J. Bradford DeLong
Peters Agonistes J. Bradford DeLong U.C. Berkeley February 23, 2011
The NY Times flunks the policy test: When economics reporting at the nation's leading newspaper reads like gossip, we’ve got a problem: Partisans of left and right complain that the mainstream media gets things wrong. I've been known to make that complaint once or twice. But I'm not sure that getting things wrong is as serious a problem in the press right now as not getting things at all. I’ve been thinking about that a lot since reading Peter Baker's New York Times Magazine story about economic policy-making in the Obama administration. It is a subject that I have rather keen interest in. Let me first recount my own perspective on President Obama's former Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Peter Orszag. In January 2009 Peter Orszag took office as OMB director. The institutional role of the OMB director is to be the guardian of the long-run coherence of the government's tax and spending plans: To make sure that the receipts coming into the Treasury will, over the long run, match the spending commitments that the government has made. When you have OMB Directors who do not perform this institutional role — as David Stockman and James Miller failed to do their job in the Reagan administration, as Mitch Daniels, Josh Bolten, and Rob Portman failed to