1 minute read

More of the right things Minister’s

Our world would be a different place if that was the desire of every person that lives in our society. Imagine everyone searching for more truth, more purity, more love, more character, integrity, excellence The reality is we are searching for “ more ”


“More” is something we all seek We want more stuff, more opportunities, more possibilities, and more of whatever would cause us better off than our neighbors Friends, God wants to give you more, but like every good parent he wants the growth you gain, to be the growth you keep He wants his kids to grow in strength, not just height. He wants our lives to increase not just in opportunity, but more importantly in character, integrity, maturity, and love for others

“More” comes with greater responsibility and that means a stretch in many areas of our lives.

“More” will stretch your attitudes, discipline, mindset, and willingness

The responsibilities that come with “ more ” exposes what is often hidden within us Ambition, pride, hurt, wrong motives, insecurity, and jealousy are all revealed in the intensity of the increase. Jesus told his disciples before you go out you need to check your heart He challenged their priorities, corrected their unbelief, and at times questioned their motives.

Are you ready for the “ more ” that’s coming? We need to build now what will help secure our future later Build your relationship with God Build your character It’s better to build a life now for the increase than get to a place where the increase sinks you.

Don’t allow the “ more ” to expose the lack in your character and your goodness, but rather let its pending arrival propel your preparation “ more ” is not just for you, it’s for others

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