Algonquin College
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Ottawa, ON K2G 1V8
T: (613) 727-4723
E: askalgonquin@algonquincollege.com www.algonquincollege.com
Altitude Gym
35 St-Raymond Boulevard
Gatineau, QC J8Y 1R5
T: (819) 205-0959
E: info@altitudegym.ca www.altitudegym.ca
Altitude Gym
501 Palladium Drive
Kanata, ON K2V 0E5
T: (613) 903-5989
E: infokanata@altitudegym.ca www.altitudegym.ca
Amberwood Golf & Country Club
54 Springbrook Drive
Stittsville, ON K2S 1B9
T: (613) 836 - 2581
E: pmondor@tmsiottawa.com www.amberwood.ca
Arbraska Treetop TrekkingLefleche Park
255, Rte Principale
Val-des-Monts, QC J8N 4B7
T: (877) 886-5500
E: lafleche@arbraska.com www.arbraska.com
Archery Games Ottawa
3B 1860 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1V 7Z8
T: (613) 523-2282
E: contact@archerygames.ca www.archerygames.ca
Arts Court Theatre
240, 2 Daly Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1N 6E2
T: (613) 765-5555
E: info@artscourt.ca www.artscourt.ca
ASP Gallery - Nepean Creative Arts Centre, Unit 1
35 Stafford Road
Bells Corners, ON K2H 8V8
T: (613) 596-5783
E: nvac@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Atrium Art Gallery
Ben Franklin Place, 101 Centrepointe Drive
Ottawa, ON K2G 5K7
T: (613) 580-2701
E: meridiancentrepointe@ottawa.ca www.meridiancentrepointe.com
Bank Of Canada Museum
30 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G9
T: (613) 782-8914
E: museum-musee@bankofcanada.ca www.bankofcanadamuseum.ca
Barbara Ann Scott Gallery
110 Laurier Avenue West - City Hall
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
T: (613) 580-2857
Battle of the Windmill National Historic Site
3401 Windmill Road
Edwardsburgh, ON K0E 1T1
T: (613) 925-2896
E: ont.wellington@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/windmill
Bettye Hyde Co-operative Early Learning Centre
43 Blackburn Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1N 8A4
T: (613) 236 - 3108
E: BettyeHydeOttawa@gmail.com www.bettyehyde.com
Billings Estate National Historic Site
2100 Cabot Street
Ottawa, ON K1H 6K1
T: (613) 247-4830
E: museums@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Bytown Museum
1 Canal Lane
Ottawa, ON K1P 1L1
T: (613) 234-4570
E: info@bytownmuseum.ca www.bytownmuseum.ca
Canada Agriculture & Food Museum
901 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa, ON K2C 3K1
T: (613) 991-3044
E: contact@IngeniumCanada.org www.ingeniumcanada.org/cafm
Canada Aviation & Space Museum
11 Aviation Parkway
Ottawa, ON K1K 2X5
T: (613) 991-3044
E: contact@IngeniumCanada.org www.ingeniumcanada.org/casm
Canada Science and Technology Museum
1867 St. Laurent Boulevard
Ottawa, ON K1B 4L5
T: (613) 991-3044
E: contact@IngeniumCanada.org www.ingeniumcanada.org/cstm
Canada's National Arts Centre
1 Elgin Street, PO Box 1534, Stn B Ottawa, ON K1P 5W1
T: (613) 947-7000
E: subscription@nac-cna.ca www.nac-cna.ca
Canadian Children's Museum
100 Laurier Street
Gatineau, QC K1A 0M8
T: (819) 776-7014
E: information@historymuseum.ca www.historymuseum.ca
Canadian Museum of History
100 Laurier Street
Gatineau, QC K1A 0M8
T: (819) 776-7000
E: information@historymuseum.ca www.historymuseum.ca
Students will take part in the first trade mission between Earth and the planet Plutopia. But they soon discover that trading goods without a common currency is difficult indeed.
As traders, students discover that it’s not always easy to get exactly what they need when resources are limited and factors such as the environment and labour shortages affect supply. How will they manage to make a trade?
Available in French or English. Programs are approximately 90 minutes long. Include a visit to the Museum for more fun and interactive economic education.
The details
• Grades 4–8 and Elementary Cycles Two and Three, linked to Ontario and Quebec curricula in social studies, geography, and financial literacy and to cross-curricular competencies
• Museum admission and programs are always FREE
• Reservations are required
• Program offered Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
• Convenient bus drop-off location
• Indoor and outdoor on-site eating areas
• Comfortable, secure programming space for up to 50 students
• Free Wi-Fi
Canadian Museum of Nature
240 McLeod Street
Ottawa, ON K2P 2R1
T: (613) 566-4700
Canadian Tire Centre, Ottawa Senators
1000 Palladium Drive
Ottawa, ON K2V 1A5
T: (613) 599-0123 www.canadiantirecentre.com
Canadian War Museum
1 Vimy Place
Ottawa, ON K1A 0M8
T: (819) 776-7000
E: information@warmuseum.ca www.warmuseum.ca
Canterbury Recreation Complex
2185 Arch Street
Ottawa, ON K1G 2H5
T: (613) 580-3600
E: Canterbury@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca/en/residents/ recreation-and-parks
Capital Cruises
PO Box 85, Station B Ottawa, ON K1P 6C3
T: (613) 241-8811
E: info@capitalcruises.ca www.capitalcrusises.ca
Capital Information Kiosk
90 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 1A5
T: (844) 878-8333
E: pch.kic-cik.pch@canada.ca www.canada.pch.gc.ca/ eng/1449602100587
Carleton University Art Gallery
St. Patrick's Building, 1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6
T: (613) 520-2120
E: sandra.dyck@carleton.ca www.cuag.ca
100 Laurier Street
Gatineau, QC K1A 0M8
T: (819) 776-7000
E: information@historymuseum.ca www.historymuseum.ca
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Corridor 45/75 - Ottawa City Hall
O-Train Line 1's (Confederation Line) Rideau Station
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
T: (613) 244-6852
E: publicartprogram@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Cumberland Heritage Village Museum
2940 Old Montreal Road
Cumberland, ON K4C 1G3
T: (613) 833-3059
E: cumberlandmuseum@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Cumberland Township Historical Society
1599 Tenth Line Road
Ottawa, ON K1E 3E8
T: (613) 833-2245
E: cths@cyberus.ca
Dairy Farmers of Ontario 6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Dickinson House Heritage Museum
1127 Mill Street
Manotick, ON K4M 1A2
T: (613) 692 - 2241
www.rideautownshiphistory.org/ dickinsonhouse
Diefenbunker, Canada's Cold War Museum
3929 Carp Road
Carp, ON K0A 1L0
T: (613) 839-0007
E: reservations@diefenbunker.ca www.diefenbunker.ca
Discover the Hill
111 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A0A9
T: (613) 944-2898
E: pch.visites-tours.pch@canada.ca www.canada.pch.gc.ca/ eng/1447169764201
Cumberland Heritage Village Museum Musée -village du patrimoine de Cumberland
From a one-room schoolhouse to a blacksmith’s shop and beyond.
Plan your next school field trip to Cumberland Heritage Village Museum and travel back in time to discover daily life in a rural Eastern Ontario community.
Explore a 1920s and ‘30s living history village using a curriculum-based aid, visit with the heritage breed farm animals, enjoy a tractor-pulled wagon ride, and see a heritage trade demonstration. Teachers are invited to inquire about the availability of programming delivered in English and French.
Éco-Odyssée Experience Plein-Air
52, Chemin les Sources
Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
T: (819) 459-2551
E: info@eco-odyssee.ca www.eco-odyssee.ca
Escapade Eskimo
1378, route 301, PO Box 483
Otter Lake, QC J0X 2P0
T: (613) 454-5443
E: escapadehuskimo@outlook.com www.escapade-eskimo.com
EY Centre
4899 Uplands Drive
Gloucester, ON K1V 1S2
T: (613) 822-8800
E: info@eycentre.ca www.eycentre.ca
Fairfields Heritage House
3080 Richmond Road
Nepean, ON K2B 7J5
T: (613) 726-2652
E: museums@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Fallowfield Train Station
3347 Fallowfield Road
Barrhaven, ON K2J 5K9
T: (888) 842-7245 www.viarail.ca
First Peoples Hall
100 Laurier Street
Gatineau, QC K1A 0M8
T: (819) 776-7000
E: information@historymuseum.ca www.historymuseum.ca
Fitzroy Township Historical Society PO Box 144
Kinburn, ON K0A 2H0
T: (613) 832-2481
E: info@kinburn.ca www.kinburn.ca
Flying Squirrel Sports
1901 Cyrville Road
Ottawa, ON K1B 1A9
T: (343) 883-1092
E: ottawa@flyingsquirrelsports.com https://flyingsquirrelsports.ca/ottawaontario
Foobz - Bubble Games and Zorbs
254 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K2P1X4
T: (613) 606-6066
E: info@foobz.ca www.foobz.ca
Foyer Gallery
Nepean Sportsplex, Entrance 1, 1701 Woodroffe Avenue
Nepean, K2G 1W2
T: (613) 580-2424
E: info@foyergallery.com www.foyergallery.com
The Diefenbunker is Canada’s most significant Cold War artifact — a four-storey underground facility that operated as a communications headquarters during the Cold War. Today, it is a one-of-a-kind museum and national historic site offering a unique experiential learning environment.
Curriculum-linked educational programs combine an informative tour with engaging activities and discussion. Available in English and French, on site and virtually.
Francois Dupuis Recreation Centre
2263 Portobello Boulevard
Ottawa, ON K4A 0X3
T: (613) 580-8080
E: FDRC@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Funhaven Family Fun Centre
1050 Baxter Road
Ottawa, ON K2C 3P1
T: (613) 828 - 4FUN (4386)
E: groups@funhaven.com www.funhaven.com
Galerie SAW Gallery
67 Nicholas Street
Ottawa, ON K1N 7B9
T: (613) 236-6181
Gatineau Park Visitor Centre
33 Scott Road
Chelsea, QC J9B 1R5
T: (819) 827-2020
E: info@ncc-cnn.ca www.ncc-ccn.gc.ca/places-to-visit/ gatineau-park
Gloucester Historical Society
4550 Bank Street
Gloucester, ON K1T 3W6
T: (613) 822-2076
E: english@gloucesterhistory.com
Immerse your students in Canadian history, 75 feet underground
diefenbunker.ca/educational-programs | 3929 Carp Road
Gloucester Pottery School - Lower level
Shenkman Arts Centre
245 Centrum Boulevard
Ottawa, ON K1E 0A1
T: (613) 580-2763
E: director@gloucesterpotteryschool. com
Goulbourn Museum
2064 Huntley Road
Stittsville, ON K2S 1B8
T: (613) 831-2393
E: goulbmus@rogers.com www.goulbournmuseum.ca
Goulbourn Township Historical Society
2064 Huntley Road, PO Box 621
Stittsville, ON K2S 1A0
E: info@goulbournhistoricalsociety.org
Haunted Walk of Ottawa
46 1/2 Sparks Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5A8
T: (613) 232-0344
E: info@hauntedwalk.com www.hauntedwalk.com
Historical Society of Ottawa PO Box 523 Station B
Ottawa, ON K1P 5P6
E: info@historicalsocietyottawa.ca www.historicalsocietyottawa.ca
Ingenium PO Box 9724, Station T Ottawa, ON K1G 5A3
T: (613) 991-3044
E: contact@ingeniumcanada.org www.ingeniumcanada.org
Ingenium Centre
1865 St. Laurent Blvd. Ottawa, ON K1G 5A3
T: (613) 991-3044
E: contact@ingeniumcanada.org www.ingeniumcanada.org
James Bartleman Archives and Library
Materials Centre
100 Tallwood Drive
Ottawa, ON K2G 4R7
T: (613) 580-2857
E: archives@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Kanata Civic Art Gallery
John Mlacak Centre
2500 Campeau Drive
Kanata, ON K2K 2W3
T: (613) 580-2424
E: info@kanatagallery.ca www.kanatagallery.ca
Kanata Leisure Centre & Wave Pool
70 Aird Place
Ottawa, ON K2L 4C9
T: (613) 580-9677
E: KLC@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Karsh-Masson Gallery - City Hall
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
T: (613) 580-2424
E: publicartprogram@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Laurier House National Historic Site
335 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa, ON K1N 6R4
T: (613) 992-8142
E: Laurier-House@pc.gc.ca http://www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/ laurier/
Lefleche Park - Arbraska Treetop Trekking
255, Rte Principale
Val-des-Monts, QC J8N 4B7
T: (877) 886-5500
E: lafleche@arbraska.com www.arbraska.com
Library and Archives Canada
Preservation Centre
625, boulevard du Carrefour
Gatineau, QC J8T 8L8
T: (613) 996-5115
E: bac.marketing.lac@canada.ca www.bac-lac.gc.ca
Mackenzie King Estate
Mackenzie King Road
Aylmer, QC J9J 3S4
T: (613) 239-5000
E: info@ncc-ccn.ca
www.ncc-ccn.gc.ca/places-to-visit/ gatineau-park/mackenzie-king-estate
Manotick School of Music
1136 Johnston Clapp Lane, PO Box 237
Manotick, ON K4M 1A3
T: (613) 692-2824
E: admin@manotickschoolofmusic.ca www.manotickschoolofmusic.ca
McCoy Bus Service
566 Cataraqui Woods Drive Kingston, ON K7P 2Y5
T: (613) 507-5566
E: charters@gomccoy.com www.gomccoy.com
Meridian Theatres @ Centrepointe 101 Centrepointe Drive
Nepean, ON K2G 5K7
T: (613) 580-2701
E: meridiancentrepointe@ottawa.ca www.meridiancentrepointe.com
National Capital Commission
202 - 40 Elgin Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 1C7
T: (613) 239-5000
E: info@ncc-ccn.ca www.ncc-ccn.gc.ca
National Gallery of Canada
380 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1N 9N4
T: (613) 990-1985 (800-319-ARTS)
E: info@gallery.ca www.gallery.ca/for-professionals/ teachers
National Gallery of Canada and Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography (CMCP)
380 Sussex Drive, PO Box 427, Station A Ottawa, ON K1N 9N4
T: (613) 990-1985 (800-319-ARTS)
E: info@gallery.ca www.cmcp.gallery.ca
For beginners and up, from young to old, awaits a teacher fun strong and bold. It is not too late there is plenty of room, just dial our number and lessons start soon!
Manotick School of Music
• Summer Camp!
• Weekly one on one music lessons
• All instruments
• All levels & ages!
To register, go to our website at manotickschoolofmusic.ca and click REGISTER NOW! at the top right or call 613-692-2824
National War Memorial - Confederation Square
53 Elgin Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5A4
Nepean Museum 16 Rowley Avenue
Nepean, ON K2G 1L9
T: (613) 580-9638
Did you know that a red squirrel can smell a pinecone buried under 4 m of snow?
J oin our nature interpreters to hear incredible stories of survival, featuring the plants and animals of Gatineau Park.
Students will learn how amazing and diverse Park species are and what everyone can do to protect them.
Curriculum-based for kindergarten to grade 6
Tours offered in English and French
Snowshoes provided for winter activities
In-class presentations also available
The Gatineau Park Visitor Centre is located at 33 Scott Road, Old Chelsea, Quebec
Details and registration at GatineauPark.gc.ca
Nepean Visual Arts Centre
Nepean Sportsplex, Entrance 3, 1701
Woodroffe Avenue
Nepean, ON K2G 1W2
Ottawa Art Gallery/La Galerie d'art d'Ottawa
50 Mackenzie King Bridge
Ottawa, ON K1N 0C5
T: (613) 233-8999 x241
E: education@oaggao.ca www.oaggao.ca
Ottawa Athletic Club
2525 Lancaster Road
Ottawa, ON K1B 4L5
T: (613) 523-4024
E: info@ottawaathleticclub.com www.ottawaathleticclub.com
Ottawa City Hall
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
T: (613) 580-2400
E: shop@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Ottawa Humane Society
245 West Hunt Club Road
Ottawa, ON K2E 1A6
T: (613) 725-3166
E: programs@ottawahumane.ca www.ottawahumane.ca
Ottawa Jazz Festival
294 Albert Street, Suite 602
Ottawa, ON K1P 6E6
T: (613) 241-2633
E: contact@ottawajazzfestival.com www.ottawajazzfestival.com
Ottawa Jewish Archives
21 Nadolny Sachs Private
Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9
T: (613) 798-4696
E: archives@jewishottawa.ca www.jewishottawa.com/ottawa-jewisharchives
Ottawa Jewish Historical Society
21 Nadolny Sachs Private
Ottawa, ON K2A 1R9
T: (613) 798-9818
Ottawa Lions Track and Field Club
404, 136 - 2446 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1V 1A4
T: (613) 247-4886
E: info@ottawalions.com www.ottawalions.com
Ottawa Museum Network
507 280 Metcalfe
Ottawa, ON K2P 1R7
T: (613) 821-4062
E: marketing@omn-rmo.ca www.omn-rmo.ca
Ottawa Room: Ottawa Public Library
120 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5M2
T: (613) 580-2940
E: InfoService@BiblioOttawaLibrary.ca www.biblioottawalibrary.ca/en/ottawaroom
Ottawa School of Art
35 George Street
Ottawa, ON K1N 8W5
T: (613) 241-7471
E: info@artottawa.ca www.artottawa.ca
Ottawa Sports Hall of Fame - City Hall
110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1
T: (613) 233-8699
Ottawa West Arts Association
Cardelrec Recreaction Complex, 1500 Shea Road
Stittsville, ON K2S 0B2
T: (613) 580-2532
E: ottawawestartsassociation@gmail. com
Ottawa-Gatineau Printmakers’ Connective (OGPC)
35 Stafford Road
Bells Corners, ON K2H 8V8
T: (613) 596-5783
E: ottawaprintmakers@gmail.com https://ottawagatineauprintmakers. wordpress.com/contact/
Parliament of Canada
111 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
T: (613) 992-4793
E: info@parl.gc.ca www.parl.ca
School programs at OAG are fun and educational. Guided tours and workshops are tailored to suit the needs of each group.
Our guides create a unique and memorable experience that will broaden students’ perspectives on the world through intellectual inquiry and tactile exploration.
For more information, please contact:
Pawsitively Pets ( The Zoo Crew)
5721 Main Street
Osgoode, ON K0A 2W0
T: (613) 826-3510
E: info_ottawa@ pawsitivelypetskidscamp.com www.pawsitivelypetskidscamp.com
Pinhey's Point Historic Site
270 Pinhey's Point Road
Dunrobin, ON K0A 1T0
T: (613) 247-4830
E: museums@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
Pirate Life Theatre
588 Hog's Back Road
Ottawa, ON K1V 1H8
T: (800) 300-2732
E: adventure@piratelife.ca www.piratelife.ca
Promenade Arteast (Shenkman Centre)
Box 5, 245 Centrum Boulevard
Orleans, ON K1E 0A1
T: (613) 830-1829
E: president@arteastottawa.com www.arteastottawa.com
Putting Edge Nepean
5 Roydon Place
Nepean, ON K2E 1A3
T: (613) 224-4887
E: nepean@puttingedge.com www.puttingedge.com
RCMP Rockcliffe Stables - Musical Ride Centre
1 Sandridge Road
Ottawa, ON K1G 3J2
T: (613) 741-4285
E: tours@rcmp-f.ca www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/ride-centre
Rideau Canal
34 Beckwith Street South
Smith Falls, ON K7A 2A8
T: (613) 283-5170
E: RideauCanal-info@pc.gc.ca http://www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/ rideau
Rideau Curling Club
715 Cooper Street
Ottawa, ON K1R 5J5
T: (613) 232-9665
E: manager@rideaucurlingclub.com www.rideaucurlingclub.com
Rideau Falls
50 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1M 2K1
T: (613) 239-5000
E: info@ncc-ccn.ca www.ncc-ccn.gc.ca/places/rideau-fallspark-and-green-island
Rideau Hall - Official Residence of the Governor General
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A1
T: (866) 842-4422
E: guide@gg.ca www.gg.ca/document. aspx?id=94&lan=eng
Rideau Township Historical Society Box 56
North Gower, ON K0A 2T0
T: (613) 489-3961
E: susanmckellar68@gmail.com www.rideautownshiphistory.org
Room Escape Ottawa
1860 Bank Street, Unit 3B
Ottawa, ON K1V 7Z8
T: (613) 523-2282
E: contact@roomescapeottawa.com www.roomescapeottawa.com
Royal Canadian Mint
320 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON K1A 0G8
T: (613) 993-8990
E: ottawaboutique@csc.mint.ca www.mint.ca
Shenkman Arts Centre
245 Centrum Boulevard
Orleans, ON K1E 0A1
T: (613) 580-ARTS (2787)
E: shenkmanartscentre@ottawa.ca www.shenkmanarts.ca
Ski Vorlage / Ski Et Centre De
65 Chemin Burnside
Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
T: (877) VORLAGE (867-5243)
E: info@skivorlage.com www.skivorlage.com
Sound and Light Show on Parliament Hill
111 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6
T: (613) 992-4793
E: info@parl.gc.ca
www.canada.pch.gc.ca/ eng/1431092517027
Station Mont Tremblant
1000, Chemin des Voyageurs
Mont-Tremblant, QC J8E1T1
T: (819) 681-3000 x 45683
E: mcyr2@tremblant.ca www.tremblant.ca
120A Drummond Street
Ottawa, ON K1S 1J9
T: (647) 490-4659
E: info@steamlabs.ca www.steamlabs.ca
Studio GalleryNepean Visual Arts Centre
Nepean Sportsplex, Entrance 3, 1701
Woodroffe Avenue
Nepean, ON K2G 1W2
T: (613) 580-2828
E: nvac@ottawa.ca www.ottawa.ca
TD Place at Lansdowne Park
1015 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON K1S 3W7
T: (613) 232-6767
E: boxoffice@tdplace.ca www.tdplace.ca
Imagine, play & create with us on a pirate ship while sailing the high seas. Adventure on our 50-foot Pirate Ship on Mooney’s Bay, fire the water cannons, and haul up the loot! Your sailors will be fitted with new pirate names and pirate tattoos, prepared to fit in with our crew. They will learn sea shanties, watch sword fights, and complete challenges to become true pirates. Best of all, each of them will earn their first piece of pirate gold aboard our ship, the Grey Ghost!
Pirate Life offers a unique field trip experience where students can actively engage in our immersive programming. Our crew will lead the group through stories, games, and activities that will inspire creativity and imagination. We are a production of Art & Water Cultural Group, a registered charitable organization. Our mission is to create exciting and accessible theatre experiences for children across Ontario, nurturing lifelong patrons of the arts. Give your students the opportunity to experience an unforgettable show like no other!
Pirate Life also offers traveling shows! We’ll bring our 20foot ship-on-wheels to your school or camp, for a hilarious and exhilarating theatre experience. For a full hour, your group will be immersed in a pirate adventure, right in your backyard. This is the perfect opportunity for groups who prefer not to travel.
It doesn’t end there, we can offer you all kinds of other programs to suit your students’ needs! Our ship hosts escape rooms, sunset cruises, and concerts that we would love to put on for you. Pirate Life Theatre has programs for children ranging from 18 months to 99 years+, and group pricing that fits any organization’s budget.
The Academy for Musical Theatre
The Gladstone Theatre, 910 Gladstone Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1R 6Y4
T: (613) 706-2287
E: academy@storm.ca www.musictheatre.ca/perth
The National Capital Greenbelt
202 - 40 Elgin Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 1C7
T: (613) 239-5000
E: info@ncc-ccn.ca www.ncc-ccn.gc.ca/places-to-visit/ greenbelt
Thunderbird Sports Centre
1927 Richardson Side Road
Ottawa, ON K2K 1X4
T: (613) 836 - 2256
E: info@tmsiottawa.com www.thunderbirdsportscentre.com
Titan Interactive Inc.
1090 Jean Lesage
Our escape rooms are live action games that require teamwork, logical thinking and all your smarts to solve. You and your class groups will need to explore the rooms, open locks, complete the puzzles, and ESCAPE before your time is up!
The themes are non-threatening, there are no jump scares, and no rooms are too dark. The difficulty of each room is customizable for kids from grades 2 to 12.
We have 5 escape games in our location – there are for options for both small and large groups – and the possibility to include group trivia and outdoor field games for big gatherings.
Contact us at unlockedott@gmail.com or through a contact form at www.unlockedottawa.com
Sainte-Julie, QC J2E 2E8
T: (514) 949-5201
E: info@titaninteractif.com http://titaninteractif.com
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
53 Elgin Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 5A4
T: (866) 522-2122
www.veterans.gc.ca/eng/remembrance/ memorials/canada/tomb-unknownsoldier
Tracy's Art Studio
67 Iber Road, Unit 101
Stittsville, ON K2S 1E7
T: (613) 831-5225
E: info@tracysartstudio.com www.tracysartstudio.com
Trinity Art Gallery - Shenkman Arts Centre
245 Centrum Boulevard
Orleans, ON K1E 0A1
T: (613) 580-ARTS (2787)
E: shenkmanartscentre@ottawa.ca www.shenkmanarts.ca
Tumblers Gymnastics Centre
330 Vantage Drive
Orleans, ON K4A 3W1
T: (613) 834 - 4334
E: tumbler@tumblers.ca www.tumblers.ca
Unlocked Ottawa
202 329 March Road
Kanata, ON K2K 2E1
T: (613) 509-1322
E: unlockedott@gmail.com www.unlockedottawa.com
Valleyview Little Animal Farm
4750 Fallowfield Road
Nepean, ON K2J 4S4
T: (613) 591-1126
E: info@valleyviewlittleanimalfarm.com www.valleyviewlittleanimalfarm.com
Vanier Museopark
300, des Peres Blancs avenue, 2nd Floor
Ottawa, ON K1L 7L5
T: (613) 580-2424
E: info@museoparc.ca www.museoparc.ca
Walter Baker Centre Gallery
100 Malvern Drive
Barhaven, ON K2J 2G5
T: (613) 825-4070
E: info@owswatercolour.com www.owswatercolour.com
Watson's Mill Manotick Inc.
5525 Dickinson Street, PO Box 145
Manotick, ON K4M 1A2
T: (613) 692-MILL (6455)
E: programs@watsonsmill.com www.watsonsmill.com
Workers Heritage Centre
500-280 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa, ON K2P 1R7
T: (613) 233-7820
E: info@ottawalabour.org
WUBS Transit
950 Moodie Drive
Nepean, ON K2R 1H3
T: (613) 223-3241
E: charter@wubs.ca www.wubs.ca
Xtreme Trampoline Park
50 Frank Nighbor Place
Kanata, ON K2V 1B9
T: (613) 591-8889
E: info@xtpark.com www.xtpark.com
Algonquin Provincial Park Visitor Centre
Highway 60 (km. 43), PO Box 248
Whitney, ON K0J 2M0
T: (613) 637-2828
Alice & Fraser Recreation Centre
1 Henan Road
Pembroke, ON K8A 6W8
T: (613) 732-8404
www.lvtownship.ca/departments/ recreation/alice-fraser/
Arnprior & McNab / Braeside Archives
21 B Madawaska Street (lower level)
Arnprior, ON K7S 1R6
T: (613) 623-0001
E: adarchives@hotmail.com www.adarchives.org
Arnprior and District Museum
35 Madawaska Street
Arnprior, ON K7S 1R6
T: (613) 623 - 4902
E: jcarlile@arnprior.ca
Arnprior and District Museum
35 Madawaska Street
Arnprior, ON K7S 1R6
T: (613) 623-4902
Arnprior Bowling Alley
120 John Street North
Arnprior, ON K7S 2N6
T: (613) 623-2440
Arnprior Public Library
21 Madawaska Street
Arnprior, ON K7S 1R6
T: (613) 623-2279
E: library@arnpriorlibrary.ca www.arnpriorlibrary.ca
Arnprior Stampede
10 Galvin Street
Arnprior, ON K7S 3H6
T: (613) 293-4454
Birthplace NHA/NHL Museum
249 Raglan Street
Renfrew, ON K7V 4B1
T: (613) 433-3111
E: chamber@renfrew.net www.renfrewcountymuseums.org/ museums/birthplace-nha-nhl-museum
Bonnechere Caves
1247 Fourth Chute Road
Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
T: (613) 628 CAVE (2283)
E: cavemanchris@bonnecherecaves. com
Bonnechere Museum
85 Bonnechere Street
Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
T: (613) 628-1000
E: museum@bonnechere.ca www.bonnechere.ca
Calabogie Visitor Centre
12517 Lanark Road
Calabogie, ON K0J 1H0
T: (613) 752-2100
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
286 Plant Road
Chalk River, ON K0J 1J0
T: (613) 584-3311
E: communications@cnl.ca www.cnl.ca
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Daniel McLachlin Park and Bell Tower Arnprior, ON
Deep River Arena
2 Club House Road
Deep River, ON K0J 1P0
T: (613) 584-2000 ext. 103
E: carmstrong@deepriver.ca
Deep River Theatre Operating Company
Bernard Childs Auditorium, MacKenzie
Community School
Deep River, ON K0J 1P0
T: (613) 584-3586
E: kmyersphysio@gmail.com www.theop.ca
Driftwood Provincial Park
Highway 17 - 35 km northwest of Deep River
Deep River, ON
T: (613) 586-2553
www.ottawavalley.travel/Valley_Explore/ Walk/Ottawa_River_and_Algonquin_ Park/Driftwood_Provincial_Park.html
Eganville Tourist Booth
46 Bonnechere Street West
Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
T: (613) 628-1594
Escapade Eskimo
1378, route 301, PO Box 483
Otter Lake, QC J0X 2P0
T: (613) 454-5443
E: escapade_eskimo@hotmail.com www.escapade-eskimo.com
Frontier Trails Camp
10545 Highway 60
Eganville, ON K0J 1T0
T: (613) 762-9087
E: frontiertrails@on.aibn.com www.frontiertrailscamp.com
Gallery Gift Shop
158 John Street
Arnprior, ON K7S 2N7
T: (613) 623-7399
E: info@thegallerygiftshop.ca www.thegallerygiftshop.ca
Games To Go
3662 Woodkilton Road
Woodlawn, ON K0A 3M0
T: (855) 482-4263
E: info@gamestogo.ca www.gamestogo.ca
Garrison Petawawa Military Museums
63 Colborne Road, Garrison Petawawa, PO Box 9999 Stn. Main
Petawawa, ON K8H 2X3
T: (613) 588-6238
E: info@petawawamuseums.ca www.petawawamuseums.ca
Gillies Grove and Mansion, National Historic Site of Canada - Ontario's tallest tree
412 Gillies Grove
Arnprior, ON K7S 0A1 www.historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/placelieu.aspx?id=4213
Kitchissippi (Big River) Run
11 Kellett Street
Chalk River, ON K0J 1J0
T: (613) 584-3333
E: amy.joyce@drdh.org www.kitchissippirun.wordpress.com
Madawaska Valley Tourist & Visitor
Information Centre - The Railway Station
19503 Opeongo Line
Barry's Bay, ON K0J 1B0
T: (613) 756-2747
E: info@madawaskavalley.ca www.madawaskavalley.ca
McDougall Mill Museum
65 Arthur Street
Renfrew, ON K7V 3S1
T: (613) 432-2129
E: museum@renfrewmuseum.ca www.renfrewmuseum.ca
x240 | sis@mountpakenham.com
Mount Molson - Petawawa Ski Club
536 Laurentian Drive
Petawawa, ON K8H 2N1
T: (613) 687-8085
E: petawawaskiandsnowboardclub@ gmail.com www.mount-molson.ca
Mount Pakenham
577 Ski Hill Road
Pakenham, ON K0A 2X0
T: (613) 624-5290
E: ski@mountpakenham.com www.mountpakenham.com
Nick Smith Centre 77 James Street
Arnprior, ON K7S 1C9
T: (613) 623-7301
Mount Pakenham is eastern Ontario’s top destination for school programs. With over 40 years of experience, we have an innovative station teaching format for beginners, a graduated lift access program to ensure student safety, a sophisticated pre-set rental assignment program, and an easy-to-use online reservation system. Teachers choose Mount Pakenham for fun and safe experiential learning opportunities for their students.
Work with us to ensure the success of your school outing.
We offer:
• Skiing & Snowboarding: 10 clearly marked alpine runs; 7 lifts (including carpet lift & quad chairs), impeccable snowmaking and grooming, night skiing 5 nights/week.
• Snowshoe Nature Trails & Orienteering Adventure designed to meet Ontario’s physical education and social studies curriculum standards.
• Cafeteria with a full menu: soup, salad, sandwiches, fries, chili, and pizza — all reasonably priced.
• Rental equipment – ski, snowboard, snowshoe
Our Skiing-in-Schools Video is available online to help you and your students prepare for your trip at www.mountpakenham.com. Please also see www.schoolsonsnowontario.ca for excellent resources about outdoor experiential learning!
O'Brien Theatre
147 John Street North
Arnprior, ON K7S 2N8
T: (613) 623-4007
E: obrientheatre@gmail.com www.obrientheatre.com
O'Brien Theatre
334 Raglan Street South
Renfrew, ON K7V 1R5
T: (613) 432-0866
E: theatre@nrtco.net www.obrientheatre.com
Ottawa Valley Tourist Association
9 International Drive
Pembroke, ON K8A 6W5
T: (613) 732-4364
E: info@ottawavalley.travel www.ottawavalley.travel
Petawawa Terrace Provincial Park 17 Sunset Crescent
Petawawa, ON K8H 2L8
T: (613) 757-2103
www.ontarioparks.com/park/ petawawaterrace
Renfrew Annual Bluegrass Festival
1 Ma-te-way Park Drive
Renfrew, ON K7V 4J4
T: (613) 432-2412
E: info@renfrew.ca www.renfrew.ca
Renfrew Cenotaph
127 Raglan Street
Renfrew, ON K7V 1P8
T: (613) 432-4848
E: info@renfrew.ca www.renfrewlegionbr148.ca
Renfrew Fair - The Renfrew
Agricultural Society
115 Veterans Memorial Blvd.
Renfrew, ON K7V 2R5
T: (613) 432-5331 www.renfrewfair.com
Renfrew Station & Caboose - Visitor
Information Centre
190 Mask Road
Renfrew, ON K7V 3Z2
T: (613) 432-3131
E: info@renfrew.ca www.renfrew.ca
Renfrew Swinging Bridge
65 Arthur Street
Renfrew, ON K7V 1N8
E: info@renfrew.ca www.renfrew.ca
Schoolhouse Museum
35753 Highway 17
Laurentian Hills, ON
T: (613) 584-2917
E: info@schoolhousemuseum.ca www.schoolhousemuseum.ca
Shady Nook Recreation Centre
80 Richardson Crescent
Laurentian Valley, ON K8A 6W5
T: (613) 732-0954
E: info@shadynookrec.ca www.shadynookrec.ca
Ski Vorlage / Ski Et Centre De 65 Chemin Burnside
Wakefield, QC J0X 3G0
T: (877) VORLAGE (867-5243)
E: info@skivorlage.com www.skivorlage.com
The Canadian Clock Museum
60 James Street
Deep River, ON K0J 1P0
T: (613) 584-9687
E: enquiries@canclockmuseum.ca www.canclockmuseum.ca
Visitor Information Centre - Petawawa Research Forest
16 Civic Centre Road
Petawawa, ON K8H 2E6
T: (613) 687-5536 www.petawawa.ca
Arbor Gallery Cultural Centre
36 Home Avenue, PO Box 869
Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0
T: (613) 518-2787
E: contact@arborgallery.org www.arborgallery.org
Arbraska Treetop Trekking - Lefleche Park
255, Rte Principale
Val-des-Monts, QC J8N 4B7
T: (819) 457-4033
E: lafleche@arbraska.com www.arbraska.com
Arnprior and District Museum
35 Madawaska Street
Arnprior, ON K7S 1R6
T: (613) 623 - 4902
E: jcarlile@arnprior.ca www.arnprior.ca/town/arnprior-districtmuseum
Casselman Christmas Festival (Santa Run & Walk)
Principale Street
Casselman, ON K0A 1M0
T: (613) 764-3180
E: info@casselmanfestival.ca www.casselmanfestival.ca/en/generalinformation/
Casselman Historical Museum
3 Station Street
Casselman, ON K0A 1M0
T: (613) 764-3139 www.casselman.ca
Casselman Street Hockey Tournament
Principale Street
Casselman, ON K0A 1M0
T: (613) 764-3180
E: hockey@casselmanfestival.ca www.casselman.ca
Casselman Tourist Information Centre
3 Station Street
Casselman, ON K0A 1M0
T: (613) 764-3139
Centre Culturel Le Chenail
2 rue John
Hawkesbury, ON K6A 1X3
T: (613) 632-9555
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Fort Wellington National Historic Site
370 Vankoughnet Street
Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
T: (613) 925-2896
E: ont-wellington@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/wellington
Higginson Tower
36 Home Avenue
Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0
T: (613) 678-3327
E: info@higginsontower.ca www.higginsontower.ca
Jessup's Falls Conservation Area County Road 17
Plantagenet, ON K0B 1L0
T: (613) 984-2948
Larose Forest
59 Court Street, PO Box 304
L'Original, ON K0B 1K0
T: (613) 675-4661 ext. 7101
E: urbanisme@prescott-russell.on.ca http://en.prescott-russell.on.ca/ visitors_and_leisure/larose_forest
Lefleche Park - Arbraska Treetop Trekking 255, Rte Principale
Val-des-Monts, QC J8N 4B7
T: (819) 457-4033
E: lafleche@arbraska.com www.arbraska.com
L'Original Old Jail
1023 Queen Street
L'Original, ON K0B 1R0
T: (800) 667-6307
E: lorignal.prison@hotmail.ca www.lorignalprison.com
Macdonell-Williamson House
25 Rue Des Outaouais
Chute a Blondeau, ON K0B 1B0
T: (613) 676-2228
E: housemw1817@bell.net www.mwhouse.ca
New York Central Trail
Township of Russell Russell, ON
T: (613) 443-3066
E: gdmunrusparksandrecreation@ russell.ca www.ontariotrails.on.ca/trails/view/ new-york-central-fitness-trail Popsilos
United counties of Prescott and Russell , ON
T: (613) 447-6959
E: jen@popsilos.ca www.popsilos.ca
Smithsight Fishing Farm
1863 County Road 17
L'Original, ON K0B 1K0
T: (613) 675-4949
E: smithsight@sympatico.ca www.tprt.ca/en/membre/95/
St. Albert Cheese
150, St-Paul Street
St. Albert, ON K0A 3C0
T: (613) 987-2872
E: info@fromagestalbert.com www.fromagestalbert.com
Vankleek Hill Farmers' Market PO Box 1320
Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0
T: (613) 678-7298
E: manager@vkhfm.ca www.vankleekhillfarmersmarket.ca
Voyageur Provincial Park
1313 Front Road
Chute-à-Blondeau, ON K0B 1B0
T: (613) 674-2825 www.ontarioparks.com/park/voyageur
Arbraska Treetop Trekking - Lefleche Park
255, Rte Principale
Val-des-Monts, QC J8N 4B7
T: (819) 457-4033
E: lafleche@arbraska.com www.arbraska.com
Aultsville Theatre
2 St. Lawrence Drive
Cornwall, ON K6H 4Z1
T: (613) 932-1661
E: info@aultsvilletheatre.com www.aultsvilletheatre.com
Benson Centre
800 Seventh Street West, PO Box 8 Cornwall, ON K6J 0A3
T: (613) 938-9898
E: BensonCentre@cornwall.ca www.cornwall.ca/en/recreation/ resources/BensonCentre.pdf
Bethune-Thompson House / White House National Historic Site
19730 John Street
Williamstown, ON K0C 2J0
T: (613) 347-7192
www.historicplaces.ca/en/rep-reg/ place-lieu.aspx?id=4121
Big Ben Ski Centre
7th Street extension across from Benson Centre Cornwall, ON T: (613) 933-6377
E: skibigben@gmail.com www.cornwall.ca/en/recreation/BigBen. asp
Cannamore Orchard 1480 County Road 32 Crysler, ON K0A 1R0
T: (613) 448-3633
E: info@cannamoreorchard.com www.cannamoreorchard.com
Chesterville Heritage Centre
14 Victoria Street
Winchester, ON
T: (613) 448-9130
E: chestervillehistoricalsociety@gmail. com
www.northdundas.com/community/ tourism/chesterville-heritage-centre/ Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Cornwall Aquatic Centre
100 Water Street East Cornwall, ON K6H 6G4
T: (613) 933-3586
www.cornwall.ca/en/recreation/ aquaticcentre.asp
Cornwall Community Museum
160 Water Street West
Cornwall, ON K6H 5T5
T: (613) 936-0280
E: cornwallhistory@outlook.com www.cornwallcommunitymuseum. wordpress.com
Cornwall Sports Hall of Fame
100 Water Street
Cornwall, ON K6H 6G4
E: info@cornwallsportshalloffame.com www.cornwallsportshalloffame.com
Cornwall Township Historical Society Cornwall, ON
E: info@cornwalltwphistorical.ca www.cornwalltwphistorical.ca
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Escape Manor - Escape the Cornwall Jail
11 Water Street West
Cornwall, ON K6J 1A1
T: (613) 935-4891
E: jail@sdgcounties.ca www.sdgcounties.ca
Glengarry Pioneer Museum
1645 County Road 30, R.R.#1 Dunvegan, ON K0C 1J0
T: (613) 527-5230
E: admin@glengarrypioneermuseum.ca www.glengarrypioneermuseum.ca
Glengarry Sports Hall of Fame
35 Fair Street
Maxville, ON K0C 1T0
T: (613) 527-1044
E: glenhalloffame@bellnet.ca www.glengarrysports.com
Glengarry, Nor'Westers & Loyalist Museum
19651 County Road 17 Williamstown, ON K0C 2J0
T: (613) 347-3547
E: gnlmuseum@gmail.com www.glengarrynorwestersandloyalist museum.ca
Historic SDG Jail
11 Water Street West
Cornwall, ON K6J 1A1
T: (613) 935-4891
E: jail@sdgcounties.ca www.sdgcounties.ca
Historic Walking Tour begins in Lamoureux Park Cornwall, ON www.cornwalltourism.com/explore/ cornwall-historic-walking-tour/
Inverarden House National Historic Site
3350 Montreal Road
Cornwall, ON K6H 5R5
T: (613) 925-2896
E: ont-wellington@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/ inverarden/index
Lamoureux Park
100 Water Street East
Cornwall, ON K6H 6G4
T: (613) 930-2787
Cannamore Orchard is a family run farm that offers agricultural tours focusing on what is in season at the time. Mid-June to early July we have strawberries. Late August into September there are apples.
Finally late September through to October is pumpkin season. Tours involve a wagon ride around the farm, with stops to talk about the different aspects of the farm.
Enjoy exploring the grounds, seeing live farm animals, and running through our hedge mazes. Contact us at info@cannamoreorchard.com or call us at 613-448-3633 to book a tour. See our website for more details www.cannamoreorchard.com
Lefleche Park - Arbraska Treetop Trekking
255, Rte Principale
Val-des-Monts, QC J8N 4B7
T: (819) 457-4033
E: lafleche@arbraska.com www.arbraska.com
Lost Villages Museum
16361 Fran Laflamme Drive
Long Sault, ON K0C 1P0
T: (613) 534-2197
E: info@lostvillages.ca www.lostvillages.ca
Martintown Grist Mill
18544 Dundas Street
Martintown, ON K0C 1S0
T: (613) 528-4094
E: martintownmill@gmail.com www.martintownmill.org
Native North American Traveling College
1 Ronathahonni Lane
Akwesasne, ON K6H 5R7
T: (613) 932-9452
E: info@nnatc.org www.nnatc.org
Old Town Hall Theatre
478 Main Street
Winchester, ON
T: (613) 774-2105
E: info@northdundas.com www.northdundas.com/community/ tourism/old-town-hall/
Port Theatre
132 Montreal Road
Cornwall, ON K6H 1B3
T: (613) 933-4547
E: info@theporttheatre.com www.theporttheatre.com
Prehistoric World
5446 Upper Canada Road
Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0
T: (613) 543-2503
www.westislandkids.com/pdf/ Prehistoric-World-Brochure.pdf
Saunders Hydro Dam Visitor Centre
2500B 2nd Street West
Cornwall, ON K6H 5R6
T: (613) 932-4563
E: powervisitorcentre@opg.com www.opg.com
Sir John Johnson National Historic Site
19692 William Street
Williamstown, ON K0C 2J0
T: (613) 347-2356
E: sirjohnjohnson@sympatico.ca
www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/ johnjohnson
St. Andrews Church and Pioneer Cemetery
325 St. George Street West
Wellington, ON
E: info@cornwalltwphistorical.ca www.cornwalltwphistorical.ca
St. Lawrence Acoustic
Stage Performances
12320 County Road 2 Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0
E: info@st-lawrencestage.com www.st-lawrencestage.com
St. Raphael's Ruins National Historic Site
19998 County Road 18
Williamstown, ON K0C 2J0
T: (613) 347-2352
E: info@saintraphaelsruins.com www.saintraphaelsruins.com
Upper Canada Playhouse
12320 County Road 2, PO Box 852
Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0
T: (613) 543-3713
E: boxoffice@uppercanadaplayhouse. com www.uppercanadaplayhouse.com
Upper Canada Village
13740 County Road 2
Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0
T: (613) 543-4328
E: getaway@parks.on.ca www.uppercanadavillage.com
WUBS Transit 12024 Dawley Drive
Winchester, ON K0C 2K0
T: (613) 223-3241
E: hello@wubs.ca www.wubs.ca
1000 Islands & Seaway Cruises
30 Block House Island Parkway
Brockville, ON K6V 4S9
T: (613) 345-7333
Aquatarium at Tall Ships Landing
6 Broad Street
Brockville, ON K6V 0C4
T: (613) 342-6789 ext. 7007
E: education@aquatarium.ca www.aquatarium.ca
Arthur Child Heritage Museum of the 1,000 Islands
125 Water Street
Gananoque, ON K7G 3E3
T: (613) 382 - 2535
E: ivillage@cogeco.net
Brockville Arts Centre
235 King Street West
Brockville, ON K6V 7A5
T: (613) 342-7122
E: bac@brockville.com www.brockvilleartscentre.com
Brockville Country Club
1548 King Street W.
Brockville, ON K6V 5T7
T: (613) 342 - 2468
E: gm@brockvillecountryclub.com www.brockvillecountryclub.com
Brockville Museum
5 Henry Street
Brockville, ON K6V 6M4
T: (613) 342-4397
E: museum@brockville.com www.brockvillemuseum.com
Brockville Railway Tunnel
15 Brockville Railway Tunnel
Brockville, ON K6V 2B3
T: (613) 345-0891
Brockville Rotary Park & Splash Pad
10 Gilmour Street
Brockville, ON K6V 5J7
T: (613) 345-0891
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Escape Brockville
Ferry Street
Brockville, ON K6V 2A7
T: (343) 264-5524
E: www.escapebrockville@gmail.com www.escapebrockville.com
Fort Wellington National Historic Site
370 VanKoughnet Street
Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
T: (613) 925-2896
E: pc.fortwellington.pc@canada.ca www.pc.gc.ca/fr/lhn-nhs/on/wellington
Fulford Place Museum
287 King Street East
Brockville, ON K6V 1E1
T: (613) 498-3003
E: fulford@heritagetrust.on.ca www.heritagetrust.on.ca
Homewood Museum
287 King Street East
Brockville, ON K6V 1E1
T: (613) 498-3003
E: fulford@heritagetrust.on.ca www.heritagetrust.on.ca
Kilmarnock Lockstation
1316 Kilmarnock Road
Jasper, ON K0G 1G0
T: (613) 283-3792
www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/rideau/ index
Leeds and Grenville County Court
House National Historic Site of Canada
1 Court House Square
Brockville, ON K6V 4V1
www.pc.gc.ca/apps/dfhd/page_nhs_ eng.aspx?id=355
Prescott Railway Station (Grand Trunk)
National Historic Site of Canada
820 St. Lawrence Street
Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
T: (613) 925-0489
www.pc.gc.ca/apps/dfhd/page_nhs_ eng.aspx?id=498
Rideau Heritage Route Toursim Association
32 Wall Street, Suite 300
Brockville, ON K6V 4R9
T: (613) 342 - 3840
E: info@rideauheritageroute.ca www.rideauheritageroute.ca
Sanddocks Park
Thomas Street
Brockville, ON K6V 5K9
Stingers Indoor Paintball
125 Stewart Boulevard
Brockville, ON K6V 4W4
T: (613) 499-7864
E: info@stingersindoorpaintball.com www.stingersindoorpaintball.com
The Trekking Group
1278 Thousand Islands Parkway
Mallorytown, ON K0E 1R0
T: (613) 923-1278
E: 1000islands@treetoptrekking.com www.treetoptrekking.com
Under Water Sculpture Park - Centeen Memorial Park
Water Street
Brockville, ON K6V 5K9
www.saveontarioshipwrecks.ca/ chapters/thousand-islands
Valleyview Little Animal Farm
4750 Fallowfield Road
Nepean, ON K2J 4S4
T: (613) 591-1126
E: info@valleyviewlittleanimalfarm.com www.valleyviewlittleanimalfarm.com
Art & Class Studio Boutique
53 Gore Street East
Perth, ON K7H 1H6
T: (613) 466-0622
E: info@artandclass.ca www.artandclass.ca
Barn Door Productions / Full Circle Theatre
26 Craig Street
Perth, ON K7H 1X9
T: (613) 267-1884
E: barndoorproductionstheatre@gmail. com
Bridge Master House and Swing Bridge
Beckwith Street and Riverside Drive
Perth, ON K7H 1H9
T: (613) 267-3311
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Classic Theatre Festival
54 Beckwith Street East
Perth, ON K7H 1B6
T: (877) 283-1283
E: info@classictheatre.ca www.classictheatre.ca
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Fire Hall Gallery
30 Herriott Street
Perth, ON K7H 1T2
T: (613) 267-1224
E: info@perthunionlibrary.ca www.perthunionlibrary.ca
Hall of Remembrance Military Museum
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 244,26
Beckwith Street East
Perth, ON K7H 1B5
T: (613) 267-4400
Kilmarnock Lockstation
1316 Kilmarnock Road
Jasper, ON K0G 1G0
T: (613) 283-3792
www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/rideau/ index
Matheson House Museum National Historic Site
11 Gore Street
Perth, ON K7H 1H4
T: (613) 267-1947
www.perth.ca/en/explore-perth/ Museum.aspx
Merrickville Blockhouse National Historic Site
279 St. Lawrence Street
Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0
T: (613) 269-4787
www.pc.gc.ca/apps/dfhd/page_nhs_eng. aspx?id=422
Mount Pakenham
577 Ski Hill Road
Pakenham, ON K0A 2X0
T: (613) 624-5290
E: ski@mountpakenham.com
Old Armory / Asbury Free Methodist Church
144 Gore Street East
Perth, ON K7H 1J7
T: (613) 267-2345
Omnes Arts Circle - Dance, Music & Theatre
1 Sherbrooke Street East
Perth, ON K7H 1A1
T: (613) 466-0225
E: info@omnesartscircle.ca www.omnesartscircle.ca
Perth Citizens' Band
80 Gore Street
Perth, ON K7H 1H9
Perth Museum National Historic Site
11 Gore Street East
Perth, ON K7H 1H4
T: (613) 267-1947
Perth Outfitters Mini Golf and Boat Rentals
21 Craig Street
Perth, ON K7H 1X8
T: (613) 772-1122
E: info@perthoutfitters.com www.perthoutfitters.com
Perth Town Hall
80 Gore Street
Perth, ON K7H 1H9
T: (613) 267-3311
Perth Union Library
30 Herriott Street
Perth, ON K7H 1T2
T: (613) 267-1224
E: info@perthunionlibrary.ca www.perthunionlibrary.ca
Riverguild Fine Crafts
51 Gore Street East
Perth, ON K7H 1H6
T: (613) 267-5237
E: finecrafts@riverguild.com www.riverguild.com
Studio 87 - Gallery on Gore
87 Gore Street East
Perth, ON K7H 1J2
T: (613) 200-1040
E: info@studio87art.com www.galleryongore.com
Studio Theatre Perth
63 Gore Street East, Unit 2
Perth, ON K7H 1H8
T: (613) 267-7469
E: bookings@studiotheatreperth.com www.studiotheatreperth.com
The Academy for Musical Theatre
57 Foster Street, Box 2005
Perth, ON K7H 1R9
T: (613) 706-2287
E: academy@storm.ca www.musictheatre.ca/perth
The Rideau Canal Headquarters
34 Beckwith Street South
Smiths Falls, ON K7A 2A8
T: (613) 283 - 5170
E: rideaucanal-info@pc.gc.ca www.rideau-info.com
Wheelers Maple
1001 Highland Line
McDonalds Corners, ON K0G 1M0
T: (613) 278 - 2090
E: tracy@wheelersmaple.com www.wheelersmaple.com/school-tours/
Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University
36 University Avenue
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6
T: (613) 533-2190
E: aeac@queensu.ca www.agnes.queensu.ca
Ann Baillie Building National Historic Site
32 George Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2V7
T: (613) 548 - 2419
E: museum@kgh.kari.net www.museumofhealthcare.ca
Bellevue House National Historic Site
35 Centre Street
Kingston, ON K7L 4E5
T: (613) 545-8666
E: Bellevue.House@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/bellevue
Canada's Penitentiary Museum
555 King Street West
Kingston, ON K7L 4V7
T: (613) 530-3122
E: info@penitentiarymuseum.ca www.penitentiarymuseum.ca
Cataraqui Cemetery National Historic Site
927 Purdy's Mill Road
Kingston, ON K7M 3N1
T: (613) 546-6545
E: info@cataraquicemetery.ca www.cataraquicemetery.ca
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Enrichment Studies Unit / Queen's University
195 University Avenue
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6
T: (613) 533-3181
E: esu@queensu.ca www.queensu.ca
Fairfield House and Park 4574 Bath Road
Amherstview, ON K7N 1Y2
T: (613) 384-2813
E: info@fairfieldhomestead.ca www.fairfieldhomestead.ca
Fort Henry National Historic Site of Canada
1 Fort Henry Drive, PO Box 213
Kingston, ON K7L 4V8
T: (613) 542-7388
E: getaway@parks.on.ca
Frontenac County Schools Museum
414 Regent Street
Barriefield, ON K7K 5R1
T: (613) 544-9113
E: fcschoolsmuseum@gmail.com www.fcsmuseum.com
Improbable Escapes
303 Bagot Street, Suite 16B
Kingston, ON K7K 5W7
T: (800) 570-0436
E: info@improbableescapes.com www.improbableescapes.com
Kingston City Hall National Historic Site
216 Ontario Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2Z3
T: (613) 546-0000
Kingston Fortifications World Heritage Site
1 Fort Henry Drive
Kingston, ON K7K 5G8
T: (888) 773-8888
Kingston Frontenac Public Library
130 Johnson Street
Kingston, ON K7L 1X8
T: (613) 549-8888
E: contact@kfpl.ca www.kfpl.ca
Kingston Junior Naturalists Box 831
Kingston, ON K7L 4X6
T: (613) 389 - 6742
E: n8ture.anne@sympatico.ca www.kingstonfieldnaturalists.org
Kingston Penitentiary Tours
560 King Street West
Kingston, ON K7L 4V7
T: (613) 542-7388
E: getaway@parks.on.ca www.kingstonpentour.com
Kingston Scout Museum
642 MacDonnell Street
Kingston, ON K7K 4X3
T: (613) 389-8859
Kingston WritersFest and Juvenis Arts Festival
209 Wellington Street, Suite 202A
Kingston, ON K7K 2Y6
T: (613) 767-0513
E: info@kingstonwritersfest.ca www.kingstonwritersfest.ca
Land O' Lakes Rescue Petting Farm
1200 Regional Road 506
Cloyne, ON K0H 1K0
T: (613) 336-0330
E: landolakespettingfarm@gmail.com www.landolakesrescuepettingfarm.ca
MacLachlan Woodworking Museum
2993 Highway 2 East
Kingston, ON K7L 5H6
T: (613) 542-0543
E: education@cityofkingston.ca www.woodworkingmuseum.ca
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes
53 Yonge Street, Unit 4
Kingston, ON K7M 6G4
T: (613) 542-2261
E: manager@marmuseum.ca www.marmuseum.ca
McCoy Bus Service
566 Cataraqui Woods Drive
Kingston, ON K7P 2Y5
T: (613) 507-5566
E: charters@gomccoy.com www.gomccoy.com
Military Communications and Electronics Museum
95 Craftsman Boulevard
Kingston, ON K7K 7B4
T: (613) 541-4675
E: David.McCarey@forces.gc.ca www.c-and-e-museum.org
Miller Museum of Geology
Miller Hall, Queen's University, 36 Union Street
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6
T: (613) 533-6767
E: millermuseum@queensu.ca www.queensu.ca/ millermuseumofgeology
Modern Fuel Artist - Run Centre
Suite 305, 370 King Street West
Kingston, ON K7L 2X4
T: (613) 548-4883
E: info@modernfuel.org www.modernfuel.org
Murney Tower Museum 1421 King Street West
Kingston, ON K7L 3J6
T: (613) 507-5181
E: kingstonhs@gmail.com www.kingstonhistoricalsociety.ca/ Murney_Tower.html
Museum of Health Care at Kingston
32 George Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2V7
T: (613) 548 - 2419
E: info@museumofhealthcare.ca www.museumofhealthcare.ca
Original Hockey Hall of Fame
Invista Centre, 2nd flr, 1350 Gardiners Road
Kingston, ON K7P 0E5
T: (613) 507-1943
Parks of the St. Lawrence 13740 County Road 2
Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0
T: (613) 543-4328
E: getaway@parks.on.ca www.stlawrenceparks.com
541 Days Road
Kingston, ON K7M 3R8
T: (613) 389 - 5553
E: office@playtrium.ca www.playtrium.ca
Princess of Wales' Own Regiment
Military Museum
100 Montreal Street
Kingston, ON K7K 3E8
T: (613) 541-5010
E: museum@pwor.ca www.pwor.ca
Pump House Steam Museum
23 Ontario Street
Kingston, ON K7L 2Y2
T: (613) 544-PUMP (7867)
E: phmuseum@cityofkingston.ca www.steammuseum.ca
Queen's University Archives
Kathleen Ryan Hall, 50A Arch Street
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6
T: (613) 533-2378
E: archives@queensu.ca https://archives.queensu.ca
Royal Canadian Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Museum
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5
T: (613) 541-6000
E: lussiertemple@bell.net www.rcemecorpsgemrc.ca
Royal Military College Museum and Fort Frederick
4 Passchendale Drive
Kingston, ON K7K 2X5
T: (613) 541-6000
Skywood ECO Adventure Park
1278 Thousand Island Parkway
Mallorytown, ON K0E 1R0
T: (844) 470-4ZIP (4947) www.skywoodzip.com
St. George's Anglican Cathedral
270 King Street East
Kingston, ON K7L 3B2
T: (613) 548-4617
E: office@stgeorgescathedral.ca www.stgeorgescathedral.ca
Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning
370 King Street West
Kingston, ON K7L 2X4
T: (613) 266-0009
E: director@tettcentre.org www.tettcentre.org
The Lower Burial Ground
143 Queen Street
Kingston, ON K7K 3S2
E: lowerburialground@gmail.com www.lowerburialground.ca
Thousand Islands National Park
1088 Thousand Islands Parkway
Mallorytown, ON K0E 1R0
T: (613) 923-5261
Union Gallery, Queen's University
1st Flr, Stauffer Library, Queen's University
Kingston, ON K7L 5C4
T: (613) 533-3171
E: ugallery@queensu.ca www.uniongallery.queensu.ca/index.html
Upper Canada Village 13740 County Road 2 Morrisburg, ON K0C 1X0
T: (613) 543-4328
E: getaway@parks.on.ca www.uppercanadavillage.com
Window Art Gallery c/o Kingston School of Art
647a Princess Street
Kingston, ON K7L 1E4
T: (613) 549-1528
E: ksoa@kingston.net www.windowartgallerykingston.com
Xtreme Trampoline Park
1525 Robinson Court
Kingston, ON K7P 0C7
T: (613) 591-8889
E: xtparkkingston@gmail.com www.xtpark.com
Allen Macpherson House and Park
180 Elizabeth Street
Napanee, ON
T: (613) 354-3027
Amherstview Library
322 Amherst Drive
Amherstview , ON K7N 1S9
T: (613) 389-6006
Babcock Mill
100 Mill Street
Odessa, ON K0H 2H0
T: (613) 386-7363
www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ babcock-mill
Bath Library
197 Davy Street
Bath, ON K0H 1G0
T: (613) 352-5600
Bath Museum of Loyalist Township
434 Main Street
Bath, ON K0H 1G0
T: (613) 352-7716
E: thebathmuseum@gmail.com www.loyalisttownship.ca
Bon Echo Provincial Park 16151 Highway 41
Cloyne, ON
T: (613) 336-2228
www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ nature-and-outdoors
Camden East Library
2831 County Road 1
Camden East, ON K0K 1J0
T: (613) 378-2101
Camden Lake Provincial Wildlife Area
603 Card Road
Moscow, ON T: (613) 378-2475
www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ nature-and-outdoors
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Cloyne and District Historical Society
Box 228
Cloyne, ON K0H 1K0
T: (613) 336-8619
E: pioneerinfo@mazinaw.on.ca www.pioneer.mazinaw.on.ca
Cloyne Pioneer Museum and Archives
14238 Highway 41
Cloyne, ON K0H 1K0
T: (613) 336-8619
E: pioneerinfo@mazinaw.on.ca www.pioneer.mazinaw.on.ca
Fairfield House
4574 Loyalist Parkway
Amherstview , ON
T: (613) 384-2813
E: info@fairfieldhomestead.ca www.fairfieldhomestead.ca
Fairfield-Gutzeit House
341 Main Street
Bath, ON K0H 1G0
T: (613) 352-7414
www.villageofbath.com/static/about/ family/fairfield-gutzeit
Layer Cake Hall / Church
193 Davy Street
Bath, ON
T: (613) 352-5600
www.villageofbath.com/static/about/ family/layer-cake-hall
Lennox & Addington Forest Trails
100 John Street
Flinton, ON
T: (613) 354-4883
www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ nature-and-outdoors
Lennox and Addington County Museum and Archives
97 Thomas Street East
Napanee, ON K7R 4B9
T: (613) 354-3027
E: museum@lennox-addington.on.ca
Napanee Library
25 River Road
Napanee, ON K7R 3S6
T: (613) 354-2525
Neilson Store Museum and Cultural Centre
5220 Front Road
Stella, ON K0H 2S0
T: (613) 634-9512
Old Hay Bay Church
2365 South Shore Road
Napanee, ON K7R 3K7
T: (613) 767-3100
Parrott's Bay Conservation Area
4976 Bath Road
Amherstview, ON
T: (613) 546-4228
www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ nature-and-outdoors
Queen's University Archives
11 Medical Quadrangle, Queen's University
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6
T: (613) 533-2378
E: archives@queensu.ca
Springside Park Trail & Falls
8460 County Road 2
Napanee, ON
T: (613) 354-3351
www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ nature-and-outdoors
Tamworth Library
1 Ottawa Street
Tamworth, ON K0K 3G0
T: (613) 379-3082
The Bath Academy
352 Academy Street
Bath, ON K0H 1G0
T: (613) 352-5582
The Big Apple
262 Orchard Drive
Colborne, ON K0K 1S0
T: (905) 355-2574
E: customer-service@thebigapple.ca www.thebigapple.ca
The Ham House
353 Main Street
Bath, ON K0H 1G0
T: (613) 583-1131
Topsy Farms Trails
14775 Front Road
Amherst Island, ON
T: (613) 389-3444
www.lennox-addington.on.ca/explore/ nature-and-outdoors
United Empire Loyalist Heritage Centre and Park
54 Adolphustown Park Road
Bath, ON K0H 1G0
T: (613) 373-2632
War of 1812 Lafarge Discovery Centre
341 Main Street
Bath, ON K0H 1G0
T: (613) 352-7414
Yarker Library
4315 County Road 1
Yarker, ON K0K 3N0
T: (613) 377-1673
4th Line Theatre
779 Zion Line
Millbrook, ON L0A 1G0
T: (705) 932-4448
E: admin@4thlinetheatre.on.ca www.4thlinetheatre.on.ca
Art Gallery of Peterborough
250 Crescent Street
Peterborough, ON K9J 2G1
T: (705) 743-9179
E: gallery@agp.on.ca www.agp.on.ca
Cedar Ridge Camp
57 Cemetery Road
McArthurs Mills, ON K0L 2M0
T: (613) 332-6675
E: info@cedarridgecamp.ca www.cedarridgecamp.ca
Cheeky Bee Gallery
23 Main Street
Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0
T: (705) 924-9330
E: sales@cheekybee.com www.cheekybee.com
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Clock Tower Cultural Centre
36 Front Street South, PO Box 1413
Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
T: (705) 653-5508
E: westben@westben.ca www.westben.ca
Cricklewood Farm, Orchard & Corn Maze
27 Grandview Road
Brighton, ON K0K 1H0
T: (613) 475-4293
E: info@cricklewood.ca www.cricklewood.ca
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Empire Cheese Co-op
R.R.#5, 1120 County Road 8 Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
T: (705) 653-3187
E: info@empirecheese.ca www.empirecheese.ca
Cedar Ridge is a traditional summer camp for all children aged 6-16 and a year-round outdoor education and group retreat centre.
Our pristine 150-acre site is located in the heart of the Madawaska Highlands, near Bancroft, Ontario.
Our 3,400-foot shoreline borders quiet Wannamaker Lake and we are in close proximity to the Madawaska River and Algonquin Provincial Park.
Established in 2006, Cedar Ridge Camp provides a classic camp experience for children from Ontario and around the world. We offer a safe, friendly atmosphere for children to develop physical and emotional skills while learning to live together comfortably in an outdoor environment.
While developing an appreciation for the natural setting, Cedar Ridge campers develop self-confidence and independence, creating friendships that last a lifetime.
For further information, please visit us at www.cedarridgecamp.ca
Contact us: 877-334-6675 or info@cedarridgecamp.ca
Escape Maze
156 Cedar Bank Road
Peterborough, ON K9J 6Y3
T: (705) 740-3657
E: fun@escapemaze.com www.escapemaze.com
Ferris Provincial Park
474 County Road 8
Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0
T: (705) 653-3575
E: info@friendsofferris.ca www.friendsofferris.ca
Frantic Farms Clay & Glass & Gallery
2 Mill Street
Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0
T: (705) 924-9173
E: monica@franticfarms.com www.franticfarms.com
Indian River Reptile Zoo
2206 County #38
Asphodel-Norwood, ON K0L 2B0
T: (705) 639-1443
E: reptilezoo.dinopark@gmail.com www.reptilezoo.org
Lang Pioneer Village Museum
104 Lang Road
Keene, ON K0L 2G0
T: (705) 295-6694
E: info@langpioneervillage.ca www.langpioneervillage.ca
OFAH Hunting & Fishing Heritage Centre
4601 Guthrie Drive
Peterborough, ON K9J 8L5
T: (705) 748-6324
E: info@hfhc.ca www.hfhc.ca
Peterborough & District Sports Hall of Fame at the PMC
151 Lansdowne Street West
Peterborough, ON K9J 1Y4
T: (705) 743-6897
E: info@pdshof.com www.memorialcentre.ca
Peterborough Memorial Centre (PMC)
151 Lansdowne Street West
Peterborough, ON K9J 1Y4
T: (705) 743-3561
Peterborough Symphony
159 King Street, Suite 200
Peterborough, ON K9J 3H3
T: (705) 742-1992
E: info@thepso.org www.thepso.org
Ranney Gorge Suspension Bridge Ferris Provincial Park
Campbellford, ON T: (705) 653-1551
E: tourism@trenthillschamber.ca www.visittrenthills.ca/ ranneygorgesuspensionbridge
South Pond Farms
1020 Gray Road
Pontypool, ON L0A 1K0
T: (705) 277-1649
E: connect@southpondfarms.ca www.southpondfarms.ca
Stirling Festival Theatre 41 West Front Street, Box 95 Stirling, ON K0K 3E0
T: (613) 395-2100
E: boxoffice@stirlingfestivaltheatre. com www.stirlingfestivaltheatre.com
The Canadian Canoe Museum 910 Monaghan Road
Peterborough, ON K9J 5K4
T: (705) 748-9153
E: info@canoemuseum.ca www.canoemuseum.ca
The Land Canadian Adventures Inc. 2108 Miller Road
Lakefield, ON K0L 2H0
T: (705) 927-2174
E: Bretton@ thelandcanadianadventures.com www.thelandcanadianadventures.com
Trent-Severn Waterway National
Historic Site - Peterborough Lift Locks
353 Hunter Street East
Peterborough, ON K9H 7B5
T: (705) 750-4900
E: Ont.Trentsevern@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/ trentsevern
Westben Arts Festival Theatre
6698 County Road 30
Campbellford, ON K0L 1A0
T: (705) 653-5508
E: westben@westben.ca www.westben.ca
Ameliasburgh Heritage Village
517 County Road 19
Ameliasburgh, ON K0K 1A0
T: (613) 476-2148
E: amelmuseum@pecounty.on.ca www.visitpec.ca/business_listings/ ameliasburgh-heritage-village/ Brighton Road Swing Bridge / Murray Canal
1158 County Road 64
Carrying Place, ON K0K 1L0
T: (705) 750-4900
E: Ont.Trentsevern@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/on/ trentsevern/visit/infrastructure/quinte/ pont-tournant-chemin-brighton-roadswing-bridge
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Essroc Arena
111 Belleville Street
Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
T: (613) 399-2135
E: bookings@pecounty.on.ca www.thecounty.ca
Glenwood Cemetery
47 Ferguson Street
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
T: (613) 476-3511
E: info@glenwoodcemetery.ca www.glenwoodcemetery.ca
Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment
Military Museum
The Armoury, 187 Pinnacle Street
Belleville, ON K8N 3A5
T: (613) 966-2100
E: johnfsherry@hotmail.ca www.theregiment.ca
History Lives Here Inc.
74 West Mary Street
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
T: (613) 476-3356
E: info@historyliveshere.ca www.historyliveshere.ca
Macaulay Heritage Park
35 Church Street
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
T: (613) 476-2148
E: macmuseum@pecounty.on.ca www.thecounty.ca
Marilyn Adams Genealogical Research Centre
Box 35, 528 County Road 19 Ameliasburgh, ON K0K 1A0
T: (613) 967-6291
E: 7thtownmagrc@xplornet.com www.quinte-kin.com/magrc.htm
Mariners' Park Museum
2065 County Road 13
South Bay, ON K0K 2P0
T: (613) 476-2148
E: marineramuseum@pecounty.on.ca www.thecounty.ca
Museums of Prince Edward County
332 Main Street
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
T: (613) 476-2148
www.thecounty.ca/residents/services/ museums
Naval Marine Archive / Canadian Society of Marine Artists
The Victory, 205 Main Street
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
T: (613) 476-1177
E: info@navalmarinearchive.com www.navalmarinearchive.com
Oeno Gallery
2274 County Road 1
Bloomfield, ON K0K 1G0
T: (613) 393-2216
E: info@oenogallery.com www.oenogallery.com
Prince Edward Community Centre
375 Picton Main Street
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
T: (613) 476-2148
E: bookings@pecounty.on.ca www.thecounty.ca/county-government/ departments/community-centres-andarenas/#pecc
Prince Edward County Archives
261 Main Street
Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
T: (613) 399-2023
E: archives@peclibrary.org www.peclibrary.org
Prince Edward Historical Society
261 Main Street
Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
T: (613) 399-2023
E: archives@peclibrary.org www.pehistoc.wordpress.com
Prince Edward Point Bird Observatory
6056 Long Point Road
Milford, ON K0K 2P0
E: info@peptbo.ca www.peptbo.ca
Quinte Educational Museum and Archives
Box 13, 13 Coleman Street
Ameliasburgh, ON K0K 1A0
T: (613) 966-5501
E: qema@bellnet.ca www.qema1978.com
Rose House Museum
3333 County Road 8, RR#4
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
T: (613) 476-5439
E: rosemuseum@pecounty.on.ca www.thecounty.ca
Sandbanks Provincial Park
3004 County Road 12, RR#1
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
T: (613) 393-3319
The Big Apple
262 Orchard Drive
Colborne, ON K0K 1S0
T: (905) 355-2574
E: customer-service@thebigapple.ca www.thebigapple.ca
Timber Island Provincial Nature Reserve
3004 County Road 12, RR#1
Picton, ON K0K 2T0
T: (613) 393-3319
www.ontarioparks.com/park/ timberisland
Trent-Severn Waterway National Historic Site
2155 Ashburnham Drive
Peterborough, ON K9L 1P8
T: 9705) 750-4900
E: trentsevern@pc.gc.ca www.parks.canada.ca/lhn-nhs/on/ trentsevern
Wellington and District Community Centre
230 Niles Street
Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
T: (613) 476-2148
E: bookings@pecounty.on.ca www.thecounty.ca/county-government/ departments/community-centres-andarenas/#pecc
417 Bus Lines
50 Industriel Street, PO Box 650
Casselman, ON K0A 1M0
T: (613) 764-2192
E: info@417busline.com www.417busline.com
Brockville City Bus Lines Ltd.
86 Wall Street
Brockville, ON K6V 4S3
T: (613) 342-4848
First Student Canada
1470 Star Top Road
Ottawa, ON K1B 4V7
T: (613) 721-5500
E: ottawa@autobuscampeau.com www.autobuscampeau.com
Campeau Bus Lines
994 Greenlane Road
Hawkesbury, ON K6A 2R2
T: (613) 632-7809
E: hawkesbury@autobuscampeau.com www.autobuscampeau.com
Campeau Bus Lines
556 St-René Street East
Gatineau, QC J8P 8A9
T: (819) 643-0770
E: outaouais@autobuscampeau.com www.autobuscampeau.com
Chapman Cultural Tours Ltd.
131 Saramia Crescent, Suite B
Concord, ON. L4K 4P7
T: (905) 737-8687
E: info@chapmantours.ca www.chapmantours.ca
Denny's Bus Lines
5414 4th Line
Acton, ON L7J 2L8
T: (519) 833-9117
E: info@dbl.ltd www.dennybuslines.ca
First Student Canada
1470 Star Top Road
Ottawa, ON K1B 4V7
T: (613) 721-5500
E: ottawa@autobuscampeau.com www.autobuscampeau.com
First Student Canada
1019 Moodie Drive
Nepean, ON K2R 1H4
T: (613) 820-7146
Healey Transportation Ltd.
10 Gile Street
Smith Falls, ON K7A 3C2
T: (613) 283-3518
E: info@healeytransportation.ca www.healeytransportation.ca
Wellington Heritage Museum
290 Main Street
Wellington, ON K0K 3L0
T: (613) 476-2148
E: wellmuseum@pecounty.on.ca www.thecounty.ca
Leduc Bus Lines Ltd.
8467 Highway 17
Rockland, ON K4K 1K7
T: (613) 446-0606
E: leducbus@leducbus.com www.leducbus.com
M.L. Bradley Ltd.
3406 Frank Kenny Road
Navan, ON K4B 1H9
T: (613) 835-2488
E: mlb@mlbradley.com www.mlbradley.com
McCoy Bus Service
566 Cataraqui Woods Drive
Kingston, ON K7P 2Y5
T: (613) 507-5566
E: charters@gomccoy.com www.gomccoy.com
Ottawa Student Transportation Authority
300 1547 Merivale Road
Ottawa, ON K2G 4V3
T: (613) 224-8800
E: admin@ottawaschoolbus.ca www.ottawaschoolbus.ca
Premier Bus Lines Inc.
217 Lake Park Road
Carleton Place, ON K7C 0C4
T: (613) 253-8863
E: info@premiercoach.ca www.premiercoach.ca
Roxborough Bus Lines Ltd.
16935 County Road 43
Avonmore, ON K0C 1C0
T: (613) 346-2511
E: info@roxboroughbus.com roxboroughbus.com
Roxborough Bus Lines Ltd.
104 Viau Street
Alexandria, ON K0C 1A0
T: (613) 525-1443
E: info@roxboroughbus.com roxboroughbus.com
Roxborough Bus Lines Ltd.
1546 Baseline Road
Clarence Rockland, ON K4K 1K7
T: (613) 488-2337
E: info@roxboroughbus.com roxboroughbus.com
Roxborough Bus Lines Ltd.
278 St. Lawrence Street West
Madoc, ON K0K 2K0
T: (613) 473-4624821-1414
E: info@roxboroughbus.com roxboroughbus.com
Roxborough Bus Lines Ltd.
6906 McKeown Drive
Greely, ON K4P 1A2
T: (613) 821-1414
E: info@roxboroughbus.com roxboroughbus.com
STEO - Student Transportation of Eastern Ontario 104 Commerce Drive
Prescott, ON K0E 1T0
T: (613) 925-0022
E: transportation@steo.ca www.steo.ca
Tripps Unlimited
125 College Street East
Belleville, ON K8P 5A2
T: (613) 968-9412
E: tripps@cogeco.net www.trippsunlimited.com
Valley Bus Lines Ltd.
782 Van Buren Street
Kemptville, ON K0G 1J0
T: (613) 258-4022
E: valley@busbusbus.com www.busbusbus.com
Whitteker Bus Lines
11317 Rowena Road
Iroquois , ON K0E 1K0
T: (613) 652-2467
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In the country of Canuckland, prices are rising, and people will need to make some serious decisions about how to afford what they need and want in a troubled economy. How will your students fare in this time of inflation?
Students are assigned one of six consumer profiles and must budget for and acquire certain goods and services to survive until the end of the game as prices skyrocket But help is on the way! As the game progresses, the central bank’s inflation targeting tools are employed and students can observe monetary policy at work—and have some fun while they’re at it!
Available in French or English. Programs are approximately 120 minutes long. Add a visit to the Museum for more fun and interactive economic education.
The details
• Grades 9–12, Secondary Cycle Two and CEGEP, linked to Ontario and Quebec curricula for economics, business studies and financial education
• Museum admission and programs are always FREE
• Reservations are required
• Program offered Thursdays and Fridays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
• Convenient bus drop-off location
• Indoor and outdoor on-site eating areas
• Comfortable, secure programming space for up to 50 students
• Free Wi-Fi