20101223 a better world

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J. Bradford DeLong

A Better World Was Possible J. Bradford DeLong U.C. Berkeley December 23, 2010

Sigh. Hoisted from the Archives: September 26, 2008: Time Not for a Bailout, But for Nationalization...: John McCain and the House Republicans have blown up the Paulson-Dodd-Frank compromise-for that's what House Republican Whip Roy Blunt says that John McCain did: Roy Blunt: Everybody else seemed to be rushing for a deal and John McCain came back and said, ‘Wait a minute, I think the House Republicans have the taxpayers in mind and I’m with them’...

Now it's time to go back to three principles. There are three options: • Do nothing. • Bailout (a la Paulson) • Nationalization (a la Sweden 1992) Do nothing was last tried in 1929-1932. The result was called the Great Depression. Let's not do that again. Let's decide between bailout and nationalization.


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