SOUTHLAND Transportation started in Calgary in 1971 with a single van. Since then, we have expanded our diverse fleet to over 2,200 vehicles, with operations in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Nova Scotia. We take great pride in serving communities across Canada.
Every day, we travel over 150,000 kms and safely transport over 100,000 people to their destinations and then safely home. Yes, a lot of those passengers are indeed schoolchildren, however we want to remind everyone that SOUTHLAND Transportation also offers an excellent charter service that can accommodate any size of group.
Our highway motorcoaches have 56-passenger capacities, while our 72-passenger school bus rental is a great alternative for local day trips. Our 12-passenger Sprinter vans are ideal for smaller groups. Our friendly, reliable service is available throughout Alberta, with 8+ locations across the province. You can easily book your small or large group charters at southland.ca/charters
We aspire to offer the gold standard in reliability and overall customer service. The knowledge, expertise, and passion of our teams in Calgary and across Canada support our reputation as a leader in the people transportation industry.
At SOUTHLAND Transportation, we genuinely believe that our people are our greatest asset, and we’re currently looking to hire more drivers. We’re determined to employ talented people who share our company’s dedication to safety and service.
If a competitive wage, flexible schedule, and paid training sound good, apply today at southland.ca/careers.
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President & CEO
Managing Editor LYNDON M cLEAN lyndon@delcommunications.com
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Production services provided by: S.G. Bennett Marketing Services
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Publications mail agreement #40934510
AA Paintball
PO Box 744, Indian Head, SK S0G 2K0
T: (306) 695-3764
E: www.aapaintballindianhead.ca
Affinity Place
701 Souris Avenue N, Estevan, SK S4A 2T1
T: (306) 634-0650
E: dwenham@estevan.ca www.estevan.ca
Agribition Agri-Ed Program by AITC-SK
Canadian Western Agribition , Regina, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Alameda Heritage Museum
PO Box 195, Alameda, SK S0C 0A0
T: (306) 483-5099
E: townofalameda@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org
Alex Youck School Museum
1600 4 Avenue, Regina, SK S4R 8C8
T: (306) 523-3000
E: info@rbe.sk.ca www.rbe.sk.ca/parents/resources/alex-youck-school-museum
Allie Griffin Art Gallery
45 Bison Avenue NE, Weyburn, SK S4H 0H9
T: (306) 848-3922
E: weyburnartscouncil@weyburn.ca www.weyburnartscouncil.ca
Amazing Adventure / Gymnastics Adventure
210 Leonard Street, Regina, SK S4N 5V7
T: (306) 789-3133
E: devlin@gymadv.ca www.gymnasticsadventure.ca
Art Gallery of Regina
2420 Elphinstone Street, Regina, SK S4T 7S7
T: (306) 522-5940
E: agr@saskyel.net www.artgalleryofregina.ca
Avonlea Heritage Museum
219 Railway Avenue, PO Box 401, Avonlea, SK S0H 0C0
T: (306) 868-2101
E: www.avonleamuseum.ca
Beaver Creek Ranch & Horse Centre
PO Box 367, Lumsden, SK S0G 3C0
T: (306) 731-2943
E: bbclemens@beavercreekranch.ca www.beavercreekranch.ca
Bell Barn Society of Indian Head
PO Box 1882, Indian Head, SK S0G 2K0
T: (306) 695-BELL (2355)
E: secretary@bellbarn.ca www.bellbarn.ca
Bengough & District Museum
140 1 Avenue W, Bengough, SK S0C 0K0
T: (306) 268-2909
E: louis.stringer@sasktel.net www.southcentralmuseums.ca/bengough.html
Big Muddy Outlaw Caves
117 Centre Street, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0
T: (306) 267-3312
E: coronachtourism@gmail.com www.townofcoronach.ca
Blumenfeld & District Heritage Site
PO Box 104, Leader, SK S0N 1H0
T: (306) 673-2663
E: karri.wagman@sandhills.cu.sk.ca www.saskmuseums.org
Boundary Dam Power Station
8 km south of Estevan on Hwy 47 S, Estevan, SK S4A 2K9
T: (306) 637-3837
E: manager@woodlawnregionalpark.com www.saskpower.com
Briercrest & District Museum
PO Box 216, Briercrest, SK S0H 0K0
T: (306) 799-4951
E: hoterrafarms@sasktel.net www.briercrestmuseum.ca
Canadian Western Agribition
PO Box 3535, Regina, SK S4P 3J8
T: (306) 565-0565
E: cwaquestions@agribition.com www.agribition.com
Cannington Manor Provincial Park
PO Box 220, Kenosee Lake, SK S0C 2S0
T: (306) 577-2600
E: www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Cineplex - Education Cinema & more
Various locations, Regina, SK
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Claybank Brick Plant National Historic Site
PO Box 2-5, Claybank, SK S0H 0W0
T: (306) 868-4774
E: claybanktours@gmail.com www.claybankbrick.ca
Coronach District Museum
PO Box 449, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0
T: (306) 267-5704
E: rm11@sasktel.net www.southcentralmuseums.ca/coronach.html
Craik Oral History Museum
3rd Street and 1st Avenue, PO Box 473, Craik, SK S0G 0V0
T: (306) 734-2249
E: www.craik.ca/museumoralhist.html
CTV Regina
PO Box 2000, Highway 1 E, Regina, SK S4P 3E5
T: (306) 569-2000
E: www.regina.ctvnews.ca
Cugnet Centre
629 King Street, Weyburn, SK S4H 2S5
T: (306) 842-7494
E: wchs@secpsd.ca www.cugnetcentre.com
Cumberland Gallery & Gift Shop
2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK S4S 0B3
T: (306) 569-3155
Cupar & District Heritage Museum
311 Aberdeen Street, Cupar, SK S0G 0Y0
T: (306) 723-4324
E: townofcupar1@sasktel.net www.townofcupar.com
Dallas Valley Ranch Camp
PO Box 779, Lumsden, SK S0G 3C0
T: (306) 731-3348
E: www.dallasvalley.com
Deep South Pioneer Museum
504 Government Road, Ogema, SK S0C 1Y0
T: (306) 459-7909
E: ogemapioneermuseum@gmail.com www.deepsouthpioneermuseum.ca
Dino Bouncers Inc.
1305 Park Street, Regina, SK S4N 4K6
T: (306) 779-DINO (3466)
E: dinobouncers@sasktel.net www.dinobouncers.ca
District 3 Escape Rooms
2237 6 Avenue, Regina, SK S4R 1B3
T: (306) 559-3097
E: contact@district3.ca www.district3.ca
Dunlop Art Gallery
2nd Floor, 2311 12 Avenue, Regina, SK S4P 0N3
T: (306) 777-6000
E: dunlop@reginalibrary.ca www.reginalibrary.ca
Dunlop Art Gallery - Sherwood Village Branch 6121 Rochdale Blvd., Regina, SK S4X 2R1
T: (306) 777-6088
E: dunlop@reginalibrary.ca www.reginalibrary.ca
Dysart & District Museum
708 Qu’Appelle Avenue, Dysart, SK S0G 1H0
T: (306) 432-2255
E: www.dysartsk.ca/museum.html
Echo Lake Bible Camp
PO Box 2174, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK S0G 1S0
T: (306) 332-4443
E: director@elbc.co www.elbc.co
Engelheim Charter Inc.
105 Carson Road, North Service Road, Emerald Park, SK S4L 0E5
T: (306) 566-9300
E: tours@engelheim.ca www.engelheim.ca
Estevan Art Gallery & Museum
118 4 Street, Estevan, SK S4A 0T4
T: (306) 634-7644
E: director@eagm.ca www.estevanartgallery.org
Estevan Bible Camp
PO Box 771, Estevan, SK S4A 2A6
T: (306) 634-8368
E: directors@estevanbiblecamp.ca www.estevanbiblecamp.ca
Estevan Leisure Centre
701 Souris Avenue N, Estevan, SK S4A 2T1
T: (306) 634-1888
E: infodesk@estevan.ca www.estevan.ca
Farm & Ag Tours by AITC-SK
Province wide , , SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
First Student Canada - Charter Bus Rental
140 4 Avenue E , Regina, SK S4N 4Z4
T: (306) 721-4499
E: www.firstcharterbus.com
Fort Qu’Appelle Museum
198 Bay Avenue N, PO Box 1093, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK S0G 1S0
T: (306) 332-6320
E: museum@fortquappelle.com www.fortquappelle.com
Government House Museum & Heritage Property
4607 Dewdney Avenue, Regina, SK S4T 1B7
T: (306) 787-5773
E: government.house@gov.sk.ca www.governmenthousesk.ca
Grenfell Museum
711 Wolseley Avenue, PO Box 1156, Grenfell, SK S0G 2B0
T: (306) 697-2839
E: townofgrenfell@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/grenfell-museum
Happy Hollow Corn Maze
Between Regina and Lumsden off Hwy 11 at Exit C
Lumsden, SK S0G 3C0
T: (306) 540-2400
E: info@happyhollow.ca www.happyhollow.ca
Indian Head Agricultural Research Foundation
1 Government Road, PO Box 156, Indian Head, SK S0G 2K0
T: (306) 695-4200
E: www.iharf.ca
Indian Head Museum Society
610 Otterloo Street, PO Box 566, Indian Head, SK S0G 2K0
T: (306) 695-2617
E: korts@sasktel.net www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Kipling & District Historical Society
PO Box 299, Kipling, SK S0G 2S0
T: (306) 736-8254
E: e.hamelin@sasktel.net www.townofkipling.ca
Kramer IMAX Theatre - Saskatchewan Science Centre
2903 Powerhouse Drive, Regina, SK S4N 0A1
T: (306) 522-IMAX (4629)
E: rholota@sasksciencecentre.com www.sasksciencecentre.com/imaxnowplaying
Kronau Heritage Museum
15 Kronau Street, PO Box 235, Kronau, SK S0G 2T0
T: (306) 781-3082
E: kronaumuseum@sasktel.net www.kronaumuseum.com
Lakeside Heritage Museum
PO Box 102, Regina Beach, SK S0G 4C0
T: (306) 729-2671
E: rbhistoricalsociety@gmail.com www.reginabeach.ca/museum
Langenburg & Area Homestead Museum
305 Carl Avenue E, PO Box 864, Langenburg, SK S0A 2A0
T: (306) 743-2625
E: www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/langenburghomestead-museum
Lanigan & District Heritage Centre
75 Railway Avenue, Lanigan, SK S0K 2M0
T: (306) 365-2569
E: lanigan.dist.heritage@sasktel.net www.town.lanigan.sk.ca
Laser Quest
10A Hesse Bay, Regina, SK S4R 7Z9
T: (306) 924-3131
E: www.laserquest.com/sk-regina
Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan
2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK S4S 0B3
T: (306) 787-5358
E: www.legassembly.sk.ca/
Lumsden Food Farm by AITC-SK
Lumsden, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Lumsden Historical Society Museum
50 Qu’Appelle Drive W, PO Box 91, Lumsden, SK S0G 3C0
T: (306) 731-2434
E: www.lumsden.ca
MacKenzie Art Gallery
3475 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4S 6X6
T: (306) 584-4250
E: info@mackenzie.art www.mackenzie.art
Merchants Bank Heritage Centre
714 Lalonde Street, Whitewood, SK S0G 5C0
T: (306) 735-2380
E: general@townofwhitewood.ca www.townofwhitewood.ca
Mission Ridge Winter Park
800 Sioux Avenue, PO Box 249, Fort Qu’Appelle, SK S0G 1S0
T: (306) 332-5479
E: daylodge@missionridge.ca www.missionridge.ca
Moosomin Regional Museum
126 Pentland Street, PO Box 1654, Moosomin, SK S0G 3N0
T: (306) 435-3301
E: d.barry@sasktel.net www.moosomin.com
Mosaic Canada 2221 Cornwall Street, Regina, SK S4P 2L1
T: (306) 523-2800
E: www.mosaicincanada.com
Mosaic Potash Belle Plaine PO Box 7500, Regina, SK S4P 4L8
T: (306) 345-8400
E: www.mosaicincanada.com
Mosaic Stadium 1734 Elphinstone Street, Regina, SK S4T 1K1
T: (888) 4-Riders (474-3377)
E: www.riderville.com
Mossbank & District Museum 517 Main Street, PO Box 172, Mossbank, SK S0H 3G0
T: (306) 354-2811
E: mossbank.museum@gmail.com www.mossbank.ca
An exciting opportunity for students and educators to discover, explore and make the MacKenzie Art Gallery a memorable part of your school year! MacKenzie School Tours are designed to support provincial curricula.
Book online or call Fiorella Villagaray, Program Assistant E fvillagaray@mackenzie.art T 306 584 4250 EXT 4292
Book online at mackenzie.art/learn/tours-groups
Field trips can enhance and expand upon the materials that you are teaching in class, but there are only so many opportunities to get outside of the classroom during the school year. When you do choose a location for a field trip, you want to make the most of it.
Choosing the Saskatchewan Science Centre for your field trip is one of the best ways to do that. With hands-on exhibits to explore, a large variety of workshops to take part in, and educational IMAX films, it’s easy to tie your lesson plan into a fun and productive field trip.
Each of our workshops is designed for a specific grade level to work with the curriculum that you are teaching in your class. Information about inquiry learning activities is provided so that you can plan lessons around the things your students experience at the Science Centre. Plus, the visiting exhibitions and IMAX films are presented with Educator Guides to help take the load off of planning pre and post-field trip activities.
Start the day right! After a quick check-in upon arrival, one of our Science Educators is taking your class to their workshop location. Maybe it’s Laser Mazes, where your students will experiment with light, reflection, and refraction to solve puzzles, followed by some exploration time on the exhibit floor!
Promote inquiry learning and use the activity sheets available on our website to help their fun time be productive. This time could also include watching one of our stage show demonstrations on topics including cryogenics, gravity, air pressure, energy, and chemistry!
Enjoy lunch on-site at noon, which, weather permitting, can be eaten out in beautiful Wascana Park. Then, at 1:00, watch an IMAX documentary on our five-story screen with intense 3D images and an immersive 12-channel surround sound system to keep your students glued to their seats. By 1:45, you’re back on your way to your bus and back to school with plenty of time to spare.
Of course, that’s just one way to experience the Science Centre with your class! Whether you would like a full-day or half-day experience, we can help you plan it. Our full list of workshops, IMAX films, and teacher resources are available on our website.
If you’re too far away from Regina to visit us, let our Go! Science or Go! Code Outreach team come to you! A full day of programming can be brought right to your school, with hands-on, grade-appropriate workshops and stage shows that can bring your whole school together for some exciting science demonstrations!
Go beyond the classroom this year and ignite the scientific curiosity of your class at the Saskatchewan Science Centre! Real science. Real fun.
Visit sasksciencecentre.com for more information.
Ignite scientific curiosity in your class with interactive learning and engaging opportunities!
Bring your class to the Saskatchewan Science Centre for a fun-filled, science-packed trip beyond the classroom! Inquiry learning happens at every turn when exploring the exhibit floor, and our teacher resources will help you make the most of your visit.
Enhance what you’ve taught in the classroom, or introduce a new concept with a curriculum connected workshop! Let your class get wrist-deep in science without the mess for you.
Can’t make it to us? Let us come to you! Our Go! Code Outreach team provides free, hands-on coding workshops geared toward specific grade levels and tied into curricular outcomes right in your school!
The Kramer IMAX Theatre is the largest movie screen in Saskatchewan! While maintaining our capacity to show incredible IMAX 15/70mm films, we have added a new digital IMAX with Laser system to be better able to provide the content that YOU want. Ask about our Educators only content library!
Sign up for our Educators Online newsletter for monthly updates geared toward teachers! You can also apply for funding assistance and find lesson plans and other teaching resources.
Motherwell Homestead National Historic Site
PO Box 70, Abernethy, SK S0A 0A0
T: (306) 333-2116
E: motherwell.homestead@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/sk/motherwell
Museums Association of Saskatchewan
424 McDonald Street, Regina, SK S4N 6E1
T: (306) 780-9280
E: mas@saskmuseums.org www.saskmuseums.org
Nature Saskatchewan
206, 1860 Lorne Street, Regina, SK S4P 2L7
T: (306) 780-9273
E: info@naturesask.ca www.naturesask.ca
Neil Balkwill Civic Arts Centre
2420 Elphinstone Street, Regina, SK S4T 7S7
T: (306) 777-PLAY (7529)
E: www.regina.ca
Nutrien Rocanville Potash
PO Box 460, Rocanville, SK S0A 3L0
T: (306) 645-2870
E: www.nutrien.com
Nutruen Lanigan Potash
PO Box 3100, Lanigan, SK S0K 2M0
T: (306) 365-2030
E: www.nutrien.com
Old George’s Museum and Hidden Village PO Box 118 (Highway 1), Whitewood, SK S0G 5C0
T: (306) 735-2255
E: www.oldgeorge.ca
Prairie Pioneer Museum
541 Parks Road, Craik, SK S0G 0V0
T: (306) 734-2249
E: www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Radville CN Station Firefighters Museum
110 Main Street, Radville, SK S0C 2G0
T: (306) 869-2907
E: town.radville@sasktel.net www.radville.ca
Ralph Allen Memorial Museum
802 Railway Avenue , Oxbow, SK S0C 2B0
T: (306) 485-9687
E: ralphallenmemorialmuseum@outlook.com www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/ralph-allen-memorialmuseum
RCMP Academy, Depot Division 5600 11 Avenue, PO Box 6500, Regina, SK S4P 3J7
T: (306) 780-5900
E: pdstc-cdcp@rcmp-grc.gc.ca www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/depot
RCMP Heritage Centre
5907 Dewdney Avenue, Regina, SK S4T 0P4
T: (306) 522-7333
E: info@rcmphc.com www.rcmphc.com
RCMP Historical Collections Unit
PO Box 6500, Regina, SK S4P 3J7
T: (306) 522-7333
E: Depot_Historical_Collections@rcmp-grc.gc.ca
Regina Plains Museum / Civic Museum of Regina
200, 2020 11 Avenue, Regina, SK S4P 0J3
T: (306) 780-9435
E: cmor@civicmuseumofregina.com www.civicmuseumofregina.com
Regina Public Library
Central Library & 8 branch locations, Regina, SK
T: (306) 777-6000
E: askalibrarian@reginalibrary.ca www.reginalibrary.ca
Regina Sportsplex - Fieldhouse and Lawson Aquatic Centre
1717 Elphinstone Street, Regina, SK S4N 0A1
T: (306) 777-PLAY (7529)
E: www.regina.ca
Rocanville & District Museum
220 Qu’Appelle Avenue, PO Box 490, Rocanville, SK S0A 3L0
T: (306) 645-2113
E: rocanvillemuseum@gmail.com www.rocanvillemuseum.wixsite.com/rocanvillemuseum
Royal Canadian Legion - Regina Branch
1820 Cornwall Street, Regina, SK S4P 2K2
T: (306) 522-2676
E: reginalegion@sasktel.net www.reginalegion.com
Royal Saskatchewan Museum
2445 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4P 4W7
T: (306) 787-2815
E: info@royalsaskmuseum.ca www.royalsaskmuseum.ca
Sandra Schmirler Leisure Centre
3130 East Woodhams Drive, Regina, SK S4V 2P9
T: (306) 777-PLAY (7529)
E: www.regina.ca
Saskatchewan African Canadian Heritage Museum
PO Box 1171, Stn. Main, Regina, SK S4P 3B4
T: (306) 545-8824
E: info@sachm.org www.sachm.org
Saskatchewan Arts Board
1355 Broad Street, Regina, SK S4R 7V1
T: (306) 787-4056
E: info@sk-arts.ca www.sk-arts.ca
Saskatchewan Hockey Association
2 575 Park Street, Regina, SK S4N 5B2
T: (306) 789-5101
E: www.sha.sk.ca
Saskatchewan Military Museum
1600 Elphinstone Street, Regina, SK S4T 3N1
T: (306) 347-9349
E: saskatchewanmilitarymuseum@hotmail.ca www.saskatchewanmilitarymuseum.com
Saskatchewan Provincial Library and Literacy Office
409A Park Street, Regina, SK S4N 5B2
T: (306) 787-2976
E: barb.griffiths@gov.sk.ca www.saskatchewan.ca
Saskatchewan Provincial Parks information
2nd Floor, 3211 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4P 4H2
T: (306) 787-8676
E: parks.info@gov.sk.ca www.saskatchewan.ca
Saskatchewan Research Council
129, 6 Research Drive, Regina, SK S4S 7J7
T: (306) 787-9400
E: www.src.sk.ca
Saskatchewan Science Centre
2903 Powerhouse Drive, Regina, SK S4N 0A1
T: (306) 791-7943
E: bookings@sasksciencecentre.com www.sasksciencecentre.com
Saskatchewan Sports Hall of Fame
2205 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK S4P 0S4
T: (306) 780-9232
E: sshfm@sasktel.net www.sasksportshalloffame.com
Slate Fine Art Gallery
3424 13 Avenue, Regina, SK S4T 1P7
T: (306) 775-0300
E: ginafafard@slategallery.ca www.slategallery.ca
Soo Line Historical Museum
411 Riverfront Road, PO Box 1016, Weyburn, SK S0C 1X0
T: (306) 842-2922
E: slhm@weyburn.ca www.southcentralmuseums.ca
Souris Valley Antique Association
PO Box 53, Midale, SK S0C 1S0
T: (306) 891-5412
E: klokinger@gmail.com www.townofmidale.com
Souris Valley Museum
2082 Highway 39 W, Estevan, SK S4A 1C8
T: (306) 634-5543
E: info@sourisvalleymuseum.ca www.sourisvalleymuseum.com
Southern Prairie Railway
401 Railway Avenue, Ogema, SK S0C 1Y0
T: (306) 459-7808
E: info@southernprairierailway.ca www.southernprairierailway.com
Stone Hall Castle
2210 College Avenue, Regina, SK S4P 1C6
T: (306) 539-3170
E: info@stonehallcastle.com www.stonehallcastle.com
Stoughton & District Museum
327 Main Street, Stoughton, SK S0G 4T0
T: (306) 457-2413
E: stoughtontown@sasktel.net www.stoughtonsk.ca
TC Douglas Calvary Centre
400 10 Avenue, Weyburn, SK S4H 2K4
T: (306) 842-7660
E: soultherapies@hotmail.com www.weyburn.ca
thinkAG Career Expo by AITC-SK
Canadian Western Agribition , Regina, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
thinkAG Career Expo by AITC-SK
Canada’s Farm Show, Regina, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Tourism Estevan
701 Souris Avenue, Estevan, SK S4A 2T1
T: (306) 634-1892
E: www.estevan.ca
Tourism Saskatchewan
189, 1621 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4P 2S5
T: (306) 787-9600
E: www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Turner Curling Museum
327 Mergens Street NW, Weyburn, SK S4H 2K6
T: (306) 848-3218
E: leisureservices@weyburn.ca www.weyburn.ca
University of Regina
3737 Wascana Parkway, Regina, SK S4S 0A2
T: (306) 585-5161
E: academic.advising@uregina.ca www.uregina.ca
Vale Potash Canada Ltd.
1900, 1874 Scarth Street, Regina, SK S4P 4B3
T: (306) 791-4510
E: kronau.project@vale.com www.vale.com/canada/
Wascana Centre
2900 Wascana Drive, PO Box 7111, Regina, SK S4P 3S7
T: (306) 522-3661
E: wascanainfo@gov.sk.ca www.wascana.ca
Wawota & District Museum
101 Main Street, PO Box 179, Wawota, SK S0G 5A0
T: (306) 739-2110
E: www.wawota.com
Weyburn & Area Heritage Village
424 10 Avenue SE, Weyburn, SK S4H 2A1
T: (306) 842-6377
E: leisureservices@weyburn.ca www.weyburn.ca
Weyburn City Hall Gallery
157 3 Street, Weyburn, SK S4H 2A1
T: (306) 842-6377
E: weyburnartscouncil@weyburn.ca www.weyburn.ca
Weyburn Gymnastics Club
1900 1 Avenue NW, PO Box 1301, Stn Main, Weyburn, SK S4H 3J9
T: (306) 842-4961
E: weyburngymclub@gmail.com www.weyburngymnasticsclub.com
Weyburn Leisure Centre
532 5 Street, Weyburn, SK S4H 1A1
T: (306) 848-3280
E: tclay@weyburn.ca www.weyburn.ca
Weyburn Public Library
45 Bison Avenue NE, Weyburn, SK S4H 0H9
T: (306) 842-4352
E: weyburn@southeastlibrary.ca www.weyburnpubliclibrary.weebly.com
White City Museum
PO Box 220 Station Main, White City, SK S4L 5B1
T: (306) 781-2355
E: whitecitymuseum.sk@gmail.com www.whitecity.ca
Whitewood Historical Museum
603 North Railway, PO Box 126, Whitewood, SK S0G 5C0
T: (306) 735-2210
E: whitewoodmuseum@hotmail.com www.townofwhitewood.ca
Wolseley Swinging Bridge and Fairly Lake
208 Sherbrooke Street, Wolseley, SK S0G 5H0
E: www.wolseley.ca
Wolseley Town Hall / Opera House
101 Blanchard Street, Wolseley, SK S0G 5H0
T: (306) 698-2760
E: www.wolseley.ca
Woodlawn Regional Park
PO PO Box 1385, Estevan, SK S4A 2K9
T: (306) 634-2324
E: manager@woodlawnregionalpark.com www.woodlawnregionalpark.com
Art Gallery of Swift Current
411 Herbert Street E, Swift Current, SK S9H 1M5
T: (306) 778-2736
E: agscprograms@swiftcurrent.ca www.artgalleryofswiftcurrent.org
Assiniboia & District Museum
596 3 Avenue W, PO Box 1211, Assiniboia, SK S0H 0B0
T: (306) 642-5353
E: assini.museum@sasktel.net www.southcentralmuseums.ca/assiniboia.html
Bengough & District Museum
140 1 Avenue W, Bengough, SK S0C 0K0
T: (306) 268-2909
E: dashby@sasktel.net www.southcentralmuseums.ca/bengough.html
Blumenfeld & District Heritage Site
PO Box 104, Leader, SK S0N 1H0
T: (306) 673-2663
E: blumenfeldheritage@gmail.com www.saskmuseums.org
Buffalo Pound Provincial Park
110 Ominica Street W, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 6V2
T: (306) 694-3329
E: buffalopound@gov.sk.ca www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Cabri & District Museum
202 1 Street S, PO Box 200, Cabri, SK S0N 0J0
T: (306) 587-2500 www.cabri.ca/cabri-district-museum
Climax Community Museum
PO Box 59, Climax, SK S0N 0N0
T: (306) 293-2963
E: climaxcommunitymuseum@gmail.com www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Consul Museum
PO Box 144, Consul, SK S0N 0P0
T: (306) 299-4493
E: consulmuseum@gmail.com www.consulmuseum.ca
Coronach District Museum
240 1 Street W, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0
T: (306) 267-3206
E: townofcoronach@live.ca www.townofcoronach.ca
Cypress Hills Speedway
Junction Highway 21 and 221, Maple Creek, SK S0N 1N0
T: (306) 662-2337
E: cypresshillsspeedway@hotmail.ca www.chspeedway.com
Deep South Pioneer Museum
504 Government Road, Ogema, SK S0C 1Y0
T: (306) 459-2544
E: ogemapioneermuseum@gmail.com www.deepsouthpioneermuseum.ca
Discover the Farm by AITC-SK
Swift Current Agricultural and Exhibition Association , Swift Current, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Doc’s Town Heritage Village
PO Box 146, Kinetic Park, 17 Avenue SE, Swift Current, SK S9H 3V5
T: (306) 773-2944
E: kineticpark@swiftcurrent.ca www.swiftcurrentex.com/docs-town
Eastend Historical Museum & Cultural Centre Inc.
306 Redcoat Drive, Eastend, SK S0N 0T0
T: (306) 295-3375
E: admin@eastendhistoricalmuseum.com www.saskmuseums.org
Farm & Ag Tours by AITC-SK
Province wide , , SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
F. T. Hill Museum
PO Box 116, Riverhurst, SK S0H 3P0
T: (306) 353-2112
E: riverhurst@outlook.com www.riverhurst.ca
Fort Walsh National Historic Site
PO Box 278, Maple Creek, SK S0N 1N0
T: (306) 662-2645
E: pc.fort.walsh.pc@canada.ca www.pc.gc.ca
Grand Coteau Heritage & Culture Centre
PO Box 966, Shaunavon, SK S0N 2M0
T: (306) 297-3882 www.shaunavon.com
Grasslands National Park of Canada
PO Box 150, Val Marie, SK S0N 2T0
T: (306) 476-2018
E: pc.infopnprairies-grasslandsnpinfo.pc@canada.ca www.pc.gc.ca
Gravelbourg & District Museum
300 Main Street, PO Box 927, Gravelbourg, SK S0H 1X0
T: (306) 648-2332
E: gravelbourg.museum@ceesbro.com www.southcentralmuseums.ca/gravelbourg.html
Great Sandhills Museum and Interpretive Centre
PO Box 29, Sceptre, SK S0N 2H0
T: (306) 623-4345
E: gshs@sasktel.net www.greatsandhillsmuseum.com
Gull Lake Museum
3570 Rutland Avenue, Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0
T: (306) 672-3361
E: gulllaketown@sasktel.net www.gulllakesk.ca
Herbert CPR Train Station Museum
625 Railway Avenue, PO Box 370, Herbert, SK S0H 2A0
T: (306) 784-3411
E: Herbert_trainstation@hotmail.com www.herbertstation.webs.com
Hidden Valley Ski Resort
8304 Highway 41, Elkwater, AB T0J 1C0
T: (403) 893-3961 www.skihiddenvalley.net
Historic Reesor Ranch
PO Box 1001, Maple Creek, SK S0N 1N0
T: (306) 662-3498
E: reesorranch@hotmail.com www.reesorranch.com
Jasper Cultural & Historical Centre
311 Jasper Street, PO Box 1504, Maple Creek, SK S0N 1N0
T: (306) 662-2434
E: jasper.centre@sasktel.net www.jaspercentre.ca
Kinsmen Sportsplex
855 Macdonald Street, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 3H5
T: (306) 694-4483
E: recreation@moosejaw.ca www.moosejaw.ca
Kyle & District Museum
PO Box 542, Kyle, SK S0L 1T0
T: (306) 375-2750 www.kyle.ca
Lafleche and District Museum
207 Main Street, PO Box 341, Lafleche, SK S0H 2K0
T: (306) 472-7656
E: dfauser@sasktel.net www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Lancer Centennial Museum
145 Balaclava Street, Lancer, SK S0N 1G0
T: (306) 689-2925
E: lancervillage@gmail.com www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Le Beau Village Museum
PO Box 58, St. Victor, SK S0H 3T0
T: (306) 642-3215
E: dducharme@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org
Lt. Colonel Clifton Centre
350 6 Avenue NE, Swift Current, SK S9H 2N7
T: (306) 778-2787
Lucky Lake Museum
301 2 Avenue, Lucky Lake, SK S0L 1Z0
T: (306) 858-7240
McCord & District Museum
Main Street, PO Box 82, McCord, SK S0H 2T0
T: (306) 478-2522
E: ba.wilson@xplornet.com www.southcentralmuseums.ca/mccord.html
Mennonite Heritage Village
South Railway Street & 17 Avenue SE, PO Box 2088, Swift Current, SK S9H 4V1
T: (306) 741-6344 www.mennoniteheritagevillage.ca
Moose Jaw Cultural Centre
217 Main Street N, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 0W1
T: (306) 693-4700
E: info@moosejawculture.ca www.moosejawculture.ca
Moose Jaw Ford Curling Centre
110 1 Avenue NW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 0Y8
T: (306) 624-2040
E: inquiries@mosaicplace.ca www.moosejawcurling.com
Moose Jaw Museum & Art Gallery
461 Langdon Crescent, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 0X6
T: (306) 692-4471
E: admin.mjmag@sasktel.net www.mjmag.ca
Explores the connections between human activities and the climate, geography, and natural resources of southwest Saskatchewan from 9,000 years ago until today.
Featuring an array of travelling and inhouse exhibitions pertaining to history, agriculture, science, and provincial and national topics. A new exhibition is installed four times a year.
Guided tours of the Museum’s permanent and temporary galleries are available to be booked year-round. Guided historical walking tours of downtown and Mount Pleasant Cemetery run weekly in the evenings. Lunch and Learn takes place on the third Wednesday of the month.
The gift store is stocked with souvenirs from Swift Current, Saskatchewan and Canada. The Museum also offers public resources, rentals and tours!
Call or email to book your tour today!
Moose Jaw Trolley Company
450 Diefenbaker Drive, Moose Jaw, SK S6J 1N2
T: (306) 693-8097
Morse Museum & Cultural Centre
410 McKenzie Street, PO Box 308, Morse, SK S0H 3C0
T: (306) 629-3230
E: morsemuseum@sasktel.net www.morsemuseum.weebly.com
Mortlach Museum
Rose Street, PO Box 163, Mortlach, SK S0H 3E0
T: (306) 355-2268
E: village.mortlach@sasktel.net www.mortlach.ca
Mosaic Place
110 1 Avenue NW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 0Y8
T: (306) 624-2040
E: inquiries@mosaicplace.ca www.mosaicplace.ca
Mossbank & District Museum
517 Main Street, Mossbank, SK S0H 3G0
T: (306) 354-2811
E: mossbank.museum@gmail.com www.mossbank.ca
Notukeu Heritage Museum
110 Railway Avenue, Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0
T: (306) 625-3340
E: auvergnois@sasktel.net www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Prairie Storm Paintball
PO Box 1660, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 7K7
T: (306) 807-7700
E: prairiestorm@live.com www.battlecreekaventures.com
Prairie Wind and Silver Sage
100 Centre Street, PO Box 83, Val Marie, SK S0N 2T0
T: (306) 298-4910
E: prairiewind.silversage@gmail.com www.pwss.org
Rock Creek Golf Club
3 km west of Shaunavon via Highway 13, Shaunavon, SK S0N 2M0
T: (306) 297-6366
E: rockcreek@hotmail.ca
Royer Cultural Centre
110 Railway Avenue, Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0
T: (306) 625-3340
E: auvergnois@sasktel.net www.frenchstreet.ca/les-auvergnois-ponteix-the-centrecultural-royer/
Saskatchewan Burrowing Owl Interpretive Centre
250 Thatcher Drive E, Moose Jaw, SK S6J 1L7
T: (306) 692-8710
E: sboic@sasktel.net www.skburrowingowl.ca
SaskPower Windscape Kite Festival
11 Avenue SW & Marston Street, PO Box 1223, Swift Current, SK S9H 3X4
E: director@windscapekitefestival.ca www.windscapekitefestival.ca
Semiarid Prairie Agricultural Research Centre
PO Box 1030, Airport Road, Swift Current, SK S9H 3X2
T: (306) 778-7200
Shurniak Art Gallery
122 3 Avenue W, PO Box 1178, Assiniboia, SK S0H 0B0
T: (306) 642-5292
E: info@shurniakartgallery.com www.shurniakartgallery.com
Southern Prairie Railway
401 Railway Avenue, Ogema, SK S0C 1Y0
T: (306) 459-7808
E: info@southernprairierailway.ca www.southernprairierailway.ca
St. Mary’s Mission Church
PO Box 33, Scout Lake, SK S0H 3V0
T: (306) 642-8545
E: lornesfarm@sasktel.net www.southcentralmuseums.ca/maxstone.html
Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village & Museum
PO Box 2071 (13 km South of Moose jaw on Hwy 2), Moose Jaw, SK S6H 7T2
T: (306) 693-7315
E: office@sukanenshipmuseum.ca www.sukanenshipmuseum.ca
SW Saskatchewan Oldtimers’ Museum & Archive
222 Jasper Street, PO Box 1540, Maple Creek, SK S0N 1N0
T: (306) 662-2474
E: oldtimers@sasktel.net www.swsaskoldtimers.ca
At The Tunnels of Moose Jaw, we pride ourselves on the educational content of our tours. Be it early Chinese immigration and their perseverance over the discriminatory practices of the government in the early 1900s or the bravery and incredible contributions of Canadian women and men during WWII and the Cold War. Also, learn the history of prohibition and what life was like in 1920s Moose Jaw.
Our tour content falls within the education curriculum making the Tunnels an ideal location for your next class trip.
We offer group rates for classes of 15 or more, along with a complimentary ticket for chaperones accompanying each group booked. We have pre- and post-tour educational activities to enhance your student’s experience. We are open year-round from 9:30 AM -5:30 PM.
For group rates or information on reserving your class, please contact marshall@tunnelsofmoosejaw.com today as spaces are limited.
Swift Current Agricultural and Exhibition Association
1700 17 Avenue SE, Swift Current, SK S9H 3V5
T: (306) 773-2944
E: kineticpark@swiftcurrent.ca www.swiftcurrentex.com
Swift Current Aquatic Centre
1100 11 Avenue NE, Swift Current, SK S9H 3Z4
T: (306) 778-2735 www.swiftcurrent.ca
Swift Current Museum
44 Robert Street W, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M9
T: (306) 778-2775
E: museum@swiftcurrent.ca www.swiftcurrent.ca
T.Rex Discovery Centre
1 T-Rex Drive, PO Box 460 , Eastend, SK S0N 0T0
T: (306) 295-4009
E: trex.centre@gov.sk.ca www.royalsaskmuseum.ca
Ted Knight Saskatchewan Hockey Hall of Fame
InnovationPlex, 2001 Chaplin Street E, Swift Current, SK S0N 2Y0
T: (306) 778-2775
The Lyric Theatre
227 Central Avenue N, PO Box 1143, Swift Current, SK S9H 3X3
T: (306) 773-6292
E: office@lyrictheatre.ca www.lyrictheatre.ca
thinkAG Career Expo by AITC-SK
Swift Current, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Treeosix Adventure Parks
3 Pine Avenue, Maple Creek, SK S0N 1N0
T: (306) 663-1221
E: info@treeosix.com www.treeosix.com
Tunnels of Moose Jaw
18 Main Street N, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 3J6
T: (306) 693-5261
E: info@tunnelsofmoosejaw.com www.tunnelsofmoosejaw.com
Twin Lakes Ranch Ministries Inc
PO Box 1175, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4P9
T: (306) 631-9396
E: twinlakesranch@sasktel.net www.tlrm.net
Vanguard Centennial Museum
Dominion Street, PO Box 208, Vanguard, SK S0N 2V0
T: (306) 582-2244
E: vanguardmuseum@sasktel.net www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Wakamow Valley Park
276 Home Street E, PO Box 1266, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4P9
T: (306) 692-2717
E: wakamow@sasktel.net www.wakamow.ca
West Bank Bible Camp
PO Box 1841, Swift Current, SK S9H 4M6
T: (306) 773-6815
E: wbbcamp@gmail.com www.westbankbiblecamp.com
Western Development Museum - Moose Jaw
50 Diefenbaker Drive, Moose Jaw, SK S6J 1L9
T: (306) 693-5989
E: moosejaw@wdm.ca www.wdm.ca
Willow Bunch Museum & Heritage Society
8 Edouard Beaupre Street, Willow Bunch, SK S0H 4K0
T: (306) 473-2806 / (306) 640-7785
E: wbmuseum@sasktel.net www.willowbunch.ca/museum.html
Wood Mountain Post Historic Park
PO Box 14, Wood Mountain, SK S0H 4L0
T: (306) 266-5525
E: buffalopound@gov.sk.ca www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Wood Mountain Stampede and Rodeo/Ranch Museum
PO Box 53, Wood Mountain, SK S0H 4L0
T: (306) 266-4953
E: woodmtnhistoricalsoc@sasktel.net www.southcentralmuseums.ca/woodmountain.html
Yara Centre
1220 High Street W, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4R3
T: (306) 694-4560
Yvette Moore Gallery
76 Fairford Street W, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 1V1
T: (306) 693-7600
E: info@yvettemoore.com www.yvettemoore.com
Foster curiosity, critical thinking skills and empathy by learning about Saskatchewan’s diverse histories through WDM exhibits, artifacts, archival material, curriculum-connected inquiry-based learning opportunities and hands-on experiences.
For information on visiting a WDM, in-Museum school programs, teacher-led experiences, virtual programs, resources for your classroom and an opportunity to save 10% on your next trip to the WDM visit wdm.ca/education Book today using discount code DESTINATIONS2024
25th Street Theatre - Saskatoon Fringe Festival
PO Box 27024, Saskatoon, SK S7H 5N9
T: (306) 664-2239
E: info@25thstreettheatre.org www.25thstreettheatre.org
AG EXperience by AITC-SK
Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Agriculture In The Classroom Saskatchewan
RR 4, Box 278, Site 412, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J7
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Allan Community Heritage Society & Museum
326 Main Street, Allan, SK S0K 0C0
T: (306) 257-3511
E: allanskmuseum@sasktel.net www.allan.ca/community/culture/
Allen Sapp Gallery
1 Railway Avenue E, PO Box 460, North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y6
T: (306) 445-1760
E: lgarven@cityofnb.ca www.allensapp.com
Alliance Pipeline Aquatic Centre
PO Box 69, Macklin, SK S0L 2C0
T: (306) 753-2060 www.macklinswimmingpool.com
Ancient Echoes Interpretive Centre
PO Box 40, West Street, Herschel, SK S0L 1L0
T: (306) 377-2045
E: anciente@sasktel.net www.ancientechoes.ca
Batoche National Historic Site of Canada
RR 1 PO Box 1040, Wakaw, SK S0K 4P0
T: (306) 423-6227
E: pc.infolhnbatoche-batochenhsinfo.pc@canada.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/sk/batoche
Battlefords Wildlife Federation Nature Centre
PO Box 35, North Battleford, SK S9A 3X6
T: (306) 445-4244 www.swf.sk.ca
Beaver Creek Conservation Area and Interpretive Centre
402 3 Avenue S, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3G5
T: (306) 374-2474
E: meewasin@meewasin.com www.meewasin.com
Biggar Museum & Credit Union Gallery
105 3 Avenue W, PO Box 1598, Biggar, SK S0K 0M0
T: (306) 948-3451
E: biggarmuseum@sasktel.net www.biggarmuseum.webs.com
Biotech Blast by AITC-SK
Saskatoon, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Blue Mountain Adventure Park
RR 1, North Battleford, SK S9A 2X3
T: (306) 445-4941
E: bluemountain@sasktel.net www.explorebluemountain.com
Borden & District Historical Museum
PO Box 5, Borden, SK S0K 0N0
T: (306) 997-4517
E: fnhsilcox@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/borden-districthistorical-museum
Broadway Theatre
715 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7N 1B3
T: (306) 652-6556
E: office@broadwaytheatre.ca www.broadwaytheatre.ca
Canlan Agriplace Ice Sports
205 Apex Street, Saskatoon, SK S7R 1C3
T: (306) 242-5423 www.icesports.com
Canlan Ice Sports Jemini Saskatoon
2301 Grasswood East Road, Saskatoon, SK S7T 1C8
T: (306) 955-3606 www.icesports.com/jemini
CanoeSki Discovery Company Ltd.
1618 9 Avenue N, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3A1
T: (306) 653-5693
E: info@canoeski.com www.canoeski.com
Canpotex Limited
400, 111 2 Avenue S, Saskatoon, SK S7K 1K6
T: (306) 931-2200
Chapel Gallery
891 99 Street, PO Box 460, North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y6
T: (306) 445-1757
E: chapelgallery@sasktel.net www.chapelgallery.ca
Chief Poundmaker Historical Centre
PO Box 640, Cut Knife, SK S0M 0N0
T: (306) 398-2316
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations, Saskatoon, SK
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
City of Saskatoon
222 3 Avenue N, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J5
T: (306) 975-2476
E: service.saskatoon@saskatoon.ca www.saskatoon.ca
CJ’s Climb and Play
4, 619 South Railway Street W, Warman, SK S0K 0A1
T: (306) 931-7529 www.cjsclimbandplay.com
Clayton McLain Memorial Museum
101 Hill Street, PO Box 8, Cut Knife, SK S0M 0N0
T: (306) 398-2345
E: cmmmcutknife@gmail.com www.cmmmcutknife.ca
College Art Galleries 1 and 2
107 Administration Place, University of Saskatchewan Campus , Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A2
T: (306) 966-4571
E: leah.taylor@usask.ca www.artsandscience.usask.ca/galleries
Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan (AITC-SK) provides fun, engaging initiatives that inspire students to get curious about where their food comes from and discover agriculture all around them. Our FREE offerings are innovative and educational for Kindergarten to Grade 12 classrooms.
Out-of-school programs immerse students in learning as they visit interactive stations on topics related to food production. Students experience the sights, sounds, and smells of agriculture, creating a fun and engaging learning environment.
Can’t get out of the classroom? AITC-SK also provides in-school programs, school garden programs, and educational resources at no cost.
Sign up for our Educator E-Newsletter to get first dibs on programs open for registration each month. Visit our website to learn more.
DISCOVER NUTRIEN WONDERHUB: Saskatchewan’s only children’s museum!
Wonderhub offers 25,000 square feet of interactive exhibits and curriculum-connected school programs that brings students together to create, learn, and play.
The museum is a safe, inclusive space where children of all backgrounds and abilities can explore, experiment, and interact with the world around them. Our unique handson exhibits and educational programs make learning fun during a key developmental time in children’s lives, inspiring our next generation of doers and thinkers.
The museum is conveniently located in Saskatoon’s historic Mendel Building across the street from Nutrien Playland at Kinsmen Park. At Wonderhub classrooms and students explore endless possibilities, enriching their imaginations and their lives. Book your school visit to Wonderhub today and let your students’ imaginations soar!
Discovery Visits provide a fun and unique way for students and teachers to learn through play.
The facilitated portion and exhibit exploration covers a number of Saskatchewan curricular outcomes through a combination of integrated STEAM learning and cultural and social components in person at Wonderhub.
Exploration Visits are also available!
Book now for the 2024-2025 school year. Visit wonderhub.ca/school to book, and for a comprehensive list of available programs.
We love the activities and programming here! The programs are relevant to the curriculum and fun!
- Silverspring School, Gr. 1
Students and teachers were equally entertained and engaged. Great programming and lots of learning and enthusiasm.
- Fairhaven School, Grade 4/5
Cudworth Museum
PO Box 69, Cudworth, SK S0K 1B0
T: (306) 256-3492
E: town.cudworth@sasktel.net www.townofcudworth.com
Diefenbaker Canada Centre
101 Diefenbaker Place, University of Saskatchewan Campus , Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B8
T: (306) 966-8384
E: dief.centre@usask.ca www.diefenbaker.usask.ca
Dodsland & District Museum
PO Box 171, Main Street, Dodsland, SK S0L 0V0
T: (306) 356-2228 www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Centre
5 Anderson Avenue, Duck Lake, SK S0K 1J0
T: (306) 467-2057
E: duckmuf@sasktel.net www.ducklakemuseum.com
Eatonia Heritage Park
PO Box 189, Eatonia, SK S0L 0Y0
T: (306) 967-2251
E: dsprice@sasktel.net www.eatonia.ca/heritage
Elrose & District Heritage Society Museum
110 4 Avenue E, PO Box 556, Elrose, SK S0L 0Z0
T: (306) 378-2889
E: elrosemuseum@hotmail.com www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Farm & Ag Tours by AITC-SK Province wide , , SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
FiddlyNess Fiddle Camps
718 10 Street E, Saskatoon, SK S7H 0H1
T: (306) 220-2640
E: info@fiddlyness.com www.fiddlyness.com
Fort Battleford National Historic Site
PO Box 70, Battleford, SK S0M 0E0
T: (306) 937-2621
E: battleford.info@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/sk/battleford
Fort Carlton Provincial Park - Trails of 1885
102 112 Research Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7N 3R3
T: (306) 467-5205
E: fortcarlton@gov.sk.ca www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Frances Morrison Central Library
311 23 Street E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0J6
T: (306) 975-7558
E: askus@saskatoonlibrary.ca www.saskatoonlibrary.ca
Fred Light Museum
11 20 Street E, Battleford, SK S0M 0E0
T: (306) 937-7111
E: flmuseum@battleford.ca www.fredlightmuseum.webs.com/
Frenchman Butte Museum
PO Box 114, Frenchman Butte, SK S0M 0W0
T: (306) 344-4478
E: info@frenchmanbuttemuseum.ca www.frenchmanbuttemuseum.ca
Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research
917 22 Street W, Saskatoon, SK S7M 0R9
T: (306) 242-6070 www.gdins.org
Gallery on 3rd
102 3 Avenue E, PO Box 63, Watrous, SK S0K 4T0
T: (306) 946-3856
E: cbaschak@gmail.com www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Garden EXperience by AITC-SK
Prairieland Park, Saskatoon, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Gordon Snelgrove Art Gallery
191 Murray Building, 3 Campus Drive, U of S, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A4
T: (306) 966-4208
E: gordon.snelgrove@usask.ca www.usask.ca/snelgrove
Grip It Climbing
501 23 Street W, Saskatoon, SK S7H 0A4
T: (306) 664-9255
E: info@gripitclimbing.com www.gripitclimbing.com
Hamlin Food Farm by AITC-SK
Hamlin, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Harris Museum
204 Railway Avenue, PO Box 131, Harris, SK S0L 1K0
T: (306) 656-2002 www.harris.ca
Hepburn Museum of Wheat
403 Railway Street W, PO Box 69, Hepburn, SK S0K 1Z0
T: (306) 947-4351 www.hepburn.ca
Kenderline Art Gallery
51 Campus Drive, University of Saskatchewan Campus , Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8
T: (306) 966-6816
E: leah.taylor@usask.ca www.artsandscience.usask.ca/galleries
Kerrobert & District Museum
433 Manitoba Avenue, PO Box 452, Kerrobert, SK S0L 1R0
T: (306) 834-7908 www.kerrobertsk.com
Kindersley & District Plains Museum Inc.
Box 599, Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0
T: (306) 463-6620
E: kindersleymuseum@sasktel.net www.kindersley.ca
Kindersley Food Farm by AITC-SK
Kindersley, SK S0L 1S0
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Langham & District Village & Museum
302 Railway Street, Langham, SK S0K 2L0
T: (306) 283-4342 www.langham.ca
Lashburn Centennial Museum
96 Main Street, PO Box 275, Lashburn, SK S0M 1H0
T: (306) 285-7288
E: lashburncentennialmuseum@gmail.com www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/lashburn-centennialmuseum
Luseland & Districts Museum
600 Grand Avenue, PO Box 412, Luseland, SK S0L 2A0
T: (306) 372-4416
E: luselandmuseum@hotmail.com www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/luseland-districtsmuseum
Macklin & District Museum
5002 Herald Street, PO Box 444, Macklin, SK S0L 2C0
T: (306) 753-2256
E: Town.macklin@sasktel.net www.macklin.ca
Macrorie Museum
PO Box 177, Macrorie, SK S0L 2E0
T: (306) 243-4207
E: nlandrew@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/macrorie-museum
Maidstone Museum and Pioneer Village
4 Street E, Maidstone, SK S0M 1M0
T: (306) 893-2890
E: townofmaidstone@sasktel.net www.maidstonemuseum.weebly.com
Manitou Lake Bible Camp
PO Box 226, Marsden, SK S0M 1P0
T: (306) 826-5440
E: manitou@onehopecanada.ca www.manitoulakebiblecamp.ca
Manitou Pioneers Museum
301 4 Avenue, PO Box 336, Neilburg, SK S0M 2C0
T: (306) 823-4560
E: good306ba@gmail.com www.neilburg.ca
McCord and District Museum
Main Street, PO Box 82, McCord, SK S0H 2T0
T: (306) 478-2522
E: ba.wilson@xplornet.com www.southcentralmuseums.ca
Milden Community Museum
North on Centre Street, PO Box 218, Milden, SK S0L 2L0
T: (306) 935-4511
Mitchinson Flying Centre
2620 Thayer Avenue, Hangar 8 , Saskatoon, SK S7L 6S1
T: (306) 244-6714
E: info@flymitchinson.com www.flymitchinson.com
Musée Ukraina Museum
222 Avenue M S, PO Box 26072, Saskatoon, SK S7K 8C1
T: (306) 270-6033
E: ukrainamuseum@sasktel.net www.mumsaskatoon.com
Museum of Antiquities
Room 106, Peter MacKinnon Building, 107 Administration Place, U of S, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A2
T: (306) 966-7818
E: museum_antiquities@usask.ca www.usask.ca/antiquities
Museum of Natural Sciences
114 Science Place - U of S, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2
T: (306) 966-5729
E: museum.naturalsciences@usask.ca www.artsandscience.usask.ca/museumofnaturalsciences
Nokomis District Museum
PO Box 417, Nokomis, SK S0G 3R0
T: (306) 528-2979
E: nokomisdistrictmuseum@gmail.com www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/nokomis-districtmuseum
Nutana Collegiate Memorial Art Gallery
411 11 Street E, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0E9
T: (306) 653-7580
Nutrien Children’s Festival of Saskatchewan
950 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H6
T: (306) 249-3574
E: programming@wonderhub.ca www.wonderhub.ca
Nutrien Cory Potash
PO Box 1320, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3N9
T: (306) 382-0525 www.nutrien.com
Nutrien Ltd. (formerly Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan)
500, 122 1 Avenue S, Saskatoon, SK S7K 7G3
T: (306) 933-8500
E: community.investment@nutrien.com www.nutrien.com
Nutrien Patience Lake Potash
PO Box 509, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3L6
T: (306) 667-4300 www.nutrien.com
Nutrien Playland at Kinsmen Park
945 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0M7
T: (306) 975-3330
Nutrien Wonderhub
950 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H6
T: (306) 249-3574
E: explore@wonderhub.ca www.wonderhub.ca
Parks Canada Saskatoon
101 22 Street E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0E1
T: (888) 773-8888 www.pc.gc.ca
Perdue and District Museum
817 8 Street, Perdue, SK S0K 3C0
T: (306) 237-9161
Persephone Theatre - Remai Arts Centre
100 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0L3
T: (306) 384-2126 ext. 242
E: kristi.f@persephonetheatre.org www.persephonetheatre.org
Plenty & District Museum
PO Box 118, Plenty, SK S0L 2R0
T: (306) 932-4707 www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/plenty-districtmuseum
Prairie Jurassic Extreme Fun Centre
618 Cynthia Street, Saskatoon, SK S7L 6A2
T: (306) 952-2817
E: prairiejurassic17@shaw.ca www.prairiejurassic.ca
Prairie West Historical Society
946 2 Street, PO Box 910, Eston, SK S0L 1A0
T: (306) 962-3772
E: emljacobson@sasktel.net www.eston.ca/museum
Prince Albert Northern Bus Lines Ltd.
202 Edson Street, Saskatoon, SK S7J 0P9
T: (800) 667-9350
E: panbus@sasktel.net www.princealbertnorthernbuslines.com
Prud’homme Multicultural Providence Museum
77 Government Road, PO Box 89, Prud’homme, SK S0K 3K0
T: (306) 654-2001
E: voprud@sasktel.net www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Remai Modern
102 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0L3
T: (306) 975-7610
E: info@remaimodern.org www.remaimodern.org
Rosetown & District Museum
PO Box 37, Rosetown, SK S0L 2V0
T: (306) 882-2199
E: rdmuseum@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org
Rosthern Jubilee Sports Centre
801 2 Avenue, Rosthern, SK S0K 3R0
T: (306) 232-5276
E: recreation@rosthern.com, www.rosthern.com/274/Jubilee-Sports-Centre
Rosthern Mennonite Heritage Museum
7010 5 Street, Rosthern, SK S0K 3R0
T: (306) 212-7741 www.rosthern.com/171/Museums
Rosthern Valley Aquatic Centre
3013 6 Street, Rosthern, SK S0K 3R0
T: (306) 232-5044
E: valleyaquaticmanager@gmail.com www.rosthern.com/279/Valley-Aquatic-Centre
Royal Canadian Legion Artifacts Room
3021 Louise Street, Saskatoon, SK S7J 3L1
T: (306) 374-6303
E: nutana.legion@shaw.ca www.nutanalegion.com
Russell Hanson’s Mounted Police Museum
420 Elevator Road, Duck Lake, SK S0K 1J0
T: (306) 467-4611
E: russellhanson@sasktel.net www.russellhansonmountedpolice.com
Sask Food Story by AITC-SK Saskatoon, SK T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
The classic school tour performance where we come and perform right at your school!
60-minute performance, followed by a 10-minute facilitated Q&A. Available to schools throughout Saskatchewan. persephonetheatre.org/youth-tour
Theatre fires the imagination — it helps youth develop skills and creativity necessary to face the world, understand it and even change it too. They might learn more about history, how to handle conflict, or find their passion for the arts.
Persephone Youth Tour shows examine issues relevant to young people and provide opportunities for thought and discussion; using the power of theatre to stimulate community, encourage growth and edify young people in a powerful and uniting experience. Theatre fosters an appreciation for the arts and the ability to inspire, educate and entertain!
Contact Kristi Friday — kristi.f@persephonetheatre.org for more information!
Saskatchewan Agriculture Hall of Fame
2610 Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7J 0S6
T: (306) 536-7892
E: r.andrew@sasktel.net www.sahf.ca
Saskatchewan Arts Board
201 Avenue B S, Saskatoon, SK S7M 1M3
T: (306) 964-1155
E: info@sk-arts.ca www.sk-arts.ca
Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame & Museum
292 22 Street W, PO Box 1388, Battleford, SK S0M 0E0
T: (306) 446-1983
E: saskbaseballmuseum@sasktel.net www.baseballsask.ca
Saskatchewan Craft Council Gallery
813 Broadway Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7N 1B5
T: (306) 653-3616
E: saskcraftcouncil@sasktel.net www.saskcraftcouncil.org
Saskatchewan Indigenous Cultural Centre (SICC) 305, 2555 Grasswood Road E, Saskatoon, SK S7T 0K1
T: (306) 244-1146
E: info@sicc.sk.ca www.sicc.sk.ca
Saskatchewan Railway Museum
PO Box 21117, Saskatoon, SK S7H 5N9
T: (306) 382-9855
E: tours@saskrailmuseum.org www.saskrailmuseum.org
Saskatchewan Research Council
125 15 Innovation Blvd. , Saskatoon, SK S7N 2X8
T: (306) 933-5400 www.src.sk.ca
Saskatchewan River Valley Museum
PO Box 630, Hague, SK S0K 1X0
T: (306) 225-2112
E: rivervalleymuseum@sasktel.net www.townofhague.com
The Saskatchewan Railway Museum on the Pike Lake Highway #60 offers a hands-on experience for visitors. They can climb on a train, walk through a vintage railway station, and view railway artifacts that helped build Saskatchewan’s railway history.
The museum was established in 1990 and this year celebrates its 34th anniversary. The museum is operated by the Saskatchewan Railroad Historical Association, who have collected many vintage railcars and historical railway buildings. These items are restored and maintained by a volunteer work crew.
The museum is open Friday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm. Tours on Monday and Thursday. Closed Tuesday and Wednesday. We are open from the May long weekend to the Labour Day weekend.
Group tours are available by contacting the museum at 306-382-9855 or check our website www.Saskrailmuseum.org for admission prices and other details on the museum’s collection.
Watch for special events throughout the summer and like us on Facebook!
Saskatoon Light & Power (SL&P) offers tours of our Electrical Operations Centre.
The tour features presentations on electricity generation, interactive demonstrations of electrical metering, linemen’s tools and pole climbing, electrical safety, and various electrical discharges including Jacob’s Ladder high-voltage arc.
Students will learn what electricity is, how to be safe around it, and how our electrical system can be smart and sustainable.
They will also learn about the environmental, social, and economic impacts of electricity use in Saskatoon, and ways to reduce those impacts.
Linemen, electricians, and electrical technologists lead the tours, giving students the opportunity to hear real life stories and experiences, while exploring the trades that work in an electrical utility and learning about career opportunities.
The tours are tied to curriculum outcomes for Grades 6 through 9. This tour is appropriate for students Grade 4+. Accommodation for students with sensory considerations can be made upon request.
Saskatoon Forestry Farm Park & Zoo
1903 Forestry Farm Park Drive, Saskatoon, SK S7S 1G9
T: (306) 975-3382
E: zoo@saskatoon.ca www.saskatoon.ca/zoo
Saskatoon Light and Power
322 Brand Road, Saskatoon, S7J 5J3
T: (306) 975-2414
E: Saskatoon.Light.Power@Saskatoon.ca www.saskatoon.ca
Saskatoon Praireland Park
503 Ruth Street W, PO Box 6010, Saskatoon, SK S7K 4E4
T: (306) 931-7149
E: contactus@prairielandpark.com www.prairielandpark.com
Seager Wheeler Historic Farm
PO Box 476, Rosthern, SK S0K 3R0
T: (306) 232-5959
E: seagerwheelerfarm@gmail.com www.seagerwheelerfarm.org
Seams Sew Fun
3331 Cassino Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7M 5E8
T: (306) 229-6878
E: trenabelhumeur@gmail.com www.seamssewfun.com
Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan
948 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3R8
T: (306) 653-2300 www.shakespearesask.com
St. John Bosco Wilderness Camp
PO Box 3002, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3S9
T: (844) SJBOSC0 (752-6726)
E: info@johnboscocamp.com www.johnboscocamp.com
Table Mountain Regional Park
PO Box 343, North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y3
T: (306) 937-2920
E: admin@tablemountain.ca www.tablemountain.ca
The Doukhobor Dugout HouseNational Historic Site of Canada
PO Box 433, Blaine Lake , SK S0J 0J0
T: (306) 497-7747
The Elbow Museum
PO Box 207, Elbow, SK S0H 1J0
T: (306) 854-2277
E: elbow.museum@outlook.com www.elbowsask.com
The Marr Residence
326 11 Street E, Saskatoon, SK S7N 0E7
T: (306) 652-1201 www.themarr.ca
The Salvation Army Beaver Creek Camp
809, RR 8, PO Box 19, Saskatoon, SK S7K 1M2
T: (306) 374-5373
E: benjamin_coles@can.salvationarmy.org www.beavercreekcamp.ca
thinkAG Career Expo by AITC-SK
Saskatoon, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Tourism Saskatoon
101, 202 4 Avenue N, Saskatoon, SK S7K 0K1
T: (306) 242-1206
E: info@tourismsaskatoon.com www.tourismsaskatoon.com
Trails of 1885
PO Box 328, Duck Lake, SK S0K 1J0
T: (306) 467-2057 www.trailsof1885.com
Ukrainian Museum of Canada
910 Spadina Crescent E, Saskatoon, SK S7K 3H5
T: (306) 244-3800
E: info@umcnational.ca www.umcnational.ca
Unity & District Heritage Museum
PO Box 852, Unity, SK S0K 4L0
T: (306) 228-4464
E: unitymuseum@outlook.com www.unitymuseum.wixsite.com/unitysk
University of Saskatchewan Observatory
108 Wiggins Road, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2
T: (306) 966-6429
E: campus.observatory@usask.ca www.artsandscience.usask.ca/physics/observatory
USask Art Collection
107 Administration Place, University of Saskatchewan Campus , Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A2
T: (306) 966-4571
E: blair.barbeau@usask.ca www.artsandscience.usask.ca/galleries
W. P. Fraser Herbarium
51 Campus Drive, Room 3C77 Agriculture Bldg, U of S, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8
T: (306) 966-4968
E: sask.herbarium@usask.ca www.herbarium.usask.ca
Wakaw Heritage Museum
316 1 Street S, Wakaw, SK S0K 4P0
T: (306) 233-4298
E: town.wakaw@sasktel.net www.wakawheritagemuseum.com/the-museum
Waldheim Museum
PO Box 439, Waldheim, SK S0K 4R0
T: (306) 945-4828
E: vandigreene@sasktel.net www.waldheim.ca
Wanuskewin Heritage Park
RR 4 Penner Road , Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J7
T: (306) 931-6767
E: tours@wanuskewin.com www.wanuskewin.com
Waskesiu Heritage Museum
928 Waskesiu Drive, Waskesiu Lake, SK S0J 2Y0
T: (306) 663-5759 www.waskesiuheritagemuseum.org
Watrous Manitou Beach Heritage Centre
403 Main Street, PO Box 735 , Watrous, SK S0K 4T0
T: (306) 946-1177
E: watrousheritage@sasktel.net www.watrousheritage.ca
Western Development Museum - Corporate Office
2935 Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7J 5A6
T: (306) 934-1400
E: info@wdm.ca www.wdm.ca
Western Development Museum - Saskatoon
2610 Lorne Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7J 0S6
T: (306) 931-1910
E: saskatoon@wdm.ca www.wdm.ca
Wild Child Family Fun Centre
102, 2741 99 Street, North Battleford, SK S9A 3W1
T: (306) 446-0044
Wilkie and District Museum & Historical Society
214 1 Street E, PO Box 868, Wilkie, SK S0K 4W0
T: (306) 843-2717
E: wilkiemuseum@gmail.com www.tourismsaskatoon.com
Willow Creek Guest Ranch
PO Box 942, Rosthern, SK S0K 3R0
T: (306) 232-5024
E: willowcreekranch@sasktel.net www.willowcreekguestranch.com
YesterYears Community Museum
Main Street, PO Box 278, Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0
T: (306) 846-2220
E: dinsmore@sasktel.net www.dinsmore.ca
Youth Farm Bible Camp
6 Mennonite Nursing Home Road, PO Box 636, Rosthern, SK S0K 3R0
T: (855) 855-YFBC (9322)
E: info@yfbc.ca www.yfbc.ca
For more than 50 years; Table Mountain has been offering ski/snowboard programs to schools across Saskatchewan and Alberta. We feel that every child should have the opportunity to experience skiing/snowboarding. Our certified CSIA and CASI instructors have customized programs to accommodate every grade (4-12) and ability level.
With our large chalet there is plenty of space for a quick rest and a bite to eat. Our 2 quad chairs will have you spending less time standing in line and more time for fun on the slopes. With the newly expanded beginners area your kids will be having fun in a safe environment, while practicing their turns.
• An introduction to skiing, designed for first- or second-time skiers
• We stay on the Bunny Hill.
• Ski improvement, for skiers who can turn both ways and stop using a snowplow stance
• We generally go straight to the top of the chair
• This level is for skiers who can parallel ski and are ready for a new challenge
• We will be going down The Black Diamond Runs
• An introduction to snowboarding designed for firstor second-time snowboarders
• We generally stay on the Bunny Hill
• Rider improvement for snowboarders who are ready to start turning or still have trouble linking turns
• We go straight to the top of the hill
• This level is for confident riders who can carve & link turn on all terrain
• We will be going down The Black Diamond Runs
For more information or to book your class, please visit www.tablemountain.ca, call 306-937-2920 or email tmrpschools@gmail.com.
Abernethy Nature-Heritage Museum
129 Main Street, PO Box 125, Abernethy, SK S0A 0A0
T: (306) 333-2202
E: anhm@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org
Access Communication Water Park
455 West Broadway, PO Box 400, Yorkton, SK S3N 2W3
T: (306) 786-1740
E: waterpark@yorkton.ca www.gallaghercentre.com
Access Communications Water Park – Gallagher Centre
455 West Broadway W, Yorkton, SK S3N 2W3
T: (306) 786-1740
E: waterpark@yorkton.ca www.gallaghercentre.com
Al Mazur Memorial Heritage Park
PO Box 37, Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0
T: (306) 865-2180
E: 1910heritage@sasktel.net www.townofhudsonbay.com
Broadview Historical Museum
1100 North Front Street, PO Box 556, Broadview, SK S0G 0K0
T: (306) 696-2533
E: town.of.broadview@saskte.net www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Canada’s only Toy & Autograph Museum
118 Main Street, Canora, SK S0A 0L0
T: (306) 563-4367
E: sharonnoble@sasktel.net www.toyandautographmuseum.yolasite.com
Canora Ukrainian Heritage Museum
215 Main Street, PO Box 429, Canora, SK S0A 0L0
T: (306) 563-4166
E: tdkorol@sasktel.net www.canora.com/whats-new/visitors/attractions/
Canora Visitor Information Center / CN Museum
100 Railway Avenue, PO Box 717, Canora, SK S0A 0L0
T: (306) 563-4591
E: cdo.canora@sasktel.net www.canora.com/whats-new/visitors/attractions/
Carlyle Rusty Relics Museum
401 Railway Avenue W, PO Box 840, Carlyle, SK S0C 0R0
T: (306) 453-2266
Corn Trails
PO Box 895, Canora, SK S0A 0L0
T: (306) 563-7511
E: corntrails@zoho.com www.corntrails.com
Cornerstone Arts and Culture Centre
325 Bosworth Street, Wynyard, SK S0A 4T0
T: (306) 554-2123
E: recreation.wynyard@sasktel.net www.townofwynyard.com
Cupar and District Heritage Museum
PO Box 164, Cupar, SK S0G 0Y0
T: (306) 723-4324
E: townofcupar1@sasktel.net www.townofcupar.com/pages/museum.php
Esterhazy Community Museum
701 Park Avenue, PO Box 1744, Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0
T: (306) 745-3942
Esterhazy Flour Mill - National Historic Site
517 Smith Dorrien Avenue, PO Box 1744, Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0
T: (306) 745-3942
Farm & Ag Tours by AITC-SK
Province wide , , SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Foam Lake Museum
113 Bray Avenue, Foam Lake, SK S0A 1A0
T: (306) 272-3519 www.foamlake.com
Foam Lake Visitor Centre
320 Highway 16, Foam Lake, SK S0A 1A0
T: (306) 272-3538
E: foamlakerec@sasktel.net www.foamlake.com
Fort Livingstone National Historic Site
PO Box 70, Abernethy, SK S0A 0A0
T: (306) 333-2116
E: pc.infosaskatchewan-saskatchewaninfo.pc@canada.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/sk/pelly
Fort Pelly National Historic Site
PO Box 70, Abernethy, SK S0A 0A0
T: (306) 333-2116
E: pc.infosaskatchewan-saskatchewaninfo.pc@canada.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/lhn-nhs/sk/pelly
Frank Cameron Museum
PO Box 734, Wynyard, SK S0A 4T0
T: (306) 554-3661
E: recreation.wynyard@sasktel.net www.townofwynyard.com
Gloria Hayden Community Centre
279 Morrison Drive, Yorkton, SK T: (306) 786-1776
E: jschofer@yorkton.ca www.yorkton.ca
Godfrey Dean Art Gallery
49 Smith Street E, Yorkton, SK S3N 0H4
T: (306) 786-2992
E: gdag@sasktel.net www.deangallery.ca
Harvest Showdown Education Program by AITC-SK
Yorktown Exhibition Association, Yorkton, SK T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Hudson Bay & District Cultural Society
PO Box 931, Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0
T: (306) 865-2170
E: hbmuseum@hotmail.com www.townofhudsonbay.com
Humboldt & District Museum & Gallery
602 Main Street, PO Box 2349, Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0
T: (306) 682-5226
E: humboldt.museum@sasktel.net www.humboldtmuseum.ca/content/school-programs
Ituna and District Museum
303 Main Street N, Ituna, SK S0A 1N0
T: (306) 795-2272
E: ituna@parklandlibrary.ca www.ituna.ca/library-museum
Kamsack Powerhouse Museum
PO Box 991, Kamsack, SK S0A 1S0
T: (306) 542-4415
E: kphmuseum@gmail.com www.kamsack.ca
Kaposvar Historical Site
PO Box 371, Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0
T: (306) 745-6374
Meacham & District Museum
PO Box 39, Meacham, SK S0K 2V0
T: (306) 376-2003
E: villageofmeacham@baudoux.ca www.meacham.ca
Melfort Food Farm by AITC-SK
Melfort, SK S0E 1A0
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Melfort & District Museum
401 Melfort Street, PO Box 3222, Melfort, SK S0E 1A0
T: (306) 752-5870
E: melfort.museum2@sasktel.net www.melfortmuseum.org
Melville Heritage Museum
Heritage Drive, PO Box 2528, Melville, SK S0A 2P0
T: (306) 728-2070
E: melmus@sasktel.net www.melville.ca
Mosaic Potash Esterhazy
Highway 80 E, Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0
T: (306) 745-4200 www.mosaicco.com
Naicam Museum
210 3 Avenue, PO Box 518, Naicam, SK S0K 2Z0
T: (306) 283-4551
E: naicam@sasktel.net www.naicammuseum.ca
National Doukhobour Heritage Village
1 Avenue S, PO Box 99, Verigin, SK S0A 4H0
T: (306) 542-4441
E: ndhv@yourlink.ca www.ndhv.ca
Norquay Food Farm by AITC-SK
Norquay, SK S0A 2V0
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Parkland College - Canora Campus
418 Main Street, PO Box 776, Canora, SK S0A 0L0
T: (306) 563-6808
E: info@parklandcollege.sk.ca www.parklandcollege.sk.ca
Parkland College - Esterhazy Campus
501 Kennedy Drive, PO Box 850, Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0
T: (306) 745-2878
E: info@parklandcollege.sk.ca www.parklandcollege.sk.ca
Porcupine Plain & District Museum
151 Windsor Avenue, Porcupine Plain, SK S0E 1H0
T: (306) 278-2317 www.porcupineplain.com
Preeceville & District Heritage Museum
PO Box 511, Preeceville, SK S0A 3B0
T: (306) 547-2774
E: apmurrin@sasktel.net www.townofpreeceville.ca
Punnichy & District Museum
PO Box 396, Punnichy, SK S0A 3C0
T: (306) 835-2887
E: lcsich@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org
Reynold Rapp Museum
PO Box 308, Spalding, SK S0K 4C0
T: (306) 872-2276
E: gulrich@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org
Rose Valley & District Heritage Museum
PO Box 40, Rose Valley, SK S0E 1M0
T: (306) 322-2232
E: rosevalley@sasktel.net www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Saltcoats Museum
PO Box 309, Saltcoats, SK S0A 3R0
T: (306) 744-2977
E: saltcoats.town@sasktel.net www.townofsaltcoats.ca
Saskatchewan Potash Interpretive Centre
PO Box 490, Esterhazy, SK S0A 0X0
T: (306) 745-5402
E: town.esterhazy@sasktel.net www.townofesterhazy.ca
Semans & District Museum
311 Main Street, Semans, SK S0A 3S0
T: (306) 524-2020 www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Spy Hill Museum
Main Street, PO Box 268, Spy Hill, SK S0A 3W0
T: (306) 534-4462 www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
St. Brieux Museum
300 Barbier Drive, St. Brieux, SK S0K 3V0
T: (306) 275-4802
E: jmkernaleguen@gmail.com www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Star City Heritage Museum
Corner of 5th Street and 3rd Avenue, Star City, SK S0E 1P0
T: (306) 863-2358
E: lcronk@sasktel.net www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Strasbourg & District Museum
500 Railway Avenue, Strasbourg, SK S0G 4V0
T: (306) 725-3707
E: strasbourgmuseum@sasktel.net www.townofstrasbourg.ca
Sturgis Station House Museum
306 Railway Avenue, Sturgis, SK S0A 4A0
T: (306) 548-5565
E: sturgismuseumsk@sasktel.net www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
The Antique People
202 Norway Avenue, Canora, SK S0A 0L0
T: (306) 563-6794
E: theantiquepeople@sasktel.net www.canora.com/whats-new/visitors/attractions/
thinkAG Career Expo by AITC-SK
Yorkton, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Tisdale & District Museum
Heritage Road, Tisdale, SK S0E 1T0
T: (306) 873-4999
E: tmuseum@hotmail.com www.tmuseum0.wixsite.com/tisdale-museum
Tisdale Food Farm by AITC-SK
Tisdale, SK S0E 1T0
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Ukrainian Orthodox Heritage Church
710 Main Street, Canora, SK S0A 0L0
T: (306) 563-5211
E: tdkorol@sasktel.net www.canora.com/whats-new/visitors/attractions/
Veselka Ukrainian Festival
Foam Lake, SK S0A 1A0
E: twinpinecrystals@gmail.com www.foamlakeveselka.ca
Wadena & District Museum and Nature Centre
Highway 35 south of Wadena, Wadena, SK S0A 4J0
T: (306) 338-3454
E: wadena.museum@sasktel.net
Wynyard School of Dance
325 Bosworth Street, Wynyard, SK S0A 4T0
T: (306) 554-2123 www.wynyardschoolofdance.ca
Yorkton Bowl Arena
49 Broadway Street E, Yorkton, SK S3N 0K6
T: (306) 783-5183 www.yorktonbowlarena.com
Yorkton Food Farm by AITC-SK Yorkton, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Yorkton Public Art Walking Tour & Heritage Walking Tour
PO Box 460, Yorkton, SK S3N 2W4
T: (306) 783-8707 www.tourismyorkton.com
Yorkton Sports Hall of Fame & Museum
455 West Broadway, PO Box 400, Yorkton, SK S3N 2W3
T: (306) 786-1740
E: gallaghercentre@yorkton.ca www.tourismyorkton.com
Allen Sapp Gallery
1 Railway Avenue E, PO Box 460, North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y6
T: (306) 445-1760
E: lgarven@cityofnb.ca www.allensapp.com
Bethel Gospel Camp
115 8 Street W, PO Box 2583, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Z6
T: (306) 240-7862 www.bethelgospelcamp.com
Bioclean Aquatic Centre
2902 59 Avenue, Lloydminster, AB T9V 3H5
T: (780) 875-4497
Birch Hills and District Historical Society
PO Box 693, Birch Hills, SK S0J 0G0
T: (306) 749-2262
E: bhmuseum@yahoo.ca www.birchhills.ca
Border City Petting Zoo
PO Box 1557, Lloydminster, SK S9V 1K5
T: (306) 825-4472
E: pettingzoo@sasktel.net
Bresaylor Heritage Museum
PO Box 33, Paynton, SK S0M 2J0
T: (306) 895-4813
E: velmaf@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/bresaylor-heritagemuseum
Choiceland Historical Society
201 1 Street E, Choiceland, SK S0J 0M0
T: (306) 428-2828
E: crmacdonald@sasktel.net www.choiceland.ca/museum.html
Churchill River Canoe Outfitters
PO Box 1110, La Ronge, SK S0J 1L0
T: (877) 511-2726
E: ric.crco@sasktel.net www.churchillrivercanoe.com
Cineplex - Education Cinema & More
Various locations, Prince Albert, SK T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
City of Prince Albert
1084 Central Avenue, Prince Albert, SK S6V 7P3
T: (306) 953-4884 www.citypa.ca
CJ’s Climb and Play
1403 Central Avenue, Gateway Mall, Prince Albert, SK S6V 7J4
T: (306) 763-7225 www.cjsclimbandplay.com
Conservation Learning Centre
PO Box 1903 Stn Main (18 km S of Prince Albert on Hwy 2), Prince Albert, SK S6V 6J9
T: (306) 960-1834
E: school@conservationlearningcentre.com www.conservationlearningcentre.com
Creighton Tourism
300 1 Street E, PO Box 100, Creighton, SK S0P 0A0
T: (306) 688-3538
E: townofcreighton@sasktel.net www.townofcreighton.ca
Dickson Hardie Interpretive Centre
PO Box 339, Arborfield, SK S0E 0A0
T: (306) 768-3239
E: pasquia1@xplornet.ca www.pasquia.com
Diefenbaker House Museum
246 19 Street W, Prince Albert, SK S6V 4C6
T: (306) 764-2992
E: curator@historypa.com www.historypa.com
E.A. Rawlinson Centre For The Arts
142 12 Street W, Prince Albert, SK S6V 3B5
T: (306) 765-1270
E: boxoffice@citypa.com www.earc.ca
Evolution of Education Museum
3700 2 Avenue W and Marquis Road, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5G2
T: (306) 764-2992
E: curator@historypa.com www.historypa.com
Farm & Ag Tours by AITC-SK
Province wide , , SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Forest Fringe Orchards
PO Box 472, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5R8
T: (306) 930-6229
E: gen.greif@forestfringeorchards.ca www.forestfringeorchards.ca
Francois Finlay Hydroelectric Dam Vista Viewpoint
5 km S of Nipawin on Hwy 35, Nipawin, SK T: (306) 862-9866 www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Glaslyn & District Museum
Railway Avenue, PO Box 427, Glaslyn, SK S0M 0Y0
T: (306) 342-4202
E: glaslynmuseum@gmail.com www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/glaslyn-districtmuseum
Goodsoil Historical Museum
PO Box 370, Goodsoil, SK S0M 1A0
T: (306) 238-7776
E: schamber@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org/museums/detail/goodsoil-historicalmuseum
Imhoff Gallery
PO Box 313, St. Walburg, SK S0M 2T0
T: (306) 248-7072
E: imhoffstudio@littleloon.ca www.imhoff.stwalburg.ca
Prince Albert Public Library
125 12 Street E, Prince Albert, SK S6V 1B7
T: (306) 763-8496
E: contactus@princealbertlibrary.ca www.princealbertlibrary.ca
Lakefront Gallery
2025 Amisk Drive, Denare Beach, SK S0P 0B0 www.townofcreighton.ca/museum.html
Lloydminster Cultural & Science Centre (LCSC)
4515 44 Street, Lloydminster, SK S9V 0C6
T: (780) 874-3720 www.lloydminster.ca
Lloydminster Golf & Curling Centre
4706 54 Street, Lloydminster, AB S9V 0S1
T: (306) 825-5494
E: lgcc@lloydminster.ca www.lgcc.ca
Mann Art Gallery
142 12 Street W, Prince Albert, SK S6V 3B5
T: (306) 763-7080
E: reception@mannartgallery.ca www.mannartgallery.ca
Meadow Lake Aquatic Centre
615 Centre Street, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1V4
T: (306) 236-2686
E: aquaticmanager@meadowlake.ca www.meadowlake.ca
Meadow Lake Library
320 Centre Street, PO Box 1351, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Z1
T: (306) 236-5396
E: meadowlake.lib@lakeland.lib.sk.ca www.lakeland.lib.sk.ca
Meadow Lake Museum
PO Box 1028, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Y7
T: (306) 234-2455
E: cecmid@sasktel.net www.meadowlake.ca
Nature Centre - Prince Albert National Park
969 Lakeview Drive, PO Box 100, Waskesiu Lake, SK S0J 2Y0
T: (306) 663-4522
E: pc.princealbertinfo.pc@canada.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/sk/princealbert
Nipawin & District Living Forestry Museum
PO Box 1917, Nipawin, SK S0E 1E0
T: (306) 862-9299 www.nipawin.com
Nipawin Dam
On the Saskatchewan River portion of Tobin Lake, Nipawin, SK T: (306) 862-3148 www.nipawin.com
Northern Gateway Museum
PO Box 70, Denare Beach, SK S0P 0B0
T: (306) 362-2141
E: ngmdenarebeach@gmail.com www.northerngatewaymuseum.com
Paintball Paradise Prince Albert Inc.
PO Box 1001 (5 miles SW of Prince Albert), Prince Albert, SK S6V 5S6
T: (306) 764-9444
E: info@paintballpa.com www.paintballpa.com
Pasquia Regional Park
PO Box 307, Carrot River, SK S0E 0L0
T: (306) 768-3239
E: pasquia1@xplornet.ca www.pasquia.com
Pre Cambrian Wild Rice Plant Tours
Mosher Lake Road, off Hwy 167, Denare Beach, SK T: (306) 362-2002 www.tourismsaskatchewan.com
Prince Albert Arts Centre
1010 Central Avenue, Prince Albert, SK S6V 7P3
T: (306) 953-4811
E: csd@citypa.com www.citypa.ca/Things-to-Do/Arts-and-Culture/Prince-AlbertArts-Centre
Prince Albert Food Farm by AITC-SK
Prince Albert, SK
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Prince Albert Historical Museum
10 River Street E, Prince Albert, SK S6V 8A9
T: (306) 764-2992
E: curator@historypa.com www.historypa.com
Prince Albert National Park
969 Lakeview Drive, PO Box 100, Waskesiu Lake, SK S0J 2Y0
T: (306) 663-4522
E: panp.info@pc.gc.ca www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/sk/princealbert
Prince Albert Northern Bus Lines Ltd.
517 17 Street W, PO Box 1032,, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5S6
T: (306) 922-7700
E: panbus@sasktel.net www.princealbertnorthernbuslines.com
RNWMP Post Museum
216 Creighton Avenue, PO Box 478, Creighton, SK S0P 0A0
T: (306) 688-3538
Rotary Museum of Police and Corrections
3700 2 Avenue W and Marquis Road, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5G2
T: (306) 764-2992
E: curator@historypa.com www.historypa.com
Saskatchewan Conservation Learning Centre Inc.
800 Central Avenue, PO Box 1903, Prince Albert, SK S6V 6J9
T: (306) 980-1834
E: info@conservationlearningcentre.com www.conservationlearningcentre.com
Spiritwood and District Museum
PO Box 34, Spiritwood, SK S0J 2M0
T: (306) 883-8891
E: geradlinemarie65@hotmail.com www.townofspiritwood.ca/museum/
St. John Bosco Wilderness Camp
PO Box 217, Smeaton, SK S0J 2J0
T: (306) 426-2227
E: manager@johnboscocamp.com www.johnboscocamp.com
St. Walburg Museum
PO Box 87, St. Walburg, SK S0M 2T0
T: (306) 248-7663
E: stwalburgmuseum@gmail.com www.saskmuseums.org
Table Mountain Regional Park
PO Box 343, North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y3
T: (306) 937-2920
E: admin@tablemountainregionalpark.com www.tablemountainregionalpark.com
thinkAG Career Expo by AITC-SK
Prince Albert, SK S6V 3B5
T: (306) 933-5520
E: programs@aitc.sk.ca www.aitc.sk.ca
Treeosix Adventure Parks
3 Elk Ridge Place , Waskesiu Lake, SK S0J 2Y0
T: (306) 663-1221
E: info@treeosix.com www.treeosix.com
Turtleford & District Museum
PO Box 43, Turtleford, SK S0M 2Y0
T: (306) 845-2433
E: mjbleakney@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org
Vintage Power Museum
PO Box 2137, Prince Albert, SK S6V 6V4
T: (306) 981-1471
E: tinapaul@sasktel.net www.saskmuseums.org
Waskesiu Heritage Museum
928 Waskesiu Drive, Waskesiu Lake, SK S0J 2Y0
E: info@waskesiuheritagemuseum.org www.waskesiuheritagemuseum.org
Waskesiu Lake - Prince Albert National Park
Prince Albert National Park, Waskesiu Lake, SK S0J 2Y0
T: (306) 663-4522
E: info@waskesiu.org www.waskesiu.org
Waskesiu Marina - Prince Albert National Park
PO Box 123, Waskesiu Lake, SK S0J 2Y0
T: (306) 663-1999
E: info@waskesiumarina.com www.waskesiumarina.com
Western Development Museum - North Battleford
PO Box 183, Hwys 16 & 40, North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y1
T: (306) 445-8033
E: nbattleford@wdm.ca www.wdm.ca
White Fox Museum
PO Box 399, White Fox, SK S0J 3B0
T: (306) 276-1719 www.saskmuseums.org
Charlie’s Charters Ltd.
3635 Thatcher Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7R 1C4
T: (306) 250-1234
E: charliescharters@gmail.com www.charliescharters.ca
Chinook School Division
2100 Gladstone Street E, PO Box 1809, Swift Current, SK S9H 4J8
T: (306) 778-9200
E: info@chinooksd.ca www.chinooksd.ca
Engelheim Charter Inc.
105 Carson Road, North Service Road, Emerald Park, SK S4L 0E5
T: (306) 566-9300
E: tours@engelheim.ca www.engelheim.ca
First Student Canada - Charter Bus Rental
140 4 Avenue E , Regina, SK S4N 4Z4
T: (306) 721-4499
First Student Canada - Charter Bus Rental
71 5 Avenue West, North Battleford, SK S0M 0E0
T: (306) 441-1790
First Student Canada - Charter Bus Rental
110 Faithful Crescent, Saskatoon, SK S7K 8H8
T: (306) 343-5034
Living Sky School Division #202
509 Pioneer Avenue, North Battleford, SK S9A 4A5
T: (306) 937-7702
E: office@lskysd.ca www.lskysd.ca
Northwest School Division #203
525 5 Street W, Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1B4
T: (306) 236-5614
E: office@nwsd.ca www.nwsd.ca
Northwest School Division #203
Box 280, Turtleford, SK S0M 2Y0
T: (306) 845-2150 www.nwsd.ca
Northwest School Division #203
Box 456, Marshall, SK S0M 1R0
T: (306) 387-1200 www.nwsd.ca
Northwinds School Bus Lines Ltd.
404 Carlson Street, La Ronge, SK S0J 1L0
T: (306) 425-2629
Prairie South School Division No. 210
1075 9 Avenue NW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 1V7
T: (306) 694-8750
E: transportation@prairiesouth.ca www.prairiesouth.ca
Prince Albert Northern Bus Lines Ltd.
PO Box 1032, Prince Albert, SK S6V 5S6
T: (306) 922-7700
E: panbus@sasktel.net www.princealbertnorthernbuslines.com
Prince Albert Northern Bus Lines Ltd.
517 17 Street W, Prince Albert, SK S6V 3X9
T: (306) 922-7700
E: panbus@sasktel.net www.princealbertnorthernbuslines.com
Prince Albert Northern Bus Lines Ltd.
3635 Thatcher Avenue, Saskatoon, SK S7J 0P9
T: (800) 667-9350
E: panbus@sasktel.net www.princealbertnorthernbuslines.com
Rilling Bus Ltd.
10317 8 Avenue, PO Box 1393, Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0
T: (306) 682-2236
South East Cornerstone School Division #209
80A 18 Street NE, Weyburn, SK S4H 2W4
T: (306) 848-0080
E: contactus@secpsd.ca www.secpsd.ca
Southland Transportation Ltd.
10210 9 Avenue, Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0
T: (855) 682-5715
www.southland.ca ,
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