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President’s Message
A message from the President Guy Moffat
Welcome to the Portage and District Business Review. We are really happy that you’re reading this new publication and thank you for supporting the Portage and District Chamber of Commerce.
The Portage and District Chamber of Commerce is fully back in the swing of things, and we are ready for even more success in the upcoming year with pandemic restrictions easing and people ready to shake off the limitations of the last two years.
Your chamber board has been working closely with our municipal governments and PRED to ensure that business and commerce is able to flourish and grow in our community by making it easier to do business and community beautification.
The Chamber has been working hard to keep jobs in our community and to create an environment where entrepreneurs find it easy to start and do business. I believe that there are great things to come for the communities in the City and Rural Municipality and that our future is bright. I believe we have a great opportunity to work together to cross-promote each other’s businesses and to wow the customers coming to Portage with outstanding and friendly customer service and out-do our largest competitor, which is Winnipeg.
We want to continuously improve, grow, and bring value to our members, so if you have an idea as to how we can do this better, please drop in or give us a call.
Thank you for taking the time to read this magazine, and please remember to support the businesses that you see advertising here and to talk about the good things that the Chamber does as an organization and the good things that are happening in our community.
Best regards.

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