BC Children’sistheonlyhospitalintheprovincedevoted exclusivelytochildren.Asoneoftheworld’stop-ranked pediatrichospitals,itleadsthewayinconfrontingmanyof themostpressinghealthchallengesfacingkidstoday—from cancertoheartdiseaseandbrainhealth.
Theyhave asecrettoolinthisquest:anon-siteResearch Institute.Over 1,500 researchcommunitymembers tirelesslyworktounderstandtheoriginsofillnesses, developgroundbreakingtreatmentsandmovecloser tocures.As 70%of researchersarealsohealth care professionalsproviding care inthehospital,life-changing discoveries can be broughtfromthelaboratory bench straighttoachild’s bedsidefasterandmore efficiently.
Yoursupportplaysapivotal roleinacceleratingthe translationofthesediscoveries.And beyondpropellingthis work, yourcontributionalsoempowers researcherstodream evenbigger.
Thank youforshapingthefutureofchildren’shealth care.
COLDESTNIGHTOFTHEYEAR:D eltaas sistheldits eighth Coldest Night ofthe Yearfundraiser Saturday, in Ladner.The walkbroughttogether76individual walker s, 15teamsand 21 volunteer sandasof Monday,raised$22 ,738tosupport the food securit y, communit ygardenandsenior s’ subsidie sprogramsat TsawwassenInn.
Fraser Healthandtheprovincialministr yofhealth are offeringapologiesafter two nightsof closures at the Delta Hospitalemergencydepartmentlastweekend.
Duetoaphysicianshortage, Fraser Health implementeda temporar yclosure Saturday night, from 9:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Sunday;and Sunday night, from 9:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.,onMonday.
Emergency-trainednurses were on site and available to supportwalk-in patientsneedingbasicfirst aid,assist with re-directionof care,and/or transfer patients withurgent needstoaneighbouringhospital.
“Our sincereapologies to
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medicaldirectorforemergency medicine
“Wehavebeenworking very hard to avoidanyservice interruptionsin termsofthe deliver yofemergencycareat the Delta Hospital.”
Murraysaidstaff worked hard trying to fillthephysician shiftsandsaidthetimingof thenotificationgiventothe communitywas appropriate.
“Therehavebeensignificant staffingissuesthroughout theprovinceand multiple sitesinB.C.thathave closed. Notificationisprovidedina very similarmanner,” he said.
“Wehavehad many situationswherewedidn’t have coverage at sites, butaswegot closer,wewereable to find physicians to fillthosevacancies.Wewerecontinuingup until Saturday to find aphysiverthatshift,but we le to do so.Itisreal-
ly aquestionofnotinforming the publictoo earlyifwedo have theshiftcovered.”
TheAmbulanceParamedics of BC expressedconcerns aboutthetimingofthenotification saying iftheyhad known earlier, theymighthave been able to staffmoreappropriately.
“B.C.EmergencyHealth Servicesisanintegralpartner withFraser Healthand have beeninvolved withall themeetingsleading up to the servicedisruptions,”he said.“ They areoutstanding partners, andtheywerewell informedofwhatwas going on.”
Murray saidthehealth authoritycontinuestowork through staffingchallenges andhopesthe situation will not happen againatDelta Hospital.
CONTINUED:see Page 3
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CONTINUED from Page 1
“We are working extremely hard with our physician partners in the region and at theprovinciallevel to avoid any closure ofany department in Fraser Health again,” he said.
“We hope to never have toclose anotherdepartment, but we areinan environment where we have significant physicianshortages in our health authority in emergency medicine and thisis a common placeissue in B.C. and across Canada.”
Delta South Conser vative ML A Ian Paton saidhe was shocked andconcerned about the closures
“It doesn’t have anything really to do withFraser Health … it’s aprovincial Ministr y of Healthissue,” said Paton.
“Foreight years inthelegislature,I have heard them get up timeand again and say we know theproblem and we are fixing theproblem … don’t worr y we are hiring morenurses and more doctors, but nothing is being done. The problemisnot being solved andnow it’s right here inLadner.”
Paton stood upinthe legislature Monday grilling thehealth minister on the issue.
Health Minister Josie Osborne spoke withthe Op imis Monday afternoon following question period in thelegislature.
“I know ifthe emergency room wasn’topenin my community that it wouldcreate anincredible amount ofanxiety for people and the people
ContactIan, SandororPhil at ijacques@delta-optimist .com or call 604-998-3616
willcontinue to work with our health authorities.”
On the topicofurgent care, Osborne said theprovincecontinues to look at options.
“Building out theprimar y care system isone way to help ensure that emergency rooms are there forthose whotruly need them,” she said.
“We are looking at where there are gaps to ensure communitieslikeDelta have that access. There is a lotof work to do, andI want to be very clear, I’m committed to doing this.”
Asnewsofthe closures spread, residents took to social media to express frustrations at theprovincial government’s housing mandates – especially for Delta – saying that thehospital closuresarea prime exampleof a community that doesn’t have theinfrastructure inplace to support itsexisting residents, letalonefuture growth.
of Delta, itisnodifferent,” she said. “I understand theconcern. Peopleneed to know that the emergency roomis openandthat they can dependonit, so that’s why isit so important that all health authorities work critically and urgentlyto do everything they can to avoidtheseservicedisruptions, which I know Fraser Healthdidinthis situation.
“It’s also why it’s so important for the province to continue working with health authoritiesandall our partners in recruiting and retaining more healthcare workers than ever before.”
Osborne said emergency depart-
mentsacross the provinceandthe countr y are experiencing these staffing challenges.
“Here inBritish Columbia, we are making progress inthe way that we are recruiting more physicians, more nurses – health-care workers ofall kinds that are needed across theentire health care system,” she said.
“In the past year, for example, we have been able to bring on900new internationally trained doctors and we are working to expedite theircredentials andensure that doctors, whoare moving fromotherprovincesor moving from the U.S., can work here, and we
“Health-care infrastructure isan essential part ofany community’s infrastructure, and we need to do both at the same time,” Osborne said.
“When we talk withhealth-care workers and communitiesacross the province, we recognize that one ofthe issuesthat health-care workers often raise, in terms of being recruited to a new community or staying in a community,isthe availability andcost ofhousing, so as we build out more affordablehousing across B.C. and buildupand strengthen our healthcare system, these two thingsneed to happen together.”
ijacqu es@ delta-optimis t. co
Deltacouncil passed severalmotions at anemergencymeeting Monday nightin response to the pairof
weekendemergency department closures at Delta Hospital.
Adopted unanimously by council, a letter from Mayor Ge orge Harvie w ill be sent on behalf ofcouncil to Premier
David Eby, Minister of Health Josie Osborne, andFraser Health Interim CE O Dr. Lynn Stevenson, expressing serious concerns regarding the closure of the Delta Hospitalemergen-
cy department on the nightsof Feb. 22and23
The letter willals o re quest infor mation regarding steps the provinceistaking to ensure the emergenc y department remains
fully open.
Theletter willalso include several points including:
*Providesanessential servicefor residents of Delta, Tsawwassen First Nation,andthose employed within Delta’s diverse industrialand commercial sectors, as wellas BC Ferries passengersandcommuters on Delta’s Hwys.99,91, 17,and17Anetwork.
*Otherfacilitiesin Richmond, Surrey,and New Westminsterare at capacityandaccess can be cutoff by trafficand incidentsonhighways, including at the George Massey Tunnel.
Delta residents have foughthard forthehospital, bothinpreventing thelong-term closure ofthe Emergency Room overnightinthe early
2000s,and to getthe hospital’s acute-care status restored after being downgraded by theprovince.
Theletter willalso be shared with Delta’s two MLAsandMP.
Council hasalso directed staff to invite representativesfrom Fraser Health Authority to attendthenextregularcouncilmeetingon March3 to provideapresentation to council,as wellasanswerquestions onthis subject.
Delta staff have also beenasked to investigate andthen report back on March3 withaproposed UBCM resolutionon theneed for sustainable fundingandcontinuous operationsforemergency andurgent care health servicesthroughoutthe province.
Surrey and Delta police have madean arrest following a pairof morning stranger attacks that tookplacein Surrey on Feb. 9.
Surrey police say that at about 11:30 a.m. that morning, they responded to a report ofanassault inprogress of a staff member at a business in the 6400-block of120th Street.A bystander then tried to interveneand was assaulted withwhat was believed to be a knife.
The victim who was physically assaulted, was treated on scene, while the man who tried to intervene, was taken to
hospitalfortreatment ofnon-life threatening injuries
Surrey police’s serious crime team tookon the case andon Feb. 16, arrested a man in Delta, supported by anemergency response team and Delta police
One man has been charged withonecount each of aggravated assaultandassault witha weapon.
He appeared in Surrey provincialcourt Feb. 20. A ban on publicationof any evidence heard at the bail hearing has been ordered.
- Phil Melnychuk
pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis t. co m
Patients wanting to get blood or lab tests will have to work aroundalternating closures at thelocal LifeLabslocations because of a labourdispute.
Members ofthe B.C. Government Employees Unionissued strike notice to LifeLabson Feb. 13then began a series of rotating strikes on Feb. 20.
That means the LifeLabs’s location inLadner, on Harvest Drive, was closed Monday and Thursday this week with a noticedirecting people to Morgan Creek Patient Service Centre in Surrey, at 15252– 32nd Ave.
LifeLabs, onits website, also says that customers will be notified if rescheduling is required andasks people tocheck itslocationfinderforthe latest information.
The union, representing about 1,200 LifeLabs workers in B.C., isconducting rotating strikes, allowing labs to open some days ofthe week, according to anessential servicesorder, says a new release.
Workers have been withouta contract since April,andin November, voted 98 percent infavourof strike action.
BCGEU president Paul Finch says LifeLabs workers’ wagesare between four to 16 percent below what others in the public sector make In addition to wage increases, improvements to staffing, workload andhealthand safety benefits are also sought.
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sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om
The City of Delta may downsize the numberof zones currently inplacein single-family neighbourhoods.
Part oftheplanning department’s overall reviewof Delta’s small-scale multi-unithousing (SSMUH) regulationsforall single-detached and duplex lots, staffpropose to re-evaluate the zones“withtheintentionofconsolidating and simplifying into a small number ofnew zonesand reviewing the minimum size forsmalllot
subdivision,”a report to councilnotes
The city currently has 13 single-detached andduplex zones(RS andRD Zones) and numerous comprehensive development zones (CD zones)that permit SSMUH development, many ofwhich are leftovers of past patternsof development.
The report notesthat the review would require careful considerationofimpactson other regulationsin Deltaand would include publicconsultationonproposed bylaw amendments.
Aftertheconsultationis completed, staff wouldbring for ward a reportwith a summary oftheconsultationand proposed bylaw changes for council’s consideration,anticipated forfall2025.
Other aspectsof Delta’s housing rules may also be refined
Delta staff, meantime, are working onan “ambitious” 2025 strategicplanwhich will continue to look at policy updates to supportDelta’s housing target orderandfulfillotheraspectsofprovincial housing legislation.
In an updateto council last December on Delta’s housing initiatives, including refinementsfor thenewOfficial Community Plan(OCP)and amendments to the SSMUH regulations, various plans were listed
That work includes staff considering opportunities for incentives to accelerate completionofconstruction within the remaining four years under Delta’s housing target mandated by the province.
The development department also plans to reviewfee adjustmentsthis year, while
staff are also currently working onupdates to Delta’s development permitareas as part of OCP updates.
Staff are also exploring new legislative authority given to cities to adoptan amenity cost charge (ACC) that would allowDelta to collect fundsfor amenities currently covered inthecity’s parks, recreation and culture amenity contribution(PRCAC) policy,which is applied to newdevelopments.
The ACC couldbroadenthe scope of amenities that maybe funded throughdevelopercontributions.
sg ya r mati@delta- o ptimis t. co m
The City of Delta has issued a request forbids fortheconstructionof oneU13 baseballfield andoneU15 baseball field at Winskill Park. Noting lowest orany tender willnotnecessarily be accepted, thecity outlinesthe work willinclude excavationandfill,erosionand sediment con-
trol, a newgranular subbase, irrigation,drainage, civil,electrical, cast in placeconcrete, asphalt paving, chain linkfencing, metalfabrications, site furnishingsincluding bleachers, batting cages, dugouts, miscellaneous specialtiesand sandbased sportsfields.
In December, council hearda presentation from staffonthepreliminar y schematicdesign for
thenew Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre and proposed refinementsfor the outsideplaying field enhancements.
The proposed locationsoftheU13and U15 baseballdiamonds have been swapped.Other changes includethe design ofthe parking lot layout to be more diagonal to improve pedestrian flow.
The planisforcon-
structiononthenew U15and relocated U13 diamonds to beginthis spring andthat they will be availableforuse in early fall2025.
A staff report notes that during thefield design process, it was concluded that placing the relocated U13field inthe southwest corner ofthe park andlocating thenewU15fieldinthe northwest cornerpro-
vides significant advantages, including increasing theforested area in the southwest cornerof the park, as wellasan improved alignment of the east-west pathway in thecentre ofthe park
The fielddesign team also considered fencing optionsfortheU13and U15 baseballdiamonds including temporar y and permanent outfield fencing.
The conclusion reached is to establish permanent outfield fencing withan outfield warning track. Outfield fencing height will be fourfeet(U13)and six feet(U15), withfourfeet fencing onallfoullinesof both fields.
The report adds enclosing the field has significant safety,operating, and maintenance advantages.
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
TheDelta Police Department responded to 24,571 callsfor service last year, an18 percent decrease from 2023.
That’s according to a recent report by Chief Harj Sidhu to the police board.
The report providesananalysisof the department’s 2024 callsfor service, including key trendsand changes from theprevious year.
The declineis largely due to updated standard operating procedures at E-Commfor handling abandonedand false 911 callsfromcellphones.
That includesaccidental pocket dialsandinadvertent activationsofthe Emergency SOS feature.
“These standard operating procedures changes, implemented in December 2023,align withpractices used by other Lower Mainlanddistrict police agenciesandallow E-Comm to assess such callsmore critically before
dispatching officers. As a resultofthis change, DPD officers now attend about 80 percent fewer abandoned orfalse 911 callsfromcellphones, ensuring police resourcesare directed to incidents requiring a response,” the report explains
Each abandoned orfalse callisthoroughly evaluated by E-Comm staff, who are trained to identifyemergencies, includinga caller ’s safety, before makinga dispatch decision.
Asfarasthe top callsfor service types in2024,the report notes, “Suspicious person/vehicle/occurrence”isthemost common,followed by “assist public/ unwanted persons,” which includes non-criminal matters such asthose related to socialand publichealthconcerns, where policeare often called to assist.
The next most common callsare driving complaints, highlighting ongoing community concerns about road safety. That isfollowed by lost property callsandshoplifting under$5,000
Published every Thursday by the DeltaOptimist, adivisionofLMPPublication
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PUBLISHER: MattBlair mblair@glaciermedia.ca
EDITOR: IanJacques ijacques@delta-optimist.com
Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@delta-optimist.com
PhilMelnychuk PMelnychuk@delta-optimist.com
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SALE S MANAGER KaijaKnox kknox@glaciermedia.ca
SALE S REPRESENTATIVE S: JohnGallinger jgallinger@delta-optimist.com
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The Delta Optimist is a member oftheNationalNewsmedia Council,whichisanindependent organization established to deal withacceptablejournalistic practices andethicalbehaviour If you have concernsabouteditorial content, please contact the editor at: ijacques@delta-optimist.com or call 604-998-3616 If you are not satisfied withthe responseand wish to file a formal complaint, visitthe website atmediacouncil. ca or call toll-free1-844-877-1163 for additionalinformation.
ROB SHAW GlacierMedia
Angerandfear rippled through Delta, Ladner and Tsawwassenon the weekendafter a doctorshortage led to the closure ofthe Delta Hospitalemergency roomfor two evenings,leaving almost 120,000 people without criticalaccess to health care
It wasadoubleblow to the South Delta region, which not only doesn’t have anyother walkinhealth-care services, butisalso hotly debating howit can accommodate potentially thousands of new residentsas part ofhousing density requirementsfromthe provincialNDP government.
“A lotof peopleare shocked and scared,” said Delta South ML A Ian Paton. It madeforan eerie weekend, he said, as residents were left listening to fire truck andambulance sirensinthe evening with
noidea where peopleinmedical distress might go.
“They are very concerned,and so amI,” said Delta Mayor George Harvie “Ourcommunity really supports our Delta Hospital,it raisesmillionsofdollars, but we need to have the provinceprovide someadditional services oreitherexpandtheemergency department itself.”
Fraser Healthannounced the closuresonlineusing theeuphemisticphrase “temporary service reductions” and saidit was working withambulance services to help redirect people to a different hospitalin Richmond, Surrey or White Rock. It also warned ofhigh waittimes at otherERs across Metro Vancouver ER closures have been a crisis in B.C. formore than two years, but mainly confined to rural communities, where residents have complained it can mean multihourtrips to the nearest hospital inanemergency. In urban B.C., health authorities have so far
been able to shufflearound staff to avert closuresin stressed facilitieslike PeaceArch Hospital’s ER Untilnow.
Premier David Eby pledged to domore to help avoidhospital ER closuresafteralmost losing October’s election,anddirected new Health Minister Josie Osborneinher mandate letter to address theissue.
He’s alsopledged to fast-track provincialaccreditationfor internationaldoctors by forcing six-week standardsonthephysician regulatory college. The hope isthat it recruitsmore doctors, whiletheprovince builds a new medical schoolin Surrey. But in Delta, theER closures have ignitedangeron larger issues The lack of reliableambulance service, andlong ambulance waits, are also tied upinthe issue. Depending ontraffic, even anambulance with sirenscould have trouble getting through the Massey Tunnel,orothertraffic, en route to anothermetro hospital.
The NDP government has also notcreated an Urgent and Primary Care Centre in South Delta, and walk-in servicesare non-existent, leaving nooptions outsideofthehospital.
“Just like our bus service, we always seem to get thecrumbs when you are at theendofthe line,” said Harvie.
“Andthisis a realconcern we haven’t been able to get something to take offthepressure on the Delta Hospitalemergency department.”
Anger rose inonline social media forumsduring the weekend overtheNDP government’s mandatory density requirements andhousing growthtargets, with residentsexpressing frustration that theprovinceshouldn’t be forcing more peopleinto the region ifit can’t evenofferproper services to existing residents.
Paton saidtheER closuresare fuelling that debate, withanger being directed at theprovincefor failing to keepup services.
As my husbandand I are thinking about downsizing inthe future, wewonderifthere will be options to suit our needs here in South Delta.
We’rea typical exampleofthelocal demographic, we moved here when our kids were young, attracted by the great schools, excellent servicesand beautiful surroundings.
Twenty-five years later, our kidsleftthe area,and our community aged along withus. Yet thehousing stock is still mainly singlefamily homesandthe optionsthat were available to us years ago, are largely out of reach forthe younger generations of today. It surprises some to learnthatat below 16,000 students, the Delta SchoolDistrictis not experiencing the same rate of growthas otherdistrictsin Metro Vancouver. Tsawwassen evenexperienced adeclinein enrolment in2024/25 year
Provincialprojectionsforthedistrictshow only modest growth by 2033, still well below thedistrict’s peakofenrolment of close to 19,000 students.
Thisdemographicshiftimpactslocal businesses, community engagement, and the poolof skilled workers. As a result, the characterof our community isshifting, and our planners andlocal decision makers are tasked withensuring South Delta can be a placeforall generations to thrive.
Thisbrings me to the proposed redevel-
opment of Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall. Change isoften met withhesitation, but we’ve faced this with successful outcomes in our community before. Given thetrends we’re facing, this redevelopment offersa chance to constructively address the challenges before us
So, to answerthequestion, would I live there? Yes, I would. I can envision a smaller homewhereI can walk to shops, cafes, restaurants, publictransit, andcommunity amenities likea library orfitness centre. The possibility of a viewis appealing, and whiletaller buildings may not be what we are used to, they offer optionsthat reduce car dependency andprevent sprawl on green spaces andfarmland. The proposed redevelopment offersa much-needed revitalizationofthe town core. I welcomethisopportunity to ensure South Delta remains a vibrant and welcoming community.
Editor :
The Optimist has published many letters regarding the Centur yGroup Tsawwassen Town Centreredevelopment proposal,mostly opposed, with their tone ranging fromconcern to outrage.
Thisisnot surprising astheproject is dramaticin scaleanddesign,andalso because thisis, well, Tsawwassen.
Some perspective andcontext is warranted. Federal,provincialand municipal governments, media, and social agencies characterize Canada’s housing shortage as a “crisis.”
Our provincial government has instructed municipalities to immediately take measures to rapidly increase the housing supply throughexpedited re-zoning anddensification approvals.
Deltaisinthecross hairs ofthe mandatesasit has lagged in keeping up withthe ever-increasing Lower Mainlandhousing demand. Council responded by holding publichearings and approvinga newofficial community planwhich includesthe TTC project. Whiletheproposed project is large scalefor Tsawwassen, TTC isanoptimal site It iscentrally located, currently underutilized andtheonly site ofany size for a comprehensive mixed-use development.
The totaldensity proposed under the planis between 3.0-3.4floorarea ratio, making it a mediumdensity,not
Thetown centre redevelopment wouldbelargestapplicationin Tsawwassen.
a high-density development. The four towers, whiletall, are spaced to not createaconcrete jungle and will have minimalimpactonviewcorridors for homesand residences. It dramatically increases the availability ofsmaller scale, diverse, accessiblehousing, offers enhanced amenity and serviceoptions, andprovides a strong rationalefor adequate TransLink service to Tsawwassen. Ever ybody isinfavourofincreased housing supplyandaffordability, just notwhere they live. The TTC project – despite thealarm raised so far inthe community– deser vesa chance and objective review.
It wasn’tlong ago that the Southlands proposal caused hundreds of Tsawwassen-ites to set their haironfire, but it turned out OK . Maybe the TTC projectcould too, so, chill a bit.
Bob Bracken
Editor :
The board ofthe Delta Housing Be Mine Society wishes to express its strong support forhousing projectsintheCity of Deltathat includeaffordableandinclusive rental housing opportunities.
TheDelta Housing Be Mine Society iscommitted to advocating for supportive, affordable, and inclusive housing for people withintellectual and developmentaldisabilities.
The City of Delta is home to a diverse population with a range
ofincomesand backgrounds. However, with the soaringcostsofhousing, ourcommunity has already seen a loss ofthis diversity
The housing affordabilitycrisis deepens urban inequalities, pushing people especially low-incomehouseholds, seniors, young people, and people withintellectualanddevelopmental disabilities into overcrowded and unsafeliving conditions.
In Deltaalone, there are over1,300individuals withintellectualand
developmental disabilities. Parents frequently ask, “What will become of my childrenwhenIam nolonger able to care for them?”
The City of Delta has a provincial mandate to create newhousing opportunities to address thiscrisis.
One ofthemost important actionsthat must be takenisencouraging alldevelopers to includemore affordable andinclusive housing in theirprojects.
The board of the Delta Housing Be Mine Society
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Editor : Tsawwassen has long been a hidden gem an escape fromthecongestionandcrimeofhighdensity cities.
But now, we face a choice: we can either embracehigh-rise developmentandtheurban problemsthat come withit, ortakea more thoughtful approach that preser ves our community’s character, enhancesexisting homes, and keeps Tsawwassen a desirableplace to live.
High-rises are often framed as “progress,” but
isthat the kindofprogress we want?
Look atSurrey. Unchecked development has led to overcrowding, rising crime, and a loss of community identity.
Tsawwassendoesn’t need to followthat path. Insteadofcramminginto high-rises, we should revitalize what we already have by renovatingolderhomes, encouragingquality developmentthat fits our landscape and character,andensuringour community remainsa placewherefamiliesand
retireesalike canenjoy a peaceful, well-kept environment, and go on walks withoutthefearof crime.
Growthdoesn’t have to meanglass towers and packed streets.
By prioritizing responsible,high-qualitydevelopment, we canprotect the charmthatmakes Tsawwassen special.
Let’s choose afuture where ourcommunity thrivesnotasanother facelesshigh-risedistrict, butasa well-maintained, livableneighbourhood.
Eric Kind
Editor :
Centur y Group has been active this past weekpromoting itsdevelopment project forthe Tsawwassen Centre Mall.
Last Saturday, Centur y Group president Sean Hodgins, gave a detailed presentationfollowed by a Q&A , graciously hosted by ElderCollege Delta
My feelings, as a resident forthe past 37 years, istheplan has, in many aspects, merit, withthe contentious issue being theconstructionoffour residential towers, possibly 20-plus storeys.
Objections at themeeting were that such height was incongruous to the
landscape and character of Tsawwassen our small periphery town. Mr. Hodgins explained thenecessity ofhigher towers was economics, anddubiousfinancial viability withlower towers, such asthe present codeof six storeys. He hasa point. It was clear what the consensus was, fromthe40 to 50 attendees at themeeting, ifallowed to vote, but it would be interesting to hearfromthe wholecommunity in generalif we hada referendum onthedevelopment.
I could hazarda guess, but don’t expect to be aroundin15 years to witness thecelebrity garland cutting. Pity! Rodney Asher
I had to shake my head reading Mike Schneider’s Community Comment (Optimist, Feb. 20). Schneider, first, takes a swipe at the so-called “no development crowd” (we are infact, Mike, prodevelopment… responsible development) – “losing theirmind” regarding the proposed Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall redevelopment.
Schneiderthen notesthemethodology forthe current report was based on a 2017 study that showed Friday and Saturday had the twohighest traffic days in Tsawwassen. A lot has happened since 2017 Mike you might recall a little global event called COVID-19?
The Bunt Study also breaks down data inhourly averages This has theeffectof smoothing out the data, making itlook prettier
The Hwy.17 turning bay into Tsawwassen can see as many as300 cars waiting to turn. This bulge oftraffic makes its way slowly along 56th Street, much likea pig in a python,untilitdissipates somewhere southof Winskill Park It isthis “chaos” that isofconcern.
The same can be seenon 52nd Street where traffic approaching 12th Avenue can stretch, asfarasImperial Village or eventhehighway. But, again,if we average these bulges out, they lookprettier Mark Schoeffel
I don’tthinkitis a myster y why the heritage house onArthurDrive has rotted.
Thisis a classic story. Developers allow theirheritage buildings to deteriorate beyond repairandthen voila, they geta development permit.
The city needs to do a better job of monitoringthese buildingsand not allowing this to happen.
I can thinkofanother example, the oldfarmhouse onthecornerof72nd StreetandLadnerTrunk Road,also being allowed to fall apart.
Jane McCall
Editor :
It’s important to note thatat the Sept. 23,2024,councilmeeting, Mayor George Harvie, Coun. Jessie Dosanjh and Coun.Alicia Guichon,along with 460 Delta residents, were allopposed to moving ahead with a Chisholm Street hotel.
Let’s continue to hope that thetragedy of evicting about six successful Chisholm Street businesses can at least be turned into a review of applicantsfor a proposalforlong-term, co-opaffordablehousing, ratherthan a tourist hot spot
A hotel wouldnotcontribute to
solving our affordablehousing crisis Instead,thecity should seek a reliable housing society or co-op housing venture forthis public land.
Shor t-term tourist accommodationon public landals o doesnotfit with Delta’s Housing Action Planand doesn’tcontribute to our provincial government mandated housing targets.
Ladner Village’s rainy weather from November to May also risks future empty tourist rooms - potentially placing the city,the public anda hotel operatorin a financialloss situation.
Bev Yaworski
Editor :
I amleft to wonder why,in strip malls, there are not signs posted telling drivers not toback into stallsthat are adjacent tosidewalks. Then again,isthat not just common sense?
In the case ofit being
a pick-up,a large portionofthe box may well extend overthe narrow sidewalkthat isinplace forthe safety of walkers. Worse yet, isthe fact that pedestriansare made to breatheinthe exhaust fumesasthe vehicleis backing upand
evenmore so whenthe driveris warming itup to leave.
The realhead-shaker is seeinga vehicle backed up to the door way of a business, the noxious fumes making their way into theenclosed area
Eunice Getz
Editor :
Re: Rob Shaw’s online column (Eby’s $1.8B grocery rebate was for tough times until tough times killed it)
On Sept. 29,2024,the NDP, inthemidst ofan election, said, “David Eby to deliver$1,000 a year household relief, starting immediately.”
On Feb. 13,NDP Finance Minister Brenda Baily cancelled thispromise. Many have reported that this$1,000 promise wasa centre pieceofthe NDPplatform. We all know, not allpromisesare keptwhen politicians run foroffice, but tosimply
cancelit, iswrong and needs to be investigated by Elections BC orthe RCMP Another optionis forthe two Green party MLAs to bring down the government and callan election,thistime without the$1,000promise from the NDP Keith Munro
eltaresidentsareinvitedtopickup amaximumofone cubicmetre(onepickuptruck-sizedload)of compostfor R overthedurationoftheweek-longevent.
Compostcanbepickedupatthe Vancouver andfill, locatedat540072Streetin elta. Free Compost Weekwill take placefromSaturday,March 8toSunday,March16. Proofofresidencyisrequired to participateintheprogram (e.g.driver’slicense,propertytaxnotice,orutilitybill).
Formoreinformation,pleasevisit elta ca reen an. ContacttheEngineering epartmentat - - 2 or engineering delta ca
Inearlysummer2024,theCity completedPhase 1oftheengagementprogram,gathering inputfrom over1,600residentsandstakeholders to helpshapetheschematicdesignof thenewfacility.
Now, theCityismovingforwardwithPhase 2oftheengagementprogram.Thisphase willinvolvekeyinterestandusergroupsandthebroader communityin confirmingthe directionofthedetaileddesignofthefacility.
Nowisthetime to have yoursayonkeydesignelements,including:
•Programmingforthe communityplazaandoutdoor terrace
•Refined ParkPlan
Take aVirtual Tour
Forthefirsttime,you’llhave the opportunity to experiencethe futureofWinskilllikeneverbefore.
VRopportunitiesaremarked withanasterisk(*).
Mark Your Calendars! Joinus to giveyour feedback atoneofoureventsbelow!
March13, 2025 March15, 2025 March20, 2025 March22, 2025
Winskill ParkFieldhouse 5-8pm *VRonsite
Winskill ParkFieldhouse 10am -1pm *VRonsite
Neighbourhood InformationSession Winskill ParkFieldhouse 6-7:30pm
Registration required: letstalk.delta.ca/Winskill
Winskill Aquaticand Fitness Centre 10am -12pm
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
The Delta School District has issued a request forbidsfor roofing contractors to submit a firm pricequote for work, labourand materials required to re-roof all areas at Delta Secondary School,inLadner
The district has also issued a tenderfor a contractfortheconstruction of a newelevator and passenger lift to address accessibility issues at the Sunshine Hills Elementary Schoolin North Delta, after posting a similar tenderforone at Heath Elementary.
The school board each year submits to theprovince itsfunding wishlist of proposed projectsthat fall undereither major capitalplanor minor capitalplan streams.
The elevator projects were submitted in2023 as part of a package of proposed capitalprojectsfor2024/25,while the DSS roofproposal ($1,150,000) was submitted last summer in the hopesit would be approved forthedistrict’s 2025/26 capitalplan.
Schooldistricts can also submit funding requestsunderthe Carbon Neutral Capital Program, anannual programthat provides funding specifically forenergy efficiency projectsthat lower schooldistricts carbon emissions
There is alsoanannual playground equipment program supporting inclusion and accessibility for children,providing specificfunding to purchase andinstallnewor replacement equipment that isuniversalin design andfollowsaccessibility measures.
Last fall,the Ministry of Education amended its response to the school board’s 2024/25 submission, madein September 2023, by includinga project fromthe board’s 2025/26 capital plan submissioninto thelist ofprojects approved for 2024/25.
The ministry had approved funding for three projects : The elevators for Heath Elementary and Sunshine Hills Elementary ($1,195,000), Port Guichon Elementary electricalupgrades for a high voltage transformer
($350,000),as wellas accessibleplayground equipmentat Heath Elementary ($195,000).
The school board celebrated thegrandopening ofthenew Heath playground last December.
The ministry amended its approvals to also include a $9-million Ladner Elementary six-
classroomaddition. That project, combined with other approved projects, representeda $10.74-millioninvestment in Delta by theprovince.
A report last year also noted there are no schoolsinthedistrict inventory which have reached orare forecast to reach the endoftheir
useful life, but there isone modularconnected pod at Hawthorne Elementary that will be reaching the endofits life cycle withinthe next five years.
Major structuralor accumulated maintenanceneeds willexceed thecost of replacement, so thedistrict resubmit-
teda proposalforthe replacement ofthat modular pod for$8.7 million withinthe five-year capitalplan time frame
The district’s 2025/26 wishlist also has, among otherprojectsincluding the DSS roof,a universally accessibleplayground at Gibson Elementary ($195,000).
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Council approved the new regulations last summer
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
Deltaisnow allowing more units on single-family residential lots, but are they livable?
That’s thequestion Coun. Dylan Kruger at the Feb. 3 meeting abouta staff report updating thecity’s smallscale multi-unithousing (SSMUH) regulations, saying he’s spoken to a local builderwho conveyed concerns and offered suggestions.
“Hisfeeling is, he’s not going to utilize thenewsmall-scale multi-unit housing rulesnow because hefeelshe’s not going to be able to build homes well.
“Andthere are some applications that are coming inand you can build homes, but if you’re not buildinga livablehigh-quality product, hedidn’t have aninterest in pursuing it,” said Kruger
Approved by council last summer, thecity is following provincial requirements to allowsmall-scalehousing.
However, thecity’s own regulations must also be thoughtful to empower builders to build a quality product for families, addedKruger.
The report notes staff have taken several steps to further educate the community about SSMUHandunderstandwhere adjustments to the bylaw may bebeneficial. Oneof the recent activities wasa one-day event called the Housing Our Future Plan-A-Thon,
which encouraged residents to explore housing options.
The report goes over some of the feedback and suggestions gathered as thecity looks at possibleupdates later this year
Among theareas thatmay see changesare the current limits on height and density,which were not changed during theintroduction of SSMUH regulations in2024and may be inadvertently preventing small-scale multi-unithousing in some situations.
Staffpropose to revisithow height anddensity are calculated inlowdensity development, which may also necessitate evaluating other zoning parameters such as lot coverage, site permeability,and setbacks, the report adds.
Staff have and will continue to take into consideration theprovincial Policy Manualand Site Standards, the report also notes
To support local governmentsin implementing the SSMUH requirement, theprovince last year released a Policy Manualand Site Standards document to provide guidance on how to implement the zoning changes. It includes site standardsthatmust be considered by a local government.
However, citiesare not required to follow those standards and can continue to use their own standardswhen it comes to thingslike setbacks, height and floor area coverage
In aninterview withthe Optimist following the Delta zoning changes, Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon made it clear he wasn’timpressed withthe city’s SSMUH regulations, describing themas too restrictive compared to the province’s suggested guidelines
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
Deltacouncil recently endorsed Alpha Aviation proceeding with a grant applicationfor funding throughthe BC Air Access Program for its apron rehabilitation and guidance marking project at Boundary Bay Airport. Last December, the BC Ministry of Transportation and Transitannounced that it will be accepting grant applicationsfor its 2025/26 program in early 2025.
The program supports infrastructure improvements for smalland regionalairportsacross the province
Sincethe launch of the program in2015, Delta has received three grants for the Boundary Bay Airport, but last year Alpha’s Aviation’s applicationfor a $2.7-million grant to fund a runway extension project was turned down
A staff report notesthe ministry will cost share
Thefunding wouldbe use forthe replacement ofdamaged concrete panels.
with publicairports on projectsthat maintain safeand reliablefacilities, provide economic benefit, support medivac and wildfire response and improve environmental performance, butthe program’s infrastructure grantsare limited to a maximum of $2 million for any givenfacility per year.
The latest grant application involves the replacement of damaged concrete panels on portions of Apron 1, 2and 3,which have cracking and spalling, as wellas updated guidanceand safety markings for each
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
The City of Delta this weekannounced the completion of the upgraded Ferry Road Boat Launch, which opened to the public on Feb. 19.
The newly constructed boat launch incorporates a longer overall ramp and extended float, which is to improve structure function outside of high tide andincreases boat capacity, according to the city
The project also
of the apron areas, the report notes
The markings will define flight school and itinerant aircraftmovement and parking areas andensure improved safety for largermid-sized aircraftand jet traffic, the report adds
The estimated cost of the work is$675,000and
ifAlpha Aviation’s application is successful,and all requisite approvalsand agreementsare obtained, theprovince willfund75 percent of the cost and Alpha Aviation willfund 25 percent.
Alpha Aviation has provideda letter of assurance confirming that theCity of Delta will not be respon-
sible for any costsassociated withtheproject but thecity,asthe owner of theairport, is required to endorse the proposal.
The airport was originally re-activated in1983, but it wasn’t until1997that the city purchased theairport from Transport Canada for $10. At that time, it
already had an operator, the Boundary Bay Airport Corporation.
The relationship between Deltaandthat company soured.
Alpha Aviation would eventually take overand its relationship withthe city has been much rosier to the point it received a lease extension until 2099.
Whetheryou’recheckingthelocalweatheronWeatherhood,exercisingyourvoice inouronlinepolls,stayingconnectedtolocalnewsorexploringdifferentformatsof newsonline,we’rehereforyou24/7.
included dredging work to remove sediment on the approachto the ramp, allowing increasedaccess during low tide conditions
The city for acouple of years had beenplanning for the reconstruction of the old boat launch, located at the northend of Ferry Road,which has reached theend of its service life with replacement of thefloat system and the complete reconstruction of the concrete ramp.
Total cost of theproject was budgeted at $1.65 million.
Followthe yellowbrick roadwith South Delta Secondar y’sdelightfulstage adaptationofL. Frank Baum’s belovedtale, featuringtheiconicmusicalscore fromtheMGMfilm.Students arelooking forwardtopresentingthetimeless tale,inwhich young DorothyGaletravelsfrom Kansas overthe rainbow to the magicalLandof Oz.Apreviewoftheshowistakingplaceon Friday, Feb. 28at 7 p.m.,with regularshowtimesrunningfrom Tuesday, March4until Saturday, March8at7 p.m.Inaddition,thereisamatineeon SaturdayMarch8at1 p.m. Tickets cost $10 forchildrenunder 5,$15 forstudentsandseniors and$20 for adults. Fortickets, pleasevisit:https: //equinoxtheatre.tickit .ca/.
Areyouinterestedinjoiningour BoardofDirectors?
Weareseekingexceptionalleaderswhoshareour commitmenttosupportingvolunteersandenhancing
pmel nychu k@ delta-optimis t.co m
Where-ever theinjured veterans went during the Invictus Games, so did thedogs, offeringa calming presenceor a reassuring sniff.
Overthecourse ofthe Gamesthat tookplacein Vancouver-Whistler, Feb. 8 to 16,19dogsshowed up at 11 sports venues to lend a helping paw.
The dogs, andtheir handlers were part ofthe PacificAssistance Dog Society and cameinfrom around B.C., the Yukon andAlberta to help athletescope withan intense weekof publicity, noise, competitionand crowds.
“We were withcompetitors at the starting blocks and at thefinish lines, behindthe scenes asthey prepared to compete, whilst managing stress and anxiety,” explained Kim Gramlich, coordinatorfor Delta Police Department’s Victim Services Unit.
Delta police Sgt. Brittney Dawson,who works inthedepart-
ment’s wellness unit, also brought herdog, Quinn.
The teamofdog handlersincluded psychologists, counsellors, social workers andvictim services workers.
“We’ve learned that pettingadog, even just looking at a dog, can give youa surge in a hormone called oxytocin,which combats stress hormones,” Gramlich said, “Thedogslower people’s blood pressure, lower heart rates, keep people calmin ver y stressfuland anxiety-riddencircumstances.”
One task involved her golden retriever Puma sitting at thefront ofthe rowing machines to keep athletes calmwhilethey competed
They alsoaccompanied skiiers to race starting points by gondola, to helpthecompetitors get under way.
During one race,a woman was about to withdraw from a ski race because ofanimpending panic attack, but Gramlich andherdog zoomed up to the top of the run by snowmobile to
help out.
“That competitor didn’tthinkshe’d be able to dothe run at all. She was essentially onthe verge of a panic attack. Andthedog helped keep the panic attack at bay so she couldactually complete the run successfully,” she said,adding another dog was also waiting at the bottomof thehill.
“There’sa very significantnumberofthecompetitors whose injuries are psychological,exclusively psychological.”
Gramlich saidthedogs showed up before, after andduring competitions
Evenprior to the opening ceremonies, they were there to help militar y personnelcope withtheloudnoise, attention,andcrowds that accompany such an event.
“There wasa bunch ofcompetitors that were really struggling emotionally. The idea ofthe crowd andthe attention andthenoise andthe music, everything was just very overwhelming, so farastheir PTSD
was concerned, sowe supporteda significant numberof people before they even stepped on to theopening ceremonies,” she said.
She saidthe team worked more than80 shiftsacross the Games and had thousandsof contacts, who was asked to co-leadthe response.
Prince Harr y, Duke of Sussex , whofounded the Invictus Games, stopped by to shake Puma’s paw, telling Gramlich afterward that herdog was very delicate.
“He was very generous withhistime. He met a tremendous numberof people. He met several of our dogsand handlers. Andhe went out ofhis way,ofcourse, to greet as many competitors as possible.”
People were happy to have thedogsthere, she added.
It’s the largest such coordinated (dog-supported) response to any international sporting event, she said.
“We’re not aware of anything being remotely like this.”
Howoftendoyouneedtosee amassage therapistorphysiotherapist foryour chronicpains?
Cometojoin my Successfully Aging class. Myexerciseswillhelpyou feelbetter, strongerandmoreflexible. Youwillbeactiveagain.
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PleaseContact Rachel fora Free
1. Lather
5. Pig’s home
8. Long stick
13. Sheep’s ma
14. Onthe road
15.Borscht vegetable
18. Behind 20.Desertstops
21. Silent
24.Takes on
33. Face themusic:3wds
38. Hotbeverage
54.Mother’s sister
1. Talltale 2. Lyric verse 3. Beerlikebrew
5. Denomination 6. Tango requirement 7. Urge 8.Umbrella
9. Isbeholden to 10.Tardy
17.NewEngland cape 19.Smooth
21. Longsandwiches
23.“____the Woods”
28.____the fat
30.Choir voice
44. Actual
45.Tenant’s concern
51.Not well
52.Cow’s call
Crossword puzzleanswers useAmericanspelling
ARIES March21-April19
You’llcomeup with great ideas and innovative proposals this week. Your plansmaychange afew times basedonyourmood. This could irritate some peoplearoundyou.
TAURUS April20-May20
Amid achaoticsituation, brilliantideas often emerge.Ifyou’refeeling overwhelmed, asecond cupofcoffee might bejust theboostofenergyyou needto accomplish great things.
GEMINI May21-June20
After aparticularly stressful period,taking astepback and indulging in somewelldeserved rest is important. This break will helpyou rechargeyour batteries and feel refreshed.
CANCER June21-July22
You’llput in aconsiderable amountofovertime at work this week. You’llalso enjoy relaxing moments withfamily and friends and participate in enriching activities together
LEO July23-Aug.22
Atrip or aromantic getaway willlift your spirits. You’llfullyembrace this blissfulexperience. The idea of moving abroador going onanadventurewill takeshape in your mind.
VIRGO Aug.23-Sept.22
Change will comenaturally toyou this week.Choose yourfriendswisely to reduce stress in your life. You’lltake amorespiritual approach to life,whichwillimprove your well-being andhelpyou feelmorealignedwith your deepest desires.
LIBRA Sept.23-Oct. 22
You’llhavestrong emotions this week.Be mindful about putting yourself in aposition whereyou’reforcedtomake abig decision allalone. This couldleadtotough criticism thatmaybehardtohandle.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov.21
You’lluseyourstrong senseof determination to carveoutyourownplace in theprofessional world. This approachcould openthedoorto exciting opportunities fortraveland culturalexperiences.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec.21
You’llstandoutamongyour friends andcolleagues. These individualswill be readytosupportthe big changesyou’remaking, including those in your personal life.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan.19
Forsomepeople, spring breakmeans relaxation. However,ifacrowdof visitorsarrives atyour home,theymaytake liberties andleaveyou feeling solely responsible for puttingthings back in order.Fortunately,you’ll still have agreat time.
AQUARIUS Jan.20-Feb.18
Trustyour instincts—they’re yourbest guide! Don’tlet yourselfbe influencedby thosewho think theyknow everything.Believe in your own abilities. Someoneclose toyou mightinadvertently holdyouback.
PISCES Feb. 19-March20
Yourwork will provide you withstability,financial independence andtravel opportunities. Becarefulnot toexceedthespeed limit when drivingthis week.
Fillinthegridsothat everyrow,every columnand every3 x3box contains thenumbers 1through 9onlyonce Each 3x3box isoutlinedwith a darkerline. Youalreadyhave a fewnumbers to get youstarted. Remember:youmustnot repeatthe numbers 1through 9inthesameline, columnor 3x3 box.
Themiddleofwinterdoesn’tseem likeitwouldbeaveryactivetimeofyear forwildlifeonfarmlandbutthereisalot goingonbelowthesurfaceandunder thecoveroftreesinhedgerows.
Hedgerowsarethemixofnativetrees, shrubs,grassesandflowersthatlinethe edgesoffieldsandprovideazonewhere thereareuniqueopportunitiesforwildlifeand(spillover)benefitsfortheland.
Fourtimeseveryyear,Delta Farmland&WildlifeTrust(DFWT)surveyshedgerowsforbirdstogetasnapshotofwhichspeciesarepresentduring thewinter,springmigration,breeding
Ahedgerowinbloomnexttoanewly plantedfield.
seasonandautumnmigration.Even atthistimeofyearwhenfieldsmaybe coveredinsnow,hedgerowscanbejust
asbusyasifitwasthemiddleofspring. Throughoursurveys,we’vefoundthat hedgerowsarewelloccupied,with nearlythesamenumberofspeciesat anypointintheyear.
Hedgerowscreatemicroclimates inthelandscapeforbirdsseeking shelterfromthecold,suchasAnna’s Hummingbirds,butalsoprovideshelter forwildlifethatneedstoburrowunderground.Manynativespeciesofbees, includingbumblebeeswilloverwinter intheundisturbedsoilofhedgerows. Whenthesepollinatorsemergeinthe spring,theybringcarry-overbenefits intoadjacentfieldsandareespecially skilledatpollinatingblueberryflowers.
DeltassistFamily& CommunityServicesisoffering afreetaxclinicforlow-income Deltaresidents.
CanadaRevenueAgencytrainedvolunteersareready tohelpyouprepareandfile simpletaxreturns,ensuring individualsreceivethebenefits andcreditsyouareentitledto withoutinterruptions.
toApril30. Deltassistvolunteerscan helppreparetaxreturnsfor thecurrentyear(2024)andup to10previousyears(2015to 2024).
Filingontimeensuresyou receivebenefitsandcreditsifeligible,suchas:GST/ HSTCredit,CanadaCarbon Rebate,CanadaChildBenefit
andProvincialandTerritorial Payments.
Whocanusethisservice? Thisfreetaxclinicisavailabletoindividualswithsimple taxsituationsandamodest familyincome.
Howitworks:visitoneof ourofficesduringopenhours, completearegistrationform, dropoffyourtaxdocuments.
benefitsofhedgerows,whichalsorange fromdecreasingsoilerosiontocapturingexcessnutrients.Throughthe hedgerowstewardshipprogram,DFWT haspartneredwithfarmerstoplantover 16kmsince1993.Manypeopleinthe communitywonderabouthowthey cansupportnativepollinatorsandbirds intheirownbackyards,andplanting nativetrees,shrubsandgrasseslikea hedgerowhasmanyyear-roundbenefits.
Editor’snote:NatureNotesisa monthlycolumnproducedbytheDelta Naturalistsandtheircommunitypartners.Forinfoonmonthlymeetingsand more,seewww.deltanaturalists.organd www.facebook.com/DeltaNats.
inLadnerat#202,5000Bridge Street,call604-946-9526or inNorthDeltaat9097,120th Street,call604-594-3455. OfficehoursareMondayto Fridayfrom9:30a.m.tonoon and1to4p.m. Formoreinformation,contactVanessaGutierrez,Income TaxProgramCoordinator,at vanessag@deltassist.comor visitourwebsite:https://deltassist.com/.
The inaugural KinVillage Classic Bonspielbrought together new and seasoned curlers for a fun and competitive evening on Feb. 22,all in support of a great cause.
The event exceeded expectations, raising animpressive $45,577.25 for the It Takesa Village campaign, which willhelp build a new Day Program spacefor Older Adults at KinVillage.
Congratulations to Team Harker, recognized asthe Top Fundraising Team, Southlands Hunniesfor winning Best Dressed, and Team Dunlop, who won the bonspiel!
See more photoson our website at www.delta-optimist.com
Time-lapse photography is a techniqueused to capture movement that happens over a long period of time There are bothcreative and technicalaspects that are needed to properly create a great time-lapse, and bothofthose topics and more will be covered by Nikon Canada’s Nathan Wilkinson.
AttendthisnextDelta Photo Club workshopvia Zoomon Wednesday, March5 from7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The Zoomlink will be sent out toparticipantson March 5.
Wilkinsonis a professionalphotographer based in Waterloo, Ont.
With a background rooted in digitalart and design,he has been a photographer for more than10 years and enjoys capturinga wide range of subjectsfromproducts to people tolandscape and time-lapses.
His favourite genre of photography isenvironmentalproductphotography.
To attendthe workshop, become a member ofthe Delta Photo Club by filling out themembershipform at http://deltaphotoclub.com/ member-sign-up-form.
You can also attendas a guest by sending ane-transfer of$10 to treasurer_membership@deltaphotoclub. com by noon, Wednesday, March 5. Please include your nameandemail address withthetransfer
ContactIanat ijacques@delta-optimist.com or 604-998-3616
On Saturday, March 1, École du Bois-joliinvites you to a fun-filled culturalcommunity event: thetraditional Sugar Shack!
From11 a.m. to 4 p.m., come andenjoy a festive day packed withexciting activitiesin a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Get ready for delicious mapletaffyon snow, traditional live music, theatre performance, face painting, kids’ games, and so much more! Thisis the perfect opportunity to experience, celebrate andshare French Canadian traditionswhile supporting a vibrant and dynamic school. This year, we’re also happy to welcomelocal Francophone exhibitors, who will be showcasing theiruniqueproducts andtalents :agreat chance to connect withthe Tsawwassen and Ladner ’s Francophone community, discover new thingsandcelebrate together
Amongtheexhibitors, you will find: RésoSanté, La Porte de l’Espoir(inspirational french pastries), Joie by Lise (scented candles), Rochelle Food, DKM House Oils (essentialoils)…and many more! There willalso be a selectionof sweet treatsfor sale to support
OnMarch1st, Écoledu Bois-joliinvites youtoafun-filledcultural community event:thetraditionalSugar Shack!
the schoolincluding fudge, sucreà la crème, sugar tarts, andother deliciousconfections. If you’re feeling hungry, you can also enjoy salted crêpesfilled with ham, peas soupandmolasses beans a perfect way to indulge in Frenchculinar y traditions!
Whether you’rea parent, student, community member, or simplycurious, this Sugar Shack event isnot to be missed! Cometaste the sweetness of mapletaffy,tap your feet to lively music, andcreate memories withfamily and friends The event isfree and
open to the wholecommunity. We can’t wait to see you there andcelebrate withustheenergy and spiritof our schooland community. Spreadthe word andbring yourfriends!
École du Bois-joliislocated at 78549th Street,Delta. -Submitted
Co ntributing Wr iter
Calm, stormy, wet and rainy or dr y and warm, ourwest coast provides amazing vistas just perfect for the artistsliving in what we refer to as “God’s Country”
This geographic regionof our beautiful province borders onthe great islandsdotting
the Pacificcoast from Vancouver Island to the Yukon.
We live in a verdant rainforest which is home to thehighest falls in Canada, and rich in greenery,andthetallest trees. The coastline, the beaches, waterfalls and cliffsare backdrops to a rich ecosystem, withinteresting plants and richness offish and wildlife We love
itall. We have become paddlers, fisherman, viewers of killer whales, black andgrizzly bears, shy marmots, cougars, coyotes, deer, elk, moose andmillionsof birds from ouriconic Canada Goose to the tiny chickadeesand hummingbirds. What do our artists do? They capture the towering peaks of majesticmountains, the
activitiesof our diverse population,andthe shy plantsandbirds we treasure.
Comeandviewwhat all our artists have captured on paper, canvas andinthree dimensions It will be a journey you willenjoy.
Visit southdeltaartistsguild.com where we are inviting the public, (our patrons, families, andfriends) forphotos
of your best shots.
The artists will be painting yourimages for a show called “A Place inthe World.”
Yourphoto should be entered in early May. Check out ‘West Coast’ on display from Feb. 28 to March 30 atGaller y 1710in Tsawwassen(1710,56th Street). Galler y hours are noon to 4 p.m. Friday to Sunday
Seniorsareagrowingand increasinglyprosperousdemographic.Astheseniorpopulationincreases,agreateremphasismustbeplacedonkeeping agingindividualshealthy. Wellnesschecksareimportant atanyage,buttheybeareven moresignificanceasindividuals growolder.
Agebringswithitmany things,includingexperience andwisdom.Butagealso bringsanincreasedriskfor healthproblems.Agingmen andwomenarevulnerableto chronicconditionslikeheart disease,COPD,cancer,and arthritis.It’snoteworthythat manychronichealthconditions failtoproduceanysymptoms untiltheyhaveprogressedto
Annualwellnessexamscan helpolderadultstakecharge oftheirhealthandstayas healthyaspossible.It’spossible forapersontopreservehisor herhealth(andpossiblylife) throughcheck-upsandeasy tests.
Herearesomecommon screeningsandhealthrecommendationsthatcomeupinthe primeofone’slife.
Colorectalcancerscreening: Acoloncancerscreeningis recommendedforeveryoneat age45.Althoughpeopleseldom lookforwardtoacolonoscopy andtherequiredprep,putting offthistestduetoalittlediscomfortmayresultinmissing
coloncanceratitsearlieststage whenitismosttreatable.
Cholesterolscreening: This simplebloodtestcanhelpevaluatetheriskforheartdisease. Highcholesterolcancontribute tothebuildupofplaqueinthe arteries,makingthemnarrower andlessflexible,accordingto Sharecare,Inc.
Mammogram: Mosthealth organizationsrecommend annualmammogramscreeningsfromage40untilmenopause.Thenitmaybepossible tohaveamammogramevery otheryearforthosewhoare ataveragerisk.Itisimportant forwomentodiscussmammogramfrequencywiththeir doctors,particularlyifthereis afamilyhistoryofbreastcancer.
Diabetes: ChenMedsaysdiabetesmaybemorecommonin olderadults,soregularscreeningsforthisillnesscanenable earlydiagnosisandmanagement.
Testicularcancerscreening: Thistestgenerallyisnotrecommendedwithoutsymptoms. Someorganizationssuggest menwithafamilyhistoryor otherriskfactorsconsiderperformingself-examinations.
Vaccinationneeds: Doctors canalertpatientstorecommendedvaccinationsduring wellnessexams.Seniorsshould receiveanannualflushotand updatedCOVID-19vaccination asavailable.Pneumococcal vaccinecanprotectagainst pneumococcaldiseasethatcan
leadtopneumonia,meningitis andbloodstreaminfections. Adultsover50alsoshould receiveavaccinationforshingles,whichcanoccurinolder ageinthosewhohavepreviouslyexperiencedchickenpox. Thereareadditionaladvantagestoroutinehealthcheckups.Doctorscaninquireabout fitnessroutines,stress,sleep, anddiettoseeifpatients arewithintheguidelinesfor healthyliving.
Olderagemaymakeapersonwiser,buttheriskforvarioushealthissuesandcertain diseasesincreaseswithage. Routinehealthcheck-upscan keepdoctorsandpatientson thesamepage.
Therewardsofparentingarebittersweet.Raisingchildrensuccessfully meanstheywillonedayleavehome andembarkonlivesoftheirown.Once theproverbialchicksleavethenest, individualsmaybeleftwithalotof emptyhomeandalotoftimetofill.
StatisticsCanadasaysroughlyonethirdofadultsbetweentheagesof20 and34livedwiththeirparentsin2023. Althoughsomeparentswhosechildren havereachedadulthoodstillprovide financialassistancetotheirgrown childrenduetohighcostsofliving, manyemptynestersintheirfiftieshave greaterfinancialresourcesandmuch moretimetofilltheirdayswithactivitiesunrelatedtoparenting.Buthow doesonespendthosehourswhenthey hadbeenfilledwithparenting-related obligationsandactivitiesforsolong?
emptynesterscanstaybusyandsociallyengagedastheyseektoavoidempty nestsyndrome.
Takecareofyourself: Afterallthose yearsofputtingchildrenfirst,nowis thetimetomakeyourselfthepriority.Exploreallofthewaystoengage inself-care.Maybeyouwerethinking aboutsigningupforamonthlymassage packageatanearbywellnessclinicbut procrastinatedbecauseoftheadded expense?Oryoumayhavewantedto splurgeonafacialornewhairtreatment?Nowisthetimetomakethose appointments.
Prioritizehobbies: Identifyrewardinghobbiesthatmighthavebeen pushedtothebackburnerforyears.If youalwayswantedtolearnanewlanguage,whynotimmerseyourselfinit andtheassociatedculturebyspending amonthormoreinacountrywhere
thatlanguageisspoken?Nowcanbe agreattimetopickupnewhobbiesas well.
Travelfarandwide: Travelisa popularpastimeamongemptynestersandretirees.Whenyounolonger havetocoordinatetravelaroundschool schedulesandholidays,youcantake advantageofgreatdealsonoff-peak travelandreallyseethecountryoreven theworld.
Indulgeyoursociallife: Ifparenting madeithardtoattendcertainsocial functions,nowyouwillhavethetimeto engagewithfriendsmoreregularly.You canreachouttooldfriendsandstarta weeklywalkinggroup,joinabookclub, signupforafitnessclasstogether,or evendoamonthlywineanddinemeetupatnewrestaurantsinthearea.
Adoptapet: Whenchildrenwerestill athomeyoulikelylavishedattentionon
Emptynestershavemorefreetime toredirecttotheirownpassionprojectsandinterests.
themeachday.Youcanredirectsome ofthataffectiontoapetwhoneedsa goodhome.Visitanearbyanimalshelterandpickoutapuporkittenlooking foragoodhome.
Emptynestershavemorefreetimeto redirecttotheirownpassionprojects andinterests.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
3900 Ar thurDrive, Ladner 604-946-4522
AllSaintsAnglican Church 4979-44A Avenue,Ladner 604-946-9179 •604-946-4224
JoinusSundayService @10am WednesdayService @10am followedbyBibleStudy Formoreinformation www.allsaintsladner.orgor call604-946-8413. 4755ArthurDrive,Delta
ForI amconvinced that [nothing]…inall creation, will be able to separate us from thelove of God that isin Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38–39NIV)
We starteda new sermon series at Ladner Baptist Church a couple weeks ago called, Living Our Identity. This may be themost relevant topic of our day. Many people struggle withtrying to find a strong sense ofwho they are. The most natural way to define our identity isinwhat we do.I am a doctor, engineer, grocer y store clerk, carpenter, musician, parent…fillin theblank
LadnerBaptist Church
The question“Whoam I?” can be answered in so many ways, but they are often superficialanswers. There is much more to methanwhat I do.I am a pastor. There are times when I do my job well,or certainaspectsof my job, andothertimeswhen
I donot If my sense ofidentity is based on what I do,I willfeel bad about myselfwhen I am notdoing welland good about myselfwhen I am. The truthis, at the core of my beingI am first and foremost made in God’s image and His child. That iswhere my identity originates That willnever change. God, as my perfect Father, will never stoploving me, no matter what I doordo notdoorhow well I do or donotdoit. His love and acceptance towards meisnot based on my performance at all. It stemsfromthefactthat I am His child. That isthe core of my identity.
Sundaysat10:00a.m. Rev.Jason Truell
中文主日崇拜 10:00a.m.
ONLINEORIN-PERSON, Sundays @9:30a.m.
www.ladnerlife.com info@ladnerlife.com 5545Ladner TrunkRd.
1115 -51AStreet Tsawwassen Rector
SundayService10am Ash Wed.Services 11amand 7pm
ImpositionofAshesat bothservices 604-943-4737
Nancy 楊牧師 4594 –54AStreet, Ladner,B.C. 604-946-7033, office@ladnercrc.com www.ladnercrc.ca
Tsawwassen United Church 693– 53rdStreet,Tsawwassen
Rev.MariePaul Welcometoeveryonefor Worship &Friendship Sundays @10:00am tuc@telus.net604.943.2911
“Be Faithful,betrue, bea blessing”
Naomi Mynott and Abby McLeod are two of10 swimmers nationally selected to represent Canada at the Edinburgh International Swim Meet in Scotlandthis March.
After strong performances atnationals last July, both swimmers were named to Swim Canada’s National Junior Development team, along with teammate Keaton McGregor.
The two swimmers alsoachieved top times that qualified themas “carded” athletes meaning they receive additional funding for travel andtraining costsfrom Sport Canada’s Athlete Assistance Program Both swimmers are inthe topthree nationally for their age group in several eventsand Mynott and McLeod have attended junior national camps in Florida and Spain over the past year.
There are only three B.C athletes invited to participate, so to have two athletes from South Delta selected is a testament to their hard work andtheprogram head coach Judy Baker runs out of Winskill.
Baker has also been
NaomiMynottand AbbyMcLeodwillrepresent Canadaatthe EdinburghInternational SwimMeet,in Scotland, inMarch.
recognized as a top juniorcoach nationally and willhead to Scotland,invited by Swim Canadato be the leadcoach forthe Canadian junior team competing at the event.
The event marks the beginning ofthe competitive season. Following Scotland,the swimmers head to Edmonton fora national competition and then Canadiantrialsin Victoria in June -Submitted
Sports stories? ContactIanat ijacques@delta-optimist.com or call 604-998-3616
ijacque s@ delta-optimis t. co m
The ladsfrom Ladner FC areona mission.
Thesoccer team has topped thetable in PoolBofDivision 2oftheFraser Valley Soccer League withan impressive recordof 13-1-3.
Ladner clinched first place withthree games to go intheir regular season.
The club has clincheda berthin theprovincials,which will be in early April, but beforethat, they willplay Missionina league cup game to determinethe overall undisputedDivision 2 champion. The winnerofthat game wouldmove up to Division1next season.
Thisisthefirst time Ladner has topped the tableinDivision2.
Ladner startedin Division4whenthe club beganplay 10 years agoand has consistently movedup inthedivisions.
On Saturday night (Feb.22)Ladner beat the Ridge Meadows
Rowdies4-1inthe round of64President’s Cup, whichis separate from Fraser Valley Soccer League Play
William Khuu scored twice,while Vikram Puri andAndrew Jonesadded singles.
Ladner willnowface CF Chevre this Saturday (March 1)inthe roundof 32 at Hjorth Turf Fieldin Surrey at 6 p.m.
“We lost three times in league play this year, but we just dusted ourselvesoffand responded
with a win every time we lost,” saidassistant coach Jayven Gill.“We have a good room – everyone isthere for each other Everyone works hard in practiceand pushes each other to thelimits, which iswhat you need because thisis a provincial run and everything else is going to be a grind.”
The club hasfeatured abalanced attackall season with55 goalsforand only21 goals against.
Strong goaltending, toughdefenceand scor-
ingupanddown the line-up have been keys todate.
The club’s top scorersincludeBr yce Connors–11 goals, Euan Aitchinson–eight goals and Markus Niebuhr–five goals.
“I think we have a really good chanceof winningthePresident’s Cup,”he said.“We’ve been close overthe years, so the guys are motivated becausethis has beena cupthathas eludedus.”
Loveyourcabinets,butnothowthey’re worn?GleamGuardoffers asimple,cost-effectivesolution. We alsorefreshcabinetswhich costslessthan refinishing.
Textcabinetpicturesto1-604-218-7470orcall. www.gleamguardcabinetrefinishing.ca
On Feb. 2, PeytonBrosinskiofthe South Delta Kyokushin KarateClubtravelledto Little Tokyoin LosAngelestotakepartinthe19thannualIKO U. S. Weight Category KarateChampionships.It wasa very successfultournament for Peytonashe wonsilverinthefull contactknockdown kumiteintheboys 15-to-17-year-oldheavyweightdivision. To makeittothefinals, Peytonhadto defeatastrong Polishfighterinaspiritedmatchandtheninasplitdecision helostinthegoldmedalmatchagainstanother experiencedfighterfrom Poland.Alongto coachandprovidesupport was SenseiMike Sandford.
BOOKINGDEADLINE Wednesday, February26
Showcasingandempoweringwomenfromallbackgroundsandwalksof lifetogrow,thriveandsucceedinbusiness.
Localbusinesseshave anopportunitytofeaturesomeoneand/orbe featuredinthe March 6 issueoftheOptimist.
Ryan Livingstone,a halfback from Delta, has committed to the Acadia Axemenfootball program fortheupcoming season.
Livingstone, who stands6’0and175 pounds, played for Vancouver College, where he wasa key contributor to three consecutive provincial championship teams In his senior season, he recorded 50tackles, two interceptions, three sacks, and two fumble recoveries, earning the most improved award.
Despite missing two gamesinhis senior season,he was recognized as thetackling leader. He was also recognized in2022 withthe special team’s award.
Offthefield, Livingstone plans to pursue a Bachelorof Business Administration at Acadia University
“Committing to Acadia means anotheropportunity to grow and improve as a player, but also as a teammate,” Livingstone said. “Vancouver College has helped megrow into a better man, and I plan to continue my efforts at Acadia.”
Livingstone’s combination of athleticismand leadership isexpected to make animmediate impactontheAxemen’s defenceasthey prepare for theupcoming season. -reproducedwith permission from Acadia Axemen
Please recyclethis newspaper
Ryan Livingstone,picturedinactionwith VancouverCollege,willplay forthe AcadiaAxemannextseason.
Notice is hereby giventhatDelta City Councilwillconsidergiving first, second, and thirdreadings to the bylawreferencedbelowat itsRegular Meetingat 6:15 p.m. on Monday,March 10,2025 in the CouncilChamber, DeltaCityHall, 4500 ClarenceTaylorCrescent, Delta, BC
File No.P24-14(BylawNo. 8479)
Location: City-wide
Applicant: City of Delta
Proposal: To amend“DevelopmentApplication Procedures BylawNo. 8347,2023”as follows:
To delegate thefollowing authoritytothe GeneralManager,Development:
• issuanceofminor developmentvariance permitsfor non-profit housing projects;and
• issuanceofheritage alterationpermitsfor properties locatedwithina heritageconservation area in theOfficial CommunityPlanbutnotlisted on Delta’sHeritageRegisterorinventories
Staff Contact: EmilyPaterson,Planner –604-952-3612
Materialsrelated totheproposalsuchasthe proposed bylawand otherinformation maybeinspected at DeltaCityHall, 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent,Delta,BC, Mondayto Friday,excluding statutory holidaysfrom9:00a.m.to4:00p.m.fromThursday, February 27,2025 to Monday,March 10,2025
Ifyou have ageneral inquiryregarding theproposalorifyou wouldlikeassistancetoinspect any relevant documentation, please contactthe DevelopmentDepartmentbyemail at development@delta.ca or byphoneat604-946-3380
Correspondence received upto 10:00 a.m.onFriday, March7,2025 will be included in theagenda package.All correspondence must includeyournameand full address andwillformpartofthe public recordfor theproposaland be publishedonthe City’s website.
Email: mayor-council@delta.caOR
Writeto: Mayor andCouncil,CityofDelta 4500 Clarence TaylorCrescent Delta, BC V4K3E2
Homeownershaveuntil March31tocomplete theirdeclaration forBC’sSpeculationand Vacanc yTax. Whileallhomeowners in designatedareasmustdeclare, 99%ofBritish Columbia residents won’thavetopay the tax. Thistaxhelpsfundaffordablehousing initiativesandturnsempt yhomesinto housing forpeoplewholiveand work inBC Since2017,more than90,000homeshave beendeliveredorareunder wayunderthe HomesforBCandHomes forPeopleplans
DeclarebyMarch 31,2025 at gov.bc.ca/spectax or by toll-free 1.833.554.2323
MakingHousing Mor eAffo rd able
Thespringmarketishere!Whetheryou’rebuyingorselling,mylocal expertisecanhelpyouachieveyour realestategoals. Takeadvantage ofthisprimeseason —calltodaytolear naboutmyprovenprocessfora seamlesstransaction!
TimRohwer 604.762.2041 tim@thedeltagroup.ca
•VillageGardens,locatedinthehear tof historicLadnerVillage.
•Nearlynew2-bedroom,3-bathroomend-unit townhouseoffers1,344sq.ft.
•Extrastorageonever yfloorplusa DOUBLEgarage.
•LocatedontheQUIETsideofthecomplex, featuringartificialtur f&paversforeffortless outdoorenjoyment.
•Featureshighceilings &anabundanceof naturallight
•Offering abright &invitingatmosphere
•Oneparking &onestoragelocker
•Minutesto Tsawwassenmills,Golfcourse &more!
Kelsey Lynch 604.831.7536 kelsey@thedeltagroup.ca
•Fullydetached 2bedroom &denrancherwith 1658sq.ft.oflivingspace
•Featuresopenconceptstyleliving,largegourmet kitchen,familyroometc, •SidebysideDoublegaragewithlargefence gardens!
•StepstoMillennium Trail,Riversetting& Restaurants!
•Spacious 2Bedroom 2Bathrenovatedmodern upstylecondo
•Bringyourboat(30’Boatslip)toenjoyyear roundcruising
•Primelocationtostroll(1dogor 1cat Welcome) toparks,recreation,shops, &restaurantsin
•Greatopportunitytoenjoytranquilresort styleliving! #104481548 Avenue
•Friday:10am –11am
•Saturday &Sunday: 2pm –4pm
Dazzlingnew(2024)2 bedroomanddenapartmentwith abrightopenplaninBoundaryBay’s popularnewcommunity!Luxuriousfinishwithsomanyfeatures:highendkitchenwithFisher Paykelappliances& socialisland,efficientheatpump &airconditioning,fabulousensuite with 2sinks,hugeshower &radiantheatfloor.Enjoylookingacrosstowarmsunsetsfromthe spacious &privatewestfacingpatio.Explorethetrailsonyourbike,walktothesandybeach–yetstillcloseto TownCenteramenitiesandtransit. Youwilllovethelifestyle,comfortandgreat value!Callnowfor aprivateviewingorcomebyatanopenhouse.
TSAWWASSEN 210-1120TsatsuShoresDrive
1Bed 1Bath |910Sq.Ft.
It reallydoesn’tgetmuchbetterthanthis,insomeofthemostaffordablewaterfrontRealEstateintheentireLowerMainlandhereat Tsawwassen’s coveted“TsatsuShores”.This2ndstoryoceanfrontcondoincludespanoramicviewsoftheSalishSea,GulfIslandsand beyondalongwithtastefulupdatesthroughoutand afloorpanthatfeaturesathoughtfully redesignedmainlivingspace.Immersedin nature&convenientlylocatedminutestothe TsawwassenFerry Terminal, TsawwassenMillsMall,Hwy99and Tsawwassen TownCenter.
1Bed 1Bath |699Sq.Ft.
WINDSORWOODS 1Bed, 1Bath699sqftsuite.Newercountertops,sinkandstainless-steelappliancesinthekitchenalongwith updatedlighting,paint &flooringwithanupgradedfireplace.Classic &spaciousfloorplanalsofeatures anicesizeprimarybed witha4-piecebath &aSouthexposedpatioareathatallowsforundercoverandopen-airenjoyment,forplanters,loungesetanda BBQ.StepstoSunny Tsawwassentowncentre, recreation,shopping,schoolsandincl’s1parking &1storage.
Ladn er 479544A Aven ue 4Bed |2Bath |2050Sq.Ft.
Tsawwassen 102-1441GardenPlace 2Bed |2Bath |1024Sq.Ft.
SOUTHSURREY 16-2845156 STREET 3Bed |3Bath |1601Sq.Ft.
MAPLERIDGE 22803N ELSONCOU RT 3Bed |4Bath |3083sq.ft.
Tsawwassen 406-1428 56 Street 3Bed |2Bath |1536Sq.Ft.
Tsawwassen 401-4977Springs Boulevard 2bed |2Bath |1020Sq.Ft.
4Bed+Den |5Bath |2533Sq.Ft. Welcometothe1stof 2builtgreenhomesinLentelConstructionslatestdevelopment.Thesearecollectionsofcarefullycrafted, highquality,energyefficienthomes.This 4Bed +Den, 5bath,2533sqfthomeftr’stimelessdesigncoupledw/anintelligentfloor plan.Ftr’sincltripleglazedwindows,A/C,EV ready &pre-wiredforsolarpanels.Thehomealsoftr’sa 512sqft,3rdstoreymedia/ flexspacew/fullbathroom. WalkingdistancetoHawthorneElementary, transit,walkingtrails,shoppingandhistoricLadnerVillage.
$1,898,000 LADNER
Tsawwassen 511-5055Springs Boulevard 1Bed +Den |2Bath |1048Sq.Ft.
Tsawwassen 1395Beach GroveRoad 3Bed |2Bath |1750Sq.Ft.
6152431RabbitDrive, Tsawwassen •$875,000
Bedrooms: 2•Bathrooms:2 FloorArea:1,022sq.ft.
Welcome to Salt &MeadowII! This stunningtwobedroom, twobathroom cornerpenthouseunitofferstheperfect combinationoflifestyleandluxury.Thisunitboastsgorgeous oceanviews andsunsets to beenjoyedthroughoutthehomeand fromthespaciouspatio.Brandnewandneverlivedin,withan openandtastefullydesignedkitchen, extending to thelargeliving roomwithsoaring ceilingsthroughout.Other featuresinclude access to theclubhouseincludingoutdoorpoolas wellas afitness centrelocatedinthebuilding,twoparking stalls,one storage lockerand AC.Convenientlylocatedclose to ampleshopping, restaurantsandmoreatTsawwassenMillsand Commonsand only25kmfromVancouver.
Bedrooms: 3•Bathrooms:2.5 FloorArea:1,484sq.ft.
Welcome to Boardwalk!Builtin2022,thislovely 3bedroom, 2.5bath,1/2duplexhasitall. Thishomeoffers afunctionallayout witha spaciouskitchen,islandand aFisher Paykelgas range.The openmainfloorboasts9’and vaulted ceilings,largewindows andamplenaturallight.Upstairs youwillfindthebedrooms,main bathroom,laundry roomandtheprimarybedroom completewith aluxuriousensuiteand walk-incloset. Thishomeprovidesmany comfortsincludinglaminate throughout, asouth facingpatio withnaturalgashookup,adoublecargarageandtheclubhouse amenitiesincludingoutdoorpool,jacuzzi, yoga,kidsareaand more. Enjoythe conveniencesof TsawwassenMillsand Commons withshop,services, restaurantsandmore.
Bedrooms:5•Bathrooms:3 FloorArea:14,704sq.ft.
Arareinvestmentopportunityintheheartof West Ladner. This wellcared forandloving familyhomeissituatedonan impressive14,704Sq.ft.lotandhasloadsofpotential. The homeoffers 5bedrooms, 3bathroomsand over3,600Sq.ft. oflivingspace. Thepropertyiscurrently zoneRD3andis steps fromtheshopping centres,markets, coffeeshops,boutiques, restaurants,parks, recreation,schoolsandmore. Interested partiesshouldcheckwiththeCityofDelta forthebestuseof thisspecialproperty.
Bright,well-maintainedcondowith amodernopenfloor planinSolei Terrace,onlytwoblocksfromTsawwassen TownCentre!Featuringupgradedhardwoodfloors, aspaciouskitchenwithgranitecountertops,s/sappliances, &a largeislandwithseatingforfour.1 parking, 1storage, &petswelcome!Idealforinvestorswithexcellenttenants inplaceor aperfectspotforyoutocallhome!
2+ den |1 | 1164sqf t 9178sqf tl ot |$ 1,499,000
Prime realestateopportunity!Perfectlysituatednear town,this2-bedroomranchergraces aspacious,flat 9178sq.ft.lotwith70.57ftfrontage &129.98ftdepth. Boasting asunnyeastern-exposed rearyard. Aunique andsubstantialopportunityforfuturedevelopment! consultwiththeCityofDeltaregardingthespecificsof subdividingand rezoning.Don’tmissout!
ImmaculatecondoinWINDGROVE, acharmingbuildingwithonly 12 residences!Open-conceptlayouthighlightedby9-ftceilings, &crown mouldings.Kitchenfeaturesmaplecabinetry,granitecountertops, &stainless steelappliances.Cozygasfireplace(incinstrata).Flexspaceperfectfora homeoffice.Spaciousbdrms,primarysuiteboastswalk-incloset,ensuite& laundry.Quietlocationatthebackofthebuilding.Deckaccessfromliving& primary.1parking, 1storage,petswelcome.NewRoof!
3| 2| 2174sqft 1a crel ot | $1,799,000 6643SunshineCoastHwy
Waterfrontviewsofthe TrailIslandsfromevery room!Bright &airymainfloorw/open-concept living/dining, &gourmetkitchen.Mainfloor primarybedroomalsow/deckaccess.Upstairs,two spaciousbedrooms,lowerleveloffers arec-room leadingtothehottub,yogadeck,outdoorshower, sandyfirepitarea &directbeach/oceanaccess.
2.5 |+2 600sqft
ExcellentCentral/WestLadnerfamilyhome.Games room, Greatsunroom/solarium/greenhouseoverlookingsouthyard. severalskylights, 2gasF/P.Easycarevinylsiding,Thermo windows &extraparkingfor RV orboat.Thisis averywell maintainedhome.
2| 2| 1374sqft
SpaciousRiver Westcondowithstunningriver,marina &garden views!Theopen-conceptkitchen,dining, &livingareaflowto thewest-facingbalcony.Enjoytheextras:aneatingareainthe kitchen,full-sizelaundry room, alargeprimarybedroomwith walk-incloset &ensuite, &greatstorage!Resort-styleamenities, avibrantsocialclub, &aprimelocationwithriverfrontpathto LadnerVillage –Theperfectblendoflifestyle &convenience.
HERONPLACE -bright &spacious 2bed 2bath1156sq ftcondoinQUIET &verydesirablecomplex &location! Greatfloorplanwithgenerousroomssizes &private southdeckoverlookinggreenery!Includes 2parking stalls &locker,1smallpetOK. Walktotowncenter,parks, recreation &transit.
BEACHGROVE -beautifully UPDATED 5bed3175SFhome onprivate &sunny7169SFlotonQUIETstreet!Idealfloor plan forfamilies &entertainers withgenerousroomsizesand space for home office &gym. This‘move inready’homeis walkingdistancetobeach, dyke,stores, coffee shops &transit.
FAIRWAYESTATES -bright &spacious 2bed &DEN 2bath1367sq ft condoindesirablecomplex &QUIET cul-de-saclocation!Greatfloorplanwithgenerousrooms tofithousesized furniture! WalktoquaintBG coffee shops, dyke,towncenter &transit.Includesparking &locker, 1smallpetOK.NEWPRICE!!! PriceImprovement
Greatopportunityto ownthisalmost3000sqftfamily homeinHawthorne!Mainfloorlivingand 4bedsupplus agamesroom!Situatedon aquietculdesac,with asouth exposedbackyard!
SEASIDE -bright &spacious 4bed 3bath1636sqfttown homeindesirablecomplexwithpool,gym &clubhouse! Greatopenplanwith 3bedsup &1down-idealguest roomorhomeoffice. Walkto TSprings, TMills,beach, boardwalk &transit.Idealfordownsizingfrom ahouseor upsizingfrom acondo! PriceImprovement
BEACHGROVE-bright &spacious 3bed 3bath ‘move inready’homewithUPDATEDkitchen& bathrooms.Goodfloorplanwithgenerousroom sizes &privatedeckofflivingarea -greatoutdoor livingspace! Walktotowncenter,beach&transit.
Welcome to this fabulousupdated 2Bed 2Bath &Den TownhomelocatedinTsawwassen’s soughtafterSundial Complex. Featuring 1400sq ft thishomeboasts aspacious, open-conceptdesignandmanyupdatesincluding abeautifullyremodeledkitchen, renovated bathrooms,fresh flooring,customclosets,anewer roof,new siding,andnewerwindowswith wooden blinds.Positionedin aprimecornerlocation,theproper ty includes aprivate fully fencedpatioideal forrelaxationandenter taining.Convenientlylocatedwithin walkingdistance torestaurants,shops,schoolsandmore! Contactme forall your RealEstateneeds! |www.michaelwawryk.com|604.910.7039
•3 800Square Fe et
•6B edrooms 6B athrooms
•2B edroomLegal Suiteand aS tudiosuite
•L argePriva teLot50x150
•Partial View,Q uiet and CentralLocation
•S tilltimepicturesome exterior colourand ya rdfinishing CALL ROBIN604-868-2844
Go rgeous upd ated ho meinfab u louslocation.Home features
5 bed ro o m,upd ated go rmey kitch en ,u pdated bathro o ms, n ewer h igh end h ardwo odflooringand beautifu lf o rmalliving and d inin gr ooms.Homehas excellen tfl oor p lanthatop en st o anoutstan d in gp riva te ya rdwithputting green an db eau tifu l lan d scaping.Don’tm issthisgo rgeo u sh o me!!!
Build yo ur dream homeonthe bestview lotinTsawwassen with 280 degreeview.Thispr oper tyisthemoststructurally engineer ed lotonTsawwassen’sWestern Bluff. New B. C. higherdensity policies willallow2u nits, bigger squar ef ootage(3,000to3,500 sqft)and Delta willallowab asement.Delta hallwillprioritizeall developmentpermits andarefullyinsuppor tofb uilding.Location is a1 0, view is12and best pr icedproper tyontheMar ket.
Th ere isnothing finer thanlivingin ar esort withno ch eckout time! Th is penthouse is situated onthelagoonsidewith excellent north shoreandmountain views!Prestigious Tsatsu offers gym,party room,fulltime caretaker,g as &h ot wa ter(included in maintenance fees), bikeroom, underground parking.Itis rental,pet, kids & wh eelchair friendly andJUSTSTEPS TO THEBEACH. Excellent outdoorlivingwith a1 88sq.ft. deck.Amazing va ultedceiling! To tally updated andlike new condition.
FABULOUSPENTHOUSEWITH 3BEDROOMS, 2FULL BATHROOMS,1188sq. ft.,CORNERUNITANDfootstepstoTsawwassenMillsshoppingdistrict!THIS Open &BrightSouthEastunitoffershighqualityfinishing.Beautifulkitchenwith stainlesssteelappliances,quartzcountertops,undermountsink &oversizedisland forentertaining.9’ceilingsgive thiscondo WONDERFULspaceANDLIGHT. BEAUTIFULPRIMARYbedroomtuckeddownthehallwith walkthroughcloset &gorgeousensuitebath wdoublesinks.Bonusunderground 2parkingstalls& securedstoragelocker.THISComplexfeatures aGym &amenityroom.Easyaccess Freeway,Ferry &publictransit.ComeexperiencethelifestyleofSunnyTsawwassen! THESEPENTHOUSE’SRARELYCOME TO MARKET.CALLFORDETAILS.
4bdrm3 fullspabaths, 9376sqftlotbackingonto PebbleHillElementary.
Beautifullymaintainedand updated4 bedroomfamily homeintheprestigious villagelocation.
1bedroomcondowithitsown privatesunnypatiojuststepsaway fromthetowncenter.
NestlednexttoPointRobertsthis quietpropertyisa perfectlocationfor investors,builders,orsmallfamily.
NewerexecutiveHome 3minuteswalktotheBeach.
309S 110056Street,RoyalOaks
Spacious 2bedroompenthouse, inimmaculatecondition.
330 Tsawwassen,BeachRoad
Panoramicoceanfront property!85FTwater frontage.Byappointment only.
209-6505 3Ave.
WelcometoMonterra,a gated communityinBoundaryBay, tuckedawayon aquiet cul-de-sac.
105-6505 3Avenue,Delta
Thisstunningwater-view homeintheprestigious Monterragatedcommunity.
5494CandlewyckWynd, Tsawwassen
ProfessionallyrenovatedRancher, locatedonthequiet streetof CandlewyckWynd.
TheCoast at TsawwassenShores!Spaciousopen concept 2bed,2bath &densuite. Approx.865sq.ft. Privatepatiowithdirec toutsideaccess… per fect fordog walking.Steps to Tsawwassen Mills Mall,BCFerries,freeway access,golf,recreation &allamenities.Callnow!MLSR2945956.
Buy@ $639,000
RAREFIND!Spaciousupdated2 bedroom &den penthousewithopenconceptplanandvaultedceilings offerslargeinterior& exteriorviewsfrom2 decksof Mt.Baker,VancouverIsland,themarinaandfreighterson theFraserRiver.Asanendcornersuiteallowsforextra windowsprovidingamazingnaturallightinthegreat room/livinganddiningareaandfeelslikea rancherin thesky!Thequalityhigh-endkitchenfeatureselaborate customcherrycabinetry,anoversizepeninsulaeating areacomplimentedw/granitecountertops,pullout appliancedrawer,thelatestsmartappliancesanda hugepantry.Otherupdatesincludelushflooringand qualitypaintthroughout.Alsooffersa nicegymfacility& workshop,2 parkingstalls,a hugestorage lookeranda 5minutewalktooldtownLadner.(30127774)
Charming CountryHomeonaSpacious Lot. This beautifullymaintained10,740sq.ft.property features adelightful3-bedroom,1-bathroomhome withmodernupdatesandclassiccharm.Enjoya newmetal roof,afully renovatedkitchen, aclassic clawfoottub,andnewerwindows.Themainfloor includes 2bedroomsand apotential3rdbedroom or rec/playroomupstairs. Additionalhighlights area15x28detached workshop, gardenshed,and greenhouse.Outside,the fenced yard offersflower and veggiegardens, afirepit,andspacefora chicken coop.Justa20-minutewalkfromLadner Villageand stepsfromtheFraserRiverDyke, this property combinespeaceful countrylivingwith convenientaccess to amenities.
Welcome to ShannonHillsEstatesinCloverdale! This 2,737sq.ft.homeon a1/4 acreprivatelotincludes RV parking, a24x30detachedshop,covereddeck, gazebo,water feature, andfruittrees. Themainfloor featuresspaciouslivinganddining rooms, afamily room,largekitchenwithgas range,eatingarea,full bath,andmud/laundry roomleading to thebackyard Upstairs,find alargeprimarybedroomwithensuite and walk-incloset,plus 4additionalbedroomsand ahugebonus room. Twoseparateentrances to the secondfloor couldeasilycreate aprivatenanny suite. Thesidedriveway provideseasyaccesstothe insulated,poweredshop.Upcomingupdatesinclude anew Cloverdalehospital/cancer center,KPU Tech Campus expansion,andtransitimprovements.
•PrimeParcel: 20.25-acrepropertywithtwo homes andan8,400sq.ft.barn, locatedon aquietsectionof104thnear BoundaryBayand aprivateairstrip.
•DrivewayAccess: FuturedrivewayaccessoffHornbyDrive,suitableforlargetrucks.
•MainHome: A3,162sq.ft.4-bedroom rancher,builtin1972, renovatedin1987,with aroof replaced12yearsagoand a 30-carcementdriveway
•SecondHome: A3-bedroom rancher,idealas afuturebuildingsite.
• Barn: Afirst-classfacilityusedforbreeding racehorses, with asteel roofandcladding,suitableforvariousfarminguses withgoodnearbyirrigation.
• DevelopmentSite: 9,545sq.ft.lot,approximately0.22acres.
• ZoningPotential: MunicipalitysuggestsRM1orRM2zoningfora four-storybuilding.
• PotentialAssembly: Sitecouldbecombinedwithadjacentproperties (11659,11663,and11671229thStreet)fordevelopment.
• NeighboringDevelopments: Fivelotsnextdoorarecurrentlyunder redevelopment.
• CurrentUse: Familyhomesuitablefor rental;sellerpreferslong-term rentback.
•PropertySizeandLocation: Amazing16,071sq.ft.estate-sizedlotin aquiet,central Tsawwassenlocation.
•HomeFeatures: Two-levelhomewith 5bedrooms, a6-year-old roof,hardwood floors,and acomfortablefloorplanwith roomforin-lawsdownstairs.
•FuturePotential: Massivelotwithspaceforfuturedevelopments,suchasashop, duplex,orlargerseconddwelling;Deltapermitsupto 4unitsor8734sq.ft. maximumbuildingenvelope.
•DevelopmentOptions: Deltaisopentoconsidering alargerseconddwellingwith squarefootagepotentiallycomingoutofthemainhouse.
•Convenience: Convenientlylocatedjust a15-minutewalktomostamenitiesintown.
•Prime Location 3.19-acreparcelonWesthamIsland,offeringthe tranquilityof country livingjust10minutesfromurban conveniences
•CharmingHome: Features awell-maintained 1,479sq. ft.3-bedroom rancherwith spaciousroomsthroughout
•Outdoor Features: Includes alargegarden area,astorage shed,and beauti ully landscapedsurroundings.
•Expansion Potential: Delta Municipalityallowsforthe constructionof a3,552 sq ft.homeplusanadditional1,937sq. ft.dwelling, idealfor extendedfamilies
•UniqueLifestyle Enjoya speciallifestyle closetonature whilebeing moments awayfromtheamenities ofDelta.
•Large Parcel: 17.34-acre square propertywithsubstantialroadfrontageand aroughed-inseconddrivewayentrance.
•CharmingHome: Cozy4-bedroomEnglish stylehomewitha 4-year-old roof,fresh exteriorpaint,andnew carpets.
•EquestrianFacilities: Includes a5-stall barn,hay field,and spaciouspasturearea previouslyusedasanequestrianfacility
•ConvenientLocation: SituatedbetweenLadnerand Tsawwassen,close to Tsawwassen MillsMall, BCFerries,TFNIndustrialPark, and30minutes from Vancouver.
•InvestmentPotential Property hassignificantinvestmentpotential withfuture port expansionplans andadjacency to 2BCRailpropertiesnearthe railway.
$1,699,800 -$1,888,800
t - 778.829.5262 e-rachel@southdelta.homes w-www.rachelmacinnes.ca 2022 -2023SuttonDirector Award 2021SuttonPlatinum Award 2015 -2019REMAXExecutive Award
1711SwanRoad, Tsawwassen
NoStrataFees!Executivelivingatitsfinest!Thistranquil 3-bedroom,3-bathhalfduplexoffersoceansideliving! Enjoyoceanviewsfromthecomfortofyourprivatewest facingbackyardnestledin aprimelocationofTsawwassen Shores!Theopen-conceptlivingspaceisbeautifullyfinished with18ftceilings,hardwoodfloors,andanabundanceof windowsforbeautifulsunsets. A4-footheatedcrawlspace offersample roomtokeepyourbelongingsorganized. Locatedjust a2-minutedrivefrom TsawwassenSpringsGolf Course,and TsawwassenMillsShoppingMall.
Priced @$1,229,800
This beautifully updated5-bedroom,3-bathroomgemis nestled ona spacious6,812sq.ft.corner lot with2,275sq.ft. ofthoughtfullydesigned living space.Theheartofthe homehasanupdatedkitchen, complete with alarge island, newer appliances, andaccessto awraparounddeckand expansivepatio,perfectforyear-roundenjoyment!Updated bathrooms,newercarpets,freshpaint,hardwoodfloors,new windows,air-conditioningand farmland views!Mortgage Helper!! A legal2-bedroomsuite isidealfor rentalincomeor accommodatingextended family.Located close to excellent schools, shopping,and all theamenities you’ll need,this homeperfectlyblendsstyle, space,andconvenience.
Priced @$1,449,800
Welcometo yourdreamhomeinBoundary Baywithstunning “WesternExposedViews” &Sunsets!! Completelyrebuiltin2007,this homeoffers 5bedrooms, 3fullbathrooms andover2800sq ft oflivingspace.Theoutside features amanicuredlandscapedsunnylot with anew 2leveldeck &8personhottub. Quietcul-de-saclocation &onlyminutesto thebeach. $2,499,000
Beautiful 5bedroom &denhomeincentral Ladner.Featuresincludehardwoodfloors thru-out,onebedroomonmainand 4up, allwithaccesstoensuites.Openfloorplan downwith gourmetkitchen,granitecounters &stainless-steelappliances.Privatebackyard withcoveredpatio.Oneblocktohighschool, memorialpark,librar y&pool.Excellent familyhome.
$1,599,000 1006Eden
2,820sq.ft. |5,640sq.ft.lot Lotreadytobuild yourdreamhomethis spring.NoGST
3,291sq.ft. |5 Bed/6Bath| 5,769sq.ft.lot NewBuildinBeach GrovewithStudio.
$1,299,000 585716
908sq.ft. |2 Bed/2Bath| 6,140sq.ft.lot BeachGroveRancherwith DevelopmentOptions.
1,341sq.ft. |2 Bed/2Bath |Built1998 CarlJensenBuilt PerfectforDownsizers
832sq.ft. |2 Bed/2Bath| Built1982 UpdatedConcrete Buildin WestEnd.
2,267sq.ft. |4 Bed/3Bath| 4,033sq.ft.lot CustomBuildin CharmingSteveston. $1,848,000
MACCULLOCH,Gordon August13,1935− February13,2025
GordonMacCullochpassedpeacefullyonFebruary 13tojoinhiswifeMorag. Aservicewillbeheldat 110056St.DeltaonApril6 at2pm.Thefamily’s onlineobituarycanbefoundat:myalternatives.ca
SAMPSON,GloriaJean(néeAnderson) April15,1946 −February11,2025
After along,hardbattlewithcancer,Gloriapassed awayatIreneThomasHospice.Sheleavesbehind herhusbandof57years,Rick;hersonBob(Tea); daughterJennifer(Rogan);threegrandchildren, Lucas,MichaelandTaige;brothersRonandRoger; andsisterCarole.Shewas akindsoulwhowas knowntothecraftcommunity,havingsoldher craftsattheEastDeltaHallandtheLadnerVillage marketandauthorof achildren’sbook.Shewillbe dearlymissedbyfamilyandfriends. ServiceonSaturday,March1, 2pmatValleyView FuneralHome,1464472Avenue,Surrey.
Calloremailtoplaceyourad, MondaythroughFriday8:30amto4:30pm 604-653-7851
Bookyouradonlineanytimeat delta-optimist .ad perfec t .com
THURLEY,JeanMargaret(Williams) 1933 -2025
ItiswithgreatsadnessthatweannounceJean’s passingonFebruary12, 2025, surroundedby familyandfriends.
BorninPinnerEngland,JeancametoCanadain 1957 tostart anewlifewithherhusbandRaymond Thurley,settlingin ahometheypurchasedin Tsawwassenin1966.Shelovedherhome,her caringneighbours,andhermanyfriends.Jean adoredherworkas aRegisteredNurse,finally retiring in1996,butkept nclosecontactwithmany ofthe“girls”sheworkedwith
DuringheryearsinDelta,Jeanwasveryactivein volunteeringandsocialorganizations; amemberof theDeltaCommunitychoir,DeltaToastmasters, TheGlasserInstitute,andtheAll-SaintsLadner AnglicanChurch
JeanispredeceasedbyherhusbandRaymond, hersonAlastair,herson-in-lawRaymondWittrock andhergranddaughterMelissaRose.Sheis survivedbyhertwodaughtersHeatherandGlynis andherdaughter-in-lawMarianne.Jeanleaves behindtogrievefourgrandchildren:Anthony, Julie (Eric),Daniel(Michelle)andJoshua.HertwogreatgranddaughtersAriaandTaliawillalsomissher verymuch.
AcelebrationoflifewillbeheldSaturday,March1, 2025at1:30PM atAllSaintsLadnerAnglican Church,4755 ArthurDrive.
Inlieuofflowers,donationsinJean’s memoryto TheElizabethFrySocietyofGreater Vancouveror toAllSaintsLadnerAnglicanChurchwouldbe appreciated
Honourthememoryof someonespecialby making adonationintheir nametoDeltaHospital andCommunityHealth Foundation.
Donationsmadein memoryofyourlovedone canbeacknowledgedwith cardssenttofamily membersandan acknowledgementand receiptsenttothedonor
Tributesfor February
DeltaHospitaland CommunityHealth Foundation acknowledgesgifts inmemoryof:
Howard Ayers
Denis W. Dupuis
Teddy Takasaki
Paul Voth
Yourgenerosityhelps supporttheDeltaHospital CampusofCareincluding IreneThomasHospiceand MountainViewManor
Caringforour community,today andalways.
5800MountainViewBlvd. Delta,B.C.V4K3V6
VEITCH,Captain(Ret’d)DouglasJ. May18,1941 −February15,2025
DougpassedawaypeacefullywithSharonathis sideafterspending alovelyValentine’sDay together.Theyweremarriedfor63years.
BorntoGordonandGuinevereinWestVancouver, Dougleavesbehindtheloveofhislife,wifeSharon (Blakely),brotherDon(Bev)andchildrenDaryl (MeiMei),JP(Rona),Cameron,Stacy(Don)and grandchildrenShanese,Makena,Garrisonand Kylieandgreat−granddaughterRozalyn.
Douglivedandlovedtofly.Hehad agreatsenseof adventureand acan−do,will−doattitudeas apilot. Dougstartedmonkeywrenchingonplanesat16 yearsoldandflyingby17.Bytheendofhiscareer, hehadflownalmosteveryaircraftyoucanimagine. Hehelpedbuild(andthenfly) ahelicopter,flewon floatsandskisinthefarNorthunderextreme conditions,landedonairstripswithbarelyenough clearanceforthewings,flewwaterbomberstofight forestfiresandeventhelargestofcommercial airliners,allovertheworld.
Takingthekidstotheirevents,andinparticular rodeos,wasalwaysDoug’sbiggestthrill.That senseofadventureextendedtohisroleas acaring fatherwhenDougfearlesslyjumpedintothearena toprotect asonfrom aragingbull −Dougwas tossedintheair,orashewouldsay,"A**overtea kettle."
Workingontheranchwithcattle,pigs,chickens andsheep,ridinghorseswithSharonandthekids, andshearingSharon’ssheepwaswhatgaveDoug themostsatisfaction.Ok,truthbeknown,hedidn’t enjoythesheepsomuch,butitdidgivehimample opportunitytoteachthekidshowtoswear!
HisadventuresinflyingtookDoug,Sharonand familytomanydifferentlocales,andtheyfinally happilysettledinTsawwassen.
Sharonandfamilywouldliketosincerelythank KinVillagefortheirincrediblythoughtfulandloving careofDoug; aspecialthankstoDr.Christine GemeinhardtandDr.JasonKason;and additionally,thefriendsandneighboursatTsatsu Shoreswhowerealwayswillingtolend ahelping hand.
Inlieuofflowers,pleaseconsider adonationto KinVillage’s"ItTakes aVillage"Campaignbuilding fund(https://www.kinvillage.org/donate)ormailor deliver achequepayableto:KinVillageAssociation, 541010thAve,DeltaBCV4M3X8(pleaseincludea returnaddresstoreceive ataxreceipt).
Wewillbehaving acelebrationoflifeatBeach GroveGolfClub,594612thAve,DeltaBC,V4L1C7 onMay17th,1pmPT.
Byvirtueofthe Warehouseman’sLienAct Mundies Towing,Storage&Service(1976)Ltd. willdisposeof:
5) ACURAMDX VIN#2HNYD18674H003396
10) 2004AUDIA4 VIN# WAUJC58E64A125252
UnitsmaybeviewedandbidstobesubmittedonTUES MARCH 4/25at5917Thorne AvenueBurnaby,BC between10:00amto3:00pm.AllwrittenbidstoMundies
Towing5917Thorne Ave,Burnaby, BCV3N2T8.
Thevessel,Skagen,willbedestroyedonMarch7, 2025,onaccountofvesselseaworthiness andabandonment
Pleasecontact CraigHutchison,HarbourMaster, LadnerHarbourAuthority; 604-952-5410.
PHOTOANDSLIDE scanningserviceavailable. Locallyowned. 778-227-5319
legal/Public noticeS
MORI SAWAPHILIPisindebt ed toRoadwayTowing Lt d. for storag ea ndto wi ng on a 199 7L ANDROVE RV IN# SAL LDH M68VA 1069 08. A Lien isclaimedunderthe Act. There ispresentlyanamou nt due andowingof $10,686.04 plus an ya dditionalcosts of storage,seizureandsale that may accrue.Noticeis hereby given thaton03/07/2025 or thereafte r, th es aidveh ic le wil lb es ol d. Th ev ehicle is currently storedatRoadwa y Towing Ltd.,7391Prog ress Place ,D elta,BC,V4G 1A1, and wasplacedinstorage on 07/09/2024 .F ormoreinfo r− mation, callRoadway Towing Ltd 604−940−0329
CASHforyourCLUTTER IwillpayCASHforyour UNWANTEDITEMS! Ispecializein RECORDS, EnglishBoneChina & Figurines,Collectibles, Tools, Antiques, ETC
Alladvertisingpublishedinthisnewspaperis acceptedonthepremisethatthemerchandise andservicesofferedareaccuratelydescribed andwillinglysoldtobuyersattheadvertised prices.Advertisersareawareofthese conditions.Advertisingthatdoesnotconform tothesestandardsorthatisdeceptiveor misleading,isneverknowinglyaccepted. Ifanyreaderencountersnon-compliance withthesestandardsweaskthatyou informthePublisherofthisnewspaperand TheAdvertisingStandardsCouncilofB.C. OMISSIONANDERROR: Thepublishersdo notguaranteetheinsertionof aparticular advertisementon aspecifieddate,oratall, althougheveryeffortwillbemadetomeet thewishesoftheadvertisers.Further,the publishersdonotacceptliabilityforanyloss ofdamagecausedbyanerrororinaccuracy intheprintingofanadvertisementbeyond theamountpaidforthespaceactually occupiedbytheportionoftheadvertisement inwhichtheerroroccurred.Anycorrections ofchangeswillbemadeinthenextavailable issue.TheDeltaOptimistwillberesponsible foronlyoneincorrectinsertionwithliability limitedtothatportionoftheadvertisement affectedbytheerror.Requestforadjustments orcorrectionsonchargesmustbemade within30daysofthead’sexpiration. For best resultsplease checkyouradfor accuracythefirstdayitappears.Refunds madeonlyafter 7businessdaysnotice!
WANTED! PayingcashforCameras andlenses! We givethem asecondchance. LEICA -HASSELBLADROLLEI -NIKON -CANON -MINOLTA -OLYMPUSPENTAX. We BuyyouroldCameras andlenses.Specializingin analogphotography equipment,andcertain digitalequipment. Call778-288-9786
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3Self-StorageBuildings in Tsawwassentoserveyou. Varioussizesavailable. Contactusat: 604-424-9977
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1.Greekmythological figure
8.Play arole
11.RiverinGeorgiaand Alabama
13. Waterinthesolid state
14. AncientGreek sophist
15.Having astrong sharpsmellortaste
2.Soulandcalypso song
3. Fruitoftheservice tree
4. Continent
6. Poisonousplant
9. TowninGalilee
12.Promotional materials
Sudokupuzzlesare formattedas a9x9grid, brokenintonine3x3 boxes. To solve aSudoku, thenumbers 1through9 mustfilleachrow,column andbox.Eachnumbercan appearonlyonceineach row,columnandbox. You canfigureouttheorder inwhichthenumbers willappearbyusingthe numericcluesalready providedintheboxes.
17.Writer/actress Dunham
18.Behavein awaythat belittles
20.Comedienne Gasteyer
21.Zoroastrianconcept ofholyfire
25.Sloweddown 30.Nourishment
31.Midwaybetween eastandsoutheast
14. Wings
23.Expressionof creativity
24. Conceptualize
25. Adigitaltape recordingofsound
26. Peyton’slittlebrother
27.Cost,insuranceand freight(abbr.)
28.Differencein potential
34. I(German)
32. Fights
33.Comedienne Tyler
38.Standingoperating procedure
41. Locks
43. Old
45. Songsungtoone’s lover
47. Whaleshipcaptain 49. Movedquickly onfoot
50. Volcanic craters
35.Chinese conception ofpoetry
36.The worldofthe dead
37.Sign language
40. Religious observance
41. Confined condition (abbr.)
42. Politeinterruption sound
44. Texasballplayer
45. Typeof sword
55.Largemusical instrument
59.Not closed
60. Ateam’sbestpitcher
61.Spiritualleaderof a Jewishcongregation
64. Sleep
46. Abba__,Israeli politician
47. Basicunitof a chemicalelement
48. NativeAmerican peopleinCalifornia
52.Hebrewcalendar month
53.Easilyswindled person
54. Onepointsouthof southwest
3rms$750,4thrmhalf price,First 4roomsbaseboards &windowsills FREE Repairs &2coatsofpaint. 25+yearsexperience Topqualitypaintand workmanship. SatisfactionGuaranteed 778-545-0098 604-377-5423 D&M
Exterior/InteriorSpecialist Many YearsExperience. FullyInsured. TopQuality •Quick Work. Freeestimate. 604-724-3832
2BRANDNEW4-bedroom,2,000sq .ft.1/2DUPLEXwith aBONUSdetached45 0sq.ft. 1-bedroomGARDENSUITE! ThishomeNEWhomefeatures aninvitingopen-con ce pt layoutwithSOUTHEXPOSEDliving room,elegantdiningarea,an da spaciouskitchenboasting alarge island,sleekquartz countertops,andPREMIUMf inishes. Enjoythedurability of engineeredhardwood floors,stylishdesigne rlighting,andthe convenienceofa built-in vacuum,HRV system,andrough-in forAC. Nestledin apeacefulneighborhoodwithSOUT HE XPOSEDBACKYARDwithpasto ralFARMLANDVIEW, thishome offerseasyaccess to LadnerElementarySchool (French immersion),high school,parks ,and family-friendlyamenities, Don’tmissthisincredibleopportunity! 1,481042A Aveor2,481042A Ave,Ladner -$1,598,900
An extraordinary renovated2,400+sq.ft.home mustbeseentobe appreciated.Stunningopen-concept designwithgorgeouskitchen featuringan oversizedisland,quartz countertops.. Enjoythe comfort of airconditioning,Californiashutters,andthoughtfulupgrades throughout. Thepropertyincludesa bright,spacious 2-bedroomsuite— ideal formulti-generationallivingorpotentialrentalincome. Step outside to acovereddeck foryear-roundenjoyment orunwindinthe deluxe hottub.Privatewestfacing yard anda greatlocation. Thishome trulyhasitall.
Twobedroom cornerunitwithdenspaceatBridgeandElliott, a6-story buildingintheheartofLadnerV illage.Over10,000SF of amenities accessibleonthe raised3rd floor courtyard. Theinteriorfeatures Scandinavianinspiredinteriors,premiumappliancesincludinga 4-burnergas range,integrated refrigeratorandd/w,full-sized washer/ dryer,and alarge kitchenislandanddiningarea. Themasterensuite featuresboth awalkinshower, twosinksand asoakertub.9’ceilingsin mostlivingareasandair conditioning.
Simplystunning!Rare3 bed, 2bath,1200sqftcornercondo Open-concept livingspacewith aspaciousgreat roomideal for entertainingor relaxing.Thebeautifulkitchenfeaturesstainlesssteel appliances,quartz counters,andanoversizedislandwithbarseating. Enjoythe166sqftbalcony,perfect formorning coffeeorsunset views. Theprimarysuiteboasts a5-pieceensuitewith adoublevanity, separatetub,andshower. Includestwo side-by-sideparkingspots conveniently neartheelevatorand3storage lockers!