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BC Assessment releases latestnumbers for City of Delta
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
There was not a lotof movement intheassessed valueof most homes intheCity of Delta overthe past year.
BC Assessment on Thursday (Jan.2) said2025property assessments, which reflect market valuesasof July 1, 2024, have beenannounced forproperty owners throughoutthe Lower Mainland.
The updated property values are now available at : bcassessment.ca inaddition to 2025 property assessment notices being mailed toeach property owner
In a news release, BC Assessment assessorBryan Murao, saidacross the Lower Mainlandandthroughout B.C.,the overallhousing market has generally stabilized in valuefor a secondconsecutive year Most homeowners can expect only modest assessment changes inthe rangeof minus-five per cent to plus-five percent.
For the Lower Mainland, the overall totalassessments have generally remained flat
from about $2trillionin2024 to $2.01trillionthis year, according to BC Assessment, noting that almost$27billionofthe region’s updated assessments isfrom newconstruction, subdivisionsandthe rezoning of properties
The figures for the Lower Mainlandindicated the total residential change fortheCity of Delta saw just a one percent increase from July 1,2023 to July 1,2024.
The average single-detached house was $1,410,000. Overall, theassessed valuefor a singledetached house was almost the samefrom theprevious year, including being upunder two percent in South Delta.
There wasa slightly bigger increase for stratahomes for thecity as a whole, including condos and townhouses, at aroundthree percent.
In North Delta Centre, the total residentialassessed value was down just underone percent, while the residential totals inLadnerand Tsawwassen were up1.8 percent and1.5 percent respectively.
BC Assessment also points out thatit isimportant to
Ifaproper ty ownerisstill concernedabouttheirassessment afterspeakingtooneofBCAssessment’sappraisers,they maysubmitanoticeof complaint, anappeal, by Jan.31st, for anindependent review.
understandthat changes in property assessments donot automatically translate into a corresponding change inproperty taxes How your assessment changes relative to the average change in your community iswhatmay affect your
property taxes If a property owner is stillconcerned about theirassessment after speaking to one of BC Assessment’s appraisers, they may submit a noticeofcomplaint, an appeal, by Jan.31,foranindependent review
Reduce the amount you pay
The provincial government recently announced that most homeowners can geta grant to reducetheamount ofproperty taxthey pay.
To start thenew year, the provinceisadjusting the property valuethresholdfor thehomeownergrant so it continues to cover 92 per cent ofhomeowners, an increase of$25,000fromtheprevious threshold to reflectmoderate and stable marketconditions
The province explained that people withproperties withan assessed valueofas much as $2,175,000 can get $570offtheir property taxbillsifthey live in certain regionaldistricts, or $770 forthe rest oftheprovince. Veterans, seniors and people with a disability couldqualify foranadditionalgrant and receive $1,045.
Another support that homeowners can considerifthey need more time topay property taxesis applying to defertheir property taxforthe year
Families withdependent children, people over55and people withdisabilities may be eligible
Westshore, Delta fire department stopblaze at coalterminal
pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis t. co m
A watertruckon site at Westshore Terminals,followed up by fivefiretrucks from Delta Fire and Emergency Services,extinguishedabrief, but spectacularfire Saturday morning(Dec.28) at Roberts Bank.
Dept. Chief Mike Donoghue said Monday (Dec. 30)that the terminal’s truck helped get an early jump ontheblaze, followed by thearrival of Delta fire trucks.
“They have their ownfirefighting truck also there so they were fighting it before we got there, then we assisted them to extinguish thefire,” said Donoghue
“Thatmade a difference for sure,” to have the water truck on scene, he said.
Th e fir e departmen t go t the ca ll at ab ou t 8:30 a.m. ar ri ve d on site in ab ou t 10minutesand by no on
portionsoftheconveyor belt
A tower truck provided the ability to get water to theupper
Donoghue saidtheconveyor belt caught onfire, and that thedepartment will work with Westshore to identifythe cause.
There were noinjuriesand thefire’s notconsidered suspicious, headded.
“It could have been bad, but
withtheirtruck there knocking itdown, andthenus getting there quickly,it wasa good save by both,” said Donoghue
“Westshore did a great job too, worked well together to mitigate it, made sure itdidn’t extendanywhere.”
VancouverFraser Port Authority saidthat it wasa coal stacker that caught onfire
“Thefire was reported extinguished by the terminaland Deltafire remained on scene to monitorthe site,” saidAlanna Smith, withthe port.
“There were no reported injuries at the timeoftheincident.”
Both Westshore and GCT Deltaport temporarily shut down operations
Westshore terminal has 94 ground-level rain gunsand28 water towers on siteto reduce thelevelsofcoaldust.
Donoghueadded that the fire department and Westshore conduct joint training sessions throughoutthe year
New DeltaDCC rates coming
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
Deltacouncil has agreed tochange the implementation date ofan increase to development cost charges.
A staff report soughtcouncil’s approval to increase the DCCs by 2.8 percent, an inflationar y adjustment aimed at partially compensating for inflation andescalating construction costs impacting the deliver y of municipal servicing projects.
The city’s new DCC rates tookeffect on Jan.22,2024,after a lengthy review, which began in 2023, to reflect new growthprojections, development-driven infrastructure projectsandcurrentday construction costs The last update was approved in 2017.
The report notesthat thesmall DCC update can be completed without review fromthe Inspector of Municipalities orconsultation withthe development community.
The increase willplace a minimal financial burdenondevelopment
projects relative to actual marketcosts, while reducing the funding gap created by recent marketand inflationar y escalations, the report adds
However,Delta’s 2017 DCC rates still applied,until Jan.21,2025,forall in-streamdevelopment applications received prior to finaladoption ofthe updated bylaw.
Council at its Dec. 19meeting agreed to have a special meeting, which was heldthree dayslater, where it was decided to move theeffective date of the new rateto March 22,2025.
Noting theamendment was done to align withthenew Metro Vancouver rates, Coun. Dylan Kruger toldthe Optimist theonly applications impacted arethose that are already in stream and should have been paying the lower ratesanyway.
Alsonoting the change of date is not impacting any newdevelopments, Krugeradded other citieslike the Township ofLangley have delayed implementing their DCC increases by a whole year
TheCityof Delta collectedan averageof$2 .7 millioninDCC revenuebetween 2017and2023.
Meanwhile, a motion put for ward by Mayor George Harvie onwhen DCCs should be paid will be discussed at an upcoming council meeting.
NotingDelta’s DCCs are collected at eitherthe time of a subdivision application or issuanceof a building permit, depending in the landuse category, Harvie wantsa financialanalysis on delaying collection onall DCCs until
the time of issuanceof occupancy permits
He also wantsDelta to ask B.C. Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon to consideramendments to applicablelegislation to allow local governments to consider changing the time forcollection of DCCs, as wellasask TransLink and Metro Vancouver to also consider changing the time they collect DCCs
Mayor hopes for designated spot to scatterashes into Fraser River
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
Delta Mayor George Harvie recently put forward a motion at Delta council forthe city to investigate establishinga dedicated site for families scattering or immersing ashesof their loved ones into the river.
To be discussed at an upcoming council meeting, the motion notes it
has been along-standing requestfrom the Indian diaspora living in Delta for spaceontheFraser River shoreline to be able to immerse ashes in the flowing water.
The Five River Management Services Society has identified the publictrail network with access to the Fraser River, located in the Delta Link Business Park, as a suitable site
Harvieis requesting staff investigate the suitability of Delta’s existing shoreline area ofthetrail connecting the business park to the river as a city site
He is also requesting that the report from staff includecosts to make suitable improvements to theshoreline areato accommodate theproposed shared use ofthe proposed location, as
wellas having the city manager consult with the Ministr y of Housing and Municipal Affairs for possible grant opportunities.
A letter to Harvie from Lambar Rao, president of Five Rivers Management Services Society, explained that after cremation, Sikhs and Hindus typically scatter theashesof a deceased loved one in a flowing
body of water or a place of significance.
“Sikhs scatter the ashes to symbolize the soul’s return to itsdivine source. They often travel to Punjab to scatter the ashes in Kiratpur Sahib Gurdwara, a sacred place established by the gurus,” wrote Rao. “Aftercremation in Hinduism there are several traditions related to ashes including immersion in holy water.
A sacred ritual called Nirvapanjali involvesthe closest relatives immersing theashes in holy water.
Thisis done to symbolize the soul’s separation fromthe body and to help the soul rise to heaven.
Harvie’s motion was scheduled to be discussed at council’s Dec. 16meeting but was deferred by council.
More Deltamotorists drivingimpaired
Delta Police Dept. stats showsevenpercent climbin2024
pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis t. co m
Deltadrivers reached new numbers in2024, but they’re nothing to be proud about.
According to the Delta Police Department, 639 motorists were removed fromthe roadfordrunkdriving during the past 12months, more thanthe yearlytotalsforthe twopreceding years.
That’s 41morethantheprevious yearandmorethanthe583motorists caughtin2022.
In 2024,an average of53driversa month were busted forimpaired driving.
In 2022,an average of49 drivers a month were busted forimpaired driving.
DPD publicaffairs manager A/Insp. James Sandberg saidthedepartment increases enforcement during July and December which are peaktimesfor impaired driving collisions, according to ICBC.
“So, theextra officers onthe roadare
designed to combat that extra impaired data, but having theextra officers on the road,creates the dataas well,” Sandberg said. Withthe last day now counted, police removeda totalof52drunkdrivers in December 2024, with six ofthose happening on New Year’s Eve.
That followsan equally dangerous monthof Novemberwhere 50drivers were taken off the roadwhile last August, 70 wereremoved.
“Choosing to drive impaired is a choicethat can meanthedifference between lifeanddeath— for you and those around you.Impaired driving remains a serious threat to public safety, and we can alldo better Arrive alive: usea taxi,transit, or rideshare, and ensure you get home safely,” saidDPD onits Facebook page.
The statisticsinclude every type of impaired driver anddegree ofimpairment and every type of penalty dished out, whetherit be a one-day suspensionorthree-, seven-or90-day roadsidedriving prohibitions orCriminal Code charges. Drugimpairment isalso included.
On New Year’s Eve, police had five additionalofficers working on Counter Attack operations at four road-block locations
Police chiefs agree with Delta copsondrugdecriminalization
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
It’s what the Delta Police Department has been advocating forall along.
That was themessage recently from Chief Harj Sidhu during the police board’s discussion about the British Columbia Associationof Chiefsof Police no longer supporting theprovince’s drugdecriminalization pilotproject.
“Oneofthe challenges isthere needs to be an appropriatepathway to care, andwhat we’ve been advocating is a more holistic approach … we need those back-end resourcesifthey want to continuethis approach,” said Sidhu.
In a recent statement, the BCACP notesit stands in alignment withthe CanadianAssociation of Chiefs of Policeinits positionondecriminalization.
The BCACP notesit recognizesthat tackling the complexissue of substance use requires acomprehensive, health-led approach that prioritizesdiversion fromthecriminal justice system
“We have consistently supported initiatives that focus onconnecting individuals withthehealth care, treatment, and support they need to address the root causes ofaddictionand substance use disorders,” the BCACP says.
“Whilethe BCACP was open to thenotionof decriminalizationasone potential tool to achieve
The CACPalsoissuedastatement, notingthat ‘sincethe exemption cameintoeffect ,police have witnessedtrendsof concern,includinga continuedhigh rateofopioid overdosedeathsas well asgrowing fearamonglaw-abiding community members duetopublicdruguseanddrug-related criminalactivity.’
these goals, recent developments have prompted a reevaluationofitseffectiveness inthe currentcontext.
Based on evidenceandongoing evaluation, we nolonger viewdecriminalizationas a primary mechanism foraddressing the systemic challenges associated with substanceuse,” the BCACP added.
The associationalso notesit strongly advocates for increased investment inhealth services, enhanced
diversionprogramsandcollaborative partnerships to implement solutionsthat balance public safety with publichealth
It wasa similarmessage delivered by Neil Dubord, Delta’s former police chief, whoadvocated for more resources to assist those dealing withaddictionissues
His report to the board earlierthis year outlined the need fora continuumof services to go along withthe province’s pilot drugdecriminalizationof possessing smalleramountsof hard drugs, outlining several insights and recommendationsforintegrating decriminalizationinto a holistic human services system.
The systemneeds to providecomprehensive care, ranging frompreventionandimmediate access to detox andtreatment, as wellas sustained recovery and support services, the report states.
“Whenindividuals reach out forhelp, theunfortunate reality isthat helpoften may not be immediately available, resulting intheindividual being placed on a waitlist, unless they can afford extremely expensive private treatment,” his report says
The report also notes, “Beforeembarkingonany expansionof servicesand resources,itisimperative to conductathorough evaluationoftheexisting infrastructure, establishacommon outcomemeasurementframework applicable to allorganizations providing servicesinthisdomain,identifythe return ontheinvestment, andcommit to evidence-based approaches.”
Woman facing attemptedmurdercharges gets fitness assessment
A woman facing two charges of attempted murder willundergo a 30-day fitness assess-
mentat the Forensic Psychiatric Hospitalin Coquitlam.
A brief hearing took place in Surrey Provincial Court on Monday (Dec. 23) withthenext court
appearance set for Jan. 27,2025.
The woman appeared by video andcommunicated withthecourt with thehelpof a translator.
Delta policeon Nov.
29, responded to a report of a car drivenoffthe roadandon to the banks oftheFraser River near the8200-block of River Road.
Police say the vehicle
was stuck inthe mud along theshore ofthe river and wasn’tinthe water. Before police arrived, Deltafirefighters and bystanders came to theaidofthedriverand two children. A publication ban isin placemeaning the name oftheaccused cannot be released inorder to protect theidentity ofthe children.
Published every Thursday by the DeltaOptimist, a divisionofLMPPublication Limited Partnership
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Winter’s graspfreezes Trudeau’spower
Four decades ago, hisfather tookhis famous walkinthe snow to decide to leave thecountry’s highest office. In recent days, the son took to B.C.’s ski slopes to determinehow to do so, too.
In literature, snow can provide a backdrop formomentsofexistential resignationorof a quietacceptanceoffate. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s acceptanceofhis politicalfate has beenanything but quiet,until perhaps theend. He hasheldonand on,as we saw painfully in recent months with U.S. President Joe Biden and even BC United Leader Kevin Falcon,until it was beyondobviousthat something other than public service was the personalcompass
But withwhat he called “internal battles” too massive to surmount – while neglecting to cite publicopinionthat was hurtling toward singledigit support– Trudeau announced Monday he cannot be the standard-bearerofthe Liberal party he has keptin power fornearly a decade
What we will get immediately is a paralyzed, prorogued Parliamentuntil March24,when Trudeau’s replacement will,eitherfrom insideor outsideofthe Houseof Commons, be theprimeminister seized with retainingconfidenceofthe chamberorfacingan electionthat today wouldwreakoblivionon whathas beenlong termed Canada’s “natu-
ral governing party.”
It isan ugly departure to a starry arrival, whenTrudeau injected legitimate enthusiasm in politicsand became, like hisfatherPierre, an internationalcelebrity.
In that period, which was brief but which we tend to forget sosoon, it appeared Canada had the ear ofthe world on climate change, on equity andon a progressive value set.
Troublearrived quickly,first with backing offonhispromise ofintroducing proportional representation – something he mentioned Monday as a regret – then a seriesof speed bumps he raced overthat wrecked thealignment ofthe political vehiclehe was driving.
There were ethicalbreaches (the Aga Khan vacation,theWE Charity,andthe SNC-Lavalin controversy),the policy considerationsand politicalcontradictionsthat come with managinga government grappling with climate
change and resourcedevelopment; thepromise followed by the slumbering progress of Indigenous reconciliation;andthehellholeof the pandemicthat proved aninflection point onhis characterwhenhe madethe classic mistake ofcriticizing hiscitizens. Andwho can forget blackface?
It was lost on someofhis supporters that Trudeauhad first beenpicked to lead mainly because ofhiselectability,nothis particular visionforthecountry.Astime went on,it became clearer that thetask was largerthan the man and would eventually devourhim
Too many attached the sameardorand awe to him as thecountry had to his father, but he was more of a tacticianthan a strategist, more visceralthanintellectual. I have too many memoriesofPierre as a cerebral gymnast and Justinasan evasive acrobat
Even so, henever lost to thealternatives across theaisle –a drawn-out Stephen Harper, and successors Andrew Scheerand Erin O’Toole – andleavesoffice technically undefeated, ifunquestionably deflated.
I remember interviewing Harper before his 2015 defeat and saw inTrudeau on Monday the same bodylanguage of relief.
After a bitof scripted ceremony,theprime minister could speak more candidly and relax, knowing it was over.
Kirk LaPointe is a Glacier Media columnist with an extensive background in journalism.
Baby boomers seemlouderastheirnumbers drop
What willthenew yearbringfor South Delta?
Hopefully, a reasoned approach to the fear of change that seems to permeate our collective psyche.
Our needsand values chart is not well balanced here. Coupled with agrowing skepticismof government at alllevels, there is a good chance our local issues will continue to be asdivisive as ever.
It’s easy to hope and easier to complain but it’s hard to act Tough decisionsloomonthe horizon, andthey will test our ability to work towards the benefitofthecollective.
I hope that we can all getalong and subscribe to a commonphi-
losophy that could benefit our communitiesas a whole. But given our track record inthe past and what liesaheadin the future,that willnot be an easy proposition. We are notoriousfor our publicangst.
The new yearis a time to ponderconceptslike hope, fellowship and collective community well-being.
I hateto bepessimistic but thedemographicsin our communities will perpetuate divisive posturing. The arguments against any kindof change here- though slightly nuanced- are essentially the sameasthey have beenfor decades
Asthe baby boomer generationfeelsthe squeeze inits ability to dictate policy fromthedimin-
Community Comment
ishing numbers at the polling place, it seems to get louderand more frustrated.
A newand larger pool of voters waitsinthe wings to exercise their willon how ourcommunities will evolve.
It won’t happen overnight, but there willcome a timewhenmillennialsand younger generations willdrive our policy decisions Although the term “Village” isused frequently to describe Ladnerand Tsawwassen,neither ofthemisone.
Rather, they are growing towns that require thoughtfulplanning. Juggling isn’t easy, especially whenthe ballsinthe airare housing, infrastructure and community amenities.
No, wewon’t agree onwhat ourcommunitiesshouldlook like. We willblameanyone but ourselvesinorder to maintain a subjective visionofwhatmakes our towns strong, while simultaneously causing thefracturesthat make them weak
Can’t support thisproject
Editor :
The planned development for Delta Shoppers Mall in NorthDeltathatcould add two to three potential 32-storey towers is ill-advised
The traffic congestion nowis not great. Turning west on to 80th Avenue, from Scott Road, is backed up at the best of times We need a comprehensive traffic plancommunicated to residents.
Until then, I cannot supportthis development.
Frank Costanzo
Tariffsonly hurt theeconomy
I need U.S. Presidentelect DonaldTrump to help me out with this
His proposed newtax of 25 percent onexports to the U.S. from Canada and Mexico, is to force them to tighten their restrictions on illegal immigrantsanddrugs
coming into their countries.
So, if illegalsanddrugs get into Canada and Mexico, andthentr y to go to the U.S., isn’t it the job of the Department of U.S. Homeland Security to govern admissibility of peopleand goodscrossing their nation’s borders
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•Book Your Valentine’s Dinnerwithus
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like ship, rail, or airtransport fromanywhere in the world?
Homeland Security governsentry. What is thetax supposed to do, except seriously dampen ever yone’s economy?
What am I missing here?
Brian Calder
Bigboulders, not wall,needed
Editor :
The Optimist’s recent online article(Delta warning of potential upcoming king tides) is correct.
Yes, in Beach Grove, king tides do result in sea water coming overthe sea wall, if thehigh tide corresponds with a strong southeast wind.
But is the city listening to residentswhoknow
the tides and wave action andknow whetherand/ orhow it has changedin the last 50 years?
There are solutions, butraising theheight of the seawall is notoneof them
What the city needs to do is to install rip rap - large rocks- along the wall inthe 1400-and 1500-blocks of Beach Grove Road - in the same
way as was done years ago in Centennial Park. Additionally,asan added feature, the top of the wallcould be altered by leaving it at the same height, but incorporatinga curve that willhelp deflectthe wave action.
That willprovide adequate flood protection for years to come Raising the height ofthe wall willnot Roger Emsle y
Questions remain about mall
The following letter was sent to Delta council with a copy to Delta Optimist: regarding the recent proposalfor Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall.
Public engagement must be paramount andnot window dressing.
Thedecision can’t be pre-determined. The proposed changes wouldforever change thefootprint of Tsawwassen,and in our opinion, notforthe good
For example:traffic, congestion, skyline, infrastructure, schools, health care, small business, just to name a few. We arenotopposed to modernization ofthe town centre that reflectsthepresent community and characterthat surrounds us We are hopefulthe finaldecision reflectsthe willofthecommunity of South Delta.
Gregg and Colleen Garbe
Bringing25 yearsof AmazingGreekCuisine to SouthDelta/Ladner
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Didyou know there aretwo FRENCHIMMERSION
EARLYFRENCHIMMERSION forKindergar tentoGrade12 programsofferedinDelta?
Online registration forbothprograms beginson January4,2025 at 8a.m.
EarlyFrench Immersion In-Person Information Nights
Jan13,2025 at 6:30 p.m. at Burnsview Secondary Jan14,2025 at 6:30 p.m. at South Delta Secondary Applicationdeadline:Januar y22,2025 at 4p.m.
Late French Immersion In-Person Information Nights
Feb10,2025 at 6:30 p.m. at ChalmersElementary Feb11,2025 at 6:30 p.m. at CliffDrive Elementary Applicationdeadline:Februar y12,2025 at 4p.m.
Visitourwebsitetolearnmore: deltasd.bc.ca/programs/french-immersion/
City’s utility rate increases help withMetro projects
sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om
Deltacouncil recently approved thecity’s latest increases forutility rates as part ofthe2025 Financial Plan, which also includesan increase in the municipal portion of the annualproperty tax bill.
The flat rate utility bill is up by a totalof $250, from$1,357 for a singlefamily homein 2024, to $1,607in2025. Majorcosts include the purchase of services from Metro Vancouver, contractualcostsfor garbage and recycling programs, thecontribution to capitalfor water and
sewerdistribution system improvements, and operating costs to maintain the systems. The costsare funded throughuserfees, thecity explains The overallcost increase is mainly driven by Metro Vancouver’s expanding capitalprograms and cost-sharing planforthe North Shore
Wastewater Treatment Plant project.
The Metro board has already approved 2025 increases for water purchases and liquid waste costs, as wellasthecostsharing planforthe North Shore project.
Approximately $200 ofthe$250 increase is attributed to Metro, a
The overall costincreaseismainlydriven by Metro Vancouver ’s expanding capitalprogramsand cost-sharingplan fortheNorth Shore Wastewater TreatmentPlantproject, whichhasseenits estimated costskyrocket.
Delta report explains Water purchased by DeltafromtheGreater Vancouver Water District (GVWD)is just one of the areasthat seesan increase, asthe bulk water purchases account for about67 percent of Delta’s water budget.
that increase, itisestimated $4.5millionis due to thecost sharing planforthe North Shore WastewaterTreatment Plant, the report notes.
Termsand Conditions:40%offanyorder of$1000 ormoreor30%offanyorder of$700-$1000 onany completecustomcloset,garage,orhomeofficeunit. Take anadditional15%offonanycomplete systemorder.Not validwithanyotheroffer.Free installationwithanycompleteunitorderof$850or more.Withincomingorder,attimeofpurchaseonly.
TermsandConditions:40%offany order ormoreor30%offany order of$700-$1000onany anadditional15%offonany complete validwithanyotheroffer. Free more. Withincomingorder,attimeofpurchaseonly.
TermsandConditions:40%off anyorder of$1000 ormoreor30%offanyorderof$ 700-$1000 on any completecustomcloset,garage,orhomeoffice unit Takeanadditional 15% offonanycompletesystem order.Notvalidwithanyotheroffer.Free installationwithanycompleteunitorderof$850or more.Withincomingorder,attimeofpurchase
Delta’s 2025cost for purchasing water from the regionisestimated to increase by $1.5 million, or6.3 percent.
The flat sewer rate for a single-family homeis to increase by $164,from $469in2024, to $633in 2025.
Withapprovedcredit.Callorask your Designer fordetails Notavailableinallareas
Withapprovedcredit.Callorask your Designer fordetails. Notavailableinallareas. Offernot validinallregions.Expires 11/30/23.
The 2025 net water operations budget and capitalcontribution, excluding Metro Vancouver, are expected to increase by approximately $600,000,orfive percent, compared to 2024, mainly due to increases forcontractual obligations, inflationary cost pressures and aging infrastructure renewal,as wellasupgrades required to support future densification.
The flat water rate for a single-family homeis to increase by $75,from $655in2024 to $730in 2025. The 2025metered water rates are to increase by a similarextent asthe flat water rate.
Delta’s 2025 regional sewerlevy increase is approximately $6.4million, or52 percent. Of
Ofthat increase, $146 is to cover Metro costs, with$105estimated to be attributable to the cost-sharing planforthe North Shore project.
The 2025metered sewer rates are proposed to increase by a similar percentage.
The city’s combined garbage and recycling solid waste rate for 2025 will increase by $11,from $233in2024 to $244in 2025.
Meanwhile, Metro Vancouvercontinues to work onupdating the 2011 regional Liquid Waste Management Plan (LWMP) The plancovers allaspectsof municipal and regional sanitary and rainwater systems. The new LWMPis to focus on reducing demands at source to extend thedeferral of capacity expansionsand ultimately lower future costs, according to Metro.
Major Tsawwassensewer projectto getunderway
sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om
Commutersdriving along Tsawwassen’s maindrag shouldexpect delaysasa major sewer replacementprojectis coming.
The City of Deltaplans to install a new PVC sanitary mainalong 56th Street, from16th Avenue to ViewCrescent, along ViewCrescent and back, along 56th Street, from ViewCrescent to 12th Avenue.
The work is scheduled to beginin early 2025 withanestimated completion by summer.
Thenew sewer main has beendesigned to accommodate future growthin Tsawwassen, according to thecity.
Most oftheconstructionactivityalong56th Street will be completed during thenight to reducetrafficimpactson residentsand businesses, thecitynotes, adding that two-waytrafficand access to driveways will be maintained at all timesandwhen safe to do so
Thecity earlierthis year, meantime, had issueda request forproposalsfromengineering consultingfirms with experiencein waterand sanitarymodelling to prepare servicing strategies to accommodate upcomingdevelopment projects.
For each development project,the successful consultant willproduce a site servicing report
that reviews waterand sanitary system requirementsandprovides recommendationsfor utilityupgradeswhere required,according to thecity,notingthedevelopers willpre-paythe cityfortheconsultant’s services.
Thecity,inits request forproposals, statesthat each year,theengineeringdepartment reviews newdevelopment applications to confirm the capacityofexisting waterand sanitary sewers anddetermines necessary upgrades, where required, typically receiving between 50-and-100development applications each year. Eachdevelopment typically rangesfrom10-to500units.
With gratefulheartsJeffandShirleyBrownwouldlike to thank everyonewhohelpedmakeour7thannualLadner Community ChristmasDaydinner,inthe AllSaintsChurchhall,a reality.
Onceagain wewere blessedwithsomanyamazing,volunteers whocame together togive generouslyoftheirtime,their incredibleenergyand warm hearts.Fromsettingupthehalland preparingsomeofthe foodthedaybefore, to servingdinner, andspreadingthecheer,youmadethiseventtrulyspecial!
Your kindnessisthe reason we couldcreate such awelcomingspaceforever yone.Toourguests, thank youforsharing yourChristmaseveningwithus.Yoursmiles,storiesandpresencemadethe dayunforgettable.It’saprivilege tocelebratethisseasonof togethernesswith you. Thepurposeof thiseventisnotonlyaboutthedinner,it’saboutpeople coming together,connectinginmeaningful ways, feelingseen,heard, andcaredabout.
Aver yspecialthank youtoour wonderfuldonors.Yourgenerousfinancialsuppor tand contributions offoodhelpedmakethiseventpossible.Thank you forunderstandingthe valueofthisevent. Our apologiesif we missedsomeoneonthislist...
Cupe Local454
GregHarrison &Crew
Bill Woods
Bill Goold
Delta Properties
AllSaints Church -Ladner
Knightsof Columbus Council#7916
BatesBrothers Farms -Bill Bates/NeilJones
Fraserland Farms -Harris Family
McKimFarms -Ed& Wendy
Ritz Grill Catering-Stewart McLeod
Leah &Paul Chapman
Colin &Stephanie Robie
Judy Jagger
Heather Marrs
Gail Malard
Ralph &Dianne Armstrong
Marilyn &PeterZannis
Jill Colley
Elroy &DianaJesperson
Lauris Williams
Ruth Turnball (Joanne)
Keith’s Market -Keith Bogar
Pat& Ross
Notice is herebygiven that DeltaCityCouncil will consider giving first,second and thirdreadings tothebylawsreferencedbelowat itsRegular Meetingat 5:00 p.m. on Monday,January 20,2025 in theCouncil Chamber, 4500 ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC.
File No.LU009444 (Bylaw No.8478)
Location:11112 and11124 DownsRoad
Applicant: LilianKan,Key ForHomes Development
Proposal:Application forrezoning to permit atwo-lot smallscale residentialsubdivision This application is consistent with Delta’sOfficialCommunity Plan.
DeltaZoningBylaw No.7600, 2017 AmendmentBylaw No.8478
To rezonethe subjectpropertiesfromSingle DetachedResidential 1(RS1) to Single Detached Residential6 (RS6)inorder to allowsubdivisionof thepropertiesintotwo smallscale residential lots
Contact:Deepinder Dhaliwal –Planner,604-946-3395
File No.LU009723 (Bylaw No.8473)
Applicant: Eugeneand BarbaraKnoedler
Proposal:Application forrezoningtopermitatwo-lot smallscale residential subdivision.Thisapplication is consistent with Delta’sOfficialCommunity Plan.
DeltaZoningBylaw No.7600, 2017 AmendmentBylawNo. 8473
To rezonethe subjectpropertyfromSingleDetachedResidential 1(RS1) to Single DetachedResidential 6(RS6) inorder toallowsubdivisionofthe propertyintotwo smallscale residential lots.
Contact:HayleyBurns –Planner, 604-946-3332
File No.LU009790 (Bylaw No.8481)
Location:6955120 Street
Applicant: Aziz Bootwala,KasianArchitectureInterior Design &PlanningLtd.
Proposal:Application forrezoningamendment topermit thecontinuationofanexisting liquor storeoperationpermitted undera Temporary UsePermitonthe ground-floorof thebuildingat6955120 Street.Thisapplicationis consistent with Delta’sOfficialCommunity Plan
DeltaZoningBylaw No.2750, 1977,Amendment BylawNo. 8481
To amendthe existing Comprehensive DevelopmentNo. 463(CD463) Zone under“DeltaZoning BylawNo. 2750, 1977”inorder to permitanexistingliquorstore as apermitteduse on thesubject property
Contact:HayleyBurns –Planner, 604-946-3332
File No.P23-05(BylawNo. 8455)
Applicant: Cityof Delta
Proposal:Toamendtheparking requirements laid outin“DeltaZoning BylawNo. 7600,2017”for residential, commercial, andindustrialdevelopments toadjustthe numberofparking stalls andwidthsrequired,inalignment with standards established in comparablemunicipalities.
Contact:JeremyKeating –SeniorPlanner,604-946-3201
JeffandDeanna wona giftcard courtesyof
Ifyouare interested inbecoming acarrier pleasecall604-946-5171
•5776Ladner TrunkRoad LADNER
Community Southpointe Academy supporting community healthcare
The Southpointe Class of2025 has chosen Delta Hospitalasitslocal charity to support during the school’s annual Giving Tuesday campaign.
At Southpointe Academy, the school aims to develop young peopleof character who will make a positive differencein the world and supporting the community in which we teach, learn and work is a great way to demonstrate commitment to this goal.
The Southpointe Class of 2025ispleased to donate $6,625 to theDelta Hospital Foundation.
On Dec. 19, students and staffpresented the Foundation withitsdonation.
ComedianBrentButt returns to Ladner
Canadian comedy icon,Brent Butt returns to Genesis Theatre in Ladner on Saturday, Jan. 18 at 7:30 p.m.
Butt’s sitcom, Corner Gas, becameaninstant hit with numerous accolades, including an International Emmy Award nomination,and was named “Funniest
Show on TV ” by TV Guide readers.
In 2013, Butt was honoured witha Queen ElizabethIIDiamond Jubilee Medalforhis contributions to communityandcountry. Most recently, Butt’s first novel, Huge,debuted to greatfanfare,immediately becomingthe
No FictionBestsellerin Canada.
For the Jan.18 performancein Delta, Butt brings his stand-upcomedy back to the Genesis Theatre stage. Reserved ticketsare $60and may be purchased at https://genesis-theatre.tickit.ca/.
Canadian comedyicon, BrentButt returnsto GenesisTheatrein Ladneron Saturday, Jan.18.
BeutifulSmiles Crtedbythe Artisansa t EstheticsDenture Studo
Advantagesandbenefitsofbeingan EstheticsDenture Studiopatient:
Advantagesandbenefitsofbeingan EstheticsDentureStudiopatient:
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•A Combinedexperienceof42yearsinthedentalfield producesresultsofestheticbeautywithunparalleled accuracyinallourproducts
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PremiumqualityCosmeticPrecisionDenturesinstillconfidence andprovideoptimumfunctionwhileeating,speakingand laughing.Sophisticatedinstrumentation recordsfacialand anatomicalinformationtorecreateyournaturalsmileandthe youthfulfacialcontoursofyourlipsandcheeks.
PremiumqualityCosmeticPrecisionDenturesinstillconfidenceandprovideoptimum functionwhileeating,speaking,andlaughing.Sophisticatedinstrumentation records facialandanatomicalinformationto recreateyournaturalsmileandtheyouthfulfacial contoursofyourlipsandcheeks.Ourpremiumqualityteethduplicatenaturalteeth. Ourpremiumteethcontoursaredesignedtomatchyourskeletaltypewithfeminine andmasculinecharacteristicstoaccentuateyourappeal.
Ourpremiumqualityteethduplicatenaturalteeth.Thecontours ofourpremiumteetharedesignedtomatchyourskeletaltype withfeminineandmasculinecharacteristicstoaccentuate yourappeal.
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Esthetics- createdwithnaturalnuances,soyoucanspeak, smileandlaughwithconfidence.
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Biocompatibilty- denseequalizedmaterialsaidinthe preventionofstainandodorbuildup.
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KidSport Delta says demandgrowing for helptogetkidsintosport
pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis t.co m
The numbers are going up atKidSport Delta, which is both a good thing and a challenging thing.
KidSport Delta gave out $132,500in2024, an increase of 48 percent fromthe year before.
The money isused to helpfamiliesenroltheir kidsintheincreasingly pricey process of joining team sports
In addition to giving out more money, KidSport Delta has also helped more kidsthis year, 313,compared to 232in2023, said KidSport Delta chair Carlene
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But asmore money is given out, more money needs to comein.
KidSport Deltanow needs another$100,000 inorder to continueits work inthecommunity.
Lewallestimatesthat in 2025, about $140,000 will be given out to families for sports registration.
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Ticketsareonsalenow forthe2025 KidSport Deltagalawhichisset forApril 26, 2025.
KidSport currently has about $60,000in reserve, so itsfundraising target is$100,000 to allow fora financial cushion.
“This year has beenthe highest andmost significant jump in applications and funding, - actually scary,” said Lewall. “Unbelievable We are so lucky to have had the money to help allthese kids, but at this rate, itis quickly decreasing.”
For the last two years, KidSport Delta has been able to give $700for each
childfor each year.
This has allowed greater support for kids so they can do two less-expensive sportslike soccerand baseball,orgive kidsthe opportunity to play individual sports, which tend to be more expensive.
“Not every childis suited fora team sport, andindividual sportsare typically more expensive. We have been happy to be able to help,” Lewall said.
The mainfundraising event, the Giftof
Sport 2025, https:// www.32auctions.com/ GiftofSport2025 at Tsawwassen Springs Ballroom, takesplace April 26,and peopleare invited to attend, support or sponsor. Early bird ticketsare $150. According to KidSport Delta, the average annual,local startup feesfor hockey, orfigure skating are $700,andup, while the average annualcost to registerin baseballor soccer, is about $400and up
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
3900 Ar thurDrive, Ladner 604-946-4522
AllSaintsAnglican Church 4979-44A Avenue,Ladner 604-946-9179 •604-946-4224
JoinusSundayService @10am WednesdayService @10am followedbyBibleStudy Formoreinformation www.allsaintsladner.orgor call604-946-8413. 4755ArthurDrive,Delta
A messageoflove andpeace
I’d like to introduce myself My name is Liz, and I’m thepriest at All SaintsAnglican Church inLadner.I lookforward to writing forthe Minister’s Minuteeach month.
By this time inthe new year, those of you who celebrateChristmas will have packed up your gifts You’ve finished eating turkey leftovers. You’ve taken down your tree and ornaments, ready to be unboxed next December.
But, intheAnglican tradition Christmas isn’t just a day,itis a season!
On Dec. 25 we celebrate thebirthof Jesus, and we keepcelebrating for12 days, until Jan.5. Yes, we sing Christmas carols wellinto thenew year
Sundaysat10:00 a.m. Rev.Jason Truell
中文主日崇拜 10:00a.m.
Nancy 楊牧師
On Jan.6, we com-
Minister’s Minute LIZHAMEL
memorate the magi,of We Three Kings fame, whofolloweda star to Bethlehemandoffered gifts to the Christ child. The customofcelebrating Christmas for12 days isanancient one, beginning aroundthe year500 ce. Many ofus know the familiar carol about the 12 days of Christmas and
what someone’s truelove gave them.
But why celebrate for 12 days andnot just one? My answer is, why not? Why not365 days a year?
The myster y and beauty ofthebirthof God as a human,asoneofus, cannot be contained inonly one day per year. Our celebrationsandgratitude fortheunending love of God can fill12 days, or 365 days, and more.
Whenthe hustlebustleand commerce of Christmas is over,I welcome these 12 daysto ponderthisextraordinar y giftof God forusand forthe world. I welcome the chance to focus on the Christmas message oflove and peaceforall people. Wouldthat we could remember this message ever y day ofthe year
www.ladnerlife.com info@ladnerlife.com 5545Ladner TrunkRd. ONLINEORIN-PERSON, Sundays @9:30a.m.
ST.DAVID’S ANGLICANCHURCH 1115 –51AStreet Tsawwassen
st.davidsdelta51@gmail.com www.stdavidsdelta.com
4594 –54AStreet, Ladner,B.C. 604-946-7033, office@ladnercrc.com www.ladnercrc.ca
Tsawwassen United Church 693–53rdStreet,Tsawwassen
Rev.MariePaul Welcometoeveryonefor Worship &Friendship Sundays @10:00am tuc@telus.net604.943.2911
“Be Faithful,betrue, be ablessing”
Call604-946-5171 oremaildistribution@delta-optimist.com Route #RouteInfoforthisweek HHOpen 16001061AAve,2ndAve,51ASt,52ASt........................................................................................................................59 16001082AAve, 2Ave, 4Ave,52ASt,52St,MurphyDR W. ............87 16001131stAve,50thSt, WalkerAve, WallaceAve..........................................................................................................57 1600232GreenlandDr,ParkgroveCres, WoodlandDr......................................................................................................76 1600234AlpenwoodLane,GroverridgeWynd,SherwoodBlvd,Pl.....................................................................................44 1600302EhkolieCres,ShamanCres,SkanaDr,WalaleeDr.............................................................................................83 1600304 KumaCres, PacificCrt,Dr,PlSkanaDr..............................................................................................................57 1600305 PacificDr. ..............................................................36 1600306PacificDr, StahakenCrt,Pl................................................................................................................................44 1600321GaleDr,GalePl.................................................................................................................................................40 160032254thSt,56thSt,7BAve,7thAve,GilchristDr,Pl. ..............77 1600324 4Ave,4AAve,55AST,55ST.............................................................................................................................77 16003254AAve,54thSt,5BAve,6thAve,AllenDr,RawlinsCres....................................................................................83 160040413BAve,15BAve16thAve,54thSt,55ASt,55thSt.........................................................................................70 160040952ndSt,53ASt,BelairCres,SaratogaDr,WindsorCres,BelairDr.....................................................................79
Short-termfitness goalsthat can leadtolong-termsuccess
As New Year ’s Day 2024 approached, millions of individuals were preparing to make changes they hoped would improve theirfitness.
Fitness-based resolutions are popular ever y year, but peoplewhoaspire to make suchchanges recognize howdifficult it can be to achieve them
Thoughthere’s noone-size-fits-all strategy for sticking withandultimately achievinga resolution,identifying short-term goalsthat can help people stay motivated can lead to long-term progress. Individuals who want to improve their physical fitness can considerthese three short-term goals and use themasmeasuring sticks asthey pursuemore long-term objectives. Aspire forincremental weight
loss : Weight loss goals were the fourth most popular New Year ’s resolution for 2024among participants in the Forbes Health/One Poll survey Thoughthat surveyseparated fitness goalsfrom weight loss goals, the two are certainly linked. Individuals whoaspire to lose 10 poundsundoubtedly recognize that such a goal cannot be achieved overnight, so why notaspire to lose smallamountsof weightat predetermined intervals? For example, if the end goal is losing 10 pounds, aim to lose two pounds by theendof January. Incrementalprogress can motivate individuals to stay the course and ultimately propelthem toward achievinga more substantial, long-term goal.
Exercise for a predetermined num-
Eating for guthealth
Contributing Wr iter
Taking care of gut health particularly the balanceof intestinal flora, known asthe gut microbiome is absolutely vital for maintaining bothphysical and mentalhealth
Our overallhealth begins in the gut, which is often referred to as our “secondbrain.” This might sound surprising, but the gastrointestinal (GI) system has its own independent ner vous system, known asthe enteric system. This net-
work controlsdigestion andcontains hundreds of millions ofneurons and neurotransmitters (similar to thebrain). The gut-brain axis is a communication pathway that influences notonly digestion but also mood, immunity,and overall well-being.
Common gut issues such asexcessive bloating, gas, cramps, nausea, or difficulty with bowel movements often signal that ourbody is struggling to digest certain foods. More serious gastrointestinal disorders, such asceliac, irritable
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ber of days each week : Another way to gradually build towards achieving long-term fitness goals is to establish monthly minimumexercise sessions Individuals accustomed to a sedentar y lifestyle can resolve to exercise three days per week in the first monthoftheir resolution, andthen increase that by a day in the secondmonth.A consistent schedulewhendesigning this goal is imperative, which is why it can make more sense to planforthree days per weekasopposed to 12 days per month. Resolve towalk a mile per day: Walking is anaccessible cardiovascular activity that can have a profoundeffect on overallhealth. Walking also can help condition sedentar y individuals’ bodies formore strenuous activity,which is a
transition many peopleaspire to make when setting long-term fitness goals. A daily one-mile walk won’t requirea significant commitment of time, but it can helpacclimate the bodyto routine exercise. Astheeffectsof a daily walk begin to take hold, individuals may find it easier to engage in more strenuous physical activities, making this an ideal stepping stoneonthe way to achieving long-term fitness goals.
Short-term goals can help people remain motivated asthey pursuemore substantial goalsthat take longer to achieve Such an approach can be especially usefulfor individuals resolving to improve their physical fitness at the start of a new year.
-Metro Creative
bowel syndrome(IBS), Crohn’s disease, andcolitis, can lead tosignificant health challenges and often require medical intervention to manage. Digestive problems can resultfrom various factors, with poor diet and antibiotic overuse being two major contributors. The typicalAmerican diet is not sustainableand willmost likely eventually cause disease in the body And while antibiotics are life-saving in manycases, they notonly eliminate harmful bacteria but beneficial bacteria also, disrupting the delicate microbi-
ome balance in our gut. In the past, antibiotics were overprescribed,and too many doctors turned to themas a quick fix for minor ailments. Natural alternatives, such as garlic, oregano oil, turmeric, andotherplant-based remedies were often overlooked for nonserious health issues The cumulative effectof antibiotic overuse has left many withcompromised gut flora, often referred to as dysbiosis, and can lead to long-term digestive and inflammatory issues, including candida overgrowth.
Dietar y changes are required to promote and supporta healthy gut. This includes avoiding foods that disruptthe balance of the microbiome, such as : sugar-rich foods (which feed harmful bacteria),fast food, fried foods, processed food, excessive red meat, wheat, andalcohol. Softdrinks are particularly hard on our bodies. Refined sugar, in particular, is very detrimental to the immune system.
The typicalAmerican diet is madeupofthe above foods but our bodies don’tknow how to
metabolize such foods, which causes inflammation, gut issuesand weight gain. Foods that supporta healthy gut flora include prebiotic foods (a type of dietar y fibre)that act asfertilizerfor beneficial gut bacteria. Foods rich in prebioticsinclude raw garlic, onions andleeks, asparagus, green bananas, dandelion greens, bran, apples, whole oats, andlegumes
Claire Nielsen is a health coach, author, public speaker and founder of www.elixirforlife.ca.
Sports stories? ContactIanat ijacques@delta-optimist.com or call 604-998-3616
Mike Emery inductedintoB.C. FootballHall of Fame
IAN JACQUE S ijacque s@ delta-optimis t. co m
A lifetimeof success onthegridiron was recognized in October when Ladner ’s Mike Emer y wasinducted into the B.C. Football Hallof Fame.
Emer y was notified in July that he was going to be nominated and then found outa week later that he would be inducted.
“I was surprised,I wasn’texpecting it,” he said. “I was humbled to receive thishonour becausea lotofwhat I was able to achieve as a player isalso attributed to my teammatesandthe teams I played on. It is a great, individual award.”
Following a standouthigh school career at Steveston High School,in Richmond, which saw him namedan outstanding linebacker (1978-1979),it didn’t take the Richmond native long to becomethebig man on campuswhen
he made themove to UBC and earned a starting positionaslinebacker inhis rookie year.
He wasa three-time co-defensive captain(1980-82)and was twice named
a Canada West all-starandall Canadian (1981-82).
Afterhelping guide the Thunderbirds to a Hardy Cup appearancein1981, Emer y andhis teammates wouldfinishthe job in1982whentheywent undefeated in Canada and captured the school’s first-ever Vanier Cup Championship He was named the Bruce Coulter Vanier Cup Co-Defensive MVP.
He was alsoa two-time(1981-82) All Canadian,and was awarded, for two consecutive years (1981&1982), the nationalPresident’s Trophy asthe Defensive MVP in Canadian University Football.
He was drafted third overall by the Saskatchewan Roughriders in1983 andenjoy a five-yearCFL careerplaying withthe Roughriders, Calgar y Stampeders, Montreal Concordes, and Toronto Argonauts.
“Looking back at those years at UBC,
andwhat we builtand were able to accomplishare great memoriesfor me,” he said. “It’s great to be inducted, but it’s a reinforcement that I played on somegreat teams And I still stay in touch with a lotofthe guys. You make bonds forlifeandthat is special.”
Emer y has just completed his fourth yearasthelinebackers coach withthe South Delta Secondar y SunDevils.
He saidit has been a rewarding experiencegiving back to the gameand hopefully preparing thenext generation for success.
“Ray Moon[head coach] has assembleda tremendouscoaching staffand I’m privileged to be a part ofthat staff,” said Emery. “The game has been so good to me overthe years, I have the chance to give back to the younger players, so thathas been very important to me. It’s a great feeling afterfour years to be there and to be a part ofthegreat program at South Delta.”
DeltaStarsvictoriousatMSBL World Series in U.S.
Members ofthe Ladner-based Delta Stars came away victorious at the recent Men’s Senior Baseball League World Seriesin Phoenix , AZ , winning the50+ Desert Division championship.
Playing as part ofthe Red Deer Legends, the team went undefeated throughthe tournament, going 6-0 in round robinplay before defeating the Saskatchewan Sportsmen14-6in the semifinal,andthen clinching the championship withan18-6 defeat of the Carolina Cobras.
The rosterincluded Ladner residents Mike O’Connor, Rick Dubras, Doug Roberts, Br ian Loney, Lar ry Waddell,and Phil Letts, fellow Delta
Stars Adam Roberts,Russ Lacate, Ian Kato, Ghalib Gulam, andBr uce Oikawa, Richmond Red Sox Kirk Lezama and Dean Svenson,Alberta fr iends KyleGrock, Corey Johnson, andTrent Musselman,along with Glen Williamsand Sean O’Sullivanfromthe United States.
The Stars are recruiting fornew players forthe 2025 season.All games are on Saturday morningsfrom April through September. If you are 44 years of age or older, have experienceand are interested inplaying competitive baseball,contactLar ry Waddell at rubewaddell@hotmail.com. -Submitted
MembersoftheLadner-based DeltaStars came away victoriousatthe recent Men’s Senior Baseball League World SeriesinPhoenix,AZ,winningthe50+ DesertDivisionchampionship.
In early December, fourmembersofthe South Delta Kyokushin Karate Club travelledto Banff, Alta.totakepartintheIKOK-C2024 Banff Karate Championships.It wasa very successfultournament fortheclubas Peyton Brosinskitookhomegoldinfull contact knockdown kumiteintheopendivision as wellasgoldinthe continuousnon-contact kumiteinhismale15to 16-year-oldagegroup.Theirother competitor,HaileyHanna receivedbronze in continuousnon-contact kumite,bronzeinknockdown kumiteandbronze in katainher respective 15to16-year-oldagegroup.Also, alongto coach,as wellasofficiate, were SenseiMike Sandford and Sempai Rob Sonnenberg.
Georgia F. 6-9yearsold Category
Category Winnerseach received a$50 Gift Card from SublimeArt Materials
Tilbur yPhase 2LNGExpansion Project
Invitation to Comment
FortisBCproposes to expanditsexistingLNGfacilityonTilbur yIslandin Delta, B.C., by increasingitsstorage capacity by 2.5times to 142,400cubicmetersandincreasingproductioncapacityupto7,700 tonnesperday throughthe constructionofastoragetank ,liquefactionfacilitiesandsupportinginfrastructure.
TheEnvironmental AssessmentOfficeisholding apublic commentperiodontheprojec tfrom Januar y14toMarch3,2024 Januar
In-Person Open House
Januar y23rd, 2024
4:00pm -8:00pmPT
Coast Tsaw wassen Inn, 166556 St, Delta, B.C.
OnlineInformation Session
5:00pm-7:00pmPT Januar y21,2024
To Register, Visitthelinkor QR codeontheright
In caseofsubstantialsnowfall,theopen-housewillbeconduc ted virtually.Checkthelink at rightforupdates.
Learnmoreaboutthe projec tand telluswhatis importanttoyou:
engage.eao.gov.bc.ca/TilburyExpansion-AR engage.eao.gov.bc.ca/TilburyExpansion-AR
Youmay alsosubmit comments by mail: Tilbur yPhase 2LNGExpansion Project, PObox9426, StnProvGovt, Victoria, B.C.V8W9V1
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84155AStreet •$1,475,000
Meticulouslykeptfamilyhomesuitableonlargecornerlotwith RV parkingoff 8A.
Tsawwassenspringsgolfcourseisresortstylelivingatit’sfinest.Beautifulopen &bright 2bdrm& denwith 2fullbathroomsandlargeheateddeck. Thiscondohasspectacularviewsofgolfcourse andNorthShoremountainsfeaturing11’ceilings,gourmetkitchen,largeprimarybdrm,big walk inclosetandspa-likeensuite.Enjoytheendless180degreegolfcourse,NorthShoremountains andbeautifulsunsets. Thisunitcomeswith 2parkingspacesclosetoelivatortandbikeroom. WalkingdistancetoTsawwassen FitnessCentre, PatQuinn’sRestaurant,Nat’s,Coffee,Newman’s andTsawwassenMills.Don’tmissthisfabulouscondo.
Build yourdreamhomeonthebestviewlotinTsawwassenwith280degree view.ThispropertyisthemoststructurallyengineeredlotonTsawwassen’s WesternBluff.New B.C.higherdensitypolicieswillallow2units,biggersquare footage(3,000to3,500sqft)andDeltawillallowabasement.Deltahallwill prioritizealldevelopmentpermitsandarefullyinsupportofbuilding.Location isa10,viewis12andbestpricedpropertyontheMarket.
2Bedroomsanddenongroundlevelinroyaloaks.Great developmentandlocation, walkingdistancetoallamenitiesand veryquietlocation. Thisunitwithitssizeandextraden rarely cometomarketsodon’tmiss your chanceto owninthisfabulous development. Thisniceunitisingoodconditionwithundated appliances.
FABULOUSPENTHOUSEWITH 3BEDROOMS, 2FULL BATHROOMS,1188sq.ft.,CORNER UNITANDfootstepstoTsawwassenMillsshoppingdistrict!THISOpen &BrightSouthEastunit offershighqualityfinishing.Beautifulkitchenwithstainlesssteelappliances,quartzcountertops, undermountsink &oversizedislandforentertaining.9’ceilingsgive thiscondo WONDERFULspace ANDLIGHT.BEAUTIFULPRIMARYbedroomtuckeddownthehallwith walkthroughcloset& gorgeousensuitebath wdoublesinks.Bonusunderground 2parkingstalls &securedstoragelocker. THISComplexfeatures aGym &amenityroom.Easyaccess Freeway,Ferry &publictransit.Come experiencethelifestyleofSunnyTsawwassen!THESEPENTHOUSE’SRARELYCOME TO MARKET. CALLFORDETAILS.
$1,699,800 -$1,799,800
Thelifestyle youhavebeensearchingfor! Aunique collectionof waterfrontresidences nestledbetween agolf courseand ayachtclubwithdirectaccess to the16 km waterfront Millennium Trail.Thisspacious1350sq.ft.,3bedroom, 2bathroomsuiteisalsoa S/Wexposed cornerunitwithstreetaccesslike atownhouse.2parkingspots& largestorage too! Countr yclublivingwith a12,000sq.ft. clubhouse.Trulyis ararefind!
TheCoast at TsawwassenShores!Spaciousopen concept 2bed,2bath &densuite.Approx.865sq.ft. Privatepatiowithdirec toutsideaccess… perfec tfordog walking.Steps to Tsawwassen Mills Mall,BCFerries,freeway access,golf,recreation &allamenities.Callnow!MLSR2945956.
Justlisted@ $639,000
RAREFIND!Spaciousupdated2 bedroom &den penthousewithopenconceptplanandvaultedceilings offerslargeinterior& exteriorviewsfrom2 decksof Mt.Baker,VancouverIsland,themarinaandfreighterson theFraserRiver.Asanendcornersuiteallowsforextra windowsprovidingamazingnaturallightinthegreat room/livinganddiningareaandfeelslikea rancherin thesky!Thequalityhigh-endkitchenfeatureselaborate customcherrycabinetry,anoversizepeninsulaeating areacomplimentedw/granitecountertops,pullout appliancedrawer,thelatestsmartappliancesanda hugepantry.Otherupdatesincludelushflooringand qualitypaintthroughout.Alsooffersa nicegymfacility& workshop,2 parkingstalls,a hugestorage lookeranda 5minutewalktooldtownLadner.(30127774)
4423 41BSTREET
Charming CountryHomeonaSpacious Lot. This beautifullymaintained10,740sq.ft.property features adelightful3-bedroom,1-bathroomhome withmodernupdatesandclassiccharm.Enjoya newmetal roof,afully renovatedkitchen, aclassic clawfoottub,andnewerwindows.Themainfloor includes 2bedroomsand apotential3rdbedroom or rec/playroomupstairs. Additionalhighlights area15x28detached workshop, gardenshed,and greenhouse.Outside,the fenced yard offersflower and veggiegardens, afirepit,andspacefora chicken coop.Justa20-minutewalkfromLadner Villageand stepsfromtheFraserRiverDyke, this property combinespeaceful countrylivingwith convenientaccess to amenities.
5533183A STREET
Welcome to ShannonHillsEstatesinCloverdale! This 2,737sq.ft.homeon a1/4 acreprivatelotincludes RV parking, a24x30detachedshop,covereddeck, gazebo,water feature, andfruittrees. Themainfloor featuresspaciouslivinganddining rooms, afamily room,largekitchenwithgas range,eatingarea,full bath,andmud/laundry roomleading to thebackyard Upstairs,find alargeprimarybedroomwithensuite and walk-incloset,plus 4additionalbedroomsand ahugebonus room. Twoseparateentrances to the secondfloor couldeasilycreate aprivatenanny suite. Thesidedriveway provideseasyaccesstothe insulated,poweredshop.Upcomingupdatesinclude anew Cloverdalehospital/cancer center,KPU Tech Campus expansion,andtransitimprovements.
•PrimeParcel: 20.25-acrepropertywithtwohomesandan8,400sq.ft.barn,locatedon aquietsectionof104thnearBoundaryBayand aprivateairstrip.
•DrivewayAccess: FuturedrivewayaccessoffHornbyDrive,suitableforlargetrucks.
•MainHome: A3,162sq.ft.4-bedroomrancher,builtin1972, renovatedin1987,with aroof replaced12yearsagoand a30-carcementdriveway
• SecondHome: A3-bedroomrancher,idealas afuturebuildingsite.
•Barn: Afirst-classfacilityusedforbreedingracehorses,with asteel roofandcladding, suitableforvariousfarminguseswithgoodnearbyirrigation.
•PropertySizeandLocation: Amazing16,071 sq.ft.estate-sizedlotin aquiet,central Tsawwassenlocation.
•HomeFeatures: Two-levelhomewith 5bedrooms,a 6-year-oldroof,hardwood floors,and acomfortablefloorplanwith roomforin-lawsdownstairs.
•FuturePotential: Massivelotwithspaceforfuture developments,suchas ashop, duplex,orlargerseconddwelling;Deltapermitsupto 4unitsor8734sq.ft. maximumbuildingenvelope.
•DevelopmentOptions: Deltaisopentoconsidering alargerseconddwellingwith squarefootagepotentiallycomingoutofthemain house.
•Convenience: Convenientlylocatedjust a15-minutewalktomostamenitiesintown
• DevelopmentSite: 9,545sq.ft.lot,approximately0.22acres.
• ZoningPotential: MunicipalitysuggestsRM 1orRM2zoningfor a four-storybuilding.
• PotentialAssembly: Sitecouldbecombinedwithadjacentproperties (11659,11663,and11671229thStreet)fordevelopment
• NeighboringDevelopments: Fivelotsnextdoorarecurrentlyunder redevelopment
• CurrentUse: Familyhomesuitablefor rental;sellerpreferslong-term rentback.
•PrimeLocation: 3.19-acreparcelon WesthamIsland,offeringthetranquilityof countrylivingjust10minutesfromurbanconveniences.
•CharmingHome: Features awell-maintained1,479sq.ft.3-bedroomrancher withspacious roomsthroughout.
•OutdoorFeatures: Includes alargegardenarea, astorageshed,andbeautifully landscapedsurroundings.
•ExpansionPotential: DeltaMunicipalityallowsfortheconstructionof a3,552 sq.ft.homeplusanadditional1,937sq.ft. dwelling,idealforextended families.
•UniqueLifestyle: Enjoy aspeciallifestyleclosetonaturewhilebeingmoments awayfromtheamenitiesofDelta. MLSR2923373360”TOUR
•LargeParcel: 17.34-acresquarepropertywithsubstantial roadfrontageand a roughed-inseconddrivewayentrance.
•CharmingHome: Cozy4-bedroomEnglishstylehomewith a4-year-old roof, freshexteriorpaint,andnewcarpets.
•EquestrianFacilities: Includes a5-stallbarn,hayfield,andspaciouspasture areapreviouslyusedasanequestrianfacility
•ConvenientLocation: SituatedbetweenLadnerand Tsawwassen,closeto TsawwassenMillsMall,BCFerries,TFNIndustrialPark,and30minutesfrom Vancouver
•InvestmentPotential: Propertyhassignificantinvestmentpotentialwithfuture portexpansionplansandadjacencyto 2BCRailpropertiesneartherailway
463853St -Ladner
2| 2| 909sqft
Bright,well-maintainedcondowith amodernopenfloorplanin Solei Terrace, aboutique-stylebuildingwithjust32units,only twoblocksfrom Tsawwassen TownCentre!Featuringupgraded hardwoodfloors, aspaciouskitchenwithgranitecountertops, s/sappliances, &alargeislandwithseatingforfour.1parking, 1storage, &petswelcome!Idealforinvestorswithexcellent tenantsinplaceor aperfectspotforyoutocallhome!
3| 2| 2174sqft 1acrelot |$1,939,000
Waterfrontviewsofthe TrailIslandsfromevery room! Bright &airymainfloorw/open-conceptliving/dining, &gourmetkitchen.Mainfloorprimarybedroomalsow/ deckaccess.Upstairs,twospaciousbedrooms,lower leveloffers arec-roomleadingtothehottub,yoga deck,outdoorshower,sandyfirepitarea &directbeach/ oceanaccess.
2+ den |1|1164sqft 9178sqftlot |$1,569,000
Prime realestateopportunity!Perfectlysituatedneartown, this2-bedroomranchergraces aspacious,flat9178sq.ft.lot with70.57ftfrontage &129.98ftdepth.Boasting asunny eastern-exposed rearyard.Thesubdivisionpotentialwhen combinedwiththeneighboringproperty463853rd, results in atotalof18,225sqft &thepossibilityfor3-4lots. Aunique andsubstantialopportunityforfuturedevelopment!
3| 1| 1221sqft 9052sqftlot |$1,569,000
Unlock arealmofpossibilitieswiththisexceptional real estategem!Nestledinanideallocationjuststepsfromtown, this3-bedroomrancherstandsproudlyonanexpansive 9,052sq.ft.flatlotwithaneasternexposure,featuringan impressive77-footfrontage &adepthof117.15feetMust besoldwith462853rdbothpropertiescombinedoffera totalof18,225sqftcreating acanvasfor3-4lots.
TheGeorgiais aqualitybuilt 4year-old apartmentlocatedinLangleycity,rentalsallowed &petfriendly.This2beds/2bathsplusinside storageunitfeature a9feetceiling,granite counters,A/Cinmasterbedroom,openconcept livingandqualityfinishingthroughout.Exercise Center,2ParkingstallsplusStoragelocker,plus amplestreetparking.Centrallocation,closeto KwantlenUniversity,shopping,restaurant,and futureSurreyLangleySkytrain.
#3011127BarclaySt. Vancouver
WelcometoBarclayCourt, ararely available freeholdconcretebuildingofferingthebestof downtown Vancouverliving. Thisbeautifully renovated829sq.ft.cornerunitfeatures 2bedrooms, 1bathroom,and afunctionallayout withnortheastexposure. Thehomeismove-in ready, makingitperfectforimmediateoccupancy oras afantasticinvestmentopportunity. Enjoy modernupgradesthroughout,alongwiththe convenienceofin-suitelaundry, secureparking, andastoragelocker.
3180Steveston Highway
Experienceluxuryand charminthiscustom executivehomeintheheartofStevestonVillage. Featuringvaultedceilingsandmassive windows,this beautifullydesignedresidenceisfilledwithnatural light. Withfourspaciousbedroomsandthreebaths, thehomeincludes astunningprimaryensuitewith skylightsand asoakertub. Thegourmetkitchen flowsintothefamilyroom,creating aperfectspace forentertaining,complemented by aseparateformal diningroom.Enjoylow-maintenancelandscaping andadetacheddoublegaragewithextrastorage. Thishomecombineseleganceandpracticalityin oneofSteveston’s mostdesirablelocations.
YourIdeal FamilyHomeinImperialVillage!This beautifullymaintained4-bedroom,3-bathroom homeoffers over3,000sqftofbrightlivingspace. Thetraditionallayoutfeaturesallbedroomsanda spaciousgamesroomupstairs,including agrand primarysuitewith awalk-inclosetandsoaker tub.Enjoytheprivacy of afully-fencedbackyard backingontothehillsidewithmaturelandscaping. With a6yearoldroofandnewflooring,thishome ismove-inready. $1,688,000
#30620058 FraserHwy
DiscoverVarsityinthedesirable Willowbrook community! Thisbright2-bedroom,2-bathroom condofeaturesanopen-conceptlayoutwith oversizedwindows, amodernkitchenwith stainlesssteelappliances,granitecountertops, and agas range. Theprimarybedroomboasts awalk-inclosetandstylishensuite.Relaxon yourprivatebalconyoverlookinggreenspace, completewith agashookupfor yourBBQ. Locatedin asecure,pet-friendlygatedcomplex, it’sstepsfromtransit,shopping,and adog park.Comfortandconvenience awaitinthis sought-afterLangleylocation!
#600 –177756St
Welcometotheentire6th-floorpenthouseatNorthgate Office Tower,amodernandvibrant6-storyconcreteoffice buildingatthegateway toTsawwassen. Thisexceptional penthouseoffersnearly3,000sqftofpremiumofficespace, featuringexpansive viewsand alargepatio. Thespace boasts10-footceilingsandlargewindows,fillingthearea withnaturallightandcreating abright,openatmosphere. Themoderndesignincludes aspaciousmainofficearea,a separatereceptionspace,and aprivatesuite,withflexible layoutoptionstoaccommodate variousbusinessneeds. Additionally,thepropertyofferssevendesignatedparking stalls,lowmaintenancefees,andamplevisitorparkingboth above andbelowground.If you’relookingforthefinestoffice spaceinSouthDelta,thisisit.
585716th Ave
CharmingBeachGrove RancherinSunny Tsawwassen.Centrallylocatedandonly afew blockstotheBeach,BeachGrove Elementary School,shopping,recreationcenter,transitand golfcourse. 2bedroom/2bathroomwithnewer roof,furnace,andhot waterondemand.Large, coveredpatioandpowered workshopoutback. GreatStarterhomeorbuild yourdreamhome. (6140sqftlot55.77ftx 110ft)providesflexible developmentoptions.
Experienceserenelivingon1.58acreswiththisbeautiful 4-bedroom,2-bathhome.Boasting13,000sqftofflat,usable space,thispropertyoffersendlesspotential. Thehomefeatures awalkoutbasementwith afullyequippedkitchenboth upstairsanddown.Upstairs,find 2bedrooms, 1bath,and anupdatedkitchenandflooring.Downstairs,twogenerously sizedbedroomsprovideamplespace.Enjoystunningviews ofthe FraserRiverandcityfromthelarge,covereddeck, overlooking avastgreenspaceand ravine. Featuringan updatedroof,HWtank,furnace,and AC,thishomehasbeen meticulouslymaintained.Anenclosedcarport,currentlyset upas aworkshop,caneasilybeconvertedinto agarage, addingfurtherflexibilitytothisproperty.Idealformultigenerationallivingorinvestment!
$559,000 $5,499,000
295EnglishBluffRoad, Tsawwassen
$4,388,000 5,000sq.ft |4 bedrooms|4bathrooms 20,278sq.ft.lot
516145th Avenue,Ladner
2,807sq.ft.|4bedrooms+ den+ office |2.5bathrooms Plus 1bdrm&1bath558sq.ft.coachhouse
1,928sq.ft.|4bedrooms|3bathrooms Heirloom Duplex
$4,200,000 5148CENTRAL AVE 3BEDS /2 BATHS /1836SQ.FT. OFFERED AT $1,469,900
TimRohwer 604.762.2041
•Spacious730sqft onebedroom locatedonthe groundfloor
•Beautifully updatedthroughout
•Private balconyoverlooks greenspace
•Rentals allowed
•Fullydetached 2bedroom &denrancherwith 1658sq.ft.oflivingspace
•Featuresopenconceptstyleliving,largegourmet kitchen,familyroometc,
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Fond memories linger everyday, Remembrance keeps themnear.
DAVIDSON(WATT),Lorna April17,1930 -January15,2024
Ithasbeen ayearsincemydearmother’spassing. LyndsayIrene,Mum’sdaughter,Mum’sbrother Charle’s sonChuckWattandwife MarcyofBC, Mum’s sisterEthel’s daughtersMargaretand Maureen,Mum’sbrotherJohnnie’sfamilyof AberdeenScotland andniecesLindaandfamily, DianeandhusbandMalcolmandherbrother, MargaretMcPhatterand familyinBritanand Mum’s friendsmissyouevery day
Imissourcupsoftea,visitsandphonecalls,but thinkofthegoodmemoriesandourcruisetoLas Vegas. ImisslisteningtoMum’s storiesofMum’s andDad’s serviceinBritainduringWWII.
IamheartbrokenthatMumwastaken from usso soon,butshewill foreverbeinourhearts.
Loveyou,Mum,mybestfriend. -Yourlovingdaughter
NAIRN,Kenneth Lyall March11,1948 -December 23,2024
Itiswithheavyheartsweannouncethepassingof Kenneth LyallNairn,wholeft us peacefullyatDelta HospitalonDecember23,2024.
Predeceasedbyhisfather Lyall,motherEileen,and sistersLauraandPenny.Kenissurvivedbyhis lovingwife of49years,Joanne;childrenRoger Nairn(Allison)andJenHastie(Michelle);brother DavidNairn(Valerie);cherishedgrandsonCooper; andextended familyonboththeNairnandEvans sides.Healsoleavesbehindbelovedgrandpuppies,ZooeyandQuinn.
Kentreasured friendships, from hischildhoodin Vancouver’s EastSide,throughhisworkascoownerofGeorgiaMechanicalSystems, teammatesatthe Tunnel TownCurlingClub,to lifelong friendsheandJoannemetintheirlife together. AproudTsawwassenresidentsince 1976,Kenlovedhosting BBQs,pumpkincarving, summerparties,andfamilygatherings, fostering connectionswithneighboursandfriends.He found joyatBeachGroveGolfClub,sharinglaughsand memorablegameswithmanygolfing friends.Ken wasapassionatesports fan,cheering for the Canucks,Whitecaps,BlueJays,andF1.Hetaught hissonbaseballand golf, cheeredonhisdaughter infie dhockeyandsoccer,andlovedtakinghis grandsontogolfcamp.Anadventureratheart, KenclimbedMountKilimanjaro,attendedthe Masters,andtravelledto49countrieswithJoanne, treasuringmemoriesandfriendshipsfromevery journey
TheNairnfamilythanksBCCancer,DeltaHospital, andhisexceptionalcareteams.Inlieuofflowers, donationstotheBCCancerFoundationorDelta HospitalinKen’s nameareappreciated.Kenwillbe remembered for hishumour,warmth,andlegacy oflove.
Acelebrationofhislifewillbeheld this spring.Detailstofollow.
WELBOURNE,GordonWilliam October17,1935 -December 27,2024
Belovedhusband, father,grandfather,greatgrandfather,brother,uncle,coach,mentorand dear friend tosomany
Survivedbyhisloving wife ofalmost67years, Coral/Carol;daughtersKarenCurrieandKendra (Murray)Coleman;sonPaul(Lori);six grandchildren,Ryan(Jenna),Bradley(Alycia), Kelsey(Josh),Heather(Kevin),SamandDaisy; sevengreat-grandchildren,Olivia, Ava,Easton, Nico,Sophia, TysonandEmma;andhissisterand brother-in-lawAnneandLeoMide.Predeceased byhisparents,CharlesandJoanne,sister Margaretandherhusband,Ron,nieceLouise,and twogreat-grandchildren.
GordandCarolraisedtheir familyinCoquitlam,and whenGordretired from the Workers’ CompensationBoard(aka Worksafe BC) after a 35-yearcareer,theymadeSurreytheirhome, wheretheyliveduntilthreeyearsagowhenthey movedtoThe Wexford in Tsawwassen.
Anavidfishermanmostofhislife, Gordwasalsoan athleteandknowninhisyouthas“Bones”tohis teammates.Overmanydecades,heplayedand coachedsoccer,softballandbaseball.Heserved asthePresidentofCoquitlamBabeRuthandlater becametheBCProvincialCommissionerandthen ThePacificNorthwestRegionalCommissionerof BabeRuthLeague,Inc.,whichincluded aroleasa BoardMemberoftheAssociation.Hewas presentedwiththeProvincialBabeRuthRollof HonorandlaterwasinductedintoTheCoquitlam SportsHallofFameandalsohadtheprestigious honourofbeinginductedintotheBabeRuth League,Inc.HallofFameforhis45-plusyearsof service for theNorthAmericanAssociation.
ACelebrationofhisLifewillbeat 1pm, Saturday,January25,2025,atCoast Tsawwassen Inn,165656thStreet,Delta.
Inlieuofflowers, donationstothe BCChildren’sHospitalwouldbeappreciated.
IRELAND,Rainseford TerrencePatrick November30.1945toDecember29.2024
Itiswithgreatsadnessthatweannouncethe passingofourdear friend,Patrickon Sunday, December29,2024,attheageof79.
Heispredeceasedbyhis father,Rainseford, his loving wife, Caroleandhismotheranddearest friend,Mavis.
Patrickgrewupontheeastsideof Vancouver, with fondmemoriesofhisyouthandattending KillarneyHighSchool.Patrickwasknown forhis senseofhumour,loveof children, animals, andhis enormousgenerosity
PatrickandCarolesettledintoNorthDelta for16 yearswheretheywereinvolvedwiththeNorth DeltaFootballAssoc.Patrickwasalsothepast presidentoftheNorthDeltaLionsClub.Patrickand Caroleoperated Tiffany’sFashionsinthe70’sand 80’s.
Laterinlife, Patrickwasabletopursuehispassion for golfandwas amemberoftheKing’s Linksby theSea.
Patrickissurvivedbyhismany friends whowill rememberhim fondly and often. AMemorial serviceto followinthespring.
JOHNSON,GeorgeWilliamRobert November3,1928 -December27,2024
GeorgeWilliamRobertJohnsonwasbornin Binscarth,Manitoba,onNovember3, 1928,and passedawayinhissleep,inKelowna,BC,on December27,2024.Hewaspredeceased byhis eldestson,KennethRobert(Rob),andnumerous siblings.Heissurvivedbyhisex-wife Helen;two sons,Jerry(Nancy)andPatrick(Paul); daughter-inlawSandy;threegrandchildren,Kenneth (Christine),Gordon(Melynda) andKirsten (Burgess);andsevengreat-grandchildren.George retiredas adetective followinglongserviceinthe VancouverPoliceDepartment, afterwhichhe retiredtotheOkanagan.Noservicebyrequest.If desired,adonationtoacharityofyourchoiceinhis memorywouldbeappreciatedbythefamily Condolencesmaybesenttothefamilybyvisiting www.springfieldfuneralhome.com.
March14,1935 -December29,2024
It swithgreatsadnessthatweannouncethe passingofourmother,AliceThiele.
Aliceispredeceasedbyourfatherandherloving husbandof57years,John(Jack)Thiele,who passedawayinDecember2012.Aliceissurvived byher fourchildren,Jim,John,Carol(DougMiller), andJoe;andsixgrandchildren,Chelsea,Carly, Maddie,Max,Sean,andNicole.
AfterarrivinginCanadainDecember1966,our familysettled nTsawwassenin1968, whereAlice remaineduntilherpassing.ShemovedintoThe Waterfordafter ourfather’spassing,whereshe livedaveryactiveandsocial life, mademany friendsandwillalwaysbeknownforthecareand assistancethatsheprovided for othersand,of course,herbaking!
February2,1955 −December28,2024
Itiswithgreatsadnessthatweannouncethe passingofSusanneafter abriefstrugglewith vasculardementia.
SusannewasborninVancouvertoBarbaraand HerbertWittrin.AftergraduatingfromKitsilano SecondarySchoolin1973,sheworkedatEaton’s departmentstoreforover20years.Shelater pursuedacareeras aUnitClerkatDeltaHospital,a positionshehelduntilherretirement. Inherlateryears,Susannelovedcreatingbeautiful, quiltedprojectsandvolunteeringatthehospital thriftstore.Oneofhergreatestjoyswascaringfor herbelovedgrandson,Myles. Susannewillbefondlyrememberedforher infectiouslaugh,boundlessempathy,andthejoy shebroughttothosearoundher.Sheexemplified theadage,"Itismoreblessedtogivethanto receive,"withherextraordinarygenerosityand selflessness.Susanne’sgraciousandlovingspirit touchedthelivesofeveryonesheencountered, leavinganenduringlegacyofkindnessand warmth.
Susanneissurvivedbyherchildren,Catherine (Dan)Deacon,JP(KirstenScott−Wuori)Peterson andhergrandson,Myles;hersiblings,Gabriele "Huschi"(Claude)Sevigny,MartinWittrin, Bernadette(BradJacks −dec.)Fuhrmann, Stephanie(Luc)Fournier,andCaroline(Lorenz Bruechert)Wittrin.Shewillalsobedeeplymissed byherextendedfamilyandmanyfriends.
PleasejoinusincelebratingherlifeonJanuary17, 2025,from10am−1pmatFirstMemorialFuneral Services14835FraserHighway,Surrey.
Inlieuofflowers,memorialdonationsmaybe madetotheDeltaHospitalAuxiliarySociety (https://deltahospitalauxiliary.org/donations).
InduStrIal/ CommerCIal Forleaseofficesand warehousein Tilbury IndustrialPark. 2,141sq.Ft.Receptionarea, 2offices,boardroomand 2 bathrooms. Gradelevelrearloadingdoor Lease$3,250plusoperation costsandGST Ph:672-272-5838 RENTAL Storage USTOREIT ULOCKIT
3Self-Storage Buildings in Tsawwassentoserveyou. Varioussizesavailable. Contactusat: 604-424-9977
Storage@BarbicanPM.ca Formoredetailsvisit: BarbicanPM.ca/Storage
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AttentionLadnerand Tsawwassenseafoodlovers! Enjoytop-qualitywild-caughtsmokedsalmon at amazingfactory-directprices— deliveredFREE straightfromour warehouse to yourhome.
• Top- qualitysmokedsalmon: Wild-caught, sustainablysourced, andpackedwithincredibleflavor.
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HOWTOORDER: ScanQR code to seepricing onallourproductsweofferfor freehomedeliver yinLadner and Tsawwassen.
Placeyourorderandenjoy factory-directpriceswithfree deliver yifyoulive inLadneror Tsawwassen.
PLEASENOTE: Pick-upsarenolonger available. Allordersareprocesseddirectlyfromour warehouse tocomplywithlocalregulations.
Now’syourchancetostockupondelicious, high-qualitysmokedsalmon at prices youwon’t find instores.Thisistheper fect opportunitytoenjoyfresh seafoodwhilesupporting alocalbusiness!
Byvirtueofthe Warehouseman’sLienAct
Mundies Towing,Storage &Service(1976)Ltd. willdisposeof:
6) 1988 TOYOTACROLAVIN#JT2AE92E4J3144372
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13)1999FORDF250VIN# 2FTPX28LXXCB07824
14)2003ACURA1.7ELVIN# 2HHES36893H001837
17)2007AUDIA4VIN# WAUDH78E27A186614
18) 2004ACURAMDXVIN#2HNYD18934H001588
16.Theyprecede C
23.Crispand Pebbles aretwo
3.Japanese classical theater
7.Retailerpayment system
10. Fencing sword
25.A suddenveryloud sound
26. Affirmative 27.Disadvantage 28.Corpusclecount (abbr.)
31.New Yorkartdistrict 33.Becomemorebleak 35.UpstateNYcity 37.Clarifiedbutters 38.Onewhowitnesses
15.Resinlikesubstance secretedbycertaininsects 17.Businessmen 18.Resthereplease (abbr.)
21.Louddevices 23.Make asoft murmuringsound 24.Onepointwestof duesouth
27. Trout
29. Typeofgrass 32.SouthAmericanplant
40.Condemn 41.__juris 42.Natural 44.Prohibit 45.Swissriver 48.Greekwargod 50. 5iron 52.NewZealand mountainparrot
53.Scandinavian surname 55. Followssigma
34.LetteroftheGreek alphabet
36. Traveler
40. Period after sunrise and before sunset
43.Someare choppy
44.Asian country
51. Abaglike structurein aplantoranimal
58.Onethatfeedson bugs
63. Toothissue
66.Lumpsof clay
67.Overlystudious student
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