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Sumitomo Drive Technologies
been emptied in the fall is another great example. It meets the same criteria for a confined space once it is emptied of water. If entering the pool for cleaning or maintenance, are chemicals being used to be able to safely ventilate or will they be trapped, causing dangerous atmospheres?
Neither of these two examples require tripods with teams in oxygen masks. However, these both have serious hazards that could cause immediate or long-term health concerns. With a bit of extra planning and knowledge about the hazards, those performing the maintenance can make sure they ventilate the space correctly, use filter masks if needed, and further identify hazards aiming to reduce risks.
In the workplace setting there are many confined spaces that go unidentified. Parts of large equipment, such as the grain hoppers on combines, or in earth moving equipment, which limits access and require lock outs, fresh air berm areas can be flooded with gases that displace oxygen; building maintenance crawl spaces and pit excavations are also very similar to the homeowner examples previously mentioned.
Each confined space is unique and will require a thoughtful approach. While some are deemed “hazardous confined spaces” and will require the picturesque presence of professionally trained experts with air supplying respirators, retractable rescue devices and intrinsically safe equipment, others may be simple that require an p100 dust mask, a flashlight, and a buddy to watch out for you. Regardless of the style of space, accurately identifying a confined space is a critical element in protecting your own safety, for that leads to the next question required by regulation; is it possible to eliminate the hazard by not putting a worker into the confined space?
In many cases through innovation, design, and careful planning we can find ways to complete work without entering a confined space, and that is always the first step to ensuring that tasks can be done efficiently and safely. There is a lot to learn about to dispel myths and learn the realities of these challenging spaces. For workplace, at home, or on the farm, taking a professional quality Confined Space Awareness or Confined Space Entry Course is a great start for anybody wanting to protect themselves and others. Find confined
space and other online training programs at Sasksafety.org. l