3 minute read
What if the use of active dry yeast became easier?
Winemakers all over the world are converting to E2U yeasts for white or red ferments, with direct inoculations or with rehydration in the must.
Do you know a single winemaker who has never been frustrated with the yeast rehydration routine during the never-ending-harvest days?
Since selected active dry yeast was introduced in the wine world, it was always recommended to take great care of yeasts prior to inoculation. There was a long list of what to do and mainly what not to do to secure your inoculation. Hence, the status quo is that the yeast is rehydrated and acclimatized while watching the water and the must temperatures carefully. This process could take up to 45 minutes, should be supervised, and immobilizes a lot of cellar resources during harvest. And of course during the peak of the season it is always a source of mistakes, and of buckets forgotten in a corner of the winery.
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Following years of continuous quality improvement driven by the worldwide recognized industrial know-how of Lesaffre, Fermentis oenologists decided in 2013 to start validating the exceptional quality of their dry wine yeast. They were indeed convinced that the quality of the yeast produced through this improved process was such that they would be able to cope with variations in the process without failing to produce the expected results. So they put them to the test. They began by testing their viability and noticed very quickly that whether they were rehydrated at 10 or 43°C (50 or 109.4°F), the results were the same. They then tested them in water with varying sugar content and observed that they reacted very well in all cases. Then came the cellar tests assessing rehydration in regular tap water at 15-17°C (59- 62.6°F) or direct yeast inoculation into the must.
And the results? Viability, fermentation abilities and organoleptic profiles were of the same quality. And so the E2U™ range was born, saving time but also energy and water. What allows these yeasts to be so resistant is the key knowledge put behind their production and drying processes. Each strain must have its own recipe. The key is to shape the yeast to the best physiological state for drying and fermentation. The multiplication must be stopped at a selected stage to optimize the lag phase when the yeast is rehydrated and in presence of sugar. The membrane integrity also has to be maintained by choosing the perfect timing for the most gentle drying. Finally, the composition of the membrane is optimized in its content in trehalose and lipids to make it fluid and resistant to difficult rehydration conditions. Winemakers all over the world are converting to E2U™ yeasts for white or red ferments, with direct inoculations or with rehydration in the must. A Fermentis senior enologist confirms, “There are still quite a few producers who are hesitant, but all those who’ve tried E2U™ will never look back. That’s all they ever asked for.” o
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