Issue 2 – 2018
Slip & Fall: Who’s at fault? Two B.C. cities look to increase their snow-clearing budget City of Winnipeg votes in favour of new snow-clearing strategy
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anges excepted. Printed in Germany. 03/2004/2000 KW Š
So that you get home safely ‌
Snow fencing SZ Mobile protection for roads and open country against drifting snow
TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from the editor, Shayna Wiwierski................................... 8 It all leads to downtown: The City of Winnipeg votes in favour of new snow clearing strategy............................. 10 A numbers game: The City of Lethbridge learns to manage unpredictable winters......................................... 12
Published by: DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba R3L 0G5 President David Langstaff Publisher Jason Stefanik
An elevated climate: Two B.C. cities look to increase their snow-clearing budget................................. 14
Managing Editor Shayna Wiwierski
Putting your best foot forward: Winning evidence on summary judgement motion.................... 16
Sales Manager Dayna Oulion Toll Free: 1.866.424.6398
Increase snow blade longevity with these tips.......................... 18
Advertising Sales Jennifer Hebert, Brent Astrope
Brushing up: New innovation for fleet rooftop snow clearing expands contractor services................ 20 Fast and efficient plowing: Cubex..................................................... 22 From doing to inventing: Artix Distribution................................ 25 Proudly Canadian: Canada’s leading snowplow manufacturer turns 50................. 26 Enhancing deicing performance of salt and brine............................................................................................. 28
Contributing Writers Debora Babin Katz, Ryan Frey, Susan Tremblay
Production services provided by S.G. Bennett Marketing Services Art Director Kathy Cable Layout Dana Jensen Advertising Art Dave Bamburak
MacLean Engineering’s municipal vehicle celebrates 10th anniversary with large manufacturing plant expansion............ 30
Subscription information available. Please contact DEL Communications Inc. Two issues for $12.00
Pro-Tech unveils new Fusion Edge Sno Pusher............................ 32
© Copyright 2018 DEL Communications Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of the publisher.
Don’t fight the ice!: LavaGrip................................................................ 34 The clear choice for snow removal and material handling: Degelman Industries Ltd......................... 36 The Arctic difference................................................................................. 38 New SnowEx Drop Pro 600 Spreader offers improved controls, simplified installation....................... 41 Proven for harsh conditions Beilharz Snow Fencing.............................................................................. 42 Index to advertisers.................................................................................... 42 6
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein and the reliability of the source, the publisher in no way guarantees nor warrants the information and is not responsible for errors, omissions or statements made by advertisers. Opinions and recommendations made by contributors or advertisers are not necessarily those of the publisher, its directors, officers or employees. Publications mail agreement #40934510 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: DEL Communications Inc. Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road, Winnipeg, MB R3L 0G5 Printed in Canada 09/2018
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• 3 industrial-duty models for work with heavy equipment • Heavy duty augers are driven through self-deicing sprockets • REIST purpose-built manufactured gear box for increased durability and reliability • Large diameter 6 blade fan • Optional discharge heads and telescoping chutes • Available in 9 ft. & 10 ft. widths with many factory-installed options
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2018-07-06 12:16 PM
Editor’s message
Cities across Canada are looking at their annual snow clearing budget.
t’s crazy to think that summer just ended and we are already in fall (heck, this past New Year’s Eve is still prominent in my mind), but when it comes to city planning, snowfall seems to be talked about year-round. In this issue of Snow Manager magazine, we take a look at four different cities across the country who are re-evaluating their snow clearing and iceremoval budget. We start first in Winnipeg, who currently has a budget of $33.89 million, and then head west, first to Lethbridge, then Kelowna and Kamloops, the latter of the three which experience way less snow than – dare I say it – “Winterpeg”. We also take a look at who is at fault in a slip and fall accident and the legal ramifications it can have on businesses. For example,
businesses should always keep a detailed log that is created at the time the work was done. That simple task can be crucial to a successful summary judgement motion. Finally, we explore various new products and supplies that are available to the snow clearing and ice removal industry, as these suppliers are truly the bread and butter of our business. I hope you enjoy the fall 2018 issue of Snow Manager magazine, and as always, if you have any questions, story ideas, or comments, please feel free to send them my way.
Shayna Wiwierski @DELCommInc
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Model 6006 Rigid Dual Wheel Assy. w/the 6511B Dual wheel adjuster w/crank handle.
This system was designed to replace the conventional Shoe, eliminating the cost of frequent replacement and extends the life of cutting edges four or five times.
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V-Plow with Model 6006 Rigid Dual Wheel Assy. w/ 6511A adjuster and Rigid Adjuster Bracket.
It all leads to
downtown The City of Winnipeg votes in favour of a new strategy for clearing snow from active transportation priority routes By Shayna Wiwierski
innipeg city council will consider additional funding requirements for a new winter maintenance strategy in the 2019 budget process later this fall.
was first requested in March 2016, which will aim to prioritize specific roads, sidewalks, and pathways to provide better access for pedestrians and cyclists to navigate during winter.
At the end of May 2018, city council voted in favour of a new winter maintenance strategy to better clear snow along Winnipeg’s active transportation routes. The strategy
“The whole idea was to connect neighbourhoods and connect some of our transportation facilities, so we could move pedestrians and cyclists through our winter,” says
Cheryl Anderson, acting manager of streets maintenance with the City of Winnipeg, who adds that the routes were determined through recent consultation with stakeholders. “[It was the] routes they proposed as being important for them. They all lead towards the downtown area.” City of Winnipeg’s snow clearing and ice control operations are guided by ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
Winnipeg’s snow-clearing budget for 2018 is $33.89 million. At the end of this past May, city council voted in favour of a new winter maintenance strategy to better clear snow along Winnipeg’s active transportation routes. the council-approved policy on snow clearing and ice control, and activities for roads and sidewalks are classfied based on a priority system: Priority 1 includes bridges, underpasses and regional streets; Priority 2 includes non-regional bus routes and collector streets based on traffic counts; and Priority 3 includes residential and/or little-used industrial streets. Up until the new winter maintenance strategy was developed and approved, active transportation facilities have been cleared based on the priority level of the adjacent street. Due to its geography, Winnipeg experiences very long and cold winters. The average annual snowfall is 110.6 cm and the average winter temperature is -12.9ºC. Anderson says that snow clearing is very challenging to budget for as the snow clearing that is required is direcly related to the weather they SNOW MANAGER |
receive in the winter months. Typically, the colder it is, the less snow the city gets. Because Winnipeg is very much a winter city, having enough snow storage capacity can often be an issue. The city was designed with boulevards that are used for snow storage in winter, however, more room is sometimes needed in certain years, such as 2016 when they had two back-to-back snowstorms. Winnipeg’s snow-clearing budget for 2018 is $33.89 million, up from $33.63 million last year (the city ended up expensing $35.56 million in 2017). Since the amount of snowfall is unpredictable, some years they are over budget and other years they are under (which has been the case since 2013). The City’s budget year goes from January to December. “Winnipeg is a bit more unique [than other cities]. Generally, when we get
snow in November and December, it [typically] stays for the winter season. So it’s a bit different due to our colder winter environment. The type of snow we get does stay.” The City prepares for the winter season starting in October. Anderson says that the City is just in the middle of the financial forecast for 2018. If there is money left over this year then the City will start preparing to implement the new active transportation winter maintenance strategy this winter. If there is no funding available in 2018, then they will start the implementation process next year. “We are excited to start this service,” says Anderson. “It’s one of the services that we have heard a lot of concerns about from cyclists and pedestrians for getting around the city in the winter.” • 11
A numbers game The City of Lethbridge learns to manage unpredictable winters By Shayna Wiwierski
Southern Alberta city saw lower costs associated with snow and ice control than other similar provincial communities from 2012 to 2014. The Alberta Municipal Benchmarking Initiative – Snow & Ice Control was released in April 2018 and included five municipalities – Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Banff, and Canmore. The study allows city workers to identify trends, prioritize, and make changes in the delivery of snow and ice removal. Although Lethbridge rated high in cost effectiveness, Darwin Juell, transportation manager for the City of Lethbridge, says that he doesn’t like to compare the city with others around Alberta due to the difference in their climates and weather patterns. “If you look at the differences between northern, southern, and 12
central Albertan cities, Lethbridge is a bit unique in that it’s close to the mountains, so we get lots of snow and precipitation, but also favourable chinooks that can occur anytime throughout the winter months,” says Juell, who previously came from Grande Prairie in 2005, another high snow-belt area. “In Lethbridge, it was about 10 years of moderate climate conditions, so we got spoiled and used to it, and then we got some real winters and the public went crazy requiring increased snow removal and we had to react with better snow and ice control policies, operational procedures, and substantial funding increases for snow and ice control.”
The City of Lethbridge gears up for the season on approximately October 1, doing prep work for snow fall. They start their regular shifts on November 1, with dedicated staff on winter storm watch, with shifts providing 24hour coverage, seven days a week.
As a result, in 2009 Juell created the City of Lethbridge Snow and Ice Control Policy, which was approved by city council and was modelled after similar policies in Prince George, ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
B.C., Edmonton, and Grande Prairie, Alta. The city had a previous outdated policy in place from 1997, and the biggest difference was the creation of priority systems, which are based on traffic speed, topography, and traffic/pedestrian volumes. As a result, the first priority is designated arterial roadways; Priority 2 being the remaining arterials and designated collectors; Priority 3 being the remaining collectors, controlled intersections (stops and yields,) and bus routes; and Priority 4 being all other City-controlled roadways and laneways. Another change that happened in 2009 was an increase to the budget. The finance director at the time ended up doubling the snow removal budget from just over $1.5 million to $3 million. “Once the policy was in place, that gave us the mandate to do the work on a priority basis. Every year we have done something to improve the snow and ice control operation, whether it’s buying a second snow blower or upgrading sander plows so they have the proper equipment on them. We also added variable speed signs on Whoop-Up Drive, and we were one of the first in Canada to create variable speed limits because of a major storm,” says Juell, who adds that they also created snow routes in 2014/15 and a variable speed limit on Whoop-Up Drive with a full weather station at this location, the only river crossing in the town that’s a 90-kilometre zone (there is a second river crossing location under Alberta Transportation control with much more gradual grades). In winter road conditions, the speed limit on Whoop-Up may be lowered to 60 km/h through this river crossing in order to reduce collisions and enhance public safety (the Whoop-Up Drive crossing is the city’s busiest roadway with over 50,000 vehicles per day). Every year since 2009 the budget has slightly gone up by one-and-a-half per cent since the City has grown this amount, however, they have also SNOW MANAGER |
There is a significant difference between sanding and plowing versus snow removal. For this reason, the city tracks them as two separate programs although they both come from the same funding source. absorbed increases in salt, sand, chemicals, equipment, and contractors, that increased due to inflation. Most of the snow removal is contracted out and they have emergency snow removal contracts ready to go. The City gears up for the season on approximately October 1, doing prep work for snow fall, and they start their regular shifts on November 1 with dedicated staff on winter storm watch, with shifts providing 24-hour coverage, seven days a week. Their core staff operates primarily sander plows and the operation of two graders, two loaders, and two snow blowers, whereas trucks and additional graders are contracted out as required. The city has 13 sander plows, some with front blades and others with underbodies, and one oneton truck for 24-hour coverage (winter water shift). Any money left over from the snow and ice control budget at the end of the year goes into the Municipal Revenue Stabilization Reserve (MRSR), which is then used for a year in which the City exhausts its yearly snow and ice control budget due to extreme winter weather. Since winters in Lethbridge are unpredictable, the city’s 10-year average from 2008 to 2017 was $3.513 million per year, however range between $2.5 to greater than $5 million over the same period. For 2018, they are already slightly over their budget as of June 1, 2018 since they were hit with major snowstorms in January, February, and March of this year that used up approximately $2 million of funds only for snow removal (the total budget for 2018 is $4.5 million). The city breaks up snow removal into three categories: ice control, snow removal, and parks snow clearing, which are all separate, yet inter-related operations. Ice control is sanding and
plowing, and fairly consistent every year. “When it snows a little and gets cold, you have to sand and plow all arterial and some collector roads. What’s expensive – and very variable depending on snow fall – is snow removal, which is a separate process of windrowing snow with a grader to the middle, using a snowblower to load a train of trucks, and getting trucks to haul it off to an approved snow dump site (the City has two locations). You either have to use a snow blower to load snow into the trucks or a loader with a large bucket, and this process is about five times more expensive to do than ice control,” says Juell, adding that snow removal is where you can blow the budget out of whack. “You have to do lots of snow removal if it snows heavy as compared to a steady winter where it snows a little, but is spread over a longer duration.” The City meets at the beginning of the winter season to review the process from the following year and work on improving their efficiencies. Priority maps are adjusted and communication plans are determined. “Anything you can do to improve on snow and ice control, that’s what we are looking for. There is no magic solution,” says Juell, who adds that the key thing is you have to temper public expectations with the reality of an unpredictable winter every year. “What are they willing to spend in taxpayer dollars? Cities must balance public and council’s expectations for tolerance of tax increases. I think we are doing a good job of balancing that. Remember, if people aren’t complaining during a major weather event, then you are doing too good of a job.” • 13
An elevated climate Two B.C. cities look to increase their snow-clearing budget By Shayna Wiwierski
oth the City of Kelowna and the City of Kamloops hope to increase their annual snowclearing budget. Currently, Kelowna’s budget is close to $1.7 million, with Kamloops at $1.6 million. Both have asked city council for an increase of $400,000. “The reason we are increasing the budget is understanding that Kelowna is an ever-growing city. It’s expanding, the development is big, and we have increased substantially over the years,” says Stephen Bryans, the roadways operations supervisor with the City of Kelowna. “Things that have made a challenge for us are hillside developments, culde-sacs, and residential areas that are tough to plow.”
With the city’s current annual snow clearing and ice removal budget, that takes care of clearing the streets, some sidewalks, multiuse pathways, and some parking lots. That includes 1,650 lane kilometres and a sidewalk network of 450 kilometres. Since Kelowna is a microclimate with a substantial elevation, it may snow in some areas but not in others. The city of Kamloops, located two hours north of Kelowna, is similar.
thaw cycles that they have. For
“We have a lot of upper elevations, so it may snow there, but not downtown. The temperature may vary quite a bit from up above to down below,” says Bryans, who adds that their biggest challenge isn’t the snow, but rather the actual freeze-
and is often gone by February.
instance, it may be warm in the day, but freezing over night. That causes lots of ice issues and slippery roads. “Our winters have been changing; more extreme events. We’ve have bigger dumps of snowfalls over the past three years, so that’s changed quite a bit.” Bryans mentions that the first snowfall last year was on November 2, which is unusual for the area as typically snow starts after Christmas Since Kelowna is situated on Lake Okanagan, they also experience lake-effect snow, as the humidity from the lake causes cold air, which translates into snow downtown or along the lake area, but nowhere else in the city.
Kelowna has snow routes in four areas of the city, which were implemented a few years ago.
Because of the change in weather patterns, this past spring they went to city council with a request to add
Since Kelowna is a microclimate with a substantial elevation, it may snow in some areas but not in others.
to the snow removal budget, which will increase contractors to help pile snow, as well as increase staffing levels, add more equipment and staff for weekends, and more. They will go to council again in October with the actual dollar figures for an operational budget. Meanwhile, in the city of Kamloops, which has a similar climate to Kelowna, the Kamloops’ Civic Operations Department is also recommending an increase in the annual snow-clearing budget. That money, which includes $400,000 to cover three new full-time employees and other costs, as well as $564,000 for new equipment, will be used to increase communication to SNOW MANAGER |
the public through advertising and social media, additional staff members, two new trucks with extendable blades and sanders, and an additional contract grader for large snow falls. Currently, the city has 14 sand trucks with blades, two liquid dispersal trucks, two graders, two sidewalk plows, and three loaders with various attachments. In Kamloops, the City maintains in excess of 1,346 lane kilometres of public roadways that are divided into eight zones, which are prioritized as arterials, collectors and bus routes, and residential streets. Kelowna also has snow routes in four areas of the city, which were implemented a few years ago. These snow routes
are identified as areas that are particularily challenging for snow removal due to elevation, road grade (slope), roadway width, and numerous cul-de-sacs. “If you are on a snow route, we will communicate to you that it’s now active so you have to have your car off that route,” says Bryans, who adds that they don’t have designated snow route days because of the way that the city gets snowfall. “We don’t do it ahead of time since we don’t know that you’ll get snow there. We have different micro climates, so there will be an area up top that will get hammered, but down below it’s not problem. It’s not all the time, but that can happen.” • 15
Putting your best foot forward Winning evidence on summary judgment motions
summary judgment motion can be a great way to dispose of a meritless claim. To succeed on such a motion, a defendant must establish that there is no genuine issue requiring a trial. However, the court has recently become more and more reluctant to even allow a defendant to schedule a summary judgment motion unless there is clear evidence that there is no genuine issue requiring a trial. This is even more so in slip and fall cases, which often involve issues of credibility. Despite this reluctance, one can still bring these motions, but should do so with solid persuasive evidence in slip and fall cases involving snow or ice. A review of recent case law indicates that courts rely on the following types of evidence in considering whether an action should be summarily dismissed: • The timing of sanding/salting/ plowing; • A reasonable system backed up by a detailed log; and • Industry standards. The decision of Hannam v Medicine Hat School Division 76, [2018] AWLD 1783 provides an example of how timing can be persuasive evidence. In that case, Master Robertson granted the defendant’s motion for summary judgment even though the maintenance policy was not followed perfectly. The plaintiff slipped and fell while the contractor was still sanding. The maintenance policy provided that sanding was to begin at 7:00 a.m. The contractor had not begun sanding until 8:00 a.m, and the incident happened at 8:45 a.m. In granting summary 16
judgment, Master Robertson noted that the standard set out in the Occupiers’ Liability Act is one of reasonableness not perfection. The timing of the sanding was reasonable, and the plaintiff’s case was dismissed. This indicates that evidence regarding the timing of winter maintenance is an important factor in determining reasonableness. A detailed log created at the time the work was done can be crucial to a successful summary judgment motion. In Shweihat v Greti Development Co. Limited, 2015 ONSC 5186, the defendant contractor was hired by the property owner to remove all ice from a parking lot. There was upwards of six inches of ice in places, and the contractor was required to supply their own manpower and tools to get it done promptly. This was not done, and the plaintiff slipped on ice. In dismissing the defendant contractor’s motion for summary judgment, Justice Nightingale noted that he placed little weight on the evidence provided by the defendant’s log book as the contractor admitted on cross-examination that he created the log notes only after he was notified of the plaintiff’s claim. This case emphasizes that logs should be created contemporaneously, and with sufficient detail to be useful. Finally, evidence regarding industry standards can be useful in determining whether a defendant has met the relevant standard of care. In Reichert v Home Depot Canada Inc., 2017 ABQB 184, the defendants were successful in having the action against them dismissed. The plaintiff
slipped and fell on snow and ice while walking into a Home Depot, and sued both Home Depot and Bradbosh Landscaping Services. Home Depot and Bradbosh had entered into a winter maintenance contract which prohibited Bradbosh from removing less than two inches of snow from the parking lot. This requirement was based on industry standards. The plaintiff’s undisputed evidence was that he fell on a thin layer of snow, which was less than an inch thick. Based on the plaintiff’s version of events, and the defendant’s evidence regarding industry standards, Master Prowse found that “The present case is an example of a situation where there was no failure to take reasonable care, but unfortunately, an injury occurred nevertheless” and he dismissed the case. What these three cases demonstrate is that to succeed on a summary judgment motion, a defendant must have strong evidence of what was done, what industry dictates be done, and what is reasonable. Without this evidence, a court will not have sufficient grounds to dismiss a plaintiff’s case, and defence counsel will find themselves in a difficult position. What this means for those in the snow removal industry is that there should be an emphasis on keeping detailed, contemporaneous logbooks of whatever work is done. There should also be a general knowledge of what industry standards are and those standards should be reflected in maintenance contracts. These simple steps can make all the difference down the road. • ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
MAXIMIZE CONTACT CLEAR SNOW Ride the Edge HLA’s EdgeFlex takes a ground up approach to clearing snow. The segmented cutting edge provides the necessary adaptability to maintain consistent contact over uneven surfaces, common with aging infrastructure. With maximum contact the mouldboard transfers its weight evenly across the cutting edge. The even distribution of force protects the surface from the potential damage of conventional blades when they scrape over high spots. Plowing with an EdgeFlex is easy; just lay the blade down and run. While you worry about blade placement and controlling the direction of the flowing snow, HLA’s EdgeFlex technology works its way across the surface, adapting to the contours for cleaner results.
5° Tilt
Each section tilts 5° in either direction to easily adapt to uneven surfaces.
1.5” Vertical Lift
Each EdgeFlex section is able to move up 1.5”, ensuring the necessary contact when moving over uneven terrain.
For warranty details, contact HLA Snow.
Increase snow blade longevity with these tips By Ryan Frey, Horst Welding general manager
t’s no secret that the longer a snow blade lasts, the better the return on investment. From proper
Match the plow to the carrier.
operation to regular lubrication, there
carrier to save money by using a
are a wide range of tactics within a
blade already in their fleet, they could
contractor’s control that will extend
be putting efficiency and longevity
blade longevity. Get the most use out
at risk. Using a bigger carrier than
of a blade by relying on these tips.
recommended for a blade will cause
While it may be tempting for a contractor who just bought a new
stress fractures and cracks in the blade, significantly shortening its life. Meanwhile, using a carrier that’s not big enough for the blade can’t maximize the blade’s potential. Choose reversible, carbide cutting edges. While carbide edges cost about four times more
Be sure to use the appropriate down pressure and speed. Excessive down pressure will quickly wear out cutting edges, and when paired with faster speeds can cause significant blade damage when hitting an obstacle hidden under the snow. 18
To get the longest life from a segmented blades’ trip edges look for a model that connects the panels with parallel steel linkages rather than polyurethane block systems.
than steel, they can last as much as seven times longer. That means fewer replacements and less downtime. If a contractor goes through two sets of steel edges in a season, a carbide edge will last more than three seasons. That’s a half-dozen fewer stints of downtime to replace the edges, coupled with 43 per cent savings over those seasons in product cost. Reversible edges that can easily be flipped and replaced will further lengthen cutting edges’ useful life. Combat damage from obstacles under the snow. Segmented blades with trip edges lift over objects that might otherwise damage the blade. To get the longest life from trip edges, use a model that connects the panels with parallel steel linkages rather than polyurethane block systems. Parallel systems keep the moldboard properly aligned during use, eliminating the risk of damage when piling and stacking snow.
Cutting edges that are made with carbide and can be flipped and replaced will provide optimal longevity. SNOW MANAGER |
Slow down and let up. In the snowremoving business, traveling fast can hasten damage rather than profits. Reduce speed while avoiding excess down pressure to prevent premature blade wear. Keep it level. Avoid angling the snow blade forward. While doing this can occasionally clean the surface better, long-term use will be detrimental. Manufacturers design blades to be used perpendicular to the ground, so tipping the top forward will wear cutting edges and blade wings faster than if used properly. Lubricate. Use grease with a good cold rating and moisture-repellent qualities to lubricate a blade’s moving parts and prevent components from locking up. Tighten parts and fasteners. Blade operation causes vibration and stress, which can loosen parts. If a loose bolt isn’t spotted and tightened — especially bolts on a blade’s cutting edge — it may shear off when going over a manhole cover or other obstacle. Clean, inspect and paint. It’s easier to spot potential issues after cleaning and inspecting a blade. That’s also a good time to apply touch-up paint to any areas that are scratched or worn. While this goes a long way in terms of resale value, it
also helps prevent rust, prolonging blade life. Call in backup. When longevity is needed, customer support is key. The more experience a manufacturer brings to the design and engineering process, the more likely their products withstand long-term use. And, more often than not, the longer the warranty, the less worry there will be of a breakdown.
About Horst Welding and HLA Snow Horst Welding has been manufacturing innovative equipment solutions for the snow removal and agricultural markets for more than 20 years. Its HLA brand of snow removal equipment is one of the most extensive snow removal product lines on the market. The HLA brand includes its legendary two-in-one SnowWing blade, as well as SnowBlades, SnowPushers, six-way blades, fixed V-blades, snow buckets and baskets, and the ScatterShot salt and sand spreader. The HLA line also includes the revolutionary Razor blade, a floating, segmented blade for cleaner results over variable height pavements. For more information, visit www.hlasnow. com;; sales@; 866-567-4162; Horst Loader Attachments, R.R. #3, Listowel, ON, Canada N4W 3G8. • 19
Brushing Newer innovation for fleet rooftop snow clearing expands contractor services
up F
or snow service contractors and municipal employees, manual clearing of snow from fleet rooftops is labourintensive, time consuming, and poses serious safety
risks. Enter the latest patented innovation for fleet rooftop snow clearing called TrucBrush®. This newer mobile broom attachment, powered by the hydraulics of a front-end loader, quickly, effectively and safely clears accumulated snow and icy debris from the rooftops of busses, flatbeds, intermodal containers, tractor-trailers, and box trucks.
By Debora Babin Katz
“In the past, a snow contractor could only offer to manually clear snow from fleets, which is labour-intensive and a highly risky practice, and one that many insurance companies no longer insure for,” said Mark J. Aquilino, owner of Outdoor Pride Landscape & Snow Management. Accumulated snow on the tops of any vehicle in transit is a significant safety concern and one that the trucking industry has been trying to address for years. “The size and weight of ice sheets that may dislodge from larger vehicles in transit create a more significant safety concern for the trucking industry. Operational impacts from accumulated snow and ice are also possible, including size and weight
It takes less than a minute to clear snow from a tractor-trailer or bus with TrucBrush. 20
limit violations and lowered fuel economy,” according to the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI). ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
Manually removing snow and ice from the tops of large vehicles creates a series of safety and operational challenges. Manually removing snow and ice from the tops of large vehicles creates a series of safety and operational challenges. Trailer/truck rooftops are extremely slippery surfaces, which combined with high elevations and adverse weather conditions, is dangerous for any person. In many cases, it can violate federal, state, or provincial worker safety guidelines. “The tops of trailers are not designed to withstand the weight of a driver, or other personnel on top to clean the accumulated snow and ice,” said the ATRI. “The potential for slips, falls, and even death associated with individuals attempting to get to the tops of trailers covered in snow and ice to clean the trailer top far outweigh any potential benefits.” Canadian efforts to address this safety issue mirror those in the U.S., though some aspects are more progressive then the States. Quebec, for example, has a regulation specifically prohibiting any vehicle operator from allowing snow and ice to fall from their vehicle. Some contractors are utilizing TrucBrush to expand their service offerings at distribution centres. “I added TrucBrush at two of my clients’ distribution centres as a secondary service to my snow management contracts, which also replaced a fixed snow removal system at one location that had been an issue for my client,” said Dale DesMarais of DesMarais & Sons.
Association (SIMA) for outstanding innovation and customer service. In Canada, TrucBrush is available through the company’s dealer network, including Caterpillar and Spectrum Equipment. This newer attachment has set the stage for a new snow service offering from contractors in North America. “We now have more opportunities with other facilities to expand our business due to TrucBrush,” said Aquilino. For more information, visit them online at, or watch videos of TrucBrush in action at media-gallery. •
Grow your business with new snow service!
Aquilino’s company, Outdoor Pride Landscape & Snow Management, was able to differentiate itself from the competition in the bid process for a new airport freight terminal by offering TrucBrush Services. “We were awarded the contract and they are very pleased with how fast, effective and safe TrucBrush is.” It takes less than a minute to clear snow from a tractor-trailer or bus with TrucBrush. The all-polypropylene-bristled attachment is safer on bus and truck rooftops. “TrucBrush clears our intermodal containers with only a 34-second turn time per truck,” said Vinny Artese of Global Terminal. Jarod Warsofsky, general manager of Boston Trailer, agrees. “TrucBrush is quick, easy, and very effective. Now we can effectively clear 20 to 30 trailers in the amount of time that it would take us to shovel one.” TrucBrush Corporation sells and supports Fortune 500 companies and has been recognized for its innovation, including receiving the 2016 Snow Industry Commitment Award from the national Snow & Ice Management SNOW MANAGER |
Patented product
The TrucBrush® attachment enables you to clear snow off your clients’ truck, trailer, bus and intermodal container rooftop in under a minute! Faster, safer, highly effective snow clearing method. Learn More. Call Today! (877) 783-0237 See TrucBrush in action at the Western Canadian Snow & Ice Management Symposium September 14, 2018 Deerfoot Inn & Casino, Calgary AB
Watch videos of TrucBrush in action:
Fast and efficient plowing
RASCO’s ‘SOLID C’ Spreader The SOLID C spreader is specifically designed for combined spreading. In addition to dry and pre-wetted spreading, it also enables liquid spreading due to its construction that allows carrying additional liquid agent tanks. Spreader designs differ depending on the conveyor system for the dry agent (auger, chain, or belt conveyor) in combination with liquid spreading. The control unit and design of the SOLID C spreader enables spreading with dry material, spreading with pre-wetted material with different liquid ratios, liquid spreading via the spinner, or liquid spreading using a ramp with nozzles. High precision and efficiency of spreading are enabled by the quality of construction of all spreader components. Unique surface protection guarantees a long lifespan of the device, and it is safe and simple to use.
Key benefits Precision - High precision and efficiency of spreading are enabled by the quality of construction of all spreader components and the EPOS control unit, which enables the control of all spreading parameters directly from the vehicle cabin. 22
Durability - Combination of three systems of surface protection secures a long lifespan of the spreader, even in the most difficult working conditions. Simplicity of use - Includes the use of legs for quick mounting and demounting and a frame which can be adjusted for various mounting methods. Minimal maintenance - The combination of dry, pre-wetted, and liquid spreading reduces the total consumption of spreading material and increases the efficiency of use of a single winter service vehicle.
KALNIK series plows The KALNIK is a universal plough with wide applications. Its size and power makes it suitable for open and wide motorways, but it is also excellent for city conditions. A wide choice of dimensions, scrapers, and systems that can easily overcome obstacles enables its adjustment to various snow-clearing conditions. The attack angle on KALNIK ploughs can be 22 degrees or 15 degrees. For more intense ploughing and easier clearing of heavier snowfall, ploughs with a larger attack angle of 22 degrees are recommended, while ploughs with attack angle of 15 ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
degrees are suited for less intense ploughing of snow at higher speeds.
Key benefits Universal snow plough - A wide choice of dimensions, scrapers, and systems that can easily overcome obstacles enables its adjustment to various snow-clearing conditions. Efficiency - The swivelling scraper mechanism, supporting elements in the form of wheels and slide pads, spring connections of plough’s wings
Combined spreader with four to nine mÂł dry agent capacity and 2000 to 8500L liquid agent capacity.
KALNIK XL is intended for ploughing at high speeds and has a range of installed safety elements that do not affect the snow clearing efficiency. SNOW MANAGER |
KALNIK XL is a heavy-duty plough intended for the maintenance of wide and open roads.
and beam, and the floating position ensure soft transition over obstacles. Safety - In order to ensure safe traffic flow, ploughs can be equipped with raised headlamps, additional reflective marks on the rear side of the plough and direction indicator lights mounted on outline lighting carrier.
KALNIK KL KALNIK XL is a heavy-duty plough intended for the maintenance of wide and open roads. It is designed for clearing deep snow and can be adjusted to the requirements of different ploughing widths. Its variable dimensions, implemented through the opening and closing the leftmost wing, enable simple changing of plough width from four to five metres and ploughing with both widths. This enables the user to adjust to different profiles of motorways and access roads.
Key benefits Fast ploughing - KALNIK XL is intended for ploughing at high speeds and has a range of installed safety elements that do not affect the snow clearing efficiency. Efficiency - Installed mechanism of axial tilt, mutually independent plough wings, 24
and the available range of scrapers
for no-eyes operation, the units
enable efficient clearing of snow.
feature endless encoder knobs easily
Safety - The floating position, multi-
recognized to the touch. Sounds and
segmented design, spring connections of the plough’s wings and beam, and supporting elements in the form of
voice instructions provide the operator with safety and that instructions were received without looking at the control
wheels and slide pads contribute to the
unit. Ambient lightning adjustment
safe use of the plough.
provides a comfortable working atmosphere in vehicle cabs and does
EPOS Control - For ease of use and operator comfort Advanced but easy-to-use technology sits at the heart of SOLID spreaders design philosophy. With intuitive, ergonomically designed EPOS control
not create a blinding glare distracting the driver and reducing visibility. And with a quick-start guide, users can be rest assured that any operator can grasp spreading with SOLID without much effort.
units, spreader operators can focus
For further information, contact
on driving instead of finding knobs
CUBEX in Calgary or Edmonton, or
and buttons on the unit. Designed
visit • ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
From doing to inventing Artix Distribution
an inverted unidirectionnal snow blower for those who live in regions with less snow. Always thinking ahead, he just added a new inverted snowblower to its range, the Snowvac. It is made lighter and will work with smaller-size tractors.
ome 20 years ago, when Michel Girouard was a snow blower operator, he was not satisfied with the products available at the time. He decided to create a product that would suit him best. That’s when the Bidirectional Snow Blower (with the fan at the end) was born. People who were working in the same field started noticing how efficient the product was, especially on time and saving money on fuel. They began placing orders to Girouard.
Receiving several requests for larger snow plows for large plots, Girouard completed his snow removal line and invented a snow plow with hydrolic side plates named Xtreme Blade. They’re movable from rear to front completely. The blade can move to angle from right to left. They’re available from 7-14 to 11-23.
Seeing how succesful his idea was, Girouard teamed up with a company that produced and distributed the snow blower, who now had the name of Avalanche. Only one model was offered, the 92-inch. It was a five-year contract with a production of at least a hundred snow blowers per year.
New products are being introduced this year, such as the new Xtreme Mobile Blade, a blade that fits to your terrain perfectly with its six distinct sections made of carbide. It represents at least a 30 per cent savings on abrasives and salt, which is environment friendly.
Following this invention and seeing how many positive comments he received, he decided in 1989 to found his own company by the name of Artix Distribution. At this time, he was producing and distributing his own product, an improved Artix Bidirectional Snow Blower with a fan in the centre. He expanded his snowblower range by producing 80-inch, 86inch, 92-inch, and 98-inch snow blowers. He also produced
Other products are on the drawing board, and Girouard never stops improving and is aiming for the most complete line in the field. Always open to suggestions, he is all ears with his customers and his priority is to make the customer happy with a product they can rely on for years. •
A blade that fits to your terrain perfectly
Inventor of this raised fan system powered by the screw • • • • • • • • • MODEL
80 inches
92 inches
Blow while advancing Adjustable pads Hydraulic mechanism of rotation of the chute Raised fan PTO is at the same level as the gearbox so less seal breakage and maintenance Industrial Structure Able to clear near doors Lighter Do not leave snow at the end of the run
• • • •
Up to 30% savings on abrasives and salt (environnment friendly) Longer lifetime (uniform wear) Less vibrations (more comfort for the driver) Blade patented in Canada and United States*
A Carbide Blade that has been proven for several years Made of six distinct sections Spring installed on each section Fits the imperfections of the terrain
New Inverted Snow Blower
Equal weight distribution therefore less overheating
The best quality at a price that beats all competition VISIT OUR WEBSITE: | 819-357-0567
*Patented and produced by
Proudly Canadian
Canada’s leading snowplow manufacturer turns 50
ounded in 1969 as part of London Machinery, Arctic Snowplows became a privately owned Canadian manufacturer of snow removal equipment in 1994. From its beginning within the former London Machinery location with a staff of two, to its shared floor space with the London Foodbank, Arctic Snowplows built its current 32,000+-square-foot manufacturing/sales/installation and service operation on Artisans Cr. in London in 2001. Arctic opened its current Oakville operation in 2005 to support the increasing GTA dealer
and end-user demands. In 2007, Arctic opened the Montreal/PointeClaire operation to support the needs of the Quebec and Maritime dealer operation. Arctic Snowplows currently has 20 employees and operates sales/ warehouse facilities in Oakville and Pointe-Claire, QC.
the company, Arctic has earned a reputation for performance and durability that is as much a product of brains, as it is brawn. Exceeding design and manufacturing requirements is essential when you are building equipment to fight the winter in the True North.
Selling to contractors and independent users through a growing network of over 200 dealers across Canada and the northern U.S. states, Arctic Snowplows continues to be the leading Canadian snowplow manufacturer.
In a recent independent survey by TMD, Arctic stakeholders overwhelmingly indicated that one of the greatest strengths of Arctic is its people. The Arctic team is full of dedicated individuals who are passionate about helping their customers. From giving their cell phone numbers to dealers, to working on weekends, employees are committed to doing their best to help Arctic service their customers. This provides a huge peace-of-mind to dealers, knowing that when they have concerns, there is support available to help them through their problems. Additionally, Arctic provides technical support through its videos on the Arctic website,
“It’s our family of Arctic dealers who help put our plows on the road,” says Dan Armstrong, president and owner of Arctic Snowplows. “Our dealers are ambassadors of the brand and the keepers of Arctic’s legacy and performance standards.” To become a master dealer, we invite you to visit master-dealer. Two of Arctic Snowplows’ current ownership team, Dan Armstrong and Rick Lennox. 26
Arctic’s Hitch-Mount Spreader.
With key ownership providing decades of manufacturing experience with
Arctic Galvanized Spreader.
The largest strength and opportunity identified by the survey for Arctic’s stakeholders is the fact that Arctic is a Canadian company. All external stakeholders identified this as a pro, not only because prices are in Canadian dollars, but also because they want to support a Canadianowned business. Arctic manufactures strong Canadian local plows. Every stakeholder identified the quality of Arctic Snowplows as one of the largest drivers to recommending and purchasing an Arctic. It was mentioned on multiple occasions that dealers were fully confident recommending an Arctic, with issues being the lowest by far. When customers go into a dealership looking for a quality affordable product, they more often than not leave with an Arctic. One stakeholder went as far to say that Arctic plows are “bulletproof”.
Arctic’s Plow Partner.
In 2007, Arctic launched the longest and most comprehensive warranty in the snow-removal equipment industry, covering its products for an industryleading seven years. In 2009, Arctic introduced galvanized snowplows to its extensive product line. The virtually-impenetrable zinc coating offers exceptional resistance to abrasions and water, and helps reduce rust and corrosion, which is ideal for snow-removal equipment. With ownership’s combined knowledge and experience in Arctic’s manufacturing and engineering process of more than 100 years, Arctic’s current ownership team of Dan Armstrong, Rick Lennox, and Nenad Lojpur are committed to meeting the needs of their customers and helping them meet the demands of the Canadian winters. Through an ongoing rapport and training sessions with their dealership, Arctic looks forward to developing improvements and new technology to help its stakeholders remain safe and successful. • SNOW MANAGER |
Arctic’s Heavy-Duty V Trip Edge mount.
Treating your stockpile with six-to-10 gallons of SOS per ton of granular material powerfully enhances the performance of your salt stockpile.
Enhancing deicing performance of salt and brine
nviroTech Services is a leader in the technology of deicing enhancers. These enhancers are additives to salt brine or granular salt and help to significantly improve deicing or anti-icing effectiveness. EnviroTech has introduced two industry-leading enhancers, AMP ® and SOS™, with key benefits that can improve your deicing program. AMP ® is one of EnviroTech’s latest product releases and it brings technical innovation and outstanding product quality to the salt brine additive market. Salt brine is a great tool for snowfighters, as it can be used for pre-treating, deicing, and antiicing. But salt brine alone has some performance limitations; for example, salt brine is prone to drying out and being blown from the surface by the wind; the melting point of salt brine is often not low enough to be effective in many storms; and, salt brine is among the worst options in terms of the corrosion it will cause.
AMP® is designed to respond to each of those limitations: 1) It’s tackified, increasing how 28
effectively the product bonds to the surface and thus preventing it from being blown from the surface by wind after pretreatment. 2) Boosting melting power by lowering the product’s freezing point (1:1 ratio) from 18°F to 11°F. 3) Decreasing corrosion by over 70 per cent compared to salt brine alone, which places the product on the PNS – QPL (Pacific Northwest Snowfighters - Qualified Product List). Another important attribute is the opportunity to lower salt usage and introduce less chlorides into the environment as a result. AMP ® has undergone extensive testing to validate its effectiveness and clearly define the best way to utilize the product. Glacier Snow Management Company started using AMP ® as a way to continue liquid treating surfaces, but at a lower cost than with an inhibited magnesium or calcium chloride liquid brines. AMP ® Enhanced Salt Brine has been used numerous times by Glacier at sites such as hospitals, retirement
homes, and commercial business campuses. AMP ® was added at 10 per cent by volume to the salt brine that was made using a purchased salt brine system. “Glacier has used EnviroTech products for 10 years now and we have always been impressed with their products and new innovations,” says Don Nelson, head of Glacier Snow Management. “This year we purchased a brine maker and we are currently using brine for anti-icing and supplemental deicing. Our concern with using brine in our geographic location is with the extreme low temperatures we deal with (the possibility of refreeze). This dilemma kept us from going to straight liquids for some time now. But, after spiking our brine with 10 per cent AMP ®, we were truly impressed with the results. We were even using the brine for deicing at temps down to 10 degrees below zero air temperature. AMP® gave us the peace of mind to use brine for more the just anti-icing.” AMP ® is also used as a deicer to clear the snow and ice from sidewalks, parking lots, and roadways. AMP ® is ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
a favoured solution, whether it’s being used at 10 per cent or 20 per cent add rates, whether it’s being used for pretreating salt to reduce bounce and give the salt a little more bite, or if it’s being used as an anti-icer to pre-treat ahead of a storm allowing the customer to more easily remove snow from the pavement. Organizations throughout the country found that utilizing AMP ® in their salt brine allowed them to have a cleaner/easierto-use additive (without the odours or solids seen with beet juice), gave them a product that was easy to blend, offered lower corrosion rates and worked at lower temperatures. The product can help reduce chlorides by up to 75 per cent due to the improved effectiveness of the product (AMP at 20 per cent has 75 per cent more melting capacity than salt brine alone).
Why use SOS™? SOS™ is an offering from EnviroTech that is designed to pre-treat stockpiles
of sand or salt to increase melting efficiency, reduced corrosion, and eliminates the need for pre-wetting. Using treated salt rather than untreated salt can save you both time and money. By reducing bounce and scatter, SOS™ gets more salt applied where intended and where it’s the most effective. This allows you to acheive a higher level of service, safer surfaces, and reduced environmental impact by adding SOS™ to your stockpiles of salt and sand.
Enhanced performance of treated salt at a lower cost with SOS™ This pre-treatment can happen throughout the year due to its design to minimize leaching in stockpiles, especially in higher humidity conditions. This gives you the f lexibility to prepare materials well in advance when salt costs are lower and plan more effectively for winter operations.
Treating a stockpile with six to 10 gallons of SOS™ per ton of granular material powerfully enhances the performance of your salt stockpile, particularly at colder temperatures. SOS™ can be applied to a stockpile in advance or as it is being delivered. Treating the entire stockpile prior to application to the roadway eliminates the need for pre-wetting saddle tanks. We can provide you with the SOS™ liquid allowing you to treat your own salt. As an alternative for those customers without the equipment to treat their own stockpiles, EnviroTech has a mobile salt treatment unit that provides this as a convenient service. Whether you have a granular or liquid deicing program, EnviroTech has an enhancer that can improve your results. If you would like to talk to a representative about optimizing your deicing or anti-icing program, feel free to contact EnviroTech at 1-800-369-3878. •
MacLean Engineering is a privately owned global provider of equipment for the underground mining, municipal, environmental, and industrial goods market sectors.
MacLean Engineering’s municipal vehicle celebrates 10th anniversary with large manufacturing plant expansion
acLean Engineering, a privately owned global provider of equipment
for the underground mining, municipal, environmental, and industrial goods market sectors, is delighted to celebrate 2018 as the 10th anniversary of the MacLean Municipal Vehicle (MV). Over the course of the last 10 years, the MacLean MV has been welcomed by customers as a true four-season articulated tool carrier suitable for use in a variety of applications,
Over the course of the last 10 years, the MacLean MV has been welcomed by customers as a true four-season articulated tool carrier suitable for use in a variety of applications, including sidewalk snow removal in winter through to grass and brush mowing in the warmer months. 30
including sidewalk snow removal in winter through to grass and brush mowing in the warmer months. ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
Working closely with both customers and the MV dealer network, MacLean Engineering has developed new features and new attachments, and continues to refine the MV to maximize performance, reliability, ease of operation, and serviceability. From the beginning, the evolution of the MacLean MV has been guided by input from users of municipal vehicles from across North America. Working closely with both customers and the MV dealer network, MacLean Engineering has developed new features and new attachments, and continues to refine the MV to maximize performance, reliability, ease of operation, and serviceability. This approach has resulted in steady sales growth since inception with a large and growing field population of units across Canada and the U.S.A. Unprecedented year-over-year increases in demand for the MacLean MV has the factory bursting at the seams. From humble beginnings in 2008, where only a small portion of the factory was utilized, it was hard to imagine a time when demand would stretch the limits of capacity.
custom-tailor the machine to best suit their specific requirements. There is no need to order your MV “off the rack” as customers can choose from a variety of engine, driveline, and axle configurations to best match the MV to their unique requirements.
Just like a nicely tailored custom suit, each new municipal vehicle is built specifically for each customer. Please contact MacLean Engineering or your local MacLean MV dealer for more information on the new MV4.1. •
MacLean Engineering is excited to announce a 15,000-square-foot expansion planned to start this fall at the MacLean Engineering facility in Owen Sound, Ontario. Purchased in 2007, this facility manufactures the MV and MV attachments, EKO environmental products, and select mining products. This new expansion will increase manufacturing capacity, helping MacLean Engineering meet the growing demand for all their products. In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the municipal vehicle, and building on the tremendous success of the MV4, MacLean Engineering is proud to release the new MV4.1. The latest version of the municipal vehicle incorporates many new features and options designed to make the machine even more versatile in more applications and allow customers to SNOW MANAGER |
Pro-Tech unveils new Fusion Edge Sno Pusher
ro-Tech Manufacturing and Distribution, Inc. has recently unveiled the Fusion Edge Sno Pusher, a new containment snow plow that features a combination steel and rubber cutting edge.
The Pro-Float Coupler’s bolt-on design gives customers the ability to easy swap out connection types. Available options include, but are not limited to, CAT Fusion, CAT IT, JRB, Euro, Universal, and Pro-Tech’s post style.
This new Sno Pusher is designed to give customers a containment plow that provides incredible surface outcome, ease of use, and unparalleled durability.
The Fast Attack Shoe is designed to help improve plow performance and decrease maintenance. The shoes work in tandem with the Fusion Edge. Cutting-edge depth is now made at the shoes instead of along the entire length of the edge, which is common with most snow pushers. A simple pull and reset of the shoe pin is all that is needed to achieve the optimal attack position. This feature also makes it easy to adjust the plow edge as it wears. The Fast Attack Shoes are also modeled after Pro-Tech’s Self-Leveling Shoes, which are designed to help operators maintain a level plowing position. Made with through-hardened, impact and abrasion-resistant steel; the Fast Attack Shoes provide customers with consistent wear and longevity.
The Fusion Edge Sno Pusher’s main highlights focus around three main components: the Fusion Edge, Pro Float Coupler, and Fast Attack Shoes. The Fusion Edge is an industry-first for containment snow plows, coming in 24-inch sections that consist of abrasionresistant steel embedded directly into a rubber cutting edge. Both steel and rubber compounds were designed specifically for use with a snow plow and are exclusive to Pro-Tech. The Fusion Edge Sno Pusher allows customers to both squeegee wet heavy snow (rubber) and scrape pesky hard-packed snow (steel). Steel is fused into both sides of the edge, meaning that when one side is worn, customers simply flip the edge and continue to plow. Built for extreme longevity, the Fusion Edge averages between 350 to 500 hours of heavy use before needing to be replaced. The short sections of the Fusion Edge (24-inches) minimize maintenance time if one needs to be replaced. The Fusion Edge Sno Pusher also introduces a new type of coupler design to the industry. The Pro-Float Coupler floats vertically, horizontally, and even oscillates. This feature allows the edge to contour to surface irregularities and variations. The Pro-Float Coupler is built using a very robust minimalistic design, resulting in no speed or stacking limitations, and allowing for easy maintenance if required. Customers are also not married to just one style of machine.
The executive management at Pro-Tech is excited about the Fusion Edge Sno Pusher and its possibilities for the snow and ice management industry. “The product development of the Fusion was rigorous and included a tremendous amount of customer feedback and testing,” says Michael Guggino, Pro-Tech president. “The majority of plowing professionals we spoke with said they want improved surface outcome, durability, and ease of use. We strongly feel that the Fusion Edge Sno Pusher is the perfect balance of what these businesses want from a containment plow.” The Fusion Edge Sno Pusher is backed by the Pro-Tech 10year warranty. Interested parties can visit, or call Pro-Tech at (888) 787-4766. • ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
Don’t fight the ice!
re you tired of damage and the constant reapplication needed when using salt and chemicals? Not to mention the impact on the environment?
A new product on the market is changing all that. LavaGrip is mined and produced in British Columbia, and it is a black volcanic rock that is completely natural. It is a traction aid that provides instant traction. This is an alternative to melting, and as the company says, ‘you don’t have to fight the ice’. Your operations people will love it because it works and they won’t have to keep applying it hour after hour. It stays in place and doesn’t even track into buildings. Grouse Mountain in North Vancouver, B.C. has been using it now for three years. It was introduced by Erik Bowkett, safety officer. He loves the fact that it’s environmentally friendly, but his number-one priority is safety. “LavaGrip gives instant traction and it stays in place. We use it at entryways, our stairs, and on our trails.” LavaGrip is working hard to educate the consumer about the benefits of the product. It was recently seen on Dragons’ Den where they rejected two offers. The offers weren’t quite what they were looking for so they’ve moved forward. With production facilities in Ontario and B.C., LavaGrip is ramped up to supply numerous market verticals, but is committed to the ski resort industry.
LavaGrip, a black volcanic rock that is completely natural and produced in British Columbia, provides instant traction.
the insurance industry originally and points out that the average slip and fall costs $65,000 to all of us as insurance consumers. Something has to change – salt and chemicals are not reducing the frequency of these accidents. One of Canada’s major insurers has had a look at the product and is impressed with its effectiveness. They are now looking to incorporate LavaGrip into a number of their clients’ risk management programs. LavaGrip is a great alternative worthy of taking a look. Check out the company’s website at, or contact Inter-Mtn. at 1 (866) 491-3311 to purchase or for your free trial-sized sample. •
“We have signed a distributorship agreement with InterMtn. who is the premier supplier to ski resorts across North America,” reports David Porter, one of three owners of LavaGrip. “This traction aid is perfect for the ski industry. It’s non-corrosive, highly visible, and is inert. In the spring, the product can be swept up and used again next year, or pushed into the grass or vegetation.” The other thing that makes LavaGrip special is the company’s relationship with the Nazko First Nation. The mine is on the band’s traditional territory and a portion of each sale goes to the Nazko Economic Development Corporation. That’s good news for Nazko because LavaGrip is starting to penetrate the consumer market as well. It will be carried in most Home Hardware stores and in many Canadian Tire stores, and the product should hit the shelves in the U.S. as well this year. With it being pet-friendly, LavaGrip expects to gain hold in veterinary clinics and pet food stores. And the company is pushing hard to get a jug of LavaGrip in each car in the country. “It is a quick fix when you’re stuck because of ice. Just sprinkle LavaGrip under the tires and you’ll be out like it’s the middle of summer,” Porter says. The company is pushing social media with #walksafely. There is a belief that they are doing something good for the environment and for the safety of the public. Porter is from SNOW MANAGER |
The clear choice for snow removal and material handling Degelman Industries Ltd. designs and manufactures bulldozer blades that fit on just about any power source available
ong before Wilf Degelman started building snow removal equipment, he was operating it.
Back in the early ‘60s he opened snowfilled prairie roads with an open-cab D6 Cat. They were tough, cold conditions back then, but he loved it. And like snow removal guys today, he felt proud to clear the road that so many people depended on.
have used a Degelman bulldozer blade to build their farms, push silage and manure, clear headlands, and keep their lanes clear in the winter. The Degelman bulldozer blade was – and still is - the best-selling multipurpose bulldozer blade made. They gained huge popularity in the early ‘70s and were later manufactured and painted green for the John Deere
Over 55 years later, Degelman still
Company. Seventeen years after that
builds high-quality, dependable,
relationship started, Degelman decided
durable, and innovative blades
to go it alone as an exclusive Degelman
available today.
Degelman Industries has been building
Today, Degelman Industries offers
bulldozer blades since 1966. They
numerous models of blades that fit on
started with custom-mounted blades for
just about any power source available.
hundreds of different farm tractors. Each
They are mounted onto front three-point
blade type was fit to achieve optimal
hitches, front-end loaders, skid-loaders,
performance, tractor safety, and easy
pay loaders, and even muskeg track
assembly. Over the years, thousands
machines. They have hundreds of
of farmers throughout North America
custom tractor mounts, all with “quick ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
attach” systems – hydraulic or “D-lock” to free up your tractor in a minute or two, no tools required! The Degelman “Strongbox” and “Speedblade” are both specific snow pushers that are full of features to make short order of the most demanding snow conditions. Strongbox is as simple as it gets around Degelman Industries. A straight pusher-style containment blade capable of handling huge volumes of snow with exclusive features such as large side plates attached to a durable mould board structure - equipped with a heavyduty neoprene rubber cutting edge. The Degelman “Speedblade” is a slick blade that fits on skid loaders, front three-point hitches, and front-end loaders. This blade has independent wing control, which allows you to run in a variety of positions and tackle multiple jobs. With the wings forward, it will scoop huge volumes of snow, and with the wings back, you can open roads. With one wing forward and one back, you can windrow. It features flotation, so it contours on uneven ground, and when the day is done, it folds up narrow enough to slip on a trailer. If you’re looking to work with a company with precision workmanship, creative designs, and decades of snow-moving experience, call the people at Degelman Industries Ltd., based in Regina, Saskatchewan, or visit • SNOW MANAGER |
DOZER BLADES 5 TIMES FASTER THAN A BUCKET. Speedblade® is the perfect snow contractor tool. It’s designed so you can hydraulically open the blade to its maximum width for small and large snow drifts or fold the wings in to move and contain high volumes of snow. It’s easy to transport—the wings fold so you can put it on a trailer without detaching the blade. It’s highly maneuverable—you can get in and out of tight spaces easily. And it’s made to move volumes of snow, quickly, easily.
Since 1962, Degelman Industries has pioneered the perfect balance of engineered toughness and intelligent design. The result is outstanding equipment that exceeds expectations and outperforms. We achieve this through meticulous design and vigilant customer service. Every day, the designers in our state-of-the-art research and development facility work tirelessly to provide mounting solutions to t the ever-growing population of tractor models and manufacturers more than 450 models and counting. If it has our name on it, we expect nothing short of optimal performance.
The unique features of Strongbox® make it the most durable, efficient and exible tool for high volume snow removal. Moving more snow per Pass means more proot for you and satisifed customers for your business.
Double Skin Construction To ensure the ultimate in durability, Degelman integrated its proven double skin dozer blade structure into each Strongbox®. With extra blade depth and internal reinforcement, Strongbox® provides added structural support where you need it. • 1.800.667.3545
The snow industry is very competitive when it comes to who makes the best plow or pusher, but only one of the major manufacturers can boast that it is also a major snow contractor. Upon closer inspection, that may just be the key factor that separates Arctic Snow and Ice Control, Inc. of Frankfort, IL from their competition and continues to keep their products a step ahead of the pack. That is‌
rctic’s Sectional SnoPusher TM has been one of the stars of the snow industry since its
introduction in 2006, sparking a host of competitive designs, but none which can reasonably duplicate its impressive performance profile. It can contour to uneven surfaces and clear obstacles up to nine inches in height and also go below-grade up to the same nine inches to reach into depressions. It is also the only design with the ability to apply extra downward pressure (up to 30,000 lbs.) to the cutting edge, effortlessly cutting through ice and hardpacked snow. Those with firsthand knowledge claim it provides the cleanest scrape, salt savings of 50 38
per cent or more, the best hands-free universal mounting connection, the largest load ratio to plow size, and the safest and most forgiving design for machine, operator, plow, and property protection. Its patented Slip HitchTM provides the purest drop-and-go self-leveling solution in the industry, making it possible for rookies to plow like experts.
How it all began Arctic founder Randy Strait’s inspiration for his pusher was the direct result of being a snow contractor. In 1982, a store manager wanted the area in front of his store cleared without salt. Strait’s 10-foot Protech pusher teetered on the crown of the road, and so he tried his sixfoot Western blade on his pickup truck, each time getting a little more snow, but still unable to get it all. The manager went inside and summoned six employees with six 30-inch shovels to stand next to each other and move in unison back and forth until the area was cleared. Strait noticed that the small blades were the key, and from that experience conceived his sectional design with 30-inch moldboards. He secretly built and used his first prototype in 1995.
Getting the design right Over the next 11 years, Strait was constantly modifying and improving his design. According to plant manager Jeff Sexton, “Every time the fleet went out for a storm there would be feedback that would almost immediately be incorporated into the design. Going to the market in 2006 did not change a thing as far as the design process is concerned. We continue every year making countless, almost imperceptible improvements to the product.” Of course, no traditional SNOW MANAGER |
manufacturer could ever afford 11 years of field experience and testing to get a design right. However, that is exactly the reason that Arctic’s designs have stood the test of time, and they will continue to improve just as they have every year since 2006. Arctic is celebrating its 40th anniversary as a year-round snow contractor this year. All of its products were developed initially for internal use to satisfy a particular need, and the relationship of service to manufacturing is critical. According to Strait, “When end users reach out to us with questions about our plow, it is a very unique conversation, because they realize that we are one of them. They ask very specific questions about how things work in the field that no one without considerable personal hands-on experience could possibly answer. The credibility that we have, and the bond that is created by that credibility, can never be overstated.”
which is kept on the Arctic-owned
Today, Arctic is the largest selfperforming snow contractor in North America with nearly 400 pieces of equipment in their winter fleet,
is another expected game changer
runway of the former Frankfort, Illinois airport, visible on Google Earth, the so called “mile of equipment”. In fact, every year they replace their entire fleet of wheel loaders, skid steers, and track vehicles with brand new models. The factory in Bradley is also unique in that it creates nearly 90 per cent of its component parts from raw materials, as opposed to many single-blade competitors that buy up to 90 per cent of their components and primarily function as welding shops. This engineering and fabricating expertise gives Arctic an edge in prototyping and model making, enhancing its ability to move into new product lines. Its new DoubleDown Salt Bucket TM presented Arctic with an entirely different set of design, engineering, and manufacturing demands which it was able to handle in stride. The result for the industry in terms of operator retention, efficiency, decreased salt usage, and daytime salt on demand. 39
Association was the main lobbying body behind this legislation, crediting Randy Strait as a key motivating voice behind the effort. According to ASCA president Kevin Gilbride, “Randy Strait has been a key voice behind our efforts to effect positive legislative change to improve the industry for everyone, especially the small contractors who are most vulnerable to liability claim abuses being carried out by the national firms.”
Protecting an industry – The liability debate Recently, Strait entered a new battleground regarding the subject of liability burden, a subject that contractors in Canada may not face, but should nevertheless take note of. Historically, U.S. snow contractors held the liability insurance coverage for personal and property claims, including slip and falls. Client contracts were written specifically with indemnification clauses that ensured that all liability was pushed down to the contractor. Eventually, the rising cost of slip and fall claims made insurance premiums unmanageable. As a result, there emerged a new type of national snow company with no snow equipment overhead signing unsupportable contracts across the country at rock bottom prices with the intention of subcontracting not only all of the work, but the complete liability as well. They knew that the small operators could not handle the larger properties and that there would be dangerous conditions for pedestrians, but that they were safe from lawsuit. This was in fact the very scenario being promoted by the industry’s preeminent snow consultant. Under this model, an army of inside sales people, armed with online mapping and search tools, would offer ridiculously low bids to customers across the country. Not all property 40
owners were aware of the end game, but many of the larger ones were culpable. The small unsuspecting subcontractors were either caught off guard by the contracts they were signing or were too desperate to care. When the snow hit, the slip and fall claims poured in and lives were ruined through bankruptcy. Insurance carriers started to notice as losses piled up. Many finally eliminated underwriting those policies altogether. At one point, the state of New Jersey dropped from over a hundred carriers to just three. If that trend had continued, no contractor would have been able to afford to stay in business, and the brick and mortar stores in the northern states would have been forced to self-insure. Either way, the cost of doing business would have made it impossible for those retailers to compete with online marketers, and they would have had to shut their doors. This was the scenario that sent 40 top snow executives to Washington D.C. three years ago to talk to their representatives about these problems in their industry. Recently, Illinois was the first state to pass the Snow Removal Service Liability Limitation Act (SB2138) designed to force both property managers and snow contractors to share equally in the area of liability protection from slip and fall claims. The Accredited Snow Contractors
As a result of the new law, any clause in a snow contract that indemnifies one of the parties will be considered unlawful, and therefore null and void. Once understood, property owners will likely seek a higher-quality service, and perhaps visit the physical sites of snow contractors to see that they are adequately equipped for the task, since websites and brochures have often been wild exaggerations. Contractors will also be under more scrutiny in order to acquire their own insurance. To that end, ISO9001 accreditation has been achieved by about 20 contractors so far, including Arctic, but will become standard practice as contractors and customers realize its full benefits.
The industry as family Arctic is a prime example of a company fully committed to their customers, products, industry, and even their competitors. According to Straight, “We would never be the success that we are were it not for our competitors. I have many friends in this business and I want the good ones to succeed. We all started small and a number of people helped us along the way, people who truly made a difference in our lives. I believe in payback and there is nothing more satisfying than hearing others tell me how I might have made a difference in theirs.” • Susan Tremblay is a freelance writer living in Quebec. ISSUE 2 - 2018 | SNOW MANAGER
New SnowEx® Drop Pro™ 600 Spreader offers
improved controls, simplified installation
he new SnowEx® Drop Pro™ 600 drop spreader features an all new, intuitive variable-speed digital control with minimal wiring for simple installation. With a six-cubic-foot material capacity and a 36-inch spread width, the drop spreader offers controlled application of bagged ice melters and bulk rock salt, making it the ultimate sidewalk spreading solution for use with UTVs, tractors, and other compact vehicles.
SnowEx Snow and Ice Control Equipment is proud to be a part of Douglas Dynamics, North America’s premier manufacturer of vehicle attachments and equipment, and home to the most trusted brands in the industry. For more than 70 years, the company has been innovating products that not only enable people to perform their jobs more efficiently and effectively, but also enable businesses to increase profitability.
For more information, visit • The new variable-speed digital control features a compact design and allows for precise adjustment of the spreader’s material feed rate, letting the The new SnowEx®Drop Pro™ 600 drop spreader offers controlled application of operator drop only the amount of material bagged ice melters and bulk rock salt, making it the ultimate sidewalk spreading necessary for the job. LED indicator lights solution for use with UTVs, tractors, and other compact vehicles. and a digital diagnostic display make it simple to accurately set the spread rate and monitor spreader functionality from the cab. A redesigned electrical system uses fewer wires, providing more flexibility when mounting, and requiring little or no modification to the receiving vehicle. All SnowEx Drop Pro spreaders are built with low-maintenance, highly durable polyethylene hoppers supported by corrosion-resistant steel frames. They are electric powered with sealed auger drive transmissions mounted in weather-resistant enclosures to help prevent corrosion. To maximize material flow and consistency, the spreaders are equipped with unique material distribution shaft vibrators and feature patented vibrating baffle. Other standard features include a vibrator, top screen, and fitted lid. SNOW MANAGER |
Proven for harsh conditions Beilharz Snow Fencing
uring the winter period, blowing snow often reduces visibility dramatically on the roads, which becomes a major safety hazard and increases the number of road accidents.
to be a dangerous stretch of road in the winter time. This section of road is often closed for safety reasons; therefore, the ministry was looking for a solution to improve road safety, as well as increase the traffic flow.
For this reason, the Ministry of Transportation in Quebec was looking for solutions to improve visibility and reduce snow accumulation on the road way.
The trial was a great success! Transport Quebec, cities and contractors were very pleased with the results. The Beilharz Snow Fence performed extremely well under extreme weather conditions. The snow accumulation was much reduced, which greatly improved
Transport Quebec tested the Beilharz Snow Fence on Route 138 and Highway Felix-Leclerc, known
visibility and driving conditions during stormy winter days. The contractor responsible for snow clearing reported that the visibility improved by 70 per cent during snow storms. In addition to increased safety, snow clearing operations had notably diminished, which led to a reduction in operational costs. The Beilharz Snow Fence is a highquality product to increase road safety under the mentioned conditions. It has proven itself in Europe for many years. •
INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Arctic Snow & Ice Control......................................................................................IFC & 3 Arctic Snow Plows.......................................................................................................4 & 5 Artix....................................................................................................................................25 Cubex................................................................................................................................33 DEL Equipment / Gincor................................................................................................IFC Degelman Industries.......................................................................................................37 Envirotech Services.........................................................................................................29 FallLine Corporation........................................................................................................35 Horst Welding................................................................................................................... 17 John Deere...................................................................................................................... IBC MacLean Engineering.....................................................................................................31 NSC Minerals................................................................................................................OBC Reist Industries Inc...........................................................................................................7 Snow Wheel System...........................................................................................................9 Traffic Technology 2000....................................................................................................3 Truc Brush Corporation...................................................................................................21
THE ULTIMATE BUSINESS PARTNER You couldn’t ask for a better business partner than the John Deere 4R Series Tractor. When snow threatens to keep businesses closed, the 4R makes sure to keep you and the communities you service up and running. Dependable. Proven. And ready to be your number one earner. That’s the legacy a good business partner leaves behind. Visit your dealer to learn more about the John Deere 4R.