THUR SD AY |A UG US T1 1| 20 22 Ladner Pioneersare off to thenationalseniorlacrossechampionships. See ourstoryonpage18. Strive Dental Tsawwassen 20%OFF DENTAL CARE 1216 56TH ST •604.943.4112 •see our story at Affordable FamilyDental Care in Tsawwassen SUNDAYS10- 4 Aug 14 •Aug 28 •Sept11 No DogsAllowed Artisans, Food, Plants &Produce DeltaShoppingSpre Can YOU spend $2,022 in 2022 second (approx 33 min, 42 se e d ds? c) Winning entry ticket drawnSept. 17 DeltaShopping Spree. No purchaserequired.Contest begins on Thursday,July21, 2022 at 8a.m. PDT andends on Wednesday, September14, 2022 at 9p.m. PDT Thereisatotal of one[1] prize availabletobewon consistingofashopping spreeatparticipating retailers(approximateretailvalue $2022). Skill testingquestion required.Opentolegalresidents of theprovinceofBritish Columbia whoare theage of majority in theprovinceorterritory of residence at time of entry. Odds of winningdependonthe number of eligible entries receivedbefore contestcloses. Forfull rules andentry details visit: E Enter at thhese busiinesses TsawwassenSince 1985 Ladner L Ladner DELTA CARPETS &F LOOR DESIGN D “Family Owned &Operated Since 1967”
W2 TheDeltaOptimist August11,2022 100YEARS
TH U R S DA Y | AU GU ST 11 |2 0 22
PHIL MELNYCHUK Contributing Writer Dr.Colleen Leelikes to look on the brightside of things “I’m usually an optimist,” she said last week. Butthis past year hasbeen difficult.Medical proffesionals have put their lives on hold when they werefighting COVID in the middle of the pandemic, while also working to ensuretherewas not another outbreak. And lately, the family physician hastaken on moremanagementchores than she’s ever seen. “Some of the joyhas been missing lately,”she said. “It’s been hard for the last six to 12 months,that’sfor sure. It is hard managing medical issues in 10- or 15-minute appointments.” Lee, who’s one of the direc tors at the Delta Division of Family Practice,said something hastogive in B.C.’sfamily healthcare.
Leehas practised family medicine for 29 years at Tsawwassen Medical Clinic and hasseen the system evolve into today’scrisis.
Deltadoctorsayspaystructureneedsacheckup Currentsystemisnot sustainable,
Even when her ownfamily physician retires in afew years, she maybejoining the million or so B.C.residents who can’t find adoctor. “The (current)payment schedule,itdoesn’t payusfor thetimeweneedtomanage complex care,”she said. Agrowing and an older population that is living longer, people showing up with sev eral health issues,morecomplex medical treatments,the after-effects of the pandemic, the unceasing demands of computer and paperwork are all piling, unpaid, onto family physicians. “We’re being asked to look after issues that weren’t there 20 to 30 years ago …(and) way moreforms than Iever thought was possible,” she adds.“That was never taughtinmedical school.” Herusual workday involves seeing or talking to about 30 patients,either in person or by phone.She wraps up consultation about 5p.m., which is usually followed by an hour or two of paper or computer work –orbetween five to eighthours aweek. According to B.C.Health Care Matters,B.C.doctors are the lowest paid in the country, with their counterparts in Alberta earning morethan double the median paid salary for B.C.doctors of $162,237. In B.C., doctors get an aver age of $31 for each patientvisit. That fee increases,however, for seniors, while doctors also getpaidannually for managing chronic issuessuch as diabe tes “Itdoesn’t payusfor the time we need to manage complex care,” Leesaid of B.C.’s system Leeadded there’shope for improvementfromthe negotiations nowongoing between doctorsand the province. “I think there’sa strong recognitionthathow primary care is managed …needs,to change,evolve.Ithink the governmentisverymuchaware of that.” saysDelta Division of Family Practicedirector
PHIL MELNYCHUK PHOTO Tsawwassen doctor Colleen Leesaysthe joyofher profession has been lost the past six to 12 monthsdue to anumber of factors. SUNDAYS 10 -4 Aug 14 •Aug 28 •Sept11 No DogsAllowed Artisans, Food, Plants &Produce 17 -1835 56th St., Tsawwassen 60 4. 94 3 .6 38 3 COLLISION TOP PERFORMER 2020 GLASS 2020 Certified Collision Repair ALUMINUM Certified GlassAuto Service Customers don’t like surprises, TCVR Collision repairs prevent them. TC VR CO LL ISION REP AIR StriveDental Tsawwassen 20% OFF DENTAL CARE 1216 56TH ST •604.943.4112 •see our story at Affordable FamilyDental Care in Tsawwassen
Ladner Pioneersare off to the national senior lacrosse championships. See our storyonpage 18.
“For myself, Idon’t think this is sustainable.Ithink they have to change.Ifwedon’t see some changes in the compensation model in the near future, you’regoing to lose morefamily physicians before you can replacethem,”she said.
PARTICIPATEINTHEPUBLICHEARINGPROCESS ThePublicHearingisopentoallmembersofthepublic.Anypersonwhobelievesthattheirinterestinpropertywillbeaffectedbytheproposedprojectshall
begivenanopportunitytoprovidetheircomments(support,concerns,oropposition)toCouncilinthefollowingways: ���� Writeto: MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2 ���� ���� TospeakvirtuallyatthePublicHearing,youmustregisterwiththeOfficeoftheCityClerkbefore10:00a.m.onMonday,August22,2022 Toregister,emailpublichearing@delta.caorcall604-946-3220andprovide: 1.PublicHearingmeetingdateandProjectnumber; 2.WhetheryouwillspeakbytelephoneorbyZoomvideoconference;and 3.Yourcontactinformation(name,address,phonenumber,andemailaddress). Onceregistered,youwillbeprovideddetailsneededtoparticipate.Youdonotneedtoregistertospeakinperson LU009187 LU009266 LU009421
A2 TheDeltaOptimist August11,2022 100YEARS NOTICEOFPUBLICHEARING MONDAY,AUGUST22,2022 NoticeisherebygiventhatDeltaCityCouncilwillholdaPublicHearingtoreceiverepresentationsfromanypersonswhodeemitintheirinteresttoaddressCouncilregardingthefollowing proposedprojects.ACouncilmeetingisscheduledtoimmediatelyfollowthisPublicHearingintheeventCouncilwishestogivefurtherconsiderationtotheproposedprojects Date: Monday,August22,2022 Time: 6:00p.m. Place: CouncilChamber&Virtual/Zoom DeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC's website.VideorecordingsarearchivedontheCity’swebsite. ProjectNo.1(FileNo.LU009187) Location:1164694AAvenue Applicant:RoyanBarryman,AbleMunicipalEngineering Ltd. Telephone:778-580-8167 Proposal: Applicationfor Rezoning andDevelopment VariancePermittoallowsubdivisionintotworesidential lots. DeltaZoningBylawNo.7600,2017, AmendmentBylawNo.8165,2022 To amend“DeltaZoningBylaw No.7600, 2017”by rezoningthe subjectsitefromDuplex/Single Detached Residential3(RD3)toSingleDetachedResidential7(RS7) inordertoallowatwo-lotsubdivisionandconstructionof anew single detacheddwelling with an in-ground basementandsecondarysuiteoneachlot. DevelopmentVariancePermitLU009266 Development Variance Permit LU009266would vary Section11.70.8 of the“DeltaZoningBylaw No.7600, 2017” in order to reducethe minimumlot widthfor subdivisionfrom11mto9.2mforproposedLots1and2. StaffContact:CharisLoong-604-952-3814 PrProjectNo.3(FileNo.LU009421) ojectNo.2(FileNo.LU009266) Location:491948Avenue(BakerResidence) Applicant:SarahGallop,SarahGallopDesignInc. Telephone:604-952-4448 Proposal: Application forHeritageRevitalization Agreement andHeritage AlterationPermittoconvert theexisting buildingfroma bed andbreakfast facilitytoofficeandresidentialuses,andtoallowa92.8m2 additiontothe buildingincludinganelevator. HeritageRevitalizationAgreementBylawNo.8175,2022 HeritageRevitalizationAgreementBylawNo.8175,2022wouldhavetheeffect of varyingthe followingaspects of “Delta Zoning BylawNo. 2750,1977” in returnfortheimplementationofspecificheritageconservationmeasures: 1.Change of Use –The current ComprehensiveDevelopment Zone No.118 (C.D.118) permits threeuses: Dwelling,singlefamilyhouse;Rental of SleepingUnits;and Eating facility. BylawNo. 8175 wouldenablethe introductionofan“OfficeUse”and“ResidentialUseofUptoFourUnits”to ComprehensiveDevelopmentZoneNo.118(C.D.118);and 2.ExistingConditions–Tobringintocompliancethefollowing: a.toestablishthemaximumprincipalbuildingheightof10.5mandtwo-and a-halfstoreys,withtheupperstoreypermittedas66percentofthefloor areaofthestoreydirectlybelowit; b.topermitadetachedaccessorybuilding(shed)attherearoftheBaker Residence; c. topermittheexistingsixparkingspaces,includingfivestandardspaces andoneaccessiblespace,inplaceoftherequired10spaces;and d.topermitgravelparkinginportionsoftheopenparkingarea. HeritageAlterationPermitLU009421 Heritage Alteration Permit LU009421 wouldpermitexteriorrestoration and alterationtotheBakerResidenceinaccordancewithaHeritageConservation PlanasrecognizedintheHeritageRevitalizationAgreement StaffContact:JanetZazubek–604-946-3355 Location:1183092Avenue Applicant: Gurinder Grewal, GSquare DesignLtd. Telephone:604-809-7232 Proposal: Applicationfor Rezoning to allowsubdivisionintotwo residential lots. DeltaZoningBylawNo.7600,2017, AmendmentBylawNo.8160,2022 To amend “Delta Zoning BylawNo. 7600,2017”byrezoningthesubjectsite from Duplex/SingleDetached Residential3(RD3)toSingleDetached Residential7(RS7)inordertoallowa two-lotsubdivisionandconstructionof anewsingledetacheddwellingwithan in-ground basement andsecondary suiteoneachlot. StaffContact: Luke Reynolds –604946-3381 IMPORTANTINFORMATION REGARDING THEPUBLICHEARING Materialsrelatedtotheprojectssuchasthe staffreport,proposedbylaw,detailedmaps and otherinformation maybeinspected at DeltaCityHall, 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta, BC,MondaytoFriday, 4:45p.m.fromThursday,August11,2022to Monday,August22,2022.Materialsmayalso This PublicHearing is to be convened by electronicmeansasauthorizedbytheCouncil ProcedureBylawNo.5000. Correspondence addressedtoCouncil will formpartofthepublicrecordforthisPublic Hearingand must includeyournameand fulladdress,andbereceivedbytheOfficeof theCityClerk no laterthan 10:00 a.m. on Monday,August22,2022.Tobeincludedin theAgenda, correspondence must be receivedbefore12:00p.m.onFriday,August 19,2022. Oncethe Public Hearing hasconcluded, no furtherinformation or submissions may be consideredbyCouncil
The Canadian Women’s Foundation and others note that approximately everysix days,a woman in Canada is killed by her intimatepartner
FILE PHOTO MukhtiarPanghali in 2011 wasfound guiltyofmurderinghis wife,ManjitPanghali, 31,and then burningher body to concealevidence of the crime.Hewas sentenced to life in prison withoutthe eligibility of parole for15years butwas given credit forthe four yearsheservedprior to the trial.
Pointing to the recentkillings of two women in Chilliwack and awoman in Abbotsfordasmore recentexamples,Kangh told the Optimist that Panghali’s release is areflection of ajusticesystem that is ill-equipped to appropriately respond to gender-based violence. “When you look at gender basedviolence, women are more targeted based on patriar chyinour society and that goes across all cultures.And what I think shook up the community, from the outset,even though theseweretwo professionals in thePanghali case,itbecame clear any women can be atarget of domestic homicide,nomat ter what class or culturecan fall victim to intimatepartner violence,” she said. Kang noted the heinous natureofthe crime,the husband’s denial and attempted cover-up and following attempts to plea bargain prompted then Attorney General Wally Oppal to intercede “Itforces us to look at the current justice system.It’sthe justice system,police,Crown,jails.Are these systems sufficienttodeal with these types of crimes? We’re not even talking about what hurdles the victims of domestic violence,gender-based violence, have to go through.The system isn’t equipped with gender-based crimes in away that fights for the victims,especially in domestic homicide.The average person can’t understand howthe person behind this kind of heinous crime is walking free,” Kang said. Kang also noted such crimes shouldn’t be simply seen as murder,but in adifferentlens similar to hatecrimes “If we don’t treatthese crimes of power and positionality dif ferently, what we’resaying, in my opinion, is women don’t have the righttobesafe in their homes,” she said. “Itwas not too long ago we hadlegislation to look at hatecrimes through aseparatelens.When it comes to gender-based crimes,everything from the continuum of assault all the waytodomestic homicide,sentencingneeds to be reviewed, believing survivors along the wayneeds to be looked at. Many survivors are not accessing the justice system because they don’t feel like they aregoing to be heardorthey will be out on trial themselves.”
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August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A3100YEARS PluggedIn WEBSITE Get all your community news, sports andevents, as well as exclusiveweb-only content like photo galleries, videos, blogs andpodcasts, 24/7 online or on your smartphone at Therearemanyways toconnectwiththe Optimist,bothonlineand throughsocialmedia. UPFRONT FACEBOOK Visit our Facebookpage at TheDeltaOptimist to join the conversation on today's hottest issues TWITTER Followthe Optimist in the Twittersphere: @DeltaOptimist @ianjacques21 @Optimist_sports @GyarmatiSandor Optimist readerscan comment on online stories on our website. Check it out at Have Your Say 500847AAvenue, Delta,BC V4K1T8 PHONE 604-946-4451 EMAIL Open MondaytoFriday, 10 a.m. to 3p.m. ContactUs Got News? ContactIan, Sandor or Mark at editor@ or 604 998 3616 Carriers The Optimist is always lookingfor carriers to deliver everyThursday in Ladnerand Tsawwassen. Call Kristeneat604 9465171 or email: kmurray@ SANDOR GYARMATI
That is what Ninu Kang, executive director of Ending Violence Association of BC,is asking in reaction to the recent Parole BoardofCanadadecision to grantsix months conditional dayparole for Mukhtiar Panghali, who was convicted in the 2006 killing of his pregnant wife,ManjitPanghali. The former Surrey teacher was found guilty of seconddegree murder and sentenced to life in prison without the eligibility of parole for 15 years for the strangling death of his wife.Her burned body was discovered along DeltaportWay in South Delta several days after she was reported missing. He appealed his conviction but lost,claiming that burning his wife’s body did not indicate that he meanttokill her.
Whywould victims of gender based violence feel safe to speak out or seek help if that ends up putting them at amuchhigher risk of being killed?
Recalling whimsical stories as well as challenging times,Kim also said her brother hadanability to instantly connect with people including those he just met Shealso described himasstubborn, something which helped carry him through his cancer journey and evident in his determination to runagain for chief Following the eulogy and aslide showofKen’slife,Tsawwassen First Nation drummers,aswell as drummers from other First Nations,playedand sang in his honour. Thoseinattendance weretold Ken Bairddidn’t wantachurchservice but wanted to honour his people’s customs and traditions. Theyweretoldthey need to be grateful for their time with him and their time with each other Atraditional blanket,which hadbeen made for him for arecentceremony, was draped over his coffin. Beforejoining his ancestors,itwas removed, along with photos and flowers,for aprocession that took him on a final walk around the Longhouse and then to the Tsawwassen Cemetery.
KenBaird’sfamily in amessage thanked everyone for their supportfollowing his passing. Tuesday’s movingceremonyfor KenBaird wassaidtoallow him to go out in peacetohis waiting ancestors.
Hundreds packed the Tsawwassen First Nation Longhouse on Tuesday morning to remember the life of Chief KenBaird. Chief Swənnəset 61, passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family, on Aug. 3after acourageous battle with cancer He servedasanelectedleader in the Tsawwassen Legislaturesince 2009, including one termassquiqel (Speaker) of the Legislaturefrom2013 to 2016. He was elected chief in 2019 and was determined to runagain, said his sister KimBaird during her touching eulogy, remembering her brother as very appreciative of his cultureand identity and proud of his Tsawwassen heritage KimBaird,Kwantlen Polytechnic University’sChancellor and aformer TFN chief,sharedher views of Kenas a family member,friend, colleague and leader Sherecalled her older brother’s youngerdays, describing himas occasionally mischievous,but also hard working. Shealso said he was not always verbal with his sentiments,but always had atender side. Meticulous in nature, which was reflected in his love of music and cars, she noted Kenenjoyedtaking on a mentorship role after getting into managementwith the First Nation’spublic works department. Kimsaid beforehewas elected chief he always wanted to be remembered as agreat fisherman. Shesaid becoming chief hadfulfilled him in away that was deeply transfor mational, and it didn’t take long for him to earn greatrespect by other civic, provincial and federal leaders. “Heloved his community and people,and he alwayshad his people on the forefrontofhis mind,”she said. Despite his lack of political experience,heprovided to be atough negotiatorwith such organizations as the VancouverFraser Port Authority.
TsawwassenFirstNationhonourstheirbelovedchief 604.542.4782 | #2214 -4949 CanoePassWay,Tsawwassen
A4 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist .com
sgyarmati@delta-optimist .com
Judy Rogers,chair of the port’sboardof directors,agreed,say ing the ruling made by the Federal Court of Canada conclusively rejects GCT’scaseand is amajor victory for port authoritiesacross the country. “Given their fed eral mandate to enable Canada’s tradethrough ports across the country, it is essentialthat Canada Port Authorities areempowered to make complexand difficult decisions focused on the best interest of Canada’s trading needsand not corporate shareholders,” said Rogers. Noting it is review ingthe ruling, GCT said in astatementit believesthatthe court ought to have taken the furtherstep of order ing the remediessought by GCTonceitfound that VFPAfailedtotreat GCT’sproject enquiry fairly, or in amanner consistent with thetype of conduct expected of regulators who have been grantedthe sortof statutoryauthority that VFPAreceived from the GovernmentofCanada. “The GCTDeltaport Expansion -Berth Four (DP4) project continues to advance and reach important environmental assessment milestones.Recently, the BC Environmental AssessmentAgency (BCEAO) issued the Process Order,and the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAAC)issuedthe final JointGuidelines andNoticeof Commencement, moving the project forward to the Impact Statement DevelopmentPhase,” GCTnoted.
Despitethe noise from its Deltaport con tainer terminal operator, theVancouver Fraser Port Authority (VFPA) remains confident the RobertsBank Terminal 2(T2) project is theright project at the righttime for Canada That is what port authoritypresident and CEORobin Silvester hadtosay lastweek, respondingtoa Federal Courtruling dismissing Global Container Terminal’s (GCT)allegations of bias against the port. Thecourt issuedits rulingJuly26. Having put forwarda competing proposalto add afourthberth at the existing containertermi-
Deltaportoperator,VFPAcontinuewarof wordsaftercourtruling Federalcourt dismisses GCTallegations of bias against the Port of
“The GCTDP4 expansion projectincrementally expands our exist ing containerterminal, addingupto2million TEUsofcapacityand is fullyfundedbyprivate investment. ThePort of Vancouver’sRoberts Bank Terminal 2(RBT2) projectbuildsa new publicly-funded$3.5 billionartificial island in the Salish Seawith environmentalimpacts have been describedas ‘permanent, irreversible,and, continuous.’ DP4 will bring capacity to market in asimilar timeframe to theRBT2 project.” Vancouver
August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A5100YEARS
nalinDelta,GCT in 2019 filed an application for ajudicial review,challenging the portauthor ity’sdecision-making in relationtoits long-term planning for delivering container capacity. Still in the application phase andwaiting for a decisionbythe federal government, the VFPA is proposing to build a three-berthterminal on anew man-made island adjacenttothe exist ing facility, having also turneddownGCT’s proposal. The port authority’s T2 project would provide an additional2.4 million twenty-foot equivalent units of container capac ity per year at Roberts Bank. GCTwould notbe the operator of the new facility In anewsrelease, Silvester said globallybasedsupply chain problemsthat Canadians areexperiencingnow areapreview of coming made-in-Canada sup ply chain problemsif urgently needed capacity is not forthcoming. “That’s whythe port authority is leading the Roberts Bank Terminal 2Project under our public interest mandate, leveragingmorethan adecade of experience delivering high quality, sustainable infrastructureprojects for Canada and local communities.Despitethe noise from GCT, we areconfidentthe RobertsBank Terminal 2Project is the rightproject,atthe right time,for Canada and Canadians.”
Apotential deal with the Ladner Minor Baseball Association (LMBA) that would see anew facility built at Cromie Park moved astep closer to reality this week. Council on Mondayvoted in favour of usingaproposed term sheetas a basis for the developmentofconstruc tionand lease agreements between Deltaand the LMBAfor the creation of an indoor training facility. The draft agreements still have to be broughtback to council for final approval. Council was told by staff “significant details”muststill be workedout,but sev eral on council also conveyed adesireto get the deal done as quickly as possible so that the baseball association can take advantage of aconstruction window. Coun. Dan Copeland was the lone councillor to vote in opposition, concerned about the city agreement. Council debated the concerns raised including the process,but Mayor George Harvie assured therewould be “a fair and transparentpolicy” that would enable other Delta-based groups to access the facility. Stressing Delta would still ownthe land, Coun. Bruce McDonald said the city hasother deals with community organizations to use public property. Coun. Lois Jackson said she wants to make surecouncil is doing its due diligence instead of delegating away its authority to staff Describing the deal as innovative, Coun. Dylan Kruger said the project is an incredible opportunity that will benefit local kids The new facility would be situated at the southern edge of the park, between the existingbaseball diamond and the currentall-weather field, which is intended to be convertedintoathird diamond in 2023. The projectscope includes a 10,175-square footfacility with a 9,000-square-foot turfsurface,six retractable batting cages,two interior washrooms,ameeting room and stor age area as well as landscaping of adjacentareas The facility would have multiple turfbased sportuses in addition to baseball, such as soccer and softball. The LMBAwould contribute $1.4 million for the construction. The association would also be responsible for interior maintenance. Delta’s costs would include $150,000 in servicing and utilities and almost $11,000 for the waiver of municipal per mit fees,including developmentapplication and building permit fees Delta would also see an estimated $30,000 in foregone rent annually as the facility would have anominal lease,while the city would spend up to $10,000 annually for the maintenance of the exterior of the facility. Under the 20-year deal, all buildings would be owned by Delta at the completion of construction. The lease would be comprised of one 10-year termand the renewal option of one additional 10-year term. As far as the facility’suse,the LMBA would be responsible for booking the facility foruse by other Delta-based sportand community groups The association would have the sole discretion to allocate and book the facility, while Delta would have access to any remaining hours that maybe available at no cost to the city.
Baseballassociationtopay$1.4Minfacilitydeal Draft agreements aretobebrought to council forapproval FILE PHOTO Adrawing of the proposed LadnerMinor Baseball facilityinCromiePark. Are You TiredOfYour Cracked Concrete or Paving? WE ARE HERETOHELP Before After RecycledRubberPaving ECO FRIENDLY NON-SLIP SURFACE UP TO 30% LESS THAN CONCRETE CALL NOW UPS PROPERTY VALUE 1-800-609-5408 4.8/5Average Rating1000’sofJobs Driveways Apartments Patios Stairs Walkways Pool Decks Playgrounds Courtyards
A6 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS
The property’s zoningpermitsabroad rangeof health care, hospitality,retail andservice cial uses
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SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist .com Delta council on Mondayvoted in favour of granting avariance permit to allowfor another drug storeto open in the Tsawwassen Town Centrearea, despite several letters in opposition stating there areenough already. Pure Integrative Pharmacyisplanning to open astoreina commercial unit at the Tsawwassen Shopping Centre. Adevelopmentvariance permit was required because thereare cur rently other drug stores nearby. Adrugstorehad previously operated at the same location almost 20 years ago,while anotherhad operated next door until2020. Astaff reportnotes that within the city, thereare 16 licensed pharmacies and drug stores in North Delta,four each in Ladner and Tsawwassen and three on Annacis Island. The Pure Integrative Pharmacywould make it five in Tsawwassen. In MetroVancouver, only Surrey and Langley City have similar distanc ing requirements for phar macies and drug stores ElsewhereinMetro Vancouver, pharmacies and drug stores areconsidered standardretail uses wheremarketforces and consumer demand would determine the appropriate location of such businesses and ser vices within areas zoned for retail, the reportnotes Staff note that atotal of 1,395 letters weresent inviting the public to comment. Of the eightletters received and on council’s agenda,seven were opposed. Coun. Lois Jackson voted in opposition, saying the letters in opposition broughtforward “compelling arguments.” Coun. Dan Copeland also voted in opposition. However,Coun. Bruce McDonald said the city hadcome up with the variance requirementa decade ago when there was aproliferation of pharmacies on Scott Road in NorthDelta,but he doesn’t believe it’s council’s job to “pick and choose”who can runbet ter stores in agiven area Coun. Dylan Kruger agreed, saying it’s not council’s job to decide howmany retail stores of acertain type,including such businesses as coffee shops, should be allowed to operateina particular area that haszoning allowing the uses. The staff reportnotes a drug storeispermitted as a retail use in the zone,while the zoning bylawdoes not permit methadone or cannabis to be dispensed or stored on-site The application was referredtoDelta Police who hadnocomments McDonald, Kruger, Coun. Jeannie Kanakos and Mayor George Harvie voted in favour
Apossible swatting call prompted aheavy response from Delta Police to the Beach Grove Motel on Wednesday night(Aug. 3) According to DPD,the departmentreceived a reportofa male with a firearmatthe motel. “Thereweresome indicators that the call was aswatting call (false call), however,our officers must respond with a high level of presence in the eventthe reportwas genuine,” said Staff/Sgt. James Sandberg. “Inthis instance,the first officers on scene wereable to determine the reportwas fictitious;however,asignificantamountofpolic ing resources did attend. The incidentisnow under investigation as a public mischief investigation focusedonthe initial caller.” Sandberg said swatting calls create increased risk for officers and the public. “Italso creates unnec essaryconcern for the surrounding community as othercitizens maynot understand the details of the event,”hesaid. “Swatting absorbs police resources making those officers involved unavailable for legitimatecalls for service.Itplaces unnecessarystress on the people who aresubject to the false report. Forthese reasons, the DPD takes the investigation into public mischief seriously. This too absorbs investigative resources as this investigation will be time consuming.” Sandberg said the par ties presentatthe motel, whileconfused, were cooperative with officers,lending to aspeedy and safe outcome for all involved.
McGill University(11) McMaster University(5) Met Film School New York University OCAD University(2) Otis College of Art and Design ParsonsSchoolofDesign (4) PrattInstitute(4) Puget SoundUniversity Queen's University (18) Rhode Island SchoolofDesign
Possible swatting call promptsheavy policeresponse to Beach Grove Motel
Rivier University Royal Veterinary College Savannah College of Art and Design School of the ArtInstitute of Chicago Simon FraserUniversity (34) Southern CaliforniaInstitute of Architecture Thompson Rivers University (2) Toronto Metropolitan University (3) Trent University University CollegeLondon University of Alberta (21) University of Birmingham University of BritishColumbia (34) University of BritishColumbia, Okanagan University of Calgary (6) University of California, Berkeley (2) University of Edinburgh University of Guelph (2) University of Guelph-Humber University of Lethbridge University of Manchester University of Michigan University of New Hampshire University of North Carolina University of Nottingham (3) University of Ottawa (2) University of Santa Cruz UniversityofSaskatchewan University of Southern California University of Southern Florida University of the Arts London (3) University of Toronto (31) University of Victoria (25) University of Washington University of Waterloo (15) Vancouver Island University Western University(16) Western UniversityIvey (2) York University (5)
August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A7100YEARS
Carroll Lefebvreofficiated and her extensive community theatreexperience came in handy organizing us all for the ceremony. Along with the hot August sun, the brightest lightwas the love that surrounded the bride and groom.Weddingsare whereyou get to marry your best friend with all your favourite people together,inone place,for one day. As Khalil Gibran wrote, “Marriage is like agolden ring in achain, whose beginning is aglance and whose ending is eternity.”
It takes avillage to put on awedding Mydaughtergot married last Saturday (Aug. 6) to the love of her life. The wedding was held on BoundaryBay beach across from Beach Grove in frontof85enthusiastic guests,some neighbours andafew birds. We drank, ateand danced under abig white tentinour frontyarduntil 1a.m Theday hadbeen a year in the planning, and therewas no professional weddingplanner,sowe hadtorely on the community for help My daughter’s first step was to askfor recommendations on the Tsawwassen and Ladner social media pages Who knows agood photographer,who knows agoodcaterer,who knows agood DJ? Sherequested names for ahair dresser,amakeup artist,and officiant. The list goes on. Recommendations came pouring in. Who needs Yelp or Google reviews when you have your neighbours who can attest to the talents of those nearby? The result,adelicious dinner by Adrian from Buenos Dias Cafe,fabulous hair and make-up by talented locals Amelia and Nikki. Tunes by DJ BigBlizz.
The beautiful flowers picked from the fields of River and SeaFlower farmonWestham Island and forged from local trails.Photos in the secret garden and the tall grass beside the 12th Avenue dike With so many out of town guests we filled theCoast Tsawwassen Hotel and the rooms were amazing. The hotel is even dogfriendly. My husband and Iwere in charge of choosing the wine and champagne Shout out to the staff at Save on Foods and the LCB who wereall knowledgeable and patient. I’msureIcould hear them muttering, “Here comes that crazy mother of the bride again buying morewine to sample.”
A8 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS Canadian Publications Agreement #212490 Thursday’scirculation is 17,500 This paper is made of 40% recycled newsprint and printed using vegetable inks
The hidden star of the daywas our community, whoshowed up with their best game on. We live in an amazing place with so much talentand resources,wedon’t have to go far to getperfection. Ingrid Abbott is a freelancewriter who is exhausted, but is avery happyMum
PUBLISHER: PierrePelletier ppelletier@delta-optimist Ian Jacques editor Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@ Jim Kinnear Marianne LaRochelle MarkBooth PHOTOGRAPHER:
SALES REPRESENTATIVES: John Gallinger jgallinger@ Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@ LeeFruhstorfer Keely Chalk
DISTRIBUTION Kristene Murray 604 946 5171 RoyaSarwary rsarwary@richmond-news
Theother tour we did wasthe Intrepid Air, Sea and Space Museum another must for any history buff,orspace enthusiast.Both tours werefull value for the money. Food and drink was plentiful throughout the trip with ahighlight spending an evening with some good softball buddies at agreat Italian joint just ablock away from our hotel. The week came to a close all too quickly on Aug. 2with anightmare travel dayatPearson in Toronto. The photos you have seen online about lost luggage –sadly are true.Isaw hundreds of bags just sitting in the baggage area with seemingly no final destination for any of them.Add to gatechanges, security and customs issues as well as two flightdelays and a16-hour dayoftravel, with athree-hour time change,broughtour trip to aclose Butdespite the nightmare ending dayoftravel, it was afantastic week made allthe morespecial that Igot to shareitwith my dad.
Published every Thursdayby the Delta Optimist adivision of LMP Publication Limited Partnership 5008 47AAvenue, Delta, BC V4K 1T8 Phone 604 946 4451 Deliveries 604 946 5171
After the COVID-19 pandemic put the kibosh on aJanuarytrip to Mexico,Ihad an airline and hotel credit that Iwas itching to use. My dad, who did make it to Mexico along with some of my family, suggested in early April, that an August trip to New York City could be in the offering to make up for thelost Mexican excur sion. And so the planning and anticipation began. Finally, on July 26, the twoofuswereoff to NYC foraweek of baseball, Broadway, tours and great food and drink. We have been to New York before– three times in fact –with my last visit some 10 years ago,so Ihad forgotten what a unique andamazing city NewYorkis. After along dayof travel we finally touched down in the BigApple just after 6p.m Iwill note that WestJet didn’t lose our baggage (we both took carry-on) and we hadnoflight delays on ourtwo flights VancouvertoTorontoand TorontotoNew York Security and U.S. Customs werealso not anissue…well at least at the startofour vacation. More on that later Ourhotel was on 54th streetinthe Theatre District and was an ideal spot.Easy access to subwaystations,lots of restaurants to dine in and or get take-out,aswell as several markets to stock up on with drinks and snacks for the room Ihighly recommend doing alot of planning in advance of any trip to NewYorkCity. Thereis so much to see and do, trying to plan when you get therewill be next to impossible. Plus,by choosing our hotel where we did, it made it easier to get to thetwo theatres for our Broadwayshows, Times Squareand to the subways forour travels to the ball parks We took in four ball games –one between theMets and Yankees at Citi Field (home of the Mets) and three games at Yankee Stadium. My dad and Iare big Yankees fans,sothis trip certainly centered on alot of baseball. We hadbeen at Citi Field 10 years ago as well as Yankee Stadium,but the atmosphereand excitementatboth stadiums never seems to gets old. Since we have been to NYCanumber of times before, we hadalready done alot of the city tours, Statue of Liberty, etc. This time around, we did asplit guided and self-guided tour of the 911 Memorialand Museum aswell as the new obser vatory. This wasamoving dayofreflection for sure aided by the fact that we wereinNew York on our first trip in the late summer of 2000 –almost a year to the daybeforethe 9-1-1 terroristattacks Irecommend aguided tour of the memorial as you geta lot of insight that you otherwise would not get by just completing thetouronyour own.
SALESSUPPORT: Linda Calendino lcalendino@
IAN JACQUES PHOTO Optimist editorIan Jacqueswith his dadRon at Yankee Stadium.
Community Comment INGRID ABBOTT
com CLASSIFIED: 604 630 3300 604 444 3056 The Delta Optimist is amember of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethicalbehaviour.If youhave concerns about editorial content, please contact the editor at or 604 946 4451. If youare not satisfied withthe response and wish to file aformal complaint visit the website at mediacouncil. ca or call toll-free 1 844 877 1163for additional information. OPINION EntireContents ©2022The Optimist All RightsReserved
Editor: They saythereare no bad dogs -just bad owners -and it seems theremust be afew of them around Tsawwassen. With all the off-leash dog parks that we have around whyare we allowing off leash dogs to runwild on our public beaches? It’s the one area where everyone goes to relax and for many that means without shoes.When dogs areallowed to runfreeon the beachesmany areout of sightand reach of their owners and many of those owners tend to neglect the gifts their dogs leave on the beach for others to discover.AmI the only one that’s bothered by this reckless behaviour? Ron Davidson Whyareweallowingdogs torunwildonourbeaches?
We needtostopusingsomuch plastic The Optimist encourages readers to write letters to theeditor.Letters areaccepted on anytopic, although preference is given to those on local matters. The Optimist reserves the right to edit letters and the decision to publish is at the discretion of the editor or publisher.All letters must be signed, dated and include the writer’s phone number (not forpublication). The Optimist will not print “name withheld”letters. Copyright in lettersand other materials submitted voluntarily to the publisher and accepted forpublicationremains with the author,but the publisher and itslicensees mayfreely reproduce them in print,electronic or other forms. Drs. Jan &Warren Roberts Get the results you want from experienced dentists who LISTEN, SERVE & CARE. Accepting NewPatients 555012th Avenue, Tsawwassen •604-943-3343 502848th Ave,LadnerVillage•604.946.8590 FURTHER REDUCTIONS Up to 70% offsale items hick ey 20 th utritious
Editor: Re: Plastic bagban does little to helpthe planet (letters,Aug. 4) WhileI do agreethat we have amuchlarger problem on our hands than just plastic bags Ms.Marshall is correct that so many of the things we use in our daily lives areplastic based –Ialso believe that the plastic bag ban servesapurpose Theplastic bag ban is a startand aminor inconvenience.Ifyou don’t like paying for paper bags, then bring reusable ones. As forhaving to purchase plastic bags for your garbage,that’sjust nonsense.With the extensive recycling and composting policies in place in Delta, thereisn’t much garbage that apaper bag can’t handle.I’vebeen using mostlypaperbags for garbage for years. As forour continued reliance on oil-based materials,itreallyisup to us as consumers to demand moreenvironmentally friendly products,such as appliances that can be repaired rather than replaced, and morerecycling of components of largescale items such as cars Choose clothing made from renewable fibres that will last longer,food grownlocally and in season (doweabsolutely have to have tomatoesin Februaryinplastic clamshells shipped halfway across the continentor grownlocally in habitatdestroying and fuelburning greenhouses?), toilet paper made from recycled paper,takeout in compostable containers, electric lawn equipment rather than gas-powered; the list of things we can do is infinite Recognizethat our electedofficials develop policies after consultation and consideration –not on awhim.Why don’t we help them out by educating ourselves on what should and should not go into recycling bins and encouraging morelocal policies that help the earth? None of us is perfect, nor areweeven consistent. Butweall have to startsomewhere. DebraProbert
Editor: Arecentletter writer thinks the plastic bag ban is “ridiculous.” They justified that by stating all the plastic we use in other areas like packaging textiles etc. So,weshouldjust continue on this path I guess? Well, we do need to stop using so much plastic anditisastart. Canada uses approximately 15 billon plastic bags per year and less than 11 per centof all plastics arerecycled (according to
We have to startsomewhere
Iwould love to see disposable coffee/drink cups banned. Thereis no reason for anyone to use these.I’vehad a metal coffee cup/ther mos foryears Notsurehow old the letter writer is,but Iremember when all grocerystores used thickpaper bags.That’s what our family used for garbage bags,worked great. Also most products werenot in layers of plastic like they arenow. Ourfamily moved from Canada to Brussels, Belgium in 1972. We learned that all households therehad several net shopping bags and you took them to the store, no bags were given. Youcould also buy “frites”atakiosk in every neighbourhood, you broughtyour own pot or they wrapped them in newspaper. They wereway ahead of us evenback then. People need to realize all the over packaging and take out containers areharmful to us and the planet M. Cheney
August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A9100YEARS
Kindness aboundsinLadner
Editor: Ihaveafew questions:
A10 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS
1. We’reneighbours, sharingthe land and using the name of Tsawwassen to identify this township.How did we miss having acelebration in recognition of these,given it was National Indigenous Peoples Day?
2. The Mayor ostensiblyformed agroup called the “Mayor’s Task ForceonAnti-Racism, Inclusion and Diversity.” Other than Pride banners,does anyone know what else they’ve done?
8. If not,why not? What would help?
Editor: Re: Plastic bagban does little to help the planet (Optimist,letters, Aug. 4) It is certainly true that eliminating plasticbags will not save ourplanet. However it is equally true that everysmall action that reduces waste and prevents plastic from polluting our oceans and landfills is apositive one. The new federal regulations actually say: “The Regulations prohibit the manufacture, import, sale and eventually exportofsix categories of single-use plastic(SUP) items. The categoriesof items arecheckout bags, cutlery, foodserviceware made from or containing problematic plastics,ring carriers,stir sticks and straws.” This goes far beyond just plasticbags. It is not ahardship to bring a cloth bag to the grocery store. On awiderscale, it is not ahardshipto use our cars alittle less It is not ahardshipto compost our waste to be used in gardens to grow natural food. It is not a hardship to adjust our choices to make them more harmonious to our struggling oceansand polluted atmosphere. All these small choic es,are not the answer either.However to not make them because they arenot the sole answer, is clearly just an abdication of our responsibility to the planet and its future. Graeme Swan Adjusting choices is an easy answer
9. And as we celebrat ed BC Day, did you know that Aug. 1isNational Emancipation Day, the daywhen the Slavery Abolition Actof1833 became lawacross the British Empire, including Canada on August 1st 1834, and the practice of slaveryofficially ended for millions of African people and their descendants in Canada and around the world?
4. Does anyone who is avisible minority or who hasadisability or who is amemberofthe LGBTQ+2 community or is asenior,feelmore includedinour community sincethe Task Force hasbeenformed?
3. Would it have been this Task Force’sresponsibility to recognize and honour First Nations, Inuit and Métis cultures locally or do we,aslocal residents,need to step up?
Editor: On the afternoon of Friday, July 22, Ihad a slightaccidentand my leg was bleeding profusely. Thekindness and car ingI experiencedthat daywas unbelievable! Onewoman broughtme paper towels.Another went to find my husband. Another gave me babywipes and the pharmacy manager from London Drugs arrived with achair for me,as well as afirst aid kit. He satmedown, cleaned my wound and applied dressing. Several others also offered their help. Isincerely wantto thank everyone who came to my aid. Idid manage to get some names –Vicki, Sue, Ann, as well as the pharmacy manager.Itisimpossibletoput into words howwonderful everyone was This waskindness and caring to the nthdegree and Iwill never forget all that happened that day. Ladner is aterrific area to live in! With sinceregratitude and thanks. Olwen Ross
6. If not,how can we in the community remedy this?
7. That last question is really for everyone in Delta whowants amore informed, supportive, diverse and inclusive, racially recognized and celebrated civicnorm. Areyou one of these?
10. Again, if not,how can we get better educated as acommunity and as citizens of Canada? Canthe Task Forcehelp? In kindness and with gratitude Iacknowledge the traditional terri toryofthe Tsawwassen and Musqueam First Nations and of all the Hun’qumi’num speaking peoplewho have been stewardsofthis land since time immemorial. Iwould also like to offer my respect to all the Elderswho have gone before and to the Elders and First Nation, Metis and Inuit people who are today.
See lettersonour website
5. If so,how?
August11,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA11100YEARS 3RD AVE MARKETAVE BOUNDAR YB AY RD Renderings are artistic renditions only.Layouts, materials, specifications, features, project design, appliances and pricing arefor illustration only andsubject to change without notice. Errorsand Omissions Excepted (E.&O.E.) |604.636.2220 Farmhousemeets beach house in these 12 homes, whereyou’re so close to the beach, you’llcatch the scentofsalt air from your frontporch.Live juststeps to bothCentennial Beach and Southlands’livelyMarket Square. Checkthe tide tables over morningcoffee.Walk to farmers’ markets, outdoorconcerts,Prado Cafe, and Four Winds’ future restaurant and craft brewery. With fourbedrooms, threebathrooms, and alarge sunny privatecourtyard, these single-family homesare ideal forcelebrating life connectedtobeach, farm and food. ALIMITED COLLECTION OF 12 HOMESBYTHE BEACH DISCO VERYC ENTR EO PEN DAI LY 11AM- 4P M·6388 MAR KET AV E, BOU NDARYBAY,TSAWWASS EN HOM ES FR OM TH EM ID $1.8M’S ·M OVE IN TH IS WINTE R ABEACH COMMUNITYROOTEDINFARMING ANDFOOD RIDGELANEESTATEHOMES NOWSELLING
Note: No Corporation is entitled to vote.
An elector may request that their address or other personal information about them be omitted from or obscured on the Delta Voters List. The elector must contact the Chief Election Officer or the Deputy Election Officer to make this request before August 23, 2022
• • • • • • • • • •
An objection to the registration of aperson whose name appears on the Delta Voters List may be made in accordance with the Local Government Act fromAugust 30, 2022 until 4:00 pm on September 9, 2022.An objection must be in writing and an objection may only be made by aperson entitled to be registered as an elector of the City of Delta and only on the basis that aperson whose name appears on the Delta Voters List has died or is not qualifiedtoregister as an elector of the City of Delta.
Saturday,October 15, 2022 is General Voting Day for the City of Delta.
Youmay also call Elections BC at 1-800-661-8683 Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm PST Registration must be complete beforeAugust 23, 2022 in order for your name to appear on the Provincial Voters List. If you miss the opportunity to register in advance, you may register at the time of voting. If your name is not on the Provincial Voters List, you can still register to have your name added to the Delta Voters List, at the following offices, during regular business hours, beforeAugust 23, 2022: Elections Office Delta City Hall 4500 ClarenceTaylor Crescent Delta, BC (Ladner) Municipal Service Office North Delta Recreation Centre 11415 –84thAvenue Delta, BC (North Delta)
Eligible voters (as aResident Elector) must:
BC Driver’s Licence /Identification Card* BC Services Card* Canadian Citizenship Card /Passport Utility Bill (phone, hydro, cable etc.) and School Trustee
BeginningAugust 30, 2022 until the close of General Voting Day on October 15, 2022, acopy of the list of registered electors will be available for public inspection at the Office of the City Clerk in Delta City Hall, during regular office hours, Monday to Friday,excluding statutory holidays.
A12The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS
Advance elector registration for the 2022 General Local Elections closes onAugust 23, 2022. Youmust be registered to vote. The City of Delta uses the BC Provincial Voters List to determine who is eligible to vote in Delta. If you are registered as aprovincial voter,asaresident of Delta orTsawwassenFirst Nation Lands, your name has been automatically placed on the Delta Voters List. To confirm you are registered to vote or to update your information, go to the Elections BC onlinevoter registration system at
*Please note that the combined BC Driver’s Licence /BCServices Card is considered one (1) piece of identification • Eligible voters (as aNon-Resident Property Elector) must: Tsawwassen First Nation Lands Residentand Non-Resident Property Electors ofTsawwassen First Nation Lands are eligible to vote in the 2022 General Local Elections for the Office of School Trustee for the Delta Board of Education (School District #37).Tsawwassen First Nation Lands are not within the boundaries of the City of Delta; therefore, TsawwassenFirst Nation Lands Resident and Non-Resident Property Electors are not eligible to vote for the OfficesofMayor and Councillor
*If there is more than one person who is the registered owner of real property,only one of those individuals may,with the written consent of the majority of the owners, register as aNon-Resident Property Elector in relation to that property not be entitled to register as aResident Elector; be 18 years of age or older when you register to vote or will be 18 years of age or older on October 15, 2022 (General Voting Day); be aCanadiancitizen; be aresident ofBritish Columbia for at least 6months immediately before the day of registration; not be disqualified under the Local Government Act,orany other enactment, or by law from voting in alocal election; and be the registered owner of real property in Delta for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration.*
Eligible voters may register on voting day with two (2) pieces of acceptable identification. At least one piece of identification must contain your signature. of acceptable identification are: be 18 years of age or older when you register to vote or will be 18 years of age or older on October 15, 2022 (General Voting Day); be aresident of Delta orTsawwassen First Nation Lands on the day of registration; be aCanadiancitizen; have been aresident ofBritish Columbia for at least 6months immediately before the day of registration; and notbedisqualified under the Local Government Act,orany otherenactment, or by law from voting in alocal election.
Before inspecting the list, aperson must sign astatement that they will not inspect the list, make copies, or use the information includedinthe list except for the purposes of Part 3– Electors and Elections of the Local Government Act
•not disqualified under the School Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or being nominated for,being elected to, or holding the office as atrustee, or be otherwise disqualified by law
•Canadian citizen; •18years of age or older on October 15, 2022 (General Voting Day);
CAMPAIGN PERIOD EXPENSE LIMITS In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, for the 2022 General Local Elections, the following expense limits for candidates during thecampaign period (September 17, 2022 to October 15, 2022)apply: Mayor $74,430.05 Councillor $37,708.50 SchoolTrustee $37,277.70 THIRD PARTYADVERTISING LIMITS
•resident of British Columbia for at least 6months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed; and
August11,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA13100YEARS
•resident of British Columbia for at least 6months immediately before the day nominationpapers are filed; and
Councillor $3,721.50 SchoolTrustee $1,863.89 For further informationoncampaign period expense limits and third party advertising limits, please contact Elections BC: Toll-free phone: 1-855-952-0280 Email: Website: For further information on the 2022 Local Government and SchoolTrustee Elections, please visit or contact the Elections Office at 604-952-3481 Byfaxto:604-946-3390 Originalsoffaxedoremailednominationdocumentsmustbereceivedby theChiefElectionOfficerby4:00pmonFriday,September16,2022. Elections Office /Officeofthe City Clerk Delta CityHall 4500 ClarenceTaylorCrescent T 604-952-3481 | F 604-946-3390 |
Public Notice is given to the electorsofDelta that nominations for the Offices of •Mayor (one to be elected), •Councillor (six to be elected), and •School Trustee (seven to be elected) will be received by the Chief Election Officer or designate at the Office of the City Clerk during the nominationperiod excluding statutory holidays and weekends as follows: By hand, mail or other delivery service to: Office of the City Clerk Delta City Hall 4500 ClarenceTaylor Crescent Delta, BC V4K 3E2
The Candidate Nomination period begins on Tuesday,August 30, 2022 at 9:00 am and ends on Friday,September 9, 2022 at 4:00 pm.
Aperson is qualified to be nominated, elected and to hold office as amember of local government if they meet the following criteria:
•not disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or being nominated for,being elected to, or holding the office, or be otherwise disqualified by law
Aperson is qualified to be nominated, elected and to hold office as aschool trustee if they meet the following criteria:
In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act,for the 2022 General Local Elections, the following third party advertising limits apply: Mayor $3,721.50
Nomination forms and information on the requirements and procedures for making anomination for these offices may be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk until the close of the nomination period. No nomination will be accepted after 4:00 pm on Friday,September 9, 2022
•Canadian citizen; •18years of age or older on October 15, 2022 (General Voting Day);
Although the Canadian government says itsCOVID tests at the border arerandom, some residents of Point Roberts arefeeling picked on. Partly as aresult,visitsbyCanadians have dropped, and with it,the economy, says the local chamber of commerce Bill Calder grew up in PointRoberts but now lives in Tsawwassen. The pandemic hasreduced the number of times he’s crossed the border.Inthe past three months,he’s visited four times and hasbeen issued arandom COVID test twice. The Public Health AgencyofCanada announced that random COVID tests at airports would resume as of July 19, after about afour week break, butrandom tests at land borders have continued as usual. “I just don’t wantto go through it again. It’s ridiculous,” said Calder Hiscousin Brian Calder is presidentofthe PointRoberts Chamber of Commerce and says COVID restrictions continue to hurt the tiny community of 800 or so people. Forinstance,before COVID,about 900 boats weredocked at the mari na.Now,thereare 300. He’shearing complaints about the number of people receiving random COVID test requirements when they cross over into Canada,estimating that 30 per cent of residents have hadto take atest whencrossing the border “That’s my best guess. They won’t give us the numbers,” he said last week “It’stotally disturbing our economyina negative way.” He saidthat 90 per cent of the community hasbeenvaccinated, while he hasn’t heardof aCOVID case. “Sowhat good is it doing?”à Calder added that if thetests were needed from ascientific pointof view, he’d supportit. He wants the governmentto showhow many people have been spared contracting COVID thanks to someone being randomly tested. Onevisitor from Vancouver, who hasa cabininPointRoberts, said that she and her husband, in their 70s, have visited four times in Mayand June On the second visit, herhusband was issued arandom COVID test when he came back into Canada. On the fourth visit, she was issued arandom COVID test The couple only stayed the nightbeforeheading back. And each COVID test request meantthey hadtogotoapharmacy in Vancouver, get anasal swab,and ensurethe pharmacy sentitintothe lab.Both tests werenegative “That’s notrandom. That’s wayhigher per centage than there should be for the border It’s like they weredoing a blitz on PointRoberts “It’sgoing to kill Point Roberts,” she said. Shesaysthe number of people being tested is disproportionatetothe size of the community. However,according to the Public Health Agency of Canada,acomputer algorithm “randomly selects apre-determined number of eligible trav ellers per day,”ateach crossing. That could mean more than one person in agroup could be selectedfor random testing. The target is 4,600 trav ellers each day, including 3,800 at airports and 800 at land borders,said TammyJarbeau, senior media relations adviser The sample size was chosen to ensure that “representative,reliable and robust estimates of COVID-19 test positiv ity,”are produced at the border Neither border officers nor the public health agencyhaveany role in the selection of travellers for random testing, she said. Positive samples are senttopublic health laboratories for whole genome sequencing –the laboratorytest used to identify COVID-19 variants of concern, Jarbeau said. Virtual testing is possiblebut thegovernment says that in-person testing is the fastest and most convenient.
PointRoberts visitors suggestCOVID border testsdon’t seem so random Joinour growing network!
A14 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS PHIL MELNYCHUK
The Crime Severity Index (CSI) increased slightly in Delta but the city of continues to be averysafe community. That’s according to Police Chief Neil Dubordfollowing the release of the latest overall CSIfigures from Statistics Canada The CSIoutlines the amount of crime and severity of crimes reported in the countryin2021, as well as breaking the numbers down by province and individual municipalities. Amethod to comparecrime consistently across jurisdictions, alow CSIrateisindicative of a relatively safe community. Index scores arecompared to abaseline of 100, which is calculatedusing historical data In 2021, the CSIwas at 57.62, an increase of 1.05 per centfrom 2020. Delta’s 2020CSI wasdownby almost 12 per centincomparison to 2019. While the CSIinDelta increased slightly in 2021, the City of Delta maintained the majority of its decrease it experienced in the previous year and continues to be avery safe community, Dubordsaid in a news release Overall, Delta ranked thirdfor the Greater Vancouver/Lower Mainland area municipal police jurisdictions for the lowest CSI score. Delta’s CSIisbelow the provincialCSI average of 92.6 and the national CSIaverage of 73.7. Dubordsaid he is proud of the DPD’s incredibly dedicated and passionateteam. “Our team works 24/7 to ensure that our community is one of the safest to live,play, visit and workin BC,with aCSI that is lower than the provincial average.Iamfortunate to have the frontrow seattowitness the commitmentand dedication of our team.I knowthat our team members attend everycall and carry out everyinvestigation with thepurpose to ensurecommunity safety and well-being in accordance with our Community Safety and Well-Being Plan; it is because of their ongoing efforts that we were able to maintain alow CSI,”hesaid. Statistics Canada notes that police-reported crime in the country, as measured by the CSI, remained stable,changing from 73.9 in 2020 to 73.7 in 2021. This follows aseven per cent drop in the CSIin2020, the first after five years of increases.The stability in the overall CSIwas the result of increases in violentcrime and continued decreases in nonviolentcrime Taking alook at the Statistics Canada numbers for Delta,the ViolentCSI wasupin2021compared to the previous year. After being 24.7 and 33.08 in 2017 and 2018 respectively, it jumped to 60.7 in 2019, and then fell to 46.21 in 2020. In 2021,itwas 50.12, up 8.46 per centfromthe previous year. According to Statistics Canada, the ViolentCSI in thecountryrose five percentin2021, and was also higher than in 2019, prior to the pandemic The increase in Canada overall was primarily driven by arelatively large rise in the rate of level 1 sexual assault (18 per centhigher). Various other violentcrimes also increased in volume in 2021, however they hadamoremarginal impact on the CSI. Delta’s non-violentCSI in 2021, meanwhile,was 60.18, down just under one per centfrom2020. Statistics Canada notes that the non-violentCSI in the country overall, which includes,for example,property offences and drug offences,declined three per cent in 2021,after anine per centdrop in 2020.
August11,2022 TheDelta Optimist A15100YEARS
Crime severity indexthirdlowestinLowerMainland Stories and photos from In print and online all thetime your community FOUNTAIN DRINK PEACHPASSIONFRUIT SMOOTHIE COFFEE FRAPPÉ VANILLACHAI FRAPPÉ ICED COFFEE xc ude fl ou d ed o e and add on toppings. Not valid w h ny o he e At participating McDon d s s au n C na a Product ailability b ©2022 McDonald’s“C c Co o a C a d used under license S eve Krawchuk Loca owne o the Tsawwassen and Ladne McDona d s Restaurants 1835 56 h St ee Tsawwassen 5776 Ladne Trunk Road Ladne McDonald’s •1835 56th Street TSAWWASSEN •5776 Ladner Trunk Road LADNER Ifyouareinterestedin becomingacarrierplease call604.946.4451 Lior won agift card courtesy of Congratulations to LIOR SHALEVICH PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER.
Delta councilrecently voted in favour of a recommendation for another membership increase for the city to be part of theFraser Valley Regional Library(FVRL). Delta’sportion of the librarysystem’s proposed 2023 budget will increase by 3.21 per cent, representing an increase of $131,087. That brings the total cost for Delta next year to $4,214, 807. The provision for the increased costs will be included in Delta’s2023 FinancialPlan. TheFVRL systemser vicesmorethan700,000 people through 25 community libraries,including branches in Ladner, Tsawwassen and North Delta Alevyischarged to each member municipality to cover the operat ing costs of the library branches and the central administration service costs provided by the FVRL Astaff reporttocouncil notes FVRL hasimplemented an accelerated budget for 2023 in order to complete the process in advance of the October 2022 municipal elections The most significant impact of the accelerated process is that the funding formula,which is used to calculate unique memberassessment increases,issuspended for2023. Instead, the same percentage rate increase will be applied to all members equally. Council was told there would not be much dif ference either wayfrom the latest rate increase It’s been asteady increase forDelta to be amember of the library system Back in 2018, for example,council voted in favour of Delta’s mem bership assessment in theFVRL goingup3.34 per cent, which worked out to an extra$123,645, bringing the city’stotal annual membership charge at the time to just over $3.8 million. In 2013,council approved arevised fundingformula that slightly loweredannual increases Delta’s shareatthat time increased to $3.19 million.
SUBMITTED PHOTO Delta’s portion of the librarybudget will increase by 3.21 per cent.
Community ANDREAS BASSON Life Church
AWarm and Joyful welcome to Sacred Heart Catholic Church 3900 Arthur Drive, Ladner 604-946-4522 Mass Schedule Saturdayat5pm Sundayat9am and 11am Daily Mass in the Chapel at 9am Mon-Sat VEL EE J SUS SOUHTDEA RG 604438-244 SUNDAYS 10AM To advertise herecall Ruth at 604-998-3613 10:30 A.M. This Sunday Psalm 71 Life Balance Guest Pastor Gary Roosma 中文主日崇拜 週日早 10:30 am Nancy 楊牧師 4594 –54A Street, Ladner,B.C. 604-946-7033 email: visit our website: Everyone welcome to worship with us Benediction LutheranChurch Join us as we celebrate God’sgrace We invite you to worship in person Sundays at 9am or online anytime at 5575 6th Ave Tsawwassen, BC 604-943-3432 Pastor Thomas Keeley LADNERGOSPEL ASSEMBLY SundayWorship Service 10:30am AllAges Welcome! “A placewhereloveand friendship matters” 5545 Ladner Trunk Rd. ONLINE OR IN-PERSON Sundays @9:30a.m ST.DAVID’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 1115 –51A Street Tsawwassen Rector Rev.Simbarashe Basvi Sunday Service 10 am 604-943-4737 Join us for our summer services: Sundays 9:30 am Eucharist Wednesday 10 am Eucharist and Bible Study for moreinformation www.allsaintsladner.orgor call 604-946-8413. 4755 Arthur Drive, Delta All Saints Anglican Church Tsawwassen United Church 693 –53rd Street, Tsawwassen Welcome to everyone for Worship &Friendship Sunday’s@10:00 am Rev Daniel Kirkegaard 604.943.2911 “Be Faithful,be true, be a blessing” Route #Route Info #ofPapers Interested in becoming acarrier? Call or email to be added to the waiting list. Kids and AdultsNeeded for These Upcoming Routes Call 604-946-5171 or email 1600202 3rd Ave, 67A St, Centennial Pkwy,3rd Ave 78 1600410 53A St, Upland Dr,Pl, 69 1610109 Admiral Blvd, Lane, Brigantine Rd, Clipper Pl, Commodore Dr,Cutter Rd, Ketch Pl 101 1610220 40th St, 41B St, Church St, River Rd, SavoySt, Station St, Weare St 87 1610508 52nd Ave, 57th St, Crescent Dr,Dowler Rd, Green Pl, Paton Dr 83 1610509 48B Ave, Ladner Trunk Rd, 56th St, 57th St, Egan Pl 56 1610524 48A Ave, 49th Ave, 62nd St, Brodie Pl, Rd 63 1600334 English Bluff Rd, Glenwood Dr,Pl, Tsawwwassen Beach Rd 49 1600406 12 Ave, 13A Ave, 55th St, Malibu Pl, Malvernn Pl 44 CALL 604-943-7735 FOR LOCAL STORAGE •RV, Boat Parking &Storage •Pt. Roberts Mini &Mobile Storage 360-945-6464 LADNER STORAGE 4141 River Road, Delta
Deal with shame
A16 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS
Oneofthe most destructive forces on this earth is shame,because it attacksour spiritualand emotional life. Unlike guilt,shame can come from actions that aren’t even wrong. Over things like our body or our family or the car we drive.Shame is an instinctual and physical experience that can manifest itself in depression and anxiety. Shame is differentfrom guilt in that whereguilt is connectedwith our actions,shame is connected to our identity. As Christians,weare taught howtodeal with guilt but hardly ever taughthow to deal with shame Like King David cried out,“Oh God, in you I trust;let me not be put to shame; let not my ene mies exult over me.” In the Psalms David cries out not because he hadsinned against God or done any wrong to the kingdom,but because of the shame of being a manfalselyaccused by Saul. So howcan we deal with the weightof shame? As Christians most of us knowhow to deal with sin: we come to Godand ask for forgiveness on accountofJesus’ death on the cross. Butwhat about shame? Howdowedeal with Shame? By looking backward andforward. We look backward to thecross whereJesus endured our shame.Heendured moreshame than we could ever imagine for the purpose of bringing us into God’sfamily, as loved, adopted, and holy children. And we look forwardtothe daywhen we will be welcomed,not begrudgingly, not shamefully, but joyfully and warmly by ourSavior.It is only through the reality of our identity in Christ in what he hasaccomplishedand what we know he will accomplish on that final daythat shame can be washed away.I am no longer a slavetoshame It is only in the truth of our identity in the one who endured shame that we can overcome the lies aboutour identity that shame speaks to us.You areachild of God. You areloved, washed, for given and shame hasno hold on you. Only the cross can breakthe power of shame.Makethat break today.
Directed by Vinay Giridhar,Emergence exploresthe complex journeys of three queer South Asians coming out to their traditional, conservative families
August11,2022 TheDelta Optimist A17100YEARS
whichisservedbetween 5and 6:30 p.m. Therewill also be a beer garden,presentedby Britannia Brewing, featuring two types of local beers and local wine And while the production is free thereis one small task required of attendees -register online,inadvance via https://www. jazz-at-southlandstickets-337510010527, so organizershaveanidea of the numbers attending.
The Delta Potters Association will be celebrating its 50th anniversaryonSaturday, Aug. 13 from 2to4 p.m. at its studio in the South Delta Recreation Centre. All past and current membersare encour aged to attend.There will be pottery displays as well, presentations on the club history anddemonstrations.A specialcakecutting ceremonyisplanned for 2:15 p.m. Animal Expo
SherFilms’doc‘Emergence:OutoftheShadows’ toscreenatVancouverQueerFilmFestival
All uked up and no place to jam? Whether you areaukulele newbie or aseasoned strummer,please join the popularLibrary Ukulele Jamatthe Tsawwassen Libraryon Thursday, Aug. 18, from 6to7:30 p.m. for afun and relaxed evening with fellowuke enthusiasts.Registration is required at to Ian at or 604 998 3616
Deltapremier is this Saturday,Aug.13atthe North DeltaCentrefor theArts
The Delta Community Animal Shelter, alongside FortisBC,proudly presents the Delta Community Animal Expo at Ladner Memorial Park on Sunday, Aug. 14 from 10 a.m. to 3p.m. Bring yourleashed friendlydog(s)and check out the local vendorsand pet organizations,participate in games and contests which include the Poop Through the Hoop Contest,Rubber Ducky Relay, and new this year,Plinko!There will also be demonstrations in dog agility, training, and scenttracking including the Delta Police;all while enjoying the food trucks and learning about amazing animalsand pets for adoption. Ukulele Jam
report? Contact
DANI PENALOZA Contributing Writer Producer Alex Sangha, who is based in North Delta, says he couldn’t have been more delighted to have his 2021 featurefilm documentary Emergence: Outofthe Shadows selected to screen at the Vancouver Queer Film Festival (VQFF).
The feature documentaryisdriven by emotional, intimateinter views and is intended to be accessible and understood by everyone, regardless of howknowledgeable about the queer community you are. “Ittook me many years to accept myself as agay person, so Ican’t expect my parents or my community to understand me rightaway. We have to listen, talk and work together to bring people to the table,tosupport each other.Myapproach is one of collaboration and cooperation, as opposedtoshamingand blaming,”saysSangha
The Sher Films documentaryfollows the stories of Kayden Bhangu, JagNagra andSangha, himself,all of whom aretied to the nonprofit charity for LGBTQ+ South Asians and their friends and families,Sher Vancouver. “When Alex asked me if Iwould be in Emergence, [mywife andI]had our daughter then, and having kids kind of changed my outlook –Iwas less afraid of what people thought,”saysNagra, highlighting howshe wanted to normalize having two momstoher kids “Beforethat, Iwas oftenveryafraid what our extended family and relatives would sayto my parents.Ididn’t care what they thought, but I didn’twantmyparents to have ahardtime.But my parents have been amazing, and they’repartof the film,” she says. Announced mid-July, VQFF will be screening Emergence at the York Theatreat7 p.m. on Aug. 19, as well as virtually throughout the 11 days of the festival from Aug. 11-21 Therewill also be a 20-minuteQ&A with director VinayGiridhar, Alex Sanghaand cast Jag Nagra, Harv Nagra, Avtar Singh Nagraand Rajwant Kaur Nagra. Additionally, the City of Delta will be doing a screening at the North Delta Centrefor the Arts on Aug. 13, starting at 6:30 p.m. with guest speakers Alex Sangha, Jaspal Kaur Sangha, VinayGiridhar and Jag Nagra. Fortickets to the VQFF,visit emergence-out-of-theshadows/ and for tickets to the Delta screening, visit ca/community-culture/ happening-delta/eventscalendar/film-screeningemergence-out-shadows
SUBMITTED PHOTO Jag Nagra, pictured on the left with her wifeand daughter,isone of three individuals to shareher storyofcomingout to her familyinEmergence:Out of the Shadows.
Grooving to cool jazz is mid-summer night’sdream DeltaCommunityMusicSchoolhosts festival thisSaturday
The concertitself goes from 6to8 p.m. and featuresthe group, Jazz Collective with Len Aruliah on saxophones, Kevin Leeontrumpet, Brad Muirhead on trombone,StephenRobb on keysand reeds,Ron Samworth on guitar, BrentGubbelsonbass and Stan Taylor drumming Robb pointed out it’s the first time the festival is at the Southlands Amphitheatre. “Itshould be anice venue,” said Robb.“Last year,wehad avery small festival because of COVID …and this year, we’resortofcoming back to normal.” Robb said the music will be “straight-ahead” jazz with amix of Latin, swing and fusion. Astudentworkshop concertalso takes place Sunday, Aug. 14, from 2to4 p.m.,also at the Delta Stage Parking is limited so consider cycling, walking or carsharing.
PHIL MELNYCHUK Contributing Writer If you missedthe Vancouver Jazz Festival, some laid-backtunes areavailable locally, this Saturday, Aug. 13, at Southlands Tsawwassen Market Square. That’s wherethe South Delta Jazz Festival will happen, starting at 5p.m.atDelta Stage,inthe Southlands Amphitheatre. The event features the faculty of Delta Community Music School, whichishosting the festival. Festivalorganizer and schoolmusic director Stephen Robb hopes this year will lead to alarger jazz festival in future years “It’ssomething we want to do forthe longterm,”saidRobb It’s the first full festival in two years due to the pandemic Themusicisfree, but thereisa$25 cost for theLouisiana-style meal
Around Town Potters anniversary
BSc, MBA, Diploma Urban Land Economics, Post Grad Certificate in Real Property Valuation
It hadtobethe most anticlimatic season in the long historyofthe West Coast Senior Lacrosse Association (WCSLA), yetitwas required to get the Ladner Pioneers wherethey wanttobeinthree weeks... another crack at winning a national championship. The Pioneers areheaded back to the President’sCup for the fourth consecutive time after steamrolling through the 2022 WCSLAcampaign with 19 consecutive wins thanks to a line-up that is loaded with pro talent. Saturday’sclinching 11-3 winatSungod Arenaagainst the NorthShoreIndians was playedinrunning time to soft en the final outcome “Wewerebuilt to winthe President’sCup,not to win this league,” said Ladner head coach Ross Frehlick. “We’re happyweare going. We just wish it was next week.”
Royal LePage Regency Realty Ltd., 1333 –56th Street, Delta, BC
Contact Dean at
ForSchuss,the President’s Cupmeans much morethan potentially another accomplishmenttoadd to his lengthy lacrosse resumé. The 31-year-old Vancouver Warriors standout grew up with the Pioneers organization, watchinghis dadEdand uncle John be prominentmembers of the team for decades He also gets to tryand wina championship playing alongside hislifelongfriends,including team captain and fellow Ladner native Ryan Keith. “For as long as Ican remember Ihavebeen partofthe Pioneer family. Guys like Rob Cook and TimWinterwere telling me Iused to be carried around as ababyina goalie stick,”smiled Schuss.“This is special because Ialso get to sharethis with my dad as he is nowhelping out with the team “I wasa ball boyonthose teams (in 1998 and 2004) when we won it and nowIdefinitely wanttoput my name on it as a player.”
The 2022 President’sCup is slated for Aug. 28 to Sept.3. BOOTH PHOTO
The relief of getting the WCSLAand provincial titles out of the way, means the Pioneers will actually get their best preparation for nationals on the practice floor “Weknowweare going to have to practice hard andour defence against our offence is the hardest these guys are goingtosee all season,”added Frehlick. “The best as we can, we have to staymotivatedand be ready to go.”
Instead, the Pioneers will have about ahalf of dozen practices at Sungod Arena during the next three weeks to preparefor the ultimategrind it takes to bring the President’s Cuptrophyback to B.C.for the first timein18years. Notonly does it requirewinning as many as eightgames over acondensed schedule, it will be against anumber of opponentsthat also feature plenty of National Lacrosse League (NLL) talent. That’s what the Pioneers discovered back in 2019 when two or three NLL additions to their line-up resulted in asix-place finish This time,they will head to Leduc, Alta with significantly moredepth including LoganSchuss,TylerPace, Jeff Cornwall, Matt Beers and goalieEricPenney. NLLplayoff champion Eli McLaughlin is also expectedtobereadytogo. “It’sa lot better competition. We knowweare going to be facing some really good teams,” said Ontario native Ryan Benesch,one of the NLL all-time leading scorers who also playedfor Ladner in 2019 and was among thetop tour namentscorers.“Obviously, we have alot of proguys on this team and everybody kind of knows what to expect and what we have to do to get ready for it.”
After perfect 19-game run Ladner heads to Alberta lookingtowin first national titlein18years MARK BOOTH
TheLadnerPioneersrepeated as West CoastSenior Lacrosse Assocationchampionswith an 11 3win over the North ShoreIndians on SaturdayatSungod Arena. They nowpreparefor thePresident’s Cupnational senior“B” championships in Leduc, Alta. starting Aug. 26.
A18 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS ContactMark at or 604 946 4451DELTASPORTS
Personal Real Estate Corporation
August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A19100YEARS
Earlier,Ladner cruised through round-robin playwith a4-0 record thanks to wins over Abbotsford(11-7), Vernon (8-6), Prince George (11-1) and Campbell River (13-3). The Red Soxsecured their spot at provincials by going 6-2 in qualifying playand also captured atournament winduting the season in Cloverdale. The team includes:Avery Rosen, Carter Leung, Cohen Wood, Corey Maxwell, Declan Aldcorn, Grayson Barker,Jayden Sanghera, Kaiden McKim, Kaiden Bassi, Mason Decker, Raemon Dosanjh and WyattSpence Head coach Dave Spence is joined by assistants Garreth Barker,Sandy Rosen, LeoDecker and Ryan Spence.
SUBMITTED PHOTO Provincial silver medalist 11U AAA Ladner RedSox. Tsawwassen Amateur Baseball’s 9U all-stars capped their summer campaign with athird place finish at atour nament in Cloverdale.
Sports RedSoxwinsilverinall-Deltaprovincialfinal
Tsawwassen Baseball’s9Uall-stars enjoyterrific season
Tsawwassen Amateur Baseball’s 9U all-star team capped aterrific summer season with athirdplace finish at the 16-team Andrew’s Invitational Tournamentin Cloverdale The Athletics wereled by great pitching and astrong defence that resulted in only three runs against in all of round-robin play, before finally losing in ahard-foughtextra inningsbattle to White Rock. The inaugural all-star campaign fortheseplayers resulted in a10-3 overall recordthat also included a fifthplace finish at the White Rock South Surrey Baseball Association Invitational. More importantly, is the progress the kids made in their skill development. “The players should be proud of their accomplishments and knowthereisa promising future for this group,” statedcoaches Darcy Coonfer,Derek Rattenbury, Michael Clarke and Slade Sanders The team includes:Max Cassar, Lachlan Chow, Bowen Clarke, Tyson Coonfer,William Durkin, Charlie Johnston, Joshua Nutzhorn Jr., Charlie O’Gorman, Cameron Pitts, Carter Rattenbury, Drew Robertsand Jaxon Sanders.
Ladner Red Soxwrapped up an out standing season with asilver medal finish at B.C. Minor Baseball’s 11U AAA Tier 2Provincial Championships in Cloverdale. Ladner took aperfect 5-0 recordinto the goldmedalgame where the North Delta Rays prevailed 4-0 in an all-Delta match-up. Winning pitcher Kyle Reynolds was superb for the Rays,allowing just one walk and striking out eightoversix innings. It was the only time all weekend the Red Soxbatsweresilenced. They wereonfireinthe semi-finals, a14-4 victoryoverthe Nanaimo Pirates.
A20The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS *Based on total REBGV MLS sales for 2021 all teams under 15 Agents. #1 RANKED REAL ESTATETEAM IN ALL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA!* THE FIRM REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. 101 4755 51ST Street Delta,BCV4K 2W2 www 604.728.2845 12 3350 WESTHAM ISLAND ROAD, LADNER $400,000 •2bedrooms, 1bathroom •1,065 sq ft float home •Open concept living area with vaulted ceilings •Balcony offliving &dining to enjoy sunsets •Rural living yet minutes to all amenities LIVEONTHE WATER NEW LISTING #1-4 4788 54A STREET,LADNER OFFERED FROM $1,100,000 TO $1,150,000 •4boutique townhomes •Achoice of 3bedroom &den or 4bedroom •From 1,656-1,740 sq.ft all with 4 bathrooms •Parking for 2vehicles •High-end finishings w/ GE appliances PRESENTINGWRENLEY ROWBYCHORUSDEVELOPMENTS 5245 LABURNUM PARK PLACE, LADNER $999,900 •2bedrooms, 2bathrooms •1,567 sqft of living space on a4,122 sqft lot •Situated on quiet cul-de-sac •Double car garage •Formal living &dining •Centrally located &walking distance to Ladner Village LADNER’S SOUGHT-AFTER 55+ADULTORIENTED COMMUNITY 202-481548AVENUE, LADNER $729,900 •2bedrooms, 2bathrooms •1,316 sqft of living space •30ft boat slip •2balconies with river views •Upper level features flex area that could be aden/sitting area •1parking stall, 1storage locker INCREDIBLE 2-LEVEL TOWNHOME IN SEAFARER NEW PRICE THE MARKET IS CHANGING QUICKLY! JUST SOLD! 406-4689 52A STREET JUST SOLD! 3507 40 STREET 3-3039 156 STREET JUST SOLD! 5068 BENTLEY DRIVE JUST SOLD! 4883 CEDAR CRESCENT JUST JUSTSOLD! SOLD! 6050 44 AVENUE 4524 46A STREET JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! 303-5599 14B AVENUE JUST SOLD! 5274 57 STREET JUST SOLD! 104-497 SPRINGS 102-1400BOULEVARD VIEW CRESCENT JUST SOLD! 4561 53 STREET SOLD 5584 8A AVENUE, TSAWWASSEN $1,498,800 •4bedrooms &den, 1bathroom •2,642 sq ft home on 6,415 sq ft lot •Lovingly maintained with tasteful updates throughout •Master on main or above, large rooftop deck •Working artstudio plus outbuilding for your creative ideas BEAUTIFUL 1920’S COTTAGE NEW LISTING 1006-2763 CHANDLERYPLACE, VANCOUVER $699,900 •759 sq ft condo with balcony •2bedrooms, 2bathrooms •Completely renovated by an Interior Designer •Beautiful 180 degree views of the River and Mt Baker • Easy access to amenities and major routes STUNNING RIVERDISTRICT2 BEDROOM NEW LISTING NEW PRICE 4361 44B STREET,LADNER $1,299,900 •2,256 sq ft home on 6,577 sq ft lot •4bedrooms, 2bathrooms •Many tasteful updates throughout the home •Space for in-laws or nanny on lower level •Quiet cul-de-sac location and close to all amenities UPDATED FAMILYHOMEINPORTGUICHON NEW LISTING 3610 72 STREET,LADNER $1,599,900 •3bedrooms, 3bathrooms •2,624 sqft of living space on a0.59 acre lot •Built in 1869 w/ two additions over the years •Overlooks farmland and 10th green at LinkKing’s Golf Course •Formal living and dining rooms •Master bedroom w/ fireplace, ensuite and incredible views THE HISTORICALBENSONRESIDENCE! NEW PRICE
August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A21100YEARS THE FIRM REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. 101 4755 51ST Street Delta, BC V4K 2W2 *Based on Real Estate BoardofGreater Vancouver Statistics for the Fraser Elliott Group 2016-2022. THOUSANDS OF SUCCESSFUL TRANSACTIONS!* 604.728.2845 www .fraserelliott.comCALL THE LOCAL EXPERTS TODAY! 215-1166 54A STREET JUST SOLD! 3405-11967 80 AVENUE JUST SOLD! 803 GLENWOOD DRIVE 201-5599 14B AVENUE 5681 46A 31-5300AVENUE ADMIRAL WAY JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! 353 55 STREET,TSAWWASSEN $3,988,800 •7bedrooms, 6bathrooms •6,061 sqft of living space on a10,720 sqft lot •Customgerman doors &windows, Miele appliances, wok kitchen •800 sqft rooftop deck •Legal 1bedroom suite •Home gym, sauna, movie theatre &much more! BREATHTAKING 180 DEGREE OCEAN&MOUNTAIN VIEWS FROM THIS CUSTOM BUILTHOME 5483 15B AVENUE, TSAWWASSEN $3,394,488 •6bedrooms, 5bathroom •5,019 sqft of living on a7,869 sqft lot •Chef’s kitchen w/ white cabinetry&S/S appliances •Basement boasts 2bedroom in-law suite •A/C, security system &large covered patio w/ outdoor kitchen STUNNING NEWERBUILD FAMILYHOME 1215 PACIFIC DRIVE, TSAWWASSEN $3,999,000 •7,918 sqft of living on a26,125 sqft lot •2master bedroom suites both w/ walk-in closets •Timeless elegance &grandeur with an open floor plan •Over 200 degree views of the mountains &ocean •Park-like backyard w/ inground pool AHILLTOP HOMEINONE OF THEMOST UPSCALE NEIGHBOURHOODS 872 TSAWWASSEN BEACH ROAD, TSAWWASSEN $2,388,800 •5bedrooms, 2bathrooms •2,091 sq ft home on 7,170 sq ft Oceanfront lot •Incredible outdoor living spaces, perfect for entertaining or relaxing •Expansive driveway and double carportfor many vehicles •Sunsets, boating, kayaking, and paddle boarding all from your own backyard BEACHFRONT LIVINGAWAITS! NEW PRICE 310-4738 53 STREET 9891 GILHURST 5555CRESCENT COMMODORE 5364DRIVE SPETIFORE CRESCENT JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! 206-5599 14B AVENUE JUST SOLD! 1688 OCEAN PARK ROAD, SOUTH SURREY $2,988,800 •4bedrooms, 3bathrooms •2,586 sq ft home on 35,937 sq ft lot •Updated bathrooms, new carpeting, fresh paint inside &out •Park-like property with huge new deck, perfect for entertaining •Potentially subdividable lot for future redevelopment RENOVATEORBUILDWITH OCEANVIEWS NEW LISTING 1522 BRAID ROAD JUST SOLD! 5089 CENTRAL AVENUE, LADNER $1,999,900 •6bedrooms, 5bathrooms •3,264 sqft of living space on a4,576 sqft lot •Fenced yard •Close to Ladner Village, schools and more! NEWBUILD HOME IN GREATLOCATION NEW LISTING 5650 CAMINO COURT, BURNABY $1,699,000 •2,621 sqft home on 6,866 sqft lot •4bedrooms, 2bathrooms •End of cul-de-sac location with rear lane access •Potential for future laneway house •Minutes to Brentwood, SkyTrain, and buses BUILD IN NORTHBURNABY! NEW LISTING LOTS 5-7 BODEGA BEACH DRIVE, GALIANO ISLAND $1,999,900 •60acres (approx 20 acres per parcel) •Panoramic Ocean and Mountain views •Develop 3single family estates and/or awinery •Electrical services located nearby,well services on the property •Enjoy the natural coast in complete privacy BODEGA RIDGE ESTATES ON GALIANO NEW LISTING
100YEARS Bob Cooke 604-943-SOLD(7653) • Serving Ladner,Tsawwassen and the world for over 30 years. RE/MAX Progroup Realty 5360 12th Avenue, Delta, BC. $1,668,000 TOTALLYUPDATED -4BEDROOMS 5445 CANDLEWYCK WYND, TWSN Over$200,000spentimprovingthisperfectfamilyhome.Kitchen, 3baths,furnace, flooring,roof,siding +muchmore.Privatelocation too. Bob Cooke •604-943-7653 RANCHER ON THE GOLF COURSE 1060 JACKSON WAY, TWSN 1/4acre lotthat backsontotheBeachGroveGolfCourse.2400sq.ft.,3bdrm+den rancher.Decorateorrebuildinthisperfectsetting. Bob Cooke •604-943-7653 $2,198,000OPENSUN2-4 Sutton Group Seafair Realty 1625 -56Street, Delta, British Columbia V4L 2B2 |604-790-5859 | 3BEDS |3 BATHS 1,501 SQ. FT.|BUILT1997 14 4748 54A STREET $998,000 SOLD 3BEDS |4 BATHS 2,012 SQ. FT.|BUILT2015 205 1738 55A STREET $999,000 SOLD 7BEDS |5 BATHS 5472 SQ. FT.|BUILT2021 522 MILSOM WYND $2,999,000 SOLD AS BUYER’S AGENT 4BEDS |3 BATHS 4536 SQ. FT.|BUILT1974 543 56 STREET $1,099,999 3BEDS |1 BATHS 1,478 SQ. FT.|BUILT1999 1348 ENDERBY AVENUE $1,499,000 SOLD 2BEDS |2 BATHS |880 SQ. FT.|BUILT1996 305 1120 TSATSU SHORES DRIVE $799,000 Live your BEST life on the beach! This is truly aone of akind building. Stunning westerly views from the 3rd floor unit. Move in ready.Take full advantage of 2bedrooms, 2full bathrooms, 1underground parking stalls, agym and the ocean at your doorstep. Paddle boarding and crab for dinner....don’thesitate or it will be gone! Close to BC Ferries, Tsawwassen Mills, Tsawwassen Springs and all just 30 minutes from the city! Book your private showing today! HOUSE/SINGLE FAMILY FOR SALE IN TSAWWASSEN The BEST family home in Tsawwassenis now on the market! Callmetoday for all the details. JUST SOLD 6BEDS |6 BATHS |5,988 SQ. FT.| BUILT1974 878 57 STREET $2,980,000 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, AUGUST 14TH 2-4PM
A24 TheDeltaOptimist August11,2022 100YEARS ROBIN REIMER 604-868-2844 ROBINREIMER.COM ROBINREIMER@TELUS.NET #1 SOUTH DELTA 36 YRS MLS MEDALLION CLUB Seafair Realty 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON #OFYEARS QUALIFYINGFOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATERVANCOUVERREALESTATEBOARD 1983, 1984, 1985,1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,1999,2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020&2021 UN$2,288,000 DER CONSTRUCTION 259 54A STREET,TSAW ABSOLUTELYTHE BESTBUY Fabulous new home in oneofTsawwassen'sfinest locations. Excellentopen floor plan with5bedrooms, 6bathrooms,hugegames room andtotally separate 1bedroom inlaw suite. Home is approx.3500sq.ft.onafabulouswestern exposedyardonaquiet street.Close to parksand schools. Nothinglikethisin Tsawwassen.Callnow formore info Robin604-868-2844 GORGEOUS 5000 SQ.FT.HOME WITH FABULOUS VIEWS Featuring 6bdrms,6 bathrms, excellent2bdrmsuite andspectacular rooftopdeck. This rare findislocated on aquiet street withmanyfines homes in UpperTsawwassen. Homeisjusttotally updatedwith ouststanding viewsona 10,750 sq.ft. western exposed lot. This kind of homedoes not come to market often, don'tmissthisone.Callfor more information. Call ROBINfor info.604-868-2844 FABULOUS JUVIEWS ST LISTED 989GALEDRIVE 1/2ACRE SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL Wow!!! 1/2acrepropertyinupper Tsawwassen withsubdivision potential. This fabulous property hasa greatcustom builthome withupdated kitchen,bathrooms, roof,guttersand gorgeous gunite pool.Homeisapprox. 4500 squarefeet, 6or7 bedrooms,4bathrooms,games room,familyroom, largeliving room,diningroom andkitchen.Thiscustom builthome wasway aheadofits time withafabulous floor plan,perfect forthatlarge family or creating alarge suite. This kind of property and home nevercome to market.Don't missthisone!!! Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 PRICE REDUCED $2,100,000 OPEN HOUSESUNDAY 2-4PM JUST LISTED FABULOUS 2BEDROOM &DEN WITH PRIVATESOUTHERN YARD This greatground floor 2bdrm& dencondo is centrallylocated,only stepsfrom town center andall amenities. Excellentfloorplanthatopens onto atotally privatesunnyyard. This beautifulcondo is like new conditionfeaturing 1227 sq.ft.,2decks,2 full bathrooms, privateaccess, privatesunnyyardand greatbuilding.Thisone of akindcondo hasnever been on themarket. Don'tmissyourrareopportunity. Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 $759,000
August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A25100YEARS Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON #OFYEARS QUALIFYING FOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATERVANCOUVERREALESTATEBOARD 1983, 1984, 1985,1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,1999,2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 &2021 PRICE REDUCED 947 51STSTREET Tsawwssen's Street of Dreams.Spaciousexecutive 4bedroom &den home situated on huge 10,118 sq ft southwestfacinggorgeousprivatelot on very popularstreet. Largefamilyroom, nice kitchen withnewer Stainlesssteel appliances.Spaciousliving room w/separate diningroomplus1bedroom and den/officedownstairs. Threebedroomsup, largemaster bedroomwithwalk-in closet &fullensuite w/Jacuzzi tub. Radianthot water heat. Home builtw/4x6 construction, thermal windows, newerdrainage, greatworkshop/shed Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 $1,948,888 PRICE REDUCED $2,699,000 5823 16TH AVENUE Youwill not findagorgeoushome like this, builtinBeach Grove or Tsawwassen This rarefind hasjustbeenfinished andwaiting foryou to move in.Thisoutstanding homefeatures3,100 sq.ft.,1bedroom suite, gourmet kitchen withwok kitchen,5 bedrooms,5bathrooms,large separate building,excellent open floor plan anda largeprivatesunnyyard. Don'tmissthisquality builthome withhighend finishing throughout.Come andvisit us this weekendfor ourgrand opening. CallROBIN604-868-2844 $1,249,000 111 GRAHAM DRIVE BEST SUNSET VIEWS & LOCATION Custom Designed Home with simply the Best Views in Tsawwassen. This Totally Private 2 Bedroom &Den home has an Outstanding Open Floor Plan to take full advantage of all the spectacular Ocean Sunset Views. There will NEVER be another home like this in Tsawwassen. Call for Floor Plans and more Info. CallROBIN604-868-2844 PRICED REDUCED FABULOUS WESTERN BLUFF VIEW LOT!!! Ready to build approx. 14,000 sq.ft. lot Plans are available for 6,700 sq.ft. home Call formore information ROBIN604-868-2844 EXCLUSIVE LISTING $2,600,000 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-4PM 5304 SPETIFORE CRESCENT Beautiful5bedroom,4fullbathroomhomein upperTsawwassen. This greatfamilyhomeis approx.2900sq.ft.withexcellent floor plan and finishedwithhighend detailsthroughout. Locatedinanarea of newer homes close to schools,parks,transportationwitha beautiful southern exposed back yard.Callfor more informationand your exclusive showing. Call ROBIN604-868-2844 PRICE REDUCED $2,200,000 222 66TH STREET TSAWWASSEN $2,200,000 4575 EDMONDSDRIVE LADNER $1,549,000 1146 53ASTREET TSAWWASSEN 1142 FAIRWAYVIEWS WYND $940,000 JUST SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD
Outstanding location overlooking the greenery and tranquility of Ernie Burnet park. This one owner,custom builthome has been immaculatelymaintained. Over 2,600 squarefeet featuring formal living and dining room, open conceptkitchen, eating and familyroom overlooking privateback yard with patio to enjoymanyevening barbecues. 3bedrooms, office, 2.5 baths, 9footceilings on main floor,and radianthot water heatonbothlevels. Liveworry free with this newer metal roof with lifetime warranty, 2x6 construction, vinyl stucco exterior and so much more. School, parks, golf course and marina all within walking distance. Easy access to Tsawwassen Mall and to Vancouver Photo’s aretaken from asimilar property and maynot be exactlythe same as whatwill be in this home.
A26The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS LINDA CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. BOB CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. THE CHANCEYS REALESTATEGROUP Simplyterrific familyresidenceinagreat neighborhood. Pride of ownership shines throughout this 2,100 squarefoot, 3bedroom home thathas been updated throughout the years; Roof,windows and furnaceapproximately10years young; newer concrete driveway and more. Privatewest-facing backyard forloads of outdoor enjoyment. Formal living and dining rooms with gas fireplace, kitchen and eating area, extralarge familyroom, spacious mudroom and doublegarage. Quiet no-thru street in centralLadner within walking distancetoshops, parks, recreation, and transit. This home is atrue gem. 4713 54th Street, Ladner $1,457,000 604-946-8899 CITYREALTY Over 2,500 Homes Sold 4581 53rdStreet, Ladner $1,799,000 Brand new,bright&Spacious 2600 squarefoot, 3level familyhome includes a1bedroom LEGAL SUITE. Under construction but act fast in order to have time to select some of your ownfinishings and makethis your dream home! Open conceptfeatures agourmet kitchen with island and quartz countertops, familyroom with gas fireplace&dining room overlooking back yard.Total of 4bedrooms, 5bathrooms, and an office! Excellentcentral Ladner location close to schools, shopping &restaurants. Don’twait on this fantastic pre-buildopportunity! Quality craftsmanship &elegancebyLadner Homes. 5253 Brigantine Road, Ladner $1,799,000 BEAUTIFUL HOME IN MARINA GARDEN ESTATES
August11,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA27100YEARS LINDA CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. BOB CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. THE CHANCEYS REALESTATEGROUP 604-946-8899 CITYREALTY Over 2,500 Homes Sold 4605 SavoyStreet, Ladner $1,968,000 Welcome to this spectacular 2year young home located in historic Port Guichion. Beautiful architecture, vaulted ceilings thatrise as high as 25 feet, exceptional quality,custom mill work and touches of luxurythroughout. Over 2,600 squarefeet boasting a gourmet kitchen, dining/eating area with built-in cabinetry,familyroom thatleads to serene covereddeck and patio. Total of 3bedrooms and an office(or 4th bedroom), 4baths. Private, picturesque backyardand finished studio with loft. Air Conditioning, 9footgaragedoors, and so much more. AN EXCEPTIONAL HOME! Disclaimer: some photo’s arevirtuallystaged WHISTLER VIBES! JUST LISTED
A28 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS •SUCCESSFULLY SELLINGSOUTH DELTA REAL ESTATE• 604.312.7621 Rachel MacInnes Licensed Realtor TOP1%OF2021 GREATER VANCOUVER REALTORS® Sutton Group -Seafair Realty: 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen,BC Lulu Godin Licensed Realtor Noforeignbuyerstaxorvacancytax! 527-4688HawkLane $1,049,900 Gorgeous1660Sq.ft.4bed,4bathhomewithOceanand NorthShoreMtn.views! Justashort5min.walktothe Boardwalk,TsawwassenMillsShoppingCenter,BigSplash Waterpark&multipleplaygrounds.4carparking!! Noforeignbuyerstaxorvacancytax! 8-4638OrcaWay $1,495,000 Originalshowhome.Oceanviewbackingonto naturereserve. NEWPRICE: 528SeashellDrive$1,599,000 BoundaryBay-executivefamilyhomewith4 bedroomsjuststepstoCentennialBeach NEWPRICE: 93050BStreet$1,590,000 Over10,000sqftprivatelotwithRancher. Closetoschoolsandtowncentre. NEWLISTING: 703-1400ViewCres $1,499,000 Longawaitedforfinallyforsale.Topfloorcornerunit penthousewithpanoramicviewandoversizeddeck. NEWLISTING: 809-10780No.5Rd,Richmond$668,000 Likebrandnew1bdrmanddenwithoversizedeckand viewofNorthShoreMountains.10minutestoairport andVancouver NEWLISTING: 213WoodlandDrive $1,649,000 Lovelycustombuiltrancherwithpoolintheterrace. Thekitchenandfamilyroomaretheheartofthehomes. NEWPRICE: 4695KensingtonPlace $1,499,000 5bdrmfamilyhomerenovatedwithgorgeous newbathsandsunnywestfacingbackgardenin aquietcul-de-sac. NEWLISTING: 54785BAvenue $1,399,000 SpaciousfamilyhomeonaquietstreetinthePebble Hillneighbourhood.
August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A29100YEARS •SUCCESSFULLY SELLINGSOUTH DELTA REAL ESTATE• 604.312.7621 Rachel MacInnes Licensed Realtor TOP1%OF2021 GREATER VANCOUVER REALTORS® Sutton Group -Seafair Realty: 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen,BC Lulu Godin Licensed Realtor NEWLISTING: 560SeashellDrive $1,999,000 OceanviewhomebackingontoCentennial Parkway-themostdesirablebeachparkinthe LowerMainland. NEWLISTING: 535410AAvenue $1,448,000 Wheelchairaccessiblemainfloorlivingwithopen floorplan,bedroomandfullbathonmain. NEWLISTING: 19966AStreet $1,999,000 Pictureperfectfamilyhomewithdoublecarga rageintheheartofBoundaryBayjuststepsfrom thebeachandCentennialParkway NEWPRICE: 1575SpyglassCres $1,799,000 Spaciousfamilyhomelocatedinthepopular ImperialVillage.Thisbeautiful2763sqft,5bed room,4bathroomhomeismove-inreadyanytime. NEWPRICE: 878PacificDrive $2,695,000 Executivehomewithoceansunsetviewsinthe village.4700sqftofbeautifullivingspaceona landscaped10,000+sqftgardenlot. 29-4292WolfWay$899,999 3BedroomTownhomeinTsawwassen’s closestwaterfrontmaster-plannedfamily orientedcommunity 113650thStreet $1,499,000 Well-maintainedfamilyhomeonaquietstreet inacentrallocationwithgreatsuitepotential. NEWLISTING: 5217LaurelDrive $1,699,000 Largefamilyhomewithfunctionalfloor planinthesought-afterLadnerHawthorne neighbourhood. 5157KilkennyDrive $1,749,000 Completelyrenovatedentertainmenthomein PebbleHillwithswimmingpool.
A30The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS Sutton Group -Seafair Realty -1625 56th Street,Tsawwassen,BC THORMATSON Licensed Realtor 778-994-8314 TAMMY MATSON PersonalRealEstateCorporation 778-938-5599 THINKING OF AMOVE??? CALL US!!! SERVICE THATWILL MOVE YOU!!! 1426 View Crescent,Tsawwassen •$1,149,000 GOLF COURSE VIEW -detached1942 sq ft homewith expansiveview deck to watchthe sunrise &enjoyexceptionalgolf course views! Private &SUNNY west exposed patio with beautiful mature gardens offers more outdoor living, relaxing &entertaining space &nograss to cut! Dining &living room up &family room down are bright&spacious &havecozy gas f/p’s.Generous room sizeswith spacefor home office &gym. Loads of storage in home, crawlspace &double garage Well maintained &AIR CONDITIONED home in unbeatable QUIET location -walk to stores, restaurants,transit ,quaintBGcoffee shops &dyke. 5311 10A Avenue, Tsawwassen •$1,588,000 Beautifully UPDATED 4bed 3bath home on private, SUNNY &beautifully landscaped 8439 sq ft lot! Gourmet’skitchen with entertainers’ island overlooks dining area with frenchdoors to sunnydeck&private patio with mature gardens -great outdoor living &entertaining space! Spacious living room up has warm H/W flooring &beautiful stone f/p. Sizeable family room down has cozy gas f/p &space for entertaining, media room &gym. Bedroom down is ideal home office. Meticulously maintained home that’s‘move in ready’ and in great central location -walk to schools, parks, town center &transit. PRIVATESUNNY LOT!!! 5082 1Avenue, 66-4656Tsawwassen Orca Way, 179Tsaw 53 Street, Tsaw Listed byLuxmoreRealty SOLD!!! SOLD!!! SOLD!!! 6242 Brodie Place, Ladner JUST SOLD!!! 103-1153 54A Street, Tsaw JUST SOLD!!! 301-1172 55 Street, Tsaw JUST SOLD!!! WANTED!!! TOWNHOME AT SEASIDE -WEHAVEBUYERS!!! 5150 Stevens Drive,Tsawwassen •$1,588,000 BeautifullyUPDATED 4bed 3bath 2828 sq ft home on private, SUNNY& beautifully landscaped7653sqftSOUTH lot! Renovated chef’s kitchen opens to diningarea& livingroom with warm H/W flooring &beautiful stone f/p.Expansive wrap arounddeckoff kitchen &sizeable patio below are great outdoor living& entertainingspaces! Lowerfloor offersspaciousfamily roomwith cozy gas f/p,flex room &bedroom -loads of space for home office, gym &media room. Workshop down is added bonus! Backyard with mature gardens is private &sunny!This ‘move in ready’homeis situatedonQUIET street -stepstoSDSS, parks &transit. NEWLISTING!!! PRIVATESOUTH LOT!!! DETACHED HOME -AMAZING GOLF COURSE VIEW!!!
August11,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA31100YEARS Paul Khara Calvin Khara PAUL KHARA REAL ESTATEGROUP 604.816.4568 Sutton Group -Seafair Realty 5108 LINDEN DRIVE •NEW CUSTOM HOME IN CENTRAL WEST LADNER •3 BEDROOMS, ALL WITH FULL ENSUITE BATHS •LUXURIOUS INTERIOR WITH HIGH END FINISHES THROUGHOUT •FUNCTIONAL OPEN CONCEPT LAYOUT •DETACHED 2CAR GARAGE WITH SIDE ACCESS •PRIME LOCATION WALKING DISTANCE TO SCHOOLS, LADNER VILLAGE, SHOPPING AND TRANSIT 5382 CRESCENT DRIVE •6MASSIVE BEDROOMS &5BATHROOMS •2MASTER BEDROOMS WITH FULL ENSUITE BATHS &W/I CLOSETS • 2BEDROOM SELF CONTAINED SUITE WITH LAUNDRY •DETACHED SHOP WITH ADDITIONAL 2CAR GARAGE • PARKLIKE 20,000.00 SQUARE FEET LOT (100 FT.X200 FT.) •2 SEP SETS OF HEATING &A.C. SYSTEMS •6000 SQ.FT.CUSTOM DESIGNED IN CENTRAL WEST LADNER 5130 WESTMINSTER AVENUE •4BEDROOMS PLUS DEN •UPDATED KITCHEN AND BATHROOMS •2GAS FIREPLACES •PRIVATEYARDWITH LANE ACCESS •INGROUND POOL WITH NEW HEATER •LARGE DOUBLE CAR GARAGE •WALK TO SCHOOLS &LADNER VILLAGE 6095 48A AVENUE •UPDATED 3BEDROOM RANCHER • PROFESSIONALLYLANDSCAPED AND PRIVATE7,590 SQ.FT LOT •CONVENIENT HOLLYPARK LOCATION •RVPARKING WITH ACCESS TO REAR YARD •PRICED TO SELL AT $1,299,900 310 4738 53 STREET • PENTHOUSE IN SUNNINGDALE •2 BEDROOM 2BATHROOM •UPDATED UNIT WITH NEW KITCHEN, BATHROOMS AND LIGHTING •1 PARKING AND 1SECURE STORAGE LOCKER •LOCATED IN THE HEARTOF LADNER WALKING DISTANCE TO ALL MAJOR AMENITIES 4675 HAWK LANE •3BEDROOMS PLUS DEN •OPEN FLOOR PLAN WITH 12 FT CEILINGS IN LIVING RM. •ENTERTAINERS KITCHEN WITH QUARTZ COUNTERS •NEW CARPETS AND INTERIOR PAINT •PRICED BELOW ASSESSMENT! 4903A 53 STREET NEW COACH HOMES • 4/5 BEDROOM +DEN &FAMILYROOM- MAIN HOUSE • SEPRATE 1BEDROOM COACH HOME WITH LAUNDRY • QUAILTY BUILDER WITH 2-5-10 NEW HOME WARRANTY • CONVENIENT CENTRAL LADNER VILLAGE LOCATION •PRICED TO SELL AT $1,988,800 •CALL PAUL FOR INFORMATION PACKAGE 4982 57A STREET •7500 SQ.FT RECTANGULAR LOT •LEGAL 1BEDROOM RENTAL SUITE •PRIME CENTRAL WEST LADNER LOCATION •4BEDROOMS 2BATHROOMS •2CAR GARAGE ALLEN SCHWABE 604-644-5664 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen 604-943-3110 1752 Beach Grove Road, Delta 5466 8A Avenue, 10519Delta Dennis Cres, Richmond 1666 Beach Grove Road, Delta 103-1153 54A Street, Delta $619,000 “Heron Place” Huge 1351 sq.ft. 2bedroom and Den (could be third bedroom), 2Bathroom and private 300 square foot garden patio. Central location in the heart of Tsawwassen, very short walk to shopping, transit, recreation, medical etc. No neighbours on either side, very private. Extra bonus side by side parking stalls and well sized storage locker. 4442 Arthur Drive, Delta $1,690,000 This wonderful Sonnenberg-built home has been impeccably maintained and will surely impress. This property is located on prestigious Arthur Drive. This 4bedroom rancher w/loft residence features 2,738 sqft of living space and sits on a beautiful 8200 sqft waterfront lot with apeaceful slough running behind it. Many extras incl. akitchen w/quartz counters &glass backsplash, high-end SS appliances, newer roof w/50 year warranty, double wide garage, formal living &dining areas, large master suite w/walk-in closet &ensuite. Interior includes aloft w/extra bedroom &flex space, radiant heating &much more! Centrally located within walking distance to Ladner Village, Memorial Park &both Elementary &High Schools. NEW LISTING
A32The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS seafair realty 5000 Bridge Street,Ladner 604.943.3110 778.773.9563 Kat JOHNSON •Open floor plan –2storey •Inunit laundry,city water &sewer •Designated Parking –1car •One bed –One bath •Monthly Moorage #5 -23080DykeRoad, Richmond $245,000 Open Floor Plan NEW PRICE! •Licensed for up to 3float homes plus boats •Includes one float home •140 feet of docks •City Water and Sewer •Parking for8ormore vehicles or RVs 23240 Dyke Road, Richmond $1,598,000 Waterfront with Land Ownership •One Bed and Den with in unit laundry •River Front views. Double Decks •Gas Fireplace and Stove •Low Maint. –metal roof, rain screened, hardyboard •Monthly moorage 4345 WRiver Road, Ladner $499,000 Custom Built Concrete Float Home NEW LISTING! •Tons of Upgrades –house,docks, ramp, roofing, fence, storage, and more •Two waterlot tenants •Shore house can be rented too! 4533 WRiver Road Ladner New Price $1,475,000 $$ Income Property $$ NEW LISTING! •Double Lot –132’ frontage •Boat Moorage and Lift on site •Custom Built (2016) Float Home 2150 sq ft •Triple Garage –almost 800 sq. Ft •Long Term Water Lease 4379 WRiverRoad Ladner Panoramic Waterfront $5,500,000 •1bedroom, 1bathroom •2storey floating home •Revenue generating moorage for boats plus the float home #1 22900FraserwoodWay,Richmond $648,000 NEW LISTING! COMING SOON! Beautiful 4or5 bedroom 2-Level home in the desirable Port Guichon School area! Many upgrades over the years, including kitchen, bathrooms, appliances, A/C, all double glazed windows, vinyl exterior siding, asphalt driveway,large covered balcony. etc etc! Park-like private southfacing rear yard, this is agreat family home and easily suitable! Call for more details! 29-8217 204B Street -Langley Gorgeous 5yrold CORNER home in Willoughby Heights! Bright open floor plan on the main feat. abeautiful white kitchen w/ quartz counter s/scountertops, appliances includ. gas range, eating area, pantry,&access to the oversized deck perfect for your BBQ! BONUS recroom/4th bdrm on the lower level. The 382sqft ROOFTOP DECK is an entertainer’sdream, offers views of the trees &mountains, &feat. water &gas! 3 +Den | 3 | 1529 ft2 | $950,000 26167 64th Avenue -Langley Stunning 4.39 acreproperty in desirable County Line Glen Valley! Fully Updated rancher with a gorgeous kitchen featuring quartz countertops, shaker style white cabinetry,&large kitchen island/bar,open to the living room w/cozy gas fireplace. Updated bathrooms, hardwood flooring, pot lighting, paint &trim. BONUS 1,960 SQ FT DETACHED SHOP &secondary outbuilding with horse stalls. Lots of parking for RV’s, Boats and Trucks. Great location with easy access to Hwy #1. If you aretired of the city life, want your own hobby farm, aproperty for storage for your business, or rental income this is it! 3 | 2 | 1808 ft2 | 4.39 acres | $2,450,000 17303 59A Ave-Cloverdale 18633 61A Ave- Cloverdale Marketed By Homelife Benchmark
INFO@KENDALLAYRES.COM KENDALLAYRES.COM Sutton Group -Seafair Realty 100-5000 Bridge Street, Delta, BC 553-4688HAWK LANE Tsawwassen $869,900
SOLD 7376 142STREET Surrey $1,499,900
Welcome to Village Terrace! Abright, south facing, 2bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, top floor, corner unit offers plenty of light and views over Bakerview Park. This unit is complete with spacious bedrooms and aden, tasteful updates throughout, akitchen and dining area that overlooks the sunken living room and the inviting, stone-clad gas fireplace. Gas and hot water are included in the maintenance fee. One parking and one storage locker. Quiet cul-de-sac location that is close to Semiahmoo Mall, restaurants, pubs, shopping, recreation, transit and more. Quick possession is available.
Welcome home! This meticulously maintained 5bedroom home has room for the whole family with 2439sqft of living space on a8342sqft property. Located on aquiet cul-de-sac and backing onto aprivate and stunning greenbelt, this home has loads to offer including beautiful gardens, updated windows, furnace, garage door, roof (1 year old), fresh paint, anewer deck, spacious rooms and plenty of storage. Central location close to shops, markets, schools, transportation and recreation.
August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A33100YEARS K A KENDA LL AYRES RE AL EST ATE 604.250.6981
fitness centre and lots of visitor parking. SOLD SERV ING ALL YOUR REAL E ST A y T E ea a Re NE EDS S I N C E 19 84 604.946.1255 Barry Chreptyk Sutton Group Seafair Realty #100 5000 Bridge Street, Ladner, BC V4K 2K4 604 946 1255 BarryChreptyk com barryrc@uniserve com An independent Member Broker a a Re t “RICHMOND” Fantasticquietlocation! South exposedprivate yardbacking onto Greenbelt .Three bedrooms 11/2 bathrooms,roughed in forensuite too. Renovation demolition has been startedbut will not be completed… Theperfect opportunitytorenovateexactly the wayyou want it Conveniently located close to Broadmoorshopping centreand all amenities.Quickpossession available! JUST LISTED @$849,000 “MAPLE VILLAGE” Seafair Realty 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen “A trusted Name for30Years” 604-868-2827 Sharon Reimer Views overlooking ocean, mountains & BoundaryBay!Located in Upper Tsawwassen in exclusiveMorningside Bareland Strata Development. Excellent floorplan with2885sq.ft., living on the main,2bedrooms& 2baths up anda hugefamilyroom&1bedroom &bath down with walkout to aprivate balcony Main floor haslarge,private patio overlooking views!This is theperfect entertainmenthome, lowmaintenance.A home &lifestyle that is averyrare find! Call Sharon forviewingorfurtherinfo. at 604-868-2827 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2-4PM 213 MORNINGSIDE DRIVE, TSAWWASSEN JUST LISTED $1,399,000 Fantastic location in BeachGrove on a 7,804 sq.ft. corner lot. Property features a 2,944 sq.ft. housewith agreat floorplan! Main floorincludesa largeopengreat room,living room +media/gamesroom +bathroom.Upper floor has4bedrms, 2 full baths+ laundryroom. Theexisting houseinsideneeds to be renovated. This property wouldappealtoa buyer interested in doinga major renovation or abuyer wishingtobuildacustomor speculationhome. GreatBeach Grove location, 1blockwalktothe dyke. Call Sharon forviewingorfurtherinfo. at 604-868-2827 LOCATION, LOCATION! 5940 KIRKWOOD ROAD, TSAWWASSEN JUST LISTED $1,499,000 778-863-6805 Sutton Group -Sutton Seafair Realty 100 -5000 Bridge Street Delta, BC, V4K 2K4 WATERFRONTLIVINGONTHETOPFLOOR!WelcomehometoSeafarerMarina Estates!Thisspectacular2bedroom2bathhomeboastsover1200squarefeet of living space and has been tastefully updatedfeaturing aspacious layout, invi�ng primary bedroom, your own 0 boatslip and amassive224 square foot deck with an unobstructed viewoverlooking the river and marina! Enjoy arelaxing evening on the pa�owatching the sunset over the scenic river, go forawalk along the marina, or walk into historic Ladner Villagefor great restaurants, local shops and more. This is awell maintained complexwith newer windowsand roof,elevatoraccess, workshop, recrea�on centreand secureparking. Homes likethis with unobstructed views arerarely available in Ladner so come have alook today! #308-480348Avenue $885,000
Welcome to Sunningdale! Make this beautifully appointed 2 bedrooms, 2bathrooms, corner unit your home! Offering 1099 square feet of an efficient and thoughtful layout with alarge living room including acozy fireplace, an adjoining dining room and spacious kitchen complete with white cabinetry and marble tile backsplash. The impressively large master bedroom boasts extra windows and nicely renovated ensuite. Arental and pet friendly building that’s closely located to grocery stores, markets, markets, restaurants, coffee shops, parks and recreation, schools, public transportation and more! Gas and hot water, included in maintenance fee. 1parking and 1storage locker, guest suite,
104-476853STREET Tsawwassen $629,900
314-15275 19 AVENUE Surrey $508,000
Welcome to Aerie Walk! Abeautifully appointed 3bedroom and 2.5 bathroom townhome located in Sunny Tsawwassen. Acomfortable and open layout on the main floor with an east-facing deck extending off of the kitchen. The kitchen offers tasteful cabinetry, quartz countertops, marble accents and agas range that opens up to the dining and living room. The 3bedrooms, 2full bathrooms and laundry are all located above the main. As you approach the front door you’ll find apleasant, west-facing, greenspace and patio to enjoy the evening sun. This home is complete with adouble tandem garage with lots of storage. Located close to golfing, beaches, the boardwalk, playgrounds, Big Splash Waterpark, BC ferries and all of the conveniences of Tsawwassen Mills and Commons.
August11,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA35100YEARS Sharon Rohwer 604-760-7163 Residential Seniors Specialist TimRohwer 604-762-2041 Commercial Residential Specialist Tim& Sharon “WeCan Relate” RegencyRealty Ltd. 1333 -56th St.,Delta, BC V4L 2A6 REAL ESTATEQUESTIONS? JUST GIVE US ACALL! OPPORTUNITYKNOCKS IF YOUKNOWTHE SECRET! Take advantage of the current real estatemarket Want to Sell? Ask about our `Top Dollar’ Marketing Plan! Need to Buy? Our `Qualified Buyers’ Program always wins out! 5824 48A Avenue Ladner-Call forPrice Tsawwassen-Call for Price #1 4292 Wolf Way JUSTSOLD 3OFFERS 4869 Central Avenue Tsawwassen-Call for Price JUSTSOLD 4882 44A Avenue LADNER-Call for Price SOLD 10OFFERSJUSTSOLD NEWPRICE • Spacious like new1669sf 4bdrm3bath townhouse •Open concept modernkitchen, custom marble fireplace in living dining area, powder room on main floor •2south facing balconies, side by side double garageplus 2additional parking •Well runcomplexacross street from Memorial Park,library& school, steps onlytoHistorical Ladner #4-5053 47 Avenue $949,000 LADNER WELCOME HOME TO “PARKSIDE PLACE” AUGUST 14 & 28 The Ladner Village Market is afirst class, village market that brings together “make it, bake it, grow it” vendors, community organizations and 48th Avenue merchants to create acommunity enhancing event in Ladner Village. MAKE IT ASUMMER EVENT TO CHECK OUT! NEWLISTING • Enjoy your lifestyle in this securegated Age55complex • 1827sf of rancher style living 2bedroom plus den (largest home in complex) •Enjoy the stunning south/west facing gardens •Hugedouble garagewith lots of storagespace 5490 Pennant Bay$949,000 LADNER SOUTH POINT! EXCLUSIVE GATED COMMUNITY! NEWLISTING •Custom updated 4Bedroom 3Bath home on 6054 sf parkviewlot •Featuresnew open kitchen, newwindows. Updated flooring etc •Inlawsuite has full kitchen &separate laundry • Hugewraparound deckoverlooks North Delta Park •Nothing to do just move in 8511 113B Street $1,429,900 N. DELTA LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! NEWPRICE • Spacious 1800sf 4Bedroom 2Bath familyhome •Custom designed WOWkitchen-granite counters, eating bar,SSappliances, Eurorite custom cabinets •Outdoor entertainersparadise-3 tiered deck, large patio, children’splaystructurein7000 sf garden lot • Centrallylocated to schools &Shopping in Historical Ladner 4436 46B Street $1,229,900 LADNER STEPS TO ALL LADNER AMENITIES! Gussays: Thereisalways a beautiful BLUE SKY waiting just behind the clouds! Connecting agents to the community Reachmorehome buyers andsellers in your market 604-439-2623 |
Welcome Home! This renovated 5bed, 2bathhome is afamily-friendly dream. Offering over2930 sq ft of updated, open concept& recently renovated space-entertaining will be adream this summer Upgrades include afully re-done +open white kitchen w/ quartz countertops, soft close wood cabinetry granite composite sink +S/S Bosch applianc. Enjoythe sliding glas doors &all thenatural lightthatthey bring. Upstairshas 3oversized bedrooms w/ 1bathroom +anabundanceofstorage space. Downstairs contains alarge &brightkitchen/family room,2.5 bedrooms +1bath perfect foryour teenagers, parents, or summer guests. Sit back &relax in your newdeck or large fenced in backyard.Nothing else left to do herebut pack your belongings+ move on in. Showings by apptonly,book today!
Renovations to name afew are laminateflooring, built in water purification, countertops, andappliances. This building welcomes rentalsmaking it aperfect opportunityfor investors! Prime location and walkingdistancetocitycentre, schools,rec centre,and public transit. Comes with 1parking spotunderground and pet friendly 604-362-0350 @TaylorBrownRealEstate Taylor Brown Personal Real Estate Corporation When one of your biggest investments is being purchased or SOLD,the keyfactor in the outcome is always within the strategy Thinking of Selling? This communication is not intended to cause or induce breach of an existing agency agreement. Let’sdecide together if this marketisfor you&comeupwith atailored marketing plan to get your home SOLD for top dollar in todays market! LET’S GET YOUR HOME SOLD JustSoldForSale ForSale $3,580,000 | 975235 Street, Langley $1,699,000| 526511A Avenue,Delta $469,000 | 12120CENTRALAve., Port Coq.
A36 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS the heart of our business is people. 1333 56 Street, Delta RegencyRealty Ltd. IndependentlyOwned & frank: 604-862 5731 TSAWWASSEN 4997 kadota drive 4Bed +Den | 3Bath | 2202 ft2 $1,599,000 NORTH DELTA 1010-1196780AVE 1Bed | 1Bath | 479 ft2 $440,000 TSAWWASSEN 6751 MEREDITHPL 4Bed +Den | 3Bath | 3915 ft2 $2,499,000 LADNER C303-4831 53 ST 2Bed | 2Bath | 1240 ft2 $599,999 sold sold sold sold TSAWWASSEN 1494 ENDERBY AVENUE 3Bed | 2Bath | 1655ft2 Welcometothe seaside neighborhood with the best vibes in allof Tsawwassen and whathas quicklybecome one of the mostpopular communities to live andraise afamily.Super solid &wellkept BEACH GROVE rancher includes afunctional floorpan, 3bedrooms, 2bathrooms and1655 sq ft of living space.The home features traditional living & diningrooms, 2gas fireplaces witha bonus 24 X11detached workshop and aprivate eastfacing backyard.Immersed in nature this property is exceptionally located withinwalking distance to BeachGrove Elementary,the beach, parks,dog parks, cafes and walking trails in virtually every direction.Liveinthe home as is, update,renovate,hold as an investment/rentalpropertyorbuild your BeachGrove dream home the opportunities here areendless! $1,279,000 ladner 5133spanton place 3Bed +Den, Office &Flex Space | 3Bath | 2600 ft2 Quality built &meticulously maintained executive stylefamily home perfectly situated on acornerlot location.The home contains3bed +den, office,flex space,3 bath and an open concept main living area that includes agourmet kitchen with S/S Viking appliances, S/S Bosch dishwasher,granite counter tops along shakerstyle cabinetry.Features throughout the home include 9ft ceilings, in-floor radiant heat, gas fireplace,engineered hardwoodflooring, updatedlighting and a2car garage with loads of sensible storage options. Private &well manicured front &back yards feature in ground irrigation system,landscape lighting & lush,mature plants/foliage.Exceptionally well located close to Elementary/ High Schools, walking trails, recreation and beloved Ladner Village $1,739,000 sosold ld
Theultimate LAKEFRONT residence,inone of the most soughtafter locations of Langley. Do youwanttofeel like youare on vacation 365 daysofthe year with full access to private shorelines +nature? This lavish,exclusive sanctuary sits amongst some of thefinest homes + acreages in Campbell Valleywhile being situated on 4.2acres on Murchie Lake lakefrontwith over300 feet of lakefront. Enter your private gated 2742 squarefoot 3bed +den (orconvert back to 4th bedroom)rancher with an open conceptfloor plan. Enjoyyouruninteriupted views from every windowinsideorstep out &watch the sunsets on your western exposed 1088 sq ft deck with views of the water,trees, nature& wild life. Many updates include newmetal roof,hardwood flooring throughout, kitchen,hotwater tank andnewerwindows and furnace. Lots of spacefor thetoys,gardening or evenachicken coop +room to build. Incredible location walk to the South LangleyTrail.Potential to add another residence, confirm with the Township
Welcome to Brisa! Enjoythe summer days hosting family &friends on your fenced in patio at this desirable and private ground level2bed, 1bath condo.Perfect forfamilies as both bedrooms arespacious with his& herclosets in the masterw/ensuite.
August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A37100YEARS Todd Jackson, B.A. Personal Real EstateCorpora�on Richard Lowe, RIBC PersonalRealEstateCorpora�on AmyLambert, B.A. Personal Real Estate Corpora�on MikeVan Straaten, BMgt Realtor Presden sCub 2020 Top1% REBGV 1408 55 Street, Tsaw $1,490,000 2,899 sq. |4bedrooms l3 bathrooms 6,813 sq. lot Spacious and effec�ve floorplan. Prime loca�on,under-ground services and lightly travelled street.Excellent walkability to Central Tsawwassen. #111-5955 Iona Dr,Vancouver $829,900 719 sq. home |2 bedrooms 1bathroom |The Folio complex LocatedonUBC Campus. Ground floor with private pa�o. Secureparking, storage,pet friendly and rentals allowed. 5990 KirkwoodRoad, Tsaw $1,350,000 1,171 sq. home | 3bedrooms 1bathroom | 6,954 sq. lot Iconic Beach Groveproperty,corner lot just50metersfromthe beach. Fix up, rent out or build your dream home. #315-4977 Springs Blvd Tsaw #401-1330 Hunter Road Tsaw 4673 46 Avenue,Ladner $1,399,900 2,120 sq. |4bedrooms l2 bathrooms 6,598 sq. lot Perfect family home with large deck, private backyardand suitepoten�al! Amazing Loca�on with closeproximity to town, schools and parks. 297 55th Street, Tsaw $3,499,000 3,290 sq. |4bedrooms l5 bathrooms 10,785 sq. lot Completely restored home with home theatre, I/G swimming pool and your own pu ng green. Panoramic views. #1-17557 100 Avenue, Surrey $1,215,000 1,945 sq. l4 bedrooms l3.5 bathrooms WelcometoFraser HillinFraser Heights. Newly built luxurious townhomein unbeatable loca�on. End unit with air condi�oning,hot wateron-demand, double cargarage, and 4th bedroom on lower level with fullbathroom #308-4686 51 Street, Ladner $799,000 958 sq. l2 bedrooms l1bathroom DELTA GREEN by Landcra Homes, Adult Orientedbou�que complex55+, TopFloor, 9 ceilings, large SE exposed wrap around covered deck, air condi�oning,secured parking with EV charger/ roo op pa�o, 2x6 construc�on, 2-5-10 Home Warranty #203-1175 55 Street Tsaw 5209 WalnutPlace Ladner #204-1175 FergusonRd Tsaw #308-4803 48 Avenue Ladner 1212 Pacific Drive, Tsaw $2,199,000 4,249 sq. home |4 bedrooms 4bathrooms |7,234 sq. lot Situatedinquietcul-de-sac in Stahaken this home boasts expecta�onal cra smanship and luxuryupdates through-out. 6367 CrescentCt, Ladner $1,899,000 2,709 sq. home l4 bedrooms plus games 3bathrooms l7,987 sq. lot Quietcul-de-sac loca�on with unobstructed farmlandand mountain views, thisfamily home features amasteronmain, open kitchen, manyupdatesincluding new flooring and paint. 4888 EllisLane, Ladner $899,900 1,552 sq. | 3bedrooms l 2.5 bathrooms VillageWalk Townhome locatedinthe heartofLadner. Luxurious fixtures with split-level layout. 10’ ceilings on the main floor with 9” in all bedrooms. Private pa�oterrace. Sideby side parking &large storage. SSOLD OLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 340 Rosehill Wynd, Tsaw $1,499,900 4,750 sq. |4bedrooms l4bathrooms 6,566 sq. lot Large custombuild home with spectacular ocean &mountain views from the manywindowsand decks. Amazing features including circle staircases, I/G pool and suitepoten�al. 3480 River Road,Ladner $3,920,000 2,189 sq. |3 bedrooms 2bathrooms |217,800 sq. lot Sprawling rancher with extensive quality updatesset on 5acres. Includes 3outbuildings, plenty of parking and storage #104-7680 Minoru Blvd, Rmd $749,000 1,544 sq. |2bedrooms |2bathrooms BentleyWynd 10 ceilings, unique spacewith covered balcony, large kitchen &ea�ng area.19+ adultorientedcomplexwith outdoor pool, gym &club house. NEW LISTING 5264 WalnutPlace, Ladner $1,499,000 2,000 +sq. |2 bedrooms +den 3bathrooms l10,882 sq. Centrally locatedRancherinculdesacon large lot featuring vaulted cedar ceilings in main living area and south eastfacing yard.Lots of opportunity here! SOLD SSOLD OLD #308-1175 55 Street, Tsaw $719,000 Over 1,000 sq. |2 bedrooms 2bathrooms Topfloor unit with agreat layout and vaulted ceilings in Onyx Court. Fully rainscreened and rentable! Steps from central Tsawwassen. SOLD 5227 Rega aWay Ladner SOLD NEW PRICE
A38The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS RE/MAX Progroup Realty|536012th Avenue,Delta, BC V4M 2B3 |Office 604.943.8080 | | 1608 668Columbia Street Amazing WATER and CITY views from this 1bedroom, 1bathroom unit in the highly desirable Trapp+ Holbrook building in New Westminster’sexciting Downtown Core! One blockfrom skytrain, Pier Park, the RiverMarket, shopping and entertainment. Open floor plan featuring alots of lights, laminate flooring throughout, modern functional Kitchen, and stainless steel appliances. Amenities include gym, clubhouse and rooftop deckwith outdoor BBQ.Pets welcome, rentals allowed. $550,000 10314200 Riverport Way Rarely available, completely renovated and over1500 SQFT ground floor corner unit with 3beds, 2baths +Den at Waterstone Pier! Youare literally living right by the water with unobstructed water view! Separate entrance access with 2patios just like living in asingle family house! TheDen can be an amazing office or additional guest bedroom. Plenty of storage space with apantry closet right besides the kitchen. Well maintained building with super clean common area &geothermal heating &cooling. Laminate flooring, stainless steel appliances &granite countertop. Steps awayfrom farmers market, Ironwood plaza &quickaccess to Vancouver.Comes with 2side by side parking &one storage locker.Strata fee includes, Heat, Gas, Hot Water,Garbage, Gardening, etc. Pet&kids friendly $1,088,000 1043 Walalee Drive “View from above”This loving cared for &extensively renovated post &beam home is located in the Village in sunnyTsawwassen. 3Bedroom +den/ 3bathrooms with views to Mt Baker,Boundary Bay, and the North Shore Mtns. Transformed into amodern oasis with major renovations including, new custom kitchen, gas range, high end appliances, quartz countertops, custom lighting, all bathrooms replaced, roof, windows, furnace/HW tank, all interior &exterior doors, moldings, blinds, extensive outdoors landscaping/lighting including private, sunnyexpansive backdeckarea off the main floor kitchen, including hot tub, BBQ,lounge area with fire bowl providing the ultimate entertainment yard. Gorgeous views from master bedroom deck, nothing to do but move in! NEWPRICE $1,588,000 5024 Erin Way Beautifullyupdated Rancher on sunny private 11,399 sq ft lot in upperTsawwassen. Over 2900 sq ft including a635 sq ft guesthouse. 3bedrooms 3bathroomsinthe main house while the detached guest house offersvisitors privacy &luxurious comfort with potentially twobedrooms&full bathroom Largesouth facing windowsoverlook the entertainer’sdream backyard with covered patio &sparklingin-groundpoolplus hot tub. Open floor plan withrenovationincluding flooring, stunning tile &gourmet kitchen complete with stainlesssteel appliances &quartz countertops. Thelovely masterretreat has an ensuite &awalkincloset. Quietcentral location. RANCHER $1,999,000 SOLD 1437 Duncan Drive 1437 Duncan Drive is Hemingford’s tastefully crafted home, merging modern and traditional architecture design ideas. A high-ceiling lobby welcomes you as it opens up for a beautiful indoor outdoor space. An intelligent design flowensures that nature is combined with comfort and luxury—a home designed for living and entertaining. The depth of quality in materials is evident throughout the home with Miele Appliances, Kohler plumbing fixtures, engineered wood floorings, and custommade cabinets. Over 3200 sq ft, this 5 bedrooms/6 bathroom is situated on west facing rear yard lot in desirable Beach Grove, 2 blocks from Elementary School, beach access, golf course, shopping, parks and more. Readyfor your family Sept/Oct 2022! NEWLUXURYHOME $2,599,000 BEACHGROVE JUSTSOLD JUSTJUSTSOLD SOLD
A40The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS 17 127 172STREET Listed by MultipleRealty (604) www868-0028 Progroup Realty 1122 53A STREETSOLD in1day $1,038,000 JUST SOLD! 65574 DOGWOOD DRIVE Listed by EXP Realty JUST SOLD! Re/Max Real Estate Services 110 3540West41stAve,VancouverV6N3E6 John Nielsen PERFORMANCE Real Estate Service 34 Successful Years The next move is yours... Experience • Knowledge • Professionalism 604.250.8216 CALL JOHN TODAY JUST LISTED! BETTER THAN NEW! NO GST! 6435 HAMMERMILL AVENUE $1,849,000 DISIRED Southlands beach community is surrounded by lush farmland and a short walk to premier Centennial Beach one of the best beaches in the lower mainland! This better than new estate cottage with no GST offers almost $30,000 in quality upgrades including beautiful Maple hardwood flooring, poly aspartic garage floor coating, fencing and additional landscaping The farmhouse inspired home features open concept living with European influenced oversize windows throughout and 4 generous sized bedrooms wi/vaulted ceilings in the master & grand 5 piece ensuite The chef's delight open kitchen with huge island features a Bertazzoni duel gas range and Fisher & Paykel fridge with bottom freezer is all open onto spacious living room and amazing game changing sunny West outdoor private patio! Almost square 17 34 acre parcel with 823 ft of road frontage features an English style country home, 5 stall barn, hay field and generous pasture area which has been an established equestrian facility for decades. The property offers an ideal central location just 5 minutes to Tsawwassen or Ladner, Tsawwassen Mills Mall, BC Ferries, DeltaPort Way, TFN Industrial Park, transportation and more This parcel is close to BC Railway in an area of transitional properties with amazing future potential. Call anytime for more information. 2975 53RD STREET $5,950,000 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY!PORT GATEWAY MLS R2681681 360ºTOUR NEW PRICE! MLS R2604526 360º TOUR SECLUDED EQUESTRIAN FACILITY! 4774 104TH STREET $6,250,000 First time this amazing secluded 20.25 acre parcel has been offered for sale since 1955 which is located just off Hornby Drive on the quiet section of 104th close to Boundary Bay and private member grass airstrip All 3 buildings on this property were built in 1972 which includes a sprawling 3,162 sq ft 4 bedroom rancher w/30 + car concrete driveway was substantially renovated and enlarged in 1987 and roof redone 10 years ago The second residence is a 1238 sq ft Woods bungalow presently rented and the spectacular 8,400 sq ft 20 stall barn which was used from day 1 to breed race horses up until 7 years ago is truly a first class facility complete with steel roof and cladding. Attention to detail here is second to none including chain link fencing that surrounds the entire property LANCEHUGHES 604.943.8080 ■ LIFETIME MEMBER Re/Max ProgroupRealty 16,264 sq.ft. private estate lot overlooking Georgia Strait. Walkthrough the front door into the grand foyer, and over5200 sq.ft. of living space. Features real hardwood throughoutwith 5 bedroomsupstairs including gym Theextralarge master has 5pce ensuite &private western exposed terrace. Downstairs has gourmet kitchen, family room,billiards room,wine room &office. Double oversized garage &lots of parking Greatfamily home on prestigious English Bluff Road 645English Bluff Quality custombuilt home on a9300 square foot, beautifully landscaped lotinPebble Hill. Topqualityfinishing including: engineered hardwood floors throughout, radiant in floor heating, air conditioning& high endFisher&Paykel appliances package. 4extra large bedrooms upstairs &1 on the main for guests. 2-5-10 homewarranty. 5269 1st Avenue $2,499,900 $3,599,000
August11,2022 The Delta Optimist A41100YEARS RE/MAX Progroup Realty •5360 12th Avenue, Delta, BC Personal Real Estate Corporation 778.688.5972 TOP10% OF GREATER VANCOUVER REALTORS® based on realtors sales for 2015-2020 68-3031 WilliamsRd, Richmond MLS# R2696168 •$999,000 VIEWS! Rarely available West backing unit at Edgewater Park in Seafair.Beautifully renovated 4bedroom up and 1.5 bathrooms. Chef’skitchen with granite counters +backsplash, stainless steel appliances and double ovens. Walk out onto your newly installed composite deck to take in the views, garden or relax. Complex has outdoor swimming pool. 5227 Regatta Way, Tsawwassen MLS# R2711185 •$899,000 Welcome to South Pointe! Beautifully updated rancher with adouble garage and afenced West facing backyard. Located on aquiet cul-de-sac in aGated community with an age restriction of 55+. This home features many updates throughout -newer windows including sliding doors and newer roof are to name afew JUSTSOLD! 2-263 Parkside St,Tsawwassen MLS#R2712273 •$1,350,000 Southland’s2bedroom+ den beach cottage with afully enclosed yard andcourtyard access to the community outdoor kitchenwith pizza ovenand dining area. Interiordesign is Beach Casualwith texturalwood laminate flooring on the main +nylon carpet above. Vaultedceiling with characterbeam detail. 142856thSt. Nice 2-levelcondo withprivateyardincentral Tsawwassen. Sales & Property Management GO FOR THE E PutBev’s 15+years of experiencetowork foryou. Bev and her teamwillwork to gettop dollar for you!! 4688 HawkLane.Fabulous townhome in Tsawwassen Shores New Price! $899,000 CALL BEVFOR YOUR FREE HOME EVALUATION New Price! $599,000 604.970.8118 PersonalReal Estate Corporation #110-6068 Russ BakerWay,Richmond,BCV7B 1B4 Westcoast 407 131556STREET This rarely available 2bdrm/2 full bath PENTHOUSE at THE OLIVAis not to be missed!Features adesirable openfloor plan, 10’ ceilings, extralarge windows in living room &cozygas fireplace. Kitchen withgranitecounter tops, S/Sappliances&Brazilianslate tiles. Bamboo plankflooringinentrance, living &dining rooms. Bright South facingbalcony with private outlook &peek-a-boo view of BoundaryBay &Mt. Baker.Comes with secured parking &storage locker. Enjoy the benefitsofa LEEDSilver Certified building! Centrally located with steps to Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall!$689,000 5378 COMMODORE DRIVE First time on the market! Come view this immaculately kept 5 bedrooms,2.5 bath 2500 sqft familyhome in Prestigious Marina Gardens! Spacious &bright with lots of windows,high ceilings in entrance &livingroom, granite counter topsinkitchen &all bathrooms,roomy primary bedroom with 5pcensuite. Meticulously landscaped private southern backyard with patio & natural gas hook-up for your BBQ! Youwill feel right at home here!Steps to Neilson Grove Elementary &transit. Amust see!$1,659,000 1205 6611 MINORU BLVD Welcome to Iconic Regency Park Towers!This Bright,Spacious 2 bedrooms, 2full baths corner suite is amust see! Fantastic Private outlook with UNOBSTRUCTED Panoramic ViewsofMinoru Park &beyond. Living, Dining rooms with expansive windows to capture the view.Kitchenwithoak cabinets, granite counter tops. Primary bedroom with walk-in closet &a 5piece ensuite. View from everyroomincluding year round enjoyment of the solarium for your morning coffee/tea and evening glassofwine. Desirable Central Richmond! $569,900 Connecting agents to the community Show current and future clients you mean business 604 439 2623 |
After graduatingfrom Kitsilano High School, Bridie attended Normal School and began her teaching career in aone-room school at Soda Creek, BC, followed by Gilmore Elementary School in Burnaby prior to her marriage in 1949. (Married women were not allowed to work as teachers until the 1950’s.) While her own children were schoolaged, Bridie returned to teaching full time in Vancouver, first at Sir William MacDonald Elementary,and later Queen Elizabeth School, and Annex. Thank you to the staff at Mountain View Manor for providing the best available loving care for our mother’s final years. Final resting at Gardens of Gethemani, Surrey,BC. Your Community
Call or email to place your ad, Mondaythrough Friday8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 •
Lew is predeceased by his son, RobertScott and is survived by his wife, Mary Pat, four children and spouses:Debra &Robert, Deanna &Daniel, Gregory& Debbie, and Kevin&Sylvia; four grandchildren and partners:Michelle &Nat,David &Ness, Jennifer &Jamie, and Ayden; two greatgrandchildren: Wyatt and MacKenzie, sister Minnie and nieces and nephews.
Beloved Mother,Sister,Aunt, Gramma, Geeg and Friend, suddenly died on July 30, 2022. She was our HERO. We all loved listening to all her stories especially her war stories and of being acode breaker She will be dearly missed by her 6Children, 10 Grandchildren, 11 Great-Grandchildren, Family,Friends and of course herWexford Family Allyour stories and our memories will never be forgotten, we promise to make youproud!
A42 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS
HEGGE, Richard Arne August18, 1969 -July 26th, 2022
Lew was aspecial person who touched so many lives. He will be missed but remembered with much love Due to Covid acelebration of life will be announced later.Comments/stories/notes can be shared at,
SMITH,Lewis Henry It is with regret that we announce the passing of Lewis Henry Smith of Tsawwassen,BC, who passedaway on July 19th. Lew was born on January 20th, 1937, in Port Alberni, and grew up in the cannery town of Kildonanonthe west coast of VancouverIsland where he attended aone-room schooltograde 7. At the age of 13 he movedtoPort Alberni to attend high school and later moved to Vancouverwhere he attended UBC, studyingsciences.
Fond memories linger everyday, Remembrance keeps themnear.
Delta Funeral Home 604.946.6040
After retiring in 1997, Lew devoted his time to crafting wooden toy cars, fishing with his buddies, and spending time with his family.Hewas also a long-term member of the Order of EasternStar, where he served as aWorthy Patron of Fraser Chapter.Lew was also aFreemason for over50 years, serving as aWorshipful Master of Ancient Light Lodge and as aDistrictDeputy Grand Master
RichardArne Hegge,bornAugust18, 1969 in St. Jerome, Quebec, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on July 26th, 2022 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. He is predeceased by his grandfather,Arne Buckardt Christiansen (August 2017) and his grandmother Aase Helen Buckardt Christiansen (September 2021.) Survived by his mother Susan Mulcahy,wife Jennifer Rosen, daughter Astrid and son Ivan, as well as his aunts, uncles, cousins and many nieces and nephews. Rick would light up aroom just by walking in. His smile and laugh were infectious, and he was always making jokes. He never hesitated to offer ahelping hand to astranger.Heloved his family,and his children were his entire world -the greatest gifts he ever received in life. Rick made friends easily,and many of these friendships were for life. In his career he sailed up and down the BC coast, all the way to Alaska. He fished as far as the South PacificOcean. He spent many yearsatsea andwas fortunate to have ajob doing whatheloved since he wasayoung boy Rick we loved you greatly, and our wish for you is to find peace. See you in heaven. “may you have fair winds and following seas” Amemorial will be held for Rick on Sunday, August 28,2022 at the Fisherman’sHall in Ladner from 1:00pm-4:00pm. (4481 Savoy St,Delta)
SCHRETLEN, Anne Bride (Timmons) August 6, 1924 -July14, 2022 Bridie went home to Our Lord Jesus Christafew weeks priortocelebrating her 98thbirthday.She had aremarkable life. Herlegacy gift to her family was a fierce loyalty to her husband of over 70-years (Alphonse 1923-2019) and the nurturing and loving of her children:Anne, Mark (Laurie), Mary,Eileen Knight: grandchildren Peter (Anita), Brianna, Angela Knight, Joe (Justine) Knight, Chris Stebbing: greatgrandchildren Devdan, Sarika, Abigail, Sidney,and Edwin. Bridie’slife purpose were her spiritual gifts of following God’swisdom, stability and protection for her family during both turbulent and peaceful times. She was alife-long-learner,reading multiple books each week while teaching classes of over 30 children, raising her own family and supporting her husband’s business developments. Bridie was also an accomplished seamstress, amateur nutritionist, historian, and botanist.
Born in Vancouver in 1924, the youngest of 3 siblings, Esther,Anthony,and Mary.Bridie’s parents from Liverpool, England and Slago, Ireland settled in 1903 in Vancouver’sFairview Slopes and later at 5th and Arbutus in Kitsilano. Bridiewas the last survivingmember of her generation of both the Timmons and Schretlen families.
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Love’s greatestgiftis remembrance
All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised prices. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of aparticular advertisement on aspecified date, or at all, although everyeffort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further,the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. The Delta Optimist will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error.Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad’sexpiration. For best results please checkyour ad for accuracythe first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7business days notice! POLICIES
After graduating, Lew began a50-yearcareer with BC Packers and worked up and downthe coast as ageneral manager,helpingmany fishermen get started in the industry While attending UBC, he met the love of his life, Marilyn, and they werewed in 1959, going on to have five children.
BUCHANAN, Peg (Margaret) Lillian March 3, 1926 -July 30, 2022
On July 11, 2022, Monique passed awaypeacefully after ahard-foughtbattle with Alzheimer’sinthe presence of her daughter, Eugenie,and in the loving embrace of her husband of 54 years, Arnie. Also survivedbyher sons Robert(Krista) and James (Pam) and 6grandchildren: Alexis,Olivia, Ryan, Annie,Gabe and Josh. Her siblings in Quebec: Suzanne(Denis)Leclerc, Celine (Jean-Pierre) Leclerc, Serge (Linda Gagnon) Laporte,and Marcelle (Rejean) Savard gave her a largenumber of belovedchildren to whomshe was known as agreat Aunt and Grand-aunt. Born in Montreal to Mauriceand FernandeLaporte (nee Thouin), military service broughther family to manylocationsincluding Germany,eventually settling in Loretteville, Quebec Atop student,Monique showed astrong affinity for languages,creativity,and an ability for clear communication. She became an international telephoneoperator.Always adventurous, Monique left the comfort of home serving in the arctic wilderness of Frobisher Bay in the late 1960’s. She returned to Quebecfor ashort time and then moved to BC with lifelong friendsLise Breton, Jocelyne Turmel and Ginette Stowe Soonafter,she met Arnie and fell in love. They weremarried 3months later and established a homeinLadner,BCwhere they raised their family and were blessed with many more lifelong friendships.Anenthusiastic participant in many community initiatives,Monique served as alongterm directorofthe DCCLS andwas afounding memberofthe Genesis TheaterComplex Society During her long career with Bell Canada,BCTel and Telus, Monique was apopular manager of people and creator of innovative programs. She was loved and respected by allwho worked with her After retirement, Moniqueand Arnie spent several years in Tumbler Ridge and then settled in Port Alberni. Her sharp mind, sharper wit and infectious laughter brought yet another group of close friends and community associations. She very much enjoyed her time volunteering as aFrench language teacher and with the Westcoast Hospital Auxiliary Our family wishes to express our deepest thanks and admiration for the kind care provided by homecare workers and nurses that allowed Arnie to support Monique in theirhome for as long as possible. The staff at Westhaven provided compassionate palliative care and brought her the peace and dignity she so welldeserved.
August11,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA43100YEARS REMEMBRANCES ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNITY OBITUARIES Celebrate the lives of loved ones with your stories, photographs and tributes on deltaoptimist Please recycle this newspaper 604-362-0586
Call: 604-574-8822 Email: Head Office 34863 Cemetery Avenue, Mission, BC Community Crematorium & Celebration Centre Ltd $99 Laporte) 2022
October 23, 1943 -July 11,
BEGG,Monique Anne(nee
Donald Howard Kirkland, also affectionately known as “The Duck” passed away quietlyonJuly 28th due to complications of Parkinson’sand Lewy Body Dementia. Don was a fifth generationKirkland residing in Delta,and he wasvery proudofhis heritage. He lovednothing more than cruising around Ladner and Tsawwassensharing stories aboutthe founding familiesofLadner,the houses he built, and the shenanigans they got up to as children Don earnedanexcellent reputation as an independentcontractorofcustom homes and renovations. He had agreat eye for design improvement, but he was also practical. His clients lovedhim for this and many became close friends Don was an avid boater and loved to fish and play golf. In his earlier years he spent much of time with his son supportingand coachinghockey and taking his daughter to dance Don cherished his family,especially his grandchildren; his eyes would light up when theycame to visit. He will be missed and remembered by his partner Olga,daughter Desirae (John), son Kent, siblings Gail (Hank),Barrie (Judi), John (Shirly), Kari (Emile), and his grandchildren Mila, Loukas, Kamryn,Griffin, and Addison.AlsoOlga’schildren Geoff (Wilma), Chris(Samantha), extended family and friends. Thank you to the staff at Delta Hospital and Irene Thomas Hospice for their kindness and compassion. It takes avillage to raise achild and a community to say goodbye Please join us in aCelebration of Life,September 29th at 1:00pm at the Harris BarninLadner In lieu of flowers, please consider adonation to the Djavad Mowafaghian Center for Brain Health at UBC.
Thank you
Your thoughtfullnessifagiftIwill always treasure.You are
7084 MARKETPLACE WANTED NUMISMATISTPURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS &ACCUMULATIONS!Royal Cana dian Mint, Canada &World Collections Wanted.Also buying 9999 bullion, old money,jewelry,nuggets, sterling,gold, silver, coins, bars, monsterboxes+++ ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 864 3521. PETS LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO 18 months,male,nonshedding, sweet temperament.$2500. Serious inquiries. 604-790-0113 DOG WALKER andSITTER 7days/wk Dog Walking Certficate and Pet First Aid course, can workwith aggressive’s. Ref’savail. Ins’d,bonded Joe,778-325-3659 REAL ESTATE INDUSTRIAL/ COMMERCIAL INTEGRITY POSTFRAME BUILDINGS since 2008. Built with concrete posts. Barns, shops, riding arenas, machine sheds and more. 1-866-974-7678. RENTAL APARTMENTS/ CONDOS FOR RENT Choose your Apartment Rental from oneofour well maintained and managed buildings in SouthDelta: Rental Office 604.948.9111 Inquire about some of our PetFriendly buildings. Please visit our website for availability: Sorry,noBBQs permitted. Reference required. ADivisionofCentury Group SUITES FOR RENT WESTLADNER 2BR, 1.5 bath, own laundry.Avail now.$2200incls utls &wfi Pet OK.N/S.Call or text Gary @ 604-961-9227
HENDERSON,Simone C. November 24, 1938-July 31, 2022
LOWCOST Cremation PackagesAvailable. URN’sstartingat Arrangements made in the comfort or your home, our office, by email or fax for your convenience. No pressuresales or commission. Bakerviewonly provides what you ask for We areheretohelp every step of the way
Dorothypassed over on August 05, 2022,after a month in hospitalwith abroken hip from abad fall. Dorothy was born February23, 1924, and raisedin Gilbert Plains, Manitoba. After graduation Dorothy moved to Ontario where she took her nurse training, then worked in various hospitals in Toronto and surrounding areas. In the early 1950’s, Dorothy moved to the Vancouver area and nursed in St. Paul’s, Vancouver General and Richmond General. After getting married and having two sons, Robert and Paul, she moved to Mexico City with her husband Jerry,who was an aircraft mechanic. After afew yearsthey returned to Richmond and back to work. After many years nursing in Richmond and Vancouver,Dorothy retiredand movedtoLadner She did not sit quietlybut worked at the Thrift Store for afew years. Dorothy was always busy and had many friends, besides good friends and enjoyment at Branch 61 at the Legion In lateryears Dorothy enjoyed travel to Mexico and other countries with friends, and also afew cruises.
AMemorial Service will be held Saturday,August 13, 11:00 am at All Saints Anglican Church 4755 Arthur Dr,Ladner,BCwith reception to follow In lieu of flowers, support for the Alzheimer Society of BC is welcomed. To send acondolence to the family please visit YATES MEMORIAL SERVICES 250.723.5859 “Lives Cherished and Celebrated”
ROBERTSON, DorothyElizabeth (nee BERRY) February23, 1924-August5,2022
for the beautiful
KIRKLAND, Donald H. March 30, 1950 -July28, 2022
It is with brokenhearts that the family of Simone Henderson share her passingonJuly31, 2022 in Vancouver,BC. Loving mother to Cathy and Karen Henderson. Amazing grandmother to Brian and Karlee whom theyfondly called Nanny.Weare thankful to her longtimepartner TedBradford, for their years of companionship. Predeceasedbyher loving husband,Ronald Henderson, in 1985. Predeceasedbyher parents, sister Maggie Reid and many other family members in Canada and Holland. Mom’s youngest and surviving sister, Sylvia CidlowskiresidesinFlorida. Mom loved to stay active and enjoyed skiing, playing golf, boating and walking on thedyke in BoundaryBay and Steveston, BC.Our family enjoyed many years boating LakeSuperior while living in Thunder Bayand the Golf Islandshere in BC. Her career started as astewardess for TCA out of Torontoin1959,which instilled in her alife long love of traveling, especially to Holland, her beloved home, where she could spend time with family.Later,mom enjoyedselling realestate for over 24 years in Tsawwassen, BC, which grew to becomea passion of her’s, helping families find their forever homes.Mom was acherished partof our family anda friendtomany and will be missed so very much. She never turned downaglass of whitewine or aG&T,soplease raiseaglass of your favourite beverage and send her off in style. We would like to thank the paramedics, doctors and exceptional nursesatVGH who took such good care of mom during her final days. In lieu of flowers, adonation to the heart and stroke foundation of BC in Simone’sname, would be greatly appreciated Mom,may you forever Rest in Peace We will always love and miss you. Speed THANKS to Peterand Coral Gurny Iam humbled and grateful painting. certainly agiftedartist -ViKrall FOUND Watch found Tues, 08/02, Fenton Drive, Ladner. 604 812
A44 The Delta Optimist August11,2022 100YEARS HOME SERVICES EMPLOYMENT RENTALS Hot Spot For Sale 604-362-0586 Place Your Ad Today! 604-362-0586 Doug and Gladys Gibson Happy 69th Anniversary to this very special couple Married on August 8, 1953 in Ladner, BC Love from your family BOOKKEEPER and CPANEEDED FOR TSAWWASSEN Chartered Professional Accounting Firm We are an exciting, personable, interesting and progressive CPA firm looking for an independent, qualified, bookkeeper and CPA with public practice experience. Youmust have good interpersonal skills. The bookkeeping position requires astrong knowledge of Quick Books desktop, QB Online, Sage, Excel and Word programs. Caseware experience would be valuable for both Bookkeeping and CPApositions. Please sendyourresume to: Simone Epplette, Office Administrator VermeulenNickiforek Chartered ProfessionalAccountants Inc. #230 –1077 –56th Street Delta, BC V4L 2A2 LOCAL SALES COORDINATOR NEEDED Local Ladner based,3rd generation,Liquor Agency looking for apart-time Sales Coordinator with administrative experience. Flexible hours, positive environment and benefits.Apply by emailingcover letter and resume to ANNIVERSARIES ACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL GENERAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE/RETAIL PRIME Lease Space AVAILABLE NOW TSAWWASSEN Office Space 1,197sq. ft Commercial 600 -1538 sq. ft LADNER Office or Retail 727 sq. ft. For more information: 604-409-4626 STORAGE USTORE IT ULOCK IT 3SelfStorage Buildings in Tsawwassentoserveyou. Varioussizes available. Contactusat: 604-424-9977 For more details visit: WANTED TO RENT WANTEDTORENT Min 12 months. 1brfurnor unfurn to asingle,mature woman, n/s wholoves to garden.Ladner or Tsawwas sen.Pls call604-948-3113 HOME SERVICES CLEANING Residential Cleaning Service Week • Bi-Weekly • Monthly Move In • Move Out Sophia • 604-805-3376 SUNSHINE CLEANING “you’ve tried the rest, now try the best.” Move Ins-MoveOuts, Weekly Bi-Weekly Monthly Starting @$120 cleanings. • Window Cleaning • Work guarantee. Exc refs 604-716-8631 PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Gutter cleaning Pressure washing Window washing Gardening 10 years experience 604 209 3445 DRAINAGE DRAIN Tiles, Sewer,Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604.782.4322 DRYWALL DRYWALL Reliable Work *Res &Comm*35 Yrs Exp. Mike 604-789-5268 FENCING Cedar Fencing &Gates Installation &Repairs Pavers •RetainingWalls 604-271-5319 778-863-5319 West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New •Repaired •Rebuilt Fences &Decks 604-788-6458 (notext) LADNER; QUALITYCEDAR FENCING, Installation, removal. 604-940-1441 604-518-7510 FLOORING Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts •Repairs• Staining •Installation • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 GUTTERS CALL Todayfor SummerDISCOUNTS! GUTTERS •REPLACEMENTS •DOWNPIPE •LEAFGUARD•DRAIN GUARD•SIDING Commercial &Residential. Free Estimates. Gutter Specialists. Licensed. WCB Insured. 604-724-5493 • 604-721-0372 • Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, PowerWashing, WindowCleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Southpointe Academy Maintenance Worker Southpointe is currently seeking aMaintenance Worker to assistour maintenance team.This position is suitable for new workers and experi enced workers interested in amaintenance position. Please submit your resume to: GENERAL EMPLOYMENT FARM LABOURERS Brar Bros Farms Required for weeding, planting, harvesting &grading vegetables. This job involves hard work; bending, lifting standing &crouching. $15.65/hour, 45+ hr/wk, 6days/wk, Nov2022 to June2023 Fx: 604-576-8945, or email: ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT is NOW HIRING: AG Equipment Techs, Heavy Equipment Techs- Journey man &Apprentices, Parts Techs.ViewOpen Roles & Apply: www.rock Signing Bonus Offered PART TIME HELP Help with Small Household Tasks Seeking areliable person who can work in Point Roberts to help my (very self sufficient) 82 year old mom with small tasks aroundthe house, like changing lightbulbs or planting aplant. About one morning amonth. $30/hr. Contact CELEBRATION Find a NEW CAREER 604-362-0586 to advertise Discover aworld of possibilities in the classifieds! FENCING ACROSS DOWN 1. Breezed through 5. Time units (abbr.) 8. Pigeon’smurmur 11.Moves aside in fright 13. Partner to “ahh” 14. Taxis 15. Monetary units of Turkey 16. Returned material authorization(abbr.) 17. Prolific Italian opera composer 18. Restaurants 20. One’s grandmother 21.Ancient GreekCity 22.Italian mountainranges 25. Data 30.Acted in an obedient way 31.Autonomic nervous system 32. Not on the up-and-up 33. Mock lightly 38. Mimic 41. Built 43.Aneighborhood 45. Inflammationofthe kidneys 48.Semitic fertility god 49. Temporaryname of Seaborgium 50. Wise people 55. Tear down 56. _-fi (slang) 57. Diamond weight 59. Frosted 60. Predecessor to EU 61. Makeschanges to 62. Some are secret 63. Tooth caregiver 64. Old English poet 1. Sign language 2. In style 3. Norwegianriver 4. Peoplewithimpaired hearing 5. Large stinging paper wasp 6. Bucharestisits capital 7. River in Ireland 8.Type ofTV 9. Double-reed instruments 10. Spanish motorcycle manufacturer 12. Midway between southand southeast 14.Frenchcommune 19.Alike 23.Abachelor’s apartment 24. Foot part between the ball and ankle 25. Belonging to athing 26. Japanese classicaltheater 27. Supervises flying 28. Not even 29. Capital of SaudiArabia 34.Electronic countermeasure 35.Consumed 36.American politician (abbr.) 37. SunupinNewYork 39.Casually lookedthrough 40. Revealed thepresenceof 41. Peyton’slittle brother 42. Diana _, singer 44. Study of moral values andrules 45. Civil Rights group 46. Makesless severe 47. Madeanemotional appeal 48.Vivacity of style 51. Onewho is highly skilled 52. Gets around in pursuit of pleasure 53. Famed guitaristClapton 54. Most common Japanese surname 58. Recipe abbreviation PUZZLE ANSWER ON SEPARATE PAGE
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