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Much gratitude from a Wexford senior resident
A big thank you to the young man who stopped to pick me up out of the garden bed where I had fallen and accompanied me back to the Wexford on Monday, Feb. 6.
It is very comforting to know that the younger generations in our community are so caring
I did not have the presence of mind at the time to get his contact so I hope he sees this thank you.
I am so appreciative of his help that day
Robert Gillespie
Where is the democratic process?
It’s Thursday (Feb 16) and I just read Douglas George Massey’s letter to the editor regarding BC Hydro’s George Massey Tunnel transmission relocation project and how their online open house was a “waste of time”
Last month I sent an email to BC Hydro, who provided an e-address for public input, to have a couple of questions addressed.
It seems that seek- ing ‘public opinion’ for a major project by a BC crown corporation owned by our government and people is more about ‘perception’ than a ‘democratic process ’ .
Brian Britten
Owners of these messy properties should face fines
A few years ago a farmer dumped many tons of fill (boulders and soil). Did he get permission? He then proceeded to park dumpsters, tractor trailers and now he has a Pepsi truck parked on the land
The original plot next to Cedar Park Church used to grow vegetables. Needless to say it’s a messy site
I know homeowners are fined for not cutting their grass. Farther up Arthur Drive look’s disgraceful as well.
H Dixon
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