Investiture Ceremony of Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D.

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Investiture Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D. of Ma hew P. Nemeroff Endowed Chair in Psychiatry Monday, October 10, 2022 | 4 p.m. Ceremony


Welcome and Opening Remarks

George Macones, M.D., MSCE

Interim Dean, Dell Medical School Chair, Department of Women’s Health


Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D.

Director, Institute for Early Life Adversity Research, Dell Medical School

Co-Director, Center for Psychedelic Research and Therapy Chair and Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Presentation of Medallion and Closing Remarks

George Macones, M.D., MSCE

Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D.

Charles B. Nemeroff, M.D., Ph.D., is chair and professor with the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. He is also codirector of the Center for Psychedelic Research and Therapy. Additionally, he directs the Institute for Early Life Adversity Research within the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences as part of the Mulva Clinic for the Neurosciences.

Prior to joining Dell Med, he served as chair of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and clinical director of the Center on Aging at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine in Miami, Florida.

He received his medical degree and doctorate degrees in neurobiology from the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. After psychiatry training at UNC and Duke University, he held faculty positions at Duke University Medical Center and at Emory University School of Medicine before relocating to the University of Miami in 2009.

His research is focused on the pathophysiology of mood and anxiety disorders with a focus on the role of child abuse and neglect as a major risk factor. He has also conducted research on the role of mood disorders as a risk factor for major medical disorders, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer. He has published more than 1,100 research reports and reviews, and his research is currently supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health.

Through your generosity, we are conducting powerful research and rebuilding the framework of mental health care for physicians on the front lines, people managing trauma from early life adversity, mothers and families experiencing effects of postpartum depression, and many others.”

About the Matthew P. Nemeroff Chair in Psychiatry

Through the generosity of Dr. Nemeroff’s friends, colleagues, former patients and family, the Matthew P. Nemeroff Endowed Chair in Psychiatry was established in 2019. Named in honor of Dr. Nemeroff’s late son, the chair provides critical ongoing support for his leadership of the Institute for Early Life Adversity Research. A permanent position and source of funding at Dell Medical School, this endowment honors and supports his legacy of excellence in psychiatry and dedication to research that improves lives.

Principal donors to the endowed chair:

• Mrs. Lisa Temerlin Gottesman and Mr. Sanford L. Gottesman

• Ms. Mary Demetree

• Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Frohlich

• Mr. John Gray

• Ms. Elaine M. Hopson

• Julie Favrot Vickers Family Fund

• Ms. Allison Langer

• Mr. Stephen A. Levin

• Mr. Fred McGrath

• Mr. Joshua Pechter

• Ms. Nancy E. Perot and Mr. Rod C. Jones

• Mr. Steve Roberts

• Mr. Jay Silver

• Mr. and Mrs. Jens R. Steenstrup

• Mr. Mark C. West

• William C. Demetree Jr. Foundation Inc.

History of the Endowed Chair

Endowed chairs are a powerful tradition with a lasting legacy. Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII, established the first named chairs in England in 1502 at Cambridge and Oxford universities. Five centuries later, her endowed gift continues to support distinguished faculty members.

Today, holding an endowed chair remains one of the highest honors in academia — and recognizes excellence in research, education and care. These prestigious positions are made possible by generous donors who have invested in ensuring visionary health transformation and leadership at Dell Medical School.

Medallions are presented to endowed chair-holders during a formal investiture ceremony. The medallion serves as a tribute to the generosity of the donors and to the outstanding accomplishments of the chairholder.

Our Mission

Revolutionize how people get and stay healthy by:

• Improving health in our community as a model for the nation;

• Evolving new models of personcentered, multidisciplinary care that reward value;

• Accelerating innovation and research to improve health;

• Educating leaders who transform health care; and

• Redesigning the academic health environment to better serve society

Our Vision

A vital, inclusive health ecosystem:

• Vital: Vigorous, animated, full of life and energy, dynamic

• Inclusive: Open to everyone

• Ecosystem: The complex of a community and its environment functioning as a system

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