve@turftec-wny.com
Turner Construction Company
Ms. Patt Rozler 200-50 Lakefront Boulevard Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: (716) 853-1900 Fax: (716) 853-1924 prozler@tcco.com
Twin Lakes Concrete Inc.
Mr. David Arnts 525 Wheatfield Street North Tonawanda, NY 14120-7034 Tel: (716) 695-2970 Fax: (716) 262-9119 twinlakesfoundations@gmail.com
UBS Institutional Consulting - The Schoff Group
Ms. Samantha Maley 400 Linden Oaks Rochester, NY 14625 Tel: (585) 218-4558 samantha.maley@ubs.com
Uniland Construction Corp.
Mr. Christopher Nicosia 500-100 Corporate Parkway Amherst, NY 14226 Tel: (716) 834-5000 Fax: (716) 834-5034 cnicosia@uniland.com
Union Concrete and Construction Corp.
Ms. Jodi Osinski
P.O. Box 410, 435 Meyer Road West Seneca, NY 14224 Tel: (716) 822-5755 Fax: (716) 822-8429
United Business Systems, Inc.
Mr. John Kerling 316 Seneca Street Buffalo, NY 14204 Tel: (716) 854-4122 Fax: (716) 847-2064 jkerling@ubswny.com
United Precision Construction Services, LLC
Mr. Randy Rossow 107-2 Main Street Depew, NY 14043 Tel: (716) 481-7421 rrrossow1@aol.com
United Rentals
Mr. Kevin Thompson 4811 Transit Road Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 565-1330 Fax: (716) 565-2144 kthompson@ur.com
Upstate Rebar
Ms. Bonnie Chmielowiec, President 250 Lake Avenue Blasdell, NY 14219
Tel: (716) 892-8434 Fax: (716) 892-8437 bonnie@upstatesteel.com
Urban Insulation Corporation
Mr. James Darlak, President 8520 Sheridan Drive Williamsville, NY 14221-6210 Tel: (716) 634-5138 Fax: (716) 634-5737 urban1990@aol.com
Mr. Robert Oursler 45 Timberlink Drive Grand Island, NY 14072 Tel: (617) 923-9500 Fax: (617) 926-9414 boursler@urell.com
US Traffic Control
Mr. Jeff Deering 100 Fire Tower Drive Tonawanda, NY 14150 Tel: (716) 695-9000 Fax: (716) 695-9001 jeff@ustrafficcontrol.com
USI Insurance Services
Mr. Timothy Geiger 618-726 Exchange Street Buffalo, NY 14210 Tel: (855) 874-0123 Fax: (716) 819-5140 timothy.geiger@usi.com
V&S NY Galvanizing
Ms. Lora Stadelman 272 Corporate Drive Owego, NY 13827 Tel: (607) 953-1618 loras@hotdipgalv.com
Mr. Mark Eberz
3-1 Main Street Lower Hamburg, NY 14075
Tel: (716) 316-0289 mark.e@valleyviewcs.com
Ms. Christine Vargas
411-640 Ellicott Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Tel: (716) 566-2327 Fax: (585) 730-8265 christine.vargas@vargasassociates. com
Mr. Daniel DeMarco 3315 Abbott Road Orchard Park, NY 14127
Tel: (716) 827-8652 Fax: (716) 824-4742 ddemarco@vastolaheating.com
VCNA United Materials
Mr. Brian Kirchmeyer 3374 Walden Avenue Depew, NY 14043 Tel: (716) 213-5832 Fax: (716) 213-5850 brian.kirchmeyer@vcimentos.com
Vellano Shoring and Supply Co.
Mr. Paul Vellano 8 Northway Lane North Latham, NY 12110 Tel: (518) 785-5544 Fax: (716) 949-2792 pjvel@vellano.com
Viking Logistics LLC
Mr. Kevin Burkley 147-4408 Milestrpip Road Blasdell, NY 14219 Tel: (716) 935-0825 office@vikinglogisticsny.com
Villani’s LLC
Mr. Brian Licata 6405 Packard Road Niagara Falls, NY 14304 Tel: (716) 299-1414 blicata@villanillc.com
Vio Plumbing & Mechanical
Mr. Nick Violanti 864-5501 Camp Road Hamburg, NY 14075 Tel: (716) 479-7261 vioplumbing@gmail.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 90
Visone Construction, Inc.
Mr. Dave Visone
79 Sheldon Avenue Depew, NY 14043
Tel: (716) 681-7331 Fax: (716) 681-7876 lori@visoneconstruction.com
VisoneCo Site Development, LLC
Mr. Tom Celik
9829 Main Street Clarence, NY 14031 Tel: (716) 759-1715 tom@visoneco.com
VP Supply
Mr. Brian O’Connor
2200 Harlem Road Cheektowaga, NY 14225
Tel: (716) 895-2800 boconnor@vpsupply.com
VSP Graphic Group
Mr. Josh Szary
10 Dyke Road West Seneca, NY 14224
Tel: (716) 674-7446 Fax: (716) 674-5116 josh@vspgraphicgroup.com
W.S. Johnson Bldg. Co., Inc.
Mr. Richard W. Johnson, President P.O. Box 688
Niagara Falls, NY 14302-0688
Tel: (716) 283-8733 Fax: (716) 283-8736 richard.johnson@wsjbuilding.com
Wargo Enterprises Inc.
Mr. Richard D’Arcy 5055 Havens Road Akron, NY 14001
Tel: (716) 542-1333 Fax: (716) 542-6060 rdarcy@wargoent.net
Wasteaway Dumpster Service
Mr. Nicholas Stanton 5998 Dunnigan Road Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 344-0135 nick@wasteawaywny.com
Wayside Nursery, Inc.
Mr. Mike Rotella 8962 Porter Road Niagara Falls, NY 14304
Tel: (716) 297-3811 Fax: (716) 297-6169 waysideinc@gmail.com
WBE Construction Services
Mr. Chris Shores 1815 Love Road Grand Island, NY 14072
Tel: (716) 773-7300 cshores@wbecsinc.com
Weatherpanel Inc.
Mr. Frank M. Vacanti 285 Chandler Street Buffalo, NY 14207
Tel: (716) 876-5440 Fax: (716) 876-8550 fvacantijr@weatherpanel.com
Weaver Metal and Roofing, Inc.
Mr. Patrick. Byrne, President 40 Appenheimer Avenue Buffalo, NY 14214-2902
Tel: (716) 891-8844 Fax: (716) 891-9443 ‘pbyrne@weavermrinc.com’
Webster Szanyi LLP
Mr. Andrew O. Miller, Esq. 1400 Liberty Building Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 842-2800 Fax: (716) 845-6709 amiller@websterszanyi.com
Weitz Maintenance Service, Inc.
Mr. David Weitz
P.O. Box 747 East Amherst, NY 14051
Tel: (716) 688-1229 Fax: (716) 625-9135 weitzdavid10@yahoo.com
WellNow Urgent Care
Mr. Nicholas Reggi 5495 Sheridan Drive Williansville, NY 14221
Tel: (585) 957-2563 nicholas.reggi@wellnow.com
Mr. Rob Klavoon 200-375 Essjay Road Williamsville, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 688-0766 Fax: (716) 625-6825 rklavoon@wendelcompanies.com
Weydman Electric, Inc.
Mr. Robert E. Hobba, Vice President 747 Young Street Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 692-7667 Fax: (716) 692-7982 rhobba@weydmanelectric.com
Ms. Linda D’ Agostino 301-90 Whitewater Way Grand Island, NY 14072
Tel: (716) 984-5099 linda@buffalosafestep.com
Mr. Scott Protas 6515 Transit Road Bowmansville, NY 14026
Tel: (716) 686-9123 Fax: (716) 686-9128 scott.protas@whitecap.com
Mr. Ryan Willett 180 Genesee Street Corfu, NY 14036-9525
Tel: (585) 599-7001 Fax: (585) 486-3226 ryan@willettbuilders.com
Willey Well Drilling, Inc.
Ms. Jade Ellis 12870 Route 39 Sardinia, NY 14134 Tel: (716) 492-3930 willeywelldrilling@yahoo.com
William L. Watson Co., Inc
Mr. Dave Friedrich 8064 North Main Street Eden, NY 14057 Tel: (716) 992-3220 Fax: (716) 992-3862 info@wlwatsonpools.com
Ms. Sue Phothisane 145 Canada Drive East Syracuse, NY 13057 Tel: (315) 952-5078 Fax: (315) 431-0011 sue.Phothisane@willscot.com
Witnauer Trucking Co., Inc.
Mr. Tom Witnauer 8050 Clarence Center Road East Amherst, NY 14051
Tel: (716) 689-3090 Fax: (716) 636-4441 tomwitnauer@yahoo.com
Wittburn Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. Charles G. Jones, Jr., President
P.O. Box 1122, Ellicott Station Buffalo, NY 14205-1122
Tel: (716) 856-6610 Fax: (716) 856-8770 cjones@wittburn.com
Wm. C. Rott & Son Inc.
Mr. Steven Rott 454 Young Street Tonawanda, NY 14150
Tel: (716) 694-8220 Fax: (716) 694-8616 steven@wcrott.com
Wm. T. Spaeder Co., Inc.
Mr. Steve Eastbourn 1602 East 18th Street Erie, PA 16510
Tel: (814) 456-7014 Fax: (814) 459-1178 steveeastbourn@wmtspaeder. com
WMS Sales Inc.
Mr. Steve McNutt 9580 County Road, P.O. Box 466 Clarence Center, NY 14032 Tel: (716) 741-9575 Fax: (716) 741-4810 wmssales@aol.com
WNY Engineering & Construction Management
Mr. Jose Vergara 5-563 Richmond Avenue Buffalo, NY 14222 Tel: (716) 495-1875 wnyengineeringandconstruction@ gmail.com
WNY Industrial Tire
Ms. Heather Rowland 603 South Park Avenue Buffalo, NY 14210 Tel: (716) 842-1700 Fax: (716) 842-1050 heather@industrialtire.org
WNY Plumbing Company
Mr. Barrett Greene 4425 Walden Avenue Lancaster, NY 14086 Tel: (716) 683-5455 barrettg@wnyplumbing.com
WNY Protech
Mr. Paul Welker 5455 Transit Road Depew, NY 14043 Tel: (716) 566-2732 paulw@wnyprotech.com
WNY Tile and Stone Corp.
Mr. Jason Caron 1345 Cambridge Avenue North Tonawanda, NY 14120 Tel: (716) 957-9004 jcaron@wnytileandstone.com
Wolf’s Nursery Inc.
Mr. Jason L. Wolf 6083 Fisk Road Lockport, NY 14094
Tel: (716) 625-8153 Fax: (716) 625-7963 wolfsnursery@excite.com
Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP
Ms. Kelly Beauchamp 190 Main Place Tower, 350 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14202 Tel: (585) 987-2822 kbeauchamp@woodsoviatt.com
Woodsmith Fence Corp. Mr. Joseph Smith 5610 Old Saunders Settlement Road Lockport, NY 14094-4142 Tel: (716) 433-1300 Fax: (716) 433-4040 jsmith@woodsmithfence.com
Working Knowledge LLC
Mr. Deny Adelman 3-435 Lawrence Bell Buffalo, NY 14221
Tel: (716) 335-7855 dadelman@wkcabling.com
World Wide Bonding Agency
Mr. Gary Cardinale 2846 William Street Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Tel: (716) 681-7685 Fax: (716) 681-7683 gary@wwbagency.com
YB Framing Inc.
Mr. Boris Shcherbakov 1593 Sandridge Road Alden, NY 14004 Tel: (716) 239-9447 lvira87@gmail.com
Zielinski Mechanical LLC
Mr. Eric Zielinski 12751 Route 438 Irving, NY 14081
Tel: (716) 597-4997 ezielinski@zielinskimech.com
Zimmerman Enterprises, LLC
Mr. Brendan Zimmerman 20 Harding Road Buffalo, NY 14220 Tel: (716) 863-2149 bzimmerman397@gmail.com
Zoladz Construction Co., Inc.
Mr. John Zoladz, Owner 13600 Railroad Street P.O. Box 157 Alden, NY 14004-0157 Tel: (716) 937-6575 Fax: (716) 937-6369 jzoladz@zoladzconstruction.com
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 92
ABR Wholesalers, Inc. ..........................................................60
Active Workforce 15
Adams Leclair LLP 6
Admar Construction Equipment & Supplies 3
Alta Construction Equipment New York IFC
Aslan Plumbing & Mechanical Services 48
Benchley Cranes 12
Bison Scaffold & Masons Supply, Inc. 50
Bliss Construction 91
Brawdy Construction Inc. 35
Bricklayers & Allied Craftworkers Local #3 62
Buffalo Barricade 29
Buffalo Construction Consultants Inc. ..................................47
Buffalo Niagara Partnership .................................................25
Buffalo Plastering & Architectural Casting, Inc. ...................41
Chiampou Travis Besaw & Kersner LLP 22, 66
CIR Electrical Construction Corp. 27
Clark Rigging & Rental Corp. 34
Colvin Draperies Inc. 40
Construction Trades Staffing Inc. 54
County Line Stone Co., Inc. 37
Duke Holzman Photiadis & Gresens LLP 31
Empire Erectors Inc. 31
Encorus Group 9
ERB Company Inc. 34
Ernstrom & Dreste, LLP 27
ETS Clearing & Grading .......................................................69
Forest Materials Inc. .............................................................53
Frey Electric Construction Co., Inc. ......................................35
Gernatt Asphalt Products Inc. ................................................7
H & V Sales Group 53
Hamburg Overhead Door Inc. 45
Haun Welding, Inc. 37
HDE Electric Inc. 15
Henley Executives, LLC 50
Hogan Glass, LLC 55
Hurwitz Fine P.C. 41
Ingalls Site Development, Inc. 39
Insight Floor Covering, Inc. 51
Joe Basil Chevrolet 4
John W. Danforth Company 49
Kimil Construction Inc. .........................................................45
Klein Reinforcing Services LLC .............................................75
LeChase Construction ..........................................................55
Construction Exchange of Buffalo & WNY, Inc. 94
Lovell Safety Management Co., LLC ................................ OBC M&T Insurance Agency, Inc. .................................................43
M.I.S. of America, Inc. ..........................................................48
Mader Construction Company, Inc. 77 Mark Cerrone Inc. 78
Mercedes-Benz of Buffalo 17 Merit Apprenticeship Alliance, Inc. 55
Millennium Construction, Inc. 31 Millwright Local 1163 79
Milton Cat 20
Milwaukee Electric Tool 39
Modern Disposal Services, Inc. 5 Montante Construction 18 Montante Solar 57
Morris Masonry Restoration, LLC .........................................29
Murray Roofing Company, Inc..............................................37
National Grid ........................................................................19
New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co., Inc. 59
Oaks Construction & Dumpster Rental 81
Parker Trucking LLC 21
PCS Plumbing & Heating 46
R.E. Kelley, Inc. 30
Rigidized Metals Corporation 16
RP Oakhill Building Company, Inc. IBC Rupp, Baase, Pfalzgraf, Cunningham LLC 39
S.E.G. Construction Inc. 28
Scott Enterprises, Inc. 85
Scott Lawn Yard, Inc. 13
South End Equipment Co. LLC ............................................33
Southside Precast Products, Inc. ..........................................86
Stephenson Equipment, Inc. ................................................44
Sutton Paving & Excavation Inc. ..........................................36
Swan Trucking West Inc.. 29
Terracon 28
The Bonadio Group 33
The MJA Company 87
The Peyton Barlow Construction, Inc. 33
Trautman Associates 41
Tri R Mechanical Services, Inc. 6
UBS Institutional Consulting 23
United Business Systems 93
Vanner Insurance Agency 24
Weatherpanel Inc. 11
White Cap ............................................................................53