Five common mistakes to avoid when preparing your snowplow for storage By Jodie Gilroy The trees are budding and the threat of accumulating snow
Mistake #1: Putting the snowplow away dirty
is now behind us. For many snow-plowing professionals this
Your snowplow has seen the worst of winter weather and no doubt has encountered its fair share of salt and grime during the season. Putting your snowplow into storage without a thorough cleaning is a common mistake made by snowplow owners. To prevent corrosion, always wash your snowplow thoroughly before putting it into storage to remove any excess salt and sand that may have accumulated during the season. If you want to add an extra layer of protection, you may want to consider adding a coating of vehicle wax to the plow.
means it’s time to shift from snow removal to lawn care – from plows to lawn mowers. When checking off the storage of your snowplow from your spring to-do list, you will want to keep these common mistakes in mind and avoid them when preparing your snow plow for storage.
Mistake #2: Parking the plow in the yard While hiding the snowplow behind the shed out back may seem like a good idea, it’s not the best storage option. Another common mistake is storing the plow under an enclosed tarp. Snowplows are generally made of steel. Storing the plow on the ground or under a tarp can accelerate the rusting process. To limit rust on your snowplow, keeping it inside a garage or storage building is your best option. If you do need to store the plow outside, it is recommended that you elevate the plow on a platform so the plow is not directly exposed to the ground. If using a tarp, make sure that air can flow thru and does not allow moisture to become trapped.
Mistake #3: Not changing the hydraulic fluid Forgoing the changing of the hydraulic fluid is a very 8