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for its members
in 2021, on average, SIMSA caused or greatly assisted in $930,000 in annual sales for each of its 309 members. How is that possible from a $500 to $2,500 membership fee? The answer explains why SIMSA has continued its rapid growth. Keep reading. In July 2022, SIMSA conducted its annual member survey and then posted
the full results at simsa.ca/wp-conSIMSA providing 100x ROI for i tent/uploads/Survey-Final-Septemts members ber-1-2022.pdf. The survey revealed In 2021, on average, SIMSA caused or greatly assisted that SIMSA’s 309 members represented in $930,000 in annual sales for each of its 309 members. How is that possible from a $500 to 32,100 employees attributable to Sas-$2,500 membership fee? The answer explains why SIMSA has continued its rapid growth. Keep reading. katchewan, generating $13.7 billion in In July 2022, SIMSA conducted its annual annual sales attributable to Saskatchemember survey and then posted the full results at simsa.ca/wp-‐content/uploads/Survey-‐Final-‐ wan. But what about member value?September-‐1-‐2022.pdf. The survey revealed that SIMSA’s 309 members represented 32,100 employees attributable to Saskatchewan, generating $13.7 billion in annual sales attributable to Saskatchewan. First, it is interesting to note that SIMBut what about member value? First, it is interesting to note that SA’s members’ sales attributable to Sas-SIMSA’s members’ sales attributable to Saskatchewan have correlated with the number of employees for seven consecutive years. So, the data seems to correlate. But what about the member value? SIMSA provides member value through two key avenues; (1) procurement’s use of our database, and (2) in-‐person events that feature bringing buyers and sellers face-‐to-‐face. SIMSA’s member database has had significant use by purchasing persons from various mining and energy producers, as well as industrial companies. In 2021 there were 14,961 searches and 2022 is heading towards a similar result. It is important to note that SIMSA’s member database is one of the key databases utilized and reviewed by the BHP Jansen Project’s Contracts and Procurement Team to identify suitable businesses when developing the potential list of contractors for a specific scope of work. Our database is one of the katchewan have correlated with the number of employees for seven consecutive years. So, the data seems to correlate.
But what about the member value?
SIMSA provides member value through two key avenues; (1) procurement’s use of our database, and (2) in -person events that feature bringing buyers and sellers face-to-face.
SIMSA’s member database has had significant use by purchasing persons from various mining and energy producers, as well as industrial companies. In 2021 there were 14,961 searches and 2022 is heading towards a similar result.
It is important to note that SIMSA’s member database is one of the key databases utilized and reviewed by the BHP Jansen Project’s Contracts and Procurement Team to identify suitable businesses when developing the potential list of contractors for a specific scope of work. Our database is one of databases included in the competitive bid process. The same database is also used by over 60 the databases included in the competother companies. itive bid process. The same database is also used by over 60 other companies. SIMSA events include those conducted as partnerships – the Annual Saskatchewan Suppliers’ Energy Forum and the Annual Saskatchewan Mining Supply Chain Forum – as well as those conducted SIMSA events include those conducted as partnerships – the Annual Saskatchewan Suppliers’ Energy Forum and the Annual Saskatchewan Mining Supply Chain Forum – as well as those conducted independently for SIMSA members only – such as our Nutrien Roundtable event and the BHP event. All of these events see buyers and sellers share information, as well as meet face-to-face for several hours.