The Jam | Volume 2 | Issue 7 | November 2018

Page 1

4 | President’s Message

5 | Editor's Message

6 - 7 | Kit Carson Park Cleanup

8 - 9 | PSAT Setup 2018

10 - 11 | October Dog Toy Making

12 - 13 | Key Leader

14 - 15 | October DCM +FRS Spirit Night

16 | Club Committees

17 | Contact

18 | Thank You For Reading

November 3 - Car Wash Fundraiser + Division Spirit Night November 4 - Beach Cleanup November 7 - Operation Thank You November 10 - FALL RALLY SOUTH

November 16 - Food Fair November 24 - Giving Thanks To Our Kiwanians November 28 - Sandwich Bag Making

President’s Message Hi DLA Jellies! Since November is the season of gratitude, I would like to begin this month by thanking all of you! We wouldn't have been able to achieve our goals of reaching 1,000 service hours or maintaining the highest attendance at division events without you. Thank you for helping our small club blossom and from the bottom of my heart, thank you for being here. I am truly grateful you have decided to join Key Club and I hope you have found your home here. Know that we got your back and you'll always be welcomed with open arms. November also means Fall Rally Season! Be prepared for spirit nights, spirit gear, and a lot of spirited fun! If you are attending Fall Rally this year, push yourself to make a new friend from another division, ride scary roller coasters, and cheer your heart out during the spirit session! Let's celebrate raising thousands of dollars for PTP and win that spirit stick for our division! (Also, be sure to attend all of the division spirit nights to pick up your shirt and merchandise) As this month continues, remember the most important aspect of Key Club is service! Come out to as many service events as you can throughout the rest of the term and strive for those 50 hours! What you do makes a difference and we need more servant leaders like you now more than ever. Let's continue giving back to our homes, school, and community! And who knows? Maybe we'll even reach 2,000 hours by the end of this term. ;)


Jane Pham Del Lago Key Club President

Editor’s Message Hey Jellies! We’re done with October and now that the spooky season is over, it’s Fall Rally South Season and the season to Give Thanks. FRS is right around the corner and is one of the biggest events to attend as a key club member. This year we’ll be as hyped as ever so please bring and wear everything purple you own! It’s time to go all out. Don’t forget what FRS is all about though, we are not only raising more money for PTP but we are celebrating what we have raised so far :) Before that, join us for our Car Wash Fundraiser on the 3rd so we can lower the expenses for fall rally even more! Join us at our weekly meeting if you’d like to get more information. If you can’t make any of them, don’t worry just send a message to any of the board members and we’ll be glad to tell you what’s up! A special thank you to all of you for helping our club achieve 1000 service hours! I cried a bit honestly and I’m just so proud of all of you! Keep up the amazing work and keep making me emotional uwu. Also, thank you so much for paying your dues! By the end of our FRS dues deadline we had 70 dues paid members and I am overly thankful for that. Don’t forget! You can pay your dues anytime through the rest of the term! As you read through this JAM packed issue you’ll see how much we really did during the month of October. This all wouldn’t have been possible without ALL OF YOU! So please enjoy this issue and STING with service as we ZAP into the FRS season. Let’s reach all of out remaining goals and go through the rest of the term strong, bring that jelly STING on!

Brianna Virabouth Del Lago Key Club Treasurer & Newsletter Editor 5

With 40+ members that Sunday morning, we were able to pick up so much trash in such a short time frame. All together we collected over 50 pounds of trash, and cleaned up Kit Carson Park so it could be as clean as possible. It’s our duty to the community to make a mark and as this was our first service event of the new school year we made a mark on not only the community but our fellow key club members too.


“The park cleanup was a great way to spend my morning. I picked up trash from the dry creek, and I’m glad I had the opportunity to. Nobody really goes in there, so there was so much to pick up. Although I did get a bit dirty, it was worth it. It was a fun experience and I’m grateful I was given the opportunity.” -Sarina Mizianty Del Lago Key Club General Member



Who said the PSAT season couldn’t have any fun? We proved that wrong. To help the sophomores for their testing we moved so many tables and chairs to the gym while having an amazing time doing so. Including chair races, chair trains, table boats and so much more just from one afternoon. What better way to introduce more service with something as fun as this?


“It was really nice to see so many people showing up just to help. I also learned how to make dog toys, and how fun it was to make it ourselves. it was nice to see how this one thing could help dogs in need. It was also cool to see people staying an extra half n hour just to finish or to make more dog toys because it was so fun for everyone.� -Nico Botello Del Lago Key Club General Member




Key Leader was a memorable experience and a great time to learn for everyone who attended camp over the weekend of the 19th through the 21st. We learned about service leadership, integrity, growth, respect, and the pursuit of excellence. From this we met so many new people and created amazing bonds that will never fade. The difference between Friday night and Sunday morning will be in our hearts forever, and now we’ll always be a




Want to get more involved? introducing


Media and Marketing Committee Led By Tech Editor, Kyle Fundraising Committee Led By Treasurer, Bri

Service Coordinating Committee Led By Service Coordinators, Jonathan & Savannah Member Relations Committee Led By Vice President, Ryan

More information on how to apply will be in future emails! 16


2018 - 2019

Club Board

President Jane Pham

Vice President Ryan Quach

Secretary Matthew McGraw

Treasurer Brianna Virabouth

Service Coordinators Tech Editor Jonathan Vo Kyle Shaffer Savannah Ruiz

Club Advisors Kiwanis Advisor Dave Geary

Faculty Advisor Rita Boyd


Thank You For Reading


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