MPA members connect to communities in many ways THE MONTANA PETROLEUM ASSOCIATION and its member companies are connected to the state in many ways, some of which involves community involvement and workforce development. Companies modified their strategies and tactics during the pandemic and were successful in making a real difference. Here are a few examples of what a few of our member companies are doing to make a difference in cities and towns in which they operate. ENBRIDGE USES UM PROGRAM TO BOOST STEM EXPLORATION IN CENTRAL MONTANA SCHOOLS In 2019 and 2020, Enbridge gave $27,000 to spectrUM Discovery Area (Missoula) to build interest in STEM and STEM careers for students in central Montana. The students in six central of Montana’s communities received a science kit specially designed and prepared for them. All the K-12 students in Lewistown, Harlowton, Stanford, Joliet, Ryegate, and Fromberg received a science kit. Many communities received enough kits to deliver to their preschool students as well. spectrUM packaged additional kits for each community so that teachers could use into the future or share with others. Additionally, they sent a “classroom STEM literacy” kit to each school, which can be shared among teachers. The feedback from schools has been extremely positive. Students were excited for the extension materials and noted the activities were fun and engaging. All kits that were sent to central Montana communities were delivered in an Enbridge drawstring bag and came equipped with additional science toys, an Enbridge pencil, and information about a STEM role model and Enbridge employee Trina Salvisberg. Each of the 1,200 science kits included a printout of Trina’s biography. Teachers were grateful for additional hands-on STEM enrichment projects for their students. Many schools handed out kits for students to do on their own at home, and others did activities as a group in their classroom and libraries. A few of the comments we received from schools include: • “We appreciate the kits! The fifth-graders especially liked launching their flying spinners.” – Fromberg school librarian • “Thank you for sharing science kits with our students – it has been so helpful to share extension activities.” – Harlowton teacher • “ Enbridge is a great supporter in our area.” – Lewistown teacher • “ Science rocks!” – Joliet school teacher