PIC Directory 2023

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directory www.pilingindustrycanada.com 2023
2023 Directory 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUITE 300, 6 ROSLYN ROAD, WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3L 0G5 www.delcommunications.com ©Copyright 2023 DEL Communications Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of the publisher. President: David Langstaff Sales Manager: Dayna Oulion Editor: Lyndon McLean Account Executives: Jennifer Hebert • Michelle Raike Production services provided by: S.G. Bennett Marketing Services Creative Director / Design Kathleen Cable PRINTED IN CANADA 01/2023 Associations, Organizations & Education ............................................................................... 4 Piling Contractors ........................................................................................................................... 11 Suppliers & Manufacturers.......................................................................................................... 21 Engineering & Consulting ........................................................................................................... 35 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS American Piledriving Equipment ........................................................................... Suppliers Tab Side A Arntzen Corporation ....................................................................................................................................... 21 Equipment Corporation of America ..................................................................................................... 2 & 3 Fraser River Pile & Dredge GP Inc................................................................................................................ 14 Hercules Machinery Corporation Outside Back Cover Junttan Canada Inc. 27 Liebherr Werk Nenzing GMBH 29 Nucor Skyline ................................................................................................. Piling Contractors Tab Side B Platinum Grover International Inc ........................................................................... Suppliers Tab Side B Samuel Roll Form Group ........................................................................... Piling Contractors Tab Side A Soilmec North America .......................................................................................................................... OFC, 1 Western Equipment Solutions ..................................................................................................................... 34 ON THE COVER: A Soilmec SR-125 working in Western Canada. The SR-125 can be used for a wide range of applications, including drilled shafts, segmental casing, deep CFA up to 38m (as in the picture), CFA Quick Change, CAP (Cased Augered Piles)/CSP, FDP (Full Displacement)/TCT (patented by Soilmec), VDW, Soil Mixing/TurboJet (high pressure soil mixing), multi axis Soil Mixing, etc. Photo courtesy of Hall Shoring & Foundations AMERICAN EQUIPMENT & FABRICATING CORP. Eastern & Central CHAMPION EQUIPMENT SALES, LLC PACIFIC + NV, AZ, AK, & HI SELIX EQUIPMENT INC. Eastern Canada WESTERN EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS, LLC Rockies + Western Canada Please reach out to Soilmec and our SMNA dealers for more information.
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Alberta Construction Association

Contact: Ken Gibson 18004 107 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5S 2J5

T: 780.455.1122 | F: 780.451.2152

E: info@albertaconstruction.net www.albertaconstruction.net

Alberta Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association

Contact: Ron Glen 101, 8905 51 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T6E 5J3

T: 780.436.9860 | F: 780.436.4910

E: info@arhca.ab.ca www.arhca.ab.ca

Association de la construction du Qubec

Contact: Pierre Hamel 9200 Boul. Metropolitain Est Montreal, QC H1K 4L2

T: 514.354.0609 | F: 514.354.8292

E: info@prov.acq.org www.acq.org

Association of Consulting Engineering Companies

130 Albert Street, Suite 420 Ottawa, ON K1P 5G4

T: 613.236.0569 | F: 613.236.0569 E: info@acec.ca www.acec.ca

Association of Professional Engineers & Geoscientists of New Brunswick

Contact: Lia Daborn 183 Hanwell Road Fredericton, NB E3B 2R2

T: 506.458.8083 | F: 506.451.9629 E: info@apegnb.com www.apegnb.com

Barrie Construction Association

Contact: Alison Smith 200 Brock Street Barrie, ON L4N 2M4 T: 705.726.5864 E: info@barrieca.com www.barrieca.com

4 Piling Industry Canada
ASSOCIATIONS, ORGANIZATIONS & EDUCATION CHECK OUT PILING INDUSTRY CANADA’S WEBSITE AT www.pilingindustrycanada.com for more news, supplier releases, and feature stories. WANNA GET MORE PIC NEWS IN YOUR DAY?

BC Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association

Contact: Kelly Scott Suite 307, 8678 Greenall Avenue Burnaby, BC V5J 3M6

T: 604.436.0220 | F: 604.436.2627

E: info@roadbuilders.bc.ca www.roadbuilders.bc.ca

British Columbia Construction Association

Contact: Chris Atchison 401 - 655 Tyee Road Victoria, BC V9A 6X5

T: 250.475.1077 | F: 250.475.1078 www.bccassn.com

Calgary Construction Association

Contact: Bill Black 2725 12th Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 7J2

T: 403.291.3350 | F: 403.250.1607

E: mail@cgyca.com www.cgyca.com

Canadian Construction Association

Contact: Mary Van Buren 1900 - 275 Slater Street Ottawa, ON K1P 5H9 T: 613.236.9455 | F: 613.236.9526

E: cca@cca-acc.com www.cca-acc.com

Canadian Home Builders Association

150 Laurier Avenue W, Suite 500 Ottawa, ON K1P 5J4

T: 613.230.3060

E: chba@chba.ca www.chba.ca

Canadian Home Builders Association

– Northern BC 115, 1705 3rd Avenue Prince George, BC V2L 3G7

T: 250.563.3306

E: admin@chbanorthernbc.ca www.chbanorthernbc.ca

Canadian Home Builders Association of British Columbia

BCIT Campus, Building NW53700 Willingdon Avenue Burnaby , BC V5G 3H2 T: 604.432.7112

E: info@chbabc.org www.chbabc.org

Cement Association of Canada

Contact: Michael McSweeney 1105 - 350 Sparks Street Ottawa, ON K1R 7S8 T: 613.236.9471

E: mmcsweeney@cement.ca www.cement.ca

Cement Association of CanadaOntario Region

Contact: Martha Murray 1 Prologis Boulevard, Suite 102B Mississauga, ON L5W 0G2 T: 416.906.4925

E: mmurray@cement.ca www.cement.ca

Cement Association of Canada –Western Region

Contact: Ken Carrusca 744 West Hastings Street, Suite 400 Vancouver, BC V6C 2X1 T: 604.839.6627

E: kcarrusca@cement.ca www.cement.ca

Construction Association of New Brunswick - CANB-Fredericton Northwest

Contact: John Landry 59 Avonlea Court Fredericton, NB E3C 1N8 T: 506.459.5770 | F: 506.457.1913

E: canb4@nbnet.nb.ca www.constructnb.ca

Construction Association of Nova Scotia

Contact: Melody Hillman 103 - 134 Eileen Stubbs Avenue Dartmouth, NS B3B 0A9 T: 902.468.2267 | F: 902.468.2470

E: cans@cans.ns.ca www.cans.ns.ca

5 2023 Directory


Construction Association of P.E.I.

Contact: Sam Sanderson 223 - 40 Enman Crescent Charlottetown, PE C1E 1E6 T: 902.368.3303 | F: 902.894.9757

E: admin@capei.ca www.capei.ca

Construction Association of Rural Manitoba

Contact: Shawn Wood Unit B, 950 10th Street Brandon, MB R7A 6B5 T: 204.727.4567 | F: 204.727.1048

E: carm@carm.ca www.carm.ca

Construction Association of Thunder Bay

Contact: Harold Lindstrom 857 May Street N Thunder Bay, ON P7C 3S2 T: 807.622.9645 | F: 807.623.2296 E: information@catb.on.ca www.catb.on.ca

Construction Institute of Canada

Contact: John Mollenhauer 70 Leek Crescent Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1H1 T: 416.499.4000 | F: 416.499.8752

E: jmollenhauer@tcaconnect.com www.constructioncanada.ca

Consulting Engineers of Alberta

Contact: Ken Kozakewich 10020 - 101A Avenue, Phipps McKinnon Building, Suite 870 Edmonton, AB T5J 3G2 T: 780.421.1852

E: info@cea.ca www.cea.ca

Consulting Engineers of Nova Scotia

Contact: P.S. (Skit) Ferguson Box 613, Station M Halifax, NS B3J 2R7 T: 902.461.1325

E: cens@eastlink.ca www.cens.org

Council of Ontario Construction


Contact: Ian Cunningham 2001, 180 Dundas Street W Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8 T: 416.968.7200 | F: 416.968.0362 E: info@coca.on.ca www.coca.on.ca

Defence Construction Canada

Contact: Administrator Constitution Square, 19th Floor, 350 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1A 0K3 T: 613.998.9548 | F: 613.998.1061  E: info@dcc-cdc.gc.ca www.dcc-cdc.gc.ca

Edmonton Construction Association

Contact: John McNicoll 10215 176 Street NW Edmonton, AB T5S 1M1 T: 780.483.1130 | F: 780.484.0299 E: contact@edmca.com www.edmca.com

Fort McMurray Construction Association

Contact: Lana Maloney 200 - 9715 Main Street Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2J9 T: 780.791.9288 | F: 888.515.7266 E: fmcaadmin@fmca.net www.fmca.net

Grand Valley Construction Association

Contact: Martha George, P. GSC 25 Sheldon Drive Cambridge, ON N1R 6R8 T: 519.622.4822 E: mgeorge@gvca.org www.gvca.org

Grande Prairie Construction Association

Contact: Carmen Lemay 107, 10814 100 Street Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2M8 T: 780.532.4548 | F: 780.539.4100 E: office@gpca.ca www.gpca.ca

6 Piling Industry Canada

Hamilton-Halton Construction Association

Contact: Sue Ramsay

100 - 370 York Boulevard

Hamilton, ON L8R 3L1

T: 905.522.5220 | F: 905.572.9166

E: sue@hhca.ca www.hhca.ca

Heavy Civil Association of Newfoundland and Labrador

Contact: Jim Organ 25 Kenmount Road St. John’s, NL A1B 1W1

T: 709.364.8811 | F: 709.364.8812

E: jorgan.hcanl@gmail.com www.heavycivilnl.ca

Kingston Construction Association

Contact: Harry Sullivan 1575 John Counter Boulevard Kingston, ON K7M 3L5

T: 613.542.9431 | F: 613.542.2417

E: staff@kca.on.ca www.kca.on.ca

Lethbridge Construction Association

Contact: Erin Low 1705 36 Street N Lethbridge, AB T1H 6L1 T: 403.328.2474 | F: 403.329.0971

E: admin@lethconst.ca www.lethconst.ca

Lloydminster Construction Association

Contact: Dorothy Carson 5420 50 Avenue Lloydminster , AB T9V 0X1

T: 780.875.8875 | F: 780.875.8874

E: lloydca3@telus.net www.lloydconstruction.ca

London & District Construction Association

Contact: Michael Carter 331 Aberdeen Drive London, ON N5V 4S4

T: 519.453.5322 | F: 519.453.5335

E: info@ldca.on.ca www.ldca.on.ca

Manitoba Heavy Construction Association

Contact: Chris Lorenc

3 - 1680 Ellice Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3H 0Z2

T: 204.947.1379 | F: 204.943.2279

E: clorenc@mhca.mb.ca www.mhca.mb.ca/

Medicine Hat Construction Association

Contact: John Digman 914 16 Street SW Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8A4 T: 403.527.9700 | F: 403.526.0520 medhatconstruction.ca

Moose Jaw Construction Association

Contact: Office Administrator 610 1st Avenue NW Moose Jaw, SK S6H 3M6 T: 306.693.1232 | F: 306.694.1766

E: info@mjcaonline.ca www.mjcaonline.ca

NASPD - National Association of Steel Pipe Distributors

Contact: Susannah Porr 1501 East Mockingbird Lane, Suite 212 Victoria, TX 77904-2153 T: 361.574.7878

E: info@naspd.com www.naspd.com

New Brunswick Road Builders & Heavy Construction Association

Contact: Tom McGinn 5 - 59 Avonlea Court Fredericton, NB E3C 1N8 T: 506.454.5079 | F: 506.452.7646

E: tom@rbanb.com www.rbanb.com

Newfoundland & Labrador Construction Association

Contact: Rhonda Neary 397 Stavanger Drive, Suite 202 St. John’s, NL A1A 0A1 T: 709.753.8920 | F: 709.754.3968

E: info@nlca.ca www.nlca.ca



Niagara Construction Association

Contact: Karin Sheldrick 34 Scott Street W St. Catharines, ON L2R 1C9 T: 905.682.6661 | F: 905.688.5029

E: office@niagaraconstruction.org www.niagaraconstruction.org

NOCA - Northeastern Ontario Construction Association

Contact: Sarah Gauthier 257 Beatty Street Sudbury, ON P3C 4G1 T: 705.673.5619 | F: 705.673.7910

E: sarah@nocabuild.com www.nocabuild.com

Northern Regional Construction Association

3851 18 Avenue Prince George, BC V2N 1B1 T: 250.563.1744 | F: 250.563.1107

E: office@nrca.ca www.nrca.ca

Nova Scotia Road Builders Association

Contact: Grant Feltmate 217 - 11 Thornhill Drive Dartmouth, NS B3B 1R9 T: 902.405.3497 | F: 902.404.3060

E: grant@nsrba.ca www.nsrba.ca

Ontario Erectors Association

Contact: Jack Mesley 41 Hurontario Street, Suite 203 Collingwood, ON L9Y 2L7 T: 705.445.9415

E: jack@ontarioerectors.com www.ontarioerectors.com

Ontario General Contractor Association

Contact: Giovanni Cautillo

180 Attwell Drive, Suite 280 Toronto, ON M9W 6A9 T: 905.671.3969 E: info@ogca.ca www.ogca.ca

Ontario Road Builders Association

Contact: Bryan Hocking 1 - 365 Brunel Road Mississauga, ON L4Z 1Z5 T: 905.507.1107 | F: 905.890.8122 E: info@orba.org www.orba.org

Ontario Sewer and Watermain Construction

Contact: Patrick McManus 5045 Orbitor Drive, Unit 12, Suite 400 Mississauga, ON L4W 4Y4 T: 905.629.7766 | F: 905.629.0587 E: info@oswca.org www.oswca.org

Ottawa Construction Association

Contact: John A. DeVries 9 Antares Drive Ottawa, ON K2E 7V5 T: 613.236.0488 | F: 613.238.6124 E: oca@oca.ca www.oca.ca

P.E.I Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association

Contact: Melissa Paquet Box 1901 Charlottetown, PE C1A 7N5 T: 902.894.9514 | F: 902.894.9512 E: info@peirb.ca www.peirb.ca

Peterborough and District Construction Association

Contact: Leo Brouwer 494 The Parkway, Unit 2 Peterborough, ON K9J 7L9 T: 705.745.3581 | F: 705.745.9234

E: office@ peterboroughconstructionassociation.ca www.peterboroughconstructionassociation.ca

Pile Drivers, Divers, Bridge, Dock & Wharf Builders Local 2404

Contact: Administrator 101 - 580 Ebury Place Delta, BC V3M 6M8 T: 604.526.2404 | F: 604.526.2446 E: info@piledrivers2404.ca www.piledrivers2404.ca

8 Piling Industry Canada

Prince Albert Construction Association

Contact: Caroline Bendig

70 17th Street W

Prince Albert, SK S6V 3X3

T: 306.764.2789 | F: 306.764.3443

E: pacon@sasktel.net https://www.pacaonline.ca

Red Deer Construction Association

Contact: Gary Gies Bay 3, 7471 Edgar Industrial Bend Red Deer, AB T4P 3Z5

T: 403.346.4846 | F: 403.343.3280

E: info@rdca.ca www.rdca.ca

Regina Construction Association

Contact: Kevin Dureau 1935 Elphinstone Street Regina, SK S4T 3N3

T: 306.791.7422 | F: 306.565.2840

E: admin@rcaonline.ca www.rcaonline.ca

Reinforcing Steel Institute of Canada

Contact: Roger Hubbard 70 Weybright Court, Unit 6 Scarborough, ON M1S 4E4 T: 416.239.7746

E: rsic@rebar.org www.rebar.org

Sarnia Construction Association

Contact: Andrew Pilat 954 Upper Canada Drive Sarnia, ON N7T 7J4

T: 519.344.7441 | F: 519.344.7501

E: sca@bellnet.ca www.sarniaconstructionassociation.ca

Saskatchewan Construction Association

Contact: Mark Cooper Box 1123 Regina, SK S4P 3B4 T: 306.525.0171

E: sca@scaonline.ca www.scaonline.ca

Saskatchewan Heavy Construction Association

Contact: Shantel Lipp 1939 Elphinstone Street Regina, SK S4T 3N3

T: 306.586.1821 | F: 306.585.3750

E: slipp@saskheavy.ca www.saskheavy.ca

Saskatoon Construction Association

Contact: Shannon Friesen 532 2nd Avenue N Saskatoon, SK S7K 2C5 T: 306.653.1771 | F: 306.653.3515

E: general@saskatoonconstruction.ca www.saskatoonconstruction.ca

Simon Fraser University - School of Engineering Science

8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6 T: 778.782.5723 | F: 778.782.4951

E: enscoa@sfu.ca www.sfu.ca/engineering.html

Southern Interior Construction Association

Contact: Scott Wild 104 - 151 Commercial Drive Kelowna, BC V1X 7W2 T: 250.491.7330 | F: 250.491.3929

E: scottw@sicabc.ca www.sicabc.ca

Toronto Construction Association

Contact: Barbara Mirsky 70 Leek Crescent Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1H1 T: 416.499.4000 | F: 416.499.8752

E: bmirsky@tcaconnect.com www.tcaconnect.com

Vancouver Island Construction Association

Contact: Rory Kulmala 1075 Alston Street Victoria, BC V9A 3S6

T: 250.388.6471 | F: 250.388.5183 E: info@vicabc.ca www.vicabc.ca



Vancouver Island Construction Association - Nanaimo

Contact: Rory Kulmala 5 - 1850 Northfield Road Nanaimo, BC V9S 3B3

T: 250.388.6471 | F: 250.388.5183

E: info@vicabc.ca www.vicabc.ca

Vancouver Regional Construction Association

Contact: Fiona Famulak 3636 East 4th Avenue Vancouver, BC V5M 1M3

T: 604.294.3766 | F: 604.298.9472 E: info@vrca.ca www.vrca.ca

Winnipeg Construction Association

Contact: Ron Hambley 1447 Waverley Street Winnipeg, MB R3T 0P7

T: 204.775.8664 | F: 204.783.6446

E: wca@winnipegconstruction.ca www.winnipegconstruction.ca

Yukon Contractors Association

Contact: Kelly Harder Box 30124, RPO Ogilvie, 220 - 2237 2nd Avenue Whitehorse, YK Y1A 5M2 T: 867.335.0374 | F: 867.668.3985

E: office@yukoncontractors.ca www.yukoncontractors.ca

10 Piling Industry Canada
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Almita Piling Inc.

Contact: Chris Boettcher 200, 1603 91st Street SW Edmonton, AB T6X 0W8

T: 800.363.4868

E: info@almita.com www.almita.com

American Deep Foundation Inc.

1784 Dooley Town Road Statham , GA 30666

T: 770.725.9615 | F: 770.725.7915

E: info@americandeepfoundation.com www.americandeepfoundation.com

Anchor Shoring & Caissons Ltd.

3445 Kennedy Road Toronto , ON M1V 4Y3

T: 416.292.1401 www.gflenv.com/gfl-locations/anchor/

Argue Construction Ltd.

Contact: F. Shawn Argue 2900 Carp Road Carp, ON K0A 1L0 T: 613.831.7044 | F: 613.831.6344

E: info@argueconstruction.ca www.argueconstruction.ca

Arguson Projects Inc.

Contact: Dan Boucher 2655 N. Sheridan Way, Suite 400 Mississauga , ON L5K 2P8

T: 905.848.0707 | F: 905.848.0708 www.arguson.ca

Ark Construction Ltd.

Contact: Robert Nicolini 255 Michael Cowpland Drive Ottawa, ON K2M 0M5

T: 613.224.6200 | F: 613.599.3118

E: info@arkconstruction.ca www.arkconstruction.ca

ASCO Construction Ltd.

Contact: Jason Assaly 2283 Argentia Road, Unit 8 Mississauga, ON L5N 5Z2

T: 905.542.9622 | F: 905.542.1258

E: info@ascoconstruction.com www.ascoconstruction.com

Atlantic Industries Ltd. Box 6161, 32 York Street Sackville, NB E4L 1G6

T: 506.364.4600 E: info@ail.ca www.ail.ca

Avery Construction Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 940 Second Line W Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6C 2L3 T: 705.759.4800 | F: 705.759.6775

E: info@averyconstruction.ca www.averyconstruction.ca

Avondale Construction Ltd.

Contact: Nick Bird 245 English Drive Moncton, NB E1E 3Y8 T: 506.855.5554 | F: 506.855.5322 E: nbird@avondaleconstruction.com www.avondaleconstruction.com

B.B.S.Construction (Ontario) Ltd. Contact: Frits Bosman 1805 Woodward Drive Ottawa, ON K2C 0P9 T: 613.226.8830 | F: 613.226.7709 www.bbsconstruction.ca

B.L.T. Construction Services Inc.

Contact: Mark Watts Suite A, 953 Eglinton Avenue E Toronto, ON M4G 4B5 T: 416.755.2505 | F: 416.755.9828 E: info@bltconstruction.com www.bltconstruction.com

Barclay Construction Group Inc.

Contact: Jim Barclay 55 Morley Street Hamilton, ON L8H 3R8 T: 905.547.5200 | F: 905.547.5211 E: info@barclayconstruction.com www.barclayconstruction.com

Bauer Foundations Canada Inc.

5050 74th Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 3C9 T: 403.723.0159 | F: 403.723.0169

E: info@bauerfoundations.ca www.bauerfoundations.ca

2023 Directory 11 PILING CONTRACTORS


Bird Construction Company

Contact: Roger Rowsell

150 Isabella Street, Suite 1200 Ottawa, ON K1S 1V7 T: 613.912.7738 www.bird.ca

Bisson Expert

Contact: Raymond Bisson 5450 Ramsay Street Saint-Hubert, QC J3Y 2S4 T: 514.990.2519 E: client@bissonexpert.com www.bissonexpert.com

Bob’s Pile Driving & Crane Service

3912 42 Avenue, Box 807 Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N8 T: 780.778.2761

E:  bobspile@telus.net www.bobspiledriving.com

Bockstael Construction Ltd.

Contact: John P. Bockstael 200 - 100 Paquin Road Winnipeg, MB R2J 3V4 T: 204.233.7135 E: bcladmin@bockstael.com www.bockstael.com

Brayman Construction Corporation

1000 John Roebling Way Saxonburg, PA 16056 T: 724.443.1533 www.brayman.com

Broadwater Industries (2011) Ltd.

Contact: Doug Mac Kereth 247 1st Avenue E Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1A7 T: 250.624.5158 | F: 250.624.5668 E: bw@citywest.ca www.broadwaterindustries.ca

Broccolini Construction Group

Contact: John Broccolini 2680 Skymark Avenue, Suite 800 Mississauga, ON L4W 5L6 T: 416.242.7772 www.broccolini.com

Burton Marine Pile Driving Inc.

Contact: Steve Burton

7 - 2322 Dominion Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 2W8 T: 778.755.6600 | F: 778.755.6601 E: info@burtonpiledriving.com www.burtonpiledriving.com

Cam Arrow 2019 Ltd.

Contact: Jayson Chale 51 Matheson Parkway Sunnyside, MB R5R 0E3 T: 204.777.0370

E: jchale@camarrow.ca www.camarrow.ca

Campbell Construction Ltd.

Contact: Wayne Farey 559 Kelvin Road Victoria, BC V8Z 1C4 T: 250.475.1300 | F: 250.475.0303 E: info@campbellconstruction.ca www.campbellconstruction.ca

CANA Construction Co. Ltd.

Contact: Mark Hames #100, 5720 4th Street SE Calgary, AB T2H 1K7 T: 403.255.5521 | F: 403.259.4004 E: info@cana.ca www.cana.ca

Canada Paving & Construction Ltd.

Contact: Angelo Caruso 23-A Tristan Court Nepean , ON K2E 8B9 T: 613.723.7849  | F: 613.723.7874  E: info@canadapaving.ca www.canadapaving.ca

Carmacks Enterprises Ltd.

Contact: Keith James 701 25 Avenue Nisku, AB T9E 0C1 T: 780.955.5545 | F: 780.955.1768 E: carmacks@carmacksent.com www.carmacksent.com

12 Piling Industry Canada

Caspian Construction Inc.

Contact: Shaun Babakhanians 2245 McGillivray Boulevard Winnipeg, MB R3Y 1S6

T: 204.224.1733 | F: 204.224.3274 www.caspianconstruction.com

Century Group Constructors Inc. –East

895 Meyerside Drive Mississauga, ON L5T 1R8 T: 905.564.6565 www.cgigc.com

Century Group Constructors Inc.West

590 Beaver Lake Road Victoria, BC V9E 2E7

T: 250.727.6560 www.cgigc.com

Chandos Construction Ltd.

Contact: Owen Nordmark 1000, 15 Sunpark Plaza SE, Suite 200 Calgary, AB T2X 0M5

T: 403.640.0101 | F: 403.640.3737

E: onordmark@chandos.com www.chandos.com

Clark Builders

Contact: Construction Manager 800 - 5555 Calgary Trail NW Calgary, AB T6H 5P9

T: 780.395.3300 | F: 780.395.3545

E: edmonton@clarkbuilders.com www.clarkbuilders.com

Collins Company

Contact: Nick or Maria Collins 3020 Issaquah Pine Lake RD SE, #118 Sammamish, WA 98075

T: 360.387.9298 | F: 360.387.2186

E: collinsco1953@yahoo.com www.collinspilehammers.com

Construction Audet & Knight

Contact: General Manager 140 rue Jacques-Bibeau Rouyn-Noranda, QC J9Y 0A3

T: 819.764.4666

E: info@audetknight.com www.audetknight.com

COWI North America Inc. 1191 2nd Avenue, Suite 1110 Seattle, WA 98101 T: 206.216.3933

E: cowimailbox@cowi.com www.cowi.com

COWI North America Ltd.

Contact: Jeannine Martin 138 13 Street East, Suite 400 North Vancouver, BC V7L 0E5 T: 604.986.1222  E: cowimailbox@cowi.com www.cowi.com

D.C.D. Pile Driving Ltd.

Contact: Jody Pittman 2705 North Island Highway Campbell River, BC V9W 2H4 T: 250.286.0701 | F: 250.286.1343 E: jwtimber@uniserve.com www.freshwatergroup.ca

D.J. McRae Contractors Ltd. 1978 Yonge Street, Unit 202 Toronto, ON M4S 1Z7 T: 416.532.3078 E: info@djmcrae.ca www.djmcrae.ca

Dean Construction Co. Ltd.

Contact: Marc Dean 2720 Front Road LaSalle , ON N9J 2N5 T: 519.734.8999 | F: 519.734.6888

E: info@deanconstructioncompany.com www.deanconstructioncompany.com


Corporation / Steel Piling

Contact: Ken Neault 785001 TWP RD 785A Rycroft, AB T0H 3A0 T: 780.765.2555 E: info@dfipiling.com www.dfipiling.com

Dominion Pipe & Piling

Contact: Sheldon Dasiuk 9100 Venture Avenue SE Calgary, AB T3S 0A2 T: 403.236.1788 | F: 403.236.2478 www.dominionpipe.ca

2023 Directory 13 PILING CONTRACTORS


DORA Construction

Contact: Donald MacDonald 201 Churchill Drive, Unit 203 Sydney, NS B1S 0H1

T: 902.562.3400 E: info@doraconstruction.com www.doraconstruction.com

Dufresne Piling Co. (1967) Ltd.

100 Citigate Drive Ottawa, ON K2J 6K7 T: 613.739.5355 | F: 613.739.4012 E: info@tomlinsongroup.com www.tomlinsongroup.com

ECA Canada Company

Contact: Ray Kemppianen 34 Anderson Boulevard Uxbridge, ON L9P 0C7 T: 905.640.9800 | F: 905.640.9808 E: ray@ecacanada.ca www.ecacanada.ca

ECP - Earth Contact Products

Contact: Aaron Graham 15612 S. Keeler Terrace Olathe, KS 66062 T: 913.298.6749 | F: 913.393.0008  E: akgrayham@earthcontactproducts. com www.earthcontactproducts.com

Ed Brunet and Associates Canada Inc.

Contact: Jim Wilson 4 Dumas Street Gatineau, QC J8Y 2M4 T: 819.777.3877 | F: 819.777.8049 E: info@edbrunet.com www.edbrunet.com

Eos Pipeline & Facilities Inc.

Contact: Martin Henderson 1205, 736 6 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 3T7 T: 403.232.8200 E: martinh@eos1990.com www.eos1990.com

Forage FTE Drilling

948 boul. Lionel-Boulet Varennes, QC J3X 1P7 T: 450.985.1344 | F: 450.985.1347 E: pblais@foragefte.com www.foragefte.com

Fraser River Pile & Dredge (GP) Inc. (FRPD)

Contact: Sarah Clark 1830 River Drive New Westminster, BC V3M 2A8 T: 604.522.7971 | F: 604.521.7530 E: info@frpd.com www.frpd.com

Fraser River Pile & Dredge (GP) Inc.

As Canada’s largest Marine Construction, Land Foundations and Dredging contractor, FRPD is a recognized leader that employs state of the art methods and equipment. FRPD ’s versatile fleet is ready to complete all scope and size Marine Construction, Environmental Remediation, Dredging and Land Foundation projects. Established in 1911 as Fraser River Pile Driving Company and incorporated in 2008 as Fraser River Pile & Dredge (GP) Inc., FRPD’s team of highly skilled professionals brings more than 100 years of experience and commitment to exceeding expectations.

1830 River Drive, New Westminster, B.C. V3M 2A8

Phone: 604-522-7971 (24/7) www.frpd.com info@frpd.com

14 Piling Industry Canada

FWS Commercial Projects Ltd.

Contact: Denis Tetrault 2920 Virtual Way, Suite 20 Vancouver, BC V5M 0C4

T: 604.299.0454

E: info@fwsgroup.com www.fwsgroup.com

Graham Construction and Engineering Inc. (HQ)

Contact: Kees Cusveller 10840 27 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3R6 T: 403.570.5000 | F: 403.236.6575

E: inquiries@graham.ca www.graham.ca

Graham Construction and Engineering Inc. (Infrastructure)

Contact: General Manager 10909 27 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3V9 T: 403.253.1314

E: inquiries@graham.ca www.graham.ca

Graham Marine Construction

Contact: Cheryl Graham 7778 Balfour Wharf Road, PO Box 171 Balfour, BC V0G 1C0 T: 250.229.2169

E: info@grahammarine.ca www.grahammarine.ca

Groupe Piche Construction Ontario Inc.

Contact: Jonathan Boily 5460 Canotek Road, Unit 98 Gloucester, ON K1J 9G9

T: 613.742.4217 | F: 613.742.5920

E: info@groupepiche.ca www.groupepiche.ca

HC Matcon Inc.

Contact: Gaetan Mondoux 4 - 122 Earl Thompson Road Ayr, ON N0B 1E0

T: 519.623.6454

E: info@hcgroup.ca www.hcgroup.ca

HCM Contractors Inc. 7162 110 Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 5H8 T: 403.248.4884

E: info@hcgroup.ca www.hcgroup.ca

Helical Pier Systems Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 180 Strathmoor Drive Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2B7 T: 780.400.3700 | F: 780.400.3701

E: salesteam@hpspile.com www.hpspile.com

Icon Construction Ltd. Bay 10, 12221 44 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4H3 T: 306.520.7070

E: accounts@icon-corporate.ca www.icon-construction.ca

Inland Screw Piling Ltd.

Contact: Harry Knelsen Box 1299 Coaldale, AB T1M 1N1 T: 403.345.6781

E: info@inlandscrewpiling.com www.inlandscrewpiling.com

Innovative Piling Solutions

Contact: Banain Cote 201 9th Street N, Box 174 Martensville, SK S0K 2T0 T: 306.384.3700 | F: 306.384.3713

E: info@innovativepiling.com www.innovativepiling.ca

Irving Equipment Ltd.

Contact: General Manager Box 3400 Saint John, NB E2M 4X9 T: 506.635.5555 | F: 506.635.5608

E: info@irvingequipment.com www.irvingequipment.com

ITC Construction Group

Contact: General Manager 800 - 564 Beatty Street Vancouver, BC V6B 2L3 T: 604.685.0111 | F: 604.685.0112 www.itc-group.com

2023 Directory 15 PILING CONTRACTORS


Junttan Canada Inc.

Contact: Bruce Patterson 3801 53rd Avenue Lacombe, AB T4L 2L6

T: 403.782.1900 | F: 888.407.7309

E: bruce@canadianpile.com www.canadianpile.com

Kinetic Construction Ltd.

Contact: Gerhard Botha #201, 862 Cloverdale Avenue Victoria, BC V8X 2S8 T: 250.381.6331 | F: 250.386.2286

E: gbotha@kineticconstruction.com www.kineticconstruction.com

Ledcor Construction Limited

Contact: Gord Naylor 200, 2 International Boulevard Toronto, ON M9W 1A2 T: 905.673.0009  www.ledcor.com

Ledcor Construction Ltd.

Contact: Doug Schell Suite 1200, 1067 Cordova Street W Vancouver, BC V6C 1C7 T: 604.681.7500 www.ledcor.com

Ledcor Construction Ltd.

Contact: General Manager Suite 200, 4803 87 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6E 0V3 T: 780.395.5400 www.ledcor.com

M Builds Construction

Contact: General Manager 101, 2770 3 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A 2L5 T: 403.204.8100 | F: 403.204.4969 www.mbuilds.ca

M Builds Construction

Contact: General Manager 110 - 130 Broadway Boulevard  Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2A3 T: 780.467.2601 | F: 780.467.2691 www.mbuilds.ca

Magil Construction Limited

Contact: General Manager

2000 Argentia Road, Plaza 2, Suite 101 Mississauga, ON L5N 1V8 T: 905.890.9193 | F: 905.890.4940 E: toronto@magil.com www.magil.com

Maple Reinders Constructors Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 2660 Argentia Road Mississauga, ON L5N 5V4 T: 905.821.4844 | F: 905.821.4822 E: info@maple.ca www.maple.ca

Marathon Underground Constructors Corporation

Contact: General Manager 6847 Hiram Drive Greely, ON K4P 1A2 T: 613.821.4800 E: info@marathonunderground.com www.marathonunderground.com

Menard Canada

Contact: General Manager 12391 Horseshoe Way, Unit 101 Richmond, BC V7A 4X6 T: 604.241.7151  | F: 604.241.7119  www.menardcanada.ca

Menard Canada

Contact: General Manager 2 Campbell Drive, Unit 205 Uxbridge, ON L9P 1H6 T: 905.862.9032 | F: 647.847.5387 www.menardcanada.ca


Construction & Development Ltd.

Contact: Kris Potts 1304 Woodbine Avenue, Unit 1 Toronto, ON M4C 4E7 T: 647.435.5433 | F: 647.435.5574 E: info@norsemanconstruction.ca www.norsemanconstruction.ca

16 Piling Industry Canada PILING

North America Construction (1993) Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 21 Queen Street Morriston, ON N0B 2C0

T: 519.821.8000 | F: 519.821.1111

E: nac@nacsworld.com www.nacsworld.com

North American Construction Group Inc.

Contact: General Manager 27287 100 Avenue Acheson, AB T7X 6H8

T: 780.960.7171 | F: 780.969.5599

E: businessdevelopment@nacg.ca www.nacg.ca

North American Steel Erectors Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 160 Griffin Ranch Road Cochrane, AB T4C 2B8

T: 587.316.1792

E: info@nasteelerectors.com www.nasteelerectors.com

Nucor Skyline

Contact: Sales 300 Technology Center Way, Suite 450 Rock Hill, SC 29730 T: 803.620.8516

E: info@nucorskyline.com www.nucorskyline.com

Okanagan Pile Driving Ltd.

Contact: Stephen Smith 125 Twin Lakes Road Enderby, BC V0E 1V3

T: 250.545.4172 www.okanaganpiledriving.com

PCL Constructors Inc.

Contact: Dave Filipchuk 9915 56 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T6E 5L7

T: 780.733.5000

E: NAHQinquiries@pcl.com www.pcl.com

PCL Constructors Inc.

Contact: Sean Hamelin Suite 310, 13911 Wireless Way Richmond, BC V6V 3B9 T: 604.241.5200

E: bcinquiries@pcl.com www.pcl.com

Peter Kiewit Sons ULC

Contact: General Manager 310 - 4350 Still Creek Drive Burnaby , BC V5C 0G5 T: 604.629.5419 | F: 604.629.0310 www.kiewit.com

Peter Kiewit Sons ULC

Contact: General Manager 1425 North Service Road E, Unit 1 Oakville, ON L6H 1A7 T: 905.337.4000 | F: 905.337.4001 www.kiewit.com

Petrifond Foundation Co. Ltd.

Contact: Vince Luongo 3080 Le Carrefour Boulevard, Suite 602 Laval, QC H7T 2R5 T: 514.387.2838 | F: 514.387.9684 E: petrifond@petrifond.com www.petrifond.com

Pilemaster Inc.

Contact: Tony Gillis 16201 92 Street Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2N8 T: 780.539.3538 | F: 780.538.9686 E: pilemaster@telus.net www.pilemasterandbridge.com

Pinnacle Drilling Products

Contact: General Manager 72 Technology Way SE Calgary, AB T3S 0B9 T: 403.236.3393 E: sales@pinnacledrilling.ca www.pinnacledrilling.ca

Pioneer Construction Inc.

Contact: General Manager 1 Ceasar Road Sudbury, ON P3E 5P3 T: 705.560.7200 | F: 705.560.8263 E: info@pioneerconstruction.ca www.pioneerconstruction.ca

2023 Directory 17 PILING CONTRACTORS


Platinum Construction Corporation

Contact: Construction Manager 83 Citation Drive, Unit 2 Vaughan, ON L4K 2Z6

T: 905.763.8119 | F: 905.763.8919

E: info@platinumconstruction.com www.platinumconstruction.com

Platinum Grover International Inc.

Contact: General Manager 420, 333 11th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 1L9 T: 403.221.PIPE (7473) | F: 403.262.3209

E: sales@platinumgrover.com www.platinumgrover.com

Pomerleau Inc.

Contact: Francis Pomerleau 220 343 Preston Street Ottawa, ON K1S 1N4 T: 613.244.4323 | F: 613.244.4327

E: info@pomerleau.ca www.pomerleau.ca

Pomerleau Inc.

Contact: General Manager 900 West Hastings, Suite 1100 Vancouver, BC V6C 1E5 T: 604.592.9767 | F: 604.592.9766

E: info@pomerleau.ca www.pomerleau.ca

Pomerleau Inc.

Contact: Eric Charbonneau 521 6th Avenue St-Georges, QC G5Y 0H1 T: 418.228.6688 | F: 418.228.3524

E: info@pomerleau.ca www.pomerleau.ca

Postech Bathurst

Contact: Joel Albert 1690 Riverside Drive Bathurst, NB E2A 6L4 T: 506.545.8763

E: bathurst@postechpiles.com www.pieuvistech.com/installateurs/ postech-bathurst/

Postech Screw Piles

Contact: General Manager 10260, Boulevard Bourque Sherbrooke, QC J1N 0G2 T: 819.843.3003 | F: 819.846.0793

E: info@pieuvistech.com www.postechpiles.com

Pro Pile Inc.

Contact: Randy Gee 12156 242 Road Fort St John, BC V0C 1H0 T: 250.787.2663 E: info@propile.ca www.propile.ca

R & L Pumpjack Services


Contact: General Manager Box 7077 Station Main Drayton Valley, AB T7A 1S4 T: 780.542.4258 | F: 780.542.7454 E: info@rlpumpjack.ca www.rlpumpjack.ca

R.W. Tomlinson Ltd.

Contact: Ron Tomlinson 100 Citigate Drive Ottawa, ON K2J 6K7 T: 613.822.1867 | F: 613.822.6844 E: info@tomlinsongroup.com www.tomlinsongroup.com

Rankin Construction Inc.

Contact: General Manager 20 Corporate Park Drive, Suite 100 - 101 St. Catharines, ON L2S 3W2 T: 905.684.1111 www.rankinconstruction.ca

Reliance Construction Group

Contact: General Manager 3285 J.B. Deschamps Montreal, QC H8T 3E4 T: 514.631.7999 | F: 514.631.3888 E: info@relianceconstruction.com www.relianceconstruction.com

Revay and Associates Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 4333 St. Catherine Street W, Suite 500 Montreal, QC H3Z 1P9 T: 514.932.2188 | F: 514.939.0776

E: montreal@revay.com www.revay.com

18 Piling Industry Canada

Ross & Anglin Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 2920 Sheffield Road Ottawa, ON K1B 1A4

T: 613.746.4220

E: info@rossanglin.ca www.rossanglin.ca

Roterra Piling Ltd.

Contact: Gene Axani 25420 114 Avenue Acheson, AB T7X 6M4

T: 780.948.8556  | F: 780.948.8657

E: info@roterra.com www.roterra.com

Ruskin Construction Ltd.

8081 River Road Delta, BC V4G 1B4

T: 604.940.8184 | F: 604.940.6440 www.ruskinconstruction.com

Shoreline Pile Driving & Boat Lifts

2053 Campbell Road West Kelowna, BC V1Z 1S9

T: 250.769.7694 | F: 250.769.7693

E: info@shorelinepiledriving.com www.shorelinepiledriving.com

Soletanche Bachy Canada

Contact: Rui Arco 7737 Roper Road NW Edmonton, AB T6E 0W4 T: 780.468.3392

E: rui.arco@agrafoundations.com www.sb-canada.com

Soletanche Bachy Canada

Contact: Steve Mallinson 416 Monument Place SE Calgary, AB T2A 1X3 T: 403.272.5531

E: steve.mallinson@agra.com www.sb-canada.com

Stuart Olson Inc.

Contact: Mike Bebbington 300, 13777 Commerce Parkway Richmond, BC V6V 2X3

T: 604.273.7765

E: info@stuartolson.com www.stuartolson.com

Stuart Olson Inc.

Contact: Brad Gordon 5450 Explorer Drive, Suite 301 Mississauga, ON L4W 5N1 T: 905.206.0998

E: info@stuartolson.com www.stuartolson.com

Subterranean (Manitoba) Ltd.

Contact: Peter Mignacca 6 St. Paul Boulevard West St. Paul, MB R2P 2W5 T: 204.775.8291 | F: 204.783.0968

E: info@subterranean.ca www.subterranean.ca

Surespan Construction Ltd.

Contact: General Manager Suite 301, 38 Fell Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S2 T: 604.998.1133 | F: 604.998.1132

E: info@surespan.com www.surespan.com

Taggart Construction Ltd.

Contact: Jeff Mulcock 3187 Albion Road S Ottawa, ON K1V 8Y3 T: 613.521.3000   | F: 613.526.5909    www.taggartconstruction.com

Team Foundation Systems Ltd. 101 - 916 Ethel Street Kelowna, BC V1Y 2W2 T: 250.868.8325 | F: 250.868.8113

E: accounting@teamfoundation.ca www.teamfoundation.ca

The Diamond Steel Construction Company

Contact: Dave Collins 11260 Mentzer Drive, PO Box 156 North Lima, OH 44452 T: 330.549.5500  | F: 330.549.5501

E: dcollins@diamondsteel.com www.diamondsteel.com

2023 Directory 19 PILING CONTRACTORS


The Structural Group of Companies

Contact: Louis Bernardi 29 Gormley Industrial Avenue, PO Box 275

Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 T: 416.291.7576 | F: 416.291.1267

E: feedback@structform.com www.structform.com

Traugott Building Contractors Inc.

Contact: General Manager 3740 11A Street NE, Unit 101B Calgary, AB T2E 6M6 T: 403.276.6444 | F: 403.276.1444 www.traugott.com

Trotter & Morton Building Technologies

Contact: General Manager 5151 Canada Way Vancouver, BC V5E 3N1 T: 604.525.4499 | F: 604.525.4493

E: vanmechestimating@tmlgroup.com www.trotterandmorton.com

Valard Group of Companies

Contact: Barkley Adams 10774 42 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 0L5 T: 403.279.1003 E: corpcomm@valard.com www.valard.com

Valley Pile Driving & Marine Construction

Contact: Construction Manager 3104 30 Avenue Vernon, BC V1T 2C2 T: 250.558.9454

E: valleypiledriving@telus.net

Van Horne Construction Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 777 Dunsmuir Street, 17th Floor Vancouver, BC V7Y 1K4 T: 778.807.5666 | F: 778.897.1566

E: info@vanhorne.ca www.vanhorne.ca

Waterworks Construction Limited

Contact: General Manager 11 Poseidon Court Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4T9 T: 902.422.5516 | F: 902.422.6202

E: info@municipalgroup.ca www.waterworksconstruction.ca

Wercholoz Canada Inc.

Contact: Manfred Stach 95 Cascade Street, Suite 2 Hamilton, ON L8E 3B7 T: 905.560.5064 | F: 905.560.7070

E: nstach@bellnet.ca www.wercholoz.com

West Coast Pile Driving (2013)

Contact: Bill Johnston 12955 Katonien Street Maple Ridge, BC V2W 0J2 T: 604.969.8973


E: estimating@westcoastpiledriving.com www.westcoastpiledriving.com

Westco Construction Ltd.

Contact: Derek O’Connor 214 31st Street N Lethbridge, AB T1H 3Z3 T: 403.380.4084 | F: 403.381.4063 www.westcoconstruction.ca

Williams Form Engineering Corporation 8165 Graphic Drive Belmont, MI 49306 T: 616.866.0815 | F: 616.866.1890

E: williams@williamsform.com www.williamsform.com

Wolseley Canada Inc.

Contact: General Manager 880 Laurentian Drive Burlington, ON L7N 3V6 T: 905.335.7373 www.wolseleyinc.ca

20 Piling Industry Canada
SUPPLIERS & MANUFACTURERS TAB REMA I C ANPILEDRIVINGEQU I P TNEM M& FOUNDATION EQUIP M E APE DRIVES PILEDRIVING TECHNOLOGY Just Ask a Piledriver EASTERN CANADA Sayreville, NJ (888) 217-7524 (732) 432-6604 paulk@americanpiledriving.com billz@ americanpiledriving.com WESTERN CANADA Nisku, AB (855) 328-9888 (780) 474-9888 ericl@ americanpiledriving.com CORPORATE OFFICE 7032 South 196th St. Kent, WA 98032 (800) 248-8498 (253) 872-0141 stevec@ americanpiledriving.com Kramer Direct using the APE 300-6 Silverback Vibro on the Crocker Creek DPI Project for the Coastal GasLink in BC
Request a Quote Today! 1.844.777.7473 sales@platinumgrover.com Your Industry Leading FIRST-CALL-SOLUTIONS Provider Of Pipe & Piling: ○ 2 3/8” To 84” O.D. ○ From .154” Wall To 1.5” Wall We Expedite Your: ○ Custom Orders, Transportation & Galvanizing Needs Suppliers Of: ○ Piling Pipe, Shoes, Tips & Caps We Provide On-Site Services: ○ Cut, Bevel & Weld To Length Serving Canada & USA

Almita Piling Inc.

Contact: Chris Boettcher 200, 1603 91st Street SW Edmonton, AB T6X 0W8

T: 800.363.4868

E: info@almita.com www.almita.com

Alpha Pipe Co.

Contact: Jim Roeder/Carl Hylton {SR] 12360 Old Tesson Road {SR] St. Louis, MO 63128

T: 800.860.0599 | F: 636.861.2442

E: sales@alphapipeco.com {SR] www.alphapipeco.com

American Piledriving Equipment (APE)

Contact: Larry Mulanax 1002 7 Street Nisku, AB T9E 7P2

T: 780.474.9888

E: ericl@americanpiledriving.com www.americanpiledriving.com

American Piledriving Equipment (APE)

Contact: Chris Corp 2985 Loomis Road Stockton, CA 95205 T: 209.942.2166 | F: 209.942.2455

E: chrisc@americanpiledriving.com www.americanpiledriving.com


American Piledriving Equipment (APE)

Contact: Steve Cress 7032 South, 196th Street Kent, WA 98032 T: 253.872.0141  | F: 253.872.8710

E: stevec@americanpiledriving.com www.americanpiledriving.com

Apex Steel Pipe & Pile

Contact: Jason Hebert 1221 S. Shepherd Drive Houston, TX 77019 T: 713.355.5200 | F: 713.840.1913

E: sales@apexpipe.com www.apexpipe.com

Arntzen Corporation - Custom Rolling Steel

Contact: Brad Kemp 14600 Washington Street Woodstock, IL 60098 T: 800.957.7655

E: sales@arntzencorp.com arntzenrolling.com

Arntzen Corporation - Steel Pipe Mill

Contact: Richard Arntzen 1025 School Street Rockford, IL 61101 T: 815.964.9413

E: pipesales@arntzencorp.com www.arntzenpipe.com


Associated Pile & Fitting

Contact: Judy Pomo Box 1264 Clifton , NJ 07012-1264 T: 973.773.8400 | F: 973.773.8442 E: apf@associatedpile.com www.associatedpile.com

Atlantic Industries Limited

Contact: General Manager 166, 12143 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4E6 T: 403.730.6980 E: ab@ail.ca www.ail.ca

Atlas Copco Canada Inc.

Contact: General Manager 101 - 2240 Argentia Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2X7 T: 800.465.4777  | F: 289.562.6199 E: Powertechnique.Canada@ ca.atlascopco.com www.atlascopco.ca

Atlas Copco Canada Inc.

Contact: General Manager 5060 Levy Saint-Laurent, QC H4R 2P1 T: 800.667.9875 E: contactus@ca.atlascopco.com www.atlascopco.ca

Atlas Pipe Piles

Contact: Chris Ragan 1855 E 122nd Street Chicago , IL 60633 T: 800.773.5683

E: chris.ragan@atlastube.com www.atlaspipepiles.com

Atlas Tube - division of Zekelman


Contact: Chris Ragan 6651 East State Highway 137 Blytheville, AR 72315 T: 870.838.2000 | F: 870.838.6630

E: chris.ragan@atlastube.com www.atlastube.com

Atlas Tube Canada

Contact: General Manager 200 Clark Street, Box 970 Harrow, ON N0R 1G0 T: 519.738.5000 E: sales@atlastube.com www.atlastube.com

Bauer Equipment America Inc. 680 Conroe Park West Drive Conroe, TX 77303 T: 713.691.3000

E: info@bauer-equipment.com www.bauer-equipment.com

Bauer Equipment America Inc. 91 Greenville Road Livermore, CA 94551 T: 925.449.6001 E: info@bauer-equipment.com www.bauer-equipment.com

Bentley Canada Inc.

Contact: General Manager 5046 Mainway Burlington, ON L7L 5Z1 T: 800.BENTLEY (236.8539) www.bentley.com

Canam Group Inc.

Contact: General Manager 1739 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1J5 T: 905.671.3460 www.groupecanam.com

Cappco Tubular Products Inc. Contact: General Manager 26777 Lorain Road, Suite 216 North Olmsted, OH 44070 T: 216.641.2218 | F: 216.641.2219

E: steelpipesales@pscmetals.com www.cappco.com

Casagrande USA Inc.

290 North Church Road Sparta, NJ 7871 T: 973.579.1906 | F: 973.579.1907 E: g.cibien@casagrandegroup.com www.casagrandegroup.com

22 Piling Industry Canada

Christianson Pipe Inc

Contact: Kevin Bilinski Box 5451

High River, AB T1V 1M6

T: 403.652.4336 | F: 403.652.4913

E: contact@christiansonpipe.com www.christiansonpipe.com

CRD Creighton Rock Drill

Contact: Bob Creighton 2222 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1B1

T: 905.673.8200 | F: 800.667.4280

E: bob@creightonrock.com www.creightonrock.com

Crestwood Tubulars Inc

Contact: Tom Ferguson Box 6950 St. Louis, MO 61323

T: 800.238.7473 | F: 314.842.9064

E: info@crestwoodtubulars.com www.crestwoodtubulars.com

Cubex Equipment Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 7423 Wilson Avenue Delta, BC V4G 1E5 T: 604.946.1856

E: dashe@cubexltd.com www.cubexltd.com

Cyntech - A Keller Corporation

17807 Highway 105 Plantersville, TX 77363

T: 936.206.7810 | F: 936.206.7820

E: info@cyntech.com www.cyntech.com

Cyntech Helical Piles - a Keller Company

Contact: General Manager 235061 Wrangler Link SE Calgary, AB T1X 0K3

T: 403.228.1767 | F: 403.245.6632

E: info@cyntech.com www.cyntech.com

DFI Corporation / Steel Piling

Contact: Dave Freeland 2404 51 Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T6P 0E4

T: 780.466.5237

E: info@dfipiling.com www.dfipiling.com


Dominion Pipe & Piling

Contact: Rick Cable 6845 Tilbury Road Delta, BC V4G 0A3 T: 604.946.2655 | F: 604.946.2630 www.dominionpipe.ca

DSI Canada Civil Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 37 Cardico Drive Stouffville, ON L4A 2G5 T: 905.888 8988

E: ecd@dsiamerica.com www.dsiamerica.com

DYWIDAG Systems International USA Inc.

Contact: General Manager 320 Marmon Drive Bolingbrook, IL 60440 T:  630.739.1100

E: dsiamerica@dsiamerica.com www.dsiamerica.com

E.S. Fox Constructors Ltd.

Contact: Frank Pepers 7500 Highway 27, Unit 3 Toronto, ON L4H 0J2 T: 905.851.8117 | F: 905.851.3778

E: sales@esfox.com www.esfox.com

Eagle Bridge Inc.

Contact: Bill Bisch 250 Shirley Avenue Kitchener, ON N2B 2E1 T: 519.743.4353 | F: 519.743.3404

E: eaglebridge@bellnet.ca www.eaglebridge.ca

Earth Contact Products

Contact: Aaron Graham 15612 S Keeler Terrace Olathe, KS 66062 T: 866.327.0007  | F: 913.393.0008

E: info@getecp.com www.earthcontactproducts.com

ECA Canada

Contact: Ray Kemppainen 34 Anderson Boulevard Uxbridge, ON L9P 0C7 T: 905.640.9800 | F: 905.640.9808

E: ray@ecacanada.ca www.ecacanada.ca

2023 Directory 23


Edgen Murray

Contact: Charles Aldrich 2300, 350 7 Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 3N9

T: 780.440.1475 | F: 780.440.1629 www.edgenmurray.com

Electro Composites / Hubbell Power Systems Inc.

Contact: General Manager 325 rue Scott Saint Jerome, QC J7Z 1H3 T: 450.431.2777 | F: 450.431.2717

E: electrocomposites@hubbell.com www.hubbellpowersystems.com/ bushings/electro-composites/


Contact: Beth Webb 200 10th Street Laurel , DE 19956 T: 302.875.0760 | F: 302.875.0761

E: info@emeca-speusa.com www.emeca-speusa.com

ENTREC Cranes & Heavy Haul Inc.

Contact: John Richards Box 386 Dickinson, ND 58602-0386 T: 701.552.2715 | F: 701.483.8369

E: jrichards@entrec.com www.entrec.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: Rich Anderson

1 Merion Terrace, Box 837 Aldan, PA 19018 T: 610.626.2200 | F: 610.626.2245 E: randerson@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: Dave Johnston 1000 Station Street, Box 306 Coraopolis, PA 15108

T: 412.264.4480 | F: 412.264.1158

E: djohnston@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: John Hayes 1058 Roland Avenue

Green Cove Springs, FL 32043

T: 904.284.1779 | F: 904.284.2588

E: jhayes@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: Anthony Sciortino 391 West Water Street Taunton, MA 02780 T: 508.821.4450 | F: 508.828.5081

E: asciortino@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: Mike Brown 6300 Foxley Road Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 T: 301.599.1300 | F: 301.599.1597 E: mbrown@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: Toby Anderson 7349 West Friendly Avenue, Suite A Greensboro, NC 27410 T: 336.854.1220 | F: 336.854.1210 E: tanderson@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: Bruce Langan 800 Riverview Drive, Suite 106 Brielle, NJ 08730 T: 732.528.5477 | F: 732.528.5479

E: blangan@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: John Devine W146 N5741 Enterprise Avenue Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 T: 262.345.5715 | F: 262.345.5716

E: jdevine@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com


Contact: Kevin Andersen 100 - 9595 Six Pines Drive The Woodlands, TX 77380 T: 832.800.1522 | F: 281.205.7263

E: kevin@escsteel.com www.escsteel.com

24 Piling Industry Canada

EVRAZ Canada

Contact: General Manager 8135 43 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6B 2M3

T: 312.533.3555 | F: 312.533.3611

E: inquiries@evrazna.com www.evrazna.com

F.S. Supply

Contact: Joe Savarese Box 452 Keyport, NJ 7735

T: 732.530.3782 | F: 732.530.5355

E: j.f.savarese@att.net www.fssupplyco.com

Gerdau S/A

Contact: General Manager 300 Ward Road Midlothian , TX 76065

T: 800.527.7979

E: sales@gerdau.com www.sheet-piling.com

Hammer & Steel Inc.

Contact: Bob Laurence 11916 Missouri Bottom Road Hazelwood, MO 63042 T: 314.895.4600 | F: 314.895.4070

E: rlaurence@hammersteel.com www.hammersteel.com

Helical Anchors Inc.

Contact: Ryan Dungan 5101 Boone Avenue N Minneapolis, MN 55428

T: 763.201.6552 | F: 763.536.9102

E: sales@helicalanchorsinc.com www.helicalanchorsinc.com

Hennessy International Inc

Contact: John Hagfors 1046 Carrier Parkway Bakersfield, CA 93308

T: 661.829.5931 | F: 661.829.5932

E: info@hennessyinternational.com www.hennessyinternational.com

Hercules Machinery Corporation

Contact: General Manager

5025 New Haven Avenue Fort Wayne, IN 46803

T: 800.348.1890 | F: 260.422.2040

E: tdame@hmc-us.com www.hmc-us.com


Hubbell Power Systems Inc.

Contact: General Manager 210 N. Allen Centralia, MO 65240 T: 573.682.5521 | F: 573.682.8475 E: hpscs@hubbell.com www.hubbellpowersystems.com

IHC Fundex Equipment B.V.

Contact: Arjen van der Schaaf Box 83 Goes, The Netherlands 4460 AB T: +31 88 015 5101

E: info.fe@ihciqip.com www.ihciqip.com

International Drilling Equipment Inc

Contact: Stephen Gazo 645 Angus Street Rural Hall, NC 27045 T: 877.207.6062 | F: 866.710.3842

E: info@idedrills.com www.idedrills.com

Interpipe Inc

Contact: Steven Mathers 3320 Miles Road Mount Hope, ON L0R 1W0 T: 905.679.6999 | F: 905.679.6544

E: steven@interpipe.com www.interpipe.com

Irving Equipment Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 43 Atlantic Street Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4P4 T: 902.429.7000 | F: 902.455.9335

E: halifax@irvingequipment.com www.irvingequipment.com

Irving Equipment Ltd.

Contact: General Manager Box 3400 Saint John, NB E2M 4X9 T: 506.635.5555 | F: 506.635.5608

E: info@irvingequipment.com www.irvingequipment.com

2023 Directory 25


Irving Equipment Ltd.

Contact: General Manager Box 8084

St. John’s, NL A1B 3M9

T: 800.561.CRANE (2726) | F: 506.635.5608

E: newfoundland@irvingequipment.com www.irvingequipment.com

J.D. Fields & Co. Inc.

Contact: General Manager 55 Waugh Drive, Suite 1250 Houston, TX 77007 T: 281.779.4997 | F: 281.870.9918

E: info@jdfields.com www.jdfields.com

Jinnings Equipment LLC

Contact: Scott Jinnings 4434 Allen Martin Drive Fort Wayne, IN 46806 T: 877.546.6464

E: Scott@jinnings.com www.jinnings.com

Junttan Canada Inc.

Contact: Bruce Patterson 3801 53rd Avenue Lacombe, AB T4L 2L6 T: 403.782.1900 | F: 888.407.7309

E: bruce@canadianpile.com www.canadianpile.com

Junttan Oy Equipment

Contact: Miika Eskelinen Box 1702 Kuopio, Finland FI-70701 T: +35 817 287 4400 | F: +35.817.287.4411

E: junttan@junttan.com www.junttan.com

Keller Foundations LLC

254 Main Street North, Unit 1 Acton, ON L7J 1W9 T: 647.417.0115 | F: 519.853.5847

E: dmaclean@keller-na.com www.keller-na.com

Keller North America

302 Main Street North Acton, ON L7J 1W9

T: 519.853.3216 | F: 519.853.5847

E: cbanks@keller-na.com www.keller-na.com

Keller North America

7550 Teague Road, Suite 300 Hanover, MD 21076 T: 410.551.8200 www.keller-na.com

Keller North America 9347 200A Street, Unit 130 Langley, BC V1M 3Y4 T: 604.207.0964 | F: 604.207.0154

E: brian.wilson@keller-na.com www.keller-na.com

Kelly Tractor Co.

Contact: General Manager 5460 Okeechobee Boulevard West Palm Beach, FL 33417 T: 561.683.1231 | F: 561.683.4591

E: marketing@kellytractor.com www.kellytractor.com

Kelly Tractor Co.

Contact: General Manager 8255 NW 58 Street Miami, FL 33166-3493 T: 305.592.5360  | F: 305.463.6066

E: marketing@kellytractor.com www.kellytractor.com

Kobelco Construction Machinery USA, Inc.

Contact: Jack Fendrick 10845 Train Court Houston, TX 77041 T: 713.856.5755 | F: 713.856.9072

E: jack.fendrick@kobelco.com www.kcmu-cranes.com

Koppers Inc

Contact: Jessica Franklin 436 Seventh Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1800 T: 412.227.2001

E: franklinjm@koppers.com www.koppers.com

26 Piling Industry Canada


Koppers Inc

Contact: Ryan Headlee PO Box 1510 Ashcroft, BC V0K 1A0

T: 250.453.2221 | F: 250.453.9330

E: HeadleeRN@koppers.com www.koppers.com

L.B. Foster Company

Contact: General Manager 4041 Remi Place Burnaby , BC V5A 4J8 T: 866.523.7245

E: TotalFrictionManagement@lbfoster. com www.lbfoster.com

Lally Pipe & Tube

Contact: Jack Mocker Box 69, 534 Lowellville Road Struthers, OH 44471 T: 800.291.7782 | F: 330.750.1535

E: jackmocker@lallypipe.com www.lallypipe.com

Liebherr – Components Kirchdorf Gmbh

Contact: General Manager St. Vitus 1 Kirchdorf, Germany 88457 T: +49 7354 80-8448 F: +49 7354 80-7294

E: info.cok@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Canada Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 10 Lynds Avenue Moncton, NB E1H 3K2 T: 506.854.2920 | F: 506.854.2940

E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Canada Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 1015 Sutton Drive Burlington, ON L7L 5Z8 T: 905.319.9222 | F: 905.319.6622

E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Canada Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 10374 267 Street Acheson, AB T7X 6A2 T: 780.962.6088 | F: 780.962.6799

E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Canada Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 1345 Dugald Road Winnipeg, MB R2J 0H3 T: 204.259.0083 | F: 204.259.6150

E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Canada Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 1349 Kelly Lake Road Unit 5 Sudbury, ON P3E 5P5 T: 705.479.0166

E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Canada Ltd. Contact: General Manager 140, 21320 Gordon Way Richmond, BC V6W 1J8 T: 604.270.3266 | F: 604.270.3254

E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Canada Ltd. Contact: General Manager 4250 Autoroute Chomedey Laval, QC H7R 6E9 T: 450.963.7174 | F: 450.963.4833

E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Canada Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 444 Ave de la Friche Dolbeau, QC G8L 3M7 T: 418.276.6001 | F: 418.276.9844

E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

28 Piling Industry Canada
Knock, knock. Who’s there? The hammer! For impact driving of steel pipes, beams or sheet piles. www.liebherr.com Deep foundation Hammer H 15 L


Liebherr Canada Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 49 Mews Place, Suite C St. John’s , NL A1B 4N2

T: 709.748.7829 | F: 709.368.6494

E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Canada Ltd.

Contact: General Manager Lots # 12 & 13, Caribou Industrial Park Fort MacKay, AB T0P 1C0 T: 780.791.2967 | F: 780.791.2987

E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Nenzing Crane Co.

Contact: General Manager 7075 Bennington Street Houston, TX 77028 T: 713.636.4000 E: mobile.cranes.usa@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Werk Nenzing Gmbh

Contact: General Manager Dr. Hans Liebherr, Strasse 1 Nenzing, Austria 6710 T: +43 50809 41-0 | F: +43.50809 41500

E: info.lwn@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com


Contact: Joyshwin Sumputh 2631 D NW 41st Street Gainesville, FL 32606 T: 352.339.7700 | F: 352.339.7701 E: info@loadtest.com www.loadtest.com

Lodge Lumber Company Inc

Contact: Daren Franks 5001 Oates Road Houston, TX 77013

T: 713.672.6679 | F: 713.672.5135

E: lodgeteam@lodgelumber.com www.lodgelumber.com

McDonough Marine Service

Contact: John Stevenson Jr. 17500 Market Street Channelview, TX 77530 T: 888.569.5929 | F: 504.780.8200 E: jsstevenson@marmac.net www.mcdonoughmarine.com

Mississippi Valley Equipment Company Inc

Contact: Karl Bogle 1198 Pershall Road St. Louis, MO 63137-3540 T: 314.869.8600 | F: 314.869.6862 E: kbogle@mve-stl.com www.mve-stl.com

Naylor Pipe Company

Contact: John Czulno 1230 East 92 Street Chicago , IL 60619 T: 773.721.9400 | F: 773.721.9494 E: sales@naylorpipe.com www.naylorpipe.com

NCSG Crane & Heavy Haul

Contact: General Manager 8202 105 Street Clairmont, AB T0H 0W0 T: 780.532.8212 www.ncsg.com

Northern Mat & Bridge LP

Contact: General Manager 207221 Highway 9 Mono, ON L9W 6J1 T: 519.940.0400 | F: 519.940.0500 www.northernmat.ca

Northern Mat & Bridge LP

Contact: General Manager 8001 99 Street Clairmont, AB T8X 5B1 T: 780.538.4135 www.northernmat.ca

Nucor Corporation

Contact: Sales 1915 Rexford Road Charlotte , NC 28211 T: 704.366.7000 www.nucor.com

30 Piling Industry Canada

Nucor Skyline

Contact: Sales 300 Technology Center Way, Suite 450 Rock Hill, SC 29730

T: 803.620.8516

E: info@nucorskyline.com www.nucorskyline.com

Nucor Skyline

Contact: Sales 202 - 21 Perron Street St. Albert, AB T8N 1E6 T: 780.460.8363

E: info@nucorskyline.com www.nucorskyline.com

Nucor Skyline

Contact: Sales 2220 Boulevard Lapinière, Suite 205 Brossard, QC J4W 1M2 T: 450.443.6163

E: info@nucorskyline.com www.nucorskyline.com

Nucor Skyline

Contact: Sales 122 Parks Drive Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 T: 613.962.5550

E: info@nucorskyline.com www.nucorskyline.com

Nucor Tubular Products Group

Contact: Sales 3525 Richard Arrington Jr. Boulevard Birmingham, AL 35234 T: 205.251.1884 www.nucortubular.com

Nucor Tubular Products Group

Contact: Sales 6226 West 74th Street Chicago , IL 60638 T: 708.496.0380 www.nucortubular.com

Nucor Tubular Products Group

Contact: Sales 633 Georgia Tubing Road Cedar Spring, GA 39832 T: 229.372.4501 www.nucortubular.com

Nucor Tubular Products Group

Contact: Sales 7301 Logistics Drive Louisville, KY 40258 T: 502.995.5900 www.nucortubular.com

Nucor-Yamato Steel Company

Contact: Jon Witherow Box 1228 Blytheville, AR 72316-1228 T: 870.762.5500 E: SalesDesk@nucor-yamato.com www.nucoryamato.com

PACO Ventures, LLC

Contact: General Manager 250 S. Webster Street Seattle , WA 98108 T: 800.678.6379 | F: 206.763.4232 E: info@pacoequip.com www.pacoequip.com

Pengo Attachments Inc.

Contact: Dawn Jamison 500 E Hwy 10 Laurens, IA 50554 T: 800.599.0211 | F: 800.915.6904 E: pengosales@paladinbrands.com www.pengoattachments.com

Picoma - a division of Zekelman Industries

Contact: Janet Ivan 9208 Jeffrey Drive Cambridge, OH 43725 T: 800.PICOMA1 E: info@picoma.com www.picoma.com

Pinnacle Drilling Products Inc

Contact: Darryl Michalko 7560 48 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 4J6 T: 403.236.3393 E: info@pinnacledrilling.ca www.pinnacledrilling.ca

Pipe and Piling Supplies

Contact: Jack Dym 5025 Ramsay St-Hubert, QC J3Y 2S3 T: 450.445.0050 | F: 450.445.4828 E: jdym@pipe-piling.com www.pipe-piling.com

2023 Directory 31


Platinum Grover International Inc.

Contact: General Manager 420, 333 11th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 1L9

T: 403.221.PIPE (7473) | F: 403.262.3209

E: sales@platinumgrover.com www.platinumgrover.com

Postech Screw Piles

Contact: General Manager 10260, blvd. Bourque Sherbrooke, QC J1N 0G2

T: 819.843.3003 | F: 819.846.0793

E: info@pieuvistech.com www.postechpiles.com

R.W. Conklin Steel

Contact: Philip J. Conklin 10852 Kenwood Road Cincinnati, OH 45242 T: 513.769.0613 | F: 513.769.0610

E: sales@conklinsteel.com www.conklinsteel.com

Samuel Roll Form Group

Contact: General Manager 26 County Road 351 Luka, MS 38852 T: 662.424.1479

E: jhammill@rollformgroup.com www.rollformgroup.com

Samuel Roll Form Group

Contact: Deborah Hebert 945 Center Street Green Cove Springs, FL 32043 T: 904.287.8000 | F: 904.306.3525

E: ashley.snow@samuel.com www.rollformgroup.com

Samuel Roll Form Group

Contact: John Hammill 950 Industrial Road Cambridge, ON N3H 4W1 T: 519.650.2222 | F: 519.650.2223

E: jhammill@rollformgroup.com www.rollformgroup.com

SAS Stressteel, Inc

Contact: Sales Team 440 Eagle Rock Avenue Roseland, NJ O7068 T: 973.244.5995

E: info@stressteel.com www.stressteel.com

Selix Equipment Inc

Contact: Jeff Calow 2793 Carp Road Ottawa, ON K0A 1L0 T: 647.532.1416

E: jcalow@selix.ca www.selix.ca

Soilmec North America 38 3rd Avenue, #3 Charlestown, MA 02129 www.soilmecna.com

Soilmec SPA

Via Dismano 5819 Cesena (FC), Italy 47522 T: +39 0547 319111

E: soilmec@soilmec.it www.soilmec.it

Spiradrill Inc.

Contact: General Manager 112 FM 153 Smithville, TX 78957-9631 T: 512.237.4140

E: service@spiradrill.net www.spiradrill.net

Spiralco Inc

Contact: Donald Tremblay 1275 Route 255 St-Felix-de-Kingsey, QC J0B 2T0 T: 819.848.2747 | F: 819.848.2830

E: info@spiralco.com www.spiralco.com

32 Piling Industry Canada

Stella-Jones Inc.

Contact: Eric Vachon 3100 de la Côte-Vertu Boulevard Saint-Laurent, QC H4R 2J8

T: 514.934.8666 | F: 514.934.5327

E: evachon@stella-jones.com www.stella-jones.com

Supreme Steel Bridge Division

Contact: Todd Collister 10496 21 Street NW Edmonton, AB T6P 1W4

T: 780.467.2266 | F: 780.467.9931

E: bridge@supremegroup.com www.supremesteel.com

Surespan Construction Ltd.

Contact: General Manager Suite 301, 38 Fell Avenue North Vancouver, BC V7P 3S2 T: 604.998.1133 | F: 604.998.1132

E: info@surespan.com www.surespan.com

Turecki Pipe & Steel Ltd

Contact: Darren Turecki 2796 W 37th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6N 2T6

T: 604.676.1600 | F: 604.676.1900

E: dturecki@tureckipipe.com www.tureckipipe.com

Twister Piling Inc

Contact: Bob Michaud 1203 8A Street Nisku, AB T9E 7R3

T: 780.955.8880 | F: 780.955.8883

E: info@twisterpiling.com www.twisterpiling.com

Varsteel Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 55 Dufferin Place SE Calgary, AB T2C 4W3

T: 403.279.7030 | F: 403.279.0118

E: info@varsteel.ca www.varsteel.ca


Venture Drilling Supply

Contact: General Manager 16445 N. Interstate Highway 35 Pflugville, TX 78660 T: 888.953.7455 www.venturedrillingsupply.com

Venture Drilling Supply

Contact: General Manager 4611 South Muskogee Avenue  Tahlequah, OK 74464 T: 888.953.7455 www.venturedrillingsupply.com

Vibroplating, Inc.

Contact: General Manager 353 Camer Drive Bensalem, PA 19020 T: 215.638.4413 | F: 215.638.4940 E: sales@vibroplating.com www.vibroplating.com

Waterloo Barriers Inc

Contact: Robin Jowett Box 385 Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0 T: 519.856.1352 | F: 519.856.0759 E: robin@waterloo-barrier.com www.waterloo-barrier.com

Watson Drill Rigs

Contact: Jim Tippett 4015 South Freeway Fort Worth , TX 76110 T: 817.927.8486

E: sales@watsonusa.com www.watsonusa.com

Wercholoz Canada Inc.

Contact: Manfred Stach 95 Cascade Street, Suite 2 Hamilton, ON L8E 3B7 T: 905.560.5064 | F: 905.560.7070 E: nstach@bellnet.ca www.wercholoz.com

2023 Directory 33


Western Equipment Solutions, LLC

Contact: John Wilson

681 South March Street Salt Lake City , UT 84104

T: 801.288.8919

E: johnw@westernequipmentsolutions.com

Western Rubber and Manufacturing

Contact: Paul Eberhardt 7015 Old Highway 105 W Conroe, TX 77304

T: 936.588.3033 | F: 936.588.3132

E: sales@westernrm.com www.westernrm.com

Western Tube - division of Zekelman Industries

Contact: Andy Hardesty

2001 East Dominguez Street Long Beach, CA 90810

T: 310.537.6300 | F: 310.604.9785

E: conduitsales@westertube.com www.westertube.com

Williams Form Engineering Corporation

8165 Graphic Drive Belmont, MI 49306

T: 616.866.0815 | F: 616.866.1890

E: williams@williamsform.com www.williamsform.com

Williams Form Hardware & Rockbolt

670 Industrial Road London, ON N5V 1V1

T: 519.659.9444 | F: 519.659.5880

E: williams@williamsform.com www.williamsform.com

Wolseley Canada Inc.

Contact: General Manager 880 Laurentian Drive Burlington, ON L7N 3V6

T: 905.335.7373 www.wolseleyinc.ca

Zekelman Industries

227 West Monroe Street, Suite 2600 Chicago, IL 60606 T: 312.275.1600 E: info@zekelman.com www.zekelman.com

34 Piling Industry Canada


48 Quarry Park Boulevard SE, Suite 300 Calgary, AB T2C 5P2

T: 403.254.3301 | F: 403.270.0399 www.aecom.com

AECOM - Global HQ

Contact: General Manager 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 2600 Los Angeles, CA 90067 T: 213.593.8000 | F: 213.593.8178 www.aecom.ca

Aecon - Atlantic Canada

Contact: General Manager 1 Battery Street Pictou, NS B0K 1H0

T: 902.485.1010

E: aecon@aecon.com www.aecon.com

Aecon - HQ

Contact: General Manager 20 Carlson Court, Suite 105 Toronto, ON M9W 7K6 T: 416.297.2600

E: aecon@aecon.com www.aecon.com

Aecon - Pacific Northwest

Contact: General Manager 19020 33 Avenue W, Suite 240 Lynnwood , WA 98036 T: 425.774.2945

E: aecon@aecon.com www.aecon.com

Allnorth Consultants Limited

Contact: Bob Fulton

1200 - 1100 Melville Street Vancouver, BC V6E 4A6 T: 604.602.1175 www.allnorth.com

Almita Piling Inc.

Contact: General Manager 383 Elmira Road N Guelph, ON N1K 1H3 T: 519.767.2081

E: ontarioestimating@almita.com www.almita.com

APM MacLean

Contact: Mike Morello 1440 28th Street NE, Unit 6  Calgary, AB T2A 7W6 T: 403.262.8400 | F: 403.450.9244

E: CalgaryInquiry@apmconstruction. com www.apmmaclean.ca

Arguson Projects Inc.

Contact: General Manager 2655 North Sheridan Way, Suite 400 Mississauga , ON L5K 2P8 T: 905.848.0707 | F: 905.848.0708 www.arguson.ca

Atlantic Industries Limited

Contact: General Manager 166, 12143 40 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 4E6 T: 403.730.6980 E: ab@ail.ca www.ail.ca

Bird Construction Company

Contact: Teri McKibbon 5700 Explorer Drive, Suite 400 Mississauga, ON L4W 0C6 T: 905.602.4122 www.bird.ca

Bockstael Construction Ltd.

Contact: John P. Bockstael 200 - 100 Paquin Road Winnipeg, MB R2J 3V4 T: 204.233.7135 E: bcladmin@bockstael.com www.bockstael.com

Chandos Construction Ltd.

Contact: Owen Nordmark 1000, 15 Sunpark Plaza SE, Suite 200 Calgary, AB T2X 0M5 T: 403.640.0101 | F: 403.640.3737 E: onordmark@chandos.com www.chandos.com

Construction DOMI Inc

Contact: Martin Rousseau 120 Rue Lavoie Dolbeau-Mistassini, QC G8L 4M8 T: 418.276.5555 | F: 418.276.7539 E: info@constructionsdomi.com www.constructionsdomi.com

2023 Directory 35 35 ENGINEERING & CONSULTING

COWI North America Ltd.

Contact: Jeannine Martin 138 13 Street East, Suite 400 North Vancouver, BC V7L 0E5

T: 604.986.1222

E: cowimailbox@cowi.com www.cowi.com

Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd.

Contact: Tom Malkiewicz 300 - 275 Carlton Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 5R6 T: 204.943.7501 E: ckp@ckpeng.com www.ckpeng.com

Cyntech - A Keller Corporation

17807 Highway 105 Plantersville, TX 77363

T: 936.206.7810 | F: 936.206.7820 E: info@cyntech.com www.cyntech.com

Cyntech Corporation 235061 Wrangler Link S.E. Calgary, AB T1X 0K3 T: 403.228.1767 | F: 403.245.6632 E: info@cyntech.com www.cyntech.com

DST Consulting Engineers Inc.

Contact: General Manager 3397 American Drive, Units 14 & 15 Toronto, ON L4V 1T8 T: 877.300.4800 | F: 888.979.6772

E: info@dstgroup.com www.dstgroup.com

Earth Contact Products

Contact: Aaron Graham 15612 South Keeler Terrace Olathe, KS 66062 T: 913.298.6749 | F: 913.393.0008

E: akgrayham@earthcontactproducts. com www.earthcontactproducts.com

EllisDon Corporation

Contact: Andrew Anderson

1004 Middlegate Road, Suite 1000 Mississauga, ON L4Y 1M4 T: 905.896.8900 | F: 905.896.8911

E: inquiries@ellisdon.com www.ellisdon.com

EnGlobe Corporation

Contact: General Manager 4125 McConnell Drive, Unit B Vancouver, BC V5A 3J7 T: 877.300.4800 | F: 888.979.6772 E: info@englobecorp.com www.englobecorp.com

Equipment Corporation of America

1000 Station Street, Box 306 Coraopolis, PA 15108 T: 412.264.4480 E: prose@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: Tim Dutton

1 Merion Terrace, Box 837 Aldan, PA 19018 T: 610.626.2200 E: tdutton@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: Mike Brown 6300 Foxley Road Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 T: 301.599.1300 E: mbrown@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: David Sciortino 391 West Water Street Taunton, MA 2780 T: 508.821.4450

E: dsciortino@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: Jeff Harmston 7349 West Friendly Avenue, Suite A Greensboro, NC 27410 T: 336.854.1220 E: jharmston@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

Equipment Corporation of America

Contact: John Devine W146 N5741 Enterprise Avenue Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 T: 262.345.5715 E: jdevine@ecanet.com www.ecanet.com

36 Piling Industry Canada


Contact: General Manager 1001 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Ouest Ville-Marie, Bureau 800B Montreal, QC H3A 3C8 T: 514.931.1080 www.exp.com

Fraser River Pile & Dredge (GP) Inc. (FRPD)

Contact: Sarah Clark 1830 River Drive New Westminster, BC V3M 2A8 T: 604.522.7971 | F: 604.521.7530

E: info@frpd.com www.frpd.com

GEMTEC Limited

Contact: General Manager 32 Steacie Drive Ottawa, ON K2K 2A9 T: 613.836.1422

E: ottawa@gemtec.ca www.gemtec.ca

Graham Construction and Engineering Inc. (HQ)

Contact: Kees Cusveller 10840 27 Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3R6 T: 403.570.5000 | F: 403.236.6575

E: inquiries@graham.ca www.graham.ca

Graham Construction and Engineering Inc. (Infrastructure)

Contact: General Manager 10909 27th Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3V9 T: 403.253.1314

E: inquiries@graham.ca www.graham.ca

GRL Engineers Inc

Contact: Ben White 30725 Aurora Road Solon, OH 44139 T: 216.831.6131 | F: 216.831.0916

E: grl-central@GRLenginners.com www.GRLengineers.com

Keller North America

9347 200A Street, Unit 130 Langley, BC V1M 3Y4 T: 604.207.0964 | F: 604.207.0154

E: brian.wilson@keller-na.com www.keller-na.com

Keller North America

7550 Teague Road, Suite 300 Hanover, MD 21076 T: 410.551.8200 www.keller-na.com

Keller Foundations LLC

254 Main Street North, Unit 1 Acton, ON L7J 1W9 T: 647.417.0115 | F: 519.853.5847 E: dmaclean@keller-na.com www.keller-na.com

Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 2955 Virtual Way, Suite 500 Vancouver, BC V5M 4X6 T: 604.669.3800 | F: 604.669.3835 E: info@klohn.com www.klohn.com

Liebherr Canada Ltd.

Contact: General Manager 1015 Sutton Drive Burlington, ON L7L 5Z8 T: 905.319.9222 | F: 905.319.6622 E: info.lca@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com

Liebherr Nenzing Crane Co.

Contact: General Manager 7075 Bennington Street Houston, TX 77028 T: 713.636.4000 E: mobile.cranes.usa@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com


Contact: Joyshwin Sumputh 2631D NW 41st Street Gainesville, FL 32606 T: 352.339.7700 | F: 352.339.7701 E: info@loadtest.com www.loadtest.com

2023 Directory 37 37 ENGINEERING / CONSULTING

M Builds Construction

Contact: General Manager 101, 2770 3 Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A 2L5

T: 403.204.8100 | F: 403.204.4969 www.mbuilds.ca

McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers Ltd.

Contact: Jim McIntosh 115 Walgreen Road, RR 3 Carp, ON K0A 1L0 T: 613.836.2184 | F: 613.836.3742

E: info@mcintoshperry.com www.mcintoshperry.com

Moffatt & Nichol

Contact: General Manager 4225 East Conant Street Long Beach, CA 90808 T: 562.590.6500 | F: 562.377.5106

E: inquiry@moffattnichol.com www.moffattnichol.com

PCL Constructors Inc.

Contact: Kevin Skinner 49 Auriga Drive Nepean , ON K2E 8A1 T: 613.225.6130

E: ottawainquiries@pcl.com www.pcl.com

PCL Constructors Inc.

Contact: Marc Pascoli 2201 Bristol Circle, Suite 500 Oakville, ON L6H 0J8 T: 905.276.7600

E: torontoinquiries@pcl.com www.pcl.com

Platinum Grover International Inc.

Contact: General Manager 420, 333 11th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 1L9 T: 403.221.PIPE (7473) | F: 403.262.3209

E: sales@platinumgrover.com www.platinumgrover.com

PND Engineers Inc

Contact: Jon Keiser

1736 Fourth Avenue S, Suite A  Seattle , WA 98134

T: 206.624.1387 | F: 206.624.1388

E: jkeiser@pndengineers.com www.pndengineers.com

Smith and Andersen Consulting Engineering

Contact: Andre Drouin 1600 Carling Avenue, Suite 530 Ottawa, ON K1S 1G3 T: 613.230.1186 | F: 613.230.2598

E: proposals@smithandandersen.com www.smithandandersen.com

Smith and Andersen Consulting Engineering

Contact: Kevin Sharples 2031 Portage Avenue, Suite 200 Winnipeg, MB R3J 0K6 T: 204.885.6668 | F: 416.487.9104

E: proposals@smithandandersen.com www.smithandandersen.com

Stantec Engineering

100 - 401 Wellington Street W Toronto, ON M5V 1E7 T: 416.596.6686 | F: 416.596.6680 E: askstantec@stantec.com www.stantec.com

Stantec Engineering

Contact: Scott Argent 10220 103 Avenue NW, Suite 400 Edmonton, AB T5J 0K4 T: 780.917.7000

E: scott.argent@stantec.com www.stantec.com

Stuart Olson Inc.

Contact: Brad Gordon 5450 Explorer Drive, Suite 301 Mississauga, ON L4W 5N1 T: 905.206.0998

E: info@stuartolson.com www.stuartolson.com

38 Piling Industry Canada ENGINEERING / CONSULTING

Supreme Steel Bridge Division

634 Derwent Way

Delta, BC V3M 5P8 T: 604.524.4421 www.supremesteel.com

Tetra Tech Inc.

Contact: General Manager 6835A Century Avenue Mississauga, ON L5N 7K2 T: 905.369.3000 www.tetratech.com

Tetra Tech Inc.

Contact: General Manager Suite 1000, 10th Floor, 885 Dunsmuir Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1N5 T: 604.685.0275 www.tetratech.com

Tom Jones Corporation

Contact: Parker Jones Box 10662

Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6V1 T: 807.345.0511 | F: 807.344.1723 E: office@tomjonescorp.com www.tomjonescorp.com

Valard Group of Companies

Contact: General Manager 10774 42 Street SE Calgary, AB T2C 0L5 T: 403.279.1003 E: corpcomm@valard.com www.valard.com

Wood Group PLC

Contact: General Manager 1200, 1100 1 Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 1B1 T: 587.955.2000 www.woodplc.com

Wood Group PLC

Contact: General Manager 700 University Avenue, 4th Floor Toronto, ON M5G 1X6 T: 416.592.2102 www.woodplc.com

WSP 146 Colonnade Road South, Units 17 and 18 Ottawa, ON K2E 7Y1 T: 613.228.0065 www.wsp.com

2023 Directory 39 39


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