3 minute read
Editor’s message, Shayna Wiwierski
Who would have thought that a cross-provincial beer run in 2012 would spur a national debate that recently made its way to the Supreme Court of Canada?
The date was October 2, 2012, when New Brunswick resident Gerard Comeau drove two hours to Quebec to stock up on, among other things, beer, two bottles of whiskey, and a bottle of Stingner Premixxx liqueur, since it’s less expensive one province over. Unknown to him at the time, the RCMP had him under surveillance as part of a two-day police sting operation for cross-border beer shoppers and caught him as he crossed the bridge back into New Brunswick. As a result, he was fined $292.50 for violating the amount of alcohol that a resident could buy in another province.
That ticket was fought all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, where Comeau argued that under Section 121 of the Constitution, Canadian goods shall “be admitted free into each of the other provinces”. Since this case will affect how winemakers and distillery groups sell their products across Canada, five B.C. winemakers intervening on behalf of a coalition of more than 100 B.C. wineries, had their day in court on December 7, 2017. In this issue of Crush magazine, the Canadian vineyard and winery management publication, we take a look at that court case and what it will mean for wineries coast to coast. We also delve deep into two wineries that are making wine through biodynamic and unique practices. And let’s not forget the biggest news story from our friends south of the border, we look at the damage that the wildfire in Napa Valley did for their local wine region, and a little closer to home, we explore the prolonged smoke exposure and the potential impact to 2017 vintages after the B.C. wildfires last year.
For those on-the-go, I invite you to visit our website, crushmagazine.ca, to stay up-to-date on national wine news. We also offer a digital version via our official Crush magazine app on the Apple or Google Play stores, which allows you to take the magazine with you on your smartphone or tablet.
Shayna Wiwierski @DELCommInc
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