Rebuilding Fort McMurray Fall/Winter 2017

Page 1

Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017 | Issue 2

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Report outlines FireSmart guidelines important to rebuilding a safer, more resilient Fort McMurray

Three-school project in parsons creek nears completion

The movers and shakers of the construction industry


to be a major community hub

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CONTENTS 8 Message from the President of the Fort McMurray Construction Association, Charles Iggulden

10 Message from the Minister of Infrastructure, Sandra Jansen 12 Message from MLA for Fort McMurray-Conklin and Leader of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition, Brian Jean and MLA for Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo, Tany Yao

14 National industry trends from the Canadian Construction Association

16 Mary Van Buren starts as Canadian Construction Association president

18 Report from the Alberta Construction Association 22 Zealous Gold Seal Certification 24 Message from the Operations Manager of Wood Buffalo Recovery Task Force, Erin O’Neill

26 New training facility supports safe rebuilding efforts in Fort McMurray

28 Red Cross supports Wood Buffalo homeowners as they rebuild 30 Tree Canada’s Operation ReLeaf program working to restore green spaces in Fort McMurray

34 Built Green Canada supports Fort McMurray rebuild 36 FireSmart begins at home 38 How homes survived: Report outlines FireSmart guidelines important to rebuilding a safer, more resilient Fort McMurray

44 FMCA Construction Industry Recognition Awards, winners and nominees of 2017

56 Rebuilding one foundation at a time: building better, not faster 58 The Commons at Eagle Ridge to be a major community hub 63 New shelter to focus on healing 64 Northern Lights Regional Health Centre heliport project moves forward

64 Final building in three-school project nears completion after wildfire challenges

70 Fort McMurray Construction Association members 78 Index to advertisers 6

Fort McMurray Construction Association

Rebuilding Fort McMurray is published by DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3L 0G5 President & CEO DAVID LANGSTAFF Managing Publisher JASON STEFANIK Publisher STEVE BEAUCHAMP Managing Editor BAILEY HILDEBRAND-RUSSELL Advertising Sales Manager DAYNA OULION Toll Free: 1.866.424.6398 Advertising Sales COREY FRASER | ROSS JAMES MIC PATERSON | DAN ROBERTS Contributing writers: MICHAEL ATKINSON | RONDA BERTRAM LYNDON MCLEAN | ERIN O’NEILL LAURA STEWART Production services provided by: S.G. BENNETT MARKETING SERVICES Art Director / Layout & Design KATHY CABLE Advertising Art DAVE BAMBURAK DANA JENSEN ©Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher. Opinions and recommendations made by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher or the association, or the ir respective directors, officers or employees. Articles and advertisements in this publication are not solicitations to buy, hold or sell specific securities; they are for information purposes only. Investors should be aware that risk is associated with any security, strategy or investment, and are advised to seek the counsel of a competent investment advi sor before making any investment, or utilizing any information contained in this publication. Subscription, advertising and circulation can be obtained from the publisher. Publications mail agreement #40934510 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, MB R3L 0G5 Email: PRINTED IN CANADA 11/2017

Offering the complete package of residential concrete construction services and materials Lafarge has served the community of Fort McMurray for over 40 years and is proud to remain a leading supplier of ready mix concretes. We are now pleased to offer complete concrete installation services including: base preparation, concrete forming, pumping, placing and finishing, all performed by our professional crews. We are committed to building quality homes that are a foundation for the residents of Fort McMurray to live, work, and raise their families. Using the quality materials, proven techniques, and skilled people we strive to streamline the construction process for homebuilders.

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Message from the President of the Fort McMurray Construction Association

Charles Iggulden The key to FMCA’s success is our diverse and strong core of member firms. I look forward to working with the members in 2018.

On behalf of the Fort McMurray Construction Association (FMCA) and myself, I am excited that we can bring you another edition of Rebuilding Fort McMurray magazine. This issue features important articles to help the construction industry within the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo stay educated and informed. Who we are Since our humble beginning in 1987, FMCA has been committed to promoting and upholding the highest standards of industry professionalism. Our mission is to create opportunities for our members to grow their individual businesses and build connections with other construction industry professionals and procurement departments to help boost the growth and quality of Fort McMurray’s construction industry. As we begin our next 30 years serving the Fort McMurray construction industry, we need to confront challenges in this fast-paced changing world in real time as they happen – and we will. That is our promise. What we stand for Fairness – Creating an equal and just playing field for our member companies to do business. Mutual respect – Building a sense of camaraderie between FMCA and industry practitioners. Community – Uniting like-minded professionals who care about the industry and want to give back to it now and see it prosper in the future. Accountability – Dedication to upholding industry professionalism by promoting honesty, integrity, information-sharing and encouraging members and other industry players to take responsibility for their actions. The key to FMCA’s success is our diverse and strong core of member firms. In appreciation of their continued support, FMCA will continue to provide the same services you saw in 2017 with the addition of new initiatives to help support the construction industry in 2018. I look forward to working with the members in 2018. n


Fort McMurray Construction Association

I love what I do, I’m excited for the next challenge. Laura Watson Director, Core Products

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Message from the Minister of Infrastructure

SANDRA JANSEN On behalf of the Government of Alberta, I am pleased

Grade 8 students. A third new school is expected to be

to be a part of the second edition of the Rebuilding Fort

completed in January 2018, benefitting Kindergarten

McMurray magazine. I welcome this opportunity to

to Grade 6 Catholic students. Work continues on the

extend greetings to all Fort McMurray Construction

modernization of Fort McMurray Composite High

Association (FMCA) members. I commend you for all

School and on an expansion of École McTavish, both of

you have accomplished this past year by rebuilding and

which are expected to be completed by August 2018. In

enhancing your community.

addition, envelope upgrades underway at the Northern

I have been busy these past few weeks learning more about all of the infrastructure projects underway

Lights Regional Health Centre are expected to continue until 2020.

throughout the province since being appointed minister

Also, I am anticipating having an active role in the

of infrastructure by Premier Rachel Notley. I’m

Willow Square Continuing Care Centre, as it’s still in

pleased to note that in Fort McMurray, this includes an

the design stage, and continues to move forward in

investment in the tens of millions for construction of a

downtown Fort McMurray.

number of facilities.

I know that many FCMA members have contributed

For example, construction of two new public schools was

their skills to these and many other government-funded

completed this year after initially being delayed by the

infrastructure projects. For this, I thank you. I look

2016 wildfire. In September, those schools opened their

forward to working with you as we continue to build the

doors for the first time to hundreds of Kindergarten to

future for Albertans together. n

Barry Laviolette B.Sc., M.Eng., P.Eng.




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Message from MLA for Fort McMurray-Conklin and Leader of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition

brian jean


Message from MLA for Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo

tAny yao Driving through Fort McMurray, it is easy to see how our

Two investigators are in Fort McMurray investigating if

rebuild has progressed over the past few months. As more and

builders have violated the Fair Trading Act or committed more

more families move into their new homes, we are in a more

serious violations. These investigators examine warranty

positive place than five months ago.

issues, contract disputes, reports of misleading sales tactics and proper business licensing.

That’s not to say there haven’t been issues. Service Alberta reports that by the beginning of October, it had 269 open investigations as a result of the Horse River wildfire. The majority of those, about 194, relate to home rebuilds, renovations or pre-paid contractors.


making a difference

As MLAs for this region, we expect builders, contractors and sub-contractors to treat our residents with honesty and integrity, plus a commitment to superior workmanship. Looking at areas destroyed by the wildfire, it’s easy to see we

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12 Fort McMurray Construction Association

Vehicle Graphics Banners Tradeshow Booths Site Signs

are edging closer to complete rebuild as, for example, some

Supporting Uninsured and Underinsured Residents — or

once-empty streets are now re-populated as homes have been

NSUUR — there’s a focus on repairs and rebuilds for primary-

replaced and families moved back home. In other areas such as

resident homeowners within our region who are uninsured

Abasand and Beacon Hill, the number of rebuilds underway

and underinsured. It’s efforts like this that highlight the heart

noticeably increased. These are busy construction areas with

this community is known for.

homes in various stages of rebuild from framed to wall to complete and occupied. There is a proliferation of company signs in the rebuild areas highlighting the amount of work underway. It’s good to see local companies involved, whether

Also, the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) has compiled a number of useful resources intended to help residents educate and protect themselves during the rebuild. This is to ensure homeowners are well-informed and

builders, contractors, sub-contractors or suppliers.

well-equipped to meet the many challenges rebuilding or

But paid workers are not the only ones busy in all these

rehabilitating a damaged home can present.

construction zones. There are lots of volunteers lending a

According to the RMWB, 2,579 demolition inspections were

hand during the rebuild; in many cases, with the homeowners

completed as of Oct. 30, 2017. That was the total number of

working right alongside them.

structures destroyed in the Horse River fire. Other notable

Recently, on a chilly Saturday morning, a wall raising was held in Beacon Hill at a Habitat for Humanity rebuild site. Another family getting closer to returning to their home. Down the

figures include 1,050 approved rebuild development permits (primary structures) issued and 1,173 approved rebuild building permits (primary structures) issued.

street, another family had already moved back home thanks

Again, as of Oct. 30, there had been 234, or 9.04 per cent,

to the efforts of the Mennonite Disaster Relief rebuild team.

building permit final inspections for the destroyed dwellings.

Habitat for Humanity Wood Buffalo, Samaritan’s Purse,

There is still a long way to go in the rebuild. As MLAs for this

World Renew, Mennonite Disaster Services and FuseSocial

region, we are offering our support where possible. After all,

have worked together to try and assist those who were

we all want the rebuilding of our community to move forward

identified as uninsured or under-insured following the

as efficiently and quickly as possible. We greatly anticipate the

devastating fire in our community. With the creation of NGOs

day when all displaced residents have moved back home. n

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National industry trends By Michael Atkinson, president emeritus, Canadian Construction Association

Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) current

dramatically change the way construction is both

strategic plan expires March 31, 2018. Leading up to CCA’s

designed and built (for example, augmented reality,

strategic planning session that will seek to create CCA’s

driverless equipment, pre-fabrication, modular

new plan, CCA held an industry environmental scan in

construction, integrated project delivery, 3D printing,

August. Some 60 construction leaders from across the

drones, etc.).

country assembled in Ottawa tasked with identifying the • Project Size: Projects are getting bigger and more complex.

top national trends that will continue to shape and re-

This is a direct result of some of the other trends/

shape the construction industry in the next decade.


The following are the top national industry trends

• Payment: Payment practices have deteriorated and

identified at the CCA industry environmental scan:

contract payment terms are being lengthened. • Labour: The aging population (i.e. the loss of experience and knowledge) will continue to challenge all participants

consolidations continue to be on the rise.

in the design and construction process. However, the skills required will also change due to changing practices and technological adaptations. • Technology: Technology and innovations will

promises kept

• Industry make-up: Mergers and acquisitions and/or

• Design quality: The quality of design documents is declining and is becoming the major underlying cause of construction disputes.

Quality of service, knowledgeable sales people, courteous staff, competitive prices, professional installation, and our promise that you will love your new floors. 8202 Fraser Avenue, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1W8 780-743-1373

hardwood, laminate, carpet, cork, bamboo, area rugs, tiles, resilient & stone flooring 14 Fort McMurray Construction Association

The CCA industry environmental scan meetings gathered some 60 industry leaders in Ottawa.

• Integration: Owners want to see integrated/collaborative approaches but they remain very risk averse. • Procurement: Procurement practices are also

Facilitator John Leduc going over the program for the second day of the CCA industry environmental scan meetings.

• Death of the small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME): Due to many of the previously mentioned trends, medium-sized construction firms will be especially

deteriorating. Procuring authorities are abandoning

challenged (i.e. they are too small to be big and yet too big

long-standing industry best practices and treating design

to be small).

and construction like any other procurement (i.e. the commoditization of design and construction services).

CCA is inviting comments from all industry members.

• Risk transference: Risks and responsibilities traditionally

Do you agree with this list? Is there something that is

borne by owners are being transferred to contractors or

not on this list that should be there? Let me know at

the owner’s design consultants. n

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Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


Mary Van Buren starts as Canadian Construction Association president Mary Van Buren, a bilingual marketing, strategy and digital

Most construction associations in Quebec are now CCA

expert, started as the Canadian Construction Association

partner associations. CCA’s materials and newsletters

(CCA) president in October 2017.

are published in both official languages and simultaneous

Van Buren has worked in the private, public and not-for-profit sectors and has held executive roles at leading associations

translation has been added for the board meetings and some conference sessions.

and not-for-profits, including the Canadian Medical

“Having a bilingual president will further strengthen

Association’s subsidiary, MD Financial Management, and

our capabilities and ties with the Quebec-based partner

Export Development Canada. In her most recent role as vice-

associations,” said McNally.

president of marketing and IT at the Canadian Real Estate Association, Van Buren led a team of 60 to grow its premier

“I’m thrilled and honoured”

services, and WEBForms® in the double digits.

“It’s an exciting time to join CCA and the construction industry. I’m thrilled and honoured to work with our

Van Buren holds an MBA in international business from

executive committee, CCA board and our partner associations

McGill and a BCom from the University of Ottawa and is a

to improve the value of the association and to advance the

certified association executive.

interests of the construction industry, a cornerstone of the Marketing expertise and

Canadian economy,” said Van Buren.

bilingualism assets

Thanking retiring president Michael Atkinson

CCA is celebrating its centennial in 2018 and currently going

Michael Atkinson, who first joined CCA in 1981, has held CCA

through a strategic planning exercise. “Mary’s background in strategy and marketing will be an asset

president’s position since 1993.

shaping the plan for the next five years and communicating

“Michael has been absolutely instrumental to CCA’s success

our new priorities and initiatives to our partner associations

for several decades,” said McNally. “We all wish him happy

and members,” said Chris McNally, CCA chair.

retirement.” n

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CALL US FOR ALL YOUR SAND AND GRAVEL NEEDS. 16 Fort McMurray Construction Association


We at Nu-Way Ready Mix understand the impact the 2016 wildfire had on Fort McMurray and surrounding areas, as we work and live here. The aftermath continues to be stressful with the pressures of rebuilding, finding contractors, dealing with insurance companies, and of course, the loss of property and irreplaceable personal items. Thankfully, over half of the rebuilds have been completed or are underway. This is a testament to the courage and determination of Fort Mac’s families and businesses. Nu-Way Ready Mix has supplied concrete to many projects, both residential and commercial – working seven days a week prior to the residents moving back from the evacuation. We fully understand our customers have budgets, schedules, and other constraints. To that end, Nu-Way Ready Mix has not charged any premiums for the extended hours and days worked – often pouring late into the evening and every weekend since the fire.

We only charge for the concrete you actually use, not the entire load. Thank you for your business and we look forward to serving you in the months and years to come!


Jeff Gillingham



Report from the

alberta construction association By Ken Gibson, executive director Advocating Member Interests

The Alberta Government has also

ACA has created an initiative to help

Alberta Construction Association’s

launched the Occupational Health

raise public awareness of the impact of

(ACA) advocacy leadership confirmed

and Safety Review. ACA believes the

construction at the community level

with Alberta Labour that Bill 17 did

suggested direction outlined in the

and the contributions of construction

not impact the existing Employment

OHS discussion paper would move

employers in making our communities

Standards Regulation for construction,

our current collaborative system

better places to live. The Construction

which remains in place. There is no

to an adversarial system, without

& Community Together initiative

change to banking overtime hours or to

improvement in workplace safety.

started this summer with visits to


ACA’s Public Policies on Safety

communities in the markets of the

reflect the consensus views of our

Medicine Hat, Lethbridge and Red

membership. ACA encourages adoption

Deer construction associations. In

of these ACA policies as the basis for

partnership with these associations,

the OHS system. Broadly speaking,

ACA interviewed members to highlight

these policies reflect our members’

their contributions and concerns

belief that improved workplace safety

about government regulations, make

arises from shared responsibility,

connection with local media, and share

adoption of evidence-based best

these stories through social media.

practices and collaborative stakeholder

ACA is evaluating this summer pilot to


expand and improve the program going

ACA thanks the Safety/WCB


committee, chaired by Paul Heyens, for

Working for Better

its leadership in responding to these


ACA has grave concerns regarding the Workers’ Compensation Board review and its 60 recommendations: • It seriously undermines the independence of the WCB. • It moves away from an actuariallysound insurance program to more of a social welfare scheme. • It significantly impacts employer obligations with a duty to accommodate employment of an injured worker. • It erodes employer trust by recommending arbitrary decisionmaking processes instead of clear,

issues. Construction & Community

contractors and Alberta Health

Together Launches

Services has been discussing proposed

transparent, objective, evidence-based

ACA has become increasingly

decision making.

concerned that the public’s

ACA will continue to vigorously represent member interest, both on our own and as part of coalitions such as the Industry Task Force.

A working group of member general

understanding of the potentially detrimental impact of proposed changes to the WCB, safety, employment

new AHS construction contracts. ACA appreciates the willingness of AHS to carefully consider industry perspectives. We look forward to continuing this dialogue.

standards and other legislation is

Many of the same volunteers are

limited. Potential improved employee

assisting ACA to document the risk and

ACA has also questioned the WCB’s

benefits at the sole cost of the employer

cost implications of non-standard terms

recent ad campaign — why is employer

may seem attractive, but the cost to

found in public sector construction

money being spent on an awareness

employer viability and continued

contracts. Once this work is complete,

campaign when the WCB is a

employment in communities across

ACA plans to share the information

mandatory service?

Alberta is not as visible.

with industry and with owners.

18 Fort McMurray Construction Association

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ACA thanks a number of volunteers

requirements, incomplete or inaccurate

who are working on this initiative:

documentation accompanying invoices

Jeremy Boldt and Ian Reid (Bird);

and differing processes and timelines

John Lunan and Jamey Singh

for different levels in the value chain.

(Clark Builders); team leader Mike

Yet, everyone agreed none of these

Nicolson (EllisDon); Bob Hildenbrandt

problems were insurmountable.

(Graham); Chris Bardell, Mike Roper, Scott Murchison, Stacey Boothman and Carrie Smith (Ledcor); Russell Bridgeman, Rob Otway and Alan Kuysters (PCL); Marius Veldtman (Stuart Olson); and Bob Robinson (Westcor).

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Entrust your survey needs for rebuilding and other projects to our local Fort McMurray team of survey professionals.

ACA also provided member comments on the introduction of liquidated damages to Alberta Infrastructure school project contracts. Because of ACA’s advocacy, an Alberta Infrastructure/ACA working group

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wraps up work this fall with a root

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engineers, general contractors,

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20 Fort McMurray Construction Association

format, then in single disciplines, highly engaged teams mapped current and improved payment streams. Participants accessed potential best practices from ACA’s expert panelists. So, what are the next steps? Each company committed to go back and look at a process in their organization to review all the steps in their process, implement a change and report back what they discovered. The processes being reviewed include job start up communications about payment

cause analysis of delays in school

process, progressive release of

project completion. ACA is hopeful

holdback, standardized progress claims

the recommendations of this

documentation, internal training

working group will influence other

and education of staff, and review of

projects as well. ACA thanks Alberta

progress claim process. These follow-up

Infrastructure for its participation

workshops are taking place at the time

and ACA reps Bob Robinson and Paul

this article is being written.

Verhesen for their leadership in this important work.

Following the workshops, ACA will develop a best practices document for

Optimizing the Payment

dissemination and advocacy to achieve


widespread adoption.

Citing that such a conversation was long overdue, owners, architects, subcontractors and suppliers came together in Calgary and Edmonton for the first Optimizing the Flow of Payment workshops. This unique format fostered open and frank dialogue across the value chain and

8026A Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, Alberta T9H 5K3 T: 780-743-8697 F: 780-743-9786

Working first in a multidisciplinary

with the involvement of project management and financial personnel.

Strengthening Ties to ACSA Alberta Construction Safety Associationn (ACSA) has embarked on a new governance model for its association. ACA invited ACSA to present this model to the ACA Safety/ WCB committee, ACA board and construction association representatives on the ACSA board. ACA thanks the ACSA for its presentation and ongoing dialogue to develop a shared

There were several common

understanding of processes for member

issues across all organizations:

input to ACSA policy and ACSA course

lack of transparency of contract

development. n


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Zealous Gold Seal Certification Major changes underway, certification program heading towards prosperous future Over the last two years, the Gold Seal Certification has been

“Having the chance to get to speak to men and women

working on modernizing itself from the ground up, starting

out on the field, who share their personal stories,

by updating its website, creating new and improved initiatives

is a great opportunity for us,” said Kees Cusveller,

and designations, and more.

chair of the Gold Seal committee. “We not only get to

One of Gold Seal Certifications’ most prized additions continues to be the Gold Seal Success Stories, which can be found online. On this page, Gold Seal takes time monthly to meet special certified professionals, whether they are newly qualified or 15 years in. These stories allow Gold Seal Certification to meet individuals from across Canada, who make up a large portion of the construction industry. These individuals are not only outstanding in their desire for excellence, but have proven to be from all walks of life and/or have overcome hardships to reach their goals. Monthly, four separate candidates are selected based on their participation

hear unique and, at times, personal stories, but we’re also gaining a better understanding of how we as a construction certification program can better tailor ourselves to accommodate more individuals. Ultimately, we want to create a standard program for construction professionals in Canada. We aspire to create opportunity for professionals in construction through knowledge, training and expertise. It’s heartwarming for us to hear the happy stories from professionals around Canada who felt that earning their certification was a momentous opportunity for them.”

on a free-to-access survey that Gold Seal Certification

Nevertheless, Gold Seal Certification isn’t stopping

has made available online. This survey gives construction

its expansion and developments. A new designation

professionals an opportunity to access and share their views

launched in April 2017, allowing foremen to qualify for

on the program as well as information about their journey

certification. Education opportunities and training have

toward their certification. The survey allows Gold Seal to see

been made available through Gold Seal Certification

who makes up its country-wide certification family, and can

permitting foremen development opportunities. As part

see where improvements can be made. During the review

of the expansion, Gold Seal Certification is working

process, four candidates are selected based on their interest

to create opportunities for students across Canada

level and responses. Then, Gold Seal contacts and interviews

by opening a basic designation for them. Opening

them to share stories of the real people who are certified and

the doors for training and education encourages the

taking leaps forward in their career.

next generation to easily transition into the field of construction. Online exams will be the way of the

Giving you the Advantage in Safety OSSA safety training H2S Alive The best safety training schedule in the region

future at Gold Seal Certification. These online exams and student designations currently in development are expected to be launched in 2018. In tandem, Gold Seal will be launching a new online application portal, making applying for Gold Seal

Book online at

Certification easier and less time consuming. If you or someone you know is interested or ready to take the next step in the construction industry, Gold Seal Certification invites you to visit to

Call 780-743-5001 22 Fort McMurray Construction Association

discover what the certification can do for your career. n

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w w w. A l c o r Fa c i l i t i e s . c o m

Message from the Operations Manager of Wood Buffalo Recovery Task Force

ERIN O’NEILL As we approach the end of our first full rebuild season,

Force and the schools in these areas to educate children on

I would like to thank all the contractors in the area for

site safety, however we need everyone to do their part to

continuing to support a safe rebuild. The progress that you

keep children safe.

have made in rebuilding the region is truly remarkable, and we at the Recovery Task Force are grateful for your efforts.

In 2018, the Recovery Task Force will begin the Municipal Infrastructure Damage project, which includes repairing

While there have been many successes in the collective

all municipal infrastructure that has been damaged during

effort to rebuild the region, there are areas where we

the fire, during demolition and during the rebuild. Repairs

need to improve. Safety continues to be our number one

will begin once 80 per cent of a neighbourhood has been

priority and it is everyone’s responsibility. On this note, it

rebuilt, after which time contractors will be responsible for

is important to remember that the speed limit in all rebuild

repairing any damage incurred to municipal property. We

areas is 30 km/h. Abiding by the speed limit is absolutely

will be providing more information regarding this project

critical as more and more families will be returning to their

early next year, and look forward to working together to

homes in the upcoming months and pedestrian traffic is

complete the rebuild process and making our community

expected to increase. Slowing your speed to the 30 km/h

whole. The construction management teams will continue

limit is essential to keeping pedestrians safe in these areas.

to be in place through 2018, and we’re extremely pleased

Safety off the road is just as important as on the road, and we believe that together, we can improve site safety by ensuring that fencing is used appropriately. We continue to receive reports of inadequate, misused and missing fencing on construction sites, which poses a significant risk to

that so many of you have been working with them to streamline the rebuild process. They are a resource for you and are willing to help. Please do not hesitate to reach out to them or the Recovery Task Force with any questions or concerns.

residents — particularly those who are too young to fully

I thank each and every one of you for your incredible work

understand the dangers of entering a construction site.

to date, and look forward to another year of rebuilding our

Significant efforts have been made by the Recovery Task

region together. n


24 Fort McMurray Construction Association




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New training facility supports safe rebuilding efforts in Fort McMurray

The Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) celebrated the opening of a brand new training facility in Fort McMurray in July 2017. ACSA chief operations officer, Tammy Hawkins, said the association is looking forward to continuing to grow partnerships with company owners and workers of the Wood Buffalo region during this important period of construction. The priority continues to be in supporting the strongest safety performance and upholding company and worker certifications.

“We are increasing our presence in the Wood Buffalo region by providing additional safety training services and resources for the local construction community at this brand-new training space in Fort McMurray,” said Hawkins. “We are also proud to provide a unique resource to the community through the work of our Wood Buffalo Regional Safety Committee (WBRSC), which is a volunteer-led committee of safety representatives from across the region’s construction industry. The WBRSC meets regularly to identify regional and trade-specific health and safety issues and best practices, engaging regularly with the community. The committee represents a passionate, committed, and hard-working group of HSE professionals.” Along with former mayor Melissa Blake, the ACSA welcomed the local construction community to the opening of the facility with a free barbecue and tours of the building, while getting to know those behind the association, more about the WBRSC and other services the ACSA is making available to the local construction community. “We are here to support the safe and productive rebuilding of Fort McMurray and want to work with industry and government to ensure all workers have the tools to return home safely at the end of every work day,” Hawkins said. The opening of the new ACSA facility comes at a good time — 2,457 (eight per cent) of the 30,713 private dwellings were destroyed in the 2016 fire. According to the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 785 housing starts are recorded in Fort McMurray since the beginning of 2017, demonstrating the rebuild is well and truly underway, making available safety training an important priority in the construction industry. n

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Red Cross

supports Wood Buffalo homeowners as they rebuild

There is no timetable to recover from a disaster. It has

As the Wood Buffalo region moves forward, Red Cross

been more than a year and half since a wildfire devastated

continues to meet with owners of destroyed or severely

the homes and lives of so many living in Fort McMurray

damaged homes from the wildfire to help them along

and the Wood Buffalo region. While news of the wildfire

their road to recovery. Through confidential one-on-one

and the evacuation has long since fallen from national

assessments, Red Cross assistance may be available for

headlines, the process of recovery and rebuilding is far from

certain costs:

over. For some people, it can take years, and that is why the Canadian Red Cross is still in Fort McMurray continuing to support those impacted by the disaster.

• Rebuild and repair. • Down payments. • Household utility connections. • Rental and mortgage support.

Although rebuilding is well underway in the region, many

• Professional reports and surveys.

residents are still making difficult decisions around their

• Financial and legal advice.

recovery. The Red Cross can offer support and guidance.

Beyond the physical loss, disasters may also have an

“At the Canadian Red Cross, we know there is no time limit

emotional toll on impacted individuals, including an ability

on rebuilding lives after a disaster such as the wildfire,” said

to cope with the day-to-day stress associated with recovery.

Jenn McManus, vice-president of the Canadian Red Cross,

Red Cross assistance may also include emotional support

Alberta and Northwest Territories. “The situation of every

and connecting residents with specialized community

impacted household is unique, and our caseworkers are

resources, such as mental health services and counselling.

here to guide families along in their recovery at a pace in

Owners of homes that were destroyed or severely damaged

which they are comfortable.”

by the wildfire, or residents who may need guidance in

28 Fort McMurray Construction Association


their recovery, are encouraged to reach out to the Canadian

of Alberta, the Canadian Red Cross raised a total of $323

Red Cross. Call 1-888-553-5505, visit the office at 10019B

million to help those affected by the May 2016 wildfire. At

Franklin Ave., or email to book a

the one-year mark, $244 million, or 75 per cent, of these

confidential appointment.

funds have been spent or committed to support impacted

Thanks to the generosity of Canadians and matching funds

families and individuals, small businesses and community

from the Government of Canada and the Government

groups. Visit for more information. n

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Tree Canada’s Operation ReLeaf program working to restore green spaces in Fort McMurray


When the Horse River wildfire struck Fort McMurray in

McMurray in July 2016, it has received hundreds of

May 2016, staff at Tree Canada knew that they needed

individual donations from Canadians across the country

to help the community. As Canada’s largest national tree

and generous contributions from corporate partners such

charity, Tree Canada has been delivering disaster relief

as IKEA Canada, U-Haul, Telus, FedEx, BP, Unilever Canada

support for communities since the 1996 floods in Saguenay,

and CN that contributed $1 million toward all of Tree


Canada’s Operation ReLeaf programs. This represents the

In July 2016, staff from Tree Canada visited Fort McMurray

largest single donation in our organization’s history.

to start planning the newest Operation ReLeaf program.

The replanting in Fort McMurray officially began in May

While the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and the

2017 with a volunteer tree planting event and community

Government of Alberta concentrated on priority issues

celebration. More than 200 people came out to plant

such as rebuilding homes, returning people to work and

2,000 tree seedlings along a trail near in the Thickwood

getting kids back to school, Tree Canada wanted to use its

neighbourhood. These efforts kickstarted the planting of

decades of experience and expertise to help bring a sense of

over 76,000 seedlings in parks and green spaces throughout

normalcy back to the lives of residents.

the community in the spring. All seedlings were planted

Without the help of generous sponsors and individual

according to FireSmart standards, a set of industry best

donors, it can be hard for communities to afford to restore

practices for managing and mitigating the threat of future

green spaces impacted by a natural disaster. Tree Canada

wildfires in communities by promoting the planting of fire-

believes that restoring the urban forest after a disaster is a

resistant trees and shrubs at safe distances from buildings

key part of recovery, as many studies have shown that trees

and other plants.

are a key part of healthy communities. Since Tree Canada launched Operation ReLeaf – Fort 30 Fort McMurray Construction Association

In fall 2017, Tree Canada worked with the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and FireSmart Canada to


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Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


create a grant program to province residents with $300 to be used toward the purchase of trees to plant on their property. Grants are paid out for trees and shrubs that meet FireSmart requirements, helping to reduce the risk of such a tragedy occurring again in the future. Local Fort McMurray community groups are also eligible for grants to help them

year will also see Tree Canada working with the local First

re-green their community spaces.

Nations communities to assist them with their recovery

The biggest project for Operation ReLeaf – Fort McMurray


will start in 2018 with the planting of almost 1,500 street

Operation ReLeaf – Fort McMurray is an excellent example

trees throughout the community, helping to bring back

of the things that can be accomplished when everyday

the urban canopy. The grant program for residents and

Canadians and corporate partners come together for a great

community groups will also be back in 2018. The next

cause. n

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supports Fort McMurray rebuild and is offering financial support

showcase the good work happening

to those who want to integrate

in sustainable development, while the

green features into their builds: all

municipality, trades and organizations

residential builders on the RMWB

like Built Green Canada come together

registry will receive a 50 per cent

to rebuild and strengthen this

discount on their membership fees


with Built Green Canada, as well as a full financial waiver for home certification fees for projects going through the BUILT GREEN® Single Family program as part of the In August of 2016, Built Green Canada reached out to those builders involved in the Fort McMurray rebuild, recognizing the unimaginable

rebuild. This will remain in effect through 2018 to help relieve the financial burden on both builders and homeowners.

Built Green Canada’s programs address energy efficiency, integrating the EnerGuide label through Natural Resources Canada, and then go beyond toward a more holistic approach to sustainable building practices. An approach that includes the preservation of natural resources, reduction of pollution, ventilation

destruction of the wildfires and

“Alberta’s residential building

and air quality, and the improvement

subsequent flooding that left

industry has historically shown — and

of home durability. As such, builders

thousands of Albertans displaced.

continues to show — tremendous

and their customers get a two-in-one

environmental leadership,” said Built

certification: an EnerGuide label and

Since then, Built Green Canada

Green Canada chief executive officer

the BUILT GREEN® seal, offering

remains committed to support the

Jenifer Christenson. “With a spotlight

validation of the green features

Regional Municipality of Wood

on Fort McMurray’s rebuilding

integrated into the home.

Buffalo’s (RMWB) rebuilding efforts

efforts, there is an opportunity to

For builders, BUILT GREEN® programs offer a differentiator from their

Why send your employees to

competitors, with pass-along benefits

Aurora Training Corp.

for their homebuyers; increased durability in their builds; a third-party

for their first aid / CPR training?

certified label; a means to stay ahead

1. Affordable 2. Professional 3. Individualized training that meets your company’s needs and schedule

of regulations; as well as a way of demonstrating leadership. For the homeowner, benefits include a healthier, more durable home with

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34 Fort McMurray Construction Association


a lower environmental impact. These homes are affordable with a reduction in monthly operating costs, automatic rebate eligibility, improved resale value and more. A healthier, more comfortable home means less stress on the respiratory and immune systems; for those with

allergies, benefits can be significant.

during the build and in the day-to-

now expanded into Manitoba. Builders

These homes have a significant

day operation of running the home.

have worked with us to complete

reduction of drafts, cold spots and

Our builders are passionate about

over 29,500 BUILT GREEN® certified

temperature variance from room to

the program and pleased to work

homes represented in Alberta, British

room due to the program’s attention

with their customers to choose from

Columbia, Saskatchewan and Ontario

to the home’s air tightness and

a series of options to improve the

— including units in multi-storey


quality and efficiency of their home.

projects, the total is over 32,755.

Increased home efficiency means

Built Green Canada began in 2003,

For more information visit

long-term cost savings on water,

and has grown its representation to or call

electricity and gas bills, while

include Alberta, British Columbia,

toll-free 855-485-0920. n

increased durability cuts on

Saskatchewan and Ontario, and has

renovation costs. Meanwhile, homes with green certification sell for close to 10 per cent more on average than homes without. Both CHMC and Genworth offer automatic eligibility for a partial mortgage loan insurance premium refund of 15 per cent for customers with single family homes certified through Built Green Canada. Meanwhile, Energy Efficiency Alberta offers incentives that support the installation of lighting, hot-water fixtures and heating components in Albertans’ homes, as well as rebates


for energy-efficient appliances and insulation for homes. A third-party certified home provides verification of the green features integrated into the build. Our two-inone certification: an EnerGuide label and a BUILT GREEN® seal are usually affixed to the furnace or electrical panel. These benefits resonate with homebuyers — 63 per cent of homeowners say a high-performance home is a must have (2017 Canadian Home Buyer Preference National Study by Avid Ratings and CHBA National). Preserving natural resources means leaving more for future generations to enjoy. Our homes

Proud to be a part of the Fort McMurray community since 1975.

reduce environmental impact, both Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


FireSmart begins at home Recent wildfire seasons in Canada have illustrated the vulnerability of Canadian communities to wildfire, with the potential of devastating loss. The personal, social and economic costs associated with large wildfire occurrence have raised questions about the degree to which Canadians, their property and natural resources are at risk from wildfire. Managing wildfire requires balancing its natural role with the protection of

destroyed by wildfires are ignited by

on a community. A building is more

human life, property and economic


likely to be destroyed in a wildfire

values. This equilibrium demands comprehensive risk management approaches including an appropriate mix of mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. We can manage future risk collectively for

• 50 per cent of homes are lost due to poor design.

when it is located in a high-density area where fire is able to easily transfer from building to building. The

Post-fire studies, experiments and

potential for damage intensifies when

models have shown that homes ignite

flammable building materials are used.

due to the condition of the home itself and everything around it up to 100

Protecting homes from wildfire

neighbourhoods and communities in

metres from the foundation.

damage requires limiting the amount

a way that is resilient to the wildfire

FireSmart principles are designed


flames and embers dangerously

to mitigate a home’s vulnerability

close to properties – there needs to

FireSmart has collected data regarding

from ignition. Working within the

be a focus on limiting the amount

about homes and wildfires:

FireSmart home ignition zone begins

of combustible items on a property,

with the house and then working

as well as using and maintaining

combustible roofs and 10 metres

outward through four priority zones

noncombustible mulch and

of clearance will survive a major

undertaking steps to reduce fuel



for embers, convective, radiant or

homeowners by building homes,

• 90 per cent of homes with non-

• Metal roofing is 95 per cent less

of combustible fuel that could bring

conductive heat.

To learn more about FireSmart Development Standards, please visit

likely to catch fire in the event of a

Development standards play a


significant role in reducing the


potential impact a wildfire will have

home-home-development-guide. n

• More than 50 per cent of homes 36 Fort McMurray Construction Association

Feel like a number? You’re number one to us. You’re still here, and so are we. As you continue to rebuild your homes, businesses and lives in Fort McMurray, remember, we’re here to help. We’re listening. Reach out to Tyler Mohrhardt at the Fort McMurray Timberlea Branch at 780-588-2590 or

Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


How homes

survived By Bailey Hildebrand-Russell

Report outlines FireSmart guidelines important to rebuilding a safer, more resilient Fort McMurray

Lone survivor: The study concluded that home survival was not random; it was mostly dependent upon being less vulnerable to ignition by wind-driven embers.

As fire crept closer to Fort McMurray, it might have seemed that the structures that ignited and burned did so at random. But according to a new report called “Why Some Homes Survived: Learning from the Fort McMurray wildland/urban interface fire disaster” that destruction did not happen by chance, just as those that survived weren’t simply lucky. As the extent of wildfire losses became apparent, the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction recognized an opportunity to learn more about why homes ignite, how that happens and why other homes may be more likely to survive during a wildfire event. The organization asked Alan Westhaver, a retired wildland fire manager with more than 25 years of experience in national parks, to undertake the study. “Overall, I looked at several hundred homes, but I carefully examined and assessed well-known hazard factors contributing to the overall wildfire risk at 85 single-family homes” he said. “Where possible, I looked at two homes side by side, exposed to the same forces of the fire, of similar age and construction, where one had survived and the other had not. That approach provided the best comparison to see if there was an initial difference between those homes.”

38 Fort McMurray Construction Association

Assorted embers: Flaming or smoldering pieces loose bark, cones and small branches were abundant sources of embers; firebrands causing small spot fire close to or on homes and nearby combustible materials.

Westhaver said his investigation focused on homes near the forest edge where the fire first made its transition from burning in the forest to burning homes, as opposed to heavily-burned areas in the urban core. As well as helping to determine what hazards contributed to the vulnerability of homes, the study also provided important insights into how those homes ignited to begin with. The report suggests most of the initial structure and house fires were started by embers, rather than by contact with flames of the forest fire or prolonged exposure to its radiant heat. “I think it’s really important to understand the nature of these embers. It’s virtually like a snowstorm, a blizzard really, of burning or smoldering debris being lifted and driven ahead by the wind. They’re coming down by the millions. I counted up to 600 burn holes per square metre on patio furniture fabric. That’s a tremendous amount of ignition power.” While most embers fall near where they are generated, their ability to travel many kilometres before

Peace of mind A good night’s sleep takes more than a comfortable bed, it takes knowing that your family is safe. That’s why, for more than a decade, the Enbridge Safe Community Program has granted over $10 million to local first responders in neighbourhoods across North America. We are proud to support these dedicated men and women who put their own lives on the line to ensure that ours are protected at all times. When the energy you invest in life meets the energy we fuel it with, safe communities happen.

falling and igniting small spot fires is well documented. Embers play a big role in the spread of wildland fires in forests and grasslands and are capable of drifting over large fire Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


Left – Fire pathway: Combustible fences, wood-chip mulch and shrubbery created pathways for fire to spread leading to ignition of decks and homes.

Below – FireSmart home: Surviving homes often featured fireresistant styles, building materials and simple non-flammable landscaping and decorative choices.

guards, Westhaver said. Embers were

facilitate interagency co-operation

“A surprising amount of the

likely what helped the fire jump the

in the promotion of awareness and

vegetation hazard is the result of

Athabasca River.

education aimed at reducing risk of

what we plant close to home, it’s not

loss of life and property from fire in

what’s left of the remaining natural

the wildland/urban interface.”

vegetation. What we plant, how

Embers piled up in nooks and crannies, creating a possibly

much, how flammable it is, how it’s

devastating situation. Westhaver said

Westhaver concluded homes that

the fate of a house often came down

arranged and how it can allow fire to

survived with little or no damage

to how FireSmart it was.

spread toward homes determines the

were less vulnerable to ignition


FireSmart guidelines

by embers and heat of the wildfire

The Canadian non-profit association Partners in Protection, or PiP, helped grow the FireSmart brand

than homes that burned. Home survival was closely linked with following the FireSmart guidelines

FireSmart guidelines really do work, Westhaver said, adding that his study validated how effective they are. What the study doesn’t show

into FireSmart Canada in the 1990s.

and achieving a low level of rated

The organization was made up of

FireSmart hazard factors. Vegetation

different associations and government

accounted for the largest proportion

departments of all levels that were

of those hazards in Fort McMurray,

“responsible for emergency services,

followed by the presence of other

FireSmart responsibility

forest and parks management, land

combustible materials close to

Westhaver’s report has several

use planning and private business and

home and vulnerable elements of

suggestions for both homeowners and

industry,” according to the FireSmart

home construction, according to

home builders to prevent significant

Canada website. PiP’s mandate is “to

Westhaver’s report.

loss in the future, but he said it all

40 Fort McMurray Construction Association

is whether people were aware of those guidelines and were purposely working to achieve them.

comes down to educating the public. “All agencies, including the one I used to work for, need to be a lot better at communicating the hazards to all kinds of people whether it’s builders, or politicians and especially the

Brick and stone feature walls have

used for storage (above or below).

become popular aesthetically, but also

He also recommends placing metal

act as potential fire stoppers. He also

flashing between a deck and home if it

said exposed cement foundations are

is a potential fire hazard.

very effective protection. When it comes to wood decks, Westhaver said

No one to blame

he knows those are often unavoidable

While the report for the Institute

but that decking should be kept in

for Catastrophic Loss Reduction was

Westhaver said residents need to be

good condition, free of clogging

seeking to better understand how

more aware of how vegetation and the

needles and leaves, closed off around

wildfires spread into urban areas and

placement of other flammable objects

the bottom to block embers and not

the reasons for differential survival of

average property owner.”

and structures can create pathways for fire to reach the home. That means looking closely at what combustible plants and objects are within 20 metres of the house itself. “We want to make sure that residents create a one-and-a-half-metre flamefree zone around their homes and outbuildings. That way, flames are not going to contact the house. That’s a big step forward.” He also said it’s important we don’t attach flammable things, such as fences, to homes as they can act like a wick and carry fire into contact with the home. Building more sustainable communities in the future Westhaver offers several recommendations for builders as well. While newer, energy-efficient homes are more ember and fire resistant than their older counterparts and while

Your complete heavy construction solution

building codes are more strict, he said workers still need to be aware.


“Companies should be using fireresistant building materials as much as possible; in some cases it adds cost but there’s a benefit as well,” he said. “It’s a reality that a lot of homes are

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still going to have siding like vinyl that is more vulnerable, but it means that we have to be that much more careful

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elsewhere.” Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2 Wajax_construction.indd 1


2017-11-14 11:13:53

Top left – Survivor in Aspen Woods: Fire-resistant homes and yards survived even extreme exposure to heat. Top right – Fire pathway: Wood fences and ornamental junipers often led fire to homes; this was a close call, but more often the results were disastrous. Left – The number of burn holes in this patio glider indicate the density of embers inundating homes and backyards, each one capable of igniting a spot fire.

homes, it condemns no one for what

Thousands of other Canadian

to reduce hazards, making homes

happened. According to Westhaver,

communities are exposed to wildfires

and backyards less vulnerable to

the lessons learned from his Fort

and I think Fort McMurray can set

the embers of future fires. That’s a

McMurray investigation confirm

a good example for many of them in

positive legacy for Fort McMurray

the findings of similar studies in the

the future. That is, both by building

residents to be proud of.”

United States.

back better in neighbourhoods that have been decimated and taking

To read the full report along with

“Wildland/urban interface fire

pro-active FireSmart measures in

Westhaver’s recommendations, visit

disasters are a solvable problem.

neighbourhoods less impacted in 2016 n

100 Royer Way Fort McMurray, AB 587-624-0010 After Eight Interiors Ltd., is a full service flooring centre that has established itself as an industry leader through exemplary customer service and ethical business practises. Established in 1993, After Eight Interiors was founded with the basic philosophy of dedication. We are dedicated to our clients, our products, our suppliers, our employees, our trades, and to our service providing Calgary and area homeowners with the right products for their homes and lifestyles. We are excited to bring this level of service and quality to Fort McMurray and introduce a new community to the After Eight advantage!

42 Fort McMurray Construction Association

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Fort McMurray Construction Association

demonstrated leadership, safety, innovation and environmental excellence, making the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo a better place. The awards are a way to celebrate the outstanding performance of our local construction industry and highlight the excellence firms and individuals across the region, showcasing what we

Recognition Awards FO

at the Construction Industry Recognition Awards. These winners and nominees


In 2017, members of the Fort McMurray Construction Association were honoured



The winners and nominees of 2017


Construction Industry Recognition Awards

have to offer. The awards are open to any member in good standing of the association.

2017 Outstanding Safety Culture Award Winner: Midlite Construction Ltd. Since the beginning, Midlite Construction Ltd. has recognized that reducing loss is the key to success. Rocky Buksa, president and founder, understood that his company needed loss reduction to be the guiding principle — starting with the employees. Rheal Cormier, environmental health and safety manager at Midlite, said the company’s environmental health and safety culture is built on the principles of uniting responsibility and accountability. “Right from the get go, when we have new employees, we remind them a) that they are responsible and b) that they’ll be held accountable,” he said. “Each employee is empowered to be responsible for their own environmental health and safety as well as that of others. So rather than leave the responsibility to a supervisor or manager, we instill that in every one of our employees.” Cormier said the avoidance of loss begins with a sound environment of health and safety culture, adding that it doesn’t matter how productive a company is if someone gets hurt. “We evaluate, plan, execute and do it the right way and with that we increase production while still keeping our employees healthy and safe,” he said. This attitude is why Midlite is the 2017 recipient of the Outstanding Safety Culture Award. Cormier said it’s a great honour to be recognized by peers in Fort McMurray and that the recognition belongs to all Midlite employees. “Our success has come not by chance, but by instilling a culture that teaches us all, each and every one of our employees, that they oversee their own destiny,” he said. “They understand that if they follow our policies and procedures and they adhere to our acceptable practices and processes, they will be successful. They are part of making Midlite the success that they are.”

Midlite’s environmental health and safety culture is built on the principles of uniting responsibility and accountability. photo sUPPLIED BY RHEAL CORMIER.

44 Fort McMurray Construction Association

Midlite Construction Ltd. 135 Boreal Avenue Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0T4 Phone: 780-714-6559 Fax 780-714-3118 Email:

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Recognition Awards ON


2017 Outstanding Safety Culture Award Nominee: Voice Construction


Voice Construction isn’t just trying to promote safety from an office; it’s working to empower employees at all levels in the company to speak up to avoid injuries and fatalities. Sterling Rideout, corporate director of health, safety and environment with Voice Construction, said there’s a focus on employee engagement. Managers encourage staff to find hazards with each task and talk about those issues. “It’s easy to say that, but at times it’s very difficult to do because when employees are into routine tasks, they have a tendency to say, ‘well, I did that yesterday, it’s the same thing today.’ But all of a sudden, there’s a mistake and you’ve got a cut finger.” Rideout said it’s not about just finding dangers at a job site, but also speaking out about the need for better equipment and clothing, including gloves and coveralls. Voice Construction also works fast if something bad does happen on site. Rideout said when there are injuries, the site is shut down so the problem can be solved. It’s also an opportunity to help employees refocus and be present in the moment to prevent injuries. This is the kind of culture that makes Voice Construction a great place to work. “If you get the reputation out there that you have a good culture within, you do attract more qualified workers,” Rideout said. “It’s the good workers that want to come to your company, they wanna work with you. We have a lot of long-term employees at Voice Construction.” For its promotion of health and safety, Voice Construction was nominated for the 2017 Outstanding Safety Culture Award. Rideout said it was an honour to be recognized by the FMCA and great to have discussions with other contractors at the ceremony. While they may be competitors in the field, Rideout said they’re all working toward one goal. “We don’t compete in health and safety. We all wish everybody the best of luck and we love to see the other companies be nominated too...Usually you’re there with the best as a group, so it really does make you feel good that they recognize that you are doing some right things.” Voice Construction employees taking part in a safety presentation. photo SUPPLIED BY sterling rideout.

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Fort Mac Cleaning Services is a post construction and building maintenance company in the Wood Buffalo region. Our team of 90 professionals helped with the 2016 Fort McMurray post-fire clean up. As the professional cleaners of choice, we can finish any sized project on schedule. Please call or email our qualified team to help with your reconstruction clean up or building maintenance needs. 46 Fort McMurray Construction Association



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Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2




Recognition Awards ON


2017 Outstanding Safety Culture Award Nominee: Consun Contracting


Safety is a top-down system at Consun Contracting. Jackie Peden, health, safety and environment manager, said it all starts with mentoring long-term employees, who then mentor new employees. Staff are also put through safety training to stay aligned with Occupational Health and Safety requirements. This creates an atmosphere allowing staff to pursue safety. “It builds trust with our workers and builds open communications so that they come and talk to us,” Peden said. “It also impacts each and every employee if we’re safe at work. I know it shows all our employees that their efforts are being acknowledged.” On top of that, she said workers are rewarded for going above and beyond when it comes to safety. Some are given clothing items or gift cards. Peden said Consun has also given raises and promotions to acknowledge an individual’s commitment to safety. This includes efforts on and off site. “Last winter, one lady’s vehicle wouldn’t start because it was really cold and one of our guys took the time out and went over and helped her before he came to work. So we reward things like that as well.” The Consun team also helped out during the wildfire and with cleaning up the aftermath. Peden said an American company was initially training volunteers and workers on what to wear when working in the ashes and that Consun was asked to go in afterward. “When they left, our company took over that training and we trained hundreds of people to do the cleanup in Fort McMurray. And our company stayed behind in the fire as well. We did have a contract with forestry, but we also had a lot of workers that stayed behind and helped deliver water to firetrucks that wasn’t part of our contract.” Prior to Consun Contracting receiving a nomination for the FMCA’s Outstanding Safety Culture Award in 2017, Peden herself won the NCSO of the Year Award from the Alberta Construction Safety Association. She said the promotion and recognition of safety culture is something to continue working toward. “I think it’s pretty awesome that we get recognized and I think it’s really important that companies continue to get recognized for safety. It’s a lot of hard work to keep safety really positive in your company and just to have other companies recognize that.”

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48 Fort McMurray Construction Association

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With over 30 years of successful operations, we have a workforce in excess of 120 employees and a range of quality equipment. The consistent and strong annual growth the company has realized is largely attributed to the stewardship, business acumen and strong work ethics of the owners, Ed Tatum and Joanne Tatum. Consun has a comprehensive maintenance program and status reporting schedule for all of its equipment. Equipment undergoes regular maintenance and a rigorous inspection for deficiencies. The Corporate Equipment Maintenance Policy is enforced before, during and after a project is completed without exception. Consun goes to all lengths to meet safety regulations and enable environmentally responsible operations. We ensure that the safety of our employees and the public is one of the company’s core values. To ensure this, Consun implements a number of different training schemes which comply with Alberta OH&S Standards. Consun Contracting Ltd. is a leading provider of the following services: earthworks / excavation / site work / water and sewer installation / concrete works on-site maintenance / sand and gravel supply / cement stabilizing base / snow clearing services / highway maintenance.

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Recognition Awards ON


2017 Green Building Culture Award Winner: Lucullan Properties Ltd.


For Lucullan Properties Ltd., it is easy being green. Lucullan’s focus on protecting the environment isn’t forced — it stems from wanting to do what’s right. Those with an outside perspective don’t see Fort McMurray as a green community, especially when compared with Calgary or Edmonton, said Eric Leung, president of Lucullan Properties. But, he said, that’s not an accurate picture of what’s actually happening on the inside. “We enjoy being green and being healthy as well, so for our company we like to do what’s right, that’s been our main motto,” Leung said. “For Lucullan, we care about the people and we care about the city and that’s why we all felt that being green and doing things right was our stand. That’s been a main driver for us.” The Built Green and LEED-certified company has been working to ensure every step of the building process is safe for the environment since its beginnings in 2009. While many companies use environmentally-friendly materials, such as low-flow toilets or fixtures in construction, Lucullan goes the extra mile. Leung said that means focusing on materials and systems you can and can’t see. “Just buying a fixture is not really being green — it’s the whole perspective, like what’s in between the walls, the technology, the architecture of the building. We take it all into consideration when we build our homes. That’s kind of what has been our company culture.” That culture has led Lucullan to use environmentally-friendly products, such as Roxul Insulation — mineral wool insulation made up of stone and slag, a byproduct of steel production that typically ends up in the landfill. Lucullan homes also feature heat recovery ventilation (HRV) systems and paints that don’t contain volatile organic compounds (VOC), which are not only green, but better for the overall health of a home’s residents. For Leung, working with Lucullan aligns with his own goals. “On a personal side, I just love the environment. It’s been something that I’m personally passionate about for a long time. We only have this one place to live, why not make the best use of our resources to help keep it the way it is or make it better.”

Lucullan uses several environmentallty-friendly products during construction, such as Roxul insulation. photos supplied by eric leung.

50 Fort McMurray Construction Association



Recognition Awards ON


2017 Outstanding Woman in Construction Award Winner: Vicky Kujundzic, Vicky’s Homes


Vicky Kujundzic is a household name in the construction industry, not just in Fort McMurray but across Alberta. For nearly 20 years, she’s been the mastermind behind Vicky’s Homes and has grown the business from the ground up. “My career in homebuilding has gone from a one-person company where I did the house designs, sales, selections, site supervision and bookkeeping, all on my own,” Kujundzic said. “Now I have a staff of 10 wonderful and talented people, who are like family to me. I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to work with such an amazing group of people.” At the FMCA’s 2017 Construction Industry Recognition Awards, Kujundzic received the Outstanding Woman in Construction Award for her success. While the industry has progressed, Kujundzic said women still face several challenges. “Construction is still a very much male-dominated industry,” she said. “As CEO of Vicky’s Homes, I still have to prove myself often. I am very passionate about this industry and love every aspect of it. I enjoy entering our homes in the home building awards. I feel it’s a great validation of the wonderful work that we do. We have had great success with winning awards both provincially and nationally.” That includes a Builder of the Year – Small Volume win at the Canadian Home Builders’ Association Edmonton Region’s 2017 Awards of Excellence in housing. Kujundzic’s advice to young women is to not let their gender determine their line of work or area of interest. “Every gender or ethnicity has something special and unique to add,” she said. “Women offer a very unique perspective in situations and having diversity on staff makes it a stronger team. Do what you love, you’ll enjoy the ride.”

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Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2




Recognition Awards ON


2017 Young Construction Executive Leadership Award Winner: Steven Plews, Consun Contracting


Steven Plews has had a busy career in a short amount of time. At 22, he’s a junior project manager with Consun Contracting. But his first stint at Consun wasn’t in a construction capacity at all — when he was 12, he worked as a janitor in the office. In high school, Plews enrolled in the Registered Apprenticeship Program as a heavy duty mechanic. Later he completed Dozer Boss (Industry) training with Alberta Forestry and received his Class 3 license, which came in handy during the wildfire. Plews operated water trucks and helped refill firetrucks. Over the past year, he’s been working to get his Gold Seal through the Canadian Construction Institute. It’s no wonder Plews was the 2017 recipient of the Young Construction Executive Leadership Award. Plews said one of the biggest challenges so far in his career is facing doubt from other industry members because of how young he is. “My age plays a big factor in things. I’m dealing with customers and a lot of them see me as a little too young, probably. I try to keep an open mind and absorb as much as they tell me.” But Plews doesn’t let others’ opinions of him get him down. Instead, he tries to learn from them and their experiences in the construction industry, and he encourages other young people to do the same. “Listen to the older people who have been in this industry a long time. Take in their knowledge as much as you can. Learn as much as you can. Do as much training as you can. Invest in yourself.”

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52 Fort McMurray Construction Association



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Recognition Awards ON


2017 Project Achievement Award (under $50 million) Winner: E Construction Ltd.


The Confederation Way Sanitary Sewer Bypass – Contract 3 project was a large undertaking, but E Construction Ltd. in Fort McMurray cut the timeline nearly in half and came in under budget. But despite working quickly to replace the sanitary water main for Barber Drive and Bussieres Drive in the Timberlea area, project manager Evan Dyson said his crews definitely faced a few challenges. “It was a really deep sanitary line,” he said. “At one point, we hit upwards of eight to eight-and-a-half metres in the middle of a residential street. Dealing with sidewalks, driveways and even houses, we had to minimize how much we did open cut and had to use trench box methods to get down there.” On top of going deep underground, Dyson said working with above-average flow in the lines was challenging at times. “We had one line drain a large portion of the Confederation residential area in Fort McMurray. In times when it rained, it had a really high velocity of water and sewer, so we had a lot of pumping capacity on site.” The rest of the project consisted of rehabilitating the surface — road pavement, sidewalks, curbs and even lawn restoration. Dyson said this kind of work is what E Construction specializes in. The contract was budgeted at $10.5 million, with the final cost being $9.7 million. The project was initially expected to last two seasons, but began in July 2016 and wrapped up in early November later that year. Dyson said thanks to the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo and their engineering representatives (Stantec Consulting and WSP Canada), the relationship between all parties created a team that was able to quickly address any residential impacts, design changes or installation procedures, which helped get the project done more efficiently. Trent Mitchell, E Construction’s area manager in Fort McMurray, said it was awesome to see Dyson and his team win the 2017 Project Achievement Award (under $50 million), especially since 2017 is E Construction’s 50th year operating in Fort McMurray. “We’ve got a young team here and it’s great that they have the experience to pull off a project that’s so complex, that they’re recognized for it. It feels really good,” Mitchell said.

Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2



Recognition Awards FO

the company’s Fort McMurray offices. The company won the 2017 Project Achievement Award (under $5 Million) for construction of the Horse Pasture Park boat launches. Rodney Capstick, general manager of Cormode & Dickson’s Fort McMurray operations, said this was not a typical project for the company and was a first in its 55-year history. Construction of the $5.5-million project entailed damming of the east park section of the Snye River, transferring fish to the downstream section and removing water from the river. Following that major operation, crews began forming and casting the concrete for the boat launch. Once complete, water was released from the dam. Then, Cormode & Dickson did the whole process over again on the west park section. Capstick said all in-river operations were carried on in accordance to all regulatory requirements, ensuring the health of aquatic life was guarded. Capstick said the biggest challenge was ensuring safety of workers while damming the Clearwater River, but that there were no issues while completing the two-dam and in-river operations. He also said safety is the most serious part of Cormode’s operations on any project be it a small fit-out or a large industrial project. “Safety was of prime importance in this in-river operations and Cormode spared no internal expense to ensure the safety and well-being of all who worked on the project,” Capstick said in an email. “Fully qualified life safety rescue teams were constantly deployed on the water while our operations took place on the in-river. This team constantly monitored the operations to ensure all of our people were safe.” Capstick said Cormode & Dickson was humbled to receive the award, and that he’s looking forward to future projects. “We will continue to cater to a tailored clientele where our 55-year history is recognized for quality,

54 Fort McMurray Construction Association


Taking on a project like nothing Cormode & Dickson has worked on before has proven successful for

safety and service.”


2017 Project Achievement Award (under $5 million) Winner: Cormode & Dickson




Recognition Awards ON


2017 Project Achievement Award (under $5 million) Nominee: Consun Contracting


photos supplied by jason mccabe.

Fire-related obstacles didn’t stop a Consun Contracting team from completing a major underground project in the Abasand area. Jason McCabe, site manager, said his crews worked on the concrete water main beneath the river right up until the wildfire of 2016 seriously threatened the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. “We were actually working up there the day of the evacuation; it was quite the scramble to get out of there once it was time to go,” McCabe said. “When we came back, fire had gone through the whole site. Everything was gone — the site office, tool trailer. It was just a wipeout.”

Consun crews worked on the concrete water main beneath the river right up until the wildfire of 2016 seriously threatened the area.

Upon returning to a burned worksite, McCabe and his team, lacking people and equipment, continued to work on the project for the municipality. “We had to do many runs to Edmonton to get tools because nothing could be found at the time. Stores weren’t open. We didn’t have enough people back here initially. They had nowhere to live. It was very much improvised.” Despite dwindling tool and people numbers, Consun got the project done. Mc Cabe said it was supposed to take around four months

When workers returned, fire had gone through the whole site.

in total, but the fire added on an extra six to eight weeks of work. Construction was completely finished in August 2016. For the project, Consun received a nomination for the Project Achievement Award for Under $5 million. McCabe said it felt awesome to be recognized. “To be honest, it felt quite privileged. It was a big surprise. I wasn’t expecting anything like that at all.” The fire added on an extra six to eight weeks of work. Construction was completed in August 2016.

Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


Rebuilding one foundation at a time:

building better, not faster By Ronda Bertram Recognizing a need in Fort McMurray and wanting to be

The main speaker at the event was Jerome Chabot, P. Eng.

a part of the rebuild, Mat Bergevin and Ronda Bertram

for TMPFM, talking about our company, our engineering

opened Techno Metal Post Fort McMurray (TMPFM) in

department, installation equipment, the relationship

November 2016 and have never looked back.

between torque and load-bearing capacity, permit

After working on hundreds of homes both part of the rebuild and addressing the municipality’s concerns for

documents, conformity reports and then finished up with helical pile applications.

improper connections to our helical piles, TMPFM decided

Techno Metal Post senior certified installer Mat Bergevin

to offer a Lunch n’ Learn to anyone in the construction

gave a presentation on site preparation and access, layout,

industry. This event was geared to help ensure these

installation, plates and connections.

companies would understand the requirements of the Alberta Building Code.

After Bergevin completed his presentation, Greg Wolf from the RMWB safety code office wrapped up the day


helping you tell a new story


56 Fort McMurray Construction Association

by answering questions around municipal expectations for foundations, piles, winter concreting and explained the ins and outs of the RMWB’s foundation checklist. The Alberta Building Code basically states that all foundations must be engineered. Helical/screw piles are considered a foundation and therefore require engineering and conformation of the install according to the engineered specifications. TMPFM is CCMC certified and provides all the


engineering required for the helical piles. During Bergevin’s presentation, he shared an anecdotal story that completely summed up how important CCMC certification is and the engineering behind it. He explained that this job took place prior to the municipality requiring permit application documents and conformity reports. When this client went for permitting on building this deck, there was a note in red stamped by the city on the permit document that said the piles needed to be installed to eight feet deep. Unknown to Bergevin as the permit documents had never been shared with him, he showed up on site with our seven-foot helical piles ready to do the installation, not realizing his piles are already too short, according to the engineered specifications. Bergevin began the install and according to his equipment, he had to go down 11 feet on each pile to reach bearing capacity. After the installation was complete and months later, there was a request from the RMWB to provide engineering and a conformity report. The client was also asked to provide an independent engineering report explaining the change from concrete piles installed to an eight-foot depth to helical/screw piles installed to an unknown depth. When TMPFM was asked to provide the conformity report that consisted of our field report of our installation equipment telling us we had to go down 11 feet to reach bearing capacity and our engineer’s validation of the proper loads being met to support the structure, it completely

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showed how critical our engineering and CCMC certification is. TMPFM always keeps three things top of mind: public and safety code regulations, best trade practices and pride in building “better not faster.” If you would like more information about the Lunch n’ Learn or want to watch the presentations, all the videos can be found on Techno Metal Post Fort McMurray’s Facebook page at n

®* The Blue Cross symbol and name are registered marks of the Canadian Association of Blue Cross Plans, an association of independent Blue Cross plans. Licensed to ABC Benefits Corporation for use in operating the Alberta Blue Cross Plan. ® † Blue Shield is a registered trade-mark of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. ABC 83595 2017/10

Alberta Blue Cross 2017 Fort McMurray Construction magazine 1/2 page vertical / full colour - Trim Size: 3.375”x9.50” Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


The Commons at Eagle Ridge to be a major community hub By Bailey Hildebrand-Russell Construction has begun on a

Centron has been planning this final

include both full-service and fast food

development that will transform

phase of the Eagle Ridge development

restaurants, miscellaneous retail stores,

Fort McMurray’s new Eagle Ridge

over the past two years, working

a service station, car wash, automotive


with consultants and the Regional

specialty shop, a coffee shop and

Municipality of Wood Buffalo to get the

medical services.

Centron Residential Corp. has developed the neighborhood over the past 12 years and is now working on

required permits in place, according to Tak Kyle, project manager.

Kyle said the $180-million project will be a huge benefit to those living in

the first phase of the Commons at Eagle

Landmark Cinemas is the anchor

Ridge, a 120,000-square-foot shopping

tenant for this phase of the Commons

centre. Ground broke in spring 2017

at Eagle Ridge. The theatre is slated to

and is expected to wrap up by the

open in fall 2019. Kyle said there are

“The Commons at Eagle Ridge will

end of 2018. There is one more phase

several other tenants expected to move

provide some much-needed amenities

scheduled to start next year and wrap

in that are working on their own public

and services that will now be within

up by 2019.

announcements. These businesses

walking distance to the surrounding

Proud to be providing the mechanical installations on this prestigious project – the commons at eagle ridge. 100, 1415-90 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T6P 0C8 Tel: 780-440-6440 Fax: 780-464-6496 Mechanical contractors 58 Fort McMurray Construction Association

Fort McMurray, especially Eagle Ridge residents.

Commercial, Municipal & Civil Excavation Services 3409 - 53 Avenue Lacombe, Alberta T4L 0C6 Cell: 403-373-6006 Ph: 403-782-1821 Fax: 403-782-6846

photos and rendering supplied by centron.

residents,” Kyle said. “As well, there

in need of this new facility that

“Mainly the challenges were centred

will be a brand-new state-of-the-

Landmark Cinemas will be operating.”

around the site itself. It was quite a

art movie theatre with the latest

While Centron was prepared for the

sloped site when we first got here,

technology and reclining seats. As

challenge, crews have spent a few

so there were significant challenges

the existing movie theatre downtown

months dealing with variations in

related to grading and as a result

was quite old, Fort Mac was definitely


we’ve had to build some very large

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retaining walls around the site as high as five metres.” Kyle said work on the retaining walls has been a major focus since the start of construction, with the bulk of that portion of the project wrapping up in October 2017.

Services include:

Centron worked with several subtrades, some of those being local contractors, such as Consun

• Fabrication of stainless steel and epoxy coated reinforcing steel

Contracting Ltd., Grayson Excavating Ltd., Lafarge North America (precast),

• Installation of concrete tensioning systems

E Construction Ltd., Kichton Contracting Ltd., HCM Contractors

• Supply and installation of wire mesh and concrete accessories

Inc., Inland Concrete, Feraform

• Auto-cad produced detailed placing drawings

Mechanical Co. Ltd. and Muth

• Experienced placing supervision and labour • Anchor bolt assemblies

theatre facility. n


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60 Fort McMurray Construction Association

Design Group Architects Ltd. designed Ridge, while MGBA designed the

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P: 780.791.5900

Electrical Management Inc. Urban the majority of the Commons at Eagle

• Welded spiral cages


Concrete, Moli Industries, Goldbar

P: 403.272.8801


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New shelter to

focus on healing By Bailey Hildebrand-Russell After years of planning, the end is

Waypoints’ services more privacy.

45 beds in 45 separate bedrooms. This

finally in sight for a bigger and better

Tracey Lamb, shelter manager, said

allows staff to section off areas of the

24-hour shelter for victims of domestic

in the current building there are only

shelter for families, and each member

violence and sexual assault in Fort

nine bedrooms with 36 beds available,

will still have their own room.


which means the shelter can be full

Ground broke on Waypoints’ new

without all beds being used.

The shelter takes in children from newborn to 17 years old, which Lamb

Unity House Emergency Shelter in the

“There is the potential if we have two

said can be a problem in the current

Timberlea area, next to The Compass,

individuals that are single that don’t


Waypoints’ affordable housing

have any children with them, they

building. Once complete, the building

may be roommates,” Lamb said. “If

will be 22,000 square feet, whereas

I have nine women with children, I

the current shelter is just 7,000.

now have no bedrooms and I am full. I

While it will feel more spacious, it will also offer those who need to access

62 Fort McMurray Construction Association

could be full with just 18 people.” Lamb said the new building will have

“We do have the potential to have a 17-year-old boy,” she said. “So now a 17-year-old boy is sharing a bedroom with his mom in the current model. In the new shelter, the 17-year-old boy could be in his own bedroom. It’s

just way more focused on healing and

The total estimated cost of the

Waypoints can offer more services

trauma and having that ability to have

project is just over $10 million —

to victims in the community to help

your own space in order to do your

$2.5 million of that comes from a

them heal.

own healing.”

Regional Municipality of Wood

Unity House won’t just be home to the shelter, but it will also offer the first sexual assault healing centre for the Wood Buffalo region. With the new building containing the shelter, counselling services and

Buffalo donation, $1 million from the

“I just think it’s going to be a much

Government of Alberta and $3.25

better space and a much easier place

million from the Waypoints property

and I think when we move into the

sale. Lamb said the rest of the money

new building, we will be able to do

came from community fundraising.

much more,” Lamb said. “I’m looking

Thanks to the generosity of all parties,

forward to it.” n

administration, Lamb said it was important that all were separated. The counselling space will even have its own entrance.

Supporting the

Casman is the general contractor for Unity House. Project manager Kerry Campagnion said Casman has a good

construction industry

relationship with Waypoints after

in Fort McMurray

working with the organization on other projects. “We’ve been doing work for these guys before, after building The Compass (affordable housing) for them,” he said. “So, we’ve been working with them for the last eight years.” In addition to building a larger communal dining area, child development centre, and lounges including a youth activity room and family playroom, Casman also built a very important feature for Waypoints — a smudge/meditation room, which required special ventilation. Campagnion said construction is expected to wrap up in late summer of 2018. Lamb said Waypoints is

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expecting to move in around October. She said having Unity House closer to some of Waypoints’ other buildings and programs will be huge for the organization. “Having us closer together allows us to work better together and on behalf of the clients and advocating on behalf of

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From small-time contractors to large scale construction companies, we have the equipment you need to get the job done. Contact us for information on machine sales, rentals, parts, and service.

the community itself,” Lamb said. Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


Northern Lights Regional Health Centre heliport project moves forward By Lyndon McLean In an emergency, the faster a patient

expected each year, it will greatly

and remain until late 2018, to ensure

gets medical attention, the better.

improve access for patients who need

contractors have access to building

And in the Wood Buffalo region, a

critical care transport.

materials and a place to work to meet

proposed new helipad will improve care times and help save lives.

Construction on the heliport is expected to begin late this year,

project timelines and get the heliport operational as soon as possible.

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is

pending approval from Transport

The proposed helipad, being

preparing for work on a new heliport

Canada and the Regional Municipality

built to co-ordinate with planned

with direct access to the emergency

of Wood Buffalo. AHS is waiting the

renovations to the hospital, will be

department at Northern Lights

approval of land and development

located at the rear of the hospital.

Regional Health Centre. The helipad

permits from the Regional

It will be an elevated platform built

will serve residents in Wood Buffalo

Municipality of Wood Buffalo for

about 50 feet off the ground, level

and surrounding communities, and

the safe work zone. If approved,

with — and with ready access to

with approximately 65 to 70 flights

fencing will go up around the area

— the emergency department, ICU

64 Fort McMurray Construction Association

and operating rooms. AHS and the prime consultant, Stantec, met with staff, physicians and stakeholders to explore options of where to build the new heliport, and after review, Transport Canada has no significant concerns. This proposed site means

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lower costs and shorter construction times than other options. “We’re excited to see this project move forward,” said Dr. Kevin Worry, medical director, AHS North Zone. “The new location is ideal, as it offers a direct route to key patient care areas, like our emergency department, and there is a clear flight path to and from the hospital.” AHS representatives had several project meetings with school officials and local regional municipality representatives, and they held a public open house on May 25, 2017.

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Experts from AHS, Stantec and Phoenix Helicopters, which has been transporting critically ill and wounded patients in the region for over 20 years, were available to guide attendees through the conceptual aerial images and answer questions. The event also provided information about the need and location of the safe-work zone and steps AHS is taking to mitigate safety and deal with aesthetic concerns such as fencing, decorative hoarding, collaborative sessions on student safety and protective services and patrols. The anticipated flight path was provided in graphic form over an aerial map view, as well as anticipated noise levels for nearby residents. “We remain focused on getting a heliport at the health centre as quickly as possible,” said Worry. “We know the importance of this project.” n Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


Final building in three-school project nears completion after wildfire challenges By Bailey Hildebrand-Russell PHOTOS SUPPLIED BY BIRD.

Elsie Yanik School, which was under construction during the May 2016 fire, was destroyed and had to be rebuilt.

The last of the three schools being built in Parsons Creek is welcoming students in 2018 after the 2016 wildfire set construction back nearly a year. Elsie Yanik Catholic School is the final school to be completed in a design-build bundle worth $52 million, awarded to Bird Construction. The project also included Christina Gordon Public School and Dave McNeilly Public School. George McGuigan, Fort McMurray Catholic Schools superintendent, said the schools in Parsons Creek will

of her dedication to the community. Yanik died at the age

relieve pressure points in other schools close to the area and

of 99 in November 2016. McGuigan said the interior of the

puts the Catholic school board in a good position for years

school will be designed with her in mind.

to come. “The design inside will definitely have an Indigenous“At the time (of the application process), the community

culture focus to it because of the namesake of the school,

was growing pretty quickly, the economy was great, oil

Elsie Yanik, certainly honouring her memory,” he said.

and everything was up,” McGuigan said. “That was the reasoning for the school — our school population was growing. We were averaging 1,200 births a year for the previous seven to eight years, and those children are entering the school system and continue to do so.” The school was named after Métis elder Elsie Yanik because 66 Fort McMurray Construction Association

“When she was in Fort Chipewyan she would lead the services and mass out there because the priests weren’t available. She came back to the city in her later years. She was always out and about in the schools talking to students, heavily involved in the church, heavily involved in the community.”

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Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


The fire not only shut down operations immediately, but caused many long-term scheduling issues.

Wildfire halts construction

one side while steel erection was occurring on the other.”

Construction of the two public schools and Catholic school

Returning to damaged worksites was already a challenge

began in 2015. Then, the wildfire of May 2016 happened.

in itself, but moving forward Bird Construction had to

Andrew Morris, one of the site superintendents, said the

continue work with the usual scope in an environment

fire not only shut down operations immediately, but caused

where many local trades themselves had lost significant

many long-term scheduling issues.

manpower, facilities and equipment due to the fire, Rupert

“The day of the evacuation the major mechanical

said, adding that several of those trades were lost after

equipment was delivered and was in the process of being


installed — literally suspended in the air,” Morris said in an

The fire and evacuation forced work through another

email. “The equipment was sitting outside for the entire

winter, contributing to further delays. Despite facing so

time afterward and all had to be re-certified, tested and in

many obstacles, the teams were able to complete the two

most cases replaced — and the supplier was in Sweden.”

public schools in time for September 2017 classes, one year

Upon re-gaining access to the site, Steve Rupert, project

after the scheduled completion date. Elsie Yanik is expected

manager, said crews had to be creative when it came to

to open for students in January 2018.

starting construction again.

“My site teams are very proud of our accomplishments to

“Christina Gordon’s mechanical room was built ‘backwards’

get the school open for the community despite these huge

so that most of the piping and minor equipment was

hurdles, which at times did feel unsurpassable,” Morris said.

installed first, and pathways were left so that replacement

“To have brought back some new good news and progress

air handling and boiler equipment could be maneuvered

for the communities is something that will be with us for

into place once they arrived back on site,” Rupert said.

some time.”

In addition to the setbacks at Christina Gordon Public

Making a structure a home

School, buildings weren’t completely sealed and due to all

Design-build schools are becoming more common across

schools being LEED-silver certified, there were concerns

Alberta. Bird Construction’s architect was BR2 Architecture

regarding indoor air quality. In-depth testing and cleaning

out of Edmonton and the province used ACI Architects also

was done in case of pollution contamination.

out of Edmonton.

Meanwhile, more than half of Elsie Yanik Catholic School

While the schools may look the same on the outside,

sustained direct fire damage, said Rupert.

McGuigan said in preparation of Elsie Yanik Catholic

“At Parsons Creek (Elsie Yanik), the building was separated into damaged red and undamaged green zones and work

School opening, the board is working to make it a more comfortable place for students to learn.

continued where possible in the green zone while the red

“For us, our critical factor is what we do with the inside of

zone structure was demolished and rebuilt,” he said. “At

it once we have the students, the families and the staff in

times, this meant drywall and finishes were happening on

there and instead of a building, turning it into a home.” n

68 Fort McMurray Construction Association



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Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


Fort McMurray Construction Association MEMBERSHIP 1598557 Alberta Ltd. o/a Rebus Builders 280 MacAlpine Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4A6 Tel: 780-743-5723 Contact: Rachelle Rebus 1656477 AB Ltd. o/a CreeSky 207-81 Fraser Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3W7 Tel: 780-972-6181 Contact: Waseem Amin; info@ 1750592 Alberta Ltd. o/a BristleCone Homes 608-10050 112th Steet NW Edmonton, AB  T5K 2J1 Tel: 587-674-1000  |  Fax: 866-234-0096 Contact: Kimberly Bezanson 557638 Alberta Ltd. o/a DB Kidd Transport 103-122 Millennium Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 1Y8 Tel: 780-799-6347  |  Fax: 780-743-2279 Contact: Debbie Kidd 727619 Alberta Ltd. o/a Roughrider International PO Box 5650 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3G6 Tel: 403-243-1666  |  Fax: 403-243-1601 Contact: Laura Marra 1974283 Alberta Corp. o/a YMM General Contracting 12-100 Millennium Gate Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0K3 Tel: 587-919-5138 Contact: Mahir Desai 3D Building Group PO Box 5212 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3G3 Tel: 780-714-7211  |  Fax: 780-791-5537 Contact: Darrin Eckel 4refuel Canada 8621 18th Street Edmonton, AB  T6P 1K4 Tel: 780-464-6118  |  Fax: 780-464-6103 Contact: Brian Savilaakso Abalone Group 15531 131st Avenue Edmonton, AB  T5V 0A4 Tel: 780-451-3681  |  Fax: 780-452-1406 Contact: Randy Chalupa

70 Fort McMurray Construction Association

ABI Homes Ltd. 336 Fireweed Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0J6 Tel: 780-880-6082 Contact: Ulhaq Ikram

Alcor Facilities Management Inc. 1-305 MacDonald Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4B7 Tel: 780-743-1343  |  Fax: 780-743-1655 Contact: Michael Crawford

Acden Environment LP 220 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-791-9131  |  Fax: 780-791-7928 Contact: Craig Warden

All Inclusive Maintenace AIM Services Ltd. 293 Gregoire Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 2L6 Tel: 780-750-5979  |  Fax: 780-750-5980 Contact: Jon Holloway

Acden Fleet LP 220 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-714-5447 Contact: Wendell Cobb Advantage Electric Ltd. 125 Atkinson Road Fort McMurray, AB  T9J 1E8 Tel: 780-788-5894  |  Fax: 780-743-3590 Contact: Richard Arnold Aecon Industrial Western Inc. 53367 Range Road 232 Sherwood Park, AB  T8A 4V2 Tel: 780-416-5871  |  Fax: 780-416-5841 Contact: Jeff Singleton Aecon Mining 316 MacKay Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4E4 Tel: 780-430-4070  |  Fax: 780-430-4775 Contact: Christina Warren Aftermath Services Ltd. 200 Grenoble Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3X8 Tel: 780-838-0109 Contact: Kent Payne Aggreko Canada Inc. 22-3500 Saprae Creek Trail Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 0H6 Tel: 780-915-8714 Contact: Patrick Heintz Ainscow & McCormick Roofing Ltd. 11-141 Fontaine Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 0C9 Tel: 780-880-9540 Contact: Wayne Ainscow Ajax Drywall 2000 Ltd. 16363 130th Avenue Edmonton, AB  T5A 4C5 Tel: 780-447-1029  |  Fax: 780-447-2017 Contact: Bill Greer

Alta 1 Drywall Ltd. PO Box 30372 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 0B8 Tel: 780-983-7318 Contact: John Harder Aluma Systems Inc. 185 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-743-5011  |  Fax: 780-743-5299 Contact: Jeff Pardee Alwan’s Plumbing & Heating Corp. PO Box 6455 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5N4 Tel: 780-370-9170  |  Fax: 780-715-9180 Contact: Maher Alwan Aristotle Custom Homes 101 Swanson Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 2T3 Tel: 780-531-4895 Contact: Greg Garbolinsky ATCO Structures and Logistics Inc. Suite A 604 Signal Road Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4Z4 Tel: 780-714-6773  |  Fax: 780-714-6728 Contact: Brad Berrisford Athabasca Minerals 1319 91st Street Edmonton, AB  T6X 1H1 Tel: 780-465-5696  |  Fax: 780-430-9865 Contact: Don Urlacher Bartle & Gibson 8224 Fraser Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 1W8 Tel: 780-743-4476  |  Fax: 780-791-6616 Contact: Sean Powers

Fort McMurray Construction Association MEMBERSHIP Bear Slashing Inc./ Site Energy Services PO Box 7610 Bonnyville, AB  T9N 2H9 Tel: 780-826-8048  |  Fax: 780-826-1913 Contact: Russ Dixon/Kevin Hunsche;khunsche@ BFL Canada Insurance Services Inc. 200-1167 Kensington Crescent NW Calgary, AB  T2N 1X7 Tel: 403-451-4132  |  Fax: 403-313-3365 Contact: Daryl Cooper BigSteelBox Corp. 265 MacAlpine Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4Y4 Tel: 587-316-2425 Contact: Mark Wallace Billboard Direct 8233 Manning Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 1V8 Tel: 780-790-1123  |  Fax: 780-790-1229 Contact: Chris Campbell Bouchier PO Box 6607 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5N4 Tel: 780-790-1682 Contact: Gordon Valverde Brion Energy Corp. 2700-707 5th Street SW Calgary, AB  T2P 1V8 Tel: 587-293-3010  |  Fax: 403-265-6636 Contact: Cynthia Goddard Brock White Construction Materials 21359 115th Avenue NW Edmonton, AB  T5S 0K5 Tel: 780-447-1774  |  Fax: 780-447-1778 Contact: Jeannie Strangway Buffalo Land Services PO Box 30130 RPO Clearwater Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5P0 Tel: 780-742-6917 Contact: Mat Espinoza Burnco Rock Products Ltd. PO Box 5506 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4V9 Tel: 780-791-6699  |  Fax: 780-791-6713 Contact: Dean Wason C. Wiseman Enterprises Ltd. PO Box 5354 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3G4 Tel: 780-792-7411  |  Fax: 780-750-5024 Contact: Craig Wiseman

Cahill Industrial Ltd. PO Box 1674 St. John’s, NL  A1C 5P5 Tel: 709-368-2125  |  Fax: 709-368-3502 Contact: Jim Brown & Keith Wellon;

Combined Concrete Pumping 2007 Ltd. 365 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-598-0088  |  Fax: 780-447-4351 Contact: Ryan Leckie

Call First Plumbing and Heating Ltd. PO Box 23082 RPO Thickwood Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5B7 Tel: 780-880-4726 Contact: Brandon Lindley

Command Equipment Ltd. 1-12415 Stony Plain Road Edmonton, AB  T5N 3N3 Tel: 780-482-6003  |  Fax: 780-488-3002 Contact: Dawn

Callisto Construction Ltd. 800-640 5th Avenue SW Calgary, AB  T2P 3G4 Tel: 403-930-2520  |  Fax: 403-930-2521 Contact: Sharon Collins

Compliant Energy Services Ltd. Bay 2 145 McMillan Road Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4G3 Tel: 780-214-7741 Contact: Aaron Stam

CanWest Concrete 7006 39th Street Leduc, AB  T9E 0R8 Tel: 780-415-5599  |  Fax: 780-470-3006 Contact: David Moodie

Concept Electric Ltd. 101-427 Gregoire Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4K7 Tel: 587-258-1581 Contact: Keith Noseworthy

CBS Construction Ltd. 150 MacKay Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4W8 Tel: 780-743-1810  |  Fax: 780-743-6264 Contact: Jay Lines

Consun Contracting Ltd. PO Box 5056 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3E2 Tel: 780-743-3163  |  Fax: 780-743-3774 Contact: Ed Tatum

Challenger Geomatics 8026A Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5K3 Tel: 780-743-8697  |  Fax: 780-743-9786 Contact: Tony Brown

Corgan Enterprise Ltd. Bay 7 266 Mackay Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5C6 Tel: 780-790-6603  |  Fax: 780-790-6657 Contact: Clem Organ

Chinook Fuels 160 MacKay Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4W8 Tel: 780-743-2381  |  Fax: 780-790-9008 Contact: Mark Macdonald

Cormode & Dickson Construction (Fort McMurray) Ltd. 5-400 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-749-0067  |  Fax: 780-748-1965 Contact: Rodney Capstick

Clean Harbors Lodging Services Ltd. 216-26229 Twp Road 531A Acheson, AB  T7X 5L4 Tel: 780-960-1507  |  Fax: 780-960-1532 Contact: Ryan Brenneis The Clearwater Suite Hotel #4 Haineault Street Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 1R6 Tel: 780-799-7676  |  Fax: 780-799-4501 Contact: Jean-Marc Guillamot CLH Contracting Ltd. 104 Walnut Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0N6 Tel: 780-750-1086 Contact: Chris Hickey/Renee Hickey

Coverall Uniform Linen & Mat Ltd. 345 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-792-5217  |  Fax: 780-743-4314 Contact: Nicole Richards CQNetwork 204-52 Sioux Road Sherwood Park, AB  T8A 4X1 Tel: 780-449-5545  |  Fax: 780-417-9354 Contact: Patrick Robinson Creative Door 225B MacKay Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4T5 Tel: 780-791-9359  |  Fax: 780-791-9356 Contact: Damian Mellson

Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


Fort McMurray Construction Association MEMBERSHIP Creative Escapes Inc. 122 Brett Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 2H7 Tel: 780-972-4848 Contact: Robert Thompson

Denmax Energy Services Ltd. PO Box 2881 Wainwright, AB  T9W 1S7 Tel: 780-842-3661  |  Fax: 780-842-3385 Contact: Trevor King

Edwards Land Surveys Ltd. 33 Gregoire Lake Estates Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5S1 Tel: 780-334-9622  |  Fax: 780-334-2202 Contact: Suesan Edwards

Crescent Electrical Services 104 Ward Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0X5 Tel: 587-723-1237 Contact: Saad Bachi

Dolce Vita Homes LP 17511 108th Avenue Edmonton, AB  T5S 1G2 Tel: 780-406-6195  |  Fax: 780-406-6197 Contact: Ed Dover

EMCO Waterworks 1-360 MacKenzie Boulevard Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4C4 Tel: 780-713-2433  |  Fax: 780-713-2434 Contact: Chris Wruck

D&T Construction & Landscaping Ltd. 165 Huberman Way Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0Z9 Tel: 780-880-6022 Contact: Darren Henderson

Dunvegan Gardens (AB) Ltd. PO Box 6580 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5N4 Tel: 780-791-4363  |  Fax: 780-791-9169 Contact: Brad Friesen

DC Wiring Ltd. 209 Wilson Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5B4 Tel: 780-715-7973 Contact: Derk Vanderkolk

DVD Masonry Ltd. 340 Circle Drive Edmonton, AB  T8N 7L5 Tel: 780-458-1203  |  Fax: 780-458-1209 Contact: David Curto

Enterprise Holdings Inc. 196 MacDonald Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4B3 Tel: 780-804-2166  |  Fax: 780-743-8892 Contact: Jessica Forgues/Danielle Jaques; danielle.jaques@

Dechant Construction Ltd. 10301 96th Street High Level, AB  T0H 1Z0 Tel: 780-926-4411  |  Fax: 780-926-4415 Contact: Aaron Lambie

E Construction Ltd. 745 Memorial Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3G3 Tel: 780-743-3822  |  Fax: 780-743-5946 Contact: Jack Farrar

Deep Foundations Contractors Inc. 6030-88 Street NW, Suite 224 Edmonton, AB  T6E 6G4 Tel: 780-469-7888  |  Fax: 905-726-8345 Contact: Dave Bradshaw

Eagle Builders PO Box 1690 Blackfalds, AB  T0M 0J0 Tel: 403-885-5525  |  Fax: 403-885-5516 Contact: Niels Goedhart

Dene North Site Services PO Box 34 Chard, AB  T0P 1G0 Tel: 780-960-7171  |  Fax: 780-969-5599 Contact: Brenda Blair estimating@

Eastern Infrastructure Inc. 4-69 Park Road Elmsdale, NS  B2S 2L3 Tel: 902-883-9685  |  Fax: 902-883-2181 Contact: Charles Clow


HOMEOWNER OR DESIgNER? Open tO the public Selection area DIY Experienced staff Ample stock Plumbing Hvac Water solutions OPEN 7-5 M-F OPEN SATURDAYS 9-3 Emco Fort mcmurray 130 Boreal Ave Taiga Nova Industrial Park Office: 780-791-3626

T9K 0T4

72 Fort McMurray Construction Association



Erscon Canada Inc. 14420 154th Avenue Edmonton, AB  T6V 0K8 Tel: 780-488-4244  |  Fax: 780-447-2330 Contact: Karl Nikiforuk Fire’N All Cylinders Inc. 301-921 Thickwood Boulevard Fort McMurray, AB  Tel: 587-447-1111 Contact: Sean Emblau Fort Lakes Landscaping & Contracting Ltd. PO Box 6623 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5N4 Tel: 780-598-0569  |  Fax: 780-743-2634 Contact: Stan Bown Forthryte Services Inc. Bay 1 242 MacAlpine Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4A6 Tel: 780-743-4811  |  Fax: 780-669-7096 Contact: John McPherson Fuller Austin Inc. 1-Bay 1 225 MacDonald Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4B5 Tel: 780-790-3424  |  Fax: 780-743-0951 Contact: Ron Richards Genron Enterprises 2007 Ltd. 295 MacDonald Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4B7 Tel: 780-743-3445  |  Fax: 780-791-0993 Contact: Gene Dobie Geomatic Point Surveys Ltd. 146 Hilltop Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3V4 Tel: 780-743-3724 Contact: Tom Blair

Fort McMurray Construction Association MEMBERSHIP Global Dynamic Resources Inc. 131 Tobin’s Way Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5B4 Tel: 587-276-0633  |  Fax: 587-276-0634 Contact: Michael Ryan or Tim Singbeil;

HVAC Solutions Ltd. 300F MacLennan Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4G1 Tel: 780-792-0800  |  Fax: 780-792-0801 Contact: Brad Lucier

Lafarge Canada Inc. PO Box 5246 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3G3 Tel: 780-743-8474  |  Fax: 780-791-3240 Contact: Anna Starke

H. Wilson Industries (2010) Ltd. 1045 Memorial Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0K4 Tel: 780-743-1881  |  Fax: 780-743-0515 Contact: Wes Holodniuk

Inland Concrete Ltd. 580 Memorial Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4V9 Tel: 780-743-2180  |  Fax: 780-790-9590 Contact: Chris Thorne

Laird Electric Inc. 225 MacDonald Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4B5 Tel: 780-715-3190  |  Fax: 780-791-0441 Contact: Tim Brundage

Hammerstone Corp. 500-4838 Richard Road SW Calgary, AB  T2R 0H8 Tel: 403-297-1680  |  Fax: 403-355-2224 Contact: Jennifer Walsh

Inline Construction Surveys Ltd. 8 Eton Terrace St. Albert, AB  T8N 5K5 Tel: 780-307-3319 Contact: Ryan Dunbar

Lakeshore Contracting Ltd. 370 Snow Eagle Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 0H7 Tel: 780-714-3665  |  Fax: 780-790-2788 Contact: Wayne Battle

Harris Steel Services Ltd. (Harris Rebar) 205-427 Gregoire Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4K7 Tel: 780-791-5900  |  Fax: 780-791-5969 Contact: Sean Kiernan

Insite Construction Surveys Inc. 22-240 Laffont Way Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 2W2 Tel: 780-742-8078 Contact: Don Synard

Landing Trail Petroleum Co. Ltd. 14 Westpark Road Fort Saskatchewan, AB  T8L 3X2 Tel: 780-799-2772 Contact: Charles Iggulden

Hatfield Consultants Partnership 10208 Centennial Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 1Y5 Tel: 780-743-4290  |  Fax: 780-715-1164 Contact: Stephen Wood

INSPEK Crushing Ltd. 311 Woodward Lane Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5K8 Tel: 780-743-8862  |  Fax: 780-713-0500 Contact: Mark Spencer

Heavy North 9-400 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-742-2094  |  Fax: 780-743-2097 Contact: Steve Bolen

Janes Brother’s Contracting Ltd. 124 Westwood Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5C3 Tel: 780-743-5153  |  Fax: 780-743-4616 Contact: Dwayne Janes

LARR Management Corp. 14th Floor 10665 Jasper Avenue Edmonton, AB  T5J 3S9 Tel: 587-334-4969 Contact: Jori Hunter/Raylene Paulsen; raylene@

Hedco Group Inc. PO Box 5635 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5C3 Tel: 780-750-2680  |  Fax: 780-750-2681 Contact: James Knelsen

K Plowman Contracting Ltd. PO Box 534 Athabasca, AB  T9S 2A5 Tel: 780-370-8450 Contact: Keith Plowman

Hertz Car & Truck Rentals Fort McMurray - Young Motors (1971) Ltd. 315 MacAlpine Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4Y4 Tel: 780-743-2894  |  Fax: 780-743-2986 Contact: Jeff MacDougall

Kaycan 8025 127th Avenue Edmonton, AB  T5C 1R9 Tel: 780-468-4643  |  Fax: 780-468-5764 Contact: Allan Pecoskie

Hertz Equipment Rental 105 MacKay Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4C9 Tel: 780-743-6233  |  Fax: 780-743-6334 Contact: Shawn Cahill Horizon North Logistics 5637 67th Avenue NW Edmonton, AB  T6B 2R8 Tel: 780-395-7340 Contact: Kim Taylor

Kelly Panteluk Construction Ltd. PO Box 190 98 Panteluk Street Estevan, SK  S4A 2A3 Tel: 306-634-2166  |  Fax: 306-634-7822 Contact: Kelly Panteluk Ketek Group Inc. 270 MacLennan Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4G1 Tel: 780-714-5059  |  Fax: 780-715-2270 Contact: Jason Abel

Ledcor Construction Ltd. 220 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 250-491-2991 Contact: Hugh Barker LetCar Mechanical Group Ltd. 8115 Fraser Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 1W5 Tel: 780-790-0757  |  Fax: 780-743-0649 Contact: Steve Letkeman Lexon Projects Inc. 2371 91st Avenue Edmonton, AB  T6P 1L1 Tel: 780-435-7476  |  Fax: 780-435-4305 Contact: Terry Mackoruk Liam Construction Alberta Ltd. 17B-30 Riedel Street Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3E1 Tel: 780-791-1500  |  Fax: 587-275-1885 Contact: Sheri-lea Jackson Live Better Homes Ltd. 20-3908 97th Street NW Edmonton, AB  T6E 6N2 Tel: 780-461-7599  |  Fax: 780-669-5687 Contact: Vikas Kwatra

Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


Fort McMurray Construction Association MEMBERSHIP Lucullan Properties Ltd. PO Box 3681 Station Terminal Vancouver, BC  V6B 3Y8 Tel: 1-888-753-5162  |  Fax: 888-753-5162 Contact: Eric Leung

Nilex inc. 6810 8th Street NW Edmonton, AB  T6P 0C5 Tel: 780-463-9535  |  Fax: 780-463-1773 Contact: Kris McElhatton

Park Derochie Inc. 11850-28th Street NE Edmonton, AB  T6S 1G6 Tel: 780-791-2205  |  Fax: 888-308-6407 Contact: Eric Nicholas

Marco Builders Inc. 9703 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 2K1 Tel: 780-880-9524 Contact: Marcel Comeau

Noralta Lodge Ltd. Suite 3246 - Bow Valley Square 2 205 5th Avenue SW Calgary, AB  T2P 2V7 Tel: 587-888-1755 Contact: Jeff Tassone

Parsons Creek Resources PO Box 25085 RPO Signal Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5N8 Tel: 780-799-3817  |  Fax: 780-423-6360 Contact: Dave Faber

Marvel Contracting Inc. PO Box 6189 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4W1 Tel: 780-791-7100  |  Fax: 780-791-5705 Contact: Craig Maher Mastertech Plumbing 269 Beaton Place Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 2B2 Tel: 780-715-6036 Contact: Dean Stewart Midlite Construction Ltd. PO Box 25058 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5N8 Tel: 780-714-6559  |  Fax: 780-714-3118 Contact: Rocky Buksa Morgan Construction and Environmental Ltd. 702 Acheson Road Acheson, AB  T7X 5A7 Tel: 780-960-6966  |  Fax: 780-960-4696 Contact: Peter Kiss

Norbasca Homes Ltd. 112 Macrae Place Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0Z7 Tel: 780-799-2655 Contact: Brian Lawler NorthCor Construction Inc. 302-8706 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 2J6 Tel: 780-756-9191 Contact: Jalal Eid Northland Construction Supplies 111-190 MacAlpine Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4A6 Tel: 780-278-4537  |  Fax: 780-790-1806 Contact: Marvin Ramsay NWT Promotions 103-7 Boulder Boulevard Stony Plain, AB  T7Z 1V6 Tel: 780-743-8708  |  Fax: 780-743-8268 Contact: Carl Piercey

PCL Construction Management Inc. 5400 99th Street Edmonton, AB  T6E 3N7 Tel: 780-733-5855  |  Fax: 780-733-6005 Contact: John Droog Pidherney’s Inc. PO Box 130 Blackfall, AB  T0M 0J0 Tel: 403-845-8959  |  Fax: 403-885-9122 Contact: Charles MacDonald Powermax Contracting Ltd. 130-316 Dawson Avenue Penticton, BC  V2A 3N6 Tel: 780-714-9690  |  Fax: 780-714-9691 Contact: Spencer Allen Prairie North Const. Ltd. 110 Hilltop Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3V4 Tel: 780-715-0636  |  Fax: 780-743-1858 Contact: E. Craig Robertson Professional Mechanical Ltd. PO Box 114 RPO Eagle Ridge Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 2Y4 Tel: 780-743-4877  |  Fax: 780-743-4833 Contact: Glenn Sweetapple

Nason Contracting Group Ltd. 25 Corriveau Avenue St. Albert, AB  T8N 5A3 Tel: 780-470-7100  |  Fax: 780-459-1208 Contact: Angela Leonardis

OCL Group Inc. 10014 Main Street Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 2G5 Tel: 780-881-6399  |  Fax: 403-982-9091 Contact: Claude Bastarache

NC Transport & Equipment (1258140 AB Ltd.) 101 Beardsley Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 2T5 Tel: 780-713-1169 Contact: Nick Cuglietta

One Rule Construction Ltd. PO Box 37 Eagle Ridge PO Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 2Y4 Tel: 780-381-8889/587-988-3734  |  Fax: 888481-1684 Contact: Doug Little/Judy Green;

Proserve Cleaning & Restoration Services DKI 300 Maclennan Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4G1 Tel: 780-791-3663  |  Fax: 780-799-4571 Contact: Tamara Roy; proservefm@live. com

NEC Construction Ltd. Box 2100 Lac La Biche, AB  T0A 2C0 Tel: 780-623-4643 Contact: Rene Lachance

Optics Engineering 112 Trillium Road Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0H5 Tel: 780-715-6767 Contact: Richard Saari

R.EX Contracting Ltd. PO Box 5057 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3G2 Tel: 780-791-2867  |  Fax: 780-334-2600 Contact: Matt Banner

Nedco 17-280 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-743-3461  |  Fax: 780-791-5652 Contact: Brandi Severance

P&R Concrete Ltd. 180 Grenfell Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 2M5 Tel: 780-748-8412  |  Fax: 780-748-7579 Contact: Perry Tobin

Ram Mechanical Inc. 340A Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-799-7201  |  Fax: 866-379-2544 Contact: Tyler Stevens

74 Fort McMurray Construction Association

Fort McMurray Construction Association MEMBERSHIP Randy Smith Trucking (1190919 AB Ltd.) 176 Mustang Road Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5K4 Tel: 780-598-5822  |  Fax: 780-791-3935 Contact: Randy Smith

Scott Builders Inc. 3500 Saprae Creek Trail Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 0H6 Tel: 587-797-2804  |  Fax: 403-346-4310 Contact: Josh Edwards

Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo 9909 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 2K4 Tel: 780-788-4311  |  Fax: 780-743-7099 Contact: Marcel Ulliac

SELECT Safety Communications 216 Carleton Street Borden-Carleton, PEI  C0B 1X0 Tel: 780-972-2357 Contact: Debbie Hill

Revel Contracting 1024584 Alberta Ltd. PO Box 5808 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4V9 Tel: 780-799-9652  |  Fax: 780-715-1078 Contact: Marcel Gravelle

SeNa Constructors Inc. 30 Freestone Way Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5B4 Tel: 780-799-0230  |  Fax: 780-792-0231 Contact: Keith Finnson

Ripley Construction 146 Erindale Road Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4N5 Tel: 780-747-5530 Contact: John Ripley

SNC - Lavalin O&M Logistics Inc. 300-640 5th Avenue SW Calgary, AB  T2P 3G4 Tel: 403-776-7108  |  Fax: 403-776-7153 Contact: Dale Getty

RJ Rice Enterprises Ltd. o/a Fort McMurray Home Hardware Building Centre 7925 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 2H5 Tel: 780-743-2271  |  Fax: 780-790-1362 Contact: Rob Rice

Solcom Ltd. 227-81 Fraser Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3W7 Tel: 780-370-2969 Contact: Alex Sayevych

Romeo’s Flooring & Stone 10203 Centennial Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3K7 Tel: 780-743-9497  |  Fax: 780-743-9498 Contact: Julieta Ranger RONA Inc./HC Fort McMurray 8408 Manning Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5G2 Tel: 780-743-4666  |  Fax: 780-743-2500 Contact: Piotr Lapinski Roofmart Alberta Inc. 394 Gregoire Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3R2 Tel: 780-790-3000  |  Fax: 780-790-6955 Contact: Dave Marcott S.A.W.S General Contracting Inc. PO Box 607 Plamondon, AB  T0A 2T0 Tel: 780-212-1148 Contact: Gavriil Bochariov Savard Construction -1254916 AB Ltd. 189 Bird Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4T4 Tel: 780-799-3392  |  Fax: 780-799-3383 Contact: Nima Nazarnia

Speedpro Signs Fort McMurray 505A-8600 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4G8 Tel: 587-536-6464 Contact: Dan Sorensen SPL Developments PO Box 29 Eagle Ridge Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 2Y4 Tel: 780-714-8827 Contact: Pierre Pilote Stigg Security Inc. 143 Killdeer Way Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0P8 Tel: 780-972-3200 Contact: Vijayanand Joshi Stirling Electrical Contracting Inc. 201 Ash Way Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0E9 Tel: 780-799-9777  |  Fax: 780-748-4642 Contact: Jonathan Stirling Stony Mountain Waste Management 171 Poplar Drive Conklin, AB  T0P 1H1 Tel: 403-460-1401  |  Fax: 403-460-2027 Contact: Kent Britton

Stony Valley Contracting Ltd. 245 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-598-2244  |  Fax: 780-743-3764 Contact: Mark Griffiths; info@stonyvalley. ca Stratford Contracting Ltd. PO Box 5626 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3G5 Tel: 780-713-5169  |  Fax: 780-791-2632 Contact: Shawn Chaulk Streamline Mechanical LP 53113 Hwy 21 Sherwood Park, AB  T8A 4T7 Tel: 780-598-9770  |  Fax: 780-464-2731 Contact: Candace Bach Strongco 205 MacAlpine Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4A6 Tel: 780-799-4201 Contact: Jeff Calcutt Sultan Management Corp. 10214 Centennial Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 1Y5 Tel: 587-539-1800  |  Fax: 587-539-1505 Contact: Carla Kooistra Summit Electric & Maintenance Ltd. PO Box 1317 Athabasca, AB  T9S 2B2 Tel: 780-675-3638  |  Fax: 780-675-3381 Contact: Shane Lutz Summit Valve and Controls Inc. 5304 68th Avenue Edmonton, AB  T6B 3M4 Tel: 780-468-6900  |  Fax: 780-468-1400 Contact: Don Hope Sureway Construction Group of Companies 7331 18th Street Edmonton, AB  T6P 1P9 Tel: 780-743-4789  |  Fax: 780-743-0448 Contact: Dan Soupal Surmont Sand & Gravel Ltd. 320 MacKenzie Boulevard Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4C4 Tel: 780-598-9099  |  Fax: 780-799-4536 Contact: David LaBoucane T&B’s Glass & Door Ltd. 5B-235 MacAlpine Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4A5 Tel: 780-750-7195 Contact: Anthony Dergousoff Rebuilding Fort McMurray 2017-2


Fort McMurray Construction Association MEMBERSHIP T.J’s Oilfield Contracting Ltd. Box 5537 Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 3G5 Tel: 780-799-9592  |  Fax: 780-559-2990 Contact: Terrance Harpe Tazi Electric Ltd. 16-170 MacLennan Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4E8 Tel: 780-714-3313  |  Fax: 780-714-9686 Contact: Allan Gunderson Techno Metal Post Fort McMurray Inc. 300-19 Riedel Street Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5P8 Tel: 780-750-6195  |  Fax: 780-750-6295 Contact: Mat Bergevin The Casman Group of Companies 330 MacKenzie Boulevard Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4C4 Tel: 780-788-0578/780-788-0521 Fax: 780-791-0991 Contact: Margie Shenduk/Beth Hicks; The Driving Force Ltd. 340 Parent Way Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5E6 Tel: 780-791-0932  |  Fax: 780-790-1084 Contact: Janice Whalen Thompson Brothers Construction 685 Memorial Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5N4 Tel: 780-715-3422  |  Fax: 780-790-3433 Contact: Rick VanDerVoort TLC Disposal Services Ltd. PO Box 6700 Stn Main Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5R3 Tel: 780-743-1267 Contact: Dale Penney Top Knotch Doors Ltd. 11-266 MacKay Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5C6 Tel: 780-881-4160 Contact: Steve Briffett Tree Centre 10619 82nd Street Edmonton, AB  T6A 3N2 Tel: 780-474-7729 Contact: Ricardo Espino

76 Fort McMurray Construction Association

Treit Holdings 8 Corp. o/a Radisson Hotel & Suites Fort McMurray 435 Gregoire Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4K7 Tel: 780-743-2400 ext. 632  |  Fax: 780-7432448 Contact: Alona Cruz-Farthing Tri-Gen Construction Ltd. 128 Burton Place Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 1V4 Tel: 780-791-3662  |  Fax: 780-689-3808 Contact: Allen Szmyrko TS Signs Printing & Promo 195 MacKay Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5E8 Tel: 780-790-1945  |  Fax: 780-743-5030 Contact: Gwen Haywood Turning Point Surveys Ltd. 257 Thrush Street Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0L8 Tel: 780-713-5673 Contact: Cass Rhynes United Rentals Inc. 375 MacKenzie Boulevard Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 5E2 Tel: 780-790-2700  |  Fax: 780-799-3355 Contact: Darcy Vendel Valard Construction 3595 114th Avenue SE Calgary, AB  T2Z 3X2 Tel: 403-279-1003 Contact: Carrie Willemsen Vallen 3-431 MacKenzie Boulevard Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4C5 Tel: 780-743-4336  |  Fax: 780-791-6512 Contact: Jim Ferguson Viceroy Construction Ltd. 12211 Horseshoe Way Richmond, BC  V7A 4V4 Tel: 604-639-3320  |  Fax: 604-272-1581 Contact: Malcolm Sask/Vanessa Winn; vanessa.winn@ Vicky’s Homes Inc. 8-380 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-714-5999 Contact: Vicky Kujundzic

Voice Construction Ltd. 200 MacDonald Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4B2 Tel: 780-790-0990  |  Fax: 780-790-0988 Contact: Kelsey Sommerville Westburne West Electrical Supply 205 MacKay Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4T5 Tel: 780-743-0378  |  Fax: 780-743-4675 Contact: Del Ratzlaff Western Canadian Construction Company Ltd. 202-9908 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 2K5 Tel: 587-258-0282  |  Fax: 780-669-7051 Contact: Jim Ferrie Westward Electric Services 33-280 Taiganova Crescent Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 0T4 Tel: 780-791-9378  |  Fax: 780-791-9373 Contact: Lee Destephanis Wilco Contracting Northwest Inc. 2D-380 MacKenzie Boulevard Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 4C4 Tel: 780-790-2331  |  Fax: 780-799-2357 Contact: Bob Sluys Wood Buffalo Building Supplies 100 Royer Way Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 0E1 Tel: 587-624-0010  |  Fax: 587-624-0014 Contact: Douglas Mills Wood Buffalo Housing & Development Corp. 9011-9915 Franklin Avenue Fort McMurray, AB  T9H 2K4 Tel: 780-799-4049  |  Fax: 780-799-4025 Contact: Laurie Parker WSP Canada Inc. Bay 1 118 Millennium Drive Fort McMurray, AB  T9K 2S8 Tel: 780-790-0704  |  Fax: 780-790-0117 Contact: Dena Warren



Register now for the YMM Home Show

APRIL 6, 7 & 8 at MacDonald Island The Home Show event will feature home builders, interior designers, landscape architects, contractors and more! All businesses wanting to exhibit in this event are encouraged to register for a booth immediatley, as space is limited.

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For Information on the YMM Home Show, Please contact Us: Phone: 780-791-9288 | Email: | Fax: 1-888-515-7266

index to advertisers Advantage Learning Solutions...............................................22

H. Wilson Industries.................................................................... 69

Alberta Blue Cross........................................................................57

Harris Rebar.................................................................................... 60

Alcor Facilities Management...................................................23

Hazmasters Inc.............................................................................. 64

Alpha Adroit Engineering Ltd..................................................61

HVAC Solutions Ltd.................................................................... 45

Alta 1 Drywall Ltd.....................................................................OBC

Inland Concrete Limited............................................................59

ATB Financial..................................................................................37

Lafarge Canada Inc........................................................................ 7


Laviolette Engineering Ltd....................................................... 10

Aurora Training Corp.................................................................. 34

Mapei Inc..........................................................................................27

Bartle & Gibson..............................................................................24

MasterTech Plumbing Inc...........................................................13

Beaver Plastics Ltd.......................................................................29 BFL Canada Insurance Services Inc.................................. IBC Billy Taha Trucking Ltd...............................................................26 Boilermakers Lodge 146........................................................... 43 Brock White Construction Materials.....................................13 Canadian Tire...................................................................................19 Canwest Concrete........................................................................47 Casman Building Solutions.......................................................56 Challenger Geomatics................................................................ 20 Consun Contracting Ltd........................................................... 49 Driving Force..................................................................................... 11 E Construction Ltd.....................................................................IFC Edmonton Exchanger.................................................................35 Edmonton Kubota Ltd.................................................................21 Edwards Land Surveys Ltd...................................................... 48 EECOL Electric...............................................................................62 Emco Corporation........................................................................72 Empire Drywall...............................................................................65

Midlite Construction Ltd........................................................... 45 Nu-Way Ready Mix Ltd...............................................................17 NuFloors.............................................................................................14 Pioneer Steel Manufacturers Limited..................................52 Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo..............................67 Romeo’s Flooring & Stone........................................................67 Rona....................................................................................................25 S.A.W.S. General Contracting Inc............................................31 SMS Equipment.............................................................................63 Solcom Ltd.......................................................................................32 Speedpro Signs Fort McMurray..............................................12 Stony Mountain Waste Management..................................65 Stony Valley Contracting Ltd...................................................16 Super Dave Snow Removal & Sanding...............................26 SVS General Contracting............................................................51 T & B Glass.......................................................................................32 Taurus Site Services Inc............................................................. 10


Tazi Electric Ltd............................................................................ 69

Enterprise Holdings Incorporated........................................... 4

The Clearwater Suite Hotel......................................................47

Finning.................................................................................................. 9

Tru-Co Structures Inc...................................................................12

Flett Manning Moore...................................................................52

True-Line Contracting Ltd.........................................................31

Flotech Pump...................................................................................51

TS Signs Printing Promo........................................................... 54

Fort Mac Cleaning Services.................................................... 46

United Rentals Inc........................................................................... 3

Go Nissan......................................................................................... 69

Valard Construction.....................................................................33

Goldbar Contractors Inc............................................................58


Grayson Excavating.....................................................................58

Wood Buffalo Building Supplies............................................42

78 Fort McMurray Construction Association


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