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Biocompatibilty- denseequalizedmaterialsaidinthe preventionofstainandodorbuildup.
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sg yarm ati@delta- optimis t. co m
While many may breathe a sighof relief that Canada received a temporary reprieve from U.S. President Donald Trump’s crushing tariffs, it’s as important as ever to create a Team Canada approach asthe threat looms.
That was themessage from Coun. Dylan Krugerwhose motion on actions the City of Delta can take was approved by council on Monday.
The motion will see the city request B.C. Premier David Eby give cities the ability to accept only Canadian bids when issuing contract tenders, as welltheprovince expediting construction ofthe George Massey Tunnel replacement and FortisBC’s Tilbury LNG plant expansion, to help the Canadianexport marketand economy diversifyfaster.
Noting thelong-ter will remain, Kruger
country has hada reminder it’s important for all levelsof government to work together to ensure economic andenergy independence, reducing the current relianceonthe U.S. Coun. Jennifer Johal agreed, saying, “If we don’t act collectively, Canadian business, workersandconsumers will bearthebrunt of these economic pressures, which is extremely nerve racking …”
Coun. Rob Binder said Trump’s actions have shed light that Canada is playing catch-upand, regardless of thedecisions south of the border, alllevelsof government must work on a Canada-first approach.
Noting he is concerned what could happen to thecost of projects such asthenew Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre, Mayor George Harvie told council he has spoken to
in thenew Border Mayors Alliance Harvie added he hada virtualmeeting withthe group set for Tuesday and will update council.
The Delta Chamber of Commerce issued a statement Monday afternoon which read, in part, that in addition to supporting local businesses, it’s also important to acton long-term solutions
“Now is the time to grow the Canadian economy, both inter-provincially and internationally.
“This requires accelerating project approvals, getting critical infrastructure built, diversifying our markets, adopting new technologies, andbreaking down inter-provincial trade barriers.
“We need to implement policies that focus ongrowing our economy, supporting the saleof B.C. products, and incentivizing investment into
OnlineRegistrationOpens Feb18th@ 10AM www.ElderCollegeDelta.wildapricot.org In-PersonRegistation Feb18& 19,10AM- Noonat ElderCollege LearningCentre,TsawwassenTownCentreMall Seeourwebsiteforfullcoursedetails. ElderCollegeDelta@gmail.com604-943-0262
CyberCrime andScamDetectionand Protection
Presenter: DPDConstableDustinClassen
Tuesday, Feb20,1:00 -3:00
PowerPoint Basics,CreateyourownSlideshow!
Presenter: TomMueller
Thurs& Friday,Feb20& 21,10:00- Noon
AppleWatch Basics
Presenter: GerriSombke
Tues &Thurs, Feb25& 27,1:00- 3:00
iPad forAbsoluteBeginners;Learn to useaniPad
Presenters:Paul& Kathleen Vanderwood
Wed& Fri, Feb26,28,Mar 5,7 &14,1:30- 3:30
HistoryofComputing: From Analog to Digital
Presenter: BillDidur
Tuesday, March4,1:30-3:30
Presenter: KenMcGrath
Saturdays,March1,8 &15,10:00- Noon
Presenter: GeoffEldred Mons &Weds,Mar3,5,10& 12,10:00- Noon
Advances in AI -ArtificialIntelligence
Presenter: BillDidur
Tuesday, Mar11,1:30 -3:30
Beginner iPhone
Presenter: GeoffEldred Mon& Weds,Mar17,19,24& 26,10:00 -Noon
Hands-On IntroductiontoUsingAI
Presenter: BillDidur
Tuesday, Mar18,1:30- 3:30
Hands-On IntroductiontoUsingAI (repeat)
Presenter: BillDidur
Tuesday, Mar25,1:30 -3:30
Presenter: KenMcGrath Fri& Sat,Mar21& 22,10:00- Noon
CellphonePhotography (repeat)
Presenter: KenMcGrath Fri& Sat,Mar28& 29,10:00- Noon
SellingOnlinewithSuccess andSafety
Presenter: LoraineLittlefield Monday, April7,10:00 -Noon
BC Fresh- VegetableProduction inBC
Presenter: BrianFaulkner, BCFresh Wednesday,Feb26,10:00 -Noon
Beginner Bridge
Presenter: GailHussman Fridays,Mar21,28, Apr4,11 &25,1:00 -3:00
FindingYourFamilyTreeand More!
Presenter: DeltaHeritage Society Monday, Mar31,10:00 -Noon
Strong Towns:Communitiesfor theFuture
Presenter:Norm VanEeden Wed& Thurs, Apr 2& 3,10:00 -Noon
SuperGlueHands-OnRepairClass Presente r: IvorHewitt Friday,Apr4,10:00 -Noon
Hummingbirds-APhoto Essay
Presenter: RonLong Friday,May 2,10:00 -Noon
Presenter: Beth Triano Tues,April 1,8,15&22,6:00 -7:30pm
Presenter: RitenTamang, Alzheimer’sSociety Thurs& Fri, Apr24 &25,10:00 -Noon
Make-UpandSkin Care forMatureSkin
WithMichelleandChristi,Shoppers DrugMart Tuesday, Apr28,10:00 -11:30
GardenDesign:FromWoe to Wow!
Presenter:AngelikaHedley Tuesdays,Apr29&May6,10:00 -Noon
ValerieJerome;Races, TrialsandTribulations of Canada’s FastestFamily
Presenter: ValerieJerome Friday,Feb28,10:00 -Noon
What HappensWhenLordShiva Awakens?
Presenter: GuillermoBustos Thurs,Mar6,13,20,27 &Apr3,1:30 -3:30
LouisRiel:Visionary, Martyror Madman
Presenter:AllanQuigley Tuesday, Apr1,1:30 -3:30
TheSacredWhaler’sShrine, plus TransPacific Indigenous-Asian Connections
Presenter: ElderMargaretta James Tuesday, Apr15,1:30 -3:30
What ’s News
Presenter: RodMacKinnon Tues,Apr22,29,May6&13,1:30 -3:00
Presenter: RosarioMusso 6Tues, Feb25toApr1,10:00 -Noon
AliceMunro:WhoDo YouThinkSheIs?
Presenter: Mary Jane Edwards Thurs,Mar 6,13,20 &27,10:00 -Noon
Presenter: CatherineQuet 8Weds,Mar12toApr30,1:30 -3:30
FridaKahlo:‘My paintingcarries withit themessage ofpain’
Presenter: Linda Quigley Wednesday, Mar12,2:00 -4:00
Yes! YouCan WritePoetry!
Presenter: CatherineMoore Thurs,Mar13,20,27 &Apr3,1:30 -3:30
SingingandSpeaking with Confidence
Presenter:AnnGoldenFisher Location:BenedictionLutheranChurch 6Weds, Apr2 to May7,10:30 -11:30
Lino Printmaking
Presenters:Kit Grauer &PeterScurr Tuesdays,Apr8,15 &TBD,10:00 -Noon
Writing aMemoir
Presenter: Donnaleen Miller Thurs, April10& 17,May1&8,10- Noon
Indigenous ArtofNorthAmerica
Presenter: JimMorin 5Thurs, Apr10toMay 8,1:30 -3:30
Guided Tour at Delta’sDougHusband DiscoveryCentre
Presenter: Discovery Centre TourGuide Monday, Feb24, Tour starts at 10:30
OWL:Raptor Rehabilitation Centre
Presenter: OWLEducationStaff Monday, Apr14,10:00 -Noon
Vinca’sKitchen,Soups andStews with Chef Bruno
Presenter: Chef Bruno Tuesday, Apr15,6:00 -9:00pm
VanDusenGardens: Piratesand Astronauts Guided Tour Presenter: VanDusenGarden Guides Wed,May14,10:00 -2:00, Bustransportationprovided.
ContactIan,SandororPhil at ijacques@delta-optimist.com orcall604-998-3616
p melnychuk@delta-optimist.com
WithU.S.tariffslooming,B.C.’s Conservativepartyleaderhasreiterated hissupportforsomekindofagencyto policeB.C.ports,sayingtheprovince shouldfrontthecostandsendthebill tothefederalgovernment.
Thepartycampaignedontheissuein thefallelection,supportingtheCityof Delta’sresolutionatUBCM,callingfor a smalllevyoneverycontainerhandled attheporttopayforthenewagency.
“Wehaven’thadapoliceforcein placesince1997andit’slongpasttime,” JohnRustadsaidinaninterviewwith the Op imis Jan.27.
“Thisistherightthingtodofor BritishColumbiansandnowwith(U.S. PresidentDonald)Trumptalkingabout this…itbringsanaddedfocusonthe needtogetthisdone.”
Althoughthefederalgovernmentis responsibleforpolicingtheports,once thecontainersgetintoB.C.,it’salsoa provincialissue,Rustadsaid.
“So,myperspectiveis,puttheforcein place.Dealwithit.Sendthefederalgovernmentthebill,”hesaid.
“Thefederalgovernmentneedsto stepuptotheplate.Butasaprovince, weshouldbepushinghardonthat,but weshouldn’tbewaitingaroundforthe federalgovernmenttodealwithreports. Thatissomethingthathastohappen,so
PremierDavidEbyhasalsoasked thefederalgovernmenttocreateaport police.
Rustadsaidthatfirstabudgethasto becreated,andthenewforcewould havetobeabletoworkcloselywiththe RCMPandotherforces.
“Thewholethingwouldhavetobe integrated,buttheissueis,youneed tobeabletoputabudgetinplace.You needtobeabletohiretheofficersthat areneededandputanoverallplanin termsofbeingabletosecureourports,” Rustadsaid.
Hesaidnothinghasbeendoneto stoptheflowofdrugsintoB.C.
Hedoesn’tknowhowmuchitwould costandpointedoutthere’sashortage ofpolice.
ThePortsCanadaPolicewasdisbandedin1997,andtheVancouver FraserPortAuthoritydiscontinuedits
financialcontributiontotheRCMP-led WaterfrontJointForcesOperationin 2015.
DeltaSouthMLAIanPatonrecently toldthe Op imis thatwhenindividualscrosstheborder,theirvehiclescan beinspected,“andyetthousandsof containersadayshowupandcomeoff shipinDeltaportandnobodyknows what’sinthem.”
However,heknowsthatportpolice can’topeneverycontainer,“Butthere’s gottobesomestuffgoingoninthese portsthatwedon’tknowaboutbecause there’snopolicingtooversight.
“IfMr.Trumpwantstoseethings tightenedupattheirborders,thenI’m surehewouldliketoseethingstightenedupatourborderaswell,sothatin general,mainlandNorthAmericacan startclampingdownondrugsthatare cominginfromforeigncountriesatour ports.
“Wegottodowhateverwecanto playballwithMr.Trumpandifhe wantsustotightenupoursecurityon ourborderslet’sdothatandhopefully,he’llbackoffonsomeofhistariff demands.”
AccordingtotheCanadaBorder ServicesAgencyannualreportfor 2024,only4.9kilogramsoffentanylwas seizedattheborderwith4.1kgofthat intendedfortheNetherlands.
DeltaLiberalMPCarlaQualtrough saidviaemailthatportpoliceremains topofmindforherandthefederalgovernment,sayingshe’sinregularcontact withtheministeroftransportandthe ministerofpublicsafety.
“Theyarecommittedtoensuringthat ourportsaresecureandunderstand theneedforaheightenedlaw-enforcementpresenceatourports:with specializedtraining,theappropriate authorities,andadequatefunding.
“Thisincludesadequateresources forCBSAandtheRCMP,aswellasan integratedandcoordinatedapproach betweenlocalandfederallaw-enforcementagenciesandtheportauthority,” shesaidreferringtothegovernment’srecent$1.3-billionspendingin improvedbordersecurity.
Thatincludesanaerialintelligence taskforce,dronesurveillance,moredog drugdetectorteams,banningprecursor chemicalsformakingfentanylandnew toolstoseizecriminals’cash,shesaid.
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
Monday agreed to have city staffcontinue with the reforestationplan at Winskill Park,including a perimeter,forest-accessible pathway surface usinga rubberized surface,as wellascontinuing to advancethe park
design work. Theprojectis part ofthe overallplan to replacetheaquaticand fitnesscentreand outsideplayingfieldadditionandenhancements.
As part ofthe sports field site preparation process withinthe western portionofthe park, a totalof150trees were removed to accommo-
date thenewand relocated balldiamonds. Thecity retained400 trees withinthearea and 31 wererelocated.
A st aff re po rt notes th at forthe150tr ee s re mo ve d,thecit y wi ll exce ed its ow n thetr ee re placemen t re quireme nt s andistar ge tin g to plan tm or e than400 newtr ee s thr ou ghout
the pa rk . Staff have also been working witha registered landscape architecton the reforestationplan. Theplanconsidersdistinctareasfor reforestationfocusing on replacingmorethan 100 nativetrees with climateadaptive native andnon-nativetreesfor additional resilience,
providingopportunities to showcase native plants by adding70or morenewtrees, as well asmorethan135 “streetwise”treesnext to roads.
Theplantings willalso include85ormorenew treesthat willfeaturea “diversity ofornamental treesandinteresting specimensinprivate gardensand select public areas.”
Meanwhile,costing $170,000,anaccessible pathwayoption was chosenthat will have a rubberized surfacethat “best balancestheneed foraccessibility,comfort, andlong-term maintenance.”
In December,council approved thefacility schematicdesignand the overall Winskill Park concept.
Councilalsodirected staff to commencethe nextphaseofcommunity engagement, set to commencein early2025.
The reforestation plan will be part ofthe upcomingcommunity engagement sessions. Staff willalsocontinue to progress thefacility design,withdetailed designsbrought to councilthis spring, withcostingdetails.
Theplanis to start constructionofthenew facility late this summer 2025. To be completed in 2027,thenew Winskill facilityisplanned to be approximatelydouble in size at 6,000 square metresand willlikely be two storeysinmost areas, according to the city.
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
The City of Delta is going to undertakea comprehensive master planfor Holly Park in Ladner
Part of Delta’s 2025 financialplan, Holy Park masterplanprocess will be conducted following public consultation and thecompletion of thecity’s new Parks, Recreationand Culture Master Plan.
A landexchange that was part ofanadjoining townhouse development resulted in a modified Holly Park boundar y in 2024,impacting theexisting bike pump track in East Ladner.
The residentialproject will consist ofthe properties at 4726,4740
and475260B St. and a portionof6100Ladner Trunk Rd The applicationinvolved a proposed landexchange with Delta and to redevelop the siteto accommodatea 56-unit townhouse development, comprising of 13 buildings.
The planning department noted that, as part ofthe landexchange, the realigned park boundar y would provide space to accommodatea potential playing field expansion inthefuture, and the developer would provide a voluntar y $500,000 amenity contribution to assist withfuture park upgrades
In 2025, work will commenceonthe relocationofthebike track, the city notesinthefinancial plan.
pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis t.co m
Delta SouthML A Ian Paton andthe BC Conser vative Party spent almost ninetimeswhat the soleother candidate did in last October’s provincialelection.
According to Elections BC’s electionfinancing reports, Paton’s election expensesduring the campaign, totalled $42,172.
Part ofthatnumber includes$12,500 spent on salariesand$16,794 spent onadvertising.
Whilehe received $29,058 in political contributions, another $65,381 camefromthe
BC Conser vative Party. Paton however had to file two election finance reports, withthe secondone being forthe BC United Party,which folded its campaign in August Paton was previously running for BC United before being asked to runforthe BC Conser vatives
The totalamount spent as BC United candidate came to $6,281,however, most ofthat, $5,000 was for campaign staff salariesand benefits. By contrast, rookie NDP candidate Jason McCormick spent only $4,990onelection expenses, withmost of that ($4,069) going to advertising, mainly inthe form ofelection signs.
Funding for McCormick’s campaign, camefromthe BC NDP whichchipped in$7,175.
In Delta North, incumbent NDP candidate Ravi Kahlon received a total
of$93,484intransfers fromthe BC NDP but no politicalcontributions.
His total election campaign expenses were $56,452,including $38,945onadvertising.
The BC Conser vative Party candidate in Delta North, Raj Veauli, received a totalof $41,141fromthe BC Conser vative Party and spent $62,045inelectionexpenses, including $33,113for advertising.
Green Party of B.C. candidate Nick Dickinson-Wilde, spent a totalof $597 inthe campaign forthe$250 nominationdepositand personal expenses
The candidate forthe Freedom Party of B.C., Manqoosh Khan, spent $250 onhiselection campaign forthenomination deposit. Elections BC saidthat each candidate was limited to spending $71,700inthe2024election.
Ahugethank youtoDawnand Bertha Williams andfamilyfor hostingtheninth annual PancakeBreakfastinDecemberinlovingmemor yofDouglas BruceMcGar vie. We’reso gratefultoeveryonewho attended andsupported,helping raiseanincredible $2,345 to support priorityneeds at theDelta Hospital Campus of Care
Thank youtothe LadnerZephyrshockey team forraising arecord$6,590 at their annual ChristmasCharity Classic! Sincetheyfirsthit the icein2013,the Zephyrshaveraisedan impressive $43,581.48 forpriorityneeds at the DeltaHospitalCampusofCare.
The sixth annual TsawwassenSprings FestivalofLightsraised an impressive $35,738 towards the purchaseofaStressTestSystemfor DeltaHospital’sCardiologyDepartment.Since2019, thisfamily-friendlyevent has raised more than$203,000 forpriorityneeds at the DeltaHospitalCampusofCare.
SANDOR GYARMATI sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
The city willundertakea $1-million roofing project at the North Delta Re creation Centre as part of Delta’s financial plan this year
Among other re c centre projectsplanne d this yearinclude slab assessments at South Delta Re creation Centre and Ladner Leisure Centre, as wellasthe re constructionofthe Sungod Re creation Centre parking lotwhich hasa total project budgetof$1.75 million.
Elsewhere, design work isunder way,and will be finalized in early 2025,forthe Winskill Aquaticand Fitness Centrereplacement.
While more kids will be able to get free admission to re creation centresthis year, the City of Delta will be increasing feesforother individualsandgroups to us e the facilitiesand fields
The overall packageof changes was approved by councilin December as part ofanew Delta Consolidated Feesand Charges Bylaw,which kicksinon April1.
Thenew bylawis to facilitate more regular reviewsoffeesand charges againstthecost ofprovidingcity services, comparing thecity’sfees to severalcomparable communities,according to a staff report
The parks, recreation and culturefees were
most recentlyupdated in2023and cameinto effectin January2024.
Anewfee schedule wasproposed to “substantially streamline service,improve clarity for staffand patrons, andensureconsistency throughout.
Feeupdatesareaimed at beinginthemedian rangeofthecomparable municipalitiesfor similar servicesand rentalofferings.
Fees have beenupdated to ensurean appropriate market based valueisplacedonthe department’s services andofferings.”
Thecityisalsointroducingfree admission to drop-inactivitiesfor Delta residents ages18 andunder.
Joinusanytimebetween 5PMand 7PMto discoverhowRadioFrequencyandIntense PulsedLighttreatmentscanprovideeffectiverelief fordryeyedisease. We willalsobeshowcasingother productsforathomesymptommanagement.
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
The City of Delta is one of39communities throughouttheprovince that will geta sliceof$19 million fordisaster-risk reductionand climate adaptationprojects.
The 46projects will receive grantsfromthe Community Emergency Preparedness Fund throughtheDisaster Risk Reduction-Climate Adaptation stream, the provinceannounced this week Funding isdivided into three categories.
Delta received $150,000forthedesign of upgrades to thedrainage pump Station.
“Drainage pump sta-
tionsarecrucial parts of ourinfrastructure to mitigatefloodinginlowlyingareasin our region,” said Delta NorthMLA Ravi Kahloninanews release.
“Thisfundingforthe Masondrainage pump stationdesign willhelp to keep people,homes and businesses safernow andinthefuture.”
The pump station, located at 3393 River Rd West,isneartheendof its servicelife, requiring majorupgradesincludingelectrical systems, pumpsanddischarge/ irrigationintake structure improvements, according to theCityof Delta.
The pump stationis
Delta’s largestdrainage pump stationinthe west Ladnerarea andiscritical to preventflooding oflow-lying agricultural land.
During the ir rigation season,the Mason floodbox isus ed asan ir rigationintake serving west Ladner, until the salt we dge inthe Fraser River reaches that location,and soon, the Mason drainage pump station will ne ed to be re configure d to provideir rigation wate r to Westham Island, through a propos ed Fraser River crossing.
Apreliminarydesign is required to initiatethe regulatory approvalprocess, thecity notes.
exploreresourcesandlearnmore,visit BCBlackHistory.ca and BlackExcellenceDay.ca. FebruaryisBlackHistoryMonth—atimetohonour the achievements, contributions,and resilienceofBlackCanadians whohavehelpedshape ourcountry andcommunities.
Throughouthistory,BlackCanadianshaveplayedan integralrolein buildingthe diverse, compassionate,and prosperousnationweknowtoday.
encourageeveryonetolearnmoreaboutBlackhistory in Canadaand celebrateBlackexcellence.
Published every Thursday by the DeltaOptimist, adivisionofLMPPublication
Limited Partnership
5008 47A Avenue, Delta,BCV4K1T8
Phone 604-946-4451
Deliveries 604-946-5171 www.delta-optimist .com
PUBLISHER: MattBlair mblair@glaciermedia.ca
EDITOR: IanJacques ijacques@delta-optimist.com
REPORTER S: Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@delta-optimist.com
PhilMelnychuk PMelnychuk@delta-optimist.com
PHOTOGRAPHER Jim Kinnear jimgkinnear@netscape.net
SALE S MANAGER KaijaKnox kknox@glaciermedia.ca
SALE S REPRESENTATIVE S: JohnGallinger jgallinger@delta-optimist.com
Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@delta-optimist .com Lee Fruhstorfer lfruhstorfer@delta-optimist.com
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DISTRIBUTION: Roya Sarwary distribution@delta-optimist.com
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Idon’twritecolumnsoften. In fact,this might be my first attempt sincetaking thehelm at the Delta Optimist, but withallthe chatter abouttariffs lately, itfeelslike a good time to weighin. There’s something aboutthiswhole “Buy Canadian”movementthat seems wortha closerlook.
These past few weeks, Prime Minister JustinTrudeau hasdecidedit’s time to bring backthe Committeeon InternalTrade. It’s a body madeupmostlyofpremiersandprovincialministers, andtheidea is to comeup with waysto “Buy Canadian,” strengthening our economyasa result.Trudeau says it’ll happen “as soonas possible.” Soundsfantastic, right?
Meanwhile,Premier David Ebyis calling Trump’stariffsexactlywhat theyare –afight we didn’t start, butone we’llfacehead-on.
B.C.’s response?Another strong commitment to a “Buy Canadian” strategy. It’s a good instinct. It feelslike something we should have beendoinganyway
ButIfind myself wondering:isallthistalk of “Buy Canadian” really going to amount to morethan just words?
I canonly speak to my industry, butIthink we’ve beendown this road before, andit’s worthasking –isit just rhetoric, or willthere be meaningful change?
Take last year,forexample.Premier Eby slammed Metaforblocking Canadiannews, butnotlong after,theNDP madeadeal with
Meta to ensureimportantinformation gets out to usersduringtimesofcrisis, like wildfires. It’s the kindofinformation we’ve been pushing to the publicfordecades–inthe Delta Optimist’s case, since1922.
The odd part?Ourindustry wasn’tconsulted onthedeal, eventhough we’ve been onthefrontlinesofthis work for years.
Meanwhile, Ontario has guaranteed 25 percentoftheprovince’s advertising budget tolocalnewsoutlets.
Andthenthere’sthefederal government.
Newsmedia Canada says Ottawa spent around11timesmoremoney, with just three U.S. tech giants,thanitdid supportingmore than900localnewspapers across Canada
That’s a toughpill to swallow,especially when youconsiderthat newspapers,in whateverformtheytakethese days –digital, print, orother wise –now reachmorethan 90 percentofthecommunity. We’remoreconnected to our readersthan ever,and we have the stats to proveit.
But here’s the flip side:local municipal governments, and our local MLAsandMPs, have been the onesleading by example, prioritizing support forlocal newsrooms
They understand the importanceof keeping small businesses running andof keeping vitalinformation withinthe community. So, kudos to our mayors, councils, MLAsandMPs for getting it right, for putting their money where their mouthis when it matters most.
Whichbringsme back to thebiggerquestion:how many otheropportunities to buy Canadianare slippingthroughthecracks?
If our governmentsare serious aboutthis, it’s time to gobeyondthe rhetoric. It’s time to put realeffortand resourcesinto supporting Canadian businesses–smalland large. We need them to setthe tone, to lead by example,and to showthat “Buy Canadian” is morethan just a slogan.
It’s somethingthat canactually change the way we do business–andthe way we think aboutwhat itmeans to support our own.
Matt Blair is the publisher of the Delta Optimist andpresident of the BC & Yukon Community NewsmediaAssociation.
Februar y is a great chance to think pink and support several great causesin our community.
Last Wednesday night (Jan. 29) at Delta Secondary School, the 16th annualCalla Foulon Cancer campaign was kicked off duringthe senior boys’ basketball game between the DSS Pacers and South Delta Secondar y SunDevils
Localbasketball referees from Tsawwassen(Mike Craig) and Ladner(Karn Dhillon) were geared up inpinkwhistles, pink lanyards, and special pink-andblack striped jerseys.
In the 16 years that this cam-
paign has been going, close to $300,000 has been raised in support of cancer research.
My buddy Karn has teamed up with a host of wonderfulcommunity partners to raise awareness, includingFour Winds who once again will be launchinga special Pink Beeron Feb. 7 to support the cause.
So, raisea glass with Four Windsandor head out to a local high school gym this month and support high school sportsand these basketballofficials who give so muchto our community.
If basketballisn’t your thing, then maybe curling is The Ladies Bonspiel Committee at the Tunnel Town
Curling Clubin Tsawwassen has launched its third annual Curl for the Girls campaign in support of the BC Cancer Foundation.
To date, $7,000 has been raised, $2,000of which was raised last year. Finally, Februar y wouldnot be Februar y withoutPink Shirt Day, which ison Feb. 26 Pink Shirt Day isanantibullying day initiative which willonce again be highlighted by a community-wide event–the Battleof the Badges hockey game between the Delta Police Department and Delta Fire and Emergency Services, with support from the CityofDeltaand Delta SchoolDistrict.
The Optimist isproud to lend its support to such animportant day. More detailsare coming in the next few weeks.
Let’s all think pink this month andlend our support to all of these amazing community events andinitiatives.
Re: Delta receiveshousing money (Optimist, Jan. 23)
Please can someone help me? I had to read this article several times to tr y andfigure out what was said,orforthatmatter what itmeant.
The federal government isbroke, spending tax dollars itdoesnot have, but it says we have a housing crisis, so they set up a fund to be spent across thecountr y to help buildhouses But that isnotwhat is saidin this story. I readitasthis. Here is$14Mforthe city to secure funding to help further cut red tape
andimplement various elements of city’s housing action plan.
Acting Mayor Coun. Dylan Kruger then outlined several initiativesthecity hasalready undertaken,including a more efficient building permit systemand the approvalofthenew Official Community Plan He then saidit willhelp Deltaimplement otherinitiatives such aspre-zoning. The CMHCexplainsthat theupfront funding is to ensure thetimely implementationofinitiatives, with subsequent payments upondelivering results There wasmore to
read but by that time my head was spinning.
Peopledo you not see what iswrong? These are statementsfrom bureaucrats telling you how they are wasting yourmoney. Think about this.Do we not have as acity, afull building of people working onall these things mentioned, being well paid by your taxdollars, now receiving more tax dollars just to dotheir jobs? I see nothing that goes into thephysical constructionofaffordablehousing.Please stop thisunnecessary spending.
Bruce White
Editor :
The Jan.23front page of the Optimist showed local politiciansallexcited abouta $14Mfederal housing grant.
Then your letters section has letters opposing the massive density regarding the Town Centre Mallproposed re-development.
I see no reasonfor excitement oneither of these topics The federalgrant is our tax dollars andnot a gift.I wouldalso like to point
out to thetaxpayers of South Deltawhat the future holds with4,100 newhomesand a massive tower complexin Tsawwassen.
Whenthelocal developers are done, our taxes must pay fornew schools, new hospitalexpansionin Ladnerwhich isalready over-crowded,newfire stationsand equipment, more municipal employeesand equipment, improvementof fresh-water supplies and
improvement of our sanitar y sewer system
We are toldthere is a housing shortage. That’s nottrue We have an affordablehousing shortage.
Peoplemove here from North Van and Burnaby because thehousing is cheaper, not because they have noplace to live.
The folks in South Delta gain very little from this but are going to face massive taxhikes topay forthe services.
Greg Hoover
The Optimist encourages readers to write letters to the editor. Lettersare accepted onany topic, althoughpreference isgiven to thoseon localmatters The Optimist reserves the right to editletters andthedecision to publishis atthe discretionoftheeditororpublisher All lettersmust besigned, datedandincludethewriter’s phonenumber(not for publication). The Optimist will notprint “name withheld”letters Copyrightinlettersand othermaterials submitted voluntarily to thepublisher and accepted for publication remains withtheauthor, butthe publisherandits licensees may freely reproduce theminprint, electronicor other forms.
The following letter was sent to Delta council and copied to theOptimist.
On Jan.24,the Metro Vancouver board met to look at its budget.
The board didn’t agree onanything. Directors talked andtalked- for three hours-andthen asked staff to report back Thisisakin to the boss asking his staffifheis a good manager. Asifthey are likelyto come back withanything revolutionar y ornew.
Here are some
questions the Metro Vancouver board should have beenasking:
If a mayor orcouncilloriselected in a Metro Vancouver municipality,then,if appointed to do so, istakinga role at Metro not part oftheir remit? Why shouldthey be paidextra to attend Metro meetings? Is not that part of a mayor’s or councillor ’s responsibilities? Why pay them a stipend to attend Metro meetings?
Why does ever y Metro
meeting need to be catered?
Why is every Metro Vancouvermeeting aninperson event? Why notvirtualmeetings, not requiring physical attendance?
Another key question that needs to be askedis Metro getting valuefor what Jerr yDobrovolny, as CAO, is paid?
This has ever y indicationof a bloated, unelected bureaucracy that is notdelivering valuefor money.
Roger Emsle y
Editor :
Many thanks to Mark Schoeffelforhisexcellent letter proposinga medical clinicas a community contribution to the Tsawwassen Town Centre redevelopment(Optimist, Jan.23).
Certainly, with a plan to greatly increase the populationofthe town centre with many new homes, it isexpedient thata public clinic be part ofthenew plan.
Care Clinic at Walmart, Tsawwassen Commons
However, it has very limited capacity andis not easily accessiblefor many residentswhodo notdrive.
Please visitthe Delta School District website formoreinformationor call 604.952. 5340
A community medical clinicis a much-needed publicnecessity which has been sorely absent during the45 yearsI have lived in Tsawwassen.
The timeis right to build a community clinic when B.C. seems to be promoting the valueof community healthcentres.
There is a recent TsawwassenPrimary
It makes sense to plan a complete community with a publiclibrary yes, but alsoa vital publicmedical clinic, as part of a future, lively healthy andliveable Tsawwassen town centre. Carol Vignale
Editor :
Re: Port expansion court challenge (Optimist, Jan. 16)
When my eyes caught thisheadline, my heart sank!
A friendonce toldme, “We are the worst species on thisplanetEarth!” I have hada lotoftime to think about this, and sadlyI agree withher.
In viewthat there is
analternative forthis development, I wonder, wouldcommon sense prevail? There is a palpableshiftof valuesand morality challenging us inthis rapidly changing world. The article states that Jon Khanurged Justice Pallotta to avoid prejudging thefuture effectiveness ofproject conditionsonthewhales! Thisblatant disregard
forwhat remainsofthe wildlifeandtheinability tocurtailthegreed that fuelsthe sourceofthis development, is beyond disgraceful.
If we cherish our present surroundings, we need to publicly raise our collective consciousness andnotallow ourselves to be trumped by impervious behaviour.
Carol R. LeVasseur
See more lettersonour website at : www.delta-optimist.comor sign upforour daily newsletter to get even more daily news from the Optimistat : https://www.delta-optimist.com/account/mailinglist
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
The City of Deltaisintroducing a Youthand KidsPromotional Pass (YAK) for recreation centres on Family Day.
Endorsed by council.thepromotion to supportDeltafamilies will offer free admission to residents ages18 and underfrom Family Day, Feb. 17, through March 31,2025.
It endswhenthecity’s newfree child/youthadmission category will be launched on April 1, part of Delta’s new fee structure already approved by council last year, also offering free admission to drop-in activities for Delta residents ages18andunder
“Family Day,which falls on thethird Monday of February,isintended to give familiesthe opportunity to spend quality time withtheirloved ones Introducing thepromotional pass on Family Day willprovideadvanced,free access to facility admission anddrop-in activities (public skating,public swim-
ming,drop-in sportsetc.), to all Delta residents aged 18and under, providing further opportunities for families to enjoy recreationalactivities together,” a report to council notes.
“Throughthepromotion andimplementation of the YAK Pass on Family Day,theCity of Delta hasa unique opportunity to make a significant, positive impact on thelives of young residents Thisinitiative supportsphysical, mental,and social development, while also promoting inclusion and equality.”
The program expandsupon Delta’s Youth Admission Pass launched inthe summer of 2019 for youth ages10 to 18.
Another report notesthat asthe youthadmission pass category had grown to encompass abroader range of ages, thecity has seen a continual increase inutilization of passes. The initiative also supports Delta’s Poverty Reduction Action Plan by reducing the cost of recreationfor economically disadvantaged residentsand young families
pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis t.co m
The longest undefende d borderinthe world is back to its original state now that the chainlinkfencein Tsawwassen has be en takendown
City of Deltacrews remove d thefencethe afternoonof Jan.30.
“Thismorning, the chiefof Delta policeand city manager met to discuss thefenceandconclude d that itshould be remove d immediately. Crews subs equently remove d thefencethis morning,” Acting Insp James Sandberg toldthe Optimist inanemail.
He adde d that other optionsthat could re ducethe numberof inadver tent crossings will be looked at later.
The city put upthe fence Jan. 15 followinga police reviewof a November 2023 case inwhicha Tsawwass en
senior wandered across the Canada-U.S. border, be camelost, and was founddead a few days later.
However, installing
the chainlinkfence, about tw o metreshigh, separating Monument Park, in Point Roberts, from Tsawwass en,near English Bluff Road,
proved controversial, with some saying it was illegal.
A few days afterthe fence was installed, Coun. Daniel Boisver t calle d foritsdismantling, saying he was going to bring for ward a motion at council’s Feb. 3 meeting.
Withthefence remove d last we el morning, that ’s nolonger re quired.
“… itisnot Delta’s job to dointernational border policing,” Br ian Calder, formerpresident ofthe Point Roberts Chamber of Commerce saidpreviously Boisver t said later by emailthat hefully agre es that it be removed “I felt that this type offence, barrier, wall … did not symbolize thetrust that our tw o countries have share d forde cades.”
He said Thursday that the International Boundar y Commission contacted theCityof Deltaandaske d that the fence be removed.
“We toldthemimmediately that we already had plans to dothat and we realize that itshouldn’t be there and we’re going to take itdown, so I think they’re satisfie d as well,” Boisver t said.
“I’m sure that ’s the end of itfor themand it ’s theend of itforus.”
The boundar y commission’s website says that any construction that infringeson the three-metre zoneon either side of the boundar y re quires authorization.
GRAEME WOOD Gl acierMedia
Port Coquitlam Mayor Brad West isproposing Metro Vancouver RegionalDistrict’s board of directorsslashtheir stipends by more than halfasthe government prepares to hand out, on average, 25.3 per cent rate increases toeach householdinthe region this spring.
Westsaidtheproposed change to the remuneration bylaw tabled on Jan. 31 is scheduled to be debated at thenext board meeting, on Feb. 28.
Thisiswhat West envisions :
First, meeting stipends would be cut in half, fromthe current $547 per meeting.
West thenproposes reducing the total number of Metro Vancouver meetings forwhicha stipendis paid by a minimum of50 per cent from 2024 totals Metro Vancouver directors (comprised of appointed municipal councilmembers) would also lose their bonus
double payformeetings that extend past four hours
As well, West wants to reducethe total number of Metro Vancouver committees by a minimumof 50 per cent.
Additionally, West seeks to end the practice of automaticallyadjusting remuneration based on regional municipal salary increases.
Overall,theproposal calls to create a totallimit ondirector remuneration.
West also seeks to have the board “consider alternatives to meeting stipendmodelof remuneration and any further changesas desired by the board.”
Next, West wants to “initiatea full-scale, externalcore service review”of Metro Vancouver to identify savings, includingfrom staffandcontractors, and to review “Metro Vancouver’s roleas a regulator, identifying areas of duplicatory or overlapping municipal, regional, provincial andfederal regulation anddelegated
The fieldhouse at Hawthorne Park inLadner is going to be replaced this year
The city for2025 has budgeted $1.7millionfor the totalproject cost to build a new structure, a project which willinclude washrooms, storage and a concession.
It’s part ofanongoing, multi-year program to replaceandupgrade aging park facilities across the city,ensuring consistent architecture, vandalism resistanceandaccessibility
authoritiesfromtheprovincialandfederal governmentswhich may be uploaded back.”
The proposals come amid sustained criticismfrom the public and reporting onexpenses and salaries by Glacier Media and Global News, sincethe regional government announced
in March 2024that the North Shore wastewater treatment plant project isnearly $3billion over budget.
Withtangible capitalassetsof$8.49billion to oversee, Metro Vancouver paidits board ofdirectors $1.61million in 2023.
By comparison, with
tangible capitalassetsof $8.28billion to oversee, theCity of Vancouver paiditscouncil$1.31 million.
Last year, theCity of Calgary,asanother example, paiditscouncil about $1.9million to manage $20.3billionof assets
West himself took
home$53,436from Metro Vancouver, in addition to his Port Coquitlam salary of $142,000.
Travelexpensesfor directors also reached record highs with socalled educationaltrips to Australia, Singapore and Netherlands overthe past two years.
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In 2024, a new washroom was constructed at Memorial Park, but that building doesnot have a concessionor storage. That washroom cost about $790,000forthedemolitionoftheold structure andthenew building. It is similar to thenew one at Ladner Lions Park
A conditionassessment was carried out by a consultant in2020 for33 city park washroomsand fieldhouses - Sandor Gyarmati
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DeltaOptimistValentine’sContestGiveawayrules:Nopurchase required.The contestbeginsonJanuary27, 2025,at10a.m.PSTandendson February10,2025,at11:59p.m.PST.Thereisatotalofone[1]prize retail value of$428availabletobewon[clickontheboxesabove forprizedetails].Skill-testingquestion required.Open to legalresidentsofBritishColumbia,Canada,whoaretheageofmajorityintheprovinceatthetimeofentry.Odds ofwinningdependonthenumberofeligibleentries receivedbefore the contestcloses.Limit 1entryperperson.
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
The city willonce againtry to finda sourceofemergency water for South Delta.
assess the availableflow and water quality from potential groundwater
A subsequent staff report to council in2018concluded resultsfrom test well pumping at the park indicated there isn’t enough available potablegroundwater to buildanemergency wellshouldthere be a significant disruption to Delta’s water distribution system, such as a major seismic event.
The City of Delta’s 2025 Financial Plan includes a project involvinga fieldinvestigation to determinethelocationof a potential water aquiferin Tsawwassen andcompletinga test well atVillage Park on Wesley Drive forthe supply ofemergency drinking water in South Delta
The project has an$80,000 budget.
The city does have severalgroundwater wells at Watershed Park in North Deltathat provides somedrinking water forthat area and can act as anemergency water supply. The water is pumped fromdeep wellsin Sunshine Hillsinto the64 Avenue Reservoirandthendistributed to thelowlandarea south of 64th Avenue.
The city receivesallits water for South Deltafrom Metro Vancouver withno alternate emergency source.
In 2017,thecity issued a request for proposals to completea feasibility study for a groundwater wellinDiefenbaker Park in Tsawwassen. The study was to
It was recommended Deltacomplete anassessment ofalternative emergency supply sources, something that would be carried out by civicengineering staff.
Metro Vancouver has beenundertakinga major seismic safety project forthe region’s in-system reservoirs including Tsawwassen’s Pebble Hill Reservoir, which has beenundergoing upgrades to ensure thecontinued delivery of clean, safedrinking water, especially during an emergency event.
Costing more than$7million,the project involved the seismicupgradeof Reservoir Unit 1 and 2 to withstandand remaininoperationfollowing a major earthquake. A separatetender will be issued fora Unit 3 upgrade That project’s cost had beenestimated by Metro to cost more than$12million.
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
The quality ofir rigation water coming from theFraser River isan issue ofconcern,notthe quantity availablefor ir rigation.
That was theconclusionof a Delta case study by Metro Vancouver, presente d re cently at thecity’s Agriculture Advisor y Committe e. The study was part ofan overall evaluationunderway of current andproje cted agricultural water demands withinthe region.
Several re commendations were madefor Metro Vancouver to support thepreser vation of water quality inthe
Lower Mainland.
Earlierthis year, the city issued a re quest for bidsfromengineering consulting companies to designa newgravity ir rigationintake fromthe Fraser River near96th Stre etand River Road.
The city last year announce da study would be undertaken to se e wherea se cond ir rigationintake could be locate d to suppor t Delta’s agriculturalcommunity.
Delta re ceived $135,000grant through the Food Se curity Emergenc y Planning andPreparedness Program forthe analysis, funded by the BC Ministr y ofAgriculture and Food and delivered by the Investment
Agriculture Foundation. WiththeFraser River freshet occurring earlier, faster snowpack melt and rising sea levels pushing more saline water towards Delta’s only ir rigationintake at Tasker Pump Station, thefunding for the study was to allow thecity to lookforanideallocation for a se condir rigation intake fromthe river Currently,the salt we dge causes salination ofthe river and renders the water unusablefor agriculturalproduction at several timesofthe yearand partial closures of water intakesfor Delta’s agriculturalir rigationditch systemare already inplacealong the river, a previous Delta report notes.
PHIL MELNYCHUK pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis t. co m
Coal dust that getsin your eyes and on the lawn furniture, windows and automobile paint jobsis again frustrating residents, oneofwhom points out themoderntimesinwhich we live.
“Thisis so unacceptable inthis day and age, that we have uncovered coal trains going through our community and noone seems to be reallybothered by it,” said Tsawwassen residentand nurse Brenda McKay.
Whenshe goes cycling on a windy day,she seescoaldust blowing off the trainsandopencoalpiles at Westshore Terminals, notfarfromhousing subdivisionson Tsawwassen First Nation where shelives.
Her house also getsblackened.
“When we wipe our deck and everything off it’s not just like dust, it’s black particlesoffof our baseboards … In this day and age, I’m just floored that the trainsare notcovered. Why are coal trains going uncovered in our community?,” she said.
She posted about theissue online and got more than50 replies
One resident on English Bluff Road says coaldust isn’tnew but it’s getting worse,requiring weekly cleaning of patiofurniture and windowsinthe summer
“We have air purifiers now in all bedrooms,” the resident said.
It bothers McKay to see alltheblack dust blowing inthe wind.
“It just drivesmecrazy that itblows off,” she said.
The City of Deltaordered anair quality study in2013which foundthat dustfallin Tsawwassen was withinlimits, but exceeded provincial guidelinesnext to the railway tracks.
The study involved placing canisters at fourlocationsthroughout Tsawwassen,as wellasonenearthe Boundar y Bay Airport.
The Tsawwassen sample sites ranged from4.5km to 5.5kmfromthecoal terminal.
The study foundthe presenceofcoal particlesinallfive samples,however, according to the findings, allfourmonitoring locationsin Tsawwassen had “relatively very low overall” coaldust particle readings
Council at the timealso was toldthe Tsawwassenmonitoring locations were well below the B.C. Air Quality guidelinesfor average dustfallin a residential area foraone-month period.
According to the Westshore Terminals website, thefacility ships more than33million tonnesofcoal a year
It saidin2022that emissions have decreased overthe years asthecompany has implemented technology andprocedural changes to reducedust emissions, independent ofany permit requirements.
Delta SouthML A Ian Paton saidhis office has received phone calls recently onthe issue.
He can’t tellifit’s getting dustier but said people have noticed itmore since thefire at Westshore on Dec. 28when a conveyor belt caught fire.
But headde d it ’s a federalissue, saying he’s oftencomplained about thedust fromtrains running through Deltaandwhich settleson to local crops.
During the 2021federalelection, Jonathan Wilkinson said a Liberal government was committed to phasing out the export ofthermalcoal, used for generating electricity,from Canada, as wellas U.S. thermalcoalthat goes throughthiscountry, by 2030.
Westshore Terminals general man-
ager Glenn Dudar saidthat the terminal hasa dust-suppression systemon site consisting ofground-level sprayers, water trucks andhigh-level sprayers, as wellas chemicaldust treatment.
The company also monitors wind speed and direction to guideits sprayers.
He explained that coaltrain cars are notcovered because oftheprocess that’s involved inloading andunloading cars.
However, oncethecoalisloaded into a car at the mine, it’s sprayed with a crust forming onthecoal, then resprayed mid route. Empty rail cars are also resprayed at Westshore before their trips back to thecoalmine
About 65 percent ofthecoalshipped inthe last two years isthermal coal, used for making electricity,while35 percent ismetallurgical,used for making steel.
The company alsosetsup two mobile air-monitoring unitsinthecommunity inthe summerandthe resultsare posted on Westshore’s website.
Metro Vancouveralso has anairquality monitoring unit located in Tsawwassenand Westshore (https://gis metrovancouver.org/maps/air) works incompliance withits airemissions permitissued by Metro Vancouver, Dudar said.
There’s alsoa phone numberonthe company website where people can call inconcerns about coaldust.
1. Lady’s shoe
5. Suitable
8. Rotate
13. Crude
14. Hue
15.Octopus’s arm
18. Proclamation
21. Market
23. Placeofretreat
28. Notasmany
34.Summer color
50.Lightweight wood
54. Scrape
58. Badmood
2. Employed
5. Circlepart 6. Wan
7. Blazermaterial
9. Skinhole
20.Ump’s kin
31.Mr.Van Winkle
33. Section
40.Brass instrument
45.Rodeo rope
46.Cease to go
52.Initial wager
Crosswordpuzzleanswers useAmericanspelling
ARIES March21-April19
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TAURUS April20-May20
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GEMINI May21-June20
Nobodylikesfeeling deprived,butitcan motivateyoutoseek solutions. You’llbe ready toactonceyoufigure outhowtogainfinancial freedom
CANCER June21-July22
Excitingactivitiesabound, bringing awhirlwindof commitmentsthatwill fillupyourschedule. However,you’llskillfully organizeallyourtasks andmeetallyour deadlines.
LEO July23-Aug.22
Acoldisoftenyourbody’s wayoftellingyouit’stimeto slowdownand recharge.If you’refeelingstressed,take sometimetounwindwith relaxationandmeditation.
VIRGO Aug.23-Sept.22
You’llbein aleadership role, andyourteamwilllookto youforguidance. You’llhave plentyofopportunitiesto showcaseyourmanagement skills.Embracetheposition you’veearnedandassert yourauthoritywith confidence.
LIBRA Sept.23-Oct. 22
Asyou juggle familyand professionalcommitments, youwon’thavemuchspare timeoranytimetodevote toyourownactivities. You’llalsohavetoorganize professionalorsocial gatherings.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov.21
Atwork,yourproductivity willcatchtheattentionof yoursuperiors,whowillfeel compelledtoofferyou araise tosecureyourlongevitywith thecompany.You’llhave everyreasontobeproud!
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec.21
Youmaybefacedwith existentialquestions thisweek,whichmay promptyoutoseek amore enlightenedoutlookonlife. Inyour relationship,loyalty anddedicationarehighly valued.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan.19
You’llfindcommonground withthosearoundyouafter aconflict. Yourwisdomwill becrucialinthissituation. Quickactionwillbeneeded tostopthingsfromgetting worse.
AQUARIUS Jan.20-Feb.18
Thisweekwillbefullof professionalchallenges. Set realisticexpectations toensureyoursuccess matchesyourefforts.Keep aneyeoutforpotential frictionwithcolleagues whomaybe jealous ofyour achievements.
PISCES Feb. 19-March20
Alltheattentionwillbeon youthisweek. You’ll receive well-deservedpraiseforyour amazingaccomplishments. Thiswillgiveyourselfconfidence amajor boost.
Fillinthegridsothat everyrow,every columnand every3 x3box contains thenumbers 1through 9onlyonce. Each 3x3box isoutlinedwith a darkerline. Youalreadyhave a fewnumbers to get youstarted. Remember:youmustnot repeat the numbers 1through 9inthesameline, columnor 3x3 box.
Reach Childand Youth Development Society fundraised fortheirEarly Intervention Therapies program during their annual Giftof Speech appealthat concluded Jan.15.
A final totalof$38,076 was raised withthehelp of local generous businesses, organizationsand individuals.
Kristy Storey from the Delta Firefighters Charitable Society delivered $10,000on Dec. 18,while other significant donors during December included Delta Agricultural Society, Davidand Elaine Bliss and Fraser way RV-Delta. At the beginning of January, Lisa Margetson and Michelle Burrows of Envision Financial, Ladner Branch, provided the final$5,000 to the appealwhich brought the 2024 total to analltime high.
Anwar Ul Haq, Reach Early Intervention Therapiesprogram coordinatorexpressed hisgratitudeforthis outstanding support.
“Every childdeserves the opportunity to communicate theirthoughts,
Storey, Renie D’Aquila,Emily Villaneuvawiththe Decemberdonationfromthe Delta Firefighters Charitable Society.
feelings, anddreams,” he said. “Early interventionin speech therapy provides children with the toolsthey need to overcome communication challenges, opening doors to connection, learning, and confidence.
Continued support from our community ensures that we can reach more childrenandfamilies, providing the care they need whenthey need it most.”
Speech Language Pathologists at Reachprovideone-on-one weekly
sessions with children including using augmentative toolslike iPadsthat help childrencommunicate forthefirst time.
The Giftof Speech campaign featured fouryearoldArabella andher mother Janelle Wallace whoshared their journey with speech therapy and helped raise awareness andfunds. Reach extends thanks to all Giftof Speech donors who supported local children with support needs in such a big way.
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“Be Faithful,betrue, be ablessing”
Thereare many seasonsintheAnglican Church andin many other churches.
Just as spring, summer, autumn,and winter mark thetimeof year basedon changesin weather, daylight, and ecology,the church seasons revolvearoundthe lifeof Jesus.
The seasonof Christmasis over,and the seasonof Lent is yet to come. We callthis timein between seasons “Ordinary Time”. But these days don’tfeel ordinary for many folks There isuncertainty and worry wherever we turn.
In January,a pollin the Optimist asked, “Are youoptimistic aboutthe yearahead?”
We were invited to respond witheither “Yes,
bringiton”or “No, wake meupwhenit’s over.”
Most votes were forthe “wake meupwhenit is over”option. I’mnot surprised We all want a break, at leastforawhile, from badnews,higher prices,andcontinual change
Howdo we navigate hard times?
Asapriestand pastor, I’moftenaskedthis question.Idon’tknow how to lowerpricesor stopglobalviolence, however, we all must getthrough eachday the best way we can.
Christiansaretaught that in good timesandin bad,the way to navigate eachdayisthe way Jesus taughtus.Treat ever yone youmeetas you yourself wouldlike to be treated. Recognizetheinherent dignityand belovedness in ever yone youmeet. Thisisnotalways easy, but we try. In walking the pathof peace,non-violenceandopenhearts, we can make ourlittle part ofthe worldmore lovingandmore peaceful, with God’shelp.
Kitchens have long been characterized asthe busiest room ina home. Kitchensare where mealsareprepared andcooked, but they also tend to be gathering spaceswhere families connect at theend of a day andwhere guests congregate during holiday celebrations andbirthday parties
Allthat timeinthe kitchen makes these popular rooms to renovate. Homeowners who want to give their kitchens a newlook andfeel without doinga full renovation can consider kitchen cabinetprojects. An understanding of kitchen cabinet projects can help homeowners decideifthis undertaking is for them
Cabinet renovationsdo not necessarily require replacement: Some cabinets may not need to be removed and replaced. The renovation experts at HGTV note that kitchen cabinet refacing can be a budget-friendly way to givea newlook to cabinetsthat do not require replacement. Refacing can be as extensive as homeowners prefer, but such projects can create a wholenew
aesthetic inthe kitchendepending on theextent of theproject.
There are many different types of kitchen cabinets : Homeowners who have never beeninvolved in a cabinet project shouldknow they will have many different options tochoose from. Face-frame cabinetsarea traditional choice made with a framearoundthe door andany drawers that might be included as part of the cabinets. Some additional options includefull overlay cabinets, frameless cabinets, recessed panel cabinets, and Shaker cabinets. Homeowners hesitant tochoose their own cabinets can work with a contractor and/or interior designer to findthe option that aligns best withtheir current kitchen.
Cabinet materialsand finishes vary as well: Cabinets can be madefrom anarray of materials, including wood, laminate, metal,and plastic. Cabinets also can be finished with paint, stain, glaze, and lacquer. Each finish has its ownunique characteristics. For example, painted cabinets may need
to be tended to withgreater frequency than otheroptions because paint can fade. However, painted cabinets remain popular because homeowners can paint themany color at any time
Considerthe countertops when adjusting kitchen cabinets : Kitchens tend to have colour schemes, andthat schemeis often reflected inthe colour of cabinetsandcountertops. When tweaking just the cabinets, homeowners should considerthe overall colour scheme of their kitchens Interior designers can be invaluable resources forhomeowners whoaren’tquite sure how new or refaced cabinets willfitinto an overall colour scheme
Consider replacement if necessary: A kitchen cabinet replacement project will be more expensive than refacing the cabinets. But there are instanceswhen cabinets require replacement. Excessive wearand tear, insufficient storage, a dated appearance, and cabinetsthat appear to be sagging off the wallare someindicators that replacement is necessary.
Updated cabinets can givea kitchen a whole newlook, evenifthe cabinetsare refaced instead of replaced. -Metro Creative
Spaceis a soughtaftercommodity in real estate. Buyers prioritize numerous variables when searching for a new home,and square footage isoftennearthe top oftheirlists.
The real estate market has beenhighly competitive in recent years, andhomeprices have remained highas a result. That reality has prompted some current homeowners whofeel they have outgrown their homes to lookfor ways to increase theusable spaceintheirexisting properties Basement conversionsare one way to addmore space. Homeowners mulling a basement conversion project can learn the basicsoftheproject as theytry to determine if such renovationsare right forthem.
Basement conversion projectscan be costly: Thoughthefinalcost of a conversionproject can vary widely depending onthecondition andaccessibility ofthe existing space, estimates range from around $45,000 to as much as $150,000. The home renovationexperts at Angi.comnote that the average pricefor excavationis$37,000.Ofcourse, homeowners whoare simply hoping to repur-
pose anexisting basement likely won’tneed topay for excavation. Accessibility isanother notable variablethat can affectthefinalcost. Ifthe current spaceis a crawl space, potentially costly structural changes may be necessary to ensure contractors and eventually residents can access thearea Basementsthat are alreadyeasily accessible won’t require such expenditures
Ventilationis a must : Finished basements must be adequately ventilated so moisture can be controlled. Without sufficient ventilation,the damp conditionscommonin many basements can foster thegrowthofmould. Waterproofing systems andadequate ventilation can prevent mould growthin a basement, andthese should be integralcomponentsofthe design.
Permitsare partof the process: Basement conversionsare considered major projects, and thus typically require homeowners andcontractors to secure permits before any work isdone Permits may be necessary at various stagesof theproject. Homeowners who ignore laws regarding permits will have trouble selling their homesdown the road,as
it can be difficultifnot impossible to secure a certificate of occupancy if renovations were made without securing the proper permits In addition, securing necessary permitsfor each phase oftheproject can ensure final approvalofthe project. If permitsare not secured along the way, local officials may insist work be redone to adhere to local laws, which can make theproject even more costly.
Basement conversions take time: The time a project takes will dependonthecondition ofthe space at the start of theproject and various detailsunique toeach conversion. However, various contractors indicate projectstake about two to three months once they begin. That timeline doesnotincludethepreproject process offinding a contractor, soliciting design plansorpreparing the rest ofthehome for such a significant and lengthy undertaking.
Basement conversion projects can add significant square footage to a home Recognitionof what such projectsentail can helphomeowners decideifthisisthe best way forthem to increase livable spaceintheir homes.
-Metro Creative
Homeowners may thinkthey have totear down wallsor build roomextensions to transform theirhomes with renovationprojects, but smallprojects can yield impressive results, and that’s something homeowners working with limited budgets can keep in mind.
There’s noshortage of smallprojectsthat can change thelookandfeel of a home Many ofthese undertakings can be achieved with a modest investment.
Front door replacement : A newfront door instantly improves curb appealand can make a homemore secure and energy efficient. Painting theexisting front dooris an evensmallerproject
that stilloffers appeal.
Lighting addition: Whether a homeowner enlarges a window or adds skylights, natural light can produceincredible results. Investing in newlighting can feel like expandinga space without pushing out walls.
Kitchenand bathfixture upgrades : Faucets anddoor pulls are used ever y day. Swapping existing fixtures for somethinga littlemore modern can unify spaces and provide subtle changes that enhance these popular spaces
Wood floor restoration: Scuffing and scratches can adversely affectthepristinelook of a natural wood floor. Homeowners can polish a floor to restore its
shine.A professional service will sanddown and refinisholderfloors at a fractionofthecost of a newfloorinstallation.
Exterior lighting: Lighting isn’t just important inside.A welcoming glow inthe yard is awe-inspiring.There are many energy-efficient lighting options, including onesthat donot need to be hard-wired to the circuitr y insidethehome.
Staircase renovation: Coordinate the staircase to the style inthehome with a decorative carpet runner.A secure runner is attractive and can help reduce slipping down the stairs. Tighten shaky railingsor replacethem while upgrading the stair treads.
-Metro Creative
•HardieSidingand Trim
•Retaining WallandPavingStones
•EngineeredBeams www.homehardware.ca
Invitation to Comment
FortisBCproposes to expandits existingLNGfacilityonTilbur yIslandin Delta, B.C., by increasingitsstorage capacityby2.5times to 142,400cubicmetersandincreasingproductioncapacityupto7,700 tonnesperday throughthe constructionofastoragetank ,liquefactionfacilitiesandsupportinginfrastructure.
TheEnvironmental AssessmentOfficeisholding apubliccommentperiodontheprojec tfrom Januar y14toMarch3,2024 Januar y14toMarch3,2024
In-Person OpenHouse
Januar y23rd, 2024
Coast Tsaw wassen Inn, 166556 St, Delta, B.C.
OnlineInformation Session
Januar y21,2024
5:00pm -7:00pmPT
To Register, Visitthelinkor QR codeontheright
In caseofsubstantialsnowfall,theopen-housewillbe conduc ted virtually. Checkthelink at right forupdates.
Learnmoreaboutthe projec tand telluswhatis importanttoyou:
Youmay alsosubmit comments by mail: Tilbur yPhase 2LNGExpansion Project, PObox9426, StnProvGovt, Victoria, B.C.V8W9V1
ijacque s@ delta- optimis t. co m
The Stebbings Murray (Delta Cup) belongs to the Delta Pacers in2025.
Last Wednesday night (Jan. 29),infront of a packed crowd insidethe Delta Secondary gym, the Pacers senior boys upended the South Delta Secondary Sun Devils senior boys by a score of95-88.
The win improved the Pacers’ exhibition record to 9-9 onthe season. Coupled with a 1-3 record so farin South Fraser3Aplay, the Pacers are 10-12 overall.
The Sun Devils, whoplay in SouthFraser4A , saw their record fall to 5-5 in exhibition play and 8-7 overall, asthey sit with a 3-2 record inleague play
The game wasa rollercoaster ridefrom start to finish filled withdramaticupsanddowns.
The Sun Devilsfoundthemselvesin a deephole early, trailing by 23 pointsinthefirst quarter. However, they battled back inthe second half, showcasing resilienceandgritas they outscored their rivalsin each quarter.
PeytonBrosinski led the charge, securing a doubledouble with20-plus pointsand 15-plus rebounds.His clutch three-pointer reignited the team’s energy, fueling their comeback attempt.
Headcoach Adam D’Angelo offered his congratulations to the Pacers’ coaching staffand players forthebig win.
Onthe Pacers’ side, head coach Neil McQuade saidit wasa funnight forallinvolved with a great atmosphere.
“Great effort by both teams Thisiswhatmakes senior boys basketballfun,andthe rivalry liveson,” he said. “Exceptional play from point guard Jacob Moore led the way, but with plenty of support from good shooting and aggressive play from Simon Bartlett, Aneil Varn and Parker Aldcorn Coming off the bench, Matt McQuade and Jovin Dhaliwalbrought great energy and toughfullcourt defence
“Fullcredit toSDSS who regrouped athalftimeand made a strongpushinthe second half. It wasa special win for our teamandespecially the senior class.”
ijacques@delta-optimist.com or call 604-998-3616
Last Wednesday night (Jan.29)infrontofapackedcrowdinsidethe
the Pacers seniorboysupendedthe South Delta
Local basketball referees from Tsawwassen(Mike Craig)andLadner (Karn Dhillon)are all geared up inpink whistles, pink lanyards, and special pink-and-black striped jerseys to Call a Foul on Cancer
The refsare pictured with students and scorekeepers asthey begintheir Februar ydrive
Thisis year16ofthefundraising and awareness project forthe BC Cancer Foundation.
To date, they are closing inonthe $300,000 mark indonationsandthey’re
hoping to get closer to the half a million-dollarplateau.
To helpthingsalong, Four Winds Brewing is againincollaboration with The ParksideBrewer y to brewanother “Pink Beer” with a planned limited release date on Feb. 7.
The breweries will againask patrons toCome Wet Their Whistleand Call a FOUL On Cancer. Canceris relentless, but so are these refs.
For any furtherinformationemail: pinkwhistlelegacyfund@gmail.com - Submitted
The Tunnel Town Ladies Bonspiel Committeeis at it again- raisingfunds for breast cancer research and support.
What startedin2023following the pandemic,theLadies Bonspiel Committee at Tunnel Town Curling Club sawanopportunity to startanew tradition by fundraising forthe BC Cancer Foundation.
Officiallybranded Curl forthe Girls in2024,the goal was to exceed theprevious year ’s donationof$2,000,while maintaininganunforgettableexperience centred onfriendship, camaraderie,and good curling.Thededicated volunteers, as wellas clubmembers and communityfriendswhodonated prizes,played avital roleinensuring ever yone’s experience wasexceptional. Thanks to thecollectiveeffortsofall involved,the women raised morethan $7,000 forthe BC Cancer Foundation. Thiscontribution will go towards supportingbreast cancer research and
care, making atangibledifferencein thelivesofthoseaffected.
“I am so excited to announcethat Curl For The Girls hasjoined the Canadian Cancer Societyfundraiser Curl For Cancer so that together, we can raise awarenessandlife-saving funds,” said club manager Sandra Boisvert. “Allmoney we raise will stay inBritish Columbia to benefitbreast cancer research and support.”
To supporttheirfundraising goal of$10,000, make apledge at : https:// fundraisemyway.cancer.ca/team/ CurlForTheGirls.
- Submitted
TheTunnel TownLadies Bonspiel Committeeisatitagain-raising funds forbreast cancer researchand suppor t.
The rejuvenationof lacrosse in Delta has always been about connectingwith the community and building something that kidsandfamilies want to be part of.
The visionisquite simple: make it easy for parents, funfor kids, and supported by people who understand the sport and have played at the highest levels, providing optionsfor ever y level of athlete.
On Feb. 8, the DeltaLacrosse Association will hosta free Tr y Lacrosse event at the Ladner outdoor box, near
the Ladner Leisure Centre, introducing kids agesfive to 14 to the fast-paced sport.
The fun kicks off at noonfor boys and 1 p.m. for girls, showcasing lacrosse’s growing popularity and promoting youth sports foractive, connected communities It also buildsexcitementfor the 2025 box lacrosseseason, showing just how fun and accessible the sport can be for beginners.
The eventwillinclude a hands-on skills sessionled by Garrett Billings,
former NationalLacrosse Leagueplayer andDL A technicaldirector, alongsideinstructional support from Delta Islanders youthplayers andcoaches. Don’t have any equipment? No problem – just show upandorganizers will ensure beginners receive all the necessary equipment, including sticks and balls Throughcollaboration with the Vancouver Warriors and outreachto local elementar y schools, the event invitesfamiliesfromLadnerand Tsawwassen to connect, learn,and
experience lacrosse. Kids will benefit from expert coaching, while parents discover DL A’s programming.
Can’t make iton Feb 8? Joinus – and bringa friend – fora free warm-up session on Sundays, until spring break, at the box.
Registrationisopennow for the spring box season. Sign up at www.deltalacrosse.ca to secure your spotinoneof Canada’s fastest-growing sports. Don’t wait - early bird pricing ends Feb. 9. - Submitted
2BRANDNEW4-bedroom,2,000sq. ft. 1/2DUPLEXwith aBONUSdetached450sq.ft. 1-bedroomGARDENSUITE! ThishomeNEWhome features aninvitingopen-conceptlayoutwith SOUTHEXPOSEDliving room,elegantdiningarea,and aspaciouskitchenboasting alargeisland,sleekquartz countertops,andPREMIUMfinishes. Enjoythedurability of engineeredhardwood floors,stylishdesignerlighting,andthe convenienceofabuilt-in vacuum,HRVsystem,and rough-in forAC. Thedetached2-cargarageincludes rough-in forEVcharging. Nestledin apeaceful neighborhoodwith SOUTHEXPOSEDBACKYARDwithpastoral FARMLANDVIEW,thishome offerseasyaccesstoLadnerElementarySchool (Frenchimmersion), highschool,parks,and family-friendlyamenities, Don’tmissthisincredibleopportunity!
1,481042A Aveor2,481042A Ave,Ladner -$1,598,900
An extraordinary renovated2,400+sq.ft.homemustbeseentobe appreciated. Stunningopen-conceptdesignwithgorgeouskitchen featuringan oversizedisland,quartz countertops.. Enjoythe comfort of air conditioning,Californiashutters,andthoughtfulupgrades throughout. Thepropertyincludesabright,spacious2-bedroomsuite— ideal formulti-generationallivingorpotential rentalincome.Step outsideto acovereddeck foryear-roundenjoyment orunwindinthe deluxehot tub. Privatewest facing yard and agreat location. Thishome trulyhasitall.
Twobedroom cornerunitwithdenspaceatBridgeandElliott, a6-story buildingintheheart of LadnerVillage.Over10,000SF of amenities accessibleonthe raised3rdfloor courtyard. Theinterior features Scandinavianinspiredinteriors,premiumappliancesincludinga 4-burnergas range,integrated refrigeratorandd/w,full-sized washer/ dryer,and alargekitchenislandanddiningarea. Themasterensuite featuresboth awalkinshower, twosinksand asoakertub.9’ ceilingsin mostlivingareasandair conditioning.
Simplystunning! Rare 3bed, 2bath,1200sqft corner condo Open-conceptlivingspacewith aspaciousgreatroomideal for entertainingor relaxing. Thebeautifulkitchen featuresstainlesssteel appliances,quartz counters,andan oversizedislandwithbarseating. Enjoythe166sqftbalcony,perfect formorning coffeeorsunset views. Theprimarysuiteboasts a5-pieceensuitewith adoublevanity, separatetub,andshower. Includestwoside-by-sideparkingspots convenientlyneartheelevatorand 3storage lockers!
TimRohwer 604.762.2041 tim@thedeltagroup.ca
•Featureshighceilings &anabundanceof naturallight
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•Minutesto Tsawwassenmills,Golfcourse &more!
•Fullydetached 2bedroom &denrancherwith 1658sq.ft.oflivingspace
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•Spacious730sqftonebedroomlocatedonthe groundfloor
•Privatebalconyoverlooks greenspace
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CAMELIAatGardenPlace -beautifullyreno’d2bed 1002sqftPENTHOUSEcondoinQUIET ¢rallocation -walktostores,restaurants,coffeeshops,recreation& transit!Updatesinclude warmlaminateflooring &new lightingthroughout,kitchen &bathwith whiteshaker cabinets &quartzcounters -‘move inready’home!
3061258HunterRd,Tsawwassen •$799,000
FAIRWAYESTATES -bright &spacious 2bed 2bath1367sqft condoindesirablecomplex &quietculdesaclocation!Great floorplanwithgenerousroomstofithousesizedfurniture -idealfordownsizing! WalktoquaintBGcoffeeshops, towncentershops,restaurants,medicalcenter &transit. OPENSAT2-4.
444716Orca Way, Tsawwassen •$979,000
SEASIDE -bright &spacious4bed3 bath1636sqfttown homeindesirablecomplexwithpool,gym &clubhouse! Greatopenplanwith 3bedsup &1down-idealguest roomorhomeoffice. Walkto TSprings, TMills,beach, boardwalk &transit.Idealfordownsizingfrom ahouseor upsizingfrom acondo!OPENSUN2-4.
Thelifestyle youhavebeensearching for! Aunique collectionof waterfrontresidences nestledbetween agolf courseand ayachtclubwithdirectaccess to the16 km waterfront Millennium Trail.Thisspacious1350sq.ft.,3bedroom, 2bathroomsuiteisalsoa S/W exposed cornerunitwithstreetaccesslike atownhouse.2parkingspots&largestorage too! Countr yclublivingwith a12,000sq.ft. clubhouse.Trulyis ararefind!
TheCoast at TsawwassenShores!Spaciousopen concept 2bed,2bath &densuite. Approx.865sq.ft. Privatepatiowithdirec toutsideaccess… perfec tfordog walking.Steps to Tsawwassen Mills Mall,BCFerries,freeway access,golf,recreation &allamenities.Callnow!MLSR2945956.
AGreat Buy@ $1,160,000
AGreat Buy@ $639,000
RAREFIND!Spaciousupdated2 bedroom &den penthousewithopenconceptplanandvaultedceilings offerslargeinterior& exteriorviewsfrom2 decksof Mt.Baker,VancouverIsland,themarinaandfreighterson theFraserRiver.Asanendcornersuiteallowsforextra windowsprovidingamazingnaturallightinthegreat room/livinganddiningareaandfeelslikea rancherin thesky!Thequalityhigh-endkitchenfeatureselaborate customcherrycabinetry,anoversizepeninsulaeating areacomplimentedw/granitecountertops,pullout appliancedrawer,thelatestsmartappliancesanda hugepantry.Otherupdatesincludelushflooringand qualitypaintthroughout.Alsooffersa nicegymfacility& workshop,2 parkingstalls,a hugestorage lookeranda 5minutewalktooldtownLadner.(30127774)
Charming CountryHomeonaSpacious Lot. This beautifullymaintained10,740sq.ft.property features adelightful3-bedroom,1-bathroomhome withmodernupdatesandclassiccharm.Enjoya newmetal roof,afully renovatedkitchen, aclassic clawfoottub,andnewerwindows.Themainfloor includes 2bedroomsand apotential3rdbedroom or rec/playroomupstairs. Additionalhighlights area15x28detached workshop, gardenshed,and greenhouse.Outside,the fenced yard offersflower and veggiegardens, afirepit,andspacefora chicken coop.Justa20-minutewalkfromLadner Villageand stepsfromtheFraserRiverDyke, this property combinespeaceful countrylivingwith convenientaccess to amenities.
Welcome to ShannonHillsEstatesinCloverdale! This 2,737sq.ft.homeon a1/4 acreprivatelotincludes RV parking, a24x30detachedshop,covereddeck, gazebo,water feature, andfruittrees. Themainfloor featuresspaciouslivinganddining rooms, afamily room,largekitchenwithgas range,eatingarea,full bath,andmud/laundry roomleading to thebackyard Upstairs,find alargeprimarybedroomwithensuite and walk-incloset,plus 4additionalbedroomsand ahugebonus room. Twoseparateentrances to the secondfloor couldeasilycreate aprivatenanny suite. Thesidedriveway provideseasyaccesstothe insulated,poweredshop.Upcomingupdatesinclude anew Cloverdalehospital/cancer center,KPU Tech Campus expansion,andtransitimprovements.
Tsawwassenspringsgolfcourseisresortstylelivingatit’sfinest.Beautifulopen &bright 2bdrm& denwith 2fullbathroomsandlargeheateddeck. Thiscondohasspectacularviewsofgolfcourse andNorthShoremountainsfeaturing11’ceilings,gourmetkitchen,largeprimarybdrm,big walk inclosetandspa-likeensuite.Enjoytheendless180degreegolfcourse,NorthShoremountains andbeautifulsunsets. Thisunitcomeswith 2parkingspacesclosetoelivatortandbikeroom. WalkingdistancetoTsawwassen FitnessCentre, PatQuinn’sRestaurant,Nat’s,Coffee,Newman’s andTsawwassenMills.Don’tmissthisfabulouscondo.
Build yourdreamhomeonthebestviewlotinTsawwassenwith280degree view.ThispropertyisthemoststructurallyengineeredlotonTsawwassen’s WesternBluff.New B.C.higherdensitypolicieswillallow2units,biggersquare footage(3,000to3,500sqft)andDeltawillallowabasement.Deltahallwill prioritizealldevelopmentpermitsandarefullyinsupportofbuilding.Location isa10,viewis12andbestpricedpropertyontheMarket.
FABULOUSPENTHOUSEWITH 3BEDROOMS, 2FULL BATHROOMS,1188sq.ft.,CORNER UNITANDfootstepstoTsawwassenMillsshoppingdistrict!THISOpen &BrightSouthEastunit offershighqualityfinishing.Beautifulkitchenwithstainlesssteelappliances,quartzcountertops, undermountsink &oversizedislandforentertaining.9’ceilingsgive thiscondo WONDERFULspace ANDLIGHT.BEAUTIFULPRIMARYbedroomtuckeddownthehallwith walkthroughcloset& gorgeousensuitebath wdoublesinks.Bonusunderground 2parkingstalls &securedstoragelocker. THISComplexfeatures aGym &amenityroom.Easyaccess Freeway,Ferry &publictransit.Come experiencethelifestyleofSunnyTsawwassen!THESEPENTHOUSE’SRARELYCOME TO MARKET. CALLFORDETAILS.
5050FentonDrive Ladner,
Primelocation13,091garden lotcompletelyrenovated.
1bedroomcondowithitsown privatesunnypatiojuststeps awayfromthetowncenter.
NewerexecutiveHome 3minuteswalktotheBeach.
5494CandlewyckWynd, Tsawwassen
Professionallyrenovated Rancher, locatedonthequiet streetofCandlewyckWynd.
Panoramicoceanfront property! 85FTwaterfrontage. Byappointment only.
NestlednexttoPointRobertsthisquiet propertyisa perfectlocationforinvestors, builders,orsmallfamily.
209-6505 3Ave
WelcometoMonterra, agatedcommunityin BoundaryBay, tuckedaway on aquiet cul-de-sac.
309S 110056Street,RoyalOaks $725,000 Spacious 2bedroompenthouse, inimmaculatecondition.
105-6505 3Avenue,Delta
Thisstunningwater-view homeintheprestigious Monterragatedcommunity.
Fullyrenovatedfamilyhomewith separateentrancein-lawsuite.
lisa@lisasangara.com www.lisasangara.com
(778)632-GURP(4877) gurpbassi@hotmail.com
ThisRARELY available,ONE-OF-A-KINDLADNERPENTHOUSEspansthe5thand6th floors,offeringtownhouse-stylelivinginthefullyrenovated,rain-screenedLadner Pointe,oneofthearea’sonlyconcretebuildings!Brightandair y, thiscornerunit spans1639sqftwith16-ftvaultedceilings, 2balconies,andstunningMt.Baker views.Theversatile2ndlevel,withits ownprivateentranceandnostairsrequired, offersendlesspossibilities. Features1primary suiteand 1familyroom oneachlevel.CentrallylocatednearStarbucks,Save-On,andmore. Enjoywalkingtoshops,dining,andparksinthisunbeatablelocation. Youhavetoviewittotruly appreciateallithastooffer!
•PrimeParcel: 20.25-acre propertywithtwohomesandan8,400sq.ft.barn,locatedon aquietsectionof104thnearBoundaryBay and aprivateairstrip
•DrivewayAccess: FuturedrivewayaccessoffHornbyDrive,suitableforlargetrucks.
•MainHome: A3,162sq.ft.4-bedroomrancher,builtin1972, renovatedin1987,with aroof replaced12yearsagoanda30-car cementdriveway
•SecondHome: A3-bedroomrancher,idealasa future buildingsite.
•Barn: Afirst-classfacilityusedforbreedingracehorses,with asteel roofandcladding,suitableforvariousfarminguseswithgood nearbyirrigation.
• DevelopmentSite: 9,545sq.ft.lot,approximately0.22acres.
• ZoningPotential: MunicipalitysuggestsRM 1orRM2zoningfor a four-storybuilding.
• PotentialAssembly: Sitecouldbecombinedwithadjacentproperties (11659,11663,and11671229thStreet)fordevelopment.
• NeighboringDevelopments: Fivelotsnextdoorarecurrentlyunder redevelopment.
• CurrentUse: Family home suitablefor rental;sellerpreferslong-term rentback.
•PrimeLocation: 3.19-acreparcelon Westham Island,offering the tranquilityof countrylivingjust10minutesfromurbanconveniences.
•CharmingHome: Features awell-maintained1,479sq.ft.3-bedroom rancher with spacious rooms throughout.
•OutdoorFeatures: Includesa largegardenarea, astorage shed, andbeautifully landscapedsurroundings.
•ExpansionPotential: DeltaMunicipalityallowsfor the constructionof a3,552sq.ft. homeplusanadditional1,937sq.ft.dwelling,idealforextendedfamilies.
•UniqueLifestyle: Enjoy aspeciallifestyleclosetonaturewhile beingmoments awayfrom the amenitiesofDelta.
•PropertySize andLocation: Amazing16,071sq.ft.estate-sizedlotin aquiet,central Tsawwassenlocation.
•HomeFeatures: Two-level home with 5bedrooms, a6-year-old roof, hardwood floors,and acomfortablefloorplanwith roomforin-lawsdownstairs.
•FuturePotential: Massivelotwithspaceforfuturedevelopments,suchas ashop, duplex,orlargerseconddwelling;Deltapermitsupto 4unitsor8734sq.ft. maximumbuildingenvelope.
•DevelopmentOptions: Deltaisopentoconsidering alargerseconddwellingwith squarefootagepotentiallycomingoutof the main house.
•Convenience: Convenientlylocatedjust a15-minutewalktomostamenitiesintown.
Tsawwassen,closeto TsawwassenMillsMall,BCFerries,TFNIndustrialPark,and30minutesfrom Vancouver
•InvestmentPotential: Property has significantinvestmentpotentialwithfuture portexpansionplansandadjacencyto 2BCRailpropertiesnear the railway
Situatedon a1/4-acrelevellotwithstunningviewsofthe NorthShoremountainsandgolfcourse,thisimmaculatehome showcasesthequalitycraftsmanshipof“PattersonProjects.” Designedasthebuilder’sownresidence,itoffers over4,000 sq.ft.oflivingspace,with2,841sq.ft.onthemainfloor. Enjoy10-ftceilings, vaulteddetails,andskylightsthatfillthe greatroomandgrandprimarybedroomwithnaturallightand serenity.Theupperlevelincludestwobedroomsand ahobby room, whilethelowerlevelfeaturesanensuitebedroomanda 500+sq.ft.recreationroomwithflexibleoptions. Theupdatedkitchenboasts anew Wolf36”dualfuel range, hardwoodflooring,upgradedlighting,and abararea. With abundantstorageandtimelessdesign,thishomeismove-in readyfordiscerningbuyersseeking ahigh-quality rancherin acovetedlocation.
TheGeorgiais aqualitybuilt 4year-old apartmentlocatedinLangleycity,rentalsallowed &petfriendly.This2beds/2bathsplusinside storageunitfeature a9feetceiling,granite counters,A/Cinmasterbedroom,openconcept livingandqualityfinishingthroughout.Exercise Center,2ParkingstallsplusStoragelocker,plus amplestreetparking.Centrallocation,closeto KwantlenUniversity,shopping,restaurant,and futureSurreyLangleySkytrain.
585716th Ave
CharmingBeachGrove RancherinSunny Tsawwassen.Centrallylocatedandonly afew blockstotheBeach,BeachGrove Elementary School,shopping,recreationcenter,transitand golfcourse. 2bedroom/2bathroomwithnewer roof,furnace,andhot waterondemand.Large, coveredpatioandpowered workshopoutback. GreatStarterhomeorbuild yourdreamhome. (6140sqftlot55.77ft x110ft)providesflexible developmentoptions.
Situatedon a1/4-acrelevellotwithstunningviewsofthe NorthShoremountainsandgolfcourse,thisimmaculatehome showcasesthequalitycraftsmanshipof“PattersonProjects.”
Designedasthebuilder’sownresidence,itoffers over4,000 sq.ft.oflivingspace,with2,841sq.ft.onthemainfloor. Enjoy10-ftceilings, vaulteddetails,andskylightsthatfillthe greatroomandgrandprimarybedroomwithnaturallightand serenity.Theupperlevelincludestwobedroomsand ahobby room, whilethelowerlevelfeaturesanensuitebedroomanda 500+sq.ft.recreationroomwithflexibleoptions. Theupdatedkitchenboasts anew Wolf36”dualfuel range, hardwoodflooring,upgradedlighting,and abararea. With abundantstorageandtimelessdesign,thishomeismove-in readyfordiscerningbuyersseeking ahigh-quality rancherin acovetedlocation.
#600 –177756St
Welcometotheentire6th-floorpenthouseatNorthgate Office Tower,amodernandvibrant6-storyconcreteoffice buildingatthegateway toTsawwassen. Thisexceptional penthouseoffersnearly3,000sqftofpremiumofficespace, featuringexpansive viewsand alargepatio. Thespace boasts10-footceilingsandlargewindows,fillingthearea withnaturallightandcreating abright,openatmosphere. Themoderndesignincludes aspaciousmainofficearea,a separatereceptionspace,and aprivatesuite,withflexible layoutoptionstoaccommodate variousbusinessneeds. Additionally,thepropertyofferssevendesignatedparking stalls,lowmaintenancefees,andamplevisitorparkingboth above andbelowground.If you’relookingforthefinestoffice spaceinSouthDelta,thisisit.
1648Spyglass Crescent
YourIdeal FamilyHomeinImperialVillage! This beautifullymaintained4-bedroom,3-bathroom homeoffers over3,000sqftofbrightlivingspace. Thetraditionallayoutfeaturesallbedroomsanda spaciousgamesroomupstairs,including agrand primarysuitewith awalk-inclosetandsoaker tub.Enjoytheprivacy of afully-fencedbackyard backingontothehillsidewithmaturelandscaping. With a6yearoldroofandnewflooring,thishome ismove-inready.
462853St -Ladner
2| 2| 909sqf t
Bright,well-maintainedcondowith amodernopenfloor planinSolei Terrace,onlytwoblocksfrom Tsawwassen TownCentre!Featuringupgradedhardwoodfloors, aspaciouskitchenwithgranitecountertops,s/sappliances, &a largeislandwithseatingforfour.1 parking, 1storage, &petswelcome!Idealforinvestorswithexcellenttenants inplaceor aperfectspotforyoutocallhome!
4 |3|2 611sqf t 5432sqf tl ot
ExcellentCentral/WestLadnerfamilyhome. Games room,Greatsunroom/solarium/greenhouse overlookingsouthyard.severalskylights, 2gas F/P. Easycarevinylsiding,thermowindows& extraparkingfor RV orboat.Thisis averywellmaintainedhome.Staytuned...
2+ den |1 | 1164sqft 9178sqftlot | $1,499,000
Prime realestateopportunity!Perfectlysituatednear town,this2-bedroomranchergraces aspacious,flat 9178sq.ft.lotwith70.57ftfrontage &129.98ft depth.Boasting asunnyeastern-exposed rearyard. Thesubdivisionpotentialwhencombinedwiththe neighboringproperty463853rd, resultsin atotalof 18,225sqft &thepossibilityfor3-4lots. Auniqueand substantialopportunityforfuturedevelopment!
2| 2| 1154sqft
Fantastictwo-bedroomcondowithopenconcept &flexspace!Locatedin a19yearsyoung boutiquebuildingSituatedin apeacefullocation inthecomplex,yetonlymomentsawayfromallof Tsawwassen’samenities.
New Price
Beautiful 5bedroom &denhomeincentral Ladner.Featuresincludehardwoodfloors thru-out,onebedroomonmainand 4up, allwithaccesstoensuites.Openfloorplan downwith gourmetkitchen,granitecounters &stainless-steelappliances.Privatebackyard withcoveredpatio.Oneblocktohighschool, memorialpark,librar y&pool.Excellent familyhome.
Anotherquality-builthome by Glenhaven Contracting. Alocalbuilderwithanoutstanding reputation.Situatedon a7500sq.ft.SouthExposed lot.Thishome featuresinclude: 8bedrooms, 6bathroomsallon 3levelsincluding aseparate 2-bedroomlegalsuite,with 6appliancesin thelegalsuite.Engineeredhardwoodflooring throughoutwithradiantheat,airconditioning &high-endappliancepackage inthegrand gourmetkitchen.Quietlocationin PebbleHill andminutestoschool &transit!
3| 2| 2174sqft
1a crel ot |$ 1,799,000
Waterfrontviewsofthe TrailIslandsfromevery room!Bright &airymainfloorw/open-concept living/dining, &gourmetkitchen.Mainfloor primarybedroomalsow/deckaccess.Upstairs,two spaciousbedrooms,lowerleveloffers arec-room leadingtothehottub,yogadeck,outdoorshower, sandyfirepitarea &directbeach/oceanaccess.
2| 2|
SpaciousRiver Westcondowithstunningriver,marina &garden views!Theopen-conceptkitchen,dining, &livingareaflowto thewest-facingbalcony.Enjoytheextras:aneatingareainthe kitchen,full-sizelaundry room, alargeprimarybedroomwith walk-incloset &ensuite, &greatstorage!Resort-styleamenities, avibrantsocialclub, &aprimelocationwithriverfrontpathto LadnerVillage –Theperfectblendoflifestyle &convenience.
Fond memories linger everyday, Remembrance keeps themnear.
Itiswithheavyheartsthatweannouncethe passing ofHoward,wholeftuspeacefullyon January19, 2025,atIreneThomasHospiceafter a shortbattle withcancer.
Bornin Vancouver,Howardspenthisentirelifein Ladner,wherehebuilt ahome, afamily,and alife filledwithlove,laughter,andadventure.Heis survivedbyhisdevotedwifeof50years,Ida,his cherisheddaughterSarahandson-in-lawMark,his sisterBetteJean(Al),alongwithmanybeloved niecesandnephews.Hewaspredeceasedbyhis parents,ElmoreandRose Ayers,andhissister ShirleyDoolan.
Howardwas amanwhofoundjoyinthelittle things.Heand IdabuilttheirhomeinLadnerin 1973, alabouroflove filledwithendlessprojects and abeautifullytendedgarden.Heloved spendingtimeinOsoyoos,BC,wherehecould oftenbefoundkayaking onthelake,soakinginthe beautyofnature.HisloveofcarsledhimtoArea 27MotorsportParkandcountlesscarshows.
AcelebrationofHoward’slifewillbeheld on February23,2025,at2:00PM, atLadnerUnited Church, 496048thAvenue.Inlieuofflowers, donationsinhismemorycanbemadetotheDelta HospitalAuxiliary
Howard’slegacyisone ofhardwork,adventure, andunwaveringloveforfamilyandfriends.His aughter,warmth,andlarger-than-lifespiritwilllive onintheplaces hecherished,thepeopleheloved, andthestoriessharedaroundthedinnertable. Youwillbe deeplymissedandforever remembered
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Withgreatsadness,weannouncethepassingof MontyEdward(Ed)Connor,wholeftuspeacefully attheageof84onJanuary 21,2025,withfamily byhisside.HeissurvivedbyhisbrotherBryan;his lovingwifeof57years,June;childrenGreg (Amanda)andAndrea(Angus);andgrandchildren Amy,Duncan,KaitlynandEmma.Hewillbe rememberedforhiskindness,generosityand devotiontohisfamilyandwillbegreatlymissed.
CRISTOF/HACAULT, Cathrine February 8,1932 -January 8,2025
Passedintospirittobereunitedwithherbeloved husbandCamille(Cam). Ahappyandendearinglife togetherin Vancouver, LadnerandPointRoberts, Washington CathrinewasborninKamsack, Saskatchewan. ShemovedtoWinnipeg,Manitoba in1949,afterherbelovedstep-fatherandbeloved brotherJamespassedintospirit 9monthsofeach other.She workedatEaton’sMailOrderfortwo yearsandlatermovedonto Vancouver,where shewasemployedatParsonsBrownInsurance andlaterContinentalInsuranceuntilretirement.
SheandCammarriedin1974andboughttheir beautifulpropertyinPointRobertsin1975.Both sheandCamlovedgardeningandthatbecame theirlifelongambition.Cathrineexcelledingrowing alargevarietyofroseswhichshephotographed andmadegreetingcardswith.Hergreatestjoy wasingiftingthemtofamily,friendsanddonations.
Sheleavesstep-daughterKaren(Harry)Crosby, step-granddaughterBreanneSmith,sisterFaye Boulton,niecesLoriDay,Tracey(Brent) Boulton/Haynes,Karen(Tony) Tucker;nephew KoryBoultonandgreatniecesRayelle,Kayla, Lehran,AlexandraandAudry;greatnephew Cameron.Pre-deceasedbyparentsMollyand FredChutskoff;brotherJamesandsisterLaara Kersley
Therewillbe aCelebrationofLifeonMarch29th from1pmto3pmintheCommonRoomat4753 RiverRoad West,Ladner
Celebratethelives oflovedoneswithyourstories, photographsandtributeson legacy.com/obituaries/ deltaoptimist
GALAMINI,Maddalena “Lena” Withheavyhearts,weannouncethesudden passingofMaddalena“Lena”Galaminion December25,2024,at85.BorninCivitanovadel Sannio,Italy, LenamovedtoCanadaat16,bringing strength, warmth,andcherishedtraditions.In Vancouver,shemetCarlo,theloveofherlife,and togethertheybuilt abeautifulfamilyinKitimat Later,LenaembracedretirementinTsawwassen withboundlessenergyandgrace.Lenawas apillar oflove,resilience,anddevotiontoherfamily, friends,andfaith.Sheislovinglyrememberedby herchildrenAnnaMaria(Jim),Michael(Candice), andAlfredo(Sherry);grand-children Tiana(David), Chanelle,Alexandra,Lucas,Marc,Adriana,Mike (Hanna),andMax(Vanessa);great-grandchildren; siblingsRosinaandAgostino.Predeceasedby husbandCarlo,sonAlexander,andparentsMaria andMichele.Lena’sloveandlightwillalwaysshine inourhearts.Wewillmissherdearly.
AfuneralservicewasheldatSacredHeart Church tohonourherbeautifullife
Jimslippedawayverypeacefullywithhisfamily surroundinghimonJanuary27,2025.He fought a longbattlewithcancer,congestiveheartdisease andCOPD.Alwaysmaintaininghissenseof humourandhisfondnessoflongtalksatthe breakfasttable.Heispredeceasedby hisMom andDad,Elsie &RichardRitchie.Heleaves a cavernousholeintheheartsofhissisterCarroll (Lefebvre)andnieces Tanya(Lefebvre)and Sharlene(Terrett).Alsosurvivinghimarehisgreatniecesandnephew,Julia,Zack,Emmy,Aislinnand Grace;hisAuntEveanduncleRalphHadfield;and cousinsandfriends.
HewasborninToronto,February13th,1951and movedto TsawwasseninAugust,2016andlived withhisfamily,buthealwaysmissedOntarioand nevergaveuponhisbelovedMapleLeafs!Anavid Beatlesfanandguitarplayer, musicwashisrefuge. Hewillbegreatlymissedbymany.ThankstoDr CraigMartin,Dr. JeremyHo,theamazingnursing staffattheRichmondHospitalCancerClinic,his favouriteDeltaHospitalERnurse“Kiwi”,DeltaFire Department(Tsawwassen),andstaffatIrene ThomasHospice.
We aredeeplysaddenedbythelossofAllenDavid Penland,whopassedawayonJanuary11,2025.Al wasbornonOctober9, 1946,thesonofJoseph andFrancesandhadsiblingsFred,Barb,Joanne, JohnandMartin.
Alhad akeenmind,was academicallyaccomplished and alifelonglearner.Hewasanindependent thinker,broadlyknowledgeableandprovidedgreat advicetothosewhosoughthiscounsel.Andthere wasnothingAlcouldnotfixifheputhismindtoit.
Havinghadhisfirstfishboatattheageof15,the watersofBritishColombiawere asecondhomefor Al.He lovedboatsandthewaterinadeepwaythat suitedhisgentleandpatientnature
Al’s greatestcalling,however,wasas adevoted husbandandfatherand, while aprivateperson,he was agoodfriendtothosewithwhom hewasclose
Alwasdeeplycherishedbyfamilyandfriendsand willbesorelymissed.Heleavesbehindhiswife, Jackie,withwhom heshareddeepandabidinglove andaffectionthroughouttheirlivestogether.Hewas thewindbeneathherwings.Hehadthreesons, Randy,DavidandDrew,whocouldcountonhimfor loveandsupportandhistwopreciousdaughters-inlaw, NickyandIndu.Hisgreatestjoy, however,was histwograndchildren,SkylarandSamudra,who made himsmileintohisfinaldays.
November20,1939 -January11,2025
Robertpassedawaypeacefullyathomeon January11,2025.
RobertwaspredeceasedbyhissonMichaelandis survivedbyhispartnerAnne,sonGregory(Erin), granddaughtersClair(Dan),andApril,greatgranddaughtersSophiaandRosie,brotherAlfred andsisterBabs
RobertwasborninEdmontonandspenthisfirst sixyearslivingonthefamilyfarmatRanch10.The familymoved anumberoftimes,livingfirstwith theirmaternalgrandmotherinPeachlandandthen inKaslo,Riondel,Nelson,andSummerland,where Robertcompletedsecondaryschool.
RobertgraduatedfromSummerlandHighSchool withhonours;he wasclassvaledictorianandhe receivedthe Verrier Trophy,emblematicofthe bestall-aroundstudent.Hishonourmarksqualified himfortheRoyalCanadianNavyCadetofficer trainingprogram,enablinghimtocontinuehis educationat UBC.Hespenteightyearsas aSubLieutenantintheNavy,atthesametime graduatingfromUBCwith aBachelorofScience and aMasters DegreeinEducation.
AfterhisNavalcareerhetaughthighschoolmath andscienceintheVancouverSchoolDistrictfor30 years.Hewasadedicatedteacherandhe treasuredthemanyheartwarminglettershe receivedfromstudentsandparents
BeforeretiringRoberttook apositionasVisiting ProfessorofEnglishatTokushimaBunriUniversity inJapan. Duringthisthreeyearpostinghemade lifelongfriendshipsandexcelledinhisstudiesof theJapaneselanguage.Robertwas askilled linguist,masteringRussianatuniversityandcontinuing tostudybothlanguagesthroughouthislife.
Hewasaninquisitivelifelonglearner,exploring a varietyofactivitiesincludingphotography,hiking, biking,canoeingandballroomdancing.
Robertwillberememberedas akindandgentleman
ThankyoutoDr.Tan,nurses,andlabtechnicians atDeltaHospitalwhogavelovingcaretoRobert.In ieuofflowers,pleaseconsiderdonationstoDelta Hospital.
Celebratethelives ofloved oneswith yourstories, photographs& tributesat legacy.com/obituaries/ deltaoptimist
Alladvertisingpublishedinthisnewspaperis acceptedonthepremisethatthemerchandise andservicesofferedareaccuratelydescribed andwillinglysoldtobuyersattheadvertised prices.Advertisersareawareofthese conditions.Advertisingthatdoesnotconform tothesestandardsorthatisdeceptiveor misleading,isneverknowinglyaccepted. Ifanyreaderencountersnon-compliance withthesestandardsweaskthatyou informthePublisherofthisnewspaperand TheAdvertisingStandardsCouncilofB.C. OMISSIONANDERROR: Thepublishersdo notguaranteetheinsertionof aparticular advertisementon aspecifieddate,oratall, althougheveryeffortwillbemadetomeet thewishesoftheadvertisers.Further,the publishersdonotacceptliabilityforanyloss ofdamagecausedbyanerrororinaccuracy intheprintingofanadvertisementbeyond theamountpaidforthespaceactually occupiedbytheportionoftheadvertisement inwhichtheerroroccurred.Anycorrections ofchangeswillbemadeinthenextavailable issue.TheDeltaOptimistwillberesponsible foronlyoneincorrectinsertionwithliability limitedtothatportionoftheadvertisement affectedbytheerror.Requestforadjustments orcorrectionsonchargesmustbemade within30daysofthead’sexpiration. For best resultsplease checkyouradfor accuracythefirstdayitappears.Refunds madeonlyafter 7businessdaysnotice!
Celebratethelives oflovedoneswithyour stories,photographsand tributeson legacy.com/obituaries/nsnews Celebratethe livesoflovedones with yourstories, photographsand tributes.
1.“TheLas Vegasof theEast”
10.Manningand Wallacharetwo
15. Awaytofillup
17.WhatMLBershope toplayin
20.Indefiniteperiod oftime
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MUR DA UG HC LINTis in− deb tedtoRoadway Towing Lt d. f orstoragean d to win g on 2012CARGO T RAILE R wi thVIN#4D6EB1 82X C− C0314 11. AL ie ni sc la imed under th eA ct .T he re is presently anamountdue and owing of$5,207.84plus any additional cost so fs tora ge, sei zurean ds al et ha tm ay accrue. Noticeis hereby giv− en thaton02/14/2025, or th ereafter,th es ai dv ehic le wi llbeso ld. The ve hicl ei s currently storedat Roadway Towing Ltd.,7391Progres s Plac e, Del ta ,B C,V4G1A 1, and wasplacedinstorage on 10/15/2024.Formoreinfor matio n,callRoadway Towing Ltd 604−940−0329
Byvirtueofthe Warehouseman’sLien Act Mundies Towing,Storage &Service (1976)Ltd. willdisposeof:
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4) 1978FORDF150VIN# X15BKAK2963
5) 1996DODGERAM1500VIN# 1B7HF16Z0TS558274
RO: 1B7HF16Z0TS558274
6) 2005VOLVOXC90VIN# YV1CZ911951192304
7) 1980DODGERAMVIN# F34JT9V708584
8) 1997 TOYOTATERCLVIN# JT2AC51L5V0236032
9) 2002FORDF150VIN# 2FTRX17W12CA93691
10) 2007DODGERAM1500VIN# 1D7HA18207J513271
RO: 1371212BC LTD
23.Mongolleader Genghis
24. Turfs
31.Professional organization
32. Partof aplay
12.Systems,doctrines, theories
13.Thewoman 16.Thewholeofone’s holdings
23. Paul__,Swisspainter
24.Kidslookforhimon December24
29.Cagefortrained hawks
35.EmilyBlunt’s characterin“Sicario” 37.Beige
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36.Commonsoap ingredient
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52.Monthly apartment
53. Youngwomen’s association
54. Touristdestination
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56. Pointedendof apen
Unitsmaybe viewed andbidstobe submitted on TUESDAY18/25at5917Thorne AveBBY10:00amto3:00 pm.All written bidstoMundies Towing5917Thorne Ave, Burnaby,BCV3N2T8.
Thevessel,Skagen,willbe destroyedonMarch7, 2025,onaccountofvesselseaworthiness andabandonment. Please contact CraigHutchison,HarbourMaster, Ladner HarbourAuthority; 604-952-5410.
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McKeeSeniorsRecreationSociety is a not-for-profitme mber organization located in Ladner B.C. McKeeSen iors Recreation Societyprovides av ariety ofprograms ,c lubs and servicesmembers whoare50+. We ar e seeking a caféoperator toprovidein-house lunchand coffeeservic eM onday –S aturday The successful candidat em aybe requested toprovide caterin gf or h oliday luncheons an d otherevents throughou tt he year.P roposals submitted byFriday,F ebruary 7,2025,via emai lt o frontdesk@Mckeesociety.com
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