Krila CISM 1996

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THE HONOURARY COMMITTEE OF THE 26TH WORLD MILlTARY PARACHUTING CHAMPIONSHIP President: dr. lanez Dma~ek, the Prime Minister of Republic of Slovenia Vice President: Mr. lelko Kacin, the Minister of Defense of Republic of Slovenia Vice President: Mr. Bošt;an Kovaa{, the Minister for Local Affairs of Republic of Slovenia Vice President: Mr. Bemard Coursat, General Manager of Revoz Company Vice President. Mr. Miloš Kovaa{, General Manager of Krka Company MEMBERS Mrs.Polonca Dobrajc, President of the Parliamentary Defense Committee General Albin Gutman, Chief of Staff Slovenian Armed Forces Mr. Boris lnidari{, State Secretary Ministry of Defense Mr. lole Avši{, Mayor of Brešice Mr. Alojz Zupan, General Manager Telecom Campany Brigadier General Remi Simonet, President of CJSM General Karl Majcen, Inspector General of the Austrian Armed Forces Colonel Erich Graetzer, President of CJSM Switzerland Mr. Bošt;an Špiler, President Aero-Club Nova mesta Mr. Pavle Vindišar, President National CJSM of Slovenia Brigadier Rade Klisari{, Chief Organizing Committee, 26th World Military Parachuting Championship Brigadier Dragan Bavlar, Chief Air Force and Air Defense, Slovenian Armed Forces Mr. Danijel Nardin, President Aeronautical Unian of Slovenia


predsednik dr. lanez DRNOVŠEK - predsednik vlade RS podpredsednik: g. lelko KACIN - minister za obrambo RS podpredsednik: mag. Bošt;an KOVA(I( - minister za lokalno samoupravo RS podpredsednik: g. Bemard COURSAT - gen.dir. REVOZA podpredsednik: mag_ Miloš KOVA(I( - gen. dir. KRKE (lANI

ga. Polonca DOBRAJC - predsednica odbora za abrambo gen. palk. Albin GUTMAN - načelnik GŠSV mag. Boris lNIOARI( - državni sekretar MORS g. lole AVŠI( - župan občine BREŽiCE mag. Alojz ZUPAN - gen. dir. TELEKOM-a brig.gen. Remi SIMONET - predsednik med.voj. padalske org. gen. Karl MAJCEN - generalni inšpektor Avstrijske zvezne vojske polk. Erich GRATlER - predsednik del.ClSM-a Švice g. Bošt;an ŠPILER - predsednik Aerokluba Novo mesta mag. Pavle VINDlŠAR - predsednik nac.del. CJSM-a brig. Rade KLlSARI( - direktor OK XXVI. SVPP

Izdal: Organizacijski komite XXVI.SVPP pri Ministrstvu za obrambo, Založnik: Defensor d.o.o. - KRILA Glavni in odgovorni urednik: Tone Polenec, Pripravil: Boris Knific, Grofifno pripravo: Luxurija, TIsk: Tiskarna DELO



KRI L A -_,,;I

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It is with great ioy and pride, that Slovenia hosts the 26th World Military Parachuting Championship. We are espacially pleased to be oble to organize this great event at the very fifth anniversary of our independance. Inspite many feelings of doubt and unfavourable circumstances, Slovenia has manifested the ability to pace it's own indpendant way, to develop ocompetitive economy and to grow into omodern and secure European state. It's incorporation into Europan integrational trends is o tribute to our endeavours and at the same time ocommitment to continue the outlined path. The organizers of this Championship have token upon themselves an important and demanding task of hosting, for the next ten days, the elite of world military parachutists, who through their work repeatedly pro ved that the ultimate human capacities have by far not yet been exhausted. Development and technical achievment of contemporary parachutism is the result of hard work, arduous training and staunch courage. Itake this opportunity to congratulate the competitors for their bravery and wish them the best of sporting fortune and to commend the organizers for their hard and strenuous work, wishing them osuccessful accomplishment of the Championship. dr.JanezOrnov.fek President of the Honorary Committee

OB XXVI. SVETOVNEM VOJAŠKEM PADALSKEM PRVENSTVU I~-----------------------------------------------------



Slovenija s ponosom in veseljem gosti letošnje že 26.svetovno vojaško padalsko prvenstvo. Še posebej smo veseli, ker smo organizatorji tega velikega tekmovanja prav v času, ko praznujemo peto obletnico osamosvojitve. Slovenija je v teh petih letih kljub številnim dvomom in težkim okoliščinam dokazala, da je sposobna nadaljevati samostojno pot, razviti konkurenčno gospodarstvo in postati sodobna ter varna evropska država. Vključitev v evropske integracijske tokove je priznanje našim naporom in hkrati obveza nadaljevati začrtano pot. Organizatorji letošnjega prvenstva so nase prevzeli pomembno in zahtevno nalogo, saj bodo deset dni gostili najboljše svetovne vojaške padalce, ki ssvojimi skoki vedno znova dokazujejo, da skrajne meje človeških zmogljivosti še zdavnaj niso izčrpane. Razvoj in tehnični dosežki sodobnega padalstva so plod trdega dela, napornih treningov in neomajanega poguma. Vsem tekmovalcem čestitam za njihov pogum in jim želim veliko športne sreče, organizatorjem izrekam pohvalo za dosedanje trdo in naporno delo ter jim želim uspešno izvedbo prvenstva.

Predsednik lastnega odbora dr.JanezOrnov.fek



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f----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. It is my privilege to reffect on some particular facts at such an occassion as the 24th Military World Parachuting Championship, and thus sincerely welcome all the perticipating teams, guests and all those who, in any way whatsoever, assisted with the preliminaries and the accomplishment of this contest. The organization of this world championship was entrusted to Slovenian Armed Forces in 1995 in Beiing, at the 50th General Assembly of ClSM, abody uniting 116 states. Three years ago we already successfully carried out the European Military Parachuting Championship in Kranj. This is aproof of confidence of ClSM state mambers into our ability of organizing great sporting events, even measured by warld standards, af which we are especially proud.

ln Slovenian Armed Forces we give great attention to sport, especially the high ranking one. Sport parachutists from the ranks of Slovenian Army have been achieving top placements for the fifth cansecutive year in all renown cantests, and with their achievments they strengthend the image of young Sovenian Armed Forces and Republic of Slovenia, which again ensured us ahanorary place among the world top parachuting elite. With the organization of the World Military Parachuting Championship we prave, that Slovenia and it's Armed Forces entered the international military sport as asporting force worth men tioning and ever more heard of. At the military airfield in Cerklje upan Krka the competitors will compete in three events, individual and group target jumps, group formation jumps and figurative jumps. At this occasion also Pilatus Porter PC6B aircraft of the Austrian Air Force will participate, which is aunique example of military cooperation between friendly neighbouring states. Of special interest and attraction will without doubt be the appearan{e of the U.S.Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, "Thunderbirds", at the Opening Ceremony. At the candidature for organization of the Championship we received the best of support by the National Delegatian of ClSM of the Bundesheer of Republic of Austria, especially so by their ClSM President Biragdir

Artur lechner, for which I take this oportunity to express my sincere gratitude. I should like to give my thanks to the Organizing Committee as such, for an excellently and professionally acomplished preparation of the Championship from the programme, organizational and technical point of view. I have also to mention the 2.PPSv, the Council of Brežice, Aero-Club Novo mesto and all the sponsors for their unselfish assistance. My special thanks go to the U.s. Air Force Attache in Vienna, Colanel Dole E. Hollrah, who greatly assisted in enabling us to enjoy and witness the appearance of the U. S.Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, "Thunderbirds", as well as to Colonel Vrash, the U.S.Defence Attache in Ljubljana, whose help for the same purpose has been most valuable. The Organizers have invested great effort in carrying out this event, unsurpassed by number of participating teams, and it is my firm belief that the Championship in such splendid organization will offer excellent con testing condition to participating sportists. I wish them all the best of sporting success and to spectators much enjoyjment watching this exceptional sport. No doubt, that here too, the ClSM slogan "Friendship through sport" will live up to it's meaning.

lelko Kacin Minister of Defense

S TOVANI TEKMOVALKE IN TEKMOVALCI, PREDSTAVNIKI ARMAD IN MEDNARODNEGA ZDRUŽENJA ZA VOJAŠKI ŠPORT ! f----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. V čast mi je, da ob tako pomembnem dogodku, kot je XXVI. svetovno vojaško padalsko prvenstvo, izrazim nekaj misli ter stem zaželim dobrodošlico vsem sodelujočim ekipam, gostom in vsem tistim, ki so kakorkoli pripomogli pri pripravi in izvedbi tega prvenstva. Organizacija svetovnega prvenstva je bila dodeljena Slovenski vojski leta 1995 v Pekingu, na 50. generalni skupščini CI5M, organizacije, ki združuje 116 držav. Pred tremi leti smo v Kranju že uspešno izvedli evropsko vojaško padalsko prvenstvo. Dokaz tega je zaupanje držav članic CISM vnaše sposobnosti pri organizaciji velikih športnih dogodkov, tudi vsvetovnem merilu, na kar smo še posebej ponosni. VSlovenski vojski posvečamo posebno pozornost športu, še posebej vrhunskemu športu. Sportni padalci iz vrst Slovenske vojske že peto leto zaporedoma dosegajo vrhunske uvrstitve na vseh velikih tekmovanjih in ssvojimi dosežki utrjujejo ugled mlade slovenske vojske ter države Slovenije, kar nam zagotavlja častno mesto med svetovno padalsko športno elito. Zorgani-


zacijo svetovnega vOjaškega padalskega prvenstva dokaZUjemo, da je Slovenija in njena vojska vstopila v mednarodni vojaški šport kot omembe vredna športna sila, za katero se vse pogostje sliši. Tekmovalci se bodo na vojaškem letališču vCerkljah ob Krki pomerili vtreh disciplinah in sicer vskokih na cilj posamezno in ekipno, vskupinskih likovnih skokih ter vfigurativnih skokih. Pri izvedbi tekmovanj bodo sodelovala tudi letala Pilatus Porter PC-6B Avstrijske vojske, kar je edinstven primer dobrososedskega sodelova nja na vojaškem področjU. Posebno pozornost pa bo prav gotovo pritegnil nastop ameriške letalske akrobatske skupine Thunderbirds, ki bo nastopila na otvoritveni slovesnosti. Pri kandidaturi za organizacijo prvenstva, nas je najbolj podprla Nacionalna delegacija (lSM Zvezne vojske Republike Avstrije in še posebej predsednik (lSM brigadir Artur Zechner, za kar se mu ob tej priložnosti še posebejj zahvaljujem. Izrekam tudi vso zahvalo celotnemu organizacijskemu odboru za odlično in profeSionalno

pripravo prvenstva na programskem, organizacijskem in strokovnem področju. Vsa zahvala gre tudi 2. PPSV, občine Brežice, Aeroklubu iz Novega Mesta in vsem sponzorjem za pomoč pri pripravi prvenstva. Še posebej pa se moram zahvaliti ameriškemu letalskemu atašeju na Dunaju polkovniku Dole E. Hollrahu, ki je veliko pripomogel ktemu, da bomo lahko uživali ob nastopu letalske akrobatske skupine Thunderbirds, prav tako tudi polkovniku Vroshu, ameriškemu obrambnemu atašeju vLjubljani, ki je pomagal vpripravah za nastop ameriške akrobatske skupine. Organizatorji so za uspešno izvedbo tega, po številu sodelujočih reprezentanc največjega tekmovanja, vložili veliko napora in prepričan sem, da bo tekmovanje vtako odlični organizaciji nudilo športnikom odlične tekmovalne pogoje. Vsem sodelujočim tekmovalcem želim veliko športne sreče, gledalcem pa obilo športnih užitkov. Prepričan sem, da bo tudi tokrat zaživelo geslo (lSM "Prijateljstvo skozi šport" vceloti.

lelko Kacin, Minister

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f----------------------------------------------------------------------It is my great honour and pleasure, to welcome the highest number of participants at any World Military Parachuting Championship ever - 452 women and men from 45 states attending the 26th World Military Parachuting Championship at Cerklje upon Krka, Slovenia. The Slovenian Armed Forces are proud to have been entrusted with the organization of such an important event, one of the 17 c/SM Championships this year. We are especial/y pleased to organize an event in that particular sport in which we have been achieving top results. Parachuting is also abranch of sport in which we have been participating in c/SM events from the beginning of our membership. The first such event took place in 1992 in Granada, Spain, where our parachutists achieved 3rd team placement in group jumps, and where our parachutist Miss Irena Avbelj was 2nd in figurative jumps, which was agreat encouragement for further development of parachuting sport in our military environment. In these four years since 1992, the team of the Slovenian Armed Forces was awarded 8 medals on c/SM World Championships. During this period we also organized the first c/SM event with us, the European Military Parachuting Championship in Kranj, in June 1993. You, members of Armed Forces from many states from different parts of the world, now meet again to contest in this attractive and exacting sport. You shall pro ve to each other, that your physicol and mental condition is superb, and, which is most important to us, you shall have the opportunity to leam how delightful and great, though geographicolly small, is our country, the Republic of Slovenia, locoted in the heart of Europe. Ido hope, that during your stav with us, you shall have the opportunity to leam the hospitality and benevolence of our people. Ishould also like to thank the Austrian Armed Forces for their assistance in accomplishing this Championship. Without their Pilatus Porter PC-68 aircraft, the event would hardly be possible. Together with all of you the Slovenian Armed Forces will see, that the idea o c/SM "Friendship through sport" shalllive up to it's profound meaning. I wish you all apleasant stav in Slovenia and the best of competing success.

General Albin Gutman Chief of Staff, Slovenian Armed Forces

SPOŠTOVANE ŠPORTNICE, ŠPORTNIKI IN VSI DRUGI GOSTI SLOVENSKE VOJSKE ! f----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. V posebno čast in veselje mi je, da lahko pozdravim doslej največje število udeležencev iz 45 držav na 26.svetovnem vojaškem padalskem prvenstvu v Cerkljah ob Krki, v Sloveniji. Slovenska vojska je ponosna, da ji je bila zaupana izvedba tako velikega tekmovanja, enega izmed 17 Svetovnih prvenstev ClSM-a letos. Še posebej nas veseli, da organiziramo Svetovno prvenstvo v športu, v katerem dosegam o največje uspehe. Poleg tega je padalstvo ena tistih športnih disciplin, v kateri se udeležujemo tekmovanj ClSM-a že od samega začetka našega članstva . Prvo takšno tekmovanje ClSM-a je bilo za nas leta 1992 v Granadi v Španiji, kjer so v skupinskih skokih naši padalci ekipno zasedli 3. mesto, napa padalka Irena Avbelj pa v figurativnih skokih drugo mesto, kar je bila velika vzpodbuda za nadaljnji razvoj tega športa v vojski. Vteh štirih letih, od leta 1992 pa do danes je padalska reprezentanca Slovenske vojske osvojila na Svetovnih prvenstvih ClSM že 8 medalj. Vtem času smo uspešno organizirali tudi prvo tekmovanje ClSM-a pri nas: Evropsko vojaško padalsko prvenstvo v Kranju, junija leta 1993. Pripadniki vojska iz različnih držav sveta ste se ponovno srečali na tekmovanju v tem atraktivnem in zelo zahtevnem športu. Drug drugemu boste dokazali, kakšni sta vaši telesna priPraVr\enost in psihična trdnost, obenem pa, kar je tudi zelo pomembno, spoznali lepote in veličino naše, sicer geografsko majhne države Republike Slovenije, ki eži v osrčju Evrope. Upam pa, da boste v tem kratkem času vašega bivanja uspeli spoznati gostoljubnost in prijaznost naših ljudi. Na tem mestu se zahvaljujem tudi avstrijski vojski za pomoč pri izvedbi prvenstva. Brez njihovih letal Pilatus PC-6B turbo porter bi prvenstvo težko izvedli. Skupaj z vami bo tudi Slovenska vojska udejanjala idejo ClSM-a »Prijateljstvo sšportom«. Vsem vam želimo prijetno bivanje v Republiki Sloveniji in veliko uspehov na tekmovanju.

Nalelnik GeneralItrJba Slovenske vo;ske general Albin Gutman


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KRI L A -~/./ --------------,

WELCOME TO BREilCE COMMUNITY! f-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. rhe Slovenian Armed Forces bose in Cerklie upon Krka is the host of this year's World Military Parachuting Championship. People of Brežice Community, enclosing also the site of the event, are extremely glad and proud, that the competitors of 45 states from all parts of the world will have the opportunity, to meet us in an unusual, yet attractive way, as turism is one of our most essetial and perspective business branches. ff one would try to describe our community very brief/y, then it is to be told, that it has an area of 268,45 square kilometers and opopulation of 24700, that it is situated in the southeasterly part of Slovenia, and has ocommon border with Croatia of 67 kilometers length. Together with communities of Sevnica and Krško it links into o small, but geographically rounded off region called Posavie. As the name itself shows, Sava, our maior river, is the connecting arthery, which leaves the territory of Slovenia near Brežice. To the neighbouring region Dolenisko we are linked with one of the most graceful rivers, the Krka, f/owing into river Sava at (ateš in the immediate

vicinity of Brešice town. As Imentioned before, tourism is one of the fundomental economic activities of Brežice region, and it is ranked second in Republic of Slovenia regarding the number of ovemight guests. The most prominent branch of tourism is the (atež Spa, developed due to rich thermal water ·sources, and thus enhancing health tourism, which is greatly complemented with outing opportunities, rural tourism, natural evironment and cultural events, hunting, fishing and tracking. Communty Brežice is retaining and developing it's traditional role in the field of administration, education, medicare, banking, commerce, culture, sport and other activities. The picture of our region would not be complete, if we did not mention agriculture as one of the very important economic branches, with especially high quality of fruit and wine growing. The reputation of our wines is enhancing from year to year. From grapes of the Bizelisko wine growing region, wines are derived, renown for many champion .titels and numerous medaIs, especially sparkling wines and assorted table wines. In the immediate vicinity of Cerklie village

the famous Gadova peč-the Viper's Crag -is located, with onumber of vineyards, where the unique Cviček wine is grown. It is my firm belief and desire, that during the days of their soioum with us, the competitors and our guests will also leam many other features of our region, which Ihave not been oble to mention. In these days of the World Championship we, the people of Slovenia, also celebrote the fifth anniversary of our independance. The site of the present World Championship was, five years ago, the air force bose of Yugoslav Armed Forces, persistently intimidating the people of Brežice in particular, and of Slovenia in general. Now it is our privilege to celebrate, together with you, the fifth aniversary of independance peacefully, sportive and in o friendly environment. Itake this opportunity to wish all the competitors and officials of numerous Sport Associations, and all the visitors, enioyment and opleasant stav with us. Once again, welcome in Brežice, welcome in Cerklie upon Krka.

]ožeAvfil The Moyor of Brežice


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Baza Slavenske vojske v Cerkljah ob Krki ie gostitelj letošnjega Svetovnega vojaškega padalskega prvenstva. Prebivalci občine Brežice, kamor sodi tudi prizorišče prvenstva, smo izredno veseli in ponosni, da nas bodo, za nas na nekoliko neobičajen, a atraktiven način, spoznali tekmovalci iz 45 držav iz vsega sveta, saj je ravno turizem ena od naših najmočnejših in perspektivnih gospodarskih dejavnosti. Da je turizem ena najpomembnejših dejavnosti v občini Brežice, potrjuje tudi podatek, da se uvrščamo na drugo mesto v Sloveniji po številu turističnih nočitev.


Paradni konj turizma so Terme Čatež, katerih razvoj je zasnovan na bogatih termalnih vrelcih in stem zdraviliškem turizmu. Vendar ni samo zdraviliški turizem osnova naših turističnih ambicij, saj se ta učinkovito dopolnl·uje z neštetimi možnostmi za izlete,s podeže skim turizmom, obiski številnih naravnih in kulturnih znamenitosti, lovom, ribolovom in pohodništvom. Občina Brežice ohranja in razvija tudi svojo tradicionalno vlogo na področju uprave, šolstva, zdravstva, bančništva, trgovine, kulture, športa in ostalih dejavnosti. Predstava o našem področju ne bi bila popolna, če ne bi omenil kmetijstva kot zelo pomembne gospodarske dejavnosti, v okviru katere po kakovosti in doseženih rezultatih izstopata sadjarstvo in vinogradništvo. Sloves vin iz naše občine se stopnjuje iz leta v leto. Iz grozdja, pridelanega v bizeljskem vino rodnem okolišu, izhajaio številni državni vinski prvaki in šampioni med penečimi, predikatnmimi in vrhunskimi namiznimi vini. Vneposredni bližini Cerkelj ob Krki je slovita Gadova peč in vinske gorice, kjer pridelujejo edinstveno vino Cviček.

Prepričan sem in želim si, da boste tekmovalci in vsi obiskovalci svetovnega prvenstva spoznali v dneh, ki jih boste preživeli med nami, tudi številne druge značilnosti, ki jih v tem kratkem zapisu ni bilo mogoče omeniti. Vteh dneh, ko poteka svetovno prvenstvo, državljani Slovenije tudi praznujemo petletnico samostojnosti. Okolje, kjer poteka tekmovanje je bilo pred petimi leti zastrašujoče letališče bivše armade in je predstavljalo nenehen strah in grožnjo prebivalcem občine Brežice, Slovenije, zlasti pa okoliških prebivalcev. Veselimo se, da po petih letih samostojnosti praznujemo skupno z vami, miroljubno, športno in veselo. Vsem tekmovalcem, funkcionarjem športnih zvez, vsem obiskovalcem, želim veliko športnih užitkov, tekmovalnih uspehov in prijetnega počutja.

ln še enkrat! Dobrodošli v občini Brežice, dobrodošli v Cerkljah ob Krki.



NSHIP EVENTS At tire Paraclrutin, Military World Clrampionslrip at Cerklje, tIrere will be competitors of 45 men's or women's army teams competin, in five dHfere.t events. TIrese are: accuracy jumps, style jumps, individual overal' team accuracy jumps, and team accuracy jumps witlr relative work. ACCURACY JUMPS Competitors will execute 8 iums in the individual accurocy. 5 iumps will be executed from an altitude of 1000 mabove ground level. there will be three individua/ accurocy jumps following a team accuracy iump with relative work. The ninth and perhaps also the tenth iump are only necessary in case of equal penalty points of the best competitors.

1cm distance from the edge of the target disc denotes one pena/ty point,· correct contact with the 5 cm diameter target disc gives the best resu/t. The sum total of all the iumps' centimeters means the final result.

INDIVIDUAL OVERALL The individual overal score is obtained by adding the final ronking in the individual accuracy style jumps. Thereby, the classical parachuting championship is rounded up_

STYLE JUMPS Competitors (men and women) iumping in individual run-ins from the a/titude of 2200 mperform 3iumps at the most. After the first iump, only competitors scoring under 9seconds (for women: 10 seconds) carryon the event; as for the third iump, it is performed only by those competitors scoring under 8 seconds (for women: 9seconds). Style jump consists of an obligatory series of manoeuvres. These are: left turn, right turn, back loop, right turn, left turn, and back loop. These elements make the four style series. The order of elements is determined by drawing of lots. In style jumps, judges assess the time of performance. all irregularities and fults in the execution of manueuvres are converted into seconds and added to the basic time.

TEAM ACCURACY The p/acing is obtained by the sum tota/s of o team 's four best competitors' resu/ts. All the eight jumps together, performed by men and women competitors for individua/ placings, provide for the team scaring. TEAM ACCURACY WITH RELATIVE WORK The event in group formationjumping shall be considered as atest, and shall bescored by films taken by cameraman in free fali. Each team shall have its owncameraman, who shall be taking pictures of mandatory figures and deliver them after landing to the panel of judges.

DISCIP.LINE TEKMOVANJA Na XXVI. SVPP v Cerkliah ob Krki bodo tekmovalci 4S voiaških reprezentanc v ženski in moški konkurenci tekmovali v petih disciplinah. To so: skoki na ciii - posamezno, likovni skoki - posamezno, kombinacija skokov v ciq in likovnih skokov - posamezno, skoki na ciii - ekipno in likovni skoki - ekipno.

LIKOVNI SKOKI - POSAMEZNO Za to disciplino padalci in padalke, ki skočejo v posamičnih naletih, opravijo z višine 2000 m največ 3 skoke. Po opravljenem prvem skoku nadaljujejo z disciplino samo še tekmovalci s časom pod 9 sek. (ženske 10 sek.), tretji skok pa skoči jo tekmovalci sčasom pod 8 sek. (ženske 9 sek.) . likovni skok sestavlja predpisano kombinacija likov: obrat v levo, obrat v desno, obrat nazaj, obrat v desno, obrat v levo in obrat nazaj. Ti elementi sestavljajo štiri kombinacije, tekmovalec po vrsto kombinacije dobi z žrebom. Sodniki ocenjujejo realen čas, napake v izvedbi likov prerečunajo v čas in go prištejejo osnovnemu času.

SKOKI NA CIU - POSAMEZNO Tekmovalci bodo opravili za to disciplino 8 skokov. Od teh 5 z višine 1000 m, trikrat po bodo skočili no cilj še po ekipnem likovnem skoku. Osmi in morebitni deveti skok sto potrebno le za primere enakih negativnih to~ najboljših. Negativno točka je 1 centimeter, najboljši rezu~ tot po dotik kroga v ciliu spremerom 5 cm. Seštevek centimetrov vseh skokov pomeni rezultat.

KOMBINACIJA - POSAMEZNO Pri tem gre za seštevek rezultatov skokov no cilj in posameznih likovnih skokov, kor zaokroža klasično padalsko tekmovanje.

SKOKI NA CIU - EKIPNO To razvrstitev dajo seštevki rezultatov štirih aanov posamezne ekipe. Vskupni rezultat šteje

vseh osem skokov, ki so jih tekmovalci in tekmovalke opravili hkrati tudi za posamične uvrstitve.

SKUPINSKI (EKIPNI) LIKOVNI SKOKI Testni značaj bo imelo disciplino likovni skoki, ki bo sojena na osnovi posnetkov kamermana v prostem padu. Vsaka ekipa je dolžna imeti svojega kamermana, ki bo posnel obvezne like in po pristanku posnetek takoj posredoval sodniški komisiji. .


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Postojnska jama


The community of Brezice in it's present size developed in 1955. It is situated along the rivers Sava and Krka, in the north it stretches to the hills of Orlica and in the south to Gorjanci ridge. It is bordering to communities of Krsko, Podcetrtek and Koz;e, and in the east and south to Republic of Croatia. The area has asize of 268,45 square kilometers and accoriding to census from 1991 it has 24700 inhabitants living in 114 settlements, divided into 19 local entities. The orographical configuration is changing from pleasant flat countryside to hilly regions with densly located settlements, fields, vineyards and orchards. The region is part of Krsko and Brezice basin. This area is of tectonic origin, therefore there are numerous rivulets and rivers, the main ones are Sava and Krka. It is one of the main hidrographic accommulation regions. The community has atransit character with the Terme Catez

FROM PLAINS TO HILLS main road and railway lines between Ljubl;ana and Zagreb, and along the river Sotla between Bresice and Maribor. Due to it's position, opened to the east, it has a characteristic mild subpanonic climate. The athmosphere is dry, with comparatively little precipitations. Summer temperature diferences are considerable. Vegetation is of subpanonian and subdinaric type. In the plains the vegetaion is typical for river benches (willows, alders), in the brushwood variable vegetation is growing. An example of vegetation is the moor region of Jovsi, south of village Kapele. Forests cover one third of the area, mostly foliage trees. In the hilly regions there are compact areas of mixed forest. Gentle slopes are mostly comprised of grasing and pasture grounds and fields. The gentle hilly area is covered by vinyards and orchards, and it is excellent for cattle breeding. In the plains grow cereals, potatoes and cattle fodder.

Recently, farmers also planted hop fields. Main natural resources are silicic sands and clay pits. (Globoko, Bizel;sko). Prominet are resources of thermal waters in (atez Spa. Already in prehistoric ages the BreZice-Krsko basin and it's surroundings were open to settlement of people. Among them were /lyric and Celtic clans as the first settlers around Bresice, Dobova, Velike Malence, Ores;e etc. In the beginning of our era the region came under the rule of Roman Empire. Slavonic graves bear witness, that this reigion was settled by our ancestors in early 8th century. In the Middle Ages it belonged to the feudal family Brese-Selski, followed by Bishops of Salzburg, and after ashort period of Hungarian kings' reign (1480-1490), it came under feudal ownership of the Habsburgs. Later Turkish incoursions caused great damage and suffering to the inhabitants. Resounding were two peasant rebellions - in 1515 the mutiny of Slovenian peasants and in 1573 the 510venian-[roat one. In Middle Ages the then aristocracy built five strongholds: Brezice, Bizel;sko, Mokrice, PiSece and Cerina. Until the end of the First World War, river Sava was the dividing line of the provincial border, dividing the present community between Styria and Krain region. The fascist occupation and the liberation front is a prominent chapter of the community's history. The region was divided between Germany and Italy, and apart of the community was handed over to the then Independant State of.croatia. In autumn 1941 the German occupational forces made adevlish plan to deport Slovenian population, put into effect in October 1941. Around 15520 people were deported. Slovenian people started their resistance. The liberation movement became widely spread with establishment of the Koz;ansko resistance group.


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Cerklje ob Krki

Triglavska jezera

In May 1945 the whole community region was liberated. The final independance was achieved in 1991 with the Proclamation of Independance of Republic of Slovenia and of both events numerous memorial monuments are witness. The main economic branches in Bretice community are tourism and agriculture. Tourism developed in the Catet plains due to rich thermal water sources, being top ranking in Slovenia, with more than 1million visitors and over 450 thousand overnight guests. Thanks to thermal waters, recent years saw arapid development of the spas, reviving the whole area. Excellet business results were supplemented by investments into amodern summer and winter riviera with atotal of 8000 square meters swimming pool area, substituting to many a510venian vacations at the seaside. To Catet Spa belongs the Mokrice castle with asplendid golf course, riding facilities and excursion possibilities in the nearby surroundings. Further, Catet Spa offer wonderful outings, rural tourism, natural evironment and cultural events, hunting, fishing and tracking. Recently visits to wine graving areas are inviting, as especially in viticulture excellent results have been achieved, proved by numerous distinctions and medals awarded at domestic and foreign exhibitions. Fruit-culture and flower growing in hot beds is also highly developed. The fact is that the whole Bretice area, immediately neighbouring to Croatia and Zagreb city with over amillion population, can prise itself as a touristic eldorago. The most prominent is the tourist village of Cates Spa at the confluence of Krka and Sava rivers, with amotel belonging to the renown petrol distributing company Petrol, with such country inns as those owned by the Les and Budic families, clubs catering for water

sports and general recreation as well as the popular farm of Zevnik familrr offering riding sports, and above all the excellent panorama view from the top of Sanct Vid's hillock. Many tourists like to stop in Pisece, aplace receiving numerous compliments for its tidy and colourful setup. Interesting is also the home of the renown linguist Maks Pletersnik, the Podgorsek museal smithy, the castle, many forest tracks, and Duplo, the spring of the Gabernica rivulet. The surrounding Bizel;sko region, including Pisece, is famous for it's assorted wines. Worth seeing is the Bizel;sko castle and the NuNc oak in Gregovci, supposed to be the largest in our country, especially renown is the Istenic champaign cellar in Stara vas. Near Kapela are the f1Jysterious )ovsi moors. Mostec, a village facing Catet Spa from the opposite river bank, prides itself with the last oldfashioned ferry on the Sava river and is famous for rural weddings, taking Kostonjevico ob Krki

place every year in August. Inviting is the Kalin Inn, with old culinaric tradition, especially in venison menues, and acollection of game trophies. During the past years Stara vas achieved recognition through several famous shops and the Hamer gallery. On the other hand Krska vas is a taking village with many isles in river Krka and comfortably hidden tiny beaches. In Buseca vas the private Klun bath is fgmous as well as numerous flower beds in the Catet plains. There are some prominent archeological sites around Dobova and Velike Malence. It is not necessary to point out numerous hunting and fishing opportunities and superb cuisine in local pubs and aselection of wines in their cellars. All this is well know to many aguest, visiting Catet Spa, exploring it's surroundings. Lately one can avail of local tourist train taking you along the famous wine road.



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t , he main misconception about Slovenia is that it is part of Yugoslavia. The truth is that Slovenia is now an independent European state, member of the United nations and is as safe and secure as any West European state. Millions of visitors who came to Slovenia last years enjoyed its treasure of landscape and activities. Slovenia is acountry with something to offer to every type of tourist. Those who are attracted by natural beauty and those who visit acountry to view its cultural hritage. It is asmall country in area, approximately half the size of Switzerland for example. However its great advantage is variety. Everything here is in abundances: the high A~s with their glacial valleys, rivers and lakes, plenty of forests, the mysterious Karst caves, the warm Adriatic. Slovene's landscape astounds first time travellers. Short distances shrink the time it takes to tour the most diverse sites. From old world European cities to alpine countryside to Mediterranean coast. The Julian Alps are about 50 kilometres from the capital city, the Postojna caves, largest caves in Europe, are 30 minutes drive on amodern motorway from the capital; and Porto-


rOl (Port of roses) is asunny seaside resortjust over hundred kilometres from Ljubljana. All resorts and spas have many modern an old style hotels of all categories which are opened all year round. there is golf, tennis, rowing, sailing and excellent trout fishiing in nearly rivers, cafes, restaurants,discos, and casinos add to the good atmosphere. Two Alpine systems - Julian Alps and Karavankelink the country with the rest of Europe. Achain of resorst ring the steep mountain cliffs - Bohin;, anaturally preserved glacial lake is enclosed by steep mountains' of the Triglav national park; lake Bled with its fairy-tale casrle has numerous hotels and the bells ring from the church set on the tiny islet set in the middle of the lake; Kran;ska Gora is the main winter - sport centre with world cup competitions; and Bovec, a mountain resort in the Soea valley. The Soea is considered among the most beautiful rivers in Europe where canoeing, kayaking and rafting attract tourists from many countries. Anetwork of natural spas dot the most attractive parts of Slovenia, sophisticated medical facilities and full medical service is available under the su-

pervision of expert medical staffs. The spas offer a whole range of sporting activities, especially swimming and tenis. They are suited to many tastes: from rest, recreation, maintaining health to a feeling of wellness and the opportunity to combine sightseeing. Evenings may include dancing, concerts or gambling in the casino. L;ubljana, (pop. 350.000) Slovenia's capital, is medieval at its heart, dominated by an ancient fortress (Ljubljana casrle) and set with baroque churches and classicistic public buildings. An important cultural centre, L;ubl;ana has a ~niversity, an opera house, manjy theatres, art galleries and museums. Slovenia's national carrier Adria Airways provides regular service to Frankfurt, London, Moscow, Munich, Skopje, Tirana, Vienna and Zurich from Ljubljana international airport. Slovenia's diversity, the appeal of its unspoiled beauty and good infrastructure have been luring foreign visitors for decades for others who have yet to (discover( the country on the sunny side of the Alps, this year couldn't be abetter time; Slovenia remains an outstanding bergain destination with attractive prices and excellent shopping opportunities.


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t Visitors to Slovenia can indulge in a wide variety 01 sports and other recreational activities. Among the most popular activities are tennis, cycling, sailing, windsurling, hunting, lishing, golf, horseback riding, skiing, river ralting, canoeing, kayaking and hiking. BICYCLING: Popular resorts are Lake Bled, Lake Bohinj, Bovec, Kranjska gora. Bikes can be rented at many hotels or local travel agencies, which also have information about suggested itineraries. Secondary roads are excellent for cycling and to enjoy the views of Slovenia's lakes, rivers and mountains. CANOEING, KAYAKING AND RAFTING:

This sport is very popular on several Slov~nian rivers and river Sofa was the site of canoemg and kayaking World championship in 1991. It is not diffcult to rent acanoe or to join aguided rafting trip. The best rivers for the sport are the Sofa, the Sava, the Kolpa and the Idrijca. sugges~eq resorts to stay include Lake Bled, Lake Bohm/, Bovec, Cerkno. FISHING: Since there are many lakes and ri-

vers, the sport is very popular. The best rivers are Sofa, Unec, Krka, Kolpa and the Sava and the areas around Bled and Bohinj. Fishing permits are available at local hotels and/or tourist offices. GOLF: The golfing season in Slovenia extends

from mid-April to late Fall. There are four golf courses at Lake Bled, Lipica, Castle Mokrice and Rogaska Slatina. The best and most popular is the 18-hole course situated about 2 kilometres (l 2 mile) form the centre of Bled. The ground is ~/ightly uneven and interspersed with fir-trees and the course meets the international standards for demanding contests. HIKING, MOUNTAINEERING AND CLIMBING: Many Slovenians are expert clim-

bers and some have conquered many of the word's highest peaks including Mt.Everest.

Mt. Triglav (2863 meters) in Slovenia's highest peak and offers many more or less dema~ding climbs. You don't have to be an expert cltmber to enjoy the Slovenian Alps if you prefer hik[na. and trekking since there are numerous possIbilIties all over Slovenia. The paths are marked and you can overnight it mountain huts which offer clean dormitory-style rooms. Detalied maps are available through local tourist offices and some stores. HORSEBACK RIDING: Not many people are aware that the world's most famous horse - the Lipizzaner - originally comes from Lipica (Lipizza) asmall village in slovenia's Karst region. Th; Lipica stud farm was established in 1580 by the Archduke Charles of Austria. Today, Lipica offers an unique experiance for horse enthusiasts. ASapnish riding school- style and dressage program performances are held every day. Many Lipizzaners currently on the farm have been. s~t aside for use by visitors and hotel guests. Rldmg through the oak and lime-trees shadowed countrsyside of Lipica as well as instructions and dressage can be arranged. ~ccommodation i~ available at two superior tOUflSt class hotels with private facilities located on the farm's grounds. Horses for riding are also available at many other resorts. HUNTINGjSHOOTlNG: This sport is very popular in Slovenia. The best areas are the .regions around Kamnik and between HungarlOn . and Austrian borders. Deer, pheasant and rabbits are the main prey, but brown bear and wild boar are hunted as well. SAILING: Sailing in the coastal waters of the Adriatic is aunique adventure. The best marin~ in northern Adriatic is Portorol in the bay of Trleste. The marina can accommodate about 1000 yachts, it has all sanitary facilities, ~ duty-free shop, shops, restaurants, petrol statIOn, recr~a­ tional and other services. Other marinas are m Izola and Koper. SKIING: The attractions of skiing in the Slovenian Alps are as varied and impressive as the vistas these Alps command. The atmosphere there is easygoing and relaxed. First class hotels offer all the necessary amenities like swimming-polls, saunas, night-clubs, discotheques. Mqj~r ,,!inter sport resorts are: Kranjska gora, Bohm/ With Vogel and Kobla, Rogla, Lake Bled with latrnik and nearby Krvavec and Bovec-Kanin with the longest ski season posible.



TENNIS: Most resorts and health centres have

well maintained tennis courts some of which are covered to permit winter use. Rental of tennis equipment is available at some tennis centres as well as the services offered by the pro.



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DEVELOPMENT OF THE SLOVENIAN ARMY •--------.-.--------------------------------------------------------


SLOVENIAN MILITARY TRADITION S/ovenian military tradition goes as far back as the ancient Carinthia, first Slovenian State (7th century A.DJ Fighting against the Turks - from the end of the 14th century and all until the great victory won near Sisak in 1953 - is stil much alive in the nations memory. The strongest of all, however, is the remembrance of the great peasants' uprisings of an all-national character, dating back to the years of 1478, 1515, 1573, 1635 and 1731. In the AustorHungarian army there were regiments composed of

slovene soldiers, known as very good indeed. It was them, in 1918, who formed the core of the Slovenian army in more recent Slovenian history. It was, unfortunately, soon to be replaced by the great-Serbian Yugoslav army, which - however - proved no obstacle to the formation of an almost entirely independent Slovenian partisan army in the Occupation period from 1941 to 1945, dismissed immediately after the war. Then began anew era of the great-Serbian Yugoslav military domination.




The aggression of the armies-WTO members on Czechoslovakia in 1968 was aclear sign to Yugoslavia that it needed stronger armed forces of its own. In accordance with the doctrine on massive national resistance 8, self-protection (as it was referred to), the Territorial Defence organization was established in all of the republics and provinces. The Headquarters in Slovenia came into existence on November 20, 1968. Based on experience from the resistance movement, the fundamental unit of TO was adetachment. The commanders of TO in Slovenia were making great efforts to equip the whole organization better than it was thought "wise" by the authorities of the Yugoslav Popular Army (YPA); that in why, in the end, the High Command of TO was removed and the Army began to take the staffs and the units in its own hands. From 1974 onwards all most responsible posts in the organization were occupied by YPA professionals. There followed more instances of distrust toward TO, and it constanrly witnessed understimation - as akind it constanrly witnessed underestimation - as akind of an auxiliary military organization. All that regardless of the fact that the Slovene TO was obViously performing its tasks very well and was winning the highest marks. TO members have always thought of themselves as true Slovenian soldiers and were treated alike by the people. In these units, 510venian was official and cammanding language. With Serbias ambition - to rule over all Yugoslavia getting ever stronger, its distrust of the Slovene TO was growing. In the period 1979-81 the plan was to form divisions of TO, which never happened. In-


stead, there was carried out areorganization of YPA itself. Two corps were formed in Slovenia and made subordinate to the High Command in lagreb. At the same time, the Ljubljana area of command - once autonomous - was eliminated. Democratic change in Slovenia, crowned by the victory of the Opposition parties at the elections held in 1990, urged the central authorities of Belgrade (on May 14th, 1990) that immediately disarm all units and staffs of Territorial Defence in Slovenia. With few exceptions, the task was obediently carried out by YPA professionals, officers of TO headquarters and staffs. Thus the old story of 1945, when the victorious Slovenian army was disarmed and made subordinate to Belgrade, due to "higher interests", was repeated. Two ministers of the democratically elected Slovenian govermment, Janez Jansa (Defence) and Igor Bavcar (Interior), obersving the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia and Article 185 of the Common National Defence and Social Self Protection Law, enacted back in 1982; those two ministers then, acting in full canspiracy, armed the otherwise legally organized National-Protection operative structure (so-called MSNI). The major development in Territorial Defence at that time was clear differentiation: on one side there remained arather limited group of YPA "loyalists", while on the other side there stood a vast majority of TO members accepting and acting in favour of the trend of democratization in Slovenian society. The climax of it all was reached in October 1990, when the Federal Army - using force - took over the Slovenian Territorial-Defence Headquarters bulding. As a consequence,

Slovenian authorities appOinted anew chief, i.e. TO cammander of their own, an experienced officer from the ranks of the Territorial Defence organization: Major Janez Slapar. Thus on October 10th that year, Major slapar finally took cammand over 21.000 armed members of MSNl. The Republic of Slovenia had barely proclaimed its independence on June 26, 1991 - when, the following morning, YPA armoured and other units undertook a full-scale aggression and subsequently took over some check points at the Slovenian-ltalian and Slovenian-Austrian frontier. Under the circumstances, Slovenia had no choice but to fight back. Combined TO and police units successfully won all of the decisive "frontier battles", one by one, against the Yugoslav Army. Thus, before the signing of the Brioni Declaration Slovenia was de facto in control of its entire territory. The decision of the Yugoslav Army which followed shorrly afterwards - to retreat from Slovenia - did not came as much of asurprise but rather alogical consequence. On date is significant: the last Serbian soldier left Slovenia on October 26, 1991. At the beginning of the armed conflict, Slovenian TO was - in comparison with its enemy - much weaker, but it gradualy managed to take over more and more weapons and equipment from the barracks seized. It still is - even today - arother small amy, to be sure, but strong and determined to protect the sovereignity of Slovenia and its territory against any potential aggressor. During the 1a-day war the Territorial Defence of Slovenia consisted of about 37.000 teritorials, mostly reservists.






THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA began constructing its

own defence system after achieving independence in 1991. This processinvolved a creatian af constitutional and legal basis for the defense system, the structure of the armed forces and the basic development program of the defence system. THE BASIC PRINCIPLES and orinetation in the field of security and defense of the Republic of slovenia are determined by the 1991 Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, by the 1993 Resolution an the Guidelines of the Concept of National Security and the Military Defense Doctrine adopted in July 1995. In order to ensure natianal security, the Republic of Slovenia is developing adefense system, asecurity system and acivil emergency planning system as independent guarantors of national security. The defenseof the Republic of Slovenia is comprised of military and civil defense, which is acomplementary, complete system. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia coordinates the organization and preparation for military and civil defense and is in charge of their implementation. In compliance with the guidelines from the national Assembly and the Government, the National Defense Operations Staff coordinates military and civilian aspects of defense as well as the civil emergency planning. IN PEACETIME, the Slovenian Army numbersaround 3,500 professional members (officers, non-commissioned officers and professional soldiers) and 5,000 6,000 conscripts at atime. when completely mobilized, it numbers around 56,000 members. The Slovenian Army is made up of commands, units and agencies. The General Staff of the Slovenian Army (GSSA) is apart of the Ministry of Defense. 7 Regional Commands are subordinated to the GSSA. Infantry units are the primary unit in the Slovenian Army (SA). All other units only provide support to the primary units during combat. Following independence, Slovenia also established a project of regular military training. It retained the conscript system. compulsory military service lasts 7 months with the possibility of asix-month service. Conscripts are trained in military service in the following branches: infantry, nuclear biological chemical protection (NBC), armored branch, supply, air defense, communications, military police, engineering, artillery and coastal commando.

The basic purpose of the Slovenian Army is firstly to deter apossible enemy from an amred intervention against Slovenia and secondly to defend the state. The fundamental missions of the Slovenian Army are as follows: training for defense purposes, providing adequate level of combat readiness, defense in the event of an attack on the country, participation in civil emergency operations in the event of natural and other disasters, complying with commitments Slovenia has made to informational organizations.


The Slovenian Army is composed of mobile and territorial units. Mobile units are the main units of the Slovenian Army. Their purpose is to conduct combat under any condition and on the whole territory of the state. Mobile units consist of tactical and combined tactical and operational units. Territorial units are designed to provide military control of the territory, secure the state borders, safeguard facilities of special pupose, conduct interdiction, counterterrorist actions, provide mobility, produce intelligence, guard prisoners of war and perform specific logistic support missions. the 510venian Army units are divided into "A" and "B" echelons. The "A" echelon is comprised of units containing elements which are active during peacetime, whereas the "B" echelon consists of units that are mobilized as awhole. COMMAND AND CONTROL IN THE SLOVENIAN ARM Yis based on principles determined by the Constitution and the Defense Law. The General Staff of the Slovenian Army is aconstituent body of the Ministry of Defense. In accor-

dance with military and political guidelines, the General Staff is charged with development plans and the organization and management of preparedness measures for asuccessful conduct of the military defense. The implementation of the standards providing for cooperative and joint operations with NATO and other European structures is one of the long-term development focuses of the Slovenian Army. BASIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS

THE FUNDING LAW for the Realization of Basic Development Programs of the Defense Forces of the Republic of Slovenia in the years from 1994 2003 ensures the building up of the defense system of the Republic of Slovenia based on comparable European defense systems. At the same time it facilitates the transformation of aterritorial - oriented military organization into amodern, mobile and technologically comparable military organization that ensures compatibility and interoperability with the NATO Alliance members. THE WAY FORWARD

THE DEVELOPMENT of our defence forces will be founded and implemented in such a way as to provide permanent and complete supervision of the armed forces, along with the simultaneous integrafion of the armed forces into society. At the international level the Republic of Slovenia will continue to strive towards association and gradual integrafion into the WEU and NATO, and towards the consolidation of stable defense structures in Europe. By fulfiling our role in the partnership for Peace program, we will endeavour to develop the closest possible relations of cooperation, partnership and transparency with the other member states, as well as with other states in the program particularly our neighbors.


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MAJOR TURNING POINTS IN THE HISTORY OF THE SLOVENE AVIATION Roots of the Slovene aviation reach back into the year 1909 when Edvard Rus;an, pioneer of the slovene aviation, took his first flight with his home-amade plane EDA " which was his own construction. ln the time of the World War Ithere were many Slovene pilots in the austro-Hungarian and Italian Air Force. As early as 1915, production of rescue parachutes for the needs of the AustroHungarian army was launched in L;ubl;ana. Beginnings of sport parachuting in slovenia coincide with the aviation meetings of the early twenties. Our first parachutist was Eger with the ;ump he performed in 1927. Years preceding the World War 1/ were marked by dynamic development of sport aviation and home-made constructions. The eapital of Slovenia L;ubl;ana got its own airport for passenger planes to land on. Slovenia withessed amuch more intensive development of aviation after 1945. Numerous successful aircraft constructions and signifieant international sport results also in the field of sport

parachuting were characteristic of this period. It is therefore no coincidence that the 1st World Parachuting Championship took place in Goren;ska, at the airport of the Alpine F/ying Center Lesce-Bled. As we remember, parachutists had to ;ump into a50 mdiameter target disc at that Championship. The 10th World Parachuting Championship which was also held in Lesce near Bled in 1972, confirmed the reputation of slovenia as the cradle of the world parachuting. Since that time, slovenia has recorded signifieant development of parachuting, crowned with successful results of the Slovene representatives at the 20th World Parachuting Championship, which was, of course, held in Lesce again. Branko Mirt won the first place in individual accuracy. In the women eategory, Mira Grčič won the 2nd place, and Irena Avbel; the 12th place. ln the sicties, Slovenia got her first international airport and founded her own airline company Adria Airways.

The airport of L;ubl;ana was granted the eategory year, while Adria Airways developed into amodem airline company disposing of amodem air-fleet of the Dash-7, DC-9, MED-82 and Airbus A320 planes. The today's image of the Slovene aviation is rounded up by 14 sport airfields and 3 international airports (l;ubl;ana-Brnik, Maribor, Portorož). Apart from Adria Airways, new private airline companies emerged lately. We are also very proud of our sport aircraft as our gliders and paragliders rank very high in the world seale. Ever since our country has become amember of the OSM, the sports team of the Slovene territorial defence regularly participates in all ma;or competitions. The second place won at the World Championship of military parachuting teams was of great importance for the parachuting team of the territorial defence of Slovenia, and so was the successful participation of the same team at the first European Championship in Tiben, than in second EC in Kran; etc. 11/ this



Korenine Slovenskega letalstva segajo v leto 1909, ko je z lastno konstruiranim in izdelanim letalom EDA 1 poletel pionir našega letalstva, Edvard Rusjan. Med prvo svetovno vojno je v avstroogrskem, pa tudi italijanskem vojnem letalstvu letelo mnogo Slovencev, v Ljubljani pa je že leta 1915, za potrebe avstroogrske vojske, stekla proizvodnja reševalnih padal. Sprvimi začetki športnega padalstva se je Slovenija srečala v zgodnjih dvajsetih letih na takratnih letalskih mitingih, naš prvi padalec pa je bil Eger sskokom leta 1927. Leta pred drugo svetovno vojno so pri nas pomenila skokovit razvoj


športnega leta nja in lastnih konstrukcij, glavno mesto Ljubljana pa je bilo letališke, kjer so pristajala potniška letala. Še intenzivnejši razvoj letalstva pa Slovenci beležimo po letu 1945. Značilnost tega obdobja so bile številne uspešne letalske konstrukcije in mednarodno pomembni športni rezultati tudi na področju športnega padalstva. Tako ni slučaj, da je bilo l. svetovno padalsko prvenstvo prav pri nas, na Gorenjskem, na letališču Alpskega letalskega centra Lesce-Bled. Kot se spominjamo, so tedaj padalci za rezultat skakali v 50 meterski ciljni krog. Da se je prav Slovenija potrdila kot zibelka svetovnega padalskega športa, dokazujejo tudi 10. svetovno padalsko prvenstvo, kiJ'e bilo leta 1972 prav tako v Lescah pri Ble u. Prav od tedaj pa Slovenci beležimo tudi pomemben napredek padalskega športa, ki so ga na 20. svetovnem padalskem prvenstvu kronali rezultati slovenskih reprezentantov. Seveda je bilo 20. SPP spet v Lescah, svetovni prvak v skokih na cilj pa je postal naš reprezentant Branko Mirt. Mira Grčič pa je v ženski konkurenci osvojila 2. mesto, Irena Avbelj pa 12. mesto.

Všestdesetih letih smo dobili mednarodno letališče in ustanovili lastno letalsko družbo Adria Airways. Letališče Ljubljana v letošnjem letu pridobiva kategorijo III, Adria Airways pa se je razvila v sodobno letalsko družbo sfloto sodobnih letal dash-7, OC-9, MO-82 in Airbus A320. Danes letalsko podobo Slovenije zaokroža 14 športnih letališč in tri mednarodna letališča (Ljubljana-Brnik, Maribor, Portorož). Ob Adrii Airways so vzniknile nove, zasebne letalske družbe, ponosni pa smo tudi na športno področje našega letalstva, saj naši športniki jadralci in jadralni padalci dosegajo rezultate, ki jih uvrščajo med najboljše na svetu. Od takrat je naša država članica CISM, se vseh večjih tekmovanj udeležuje tudi reprezentanca slovenske vojske. Več kot opazno je bilo drugo mesto reprezentance na SP vojaških padalskih ekip, uspešna udeležba padalske ekip na prvem EP v Tibenu, pa na drugem v Kranju. Te medalje ssvetovnih in evropskih vojaškiha padalskih prvenstev vzbujajo lepe obete za slovensko ekipo tudi na 26.SVPP v Cerkljah.

15 TH AIR FOReE BRIGADE The 15th Air Force Brigade also has it's roots in the War for Independance of Slovenia. Two events were important for Brigade's origin. First, in the then Republican Staff for Territorial Defence a working group was established, with the purpose to undertake everything possible to form an airplane and helicopter unit. This group was comprised of enthusiasts, who were aware of exceptional importance of aerial forces on the one hand and the aerial defense on the other. The second important event in establishing the 15th Air Force Bigade was deflection of pilot Jože Kalan and mechanic Bogomir Šuštar with their Gazela type helicopter. This was the begining of this brigade of Slovenian Armed Forces. The first unit of the 15th Brigade was established on June 9th, 1992, comprised of 21 pilots and technicins and five helicopters. Their task was to train further pilots and technical personnel as well as transportation for the needs of Ministry of Defense and Territorial Defense. The base of the Brigade is at the airport Brnik. As they say now in the 15th Brigade, their basic tasks are aerial defense and tactical support to other units of the Slovenian Armed Forces. Orgo-

nization, trainig, function and development of the unit are directed to this purpose. The basic task of the 15th Brigade in peace time is training of pilots, technical personnel and logistic support, as well as special rescue missions and other protective functions and missions for needs of other units of Slovenian Armed Forces. The 15th Brigade plays and important role in trainig personnel of the missile equiped 9th Anti-Aircraft Defense Brigade, as otherwise their trainig would not have been completed to perfection and could not have been performed in simulated war environment. At the time being the 15th Brigade consists of five sections i.e two squadrons - airplane and helicopter ones, technical and logistic base and the commanding section. Their work is very much interactive and it is too complex to explain all the activities and duties of individual section. Yet, their main task is training in all spheres of their activity. The pilots in the helicopter unit fly two types, the trainig helicopter Bell 206 and multipurpose Bell 412. The airplane squadron is equipped with airaaft Zlin 242L and 143L, fighter trainer Pilatus

PC-9 and the multipurpose Turbolet 410. Up tili now the Brigade has been performing running selection of candidates for military scholarships, basic pilot trainig, conversion traing to airplanes and helicopters, trainig in night and formation flying, combat trainig, basic and progressive trainig of aeronautical engineers and technicians, traing for special commissions in logistics of the unit. Internally the brigade cares for personnei's study of English language for general and technical purpose. The 15th Brigade deals with planning of pertaining infrastructure, procurment of aircraft and equipment, spare parts, instruments etc. Further we should not forget to mention that helicopters of the 15th Air Force Brigade assist with rescuing missions in mountains, firefighting of forests. They also trasport unconventional cargo, especially into mountain regions. All these activities call for additional specific trainig. Taking all these activities, it is evident that the 15th Air Force Brigade deals with tasks, performed by air forces of similar small states.

Boian Kuntaril

15. BRIGADA YO 15. brigado vojaškega letalstvo Slovenske vOI'ske lim enotam Slovenske vojske. ej n'\ihoVi ~iZI'li so ". imo korenine vvojni za samostojno Slovenijo eto podredili tudi organizacijo, usposob janj ,oe oin 1991 . Za njen nastanek sto bilo o..dlečlno dvo G()o rozvoi enote. Temeljno mirnodobno no aga 15. Toko so vtokratnem Rep(JbI~em brig Oe ' sILO$q~I~[i\ie ~iIOtov, tehnikov in Iogl~ t""t,nr'l nlrtn obrambo usta ovili rovzojno skull-4fic lo, nalOge dd'tOčlQ-z!lščite ter rešenje naloga.p'o jeDil~-nore!IIti..vs ~QAblikovonjo in izv!ljflnjo no og za potrebe drugih enot SV. vonje letolsk~note. Vtej skupIni Pomemben delež imo 15. brigado pri usposobljonso bili zon. njoki, ki so se zavedali velikega poju pripadnikov 9. roketne brigade zračne obrammen~ letarsNano eni in zračne obrambe no drugi ~e, soj drugače njihov~ urjenj~vn~ bi bilo popolno stranI. . . potekati vreSnICnIh razmerah. Drug pomemben dogodek za nastanek -garenutno je 15. brigado sestavljeno iz petih delov. de vojaškega letalstvo je bil mebeg pilota Jožeta To so dve eskadrilji: letalsko ter helikoptersko, leKolono in tehniko Bogomirja Suštor/'oshelikoptetolsko-tehnični ter zalednisektorja ter poveljstvo rjem gazelo. To po je bil začetek ob ikovonjo te brigade. Delo posameznih organizacijskih enot je enote Slovenske vojske. zelo prepleteno in težko je govoriti ovseh noloPrvo formacijo 15. brigade so podpisali 9. junijo goh, ki jih imo posamezen del. Vendar je rdečo 1992 in vnjej je delalo 21 pilotov in tehnikov, v nit, ki poteka skozi delo vseh organizacijskih enot enoti je bilo pet helikopterjev. Njene naloge po so usposabljanje no vseh podroqih. bile usposabljanje pilotov in tehnikov ter prevozi Piloti v helikopterski enoti letijo no dveh vrstah heza potrebe Ministrstvo za obrambo in tokratno Telikopterjev. To so šolski helikopterji Bell 206 in ritorioino obrambo. Brigado imo sedež no letališču večnamenski helikopterji Bell 412. letalsko eskoBrnik. drilja po imo vsvoji sestavi letalo Zlin 242 in 143 Kot danes pravijo v 15. brigadi, noj bi bili njihovi l, Utva 75, šolsko ter bojno letalo Pilatus PC-9 in temeljni nalogi zračno obrambo in podpora ostovečnamensko letalo turbo let 41 O.

Do zdaj so vbrigadi izvajali selekcijo kandidatov za vojaške štipendiste, osnovno šolanje pilotov, preštr lanje pilotov no letalo in helikopterje, usposabljanje vnočnem in skupinskem letenju, bojno usposabljanje, osnovno in nadaljevolno šolanje letalskih inženirjev in tehnikov, usposabljanje za pridobivanje posameznih pooblastil logističnega delo enote. Poleg teh nalog se v 15. brigadi ukvarjajo tudi z načrtovanjem in razvojem letalske infrastrukture (od objektov do opreme), načrtovanjem nakupa nove tehnike ter opreme, rezervnih delov, merilnih inštrumentov ... Pri našteva nju nalog, ki jih opravlja 15. brigado vojaškega letalstvo ne smemo pozabiti povedati, do njeni helikopterji sodelujejo pri reševalnih akcijah vgorah, pomagajo pri gašenju predvsem požarov vnoravi itd. Prav toko po prevažajo najrazličnejše tovore, predvsem v gorskem svetu. Vse to po zahtevo od pripadnikov enote še dodatno usposabljanja. Če pogledamo vse te naloge, nam koj hitro postane jasno, do opravlja 15. brigado vojaškega letalstvo Slovenske vojske naloge, ki jih opravljajo letalstvo majhnih držav.

Boian Kuntaril


KRI L .-~/> --------------, PC -6 turbo porter

Atypical working horse aircraft, appearing in different parts of the world. More than 500 were produced, some even in USA, being in service in 50 countries for military and civil purposes. It is utilized in variaus missions: transport of wounded, aerial photography, spraying and fire fighting. Because of it's STOL characteristic and ahigh rate of climb the plane is especially liked by parachutists. The prototype with areciprocal engine first flew in 1959. With instalation of a turbine engine it's performance impro ved to a great extent. Manufacturer: Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG, Stans, Switzerland Type: single engine multipurpose transport aircraft Powerplant Turboprop engine PT6A-27 producing 507kW (680HP) Fuel capacity: 6441 Wingspan 15,87m, length 11m, height 3,20m Cabin height l,04-1,28m, width l,58m Performance: cruising speed 213 km/h, rate of climbe 197mis, takeoff run 197m, landing run 127mm, range 730km, with externa{ tanks 1612km, Glimit +3,7211,5 Crew: pilot and 9passengers

PC -6 turbo porter Značilno

delovno letalo, precej razširjeno po svetu. Izdelali so jih nad SOO, nekai tudi licenčno v ZDA, razširjeni pa so v 50 državah tako za civilno kot vojaško rabo. Uporabljajo jih v najrazličnejše namene: za prevoz ponesrečencev ali ranjencev, kot ploščad za snemanje iz zraka, kot kmetijsko letalo, prav tako za gašenje požarov, zaradi odličnih STOL lastnosti in hitrega vzpenjanja pa je najbolj priljubljen med padalci. Prvi prototip je vzletel že v letu 1959, vendar sklasičnim batnim motorjem. Zvgradnjo turbopropelerskega motorja so se zmogljivosti letala še izboljšale. Proizvajalec: Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG, Stans, Švica Tip: enomotorno večnamensko lahko transportno letalo Pogon: turborropelerski motor PT6A-27 s 507 kW (680 KM) Gorivo: 644 Razpetina kril 15,87 m, dolžina 11 m, višina 3,20 m Višina kabina: 1,04 - 1,28 m, širina 1,58 m Zmogljivosti: potovalna hitrost 213 km/h, vzpenjanje 197 mis, vzletna steza 197 m, pristajaina steza 127 m, dolet 730 km, z dodptnimi gorivnimi rezervoarji 1612 km, gomejitev +3,72/1,5 Posadka: pilot in devet potnikov-padalcev


Bell 412SP The Bell 412 is the first four rotor blade helicopter of this company. It derived from the well known military model with the US designation UH-l N and is undoubtedly the most numerous light multipurpose utility helicopter in use. It was licence built in several countries, like Germany, Italy (Augusta), Indonesia (Nuritani) etc. Slovenian Airforce utilizes eight helicopters model 412 in EP and SP configuration. Producer: Bell Helicopter Textron Inc., Forth Worth, Texas Type: twin engine multipurpose helicopter Powerplant two Pratt&Whitney of Canada PT6T-Twin Pac, producing 1398kW Fuel capacity: 821 I Diameter of 4 bladed rotor 14,02m, len9th 17.07m, height 4,53m Performance: maximum speed 230kmlh, rate of climb 402m/min, havering up to 2165 maltitude, max altitude 4330m, range 420km Crew: pilot and copilot and up 14 passengers

Bell 412SP Model Bell 412 je prvi helikopter tega proizvajalca sštirikrakim rotorjem. Izhaja iz znanega vojaškega modela z ameriško oznako UH-1 Nin je zagotovo najštevilčnejši lahki transportni večnamenski helikopter v uporabi. Licenčno so ga izdelovali v številnih državah, med drugim v Nemčiji, Italiji (Agusta), IndoneZi\·i (Nurtanio) in drugod. Slovenska vojska uporablja osem helikopterjev mode o 412 v verzijah EP in SP. Tip: dvomotorni večnamenski helikopter Pogon: dvojni motor Pratt&Whitney of Canada PT6T - Twin Pac z močjo 1398 kW Gorivo: 8211, največ 14951 Premer 4-krakega rotorja 14,02 m, dolžina 17,07 m, višina 4,53 m Zmogljivosti: največja hitrost 230 km/hm dviganje 402 mimin, lebdenje do 2.165 m, največja višina 4.330 m, dolet 420 km Posadka: pilot in sopilot in do 14 potnikov


PC-6 &8412

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K R I L- ----""" A -~"'",'---------

K R I L A-~"':' --------------",

DATA OF MEMBERS OF SLOVENIAN PARACHUTING TEAM AT THE 24TH MILITARY WORLD PARACHUTING CHAMPIONSHIP Name and surename: BORUT ERJAVEC Date of birth: 26.06.1967 Occupation: Parachuting instructor Club member: Slavenian Armed Forces Status: ( natianal team member) Number of jumps: 4000 Results: -Several times Junior and Senior Champion -Several intemational top placements

Name and surename: MATJAZ PRISTAVEC Date of birth: 29.09.1970 Occupation: Parachuting instructor Club member: ALC - Lasce Bled Status: (team member since) 1993 Number of jumps: 3050 Results: -Junior Wo~d Champion, Flachau 1993 -3rd Team, Wo~d Championship, Flachaau 1993 -2nd Team, Wo~d Militory Championship, Perg 1994 -Several times Junior and Senior Champion -Wo~d Champion Snowbird 1995

Name and surename: BOGDAN JUG Date of birth: 19.03.1964 Occupation: Parachuting instructor Club member: Slovenian Armed Forces Status: (team member since) 1982 Number of jumps: 6300 Results: -8 times Absolute Stote Champion -1 Gold, 1Silver, 1 Bronze medal, Wo~d Championships -1 Gold, 1Silver, 1 Bronze medal, European Championships

Slovenian national parachuting team

Name and surename: SENAD SALKIC Date of birth: 17.09.1965 Occupation: Parachuting instructor Club member: Slovenian Armed Forces Status: (team member since) 1991 Number of jumps: 4780 Results: -4 Team Silver medals, World Championships -Spain, Turkey, Austria, China -1 Team Gold medal, European Championship, Kranj 1994 -1 Bronze medal, Wo~d Militory Championship, Rome 1995 -1 Gold medal, International Militory Championship, Czack Republic 1994


Name and surename: ROMAN KARUN Date of birth: 19.11.1969 Occupation: Parachuting instructor Club member: ALC-Lesce Bled, Slovenian Armed Forces Status: (team member since) 1993 Number of jumps: 2950 Results: -2nd Wo~d Junior Championship, Flachau 1993, Para-Ski -3rd Team, Flachau 1993, Para-Ski -2nd Group torget jumps, Pero 1994, Wo~d M~ litory Championship -1 st Team, Wo~d Championship, Paro-Ski, Snowbird 1995 -Several times Junior and Senior Champion

Name and surename: IRENA AVBEU Date of birth: 01 .12.1965 Occupation: Parachuting instructor Club member: ALC Lesce Bled Status: (team member since) 1988 Number of jumps: 3700 Results: -1 st Wo~d Para-Ski Championship, 1993, 1995 -2nd Figures, Wo~d Championship CISM 1992 -1 st Combination, Wo~d Championship CISM 1994 -2nd Target, Wo~d Championship CISM 1994 -3rd Figures, Wo~d Championship CISM 1994 -3rd Target, Wo~d Championship CISM 1995 RADE KLlSARIC Director of the XXVI. Parachuting Military World Championship, brigedier, deputy chief of Generalstaff of Slovenian Army.

DRAGO BUNCIC For many years instructor of the Slovene parachuting team, over 3000 jumps, several times national champion and a memeber of the national parachuting team, in parachuting since 1965.



K R I L #i--";' --------------""


The mission of the us. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron, "Thunderbirds," is to "plan and presents precision aerial maneuvers to exhibit the capabilities of modern high-performance aircraft and the high degree of professional skill required to operate these aircraft in a precision aerial demonstration. Ob;edives of the squadron are: -to support U.5. Air Force recruiting and retention progroms -to reinforce public confidence in the Air Force and to demonstrate to the public the professional competence of Air Force personnel -to strenghen morole and esprit de corps among Air Force personnel -to support Air Force community relations and peaple-to-people progroms -to represent the United Stotes and its armed forces to foreign nations and to pro;ed intemational good


THE SQUADRON The Thunderbirds squadron is an Air combat Command unit comprised of eight pilots (six are demonstration pilots), four support officers, three civilians and more than 130 enlisted people performing in more than 25 different career fields. AThunderbirds air demonstration is amix of six aircraft, performing formation flying and solo routines. The four-aircraft diamond formation demonstrates the training and precision of Air Force pilots, while the solos highlight the maximum capabilities of the F-16 fighting Falcon. The pilots perform approximately 30 maneuvers in ademonstration. The entire show, including ground and air, runs about an hour and 15 minutes. The demonstration season lasts from March to November, with the winter months used for training new pilots. Officers serve atwo-year assignment with the squadron, while the enlisted corps ser-


ves three to four. Nearly half of all personnel are replaced each year, providing aconstant mix of experience levels. The squadron performs no more than 88 air demonstrations each year and travels more than 200 days. since the unit's inception in 1953, more than 280 milion people in all 50 states and 55 foreign countries have witnessed the red, white, and blue iets in nearly 3,400 official aerial demonstrations. Since the team's inception, the team has never canceled aperformance due to maintenance difficulties.


KRI L J(--";/ --------------'"


Naloga te akrobatske eskadrilje vojnega letalstva Združenih držav je načrtovati in predstaviti preciznost zračnih manevrov in tako prikazati zmogljivost modernih letal najnovejše tehnologije, kot tudi visoko raven strokovne usposobljenosti, potrebne za demonstracijsko letenje s takimi letali. Cilji eskadrilje obsegajo: -podporo vojnemu letulstvu Zdrušenih držav pri programih novafenja in obstuju stulne sestave 1Jtrjevanje zaupanja javnosfl vVojno letulstvo in predstuvitev javnosfl profesionalno usposobljenost osebja VO,-nego letulstva -krepitev moro ein duha enot Vojnega letulstva -podporo programu spodbujania med~oveških odnosov vsestvu Vojnega letulstva -predstuvljanje Združenih držav in njenih vO-I~ških sil drugim narodom kot izraz dobre VOle

ESKADRILJA Eskadrilja Thunderbirds je enota Letalskega bojnego poveljstva in jo sestavijo osem pilotov (od tega šest demonstracijskih), štrije častniki podpore, trije civilisti in več kot 130 vojakov, ki delujejo na več kot 25 raznovrstnih strokovnih področjih.

VDemonstracijskem letenju skupine Thunderbird sodeluje šest letal, ki izvajajo skupinske in posamične točke. Skaro formacijo štirih letal prikažejo izurjenost in preciznost pilotov Vojnega letalstva, medtem ko v solo točkah prikažejo maksimalne možne sposobnosti letala F16 fighting falcon. Piloti izvedejo pri eni demonstraciji okoli 30 manevrov. Celotna predstavitev, na tleh in v zraku traja okoli ene ure in 30 minut. Demonstracije izvajajo od marco do novembra, zimskEl, mesece pa izkorstio za šolanje novih pilotov. Castniki služijo v eskadrilji dve leti, ostalo

vojaško osebje pa od tri do štiri leta. Tekom enega leta se zamenja skoraj polovico osebja, tako da obstaja stalno prepletanje izkušenj na večih ravneh. Eskadrilja izvede največ 88 demonstracijskih nastopov vsako leto, od tega je na poti več kot 200 dni. Od ustanovitve enote leta 1953, je več kot 280 milijonov ljudi v vseh petdesetih državah ZDA in 55 tujih državah občudovalo rdeče-belo-modre reaktivce v skoraj 3400 uradnih letalskih prikazih. Od nastanka skupine ni nikoli prišlo do odpovedi nastopa zaradi težav pri vzdrževanju letal.


---~ KRI L A--"> --------------,


Women's duty uniform Zenska službena uniforma

Summer duty uniform Letna službena uniforma Hat to woman-s duty uniform Klobuček k ženski službeni uniformi

Cap to men-s duty uniform Kapa k moški službeni uniformi

Mens duty uniform Moška službena uniforma


Bottle dress with beret Bojna uniforma z beretko



Airmen 's duty uniform Službena uniforma letalstva

Summer airmen 's duty uniform Letna službena uniforma letalstva Beret to airmen 's duty uniform Beretka k službeni uniformi letalstva

Hat to women's gala uniform Klobuček k čen ski svečani uniformi

Gala uniform Svečana uniforma

Cap to men's gala uniform Kapa k moški svečani uniformi



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