Delta Optimist August 25 2022

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THU RSD AY |A UG US T2 5| 20 22 See photos from the Pride Picnic and Fashion Fest on page 15 and on our website. SUNDAYS10-4 Aug 28 •Sept 11 No Dogs Allowed Artisans, Food, Plants &Produce Cash and card accepted. Parking is limited, we are offering complimentary bike valet at this year’s event. Featuring Scan theQRcode or visit And more! Southlands Tsawwassen Farmers Market Food Trucks Ray’s Cycles Bike Check and Kids Obstacle Course Family-Friendly Activities Four Winds Beer Garden Live Music Southlands Annual Bike-In Saturday, 3September 2022 10:00 am -4:00 pm MARKET SQUAREATSOUTHLANDSTSAWWASSEN 6313 MARKET AVE,DELTA Check out Earthwise Society's 10th Annual Heirloom Tomato Fest in the Earthwise Garden from 11 am to 2pm.

W2 TheDeltaOptimist August25,2022 Supporting: THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS GOLF TOURNAMENT TOGETHERWERAISED$18,141 Forthe Delta LifeSkills Summer Program at ourTsawwassenSprings 10-Year AnniversaryGolfTournament. Thankyou to our sponsors, donors andplayers foryouramazing support, we couldn’thavedoneitwithout you! DINNER SPONSOR PLATINUM SPONSORS GOLDSPONSORS BEVERAGE SPONSOR COURSE CONTESTSPONSORS TS WWAS SENSP RIN GS. CA 100YEARS

Cascades Casino Delta’s food and beverage manager Rick Tite hinted TheBuffet will feature ethnic theme nights while Match Eateryhas indoor and outdoor dining options andalso includes an adjoining private party “Bud Room”, complete with its own pool table. Workers werebusy unpacking and installing the 500 slot machines that should beready fortesting by the end of the week. The 28,000 squarefoot gaming floor will also feature 18 table games and astadium gaming area “Wehaveabout two dozen stadium terminals which is kind of an evolution of slot and table and it gives players adif ferentway to playthese games on the big screen, ” said Dan Beebe,Chief Operation Officer of B.C LotteryCorporation. “The (500) slots are being arranged in themes so peopledon’t get confusedand they will know wheretogoquickly.”

“It’sentertainment. That’s what Gateway is all about,” England continued. “The slots and tables aspect is just one piece of it.The restaurants,the atmosphere, the bands that we will put on areall apartofthe entertainmentexperience.That’s whymost of our food and beverageoptions are offthe game floor so it’s family friendly. Youwill be able to come in here at any time and enjoyit and then maybe come back herelater without your children.”

Seephotosfromthe PridePicnic andFashion Fest on page 15 and on ourwebsite.

Theadjoining fivestoreyDelta Marriott Hotel will be the biggest of its kind in the city with 125rooms.It’sexpected to open soonafter the casino “It’sa resortdestination. Agreat place to come out and have fun for thenight,”added Martyn Kelly, Cascades Casino Delta’s general manager.“Iguess this is my baby.Therewillbea few tough months ahead of us (with the opening challenges) but it’s all goingtobeworth it in the end.” Avirtual job fair is cur rently underwaytofill up to 600 part-time and fulltime positions Thecasino parking lot canaccommodate up to 800cars. Seeour online photo tourofthe casino by visiting:

THURSD AY |A UG US T2 5| 20 22


The construction finish line is coming up fast on the city’sbiggest ever entertainmentdestination. On Tuesday, Gateway Casinos invited the media and local business leaders for atour inside their 165,000 squarefoot CascadesCasino Delta where tradeworkers are busy putting the finishing touches on the massive project that broke ground back in 2018. While the company is not comfortable yet to provide afirm grand opening date,the doors will be open within thenext month “We’re going to soon announce theofficial opening but it will be by the end of September,” said Rowland England, GatewayCasinos’VPof Operations B.C.West “Everything is on course for that openingdate.” England emphasized playing the slot machines or tables will be just a partofthe Cascades Casino Delta experience that hasbeen designed forthe whole family to enjoy. The tour included stops in two of Gateway’s signaturebrand restaurants—Match Eatery& PublicHouse and The Buffet.Onthe upper level is aballroom that can accommodate up to 300 guests for just about everything.

Grand opening will happen “beforethe end of September” for165,000 square foot facility


MARK BOOTH PHOTO Cascades Casino Delta general managerMartynKelly among the 500 slot machines currently being installed ahead of next month’sgrand opening. SUNDAYS 10 -4 Aug 28 •Sept11 No DogsAllowed Artisans, Food, Plants &Produce 17 -1835 56th St., Tsawwassen 60 4. 9 43 .63 83 COLLISION TOP PERFORMER 2020 GLASS 2020 Certified Collision Repair ALUMINUM Certified GlassAuto Service Why Tsawwassen Collision for Autoglass? To drive with clarity after TCVR autoglass replacement. Home Care as unique as your family. H a y 604-782-5605 Frombasic companionship to complex care,wecreatea HomeCare approachjust foryou. Safe, reliable and local. SurreyDelta Home Care


“They have all told me about this sidewalk and sayitshould happen, but nothing happens,” said Myers in arecentinterview with the Optimist. She’sbeen asking for a sidewalktobebuilt from 12th Avenue to the entrance to Centennial Beach in Boundary BayRegional Park for two years. “I think it’s verymuchneeded,”she said. The beach is so busy there areshuttle buses on Sundays, running from South Delta Rec. Centre, to the park, she points out. With no sidewalk on that part of BoundaryBay Road, pedestrians areforced into the bicycle lane. Myers said she recently sawa senior in ascooter travelling in the bike lane

People walkingonroadwaytoget to Centennial Beach

“Every dayI see children, seniors,cyclists, joggersand dog walkers walking in the bikelane of aroad with aspeed limit of 60 km/h,” shesaid. “Everysingle time Iwanttotake my babyfor awalk,Ihavetopack her and herstrollerintomycar and drive to parkateither Southlands or (into) Beach Grove, because I would not risk her life on this road.” Asidewalk runs from the park entrance,south into Southlands, but there’snothing connect ing CentennialBeachto12th Avenue and to Tsawwassen’s town centre. Pedestrians and parkusers mayhavetowait awhile,how ever,for the situation to be addressed MetroVancouverparks told the Optimist that they areplanning anew trail in the area,tentatively named BoundaryBay Road Perimeter trail. It will be designed to improvepedestrian safety along BoundaryBay Road,but an exact route hasn’tbeenchosen MetroVancouverparks currently is only contemplating a pedestrian-only trail, not asidewalk, with construction likely starting in 2024 or 2025, said MetroVancouverparks senior mediarelations strategist Niki Reitmayer. That project will requirepublic consultation and archeological assessments.

An environmental consultant hasstudied route optionsfor the trail this spring and summer. Myers said she’s happyMetro Vancouverisworking on apathway, but said three years is a long time “The timeline is aconcern for safety over the next few years,” she said.


Ironwood Place neighbours (left to right)Sarah Myers and daughter Bridget,Christine Walker and Lorna VanStraaten on the shoulder theyhavetowalk on to get to BoundaryBay Regional Park.

100YEARS Mark Nickel BC HIP B Sc Owner FAMILY-OWNED AND OPERATED INDEPENDANT HEARING CLINIC 56 St 12 Ave. p Fe rg uson Rd Tsawwassen Hearing Centre N •Experience clear andhonestcommunication •Takeasmuch time as youneed to ask questionsin ano-pressureconsultation •Enjoy your hearing test in a spacious sound booth •Takeadvantageofour low-priceguarantee and payment plan options •Choose from all the major hearing aid manufacturers to ensure youget the righthearing aidsfor you 5682 12 Avenue,Tsawwassen Voted Best Hearing Clinic in the 2020 2019 2018 2017&2016DeltaOptimistReaders ChoiceAwards CALL US TODAYAT 604-943-0033 VOTED BESTHEARING CLINIC IN TSAWWASSEN AND LADNER CALL US TODAY AND LET US SHOW YOU WHY!

Local politicians keep agree ing with Delta residentSarah Myers,that asidewalk is needed so beachgoers don’t have to walk on BoundaryBay Road to get to CentennialBeach

August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A3 PluggedIn WEBSITE Get all your community news, sports and events, as well as exclusiveweb-only contentlikephoto galleries, videos,blogs andpodcasts, 24/7 online or on your smartphone at Therearemanyways toconnectwiththe Optimist,bothonlineand throughsocialmedia. UPFRONT FACEBOOK Visit our Facebook page at TheDeltaOptimist to join the conversation on today'shottest issues. TWITTER Followthe Optimist in the Twittersphere: @DeltaOptimist @ianjacques21 @Optimist_sports @GyarmatiSandor 500847AAvenue, Delta,BCV4K1T8 PHONE 604-946-4451 EMAIL Open MondaytoFriday, 10 a.m. to 3p.m. Contact Us GotNews? ContactIan, Sandor or Mark at editor@ or 604 998 3616 Carriers The Optimist is always looking forcarriers to deliver everyThursdayin Ladner andTsawwassen. Call Kristeneat604 9465171 or email:kmurray@ PHIL MELNYCHUK Contributing Writer


“The final budget will be dependentonestablishing the best route option and construction methodology, which have not yet been determined,” Reitmayer said.

Delta’sFlood ManagementStrategy identifies anumber of locations for possible dike upgrading over the next decade. Thecityiscurrently focusing on five proposed upgrade projects: theEast Delta dike, Beach Grove/Boundary Bay, Westham Island, River Road West and River Road/Lower Cougar Creek. With climatechange, sea level rise is asignificantthreatfor the lowlands of Delta,especially along Boundary Bay, according to aDelta staff report, adding the existing coastal dikes are3.5 metres high and currently do not adhere to the province’s seismic guidelines. That reportstates preliminarycost estimates for the first phase indicate that dikeupgrades to 2050 couldcostmore than $350 million. Seismic upgrading could cost an additional $300 million. The cycling club hasn’t made any formalpre sentation for the idea of paving raised dikes,but Pope said he mentions it to politicians wherepossible “We’ll keep talking about it and we’ll see Younever know,”hesaid.

PHIL MELNYCHUK Contributing Writer

HUB Cyclinghas ideas they want thecitytoexplore

A4 The Delta Optimist August25,2022

Just as an example, if the dike trail (from around Beach Grovein Tsawwassen to MudBay in Surrey) was paved, it could serveasa cycle commuting link between Surrey, NorthDelta and Tsawwassen, along with easier recreational riding. Butdikes will be upgraded depending on wherethere’sthe biggest flood risk, which he supports,headded He alsonotes the increased use of the dikes by all users requires safe riding.Cyclists should use abell or their voice to warn pedestrians they’re approaching, andcyclists on e-bikes or gravel bikes who can ride at high speed, need to slow when they approach people Cycling safety is crucial, he said.

The club that speaks for those on two wheels has a modest proposal for whenever a Delta dike is raised to prepare for rising sea levels Should those millions ever be spent on dike improvement, HUB Cycling would like a sheet of asphalt laid on top of the dike, once all the work has been done. That smooth surface could make for speedier cycling commutes and encourage users of all abilities by making easier riding for whoever’s using the dike trail

A few trails that get such treatment could be a big boost for cycle tour ism. “Think Holland,” said Neil Pope, with the Delta branch of HUB Cycling. “They have done it in an amazing way and it’s a huge tourist draw. We’ve got the makings of some world-class cycling here.” Pope mentions the idea about cycling safety and the recent incident when a cyclist blocked a farmer on the Boundary Bay Regional Park dike who was trying to get to a field. He said the cycle club isn’t trying to decide whichdikes getraised, it just wants whatever dikes that areimproved, to be paved so they’re usable for alarge variety of people.


“Never assume a motorist sees you if you’re riding. Cyclists should be particularly careful at intersections and driveways.And wear abike helmet and bright clothing and ensureyour bike haslights and reflec tors,” he said.



HUB Cycling says that a sheet of asphalt laid on top of the dike would make for speedier cycling commutes and encourage users of all abilities.

100YEARS Scratch +Save Sale! 40% CALL OR TEXT to book your FREE quote today 604-948-3088 *RestrictionsApply -Validfor apts June 1st-Aug 31 2022only.Non-retroactive. prize cardsmixed at random. 40% off MSRP maximum discount includes bonus ....bonus scratch area includes 50% off motorization,wepay theGST and more! UP TO OFF JeffreyGreenfeld,CFP®, EPC,RIS InvestmentAdvisor,iAPrivate Wealth Inc. Attract Employees with aHealth Spending Account As the owner of Cornerstone Construction, Stevehad a thriving smallbusiness,and agreat staff.Hediligently hired therightpeople, knowinghow harditistoget good staff After abikeinjurycaused hisoffice manager to leave her position duetonohealth plan, he struggled to provide quotes as well as do administrative tasks. Stevewas left wondering howhecould retain and attract quality people. He had a tightbudget and health plan renewals were getting toocostly TheSolution?AHealth Spending Account(HSA). AHealth Spending Accountallows Stevetobuild abenefits program thatworksfor his smallbusiness AND theneedsofhis employees. As an employer, hereiswhy Steveshould consider an HSA: ✓ All eligible medical expenses aretax-deductible ✓ Totalcontrol over plan costs ✓ Can be usedtosupplement currentbenefitplans ✓ Employeeretention increases ✓ Largelistofeligible expenses ✓ His firm will notpay forunused HSAdollars ✓ His firm pays nothing if no claimsare submitted (no monthly or annual expenses) ✓ One-time tax-deductiblesign-up feeof$295 CDN Cornerstone Construction staff will also benefitfromanHSA: ✓ Tax-free benefit ✓ No Restrictions–100% coverage ✓ All staff,ofall ages, regardless of health ✓ Covers pre-existing conditions ✓ Moreeligibleexpenses than traditional health plans ✓ Plans arecustomizable to fitplanholder ✓ No medical underwriting ✓ 100% reimbursement of receipt(no co-pay) ✓ No premiums to pay With an HSA, Stevecan controlcosts, and provide flexible coverage to his employees, all without annual fees or monthly premiums! Contact JeffreyGreenfeld at 604.940.8617 or This information has been prepared by Jeff Greenfeld who is an InvestmentAdvisor foriAPrivateWealth. Opinions expressed in this article arethose of the InvestmentAdvisor onlyand do not necessarily reflect those of iA Private Wealth. iA PrivateWealth is amember of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the InvestmentIndustry Regulatory Organization of Canada. $2000 off your next oil change when youmention this ad, Expires September 22, 2022 FREE TIRE INSPECTION TireServices: New TireSales •TireRepair •TireRotation FREE BRAKE INSPECTION Brake Services: Brake Replacement service •Make and Appointment Now Open Hours: Mon: -Sat: 8:00 AM -6:00 PM •Sun: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM Jiffy Lube New Westminster 110-805 Boyd St, New Westminster (Queensborough outlet mall) (604) 527-7112 Jiffy Lube Richmond 10991 No 4Road, Richmond (Steveston Hwy.&No. 4Road) Call us: (604)448–0142

Environmentand ClimateChange Canada researchers and biolo gists have beenhelpingthe Canadian Food Inspection Agencyand theCanadianWildlife Health Cooperative with the testingoflive and dead birds

The highly pathogenic Avian influenza hasbeen confirmedinseveral wild birds,includingsea gulls, waterfowl, raptors suchaseagles andhawks andcrows andravens, Boonstrasaid. Alocal residentsaid on Facebook Wednesday she sawadozen of the blackand white birds lyingonthe shoreline, bellyup, saying it was a concerning sight. According to B.C Health Link, Avian flu virus usually is not passed from birds to people,but since 1997, somepeople have become sick with this serious,deadly kind of birdflu. Most of these infectionshavebeen in Asian countries amongpeople who have hadclose con tact with birds raised on farms.

Birdsfounddeadon BoundaryBaybeach Avian Fluthe likely causeofdeath 100YEARS LADNER LADNEVILLAGE RVILLAGE DENTAL DENTAL 4827 Delta St, Delta, BC V4K 4822T7 7Delta St, Delta,BCV4K 2T7 (604) 946 (604)6513 946-6513 NOWACCEPTINGNEWPATIENTS DR.SONAMRAMBHIALOVESTOBUILDRELATIONSHIPS WITHHERPATIENTS.SHEDOESEVERYTHINGFROM CHILDREN'SDENTISTRYTOFILLINGS,CROWN&BRIDGES, ROOTCANALS&EXTRACTIONS Scan to Book Online 6508 LADNER TRUNK RD, LADNER •604-946-5986 OPEN DAILY9AM -5:30PM FALL GARDENMUMS IN ALL SIZES PLANT PANSIES FOR COLOUR ALL WINTER ORCHIDS IN BLOOM Reg. $39.99 60 YEARS SERVING DELTA Drs. Jan &Warren Roberts Get the results you want from experienced dentists who LISTEN, SERVE & CARE. Accepting NewPatients 555012th Avenue, Tsawwassen •604-943-3343

PHIL MELNYCHUK Contributing Writer

Sixofseveral birds found deadon Centennial Beach last week arebeing tested for highlypathogenicavian influenza, Environment and ClimateChange Canada,said Friday. Media spokesperson Hannah Boonstrasaid that theprovinceon Wednesday, Aug. 17, receivedreports of “multiple dead birds”being found on the beachin Tsawwassen and continuing south to the U.S. border BoundaryBay RegionalParks staff said they collected anddisposedof10carcasses.Six birdcarcasses arenow being tested. Boonstra said the publicshould nothandle wild birds.Nor should people feed wild birds because that encour ages them to gather and increasethe possibility of disease spread. The Avian flu can be spread both within the same speciesand to other species “Dead, injured or sick birdsshould notbe touchedand should be immediately reported to theB.C.Wild Bird Mortality Investigation Program callline 1-866 431-BIRD.”

August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A5

A6 The Delta Optimist August25,2022

The union says workers’willingness to performovertime in non-emergency situations can mask the impact of systemicissues including under-staffing, excessiveworkload andhighturnover The union’smost recentcollective agreementexpired on April1 Negotiations for anew contract started on Feb. 8, but reached an impasse on April6.Members voted 95 per cent in favour of job action on June 22. The parties met again in July, but talks quickly broke down On Tuesday, the BCGEU said in a news release,that they have accepted an offer from governmenttoreturn to thebargaining table


The BCGEU hasescalated job action, declaring an overtime ban. In aMondaymorning press release, the union says it is declaring a ban on non-emergencyovertime for members working in the B.C.public service, effective immediately. Theovertime ban will not apply to members employed in BC Wildfire Service for the duration of the current wildfireseason, however. In addition to the overtime ban, targeted job action at BC Liquor Distribution Branch distribution and wholesale centres remains in effect including hereinDelta,saysthe union, which represents 33,000 BC General Employees’Union members across the province “BC’s public service hasbeen reliantonour members’overtime for far too long and dealing with the systemic issues behind that reliance is partof what we’retrying to achieve in this round of bargaining,”said BCGEU presidentStephanieSmith.“We hope this escalation gives governmentthe incentive they need to invite us back to the bargaining table and negotiate a deal that will ensure robust,sustainable public services forour province and a fair deal for BCGEU members and all public sector workers.”

BCGEU stepsupjob Workers walk the picket line outside the BC Liquor Distribution Branch distributionand wholesale centrein Delta.


100YEARS CALL 604-943-7735 FOR LOCAL STORAGE •RV, Boat Parking &Storage •Pt. Roberts Mini &Mobile Storage 360-945-6464 LADNER STORAGE 4141 River Road, Delta Want to Make ADifference in Our Community? Heron Hospice Society of Delta is seeking compassionate andcaring individuals to join our volunteerteam. We invite youtolearn more about the role of ahospice volunteer at our Meet &GreetAn Introduction to Hospice Volunteering Wednesday, August 31, 2022 7:00 -8:00 pm on Zoom Pre-registrationisrequired by email to or leave a message at 604 245 7380 with your email address. ECO FRIENDLY NON-SLIP SURFACE UP TO 30% LESS THAN CONCRETE AreYou Tired Of Your Cracked ConcreteorPaving? WE AREHERE TO HELP CALL NOW UPS PROPERTY VALUE Before After 1-800-609-5408 4.8/5 Average Rating1000’sofJobs Driveways Apartments Patios Stairs Walkways Pool DecksPlaygrounds Courtyards RecycledRubberPaving


on newEldersCentre 100YEARS ofDeltaBC TRAFFICNOTICE Pleaseseethefollowingtrafficdisruptions fortheAugust27,2022CityofDelta ConcertintheVillage: •SinglelanealternatingtrafficalongDelta Streetand48Avenuefrom12-5pm. •48StreetclosedfromLaidlawStreetto DeltaStreetat12pm. •DeltaStreetclosedfromBridgeStreetto southof48Streetfrom5-9pm. •48StreetclosedformLaidlawStreetto HavilandStreetfrom5-9pm.

TsawwassenFirstNation held agroundblessingceremonyfor theNew EldersCentreonWednesday,Aug.17prior to beginning theconstruction work,whichbeganonAug.18. Thecultural protocolofthe blessing is to clear negative energy and welcomepositiveenergy, preparing thesitetostart construction. This legacyprojecthas been prioritized as perTFN Executive Council’sdirection. Executive Councilapprovedthe detailed building design thatincorporatedElder andcommunityinput gatheredthrough significant engagement efforts undertaken from 2019 to 2021. Thecommunityhas been eagerly waitingfor thisfacilitytobebuilt.The EldersCentreisasignificant project that hasbeendesigned well to meet the needs of current andfuture eldersatTFN.

TFN breaks ground

A8 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 Canadian Publications Agreement #212490 Thursday’scirculationis17,500 This paper is made of 40% recycled newsprint and printed using vegetable inks

he new Delta Cascades Casino is taking shape On Tuesday,mediawere invitedby GatewayCasinos fora sneak peek at the construction progress. Thereisstill lots of worktobedone, but we nowhaveamuch better idea of what the new gaming and entertainmentcomplex will offer and look like Gatewayishopeful that the grand opening will take place towards the end of September with the adjacent five-storey Delta Marriott Hotel to open soon after that. I’mnot ahuge gambler,but Ihaveto saythat I’mexcited about the opening of the casino Notonly will it offer slots and table games,but new restaurantand food options and entertainmentaswell. It will offer something different– a differentnightout with family and friends. The Optimist hasbeen covering this storyfor years and Iknowthereis opposition out thereabout the casino opening. Some residents sayitisnot needed and that the casino will bring an undesir able crime elementtothe community. Iget those arguments and Iget those concerns,but let’s also look at the benefits According to Gateway, 500 personyears on construction employment, up to 600 new jobs,a $99.3 million invest mentbyGateway–all add up to great economic benefits for Delta Several members of the local business community werealso on Tuesday’stour andthey wereequally excited about the opening and the economic possibilities. Forbusiness,the casino offers another meeting place,the ability to host out-of-town guests in the adjacenthotel for conferences bringing morepositive exposuretoeverything that Delta has to offer.Think of the additional tourism dollars that such afacility could bring? This is going to be agreat entertainmentdestination for Delta. ANNIVERSARY

Brad Sherwin, MBAisa long-time residentofSouth Delta,and has morethan 30 years’experience in marketing, public relations and business strategy. He teaches post secondarymarketing, coaches hockey goalies past

and is

The Delta Heritage Society is pleased to celebrate 100 years of the Delta Optimist Come visit us at the Douglas J Husband Discovery Centre And remember, we are always on the lookout for new artifacts and archival records that help us tell the story of Delta Ferguson Motors 1965 This 1965 photograph depicts the Ferguson Motors Ltd building on Westham Street (48th Avenue), Ladner, B C It has been quite some time since Ladner has hosted a car dealership Delta Archives 1970 006 008 Justlike that, summer is almost over. Iguess it seemed to go by quickly because the sun didn’t come out until the middle of July, but hereweare,just over a week beforethe kids head back to school. It’s weird–even though I haven’t been in school for a long time,I still dream about it.Not being able to find the classroom, or worse,the realization that Ihaveanexam, but haven’t attended any classes Iwasn’t thebest student. Idid okay, managed to get myself into post-secondary schooland built adecent careerfromthere. ButIwould have never thoughtofwhere Iwould be todaywhen Iwas back in high school. Itook the programs that tried to pick your career. According to them,I should have been atax accountant. Knowing what Iknownow, that would have been abad move.Not that there’sanythingwrong with that career, it just doesn’t suit my personality type. Throughout my life,I’vehad people tell me Iwouldn’t suc ceed.Iworkedina gasstation whenIwas in high school. The owner said he didn’t think I was the kind of person who would go to university. When Iwas headedtoBCIT, the Associate Dean said looking at my grades,I probably wouldn’t do well there. When Iwanted to get my MBA, my bosssaid I couldn’t,because Ididn’t have adegree All Ican saytothem is, ‘well, you werewrong’. Iwent to university,I was the presidentofthe marketing club at BCIT,and Igot my MBAwith a 3.65 GPA. Thanks for the motivation And nowIteach marketing to MBAstudents.Neversaw that happening when Iwas a teenager. Forthose heading back to school in afew days,just remember –the job you will likely have in 10 years hasn’t been created yet. Don’t worry about what you’ll do in life, because it will probably change.And there’snothing wrong with learning atrade instead of going to university. Most importantly, don’t let anyone set limits for you. Including yourself.


Slotswillsoon beringing 1 TH

Published every Thursdayby the Delta Optimist adivision of LMP Publication Limited Partnership 5008 47AAvenue, Delta, BC V4K 1T8 Phone 604 946 4451 Deliveries 604 946 5171 PUBLISHER: PierrePelletier ppelletier@delta-optimist com EDITOR: Ian Jacques editor or SPORTS: MarkBooth REPORTERS Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@ MarkBooth PHOTOGRAPHER Jim Kinnear DIGITAL SALESMANAGER: Marianne LaRochelle SALES REPRESENTATIVES: John Gallinger jgallinger@ Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@ LeeFruhstorfer Keely Chalk SALESSUPPORT: Linda Calendino lcalendino@ DISTRIBUTION: Kristene Murray 604 946 5171 RoyaSarwary rsarwary@richmond-news com CLASSIFIED: 604 630 3300 604 444 3056 The Delta Optimist is amember of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethicalbehaviour.If youhave concerns about editorial content, please contactthe editor at or 604 946 4451. If youare not satisfied withthe response and wish to file aformal complaint visit the website at mediacouncil. ca or call toll-free 1 844 877 1163for additional information. OPINION Editor’sNote IAN JACQUES EntireContents ©2022The Optimist All RightsReserved The three most hated words–back to school Community Comment BRAD SHERWIN 100YEARS

will not print“name withheld” letters.Copyright in letters and other materials

Let’sall cycle safely

Localtheatretalent is impressive

The Optimist encourages readers to write letters to the editor.Lettersare accepted on anytopic, althoughpreference is given to those on local matters. The Optimist reserves the right to edit letters and the decision to publish is at the discretion be Optimist submitted voluntarily to accepted remains with the the itslicensees mayfreely

Editor: Iregularly walk or bike in Ladner,and observe individuals (ofall ages) on numerous occasions riding bikes without ahelmet.


All the best to Jyla, Tomand Studio West Dancefor making our community so special. Sandi Gauvreau

PottersAssociation says thanks

August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A9 Letters Editor: This letter is in response to arecentonline article about HUB cycling talking about thepossibilityof paving on the dike. From an environmental point-of-view, paving the tops of dikes with asphalt to accommodate cyclists is definitely not agood idea. Asphalt depletes resources,itpollutes water,and it gener ates harmful atmospheric emissions Also,Iexpectthe cost to do so would be significant. It would be an unnecessaryexpenseto accommodate asmall group of people.That money could be used for anumber of other more important(and sustainable) purposes Valerie E. Fuller


Editor: On Saturday, Aug. 13, the Delta Potters Association (DPA) hosted a50thanniversarycelebration. We invited the peopleofDelta to help us celebrate. What awonderful eventwehad!

Pat Longworth, Linda O’Reilly, Susan Hunt, and Carol Clancey DPA50th Committee

Thank you to Optimist photographer Jim Kinnearwho took some greatshots In my speech at the event, Imentioned that DPAhas hadagreat association from the beginning with the Optimist, in fact thefirst archivalpiece in ourhis tory presentation is a clipping from an edition of the Optimist in April 1972, saying wherecitizens interested in pottery could meet.This was the veryfirst meeting of our Delta PotteryClub Thanks to Delta Coun. Dylan Kruger for attending on behalf of Mayor George Harvie.Itwas gratifying to hear in his speechthat the City of Delta is committed to increasing opportunities for artistic and cultural endeavours in ourcommunity. Agiantthank-you to all who attended, our members,past members, including our thirdpresidentfrom1979, and of course to you, our Delta community,who attend our sales and encourage us with your enthusiasm Judging by the smiles on everyone’s face,and the constanthum of excitedconversation as old friends and pot ters reunited, everyone enjoyeditasmuch as we did!


the publisher and

Editor: Iwanted to take the time to saywhat an amazingplacewelive in with so much talent in our community. We need to embrace and encourage them. We hadthe great pleasureofattendingTheatre Under The Stars performance of Something Rotten at Malkin Bowl.Awesome venue! The music, the dancing,the singing… amazing and so much fun! Oneofour own, Jyla Robinson stars as Nostradamus.She was fantastic and her tap dancing was best by far! Also in the cast is Tom Schultes,who was astudentofJyla’s at Studio West Dance Congratulations you two! Iencourage everyone to experience T.U.T.S. for themselves,a greatevening of entertainment. Youwill love it!

signed, dated and include the writer’sphone number(not forpublication) The

reproduce them in print,electronic or otherforms. ONLINEALL THE TIME ONLINEALL THE TIM ONLINEALL THE TIME ONLINEALL THE TIM ONLINEALL THE TIME ONLINEALL THE TIM ONLINE ALL THE TIME ONLINE ALL THE TIM Online all the Time 100YEARS REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION Call 604.943.8823 •Email • Or drop in foratour: #120- 5133SpringsBlvd,Tsawwassen Springs Clubhouse LEARN PILATES on the Pilates Reformer and other specialized equipment 1. JumpStart One-on-One 4one-on-one sessions that includes apain and postureassessment. $259 +gst 2. Introduction to Pilates Group Class 4weekly classes to fall in love with Pilates. Gain strength,mobility,improve postureand energy $159 +gst UPCOMING DATES: •Monday 7pm –September 12, 19, 26, October 3 •Wednesday 3pm –September7,14, 21, 28 YOGA CLASSES AN 8WEEK PROGRAM TO STRETCH, BREATHE AND RELEASE TENSION. Max 7inaclass. Experiencetactile cues and modifications for back health, osteoporosis, neck or shoulder issues. •Mondays 8-9 am –September12– October31 •Wednesdays 7-8 pm –September 7–October 26 4class pass -$140 •8class pass -$280 BALANCE GYM Is poor balance affectingyour confidencetoparticipate in activities you enjoy? Join balance gym and get back to moving with confidence. A4week Program with daily home drills to move better,feel stronger,reduce pain and tension. •Wednesday 2-3 pm Sept 7, 14, 21, 28, •$159 +15for workbook =$174 MELTMETHOD Hand &Foot Treatment Thursday 4-5:30pm -September 15 and 22. Erase pain and tension in your hands, feet, neck, and low back brought on by everyday stress, overuse, and age. Cost: $120 +gst (Includes: ball kit and bag ) Review: need arefresher? Bring your balls. $89 Pilates, Yoga, BalanceGym,MELTMethod Whether you arenew to exercise, recovering from an injury,want to enhance your sport or activities, we have lots to choose from this fall. hick ey 20 th i

Firstly, it’s dangerous! Abike accidentcan result in aserious,permanent, life-altering head injury. Secondly, wearing ahelmet while cycling is B.C.provincial law. Breaking this lawcan result in fines.AsDelta expandsits cycling net work, let’s allcycle safely. D. Reynolds

of the editor or publisher. All letters must


DunbarLumberopeningretailstoreatLadnerCentre MARK BOOTH PHOTO

100YEARS DeltaPermissive Taxation Exemption BylawNo. 8182,2022. Organization NameAddress 2023 $2024$ 2025 $ 828Hurricane Squadron Royal Canadian AirCadets172056Street 350400 400 Boysand GirlsClubs of South CoastBC(ErrolWintemute)4727Arthur Drive 16,900 17,200 17,500 Boysand GirlsClubs of South CoastBC(Hillside) 1133984Avenue 11,600 11,800 12,000 Boysand GirlsClubs of South CoastBC(Winskill) 5575 9Avenue 2,100 2,100 2,100 BritishColumbiaGuide Dog Services 7061 Ladner TrunkRoad 4,400 4,500 4,600 BritishColumbiaWaterfowl Society 5191 RobertsonRoad 50,600 51,600 52,600 BritishColumbiaWaterfowl Society WaterfowlHabitats 19,400 19,800 20,200 Columbus Charities Association(ColumbusLodge) 8850 118A Street 7,800 8,000 8,200 DeltaBranchNo. 61 of TheRoyal CanadianLegion 4896 DeltaStreet 6,650 6,800 6,900 DeltaChamber of Commerce 6201 60 Avenue 7,850 8,000 8,200 DeltaCommunity Living Society 3800 72 Street 16,600 16,900 17,200 DeltaCommunity Living Society 3810 72 Street 8,100 8,300 8,500 DeltaCommunity Living Society 4909 &4917DeltaStreet 16,000 16,300 16,600 DeltaCommunity MusicSchool 4705 Arthur Drive 1,650 1,700 1,700 DeltaGymnastics Society 4680 Clarence TaylorCrescent 26,200 26,700 27,200 DeltaHospital Auxiliary Society 4816 DeltaStreet 5,900 6,000 6,100 DeltaHospital Auxiliary Society 4824 DeltaStreet 8,100 8,300 8,500 DeltaHospital Auxiliary Society 4830 DeltaStreet 7,350 7,500 7,700 DeltaLodge#21,Independent OrderofOdd Fellows 5425 Ladner TrunkRoad 22,200 22,600 23,100 DeltaPolice Department(Training Facility)4990104 Street 500 500 500 DeltaRockhoundsSociety 1720 56 Street 300300 300 DeltaThistleCurling Club11415 84 Avenue 2,600 2,700 2,800 Deltassist Family andCommunity Services Society 9067 120Street 44,650 45,500 46,400 Dogwood HoldingsSociety 4590 51 Street 2,500 2,600 2,700 Dogwood HoldingsSociety 4649 Evergreen Lane 13,950 14,200 14,500 Ex-BritanniaRed LionsAthletic Association 10590LadnerTrunk Road 850 900 900 KinVillageAssociation543010Avenue 13,900 14,200 14,500 Kirkland HouseFoundation 4140 Arthur Drive 2,950 3,000 3,100 LadnerFishermen's Co-operative Association 4467 Savoy Street 2,350 2,400 2,400 LadnerFishermen's Co-operative Association 4473 Savoy Street 2,350 2,400 2,400 LadnerFishermen's Co-operative Association 4481 Savoy Street 6,550 6,700 6,800 LadnerLawnBowling Club 5128 47 Avenue 27,400 27,900 28,500 LadnerMinor Baseball Association 4907 42BAvenue 550 600 600 LadnerTennisClub 5151 56 Street 9501,000 1,000 Lighthouse HarbourMinistries9551Gunderson Road 8,500 8,700 8,900 McKee Athletic Association (East DeltaHall) 10379LadnerTrunk Road 15,400 15,700 16,000 Navy League of CanadaAnnacisChannel 7,250 7,400 7,500 NorthDelta Baseball Association10900 82 Avenue 1,450 1,500 1,500 NorthDelta Community Police Station1191080Avenue 4,050 4,100 4,200 NorthDelta Football Club(Soccer) 1090082Avenue 1,150 1,200 1,200 NorthDelta Potters Guild 1141584Avenue 1,100 1,100 1,100 PhoenixDrug andAlcohol Recovery &EducationSociety 5061 12 Avenue 7,450 7,600 7,800 ReachChild andYouth DevelopmentSociety (Delta Early YearsCentre) 1141584Avenue 1,300 1,300 1,300 ReachChild andYouth DevelopmentSociety (DevelopmentalPreschool North) 1092182Avenue2,250 2,300 2,300 ReachChild andYouth DevelopmentSociety (Lois E. JacksonKinsmen Centrefor Children) 5050 47Avenue36,70037,40038,100 Please note that theCityofDelta intendstoprovide exemption from property taxesfor aperiod of one year (2023 taxation year) forthe properties listedbelow. Estimated municipal taxesare shownfor theyear 2023 andfor thefollowing twoyearsasrequiredbySection227 of the CommunityCharter EstimatedMunicipalTaxes SourcesCommunity Resources Society 4807 Georgia Street 4,550 4,600 4,700 SourcesCommunity Resources Society 4812 Georgia Street 3,500 3,600 3,700 SourcesCommunity Resources Society (ChestnutHouse)457655B Street 2,550 2,600 2,700 South DeltaArtists Guild 1710 56 Street 1,850 1,900 1,900 South DeltaLibrary 1321A56Street 8,800 9,000 9,200 South DeltaRams Football Club755 53 Street 1,600 1,600 1,600 South DeltaUnitedSoccer Club 5755 Mountain View Boulevard 1,500 1,500 1,500 St.David'sHouse Society 1117 51AStreet 8,450 8,600 8,800 Sunshine HillsParentParticipation Preschool 6750 Carncross Crescent 3,150 3,200 3,300 Sunshine Hills Tennis Club Society 11195BondBoulevard 23,200 23,700 24,200 TheCentrefor Child Development of the LowerMainland (LookoutPreschool) 1140584Avenue2,800 2,900 3,000 TheDeltaPotters Association 1720 56 Street 850900 900 TheNatureTrust of BritishColumbia HarlockIsland 300 300300 The NatureTrust of BritishColumbiaRiparian Habitat Area 10,500 10,700 10,900 TheSidekick PlayersClub117256Street 2,200 2,200 2,200 TheSynodofthe DioceseofNew WestminsterTransitionHouse 2,550 2,600 2,700 TsawwassenLawnBowling Club105756Street 25,750 26,300 26,800 TsawwassenTennisClub 286English BluffRoad 11,250 11,500 11,700 Tunnel Town Curling Club172056Street 7,650 7,800 8,000 WatershedArtworks Society 1141584Avenue 500 500500 Formoreinformation on Permissive TaxExemptionspleasesee ourwebsite,delta.caoremail NOTICEOFPROPERTYTAXEXEMPTIONSFOR2023 FOUNTAIN DRINK PEACHPASSIONFRUIT SMOOTHIE COFFEE FRAPPÉ VANILLACHA FRAPPÉ ICED COFFEE x ud s fl vo ed ed o e an ad o a toppings. Not valid w an o h o e At participating McDon d s e a an s n C n d Product ailability y ©2022 McDonald’s“C c Co a ® Co a C L used under license S eve Krawchuk Loca owne o he Tsawwassen and Ladne McDona d s Res au an s 1835 56 h St ee Tsawwassen 5776 Ladner T unk Road Ladner

A10 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 MARK BOOTH Customers will be seeing double for a while when it comes to Ladner’s only home improvementand hard warebusiness Dunbar Lumber is days away from opening asecond retail location at Ladner Centrewhile its original storeonBridge Street will continue to operate, mainly as alumber yard.That site has been sold andeventually will be redeveloped. The process of finding anew address has actually been going on for some time,according to storeowner Ken Priestlay. He initially thoughthehad secured alocation near the BoundaryBay Airport to move the entirestore operation until that plan hitasnag. “Itjust didn’t work out.Something happened where YVR started looking into expansion at Boundary Bayand a bunch of political things got into the way,”said Priestlay. “Then the (Bridge Street) property finally sold and we needed to find anew place “Everybody thoughtat that pointweweresellingorclosing Dunbar Lumber and that never was the plan. I’mstill working non-stop to find alocation that Ithink people from Ladner and Tsawwassen would be able to easily find. Iam aLadner guy and Iknow that the business Irun hereneeds to be accessible for somebody who wants to build afence or fixsomething.” That’s whyPriestlay also shot down rumours the lumber yard is headed to the Tilburyarea. He recalled the days of going back-and-forth from a warehouse at Tilbury when hisparents ran Barb’s CountryFurniture in Tsawwassen. “Weall knowthere aregood andbad times of when youwanttogo near the tunnel,”hecontinued. “I would like to stayawayfromthereand thereare opportunities to staylocal. It’s whether or not we can worksomething out with the city. What theyhaveinmind and what we have in mind.” In the meantime, Priestlayisexcited to be opening the Delta Centre location and taking advantage of nearly 8,000 squarefeet of retail space which is significantly larger than the Bridge Street store. Customers canexpecttosee a greater variety of mer chandise,reminiscent to the days of the former Ladner Village Hardware on DeltaStreet. “Weare going to have to add stufftothe store, stuff that all Ladnerites need,”added Priestlay, whoalsooperatesthe original Dunbar Lumber storeonArbutus Street in Vancouver. “Some guys arefishermen. Some guys arehunters. It’s going to be cool. We’regoing to have alot of fresh new stuff and I’mreally look ing forwardtoit. “Wedon’t have aset date to move out (of Bridge Street). Theremay be alittle bit of aheadache at first trying to figureout whicheachstore hasbut Ijust wantpeople to understand that we are not closing and we’restill ayear or maybe ayear and-half away beforethe old storeactually shuts down.” If all goes well with renovations,signage and stocking shelves,the Ladner Centrelocation will open Sept.1.It’sin the former Canadian Dollar Storelocation betweenthe B.C. Liquor Storeand Save on Foods

Dunbar Lumber ownerKen Priestlay.

August25,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA11100YEARS 3RD AVE MARKETAVE BOUNDAR YB AY RD Renderings are artistic renditions only.Layouts, materials, specifications, features, project design, appliances and pricing arefor illustration only andsubject to change without notice. Errorsand Omissions Excepted (E.&O.E.) |604.636.2220 Farmhousemeets beach house in these 12 homes, whereyou’re so close to the beach, you’llcatch the scentofsalt air from your frontporch.Live juststeps to bothCentennial Beach and Southlands’livelyMarket Square. Checkthe tide tables over morningcoffee.Walk to farmers’ markets, outdoorconcerts,Prado Cafe, and Four Winds’ future restaurant and craft brewery. With fourbedrooms, threebathrooms, and alarge sunny privatecourtyard, these single-family homesare ideal forcelebrating life connectedtobeach, farm and food. ALIMITED COLLECTION OF 12 HOMESBYTHE BEACH DISCO VERYC ENTR EO PEN DAI LY 11AM- 4P M·6388 MAR KET AV E, BOU NDARYBAY,TSAWWASS EN HOM ES FR OM TH EM ID $1.8M’S ·M OVE IN TH IS WINTE R ABEACH COMMUNITYROOTEDINFARMING ANDFOOD RIDGELANEESTATEHOMES NOWSELLING

Gatewaysaysthe project is set to open this fall (although an exact date hasnot been announced) will feature state-of-the-artmeeting and eventspace,gaming entertainmentincluding approximately 500 slot machines,18live table games,stadium-style gaming and multiple dining options.


According to Gateway, this one-of-a-kind mural will measure150 square metres and is settobe unveiled in conjunction with the grand opening festivities.Itwill be placed in thelower entrance whereall guests will be able to enjoyitas they enterthe property.

Deltaartisttocreatemuralfornewcasino Gateway Casinos & Entertainment has commissioned Gary Nay for project 100YEARS McDonald’s •1835 56th Street TSAWWASSEN •5776 Ladner Trunk Road LADNER Ifyouareinterestedin becomingacarrierplease call604.946.4451 Quin won agift card courtesyof Congratulations to QUIN GUPPY Allyou caneat Ukrainian Dinner October21st. TheVancouver Reptile Expo Sept 10th &11th Watchour face bookaccount for other upcoming events Visit www.mrmomsworldcatering.comorcall 604.782.7298 @mrmomsworldcateringandevents

A12 The Delta Optimist August25,2022

GatewayCasinos & Entertainment(Gateway) hascommissioned Delta artist Gary Naytocreatea unique muralfor the new Cascades Casino Delta In anews release, GatewaysaysNay offers aunique take on his sur roundings.His workis thoughtful, with agreat sense of play, humour and visual intellect.Nay haspreviously completed several public murals still on displaythroughout Ladner and Tsawwassen that have broughta vibrancy and sense of community to the area, added Gateway. “Weknew we wanted to highlighta local artist when we began our search for interesting artwork,”saidTanya Gabara, director of public relations at GatewayCasinos “Assoon as we met Gary it was clear his style was aperfect fitwithour Cascades brand.” Gatewaysaid the Cascades brand is centered on the surrounding local elements and naturethemes.The designers have taken cues from natureand redefined them to find their playful side.The overall design approach is casual and offers guests aplace to relax or play, with afocus on live entertainment, sports, and gaming. Gatewaysaid they wantthis new property to give patrons the same allsenses experience when they visit. “Iwas delighted to be chosen forthisproject,” said Nay. “Mystyle is aligned with Gateway’s design principles and I am looking forwardto having my workshowcased in their magnificentnew property.”

The City of Deltais hostingafreeConcert in the Village in Ladner Village this SaturdayAug. 27 from 6to8:30 p.m. The concertwill featureWarrenDean Flandez and special guests.Flandezisatwotime Juno-nominated gospel,rhythm and blues artist who haswon eight GMA CovenantAwards. Apre-showwill begin at 6p.m.with family entertainmentand activities Enjoyrenowned juggler Mike Battie,Studio West Dancers, face painters,caricaturist,and more! The TopLine Vocal Collective will performat 6:45 and the main stage performance will begin at 7:30. The City of Delta is also supporting the Delta Firefighters Healthy Snack Program through fundraiser efforts during the concertevent. The HealthySnack Program hasbeen implemented to ensurethat no children go hungry whileattendingschool. Currently the program includes 23 schools in Ladner,Tsawwassen, and NorthDelta,and provides nutritional food to 900 children who are sent to schoolwithout lunchand snacks.To date,Delta Firefighters have contributed more than $70,000, but there is still an overwhelming demand for this program. The firefighters are reachingout to the community to help support this importantprogram, and will be presentat Concertinthe Village. A donation to their Healthy Snack Program would be greatly appreciated. -Submitted

The DeltaChoralSocietyishoping to build backits membership and grow itsyouth and children’schoirsafter achallenging few years due to pandemicrestrictions.

The Tsawwassen Legion is having acar and motorcycle show on Sunday, Aug. 28 from 11 a.m. to 3p.m. Spectator admission is by donation. Formoredetailson theseandotherevents, goto orvisitourFacebook pageat www.facebook com/TheDeltaOptimist

“We’dlovetoget some members back or even new members whowanttosing again. Tryto getsomeofour previous audience back as well, just that we’re up and running and we’rebeing just as safe as we possibly can, ” McKennasaid. Formoreinformation on the Delta Choral Society see: www.


The summer concert in the parkseries,pre sented by the City of Delta continues tonight in Tsawwassen. Bring ablanket or your lawn chairto DiefenbakerParkfor a free performance by the Karmichaels Show starts at 7p.m. Grand opening

WarrenFlandeztakesthestageinLadner City of Delta hostsConcert in theVillage on Saturdaynight



August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A13

Swapornot Saviour Lutheran Church is hosing acommunity clothing “sawp or not”this Saturday from 9a.m.tonoon. Bring your gently used qualityclothing you no longer need, or come emptyhanded and take something new home with you. Clothes,outerwear and shoes accepted. Please no socks,undergar ments or housewares. All leftoveritems will be donated to the Hospital AuxiliaryThrift Store. The church is located at 4737 57th Street Legion car show

“After the spring of 2020, we weren’t able to meet at all,”said AlanaMcKenna, society past president. So the society did online workshops,fundraisers,acook ing class and beer tasting, just to keep people connected. This year,though they’ve been able to gather twice,inthe winter and spring, mostly while wearing masks “But numbers arestill very low. Much,much lower than pre-pandemictimes, so it’s been hard to stayafloat,”McKenna said. With COVID-19 still lingering, people arestill thinking twice about coming back to sing, especially forthose whoare older or with compromised health. “The wantisthere, but just that real fear of anything happening …they’rejust not feeling safe enough because of COVID to return yet,” she said, adding that so far they haven’t been able to runthe youth choir since the pandemic.

Both adult and the children’s choirs did aChristmas concert last year and spring concertthis year,with smaller numbers than usual. COVID-19 protocols werefollowed, including singers wear ing special singing masks,which areroomier,with people separated as much as possible. “Luckily we’vehad no out breaks within any of the choirs, sowe’ve been veryfortunateto keep it at bay,”she said. “It’sa lot morechallenging, to sing, forsure,”with amask. They do make singers’masks.There’s morespace,but the masks do mute the sound. It does provide abarrier for sure. It’s better than nothing.”

Event to report? ContactIan at or 604 998 3616

Pictured left to right; Warren Flandez,Delta FirefightersOrrin Redan and Warren Balzer and Delta MayorGeorge Harvie arepromoting the firefighters snack program, which peoplecan supportthis Saturdayatthe Concertinthe Village featuring Flandez.

The City of Delta and the Delta lacrosse community areholding the grand opening of the Ladner covered multisportcourtonSaturday, Aug. 27 from 10 a.m. to 2p.m Therewill be exhibition games at 10 a.m. followed by the formal ceremony at 11 a.m. and then ahot dog bar becue.

Around Town Concertinthe park

Choir members arealso required to be vaccinated, she added. Twoconcerts areplanned this year one in December,but it’s not certain what the restrictions will be.The choir also would like to participate in this year’s Remembrance Dayceremony in November but that’s not certain either


After the two-year grind of the pandemic, the Delta Choral Society is slowly trying to recover and rebuild their choirs With COVID-19 restrictions in place for months and choirs not allowed to gather,interest and membership hasdropped.

Choral societywants to bringthe musicback

PHIL MELNYCHUK Contributing Writer

Training in discernment Info #ofPapers email be added the

Iremembergrowing up hearing the phrase, “Information Age,” but it wasn’t until the late 2000sthat we really began to appreciate the astronomical amount of information on the Internet As the smartphone reshaped our expectations of what aphone could do,manypeople were able to now carry apowerful computer in their pockets Information was always accessible.I used to have to go to alibrarytofact check something, but my six-year-old son just blurtsout,“HeyGoogle, what’s the largest mammalinthe world?” (It’s theAntarctic blue whale by the way). Moreover,YouTube andsocial media platforms like Facebook created an unprecedented amount of amateur, user-created contentat around the same time The rise of free access to information coupled with an enormous amount of unfiltered (orbarely filtered)user-created contentmeans one of the greatest skills one could develop todayisthe skill ofdiscernment. Howdo we knowwhat is credible information and what is incorrect? Thebibleemphasizes the importance of wisdom.Infact,James encouraged Christ followers to seek wisdom: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5). When Paul preached in Berea,the people examined the Scriptures dailytosee if what Paul said weretrue(Acts 17:11).Because there weresomany philosophers and orators visiting their city to bring all sorts of teachings,the Bereans felt the need to ground themselves in Scriptural wisdom to discern what was rightand wrong. We need the same skill today. Today, we have billions of “visiting philosophers” on YouTube,Tik Tok, and other platforms that are accessible via asmall deviceinour pockets, and they’reall offering their ownperspectives and worldviews.How do we navigatethrough such massiveamountofinfor mation? We need wisdom and discernment. We also need curators who could help us make sense of the vast array of contentthatare available to us —a community of biblical wisdom to help us discern truth.Doyou have such acommunity?

Route #Route


A14 The Delta Optimist August25,2022

waiting list. Kids and Adults Needed for TheseUpcoming Routes Call 604-946-5171 or email 1600232 Greenland Dr,WoodlandDr, Parkwood Cres 79 1600334 English Bluff Rd, Glenwood Dr,Pl, Tsawwassen Beach Rd 49 1600410 53A St, Upland Dr,Pl. 69 1610109 Admiral Blvd, Lane, Brigantine Rd, Clipper Pl, Commodore Dr,Cutter Rd, Ketch Pl 101 1610220 40th St, 41B St, Church St, River Rd, SavoySt, Station St, Weare St 87 1610509 48B Ave, Ladner Trunk Rd, 56th St, 57th St, Egan Pl...............................................................................56 1610513 48B Ave, 49B Ave, 57th St, 57A St, Grove Ave 80 1610517 51st Ave, 52nd Ave, 56th St, 57th St, Crescent Dr,Dove Pl, Grove Ave 73 1610524 48A Ave, 49th Ave, 62nd St, Brodie Pl, Rd 63 1610613 Chamberlayne Ave, Way, FerryRd, Westminster Ave 74 1610301 44 Ave, 45 Ave, 52A St 55B St, Maple Lane, Oak Pl 88 1600108 2ND Ave, 2A Ave, 4th Ave, 52A St, 52ND St, Murphy Dr W. 89 100YEARS Available in London Drugs stores or order online at Search for ‘Wrinkle and Frown Line Cream’ Reducethe appearance of wrinkles up to 68% WRINKLE ANDFROWN LINE CREAM: • For women & men of all ages and skintypes • Reduces the look of wrinkle depth up to 68% • 5 creams in one: A wrinkle cream, day cream, night cream, moisturizer, & make up base AWarm and Joyful welcome to Sacred Heart Catholic Church 3900 Arthur Drive, Ladner 604-946-4522 Mass Schedule Saturdayat5pm Sundayat9am and 11am Daily Mass in the Chapel at 9am Mon-Sat VEL EE J SUS SOUHTDEA RG 604438-244 SUNDAYS 10AM To advertise herecall Ruth at 604-998-3613 10:30 A.M. This Sunday Ephesian 4:1-6 True Unity Pastor Jason Truell 中文主日崇拜 週日早 10:30 am Nancy 楊牧師 4594 –54A Street, Ladner,B.C. 604-946-7033 email: visit our website: Everyone welcome to worship with us Benediction LutheranChurch Joinusaswecelebrate God’s grace We invite you to worship in person Sundays at 9am or online anytime at 5575 6th Ave Tsawwassen, BC 604-943-3432 Pastor Thomas Keeley LADNERGOSPEL ASSEMBLY SundayWorship Service 10:30am AllAges Welcome! “A placewhereloveand friendship matters” 5545 Ladner Trunk Rd. ONLINE OR IN-PERSON Sundays @9:30 a.m. ST.DAVID’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 1115 –51A Street Tsawwassen Rector Rev.Simbarashe Basvi Sunday Service 10 am 604-943-4737 Join us for our summer services: Sundays 9:30 am Eucharist Wednesday 10 am Eucharist and Bible Study for moreinformation www.allsaintsladner.orgor call 604-946-8413. 4755 Arthur Drive, Delta All Saints Anglican Church Tsawwassen United Church 693 –53rd Street, Tsawwassen Welcome to everyone for Worship &Friendship Sunday’s@10:00 am Rev Daniel Kirkegaard 604.943.2911 “Be Faithful,be true, be a blessing”

Interested in becoming acarrier? Call or


Community PASTOR PAUL PARK SouthDelta Baptist Church

It wasanideal evening in Ladner Village last Saturdayfor Fashion Fest 2022,presented by Angela’sBoutique and Camille’sBoutiqueand Gallery.The crowdwas also entertained by a halftime showbydancers from Studio West Formorephotos visit com.



Clockwise:Delta Pride Society’sannual picnic attracted alarge crowdtoLadner’s Memorial Park on Sundaytosee suchentertainers as LeoMoon,meet Alex Sanghaand Vincent PrasadfromSher Vancouver and playplentyoffun gamestoo.For morephotos visit

August25,2022 The DeltaOptimistA15 DeltaPride Picnic Fashion Fest 2022



August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A17

Back to Class Assessments such as quizzes and exams help educatorsrecognize areas wherestudents areexcelling and where they mightneed alittle extrahelp.In addition to tests in the classroom, high schoolers generally take standardized testing for provincial assessmentpur poses.Testing maycome easier to some students than others,but having solid study techniques can improvestudents’ performance on awide range of exams. Here aresome techniques that may help foster good study skills: Find value in the lessons: Many students lamentthat what they learn in school just isn’t relevantindaily life.That canmake the subject matter feel less importantand uninteresting. Finding value in what one is learning andseeing howitcan be applied out sideofthe classroommay make astudentmoreinclined to learn and retain information. Avoid distractions:Study time is time to take abreak from social media,video games and any other distractions that can pull astudentawayfromstudying. Constantly checking notifications can interrupt thoughts and make it hard to learnthe material. Establish astudy schedule: Develop asystem and aschedule for studying. Students should establish afixed habit of studying each dayorweek -whatever is best for him or her.Overtime,studying will become routine Establishdedicatedstudy spots: Students should locate places that work best for them as study and homework stations.Certain individuals mayneed the quiet of alibraryorabookstore. Others maydobest with the humof conversation around them or in agroup There’snoright or wrong study spot. Maintaining consistencywill help the mind associate aplace with studying. Usegrades as benchmarks and motivators: Blamingateacher for a poor grade won’t get astudentanywhere. Rather,grades should indicate howwell one is learning the material, and in turn, the effectiveness of students’studying habits.Students can tweak their habits if they find their grades arenot wherethey wantthem to be. Rephrasematerial: Textbook languagecan be dryand unappealing. Students can tryputting the material into their ownwords or rephrase passages to make them easier to remember and recall. Similarly, teaching or sharing the material with another person also mayimproveretention. Make aformula sheet: Depending on thesubject,having asheet with shortcuts,formulas or diagrams can put the material into smaller bursts of informa tion that areeasier to digest.Along this same vein, writing information down can help improverecall. Theseare afew studytips that high schoolers can utilize to improvetheir grades so they can be moresuccessful in school.


Letchildren knowthat, just like daycare and preschool, mom or dad will be theretopick them up at school or the bus stop at the end of the day. This sense of the familiar can calm kids’ nerves and reassurethem that asmiling face will be thereatend of the school day.

-MetroCreative Howtoprepare your childrenfor kindergarten 100YEARS Unit 320 -4949 Canoe Pass Way, Tsawwassen (Between Marks And Petsmart) • 604.946.5867 Ballet I Jazz Lyrical I Hip Hop Tap I Contemporary Musical Theatre Breakdance I Modern Moveand Groove Storybook Ballet Adult Classes Tiny Stepsfor Twos • Preschool to Pre Professional • General and Competitive Programs • Professional Teaching Faculty • Award Winning Choreographers • BalletIntensive Program • Disneyland Performance Group • Royal Academy of Dance Examinations • Vocational Training and Mentorship • Performance Opportunities • 8000squarefoot facility at Tsawwassen Commons • 2023 Year End Production “Beauty and the Beast” ONLINEREGISTRATION Join our dance family for our 25th AnniversaryYear! Check out our programs online at Or email us for moreinformation at Limited spots available in each group,soemail todayfor afreeassessment. Coaches will be in the watertoassist the learn-to-swim swimmers. Swimmers ages 7+ should be comfortableswimming 15 metres unassited in deeper water.

The first dayofkindergarten is a milestone momentfor children that their parents will remember forever Data from Statistics Canada reports that roughly 52 percentofchildren in non-parental child careare in adaycare centre, preschool or childcarecentre. Children who attend preschool or daycaremay make arelatively seamless transition to kindergarten. However,it’s still agood idea for parents to takesteps to prepareyoungsters for kindergarten in advanceofthe first dayofschool.

A18 The Delta Optimist August25,2022

Attend orientation or related events: Elementaryschools typically arehoused in much larger buildings than preschools or daycares,and that size can be intimidating for children. Attending kindergarten orientation or related events as afamily can help children see their classrooms,meet their teacher and potentially their classmates Meet other kids in the neighbor hood: Some children attend preschools or daycares close to home,while others maygotofacilities near aparent’s office.Regardless of wherekids go to daycareorpreschool, they’relikely to meet new youngsters in kindergarten. Introducing them to other kids in the neighborhood who will be going to kindergarten as well can calm children’s nerves.Seeing afamiliar face on the bus and/or in class can put youngsters at ease Avoid lengthygoodbyes: Parents mayget alittle teary-eyed on their children’sfirst dayofkindergarten, but drawing out goodbyesaskids get on the bus or walk into school will ultimately make it harder on children. Limit your goodbye to ahug and kiss and some words of encouragement. Keep the emphasis on the positive and the fun that’s to be hadsokids arrive at school in agood frame of mind. Remindyoungsters you’llbethere to pickthem up at theend of the day.

Back to Class

Asking and answering these questions is agreat waytostrengthen reading comprehension skills. can abouttheir children’s reading comprehension can trythese strategies.

100YEARS 604 946 6622 ext.308 | 5050 47th Ave Ladner xt 308 susieg@reachchild org , AFTERNOONS AVAILABLE! ContactSusiefor information: Preschool South 4705 Arthur Drive, Delta BC. ~604-946-1280 ~dcms ca Piano, Voice,Guitar, Cello, Bass, Violin, Viola,Clarinet,Saxophone, Trumpet,Trombone,Drums, MusicTheory, RCM Examination preparation Music Lessonswith the Professionals Kyokushin is atraditional Japanese martial art, using modern training tecniques Karateisa well rounded physical exercise that will help youreach your fitness goals.All fitness levels welcome. Learn from highly qualified instructors; basics, combinations,kata, effectiveself defense, fighting skills At South Delta Kyokushin Karatedojo we train together, encourage and motivateeach other,inapositiveenvironment. Builds confidence, self respect, coordination and more. 604-314-4703 Registration opensSept1 Classes Tuesday &Thursday Family Adults 6:30 -7:30 7:30 -9:00 Saturday Mixed 10:00 -11:30 South DeltaKyokushin KARATE Family classesoffer parentsthe opportunitytotrain with theirchildren.

improve reading comprehension METROCREATIVEPHOTO Parentsconcerned

August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A19 Back to Class

-MetroCreative Strategies that

Ask questions when reading to children: When reading to children, parents can compound the benefits of this activ ity by asking youngsters questions about the book. Asking what, when, where, why, and howcan encourage children to look for answers to these questions while they’rebeing read to.Asstudents advance and then read moreontheir own, parents can encourage them to ask these questions of themselves (if they’re not already doing so on their own).

Strong reading comprehension skills are one of the foundations of a successful academic career There’s likely a multitude of reasons whystudents nowread less than they used to Parents concerned about their children’sreading comprehension can try these strategies to bolster this highly valuable skill. Let kids read what they like: The tutoring professionals at OxfordLearning report that 73 percent of students indicate they would read moreifthey found books they liked. Parents can address this issue by taking children to their local libraries and letting them choose which books to check out.The morepractice kids get with reading, the more their comprehension skills develop Read aloud to children: Various studieshavefoundthat reading aloud to children significantly benefits literacy development. The Reading Rockets project, which aspires to bring reading research to life in the hopes of helping young children develop into strong, confident readers,notes that childrencan listen on ahigherlanguage levelthanthey can read. That makes complex ideas more accessible

A20 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS DeltaShoppingSpree Can YOU spend $2,022 in 2022 seconds? (approx 33 min, 42 sec) Winning entry ticket drawnSept. 17 Enter at these businesses Since 1985 Ladner Tsawwassen L Ladner DELTACARPETS &F LOOR DESIGN D “Family Owned &Operated Since 1967” DeltaShopping Spree. No purchase required.Contest begins on Thursday,July21, 2022 at 8a.m. PDT andends on Wednesday, September14, 2022 at 9p.m. PDT Thereisatotal of one[1] prize availabletobe wonconsistingofashopping spreeatparticipating retailers(approximateretailvalue $2022). Skill testingquestion required.Opentolegalresidents of theprovince of British Columbiawho arethe ageofmajority in theprovinceorterritory of residence at time of entryy.Oddsofwinning g deppendonthe number of eliggible entries receivedbefore contestcloses. Forfull rules andentry details visit:

Howaging adultscan maintain ahealthyweight Aging menand womenshouldrecognizethe importance of maintaininga healthyweight.

Acombination of factors can contribute to weightgain in older adults,including aslowermetabolism and atendency to be moresedentarywith age.Empty nesters also maybeless likely to cook their ownmeals,relying on convenience foods -some of which maybehigh in fat and/or calories Sustained healthyweightatany age is linked to improved hearthealth,mental health benefits like increased self-confidence,healthyjoints,and much more. These tips can help aging individuals maintain healthyweights

Calorie-counting and watching one’s weightisoften seen as ayoung person’s game,but even aging men and women should recognize the importance of maintaining ahealthyweight. Older adults mayexperience weight gain or unintentional weightloss. Understanding howtoaddress each in healthywaysisimportant.

August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A21

Incorporatestrength or resistance training into your weekly routine: Hormone production slows down as the body ages,and that mayresult in aloss of muscle mass.Lifting weights or engag ing in resistance training with elastic bands or body weightcan restoremuscle tone and speed up metabolism.Adults should aim for strength training twice a week. Monitor sugar and starch intake: Many older adults have elevated blood sugar levels due to insulin resistance.When cells become resistanttoinsulin, glucose doesn’t get used up and remains in the blood. Eventually this can lead to prediabetes,metabolic syndrome and type 2diabetes.Many people with these conditions have ahardtime losing weight. Avoiding added sugars and extracarbohydrates could help Practice portion control: A60-year old can’t eatthe same wayheorshe did at age 30 or 40.Nutritionists saythat, with everydecade that passes,people generally need about 100 fewer calories aday to maintain their weights.Cutting calories slowly and steadily helps people maintain healthyweights,especially when they couple this with exercise Malnutrition is acommon component in unintentional weightloss in aging populations.Reduction in senses of small and taste,smaller appetites and lack of desiretomake meals can contributetomalnutrition and weightloss Underlying health problems also may lead to unwanted and unhealthyweight loss.Tracking weightloss and getting sufficientnutrients is vital to aging adults’overall health Older adults need to adjust their routines as they age in order to maintain healthyweights.Such adjustments can reduce seniors’risk for disease and improvetheir quality of life. -MetroCreative


100YEARS WorkSafeBC and other Provincial WCB Networks, VAC, BCEA andFNHAaccepted.Registeredunder theCollege of Speechand HearingHealthProfessionalsofBC. We’rehearing aidexperts and we want youtobe an expert too. Experiencethe difference at NexGen Hearing. Seethe latest in rechargeable hearingaid technology! TSAWWASSEN 604.265.0676 111–131556Street LI VIN GT HE GO OD LI F E +

ElderCollege Delta is avolunteer society committed to providing learning opportunities and events for seniors in a safe,social, and stimulating environment. Preparation for their fall program is in the final stages The fall semester courses will cover a wide range of subjects,such as history, sciences,technology, the arts and more, given by presenters knowledgeable in their field. Courses will be offered by Zoom or in-person at their Learning Centreinthe Tsawwassen Town CentreMall. Thein-person classes will be small groups distanced appropriately with mask wearing recommended. The fall courses will be posted on their website the first week of September.The public is invited to visit their website for examples of previous course offerings and howtobecome amember Registration for the fall semester begins Sept.20.

DSRS is aregistered char ity and works in partner ship with Stroke Recovery Association of BC. -Submitted by Delta Stroke Recovery Society

DeltaStrokeRecoverySociety bringsGRASPtoDeltathisfall

GRASP is an intensive physio program developed by Vancouver Coastal Health researcher Dr.Janice Eng, which improves armand hand ability after stroke.For Delta’sstroke survivors, this means moreindependence and confidence, and easier reintegration into our community.

LauraStoicescu,DSRS peer volunteerand GRASP alumnussaysshe is excitedtosupportand encourageparticipants duringthe program.

A22 The Delta Optimist August25,2022

Stoicescu said she is excited to supportand encourage participants during the program

ElderCollegeDelta finalizing schedule forfallsemester Delta Stroke Recovery Society (DSRS) is excited to bring GRASP to Delta this fall.

DSRS offers weekly virtual and in-person programs for stroke recovery, including speech languagegroups, chair fitnessclasses,cognitive activities,and much more. If you’dliketoregister for GRASPorlearn aboutour otherprograms for stroke recovery, email or visit our website at www.

100YEARS Call 604-940-6005 today! •3820 ARTHUR DRIVE, LADNER •WWW.AUGUSTINEHOUSE.CA Akind, calm, and safecommunity for Seniors -since2003 ForMoreInformation Call 604-940-6005 email: Call or email me today to set an appointment. NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate Purchases &Sales Mortgages &Re-Finances Leasehold and Freehold lands Wills and Estate Planning Powers of Attorney Representation Agreements LIVING THE GOOD LIFE

To deliver GRASP,DSRS will workwith two gener ous partners:Sungod Sports &Orthopaedic Physiotherapyand KinVillage Community Centre. Sungod is contributing physiotherapy services and will absorb a majorportion of the cost for PT ChristinaMiller’s expertise.KinVillage has made space available at minimal rent. “It’sa real community effort to make this program areality forDelta,” says Society president Peter McTait Participants will only be asked for asmall fee for the cost of exercise tools, which they will keep.

-Submitted by EldercollegeDelta


“I sawresults in week two,”saysLaura Stoicescu, DSRS peer volunteer and GRASP alumnus.“I learned so much from the physiotherapists and other participants Repetition is necessary, so doing the exercises in a fun and goal-oriented way is key to success.”

GRASP starts in September with an ability assessment, followed by 10 weeks of physio,and a finalassessmentinmidDecember. Participants also do an hour of daily exercises as long as the program runs.

Together, we’vegot this. Talktothe Qualicare team about flexible options for AM/PM or 24/7 care,short orlong term, and specialized care plans for dementia, ALS, Parkinson’s, MS, palliative care, and more. Caregivers •Homemakers •Companions•Nurses Call nowfor asupportivecare conversation 604-782-5605 604.364.7156 Taste-Full Senior Living! Complimentary lunchordinner included with your tour.CallAndietobook: BriaCommunities.caRETIREMENT. LIVING! Savour the flavour ofour all-inclusive lifestyle: •Fresh,seasonalmenus created in-house by ourRed Seal certified ExecutiveChefs •Three delicious meals aday witha variety of entreé options each day •Gluten-free,vegetarian andspecialty options always available Senior LIVING THE GOOD LIFE

August25,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA23

Physical activity is oneofthe key components of ahealthylifestyle Though physical activity benefits people of all ages, it can be especially helpful for seniorsbymaking it easier forthemtoovercomesomeofthe obstacles associated with aging. It is best for any senior to consult his or herphysicianprior to beginninga newexercise regimen.Once doctors give seniors thego-aheadtobegina newworkout routine,seniorscan take the following steps to reduce their risk for injury. Warm up beforeworking out: Seniors maythink theydon’tneed to warm up beforeexercisingbecause their workouts arenot as high-intensity as theymight have been when they were younger.Prior to beginninga workout, regardlessofhow moderate or low-intensity that regimen will be, seniorsshould warm up for fiveto10 minutes Start with aroutine that’scom mensurate with your abilities: Seniors excitedbythe prospect of working out must temperthatexcitement if they’re notaccustomed to physical activity. Such individuals should considerworking with apersonal trainer. Personal trainers designexercise regimensbased on each individualclient’sfitness levels andgoals.Asclients make progress and their bodiesbecomeacclimated to routinephysical activity, personaltrainers can thentweak regimenstomake them more challenging. Seniors can takeon these responsibilities themselves,but areurged to begin slowly andgradually build up theirexercise tolerance. Stretchafter your workout: Efforts to cool down after aworkout,including stretching,can preventmusclecramps anddizziness and lengthen muscles throughoutthe body,whichimproves rangeofmotion. Physical activity is an essentialcom ponentofahealthylifestyle for seniors. Activeseniors cantakevarious steps to reduce their injuryrisksotheycan continue to reap the rewardsofexercising for years to come -MetroCreative

Howactiveseniors can lowertheir risk of injury home

100YEARS Supporting families while promoting independence at


15U baseball team heads Saskatoon to try and win cup named after Tsawwassen’s RayCarter MARK BOOTH

SUBMITTED PHOTO Conrad andCameron Squarek, along with Silas Richmond,playedfor Australia and Canada respec tively at the World Junior Lacrosse Championship.

“Just the whole experience of it, aside from being on the field, is awesome too.Just getting to fly thereasa team which is really cool. Youget to wear British Columbia jerseys instead or our regular ones,stayina hotel together and then there’sthe opening banquet “Tobehonest with you, my expectations weren’t super high forhow we would do the last time we wenttonationals.Itwas an unknown to me being my first time there, but we showed we couldholdour ownagainst anyone and I’m pretty confidentheading into this one.”

Atrioofplayers from the Delta Junior “A”Islanders arefresh off participating at the International Indoor Junior Lacrosse’s (IIJL) World Junior Lacrosse Championship in Winnipeg. After the pandemic cancelled the eventtwo years ago and modified the 2021 schedule,itwas back to afull line-up of participating teams includingCanada, Australia, Haudenosaunee,United States, Israel and Poland.

Islanders trio participate at Junior Worlds in Winnipeg

Richmond is nowgetting ready for his freshman season at the University of Albany wherehehas earned afield lacrosse scholarship Also participating in Winnipeg werethe Islanders’Conrad and Cameron Squarek as members of Team Australia Conrad, a20-year-old tower ing 6-foot 5defender,finished the championships with eightpoints, including four goals that washigh lightedbyacouple of spectacular efforts in aloss to Canada Australia closed out the championships by dropping a12-11 decision to Poland in the fifth-place game.Cameron, 17, chipped in with three points in as many games

The Jays secured their trip to Saskatoon by capturing Baseball B.C.’s15U national qualifier held earlier this month in South Surrey. They won three straightgames in the single knockout event, capped by 10-6 triumph over B.C.Premier Baseball League (BCPBL) rival Whalley Chiefs.That came after athrilling 3-2 winagainst B.C Minor’s Chilliwack Cougars in 10 innings.Itwas highlighted by some clutchworkonthe mound from Hunter McLean, Jake Fehr and Brodie Tse. Delta hasbeen amodel of consistencyall season, finishing secondinthe BCPBLBantam Prep regular seasonwith a 35-11 record, then falling to the league champion Langley Blaze in the BCPBLplayoff final. Nowit’soff to Saskatchewan with additional help from Chilliwack’s IanVandepol and Langley’sLuke Lairdtobolster the 16-playerroster The team hasbeen running optional practices leading up to the trip,which hasallowed players to enjoysome holiday time with their families in what hasbeen ahectic summer. Many players also participated at last month’s B.C.Summer Games in Prince George “I am just super excited for the kids.For many of them, nationals areaonce in alifetime opportunity,”added Frick.

The Islanders’Silas Richmond capped ahuge week with eight points and finished as Canada’s leading scorer in the playoff round, earning All-TournamentFirst Team All-Star honours.The Ladner native recorded 17 points in two games, including10goals,after piling up 17 points in earlier round-robin play.

A24 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 ContactMark at or 604 946 4451DELTASPORTS NationalshavespecialmeaningtoBlueJays

The tournamentwrapped up Aug. 14 with Canada capturing its thirdconsecutive titlewith a16-9 victoryoverHaudenosaunee

The Tsawwassen-based Delta Blue jays arerepresenting B.C. at thisweek’sRay Carter Cup 15U national championships in Saskatoon.


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The Delta Blue Jays are reminded about RayCarter everytime they step onto the field at WinskillPark. Nowthey will attempt to winanational championship named after the longtime Tsawwassen resident and Delta Sports Hall of Fame inductee The regional repteam will be representing B.C.atthe Ray Carter Cup15U national championships, starting Thursday in Saskatoon. Baseball Canada named the tournamentafter Carter in honour of his many years serving on the national organization’sexecutive,including nearly atwo decade stintas president. The City of Delta also named thesenior diamond at Winskill after him,along with the street entrance into the park. Nowthe Blue Jays will trytobecome the first Delta team in tournament historytobring the RayCarter Cupback to his hometown. They nearly pulled off the feat the last time the nationals were held in 2019, winning silver “A lot of people weretalking to me about that,”laughedBlue Jays head coach CamFrick in a recentinterview. “In2019, the field and streethad just been named. It’s coolfor the kids too Sometimes they will see Raysit ting behind home plate at our games and they would ask ‘who is that guy there?’ and Iwould tell them this is his field.”


100YEARS This communication is not intendedtocause or induce breachofan existing agencyagreement WELCOME TO 5254 BENTLEY COURT,DELTA This 4bedroom, 4bathroom home sitting on aspacious pie-shaped lothas both aclassic charm &acozyfeel! SituatedinLadner,BC, and surrounded by parks, schools, and shopping, you’regoing to love whatthis listing has to offer! Enjoythe well-kept, privateyardwhile soakingin the hot tub,surrounded by multiplegardens and plenty of trees! Between the doublecar garage,multiple driveways, andextraparking in the yard accessible by adoublegate you’ll neverrun out of spacefor your vehicles,RVs,or boats! Book your privateshowing today! PRICE $1,599,000 STYLE 2STOREY LOT 10,657SQFT SIZE 2,749SQFT BEDROOMS 4 BATHROOMS 4 SCAN ME! | Tyler Waldron 778.222.6975 KITCHEN CABINETS DONE IN CABINETS1TO2DAYS! 1 TO 2 DAYS! CABINET REFINISHING Before After Love your cabinets, but not how they’reworn? Gleam Guardoffers asimple, cost-effective solution. We also refresh cabinets which costs less than refinishing. ALL GLEAMGUARDSTAFF ARE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES SET OUT BY THE BC PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICER,SUCH AS ABIDING BY SOCIAL DISTANCING PROTOCALSAND CONSISTENT AND EFFECTIVE HYGIENE PRACTICES.WEARE COMMITTED TO TAKINGTHE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO KEEPYOU AND YOURFAMILYSAFE. Text cabinet pictures to 1-604-218-7470orcall. 70%Less Than Replacing or Refacing! Wespecializein ProtectingYour Investment! UPTO TRACEY BOOTH -FOUNDER GOT GREASE? GOT PEELING? GLOOKS REAT! CELEBRATING30YEARS REFINISHINGCABINETS! FREE DEMOS FREE ESTIMATES NO TOXIC CHEMICALS NO DUST!

Butfor nowthe local athlete’s attention is focused on representing her team,community and province to the best of her ability while in Quebec. “I have no idea what the competition will be like,” muses Fowler,“but hopefully all my openwater swimming experience will put me in astrong position to do well.”

“Around that time Ihad been watching some shows about lifesaving on Bondi Beach in Australia,” shares Fowler, “and what Iexperienced on the beach that firstday of lifesaving camp brought those shows to mind. It was exhilarat ing!”

August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A25

Thesportoflifesaving is the only known sportinthe world whereparticipants first learn the skills for humanitar ian purposes only to later use them in competition. Skills on the beach include surfski paddling, prone paddle boarding, ocean swimming and beach running. Competitors also learn to workas ateam to conduct asuccessful rescue Forthe past month,Fowler has been travelling to Vancouver’sLocarno Beach to hone these skills.Now a small group of athletes from the Pacific Swim Academy’slifesaving sport club areabout to make historyasthe first junior team from B.C.tocompete in the Canadian Surf Lifesaving Championships that get underway on Friday. The athletes arefollowing in the foot steps of former senior national team members including Shannon Bell, Anita Chevalier and James Thesiger,all of whom have been helping this next generation develop their lifesaving skills Fowler will be joined in Lac-Simon by sisters Abigail and Anna-Marie Skinder, as well as Andrew Naus and coach Phil Skinder By challenging themselves against the best lifesaving athletes in the country thefourteens aim to return as ambassadors focusedonreigniting lifesaving sportinB.C.while encouraging other youngsters to consider lifesaving and swim instruction as aworthwhile pur suit

ForFowler,the highlightwill be the Oceanwoman event. “Think triathlon, but featuring the disciplines of open water swimming, surfski paddling and prone paddle boarding,”she added. “I can’t wait to see howall my preparation will come together for this cool event!” -MarkBooth

The Winskill Dolphins member discovered thelifesaving sportthrough competitive swimming friendAbigail Skinder last summer and was immediately taken with the sport.

WINSKILL DOLPHINS PHOTO Delta’s Caitlyn Fowler (left)and B.C. teammate Abigail Skinder areheaded to this weekend’sCanadian SurfLivesaving Championships in Quebec

Sports Caitlyn Fowler hasfound aunique wayofcombining her love of open water swimming with her desiretobecome a waterfrontlifeguard, and it’s taking the 14-year old to Quebec this weekend to compete in the Canadian Surf Lifesaving Championships.

A26 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS NEW LISTING *Based on total REBGV MLS sales for 2021 all teams under 15 Agents. #1 RANKED REAL ESTATETEAM IN ALL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA!* THE FIRM REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. 101 4755 51ST Street Delta, BC V4K 2W2 www 604.728.2845 12 3350 WESTHAM ISLAND ROAD, LADNER $400,000 •2bedrooms, 1bathroom •1,065 sq ft float home •Open concept living area with vaulted ceilings •Balcony offliving &dining to enjoy sunsets •Rural living yet minutes to all amenities LIVEONTHE WATER NEW LISTING #1-4 4788 54A STREET,LADNER OFFERED FROM $1,100,000 TO $1,150,000 •4boutique townhomes •Achoice of 3bedroom &den or 4bedroom •From 1,656-1,740 sq.ft all with 4 bathrooms •Parking for 2vehicles •High-end finishings w/ GE appliances PRESENTINGWRENLEY ROWBYCHORUS DEVELOPMENTS 5245 LABURNUM PARK PLACE, LADNER $999,900 •2bedrooms, 2bathrooms •1,567 sqft of living space on a4,122 sqft lot •Situated on quiet cul-de-sac •Double car garage •Formal living &dining •Centrally located &walking distance to Ladner Village LADNER’S SOUGHT-AFTER 55+ADULTORIENTED COMMUNITY 202-4815 48 AVENUE, LADNER $729,900 •2bedrooms, 2bathrooms •1,316 sqft of living space •30ft boat slip •2balconies with river views •Upper level features flex area that could be aden/sitting area •1parking stall, 1storage locker INCREDIBLE 2-LEVEL TOWNHOME IN SEAFARER NEW PRICE THE MARKET IS CHANGING QUICKLY! JUST SOLD! 406-4689 52A STREET JUST SOLD! 3507 40 STREET 3-3039 156 STREET JUST SOLD! 5068 BENTLEY DRIVE JUST SOLD! 4883 CEDAR CRESCENT JUST JUSTSOLD! SOLD! 6050 44 AVENUE 4524 46A STREET JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! 303-5599 14B AVENUE JUST SOLD! 5274 57 STREET JUST SOLD! 104-497 SPRINGS 102-1400BOULEVARD VIEW CRESCENT JUST SOLD! 4561 53 STREET SOLD 5584 8A AVENUE, TSAWWASSEN $1,498,800 •4bedrooms &den, 1bathroom •2,642 sq ft home on 6,415 sq ft lot •Lovingly maintained with tasteful updates throughout •Master on main or above, large rooftop deck •Working artstudio plus outbuilding for your creative ideas ONEOFTHE LAST FEW CENTURY HOMES NOW AVAILABLE NEW LISTING 1006-2763 CHANDLERYPLACE, VANCOUVER $699,900 •759 sq ft condo with balcony •2bedrooms, 2bathrooms •Completely renovated by an Interior Designer •Beautiful 180 degree views of the River and Mt Baker • Easy access to amenities and major routes STUNNING RIVER DISTRICT2 BEDROOM NEW LISTING NEW PRICE 4361 44B AVENUE, LADNER $1,299,900 •2,256 sq ft home on 6,577 sq ft lot •4bedrooms, 2bathrooms •Many tasteful updates throughout the home •Space for in-laws or nanny on lower level •Quiet cul-de-sac location and close to all amenities UPDATED FAMILY HOME IN PORT GUICHON NEW LISTING 1146 50 STREET,TSAWWASSEN $1,248,800 •3bedrooms, 2bathrooms •1,390 sq ft home on 7,384 sq ft lot •Large corner lot in prime location •Renovate or build your dream home •Steps to CliffDrive Elementaryand mins to shops CENTRALLY LOCATEDRANCHER

August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A27100YEARS THE FIRM REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. 101 4755 51ST Street Delta, BC V4K 2W2 *Based on Real Estate BoardofGreater Vancouver Statistics for the Fraser Elliott Group 2016-2022. THOUSANDS OF SUCCESSFUL TRANSACTIONS!* 604.728.2845 www .fraserelliott.comCALL THE LOCAL EXPERTS TODAY! 215-1166 54A STREET JUST SOLD! 3405-11967 80 AVENUE JUST SOLD! 803 GLENWOOD DRIVE 201-5599 14B AVENUE 5681 46A 31-5300AVENUE ADMIRAL WAY JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! 353 55 STREET,TSAWWASSEN $3,988,800 •7bedrooms, 6bathrooms •6,061 sqft of living space on a10,720 sqft lot •Customgerman doors &windows, Miele appliances, wok kitchen •800 sqft rooftop deck •Legal 1bedroom suite •Home gym, sauna, movie theatre &much more! BREATHTAKING 180 DEGREE OCEAN&MOUNTAIN VIEWS FROM THIS CUSTOM BUILTHOME 5483 15B AVENUE, TSAWWASSEN $3,394,488 •6bedrooms, 5bathroom •5,019 sqft of living on a7,869 sqft lot •Chef’s kitchen w/ white cabinetry&S/S appliances •Basement boasts 2bedroom in-law suite •A/C, security system &large covered patio w/ outdoor kitchen STUNNING NEWERBUILD FAMILYHOME 1215 PACIFIC DRIVE, TSAWWASSEN $3,999,000 •7,918 sqft of living on a26,125 sqft lot •2master bedroom suites both w/ walk-in closets •Timeless elegance &grandeur with an open floor plan •Over 200 degree views of the mountains &ocean •Park-like backyard w/ inground pool AHILLTOP HOMEINONE OF THEMOST UPSCALE NEIGHBOURHOODS 872 TSAWWASSEN BEACH ROAD, TSAWWASSEN $2,388,800 •5bedrooms, 2bathrooms •2,091 sq ft home on 7,170 sq ft Oceanfront lot •Incredible outdoor living spaces, perfect for entertaining or relaxing •Expansive driveway and double carportfor many vehicles •Sunsets, boating, kayaking, and paddle boarding all from your own backyard BEACHFRONT LIVINGAWAITS! NEW PRICE 310-4738 53 STREET 9891 GILHURST 5555CRESCENT COMMODORE 5364DRIVE SPETIFORE CRESCENT JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! JUST SOLD! 206-5599 14B AVENUE JUST SOLD! 1688 OCEAN PARK ROAD, SOUTH SURREY $2,988,800 •4bedrooms, 3bathrooms •2,586 sq ft home on 35,937 sq ft lot •Updated bathrooms, new carpeting, fresh paint inside &out •Park-like property with huge new deck, perfect for entertaining •Potentially subdividable lot for future redevelopment RENOVATEORBUILDWITH OCEANVIEWS NEW LISTING 1522 BRAID ROAD JUST SOLD! 5089 CENTRAL AVENUE, LADNER $1,999,900 •6bedrooms, 5bathrooms •3,264 sqft of living space on a4,576 sqft lot •Fenced yard •Close to Ladner Village, schools and more! NEWBUILD HOME IN GREATLOCATION NEW LISTING 5650 CAMINO COURT, BURNABY $1,699,000 •2,621 sqft home on 6,866 sqft lot •4bedrooms, 2bathrooms •End of cul-de-sac location with rear lane access •Potential for future laneway house •Minutes to Brentwood, SkyTrain, and buses BUILDINNORTH BURNABY! NEW LISTING 3610 72 STREET,LADNER $1,599,900 •3bedrooms, 3bathrooms •2,624 sqft of living space on a0.59 acre lot •Built in 1869 w/ two additions over the years •Overlooks farmland and 10th green at LinkKing’s Golf Course •Formal living and dining rooms •Master bedroom w/ fireplace, ensuite and incredible views THEHISTORICALBENSON RESIDENCE! NEW PRICE

A28 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS BobCooke 604-943-SOLD(7653) • ServingLadner,Tsawwassenandtheworld forover30years. RE/MAX CityRealty 509048th Ave,Delta, B.C. $1,668,000 5445CANDLEWYCKWYND,TWSN THE BESTVALUEINAFAMILYHOME Compare these featurestoanyother4bedroomTswnhome.Over$200,000spenton improvements, greatarea,greathome. 1060JACKSONWAY,TWSN RANCHERONTHE GOLFCOURSE 1/4acrelotthatbacksontotheBeachGroveGolfCourse.2400sq.ft.,3bdrm+den rancher.Decorate orrebuildinthisperfectsetting. $2,198,000 HOMEWANTED MyfriendsandIareupforadoption at the Delta CommunityAnimalShelter 604-940-7111 SOLD SARATOGADR. 109-170855AST SOLD SOLD SOLD Why doyouthinkmyphone #is604-943-SOLD YOUR HOME HERE SOLD Sutton Group Seafair Realty 1625 -56Street, Delta, British Columbia V4L 2B2 |604-790-5859 | 4Beds |3 Baths 4536 SQ. FT.|Built 1974 543 56 STREET $1,099,999 3BEDS |4 BATHS 2,012 SQ. FT.|BUILT2015 205 1738 55A STREET $999,000 SOLD 7BEDS |5 BATHS 5472 SQ. FT.|BUILT2021 522 MILSOM WYND $2,999,000 SOLD AS BUYER’S AGENT 3BEDS |1 BATHS 1,478 SQ. FT.|BUILT1999 1348 ENDERBY AVENUE $1,499,000 SOLD 2BEDS |2 BATHS |880 SQ. FT.|BUILT1996 305 1120 TSATSU SHORES DRIVE $799,000 Live your BEST life on the beach! This is truly aone of akind building. Stunning westerly views from the 3rdfloor unit. Move in ready.Take full advantage of 2bedrooms, 2full bathrooms, 1underground parking stalls, agym and the ocean at your doorstep. Paddle boarding and crab for dinner....don’thesitate or it will be gone! Close to BC Ferries, Tsawwassen Mills, Tsawwassen Springs and all just 30 minutes from the city! Book your private showing today! HOUSE/SINGLE FAMILY FOR SALE IN TSAWWASSEN The BEST family home in Tsawwassenis now on the market! Callmetoday for all the details. 6BEDS |6 BATHS |5,988 SQ. FT.| BUILT1974 878 57 STREET $2,980,000 NEW LISTING Coming Soon! Centrally located,amazing family home in Tsawwassenis preparingtohit the market! Stay tuned or get in touchfor all the details. JUST SOLD



August25,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA31100YEARS LINDA CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. BOB CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. THECHANCEYS REALESTATEGROUP 604-946-8899 CITY REALTY Only Re/Max Team or individual in South Delta to achieve the prestigious PINNACLE CLUB award 4581 53rdStreet, Ladner $1,799,000 HOME SWEET HOME Brand new,bright &Spacious 2600 square foot,3 levelfamilyhomeincludesa1bedroomLEGAL SUITE. Under construction butact fast in order to have timetoselectsomeofyourown finishingsand makethis your dream home! Open conceptfeaturesagourmetkitchenwith island and quartzcountertops, familyroom withgas fireplace &dining room overlooking backyard. Totalof4bedrooms, 5bathrooms, and an office! Excellentcentral Ladner location close to schools,shopping &restaurants. Don’twait on this fantastic pre-buildopportunity!Quality craftsmanship &elegancebyLadner Homes. Photo’s aretaken from asimilar property and maynot be exactlythe same as whatwill be in this home. 5253 Brigantine Road, Ladner $1,799,000 BEAUTIFUL HOME IN MARINA GARDEN ESTATES Outstanding location overlooking the greenery andtranquilityofErnie Burnetpark. This oneowner, custom builthomehas beenimmaculately maintained. Over 2,600 squarefeetfeaturing formal living and dining room,open conceptkitchen,eating and familyroom overlooking private back yard withpatio to enjoymanyevening barbecues.3 bedrooms, office, 2.5 baths, 9footceilingsonmain floor,and radiant hotwater heat on both levels.Liveworry free with this newer metal roof withlifetimewarranty,2x6 construction,vinyl stucco exteriorand so much more. School, parks, golf courseand marina allwithin walking distance.Easyaccess to Tsawwassen Mall and to Vancouver

A32 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS 604.351.8933 604.943.7411Royal LePage Regency Realty Ltd. Associate Broker Helping You Find Your Way Home NEW LISTING BOUNDARY BAY Just Listed!! Centennial Tides 2450 st 3 bedroom, 1 ½ storey home for $1,479,000 This 34 Year old traditional home offer huge master bedroom plus 2other bedrooms up plus main floor living with kitchen, eating area, living room, dining room, family room and office on the main Floor.4950 sf, south facing lot with private yard. Just a3minute walk through asafe walkway to Centennial Beach. Call today for aprivate viewing. Keith 604-351-8933 549 SeashellDrive,Tsawwassen Connecting agents to the community Show current and future clients you mean business 604 379 4576 | rewads@glaciermedia ca Sharon Rohwer 604-760-7163 Residential Seniors Specialist TimRohwer 604-762-2041 Commercial Residential Specialist Tim& Sharon “WeCan Relate” RegencyRealty Ltd. 1333 -56th St.,Delta, BC V4L 2A6 REAL ESTATEQUESTIONS? JUST GIVE US ACALL! OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS IF YOU KNOWTHE SECRET! Take advantage of the current real estatemarket Want to Sell? Ask about our `Top Dollar’ Marketing Plan! Need to Buy? Our `Qualified Buyers’ Program always wins out! 5824 48A Avenue Ladner-Call forPrice Tsawwassen-Call for Price #1 4292 Wolf Way JUSTSOLD 3OFFERS 4869 Central Avenue Tsawwassen-Call for Price JUSTSOLD 4882 44A Avenue LADNER-Call for Price SOLD 10OFFERSJUSTSOLD NEWPRICE #4-5053 47 Avenue $949,000 LADNER AUGUST 28 The Ladner Village Market is afirst class, village market that brings together “make it, bake it, grow it” vendors, community organizations and 48th Avenue merchants to create acommunity enhancing event in Ladner Village. MAKE IT ASUMMER EVENT TO CHECK OUT! NEWLISTING •Spacious 2bedroom 3bath 1303 sf end unit Townhouse •Entertainment easy in the gourmet kitchen featuring SS appliances, quartz countertops &gas range •Largeliving area with gas fireplace, dining area & deck • Main bedroom has spa like ensuite,bonus hugegarage •Nestled in the centreofHistorical Ladner Village #5-4949 47A Avenue $899,900 LADNER VILLAGE GARDENS! NEWLISTING •Custom updated 4Bedroom 3Bath home on 6054 sf parkviewlot •Featuresnew open kitchen, newwindows. Updated flooring etc •Inlawsuite has full kitchen &separate laundry • Hugewraparound deckoverlooks North Delta Park •Nothing to do just move in 8511 113B Street $1,429,900 N. DELTA LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! NEWPRICE 4436 46B Street $1,229,900 LADNER Gussays: Thereisalways a beautiful BLUE SKY waiting just behind the clouds! JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD NEWPRICE • Enjoy your lifestyle in this securegated Age55complex • 1827sf of rancher style living 2bedroom plus den (largest home in complex) •Enjoy the stunning south/west facing gardens •Hugedouble garagewith lots of storagespace 5490 Pennant Bay$899,900 LADNER SOUTH POINT! EXCLUSIVE GATED COMMUNITY!

in the popular“STORNOWAY” development. Improvements over time incl. the kitchenw/ modern white cabinetry, quartz counter tops,backsplash pluspaint throughout, in-suite laundry as well as select updatedappliances. This home also ftr’sa largebedroom w/walk in closet, spacious living/diningarea and exclusive useofthe buildings outdoor heated pool, sauna andamenity room. Well runand pro active stratainagreat building that has hadnew windows, elevator,balconies&railings. Strata fee incl’sheat, hot water,caretaker and groundskeeping.Steps to South Arm Park,publicpool, tennis/pickleballcourts, sports fields &communitycentre. Owner occupied adult building 19+, no pets, no rentals. $395,000 sold sold The Geffke Top10% in SALES of ALL GREATER VANCOUVER for 37 YEARS#1 at ROYAL LEPAGE REGENCY Rlty for 10 YEARS 51 YEARS OF COMBINED EXPERIENCE SELLING SOUTH DELTA! • Johanna 604-719-7345 Medallion Club 29 Years Stefan B.B.A. 604-767-4038 MedallionClub 11 Years Bonnie Ma Assistant Speaks Mandarin &Cantonese TEAM CALL US FOR AFREE MARKET EVALUATION! REGENCY REALTY 1333 -56th St, Tsawwassen (next to Starbucks) (Wespeak German, Finnish, Cantonese &Mandarin) READYTOSELL YOUR HOME? SO ARE WE! GIVE US ACALL! 604-767-4038 5354 WESTMINSTER AVENUE, LADNER 3BDRMS, 3BATHS! 1,849SQ.FT.ON6,609 SQ.FT.PRIVATE LOT, BEAUTIFULLYLANDSCAPED, SUNNY BACK GARDENS! CLOSETOEVERYTHING LADNER OFFERS!MLS#R2682686 FULLYRENOVATED WITH HIGH QUALITY! AMUSTSEE! REDUCED TO $1,664,000 #9 -14959 58TH AVENUE, SURREY DESIRABLE LOCATION IN SKYLANDS COMPLEX –MOVE-IN READY! OPEN, BRIGHT PLAN,SHOWS BEAUTIFULLY! 2-CAR GARAGE, WEST FACING, PRIVATE, LARGE PATIO! WALK TO ALL AMENITIES &TRANSIT! MLS# R2713875 1,484 SQ.FT.TOWNHOME -3BDRMS BEST VALUE! REDUCED TO $749,000

RICHMOND 312-10160 RYAN ROAD 1Bed | 1Bath | 755 ft2 Quiet &wellappointed 1Bed, 1Bath, 755sqftTOP FLOOR suite with sunnySWexposure

August25,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA33100YEARS the heart of our business is people. 1333 56 Street, Delta RegencyRealty Ltd. IndependentlyOwned &Operatedbrad: 604-779-6764 becirrealestate frcom ank: 604-862 5731 NORTH DELTA 1010-1196780AVE 1Bed | 1Bath | 479 ft2 $440,000 TSAWWASSEN 6751 MEREDITHPL 4Bed +Den | 3Bath | 3915 ft2 $2,499,000 sold TSAWWASSEN 1494 ENDERBY AVENUE 3Bed | 2Bath | 1655 ft2 Welcome to the seaside neighborhood with the best vibes in allofTsawwassenand what hasquicklybecome oneof the most popular communitiestolive and raise afamily Super solid &well keptBEACH GROVErancher includes afunctional floorpan,3bedrooms, 2bathroomsand 1655 sq ft of living space.The home features traditional living &dining rooms, 2gas fireplaces with abonus 24 X11 detached workshop anda private east facing backyard Immersed in nature this property is exceptionally located within walkingdistance to BeachGrove Elementary,the beach, parks, dogparks,cafes andwalking trails in virtually everydirection. Live in thehome as is,update,renovate, hold as an investment/rentalproperty or build your Beach Grove dream home…the opportunities here are endless! $1,279,000 ladner 5133spanton place 3Bed +Den | 3Bath | 2600 ft2 Quality built &meticulously maintained executive style family home perfectly situated on acorner lotlocation. The home contains 3bed +den, office,flex space,3 bath and an open concept main living area that includes agourmet kitchenwith S/SVikingappliances, S/SBosch dishwasher,granite counter tops along shaker style cabinetry.Features throughout the home include 9ft ceilings,in-floor radiantheat, gas fireplace engineered hardwood flooring, updated lighting and a2car garagewithloads of sensible storage options. Private &well manicured front &backyards feature in ground irrigation system, landscape lighting &lush, mature plants/foliage Exceptionally welllocatedclosetoElementary/High Schools, walking trails, recreation and beloved Ladner Village $1,739,000 sold

A34 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS ROBIN REIMER 604-868-2844 ROBINREIMER.COM ROBINREIMER@TELUS.NET #1 SOUTH DELTA 36 YRS MLS MEDALLION CLUB Seafair Realty 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON #OFYEARSQUALIFYING FOR MEDALLIONCLUB IN GREATER VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE BOARD 1983, 1984, 1985,1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,1999,2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020&2021 GORGEOUS 5000 SQ.FT.HOME WITH FABULOUS VIEWS Featuring6bdrms,6 bathrms, excellent2 bdrm suiteand spectacular rooftopdeck. This rare findislocated on aquiet street with manyfines homes in UpperTsawwassen. Homeisjusttotally updatedwith ouststanding viewsona 10,750 sq.ft. westernexposed lot. This kind of homedoesnot come to market often,don't miss this one. Call formore information. Call ROBINfor info.604-868-2844 FABULOUS JUVIEWS ST LISTED JUSTLISTED FABULOUS 2BEDROOM &DEN WITH PRIVATESOUTHERN YARD This greatgroundfloor2 bdrm &den condoiscentrally located, only stepsfrom town center andall amenities. Excellentfloorplanthat opens onto atotally privatesunnyyard. This beautifulcondo is like new conditionfeaturing 1227 sq.ft.,2decks,2fullbathrooms,privateaccess, private sunnyyardand greatbuilding. This oneofakindcondo hasnever been on themarket. Don'tmissyourrareopportunity. Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 $759,000 JUSTLISTED WOW!!! DON'T MISS THIS ONE Fabulous 1/2duplexwithgreatview. This beautifulhomehas excellentfloorplanwithprivatewestern exposed yard.Homefeatures3bedrooms,den,3 1/2bathrooms,2full ensuites,masteronthe main andgreat floor plan that couldaccommodate inlaws. This unique homeworks fora lotoflifestylesand won'tlastsomove fast!!! Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 $1,449,000

August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A35100YEARS Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON #OFYEARS QUALIFYING FOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATERVANCOUVERREALESTATEBOARD 1983, 1984, 1985,1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998,1999,2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 &2021 PRICE REDUCED 947 51STSTREET Tsawwssen's Street of Dreams.Spaciousexecutive 4bedroom &den home situated on huge 10,118 sq ft southwestfacinggorgeousprivatelot on very popularstreet. Largefamilyroom, nice kitchen withnewer Stainlesssteel appliances.Spaciousliving room w/separate diningroomplus1bedroom and den/officedownstairs. Threebedroomsup, largemaster bedroomwithwalk-in closet &fullensuite w/Jacuzzi tub. Radianthot water heat. Home builtw/4x6 construction, thermal windows, newerdrainage, greatworkshop/shed Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 $1,948,888 $1,249,000 111 GRAHAM DRIVE BEST SUNSET VIEWS &LOCATION Custom Designed Home with simply the Best Views in Tsawwassen. This Totally Private 2Bedroom &Den home has an Outstanding Open Floor Plan to take full advantage of all the spectacular Ocean Sunset Views. There will NEVER be another home like this in Tsawwassen. Call for Floor Plans and more Info. CallROBIN604-868-2844 PRICED REDUCED 222 66TH STREET TSAWWASSEN $2,200,000 4575 EDMONDSDRIVE LADNER $1,549,000 1146 53ASTREET TSAWWASSEN 1142 FAIRWAYVIEWS WYND $940,000 JUST SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD UNDER$2,288,000 CONSTRUCTION 259 54A STREET,TSAW ABSOLUTELYTHE BESTBUY Fabulous newhomeinone of Tsawwassen's finestlocations.Excellent open floor plan with5 bedrooms, 6bathrooms,hugegames room and totallyseparate1 bedroom inlawsuite.Homeis approx.3500sq.ft.ona fabulous western exposed yard on aquiet street. Close to parks andschools.NothinglikethisinTsawwassen. Call nowfor more info. Robin604-868-2844 989 GALE DRIVE 1/2ACRESUBDIV POTENTIAL Wow!!! 1/2acrepropertyinupper Tsawwassen with subdivision potential.Thisfabulous property hasagreat custom builthome with updatedkitchen,bathrooms, roof,gutters andgorgeousgunitepool. Homeisapprox. 4500 squarefeet, 6or7bedrooms,4bathrooms,games room,familyroom, largeliving room,diningroomand kitchen.Thiscustombuilt home wasway aheadofits time withafabulousfloorplan, perfectfor that large family or creating alarge suite. This kind of property and home nevercome to market.Don't missthisone!!! Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 PRICE REDUCED $2,100,000 5304 SPETIFORE CRESCENT Beautiful5 bedroom,4 full bathroom home in upperTsawwassen. This greatfamilyhomeis approx.2900sq.ft.withexcellent floor plan and finishedwithhighend detailsthroughout Locatedinanareaofnewer homes close to schools,parks,transportationwitha beautiful southernexposed back yard.Callfor more informationand your exclusiveshowing Call ROBIN604-868-2844 PRICEREDUCED $2,200,000

A36 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS •SUCCESSFULLY SELLING SOUTH DELTA REAL ESTATE• 604.312.7621 Rachel MacInnes Licensed Realtor TOP1%OF2021 GREATER VANCOUVER REALTORS® Sutton Group -Seafair Realty: 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen,BC Lulu Godin Licensed Realtor Noforeignbuyerstaxorvacancytax! 527-4688HawkLane$1,049,900 Gorgeous1660Sq.ft.4bed,4bathhomewithOceanand NorthShoreMtn.views! Justashort5min.walktothe Boardwalk,TsawwassenMillsShoppingCenter,BigSplash Waterpark&multipleplaygrounds.4carparking!! Noforeignbuyerstaxorvacancytax! 8-4638OrcaWay $1,495,000 Originalshowhome.Oceanviewbackingonto naturereserve. NEWPRICE: 528SeashellDrive $1,599,000 BoundaryBay-executivefamilyhomewith4 bedroomsjuststepstoCentennialBeach. NEWPRICE: 93050BStreet $1,590,000 Over10,000sqftprivatelotwithRancher Closetoschoolsandtowncentre. NEWLISTING: 703-1400ViewCres $1,499,000 Longawaitedforfinallyforsale.Topfloorcornerunit penthousewithpanoramicviewandoversizeddeck. NEWPRICE: 213WoodlandDrive $1,599,000 Lovelycustombuiltrancherwithpoolintheterrace. Thekitchenandfamilyroomaretheheartofthehomes. NEWLISTING: 54785BAvenue$1,399,000 Spaciousfamilyhomeonaquietstreetinthe PebbleHillneighbourhood. NEWLISTING: 1223PacificDrive $2,490,000 ExecutivehomeintheVillagewithoceanand mountainviews. NEWLISTING: 5129WilsonDrive $3,599,000 NewcustombuilthomewithouttheGST,executive,luxuryentertainmenthomeinprimelocation.

August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A37100YEARS •SUCCESSFULLY SELLINGSOUTH DELTA REAL ESTATE• 604.312.7621 Rachel MacInnes Licensed Realtor TOP1%OF2021 GREATER VANCOUVER REALTORS® Sutton Group -Seafair Realty: 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen,BC Lulu Godin Licensed Realtor NEWLISTING: 560SeashellDrive $1,999,000 OceanviewhomebackingontoCentennial Parkway-themostdesirablebeachparkinthe LowerMainland. NEWLISTING: 535410AAvenue $1,448,000 Wheelchairaccessiblemainfloorlivingwithopen floorplan,bedroomandfullbathonmain. NEWLISTING: 19966AStreet $1,999,000 Pictureperfectfamilyhomewithdoublecarga rageintheheartofBoundaryBayjuststepsfrom thebeachandCentennialParkway NEWPRICE: 1575SpyglassCres $1,799,000 Spaciousfamilyhomelocatedinthepopular ImperialVillage.Thisbeautiful2763sqft,5bed room,4bathroomhomeismove-inreadyanytime. 113650thStreet $1,499,000 Well-maintainedfamilyhomeonaquietstreet inacentrallocationwithgreatsuitepotential. NEWLISTING: 5217LaurelDrive $1,699,000 Largefamilyhomewithfunctionalfloor planinthesought-afterLadnerHawthorne neighbourhood. 5157KilkennyDrive $1,749,000 Completelyrenovatedentertainmenthomein PebbleHillwithswimmingpool. NEWLISTING: 809-10780No.5Rd,Richmond$668,000 Likebrandnew1bdrmanddenwithoversizedeckand viewofNorthShoreMountains.10minutestoairport andVancouver NEWPRICE: 4695KensingtonPlace $1,499,000 5bdrmfamilyhomerenovatedwithgorgeous newbathsandsunnywestfacingbackgardenin aquietcul-de-sac.

A38 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS Sutton Group -Seafair Realty- 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen, BC THOR MATSON Licensed Realtor 778-994-8314 TAMMY MATSON Personal Real Estate Corporation 778-938-5599 THINKING OF AMOVE??? CALL US!!! SERVICE THATWILL MOVE YOU!!! 1426 View Crescent, Tsawwassen •$1,149,000 GOLF COURSE VIEW -detached 1942 sq ft home with expansive viewdecktowatchthe sunrise &enjoyexceptional golf course views! Private &SUNNY west exposed patio with beautiful mature gardens offers more outdoor living, relaxing &entertaining space &nograss to cut! Dining &living room up &family room down are bright &spacious &havecozy gas f/p’s. Generous room sizes with space for home office &gym. Loads of storage in home, crawlspace &double garage. Well maintained &AIR CONDITIONED home in unbeatable QUIET location -walk to stores, restaurants, transit ,quaint BG coffee shops &dyke. 5311 10A Avenue, Tsawwassen •$1,588,000 Beautifully UPDATED 4bed 3bath home on private, SUNNY &beautifully landscaped 8439 sq ft lot! Gourmet’skitchen with entertainers’ island overlooks dining area with frenchdoors to sunnydeck&private patio with mature gardens -great outdoor living &entertaining space! Spacious living room up has warm H/W flooring &beautiful stone f/p. Sizeable family room down has cozy gas f/p &space for entertaining, media room &gym. Bedroom down is ideal home office. Meticulously maintained home that’s‘move in ready’ and in great central location -walk to schools, parks, town center &transit. PRIVATESUNNY LOT!!! 5082 1Avenue, 66-4656Tsawwassen Orca Way, 179Tsaw 53 Street, Tsaw Listed byLuxmoreRealty SOLD!!! SOLD!!! SOLD!!! 6242 Brodie Place, Ladner JUST SOLD!!! 103-1153 54A Street, Tsaw JUST SOLD!!! 301-1172 55 Street, Tsaw JUST SOLD!!! WANTED!!! TOWNHOME AT SEASIDE -WEHAVEBUYERS!!! 5150 Stevens Drive,Tsawwassen •$1,588,000 Beautifully UPDATED 4bed 3bath 2828 sq ft home on private, SUNNY &beautifully landscaped 7653 sq ft SOUTH lot! Renovatedchef’skitchen opens to dining area &living room with warm H/W flooring &beautiful stone f/p. Expansive wrap around deckoff kitchen &sizeable patio below are great outdoor living &entertaining spaces! Lower flooroffers spacious family room with cozy gas f/p, flex room &bedroom -loads of space for home office, gym &media room. Workshop down is added bonus! Backyard with maturegardens is private &sunny! This ‘move in ready’ home is situated on QUIET street -steps to SDSS, parks &transit. NEW LISTING!!! PRIVATESOUTH LOT!!! DETACHED HOME -AMAZING GOLF COURSE VIEW!!!

$780,000 #80 4638 Orca Way Welcometo#804638Orcawayin Seaside. This 3year old 1,174 sq townhome is walking distance to Tsawwassen beach and the Tsawwassen Springs Golf Course. It features 2bedrooms plus a den, 3washrooms


August25,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA39100YEARS Colleen Unlic. Assistant YES ABEAUTIFUL HOUSE +GARDEN, BUT IT’S ALL ABOUT THE LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION 973 50th Street Spectacular! This 1631 Sq.Ft. Rancher is Move In Ready! AWest Rear 9472 Sq.Ft. lot on a1way in and out street, has 3Beds +2Baths. Master with Large Steam Shower! Living, Dining +Family Rms, Kitchen with Granite Counters, Pristine H/W Floors throughout, Double Windows, 2Car Garage, with So Much More! Come See Us! JOHN &COLLEEN HARDIE 604-943-3142 Page Direct 604 943 3142 SUTTONGROUP -SEAFAIR REALTY 1625-56th St., Delta, BC V4M 2B2 604-809-2855 (604) 809 2855 Proudly Calling Tsawwassen &Ladner home for over 40 years! yingling y & Ladner ove This is Home Welcome to this one-of-a-kind HorstKrause customhomeinthe execu�ve community “the Terrace”. 153 Woodland features an expansivemustsee viewofBoundary Bay, Mt Baker,WhiteRock,and the North Shore mountains. Youare justa 5-minutebikeride to the up-and-coming South lands communityand a10-minutebikeride to Centennial beach. This stunning ocean and mountain view homeboastsover5500 sq featuring 4/5 bedrooms, an entertainmentspace,a+3-car garage,agym,anin-home workshop, and an opportunity foranin-lawsuite. Sit in your hot tub or deck and enjoy watching the eagles soar while drinking your morning coffee. PRICEIMPROVEMENT $2,290,000 153 Woodland Drive 47 Georgia Wynd Loca�on loca�on loca�on!! Rarely available 5bedroom and den, 3bathroom home located in soughta er Tsawwassen Heights. This large 3,000 sq home sits proudly on an almost10,000 sq south-facing lot. Watchthe eagles soar from your masterbedroom overlooking your parklikebackyard. Tsawwassen Heights is asmall “community within acommunity”whereresidents have exclusiveaccess to aprivatestaircase thatleads youtoone of the nicestbeaches in Tsawwassen. English Bluff and Pebble Hill Schools areclose by,one block to transit,hugecovered deck excellentfor entertaining,and vaulted ceilings thatlet the natural lightcascadein. Homes likethis do not come available o en. Book your privateshowing today.

and aprivate garage.Seasides ameni�es include aprivatepool, games room, gym and entertainment space exclusivetoresidents only No petorrentalrestric�ons. Book your privateshowing today as this won’t lastlong! JUSTLISTED $640,000 #104 1153 54A Street This 1156 sq home ground floor condo features 2bedrooms, 2bathrooms, and alarge south-facing pa�operfect forbasking in the sun. Turnkey and tastefully decorated with an open concept, 9 ceilings, updatedfloors, and paintonly twoyearsold. Only half ablock away from rapid transit and 2blocksaway from restaurants and stores. This centrally located condo is perfect forthose looking to downsize or a young family and is ready foryou to call it home. Call todayasthis won’t lastlong! One parking spot and astorage locker.Petsand rentals areallowed with restric�ons! JUSTLISTED

Beautiful 4or5bedroom updated 2-Level home with over 2,400 sqft in the desirable Port Guichon School area! Many many upgrades over the years! Bright kitchen with white shaker cabinets, quartz countertops, backsplash, white appliances, smoothed ceilings &pot lights. Vinyl plank floors upstairs, flat stock baseboards, crown moulding.

A40 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS ALLEN SCHWABE 604-644-5664 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen 604-943-3110 1752 Beach Grove Road, Delta 5466 8A Avenue, 10519Delta Dennis Cres, Richmond 1666 Beach Grove Road, Delta 103-1153 54A Street, Delta $619,000 “Heron Place” Huge 1351 sq.ft. 2bedroom and Den (could be third bedroom), 2Bathroom and private 300 square foot garden patio. Central location in the heart of Tsawwassen, very short walk to shopping, transit, recreation, medical etc. No neighbours on either side, very private. Extra bonus side by side parking stalls and well sized storage locker. 4442 Arthur Drive, Delta $1,690,000 This wonderful Sonnenberg-built home has been impeccably maintained and will surely impress. This property is located on prestigious Arthur Drive. This 4bedroom rancher w/loft residence features 2,738 sqft of living space and sits on a beautiful 8200 sqft waterfront lot with apeaceful slough running behind it. Many extras incl. akitchen w/quartz counters &glass backsplash, high-end SS appliances, newer roof w/50 year warranty, double wide garage, formal living &dining areas, large master suite w/walk-in closet &ensuite. Interior includes aloft w/extra bedroom &flex space, radiant heating &much more! Centrally located within walking distance to Ladner Village, Memorial Park &both Elementary &High Schools.


4732 46th Avenue -Ladner

Updated bathroom with tile flooring &NuHeat, newer tub/ shower with tiled enclosureand built-in cupboards/storage, marble counter and custom vanity.Double glazed windows, built in vac, large concrete driveway,AIR CONDITIONER. Large vinyl deck and Aluminum cover.Park-like private south-facing rear yardwith new shed. Easily suitable for amortgage helper! Walking distance to Elementary & highschool. This is agreat family home! Don’tmiss it! 29-8217 204B Street -Langley Gorgeous 5yrold CORNER home in Willoughby Heights! Bright open floor plan on the main feat. abeautiful white kitchen w/ quartz counter s/scountertops, appliances includ. gas range, eating area, pantry,&access to the oversized deck perfect for your BBQ! BONUS recroom/4th bdrm on the lower level. The 382sqft ROOFTOP DECK is an entertainer’sdream, offers views of the trees &mountains, &feat. water &gas! 3 +Den | 3 | 1529 ft2 | $950,000 26167 64th Avenue -Langley Stunning 4.39 acreproperty in desirable County Line Glen Valley! Fully Updated rancher with a gorgeous kitchen featuring quartz countertops, shaker style white cabinetry,&large kitchen island/bar,open to the living room w/cozy gas fireplace. Updated bathrooms, hardwood flooring, pot lighting, paint &trim. BONUS 1,960 SQ FT DETACHED SHOP &secondary outbuilding with horse stalls. Lots of parking for RV’s, Boats and Trucks. Great location with easy access to Hwy #1. If you aretired of the city life, want your own hobby farm, aproperty for storage for your business, or rental income this is it! 3 | 2 | 1808 ft2 | 4.39 acres | $2,350,000 17303 59A Ave-Cloverdale 18633 61A Ave- Cloverdale Marketed By Homelife Benchmark 4 | 3 | 2415 ft2 | $1,309,000

4913 47AAVENUE Ladner $949,000

Make this

August25,2022 The Delta Optimist A41100YEARS SERV ING ALL YOUR REAL E STA y TE ea a Re NEE DS S I N C E 198 4 604.946.1255 Barry Chreptyk Sutton Group Seafair Realty #100 5000 Bridge Street, Ladner, BC V4K 2K4 604 946 1255 BarryChreptyk com barryrc@uniserve com An independent Member Broker ea a Re y “RICHMOND” Fantasticquietlocation! South exposedprivate yardbacking onto Greenbelt .Three bedrooms 11/2 bathrooms ,roughed in forensuitetoo Renovation demolitionhas been startedbut will not be completed… Theperfect opportunitytorenovateexactly the wayyou want it Conveniently located close to Broadmoorshopping centreand all amenities.Quickpossession available! JUST LISTED @$849,000 “MAPLE VILLAGE” K A KENDA LL AYRES RE AL EST ATE 604.250.6981 INFO@KENDALLAYRES.COM KENDALLAYRES.COM Sutton Group -Seafair Realty 100-5000 Bridge Street, Delta, BC 7376 142STREET Surrey $1,499,900 Welcome home! This meticulously maintained 5bedroom home has room for the whole family with 2439sqft of living space on a8342sqft property. Located on aquiet cul-de-sac and backing onto aprivate and stunning greenbelt, this home has loads to offer including beautiful gardens, updated windows, furnace, garage door, roof (1 year old), fresh paint, anewer deck, spacious rooms and plenty of storage. Central location close to shops, markets, schools, transportation and recreation. 104-476853STREET Tsawwassen $629,900

Welcome to Maskeen built Aura! Previously the show suite, this end unit, energy efficient, 3bedroom and den/flex space townhome has plenty to offer. A bright and open concept with 9’ ceilings, alarge kitchen island, gas range, quality finishes throughout, designer details, closet organizers, geothermal heating and cooling, on demand hot water, outdoor gas hookup on balcony and adouble car garage. Centrally located in the heart of Ladner close to restaurants, shops, school, recreation, transit, parks and more. Vacant and easy to

appointed 2 bedrooms, 2bathrooms, corner unit your home! Offering 1099 square feet of an efficient and thoughtful layout with alarge living room including

Welcome Sunningdale! beautifully acozy fireplace, an adjoining dining room and spacious kitchen complete with white cabinetry and marble tile backsplash. The impressively large master bedroom boasts extra windows and nicely renovated ensuite. Arental and pet friendly building that’s closely located to grocery stores, markets, markets, restaurants, coffee shops, parks and recreation, schools, public transportation and more! Gas and hot water, included in maintenance fee. 1parking and 1storage locker, guest suite, fitness centre and lots of visitor parking.

show. Quick possession available. Call today! NEWLISTING seafair realty 5000 Bridge Street,Ladner 604.943.3110 778.773.9563 Kat JOHNSON •Open floor plan –2storey •Inunit laundry,city water &sewer •Designated Parking –1car •One bed –One bath •Monthly Moorage #5 -23080Dyke Road, Richmond $245,000 Open Floor Plan •Licensed for up to 3float homes plus boats •Includes one float home •140 feet of docks •City Water and Sewer •Parking for8ormore vehicles or RVs 23240 Dyke Road, Richmond $1,598,000 Waterfront with Land Ownership •One Bed and Den with in unit laundry •River Front views. Double Decks •Gas Fireplace and Stove •Low Maint. –metal roof, rain screened, hardyboard •Monthly moorage 4345 WRiver Road, Ladner $479,000 Custom Built Concrete Float Home NEW PRICE! •Tons of Upgrades –house,docks, ramp, roofing, fence, storage, and more •Two waterlot tenants •Shore house can be rented too! 4533 WRiver Road Ladner New Price $1,475,000 $$ Income Property $$ •Double Lot –132’ frontage •Boat Moorage and Lift on site •Custom Built (2016) Float Home 2150 sq ft •Triple Garage –almost 800 sq. Ft •Long Term Water Lease 4379 WRiverRoad Ladner Panoramic Waterfront $5,500,000 •1bedroom, 1bathroom •2storey floating home •Revenue generating moorage for boats plus the float home #1 22900FraserwoodWay,Richmond $648,000


A42 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS Todd Jackson, B.A. Personal Real EstateCorpora�on Richard Lowe, RIBC PersonalRealEstateCorpora�on AmyLambert, B.A. Personal Real Estate Corpora�on MikeVan Straaten, BMgt Realtor Presden sCub 2020 Top1% REBGV 1408 55 Street, Tsaw $1,490,000 2,899 sq. |4bedrooms l3 bathrooms l6,813 sq. lot Spacious and effec�ve floorplan. Prime loca�on, under-ground services and lightly travelled street Excellentwalkability to Central Tsawwassen. 5990 Kirkwood Road,Tsaw $1,350,000 1,171 sq. home | 3bedrooms l1 bathroom | 6,954 sq. lot Iconic Beach Groveproperty,corner lot just 50 meters from the beach. Fix up, rent out or build your dream home. #315-4977 Springs Blvd Tsaw 467346Avenue, Ladner $1,399,900 2,120 sq. |4bedrooms l2bathrooms l6,598 sq. lot Perfect family home with large deck, privateback yard and suitepoten�al!Amazing Loca�on with close proximity to town, schools and parks. 297 55thStreet, Tsaw $3,499,000 3,290 sq. |4bedrooms l5bathrooms l10,785 sq. lot Completely restoredhome with home theatre, I/G swimming pool and your own pu ng green. Panoramicviews #1-17557100 Avenue, Surrey $1,215,000 1,945 sq. l4 bedroomsl3.5 bathrooms WelcometoFraserHillinFraserHeights. Newly built luxurious townhomeinunbeatable loca�on. End unit with air condi�oning, hot water on demand, double cargarage, and 4thbedroom on lower level with full bathroom #308-4686 51 Street Ladner #203-1175 55 Street Tsaw 1212 Pacific Drive,Tsaw $2,199,000 4,249 sq. home |4 bedrooms l4bathrooms |7,234 sq. lot Situatedinquietcul-de-sac in Stahaken this home boasts expecta�onal cra smanship and luxury updatesthrough-out. 6367Crescent Ct, Ladner $1,899,000 2,709sq. homel4bedrooms+games3bathroomsl7,987sq. lot Quietcul-de-sac loca�on with unobstructed farmland and mountain views, thisfamilyhome features a masteronmain, open kitchen, manyupdatesincluding new flooringand paint. 4888 Ellis Lane Ladner SOLD 340 Rosehill Wynd Tsaw 3480River Road, Ladner $3,920,000 2,189 sq. |3 bedrooms l2bathrooms |217,800 sq. lot Sprawling rancher with extensivequality updatesset on 5acres. Includes 3 outbuildings, plenty of parking and storage. #104-7680 Minoru Blvd, Richmond $749,000 1,544 sq. |2bedrooms |2bathrooms lBentleyWynd 10 ceilings,unique space with covered balcony, large kitchen &ea�ng area.19+ adult oriented complexwith outdoor pool, gym &club house. 5264Walnut Place,Ladner $1,499,000 2,000 +sq. |2 bedrooms +den l3 bathrooms l10,882 sq. Centrally located Rancher in culdesac on large lot featuring vaulted cedar ceilings in main living area and south eastfacing yard.Lots of opportunity here! #308-1175 55 Street, Tsaw $719,000 Over 1,000 sq. |2 bedrooms l2 bathrooms Topfloor unit with agreat layout and vaulted ceilings in Onyx Court. Fully rainscreened and rentable! Steps from central Tsawwassen. SOLD SSOLD OLD 29 English Bluff,Tsaw $2,150,000 2,740 sq. |2bedrooms |3bathrooms |11,734 sq. Private rancher w/basementindesirable area. West facing par�al ocean/island views. Fix up, renovateorbuild up to 4,525 sq. dream home. SOLD #1007-4165 Maywood St Burnaby SOLD


A44 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS 604.970.8118 PersonalReal Estate Corporation #110-6068 Russ BakerWay,Richmond,BCV7B 1B4 Westcoast 407 131556STREET This rarely available 2bdrm/2 full bath PENTHOUSE at THE OLIVAis not to be missed!Features adesirable openfloor plan, 10’ceilings, extralarge windows in living room &cozygas fireplace. Kitchen with granitecounter tops, S/Sappliances &Brazilianslate tiles. Bamboo plankflooringinentrance, living &dining rooms. Bright South facingbalcony with private outlook &peek-a-boo view of BoundaryBay &Mt. Baker.Comeswith secured parking &storage locker. Enjoy the benefitsofaLEEDSilver Certified building! Centrally located with steps to Tsawwassen Town CentreMall! 5378 COMMODORE DRIVE Prestigious Marina Gardens! This immaculately kept 5bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2500 +sqft one owner home is not to be missed! Spacious & bright with lots of windows, high ceilings in entrance &livingroom, granite counter tops in kitchen &all bathrooms, roomy primary bedroom with 5pcensuite. Meticulously landscaped private southern backyard with patio& naturalgas hook-up for your BBQ!The convenience of an ingroundsprinkler system&a worry free 6-year new quality fiberglass roof.You will feelright at home here! Stepsto dyke trails, Neilson Grove Elementary& transit.Amust see! 1205 6611MINORUBLVD Welcome to Iconic Regency Park Towers!This Bright, Spacious 2 bedrooms, 2fullbaths cornersuite is amust see! Fantastic Private outlook with UNOBSTRUCTED Panoramic ViewsofMinoru Park &beyond.Living, Dining rooms with expansive windows to capture the view.Kitchenwithoak cabinets, granite counter tops. Primary bedroom with walk-in closet &a 5piece ensuite. View from everyroomincluding year round enjoyment of the solarium for your morning coffee/tea and evening glass of wine. Desirable Central Richmond! $569,900 SOLD SOLD LANCE HUGHES 604.943.8080 ■ LIFETIME MEMBER Re/Max ProgroupRealty 16,264 sq.ft. private estate lot overlooking Georgia Strait. Walkthrough the front door into the grand foyer, and over5200 sq.ft. of living space. Features real hardwood throughoutwith 5 bedroomsupstairs including gym Theextralarge master has 5pce ensuite &private western exposed terrace. Downstairs has gourmet kitchen, family room,billiards room,wine room &office. Double oversized garage &lots of parking Great family home on prestigious English Bluff Road 645English Bluff Quality custombuilt home on a9300 square foot, beautifully landscaped lotinPebble Hill. Topquality finishing including: engineered hardwood floors throughout, radiant in floor heating, air conditioning& high endFisher &Paykel appliances package. 4extra large bedrooms upstairs &1 on the main for guests. 2-5-10 homewarranty. 5269 1st Avenue $2,499,900 $3,599,800 RE/MAX Progroup Realty |5360 12th Avenue, Delta, BC V4M 2B3 |Office 604.943.8080 | | 103 14200 Riverport Way $1,088,000 1043 Walalee Drive $1,588,000 5024 Erin Way Updated Rancher on sunnyprivate 11,399 sq ft lot in upper Tsawwassen. Over 2900 sq ft including a635 sq ft guest house. 3bedrooms 3bathrooms in the main house while the detached guest house offers visitors privacy &luxurious comfort with potentially twobedrooms &full bathroom. Large south facing windows overlook the entertainer’sdream backyard with covered patio &sparkling inground pool plus hot tub. Open floor plan with renovation including flooring, stunning tile &gourmet kitchen complete with stainless steel appliances & quartz countertops. Thelovely master retreat has an ensuite &awalk in closet. Quiet central location. RANCHER $1,999,000 1608 668 Columbia Street $550,000 JUSTSOLD 1437 Duncan Drive $2,599,000 SOLD SOLD SOLD 604 362 0350 @TaylorBrownRealEstate TaylorBrown Personal Real Estate Corporation Welcome Home! This renovated 5bed, 2bath home is afamily-friendly dream. Offering over2930 sq ft of updated, open concept&recently renovated space-entertaining will be adream this summer.Upgrades include afully re-done +open white kitchen w/ quartz countertops, soft close wood cabinetry,granite composite sink +S/S Bosch applianc. Enjoythe sliding glas doors &all the natural lightthat theybring. Upstairs has 3oversized bedrooms w/ 1bathroom +anabundanceofstorage space. Downstairs contains alarge &brightkitchen/family room, 2.5 bedrooms +1 bath perfect foryour teenagers, parents, or summer guests. Sit back &relax in your newdeck or large fenced in backyard.Nothing else left to do herebut pack your belongings+ move on in. Showings by apptonly,book today! ForSale $1,665,000 |5265 11A Avenue, Delta 142856thSt. Nice 2-levelcondowithprivateyardincentral Tsawwassen. Sales & Property Management GO FOR THE E PutBev’s 15+years of experiencetowork foryou. Bev and her teamwillwork to gettop dollar for you!! 4688 HawkLane.Fabulous townhomeinTsawwassen Shores CALL BEVFOR YOUR FREE HOME EVALUATION New Price!$859,000 NewPrice! $599,000 Re/Max Real Estate Services 110 3540West41stAve,VancouverV6N3E6 John Nielsen PERFORMANCE Real Estate Service 34 Successful Years The next move is yours... Experience • Knowledge • Professionalism 604.250.8216 CALL JOHN TODAY JUST LISTED! BETTER THAN NEW! NO GST! 6435 HAMMERMILL AVENUE $1,849,000 DESIRED Southlands beach community is surrounded by lush farmland and a short walk to premier Centennial Beach one of the best beaches in the lower mainland! This better than new estate cottage with no GST offers almost $30,000 in quality upgrades including beautiful Maple hardwood flooring, poly aspartic garage floor coating, fencing and additional landscaping The farmhouse inspired home features open concept living with European influenced oversize windows throughout and 4 generous sized bedrooms wi/vaulted ceilings in the master & grand 5 piece ensuite

Almost square 17 34 acre parcel with 823 ft of road frontage features an English style country home, 5 stall barn, hay field and generous pasture area which has been an established equestrian facility for decades

First time this amazing secluded 20.25 acre parcel has been offered for sale since 1955 which is located just off Hornby Drive on the quiet section of 104th close to Boundary Bay and private member grass airstrip All 3 buildings on this property were built in 1972 which includes a sprawling 3,162 sq. ft. 4 bedroom rancher w/30 + car concrete driveway was substantially renovated and enlarged in 1987 and roof redone 10 years ago The second residence is a 1238 sq ft Woods bungalow presently rented and the spectacular 8,400 sq ft 20 stall barn which was used from day 1 to breed race horses up until 7 years ago is truly a first class facility complete with steel roof and cladding Attention to detail here is second to none including chain link fencing that surrounds the entire property. R2709446 360ºTOUR

The chef's delight open kitchen with huge island features a Bertazzoni duel gas range and Fisher & Paykel fridge with bottom freezer is all open onto spacious living room and amazing game changing sunny West outdoor private patio!



The property offers an ideal central location just 5 minutes to Tsawwassen or Ladner, Tsawwassen Mills Mall, BC Ferries, DeltaPort Way, TFN Industrial Park, transportation and more This parcel is close to BC Railway in an area of transitional properties with amazing future potential Call anytime for more information 53RD STREET R2604526 360ºTOUR 104TH STREET




The family welcomed ason while living on Vancouver Island and eventually settled in the Slocan Valley in the southern BC interior.While there, Bonnie spent over 20 yearsactive in her communityand her province. This culminated in her position as Executive Director of the Nelson Community Resources Society Bonnie spent much of her later life living in Calgary, working for Big Brothers, Big Sisters and being an integral part of the lives of her grandchildren, Sydney,Dawson and Maddie. From California to BC to Alberta, Bonnie leaves behindalegacy of political activism, social advocacy,education innovation, civicadministration,volunteerism, philanthropy and creativity far too large to be captured in this short narrative.

KLENE, Friedrich (Fred) Friedrich (Fred) Klene,79, of Richmond BC, left us, surrounded by loving family on August 42022. Fred was born in Germany in 1943 and moved to Canada in 1965. Fred wasaroofer for 35 years and was part of the Sheet Metal Works Union local 280. He enjoyed going to car shows, watchingold westerns on T.V.,volunteering his time at the Delta Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store, and spending time with his dog Lucy Fred was predeceased by wife Susan in 1997 and partner Carol in 2019. Alsopredeceased by his two brothers, Gunther in 1987 and Hansin2017. He is survived by his children Lisa, Randy,Sandy(David), Dave (Ann), Carlene and grandchildrenMarie,Nick, Justin, Ryan He will be greatly missed. Memories and condolences can be sent to Valley View Funeral Home 604-596-8866


There will be no formal services, but small future gatherings will be held in thoseplaces where she once lived and was loved. If inclined to give in Bonnie’smemory, please consider donations to the Irene Thomas Hospice through the Delta Hospital andCommunity Health Foundation.

Bonnie was grateful to all her doctors, nurses and specialists at the BC CancerAgency,her general practitioners and the incredibly compassionate staff at IreneThomas Hospice. Bonnie will be deeply missed by family -includingher brother Rod Thoms (Sandy and family), son-in-law Matt Graves and his children Sara and Truman -and friends.

Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 •604-653-7851 at

ACelebration of LifeRescheduled September 17, 2022 at 1:00 pm. Please contactDan or Louise for information if youplan to attend Please RSVP as soon as possible via email at: PaigeElizabethChristian DYSON, DEREK SEAN Nov 29, 1982 Aug 25, 2002 20 years ago already you may be gone from our sight, but you are never gone from our hearts. Death leaves heartache No on can heal. Memories are treasures No one can steal. Some may forget you Now that you are gone. But we will remember No matter how long. You will always stay Loved and remembered, In every way. No tears, no verse, Can ever say how much We miss you every day. Love, Mom, Steph &family/friends


VanBLERK, Joan Gertrude(Grant) July 8, 1938 -August 8, 2022 Joan passed away just before midnight August 8 at Irene Thomas Hospice with family and friends by her side… Remembered by sonGrant (Kim) cousin Paula (Steve) and longtime friend Wendy Joan led awonderful, colourfullife whileworking in many areas of varied careers. (hospitalityand international education). She worked in Vancouver, New Zealand, London, and Mine Hospital, Zambia, Africa. Joan quietly enjoyed her life cruising the high seas solo, over 50 years. Joan’sfamily legacy can be viewed at Delta archives, Ladner (Grant-4 generations)

All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised prices. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of aparticular advertisement on aspecified date, or at all, although everyeffort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further,the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. The Delta Optimist will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error.Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad’sexpiration. For best results please check your ad for accuracythe first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7business days notice! POLICIES

On August 22 2022, Sherman Douglas Liston passed away suddenly.Survived by his daughters; Tracy Liston (grandchildren AmberBirch andAfie Feliciano), Erin Liston MacNeil (Ronald MacNeil and grandson Kayd MacNeil), ex-wife Sandy Liston, sister Gail Savage, (Tammy Savage Botes, Colby Botes,daughter Summer), Danny Savage (Chantelle Giles, son Linden), sister in-law Shirley Liston (son John Liston, wife Kara Liston) He was loved by all, in the small community of Ladner where he grew up. He loved his sports and most importantly hockey,asheused to play in his youth. He loved curling, and golf at the Beach Grove Golf Club. He always had asmile on his face and loved allhis family and friends. He will be missed by all, especially hisfamily Acelebration of life will be held on Saturday,August 27, 2022 starting at 2:00 pm at Speed’sNeighborhood Pub 4943 Chisholm StreetinLadner

Fond memories linger everyday, Remembrance keeps themnear.

EVANS, Francene(Bonnie) Faye December 10, 1942 -August 20, 2022

HALL,Jennifer Diane(nee Brereton) May 31, 1960 -August 4, 2022 Aftera long and courageous struggle,Jennifer lost her battle with cancer. Lovinglysurvived by husband Tom, parents Valeria and Jerry Brereton, brother Darren(Anne), as well as aunts, uncle, nieces and nephews, and many dear friends.Jen graduated from Richmond Senior Secondary School and U.B.C. Shewas aretired elementary school teacher and lived in Richmond,Ladner,and finally,Campbell River.

Brilliant, talentedand witty,Bonnie Evansdied of cancer on August 20,2022, at theIrene Thomas Hospice in Delta, BC. Bonnie’schildren, Sandi, Pam and Philip, and herdaughter-in-law,Simone, were at her side.

Born in North Dakota, USA,Bonnie moved from her family home in Grand Forks to Oakland, California,inthe early 1960s. There, she started a family and became involved in the American civil rights movement. After her firstmarriage to Jerome (Jerry) Swanigan, Jr., which produced two daughters, she met her (now former) husband, CorkyEvans, and the family moved to Canada.

• Book your ad online anytime


A46 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 Your Community


LISTON, Sherman Douglas

Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve aSudoku, the numbers 1through 9must fill each row,column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row,column and box. Youcan figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already

COX, Sheila Irene (nee Robinson) Sheila passed away peacefully on 23 July 2022 at theage of 89. She was born on 18 August1932in St. Boniface, Manitoba but spent most of her youth in London,ON. Sheila was predeceased by her parents Ella and T.O. Robinson,her sister Patricia Beharriell, and her loving husband of 54 years, Cliff Cox. She is survivedbyher twochildren; Kerri Deane(Greg) and Rob Cox (Ruth) and was the proud grandmother to Connor,Taylor, Catrionagh andLiam. She leaves behind severalnieces and nephews.

Over the years Sheila and Cliff did trips as diverse as an African safari, acruise on the Volga River, hiking on the Great Wall of China, climbing to Machu Picchu, and touring the train museum in Moose Jaw.For many years in their retirement, they explored the US and Mexico in their RV and enjoyed cruises, travelling often with their close friends Bev and John.

COOPER, David 1933-2022

Acelebration of life will be announced at alater date. In lieu of flowers, please consider donations to the Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation. Memories and condolences can be sent to

SomeofSheila’shappiestmemories of her youth were the summers spent at WoodlandBeach with her family,friends, and horses. She then developed apassion for travel, which started with afamily trip to the 1958 Brussel’sWorld Fair

August25,2022 TheDeltaOptimistA47

HARRISON, Desmond Eugene Desmond Eugene Harrison was aloving husband and father,grandfather,great grandfather,uncle, brother and friend to many.His wonderful life spanned 98 years,but endedwithhis passing on August 6, 2022. Des was born in Winnipeg on April 22,1924, the thirdoffour brothers. He left school after grade10 in ordertohelp support his family,driving ahorsedrawn bread wagon,pumping gasand selling shoes.His haltedformal education did not holdhim back, as he joined the Canadian Airforceand served his country in World WarII. Afterthe war,he joinedthe RCMP and served in BC, New Brunswick and Alberta. He was distinguishedby rising to the rank of Staff Sargeant before retiring to move to the West Coast. After furthering his education, he went on to afull second career with the Vancouver StockExchange, where he retired as aVice-President. He had areputationfor honesty,integrity and strong ethics among the Howe Streetbusiness community Above all, Des was afamily man: devoted to his wife of 66 years, Rose,and acommitted father to hischildren. He took delight in family gatherings and, as his family grew,hewelcomed all into his warm circle of affection. He gave greathugs, loved to laugh and tell jokes, and he was awarm host, oftenblendingupfancy drinks forhis guests. He had aspecial relationship with each of his four grandchildren and was so proud of the people they grew up to be. Des is predeceased by brothers John,George and Stewart. He is survived by his wife Rose, son Chris Harrison (Heather), daughterKathleen Beaton (Ron), grandchildren Kate, Rebecca, Sydney and Jeff, great-grandson Jasper,sister-in-law Ann Racich, and many nieces, nephews and friends.

Hamilton Harron Funeral Home 604-325-7441

In the early 60’s, she travelled by motor scooter with her life-long friend Donna throughout Europe, including Russia, meeting Cliff in Spain in 1961, when he was vacationing there from his RCAF posting in France. They spent their early married years in Germany on another RCAF posting and then settled in Vancouver,thenRichmond, to raise their family,moving later to White Rock and finally to Ladner Mom worked various part-time jobs, was aBrownie Leader,and later avolunteer parent with the 655 Richmond Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Cadets.

David passedaway peacefully on August19th with his family at his side. BornonJune 20th,1933 in Belfast, NI, then immigrated to Canada with Margaret in 1956 David was an avid golferand longtimemember of Beach GroveGolf Club. He retired from Air Canada in 1990 and enjoyed many years traveling with his wife Margaret and friends.Hewas adevoted volunteer for theDelta Hospital Auxiliary and DYSL in Tsawwassen. He leaves behind his wife of 65 years, son Brian (Amy), granddaughters Devon(Kevin)and Stephanie (Steve), son Michael, sister Kathleen, cousin Pat (Ken), long time friends JeanMillen and the Kellys, and family and friends in Australia, the UK and Canada. Donations can be made in honour of Dave, to The Boys andGirls Club (Wintemute) in Ladner,BC. Online condolencescan be made at Delta Funeral Home 604.946.6040

LOGAN, Norbert Jack June 9, 1921 -August 2, 2022 Jack passed away August2nd, in his 102ndyear, leaving his loving wife of 72 years Betty (nee Rennick), son Robert (Sandra), daughter Anne (Peter Lamont), and son David, 5grandchildren, 7great grandchildren, and his sister Lorna Bain, as well as many nieces, nephews, and long-time friends.

Amemorial reception will be held Saturday,August 27 between 2:00-4:00pm, at the Delta Funeral Home, in Ladner,BC. In lieu of flowers, adonation may be made to thecharity of your choice. Jack was aproud Veteran of WWII. To read his full obituary,ortosendamessage of condolence, please go to

For the last three years Sheila resided at Mountainview Manor in Ladner and her family offers gratitude to the staff that cared for her.They would also like to thank her caring family doctor of many years, Dr.Ljiljana Kordic andjustrecently,DrSahota.

provided in the boxes. SUDOKU PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE ACROSS DOWN 1. Influential Swedish, Belgian clan 6. Swiss river 9. Nocturnal S.American rodent 13. Like coagulated milk 14. Lima is its capital 15. Lyingdown 16. Jai __, sport 17. Egyptian statesman 18. Napoleon Dynamite’suncle 19. Renovated 21. Chadic language 22. 18-year period 23. Beverage container 24. Natural logarithm 25. The “mecca” of basketball 28.Away to darken 29. Mackerels 31.Actor Pitt 33. Places to buy seafood 36. True firs 38.Neither 39. Fencing sword 41. Italian pastas 44. Island nation close to theU.S. 45. Begets 46. Resembles apouch 48. student, learns healing 49. Sodium 51. Indicates position 52. The worldhas one 54. Partner to pains 56. Photographer 60. Chew thefat 61. Culture of theBritish IronAge 62. Weaverbird 63.Advice or counsel 64.Asian nation 65. Brought on board 66. German river 67.Airborne (abbr.) 68. Leaf-footed buggenus 1. Mark left behind 2. Cryweakly 3.Ancientregion in modern Syria 4. Farewell 5. Blue grass state 6. Genus of mosquitoes 7. S. Israelicity 8.Youcan get stuck in one 9. One who mistrusts others unjustifiably 10. First monthofancient Hebrew calendar 11.Tigers legend Fielder 12. Make more attractive 14.Horses 17. Slight projection in typefaces 20.Male parent 21. Jack and Jill are two 23.After B 25. Licensed forWall Street 26. Missilewith about 600-mile range 27.Goddesses 29.Aday kids love 30. Oilysecretion 32. One-tenth of ameter 34.Afather’s malechild 35. One point east of southeast 37. Silk garments 40. Cool! 42.The color of anger 43.Trade profession 47. It can getyou around 49. Mother-of-pearl 50. Hurt 52. Legendary slugger Hank 53. Polio vaccine developer 55. Incline from vertical 56. Seacreature 57.Actress Kate 58.Affirmative votes 59. Nothing 61. Pie___mode 65. Expresses surprise 100YEARS

CelebrationofDes’s life will be held at the Richmond Funeral Home at 8420 Cambie RoadonSeptember 7th, 2022 at 11:00am, with reception to follow.All arewelcome.

A48 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 • HOME SERVICES GARAGESALES ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNITY EMPLOYMENT LEGAL 604-362-0586 GARAGESALE Empty your garage, fill your wallet Canadian Navigable WatersAct SEASPAN ULC herebygives notice that a submission has been added to the Common Project Search (online registry), pursuant to the Canadian Navigable Waters Act described herein and itsdescription. Pursuant to paragraph 4.1 and 9.1 of the said Act, SEASPAN ULC has deposited withthe Minister of Transport, on the on-line Common Project Search Registry ( and under registry number 6289 adescription of thefollowing work: Installation of a3.05 m ◊ 3.66 mconcrete mooring block and mooring buoy in the Strait of Georgia,Roberts Bank within the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminalwater lot, just east of Berth 1at1Ferry Causeway,Delta. Posted at Delta, BC this 25th day of August 2022. SEASPAN ULC House Keeper Wanted Experienced homemakertodolight housecleaning,foodpreparationand cleaning up. Mon, Wedand Fridayafternoon from3 pm to 6pmincentral Tsawwassen. Pleaserespondwith availability, experience and salary expected to: Crematorium &Celebration Centre Ltd. LOWCOST CremationPackages Available. URN’sstarting at Arrangements made in the comfort or your home, our office, by email or fax for your convenience. No pressuresales or commission. Bakerviewonly provides what you ask for We areheretohelp every step of the way Call: 604-574-8822 Email: Head Office 34863Cemetery Avenue, Mission, BC Community Crematorium &Celebration Centre Ltd. $99 LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICES DOMESTIC HELP WANTED OFFICE/CLERICAL LOST PRESCRIPTION GLASSES in BlackCase lost Aug 19th on 64th Ave, Delta, left on back of car. Please calliffound, thanks 604-323-4201 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT FARM LABOURERS Brar Bros Farms Required for weeding, planting, harvesting &grading vegetables. This job involves hard work; bending, lifting, standing &crouching. $15.65/hour 45+ hr/wk, 6days/wk, Nov 2022 to June2023 Fx: 604-576-8945, or email: ROCKY MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENTisNOW HIRING: AG EquipmentTechs,Heavy EquipmentTechs -Journeyman &Apprentices, Parts Techs. View Open Roles & Relocation andSigningBonusOffered DRIVEWAYSALE Saturday August 27 •9 am -2 pm 5436 -18Avenue, TSAWWASSEN Books, Clothing, Handbags,Shoes +much more Cancelled if raining Ladner ClothingSwap-or Not to helpour neighbours (OK 2B empty-handed) Saturday,August27 9am-Noon Saviour Lutheran Church 4737 -57thStreet MOVING SALE Saturday Only Aug 27 •9am -3pm 4938 -2nd Ave Tsawwassen Something for Everyone. MARKETPLACE FOR SALE -MISC 10” CRAFTSMAN CAST table saw, $350 obo; 6ftantique castiron tub, $1000;5 car boys, $25. 604-946-4775 WANTED NUMISMATISTPURCHASING COIN COLLECTIONS &ACCUMULATIONS!RoyalCanadian Mint, Canada &World Collections Wanted.Also buying 9999 bullion, old money,jewelry,nuggets, sterling,gold, silver, coins, bars, monsterboxes+++ ESTATES WELCOMED! Todd 250 8643521. PETS DOG WALKER and SITTER 7days/wk Dog Walking Certficate and Pet First Aid course, can workwith aggressive’s. Ref’savail. Ins’d, bonded Joe,778-325-3659 LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO 18 months,male,nonshedding, sweet temperament.$2500. Serious inquiries. 604-790-0113 RENTAL APARTMENTS/ CONDOS FOR RENT Choose your Apartment Rental from oneofour well maintained and managed buildingsin SouthDelta: Rental Office 604.948.9111 Inquire about some of our PetFriendly buildings. Pleasevisit our website foravailability: Sorry,noBBQs permitted. Reference required. ADivisionofCentury Group OFFICE/RETAIL PRIME Lease Space AVAILABLE NOW TSAWWASSEN Office Space 1,197sq. ft Commercial 600 -1538 sq. ft LADNER Office or Retail 727 sq. ft For more information: 604-409-4626 STORAGE USTORE IT ULOCK IT 3SelfStorage Buildings in Tsawwassentoserveyou. Varioussizes available. Contactusat: 604-424-9977 For more details visit: WANTED TO RENT Delta/Tsawwassen wanted. 3senioractiveadults, selfsufficient, looking for 2BR apt or bsmt suite flexible availability, long term. N/S N/D. Excellent refs. Please call Caroline•778-713-0118 Residential Cleaning Service Week Bi-Weekly Monthly Move In • Move Out Sophia • 604-805-3376 www CALL Todayfor SummerDISCOUNTS! GUTTERS •REPLACEMENTS •DOWNPIPE •LEAFGUARD•DRAIN GUARD•SIDING Commercial &Residential. Free Estimates. Gutter Specialists. Licensed. WCB Insured. 604-724-5493 • 604-721-0372 • CLEANING SUNSHINE CLEANING “you’ve tried the rest, now try the best.” Move Ins-MoveOuts, Weekly • Bi-Weekly • Monthly Starting @$120 cleanings. • Window Cleaning • Work guarantee. Exc refs 604-716-8631 DRAINAGE DRAIN Tiles, Sewer,Water, Video Inspection, Jack Hammering, Hand Excavating, Concrete Cutting, Rootering, WET BSMT MADE DRY 604.782.4322 DRYWALL DRYWALL Reliable Work *Res &Comm*35 Yrs Exp. Mike 604-789-5268 FENCING Cedar Fencing &Gates Installation &Repairs Pavers• RetainingWalls 604-271-5319 778-863-5319 West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New •Repaired •Rebuilt Fences &Decks 604-788-6458 (notext) LADNER; QUALITYCEDAR FENCING, Installation, removal. 604-940-1441 604-518-7510 FLOORING Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts •Repairs• Staining •Installation • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 GUTTERS GUTTERS Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, PowerWashing, WindowCleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 HANDYPERSON HANDYMAN•RENOVATIONS •Kitchen •Bath•Plumbing •Countertop •Floors •Paint &more. Call MIC for quote: 604-725-3127 Since 1989 Celebrating 30Years! RENOS •REPAIRS 9129 Shaughnessy St., Van. 604-732-8453 Receptionist Delta Law Office Part time receptionist for our Tsawwassen office, possibility of full time. This could be agood entry in to alegal career. Send resumes and availability to natalie@deltalawoffice. com. Ladner’s Ashley Green Garage Sale Multiple Tables &Kids Lemonade Stand This Saturday, August 27th, 9AM 1PM Lots of tables full of great stuff toys, furniture, treasures & collectibles. We are across from Holly Park &School; 62nd &Ladner Trunk Road, 4756 62 Street, Delta, BC, V4K 4V8. LEGAL Lost t Find in the Classifieeds! ? To advertise call 604 362 0586 PLEASE RECYCLE THIS NEWSPAPER. FENCING Need help with your Home Renovation? Find it in the Classifieds! Fulltime, flexible hours, dream job in the financial services industry, no commuting. ADMINISTRATIVEASSISTANT Contact: DenisDenischuk,BM 3-135956thStreet,Delta,BCV4L2P3 Member-Canadian Investor Protection Fund. 100YEARS

August25,2022 CALLTHE EXPERTSHOMESERVICES Place Your Ad Today! 604-362-0586 604 786.7145 CallShawn BIG GER BE TT ER GU TT ER S  Continuous 5”Gutters  Fascia  Custom Flashings  Soffit  Leaf Screen  Powerwashing  Cleaning and Repairs GUTTER BROTHERS GUTTERS CABINET MAKEOVERS 604-943-3825 Serving Delta for over 18 years. Local, experienced &BBB accredited. TransformYour Kitchen! #135-7391 Vantage Way, Delta AllGarage Doors &Garage Door Motors Sales •Service•Installations 604-940-8918 Certified Arborist &Tree Risk Assessor -Nathan Spowage PN-7646-A Delta’sArborist Tree Service Co. Please call Jon at 604-916-6187 TREE SERVICE FENCINGAND DECKING >INFO@HOMESTEADSERVICES CA >WWW.HOMESTEADSERVICES.CA SPECIALIZING IN FENCES AND DECKS JASONWELLS 604 948 5296 HOMESTEAD SERVICES MOVING ABE MOVING &Delivery & Rubbish Removal $50/hr per Person.24/7 • 604-999-6020 Affordable Moving From $45/hr 1,3,5,7,10 TonTrucks Licensed &Insured Local-Long Distance Free Est.Senior Disc 604-537-4140 PAINTING/ WALLPAPER Insured/ WCB 604-247-8888 D& M PAINTING Exterior/Interior Specialist Many Years Experience. Fully Insured. TopQuality •Quick Work. Free estimate. 604-724-3832 Painting Specials g g 778-895-3503 2rooms for $400,2 coats anycolour (Ceiling &Trim extra) Price inclspremium quality paint. NO PAYMENT until Job is completed. We do all sorts of wood flooring and all types of mouldings. EXTERIOR &INTERIOR Residential &Commercial 778-984-0666 A. RIGHTWAY PAINTING Ltd 25 years experience Free Estimates 35%OFF SPECIALSUMMER PAINTINGDISCOUNT Fully Insured 20 yrs. exp. •Free Est. INTERIOR &EXTERIOR SPECIALS 10% OFF Call 6047291234 FAIRWAY PAINTING PLUMBING • Hot Water Tanks • Plumbing • Heating • Furnaces • Boilers • Drainage • Res & Comm • 24/7 Service 604-437-7272 POWER WASHING Call Simon for prompt & professional service 30 yrs exp. Gutter Cleaning, PowerWashing, WindowCleaning, Roof Cleaning 604-230-0627 BOUNDARYBAY WINDOW WASHING •Exterior house cleaning •Pressure washing •Gutters Steve Watts 604-943-4134 778-228-5639 ALLAN CASH CONTRACTING Renovations, Painting, PressureWashing. Askus about special prices for pressure washing, sidewalks anddrives. Callfor free estimate. 778-928-6866 RDM ENTERPRISES •• • For AllYour HouseholdAdditions &Renovations •• • Interior &Exterior Finishing, Fences &Decks, Kitchens &Bathrooms, Plumbing. Refs Avail. Free Est. LocalResident &Serving Deltafor over 20 yrs. Call Rob 604-830-9401 RENOS &HOME IMPROVEMENT Since 1989 604-732-8453 Needanythingdone or repaired?  RENOS  REPAIRS  PAINTING  TILING  DOORS  WINDOWS  DECKS  FENCES  ROOFING  GUTTERS □RENOS □BATHROOMS □REPAIRS □PAINTING □TILING □DOORS □KITCHENS □WINDOWS □DECKS □FENCES □ROOFING □GUTTERS ROOFING A-1 Contracting &Roofing New&Re-Roofing •All Types All Maintenance &Repairs GUTTER CLEANING GutterGuardInstallations • RENOVATIONWORK • WCB 25% Discount • Emergency Repairs • Jag•778-892-1530 NEW ROOFS &REPAIRS Gutter Cleaning•$145 Free Est. • 604-240-5362 Re-Roofing &Repairs Specialists 20 Year Labour WarrantyAvailable 604-591-3500 SPECIALIZING IN CEDAR, FIBERGLASS LAMINATES AND TORCH ON. L abil ty Insurance, WCB BBB,Free Es ima es 604-946-4333 Bros. Roofing Ltd. Over 40 Years in Business “You Call It,WeHaul It!” ROD’SHAUL-IT-AWAY Rubbish Removal and Recycling 778-668-4285 LocatedinLadner •Soyou pay less • RUBBISH REMOVAL • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL &Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos &Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential& Commercial 20 YARD BIN RENTALS from $249 for aweek +dump fees BRADS JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) 20 YARD BIN RENTALS from $249/week +dumpfees BRADS .com TREE SERVICES TREE SERVICES Pruning, Hedge Trimming Tree &Stump Removal 75 ft Bucket Trucks 604-787-5915 $50 OFF *onjobs over $1000 Tree Removal -Stump Grinding -BranchChipping FreeEst. WCB. Local resident. 34 yrs exp. • 604-943-0043 AUTOMOTIVE SCRAPCAR REMOVAL VEHICLEREMOVAL CASH FOR ALL! Serving Delta &area since 1986. Call 604-649-1627 TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS Mobile Auto Detailing At your home or office. 778 725 4001 DETAILING PAROOFING INTING/ WALLPAPER Refer to the Home Services section for all your Refer to the Home Services section LANDSCAPING Start-Finish. Demo-Design. PAVERS Driveway, Sidewalk ConcreteRemoval -Replace LANDSCAPING, Turf,Hedges, Retaining Wall, Patio.Drainage 604-782-4322 LAWN &GARDEN Complete Lawn Care Summer Clean-Up •Weeding •Fertilize •Trim •Pruning •Moss Control •ReelType Lawn Mowing 604-710-1348 •Lawn Cuts &Maintenance • FullLandscapeProjects Signature Design Services, Callfor aYard Makeover! One call does it All! WCB 604-943-0043 100YEARS

A50 The Delta Optimist August25,2022 100YEARS 4713 54th Street, Ladner $1,457,000 DESIRABLE WEST LADNER NEIGHBORHOOD Simplyterrific familyresidenceinagreat neighborhood. Pride of ownership shines throughout this 2,100 squarefoot, 3bedroom home that has been updated throughout the years; Roof,windows and furnaceapproximately10years young; newer concrete driveway and more. Private west-facing backyardfor loads of outdoor enjoyment. Formal living and dining rooms with gas fireplace, kitchen and eating area, extralarge familyroom, spacious mudroom and doublegarage. Quiet no-thru street in centralLadner within walking distancetoshops, parks, recreation, and transit. This home is atrue gem. 5196 &5198 Whitworth Crescent, Ladner $1,599,900 RANCHER STYLE DUPLEX RARE FIND -OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITY.One side features 1,340 squarefeet, 3bedroom, 2baths. Privateyardwith 200 squarefoot detached studio/shed; RV parking. Theother side is 1030 squarefeet with 2bedrooms, privateyard, singlegarageand RV parking. Greathome forsomeone looking foramortgagehelper or greatinvestment, or buildorsubdivide (confirm with City of Delta). 13,200 SQUARE FOOT LOT. Oneofthe premier streets in Ladner.Close to Ladner Elementary,Cromie Park, easy access to Tsawwassen Mall. JUST LISTED LINDA CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. BOB CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. THECHANCEYS REALESTATEGROUP 604-946-8899 CITY REALTY Only Re/Max Team or individual in South Delta to achieve the prestigious PINNACLE CLUB award

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