Catalyticconverter theftsontheriseinDelta
IAN JACQUES ijacques@delta-optimist com
Delta Police are issuing a public information warning about the high number of recent catalytic converter thefts
DPD say since Jan 1, the department has received 33 reports of catalytic converter thefts Most of these thefts have occurred overnight and are spread throughout South and North Delta Police say catalytic converters are stolen because they contain several precious metals more valuable than gold As of December 2022, rhodium was worth $12,600/ounce, palladium $1,854/ounce, and platinum $1,021/ounce (USD).
“As thieves need access to the underside of a vehicle to steal a catalytic converter, vehicles with higher platforms are the most targeted,” said Acting Insp. James Sandberg in a news release “While various makes and models are targeted, Hyundai and
Kia SUVs remain the highest targeted vehicles. Cutting and removing a catalytic converter from a vehicle takes less than one minute”
Sandberg says Delta Police utilizes proactive policing strategies and also deploys plain-clothes officers who conduct targeted enforcement on known property crime offenders to prevent such thefts. However, the DPD believes that the high value of the catalytic converters and the ability to rapidly remove them from a vehicle has potentially increased the number of unknown offenders stealing them
“The DPD is working to bring awareness to the catalytic converter theft trend witnessed this year. We encourage our community to be our partners in preventing such thefts by considering some tips we offer,” added Sandberg Tips to prevent catalytic converter thefts:
* park in a well-lit area or a garage
* park with your
vehicle in view of a CCTV security camera
* pay attention to odd sounds, such as a batterypowered saw or grinder
* have an auto shop engrave your vehicle’s identification number onto your catalytic converter; this improves the likelihood of identifying a converter following a theft
* purchase an aftermarket protective shield that adds a layer of security to your catalytic converter
The DPD also encourages residents to immediately report any suspicious activity, such as a car idling with a driver in it while a passenger has exited and is casing vehicles In such instances, the DPD asks that you call 911 to report what may be a theft in progress so that our team can catch those responsible
If you know of someone committing catalytic converter thefts but wish to remain anonymous, you can report it to Crimestoppers at 1-800222-8477
4 8 1 3 4 9 5 3 9 6 6 1 4 7 4 .ca
4 Basketball:
28 T H U R S D A Y | J A N U A R Y 1 9 , 2 0 2 3
Award: Kim Baird receives Reconciliation Award,
Firefighters host successful tournament,
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Elvis Aloha from Hawaii
Ladner native Eli Williams was back in his hometown for an electric performance at Genesis Theatre Saturday night with his Elvis Aloha from Hawaii show. See more on page 27 and photos from the concert on our website at
17 - 1835 56th St., Tsawwassen 6 0 4 . 9 4 3 . 6 3 8 3 COLL S ON TOP PERFORMER 2020 GLASS 2020 Cert fied Collision Repair ALUM NUM Cert fied G ass Auto Se vce Your car is important to you, repairing it right is important to us. T C V R A U T O B O D Y R E P A I R
NoticeisherebygiventhatDeltaCityCouncilwillholdaPublicHearingtoreceiverepresentationsfromanypersonswhodeemitintheirinteresttoaddressCouncilregardingthefollowingproposed projects.ACouncilmeetingisscheduledtoimmediatelyfollowthisPublicHearingintheeventCouncilwishestogivefurtherconsiderationtotheproposedprojects.
Date: Tuesday,January24,2023 Time: 4:00pm Place: CouncilChamber&Virtual/Zoom DeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC
WATCH LIVE: ThisPublicHearingwillbebroadcastliveatwwwdeltaca/watchlive MembersofthepublicwhodonotwishtospeakmaylistenandwatchtheproceedingsontheCity'swebsite VideorecordingsarearchivedontheCity’swebsite ThisPublicHearingistobeconvenedbyelectronicmeansasauthorizedbytheCouncilProcedureBylawNo5000
Project No 1 (File No. LU009267)
Location: 11096RiverRoad(OlafStokkelandResidence)
Applicant: JeremyStam,Buro47ArchitectureInc Telephone: 604-943-1213
Proposal: Application for Rezoning, Heritage Revitalization Agreement and Development Permit to allow subdivision into two residentiallots.
Delta Zoning Bylaw No 7600, 2017, Amendment Bylaw No 8187, 2022
ToamendDeltaZoningBylawNo 7600,2017byrezoningthesubject site fromSingleDetached Residential 1 (RS1) to Single Detached Residential4(RS4)forthelandsidentifiedas“Lot1”andtorezone thelandsfromRS1toSingleDetachedResidential6(RS6)forthe lands identified as “Lot 2” on the map to allow subdivision of the property into two lots and the construction of a single detached dwelling with an in-ground basement and a secondary suite on proposed Lot 1 The existing heritage house (Olaf Stokkeland Residence)wouldberelocatedtoproposedLot2andsituatedona new foundation designed with an in-ground basement for a secondarysuite
Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No 8188, 2022
Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No 8188, 2022 would implementaHeritageRevitalizationAgreementbetweentheCityof Delta and the owners The Bylaw would have the effect of varying aspectsof“DeltaZoningBylawNo 7600,2017”inreturnforspecific heritageconservationmeasuresfortheheritagehome
Development Permit LU009267
Development Permit LU009267 would protect the proposed development on the subject site from hazardous conditions associatedwithslopestabilitythroughsitinganddesigncontrolasit is located within the FraserRiverEscarpment (ND1)Development PermitArea
Staff Contact: AdaLiu–604-946-3395
Project No 2 (File No. LU009412)
Location: 435564Street
Applicant: HowardSmid,HSmidEnterprisesLtd Telephone: 604-644-2754
Proposal: Application for Official Community Plan Amendment,Rezoning,andDevelopmentVariancePermitto allowsubdivisionintotworesidentiallots.
The Corporation of Delta Official Community Plan No 3950, 1985, Amendment Bylaw No 8206, 2023
Toamend“TheCorporationofDeltaOfficialCommunityPlan No 3950,1985:”
1 tochangethelandusedesignationofthesubjectsitefrom Single Family Residential (SFR) to Infill Single Family Residential(ISF) and amendthe East LadnerFuture Land UsePlan;and
2 toexemptthesubjectsitefromPolicyCoftheEastLadner AreaPlantoallowthelotdimensionstovary morethan15 percent from the residential properties within 150 m of the subjectsite
Delta ZoningBylawNo 7600, 2017, AmendmentBylawNo 8207, 2023
Toamend“DeltaZoningBylawNo 7600,2017”byrezoningthe subject site from Agriculture (A1) to Single Detached Residential 6 (RS6) in order to allow subdivision and constructionofanewsingledetacheddwellingoneachlot
Development Variance Permit LU009412
To vary Section 73 of Schedule A and Drawing L214 of ScheduleCin“DeltaSubdivisionandDevelopmentStandards Bylaw No 7162, 2015” by reducing the minimum pavement widthalongthe64Streetfrontagefrom12mto9m
Staff Contact: ToryLawson–604-946-3326
Project No 3 (File No. LU009040)
Location: 10555 64 Avenue and Unaddressed Parcel PID #000-985-112
Applicant: Duncan Wade, QRD (DeltaFresh)Holdings Inc
Telephone: 604-362-8358
Proposal: Application for Rezoning, Development VariancePermit,DevelopmentPermitandSubdivisionto allow consolidation of the subject properties into one development site and construction of a new agricultural food storage and processing facility with environmental andagriculturallandscapebuffers.
Delta ZoningBylawNo 7600, 2017, AmendmentBylawNo 7975, 2022
To amend “Delta Zoning Bylaw No 7600, 2017” by rezoningthesubjectpropertiesfromAgriculture(A1)zone to a new Agriculture Product Management (A4) zone in ordertopermitacoldstoragewarehouseandprocessing facilityforfruits,vegetablesanddairyproducts
Development Variance Permit LU009040
To vary Section 842 in “Delta Zoning Bylaw No 7600, 2017” by reducing the minimum number of required parkingspacesfrom210to133
Development Permit LU009040
Development Permit LU009040 would address Streamside Protection and Enhancement Area requirements Staff Contact: TanyaMitchner–604-952-3472
Materialsrelatedtotheprojectssuchasthestaffreport,proposed bylaw, detailed maps and other information may be inspected at DeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC, Monday toFriday excludingstatutoryhoidaysfrom8:30am to4:45pm fromThursday,January12,2023toTuesday,January24,2023 Materialsmayalsobeviewedatwwwdetaca/publichearing
Ifyouhave ageneralinquiry regarding the proposed projector f youwouldlike assistance to inspectany relevant documentation, please contact the Community Planning and Development Department by email at cpd@deltaca or by phone at 604-9463380
CorrespondenceaddressedtoCouncilwillform partofthepublic recordforthisPublicHearingand must include your name and full address, and be received by the Office of the City Clerk no laterthan10:00a m Tuesday,January24,2023 Tobeincluded in the Agenda, correspondence must be received before 12:00 p m on Wednesday, January 18, 2023
OncethePublicHearinghasconcluded,nofurtherinformationor submissionsmaybeconsideredbyCouncil
A2 The Delta Optimist January19,2023
PARTICIPATE IN THE PUBLIC HEARING PROCESS ThePublicHearingisopentoallmembersofthepubic Anypersonwhobelievesthattheirinterestinpropertywillbeaffectedbytheproposedproject shalbegvenanopportunitytoprovidetheircomments(support concerns oropposition)toCouncilinthefollowingways: �������� Writeto: MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2 �������� Emai:mayor-council@deltaca �������� TospeakvirtualyatthePublicHearng,youmustregister withtheOfficeoftheCityClerkbefore10:00am onTuesday,January24,2023 Toregister,emailpublichearing@deltacaorcall604-946-3220andprovde: 1 PublicHearingmeetingdateandProjectnumber; 2 WhetheryouwillspeakbytelephoneorbyZoomvideoconference;and 3 Yourcontactinformation(name address phonenumber andemailaddress) Onceregistered,youwillbeprovideddetailsneededtoparticipate You do not need to register to speak in person LU009267 LU009412 LU009040
It’s aimed at alleviating illegal parking and traffic problems on a narrow rural road, but not everyone is happy about the City of Delta’s solution
The city has been receiving complaints from those wanting to access the Brunswick Point trail at the end of River Road Some are not pleased about no parking signage on the road, having to now walk to the trail from a new parking lot built farther away
The Optimist has also received several letters in opposition by those saying they are being punished by the change.
The city for over a year went through a design phase and consultation with the local farming community on the new parking lot located at River Road near the intersection of 30B Street The city’s Agricultural Advisory Committee also provided input.
Due to safety concerns, the city installed no parking signs on the road near the popular nature trail where parking was never allowed in the first place.
ity for vehicles to turn around and the shared road ownership with the Tsawwassen First Nation Staff then proposed constructing a new parking area at 30B Street and limiting existing on-street parking.
It was aimed at curbing parallel-parked cars blocking driveways and farm vehicles from accessing the road
Staff reviewed the possibility of a parking area at the south end of 34th Street, but it wasn’t seen as a viable option due to several reasons including its narrow width and large ditches, no abil-
Delta Farmers’ Institute president Jack Bates told the Optimist farmers don’t have a problem with visitors wanting to access the area, but the situation has been bad with farming vehicles blocked from accessing fields and a lack of parking enforcement and towing
“Nobody wants to shut people out, but they should be able to appre-
ciate if farmers can’t get to their fields, then we ’ re the losers. This industry is tough enough as it is without being denied access to farms People, I know, are not intentionally clogging roads up, but look at how wide some of these farm vehicles are, so if both sides of the road are parked up, or one side is parked up and there’s a telephone poll on the other, what do you do?” asked Bates
Noting the city should have a public information campaign including an information kiosk on site, Bates also suggested a second access to the trail would help alleviate the complaints
In a response to recent letter writers who expressed frustration to the city, engineering director Steven Lan responded that the road is narrow in places and the availability of parking on the road shoulder varies from section-tosection
Continued problems have been noted with vehicles illegally parked, blocking driveway access, impeding farm equipment and creating unsafe situations for pedestrians and drivers.
Although more pronounced during the pandemic, the issues were present prior to the pandemic as well, explained
To find a suitable solution, in addition to the new parking lot, accessible parking was retained close to the trailhead and an improved access ramp was constructed for those with mobility challenges, Lan noted.
A safe walking access beside the road has also been provided and plans are also underway to provide improved connectivity along the dike from the parking lot, said Lan, adding that it is a longer walk to the trailhead from the previous general parking area, but provides residents and visitors with a safe parking area and walking route
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A3 PluggedIn
Get all your community news, sports and events, as well as exclusive web-only content like photo galleries, videos, blogs and podcasts, 24/7 online or on your smart phone at Therearemanyways toconnectwiththe Optimist,bothonlineand throughsocialmedia. UPFRONT FACEBOOK Visit our Facebook page at TheDeltaOptimist to join the conversation on today's hottest issues TWITTER Follow the Optimist in the Twittersphere: @DeltaOptimist @ianjacques21 @Optimist sports @GyarmatiSandor Optimist readers can comment on online stories on our website. Check it out at Have Your Say 500847AAvenue, Delta,BCV4K1T8 PHONE 604-946-4451 EMAIL Open Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Us Got News? Contact Ian, Sandor or Mark at editor@ delta-optimist com or 604-998-3616
for carriers to deliver every Thursday in
5171 or email: kmurray@ glaciermedia ca
The Optimist is always looking
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
According to the city, there had been ongoing problems with vehicles illegally parked on River Road, blocking driveway access, impeding farm equipment and creating unsafe situations for pedestrians and drivers.
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TFN’s Kim Baird among B.C. Reconciliation Award recipients NOTICEOFFIRST,SECONDANDTHIRDREADINGS
MARK BOOTH mbooth@delta-optimist com
Applicant:JimmyLee,TerraNobisConsultingInc Purpose:TorezonethesubjectpropertyfromSingleDetachedResidential1(RS1) toSingleDetachedResidential7(RS7)inordertopermitsubdivisionintotwosingle detachedresidentiallots.ThisbylawisconsistentwiththeOfficialCommunityPlan.
Former Tsawwassen First Nation Chief and current Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) chancellor Kim Baird is among the 2022 recipients of the B.C. Reconciliation Award.
Baird and other winners were honoured during a ceremony at Government House on Thursday, Jan. 12.
Baird was recognized for being an accomplished leader, a respected advocate for Indigenous people, and for her work in Reconciliation.
She is a graduate of KPU, receiving the Distinguished Alumni award in 2012.
took place
On behalf of TFN, she negotiated B.C’s first urban modern treaty, which came into effect in April, 2009.
Applicant:DarrenSauer,WalesMcLellandConstructionCo(1988)Ltd. Purpose:TorezonethesubjectpropertyfromMediumImpactIndustrial(I2)Zone toComprehensiveDevelopmentZoneNo.26(CDZ26)inordertopermittheuses currently permitted in the Medium Impact Industrial (I2) Zone and add “Electric VehicleResearchandSales”and“HydrogenVehicleResearchandSales”aspermitted principaluses.ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan.
The B.C. Reconciliation Award is a partnership between the Office of the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia and the BC Achievement Foundation. It recognizes individuals, groups and organizations that have demonstrated exceptional leadership, integrity, respect and commitment to furthering reconciliation or inspired others to continue reconciliation
Her life work has provided a foundation that will create the opportunity for the process of Reconciliation to exist and thrive. This includes acknowledging that First Nations have a right to self-determination, a quality of life equal to all, and in partnership with all people.
At the age of 28, Baird was the elected Chief of TFN She held the position for six terms, from 1999 to 2012.
In that role her most notable achievements towards Reconciliation
The treaty provided unprecedented benefits and opportunities, and her leadership contributed to TFN being one of the most progressive First Nations in Canada She says, “true Reconciliation” means “ no longer being tethered to the Indian Act, and gaining access to financial resources and economic opportunities, and to services and programs for TFN members”
Thursday’s ceremony also honoured the 2021 recipients Guest speakers included Lt Gov Janet Austin, Hereditary Chief Sophie Pierre, T’esóts’en Patrick Kelly, Premier David Eby and Kúkpi7 Rosanne Casimir
Materialsrelatedtothebylawamendmentssuchastheproposedbylaws,detailed maps and other information may be inspected at Delta City Hall, 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta, BC, Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays from 8:30a.m.to4:45p.m.fromThursday,January12,2023toMonday,January23,2023.
Ifyouhaveaquestionregardingtheproposedbylawamendmentsorifyouwould liketoinspectanyrelevantmaterials,pleasecontacttheCommunityPlanningand DevelopmentDepartmentbyemailatcpd@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380.
A4 The Delta Optimist January19,2023
NoticeisherebygiventhatattheRegularMeetingofCounciltobeheldon Monday,January23,2023at4:00p.m.intheCouncilChamber,DeltaCityHall, 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,DeltaCityCouncilwillconsiderfirst, second,andthirdreadingsofthefollowingbylaws:
BylawNo.8203 BylawNo.8216 Drs. Jan & Warren Roberts Get the results you want from experienced dentists who LISTEN, SERVE & CARE. Accepting New Patients 5550 12th Avenue, Tsawwassen • 604-943-3343
Comments? Thosewishingtoprovidecommentontheproposedbylawamendmentsmaydoso inthefollowingsways: OR Writeto: MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2 CorrespondenceaddressedtoCouncilmustincludeyournameandfulladdress andwillformpartofthepublicrecordforthisbylawamendmentandbepublished ontheCity’swebsite.CorrespondencemustbereceivedbytheOfficeoftheCity Clerknolaterthan10:00a.m.onWednesday,January18,2023tobeincludedwith theAgendamaterials.
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
A major upgrade project will be getting underway this year at the Ladner Leisure Centre.
The City of Delta has issued a request for proposals for a construction contract to undertake rehabilitation and mechanical upgrades.
The work generally consists of the exterior envelope replacement works, encompassing the upper level wall and glazing assemblies of the pool enclosure, a pressure plate barrel shaped roof as well as a number of separate membrane roof assembles.
In addition, mechanical work, including the expansion of existing supply air ducting within the pool space and the introduction of UV water treatment systems, have been included in the overall project scope
Construction is scheduled to start this April and wrap up by late September.
The city says that once a full construction plan is in place, residents will be notified of
any closures to the facility.
The city’s 2023 financial plan, approved by council, has $5 million set aside for the project
The city last year awarded a $354,844 contract for detailed design and construction administration services for
the Ladner Leisure Centre natatorium repairs
Staff earlier in 2022 discovered an issue at the facility where an outside section of the swimming pool chamber roof (natatorium), specifically the soffit, had detached from the building
A report to council at the time noted staff initiated an immediate assessment of the damage and potential causes for the failure The city hired a roofing contractor to remove the debris and temporarily secure the building envelope. Facility operations were
not impacted and the facility remained open while staff continued their investigations into what additional repairs were required
The architectural firm awarded the detailed design and construction administration contract had also been selected by the city for the schematic design services, which cost almost $60,000
“The detailed investigations have confirmed that the extent of required rehabilitation work involves replacement of: windows (glazing) throughout the pool area, stucco covered exterior walls systems, structural steel roofing components, the pool area metal roof, and the pool skylight It has been identified that portions of the required rehabilitation work, such as the pool area metal roof, may not be immediately necessary as part of the envelope repairs; however, due to their current condition and structural connection with the failure zones, the work must be completed as part of the overall rehabilitation work,” the report explained
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A5
NOTICE OF PROPOSAL TO DISCHARGE LAND USE CONTRACT NoticeisherebygiventhatattheRegularMeetingofCounc tobeheldonMonday,January23,2023at4:00pm intheCouncil Chamber 4500 Clarence Tayor Crescent, Delta, BC and by electronic means as authorized by the Council Procedure BylawNo.5000 DeltaCityCounc willconsiderfirst,second,andthirdreadingsofthefollowngbylawtodischargea andusecontract: LandUseContractDischarge BylawNo.8215 Location:8944NelsonView FileNo:LU009492 Purpose:TodischargeLandUseContractS.A 3237forthesubjectpropertyinordertopermitconstructionofa776m2 secondarysuitewithinaportionofthebasementinthedwelling ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunity Plan BylawNo.8215 Materiasrelatedtothedschargesuchastheproposedbylaw detaledmapsandotherinformationmaybeinspectedatDeltaCity Hall, 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta BC, Monday to Friday excluding statutory holidays from 8:30 am to 4:45 p.m from Thursday,January12,2023toMonday,January23 2023 Ifyouhaveaquestionregardingtheproposeddischargebylaworifyouwouldliketoinspectanyrelevantmaterials,peasecontactthe CommunityPlannngandDevelopmentDepartmentbyema atcpd@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380. Comments? Thosewishingtoprovidecommentontheproposeddischargebylawmaydosointhefollowngsways: ���� Emailmayor-council@detaca OR ���� Writeto: MayorandCouncil CtyofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2 Correspondence addressed to Council must include your name and full address and will form part of the public record and be published on the Citys website Correspondence must be received by the Office of the City Clerk no later than 10:00a.m onWednesday,January18 2023tobeincludedwiththeAgendamaterals.
The City of Delta has issued a request for proposals for a contract to undertake rehab work and mechanical upgrades to the Ladner Leisure Centre.
Tsawwassen office building proposal prompts petition
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
Delta staff are continuing to review feedback on a proposed new multi-storey office and retail building for a Tsawwassen corner and there is no timeline yet when a report will be coming to council
That was the update from community planning director Marcy Sangret at the Jan. 9 council meeting in response to several letters of opposition in council’s agenda package, saying staff are analyzing the feedback and will bring the information back to the applicant for further discussion
The application has not been before council for preliminary consideration
Several residents opposed to the proposal are conveying a series of concerns including the appropriateness of an office building at
that site. Council also received a petition in opposition.
The application, which requires a public hearing as it does not comply with the current Official Community Plan, proposes the three-and-a-half storey building at 1170 53A Street, located at the southeast corner of 12th Avenue and 53A Street.
Comprising 41,441-square-feet of retail/office building area, the project site is comprised of two properties, which would be consolidated.
The developable portion of the site is located along the west portion fronting 53A Street. The property at 5360 12th Avenue contains an older two-storey commercial building and the property at 1170 53A Street contains a twostorey single-detached dwelling, both of which would be demolished.
After the application was submitted in 2021
and a public notification was sent out, the city received almost a dozen pieces of correspondence
“Key comments received indicated support for redevelopment of the site, but opposition or concern about storey height, building design, exterior finishes, massing and scale and an office building at this location The proposal remains for a three-anda-half storey building, however, the applicant has responded to the community concerns by making significant changes to the building design, form and character, exterior finishes and colour palette from the original design,” a previous planning department report notes
The main entrance and lobby of the building has been relocated to the northeast corner along 12th Avenue
A public information meeting was held last November
A6 The Delta Optimist January19,2023
A photo of a proposed new multi-storey office and retail building In Tsawwassen located at the southeast corner of 12th Avenue and 53A Street
Chicken McNuggets ipating McDonald’s restaurants in Canada 604-943-8306 | Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall COME AND CHECK OUT OUR SALE RACKS ON BRAS DISCOUNTED 50% OFF Boutique Blanche Intimates Now on y $39 99 Managers Special: Save$10 Wrinkle and Frown Line Cream: Reduce the appearance of wrinkles up to 68% Available in London Drugs stores or order online at londondrugs com search for ‘Wrinkle and Frown Line Cream’ • For women & men of all ages and skin types • Reduces wrinkle depth up to 68% • 5 creams in one: A wrinkle cream, day cream, night cream, moisturizer, & make-up base
Residents’ group asks for rejection of
development proposal
A local residents’ group has formed seeking a rejection of the proposed six-storey mixed-use development application at the current Dunbar Lumber site on Elliott Street in Ladner.
The Friends of Ladner Village - a Delta community group – is requesting that Delta council rejects the current proposal as the group says it drastically changes the look and feel of the Ladner Village core.
According to a news release, issued to the Optimist Monday, The Friends of Ladner Village are canvassing the community, circulating a petition and urging residents to immediately write to mayor-council@delta. ca with their comments by this Sunday, Jan. 22.
“Although we acknowledge the need for waterfront development and access to accessible,
affordable housing as per the new Official Community Plan guidelines, this project does not in our opinion, meet these requirements,” says Friends of Ladner Village spokesman, Brian Webb.
The Friends of Ladner Village have a number of revision requests to the application which includes:
* A reduction of overall height and density (six storey’s is too high and too many units)
* A revision to the building form and scale (loss of heritage feel and vertical encroachment)
* An overall downtown core traffic study and how this site impacts that study prior to approval
* A traffic/parking study must also include a real life parking requirement that accounts for surrounding resident parking to access local businesses
* No relaxation of visitor parking or resident parking requirements
* No relaxation of DDC (development costs) or in cash lieu/amenity contribution funds from the developer
* A public hearing on final design to discuss all the above points in detail prior to approval
“The interests of the developer are being catered to rather than those of the community,” adds Ladner resident Bev Yaworski “There is a failure to consider history in this design with a push for density over a good heritage design and the wishes of the community-at-large, who care deeply about their Village.”
To contact Friends of Ladner Village email: reynoldsdoug9@gmail com.
-Submitted by Friends of Ladner Village
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A7
Ladner Village
Wishingyouhappiness,goodhealth,andprosperity throughouttheYearoftheRabbit! –MayorGeorgeV.HarvieandDeltaCouncil HAPPYLUNARNEWYEAR! Stay Connected 5028 48th Ave, Ladner Village Shop Online 24/7 Mon - Thurs 10 - 5 Fri 10 - 6 Sat 10 - 5 Sun 11 - 5 Store Hours Savings up to 60% off almost everything in-store Add’t 20% off* LAST SALE PRICES *excludes regular priced items South Coast Casuals will be closing in March 2023, we suggest you redeem your gift cards by Feb 28, 2023.
Residents view information boards at a public information meeting on Jan. 11 at the Ladner Community Centre.
5008 47A Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1T8 Phone 604-946-4451 Deliveries 604-946-5171 wwwdelta-optimist com
PUBLISHER: Pierre Pelletier ppelletier@delta-optimist com
EDITOR: Ian Jacques ijacques@delta-optimist com
SPORTS: Mark Booth mbooth@delta-optimist com
Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@ delta-optimist com Mark Booth mbooth@delta-optimist com
Marianne LaRochelle mariannel@glaciermedia ca
John Gallinger jgallinger@ delta-optimist com Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@ delta-optimist com Lee Fruhstorfer lfruhstorfer@delta-optimist com
SALES SUPPORT: Linda Calendino lcalendino@ delta-optimist com
DISTRIBUTION: Kristene Murray 604-946-5171 kmurray@glaciermedia ca Roya Sarwary rsarwary@delta-optimist com
CLASSIFIED 604-444-3056
Howtostop thesethefts?
Another government failure is in the spotlight this week here in Delta
If you haven’t seen this week’s front page story yet, let me enlighten you
Catalytic converter thefts are up big time this month, so much so, that it has prompted Delta Police to issue an information blitz for residents
I knew it was bad when I was editing the Crime Beat last week when practically the whole report for South Delta was about catalytic converter thefts. But little did I know how dire the situation was when less than 24 hours later a press release landed in my in-box
According to police, since Jan 1, the department has received reports of 33 catalytic converter thefts The thefts have taken place mostly overnight and have been spread throughout Ladner, Tsawwassen and North Delta. By the way, there were six more reports in this week’s South Delta Crime Beat
So why the recent rise in thefts you may ask? Police say catalytic converters are stolen because they contain several precious metals more valuable than gold.
Catalytic converter thefts have been an issue for years. Thefts climbed around the province from 89 in 2017 to 1,953 in 2021 and ICBC claims have skyrocketed
To combat the thefts, last March the province introduced a measure whereby all registered metal dealers needed to report to police every transaction –including information about the sellers
Big deal What has this done?
Nothing In fact, I think the situation has gotten even worse
It’s just more government hot air when it comes to policies and supports to get tough on crime.
I don’t have the answers and clearly neither does our provincial government
When it comes to these thefts and other petty thefts, the criminals continue to win while the average citizen continues to lose.
There are simple solutions to help with food costs
The Optimist’s Jan 12 cover story brought home the real difficulties that many families in our communities are facing. The pressures of inflation, supply chain issues, political unrest, climate change and indeed war, are all contributing to a daunting current state of affairs
As the story noted, salaries are not keeping pace with inflation and many families are unfortunately having to make decisions on food choice as opposed to fixed costs such as rent and utilities
These fiscal decisions can often lead to food insecurity scenarios which are rising here in British Columbia and elsewhere Food insecurity can lead to making unplanned food purchasing decisions
When you should be putting an $8 two-litre jug of milk on the table for your kids at dinner time you may have to instead opt for the $1.25 twolitre bottle of Coke Your kids may think that is great, but the long-term health implications are very real for these types of unsustainable menu choices.
The $5 head of Romaine lettuce, which thousands of kids
in Delta can tell you is one of the most healthy leaf lettuces to consume, is likely off the menu these days If you are looking for beef as part of the family protein offering, you are probably walking past that cooler towards the chicken
Globally, grain is gradually making its way out of the Black Sea to Africa where millions have been starving. The recent rains in California, the breadbasket for North America, have slightly downgraded drought status there Even with three feet of rain since Christmas, experts believe it will take several seasons of this type of rainfall for the drought to diminish significantly This rain has primarily fallen on the west-
ern side of the Sierra Nevada range The eastern side where the fertile valleys and the two biggest reservoirs in North America exist, is still struggling.
There are simple solutions we can all benefit from to ease the pain somewhat
During the Christmas break I was happy to see many of my young farming friends at the mall, grocery store and elsewhere It was great to meet some parents and hear some of their “Farmer Mike” stories
One mom was proud to say that their eight-year-old daughter would prepare “Farmer Mike’s most excellent cucumber salad” once a week
Another mom and dad noted that their two sons would never eat vegetables until the boys demanded that mom and dad build a raised bed in the backyard, which they did during the summer Now the boys plant, nurture, harvest and eat every vegetable they grow.
This is a simple solution that can help with food costs, promote life skills, and encourage nutritional health A small initial investment will pay for itself quickly in today’s economy.
A8 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 Canadian Publications Agreement #212490 Thursday’s circulation is 17 500 This paper is made of 40% recyc ed newsprint and printed using vegetable inks
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Ent re Contents © 2023 The Optimist All Rights Reserved
Published every Thursday by the Delta Optimist a division of LMP Publication Limited Partnership
Community Comment
Hereiswhythereisa stopsignonImperialHill
Editor: Peter Thoss’s letter
“What is up with this stop sign?” (Optimist, letters, Jan 12) needs a clear answer.
Back in the mid 60’s the newly opened 52nd St’s Imperial Hill, saw cars speeding up and down the road The location at the crest of the hill, was the confluence of Uplands Drive and a public footpath from Cliff Place to 52nd, meant a probability of a serious
Editor: Global TV News aired a story on Jan. 10 that showed Delta Coun Dylan Kruger wanting a new overpass/on-ramp from Ladner via River Road to the 99 northbound Transportation Minister Rob Fleming has said this on-ramp is contingent on federal funding and is not in the current plan The proposed on-ramp would be an extension of River Road near the existing exit 29 south off ramp.
Why would any traffic engineer put an on-ramp only 500 metres away from an existing on-ramp at 17A? That makes no sense
accident would happen sooner, rather than later It did
A car speeding up the hill hit a neighbour’s child and seriously injured him and my mother, a retired nurse, tended to the injured child until the ambulance came
After the accident a new crosswalk and stop sign was installed to protect pedestrians and for 57 years, this despised stop sign has actively
calmed traffic, preventing cars from speeding at the crest of the hill with limited visibility, from causing havoc
Not one serious accident has happened at this location since.
So to unpuzzle drivers wasting a miniscule of fuel stopping and unfrustrating the frustrated, the lonely sentinel; the stop sign at the top of Imperial Hill has kept things a little safer for all Malcolm Johnston
Further, a new onramp would be about 400 metres from the proposed tunnel entrance On-ramps are where vehicles usually slow the main flow of traffic Can you imagine the gridlock this proposed on-ramp will provide?
In addition, Delta council has apparently chosen not to have a public hearing specifically on this issue or gather input from residents along and near River Road Council had no problem asking these residents about their input for a proposed new signal light at River Road and Ferry Road but I guess having a new on-ramp carrying
hundreds of vehicles a day was not important enough to ask residents? If they had asked they would have found that there is an elementary school (Neilson Grove) only one block away from River Road where students will need to cross to attend school thus raising the risk of a disaster. Also, the land being proposed for the on-ramp is part of the Agricultural Land Reserve
For a City that prides itself in a farming heritage, it’s hard to believe this is not important.
I’m not supportive of a new overpass/on-ramp. The risks are just too high.
Keith Munro
Bold plan brings Ladner into 21st Century
The following letter was sent to Mayor and Council and copied to Delta Optimist
I took the time to attend the public session last evening (Jan. 11) for the new development in Ladner.
I had received some very negative comments from some of my friends who live in the proximity of this proposed development and wanted to see for myself if their fears were valid They had expressed to me that their 150-year community didn’t need a six-storey development and that
Ladner was just fine as is, and while I understand their sentiment, I wanted to educate myself
The first thing that I learned was that the Official Community Plan had laid out in plain English that this type of building is what the plan had envisioned for this property It makes sense to me given the location of the piece of land situated to the north of the town centre. I believe that density of the town core is critical to the survival of the businesses which are the heart of the community
What really impressed me about their plan was firstly that they are building rental units and we so desperately need rental units in South Delta Secondly I noticed the detail in the architecture, they have incorporated the heritage of Ladner in the design, it is a truly a remarkable piece of work
I know that there will be extreme pressure on you and council to stop this proposal, I am just hoping that you have the fortitude to bring Ladner into the 21st century with this bold plan.
Bruce Fougner
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A9
risks are just too high HEALTHYLIVING50+ Areyouovertheageof50andlookingfor opportunitiestobesocial? Doyouenjoyparticipatinginfunactivities andeducationalprograms? VisitDelta'srecreationcentres,includingourSeniors RecreationCentres,orgotoDelta.caforinformation onournumerousprograms,activities,educational workshops,andmore.
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Council raising alarm about stratas changing to 55-plus
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
Is there anything the City of Delta can do about stratas circumventing rules prohibiting rentals by limiting their residential complexes to those 55-and-older?
That is what council wants to find out, voting unanimously in favour of a motion put forward by acting mayor Dylan Kruger, on behalf of Mayor George Harvie, regarding recent news that some strata councils have already started the process of switching to become 55-plus buildings in response to the province’s legislative amendments to ban them from prohibiting rentals.
In November, Bill 44 was introduced, the Building and Strata Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 It brought changes to the Strata Property Act including to previous rental and age restriction bylaws
It means that if a strata corporation has a bylaw that sets any restrictions or limitations on rentals, it is no longer enforceable The new rules apply to all strata lots in B C including bare land developments.
The Condominium Home Owners Association of BC notes that only age restriction bylaws of 55 and over that apply to occu-
pancy are still enforceable. While the age restriction does not prohibit older people from renting in 55-plus complexes, it would leave out younger people.
“The spirit behind the legislation is to add additional rental stock, which I certainly support, but unfortunately one of the things that has happened here is that a couple of strata properties in our city, but also across the region, are realizing that if they hold a special meeting to transition their ownership structure to 55-andover, they’d be able to exclude a number of younger families seeking rental opportunities in these strata buildings,” said Kruger in speaking to the motion at the Jan 9 council meeting. “I’ve got no problems with 55-plus buildings if they are designed that way. I do have an issue with, and the comments received by council, that typically younger couples with kids or younger couples considering having kids who own their property and are concerned about the implications for their future, whether or not they’d be grandfathered in to allow them to continue to own their now 55-plus property “What will this mean for future opportunities for families to reside in these properties?”
Saying the City of Delta is aim-
ing to have more housing available in its communities, Kruger read Harvie’s motion, which said residents have conveyed concerns about their stratas calling special general meetings on the subject The motion calls for staff to report back to council on the concerns and what actions, if any, the city could take to limit exclusionary strata bylaws in response to Bill 44 Coun. Dan Boisvert asked whether stratas that are proposing to designate their buildings to be 55-plus already have an overwhelming majority of their owners in that age range
Kruger responded that may be the case, but younger owners in complexes would feel powerless, since they had purchased their properties in good faith, but are suddenly in the minority.
Kruger also noted that even if younger property owners would be grandfathered to allow them to stay, they could find themselves in an unwelcoming environment
Coun Rod Binder agreed, saying the analysis is important because Delta is aiming to have higher density developments built to create more housing options for everyone. He noted it is important to see what authority Delta may have in creating and protecting rental stock
A10 The Delta Optimist January19,2023
for frequent updates visit us online 24 hours a day 1140-56th St., Tsawwassen • 604-943-0141 • Congratulations to all of CHRISTMAS COLOURING CONTEST WINNERS! Home hardware’s ome hard building centre 100% CANAD AN OWNED ERS! Age Category up to 4 Winner Georgia F Age Category up to 7 Winner Olivia C Age Category up to 10 Winner Kivani G Age Category up to 75 Winner Marilyn F • Play-based, Licensed Preschool • Child Development Experts
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A11 FIND YOUR PERFECT MATCH 12 BOLD, BEAUTIFUL CHARACTERS BY THE BEACH Renderings are art st c renditions only Layouts mater a s specificat ons features pro ect design and pr c ng are for lustration only and subject to change w thout notice Errors and Om ss ons Excepted (E &O E | 604.636.2220 Discovery Centre open Saturday - Wednesday, 11am - 4pm | 6388 Market Ave, Boundary Bay, Tsawwassen DETACH E D 4-B E DROOM HOM ES O V E R 2,000 SF FOR $1.69M NOW SELLING · MOVE IN TODAY · DISPLAY HOME NOW OPEN A BEACH COMMUNITY ROOTED IN FARMING AND FOOD 3RD AVE MARKETAVE B O U N D A R Y B A Y R D Farmhouse meets beach house for seaside strolls and evenings by the fire Set amongst over 400 acres of farm fields and natural parkland. Walk to Southlands’ lively Market Square, farmers’ markets, Prado Cafe, Four Winds Brewing, and Centennial Beach Life is paddleboarding, beachcombing, and filling your basket with farm-fresh produce One of these could be The One. NEW PRICING UNMATCHED VALUE FOR A SINGLE-FAMILY HOME
Delta fire crew follows old tradition with new apparatus
sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
The crew at Fire Hall No. 3 followed an old tradition last Thursday (Jan. 12) by pushing in by hand one of the department’s newest pieces of equipment
The North Delta crew were all smiles having received one of two new fire engines purchased by the city
It has some of the latest features and green technology including an
eco-idle that switches the vehicle to lithium power when parked and running for extended periods
The fire truck being replaced will go into the Delta Fire and Emergency Services reserve fleet of three.
Members of the hall first celebrated the arrival of their new apparatus with a ceremonial wash with the old firetruck used to wash the new vehicle, anointing it.
That was followed
by the new apparatus pushed into the bay by hand
The tradition dates back to the 1800s when crews had horse-drawn equipment
Upon return, the animals would be detached from the equipment and that equipment had to be pushed into the bay.
Many fire crews throughout North America today continue such push-in ceremonies when taking delivery of new apparatus
A12 The Delta Optimist January19,2023
Costing more than $1 million, one of two new fire engines is now stationed at Fire Hall No 3. Pictured left to right: Scott McQuade, Anthony Cerf, Russ Borden, Tim Ipsen, Jason Wood, Russ Smith, Mervin Tomayo, Bob Cullen and Cole MacInnes
Experience the difference BETTER hearing makes. E YOURSELF WorkSafe BC and other Provincial WCB Networks, VAC, MSDPR, and FNHA/NIHB accepted Registered under the College of Speech and Hearing Health Professionals of BC TSAWWASSEN 604.265.0676 111–1315 56 Street Free presentation: creating a quieter Salish Sea for at-risk whales Where Port of Vancouver Delta Community Office Trenant Park Square, Ladner 5223 Ladner Trunk Road When Thursday, February 2, 2023 Time 4:00 to 5:15 p m or 7:00 to 8:15 p m RSVP portvancouver com/delta Tel: 604 665 9635 deltaoffice@portvancouver com Join us for a free presentation on Thursday, February 2 to learn about the key threats to whales in our region, and how the port authority-led Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) Program is working to reduce the cumulative impacts of commercial shipping on at-risk whales, with a particular focus on reducing underwater noise. Guest speaker Jennifer McIntyre, PMP, B.Sc. Collaborative initiatives specialist ECHO Program Vancouver Fraser Port Authority Photo credit Joan Lopez GOT STUFF? from /month $50 4141 River Road, Delta EED OCAL ORAGE? L STO CALL 604-943-7735 FOR LOCAL STORAGE • RV, Boat Parking & Storage • Pt Roberts Mini & Mobile Storage 360-945-6464 LADNER STORAGE 4141 River Road, Delta
SANDOR GYARMATI PHOTO Delta firefighters follow an old tradition by pushing their new fire truck by hand into the No 3 fire hall last Thursday.
In his first major interview in 2023, BC Liberal Leader Kevin Falcon is setting his sights squarely on Premier David Eby’s NDP government for doing far too little economically, politically and on key topics like housing and infrastructure
Falcon, speaking with a group of Glacier Media journalists on Jan. 11, focused heavily on the transportation file citing his experience as the province’s minister on that front from 2004 to 2009. Prime among his targets? The proposed replacement to the Massey Tunnel between Richmond and Delta, one of the key traffic bottlenecks in Metro Vancouver (and a key trade infrastructure link for port facilities at Roberts Bank.
“I’m not a super emotional person, but I get very angry at this discus-
sion,” Falcon said, noting the NDP’s choice to terminate the Liberals’ original plan for a 10-lane bridge and replace it with a new eight-lane tunnel lacks foresight.
“It is just one of the worst amongst a litany of really bad capital decisions this government has made Everything was in place to have a phenomenal 10-lane bridge two lanes dedicated for transit, four lanes in each direction for commuter traffic, including the widening of Highway 99 for dozens of km in each direction... Instead, what we got was a government that cancelled it, then spent years twiddling their thumbs.”
The bridge was announced in 2017 by then-premier Christy Clark, and Falcon noted there was a fixed bid in place to build the project for $900 million less than the tunnel project currently estimated at $4.15 billion in cost After the NDP won the 2017
provincial election, thenpremier John Horgan cancelled the bridge with $100 million of preloading/power-line movement in anticipation of
the project already done.
In a Westmar Advisors Inc. report released by the new government in 2018, the NDP government said that the
Liberals’ 10-lane bridge “was pushed ahead without input of communities” and that the massive structure was not required.
“An immersed tube tunnel crossing of up to eight lanes is likely feasible for a new crossing and could be less expensive with fewer negative impacts,” the report said.
Delta municipal leaders have also protested the new eight-lane tunnel plan, noting that it lacks a second overpass at River Road (originally planned with the bridge) that was “critical” for local traffic access to the river crossing
Falcon said his hope is that his party which will soon be rebranded to become BC United can retake office before the tunnel project completes environmental assessment, which can take more than a year to complete.
“My hope is that I can become premier before it’s too far along so that we can stop it before they get any construction work done on the actual tunnelling, and we can get back to building a bridge overpass, ” he said.
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A13
CHUCK CHAING Business in Vancouver
SATURDAY, JANUARY 28TH ROTARY CLUB OF TSAWWASSEN'S ANNUAL SHRED-A-THON 10:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m South Delta Baptist Church Parking Lot 1988 56th Street Our Sponsoring Partners: F O R M O R E I N F O R M A T I O N C O N T A C T : Y I N G L I N G T O M @ G M A I L . C O M Suggested Donation $20 per Box Proceeds go towards Rotary projects in support of youth and seniors and towards community events such as Diefenbaker Park Christmas Lights, Easter Egg Hunt and more! S A F E A N D S E C U R E D O C U M E N T S H R E D D I N G rotarytsawwassen org
Liberal Leader Kevin Falcon is pictured during a stop in Delta in September 2022 talking about the Massey Tunnel.
in the community
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
Will it become easier to find an affordable place to rent in the City of Delta?
That’s one of the big questions facing many who can’t afford to buy a place of their own
as the province in late 2022 announced it is introducing new laws to build homes people need, make it possible for homes that are vacant to be rented and remove discriminatory age and rental restrictions in stratas that hurt young families
The Housing Supply Act will not take effect until mid-2023
Delta already has a strategy in place and ready to implement to improve the number of rental units outlined within its Housing Action Plan, approved in late 2021 and aimed at increasing variety and affordability over the next five years
The strategy notes that the housing affordability challenges experienced by renters generally require more intervention than the challenges experienced by owners.
Some of the recommended actions already being implemented, among the strategies is for Delta to, among other things, promote priority housing types through a comprehensive incentives package.
Among the other strategies is for Delta to introduce tenant relocation and rental stock protection policies.
The city is to also set to pilot inclusionary zoning to help require that new development includes a portion of units as affordable rental.
The actions outlined in the action plan are based on the findings of the Delta Housing Needs Assessment, which did not have encouraging numbers when it comes to the availability of affordable rental housing.
The assessment found that nearly 80 per cent of Delta’s housing stock is still owned, with about 75 per cent of rental stock being provided as secondary rentals, such as suites in detached homes
or rented condos
The amount of primary, purpose-built rental in the city only accounts for approximately five per cent of Delta’s housing stock, while increases in household income are not keeping pace with the increases in rents or home sale prices.
According to that report, “Of those who rent, most rent secondary rental units like basement suites Research shows that, in B C , secondary rental units typically have higher rent rates and lower vacancy rates than purpose-built rental. Relying so heavily on the secondary market means more renters are spending more of their income on housing”
The report also notes, “Differences between renters and owners become especially
noticeable when comparing the incomes of owners and renters, and how many spend more than 30 per cent of their income on housing The numbers also show that those who do not own are likely to continue renting for the foreseeable future as the affordability gap continues over time”
As far as secondary suites, the city in 2021 made amendments to make it easier to add a unit in a house, including eliminating the requirement for a minimum lot width of 49-feet to be eligible for a suite and allowing suites on properties that can fit three on-site parking spaces regardless of parking configuration
A planning department report at the time noted Delta currently has more than 2,800 dwellings with a secondary suite
occupancy permit, with approximately 75 percent of the authorized suites located in North Delta.
Out of approximately 23,600 single-detached lots in Delta, removing the lot width requirement would allow secondary suites on approximately 1,950 additional lots, provided that three off-street parking spaces is provided and B C Building Code requirements are met
Approximately 220 lots that are less than 49-feetwide already have a secondary suite
When it comes to the current stock of secondary suites in the city, only one unit is permitted per single detached dwelling.
The Housing Needs Assessment will also be updated within five years in accordance with provincial legislative requirements
A14 The Delta Optimist January19,2023
Renters are relying on secondary suites
McDonald’s • 1835 56th Street TSAWWASSEN • 5776 Ladner Trunk Road LADNER If you are interested in becoming a carrier please call 604-946-5171 Jaidinh won a gift card courtesy of Congratulations to JAIDINH COOMBES-BOLGER DELIVERED EVERY THURSDAY THANK YOU FOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER.
In Delta, 18 per cent of owners and 37 per cent of renters spend more than 30 per cent of their income on shelter costs.
Tsawwassensmallbusinessownerthrilled toopenthestoreshealwaysenvisioned
MARK BOOTH mbooth@delta-optimist com
The new location is only a few hundred metres away from her original store, but the perseverance, passion and determination to get there felt more like completing a marathon
On Jan. 11, X-Treme Clothing Boutique owner Lisa Fleischer held a grand opening celebration of her impressive new store in the Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall near Thrifty’s Foods
Reflecting her Métis heritage, Fleischer invited Tsawwassen First Nation’s Victoria Williams to provide a traditional land acknowledgment, along with a prayer and song, while Coun Dylan Kruger was also on hand representing the City of Delta as acting mayor.
Fleischer initially opened her women ’ s clothing and accessories shop back in 2017, on the east side of 56th Street near Petra’s Nearly five years later, she is thrilled to welcome her customers to the store she envisioned all along. She just didn’t expect all the hurdles
along the way, including a pandemic that took its toll on many small independent business owners
“This was the vision when I first opened, but in order to save costs I moved in and there was already racks in the store, so I just
bought them and we just went with it We didn’t even change the sign,” Fleischer reflected. “There’s been all kinds of sacrifices I’m a single parent and have a daughter in university
“During the pandemic it was nearly impossible We really relied on our
base of customers that did support us through online sales because we were closed for so long.
“I’m thinking outside the box by trying new things I’m not a youngster, but I’m trying to stay current and just fighting for it”
Fleischer takes pride in her store carrying almost exclusively Canadian-made products while also supporting women ’ s empowerment movements.
“We’re very different from every store in town We are very unique in we carry a lot of Canadian-made goods We also support a lot of local small businesses and we have
Indigenous jewelery, because we support Indigenous artists,” added Fleischer.
Kruger was impressed at what X-Treme Clothing Boutique adds to the Town Centre Mall.
“It’s the small businesses that make up the fabric of the culture of our community
And it’s so important supporting local businesses, supporting Delta families and creating jobs for people in Delta in our community,” he said. “We can’t be more thrilled to see that and as a council, we want to continue to do everything that we can to support the business community”
St, Belair Cres, Dr Camaro Dr 70 1600423 Birch Spring aland, Cedar Spring Dr Fir Springs Lane, Spring Blvd, Willow Springs Ave 77 1600427 Pine Springs Lane, Springs Blvd, Cedar Springs Dr, Pl, Willow Springs Ave 71 1610109 Admiral Blvd, Lane, Brigantine Rd, Clipper Pl, Cutter Pl, Ketch Rd, Commodore Rd 101 1610220 40th St, 41B St, Church St, River Rd, Savoy St, Station St, Weare St 87 1610320 45th Ave, 62nd St, Aurora Crt, Dawn Dr 84 1610509 48B Ave, Ladner Trunk Rd, 56th St, 57th St, Egan Pl 56 1610511 48B Ave, 55B St, 56th St, 57th St, Grove Ave 52 1610512 4945 - 5025 57th St 56 1610516 51st Ave, 57A St, 58A St, 58B St, Cooper Pl, Crescent Dr Grove Ave 100 1610518 49A Ave, 59A St, 59th St, Crescent Dr 82 1610524 48A Ave, 49th Ave, 62nd St, Brodie Pl, Rd 62
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A15
Delta Coun. Dylan Kruger and Tsawwassen First Nation’s Victoria Williams (far right) with X-Treme
INTRODUCING OUR NEW JOIN US ON FEB 2 FROM 4-7PM TRY OUR NOSY POSY MINI HYDRAFACIAL TREATMENTS GET SPECIAL PRICING & PACKAGE OPTIONS SWAG BAGS & HYDRAFACIAL TREATMENT DRAW #2214 - 4949 CANOE PASS WAY, TSAWWASSEN, BC V4M 0B2 604-542-4782 | EVOLUTIONBEAUTYBAR COM HYDRAFACIAL TREATMENT EVENT Route # Route Info # of Papers Interested in becoming a carrier? Call or email to be added to the waiting list. Kids and Adults Needed for These Upcoming Routes Call 604-946-5171 or email distribution@delta-optimist com 1600227 10A Ave, 10th Ave, 56A St, 56th, St, 57th St, 9A Av 9th Ave 83 1600233 56th St, Copsefield Dr, Pl, Timbervalley Rd, Wellsgreen Pl 71 1600236 Beach Grove Rd, Crt 48 1600305 Pacific Dr 36 1600306 Pacific Dr, Stahaken Crt, Pl 44 1600319 10A Ave, 50th St, Bayview Dr, Pl, Kadota Dr 80 1600320 11A Ave, 12th Ave, 50th St, Bayview Dr Chehalis Dr Wilminton Dr 50B St 96 1600335 8A Ave, 12th Ave, 49th St, English Bluff Rd 40 1600401 14B Ave, 15B Ave, 55th St, 55A St 23 1600406 12th Ave, 13A Ave, 55th St, Malibu Pl, Malvern Pl 44 1600408 12th Ave, 52nd St, 53A
Clothing Boutique owner Lisa Fleischer and her daughter Madison during the Jan. 11 grand opening celebration at the new Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall location.
Westham Island Bridge undergoing upgrade work
TransLink is advising commuters that the Westham Island Bridge in Ladner will be undergoing upgrade, which started Monday, Jan. 16, resulting in closures
Requiring intermittent bridge closures until Jan 31, the current work will result in regular daily closures that will last for one hour at a time
TransLink notes there
will be 20-minute openings to allow traffic through, but some longer closures will also be required at times
TransLink will be replacing deteriorated structural and mechanical components of the old bridge’s swing span this year
More information about the project can be found online at www
An up-to-date closure schedule can also be requested by emailing Westham.Island.Bridge@ translink ca Digital signs are also near the bridge which are displaying information about the closures -submitted by Translink
BC Hydro virtual open houses: George Massey Tunnel Transmission Relocation Project
The Province is proposing to replace the existing four-lane George Massey Tunnel with a new, eight-lane immersed tube tunnel, and will decommission the existing tunnel once the new tunnel is in operation.
A section of one of our power lines crosses the Fraser River through the existing George Massey Tunnel, so we need to relocate it before the tunnel is decommissioned. We’re studying three alternatives that include both overhead and underground lines for this project. We’re hosting two virtual open houses to introduce to you the three alternatives we’re studying Please come and share your views with us
Virtual open house information:
Dates: Wednesday, Jan 25, at 7-8 p.m PST OR Thursday, Jan 26, at 1-2 p.m. PST
Location: Online Please register at by January 24
Visit to see the alternatives and for more information. Contact us at 604 623 4472 or at projects@bchydro com
A16 The Delta Optimist January19,2023
Work started this week on upgrades to the Westham Island Bridge.
Around Town
Author book signing
Ladner’s Black Bond Books will be hosting author Sandra Thompson for a book signing on Saturday, Jan 21 from 1 to 3:30 p m Thompson a k a S J Kootz, will be signing her latest book Order of Nehor & The Brotherhood, a captivating historical novel set in 82 BCE in Guatemala.
Quiz Night 13
KinVillage Quiz Night 13 is this Saturday, Jan 21 Cost is $40 for teams of four Cash bar opens at 6:30 p.m. with the quiz starting at 7 Spectators are welcome at a fee of $5 Enter your team by calling 604-943-0225
Delta Pride Trivia Night
Join in for the first Delta Pride Trivia Night of 2023 hosted by Fierce Brosnan!
A board game social (free), followed by a fun Pride theme trivia night hosted by the incredible drag king Fierce Brosnan Brought to you by DPS with the City of Delta this Saturday, Jan 21 at the Ladner Community Centre with the board game social from 4 to 6 p.m. and the trivia night from 7 to 9 p.m. All ages are welcome The board game social is free, but the trivia night is a $10 ticketed event for teams of six Book your ticket at: www eventbrite com
Seed workshop
Join this West Coast Seeds led program at the Discovery Centre to learn all about seed starting for summer. Each participant will bring home their seeds and learning after the program Please dress appropriately for gardening and bring gloves if desired. The program is on Sunday, Jan 22 from 1 to 2 p.m. Register at: delta ca
Event to report?
Elvis was centre stage at electric sold-out show at Genesis Theatre
IAN JACQUES ijacques@delta-optimist com
It was an electric show from start to finish
The audience that packed a sold-out show at Genesis Theatre in Ladner were transported back to Hawaii Saturday night as Eli Williams and friends presented their Aloha from Hawaii tribute show
Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Elvis’s iconic show in Hawaii, Ladner native Williams, along with his friend Aaron Wong, who opened the show doing his awardwinning tribute to Elvis in the 1950s, wowed the crowd with a high-energy performance An 11-piece band, The Beauty Shop Dolls, as well as an authentic Polynesian dance group rounded out the concert experience
The last time Williams was in Ladner for a show was back in January 2020 with The Relive the Music show, just before the initial COVID pandemic lockdowns
“It is so good to be back performing in Ladner,” Williams told the Optimist in a preconcert interview “I am so very much looking forward to performing, but also being back in the Lower Mainland in general It’s been almost a year and a half.”
In 2021 Williams and his wife moved to East Tennessee where he performs five nights a week in Pigeon Forge at The Main Event Theater.
“Needless to say, COVID did a pretty good number on the entertainment scene not only in Vancouver, but everywhere and when I was given an opportunity to perform full time again in Tennessee, though it was hard to move country and say good bye to friends and family, we love it here,” he said “To perform is great, but to see family, friends as well as the musicians I’ll be working with, is the real thing I’m looking forward to.”
He says there is a lot of moving parts to this show.
“Myself and the other producer wanted to put out as exciting a show as we possibly could,” he said “Fortunately, everyone we see working with us are beyond professionals and that makes the process really seemless We also wanted something special for the 50th anniversary of the concert itself and Hawaiian culture means a lot to us, so between that and Elvis, we have a vested interest”
Williams has been an Elvis fan since he was a small child when he was exposed to
original vinyl albums As time progressed, he became hooked by the dynamic music and unparalleled style of Elvis Presley
In 2007, he met Brian Simpson, a fourtime world champion and instructor of the world’s only Elvis school, Elvis 101 Immediately he enrolled and has never looked back
“I’m first an Elvis fan. I was an Elvis fan before I started doing this and when I stop doing this I will still be an Elvis fan, so I want to provide a show that I would want to see as an Elvis fan. It’s my hope that everyone who attends gets that,” said Williams
Jan. 25 concert to raise funds for CFUW bursaries
An upcoming choral concert in South Delta will help raise funds for the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) – South Delta bursary program
On Wednesday, Jan. 25 at the Equinox Theatre at South Delta Secondary, CFUW presents the Vancouver Welsh Men’s Choir, directed by Jonathan Quick and the South Delta Sounds Jazz and Concert Choirs directed by Danielle Hamilton
The show starts at 7 p m
Since the 1960s CFUW has offered more than 100 bursaries
to local female students Every one to two years, the South Delta club, which is one of 21 clubs in B C , and one of about 100 clubs across Canada, offers bursaries to female graduating students from SDSS and Delta Secondary, as well as to mature local women who are beginning, or returning to, post-secondary studies After pausing their community fundraising projects for almost three years due to the pandemic, CFUW South Delta members are delighted to be joining forces once again with these two impressive choirs
South Delta Sounds Jazz and Concert Choir is an award-winning student choir from SDSS
In March 2020 in Hawaii, the SDSS music department won three gold medals, one each for concert, jazz and band.
This year, the SDSS choirs will perform at the Con Brio Music Festival in Whistler in April and are planning a trip to New York City in 2024
The Vancouver Welsh Men’s Choir is a diverse group of individuals from different cultures and backgrounds, who share a passion for singing, and who
perform both traditional and contemporary choral songs They often perform benefit concerts for various worthwhile projects.
CFUW South Delta eagerly looks forward to welcoming the community to enjoy the music of these two wonderful choirs.
Tickets for the show are $20 for general admission and $10 for students and children, available for purchase at Black Bond Books in Ladner, Centre Stage Accessories in Tsawwassen or call Shelley at 604-946-5559.
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A17
Contact Ian at t ijacques@delta-optimist com or 604-998-3616 6
Eli Williams was back home last Saturday for his Aloha from Hawaii tribute show
Outside Mullingar is a touching story about the romance of Anthony Reilly (Terry Thomas) and Rosemary Muldoon (Laura Burns), neighbours in rural Ireland, who are nearing their middle years. It is by turns poetic, uplifting, dark and funny as hell Anthony is an introverted farmer and Rosemary is the woman who vows to have him at all costs Insert their parents, Tony Reilly (Roger Monk) and Aoife Muldoon (Linda Berndt) and the plot unwinds!
Sidekick is very happy to welcome back to the Sidekick stage, Thomas (Drinking Alone) and Monk (Someone to Watch Over Me) and newcomers, Laura Burns and Linda Berndt.
Audiences will recognize Berndt as she has greeted theatre patrons working front of house
The Players are also thrilled to debut Collis as director.
She has been on the stage in Here on the Flight Path, The Ladies Foursome, Marion Bridge and Drinking Alone
“Getting to act in plays with Sidekick Players has been so fun for me because
when I’m on stage, I can really dig into a character and pretend to be someone else - usually a better version of me, ” she said “Directing is challenging in a different way because I get to dig into all the characters, plus I get to play a bossier version of me, so really, what’s not to like?”
Collis has enjoyed working with these actors bringing John Patrick Shanley’s words to life “I’m really enjoying working with this group of actors,” she adds
“When I first read Outside Mullingar, I loved the Irish lilt to the words and the humour and tenderness that came through in the writing the words on the page really come alive when an actor does their thing, and when we add some Irish music in the mix.”
Collis has also co-written a play called Obit that was showcased in the Vancouver Fringe Festival and was one of those recommended to go see, as well as others
Performances of Outside Mullingar are Thursday through Saturday at 8 p m with 2 p.m. Sunday matinees on Jan. 29 and Feb. 5
Reserve your seats by calling 604-2882415 Tickets are $20 for adults and $18 for seniors.
A18 The Delta Optimist January19,2023
The Sidekick Players presents Outside Mullingar by John Patrick Shanley, directed by Cathy Collis coming to The Tsawwassen Arts Centre Jan 26 to Feb 11
SidekickPlayersbackon stagewithfirstshowof2023
10+ OLYMPIANS 38+ NATIONAL PLAYERS 7500+ PAST PLAYERS SINCE 1968 450+ PROVINCIAL PLAYERS FREESTICK! NEW UNDER 10 PLAYERS ONLY* *New Under 10 players wi l rece ve a free stick after registering JUNIOR SEASON / MARCH - JUNE, 2023 PLAY THE GREATEST GAME ON TURF! Join delta’s fastest growing sport of field hockey If you play soccer, ice hockey or lacrosse then you’ll love field hockey! It’s a fast, skilled game with an emphasis on fun, frienships and Whether you play for recreation or aspire to be an elite level athlete, falcons offer programs for every age and level Hope you’ll join us! REGISTER ONLINE NOW! REGISTRATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 13, 2023. BOYS 5 -10 / GIRLS 5 -18 sportsmansip W sportsmanship
Pictured left to right is Laura Burns who plays Rosemary Muldoon and Terry Thomas who plays Anthony Reilly in the upcoming Sidekick Players production of Outside Mullingar.
Private School
How students can better manage their time
Many people have a lot of demands on their time. There are only so many hours in a day, which means that the sooner a person can develop strategies for managing his or her time efficiently and effectively, the more successful that person can be
It can be especially important for students to explore ways to improve their time management skills early in their academic careers. Time management involves planning, and that includes allotting time for specific tasks.
The following strategies can be useful for anyone looking to manage their time more effectively:
Establish a daily schedule
Staying the course may require a guideline detailing how you will spend your time. A good part of the day may be taken up by classes and assignments, but focusing on the other parts of the day also is key Set up a plan for how you will treat each day. Block off specific times for exercise, meals, school, study, and any other responsibilities you have Time blocking is a format by which you go through the moments of the day You can block out by the hour or any amount of time you need
Figure out where you’re losing time
You need to know how you ’ re currently spending your time before you
can improve on time management strategies Spend a few days jotting down a time log This will help you determine if you ’ re working efficiently or where you are losing time
Make time for breaks
Burnout can occur when you work yourself too hard That makes breaks an important part of time management. Breaks allow for time to call loved ones,
text with friends, meditate, or engage in other activities unrelated to school. According to sleep researcher Nathaniel Kleitman, people’s minds naturally crave breaks after 90 minutes of intense work You may need breaks at different intervals Learn to read your body’s cues
Break projects down
Many students avoid projects they feel are huge tasks. Breaking down the larger job into smaller ones can help students stay focused and reward progress For example, if you need to write a 50-page research paper, make the first task finding source material, the next citing quotes and studies, and then resolve to write a set number of pages per
Schedule classes wisely
Some people are night owls while others thrive in the morning. Set up schedules so youÕre in class when you are at your most productive; otherwise, you could lag and waste time This may not be possible for high school students, but colleges allow for more flexibility in scheduling
Time management is an important skill for students to develop It will help in the classroom and later on when entering the workforce
-Metro Creative
Leading Education With A Global Perspective
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A19
looking to manage their time more effectively. At Southpointe Academy, we prepare our students with the key skills and competencies to learn, lead and succeed in the mid-21st century Enriched academic programs, unique co-curricular student involvement, hands-on technology classrooms, outdoor education and service learning opportunities, and a welcoming, inclusive school community is right in your backyard. Discover Southpointe Academy, a growing, vibrant and innovative Kindergarten to Grade 12 co-ed independent day school, offering the world leading International Baccalaureate Continuum Programme. Education at Southpointe extends beyond the classroom through experiential learning opportunities and a unique framework that focuses on the global community We invite you to learn more about Southpointe Academy by joining us for a personalized tour or by visiting our website. World
Explore new ideas & become a creative thinker in cutting edge technology STEM & Design classrooms. An innovative program of student leadership and school clubs from K-12. From Kindergarten to Graduation, your child will develop lifelong learning skills for success in university, career and citizenship. Outdoor Education & Duke of Edinburgh programs provide over 50 days total of learning beyond the classroom. SOUTHPOINTE ACADEMY | KINDERGARTEN TO GRADE 12 Learn More & Book A Tour at 1900 56th Street, Tsawwassen BC, V4L 2B1 | 604 948.8826
The following strategies can be useful for anyone
A20 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 Now accepting application for the 2023-24 academic year. Enquiries: Ms. Lorraine Paruzzolo ( We Invite you to join our community at Saint John Paul ll Academy Enter to Learn, Leave to Serve. School, Family, Commitment 604-560-8210
Private School
How students can block out classroom distractions
An ability to focus in the classroom can go a long way toward helping students achieve their academic goals. But distractions lurk in every corner, making it easier than ever to succumb to a lack of focus
Maintaining focus in the classroom can be difficult in the digital age, but students can try various strategies to block out distractions once class begins
*Disconnect your devices: A 2020 report from the nonprofit association Educause found that the majority of students report connecting two or more devices to campus Wi-Fi each day Devices often serve as useful tools that augment classroom lessons, but they also can distract students. Students can turn off notifications on their phones and tablets before class begins so that familiar ping does not sound during lectures and lessons
In addition, unless devices are necessary during a class, students can store them in places where they won’t be tempted
to check for messages or other alerts when they should be learning. Storing devices in a separate pocket in a backpack or even in a locker outside the classroom can remove the temptation to log on during class
*Prepare for class in advance: Organizing before class can help students stay focused when a teacher is lecturing, explaining classroom material or engaging students in a discussion. Students who can’t readily access their notes,
books or assignments may be forced to spend valuable class time looking for such materials, thus distracting them from the lesson.
*Bring questions to class: Students who jot down questions about a subject prior
to class are more likely to be engaged once class begins. Students can ask their questions during the lesson and listen intently to hear if their teacher or professor is answering their questions during their lecture Either way, bringing questions to class and going over them before class begins can help students narrow their focus to the subject at hand, reducing the likelihood that they’ll succumb to distractions.
*Sit in the front of class: Students who are having trouble focusing can try sitting in the front of class Sitting in the front ensures students can hear their teachers or professors, and sitting so close might subconsciously compel students to perk up so they’re not caught wandering
Devices and other distractions can easily compromise students’ focus in the classroom But various strategies can help students focus so they can perform better academically
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A21
–Metro Creative
ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR 2022-2023 NEW expanded programs for Children 1 - 6 years old coming this Fall. F UN E N 1990 Nido Program (1-3) COMING SOON Casa Program (3-6) (includes the Kindergarten year) Elementary (6-9) (9-12) (Grades 1-3 and 4-7) Before & After school Care INQUIRE NOW | BOOK A TOUR Boundary Bay Montessori School 3800 72nd St. Delta, BC | V4K 3N2 | 604.946.9814 | WHERE CHILDREN DISCOVER THEIR FULL POTENTIAL AND CONTRIBUTION TO THE WORLD “The goal of childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn” MARIA MONTESSORI Boundary Bay Montessori School offers holistic learning for children age 3-12 years. Designed for all developmental stages Multi-age groupings Fosters self-knowledge & reflective learning Land-based learning LEADERSHIP INDEPENDENCE SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING CRITICAL THINKING
Students can try various strategies to block out distractions once class begins.
A22 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 CONTACTUS +1(236)-881-8095 RegisterNow Windsor Hall ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR GRADE 6-9 InternationalBaccalaureate MiddleYearsProgram (IBMYP)CandidateMiddleSchool Learn,Lead,ChangetheWorld Open House WindsorHallhassmallclass sizesandaschoolbus serviceprogram.We encourageintercultural learning,autonomyand criticalthinkingskillswithin theclassroom! January26th,2023 5:00-6:00pm
Revelation is a major theme in the Bible.
The truth of revelation is not something we arrive at through logic or discovery, through the power or determination of our intellects Revelation comes, rather, at God’s initiative alone And God’s revelation may stand in quite sharp contrast to our own ideas about God.
For the longest time, Christians held that God was revealed mainly through wrath
In medieval Western Europe it was commonly believed that God was essentially interested in disciplining and punishing sinners, that the god of judgment expected contrition, and lots of it But how much was enough?
As a young Augustinian monk, Martin Luther believed that the worse he felt about himself the better. But no amount of contrition for and confession of his sins seemed enough to appease the divine
judge. Luther would soon discover how wrong he was about God when the truth of the gospel was revealed to him. Yes, the wrath of God is a reality, but God does not want to punish or exercise wrath quite the opposite When we read the Bible we will discover that God’s love is the foundational, central revelation of scripture both in the New and Old Testament This is truly good news!
there has been a move far in the opposite direction from that of the Middle Ages The god of wrath has given way to the god whose job it is to make me happy, and even rich!
The prosperity gospel abounds, and the preachers of it tirelessly proclaim that if your faith is strong enough, you will have over-flowing abundance coming your way This is also a mischaracterization Nowhere does scripture reveal that faith in Jesus spares a person from suffering or guarantees earthly wealth. Jesus suffered on the cross It was, in fact, through his suffering, death, and resurrection that true abundance, God’s forgiveness and mercy, and promise of eternal life has been revealed and gifted to us
But in recent history,
All Saints Anglican Church March 11, 2023 • 6-7pm VIPs; 7-11pm partygoers Pacific Ballroom, Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, 900 W Georgia St.
Take the grand staircase up to one of the most historic and beautiful ballrooms in Vancouver and the marquee event of Vancouver Cocktail Week: The Golden Era Cocktail Revival Gala Raise your glass to the fall of Prohibition and enter the golden era of cocktails at an epic party that takes you on a glamorous journey through tipsy traditions Throughout the ballroom designed in 1939 and with more than 800 hours of hand-painted details stations featuring local bar stars and global brand ambassadors will offer drinks representing different eras in cocktail culture past and present
March 5-11, 2023
Golden Era Cocktail Revival Gala TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT thealchemistmagazine ca/vcw
Come early and enjoy our VIP hour, where you can mingle with our international and national VIP guests while enjoying passed canapés and cocktails Following the VIP hour, cheer on the finalists in the World Class Canada bartender competition during their speed-round hour before we announce the 2023 Canadian Bartender of the Year Then enjoy the food stations, live music and DJ, and cast your bids in the silent auction to support the BC Hospitality Foundation The Golden Era Cocktail Revival Gala is guaranteed to be a night to remember Note that Fairmont Hotel Vancouver will be offering special room rates for the evening.
Bible Study. For more information or call 604-946-8413. 4755 Arthur Drive, Delta T H E G O L D E N E R A C O C K T A I L R E V I V A L G A L A I S S P O N S O R E D B Y :
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A23 Community
Divine Revelation Minister’s Minute THOMAS KEELEY BENEDICTION LUTHERAN CHURCH A Warm and Joyful welcome to Mass Schedule Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 9am, 11am and 5pm Daily Mass in the Chapel at 9am Mon-Sat LOVE LIKE JESUS SOUTHDELTA ORG 604-9438 - 244 SUNDAYS 10AM To advertise here call Ruth at 604-998-3613 Everyone welcome to worship with us Benediction Lutheran Church Join us as we celebrate God’s grace We invite you to worship in person Sundays at 9am or online anytime at 5575 6th Ave Tsawwassen, BC 604-943-3432 Pastor Thomas Keeley LADNERGOSPEL ASSEMBLY Sunday Worship Service 10:30am All Ages Welcome! “Aplacewhereloveandfriendshipmatters” 5545 Ladner Trunk Rd. ONLINE OR IN-PERSON, Sundays @ 9:30 a.m. ST. DAVID’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 1115 – 51A Street Tsawwassen Rector Rev Simbarashe Basvi Sunday Service 10 am Wed Service 11 am 604-943-4737 Tsawwassen United Church 693 – 53rd Street, Tsawwassen Welcome to everyone for Worship & Friendship Sunday’s @ 10:00 am Rev Daniel Kirkegaard 604.943.2911 “Be Faithful,be true, be a blessing” Sacred Heart Catholic Church 3900 Arthur Drive, Ladner 604-946-4522 Sundays at 10:30 a m Rev Jason Truell 中文主日崇拜 10:30 am Nancy 楊牧師 4594 – 54A Street, Ladner, B C 604-946-7033 www ladnercrc ca Join us on Sundays 8:30 am and 10 am Eucharist or Wednesdays 10 am Eucharist and
God has not waited for us to make the grand discovery that God loves us beyond measure God has come right out and told us! Find out more about Vancouver Cocktail Week events and seminars at thealchemistmagazine ca/vcw
A24 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 We are
If you just need
for a couple
we can help! OUR 2023 RUN CLUBS ARE UP AND RUNINN! Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall #125-1315 56th Street 604-943-4661 • Our
STRUGGLING TO SHED THAT LAST STUBBORN LAYER OF BELLY FAT? EMSCULPT NEO is a breakthrough in non-invasive body shaping. One 30 minute session is equivalent to 20,000 squats or lunges. CALL for a FREE DEMO 604.943.9339 #226 - 1077 56th Street, Delta, BC #214-107756thSt.,Tsawwassen 604.943.6114 DR.GIULIADEVUONO•DR.SARAKIRBY•DR.EVAWONG OAKLEY PRIZMLENSES Engineeredtofine-tune lightandgiveyouthebest possiblevisualexperience PrizmSportlensesenhance thecolorsyouneedtosee wellforspecificsportsand sportenvironments. Formoreinformation,pleasecallTsawwassenOptometry LOOK GOOD BEAUTY HEALTH FITNESS
only one week in and it is not too late to join the club. If you have a race coming up and are eyeing a new personal best, we can help! If you are trying to get back into shape and work off the Holiday season, we can help!
to get away from
Tuesday night clinic offers groups for runners (and walkers) of all levels. Meanwhile on Saturday morning we go out on a longer, slower run that is great for anyone looking to build towards their next 10K, Half-Marathon or Marathon. Registration for both clinics can be completed online or in the store! If you are looking to gain an edge in your training or simply trying to find a way to be social and stay fit you will find a warm welcome at The Runinn!
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A25
guarantee you a positive movement experience
TWC Pilates, we guarantee you a positive movement experience that will leave you feeling inspired and energized instead of frustrated and exhausted
you are super-fit, semi-fit or nowhere-near-fit, we will work with you to create a health and fitness plan that will address your specific needs and deliver lasting results You’ll move easier and faster, and reduce your risk of injury You’ll also walk taller, look better and feel younger, stronger and more confident PROGRAMS AND SERVICES 1. PILATES & COREALIGN – stretch, strength and alignment Choose from our Jumpstart Program or Introduction to Pilates Group class (see ad below) This is your starting point for Pilates and CoreAlign programs After the introduction program, join our regular classes. 2.
CLASSES Embodiment practice brings you into awareness of yourself, supports healing, better breath, mobility and rejuvenation of body, mind and spirit • Somatics • Fascial Conditioning • MELT Method • Energy Codes
This workshop will get you back on your feet and moving with confidence. (see ad below) 4.
you find yourself feeling unstable on your feet? Falling or nearly falling more frequently? Wanting to stay active but noticing less
dence in your movements?
and Energy Healing practices to support you in
your life.
Strength Mobility Healing Awareness of self FEEL GOOD BEAUTY
LEARN PILATES Improve strength, mobility, flexibility, rehabilitation and sports performance. 1. Introduction to Pilates Group Class 2. JumpStart One-on-One 4 group classes on the Pilates Reformer $163 4 one-on-one sessions $263 REGISTER OR FOR MORE INFORMATION Call 604.943.8823 • Email admin@twconline ca • www twcpilates com Or drop in for a tour: #120- 5133 Springs Blvd,Tsawwassen Springs Clubhouse UPCOMING DATES: • Monday 7pm – February 6, 13, 27, March 6, 2023 • Wednesday 2pm – February 8, 15, 22, March 1, 2023 ENERGY CODES WORKSHOP Awaken your spirit, heal your body and be the creator of your life. Specific breathing techniques and yoga postures to open the energy flow in your body, connect to your soulful self and be the creator of your life. • Online via Zoom - Wednesdays February 1 and 8 - 4pm - 6pm $185 BALANCE GYM WORKSHOP Improve balance, energy, posture and confidence to participate in the activities you enjoy • Tuesday 2-3 pm February 7, 14, 21, 28 $178 includes workbook TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE, ENERGIZE YOUR BODY. NEWYEAR NEWYOU! Valid until on Jan 31st, 2023 Not to be combined with any other offers Other restrictions may apply See in store for details #301 - 1777 56th Street Tsawwassen, BC 6 0 4 . 9 4 8 . 0 4 5 8 A t l a n t i s D a y S p a . c o m Quenching Facial ObservSkinAnalysis,15minBackMassage ChemicalPeel,QuenchingFacial January’s Only $199 | 90mins
Coaching, Hypnotherapy
llment, love and connec
Call 604 943 8823 Web: Email #120-5133 Springs Blvd, Tsawwassen Springs Clubhouse
Riverside Dental has the answer for you with the help of shockwave treatment. This is a non-invasive therapeutic treatment that involves delivery of acoustic shock waves into bone or soft tissue where discomfort is present. Over a couple of short sessions the waves break up scar tissue that has formed over time and promotes healing in the area.
The beneficial effects of shockwave therapy are often experienced after only 1 or 2 treatments.
If you could benefit from this form of therapy call 604-946-9588.
Dr Raj Dhiman
130 – 4977 Trenant Street, Delta smile@ladnerdentist com 604-946-9588
Soft tissue management is a rehabilitation of damaged gum tissues. Irritation and damage to your gum tissue may result from micro organisms harbored in your dentures’ old acrylic, or ill fitting dentures. First, your dentures require cleaning to remove unhealthy organisms contributing to the inflammation and edema (swelling). Tissue conditioners (temporary soft lining material) are placed on the tissue fitting surface of your dentures to provide a clean positive adaptation to your gum tissues. Healing begins and your tissues are reassessed in a week to confirm the progress of healing. Second and/or third tissue conditioner may need to be applied before continuing the construction of new dentures. Healthy, pink, hard tissues, provide the important base foundation required for a successful denture. New dentures promote a healthy, clean, accurate fitting surface for many years. If you have any questions regarding this procedure or any other denture related subject, please book your free consultation with us.
A26 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 ADVICE FROM THE professionals Jim Richardson, owner Western Coin & Stamp 6960 No 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 2C5 www westerncoinsandstamps net westerncns@telus net 604-278-3235 I am thinking of investing in some gold or silver. Can you tell me how they have been doing pricewise? In 2022 gold and silver had quite a nice increase in Canadian dollars but rema ned almost unchanged n US dollars On January 2, 2022, Gold was at $1803 USD and now January 2, 2023 gold is at $1809 USD However in Canadian dollars we see a much different set of prices On January 2, 2022, gold was $2314 CDN and now, January 13 2023 gold is $2568 CDN During the year 2022 ranged from a high in February of $2640 CDN to a low in Ju y of $2175 CDN Silver has trended similarly with the start of 2022 having a value of $29 CDN, in February at $34 CDN, July at $24 CDN and January 13, 2023 is $32 50 We buy and se l bullion in our store with very competitive pricing I show our clients comparisons with our competition always pay more and sell for less Our last customer of the year was pleased that $100 more for a 100-ounce silver bar than she was quoted anywhere else Windsor Woods, Tsawwassen #4 - 1363 56th Street 778-434-3300 www medicineshoppe ca email: ms0367@store medicineshoppe ca How can I protect myself from shingles? Thank you for this great question Shingles is a viral infection in adults caused by the same virus that causes chicken pox in children (herpes zoster) Most people are carriers of the virus and we do not know why some people get the infection and some do not The best protection against developing a shingles infection is vaccination against the virus The vaccination is indicated for individuals 50 and older and is a 2-dose series given 2-6 months apart The vaccine is usually well tolerated with minimal side effects and is compatible with the currently available COVID vaccines It is available without prescription and is NOT covered by the BC PharmaCare program Some private insurance companies may cover the vaccine with a prescription from your health care provider Call us for more details “Your personal pharmacist is with you every step of the way” is not just a slogan it is THE reason Paul Gibbons, Pharmacist/Owner at the Medicine Shoppe in Tsawwassen, looks forward to helping you every day Doug Smith BA I CIM® Financial Advisor Fixed income investments such as GIC’s are an integral part of a well-diversified portfolio and at these current levels offer good value. We have access to over 30 different issuers to ensure the best rate for your portfolio. Locking in today may be a timely strategy Contact us today for our current rates. GIC rates-at-a-glance (as of Jan 13/23) 1 year 5.11% 2 year 5.01% 3 year 4.95% 4 year 4.86% 5 year 4.86% doug smith@raymondjames ca Luma Wealth Management T: 604-654-6560 C: 604-760-5211 Interest rates have risen substantially over the last 12 months, what should I do now to take advantage? Sandy Drover Expedia Cruises 152-4857 Elliott St (Ladner Harbour Center) 604-946-7444 Why would I want to go to Alaska? For anyone looking for an easy vacation option, an Alaska cruise is a must. It’s close to home, you do not have to fly, and it’s always a sought-after destination. An Alaska cruise allows you to connect with Mother Nature like never before as you experience the breathtaking fjords, majestic wildlife, and beautiful scenery while you sail along the waters of this magnificent land.
the sun at
work. Beat the industry-wide Wave Season rush—the most popular booking season of the year—and secure your favorite itinerary while the deals are plentiful! Also ask us about our upcoming travel shows! Registered Denturist Esthetics Denture Studio #240 - 3671 Westminster Hwy at Terra Nova Shopping Centre 604-279-9151 RAJBEER (MONA) KAUR, RD
went for a denture consultation, and I was told that I required soft tissue management because of irritated and damaged gum tissues.
The sun never really
horizon in Alaska,
imagine catching
glimpse of
cruising along a scenic waterscape. There’s no
like the present
majestic beauty of Mother Nature’s finest
What is
My jaw hurts! Is there a way to address this pain with a non-invasive treatment that won’t cost too much?
Evensnowstormconditionscouldn’tstop theannual LadnerChristmasBirdCount
YOUSIF ATTIA Contributing Writer
The Ladner Christmas Bird Count is an annual survey of birds within a 24 km diameter circle centered on Delta, with areas extending into Point Roberts, Richmond, and Tsawwassen.
The Count Day on Sunday, Dec 18 was shaping up to be a record year
for participation, but the weather had other plans. Snow, strong wind and sub-zero temperatures turned into near white-out conditions by mid-day
Many birders opted to stay home, and very few are fortunate enough to live in the circle where they could count birds from their backyards Remarkably however, 68 people managed to brave the conditions and were rewarded with
I know I have some hearing loss, but it’s not that bad and I can get by without too much trouble. What should I do?
If you know you have hearing loss but are reluctant to get hearing aids before you “absolutely have to,” you’re not alone. An unfortunate statistic in our industry tells us that, on average, people wait seven years between the time they are affected by hearing loss and when they are fitted for a hearing device.
The longer you wait to get hearing aids, the harder it is to eventually adjust to them. This is partially because when your brain stops regularly hearing certain sounds, neural pathways are broken and those sounds become very difficult to regain if and when you start wearing hearing aids. People who have untreated hearing loss will also subconsciously change their social patterns. For example, you may stop going out for dinners or other group functions because they seem generally tiring or overwhelmingwithout realizing the exhaustion comes from all the extra work your body has to do to process sounds and follow conversation
If you work with a trusted hearing health professional who says you would benefit from hearing aids, avoid the temptation to put it off!
What are closing costs?
There will be fees associated in buying a home other than just your down payment. These fees include the cost of your home inspector, the notary who will act for you in the transaction and an appraisal if required by the bank.
Additionally, there could be provincial taxes charged a closing these taxes are determined by the purchase price, amount of down payment and if you have owned a home previously
Preparation and planning are key when it comes time to make the biggest investment of your life so make sure you have a professional in your corner!
a taste of what many Canadians experience on CBCs everywhere other than our mild slice of the Lower Mainland
The birds of course were still out there, and the inclement weather caused many species we don’t normally see in high numbers to congregate, which is reflected in the totals
A total of 133 species of 146,825 individuals were found on Count Day, which was two more than last year conducted under ideal conditions
The standout highlights of Count Day were the long-staying American Avocet near the base of the Deltaport Causeway, a Redhead in Point Roberts, and no less than seven California Scrub-Jays in Delta and Richmond, on the heels of the greatest irruption the region has seen for this species earlier in the year
Waterfowl in general, with the exception of Snow Geese, were detected in higher numbers probably due to the poor weather. Raptor and owl numbers were down hopefully as a result of reduced effort. The same can be assumed for most songbirds, almost all of which were in lower numbers compared to previous years
The influx of Varied Thrushes was a treat throughout the holiday season in the Lower Mainland Other notable species not observed every year included Greater White-fronted Goose, Tundra Swan, Eared Grebe, Western Gull, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Townsend’s Solitaire, and Harris’s Sparrow
This year, birders found seven additional species during Count Week
(the three consecutive days prior to and three days following Count Day), which was three more species than last year. Some of the Count Week goodies included Ancient Murrelet, Rhinoceros Auklet, Snow Bunting, American Tree Sparrow, and Northern Waterthrush The most surprising species missed on Count Day were Lesser Scaup, Mourning Dove, Hutton’s Vireo, and Lincoln’s Sparrow.
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A27 Community
Hardy birders and staff at the Reifel Bird Sanctuary on the 2022 Christmas Bird Count
Bald Eagle on the 2022 Christmas Bird Count.
lisamanwaring com lisa@southwestmortgage ca 604-805-1833
Lisa Manwaring
Mark Nickel BC-HIP, BBA
Hearing Instrument Practitioner Phone: 604-943-0033 5682 12 Avenue, Tsawwassen www TsawwassenHear ng com
Phillipsshines inhomepro lacrossedebut
Jon Phillips certainly made the most of his hometown pro debut
Playing in front of family and friends at Rogers Arena on Saturday, the 27-year-old from Ladner had a five-point night, including a pair of goals, in the expansion Las Vegas Desert Dogs’ 19-16 loss to the Vancouver Warriors in National Lacrosse League action
Phillips notched his first goal at the 4:58 mark of the opening quarter then found the net again in the second.
Back in 2016, he had a leading role in the Delta Islanders capturing the B C Junior “A” Lacrosse championship He has since been among the leading scorers with the WLA’s Nanaimo Timbermen and signed a one-year deal with Las Vegas in August.
His family has a rich history in the game.
His grandfather Ron Phillips was GM and head coach of the 1971 Minto Cup champion Richmond Roadrunners. Jon’s dad, Darcy Phillips, played junior “A” in Richmond and served many years as president of the Delta Lacrosse Association, along with the Junior “A” Islanders
Contact Mark at mbooth@deltaoptimist com or 604-946-4451
Inaugural Firefighters Classic a big success
The Delta Fire Department welcomed senior basketball teams from throughout the city to South Delta Secondary on Sunday for the inaugural Delta Firefighters Classic. The action-packed day featured seven competitive games, including the North Delta Huskies and South Delta Sun Devils in boys action (far left) while the Delta Pacers battled the Sun Devils in girls play. There were also plenty of prizes, from playerof-the-game awards to skill contests, while the students also got to learn more about a potential career as a firefighter.
BOOTH mbooth@delta-optimist com
As students of the Delta Karate School (DKS) gear up for their upcoming performances in the BC Winter Games and Karate BC Provincial Championships, they are learning the skills necessary to overcome life’s many obstacles
Located in Ladner, the familyrun dojo is getting back on its feet as karate competitions are opening up again following the pandemic The responsibility of teaching and developing the students has been passed down from club founder Dr Chee K Ling to his daughter, former five-time national champion Rassamee Ling and now to his grandson Matthew Cheng
The primary goal for DKS is to impart values on their students, such as perseverance, goal setting
and work ethic.
As the students prepare for upcoming competitions, they are bound to face obstacles both physical and mental But current primary instructor, Sensei Matthew, reminds his students to “ go home and think about how good you truly want to be”
He pushes his students to keep their goal in mind as they face the challenges ahead. The students
practice both Kumite (fighting) and Kata (forms) in preparation for competitions with the ambition of being well rounded and balanced athletes.
This method of training is what Sensei Dr. Ling, refers to as a “comprehensive approach”
“We are unique” explained Ling “We look at combat more seriously”
The students’ training involves
vigorous conditioning, not only the body but the mind as well, teaching how they can overcome what they set their mind to DKS athletes Jonathan Chen, Justin Gu and Amreen Kang are currently setting their sights on podium finishes at the B.C. Winter Games, come March in Vernon, while others are aiming for gold at the provincials
Going forward, the DKS instructors hope to provide their students not only with the tools to thrive in competitions, but to flourish in life as well Sensei Ling summarizes the students’ experience at this long-running local dojo that has a rich tradition.
“It’s not just about winning a medal, we think about winning in life,” he says
Find more information on Delta Karate School visit www deltamartialarts ca
A28 The Delta Optimist January19,2023
Jon Phillips
Students at the long running Delta Karate School in Ladner.
RealEstateConsultant BSc, MBA, Diploma Urban Land Economics, Post Grad Certificate in Real Property Valuation Royal LePage Regency Realty Ltd 1333 – 56th Street De ta BC Contact Dean at 604.603.8538 or Personal Real Estate Corporation Welcome Back: Pacer Basketball Alumni!
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A29 Eugene Knoedler 604.219.3177 Jack Knoedler 604.353.6410 SERVICE AND RESULTS YOU DESERVE Eugene Knoedler PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 2021 * Meda l on C ub represents the top 10% o Greater Vancouver Rea tors based on MLS sales DELTAREALESTATE NET Independently Owned and Operated RE/MAX City Realty | 5090 48 Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1V8 | Office 604 943 8080 | | 453 Connaught Drive Wonderful Tudor style family home located on Connaught Drive in Pebble Hill. This 2659 sq ft. 4 bedroom & Den plus large games room with separate entrance/stairs has been meticulously maintained by current owners. Gorgeous south facing and private back yard with pool and patio is the perfect set up for entertaining family & guests. Surrounded by mature gardens and trees, this home exudes traditional style and comfort. Large master bedroom with private patio & ensuite, generous size bedrooms and games room make this home the ideal family home providing space for everyone. NEW LISTING $1,550,000 JUSTSOLD 4553 66 Street Gorgeous 2 level home in East Ladner This Executive style home is located on a no through street near farmland and sits on a spacious 8448 sq ft lot with western back yard exposure. With over 2400 sq ft, this 3 bedroom/den + 3 bathroom has a bonus 800sq ft studio in the back, great space for studio, gym office or workshop. New flooring and interior paint, radiant heat flooring, 18 ft Vaulted ceilings in the foyer and living room welcome you to this fantastic main floor living floorplan. The kitchen is spacious and bright with island and family room overlooking the patio & garden. 3 bedrooms up including large primary and ensuite up with all 3 bedrooms having walk-in closet. 4 Blocks to Holly Elementary and only 20 mins to Vancouver Call now for your viewing appointment. Sutton Group Seafair Realty 1625 - 56 Street, Delta, BC V4L 2B2 | 604-790-5859 | $1,099,999 4 BEDS | 3 BATHS 4,536 SQ. FT | BUILT 1974 543 56 STREET $999,000 3 BEDS | 4 BATHS 2,012 SQ. FT | BUILT 2015 205 1738 55A STREET SOLD $2,999,000 7 BEDS | 5 BATHS 5472 SQ. FT | BUILT 2021 522 MILSOM WYND SOLD AS BUYER’S AGENT $1,499,000 3 BEDS | 1 BATH 1,478 SQ FT | BUILT 1999 1348 ENDERBY AVENUE SOLD $799,000 2 BEDS | 2 BATHS 880 SQ. FT | BUILT 1996 305 1120 TSATSU SHORES DRIVE JUST SOLD 5533 6 AVENUE $1,399,000 878 57 STREET $2,750,000 Your search for the best family home in Central Tsawwassen is over! The perfect 3 level, 4 bed, 3 bath place to raise the kids. All of the important and costly improvements have been done. Roof, windows, electrical, hot water, paint, brand new carpets....and just wait until you see the backyard! Professionally overhauled last year Hot tub, artificial turf, sport court, natural gas outlet and built in tree house! Summer nights are spectacular in this beauty Walking distance to schools, transport, shopping, beaches + parks. Thoughtfully designed with entertainment in mind, this renovated 5988 sqft home perfectly reflects the West Coast lifestyle with its open concept to truly enjoy the private lot. With 6 bedrooms (including main floor master), 6 bathrooms, gourmet kitchen, living and dining room with vaulted ceilings, rec room, home gym and office, there is nothing this home does not have to offer! Multiple outdoor spaces ncluding a patio overlooking heated pool and mature, terraced landscaping, hot tub privately situated just steps from the house, sport court and extra-large backyard deck. This home suits many different family configurations; those needing a suite for nanny or multigenerational. EV friendly and perfect for work at home professionals or a home based business. Call today! PRICE ADJUSTMENT AMAZING FAMILY HOME! SOLD 4 BEDS | 3 BATHS | 2,240 SQ.FT | BUILT 1969 6 BEDS | 6 BATHS | 5,988 SQ. FT | BUILT 1974 SOLD
A30 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 *Based on total REBGV MLS sales for 2021 all teams under 15 Agents. #1 RANKED REAL ESTATE TEAM IN ALL OF BRITISH COLUMBIA!* THE FIRM REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD 101 4755 51ST Street Delta, BC V4K 2W2 w w w . f r a s e r e l l i o t t . c o m 604.728.2845 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW HOME ON GREAT STREET BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME A BEAUTIFUL HILLTOP HOME BEAUTIFUL BOUNDARY BAY VIEWS STUNNING ARCHITECTURALLY DESIGNED HOME • 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms • 3,251 sq ft home on 4,586 sq ft lot • Kitchen features Fisher & Paykel professional appliances • 3rd floor is open concept rec room/ flex area w/ full bathroom • A/C, double garage, built-in vacuum and more! 5085 CENTRAL AVENUE, LADNER $2,249,900 • 7,918 sqft of living on a 26,125 sqft lot • 2 master bedroom suites both w/ walk-in closets • Timeless elegance & grandeur with an open floor plan • Over 200 degree views of the mountains & ocean • Park-like backyard w/ inground pool 1215 PACIFIC DRIVE, TSAWWASSEN $3,199,900 • 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms • 3,088 sq ft home on 4,586 sq ft lot • Main floor bedroom & full bathroom • Huge master with walk-in closet & ensuite • A/C, built-in vacuum, radiant heating and more! 5094B BENTLEY DRIVE, LADNER $2,149,900 • 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms • 3,930 sq ft home on 6,008 sq ft lot • Bright and open kitchen/great room • 2 outdoor living spaces • Completely renovated home 1210 BEACH GROVE ROAD, TSAWWASSEN $2,300,000 • 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms • 7,493 sq ft home on 20,000 sq ft lot • Bright living spaces with 2 kitchens • Beautiful indoor pool and jaw-dropping wine cellar • Incredible Ocean and sunset views 667 ENGLISH BLUFF ROAD, TSAWWASSEN $4,688,800 NEW LISTING UPDATED FAMILY HOME IN PORT GUICHON • 2,256 sq ft home on 6,577 sq ft lot • 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • Many tasteful updates throughout the home •.Space for in-laws or nanny on lower level • Quiet cul-de-sac location and close to all amenities 4361 44B AVENUE, LADNER $1,249,900 NEW LISTING APPROVED DEVELOPMENT LOT • Approved for 3 non-strata row homes • Approx. 2,200 sq ft, 3 level homes • Close to shopping, schools, and all amenities • Steps to Historic Ladner Village 4780 48B STREET, LADNER $1,500,000 PATON DRIVE BUILDING LOT • 11,844 sq ft lot • Highly desirable street • South West facing backyard • Cleared and ready to build 5443 PATON DRIVE, LADNER $1,550,000 LARGE FAMILY HOME • 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms • 2,872 sq ft home on 8,294 sq ft lot • Many updates throughout incl. downstairs kitchen • Primary with walk-in closet, fireplace, deck, and ensuite • Minutes to all amenities and highways 5720 GROVE AVENUE, LADNER $1,398,800 ONE OF THE LAST FEW CENTURY HOMES NOW AVAILABLE • 4 bedrooms & den, 1 bathroom • 2,642 sq ft home on 6,415 sq ft lot • Lovingly maintained with tasteful updates throughout • Master on main or above, large rooftop deck • Working art studio plus outbuilding for your creative ideas 5584 8A AVENUE, TSAWWASSEN $1,498,800 BODEGA RIDGE ESTATES ON GALIANO • 60 acres (approx 20 acres per parcel) • Panoramic Ocean and Mountain views • Develop 3 single family estates and/or a winery • Electrical services located nearby, well services on the property • Enjoy the natural coast in complete privacy LOTS 5-7 BODEGA BEACH DRIVE, GALIANO ISLAND $1,999,900 NEW LISTING BUILD IN NORTH BURNABY! • 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • 2,621 sq ft home on 6,866 sq ft lot • End on cul-de-sac location with rear lane access • Potential for future laneway house • Minutes to Brentwood, SkyTrain, and buses 5650 CAMINO COURT, BURNABY $1,599,900 NEW LISTING NEW LISTING
A32 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 Todd Jackson, B.A. Personal Real Estate Corpora�on Richard Lowe, RIBC Personal Real Estate Corpora�on Amy Lambert, B.A. Personal Real Estate Corpora�on
Van Straaten, BMgt Realtor Presden sCub-2020 Top1%-REBGV 1426 View Crescent, Tsaw $998,000 2,560 sq. | 2 bedrooms l 2.5 bathrooms Village Greens Trade frustra�on for relaxa�on & where life is more fun at Village Greens. Street level entrance with double car garage, walking distance to central Tsawwassen & spectacular views of
Golf Course. 1745 Enderby Avenue, Tsaw $2,399,000 2,635 sq. | 4 bedrooms | 3 ½ bathrooms 6,039 sq. lot Enjoy family life to the fullest! Custom built ‘Modern Cra sman’ with an a en�on to detail, finishings & luxury appliances. More than a home; a lifestyle! 4821 47th Avenue, Ladner $1,098,000 1,608 sq. | 3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms 4,546 sq. lot Well maintained and affordable West Coast Contemporary single-family home in the heart of West Ladner Central loca�on. Updated kitchen and bathrooms. Fully fenced yard. Plenty of storage. Spacious rooms and vaulted ceilings. 5475 Chestnut Cres Ladner 5128 Whitworth Crescent, Ladner $1,469,000 2,296 sq. | 3 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms 7,699 sq. lot | In-law suite Opportunity to live in one of Ladner’s best neighborhoods with South Facing yard overlooking farmland. Well maintained family home with many updates including new roof. in-law suite with separate entrance and laundry, workshop with 220 power and large carport with room for the RV or boat! #36-1700 56 Street, Tsaw $899,000 1,650 sq. | 3 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms 2 Level townhome with open concept and spacious bedrooms in one of Tsawwassen’s most sought a er complexes “The Pillars”! Front and Back Pa�o, side by side underground parking with large storage area and in floor radiant heat are just a few of the features of this wonderful unit. #104-7680 Minoru Blvd, Richmond $695,000 1,544 sq. | 2 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms Bentley Wynd 10 ceilings, unique space with covered balcony, large kitchen & ea�ng area. Centrally located complex with outdoor pool, gym & club house. 29 English Bluff Tsaw 5264 Walnut Place Ladner 4868 57A Street Ladner #107-6263 River Rd Ladner 5706 Timbervalley Road Tsaw #520-3557 Sawmill Cres Vancouver SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD NEW LISTING OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 2-4PM SOLD SOLD 4881 58th Street, Ladner $1,139,000 1,120 sq. | 3 bedrooms | 1 bathroom 7,500 sq. lot Immaculate rancher extensively updated including gourmet kitchen, SS appliances, gas Valor F/P, wood floors, windows, Trane hea�ng system and more! Great street appeal. Perfect family home or investment. 5883 Grove Avenue, Ladner $1,499,000 1,968 sq. | 3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms 10,161 sq. lot | In-law suite Extensively renovated inside and out, open concept kitchen, vaulted pine ceilings, large accessible a c space, A/C, heated and insulated workshop, beau�fully landscaped and private yard in a prime cul-de-sac loca�on. Nothing to do but move in! NEW LISTING OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 2-4PM
Beach Grove
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A33 LINDA CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. BOB CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. THE CHANCEYS REAL ESTATE GROUP 604-946-8899 C TY REALTY Only Re/Max Team or individual in South Delta to achieve the prestigious PINNACLE CLUB award 5278 Westminster Avenue, Ladner $1,699,000 NEW HOME FOR THE NEW YEAR! Fantastic 2,437 square foot, 3 level home in desirable Hawthorne area This bright open concept features a gourmet kitchen with island and quartz countertops; a living room with gas fireplace; and a spacious dining area to accommodate all your family dinners Spacious master bedroom with spa-like 6-piece ensuite Total of 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms Bonus flex room on 3rd floor is great for a media room, play room on teen bedroom Radiant heat and R/I for A/C Close to school, shopping & parks Don’t wait on this fantastic opportunity! Quality craftsmanship & elegance by Ladner Homes 2-5-10 Home Warranty Call now for details *these photos are of similar homes and have been virtually staged 4870 & 4872 Coleman Place, Ladner $1,299,800 DUPLEX ON A HUGE LOT! Come check out this “up & down” duplex. Upstairs duplex features a large living room, dining area, updated kitchen, laundry, 3 bedrooms and 1.5 baths. Lower duplex also features loads of space including living room, eating area, updated kitchen, laundry and 3 bedrooms and 4 piece bath. Large 9,700 square foot lot. Desirable Hawthorne area, close to park, elementary school, bus and recreation. 4581 53rd Street, Ladner $1,799,000 STUNNING BRAND NEW HOME WITH 1 BEDROOM SUITE Brand new, bright & Spacious 2600 square foot, 3 level family home includes a 1 bedroom LEGAL SUITE Under construction but act fast in order to have time to select some of your own finishings and make this your dream home! Open concept features a gourmet kitchen with island and quartz countertops, family room with gas fireplace & dining room overlooking back yard Total of 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, and an office! Excellent central Ladner location close to schools, shopping & restaurants Don t wait on this fantastic pre-build opportunity! Quality craftsmanship & elegance by Ladner Homes Photo s are taken from a similar property and may not be exactly the same as what will be in this home. 5645 51 Ave, Ladner 4605 Savoy St, Ladner 0 S 4713 54 St, Ladner 402, 1369 56 St, Tsawwassen 0 102, 1706 56 St, Tsawwassen 0 0 S 205, 4689 52A St, Ladner 0 SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD
A34 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 $2,999,000 948 TSAWWASSEN BEACH ROAD Spectacular waterfront home with panoramic ocean views. This 5 bedroom, 4,000sf home has been extensively renovated, features include Euroline windows & doors, 5 full bathrooms, Control 4 automation & a separate 1 bedroom in-law suite on the lower level Spacious decks with frameless glass railings perfect for enjoying the stunning sunsets from your hot tub Once in a lifetime opportunity to paddle board, kayak & anchor your boat right in front of your home MLS# R2727791 (604) 868-0028 City Realty 404-1315 56TH STREET $659,000 Listed by by Momentum Realty Inc SOLD!!! LANCE HUGHES 604.943.8080 ■ 604.833.3844 LIFETIME MEMBER Re/Max City Realty 16,264 sq.ft private estate lot overlooking Georgia Strait. Walk-through the front door into the grand foyer, and over 5200 sq.ft. of living space. Features real hardwood throughout with 5 bedrooms upstairs including gym. The extra large master has 5 pce ensuite & private western exposed terrace Downstairs has gourmet kitchen, family room, billiards room, wine room & office. Double oversized garage & lots of parking Great family home on prestigious English Bluff Road. 645 English Bluff $3,599,800 Centrally located & minutes to Cliff Drive Elementary & buses. Quiet dead end street with private sunny fenced yard which is great for the kids and pets. Features include: laminate flooring, updated kitchen & appliances, large deck & bonus (1) bedroom mortgage helper Rented @ $1850.00 per month 5115 11A Avenue $1,299,000 Gorgeous family home in the Upper Terrace on a 8000 sq ft corner lot. Main floor living w/ 4 bedrooms up. Move in ready with a recent kitchen renovation by Lentel Construction, as well as a fully renovated main bath w/ seamless shower & stand alone tub. Master bedroom has a recently renovated 3 piece ensuite & walk in closet. This home has a European ambience with inviting living room with wood floors, bay window & wood burning fireplace The dream room is the Glass Solarium overlooking the garden w/ vaulted ceilings used year round for dining & entertaining Lovely South West garden has constant sun & provides harvests with 3 apple trees, grape vines, raspberries, blueberries & lavender Double car garage completes this well loved family home. Newer flooring, windows & furnace. 24 Sherwood Place $1,368,000 NEW PRICE NEW PRICE Personal Real Estate Corporation SOLD jennifer@jennifermciver com | www jenniferandleanne com | leanne@leannelionello com Jennifer McIver 778-788-5078 Leanne Lionello 604-209-5294 Featured Listing: Ste 222-7251 Minoru Blvd $648,000 WELCOME HOME TO A SPACIOUS SOUTH FACING CONDO AT THE RENAISSANCE CENTRALLY LOCATED IN THE HEART OF RICHMOND 2 BED + DEN | 2 BATH | 1,285 SQ FT | 1 PARKING + STORAGE LOCKER RE/MAX CITY REALTY | 5090 48 AVENUE, DELTA, BC. V4K 1V8 | OFFICE: 604.943.8080 | EACH OFFICE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Ste 404-5055 Springs Blvd Ste 305-4977 Springs Blvd 1265 49th Street SOLD 638 Sandollar Place Ste 402-4977 Springs Blvd Ste 213-5099 Springs Blvd SOLD SOLD SOLD JUST SOLD JUST SOLD Marketed by Multiple Realty SOLD 4 OF THE LAST 5 CONDO SALES IN TSAWWASSEN SPRINGS!! NEW LISTING
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A35 T O P 1 0 G R E A T E R V A N C O U V E R R E A L T O R S * RE/MAX City Realty 5090 48th Avenue Delta BC P E R S O N A L R E A L E S T A T E C O R P O R A T I O N * based on 5 year Medallion Award REBGV (778) 688-5972 RE/MAX City Realty • 5090 48 Avenue, Delta, BC 311-4690 Hawk Lane, Tsawwassen MLS# R2734583 • $649,000 The Coast at Tsawwassen Shores. The most sought after 2 bedroom + den floor plan in the complex (D1), West facing views. Beautifully designed with a light + airy beach vibe through out Rentals allowed Over 13,500 sqft of indoor/outdoor amenities. 1 Parking + 1 storage. Great investment opportunity or a place to call home. Sales & Property Management GO FOR THE E #590-4688 Hawk Lane #202-1131 55 Street CALL BEV FOR YOUR FREE HOME EVALUATION 2023 inventory is low. Now is the time to get Bev working for you! Re/Max Real Estate Services 110-3540West41stAve,VancouverV6N3E6 John Nielsen PERFORMANCE Real Estate Service 35 Successful Years The next move is yours... Experience • Knowledge • Professionalism 604.250.8216 CALL JOHN TODAY PORT GATEWAY MLS R2681681 360° TOUR AMAZING FUTURE POTENTIAL 2975 53RD STREET $5,950,000 Almost square 17.34 acre parcel with 823 ft. of road frontage features an English style country home, 5 stall barn, hay field and generous pasture area which has been an established equestrian facility for decades. The property offers an ideal central location just 5 minutes to Tsawwassen or Ladner, Tsawwassen Mills Mall, BC Ferries, DeltaPort Way, TFN Industrial Park, transportation and more. This parcel is close to BC Railway in an area of transitional properties with amazing future potential Call anytime for more information NEW PRICE! MLS R2604526 360º TOUR 20 ACRES, 2 HOMES & HUGE BARN 4774
$6,250,000 First time this amazing secluded 20 25 acre parcel has been offered for sale since 1955 which is
off Hornby Drive on the quiet
Bay and private
located just
section of 104th close to Boundary
member grass airstrip All 3 buildings on
property were built in 1972 which includes a sprawling 3,162 sq ft 4 bedroom rancher w/30 +
concrete driveway was substantially renovated and enlarged in 1987 and roof redone 10 years ago The second residence is a 1238 sq. ft. Woods bungalow presently rented and the spectacular 8,400 sq ft 20 stall barn which was used from day 1 to breed race horses up until 7 years ago is truly a first
facility complete with
roof and cladding Attention to detail here is second to none including
link fencing that surrounds the entire
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A37 1752 Beach Grove Road 5466 8A Avenue 1666 Beach Grove Road 4442 Arthur Drive, Delta • $1,590,000 This wonderful Sonnenberg-built home has been impeccably maintained and will surely impress. This property is located on prestigious Arthur Drive. This 4 bedroom rancher w/loft residence features 2,738 sqft of living space and sits on a beautiful 8200 sqft waterfront lot with a peaceful slough running behind it. Many extras incl. a kitchen w/quartz counters & glass backsplash, high-end SS appliances, newer roof w/50 year warranty, double wide garage, formal living & dining areas, large master suite w/walk-in closet & ensuite. Interior includes a loft w/extra bedroom & flex space, radiant heating & much more! Centrally located within walking distance to Ladner Village, Memorial Park & both Elementary & High Schools. NEW PRICE 237 Morningside Drive PRIVATE, PEACEFUL AND PERFECT WITH VIEWS OF THE MOUNTAINS & FARMLAND. Over 2200 sq. ft. with 3 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, double car garage plus over 600 sq. ft. of full-height storage. Move-in ready for you to enjoy this substantially renovated home located in the beautiful Morningside complex in Upper Tsawwassen. The long list of recent improvements include kitchen, appliances, flooring, gas fireplaces, lighting, finishings, hardware, blinds, paint in & out, hot water on demand, flattened ceilings & all new plumbing including to the city connection. Lower level has x-large bedroom & living area ideal to accommodate extended family. Lower grass area for entertaining & pets. The views and outlook from the main level of this 1/2 duplex style home are outstanding. TWO WORDS: SEE IT! JUSTSOLD Allen Schwabe 604-644-5664 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen 604-943-3110 Sharon Rohwer 604-760-7163 Residential Seniors Specialist Tim Rohwer 604-762-2041 Commercial Residential Specialist T h e D elt a G rou p . c a Tim & Sharon “We Can Relate” Regency Realty Ltd 1333 - 56th St , Delta, BC V4L 2A6 REAL ESTATE QUESTIONS? JUST GIVE US A CALL! OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS IF YOU KNOW THE SECRET! Take advantage of the current real estate market NEWLISTING • Spacious 2 Bedroom 2 Bath in Popular Adlington Court • Sunny & Bright with Vaulted ceilings (lots of windows) • Cozy gas fireplace, corner suite • Secure parking & storage locker plus • Location, walking distance to Historical Ladner #309 4745 54A Street $599,000 LADNER SPECTACULAR TOP FLOOR CONDO! Gus says: This is me A little bit of CRAZY, A little bit of LOVE & a whole lot of FIRE! Want to Sell? Ask about our `Top Dollar Marketing Plan! Need to Buy? Our `Qualified Buyers’ Program always wins out! NEWLISTING • Sunny west facing 1060 sf 2 bedroom, 2 bath Condo • Large Living Room./Dining room with feature gas fireplace • Spacious Kitchen with Nook access to west facing balcony • Located just steps from Tsawwassen shopping, restaurants & amenities #305 1118 55 Street $645,000 TSAWWASSEN WELCOME TO CAMBRIDGE PLACE! 4460 54A Street $1,299,000 LADNER #91, 30989 Westridge Place $560,000 ABBOTSFORD JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD
A38 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 Henriette Leschert Personal Real Estate Corporation 604.880.5929 Regency Realty Ltd. 2017 ROYAL LEPAGE Top 10% of Realtors in Greater Vancouver area 107 22087 49 Avenue, Langley 4years young 2bed 2bath ground floor condo • Private fenced patio with walk-up entry A/C with gas hook-up on patio for barbecue 2sidebyside underground parking plus locker $688,000 SOLD Connecting agents to the community Show current and future clients you mean business 604-961-9534 | rewads@glaciermedia ca Sutton Group - Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen, BC THOR MATSON Licensed Realtor thor@matsonrealestate ca 778-994-8314 TAMMY MATSON Personal Real Estate Corporation sold@tammymatson com 778-938-5599 307-4758 53 Street, Ladner 66-4656 Orca Way, Tsaw 179 53 Street, Tsaw Listed byLuxmore Realty SOLD!!! SOLD!!! SOLD!!! 6242 Brodie Place, Ladner SOLD!!! 103-1153 54A Street, Tsaw SOLD!!! 301-1172 55 Street, Tsaw SOLD!!! 5880 Plover Court, Richmond $2,188,000 Beautifully UPDATED 4 bed, 4 bath, 2479 sq ft home on private, SUNNY & beautifully landscaped 7659 sq ft lot on QUIET COURT in Westwind! Open plan with gourmet kitchen featuring quartz counters & s/s appliances including Wolf gas cooktop. French doors off living & dining rooms to sunny decks - great outdoor living & entertaining space! Lower floor offers spacious family room with cozy gas f/p & space for tv, home office & gym. Bedroom & den down with full bath are ideal ‘in law’ space. Updates include reno’d
hot water on demand, air conditioning.
parking, double garage & irrigation
walk to schools
short drive
5150 Stevens Drive, Tsawwassen $1,495,000 Beautifully UPDATED 4 bed 3 bath 2828 sq ft home on private, SUNNY & beautifully landscaped 7653 sq ft SOUTH lot! Renovated chef’s kitchen opens to dining area & living room with warm H/W flooring & beautiful stone f/p Expansive wrap around deck off kitchen & sizeable patio below are great outdoor living & entertaining spaces! Lower floor offers spacious family room with cozy gas f/p, flex room & bedroom - loads of space for home office, gym & media room Workshop down is added bonus! Back yard with mature gardens is private & sunny! This ‘move in ready’ home is situated on QUIET street - steps to SDSS, parks & transit. 5311 10A Avenue, Tsawwassen Listed by RE/MAX Crest JUST SOLD!!! 28 Woodland Drive, Tsawwassen 2310 Dolphin Drive, North Saanich Listed by Oakwyn Realty Ltd. JUST SOLD!!! Listed by Sothebys International Realty JUST SOLD!!! 931 Gale Drive, Tsawwassen $1,549,000 Spacious 6 bedroom 3 bathroom home on SUNNY 11109 sq ft WEST exposed lot on QUIET street in Central Tsawwassen. This roomy home has been well maintained by original owner and features NEWER roof and furnace. Top floor boasts peek a boo VIEWS of Boundary Bay & Mt Baker!!! Loads of space for home office & gym. Great central location - walk to town center, schools, parks & transit THINKING OF A MOVE??? CALL US!!! SERVICE THAT WILL MOVE YOU!!! NEW LISTING!!!
bathrooms, newer windows, doors, furnace,
Loads of storage &
system. Great WESTWIND location -
to quaint StevestonVillage!
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A39 • SUCCESSFULLY SELLING SOUTH DELTA REAL ESTATE • 604.312.7621 TOP1% OF 2021 GREATER VANCOUVER REALTORS® Sutton Group - Seafair Realty: 1625 56th Street Tsawwassen, BC Lulu Goddin Licensed Reaaltor 402-475853Street $599,000 54785BAvenue $1,399,000 113650thStreet $1,499,000 878PacificDrive $2,499,000 598TsawwassenBeachRd$5,498,000 Panoramicoceanfronthomeon1.3of Acreofferinganamazinglifestyle. 1115ShamanCr $1,498,000 NicelyrenovatedhomeintheVillage. Offering5bedroomsand3fullbaths. 535410AAvenue $1,298,000 Wheelchairaccessiblemainfloorliving withopenfloorplan,bedroomandfull bathonmain. 4695KensingtonPlace$1,289,000 5129WilsonDrive $2,999,000 Newcustombuilthomewithoutthe GST,executive,luxuryentertainment homeinprimelocation. 5000CliffDrive $3,188,000 This28,000sqftlotisintheprocessofapplicationforsub-division for2flatrectangularbuildinglots,andallbuildingplanshavebewen submittedtothecity Thecurrentfamilyhomehasbeenrenovated andoffersover3,600sqft.oflivingspaceforafamilythatchooses tokeepthelotasiswithswimmingpool&park-likesetting. 601-5011TsawwassenSprings $1,218,000 TopFloorPenthousewithprivatedouble cargarage,2deckscompletelyrenovated 102-128055Street $799,000 Sandpiperbuildingintheheartof Tsawwassen.Over1400sq.ft.with3 patios. 93050BStreet $1,590,000 Over10,000sqftprivatelotwith Rancher Closetoschoolsandtown centre. 4533WRiverRoad $1,475,000 Thisisauniqueonceinalifetime opportunityforanownerand/or investor. 218-1120TsatsuShoresDr$549,000 NEWPRICE NEWPRICE NEWPRICE NEWPRICE 53535BAvenue $1,099,000 Locatedinapristineneighbourhoodof 5BAve.whichboaststhebestlocation forafamilyhome. JUSTLISTED 6733LondonDrive $1,360,000 LovelyspaciousfamilyhomeinHolly neighborhoodinLadner JUSTLISTED 1178WalaleeDrive $1,699,000 OceanandMountainviewsona 14,000+sqftlotinthehighlydesirable village! JUSTLISTED
putting green, jacuzzi, fireplace and outstanding views Make your dreams come true with this one of a kind masterpiece Call for your exclusive viewing
Fabulous 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom condo, centrally located in one of Tsawwassen's finest buildings (La Mirage) Featuring huge sunny private decks overlooking golf course This spacious as-new condo has a great floor plan, new appliances and flooring In well-managed concrete building on quiet
A40 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 ROBIN REIMER 604-868-2844 ROBINREIMER.COM ROBINREIMER@TELUS.NET #1 SOUTH DELTA 37 YRS MLS MEDALLION CLUB Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON # OF YEARS QUALIFYING FOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATER VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE BOARD 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 $3,488,000 WOW!!! THIS HOME HAS IT ALL!!! Fabulous 180 degree ocean, Mount Baker and farmland views. This gorgeous home was custom designed by Keith Baker & built by one of Tsawwassen's best builders The high end finishing, quality workmanship, views and location make this 6,000 sq.ft. custom built home one of Tsawwassen's finest homes. This special home has an excellent floor plan that works for many lifestyles and also has a 1 bdrm suite. The home features a spectacular rooftop deck with
street just steps from the Town-Center and Pets are allowed! Condos like this rarely come to market Don't miss this opportunity. Call
$799,000 PRICE REDUCED GORGEOUS 5000 SQ.FT. HOME WITH FABULOUS VIEWS Featuring 6 bdrms, 6 bathrms, excellent 2 bdrm suite and spectacular rooftop deck. This rare find is located on a quiet street with many fines homes in Upper Tsawwassen Home is just totally updated with ouststanding views on a 10,750 sq.ft. western exposed lot This kind of home does not come to market often, don't miss this one Call for more information Call ROBIN for info. 604-868-2844 FABULOUS VIEWS $1,249,000 111 GRAHAM DRIVE BEST SUNSET VIEWS & LOCATION Custom Designed Home with simply the Best Views in Tsawwassen. This Totally Private 2 Bedroom & Den home has an Outstanding Open Floor Plan to take full advantage of all the spectacular Ocean Sunset Views. There will NEVER be another home like this in Tsawwassen. Call for Floor Plans and more Info. Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 PRICE REDUCED
ROBIN 604-868-2844
ROBIN 604-868-2844
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A41 Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON # OF YEARS QUALIFYING FOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATER VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE BOARD 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 5304 SPETIFORE CRESCENT Beautiful 5 bedroom, 4 full bathroom home in upper Tsawwassen. This great family home is approx. 2900 sq.ft. with excellent floor plan and finished with high end details throughout Located in an area of newer homes close to schools, parks, transportation with a beautiful southern exposed back yard Call for more information and your exclusive showing Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 JUST LISTED 3 LOTS IN BEACH GROVE $1.2 MILLION EACH CALL FOR PLANS & DETAILS 604-868-2844 $2,199,000 947 51ST STREET, TSAW Tsawwssen's Street of Dreams. Spacious executive 4 bedroom & den home situated on huge 10,118 sq ft southwest facing gorgeous private lot on very popular street Large family room, nice kitchen with newer Stainless steel appliances Spacious living room w/separate dining room plus 1 bedroom and den/office downstairs Three bedrooms up, large master bedroom with walk-in closet & full ensuite w/Jacuzzi tub Radiant hot water heat Home built w/4x6 construction, thermal windows, newer drainage, great workshop/shed Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 $1,799,999 $699,000 #103-1300 HUNTER RD, TSAW This great ground floor 2 bdrm & den condo is centrally located, only steps from town center and all amenities Excellent floor plan that opens onto a totally private sunny yard This beautiful condo is like new condition featuring 1227 sq ft., 2 decks, 2 full bathrooms, private access, private sunny yard and great building This one of a kind condo has never been on the market. Don't miss your rare opportunity Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 JUST LISTED $2,399,000 5823 16TH AVENUE, TSAW You will not find a gorgeous home like this, built in Beach Grove or Tsawwassen This rare find has just been finished and waiting for you to move in This outstanding home features 3,100 sq ft , 1 bedroom suite, gourmet kitchen with wok kitchen, 6 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, large separate building, excellent open floor plan and a large private sunny yard Don't miss this quality built home with high end finishing throughout Come and visit us this weekend for our grand opening Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 REPRICE REDUCED PRICE REDUCED JUST SOLD JUST SOLD JUST SOLD
A42 The Delta Optimist January19,2023 seafair realty 5000 Bridge Street Ladner 604.943.3110 778.773.9563 Kat JOHNSON • 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom • 2 storey floating home • Revenue generating moorage for boats plus the float home #1 22900 Fraserwood Way Richmond • $528,000 NEW PRICE • A rare opportunity to acquire a marina with a Fraser Port Authority license that will allow up to 3 float homes + boat moorage • Parking for at least 10 vehicles • Option to use for AirBnB 23240 Dyke Road Richmond • $1,150,000 INDUSTRIAL LAND COMMERCIAL #2 -23240 Dyke Road Richmond • $325,000 • 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom • 2 storey floating home • Woodburning F/P & baseboard heat • Wraparound deck • Private location with moorage potential for a boat 4379 W River Road, Ladner $5,500,000 Panoramic Waterfront • Double Lot – 132’ frontage • Boat Moorage and Lift on site • Custom Built (2016) Float Home–2150 sq ft • Triple Garage – almost 800 sq. Ft • Long Term Water Lease • 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhome • East facing 290 sq.ft. patio with 6’ gated/ fenced outdoor area • Complex is pet friendly - Rentals allowed 4876 Turnbuckle Wynd Ladner • $799,000 Rare opportunity to own waterfront. Potential to build on lot. Fabulous views. Access to water Large lot owned by fishing company Bring your ideas. 4515 W River Road Ladner • $1,900,000 Waterfront property in Ladner, near Town Centre, with sewer access and great views of river, mountains and city Property has been used for storing fishing equipment and nets. Potential for a new build. Confirmation with city would be required. Call listing agent for more information. 4505 W River Road Ladner • $1,700,000 • 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths • Double carport + extra parking up to 6 cars & RV • Plenty of upgrades • Metal roof with snow/nice guards • 2 gas fireplaces • Private fenced yard 5177 12 Avenue, Tsaw • $1,499,000 Contemporary Rancher on 10,000+ SF Lot SOLD by KAT • 4/5 BEDROOM + DEN & FAMILY ROOM-MAIN HOUSE • SEPERATE 1 BEDROOM COACH HOME WITH LAUNDRY • QUAILTY BUILDER WITH 2-5-10 NEW HOME WARRANTY • CONVENIENT CENTRAL LADNER VILLAGE LOC. • PRICED TO SELL AT $1,988,800 • CALL PAUL FOR INFO. PACKAGE 4903A 53 ST - NEW COACH HOMES • 3281 SQ. FT FAMILY FRIENDLY HOME • OVER 7700 SQ. FT PRIVATE LOT • 216 SQ. FT DETACHED HOME OFFICE • 1 BEDROOM LEGAL RENTAL SUITE • ALL BEDROOMS WITH ENSUITE BATH • SOUGHT AFTER CENTRAL WEST LADNER LOC • CALL PAUL FOR YOUR PRIVATE SHOWING. 5092B BENTLEY DRIVE • WELL MAINTAINED BASEMENT HOME • GREAT PLAN WITH 1 BEDROOM SUITE • ORIGINAL HARDWOOD FLOORS • MANY UPDATES INCLUDING WINDOWS • STAMPED CONCRETE DRIVEWAY WITH RV PARKING • CONVIENENT CENTRAL LADNER LOC. • OFFERED AT $1,248,900 5447 44TH AVENUE • CUSTOM EUROPEAN INSPIRED LUXURY HOME • 1 BEDROOM LEGAL SUITE • PRIME WILLOUGHBY HEIGHTS NEIGHBORHOOD • CLOSE TO KPU, TRINITY WESTERN UNIVERSITY, LANGLEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL 20570 70 AVENUE • 2 BEDROOM CONDO • WALKING DISTANCE TO LADNER VILLAGE • 1 SECURE PARKING AND STORAGE • PRICED TO SELL AT $569,900 102-4758 53 STREET • SPACIOUS 3 BED 3 BATH T/H • CENTRAL LOCATION CLOSE TO SKYTRAIN, TRANSIT, SCHOOLS & SURREY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL • TANDEM 2 CAR GARAGE • WELL MAINTAINED 1 OWNER HOME 8-9405 121 STREET NEWLISTING • LUXURIOUS CUSTOM BUILT HOME • UNBEATABLE CENTRAL WEST LADNER LOCATION • 3 LARGE BEDROOMS. 4 BATHROOMS • FUNCTIONAL OPEN CONCEPT FLOOR PLAN WITH HIGH END FINISHED THROUGHOUT 5108 LINDEN DRIVE NEWLISTING • LUXURIOUS 6,700+ SQ.FT CUSTOM HOME ON PARK LIKE 20,000 SQ.FT LOT • CENTRAL WEST LADNER LOCATION, WALKING DISTANCE TO ALL MAJOR AMENITIES • 2 BEDROOM SELF CONTAINED SUITE WITH OWN LAUNDRY • DETACHED 900 SQ.FT SHOP AT THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY 5382 CRESCENT DR NEWLISTING
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A43 K A K E N D A L L A Y R E S R E A L E S T A T E 604.250.6981 INFO@KENDALLAYRES.COM KENDALLAYRES COM Sutton Group - Seafair Realty 100-5000 Bridge Street, Delta, BC 7376 142 STREET Surrey $1,375,000 Welcome home! This meticulously maintained 5 bedroom home has room for the whole family with 2439sqft of living space on a 8342sqft property. Located on a quiet cul-de-sac and backing onto a private and stunning greenbelt, this home has loads to offer including beautiful gardens, updated windows, furnace, garage door, roof (1 year old), fresh paint, a newer deck, spacious rooms and plenty of storage. Central location close to shops, markets, schools, transportation and recreation SOLD 110-4768 53 STREET Tsawwassen $679,000 CUSTOM RENOVATIONS AND A PRIVATE GARDEN PATIO! This beautiful and bright 2 bedroom 2 bathroom corner unit radiates style design and quality workmanship throughout. No expenses were spared in the recent renovation; solid wood and full height cabinetry, quartz countertops, pot lights and custom lighting, new electrical fixtures, luxury vinyl plank flooring with cork underlay, new paint and both bathrooms are completely renovated Centrally located in Ladner’s Sunningdale steps to groceries, restaurants, coffee shops, recreation, schools, transportation and more Pets and rentals allowed 1 parking 1 storage locker and gas and domestic hot water included in maintenance fee. 4913 47A AVENUE Ladner $929,000 Welcome to Maskeen built Aura! Previously the show suite, this end unit, energy efficient, 3 bedroom and den/flex space townhome has plenty to offer. A bright and open concept with 9’ ceilings, a large kitchen island, gas range, quality finishes throughout, designer details, closet organizers, geothermal heating and cooling, on demand hot water, outdoor gas hookup on balcony and a double car garage. Centrally located in the heart of Ladner close to restaurants, shops, school, recreation, transit, parks and more. Vacant and easy to show. Quick possession available. Call today! SOLD SOLD S E R V I N G A L L Y O U R R E A L E S T A y T E ea a Re N E E D S S I N C E 1 9 8 4 604.946.1255 Barry Chreptyk Sutton Group Seafair Realty #100-5000 Bridge Street, Ladner, BC V4K 2K4 604 946 1255 BarryChreptyk com barryrc@uniserve com An independent Member Broker a a Re t “RICHMOND” Clean freshly painted two bedroom,one bath corner suite with window in the dining room for extra light. Private setting too! Fantastic rec centre with pool, games room, gym etc. Close to transit and Richmond Centre. Pets and rentals allowed. Quick possession available . JUST LISTED @ $458,800 SOLD IN 4 DAYS “CHANCELLOR GATE” Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen “A trusted Name for 30 Years” 604-868-2827 Sharon Reimer Views overlooking ocean, mountains & Boundary Bay! Located in Upper Tsawwassen in exclusive Morningside Bareland Strata Development Excellent floor plan with 2885 sq ft , living on the main, 2 bedrooms & 2 baths up and a huge family room & 1 bedroom & bath down with walkout to a private balcony Main floor has large, private patio overlooking views! This is the perfect entertainment home, low maintenance A home & lifestyle that is a very rare find! Call Sharon for viewing or further info at 604-868-2827 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY 2-4PM 213 MORNINGSIDE DRIVE, TSAWWASSEN NEW PRICE $1,249,000 Fantastic location in Beach Grove on a 7,804 sq ft corner lot Property features a 2,944 sq ft house with a great floor plan! Main floor includes a large open great room living room + media/games room + bathroom Upper floor has 4 bedrms, 2 full baths + laundry room The existing house inside needs to be renovated This property would appeal to a buyer interested in doing a major renovation or a buyer wishing to build a custom or speculation home Great Beach Grove location, 1 block walk to the dyke Call Sharon for viewing or further info. at 604-868-2827 LOCATION, LOCATION! 5940 KIRKWOOD ROAD, TSAWWASSEN $1,349,000 NEW PRICE JUST SOLD 2021 Sutton Platinum Club Member 2015 - 2019 REMAX Executive Club Member Seafair Realty t - 778.829.5262 e - rachel@southdeltahomes w - rachelmacinnescom Rachel MacInnes 4523 King Edward Place, Delta $1,749,000 4 Bed - 4 Bath - 5390 Sqft - House A rare opportunity! This custom built two level character home has Spanish charm in a perfectcul-de-saclocation.TwoblocksfromDeltaSecondary&ashortwalkintoLadner’s historic Village. This home boasts 2 x 6 construction, updated roof, furnace, appliances, pool heater & poolside windows. The interior is finished with cedar throughout custom solid wood doors & windows. First floor offers a pool garden getaway featuring Ladner’s BEST indoor 10m pool! Sauna/Steam room, & a legal AirBnB suite with a generous income! The main floor has a spacious primary bdrm, complete with massive ensuite & an impressive seven closets for all your storage needs. Additional features incl. 4 large skylights&3stunningfireplaces.Large11,868sqftlotwithRM-1zoning.Greatinvestment
Noe was born n Mamette Lake, B C on the ranch first setted by hs grandfather in 1885 His solated chidhood and remote education, nterrupted by trapping and hunting to hep support his famly durng the Depression, did not diminish Noel’s drive and curiosity to earn He worked hs way through UBC medical school, durng which he met a young nursng student named Barbara Prtchard The two connected immedatey and after graduation in 1956, were marred in 1957
Noe started as a general practitoner in Vancouver, then oned a cinc in Kimberley B C where he and Barbara made ifeong friends With four chidren n tow, he enoyed the local ski hl and akes Noel aso loved frendy competition and gof became hs favourte pastime By age 40 however he wanted to redirect his career
In 1970, Noel uprooted the famiy and moved to Tsawwassen, B C Four years ater he earned hs FR C P n pathoogy and joined the staff at the Vancouver Genera Hospita Being part of a research and teaching hospital was important to Noe He was known for his expertse in bone and joint pathology, and was nvoved in the research and co-authorng of dozens of academic papers
Also a Clnical Professor at UBC, Noe enoyed teaching and mentoring medcal students and resdents, whom he loved to challenge to think outside the box Ultmately, hs sound judgment, work ethic and eadershp skls were recognized, and in 1980 he was made Head of Anatomc Pathology Nine years ater he became Associate Director of Pathology a position he held until retirement n 1995
For the next ten years, Noe enjoyed doing ocums throughout the province until visual decine forced him to truly retre Beach Grove Gof Course became hs sanctuary for a new verson of the morning rounds
Noe was devoted to hs wife, Barb, and hs chidren and grandchildren He oved famiy gatherings, good conversation and ivey debates As hs health declined, he accepted it wth stoicism, humour and grace Whle stil able, he remained the quiet authorty who his famly respected and trusted for thoughtful advice Family gathered for Noel’s fina days to say farewel to this knd and generous man, who we were fortunate to have in our lves
Noe was predeceased by hs father Wllam (1947), mother Vena (1967), and sister Geradine (2016) He is survved by hs sister Eaine wife Barbara daughter Pam (Rob), son Brad (Kate), daughter Michele (Ken), and daughter Brenda (Paul) as wel as his grandchldren Lauren and Sam Nck and Jennica Taran (Marika) and Carmen (Brian), Ross, Kathleen (Felix) and Laura, and great granddaughter, Autumn
Thank you to Deta Hospital for the care provided to Noel over the years The family would ike to express our deepest gratitude to caregvers Francine and Norma for ther friendshp and care of Noel We also thank the staff and Dr Davidson of the Good Samaritan Deta Vew Care (our second home), for their knd and attentive care of Noe, and the staff and Dr James of the Waterford Care Centre, whose support and thoughtfulness durng Noe’s short time there s so very apprecated
A Celebraton of Lfe wil be hed February 19th, 1:00 - 4:00 p m at Beach Grove Gof Cub 5946 12th Ave Tsawwassen B C
Donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society or charty of your choice
We are sad to announce the passng of one of the best Jerry Lorenz, beloved by famly and the many frends he made along the way during his 84-year adventure n life is now wth the Lord Born September 26, 1938 n Ituna, Saskatchewan his family moved to Steveston, B C when he was very young
“Sockeye” as he was known to hs rugby teammates was a unque athletc taent, excellng at everythng he tred He played for the Kats Rugby Club for many years and toured with Team Canada and Team B C n Engand, Japan and other rugby loving ocaes
A scrappy second baseman in Vancouver and Rchmond basebal eagues, after his paying days finshed he went on to coach youth baseball teams in Tsawwassen including the Deta Dodgers His insghts into the game he oved came wth generous servngs of humour and passon A championship pre-game pep tak once started wth “Let me tell you about the 3 bears ” helping to lighten the mood of a group of anxious teens who subsequently went on to ceebrate vctory
Jerry and Randy recently celebrated their 58th weddng anniversary Together they rased a family - Rob (Caroina), Caly (Tony) and Karan (Larry)explored haf the word together, and savored so many beautiful moments with each other and an incredible group of cose friends and extended famly Hking the Camno de Santiago Jerry posed for a candd photo for Randy wth his back to the camera lookng off into the distance from a smal hllcrest, a back beret marking the only cothng he had on A laugh ater folowed when a felow hker they met asked if they had seen the guy hikng the trai in the buff That was not the case of course but another great trave story was born
Jerry embodied the sprt of the great Maya Angelou’s expression that “Peope wil forget what you said People wil forget what you dd But people wil never forget how you made them fee ” He made us laugh, feel oved and when asked offered up sage advce and support He also set an incredible example for all He lived his values dd what he said he would and was aways ready to offer a helping hand
“Papa” was probably at his best wth hs grandchidren (Carly, Nicole, Garrett, Rachel and Jackson, Max, Jake, Nathan) and great granddaughter Ela He was so proud of al of them
His legacy wl be with us forever and the many fond memores we have wl brighten our sprits as we reflect on the storied lfe of a wonderful man
A service wil be hed on January 27th at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 3900 Arthur Drve n Ladner at 10:00 am No flowers by request Donatons to Delta Foodbank or Deta Hosptal would be most welcome A reception wil follow nearby - details to be provded at the service
All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and willingly sold to buyers at the advertised prices. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisement on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further, the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. The Delta Optimist will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad’s expiration. For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice!
A44 The Delta Optimist January19,2023
QUENVILLE, Dr Noel Francis July 12, 1929 - December 30, 2022
d LOW COST Cremation Packages Available. URN’s starting at Arrangements made in the comfort or your home, our office, by email or fax for your convenience No pressure sales or commission Bakerview only provides what you ask for We are here to help every step of the way www bakerviewcrematorium com Call: 604-574-8822 Email: Bakerview@telus net Head Office 34863 Cemetery Avenue, Mission, BC Community Crematorium & Celebration Centre Ltd. $99 Myne Hair Salon Looking for Experienced Hairstylist Myne Hair Salon n Tsawwassen, BC, is seek ng a sk ed and pass onate ha rsty st to jo n our team We are a busy and v brant salon located n the heart of Tsawwassen, of fer ng a w de range of serv ces to our loyal and grow ng client base. We are look ng for a stylist who s up to date on the atest trends and techn ques n ha r sty ing and who s ded cated to prov ding high quality serv ce to our c ients The deal cand date w l have a strong sense of customer serv ce the ab l ty to work wel n a team env ronment, and a pass on for the beauty industry. If you are a sk lled hairsty st ook ng for a new opportunity to grow and succeed, we encourage you to apply. To apply, please submit your resume and a cover etter outlining your experience and qualifications. Office/clerical Hydra Energy Office Manager FT perm Requ res in depth knowledge of Nut she l, Tre o, Slack, Adobe & Goog e Workspace Exce ent Eng sh F eet management & H2 cleantech preferred Du t es: manage CRM exec calendars, fac ities, NDAs, GDr ve, trave $56k/yr & benefits. careers@hydra RECEPTIONIST Delta Law Office is hiring a full-time Receptionist Tasks incude answering cals schedu ng appontments scannng fi ng bank runs and preparng basc documents Experence required Please e-mail resume to: natalie@deltalawoffice com MARKETPLACE Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851 • Book your ad on ne anytime at Your Community HAIRSTYLISTS/ESTHETICIANS/SALONS Find a NEW CAREER 604-362-0586 to advertise Discover a world of possibilities in the classifieds!
1 ThepurposeofthisapplicatonistorequestanamendmenttoAirQualtyManagement PermitNo GVA0153,issuedNovember30,1992,toauthorizethedischargeofair contaminantsfrompotashstorageandhandlngactivities
Westshoreiscurrentlyauthorzedforcoalhandlngatthefaciltyandplanstoinclude potashasanadditonalbulkcommodity Facilitymodifcationstoaccommodate potash incudeanewrailcardumper,conveyors,storagebuiding, ship-loaders,shploading chutesandassociateddustcollectors Theproposal sforupto45MtpaofCanadan potash,dispacingapproxmatelyanequivalentamountofcoalexportcapacity
MoreinformationonWestshore’sPotashProectcanbefoundat: https://wwwwestshorecom/
2 The egaldescrptionofthe andorpremiseswheretheplant,operationorsourceand treatmentworksareorwillbelocatedis Certainlandsandwaterlotareastotallingsome 982,569squaremetres,moreorless,comprisingof:Parcel"A"(land)ofsome551,471 squaremetres,moreorless;Parcel"B"(waterlot)ofsome209,485squaremetres,moreor less;Parcel"C"(waterlot)ofsome167,606squaremetres,moreorless;Parcel"D" (waterlot)ofsome44,385squaremetres,moreorless;andParcel"E"(waterlot)ofsome 9,622squaremetres,moreorless,alloverpartsofLotA,PlanLMP25402,exceptPortions inPlanBCP22579,ParcelA,PanBCP12878,andDistrctLot851,al oftheBedofthe StraitofGeorgia,Group2,NewWestminsterDistrict,Corporation ofDelta,Provinceof BritshColumbia
January19,2023 The Delta Optimist A45 LEGAL Hot Spot For Sale 604-362-0586
TAKE NOTICE THAT Westshore Terminals Limited Partnershp (“Westshore”) of 1 Roberts Bank Road, Delta, BC, V4M 4G5 applies to the Metro Vancouver Regional Dstrict (“Metro Vancouver”)pursuanttotheGreaterVancouverRegionalDistrctAirQualityManagementBylaw 1082,2008foraPermit
Primary Secondary a Combustonprocesses: N/A N/A Current Requested b Maximumnumberofsources: 4 14 c Maximumannua operatinghours: 8760hours 8760hours d Expirydate: N/A 44years e MaximumOpacity: 20Percent 20Percent 4 Themassofmaterialtobedischarged,emittedorstored(perspecifictimeperiod)isas follows: Tota EmissionsfromAllSourcesBasedonRequestedLmitsand orEstimates* Contaminant AuthorizedEmissions(tonnes/year)* Current Requested Tota ParticuateMatter 2002 1930 *Detaied methods for caculating emissons are contaned in the full application document This Notce is published pursuant to the Environmental Management Act, the Public Notficaton Regulation, and the Greater Vancouver Regiona District Air Quality Management Bylaw 1082, 2008 A person who may be adversey affected by the granting or amending of the permit described in this notice may, withn 30 days of its publication, notify Metro Vancouver’s District Director in writing stating how that person is affected When makng a decision on the permit or approval appication, the District Director wil consider the application, comments submitted and any responses provded by the appicant Information collected durng the comment period and thetmefollowinguntiladecisiononthepermitapplicationhasbeenmade scolectedunderthe authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Your persona nformation and comment will be forwarded to the permit applcant for response to the District Director Bysubmittingapubiccomment,youconsenttosuchdisclosure Please note that submissions in response to this notice may be made available to the publicaspartofthepublicrecord,subjecttotheprovisionsofthe Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. MetroVancouver Attention:DistrictDirector 4515CentralBoulevard,BurnabyBCV5H0C6 Phone:(604)432-6200 Fax:(604)436-6707 Email: westshoreterminalscomments@metrovancouverorg LegaL/pubLiC notiCes PETS STAFFORDSHIRE Terrier pups, born Dec 11th; aval Feb 11th $1000 Mom and Dad are purebreds 236-513-2447 BUSINESS SERVICES Computer/ internet IT TECHNICIAN ¾ Wifi issues solution ¾ Maintenance: laptop and desktop ¾ Software installation ¾ Technical support ¾ Analogic and digital systems ¾ CCTV systems: installation and configuration Free Estimate MARCIA: 604-716-8631 RENTAL apartments/ Condos For rent Choose your Apartment Rental from one of our well maintained and managed buildings in South Delta: Rental Office 604.948.9111 Inquire about some of our Pet Friendly buildings Please visit our website for availability: barbicanpm ca Sorry, no BBQs permitted Reference required ----------------------------------A Division of Century Group suites For rent WEST LADNER: 2 BR, Farm Loft avai now 1 full bath ncludes aundry $1500 ncs uts & wfi Pet OK N/S Ca or text 778-995-2836 Houses For rent LADNER, Holly Elementary Fu home, 3100sf, 5 BR, 2 5 bath, all apps, 14,000sf ot, db garage, 8 prkg NS Avail Feb 1 $4350 Pet ok 778-995-1880 MARKETPLACE Wanted WANTED SASQUATCH SKULL - Aso purchasng SILVER & GOLD cons bars ewery, scrap, nuggets, stering 999+ BULL ON mape leafs, buk s ver, pre-1969 coins Coin collector BUYING ENT RE COIN COLLECTIONS od $ & Royal Canadian Mnt coins TODD 250864-3521 Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. SUDOKU PUZZLE ANSWERS ON SEPARATE PAGE ACROSS DOWN 1 Not invited 6 Whale ship captain 10 One point south of southwest 14 Small cavity in a rock 15 Recidivists 17 City ofAngels hoopster 19 Away to mark with one’s signature 20 OJ trial judge 21 Rice cooked in broth 22 One point east of due south 23 One point east of southeast 24 Complements an entree 26 Grouped by twos 29 Disfigure 31 Woods 32 Political action committee 34 Longer of 2 bones in the forearm 35 Kin groups 37 Philippine Island 38 Contrary to 39 Bluish-gray fur 40 Comprehend the written word 41 Natural depressions 43 Felines 45 Breathe noisily 46 Taxi 47 Pancake made from buckwheat flour 49 Swiss river 50 Foot (Latin) 53 Have surgery 57 Formal withdrawal 58 Monetary units of Peru 59 Greek war god 60 2,000 lbs 61 High points 1 Green and yellow citrus fruit 2 Abright color 3 Thicket 4 JournalistTarbell 5 Aplace to work or relax 6 Sharp mountain ridge 7 Helicopter 8 Mimic 9 Suggests 10 More musty 11 Large, flightless rail 12 Make beer 13 Soviet Socialist Republic 16 People who can account for you 18 Taunt 22 South Dakota 23 Cover the entirety of 24 Kids’favorite visitor 25 Away to save for retirement 27 Fencing swords 28 C China mountain range 29 Type of sandwich 30 Team 31 Paddle 33 Partly digested food 35 Most cagey 36 Shoppers make one 37 Cathode-ray tube 39 Food supplies 42 Backbones 43 Concern 44 Blood group 46 Broadway songwriter Sammy 47 Dutch colonist 48 Full-grown pike fish 49 Deity of a monotheistic cult 50 Type of bread 51 S Nigerian people 52 Scottish tax 53 Young women’s association 54 Brazilian city 55 Hide of a young animal 56 Midway between north and northeast
3 Asummaryoftheemssioncharactersticsfortheentirefaciltyisasfollows:
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