SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist comMayor George Harvie didn’t hold back when describing the appearance of Ladner Village and the need to revitalize as council on Monday voted in favour of moving the Dunbar Lumber site redevelopment a step closer to reality
Council voted 6-1 to grant third reading for the project at the corner of Bridge and Elliott streets, with Alicia Guichon the lone councillor to vote in opposition.
Harvie said the village, with its shabby buildings and lack of people, is in a state of decline
He said he has been concerned about the state of the area for more than two decades in the roles of city manager and mayor
“I walked though it [Ladner Village] the other day with my wife, and it was after we had dinner, there was nobody else walking There’s nobody there at night. We try to listen to our chamber of commerce and our local Ladner Business Association. This village is in a decline and we need to revitalize it,” said Harvie. “In all my years that I’ve been here, there seems to be never a project that someone in the community
is willing to move forward on. This project I am in support”
Harvie added the project is also, in fact, just four storeys without the parking, which can’t be put underground due to flood-proofing considerations
The Dunbar Lumber site is proposed to be transformed into a six-storey, mixed-use project. The new development proposal would have commercial space with parking on the ground floor, parking on the second floor and residential on the remaining levels.
When the application was submitted last year, it required an Official Community Plan (OCP) amendment, however, that is no longer the case as council since then approved major changes to the Ladner Village Area Plan It means the proposed development would adhere to the revised OCP, so a public hearing is not required Coun. Rod Binder said the public engagement and gathering of feedback was extensive, resulting in refinements to the application that make it a good one to supply much-needed housing and revitalize the village
Saying the village desperately needs more people, but previous attempts have failed due to city polices that made redevelopment non-viable, Coun Dylan Kruger noted a previous struc-
ture that had stood for years on the site, the Surrey Co-op tower, was much taller than what is now proposed
He added he had rarely seen such thorough community engagement and it should be the new standard for others hoping to develop in Delta Coun. Jessie Dosanjh agreed, saying he prefers the latest proposed design over the initial proposal.
Saying she appreciated the developer was going to contribute rent assistance
to the Affordable Housing Society for several persons with intellectual disabilities who will live in the new separate housing project on Evergreen Lane, Guichon nonetheless continued to voice concerns about the height, an issue raised by the residents’ group Friends of Ladner Village.
Guichon said she’s worried about a push for over-densifying the village when there are housing opportunities outside the area.
NotticeiisherebbygiiventhattDelltaCCityCCounciilwiillconsiidergiiviingf first,secondd,anddthirddreaddingstothebylawsreferencedbelowatitsRRegular Meetingat4:00p.m.onMonday,April24,2023intheCouncilChamber,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC andbyelectronicmeansas authorizedbytheCouncilProcedureBylawNo 5000
Proposal:TorezonethesubjectpropertyfromDuplex/SingleDetachedResidential3(RD3)toSingleDetachedResidential7(RS7)to permit subdivision into two single detached residential lots and construction of a new single detached dwelling with an in-ground basementandasecondarysuiteoneachlot.ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan.
Tovarythefollowingprovisionsin“DeltaZoningBylawNo 7600,2017”asfollows:
1 Toreducetheminimumnumberofenclosedparkingwithinagaragetopermitasecondarysuitefromtwoparkingspacestoone parkingspaceonproposedLot1inSection8.2.3.
2 Toreducetheminimumsetbackfromarearlotlineforaprincipalstructureoftwostoreysormorefrom9mto75mforproposed Lots1and2inSection11706
3 Toreducetheminimumlotareaforsubdivisionfrom335m2 to315m2forproposedLot2andtoreducetheminimumaveragelot depthforsubdivisionfrom30mto275mforproposedLots1and2inSection11708
StaffContact: CharisLoong–604-952-3814
Proposal: To discharge Land Use Contact SA No 2713 from the subject property in order to permit construction of a new single detacheddwellingwithanin-groundbasementandasecondarysuite ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan
StaffContact: KaterynaMorenets–604-952-3485
Proposal:TodischargeLandUseContractSA 3252forthesubjectpropertyinordertopermitconstructionofa557m2secondarysuite withinthelowerflooroftheexistingdwelling ThisbylawisconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan
Materialsrelatedtotheproposalssuchastheproposedbylaws,detailedmapsandotherinformationmaybeinspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,Mondayto Friday,excludingstatutoryholidaysfrom8:30am to4:45pm fromThursday,April13,2023toMonday,April24,2023
Ifyouhaveageneralinquiryregardingtheproposedbylawsorifyouwouldlikeassistancetoinspectanyrelevantdocumentation,pleasecontacttheDevelopmentDepartmentby emailatcpd@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380
Correspondence received up to 12:00 pm on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 will be included in the Agenda package. Correspondence received after and up to 10:00 a.m on Monday,April24,2023willbeprovidedtoCouncilinaseparatepackagepriortothestartofthemeeting Allcorrespondencewillformpartofthepublicrecordforthisproposaland mustincludeyournameandfulladdress
Thosewishingtoprovidecommentonproposedbylawsmaydosointhefollowingways: OR
Writeto: MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
mbooth@delta-optimist com
Delta Police (DPD) is seeking witnesses or dash cam footage of a serious motor vehicle accident in Tsawwassen on Friday afternoon.
DPD responded to a two-vehicle collision
at the intersection of Highway 17 and 56th Street It resulted in critical injuries to a person who remains in hospital Due to the significance of the injuries, investigators were on scene for several hours documenting the scene and collecting evidence
The collision involved a black 2015 Kia Soul travelling westbound on Hwy 17 and a white 2020 Ford F150 4-door pickup truck travelling eastbound on Hwy 17.
Investigators are asking for public assistance in relation to this collision Investigators are
interested in obtaining evidence related to precollision driving of both vehicles, specifically:
• Any video evidence of the black 2015 Kia Soul westbound on Hwy 17 into Tsawwassen between 3:00 and 3:15 pm,
• Any video evidence of the white 2020 Ford
F150 4-door pickup truck eastbound on Hwy 17 leaving the Tsawwassen area between 3:00 and 3:15 pm
If you were in the area and observed any precollision driving behaviour or the collision, or if you have dash camera video in your car from the
area at the time, please contact the Delta Police Department at (604)9464411 and quote Tip file number 2023-8537 or upload your video directly through their digital evidence portal: com/axon/communityrequest/public/23-8454
sgyarmati@delta-optimist comMayor George Harvie, in partnership with Tsawwassen First Nation Chief Laura Cassidy, Musqueam Chief Wayne Sparrow and City of Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie, recently sent another joint letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the dredging issue.
Also going to Premier David Eby, the letter urges the federal and provincial governments to work collaboratively with local governments and First Nations and to commit to establishing a long-term strategy and appropriate resources for dredging of the lower Fraser River and its local channels.
Harvie noted a working group has been re-established by Delta, Richmond, Tsawwassen First Nation, Musqueam, and other key partners to develop a pilot project that may serve as a model for other waterfront communities across Canada, however, federal government support is needed to help develop a long-term funding and management model.
The Working Group is seeking a representative from Oceans and Fisheries
Canada to join the group to help work through some of the regulatory approval challenges and assist in the development of a long-term dredging maintenance strategy
Harvie also noted that in a recent discussion paper by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (VFPA), it is estimated that the annual funding of $2.5 million would ensure that local channels and communities remain safe for watercraft navigation for years to come.
Harvie has written to the prime minister several times on the issue
Harvie also recently sent a letter to Steveston Richmond East Liberal MP Parm Bains expressing optimism that the re-established working group has the potential to get dredging done on the secondary river channels that have begun to silt up.
In 2021, the VFPA announced $1 million in funding towards what it says is a near-term dredging solution to support key Delta channels within the Fraser River communities, focusing on Ladner Harbour and Gunderson Slough
The port authority said that for 10 years, and as a gesture of good will, it committed to providing a $7 million
interim dredging solution to support the Fraser River communities
As the funding for the program has now concluded, the VFPA is working with government to identify other sources of funding that will provide a longer-term solution to support dredging in the local channels.
Following the port’s announcement, Delta MP Carla Qualtrough, in thank-
ing the Ladner Sediment Group and the City of Delta for their efforts, said a long-term sustainable strategy for the channels is needed to ensure efficient access to markets and maritime safety.
Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport, said the government looks forward to working with the port and other partners to find an ongoing, sustainable, long-term solution
SANDOR GYARMATI PHOTOSecondarysuiteruleschanging
sgyarmati@delta-optim st com
Further changes to pave the way for more gentle density in existing residential neighbourhoods are on the horizon in the City of Delta.
Council last week agreed with a planning department recommendation to make changes to the zoning bylaw on secondary suites The changes include removal of the minimum and maximum floor area requirements for suites to allow greater flexibility in design to accommodate a wider range of rental types.
Other existing secondary suite requirements, such as parking space requirements, will remain.
A staff report notes the changes will align with
the latest version of the BC Building Code, while Delta’s Housing Action Plan seeks to create opportunities for gentle density.
“Secondary suites facilitate low-impact densification as they can be integrated within mature neighbourhoods with limited visual impact on the street, which helps retain neighbourhood character while providing more rental housing options as well as provide mortgage helpers for landowners,” the report states.
A public hearing is not required for the zoning amendment as the bylaw is consistent with the Official Community Plan (OCP)
The city, in recent months, has also introduced other housing changes including no lon-
ger requiring public hearings for applications that comply with the OCP.
Community Planning Director Marcy Sangret told council that staff are currently working on introducing more elements of the housing plan in the near future, including allowing secondary suites in duplexes OCPs are to also undergo review with amendments to be introduced to be in line with the plan.
However, it’s not clear how Delta’s ongoing initiative and upcoming OCP reviews will be impacted by the provincial government’s recent announcement of legislative changes this fall to create more housing opportunities, including allowing up to four units on a single-family lot.
Delta Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting
The Delta Chamber of Commerce held its 113th Annual General Meeting on Tuesday morning at Cascades Casino Delta. The new board of directors was announced and sworn-in by Mayor George Harvie, who also provided an address to the approximately 168 in attendance. Board chair Rosanne Horner also held a question and answer session with Mayor Harvie. The new board pictured back row left to right; Sheena Sidhu (Yard at a Time Concrete Ltd.), Pierre Pelletier (Delta Optimist), Ken Malenstyn (Barnside Brewing), Yvonne Anderson (Santevia Water Systems Inc.), Sam Lang, Secretary/Treasurer (Stoilen, Alston & Lang), Steven Stark (Tsawwassen Shuttles Inc.), Jill McKnight, Executive Director; front row left to right; Nathan Lauer (Seaspan Ferries Corporation), John Bourbonniere (Harbour Link Container Services Inc.), Rosanne Horner, Board Chair (BDC) and Rob Allan, Board Vice Chair (Campbell Froh May & Rice LLP).
DeltaGymnasticsmuralin memoryoflongtimecoach
friends and Delta Gymnastics Society (DGS) staff
what she did and for the kids she was coaching. She wanted everyone to get comfortable in the gym and the program grew because of her dedication We now have kids that have grown up and are bringing their kids here now because of the experience they had with her. I miss her terribly,” said good friend and DGS business manager Sharon Gillespie, who worked with Jones for 22 years.
“There was so much to Michelle and she was a really big part of this gym, so we thought there must be something we can do to show people and remember her I actually had a dream in the middle of the night and it was a mural with the old gym to the new gym with all the things Michelle loved, so I kind
of sketched it out”
That’s when DGS reached out to Nay and commissioned him to create the mural that includes the Society’s original home at the South Delta Recreation Centre and the current building since Jones worked at both locations. It is Nay’s first memorial tribute.
“I actually told them they have the wrong guy for the job. I don’t do baby portraits and I don’t do memorials,” chuckled Nay when the Optimist spoke with him at Friday’s unveiling “I talked mostly to Delta Gymnastics and to the family to learn more what Michelle was all about There was some tweaks and it’s turned out where everybody likes it I’m delighted with it”
Michelle Jones will forever have a presence in the gym club that meant the world to her thanks to the creativity and talent of local artist Gary Nay.
On Friday, Nay’s mural in tribute to the long-time coach was officially unveiled on the southern wall of the Ladner facility in front of family,
It was back in early October when Jones lost her battle with cancer at the age of 60 She not only worked 25 years developing the club’s Active Start program for young children, but formed close friendships with many, so much so that DGS wanted to do something extra special in her memory.
“She just had so much passion for
MARK BOOTH PHOTO (Left to right) Michelle Jones’ daughter Jessica, husband Gordon and son Wesley were presented with a print of the mural done by local artiist Gary Nay in tribute to the longtime coach at Delta Gymnastics who lost her battle with cancer in October. The mural was officially unveiled Friday at the Ladner club. MARK BOOTH mbooth@delta-optimist comPUBLISHER
Pierre Pelletier ppelletier@delta-optimist com
EDITOR: Ian Jacques ijacques@delta-optimist com
Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
Mark Booth mbooth@delta-optimist com
Marianne LaRochelle mariannel@glaciermedia ca
John Gallinger jgallinger@delta-optimist com
Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@delta-optimist com
Lee Fruhstorfer lfruhstorfer@delta-optimistcom
John Avdic javdic@delta-optimistcom
Linda Calendino lcalendino@delta-optimist com
Kristene Murray 604-946-5171
Roya Sarwary rsarwary@delta-optimist com
CLASSIFIED 604-444-3056
Thank-you volunteers
Editor’s Note
IAN JACQUESIt never ceases to amaze how fortunate we are in this community to have volunteers.
This week is National Volunteer Week, a time to pay special tribute to the many volunteers who make the community of Delta, and communities around the country unique and special
There are of course many groups here in Delta who are fueled by volunteer power –too many to mention by name in fact – but I will highlight a few
When I first started working here at the Optimist in the summer of 2016, one of the first organizations I was introduced to was the Delta Hospital Auxiliary I was amazed at the commitment of so many people who contribute thousands of hours every year at the hospital café, the Thrift Store in Ladner Village and other programs – all to raise money to support our local hospital.
As you will read in our Volunteer Week section, in 2022 the Auxiliary donated more than 60,000 hours of service Let that number sink in for a moment…. 60,000 hours of service! That is a staggering number. Just imagine if we didn’t have our Hospital Auxiliary? We would still have our hospital, but we would be in far worse shape in terms of equipment needs than we are now The Auxiliary has donated millions of dollars to the hospital over the years.
Then we have the Delta Police, whose community policing offices are staffed by friendly volunteers working side-by-side with officers to assist residents with safety concerns. There are not many communities who have this type of policing and community interaction Many of the festivals and events that we all attend and enjoy would not be possible without volunteers
These are just a few examples of the power of volunteering. Thank you to everyone who volunteers. You make Delta a better place with your efforts
Food, finance education is vital
Inflation, climate change, a global pandemic and various geo-political events have caused food to be a top of mind issue for many Despite the importance of understanding the agri-food economy, little is being done to address this topic from an educational perspective.
A couple of weeks back, the Royal Bank of Canada released a report entitled “Farmers Wanted: The renewal Canada needs to build the Next Green Revolution.”
Key findings in the RBC report include: By 2033, 40 per cent of Canadian farm operators will retire, placing agriculture on the cusp of one of the biggest labour and leadership transitions in the country’s history. Over the same period, a shortfall of 24,000 general farm, nursery and greenhouse workers is expected to emerge. And, to meet our medium and long-term goal we will
Community Comment
MIKE SCHNEIDERneed to build a new pipeline of domestic operators and workers by bolstering education and increasing the R&D spending behind productivity-enhancing automation
To turn a blind eye to this looming scenario is fool hardy and it will be certainly difficult to play catch up when the food system shows signs of peril.
This is where the unfortunate disconnect exists There is no continuum for students to be made aware of food systems and high school students
are generally ignorant as to the nature of the food economy and the career opportunities that abound within it.
Although there are many post-secondary institutions that teach about career opportunities in the agri-food and agri-tech economies, there is little in the way of specific curricula that is taught in our high schools. Enrollment in agri-food postsecondary institutions is low because kids aren’t taught about the sector in high school This needs to change School districts and boards of education need to do a better job in strategic planning to ensure that food and farming are woven within the Ministry of Educations’ curriculum There are many obvious ways to do so.
In Delta, one of the provinces’ most well-known farming communities, only 19 per cent of framers have succession plans for their operations Think about that carefully
With the proliferation of roundabouts in B.C., we must all learn to signal our intentions ICBC should do a publicity campaign because I’ve seen quite a few accidents at B C roundabouts.
Here’s the procedure: use your left signal as you enter the roundabout,
then quickly change it to the right signal just before you reach your exit (if planning to take the first exit, use only your right signal). This will prevent accidents, and help those drivers trying to enter the roundabout. The person already in the roundabout has the right of
way, but if you see their right signal flashing you can safely enter, and this saves a lot of unnecessary waiting and jam-ups
In England, this method of signaling is extremely efficient - mind you, they signal opposite because they drive on the left side of the road
Curt JantzenCouncil pay increase is outrageous
An 18 5 percent increase for Delta council is outrageous. This is taxpayers’ money!
Employees in the
private sector do not unilaterally determine their pay level or raises and why should Delta council?
Maybe there should be some sort of inde-
For Seniors
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Ladner United Church, 4960 48 Ave, Ladner, BC, V4K 4X6
pendent body that decides this but there should be some oversight.
This is simply not right.
Mike ArmitageParking is limited everywhere
What is it with neighbors who think they own the road in front of their house?
My daughters’ friend came over one afternoon and left her car parked on the street
overnight. Actually less than 24 hours. Only to return to a note asking to park in front of her own house. When my daughters’ friend moved her car the owner of the house went and put two blue recycling bins
on the street so no one could park there.
Parking is limited everywhere and now they think they can do that? Paying property taxes doesn’t include the road as well!
Kelly MolociFloat home development a bad idea
Re: Float home plan in Delta still goes unfulfilled (Optimist, April 13)
When will this developer give up on this
idea, which will ruin the slough? I was at that packed meeting years ago. Not a single attendee was in support of the proposed development except the developers.
Nothing has changed. The development is still a bad idea and it interferes with what was a nice walk along the Millennium trail
Jane McCallThank-you dog owners and residents
After returning home from Disneyland in 1973, where grounds were litter free, I decided to pick-up the litter in the two parks and the school grounds near my home.
Every day when I walked my dogs, I pickedup litter – 50 percent doggy and 50 percent
humans The human litter was also disgusting – condoms, sanitary napkins and dirty diapers, etc
Over the years, the municipality has put out more garbage cans, doggy bags, and signs.
The ball teams have cleaned up after their games and practices. The school board has hired
people to clean up the school grounds. The litter has greatly decreased.
I still pick-up litter and it is now one percent doggy and 99 percent human The dog owners and residents in my area are very responsible and try to keep our parks litter free.
Jean BrownJoin
Karon Trenaman, ICBC: Enhanced Driver’s Test for Seniors
Lisa Porter and Eva Busich-Veloso, City of Delta: Recreation for Adults/Positive Moves
Dr. Grace Park, Fraser Health: Healthy Aging and New Emerging Research
Daniel Boisvert, Notary Public: Financial Planning Wills and Estates
Chief Neil Dubord, Delta Police Department: Keeping Seniors Safe at Home and in Public
Dan Levitt, CEO, KinVillage: The Future of Healthy Aging in Planned Communities
Dr. Christine Gemeinhardt, Geriatric Physician Leader: Preparing for Long-Term Residential Care
Riten Tamang, Alzheimer’s Society: Dementia Friends
sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
An East Ladner organic waste composting facility is setting up a public advisory committee.
Located on 72nd Street, GFL Environmental’s new committee is intended as a forum to connect with the community on concerns and ideas regarding the composting facility’s operation
In a recent letter to city council inviting a member of council to be part of the group, GFL noted it appreciates and understands that there have been some concerns, particularly when
it comes to odours.
“GFL prides itself on being a responsible and responsive neighbour and that is why we have taken, and continue to take, concrete steps to address these concerns, ” the letter by district manager Daryl Goodwin notes
The new committee is to allow company officials to hear directly from residents.
“Additionally, the forum will allow us to share information about the work we are doing to better serve the City of Delta, its businesses, and community members,” Goodwin adds.
Among other things,
the committee is to “evaluate existing programs and protocols and provide recommendations on strategies regarding bird and gull control, odour management, traffic safety, debris management and other negative impacts as identified by management or PAC”
Noting it has also launched a website to provide residents with information and updates, the company reiterated how its facility has undergone significant upgrades in an ongoing effort to address odour issues
Council last week named Rod Binder as its representative
The Board of Directors of Vancouver Airport Authority announces that the Annual Public Meeting will be held to present the Airport Authority’s 2022 Annual & Sustainability Report and financial statements.
NewLadnerVillagePlaza willbereadythissummer
sgyarmati@de ta-optimist com
A new public space, in a prominent part of Ladner Village, will be getting extra features thanks to a contribution from the Ladner Rotary Club.
Council has agreed to enter into a contribution agreement with the service club to purchase two e-bike charging stations and a wooden bench for the Ladner Plaza, which is now under construction.
Located at the intersection of Ladner Trunk Road and Elliott Street, at the entrance to the village, the public plaza’s large timber drifter bench and charging stations have an estimated cost of $37,500. Through the contribution agreement, the Rotary Club is looking to contribute
In return, the city agrees to place signage on site to recognize Rotary’s contribution and to maintain the amenities for at least 10 years.
The Rotary Club has supported numerous initiatives and projects throughout the city including the most recent installation of Ladner Rotary Splash Park in Memorial Park
Construction of the new plaza began last month and is expected to be completed by late summer
Staff are currently working with a consultant to finalize design of a prominent beacon sign to serve as an iconic marker.
The building at the site was redeveloped a couple of years ago, involving the partial demolition and renovation of a com-
mercial structure.
The two-storey building was built in 1907, but was not included in Delta’s Urban Heritage Inventory or the Delta Heritage Register due to past alterations and additions.
The Stokes and Cullis building served as a butcher shop both under the original owners and then various owners until the early 1970s
The heritage look was restored with the later addition removed
The city also entered into a statutory right-ofway agreement with the owner, the Lowe family, to allow the development of the plaza over a portion of the property where the addition was removed
The theme of the new public space is to focus on Delta’s fishing and farming industries.
MONDAY, MAY 8, 2023
East Concourse, U.S. Departures Level 3 (near the Fairmont Airport Hotel)
Vancouver International Airport
12:30 p.m registration / 1:00 p.m meeting begins
Please join us for the meeting in person or virtually; the meeting will be live streamed at
The 2022 Annual & Sustainability Report will be available at at the end of April.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions at the meeting. Questions may also be submitted in advance to community relations@yvr ca or via Twitter using #YVRAPM To be answered during the meeting, questions must be submitted by 5:00 p.m on Wednesday, May 3.
All members of the public are welcome.
Vancouver Airport Authority operates Vancouver International Airport (YVR) in service of the community and economy that supports it.
Le conseil d’administration de l Autorité aéroportuaire de Vancouver annonce la tenue de l’assemblée publique annuelle pour présenter le rapport annuel et de développement durable 2022 ainsi que les états financiers de l Autorité aéroportuaire.
LUNDI 8 MAI 2023
Hall Est, niveau 3 des départs des États-Unis (près de l hôtel Fairmont Airport) Aéroport international de Vancouver 12 h 30 inscription / 13 h la réunion commence
Joignez-vous à nous pour cette rencontre en personne ou virtuellement ; celle-ci sera diffusée en direct sur
Le rapport annuel et de développement durable 2022 sera disponible sur à la fin avril.
Les participants auront la possibilité de poser des questions lors de la rencontre. Les questions peuvent également être soumises à l’avance à ou via Twitter en utilisant #YVRAPM Pour obtenir une réponse lors de la rencontre, les questions doivent être soumises avant 17 h. le mercredi 3 mai.
LAutorité aéroportuaire de Vancouver exploite l’aéroport international de Vancouver (YVR) au service de la communauté et de l’économie qui le soutient
SANDOR GYARMATI PHOTOa vibrant publicspace
and recogniz-able entrance to the village.
Whether you are the Matriarch of the family at 92, or the teenager at 12 years old, the family-owned Atlantis Day Spa, operated by the Mother Daughter team of Judy and Christy, all believe in self care. Judy learned how to take good care of herself from her mother,
then passed the knowledge on to her daughter Christy, who is now passing it on to her daughter Atlantis Day Spa was born out of a passion to help other generations of women learn how to apply self care to their lives. In the 29 years since opening Atlantis Day Spa, they have seen many generations of women cross their doorstep, it’s a beautiful thing to be a part of so many generations of clients’ right of passage into the spa world
Judy and Christy can remember taking care of many young women who have become mothers, and then their daughters are now crossing the threshold of self
care with them as well. The duo feels truly blessed to be a part of their clients’ journey
With Mothers Day just around the corner, Judy and Christy would like to invite all generations of women to experience self care firsthand in their spa. When you book your mother and daughter Retreat in the spa you will both receive a special gift Their front desk specialist will be happy to help you decide on the best retreat for both of you.
#301-1777 56th Street
Tsawwassen V4L 1S8
LEARN PILATES A 4 Week Introduction to Pilates Class.
TWC Pilates help clients move with more ease, reduce aches and pains, have more energy, walk taller and project more confidence. Stop feeling stiff and sore and instead start every day feeling great.
Pilates focus is on alignment and stability resulting in better balance, posture, fewer or no injuries or back pain. Once a week will bring you transformative changes in how you move and how you feel Whether you are returning to activity or love to run, play and move, Pilates will support you in having more strength, stamina and happier joints. In 4 sessions, you will know if you like Pilates, if it feels good on your body and if you want to continue:
Sessions are on the specialized Pilates equipment such as the Pilates Reformer, Stability chair as well as the CoreAlign
1 Introduction to Pilates Class
Tuesdays 7:00 – 8:00 pm – May 2, 9, 16, 23
Wednesdays 2:00 – 3:00 pm – May 3, 10, 17, 24
2. JumpStart Program – 4 one on one sessions Start anytime, schedule based on your availability.
Every Tuesday at 6:30 pm until July 4th
Walking: for anyone interested in learning about the benefits of power walking.
Learn to Run: designed for beginning runners or those who are coming back to running.
8KM Group: graduates of the learn to Run Group would love this!
Pace Groups: designed for the individual wants to complement their training
$60.00 for 12 weeks
$4.00 for drop ins
Receive Support and Guidance by experienced RunClinic Leaders
NoticeisherebygiventhatDeltaCityCouncilwillholdaPublicHearingtoreceiverepresentationsfrom anypersonswhodeemitintheirinteresttoaddressCouncilregarding thefollowingproposedproject ThePublicHearingwillbeheldaspartoftheRegularCouncilmeetingasfollows:
Date: Monday,April24,2023
Time: 4:00pm Place: CouncilChamber&Virtual/Zoom
WATCH LIVE: This Public Hearing will be broadcast live at www.deltaca/watchlive Members of the public who do not wish to speak may listen and watch the proceedings on the City's website Video recordingsarearchivedontheCity’swebsite
Applicant:CityofDelta Telephone:604-946-3380
Background:AttheNovember8,2021RegularMeeting,CouncilapprovedDelta’sHousing ActionPlan ThereportpresentedtoCouncilidentifiedsevenkeyshort-termactionsthat wouldbeprioritized,oneofwhichwastoremovetheunitsperhectaremeasureofdensity frommultiple-familylanduseswhereamaximumfloorspaceratioisalsoestablished The Housing Action Plan also seeks to create opportunities for gentle density At this time, policy amendments are proposed to the East Ladner and Ladner Area Plans to remove barrierstothecreationofinfillhousing
Proposal: To amend the regulation of density, lot dimensions, and design covenants in Delta'sOfficialCommunityPlan
The CorporationofDelta Official Community PlanBylawNo 3950,1985Amendment (P22-01B)BylawNo 8110,2023
ToamendTheCorporationofDeltaOfficialCommunityPlanBylawNo 3950,1985:
1 To remove unit per hectare density maximums from multiple-family land use designationsthatalsohavefloorspaceratiomaximums;
2 ToremovefromPolicyCintheEastLadnerAreaPlanarequirementthatlotdimensions arenottovarybymorethan15percentfromothersimilarpropertieswithin150m;
3 To amendPolicyD5intheLadner Area Planto removerequirements for aminimum 12mfrontageandaminimumareaof370m2 forlotsinareasdesignatedInfillSingleFamilyResidential(ISF);and
4 ToamendPoliciesD8andD9intheLadnerAreaPlantoremovetherequirementfor designcovenantsforsingledetachedandcoachhousedevelopment.
Materialsrelatedtotheprojectsuchasthestaffreport,proposedbylaw,detailedmapsandotherinformation maybeinspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,MondaytoFriday,excluding statutoryholidaysfrom8:30am to4:45pm fromApril13,2023toApril24,2023 Materialsmayalsobe viewedatwwwdeltaca/publichearing
Ifyouhaveageneralinquiryregardingtheproposedbylawamendmentorifyouwouldlikeassistance toinspectanyrelevantdocumentation,pleasecontacttheCommunityPlanningDepartmentbyemail atcpd@deltacaorbyphoneat604-946-3380
ThisPublicHearingwillbeconvenedbyelectronicmeansasauthorizedbytheCouncilProcedureBylaw No 5000
ThePublicHearingisopentoallmembersofthepublic.Anypersonwhobelievesthattheirinterestin property will be affected by the proposed project shall be given an opportunity to provide their comments(support,concerns,oropposition)toCouncilinthefollowingways:
Emailmayor-council@deltaca OR
TospeakvirtuallyatthePublicHearing,youmustregisterwiththeOfficeoftheCityClerk before10:00a.m onMonday,April24,2023
1 PublicHearingmeetingdate;
2 Projectnumber;
3 WhetheryouwillspeakbytelephoneorbyZoomvideoconference;and
4 Yourcontactinformation(name,address,phonenumber,andemailaddress)
Correspondence received up to 12:00 pm on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 will be included in the Agendapackage Correspondencereceivedafterandupto10:00a.m.onMonday,April24,2023will beprovidedtoCouncilinaseparatepackagepriortothestartofthemeeting Allcorrespondencewill form part of the public record for this proposal and must include your name and full address Once the Public Hearing has concluded, no further information or submissions may be consideredbyCouncil.
MoreDeltaparkscouldallow summeralchoholconsumption
sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
Delta residents may be able to enjoy a cold brew at more local parks this summer.
Coun Dylan Kruger, at the April 3 council meeting, put forward a motion for staff to look into expanding a program, which allows the consumption of alcohol in designated areas within select parks.
Saying the program has been successful the past two summers, with no noticeable increase in incidents requiring police attention, he said it is a good opportunity worth exploring
Council gave his motion the thumbsup.
The summer of 2021 saw a pilot program allowing the public to consume alcohol in designated areas of Diefenbaker Park in Tsawwassen, Memorial Park in Ladner and North Delta Community Park. The pilot ran from June 1 to Sept 30, 2021, between 11 a m and dusk
A staff report later that year noted
that based on the public feedback received, the program was largely successful with few issues
The program was made permanent last year and returned for summer to those same parks, but the designated drinking area at North Delta Community Park was changed.
Policeinvestigatingtargeted stabbingoutsideNorthDelta elementaryschool
15-year-old youth was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries
IAN JACQUES ijacques@delta-optimist comDelta Police are seeking witnesses and information to help aid their investigation into a stabbing on the grounds of a North Delta elementary school last week
In a news release, police say officers were dispatched at 9:40 p.m. on April 12 to a report of a stabbing that occurred on the grounds of McCloskey Elementary School.
“Upon arrival, officers provided first aid to a 15-year-old victim with stab wounds,” said Acting Insp James Sandberg “The youth was transferred to a local hospital and is in stable condition The injuries have been classified as non-life threatening.
“The investigation has determined the victim was targeted. There is no known connection to any other highprofile assaults in the Lower Mainland involving youth.”
Sandberg said that while the incident occurred on school grounds, there is no connection to the school Police are asking anyone who was driving in the area of 116th St and 80th Ave on April 12th, between 9:20 and 9:50 p.m., and have dash camera video, investigators would like to hear from you Residents who live near McCloskey Elementary School and have video available at your home, or if you witnessed any suspicious activity during that same time, are asked to contact police at 604-946-4411 and quote file number 2023-8339.
Tsawwassenhikerspreparingforclimbofalifetimein AfricathisfalltoraisemoneyforB.C.Children’sHospital
mbooth@delta-optimist comDianne Smith and Tim Leeming are preparing to ascend the highest free-standing mountain in the world and they are doing it for a wonderful cause.
The lifelong Tsawwassen residents and avid hikers are headed to Tanzania in October to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. It will take a full seven days to complete the climb.
Smith has always been intrigued with Kilimanjaro’s unique distinction of being the highest peak on the entire African continent at 5,895 metres (19,341 feet).
“Dianne has a board in her home where she has some different bucket list type things on them and one of the was Kilimanjaro,” explained
Leeming. “I asked her about it and after some discussions we said let’s go for this”
“While we are both experienced hikers, this will be one of the most challenging hikes we have ever done,” added Smith.
Making the decision easier was committing to the Summits for Hope 2023 Kilimanjaro expedition Since being established in 24 years ago, the “We Climb for Those Who Can’t” non-profit organization has raised more than $2 2 million, with the vast majority going to B C Children’s Hospital. Smith and Leeming have each pledged to raise $5,000
The couple are now busy building up their fitness and endurance in the weeks and months ahead. Between running her own business and being active on the Ladner
Thank You
Business Association executive, Smith is training for the upcoming Vancouver BMO Half Marathon. Leeming is an active cyclist, health enthusiast and hiker Both also doing plenty of stair climbing at Fred Gingell Park
Their fundraising campaigns are also well underway and will include a garage sale in Ladner Village on Saturday, April 22 at the former location of South Coast Casuals (5028, 48 Avenue) thanks to the generosity of the McKnight family The sale will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
“We are actively accepting donations of household items, clothing, toys, furniture, anything that is in sellable condition,” said Smith. “It’s important to note that the money that we ’ re raising at the garage sale and the money that people
Rotary Club of Tsawwassen’s Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast was a huge success because of the support from these local businesses:
Absolute Plumbing Solutions • Amazon Canada - Tsawwassen Delta Law Office • Kin Village Association
McDonald’s Tsawwassen • Save On Foods Tsawwassen
Thrifty Foods Tsawwassen • Tom Yingling Real Estate
Tsawwassen Optometry Clinic • Your Dollar Store With More Bancy Blueberry Farm • City of Delta, Parks & Recreation
And thanks to our special guests, BC Lions, Delta Police Department & Vancouver Giants and to our Volunteers from South Delta Secondary & Delta Community Police
Tsawwassen’s Dianne Smith and Tim Leeming are not only preparing to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in October, they are raising thousands for B.C. Children’s Hospital. Their fundraising efforts includes a garage sale in Ladner Village at the former South Coast Casuals location on Saturday.
donate goes 100 percent to BC Children’s Hospital.”
Items for the garage sale can be dropped off at 430 English Bluff Road up until April 21.
To make an online donation to B.C. Children’s Hospital on behalf of Smith and Leeming visit summitsofhope com/ donate.
Tsawwassenroadwaytoundergo trafficcalmingupgrades
SANDOR GYARMATIsgyarmati@delta-optimist
comThe City of Delta will undertake a series of further traffic calming measures on a Tsawwassen roadway following resident complaints
Council recently approved a staff recommendation to proceed with upgrades on 10A Avenue between 53A and 50B streets.
A resident petition to the city calling for traffic calming measures claims the roadway is “increasingly used by motorists as a ‘shortcut’ to bypass 12th Avenue Cars race down the quiet street of 10A at top speeds, putting children, pedestrians, and their furry companions at risk The extra noise generated from the ever increasing, non-essential traffic is also a nuisance to residents”
However, a report to council notes that, according to Delta’s Traffic Calming Policy, implementing traffic calming measures on 10A Avenue is currently unwarranted based on historical traffic and crash data Staff has met with the petition writer on-site and has
since deployed a speed reader board on the avenue on a rotating basis for driver education.
Last December, the petition writer also met with the mayor, city manager and staff and presented a proposal for the installation of bollards for road closures
The report notes that given the limitations of the road network, existing roadways are required to service residents and support emergency access, so the request was not supported by staff
“Staff acknowledge the traffic concerns recently raised by area residents and have identified opportunities for several traffic safety enhancements along 10A Avenue The 2017 neighbourhood road improvement project on 10A Avenue had included curb extensions at four intersections which are intended to reduce vehicle speeds, reduce pedestrian crossing distance and increase pedestrian visibility To further reduce the vehicle speeds at the approaches to these intersections, the installation of median mounted delineator posts can be considered,” the report adds.
For more info or for tickets call 604-940-4504 or visit
first, second, and third readings to the bylaws referenced below at its Regular Meeting at 4:00 p m on Monday, May 1, 2023 in the Theatre, North Delta Centre for the Arts, 11425 84 Avenue, Delta, BC, and by electronic means asauthorizedbytheCouncilProcedureBylawNo 5000
Rezoning, Development Variance Permit, and Development Permit – File No. LU009094 (Bylaw No. 8226)
Staff Contact:AdaLiu–604-946-3395
Purpose: Application for Rezoning, Development Variance Permit, and Development Permit in order to construct (i) a six-storeymixed-used building with7768m2 ofground-levelcommercialspace,90residentialunitsontheupperfivelevelsandthreelevelsofundergroundparking,(ii)commonindoor andoutdooramenityspacesonthesecondstoreyandrooftop,and(iii)anewpublicpedestrianpathwayalongthesouthpropertyline Thisapplication isconsistentwithDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan
Delta Zoning Bylaw No 7600, 2017, Amendment Bylaw No 8226, 2023
Toamend“DeltaZoningBylawNo 7600,2017”byrezoningthesubjectpropertyfromServiceStationCommercial(C4)toComprehensiveDevelopment ZoneNo 27(CDZ27)topermitamixed-usebuildingcomprisingofresidentialandcommercialuses
Development Variance Permit LU009094
L28inScheduleCof“DeltaSubdivisionandDevelopmentStandardsBylawNo 7162,2015”in ordertoretaintheexistingpavementwidth
Development Permit LU009094
Bylaw No 8226
Materialsrelatedtotheproposalssuchastheproposedbylaws,detailedmapsandotherinformationmaybeinspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,MondaytoFriday,excluding statutoryholidaysfrom8:30am to4:45pm fromThursday,April20,2023toMonday,May1,2023oronlineathttps://letstalkdeltaca/lu009094
Ifyouhaveageneralinquiryregardingtheproposedbylawsorifyouwouldlikeassistancetoinspectanyrelevantdocumentation,pleasecontacttheDevelopmentDepartmentbyemailatcpd@deltaca orbyphoneat604-946-3380
Correspondence received after and up to 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 1, 2023 will be provided to Council in a separate package prior to the start of the meeting
Correspondence received up to 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 26, 2023 will be included in the Agenda package
All correspondence will form part of the public record for this proposal and must include your name and full address ��������
Emailmayor-council@deltaca OR �������� Writeto: MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
DeltaCommunityLiving Societymakingan‘impact’
ijacques@delta-optimist comYouth with developmental disabilities will get extra help to transition from school to work through a $2-million provincial grant
Impact, run through the Delta Community Living Society, helps youth between 15 and 19 with developmental disabilities find employment through supports and services. As many as 360 more youth could get jobs through the three-year grant, which expands the program ’ s reach to 10 B.C. communities
“We want youth with developmental disabilities to have work options where they are valued and can grow, ” said Sheila Malcolmson, B.C Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction “We’re funding programs, like Impact, to help young people get jobs that matter to them.”
Impact and supporting youth with developmental disabilities is further supported through the recently
released Re-imagining Community Inclusion Workplan, which was developed with community partners and people with lived experience. The workplan includes a 10-year vision that sees people with development disabilities thrive fully and equally, as well as work to ensure access to meaningful employment, while contributing to a more inclusive and barrier-free economy.
The $2-million provincial grant to extend and expand Impact comes from the 2022-23 Canada-British Columbia Labour Market Development Agreement. Under the agreement, the Province receives more than $300 million each year to fund employment services and supports, including those provided through the 102 WorkBC centres throughout the province
“Employers across Canada are looking to hire talented youth who add value and innovative perspectives to their teams, including youth with developmental disabilities,” added Delta MP Carla Qualtrough
Changesonhorizonto improvebusserviceinDelta
sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
The city is hoping to increase the speed and reliability of transit service at several busy corridors in Delta
The city recently issued a request for proposal for an engineering consultant to undertake a study on the movement of transit vehicles and passengers and recommend improvements to speed and reliability, as well as provide high level cost estimates for each improvement option.
“Delta’s Official Community Plan identifies the need for direct public transit service throughout the city and with local communities growing at a fast pace, the need for reliable and fast transit is becoming a higher priority. Delta has received cost share funding through TransLink’s Bus Speed and Reliability Program to help mitigate concerns and to develop options, identify future priority projects and create concept designs with this study,” according to the request for proposals
Information from TransLink is to be reviewed on bus delays throughout the network including bus load, boarding and ridership information.
One of the areas focus is Harvest Drive at the Ladner Trunk Road Bus Some of the potential improvements already identified include a new dual left turn from westbound Ladner Trunk Road to southbound Harvest Drive, a dual right turn from northbound Harvest Drive to Ladner Trunk Road and widening Ladner Trunk Road to three lanes between Harvest Drive and Highway 17A
Is your portfolio exposed to climate change?
Jeffrey Greenfeld, CFP® , EPC, RIS
Investment Advisor, iA Private Wealth Inc.
April 22 is Earth Day 2023 With extreme climate events affecting our everyday lives from supply chain interruptions, travel, and shifts in demand, ask yourself, “How can I minimize my portfolio’s exposure to climate change?” Here’s how:
Renewable Energy
With a global objective to limit the world’s temperature increase to 1.5° C by 2050, reducing greenhouse gases is key. Opportunities include:
- solar energy and geothermal
- battery technology
- off-shore wind
Sustainable Agriculture
With a global population of 8 billion, finding ways to sustainably feed the world becomes critical for our survival. You can help by investing in:
- food waste reduction and management
- plant-based alternatives
- green fertilizer and nitrogen
- precision agriculture
Efficient Transportation
Transportation fuel accounts for a large portion of global emissions and will continue to grow as our global population grows Opportunities are:
- car makers, battery parts
- AI & automation
- clean hydrogen charging stations
- electrification of public transit
Divest. Invest. Engage. Divest by decarbonizing your portfolio Invest in socially responsible firms Engage as a shareholder to drive the transition to a more sustainable economy.
Contact Jeffrey Greenfeld at 604 940 8617 or
Ths nforma on has been prepared by Je f ey Greenfed who s an Inves ment Advisor for A Prvate Weath nc Opnons expressed in his article are hose o Je frey Greenfed ony and do not necessar y reflect those of A Prvate Wea h nc A Prvate Weath nc s a member of the Canadian nvestor Protec on Funds and the nvestmen ndust y Regua ory Organzation o Canada
BoundaryBayMontessoristudents presentModelUNprogram
A group of grade 5 to 7 students from Boundary Bay Montessori School travelled to New York City over spring break to participate in the Montessori Model
United Nations program
This is a full year program in which students go through the process of learning to become a UN delegate
Ajeet Singh Bains, Isabel Baldwin, Amelia Bartakovic, Kairi Chui, Ekaager Singh Khalsa, Gray McCauley and Dexter Paziuk all successfully completed this program. Acting as delegates to Cuba, Morocco, Slovenia and
Vietnam, they worked collaboratively with students from all over the world to write resolutions on the topics of The Convention on Biological Diversity and Sustainable Development and the Special Case of Landlocked Developing Countries both topics on the UN committee, ECOFIN.
To prepare, the students researched their chosen country, discovering and documenting its history, geography, economy, environment, political structure and social systems They identified the main issue
being addressed and outlined their country’s government position and perspective They researched speeches and other documents outlining statements from country officials both at the UN and in other international arenas. They used all of the knowledge they had gained through research and discussion to develop at least two international solutions to address their topic issue.
This research culminated in position papers submitted to the MMUN officials At the end of the curriculum, students attended the MMUN Conference in New York
Acting as their country’s delegates, the students delivered passionate and engaging speeches in their UN
WHO loves lawn bowling? Anyone who wants fun, new friends, and some light exercise!
WHAT is lawn bowling? An easily learned sport enjoyed by all ages WHERE will you bowl? At the new Tsawwassen Lawn Bowling green and clubhouse
WHEN will you learn to bowl? May!
WHY join? Because you want some great fun in the fresh air with new friends!
HOW do you start? Easy! Just register!
committee sessions. This intense program provided students with the opportunity to discover that they can be active in solving realworld problems The Bureau selected several students to present their resolutions during the closing ceremony at the UN General Assembly, three of which were students from Boundary Bay Montessori School. This accomplishment speaks to our students’ incredible ability to engage, interact and problem solve with peers from all over the world Boundary Bay Montessori School intends to deliver this program as part of their curriculum every two years
-Submitted by Boundary Bay Montessori School
If you are interested in becoming a carrier please call 604-946-5171
Community LadnerLawnBowlingClub hostingopenhouses
Come out to an open house and give lawn bowling a try in Ladner.
The activity and strategy for lawn bowling is like curling, but you play outdoors. It’s like Bocci, but you don’t play in the sand Golfers will find their putting skills help with lawn bowling. It’s also a great alternative to your current favourite sport when your body is prone to injury. All this for a year-round sport that costs less than $5 a week.
Open houses are set for this Saturday, April 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and every Friday night in May from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
The Ladner Lawn Bowling Club emphasizes casual recreational play on a drop-in basis, but if you are looking for more competitive bowling, the club holds weekly aggregates, in-house tournaments and friendly exchanges with local clubs
If you are a beginner, the club has coaches that can provide lessons and will continue to work with you to develop
your game
The club can supply you the bowls for the first year. Just come in flat soled shoes - no heels, no deep treads
The club is located at 5128 47th Avenue, across the street from McKee House. To find out more visit: www ladnerlawnbowling ca, call 604-946-6722 or email: info
-Submitted by Ladner Lawn Bowling Club
PHOTO SUBM TTEDArtsandculture groupscanapply forMetrofunding
IAN JACQUES ijacques@delta-optimist comLocal arts and culture organizations can now apply for Metro Vancouver’s 2023 regional cultural grants.
Funding is available to help organizations deliver arts and culture projects that benefit the region A maximum of $10,000 will be awarded per project.
“Metro Vancouver is pleased to support artists and cultural workers who enrich our region through their creativity, passion, and diversity,” said Metro board chair George Harvie “Art connects us, challenges us, and inspires us to grow, and we have been consistently impressed with the projects from previous grant recipients, ranging from visual arts, theatre, film, music, and dance”
These annual grants support region-serving arts and culture projects, providing funding for expenses related to project creation, production, dissemination, audience development, research, project staff, and administrative capacity building
Completed applications must be submitted by 4 p.m. on Monday, May 1.
The 2023 application form, along with information about project eligibility and selection criteria, is available at
Questions may be emailed to culturalgrants@ metrovancouver org
Around Town Fish release
The City of Delta presents the 18th annual Watershed Fish Release on Saturday, April 22 from noon to 2 p m
This will be an afternoon of educational displays, activities, tree planting and increasing our local salmon stocks Follow the colourful fish signs from Kittson Parkway, Pinewood Elementary, or Highway 10 to join in on the fun
Pride Society
South Delta Pride Society is hosting We Gay Play Day at the South Delta Rec. Centre on Sunday, April 23 from 6 to 8 p m Doors open at 5 p.m.
This all ages event features entertainment from Justin Abit and Scarlett Rose There is a $5 entry fee and drinks and snacks will be for sale.
Probus Club
The South Delta Probus Club is once again meeting in person
The monthly morning club provides fellowship, friendship and fun for retired and semi-retired persons.
Meetings and activities will actively expand your mind, provide new experiences and expand your social network. Enjoy guest speakers and join lively conversations
A nominal fee is all it takes and a nominal monthly time commitment.
For more information contact membership chair Chris Heywood at: chpdhey@telus net or email: southdeltaprobus@gmail com
StudioWestmusicaltheatreprogramsoars tonewheightswithDisney’sPeterPanJr.
MARK BOOTH mbooth@delta-optimist comStudio West’s Musical Theatre Program is literally soaring to new heights with its latest production opening next week at Ladner’s Genesis Theatre.
When director and choreographer Jyla Robinson and Nicol Spinola decided to proceed with Disney’s Peter Pan Jr. it was only if they could replicate the magic when the two long-time friends worked together on the same show at the Royal City Musical Theatre Company 20 years earlier
“They had Peter Pan and Wendy in front of Michael flying and it was the most magical show that we ’ ve ever been a part of When we decided to do this it was only if we could add this element,” said Robinson
It meant the studio making a significant investment for main characters Ruby Koehn (Wendy), Anika Rintol (Michael), Olivia Gilmore (Peter Pan), Abigail Rozmus (Tinkerbell) and Finn Koefed (John) to work with Langley-based Circus Lab where they got to experience “flying” for the first time recently under the coaching of flight director Jason Waugh
“It’s very uncommon and it’s expensive, but it’s all about safety too,” continued
Robinson. “It was really cool to watch them learn how to just sit and be comfortable in the air (about 30 feet above the stage) Their coach had them do activities like trying to catch whiffle balls, so they weren’t focusing
so much on the height. I think the audience will be really thrilled to see that element added to the musical
“We have so many details already mapped out (for Genesis) but it all comes down to our technical rehearsal in the theater, so it will be hooking everything up and seeing where it sort of lands on the stage and then making sure our set fits properly It’s quite a puzzle.”
Peter Pan Jr sees Wendy, Michael, and John Darling meet and befriend Peter Pan when the mysterious boy and a fairy named Tinker Bell enter their nursery in search of Peter’s lost shadow.
In total there will be 35 cast members. Robinson also praised the work of director assistants Michael Kirk and Ann Matterson, two of her former students Matterson also oversees the musical direction.
“They are two amazing assistants that used to go our studio. It’s just nice to have two young adults who are so passionate about theatre and inspire our young kids as well,” she added.
Peter Pan Jr will be performed on Friday, April 28 (7 p m ) and Saturday, April 29 (1 p.m.). Tickets are $25 and are available online at studiowestdance ca/peterpan
Do something great
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
3900 Arthur Drive, Ladner 604-946-4522
All Saints Anglican Church
Matthew 5: Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.
I pastor a lot of people and what I have discovered is more than before, people are wondering what to do with their lives I was praying and asking God the same question and His answer was not what I expected. I was hoping for a new and fresh revelation. But He simply said: “Do what you know.”
Minister’s Minute ANDREAS BASSON
need. Encourage them, love them, or just ask them if there’s anything that they need right now. Pray for them!
Different opinions are okay: We should be the most understanding people in the world It doesn’t mean we have to agree with everyone. We can stand on the truth of the bible in love, without distancing ourselves from the world
8:30 am and 10 am
Eucharist or Wednesdays 10 am Eucharist and Bible Study
For more information or call 604-946-8413.
4755 Arthur Drive, Delta
We are part of this community, and that means we have the opportunity to show the love of God to those around us. I truly believe
Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Rev. Jason Truell
10:30 am
Nancy 楊牧師
4594 – 54A Street, Ladner, B.C. 604-946-7033
office@ladnercrc com
www ladnercrc ca
the church is called to have a greater impact on people who we share life with. So how can we have a greater impact?
Here are some thoughts:
Love others: We can be the love and encouragement that our neighbors
Be Patient: Don’t judge anyone, but rather, we should be patient and loving.
Be Kind & Generous: Let us be known as generous and kind people.
Live With The Hope We Have In Christ: We do not have to be afraid, and we can help others not feel so afraid by living with the hope we ’ ve found in Jesus.
& Friendship
Sunday’s @ 10:00 am
Rev Daniel Kirkegaard 604.943.2911
“Be Faithful,betrue, be a blessing”
Delta Hospital
Auxiliary volunteers are amazing!
In 2022 the Auxiliary donated more than 60,000 hours of service - the equivalent of more than seven years of volunteer service all jampacked into one year.
What motivates our volunteers to come out every day to support the Auxiliary? Let’s start with the obvious
The money raised by the Auxiliary goes directly to support patient care and comfort at Delta Hospital, Mountain View Manor, and the Irene Thomas Hospice. Many years ago my husband was able have his surgery at the hospital Not only did he receive excellent care, but it was a god-
send for me, a young mom at the time with two small children, who didn’t have to drive to Surrey or Vancouver to visit.
Over the years I have
visited the emergency room many times with various family members, always receiving the best of care
Since 1980 the hospital has been there for our
community, and I know many volunteers are like me, and volunteer to say thank you for these wonderful facilities and the staff who work there. The Auxiliary also sup-
ports the spiritual care and music therapy programs, the recreational program at Mountain View Manor, student and staff bursaries and funds miscellaneous items for
the social workers. And maybe you, or someone you know, has been the recipient of one of the colourful pillows created by our Pillow Pals group for people who have had mastectomies or hernia surgery
The Auxiliary always welcomes new volunteers Not only will you have the satisfaction of knowing you are giving back to your community, but you’ll meet lots of great, like-minded people along the way
As one volunteer, Jane, said, “I’ve made so many new friends people I would never have met if I hadn’t volunteered.”
Come and join us!
-Submitted by Cathy Bayley/president Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society
Better Retirement Living
Delta’sEmergencyManagementProgramextendstheir appreciationandsincerethanksto: EmergencySupportServices(ESS),EmergencyRadio Communicators,NeighbourhoodEmergencyPreparedness Program(NEPP),DeltaLifeboatSocietyvolunteersfortheir supportandongoingcommitmenttowardspublicsafetyinDelta.
Welcome to Kirkland House located in Hawthorne Grove Park at 4140 Arthur Drive, Delta. Restoration of this heritage farmhouse began 30 years ago.
The Kirkland House Foundation has 20-plus volunteers who work regularly to make this a beautiful park, but there are also many folks in this community that have given their group excellent help
The land was privately owned, and the house was abandoned and vandalized when city managers organized a land exchange that gave the city ownership of the nearly five acres that is now the park around Kirkland House.
The house had 54
broken windows and Kirkland volunteers invited local families and businesses to finance a window All the windows had sponsors within six months.
“Students from Delta Secondary were most helpful,” said Foundation chair Colin Campbell “The drama students haunted the wrecked house at Halloween and the donations received financed the operation for a decade. Construction students designed and built the gazebo where so many people have become married. When the house restoration was nearly completed, local families started donating the antique furniture that today makes the house
look great
“It is our hope that by Canada Day, when we hold our annual open
house, we will open the new shed that features antique farm equipment and machinery that the
farming community has already offered to give us. ”
Kirkland House volunteers look forward to wel-
coming everyone to see the house, the grounds, and the shed and enjoy the Delta Police Pipe Band in the company of their friends and neighbours on Canada Day 2023
Looking to learn a new skill? Have one to teach? Want to be part of a community and make new friends? Volunteers meet Wednesdays to work on various projects, while on Saturday mornings, many volunteers put in extra time on their areas of interest
Email: info@kirklandhouse ca and let us know if you would like to have a tour or drop by Wednesday or Saturday mornings after 9 a.m.
-Submitted by Kirkland House Foundation
If you would like to join our family, email .
Did you know that the Delta Police Department (DPD) has a variety of programs that are run by volunteers and are integral to the DPD’s success?
“The role of policing relies on a partnership between the police and the community For the DPD to be effective, we must rely on input from, and relationships with our community members. This input is used to set the strategic direction of the department,” says Acting Insp. James Sandberg
He said one very important way to build that relationship is through volunteer programs “Volunteer programs allow the DPD to gain an understanding of what our community
wants and expect from us, while the volunteers gain valuable experience and insights into policing operations,” added Sandberg. “For some volunteers, the motivation is community citizenship, while others use the volunteer experience as a stepping-stone to a career in policing.
“Regardless of your motivation, if you are looking for a volunteer opportunity, we have one for you. ”
The Reserve Constable program begins with an application and selection process, in-depth training, and then the opportunity to assist officers in a uniformed capacity at community events and in ride-a-long capacities.
The District
Community Police
Offices run a variety of volunteer programs including Crime Watch, Speed and Cell Watch programs, vacation home checks, bike and park patrols, seniors’ programs, vacant home checks, and many more Through the community offices, we also host a Student Ambassador Program designed to introduce public safety to youth who may want a career in public safety in the future.
For more information about our volunteer programs, stop by one of the District Community Police Offices, or see: https://deltapolice ca/ communityprograms.
For puppy raiser Lori Coghill, learning that Beacon has graduated and is now an Operational Stress Intervention Dog with the Saanich Police Department puts a smile on her face.
This was her second dog to graduate after completing the Puppy Raising Program with Ladner-based BC & Alberta Guide Dogs. Andy, who she started raising in 2018, graduated and was teamed with a veteran in Edmonton in the OSI-PTSD Program.
After Andy left, Coghill said she knew she would enjoy using her new knowledge to raise another dog, but what
worked for Andy wasn’t going to be an option for Beacon The week Beacon was born, the COVID-19 pandemic was just hitting the news
By the time the black Labrador was ready to leave his litter mates, the world was in lockdown.
It was a very different training process at the beginning, as classes were done at home, with Skype or Zoom.
“Beacon and I spent lots of one-on-one time together. He gave me a purpose during the pandemic,” she recalled.
As the restrictions eased, Beacon’s training improved.
Coghill said the best compliment when out is when they’d get up to
leave a restaurant. When Beacon comes out from under the table, she would hear people comment “oh my goodness, I had no idea there was a dog in here.”
For Coghill, becoming a puppy raiser has been a gift.
“I knew coming in this is what I signed up for. I’m not doing this for me Seeing these dogs graduate and going on to helping people that’s my reward,” she said.
If you are interested in volunteering and becoming a puppy raiser, contact Matthias Lenz, director of puppy training at: matthias. lenz@bcguidedog com
-Submitted by BC & Alberta Guide Dogs
Delta Meals onWheels Society
OnbehalfoftheBoardofDeltaMealsonWheelsIwishtothankallthededicated drivers who volunteer their time in delivering fresh nutritional meals to our customers in Ladner and Tsawwassen. These are low-cost meals from the KinCentre. The social contact derived through the drivers is a vital component forthementalhealthofseniors.
Additionally, every Christmas the Girl Guides and Embers make cookies and deliver them to our customers. We thank you for your generous contributions. Weliveinacaringcommunity
Persons looking to serve on our Board are most welcome. Please contact us throughDeltaAssistat604-946-9526
The Units are all actively supported by dedicated volunteers. Help is always very appreciated and each member is represented in their many roles. Commitments range from daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonally We would love for you to join us!
Support, Care and Comfort
Cafe: Daily food specials with phone-ahead ordering available 604-946-1121 ext 784155
Delta HospitalAuxiliary strengthens the community of Delta by supporting healthcare in the hospital Our dedicated volunteers support patients and families, offering comfort and care through fundraising formedical equipment, bursaries, the spiritual care and music therapy programs and the annual Christmas decorations.
Gift Shop: Convenience items, luxury clothing, handbags, and jewelry
Lifeline: Medical alert system for seniors or individuals with disabilities
Mountain View Manor: Recreational programs for residents are funded by the Auxiliary
604-946-1121 ext. 783212
5800 Mountain View Blvd
Delta BC V4K 3V6
Thrift Shop: Second-hand clothing, furniture, and housewares
Raising Funds
TheAuxiliary operates four businesses: Courtyard Café, Dogwood Gift Shop and Lifeline at Delta Hospital, and the AuxiliaryThrift Shop in Ladner Village Proceeds from our businesses support many aspects of healthcare at Delta Hospital
Volunteer Week
Reach Child and Youth Development Society
(Reach) sends heartfelt appreciation to all volunteers during National Volunteer Week
Like all non-profit organizations, Reach would not be able to provide extensive service to the community without dedicated volunteers. They come from all walks of life, with different talents and experience to generously offer support to children with extra needs and their families
Reach is grateful to have so many dedicated volunteer directors on their Society, Foundation and Advisory Boards, many of whom are longterm. Get to know them
better at
FINDS Thrift store at Reach would not have been possible without volunteers
“Our amazing and dedicated volunteers have contributed their time, energy and ideas since it’s opening in 2013,” said FINDS Manager Rae-Anne Schneider “Their passion for helping others is what has made FINDS successful as a storefront, operating five days a week, as well as in our current Pop-Up formula, with all of the funds raised going towards supporting children with challenging and complex behaviours.”
Currently, Reach
events committee volunteers are putting in multiple hours planning the Reach for the Stars La Belle Vie Gala coming June 3.
This is the 11th annual gala fundraising evening and events committee volunteer Linda Edwards shares her reasons for helping: “I enjoy fundraising for Reach because it gives me the opportunity to meet so many amazingly wonderful and generous people in our community and beyond.”
Find out more about the gala and get your tickets today at www.
Reach sends appreciation to local individuals, community organiza-
tions, business and staff volunteers for day-of assistance at all fundraising events. McHappy Day at South Delta McDonald’s restaurants arrives May 10, benefiting Reach Come out for free children’s crafts and entertainment lunchtime and after school.
“Volunteers are the heart and soul of a community,” adds Reach fundraising manager Tamara Veitch “They make it possible for us to raise the funds that benefit children in Reach programs. ”
Email Tamara at to volunteer.
-Submitted by Reach Child and Youth Development Society
This year Reach said goodbye to a long-term volunteer, Donna Grant, who passed away in March. Grant started volunteering with FINDS in 2014, and brought with her a quick sassy wit, giant heart, and love to help others.
VolunteersmakesDeltaamorevibrant, welcoming,andinclusivecommunity
The City of Delta is fortunate to have so many active volunteers who make our community a better place to live
This National Volunteer Week, we want to recognize all volunteers for their hard work, dedication, and passion. Volunteering weaves us together and makes Delta a stronger community whose members support one another to create positive change.
We offer many volunteer opportunities at the City of Delta and welcome anyone who
wants to support our city’s initiatives to make Delta an even better community.
Delta’s Parks, Recreation & Culture team have a number of volunteer opportunities for exciting upcoming events like the Boundary Bay Airshow on July 22, and the Luminary Festival on Sept 9 Opportunities at these events include organization, set up, fun activities, and clean up. Reach out to us at volunteers@delta ca or call us at 604-946-3288 if you’d like to join our team
Our Climate Action and Environment team is recruiting volunteers for important community events that will make a positive impact on our environment. Volunteers for our storm drain marking program can help us mark yellow fish on our storm drains to raise awareness of what lives below. We also have our Community Weed Pulls to remove invasive species coming up in May happening all across Delta. If you are interested in these opportunities, contact or call us at 604-946-3253
We sincerely appreciate all the work that our volunteers put into helping our community year-round. You can find more opportunities at
It is because of the work that volunteers do that our city and organizations across Delta can achieve our collective goals of a better place to live, work, and play Thank you to our volunteers for everything you do big or small to make our community more vibrant, welcoming, and inclusive. -Submitted by
NICKI BROCKAMP Contributing WriterWhat started out in 1987 as informal meetings of an enthusiastic group of nature lovers became the Delta Naturalists Society, an official club, and, in 1996, a member of BC Nature
For those not familiar with us, we’re a group of nature enthusiasts, birdwatchers, wildlife photographers and conservationists who enjoy observing and learning about nature together We also strive to advance environmental public education and foster nature conservation.
One of our core activities is a monthly club meeting involving a nature-themed presentation. Two birding/nature walks are organized each week, joined recently by a monthly, Saturday outing, all taking place in great spots in the Lower Mainland with occasional trips to Washington State and Vancouver Island. Everyone is welcome.
We have recently completed a series of 10 nature brochures, available free to
the public at libraries and various other locations and events in Delta. Other educational brochures discuss the protection of owls and garter snakes. You may have also seen our monthly Nature Notes column in the Optimist where our members and local environmental groups share insights into nature in Delta.
DNS participates in several public outreach events every year This year we are again joining the City of Delta in the City Nature Challenge, to be held April 29. We also regularly staff an educational display booth at other local events (see us at Watershed Park Fish Release on Apr 22) through the summer with lots of fun, interactive items to explore.
Stay tuned for an exciting event on June 17. We are planning “Nature on the Bay” interpretive walks at Centennial Beach Check our Facebook page for details closer to the date. Learn more about us at and on Facebook at https://
We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated volunteers at KinVillage. Your hard work and commitment are deeply appreciated!
If you would like to be a part of our team, please visit to learn more about volunteering opportunities.
IAN JACQUES ijacques@delta-optimist comSince starting with just a handful of drivers in 2016, the Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society (VCDS) has expanded its service exponentially throughout the Lower Mainland
With an urgent need for more volunteers, it has set a goal of seeking 100 new drivers region-wide in the next 100 days
Small, but mighty, VCDS delivered 6,000 rides at no cost to cancer patients in its startup year. The demand has been trending upward ever since and is forecast to reach 29,000 ride requests this year.
VCDS has recruited almost 350 member drivers, largely from the eastern side of the region, south of the Fraser and in the Fraser Valley All of them volunteer their time and are offered a vehicle allowance by VCDS to help cover car costs
But only one-fifth of those drivers are in the City of Vancouver, while the BC Cancer outpatient centre there and nearby VGH Blackmore Pavilion
account for almost half of all the rides VCDS provides.
“We’re grateful for each and every one of the volunteer drivers who help us with this vital need,” says Bob Smith, president of the Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society.
“Many cancer patients can’t get to their appointments on their own due to any number of factors including age, medical condition, having no nearby family members or an inability to drive With the growth of our program, we simply need more volunteers If we could get ‘100 drivers in the next 100 days’ , we’d be in much better shape.
“Perhaps Vancouver residents have fewer cars per capita, or it might be demographics, but whatever it is, we need more drivers right across the Lower Mainland, and especially in Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond and the Tri-Cities Otherwise, we ’ re forced to dispatch drivers from other areas like Surrey or the North Shore. For a not-for-profit like us, we need to avoid the extra time and cost of those kinds of trips
“We believe access to essential cancer
RCM-SAR Station - 8 Delta would like to thank all our Volunteers for helping to make Delta a safer and better community, Saving Lives on the Water
treatment shouldn’t be an additional burden for cancer patients and their families. We are dedicated to helping all cancer patients in need, so we really need help
from more drivers.”
Anyone wishing to become a volunteer driver can find more information at
Station - 8 Delta would like to take this opportunity to thank all first responders, medical and volunteer personnel who are facing enormous challenges providing their essential services to our community working with minimal staffing levels.They are responding with courage, resolve and exemplary professionalism.They are true Heroes!
Live Green StudentscreatenewraingardenatDeltaSecondary
CATHRYN TUCKERContributing Writer
Delta Secondary students’ vision to make a positive difference to their environment has led to the creation of a rain garden at the school
The new garden will absorb about 500,000 litres per year of rainwater runoff from the school roof that used to go down storm sewers and into Chillukthan Slough This rainwater resource will now instead be used to grow a garden that beautifies the school, provides bird and pollinator habitat, and replenishes groundwater
Members of the school’s Environmental Club, led by educators Graham Harkley, Paige Collings and Natasha Fletcher, collaborated with the Delta School District’s grounds department and Deborah Jones of Cougar Creek Streamkeepers
to identify a location, create a design, source funding and plant the garden. A shady area of patchy
grass on the north side of the school was selected as the ideal location. Three adjacent roof downspouts could easily and
safely be disconnected from the municipal storm sewer system and diverted into this space, which slopes gently away from the school.
During Spring Break, the district’s grounds department prepared the site by removing the turf, excavating a swale and building a soil berm along the downhill edge They also repurposed the trunks of dying cedar trees to create informal seating for students The trunks also act as barriers to hold soil in place and, as they decay over many years, are a slow-release fertilizer for the garden. After adding fresh soil, large boulders and gravel (for aesthetics and to prevent erosion in areas where water may flow), the area was ready for planting.
Around 20 students showed up on planting day earlier this month to help plant shadetolerant shrubs, ferns and
groundcovers to complete the rain garden.
“Many of the schools in North Delta have a rain garden,” said Jones. “It’s great to see this simple green technology being put to use in South Delta too –first at Cliff Drive Elementary in Tsawwassen, and now at Delta Secondary in Ladner. The school district’s grounds department chose a perfect location with plenty of capacity for sponging up a good portion of school roof runoff, despite Ladner’s high water table”
“There’s a lot of negative news about climate change and I think our young people are feeling pretty anxious about it,” added Harkey. “The rain garden is a very positive activity that the students can feel good about and it will hopefully motivate them to get involved in other ways to help slow down global warming”
DELTA SCHOOL D STRICT PHOTOGFL Delta Composting is creating a Public Advisory Committee to hear community concerns and work together on improvement opportunities
is looking for engaged citizens to join its Public Advisory Committee Members will help support GFL Delta Composting’s community engagement in the region Learn more at
Live Green
IAN JACQUES ijacques@delta-optimist comSaint-Gobain North America, through its building products subsidiary CertainTeed Canada, Inc., has surpassed one million tonnes of recycled gypsum being returned to production at its facility in Delta
This significant milestone, which is the equivalent of enough gypsum wallboard for nearly 250,000 homes in the province, underscores the company’s commitment to reducing its environmental footprint.
In recognition of this achievement, the company hosted a celebration event on April 5 at the Delta plant, which featured remarks from CertainTeed Canada CEO Julie Bonamy Racine, Vancouver Plant Manager Richard Sebastianelli, New West Gypsum Recycling Vice President Richard McCamley, and a video greeting from Premier David Eby.
The accomplishment comes as SaintGobain continues to roll out its global Grow and Impact strategy, which includes reducing waste and increasing the circularity of raw materials in its produc-
tion processes, allowing Saint-Gobain to achieve a net zero carbon footprint by 2050. In addition, this milestone highlights the importance of public policy focused
on sustainability and was enabled by provincial and municipal government efforts to reduce landfill waste and promote circular economy efforts in B C
The Delta facility, which began operations in 1975 and is the only gypsum wallboard manufacturing facility in B.C., achieved this milestone in collaboration with New West Gypsum Recycling. New West receives wallboard waste from both CertainTeed and other sources in the province, and through patented technology, is able to pulverize the gypsum core and remove the backing paper, leaving recycled gypsum ready for use This recycled gypsum is then transported to CertainTeed Vancouver where it is again used in production.
“Surpassing 1,000,000 tonnes of recycled gypsum returned to production is an important milestone, which demonstrates Saint-Gobain and CertainTeed Canada’s commitment to sustainability and minimizing our environmental footprint,” said Bonamy. “Thank you to the provincial government of British Columbia and New West Recycling for your important partnerships and congratulation to our entire Vancouver team for your hard work to make this accomplishment a reality.”
Global Commitment. Local Impact.
SAINT-GOBAIN NORTH AMER CA PHOTOover a century, majority Canadian-owned Global Container Terminals has sustainably grown gateways with innovative technology and our industry-leading Global Commitment to the environment and community Whether it's introducing new environmentally-responsible equipment, ensuring early and responsive engagement on projects or increasing capacity without increasing our footprint, these efforts have made a difference, reducing emissions per container moved by 19%
Deltaports conversion to LED high mast lighting cuts the number of lights on the terminal, reduces glare and has significant annual energy savings (equivalent to eliminating 8000L of diesel fuel)
January5,2023 The Delta Optimist A36
What do you think is the most sought-after destination right now?
Sandy Drover Expedia Cruises 152-4857 Elliott St (Ladner Harbour Center) 604-946-7444
I read that gold came close to reaching a record high in pricing.
I was thinking of bringing in my old jewellery in to sell.
On Thursday March 23, gold reached $2750 CDN which broke the previous record of $2720 from 2020.
Articles from the US show large amounts of people selling gold jewellery there to take advantage of these high prices.
We have found that our purchasing of scrap gold jewellery has seen a large uptake in the last two moths due to these high prices.
Many of the sellers tell us that the reasons they come to us are:
1. That friends recommended us to them.
2. We are member of Better Business Bureau
3 We have a Gold analyzer that we test gold with and allows let customers watch the screen results
4. The high prices that we pay for the gold compared to other places.
Jim Richardson, owner
Western Coin & Stamp 6960 No 3 Road, Richmond, BC V6Y 2C5 www westerncoinsandstamps net westerncns@telus net 604-278-3235
plan on travelling soon, what advice can you provide to help keep me safe?
Congratulations on your plans; travel is a great way to recharge and get a new perspective on life The best way to maximize your enjoyment from your travels is to do everything possible to keep yourself healthy The key to avoiding disease or infection is pre-trip preparation, ideally starting 6 weeks or more before you travel Book a travel consultation with our pharmacist regarding recommended destination specific vaccination(s), techniques for minimizing exposure to and management of insect/food/water borne diseases and advice on managing specific health needs for yourself and your travel companions Bon Voyage!
“Your Health – Our Priority” is not just a slogan – it is THE reason Paul Gibbons, Pharmacist/Owner at the Medicine Shoppe in Tsawwassen, looks forward to helping you every day
do I make sure my Will takes care of those I love and the charitable causes I care for?
Having a legal Will can give you peace of mind, knowing that your final wishes will be met and loved ones taken care of, after you have gone.
It also provides an opportunity to make a meaningful gift in support of a charity that is near and dear to your heart.
Making a charitable gift through your Will can have significant tax savings for your estate and a meaningful impact for your charity of choice. When a gift is made, a charitable tax receipt is issued to your estate which can help to reduce or eliminate final taxes owning.
‘Partners for Tomorrow’ is a wonderful group of individuals who have made a promise to leave a future gift to Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation. Remembering Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation as part of your estate plans helps build a strong and vibrant future for the Delta Hospital Campus of Care which includes, Delta Hospital, Mountain View Manor and the Irene Thomas Hospice.
If you are interested in leaving a bequest to Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation in your Will, please contact: or call 604 940 9695.
More information on making a charitable gift through you Will to Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation is available on our website:
Jodi Stokes, Major Giving Manager Charitable Business Number12984-4114-RR0001
jodi stokes@dhchfoundation ca 604-940-9695
Digital Anesthetic is a technology that controls flow rate and pressure of the anesthesia during the injection. This method is significantly more comfortable than the traditional dental syringe and employs a technique that makes the injection virtually painless. This type of freezing shortens treatment time for every patient and best of all, pain management for the patient is phenomenal. Some people don’t even realize that freezing is taking place. It’s nice to see children, who have never had dental anesthesia, leave their visit never having to experience the “anxiety” associated with “Syringe-Type” delivery methods. Many patients who work would never schedule a procedure in the middle of the day because of profound and lasting anesthesia. With Digital Anesthetic system, patients are now willing to come in at any time, knowing they will be able to communicate effectively at their job. This method of freezing greatly decreases anxiety associated with dental treatment and makes life easier for both the dental team and the patient.
What does it means to port your mortgage?
130 – 4977 Trenant Street, Delta 604-946-9588
More Canadians are starting to hear about porting a mortgage, and are wondering not only what that means, but also if it’s something they’ll benefit from. Porting a mortgage simply means taking your current mortgage, with its rates and terms, and moving it to another property. In a time of high interest rates porting obviously becomes more popular
Porting you mortgage is not always guaranteed. Your mortgage lender will look to ensure you still meet qualification requirements such as income and credit. They will also review the property to ensure it falls within their guidelines so it is very important to discuss portability options before listing your home.
Sid Keay has been awarded the BC Corporate Sponsor Award
Delta business owner Sid Keay has been recognized by the ALS Society of BC.
Keay is the owner of Ocean Trailers and Duncanby Lodge Both companies are presenting sponsors for the ALS Golf Tournament of Hope In 2022, Ocean Trailers donated $7,500 and Duncanby Lodge
contributed an all-inclusive trip for two to Duncanby Lodge valued at $11,500.
“Two of the finest men I have ever known both fought courageous battles with ALS,” said Keay. “The courage they showed was inspiring to all of us who knew George Williams and Kerry Winkler. I consider myself
Dear Dr. Mcphie, how can I help my spring allergies because they make me feel awful?
Oh dear I am so sorry to hear that There are so many things we can do for your allergies. Treatment is very individual As a naturopathic physician, I use integrative approaches to heal spring allergies. I aim to address underlying causes for allergies rather than simply managing symptoms. As a result, patients tend to find long term relief and reduction of symptoms. I may use dietary changes, allergy testing, acupuncture, botanical medicine, nasal irrigation. One of the techniques I have been using for years is called NAET It has been very effective for my patients. Here’s to less itching, less hives, less watery eyes, less sneezing, less congestion, less drowsiness.
blessed to have known each of them. I think of them both daily.”
Keay’s award was presented at a Celebration of Volunteerism and Service ceremony hosted by the ALS Society of BC on Tuesday, April 11
“Sid Keay has been a supporter of the ALS Society of
BC for decades,” said Wendy Toyer, executive director of the ALS Society of BC. “His modest personality shies away from public recognition of his humble generous philanthropy. This award is just a small token of appreciation for everything Sid gives back”
-Submitted by ALS Society of BC
I’ve recently started running and have been experiencing knee pain. What could be causing this and how can I prevent it?
www thevillageclinic com
Knee pain is a common issue among runners, and can be caused by several factors such as overuse, poor running form, tight muscles, or joint irritation. To prevent knee pain, try incorporating strength training exercises that target the muscles surrounding the knee, such as squats and lunges. Proper footwear is also crucial – make sure your shoes fit well and provide enough support. If pain continues, you may be a candidate for custom-made orthotics. If you’re experiencing persistent knee pain, consider seeking out a chiropractor for manual muscle and joint care, exercise programming, and custom-made orthotics, to help prevent injury and alleviate discomfort.
Drjanekrueger com
I have hearing loss in both ears, but one is definitely worse than the other Can I just get one hearing aid for now?
You can, but you probably shouldn’t.
Cover one eye with your hand: notice how clarity, depth perception, and spatial awareness are effected? It’s not much different with our ears. Even if your hearing loss is predominately in one ear, wearing hearing aids in both can help with:
• Sound distinction and speech understanding (it’s easier to be selective in what you listen to)
• Sound detection (you can more reliably detect where sounds are coming from for social and safety reasons)
• Sound quality
• Brain stimulation (your brain likes getting equal inputs from both ears)
• Listening ease (amplification in each ear is less tiring, straining and more satisfying)
Just as we use both eyes to see our best, our two ears work together to help us hear our best!
Mark Nickel BC-HIP, BBA Hearing Instrument Practitioner
Phone: 604-943-0033
5682 12 Avenue, Tsawwassen www TsawwassenHearing com
If you are nervous about your investments, you’re not alone. Here’s my advice:
Filter out the media noise. Dramatic news makes good headlines, but in reality volatility is normal and healthy Successful investing involves using the “ups” and “downs” to your advantage.
Ensure your portfolio is well structured. Your financial advisor should
Doug Smith
BA I CIM® Financial Advisor
Kootenayteamsspoil IceHawks’runforcup
PJHL champions finish fourth in Revelstoke
MARK BOOTH mbooth@delta-optimist comA season that lasted eight months ended with an empty tank in Revelstoke for the Delta Ice Hawks.
The Pacific Junior Hockey League champions closed out a memorable campaign Sunday afternoon with a 4-2 loss to the Oceanside Generals in the bronze medal game at the Cyclone Taylor Cup provincial junior “B” championships
For all intents and purposes, the season actually concluded roughly 14 hours earlier when Delta’s bid to be in the gold medal game was denied by host and eventual champion Revelstoke Grizzlies in a 5-2 loss to close out round-robin play on Saturday night
“We played some great hockey in the Revy game, especially late in the first and second period, and we ’ re snake
bitten and unlucky not to be up two to three goals, similar to Oceanside (win on Friday),” said Ice Hawks GM and head coach Steve Robinson. “The power play was not effective as we would have liked and as many injuries and empty tanks as we had, it wasn’t meant to be in that third period”
The trip to the Kootenays was all about getting to the top of the podium, especially after losing last year ’ s title game on home ice. That’s why Robinson sat some of his banged up players for the bronze game against an Oceanside team Delta defeated 7-4 two nights earlier
This time, the Vancouver Island champions scored three unanswered goals to erase a 2-1 Ice Hawks lead after 20 minutes on goals by Kyle Robinson and Yuki Akimoto. Zach Shaugnessy made 32 saves with the Generals enjoying a 36-29 advantage in the shots department
-After dropping a 5-1 decision to Oceanside on opening night, Revelstoke reeled off three straight wins for its second Cyclone Taylor Cup title in three years, capped by a 4-1 over Kootenay league rival Kimberley in the gold medal game on Sunday
- It was the Ice Hawks’ sixth Cyclone Taylor Cup appearance in the franchise’s 25-year history with the lone win being in 2006.
- Sunday’s bronze medal game marked the end of the junior careers for Alec Scouras, Carson Hemenway, Kyle Robinson and Alex Lucchesi
Tsawwassen blueliner earns all conference honours at RIT
mbooth@delta-optimist com
Aiden Hansen-Bukata has been recognized for his outstanding junior season for the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) men ’ s hockey team at the NCAA Division One level
The blueliner from Tsawwassen was among four RIT players named First
Team All-Atlantic Conference after leading the Tigers to the Atlantic Hockey regular-season championship.
The 2017 South Delta Secondary graduate ranked sixth nationally among defencemen in scoring with 32 points in 37 games.
In Atlantic Conference play he led all d-men in scoring with 25 points.
He is the first RIT player to record 30
assists in a season since the 2015/16 campaign and is the 28th player in school history to eclipse 30 assists in a season.
Hansen-Bukata also ranked 12th nationally in blocked shots with 69, including a career-high seven in a 4-3 win over Holy Cross back on Jan 27
He headed to the New York school on a lucrative scholarship deal after
a couple of standout seasons in the B C Hockey League with the Nanaimo Clippers. As a rookie, he earned second team league all-star honours with 37 points in 55 games
Prior to heading to Vancouver Island, Hansen-Bukata had a leading role in his hometown Delta Ice Hawks’ run to the PJHL championship and Cyclone Taylor Cup silver medal finish in 2018
Tsawwassen’s McKaig inducted into UBC Sports Hall of Fame
mbooth@delta-optimist comTerry McKaig has received the ultimate honour for his outstanding work on and off the field with the UBC Thunderbirds baseball team
The Tsawwassen resident is part of the UBC Sports Hall of Fame induction class that was honoured on April 12 at the UBC Athletics Big Block Awards He is joined by Doug and Lois Mitchell in the builder’s category, while field hockey player Reg Plummer, along with the 1971-72 women ’ s basketball team and 1964-5 men ’ s swim team are also being recognized McKaig is synonymous with UBC baseball.
He is the chief architect behind the triumphant rise of Thunderbird varsity baseball at UBC, having built the program from the ground-up after taking over as head coach in 1997
A native of Vernon, McKaig began his own post-secondary career as a right fielder at North Idaho College (‘90-93),
before making stops with Albertson College (‘94) and the National Baseball Institute (‘95-96). McKaig would also go on to play with the Canadian senior men ’ s national team
Prior to coming to UBC, McKaig spent time coaching with the Vancouver Mounties of the Premier Baseball
League (PBL) After taking the helm at UBC, he faced a lack of facilities and funding. Despite these challenges, he propelled the Thunderbird program to life Under his leadership, UBC became a perennial top 25 team in the NAIA, earning seven league playoff championships and one NAIA Super Regional title
A four-time coach-of-the-year, McKaig oversaw 23 of his players drafted by the Major Leagues, most notably UBC Hall of Famer and North Delta native Jeff Francis, who was selected ninth overall in the 2002 draft and had a stellar major league career
In 2015, McKaig stepped aside from coaching duties to fully concentrate on the role of Director of Baseball at UBC, where he raised significant funds for the construction of new state-of-the-art baseball facilities, including the Rose Indoor Training Centre and Tourmaline West Baseball Stadium.
Over the years, many local top baseball players that have come through the Delta Blue Jays PBL program have had the opportunity to continue their careers at UBC thanks to McKaig’s vision He also spearheaded community projects such as the creation of the PBL Junior program
In 2021, McKaig took on a new challenge as Director of Development in the Fraser Region for the BC Cancer Foundation
Loads of room in this 2,600 square foot home on a massive 10,720 square foot lot. Upstairs features large living room, eating area and updated kitchen which leads to a spacious wrap around deck. 3 bedrooms, updated main bath and updated 2 piece ensuite. Downstairs features a legal suite - great mortgage helper. PLUS for the handyman, you will love this garage and also the massive shop in the back. Large west exposed backyard is a gardeners delight. Located in a family oriented neighborhood, walk to Hawthorne Elementary, shops,
Excellent opportunity to purchase these 2 homes with potential for 3 lots. Beautiful south exposed backyards overlooking farmland, providing so much privacy and a beautiful tranquil setting. Quiet cul-de-sac location close to Cromie Park, Ladner Elementary and more.
4810 42A Avenue, Ladner $1,399,000 // 4818 42A Avenue, Ladner $1,399,000
113-4768 53 street
2 Bed | 2 Bath | 952 ft2
Welcome to SUNNINGDALE, one of Ladner’s most beloved condo buildings This lovingly cared for and well maintained
Bed, 2 Bath, 956 sq ft suite is steps to transit, shopping, recreation & what has become one of the Lower Mainland’s year around hot spots Ladner Village!!! Spacious & well laid out floor plan incl’s both living/dining rooms, large bedrooms, gas fireplace, fresh paint & easy to maintain laminate flooring that’s in great condition West exposed balcony space allows for daily sunsets & a perfect place for your BBQ and potted plants. Enjoy having a peace of mind with the benefit of a secure ground floor suite that is elevated 1 floor above street level. 1 parking & 1 storage locker A special home in a special town!
303-15241 18 Avenue - Surrey
Eagle Place - Surrey
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5089 59A STREET
Fabulous 3 bedroom penthouse at Tsawwassen's Royal Oaks This rare find has never been on the market and truly is one of the best units in this development Excellent floor plan with huge living, dining area, beautiful bright great room, big master suite and 2 private sunny decks. Don't miss this special penthouse. Call for your exclusive showing.
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
FABULOUS VIEWS $2,999,000 $1,199,000
Custom Designed Home with simply the Best Views in Tsawwassen. This Totally Private 2 Bedroom & Den home has an Outstanding Open Floor Plan to take full advantage of all the spectacular Ocean Sunset Views. There will NEVER be another home like this in Tsawwassen. Call for Floor Plans and more Info.
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
Featuring 6 bdrms, 6 bathrms, excellent 2 bdrm suite and spectacular rooftop deck. This rare find is located on a quiet street with many fines homes in Upper Tsawwassen Home is just totally updated with ouststanding views on a 10,750 sq ft western exposed lot This kind of home does not come to market often, don't miss this one. Call for more information.
Call ROBIN for info. 604-868-2844
Fabulous opportunity to purchase one of Ladner's historic family businesses. This great pub is located on Ladner's inner harbour with marine access and potential marine business. The business has been great for decades and now is time for another buyer to put their own business ideas and energy to continue this long established pub.
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
5368 4A AVENUE
Fabulous views of North Shore Mountains and Boundary Bay This great 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom home has been extensively updated, recent updates includes an outstanding pool, patio and deck areas Home also features gourmet kitchen which opens to a large great room and deck area that takes advantage of the fabulous views Just move in and enjoy your resort at home Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
Beautiful 5 bedroom, 4 full bathroom home in upper Tsawwassen This great family home is approx 2900 sq ft with excellent floor plan and finished with high end details throughout Located in an area of newer homes close to schools, parks, transportation with a beautiful southern exposed back yard. Call for more information and your exclusive showing
Call ROBIN 604-868-2844
5000CliffDrive $2,995,000 This28,000sqftlotisintheprocessofapplicationforsubdivisionfor2flatrectangularbuildinglots,andallbuilding planshavebewensubmittedtothecity Thecurrentfamily homehasbeenrenovatedandoffersover3,600sqft.ofliving spaceforafamilythatchoosestokeepthelotasiswithswimmingpool&park-likesetting.
102-128055Street $765,000 Sandpiperbuildingintheheartof Tsawwassen.Over1400sq.ft with3 patios.
1178WalaleeDrive $1,649,000 OceanandMountainviewsona 14,000+sqftlotinthehighlydesirablevillage!
JUSTLISTED DynamicMarketing•ExpertContractKnowledge ExperiencedNegotiatingSkills
598TsawwassenBeachRd$5,498,000 Panoramicoceanfronthomeon1.3of Acreofferinganamazinglifestyle.
5129WilsonDrive $2,995,000 Newcustombuilthomewithoutthe GST,executive,luxuryentertainment homeinprimelocation.
JUSTLISTED 54785BAvenue $1,399,000 113650thStreet $1,499,000 5157KilkennyDrive $1,749,000 878PacificDrive $2,499,000 4695KensingtonPlace$1,289,000 601-5011TsawwassenSprings $1,218,000
Panoramic views of Fraser River & mountains from this stunning float home.Completewithsecuremoorage for your yacht & 3 car garage all on 132’ (Double Lot) of river frontage. Once in a lifetime opportunity to own this exquisite home. Conceived & designed by Architect Jennifer Heath & Designer Jane Dabrowski & Custom Built by Pinnacle Homes. This welcoming home is filled with light and ambience. Welcoming large and small groups of family or guests inside and out. Designed to showcase top quality finishes–solid walnut flooring and walnut feature walls & built-ins. Entertain to your heart’s delight in the gourmet Thermador kitchen designed to enjoy the unbeatable views while you cook and entertain on your 700 sq. feet of deck all warmed by gas heaters for all year enjoyment.
211-4977 Springs Blvd Tsawwassen • $585,000
VIEWS of golf course & NS mountains - spacious 1 bed condo with open plan & large covered deck overlooking golf course - ideal outdoor living & entertaining space! Resort style living at T Springs!!!
310-15300 17 Avenue
South Surrey • $659,000
Spacious & UPDATED 1410 SF 2 bed condo in quiet & well run complex with new boiler, newer roof, updated common areas - walk to Semiahmoo Mall, transit, medical, coffee shops!!!
1112 Skana Drive Tsawwassen • $1,798,000
Beautifully RENOVATED 2974 SF 6 bed home on private & SUNNY 9200 SF lot on sought after Skana Drive! Space for home office & gym in this stunning ‘move in ready’ home!!!
120-1840 160 Street
South Surrey • $248,800
BREAKAWAY BAYS - updated 2 bed manufactured home in very desirable park & location - monthly pad rental includes outdoor pool, clubhouse & fitness rm - mins to White Rock shops & beach!!!
931 Gale Drive
Tsawwassen • $1,449,000
Spacious & meticulously maintained 3049
SF 6 bed home on private & SUNNY 11109 SF west exposed lot on quiet street - walk to schools, parks, transit & town center!!!
4774 104TH STREET
First time this amazing secluded 20 25 acre parcel has been offered for sale since 1955 which is located just off Hornby Drive on the quiet section of 104th close to Boundary Bay and private member grass airstrip. All 3 buildings on this property were built in 1972 which includes a sprawling 3,162 sq. ft. 4 bedroom rancher w/30 + car concrete driveway was substantially renovated and enlarged in 1987 and roof redone 10 years ago. The second residence is a 1238 sq ft Woods bungalow presently rented and the spectacular 8,400 sq. ft. 20 stall barn which was used from day 1 to breed race horses up until 7 years ago is truly a first class facility complete with steel roof and cladding Attention to detail here is second to none including chain link fencing that surrounds the entire property
2975 53RD STREET $5,950,000
Almost square 17 34 acre parcel with 823 ft of road frontage features an English style country home, 5 stall barn, hay field and generous pasture area which has been an established equestrian facility for decades. The property offers an ideal central location just 5 minutes to Tsawwassen or Ladner, Tsawwassen Mills Mall, BC Ferries, DeltaPort Way, TFN Industrial Park, transportation and more. This parcel is close to BC Railway in an area of transitional properties with amazing future potential. Call anytime for more information.
MLS R2681681 360º TOUR follow me on
Welcome to your new home in Port Guichon! This charming 2-level house features 2300 sq ft of living space, complete with 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms The living room and modern rec room each feature gas fireplaces making it the perfect spot for family time, and movie nights French doors open up to the large deck overlooking the sunny, fenced backyard, perfect for outdoor entertaining The detached enclosed garage offers ample space for all your storage needs Nestled in a private cul-de-sac it is conveniently located close to schools and transit, making it the perfect location for families!
This is the perfect FAMILY HOME! A rare find, this corner lot 1/2 duplex is centrally located with an easy walk to both elementary and high school, transportation, aquatic and fitness center and the Southlands Tastefully updated, this 2340 sq ft home features 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, an open concept kitchen and living/dining room and great family room! 2 car garage and additional parking in driveway Enjoy the beautiful sunrise from your choice of decks or living room!
#201-4755 51st Street, Ladner
1,150 sq. | 2 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms
Ladner Village Gate
Convenience at your doorstep! Located on the fringe of Historic Ladner Village is this amazing 4 year old corner unit in a bou�que building w/ open concept and surrounded by windows Some of many features include 2 ensuite bathrooms w/ infloor heat, loads of storage w/ extra closets throughout, 9’ ceilings, quartz counters, wide plank floors, gas range & large center island. These units rarely come available!
#7-5661 Ladner
Trunk Rd, Ladner
857 sq. | 2 bedrooms | 1 bathroom
Oak Glenn Terrace! Walking distance to town. Spacious 2 bdrm condo features a large living & dining area with gas fireplace. Access to West facing pa�o from the main living area & Master bedroom. Walk up Pa�o access makes this feel like a townhome. Updates include flooring & kitchen. One covered parking spot and storage locker Act fast!
sq. lot
Enjoy family life to the fullest! Custom built ‘Modern Cra sman’ with an a en�on to detail, finishings & luxury appliances 10’ ceilings, large family friendly kitchen, huge primary bedroom with spa-like ensuite, A/C, detached double car garage & steps to an abundance of recrea�on
Rega�a Way, Ladner
1,334 sq. | 2 bedrooms & Den| 2 bathrooms
SOUTHPOINTE - Private, Peaceful, Perfect! Move in ready rancher with a long list of updates plus a double car garage. Tranquil se ng overlooking the green space & waterway Adult oriented 55+ gated community RETIREMENT RETREAT!
4888 2 Avenue, Tsaw $1,348,000
891 sq. | 2 bedrooms | 1 bathroom 7,546 sq. lot
SOUTH FACING LOT! Build up to 3,263 sq home + basement (verify with the City of Delta). Quiet loca�on near Fred Gingell Park and Tsawwassen Beach.
2,330 sq. | 4 bedrooms | 2 ½ bathrooms
6,926 sq. lot
Me�culous and well maintained family home with quality finish and cra smanship in desirable West Ladner area. Great street appeal, plenty of parking and sparkling I/G pool, A/C all ready for this summer!
5046 1A Avenue
Location! Fantastic family home located on a prestigious cul-de-sac in upper Tsawwassen. Extensively renovated and ready to move in. Great family floor plan, 2,946 sq. Ft. main floor living with kitchen, family room and dining room facing to a south sunny backyard. 4 bedrooms and huge games room on upper floor, 3 baths, double garage and plenty of storage. Fully renovated including, kitchen, bathrooms, flooring, appliances, lighting, interior/exterior paint, and landscaping. Newer roof, boiler and hot water tank. This home shows beautifully!
NEW LISTING $1,488,000
65 Deerfield Place
Charming 3 bedroom/2 bathroom rancher in “Deerfield”. Located on a quiet cul-de-sac backing onto greenspace. At 2167 sq ft this rancher has a fabulous layout with an oversized primary bedroom with walk in closet and sliding doors opening onto private patio. Large living and dining room opening up to sun drenched west facing patio overlooking mature landscaped garden. Radiant in floor heat, skylights, hardwood flooring. This home has been lovingly looked after by the original owners, bring your own design ideas to make it yours.
1206 Pacific Drive
Located in Stahaken on Pacific Drive, one of the nicest subdivisions in Tsawwassen, this 4 bdrm/3 bathroom home was custom built by Carl Jensen for the existing owner Grand entrance with vaulted foyer, large formal dining and living room with large kitchen/family room opening up to the back patio. Manicured gardens and yard provide a park-like setting. 3 bedrooms up including a spacious primary bedroom with a large 5 piece ensuite and spacious walkin closet. Separate games room above the garage provides added flex space. Fantastic layout for family and entertaining. Radiant heat and several updates including newer roof, IBC Boiler, interior & exterior paint, blinds, appliances and more.
#201-1480 Foster Street, White Rock
WELCOME TO WHITE ROCK SQUARE - Well kept 2 Bed, 2 Bath unit with over 1259 sqft. Vacant & ready to move in. This large unit has southwest ocean views, great layout, with an enclosed 8’x20’ solarium, in-suite storage room, large locker and secured parking. Located right in the heart of uptown White Rock & only steps to amenities: shopping, restaurants, park, recreation, transit & more. Solid concrete building with amazing amenities area & roof top deck with spectacular views! Enjoy over 1000sqft common area with fireplace, pool table, card tables, lounge & kitchen. Heat and Hot water included in maintenance.
Remembering Michelle Welch on her birthday, Aprl 21st
Mssed and Loved everyday Family and Friends
June 30, 1948 March 27, 2023
It is with extreme sadness that we announce the passing of Linda Easdown after losing her battle with cancer peacefully at home. She was predeceased by her parents, William and Nora Cruishank. Linda is survived by her husband, Phil; children Slate (Jennifer), Paul (Betty), Steven (Lori), Brendan (Kerry) and Erin (Stan); as well as her five grandchildren, Chase, Brodie, Paige, Emma and Damon
Earlier in life, she was involved in the Boys and Girls Club in Ladner. Linda also worked at Deltassist in Ladner and North Delta. She was a longtime employee with Meals on Wheels in Delta and OWL Orphaned Wildlife. In her spare time, Linda enjoyed family get togethers, shopping and the Casino.
In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Cancer Society. There will be a Celebration of Life announced at a later date.
STEEL, Ronald Hugh
June 16, 1937 April 15, 2023
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Ronald Hugh Steel on April 15, 2023, at the age of 85, with his wife Sharie by his side.
Predeceased by his parents Hugh and Ada Steel, brother Tom, infant son Mark and son in law Joe Veres. He will be remembered and sadly missed by his loving wife of 56 years, Sharie; daughter Lori Veres; sons Brian (Lisa), Doug (Marilyn) and Darin (Jennifer); and six wonderful grandchildren, Cory, Danielle, Jerrica, Brandon, Madison and Allie along with great grandson Ethan.
Ron’s loveliest talent was his whistling, and boy, could he whistle to the most treasured of his tunes. Ron’s love of music came from his much loved Uncle Archie (Steel), who would take him to see the plays at Queen Elizabeth Theatre. Ron was born in Vancouver and was a proud graduate of Kitsilano High School. Ron enjoyed a long, successful career in the flooring industry, and he always remarked that he worked with and for the best Hal H. Paradise, Beatty Floor and BC Hardwood Floors. Ron was honoured to serve as President of the BC Flooring Association from 1975 1976. He enjoyed helping with the sports his children were involved in, assistant coaching or helping in any way he could. Ron was so proud to coach his girl’s soccer team, The Beatty Floor Babes, taking them to the 1977 Provincial finals in Edmonton. The generous sponsorship of Beatty Floors made it possible for the team to play for many years. The 1977 team was inducted into the Delta Sports Hall of Fame in 2013. Coach Ron Steel was proudly inducted into the Delta Sports Hall of Fame in 2017.
Ron’s love of family and the joy, love, and laughter that we shared when we got together was our biggest pride and joy. Ron always commented, "Sharie, we are so lucky, so fortunate." Ron was always so grateful for anything you did for him.
A very special thank you to Dr. Klammer what a blessing, and, in Ron’s words, "we are so blessed to have her."
From your beloved wife, Goodnight, Magoo. I love you. Till we meet again...
The family honours Ron’s wishes of no service
HASTINGS, William H.
March 19, 1938 April 3, 2023
CPO 2 Bill Hastings, CD (Ret’d), passed away peacefully on April 3 at the age of 85. He leaves behind the love of his life and wife of 64 years, Marcia; sons William (Jill) and Lance (Judy); granddaughters Chelsea and Amber; brother Ed (Assunta); sister Shirley; brother in law Peter Smith (Carolyne); and many nieces, nephews, and cousins.
Bill was born in Victoria, BC, to Bill and Annie Hastings. His Dad started teaching him to play the cornet when he was 8, and at the age of 17, inspired by his Uncle Willie Ratcliffe’s career as a military musician, he enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces School of Music at CFB Esquimalt. He then joined the Royal Canadian Navy’s Naden Band and soon became lead trumpet player. In 1969, he was posted to the Royal Canadian Regiment Band in London, Ontario, and moved with the band in 1970 to CFB Gagetown in Oromocto, New Brunswick. In 1981, he was transferred back to the Naden Band in Victoria for the last four years of his service. In 2004, Bill and Marcia decided to move to Tsawwassen, BC, where they resided at Windsor Woods and then The Waterford.
During his 30 year career in the Armed Forces, Bill performed at many concerts and ceremonies throughout Canada and around the world and was considered by his peers to be one of the best trumpet players of his generation in Canada. After retirement, he continued to perform, first as a member of Victoria’s Chief & Petty Officers’ Association Band and then with the Richmond Community Concert Band.
In later years, Bill and Marcia continued to travel and visit family abroad and fell in love with cruising. But what truly brought Bill happiness was sharing a good meal with his family and friends. His presence will forever be missed but never forgotten.
A Celebration of Life followed by a reception will be held at the Valley View Funeral Home, 14644 72 Ave, Surrey, BC, on April 25, 2023, from 2:00pm until 5:00pm.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations can be made to The Richmond Community Concert Band ( or The Salvation Army (
Fond memories linger everyday, Remembrance keeps themnear.Michelle Welch
PEET, Thomas David
Wth great sadness we announce the sudden passing of Thomas David Peet, at the age of 89 years He oved and leaves behind his wife of 65 years Ruby, daughter Jance (Brian), grandsons Grayden (Karlee) and Mason, and great grandson Castle He was predeceased by daughter Joanne, and sbings Anna, Bud, and Edna
Famly and friends were everythng to Tom Born in Sydney Mnes, Nova Scota, he was the youngest of Magge and Thomas Peet’s 4 redheads Neces and nephews lvng in Alberta and Nova Scotia, remember hm as the gue that hed everyone together, and sometmes the slly putty He eft Cape Breton n 1954 and htch hiked as far as hs dollars would take him With $20 left in his pocket, he setted in Edmonton, Alberta, where he met the ove of hs lfe, Ruby Tom enoyed a successfu career n saes that took him all over Canada, and allowed Tom, Ruby, and Janice to move to the west coast and sette n Tsawwassen n 1967
Tom wil be remembered by al who knew hm as a snger of songs, a teler of tales, a man of grace and charm, who embraced lfe whoeheartedy, made everyone feel welcome, and lived by the motto, “You never throw out a joke!”
A celebration of Tom’s ife wil take place on June 17, 2023 at 1:00 pm at Pennsua Unted Church, 2756 - 127th Street, South Surrey
In ieu of flowers, please consider donating to The Juvenie Diabetes Foundation or Peace Arch Hosptal Foundaton in hs memory
PARKER, Joyce Elizabeth (nee Warren)
Sunrise July 7, 1936Sunset March 25, 2023
Our famly s very sad to announce the passing of our matriarch Joyce was predeceased by her parents, Sidney and Irene Warren, and grandson Mchael Parker She leaves behind her husband of 67 years Graham, and sons Dave (Maron), Warren (Jeannie), Craig (Barb), Kely (Kell), and Rchard (Km) She also leaves grandchldren Caitin (Sean), Liz (Shawn), Steve (Alex), Haylee (Zack), Aedan, Chloe (Chris), Zach (Josie), and great-grandchildren Makenna and Hudson
Joyce was born in Vancouver but grew up n Edmonton She then moved to James Island (Sidney, BC), Edmonton, Hinton, Alberta, and Tsawwassen
Mom was busy brnging up 5 boys but also worked retail for many years She was actve n Kinettes, Beta Sigma Ph, and Red Cross where she vounteered at Bood Donor Clinics Joyce was an avid dancer and was an Edmonton Eskimo Majorette in the 1950s She enjoyed swimming, bowlng and a day at the Casno She was also a great (and lucky) card payer exceling in bridge and cribbage She was in her eement at parties and loved to cook, entertan, and socalze She had a large group of friends and was aways up to ‘go for coffee’
Joyce and Graham are very wel traveled and have seen the world, and lved n Canada, Afrca, and Austraia They made lifeong frends aong the way We celebrate al she has done and al the paces she has visited
God Speed Mom!
RACHEL, Janet McCallum (Morrison)
Passed away peacefuly at Feetwood Place Care Home, Surrey, BC on March 27, 2023 with famly at her sde
Janet was in her 90th year being born in Campbeltown, Scotand on Juy 10, 1933
Predeceased by daughter Katherine, lovng husband Dean, brothers John and Jmmy and nephew Peter
Janet s survived by sons Martin (Shelie), Andrew (Joanne), Ian (Susan) and Chris (Alison), 4 sisters, 9 grandchildren, 3 great grandchidren and also relatves in the USA and UK
A Ceebration of lfe will be hed at the Arbor Chapel, Valey Vew Funeral Home, 14660-72 Ave, Surrey, at 2:00 pm on Saturday, May 13, 2023
Memores and condolences can be sent to www arbormemoria ca/valeyview
Valley Vew Funera Home
You and your sprited outook on ife wl be greaty mssed Cheers!
MaytheSunshineofComfort DispeltheCloudsofDespair
SIMPSON, Erna Elsie
September 8, 1929 - March 26, 2023
It s with great sadness that we announce the passing of our mother and grandmother, Erna Elsie Smpson at the age of 93
Erna was the ast of seven chidren and predeceased by her older sster Ama ust 10 days earier
Erna is survived by her chldren; Laurel (John) Crosby, Robert (Debbie) Smpson, Stuart (Dana) Smpson and her grandchidren Cameron (Eden) and Anthony (Mackenzie) Crosby and Devon (Tommy) and Robbe (Keler) Simpson
Mum, Gramma - we will miss you!!
A Celebraton of Life to honour Erna’s lfe wil be announced at a later date
Sat, 9-5; Sun 10-3
5028 48th Avenue
Furnture, books, chldren and adut cothng, househod, eectroncs, more! Al proceeds to BC Children’s Hospta
Saturday & Sunday
Apri 22 & 23 • 9 to 3 6510 Holly Park Drive
Everything Must Go & Lots of Toos
Garage Sale Season is here!
TRIEGLAFF, Gernot Hans - Joachim
February 14, 1937 - April 2, 2023
It is with a heavy heart that we announce the sudden passng of our dear Gernot HansJoachim Trieglaff, known to hs famiy as “Papa”
Gernot was born on the island of Rügen, Germany on February 14, 1937 and enjoyed the maorty of his working career n Canada, as a project superintendent for PCL Constructors, contrbutng to many iconc structures n Metro Vancouver and beyond Prior to starting with PCL, Gernot enjoyed many years traveling nternationaly for different projects, includng South Africa (Ghana), Switzerand, Germany, Abu Dhabi, Whitehorse and Logan Lake
Gernot had a wonderful ife and enjoyed spendng his time gardening and visiting with family at the home which he bult with his team, in Boundary Bay in Tsawwassen (Deta), BC He enjoyed long waks durng ow tide on Centennia Beach and chatting and visiting with his neighbours Gernot loved to trave and visited many countres al over Europe He spent several weeks of the year enoyng the beaches in Nuevo Valarta, MX where many fond memores were made wth frends and famiy
Gernot was predeceased by hs mother Paula and father Pau of Germany He is survved by his lovng wfe Paulne, married for 42 years, along wth his sster Ingrid (Guenter) of Germany
Gernot was an amazing step-father and is survived by Mark, Vick (Barry), Coleen, Nick (Trevor) and Smon (Donna) whom he oved as if they were his own children He is also survived by nine grandchldren, two great grandchldren, and hs best frend Peter Wl of 50+ years
Gernot was oved and admired deeply and wll be greatly missed by his famly and friends
A prvate ceebration of lfe for famiy and friends wil be held at a later date
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Due to space restrictions, there is no puzzle this issue.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
DOWLING, Michael Joseph
STREIT, Lise (née Gagnon)
Wth great sadness, we announce the passng of Lse Stret (née Gagnon), born n Vle de la Bae, Quebec, November 25, 1944 Surrounded by famiy, she passed away peacefuly on Apri 15, 2023, at 78
Lse was a beloved wfe, mother, sster, aunt, and grandmother, who touched the ives of everyone who knew her She s survived by her husband of 57 years, Ludwg, ther sons Christian (Kelly Isbster) and Peter (Suzanne Stret), grandchldren Sébasten, Monet, Nicolas, and Eodie, and her brother PerreMiche, ssters Marcelle, Camile, Hélène, and Christiane
Lse was a ifeong learner and teacher of over 35 years, havng taught elementary French mmerson for 21 years wth the Delta School Dstrct
Known for her ove of ife and strong determnation, she will be sadly missed, but we take comfort in knowing she is at peace
Thank you for the excelent care provided by the staff at the Irene Thomas Hospce in Ladner
In ieu of flowers, kindly consider donating to the Irene Thomas Hospce:
https://www dhchfoundaton ca/donate-now
A vigi in honour of Lise wll be held at 7:00 PM, Tuesday, Apri 25 at Sacred Heart Parish, 3900 Arthur Dr, Delta A mass wil aso be hed at 10:00 AM, Wednesday, Apri 26 at Sacred Heart Parish
Condoences may be offered at www deltafunera ca
Deta Funeral Home (604)946 6040
It is with great sadness that we announce the passng of Michae Joseph Dowlng He was born December 17, 1942 in Vancouver, BC, to John and Rose Dowing He was the first born of five sbings: Susan, Bran, Maureen and Kathy At a young age, Mke met and fel in love wth Iris, who would then become his wfe of 60 years They were married on September 8, 1962 and soon began to grow their family They welcomed three wonderful chldren: Mchael (Chris), Bob, and Brenda (Warren) Mike chose to folow his father’s footsteps and he oned the Vancouver Cty Polce Department, where he devoted 31 years of service In that tme, he and his family moved to Ladner, BC, where they lved for 34 years creating lfelong friendships through basebal, gof and the Ladner Legion Mike and Irs were blessed to have five granddaughters: Ncole, Mchelle (Kevn), Jennifer (Nck), Brittany (Travis), and Sheby (Jame) They were blessed agan wth seven great-grandchldren: Lnden, Kaine, Harper, Stephane, Marle, Charle and Beckett Mike s aso survived by his dear Aunt Teresa Mke and Irs moved to Westbank, BC in 2005 where Mke would spend the rest of his lfe waking up to the sights of Okanagan Lake We woud like to thank the staff at Hospce House Kelowna, Kelowna General Hosptal, Kelowna Rena Centre, and Nurse Next Door In ieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the BC Kidney Foundation, www kdney ca
Condolences, photos, or memores may be sent to the famiy by visitng www springfieldfuneralhome com
Springfield Funera Home • 250-860-7077
WOOD, Joan Elizabeth
November 1, 1928 April 13, 2023
We are sad to share that Mom left us on April 13, 2023, following a brief stay at the Irene Thomas Hospice. Joan was predeceased by her husband of 62 years, Donald, and son Brian (Holly). She will be missed by her sister Marilyn Davis; daughters Sharon Farrish (Ken) and Debbie Campbell (Dave); grandchildren Theresa, Misti (James), Trevor and Brendan; great grandchildren Kate, Darien, Cooper and Rilynn; and many others.
Born and raised in Vancouver, Joan attended school at Vancouver Tech. After marrying Don, they bought their first home in Burnaby, where they raised their family. She was an active member of the Burnaby Fish and Game Club for many years. Over the years, she loved knitting and enjoyed the outdoors, including gardening, RVing at Loon Lake and The Glen at Maple Falls, and even joining Dad fishing on occasion. They moved to Tsawwassen in 1988. In her later years, Joan was a keen sports fan, especially curling, hockey and baseball and spent many hours cheering on her favourite teams. She was well known for her delicious shortbread, which is a family favourite. She will be forever in our hearts.
We are grateful for the outstanding care she received from the Irene Thomas Hospice team. A small family remembrance celebration will be held in May.
Donations can be made in Joan’s memory to Heron Hospice Society of Delta, 4631 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta, BC, V4K4L8, or online at
Obituaries continued on next page
Our general practice law firm has an mmediate openng for a Part-time OR Full-time Legal Assistant
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RENTAL apartmentS/ condoS
Walker Heavy Duty Ltd
Intends to sel the folowing for arrears of vehice repairs amountng to $15,501 43 pus any additonal costs of storage that accrue
Registered to: James Regions
1986 Kenworth Tractor
Serial Number: 2XKEDB9X3GM812075
To be sold by Walker Heavy Duty Ltd
Unit 101 - 7063 Venture Street Deta, BC V4G 1H8
Phone: 604-940-9545
Avalable for sae on or after May 4, 2023
HJELM, Borge
May 14, 1932 March 27, 2023
Dad to some, MorFar to more, Borge to most, passed away peacefully after a long, remarkable life. Viking on a scooter with a Tilley hat, aloha shirt, shorts, and socks with sandals carrying donuts for loved ones and cookies for dogs. Inventive mechanical engineer, scrabble lover, car aficionado, math wizard, checkers teacher, cribbage champion. Opinionated, abrasive, fiercely proud, and a gentler soul than most of us knew.
You are missed and loved.
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LACEY, Doreen Frances
In the early mornng hours of April 3, 2023, Doreen Frances Lacey passed away peacefuly n her sleep at the Irene Thomas Hospice n Ladner after a short but fierce battle wth cancer
Doreen was born n Trail on August 25, 1938 and came to the lower mainand after hgh school to tran as a psychatric nurse She met her soulmate shortly after graduation from nursng school and marred George in 1960 They raised ther famiy in Ladner and retired to Lac La Hache in 1993 In 2015 they returned to Ladner due to George’s heath concerns
She was predeceased by her beloved husband George on June 3, 2018 She s survived by her sister Jean Speirs of Nelson, daughter Heather (George), son Bob, grandchldren Lee (Adam), Sean (Courtney), and Meghan (Magnus), and great-grandchildren Zoey, Austin and Bayegh
After George’s passing, she was able to rekndle some pursuits not always enjoyed by peope in their 80’s - campng, road trps, and a bit of travellng She was aways up for an ice-cold Coors Lght at “beer o’clock”, a good augh, and often told stories of the adventures that her and George shared over their marriage
As per Doreen’s request, a Celebration of Lfe wll be held at a later date ths summer If you woud ike to make a donation n her memory, donatons to the BC Cancer Foundaton or the Deta Hospital Foundaton - Irene Thomas Hospice, woud be greatly appreciated
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