Delta Optimist September 7 2023

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T H U R S D A Y | S E P T E M B E R 7 | 2 0 2 3 Artisans, Food, Plants & Produce LAST MARKET of the SEASON Sunday, Sept 10th • 10 - 4 No Dogs Allowed (604) 809 2855 0 Sept 9th, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Southlands Red Barn Page 11


ECD Learning Centre in Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall

Android Cell Phone or Tablet

Presenter: Ken McGrath (Broadcast and Internet Instructor)

4 sessions: $40 Class size: max 8

Saturdays, Sept 30, Oct 7, 14, 21 10:00-Noon

Apple iPad for Absolute Beginners

Presenters: Paul and Kathleen Vanderwood (Returning Presenters)

4 sessions: $40 Class size: max 8

Fridays and Tuesdays, Oct 13, 17, 20 & 24 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Using A.I. to Write Stories for Your Grandchildren (or friends!)

Presenter: Geraldine Sombke (Retired Technology Instructor)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 8

Tuesday and Thursday, Oct 10 & 12 12:30 - 2:00

Apple iPad - Email Only

Presenter: Geoff Eldred (Returning Presenter)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 6

Monday and Wednesday, Oct 16 & 18 10:00 - Noon

Apple iPad - Camera and Photos Only

Presenter: Geoff Eldred (Returning Presenter)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 6

Monday & Wednesday, Oct 23 & 25 10:00 - Noon

Apple iPad - Web Browsing and Using Various Apps

Presenter: Geoff Eldred (Returning Presenter)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 6

Monday & Wednesday: Oct 30 & Nov 1 10:00 - Noon

How to Stay Safe Online; a TELUS Wise Presentation

Presenters: Advinder Greywall (TELUS Wise) and Louise Latremouille (ElderCollege)

1 session: In-person attendance $10 Class size: max 20 Free on Zoom, and non-members can register to attend as well.

Monday, Oct 23 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Cellphone Photography

Presenter: Ken McGrath (Broadcast and internet Instructor)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 8

Friday & Saturday, Oct 27 & 28 10:00 – Noon

Microsoft Word: The Basics

Presenter: Louise Latremouille (ECD Administrator)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 8

Monday & Wednesday, Nov 6 & 8 10:00 - Noon

History of Computing

Presenter: Bill Didur (ECD Administrator)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 25

Friday, Nov 17 10:00 - Noon

Gmail and Google Apps

Presenter: Louise Latremouille (ECD Administrator)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 8

Monday & Wednesday, Nov 13 & 15 10:00 - Noon

Advances in A.I.

Presenter: Bill Didur (ECD Administrator)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 20

Friday, Nov 10 10:00 – Noon


ElderCollege Learning Centre unless otherwise stated.

Making Beeswax Wraps

Presenter: Andie Froese (New Presenter)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 10

Tuesday, Oct 3 9:30 – 11:00 AM

Writing the Memories of Your Life

Presenter: Donnaleen Miller (Writing Instructor)

6 sessions: $60 Class size: max 10

Thursdays, Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 & 16 10:00 – Noon

Super Glue and Its History Come Together To Repair Your Broken items

Presenter: Ivor Hewitt (ECD Administrator)

Tuesday, Oct 10 10:00 – Noon

Grow a One-Container Garden from October to April

Presenter: Angelika Hedley (Garden Enthusiast)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 16

Wednesday, Oct 11 10:00 – Noon

Lino Printmaking

Presenters: Kit Grauer & Peter Scurr (Art Educators)

3 sessions: $30 Class size: 10

Wednesdays, Oct 11 & 18 1:00 - 3:00 PM

*3rd class date and time TBD by class - at the artists’ studio on Galiano Island.

New Agricultural Plan for Delta

Presenter: Marcy Sangret (City Planner for Delta)

1 Session: $10 Class size: max 25

Friday, Oct 13 10:00 – Noon

The Buzz on Bees and Hornets

Presenter: Paul Van Westendorp (Provincial Apiculturist)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 25

Friday, Nov 3 10:00 – Noon

Conversational French - Les Conversations qui Comptent

Presenter: Karen Harvey (Returning Presenter)

6 Sessions: $60 Class size: max 12

Tuesdays, Oct 24, 31, Nov 7, 14, 21 and 28 10:00 - Noon

Patagonia - A Marvelous Adventure

Presenter: Jen Kormendy (Wildlife Biologist and Adventurer)

1 Session: $10 Class size: max 30

Wednesday, Oct 25 4:30 - 6:00 PM

Brain Recovery, A Journey of Hope

Presenter: Laura Stoicescu (Stroke Recovery Speaker)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 20

Tuesday, Nov 7 1:30 – 3:00 PM

Meals on a Budget with Professional Caterer Mr. Mom

Presenter: Russell Pohl (Professional Caterer & Author)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 20

Tuesday, Nov 14 2:30 - 4:00 PM

Dementia Education: 3-Part Series

Presenter: Riten Tamang (First Link® Alzheimer Society of BC)

3 Sessions: $30 Class size: max 12

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Nov 21, 22, 23 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Navigating Stress

Presenter: Beth Triano (Registered Clinical Counsellor)

4 sessions: $40 Class size: minimum 6, max 12

Fridays, Oct 27, Nov 3, 17 & 24 1:30-3:00 PM

NOTE: KinVillage Multi-Purpose Room


Cedar Park Church, Ladner

Capitalism: How Sweet It Was!

Presenter: Guillermo Bustos (History Educator)

5 sessions: $50 Class size: max 30

Thursdays, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 and Nov 2 1:30 - 3:00 PM

What’s News?

Presenter: Rod MacKinnon (Geopolitical Enthusiast)

4 sessions: $40 Class size: max 24

Tuesdays, Oct 17, 24, 31 & Nov 7 1:30 - 3:30 PM

WWII History: Hunger Winter of ’45: A Sneak Preview of this Documentary with its Producer

Presenter: Alison MacLean (Award Winning Historical Documentary Film Producer)

1 Session: $10 Class size: max 45

Thursday, Nov 9 1:30 - 3:30 PM

Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven: Creating a National Vision

Presenter: Linda Quigley (Art Historian, Instructor and Artist)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 24

Wednesday, Nov 15 1:30 – 3:00 PM

Hudson Bay’s Namesake Henry Hudson: A Remarkable Explorer

Presenter: Anthony Dalton (Author, Poet, Geographer)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 30

Thursday, Nov 16 1:30 - 3:00 PM


Global Boiling: What’s Happening with the Earth?

Presenter: Jim Morin, PhD (Retired Educator and Geologist)

5 Sessions: $50 Class size: max 25

Saturdays, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28 & Nov 4 1:30 – 3:00PM

NOTE: Zoom Presentation

Indigenous Organizations: Who, What, Where, Why & How

Presenter: Jim Morin, PhD (Retired Educator and Geologist)

5 sessions: $50 Class size: max 24

Mondays, Nov 6, 13, 20, 27 & Dec 4 1:30 – 3:00 PM

NOTE: Zoom Presentation

Uncovering a 4,600-year-old City: Archeology Digs in Israel and Belize

Presenter: Don Plant (Retired Journalist)

1 session: $10 Class Size: max 24

Thursday, Nov 23 10:00 – Noon

Zoom Presentation

Ice War Diplomat, An Insider’s Account of the Canada-USSR Summit Hockey Series

Presenter: Gary J Smith (Author and former Canadian Ambassador)

1 session: $10 In-person class size: max 25,

Zoom registration class size: open

Wednesday, Nov 29 1:00 - 3:00 PM PST

Hybrid Class: Zoom and ElderCollege Learning Centre


A Morning with Member of Parliament Carla Qualtrough

Presenter: The Honorable Carla Qualtrough, MP for Delta

1 session: Free

Friday, Nov 24 10:00 - Noon

ElderCollege Learning Centre


Bus Trip to Vancouver Museum: Exhibit Dressed for History

Presenter: Ivan Sayer (Tour Guide & Collector)

1 session: $20 Group size: Max 20

Wednesday, Oct 4 9:15 - 1:00 PM

Bus leaves ElderCollege at 9:30 AM; guided tour starts at 10:30 AM.

Bus Trip to Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre

Presenter: Guided Tour by Museum Staff

1 session: $30 (lunch included) Group size: max 20

Wednesday, Nov 22 9:15 - 2:00 PM

Meet the bus at ElderCollege at 9:00 AM.

F2 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 FALL 2023 SEMESTER PROGRAM Online and In-Person Registration opens • September 18 at 9:00 AM ElderCollege Delta Courses Fall 2023 Phone: 604–943–0262 | email: Go to our webpage to get detailed information on all our course offerings!
Registration continues throughout the term.
Phone: 604-943-0262 • Email:
In-Person Registration Sept. 18, 19 & 20, 9:00 AM - Noon Delta Learning Centre, 1249 – 56 Street
Town Centre Mall



B.C.’s Minister of Education and Child Care was on hand for the first day of school at Delview Secondary in North Delta Tuesday morning for an important reminder about road safety.

Joined by representatives from the school district, Delta Police Department and ICBC, Rachna Singh stressed the importance of slowing down in school zones, as well as raising awareness on safety tips for students walking or biking to school

“This school year, as roads begin to get busier with cars, buses, cyclists and other modes of transportation, we

ask everyone to be extra careful in their commute,” said Singh “The transition for students going back to school can be a lot, especially for students attending school for the very first time, and we all have a responsibility to keep them safe There’s never been a more important time for drivers to slow down and pay attention ”

Noting excessive speeds, distracted driving and passing school buses are dangerous driving behaviours that can result in major consequences, Singh went over some road safety tips including drivers giving themselves extra time to get to their destinations and remembering the speed limit at

school zones and playgrounds.

“Please, watch for pedestrians. There will

be more children and families walking, cycling and scooting in your communities now, ” she

added “Lastly, please remember to keep your distance and watch for school buses…by follow-

ing the guidance of our local police departments and ICBC, we can create a safer environment for everyone. ”

School Board chair Val Windsor also talked about the importance of slowing down, paying attention to one ’ s surroundings and being alert to the presence of young learners now that school zone speed limits are in effect

Delta Police Chief Neil Dubord said there is a collective responsibility for safety as back to school gets underway, adding that kids can be vulnerable in that they can get distracted, so drivers need to act with the utmost caution around them.

T H U R S D A Y | S E P T E M B E R 7 | 2 0 2 3
GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist com
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Artisans, Food, Plants & Produce LAST MARKET of the SEASON Sunday, Sept 10th • 10 - 4 No Dogs Allowed (604) 809 2855 09 Sept 9th, 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Southlands Red Barn Page 11
Pictured at Tuesday’s traffic safety reminder from left: Police Chief Neil Dubord, Delta School District Assistant Superintendent Brad Bauman, ICBC Road Safety Manager Shabnem Afzal, BC Education and Child Care Minister Rachna Singh and Delta School Board Chair Val Windsor.
autobody, collision, autoglass
A2 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 All of your favourite items at unbelievable prices. Visit us in store or online at for many more deals! ONNOW DEALS Prices effective September 7 to 13, 2023. Offers require use of More Rewards card. 279 100g 599 399 lb ea Sockeye Salmon Wild, West Coast, Previously Frozen or Frozen Sirloin Tip Roast Fresh, Aged Min. 14 Days, 13.21/kg 3 lb Bag Gala Apples USA Shop at any Save-On-Foods store from Sept 7 to 27, fill in the entry form on the bottom of your receipt and drop it in store for your chance to win. *One prize of “Free Groceries for a Year”availab e to be won, cons sting of Eight Thousand Dollars CAD ($8,000) in Save-On-Foods g ft cards See customer service for more detai s Some conditions apply Win* FREE Groceries for a Year OR 100 Save-On-Foods gift card (1 per store). AAA Beef Weste n Canadian COME VISIT POINT ROBERTS TODAY! FILL UP AT ONE OF OUR TWO LOCATIONS, BRING US THE RECEIPT AND PICKUP YOUR PARCEL FOR 99 CENTS*. *See store for details. Fuel Prices on our website or call 360-999-6027 • 360-786-8950 Nielson’s Building Center 360-945-3116 9AM-5PM UPS Store 360-945-4877 9AM-7PM CONVENIENTLY LOCATED Point Fuel & Pantry 360-945-7611 7AM-11PM Call to check gas prices Chevron 360-945-0828 8AM-10PM Call to check gas prices CHEAPEST GAS IN TOWN



The Rotary Club of Tsawwassen through its Charitable Society will provide a total of $200,000 during a 10-year period to support the construction, furnishings and supplies for the Day Program for Older Adults to be located in the new KinVillage Independent Housing Development.

“We have been moving in this direction since 2020 when a former Rotarian gave a significant bequest in his will with the instructions that the funds were to benefit seniors and youth in our community,” said Charitable Society President Blake Cowan. “To get it right, we ’ ve consulted every seniors’ serving organization in South Delta, which helped us to establish guiding principles for our grant process.

“Last year we experienced success by providing two pianos to KinVillage, provided start-up costs for office set-up, which allowed Heron Hospice to open its doors for in-person counselling and provided mobile desks that Eldercollege needed to support its wide array of classes. This year, the most significant project on the

horizon that aligns with almost every need identified in our own report is the Day Centre for Older Adults at KinVillage, so we wanted to come on board in a big way. ”

According to KinVillage CEO Dan Levitt, Day Programs for Older Adults extends independence helping older adults to live at home or in the community as long as possible, by providing a supportive, professionally staffed environment, which attends to nutritional, daily living, and social needs of adults with functional limitations within a group setting during the day.

“The Day Program for Older Adults also plays a vital role in providing respite for unpaid or informal caregivers, usually the spouse or adult children, to focus on their own physical and mental health, as well as employment, other family, and household responsibilities,” he said

The generous grant from Rotary will help anchor the $5 million capital campaign to raise awareness of the need in Tsawwassen for supporting older persons to live a full life in their own home to stay con-

nected with their neighbourhood, family and friends

“The campaign will engage business and community

leaders, philanthropists, and individuals transforming the KinVillage campus to meet the housing, care and support

needs of an ageing population,” added KinVillage board president Dennis DesLauriers. -Submitted

Got News? Contact Ian, Sandor or Phil at ijacques@delta-optimist com or call 604-998-3616
September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A3
Pictured left to right; KinVillage CEO Dan Levitt, KinVillage board president Dennis DesLauriers, Blake Cowan and Yvonne Anderson from the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen.


He also described “the sacred grounds of school zones ” being not just a stretch of road with a different speed limit, but a place where children are promised their safety is paramount

“When we speed, when we park recklessly and when we ignore flashing yellow lights, we don’t just break a traffic rule, we break that promise. This merely isn’t adhering to a limit but understanding the responsibility that comes with it in these zones. Every single action counts,” he said Dubord also warned of “the deadly allure of distractions” including having a quick glance on a phone

Providing road safety tips for students, parents and motorists, ICBC notes that in B.C. every year, on average, three children are killed and 359 are injured in crashes while walking or cycling every year In school and playground zones, 51 children are injured in crashes every year

Every school day, unless otherwise posted, a 30 km/h speed limit is in effect in school zones from 8 a m to 5 p m In playground zones, a 30 km/h speed limit is in effect every day from dawn to dusk.

Distracted and inattentive driving is also one of the leading causes of crashes with pedestrians and cyclists.

Every school day, unless otherwise posted, a 30 km/h speed limit is in effect in school zones from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. In playground zones, a 30 km/h speed limit is in effect every day from dawn to dusk.

Children should also remember to put away electronic gadgets, cellphone and ear buds while walking or cycling so they can scan for approaching vehicles or hear traffic.

A4 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 FREE Quote FREE Measuring FREE Drawings 604-943-7721 Proudly serving South Delta for over 12 years! Call today to book your free in-home quote *Valid for August 2023 only. This sale is nonretroactive. FALL INTO SAVINGS 30% OFF 0% Closets of all finishes and styles Home Offices Entertainment Units All Entertainment Units

Deltaresidentcelebrates scratchandwinwindfall

Avid traveller Sandra Green had just returned from Disneyland and was shopping at the Scottsdale Centre Mall on 120th Street in North Delta when she decided to pick up a Crossword Extreme Scratch & Win ticket that ended up netting her $150,000.

“I was so giddy,” Green exclaimed after checking her ticket on BCLC’s Lotto! App

The Delta resident plans to celebrate her win during her upcoming vacation to Hawaii and may also treat herself to a new Ford Bronco.

Green said it’s “ very exciting” to be a lottery winner.

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A5 R 6508 LADNER TRUNK RD, LADNER • 604-946-5986 OPEN DAILY 9 - 5:30pm • Top Soil • Sand • Gravel• Bark Mulch • Drain Rock • River Rock • Turf Blend Soil • Composted Bark • Road Base • Special Soil for top dressing your beds BULK LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS WE DELIVER EVERYDAY King Alfred Daffodil Bulbs Reg. $29.99 50 pack CERAMIC POTS Tulip Bulbs Reg. $29. 50 pack Orchids in bloom Reg. $39.99 99 $2499 pack 99 k $2499 pack 9 $2499 1/2 PRICE each NOW NOW 61 YEARS SERVING DELTA
Sandra Green is the latest lottery winner in Delta.


The Tsawwassen Business Improvement Association (TBIA) is thrilled to announce the appointment of Giovanni D’Agostino as the new executive director and Kelly Scott as director of community engagement

This strategic move by the board of directors ushers in an exciting era of transformation and renewal for the non-profit organization.

The TBIA, whose mandate is to enhance and promote the economic vitality, vibrancy, and well-being of the local Tsawwassen business community, envisions growth and collaboration through strategic initiatives, stakeholder partnerships, and community engagement for businesses, residents, and visitors alike.

“We are excited to welcome Giovanni and Kelly to the TBIA family. Their dynamic backgrounds and shared commitment to community empowerment align seam-

lessly with our vision for Tsawwassen’s growth,” said board president Randy Scott.

D’Agostino brings a wealth of experience from both the non-profit and for-profit sectors, with a unique perspective shaped by his dedication to social and environmental impact.

His leadership is expected to drive TBIA’s strategic direction in alignment with the evolving needs of

Tsawwassen’s business landscape.

Kelly Scott boasts a formidable background in management alongside a skillset that encompasses outward-facing customer service and community engagement expertise. Her contributions are intended to enhance TBIA’s connections within the local community, fostering an atmosphere of authentic relationship building and growth

A6 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 Unique Boutique Gently used ladies clothing. For all ages. 50% OFF summer attire until Sept. 15. Donations welcome year round.
Book Sale March 8-10. Donations accepted at Tsawwassen Town Centre Wednesdays 12-4 pm (next to Chocolate Bear) or at the Community Centre. BUENOS DIAS CAFÉ IS OPEN FOR BREAKFAST & LUNCH • Mon – Fri. 8 am – 2:30 pm 604-943-0225 | 543010 Ave, Tsawwassen Youu’re Invited! The Boundary Bay Quilters Guild and Dragonfly Quilting and Gifts – PRESENT –The BBQG Showcase and Fall Preview What’s happening... Shopping – Dragonfly Quilting Kevin will be bringing the store! Sneak Peak at our Upcoming Guild Year – Speakers, Workshops, Demos, Community Events, and our “Quilts By The Bay” Quilt Show Demonstrations – Learn a new technique or some new tricks
Lutheran Church Hall
Avenue (corner of 6th
56th), Tsawwassen, BC If you have questions or would like more information, please email Everyone Welcome! Door Prizes • Refreshments • and more!
Pictured left to right; Kelly Scott is the new director of community engagement and Giovanni D’Agostino is the new executive director for the Tsawwassen Business Improvement Association.
When: Saturday, September 9th from 11 am - 4 pm Where: Benediction
5575 6th


A trio of Delta Police officers will be part of this year ’ s Cops for Cancer Tour de Valley that will race through the Fraser Valley later this month.

Consts. Cody Fenske, Ryan Hooseman and Daryl Krumbhols will be among 21 police, paramedics and corrections officers pedalling their road bikes, averaging 100 km a day during the eight-day ride.

On Aug. 30 in Abbotsford, the riders received their red riding jerseys they will be wearing each day of the ride The Jersey Presentation was the last event before the ride on Sept 15 Hooseman has been cycling for a few years. He has a background in fitness, but it takes work and time to adjust, no matter what your fitness level, to being on a bicycle for hours at a time, he said

“I’ve wanted to do this for as long as I’ve wanted to be a cop I thought it was an amazing initiative It’s something I was always interested to be a

part of,” Hooseman said As many people do, he has someone in his family affected by cancer saying his mother-in-law has stage four cancer. “It hits close to home for I think a lot of us, ” he said.

Krombhols, who recently joined DPD after retiring from the RCMP Lower Mainland district, participated previously when he was with the RCMP In order to get their red riding jerseys, riders had to complete several training rides, varying from 50 to 80 km Fenske is new to cycling He said the ride is a unique and worthy challenge and training requires about three rides a week, with

a training ride ranging between 50 and 60 km “I’ve definitely develo a love for it It’s a new challenge. On days of it’s something nice to kind of make a day ac ity out of it,” Fenske sa Each participant ha to fundraise as part of the event. All three ha already exceeded thei fundraising goals of $6,000 each.

Applewood Auto Group is sponsoring a four Cops for Cancer rides in B C

The rides have been going on for 24 years an raised more than $52 million for paediatric cancer research and to help kids attend Camp Goodtimes

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Delta Police Consts. Cody Fenske, Ryan Hooseman and Daryl Krumbhols received their red riding jer seys Aug. 30 for Cops for Cancer Tour de Valley
5682 12 Avenue, Tsawwassen Voted ‘BestHearingClinic’for5consecutiveyears in the Delta Optimist Readers Choice Awards CALL US TODAY AT 604-943-0033 VOTED BEST HEAR IN TSAWWASSEN AND LADNER CALL US TODAY AND LET US SHOW YOU WHY! • Shutters & Faux Wood Blinds • Silhouettes, Pirouettes & More! • Mirage Retractable Screen Doors Custom Blinds Local owner/operator since 1997 CUSTOM BLINDS & SHADES ort AUTO BODY & GLASS Thank you to all of our generous sponsors! h D lt

A8 The Delta Optimist September7,2023

Published every Thursday by the Delta Optimist, a division of LMP Publication Limited Partnership 5008 47A Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1T8 Phone 604-946-4451 Deliveries 604-946-5171 wwwdelta-optimist com




Phil Melnychuk PMelnychuk@delta-optimist com

Jim Kinnear


Marianne LaRochelle mariannel@glaciermedia ca


John Gallinger jgallinger@delta-optimist com

Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@delta-optimist com

Lee Fruhstorfer lfruhstorfer@delta-optimistcom

John Avdic javdic@delta-optimistcom


Linda Calendino lcalendino@delta-optimist com


Kristene Murray 604-946-5171 kmurray@glaciermedia ca

Roya Sarwary rsarwary@delta-optimist com




couple of residents called into the Optimist newsroom last Thursday, concerned about the Delta Lifeboat stuck in Ladner Harbour

Yes, in fact the Delta Lifeboat was in the harbour and according to Captain John Horton, who oversees the Lifeboat, they were stuck due to low tide. He told me that they would have to wait two hours for the tide to come up and allow them to get out of the harbour and off to Victoria, where they were supporting an event last weekend.

But Horton was quick to point out what a ridiculous situation this was and if the Lifeboat was called out, they obviously couldn’t respond.

This incident is just the latest in a laundry list of recent incidents as the dredging issue reaches new levels here in Delta.

In July, a packed town hall meeting was held where some of our local politicians and residents, who have been lobbying for support for this issue, heard from frustrated residents who have house boats and or are working in the Fraser River and have a host of problems due to lack of dredging.

Enough is enough – they want to see some action and quite frankly so do we

OPINION Entire Contents © 2023 The Optimist All Rights Reserved

The province recently provided $2.1 million to the City of Richmond and Steveston Harbour Authority to help with their dredging issues.

Nothing has come to Delta.

It is another case of the provincial government forgetting about this community Need I say more about the recent overpass fiasco and how long it took government to act?

When is the provincial government going to recognize that this is a crisis situation for our community? Where is our dredging money? When will this government listen to our community?

don’t think my kids ever looked forward to the first week of school. A new class (or classes), 10 months ahead of them until summer arrived again, and knowing that, very soon, the weather was going to get colder.


That seemed so far off, but the day arrived a couple years ago Post-secondary is a whole different ball game, at least we don’t have to worry about making lunches or driving to school

As I look back on the time my kids spent in the classroom, I started thinking about the important things they learned. The most important lesson, I believe, was how to recover from failure.

Everyone fails at something, no one is perfect Being sheltered from it, or not

My wife and I always said, ‘One day they will be out of school, and we won’t be dealing with this’Community Comment


taking responsibility for it, sets you up for much bigger problems later in life. At an early age, learning that not everything will go your way is an important experience. How to grow from it is even more important

My son loved rugby After one playoff game in Grade 9 in which he didn’t get to play, he was very upset and wanted to quit. I told him he could, or he could ask the coach why he didn’t play, and what he needed to do to

get into the next game. He did, and the next game he was on the field Little did I know, he asked the coach after every practice and game for the next three years what could he do to improve The coach always had to watch him, because he knew he’d have to be ready with feedback.

We don’t do kids any favours doing their homework, arguing with teachers about grades or lobbying for them to make a team We are better off finding out what went wrong from teachers and coaches and working on it for next time

If they don’t learn to fail, they will fail to learn.

Brad Sherwin, MBA is a long-time resident of South Delta, and has over 30 years ’ experience in marketing, public relations and business strategy. He teaches postsecondary marketing, coaches hockey goalies and is pastpresident of Deltassist

Where isDelta’s dredging money? Editor’sNote IAN JACQUES Canadian Publications Agreement #212490 Thursday s circulation is 17 500 This paper is made of 40% recycled newsprint and printed using vegetable inks The Delta Optimist is a member of the National Newsmedia Council wh ch is an independent organization estab ished to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behav our If you have concerns about editoria content, please contact the ed tor at editor@delta-optim st com or 604-946-4451 If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint visit the website at mediacouncil ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for add tional information
EDITOR: Ian Jacques ijacques@delta-optimist
REPORTERS: Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@delta-optimist com

ThankyouDelta,for yourkindness


In this day of negative news, I thought it was time for a positive pointof-view

My husband and I are seniors and have mobility problems

We get help from our family, friends and neighbours, but what is also special are the many times when a stranger says, “I’ll hold the door,” or “Could I take your gro-

cery cart back for you?”

Mu husband Gary has had people push his wheel chair up a slope or across a busy intersection, or get him down items he can’t reach.

On a recent Monday, as I stopped for gas in Ladner, a lady in a safety vest came up and offered to fill my car and do the windows As she gave me the receipt, I thanked her and she said she wasn’t

a store employee, as I thought she had noticed me when she pulled in behind me to get gas.

Her name was Chantel, a driver for BC Hydro traffic management. Her couple of minutes of kindness made my day.

So I say to all the nice people of Delta – keep it up – keep being kind to everybody from kids to seniors Bless You

Springs Block Party was a huge success


The recent Tsawwassen Springs Block Party was nothing short of remarkable as we witnessed a recordbreaking turnout and celebrated a truly electrifying event that left a lasting impact on our community.

With the highest attendance ever, the spirit of togetherness was highly evident, and we owe it all to unwavering support.

We want to extend a huge shoutout to our exceptional team of 40 volunteers who demonstrated an unmatched level of dedication and enthusiasm.

This year, we achieved a remarkable feat by tripling our donations, grants, and pledges to the South Delta Food Bank. Together, we made a meaningful impact on those in need within our community, and your support was pivotal in this achievement

It is our community’s local businesses that deserve a round of applause for their continued dedication and support. Our roots run deep in a community that genuinely cares for one another Notably, new events like the Spirits Showcase, Curling in August Display, and the Shred A Thon added an exciting dimension to the festivities.

We extend a special thank you to our new donors, whose contributions were made possible through the efforts of our dedicated volunteer fundraisers and the sterling reputation of our community.

To both our founding and new sponsors, and to each resident who participated with such enthusiasm, you are the heart and soul of this event.

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A9 Gettheresultsyouwantfrom experienceddentistswho Listen,Serve&Care. 555012th Avenue,Tsawwassen•604-943-3343• Drs.Jan&WarrenRoberts ACCEPTING NEWPATIENTS McKee Seniors Society Shredding Event Fundraiser! See you then! Tax receipts given for $25 or more! Saturday, September23rd 10am - 2pm Payment by donation. $10 minimum. McKee Seniors Recreation Centre 5155 47Ave, Delta Cash orCheque Only


Council recently gave final approval for a plan to allow commercial uses at a Delta-owned building at Royal Oaks in Tsawwassen, where a large amount of museum artifacts is currently also stored.

Previously zoned

for public uses and requiring an Official Community Plan amendment, new commercial leasing opportunities will now be explored for the building on 56th Street

The property was given to the City of Delta for community purposes in 1991 when the adjacent Royal Oaks multi-unit

residential complex was developed The building was constructed a year later and used as a community police office until 2017, when the office moved into Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall Since then, the building has been mostly vacant, except for Delta Archives material which is now in the basement

It’s one of several locations where artifact and archival materials is stored in Delta as the city recently issued a request for proposals for an appraiser to undertake an appraisal of museum and archives materials for insurance purposes

According to the request for proposals, stored at the Royal

Oaks building are 7,986 artifacts of all sizes, the majority in sealed cardboard boxes and further wrapped in acid-free tissue paper. Larger, oversized items are wrapped in opaque packaging

The objects include “anything imaginable” including anthropological items, such as stone tools, wood tools, beads and baskets

Other items stored at the building range from, among many other things, doors, windows, clothing, jewellry, books, art, books, wagon wheels, furniture, taxidermy items, fungus, shells, toys, games,

sports equipment, agricultural tools, coins and cookware

As far as archival content stored throughout the city, the total estimated volume of primary material is 130 linear metres, including 100 metres textual records, 30,000 photographs, over 1,000 maps, over 280 oral history interviews, extensive subject files, obituaries and more.

The appraiser is to provide a written report describing the collections and the value. The report is to also include advice on future storage or management of the collections

A10 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 2023 © A ll R igh ts R eser v ed Closets b y D esig n, nc Terms and Cond t ons 40% off any order of $1000 or more or 30% off any order o $700-$1000 on any comp ete custom closet ga age, or 40% Off Plus Free Installation 15% Off PLUSTAKE AN EXTRA Call for a free in home design consultation and estimate 604-265-0698 DO Locally Owned and Operated Licensed and Insured Terms and Conditions: 40% off any order o f $ 1000 or more or 30% off any order of $700-$1000 on any complete custom closet, garage, or home office unit Take an additional 15% off on any complete system order Not valid with any other offer Free installation with any complete unit order of $850 or more With incoming order, at time of purchase only. Offer not valid in all regions. Expires 8/19/23. SPECIAL FINANCING FOR 12 MONTHS! With approved credit Call or ask your Designer for details Not ava lable in all areas. Imagine your home, totally organized! Custom Closets, Garage Cabinets, Home Offices and more! Terms and Conditions: 40% off any order o f $ 1000 or more or 30% off any order o f $ 700-$1000 o n any complete custom closet, garage, or home office unit Take an additional 15% off on any complete system order Not valid with any other offer Free installation with any complete unit order of $850 or more With incoming order, at time of purchase only Offer not valid in all regions Expires 9/30/23. SPECIAL FINANCING FOR 6 MONTHS! With approved credit Call or ask your Designer for details Not available in all areas
Alfred Guichon picks up a heavy cast iron frying pan in the kitchen display of Delta’s new museum in 1969. The museum, now called the Douglas J. Husband Discovery Centre, and archives have relocated to the Ladner Civic Precinct.

DPDhosting24-hourrelayto helpSpecialOlympics


PMelnychuk@delta-opt mist com

If you ’ re looking to go on an evening walk or run on Saturday, Sept. 9, Paterson Park may be a good place.

Starting at 10 a.m. and continuing all day and throughout the night until 10 a.m. Sunday, Delta Police will be hosting the 2023 DPD 24-Hour Torch Relay in support of Special Olympics BC.

Police and staff from a variety of agencies will be running, but the public can also join in.

In order to register and donate to Special Olympics BC, just go to https://letr crowdchange ca/42800.

DPD Acting Insp James Sandberg said the event is following a new format, after individual torch runs that took place during the pandemic.

The relay also supports the B.C. Law Enforcement Torch Run.

The 24-Hour Torch Relay is an open run and there are no schedules setting out who’s running when. People can just show up and run or walk for as long as they want

“The public is welcome. The track is going to be open for everybody’s use. We’re not dominating or closing the track so people can come and go and people can participate,” said Sandberg “The law enforcement community,

and Delta Police in particular, have enjoyed a long, strong relationship with Special Olympics and the Special Olympics athletes, so we would encourage the public to come out and share in our support of these athletes”

Once people register, they show up whenever they want and do however many laps they want, then notify volunteers about how many laps they did when they leave the track.

Donations of food and other merchandise will be collected while T-shirts can be bought More information is available by contacting Meg Ishida at: mishida@

Sponsored by: Entertainment

SouthDelta HomeShow

Where: The Red Barn at Southlands Tsawwassen

6333 Market Ave, Delta, BC V4L 1M9

When: Sept, 9th 11:00am-4:00pm


Petting Zoo: Free Petting Zoo by Cinemazoo sponsored by Renewal by Anderson Windows

Live Music: Complimentary live music will be performed by Shane Terry

Carnival Games: Available to play by donation - donations go towards supporting the Delta Community Animal Shelter

Home Show: Network with local Home Service Specialists

Food & Drink

Beer Garden: Outdoor Beer Garden brought to you by Four Winds Brewing

Food: BBQ served by Rebel Rebel BBQ - 1st 100 sandwiches are free courtesy of Eastlink

Lemonade: Enjoy yummy, freshly squeezed lemonade by Lemon Heaven

Ice Cream: Onsite Ice Cream Vendor

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A11
Carnival Games
Free Petting Zoo Free Live Music Food Truck & Beer Garden Carnival Games TCHEN CABINETS DONE IN 1 TO 2 DAYS! KITCHEN D CABINET REFINISHING 70% Less Than Replacing or Refacing! Wespecializein ProtectingYour Investment! UPTO
Before After GOT GREASE? GOT PEELING? GRLOOKS EAT! CELEBRATING30YEARS REFINISHINGCABINETS! FREE DEMOS FREE ESTIMATES NO TOXIC CHEMICALS NO DUST! Love your cabinets, but not how they’re worn? Gleam Guard offers a simple, cost-effective solution. We also refresh cabinets which costs less than refinishing. Text cabinet pictures to 1-604-218-7470 or call.

ProposedDevelopmentat 12Aveand53AStreet Tsawwassen


MynameisSteveLebedovichandIama longtimeresidentofTsawwassenandthe localdeveloperofthepropertyat12Aveand 53AStreetwhichwasrecentlyturneddown duringthethirdreadingatDeltaCouncil.

Whileitwasdiscouragingtoreceivethis newsafter2yearsofcollaborativeworkwith DeltaCouncilandtheDeltaPlanning Department,Iwouldliketoemphasizeour commitmenttoworkingwiththecommunity tocreateaprojectthatnotonlyenhances Tsawwassen’scharacterbutalsoservesthe futureneedsanddesiresofthecommunity.

Afterreceivingnumerousroundsof supportiveandconstructivefeedback,we acknowledgethatincludingtheresidentiallot withinourcommercialproposal fundamentallychangedtheconversationand highlightedthecommunity’sstrong preferenceformoreresidentialhousingin thatarea.Giventhat,wearereadytoturnthis setbackintoanopportunityforimprovement withplansthatarecurrentlyunderwayto substantiallyreimaginethisspace.

DeltavigilsmarkOverdose AwarenessDay


Contributing Writer

On International Overdose Awareness Day

(Aug 31) the Delta community came together in remembrance of the 140 lives lost to toxic drug supplies since 2016.

The Delta Overdose Community Action Team (DCAT) collaborated with the City of Delta to organize a memorial and candlelight vigil in North and South Delta to honour the memory of loved ones and raise awareness of drug abuse.

Last year, British Columbia witnessed 2,272 deaths from toxic drugs

The situation in Delta was particularly alarming, where 26 lives were lost due to substance misuse, constituting the region’s highest toll ever documented in a year.

As many came to show their support, put-

ting purple ribbons on a wreath outside the North Delta Centre for the Arts, some shared their stories with the Optimist hoping their message could prevent further tragedies.

DCAT member Tammy, who has been sober for more than 10 years, recalled the battle against the physical and psychological grips that substances have had on her life

“I didn’t realize I was addicted until I was 50 years old, and it took me to places where I was isolating myself,” she said. “They go very hand-inhand together: mental health, drug abuse and alcoholism”

Societal and selfstigma often inflict individuals struggling with drug use significantly.

Combining the two could create a vicious cycle, where the fear of judgement prevents individuals from seeking

assistance, prolonging the substance abuse and delaying recovery

Blake Wilson, who lost his stepbrother to an overdose, said there is so much out there that the public needs to know about addiction and the available resources

“Strike when the iron’s hot, otherwise, we could lose them”

DCAT and many Delta community partners have united to tackle the root causes of support barriers like stigma and coordinate resources and services for individuals and families to overcome substancerelated social issues

Wearelookingforwardtoengagingwiththe communitytoensureourprojectreflectsthe ourtown




“It’s nice to have more immediate help for people who want it, which we do have in Delta,” Wilson said “We need to be there for the people when they decide that they have had enough and they want help.

“Our team is made up of individuals with lived and living experience, and we use our experience to help,” said DCAT peer coordinator Phil Kristofic said.

A12 The Delta Optimist September7,2023
Candles were lit and photos were placed under a memorial wreath outside City Hall in Ladner.
McDonald’s • 1835 56th Street TSAWWASSEN • 5776 Ladner Trunk Road LADNER If you are interested in becoming a carrier please call 604-946-5171 Cathy
won a gift card courtesy of



ijacques@delta-optimist com

After a successful opening show in the spring, the South Delta Home Show returns with a fall version this Saturday, Sept 9

The Home Show runs from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Red Barn at Southlands

Tsawwassen (6333 Market Ave , Delta)

The show is a chance to network with South Delta-based home service specialists

There will also be lots of food and entertainment including:

*Four Winds outdoor beer garden

*Live music from Shane Terry

*The first 100 visitors will get a free pulled pork sandwich courtesy of Eastlink served by Rebel Rebel BBQ

*Free petting zoo sponsored by Renewal by Anderson Windows

*Multiple carnival games will be set up and be available to play by donation. Donations will go towards supporting

the Delta Community Animal Shelter Lemon Heaven will be selling lemonade

*Informative Industry talks: Four Winds Brewing will be giving an update on the plans for their restaurant while Glenn Issler Mortgages will discuss mortgages and how to navigate home financing with today’s interest rates

Eldercollege receives federal funding

Guillermo Bustos, president of ElderCollege Delta Society, is pleased to announce receipt of funding through the Government of Canada’s New Horizon for Seniors Program.

As a community based, not-for-profit society providing opportunities for seniors in lifelong learning and personal growth, this grant from the federal government will assist

Eldercollege to continue offering affordable programs to members

“With the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, we are now able to increase the number of our in-class learning presentations and field trips,” said Bustos “In order to reach as many of our members as possible, we will continue to offer some classes remotely via Zoom

The funds from the fed-

eral government will be instrumental in assisting ElderCollege cover the cost of operating our Learning Centre, rental of community facilities, transportation for field trips and the equipment for our technology programs ”

ElderCollege Delta’s fall semester program can be viewed at: https://eldercollegedelta.


September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A13 HOME SERVICES Mobile Same Day Blind Cleaning 604-948-5450 or text 604-307-2032 Mind Your Business IntroducingtheBusinessWire.Accesstop businessnewsonlineanytime. ScanQRcode,orvisit delta-optimistcom/bizwire POWEREDBY Custom Pull-Out Shelves for your EXISTING cabinets and pantry. 40 EXP 07/31/23. 604-757-0441
Jack Yingling is organizing another South Delta Home Show set for Saturday, Sept. 9.

NoticeisherebygiventhatDeltaCityCouncilwillconsiderthebylawsreferencedbelowatitsRegularMeetingat4:00 p.m.onMonday,September11,2023intheNorthDeltaCentrefortheArts,Theatre,1142584Avenue,Delta,BC,and byelectronicmeansasauthorizedbyCouncilProcedureBylawNo.5000. toattendmaylistenandwatchtheproceedingsontheCity’swebsite. VideorecordingsarearchivedontheCity’swebsite.


Location:4365NiagaraStreet Applicant:RandySihota,MaximumNutritionInc.

Proposal:Toconstructanindustrialbuilding Adevelopmentvariancepermitisrequestedtovarythefollowingsections of“DeltaZoningBylawNo.7600,2017”:

1. Section8.4.2byreducingtheminimumoverallrequiredparkingspacesfrom41spacesto36spacesfortheproposed industrialbuilding;and

2 Section 16804byreducingtheminimumexterior side setbacksfrom45mto25malongthenorthandsouth frontagesoftheproperty.





Proposal:Toconstructasecondflooradditiontoanexistingdwellingandtoenclosethecarport.Adevelopment variancepermitisrequestedtovarythefollowingsectionsof“DeltaZoningBylawNo 2750,1977”:

1. Section305Abyreducingthemaximumpermittedeaveprojectionforaprincipalstructurefrom4.5mto2.9m tothefrontpropertylinetoallowtheexistingeavesonthecarporttoberetainedasthecarportisenclosedinto livingarea;and

2 Section612byreducingtheminimumrequiredfrontsetbackfrom65mto33mtopermittheenclosureofan existingcarport

AdevelopmentpermitisalsorequiredfortheprotectionofnaturalenvironmentintheStreamsideProtectionand EnhancementArea(SPEA)DevelopmentPermitArea.ApprovaloftheSPEADevelopmentPermitisdelegatedtothe GeneralManagerofDevelopment.





Proposal:Topermitapresentationcentreandconstructionstagingparkingareaonthesubjectpropertiesforaperiod ofthreeyears



Materialsrelatedtotheproposalssuchastheproposedbylaws,detailedmapsandotherinformationmaybeinspectedatDeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC, MondaytoFriday,excludingstatutoryholidaysfrom8:30a.m.to4:45p.m.fromThursday,August31,2023toMonday,September11,2023.

If you have a general inquiry regarding the proposed bylaws or if you wouldlike assistance to inspect any relevant documentation, please contact theDevelopment Departmentbyemailatdevelopment@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380

A14 The Delta Optimist September7,2023


Location:8243SheavesRoad Applicant:RaviGill

Proposal:TodischargeLandUseContractS.A.No.3118torevealtheunderlyingSingleDetachedResidential1(RS1) Zonetopermitasecondarysuiteinanadditiontotheexistingdwelling.ThisapplicationisconsistentwithDelta’s OfficialCommunityPlan





Proposal: To rezone the subject property from Duplex/Single Detached Residential 3 (RD3) to Townhouse Residential62(RT62)topermitconstructionofa31-unittownhousedevelopment.Thisapplicationisconsistent withDelta’sOfficialCommunityPlan.

A development variance permit is also requested to vary the following sections of “Delta Zoning Bylaw No 7600,2017”:

1. Section6.2.10(c)(ii)byincreasingthemaximumtotalwidthofpermittedprojectionsfortheporchesmeasured paralleltothebuildingfaceintheinteriorsidesetbackareafrom35percentto51percentfortheproposed Buildings1and2;

2 Section733(b)byreducingtheminimum15mwidelandscapestrip,consistingofathickhedgeofshrubsnot lessthan18minheightatthetimeofplantingandadditionallowerscaleplantmaterials,to10minwidthand limitedtothespacebetweentherearlotlineandtheback(north)portionofthegarbagestoragearea;and

3 Section853byreducingtheminimumclearheightofaparkingspacefrom22mto20mwithintheenclosed garageprovidedwithinUnitTypeA(Building4),UnitTypeB(Building5)andUnitTypeDa(Building3) AdevelopmentpermitisalsorequiredtoregulatetheformandcharacterofthedevelopmentintheScottRoad Corridor(SRC)DevelopmentPermitArea.


Correspondence received up to 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 will be included in the Agenda package Correspondencereceivedafterandupto10:00a.m.onMonday,September11,2023willbeprovidedtoCouncilinaseparate packagepriortothestartofthemeeting. Allcorrespondencemustincludeyournameandfulladdressandwillformpartofthe publicrecordforthisproposalandbepublishedontheCity’swebsite


September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A15
���� Email: OR ���� Writeto: MayorandCouncil CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2


Two Delta firefighters attended the 30th annual Burn Camp for young burn survivors, which was again held at the Cheakamus Centre in Squamish last month


In their early 50s, Bob and Sally reviewed their current financial status and decided to update their wills and leave a $300,000 gift to their favourite charity. The remainder of their assets would be divided equally between their two adult children. Both children had just purchased homes with their partners and providing for them once they passed was important for Bob and Sally. In total, their estate was worth around $1 5 million

Fast Forward 20 Years

When Bob and Sally hit their mid 70s, they both developed advanced-age diseases Both Bob and Sally required advanced care needs which required them to sell their family home and move into an assisted living facility Bob passed within two years at age 80 from heart disease and Sally at the age of 89 due to dementia


As executor, their son Alexander was shocked to learn that the net worth of his parent’s estate at the time of passing was only worth $500,000 Due to the expensive cost of care for both parents while they were alive, their assets were considerably reduced.

The Shocking Final Result

Although Bob and Sally’s intention was to provide only 20% of their estate to charity, it ended up being 60%, while the children got 20% - $100K each!


Revisit your plan regularly to ensure it remains consistent with your intentions. Bob and Sally could have benefited by making the charity gift a percentage of the estate or incorporating the charity as a residual beneficiary. Contact Jeffrey Greenfeld at 604-940-8617 or

Fifty-nine campers including nine new campers, one of which was from Delta, attended this years camp.

Burn Camp kicked off out of the District of North Vancouver fire hall, where it was first held 30 years ago. It was a special day, which also featured the Young Burn Survivors Family Day for children under five who are potential campers

After waving goodbye to family and loved ones, the campers headed out for a week of activities, new friendships and making memories. This year activities included white water rafting, hiking, crafts, day trips to Whistler and Alice Lake, volleyball, basketball, a talent show as well as finishing the week with a surprise dinner and live

DJ at the top of the Sea to Sky Gondola. Organizers began planning Burn Camp in February.

The BC Professional Burn Fund is made up of firefighters within B.C., who volunteer their time Camp counsellors are made up of firefighters and nursing professionals During the past 30 years, organizers and volunteers have built an

environment where burn survivors, ages six to 18, can be among familiar faces and feel comfortable, without being judged Burn Camp for survivors has become a place of empowerment, connection and fun For many, it is the highlight of their year and the countdown to 2024’s camp has already started.

“Having been involved in Burn Camp for the past 18 years has had a hugely positive impact on my life,” said Delta firefighter Kristy Storey, who is also assistant director of Burn Camp. “There is such a valuable community amongst the young burn survivors, the counsellors and support team who all volunteer their time to provide support.”

teer photographer

“There were so many positive takeaways from attending camp for me, ” he said. “To see the campers feel safe, let their guards down and enjoy the activities was amazing Each has their own journey through recovery and it was truly a humbling experience Capturing their moments through camp was an honour and I’ll definitely be applying again to volunteer next year ”

At the camp kick off this year, Delta Firefighters Charitable Society made a donation of $5,000 to the BC Burn Fund. No cost is incurred by the campers or their families with funding coming from firefighter Locals and their charitable contributions.

h nc are covered by the Canad an Inves or Protec ion Fund Bob and Sa y are fic iona

It was Delta firefighter Dave Mason’s first experience at Burn Camp and he was there as a volun-

For more info about the BC Burn Fund, please visit -Submitted

A16 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 A Very Generous and “Unfortunate” Gift Th s nformat on has been prepared by Jeffrey Greenfeld, who is an Investment Advisor for iA Pr vate Wealth nc Op n ons expressed in th s art c e are those of Jef rey Greenfeld on y and do not necessar y reflec those of iA Pr vate Wea th nc A Pr vate Wea th Inc is a member of the Canadian Inves or Protect on Funds and the Inves ment Industry Regu a ory Organ za ion of Canada * nsurance products and services are o fered through Greenfe d F nanc a Management, an independen and separate company from A Pr va e Wea th nc Only products and serv ces offered through iA Pr va e Weal
Delta Firefighters Charitable Society made a donation of $5,000 to the BC Burn Fund at the recent Burn Camp.
the camp kick off this year, Delta Firefighters Charitable Society made a donation of $5,000 to the BC Burn Fund.



Contributing Writer

Dazzling lights and enchanting displays are set to return to Sunstone Park Saturday, Sept 9, from 6 to 10 p.m.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the annual Luminary Festival in North Delta, celebrating the end of summer with creative performances and sparkling illuminations.

The Luminary Festival invites everyone to illuminate themselves with costumes and lights, as many have become inventive with batteryoperated string lights, EL wire, or glow sticks from previous years.

The Festival includes activities such as crafting lanterns to light up the park, ranging from paper mache lanterns to lacecovered mason jars

An assortment of food trucks, including Big Red’s poutine, Sky Thai, and Peace Sweetz Hawaiian Shaved Ice, will be available at Sunstone Park, ready to satisfy various appetites. There will also be vendor stands with LED novelties for purchase.

Meanwhile, everyone is encouraged to par-


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This year marks the 10th anniversary of the annual Luminary Festival in North Delta, celebrating the end of summer with creative performances and sparkling illuminations.

ticipate in the Lantern Parade at 8:30 p.m. to cherish this illuminating tradition within the community.

To ensure easy access to the event, free parking and shuttle services will be available between North Delta Recreation Centre and Sunstone Park, starting from 6 p.m. Additionally, acces-

sible parking spots will be reserved on Delsom Crescent for those who require closer proximity to the Festival.

For more information about the Festival, including lantern inspiration and a detailed lineup of activities, please visit the official Luminary Festival website at: delta ca/LuminaryFestival.

JoinusonSaturday,September9th from6-9pmforthe milestone10thanniversarycelebrationoftheLuminary FestivalatSunstonePark!Thisfree,family-friendlyeventis ourlargestculturaleventinNorthDelta.Welookforward tohelpingilluminateourcommunitywithcostumes, lanterns,andcreativityatthisyear’sLuminaryFestival


September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A17 y pp y, ASTE EVERYDAY VALUE 39 PLUS TAX $ SMALL 1 209 PLUS TAX $ XL 169 PLUS TAX $ MEDIUM 189 PLUS TAX $ LARGE
(lefttoright): CouncillorDanielBoisvert,CouncillorJessieDosanjh,CouncillorDylanKruger, MayorGeorgeV Harvie,CouncillorAliciaGuichon,CouncillorRodBinder,CouncillorJenniferJohal
Apply Within


Delta Photo Club presents first workshop of new season

For the first workshop of the 2023/24 season, Delta Photo Club is pleased to present the Introduction to “The Series Project” with acclaimed photographer and educator Rick Hulbert on Wednesday, Sept. 13 starting at 7:30 p m

This project builds on the introduction to the power of the creative series presentation Hulbert gave last season.

“The Series Project” is a three-part workshop It begins with the introduction to creating a series. Part two is the production of a series with an Artist Statement by DPC members, due in October Hulbert will give each individual feedback for their series Part three will be in December and will feature his gallery presentation of the completed series on Zoom.

Hulbert’s introduction will cover what an image series constitutes and show examples He will discuss the benefits of a series project, detail the process, explain creating an artist statement, and zero in on the common hurdles and roadblocks

Creating a series is an ideal way for a photographer to explore a subject beyond a single image.

Having someone mentor the process makes it an intriguing and approachable challenge for photographers of all abilities. -Submitted


Fallpreviewshowahighlight forBoundaryBayQuiltsGuild

It has been a busy summer for the Boundary Bay Quilters Guild

Guild members have participated in many community events: Canada Day at Kirkland House, North Delta Family Day, Tsawwassen Sun Festival and the Ladner Legion Quilt and Car Show

The Guild has enjoyed six “Funday Monday” sewing days in July and August at the Douglas Husband Discovery Centre. In partnership with the City of Delta, more than 100 unique tote bags were created from “upcycled” nylon street banners to keep textiles out of the landfill A selection of these bags will be available for sale at the preview

One more special event is scheduled before the start of the regular Guild year

The Guild’s Fall Preview and Showcase” is this Saturday, Sept 9, from 11 a m to 4 p m in the Benediction Lutheran Church Hall in Tsawwassen

This event is open to all who are interested in quilts and quilting and who would like to see some fall quilts, have a cup of coffee and maybe win one of many door prizes on offer

There will also be displays of quilts made through Guild

workshops, information about upcoming workshops and speakers, as well as other Guild activities such as retreats, bus trips and charity quilts This year the Guild is putting a new spin on the traditional block of the month program Free patterns and kits will be available to anyone who would like to partici-

pate. The completed blocks will be made into quilts donated to the Irene Thomas Hospice.

Shopping is also on the agenda as “Dragonfly Quilting and Gifts” will have a pop-up store. If you know “Dragonfly” you know that there’s always good deals and if you haven’t shopped there before, you ’ re in for a treat

The first regular Guild meeting will take place on Sept 19 at KinVillage Community Centre starting at 6:30 p.m.

For more information see: www.boundarybayquiltersguild. com, email: info@boundarybayquiltersguild com or call 604948-0692.



ijacques@delta-optimist com

The Sunday @3 Concert series returns this Sunday, Sept. 10 to Ladner United Church.

The opening concert

for the fall will feature Linda Kidder and Alex Whittaker.

The musical duo have been friends and bandmates making beautiful music together for the past 20 years They play

a wide range of music including swing, ballads, Latin, pop and originals.

Whittaker is a master guitarist, with a voice that can sing anything, while Kidder is first and foremost a wonderful vocal-

ist, many saying “she has the voice of an angel”

She will also be playing electric bass. Together these two are very entertaining, personable with a good helping of humour

The concert starts at 3 p m Tickets are $10 (cash) available at the door. Masks are mandatory Ladner United Church is located at 4960 48th Ave. in Ladner Village

to report? Contact Ian at t ijacques@delta-optimist com or 604-998-3616 6
Sunday @3 returns on Sept. 10
A18 The Delta Optimist September7,2023
The Boundary Bay Quilters Guild is hosting is Fall Showcase this Saturday, Sept. 9 at the Benediction Lutheran Church Hall in Tsawwassen.

Death & Dying LeavingaFoundationlegacythroughyourwill

Leaving a meaningful legacy for your cherished charities through a Foundation has never been easier By incorporating a bequest in your will, you can ensure your chosen charitable causes continue to thrive for generations, all while maintaining your present income

Foundations serve as the conduit for channelling your support to local organizations or registered charities. Offering an array of philanthropic options tailored to your financial aspirations, they streamline the administrative process, offer strategic giving advice, and foster connections with impactful community-focused charities The overarching purpose of foundations is to bridge philanthropy with the pressing needs and opportunities of the


Working collaboratively with a range of professionals, including legal experts, accountants, and financial planners, Foundations facilitate a diverse range of planned giving initiatives. Whether it’s establishing an endowed fund with a specific purpose or maintaining flexibility for the fund’s application where it’s most needed, Foundations provide invaluable assistance.

Legacy giving unfolds through various avenues

Whether you ’ re contemplating a gift in your Will, contributing a new or existing life insurance policy, or allocating a portion of your RRSPs or RRIFs through your Will, opportunities abound to shape a lasting legacy within Delta through a Foundation.

Advantages of engaging in legacy giving via a Community Foundation:

Localized impact and tax benefits: Your contribution benefits your local community while also entitling you to a

charitable tax receipt

Customized giving: You have the freedom to direct your philanthropic funds to a specific charity or category of your choice.

Efficient resource allocation: Support local charities with some of the lowest administration costs among Canadian foundations (Delta).

Cost-effective alternative: Opting for Foundation-based giving eliminates the need for creating a private foundation or gift fund The Foundation takes care of distributing income annually, bypassing legal and governmental fees

Simplicity and tax advantages: Avoid complicated procedures like obtaining a charitable tax number, attending meetings, or maintaining financial records. Additionally,

donating shares offers taxdeductible benefits and avoids capital gains

Tax receipts and sustainable giving: Enjoy tax receipts while ensuring your fund’s income perpetually benefits the intended causes.

Residents of Delta are encouraged to connect with the Delta Community Foundation to explore various giving avenues and fund options aligned with their philanthropic inclinations and financial situation. Starting with an initial gift of $5,000 or more, donors can establish named funds. For comprehensive insights into the manifold possibilities of charitable giving through a Foundation, please visit www deltafoundation org

-Submitted by Delta Community Foundation

Blended families are the new normal! But they raise challenging issues that require experience and expertise when it comes to estate planning.

At Severide Law, our estate planning team is up to the challenge. We have prepared new estate plans for many couples who have re-partnered later in life with children from previous relationships. There are unique and important considerations with these estate plans, and we are here to advise and guide you as you implement an estate plan that works for you and your loved ones.

For help with your estate plan, or just for some good advice, give us a call or visit us online!

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A19 #201-5027 47A Avenue, Delta | 604-940-8182 | |
Foundations serve as the conduit for channelling your support to local organizations or registered charities.

Death & Dying Funeralpre-planningwitha professionaleasesanxiety

The death of a loved is difficult to confront Emotions are elevated and grief is prominent, which can make it hard to make important decisions

Quite often several people need to come together to make decisions necessary for a family member’s funeral arrangements. There also is a financial component to consider.

Funeral pre-planning is a good way for individuals to make a difficult time a little more manageable for their survivors.

Here’s a rundown of pre-planning as individuals consider their


Explore your options

Pre-planning a funeral enables people to consider all of the options without the time constraints of making funeral arrangements directly after the passing of a loved one. A knowledgeable staff member at a funeral home, can explain the offerings and answer any questions

Straightforward process

Unless an individual has planned a funeral in the past, there could be a lot of unknowns Funeral homes handle these events every day and can guide families through the intricacies of the process with ease

Most have pre-planning kits that include all of the essentials of the process, such as choosing caskets, deciding on prayer cards and designing floral arrangements

Avoid confrontations

Working directly with a professional also helps alleviate the burden on family members, who may not agree on arrangements or concur on what they believe would be a loved one ’ s final wishes When preplanning a funeral, individuals can spell out in their own words exactly what they desire and even finance the funeral in advance.

A20 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 Celeb 20 0 ye Ca Schedule a tour r tod For More Information Call 6004-9 www.augustinehousee.c Delta’s Charity for Charities Create a lasting legacy for you and your family. An Executor is responsible for carrying out your intentions as expressed in your Will So how do you choose the right executor? Consider their location, age, time commitments and skillset. Contact us for information on our Executor Support services or for a copy of our Executor’s Checklist. HowdoI choosemy executor? Raymond James L d member – Canadan nvestor Protecton Fund Raymond JamesTrust Services a e offered by Raymond JamesTrust (Canada) n the p ovinces o Bri sh Coumba Abe ta Saska chewan and Onta o and by Raymond JamesTrust (Québec) L d n the provnce o Québec.Trust Services a e not covered by he Canadan Inves or Pro ecton Fund ELEANOR CALDERWOOD, FMA, FCSI,CIWM, CIM Wealth Manager ZAHIR DOSSA Wealth Manager South Delta Financial Group of Raymond James Ltd. 103 - 5405 Ladner Trunk Rd, Delta, BC V4K 1W6 T: 604-940-9405 |

Death & Dying Tips for writing an obituary

Upon the passing of a loved one, an individual is often tasked with writing an obituary.

Some people may find writing an obituary is cathartic, providing an opportunity to tell a loved one ’ s life story and indicate how unique the deceased was

Obituaries do not necessarily have to follow a formula, but the following tips can help people compose an obituary that conveys who their deceased loved one was and how much this person meant to friends and family

* Contact your local newspaper Some newspapers may have obituary guidelines that govern things like writing style and obituary

length. Before writing an obituary, contact your local newspaper to determine if they have any such rules in place

Some newspapers may only publish obituaries written by their own staff members.

* Do not feel obliged to include cause of death

While acquaintances who first learn of a person ’ s death via an obituary may be curious about cause of death, loved ones of the deceased do not have to include such information if they are uncomfortable doing so

* Include some biographical information.

Obituaries are typically more than simple announcements of death Some simple biological information

can shed light on who the deceased was and his or her personal and professional accomplishments Avoid getting too detailed, as newspapers may not accept obituaries that are very lengthy But biographical information like full name, place of birth, family (i e , spouse, children, grandchildren, etc.), military service, place of employment, charity work, and hobbies can give readers an accurate idea of the life your loved one lived * Include visitation and funeral information Be sure to include the day, location and visitation hours for viewings If the funeral will be public, include the day and time of the funeral as well -Metro Creative

A common question we are asked is “should I add my children on to my home as joint tenants?” More often than not the answer is “no”

The desire to avoid probate fees by adding children on title to homes may seem like a good idea but it can also attract unexpected problems.

US AT: orvisitourwebsiteat:

Some of those problems may include; capital gains as it is not the children’s principal residence, claims and potential liens against the property by creditors or ex-spouses of the children, having to payout the deferred taxes, having to renegotiate an existing mortgage or line of credit and most importantly, a loss of control over what in many cases is one’s largest asset. For example, if you want to sell or mortgage the home then you would need the consent of your children, the joint owners.

We’d be happy to discuss this or any of your estate planning needs.

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A21 Use the power of your Will to do more. After supporting your loved ones, support Delta Hospital and Community Health Foundation through your Will. TO FIND OUT MORE, CONTACT
604-940-9695 Charitable No 12984-4114-RR0001 media partner: 5058 – 47A Avenue, Delta | Tel: 604 946-8010 | Fax: 604 946-9652 | WILLS • PROBATE & ESTATE ADMINISTRATION • POWERS OF ATTORNEY • CORPORATE & BUSINESS • REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING • MORTGAGES
email: Call or email me today to set an appointment. NOTARY PUBLIC Wills and Estate Planning Powers of Attorney Representation Agreements Real Estate Purchases & Sales Mortgages & Re-Finances Leasehold and Freehold lands


Since 2007 residents from across the Lower Mainland have travelled to Westham Island to experience a little of what a day in the life of farmer is all about.

Day at the Farm is a family-friendly event that gives visitors the opportunity to experience firsthand the challenges and rewards of growing quality food and learning how farmland supports the abundance of local wildlife that helps to make the Fraser River Delta such a special place.

Hosted by Delta Farmland & Wildlife Trust, in partnership with the Ellis family, Day at the Farm gives visitors a unique opportunity to learn about our farming history and how Delta

farmers play a key role in supporting wildlife conservation.

The popular farmer-led hay wagon farm tours will

begin shortly after 10 a m and run through the day with the last tour leaving by 3:15 p m Take a tour and find out what is grow-

ing in our local fields Kids can get a little dirty digging their own potatoes at the BC Fresh Potato Dig.

There will be hands-on and interactive displays with the Delta Naturalists, Ducks Unlimited, UBC and more.

You can visit with members of the Richmond Delta 4-H club and learn about the Holstein calves they are raising

The Kids Zone encourages everyone to participate in games and sack races and little ones can get messy in the hay bale pit

A team of draft horses will also be on hand Chef Trevor Randle and a team of student chefs from B C Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation’s Take a Bite of BC program will be preparing food for you to sample using locally grown ingredients

Emma Lea Farms, BC Fresh, Dairyland and

CONTINUED: see Page 23

Hay rides are a popular attraction at the Day at the Farm event.
A22 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 @BCfreshVeggies @BCfreshVeggies Proud supporters of Day At The Farm

CONTINUED from Page 22

Save-On-Foods have generously provided, blueberries, potatoes, and dairy products for student chefs this year

Day at the Farm would not’ be complete without contests

Vinca’s Kitchen has donated a prize for the best bread and the BC Strawberry and BC Raspberry Councils have donated prizes for the jams. You can register in advance for either contest and bring your jam or bread entries to the Information Tent (beside the stage) by 1 p.m.

Come early to enjoy the music of Thorn and Sparrow, back this year by

popular demand, enjoy lunch from one of the food trucks, treat yourself to ice cream from Cookies Ice Cream or one of Jonny’s famous Pops!

After lunch take in another Day At The Farm highlight, a mini auction with Delta South MLA Ian

CelebrateDelta’sfarmersandtakepartinfunand interactiveactivitiesforthewholefamilyatDayatthe FarmonSaturday,September9th from10am-4pm Atthisfreeevent,visitorscanlearnwhatadayinthe lifeofalocalfarmerisallabout.

Let’shonourthededication,passion,andresilience thatlocalfarmersbringtoourtablesandtothis communityatDayattheFarm.

Paton as auctioneer. Day at the Farm runs from 10 a m to 4 p m on Sept. 9 at the Westham Island Herb Farm (4690 Kirkland Road, Delta) The event is free, but donations are greatly accepted


There will be lots of music and entertainment at this year’s Day at the Farm.
September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A23 IAN PATON MLA | DELTA SOUTH 604-940-7930 Ian Paton MLA@leg bc ca Amessage fromyour localMLA /IanPatonDelta Farming is an Important Part of Delta’s History Enjoy Day At The Farm!
Hosted by Delta Farmland & Wildlife Trust, in partnership with the Ellis family, Day at the Farm gives visitors a unique opportunity to learn about our farming history and how Delta farmers play a key role in supporting wildlife conservation.
DAYATTHEFARM BC GREENHOUSE VEGETABLES Nutritious, Fresh, Local visit us at:
A24 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A25 $2.3 MILLION CASH SPEND IT, SAVE IT, INVEST IT, ENJOY IT TOLL FREE 604.536.2491 1.888.888.1567 BUY TODAY MORE T O WIN 19+ TO PLAY KNOW YOUR LIM T, PLAY W THIN IT PROBLEM GAMBL NG HELP LINE 1-888-795-6111 | WWW.BCRESPONS BLEGAMBLING CA BC Gam ng Event Licences #143533, #143535 #143536 W nner w l choose one pr ze op ion; other prize op ions w l not be awarded DEADLINE: MIDNIGHT, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 | WORTH $36,000 10GRAND PRIZE OPTIONS SOUTH SURREY | LANGLEY | VANCOUVER | NORTH VANCOUVER | LAKE COUNTRY | KELOWNA | SOOKE | COURTENAY | $2.3 MILLION CASH MAIN LOTTERY TICKETS 3 FOR $100 | 6 FOR $175 | 9 FOR $250 | 20 FOR $500 50/50 PLUS® 2 FOR $15 | 6 FOR $30 | 16 FOR $60 DAILY CASH PLUS™ 2 FOR $25 | 6 FOR $50 PURCHASE IN PERSON AT Thank you for making us MIGHTY. 67 DAYS OF WINNING! $348,000 IN TOTAL CASH TO BE WON! #70 20763 76 Avenue Available December 2023 LANGLEY PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION #33B - 1000 SookePoint Place Available June 2025 SOOKE PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION 13156 9A Avenue South Surrey No open fo viewing OCEAN PARK PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH OVER $2.7 MILLION Units 11 and 18 - 520 West 28 Avenue Available une 2024 VANCOUVER PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION QUEEN E ZABETH PARK #50 - 5733 Alberta Street VANCOUVER PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH OVER $2.7 MILLION OAKR DG 3227 Winchester Avenue Courtenay A ailable August 2023 CROWN ISLE PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION #22 – 9201 Okanagan Centre Road W. Available April 2024 LAKE COUNTRY PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH OVER $2.5 MILLION #1107 - 3340 Lakeshore Road Available Fall 2025 KELOWNA PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH OVER $2.6 MILLION Unit 2703 or 2803 - 1560 Hunter Street A ailable February 2024 NORTH VANCOUVER PRIZE PACKAGE WORTH OVER $2.5 MILLION JACKPOT ALREADY OVER $1,450,000 WINNER TAKES HALF. IT COULD BE YOU! DEADLINE TOMORROW $36,000 IN VACATIONS OR GAS & GROCERIES FOR A YEAR Win & Choose OR 2023 HYUNDAI ELANTRA HYBRID OR $30,000 CASH $36,000 Summer Bonus

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

3900 Arthur Drive, Ladner 604-946-4522

Investing in the next generation

As I write this article, my family is getting ready for the back-to-school season.

Our kids are preparing for a new school year and my wife, who is an elementary school teacher, is returning to her routine, too. There is excitement and nervousness in equal share

Following our annual tradition, we will be praying for students, teachers, and school staff this week as they begin a new school year

All Saints Anglican Church


Sunday Eucharist @ 9:30 am, Eucharist and Bible StudyWednesdays @ 10 am

For more information or call 604-946-8413.

4755 Arthur Drive, Delta

In the bible, God stresses the older generation’s responsibility to invest knowledge and wisdom in the next generation I have great respect for teachers because they have such an important responsibility in our society In fact, my high school English teacher had such an indelible impact on my

Sundays at 10:00 a.m.

Rev Jason Truell

10:00 a.m.

Nancy 楊牧師

4594 – 54A Street, Ladner, B C 604-946-7033

www ladnercrc ca

Minister’s Minute PAUL PARK

life that I still credit her for being one of the most influential people who have shaped my life.

The bible asserts that teachers should be mindful of their responsibility.

James 3:1 states, “Not many of you should become teachers […] for you know that we who teach will be judged with

greater strictness.”

This verse addresses teachers of God’s word, but I believe the principle applies to all teachers who have such a unique influence on young people under their care the responsibility is huge, so don’t take it lightly.

How often do we send our children to complete strangers and ask them to make a significant impact on their lives?

In our school system, we inherently invest enormous trust in our teachers and school staff to care for our children and help us raise them to be good citizens. It is in our best interest that we pray for their protection, strength, and wisdom as they begin this school year May God be with them and grant them his favour as they teach our next generation


693 – 53rd Street, Tsawwassen

Welcome to everyone for Worship & Friendship

Sunday’s @ 10:00 am

Rev Daniel Kirkegaard 604.943.2911

“Be Faithful,betrue, be a blessing”

A26 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 A Warm and Joyful welcome to Mass Schedule Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 9am, 11am and 5pm Daily Mass in the Chapel at 9am Mon-Sat LOVE LIKE JESUS SOUTHDELTA.ORG 604-9438 - 244 SUNDAYS 10AM Everyone welcome to worship with us ellowship Benediction Lutheran Church Join us as we celebrate God’s grace We invite you to worship in person Sundays at 9am or online anytime at 5575 6th Ave Tsawwassen, BC 604-943-3432 Pastor Thomas Keeley LADNERGOSPEL ASSEMBLY Sunday Worship Service 10:30am All Ages Welcome! “Aplacewhereloveandfriendshipmatters” 5545 Ladner Trunk Rd. ONLINE OR IN-PERSON, Sundays @ 9:30 a.m. ST. DAVID’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 1115 – 51A Street Tsawwassen Rector Rev. Simbarashe Basvi
Service 10 am
us this summer
Route # Route Info # of Papers Interested in becoming a carrier? Call or email to be added to the waiting list. Kids and Adults Needed for These Upcoming Routes Call 604-946-5171 or email 1600106 1A Ave, 2nd Ave, 51A St, 52A St 59 1600204 1A Ave, 66A St, 67th St 60 1600207 12th Ave, Compston Cres, Morris Cres, Whitcomb Pl 48 1600221 16A Ave, 17A Ave, 57th St, 57A St 59 1600305 Pacific Dr 36 1600306 Pacific Dr, Stahaken Crt, Pl 44 1600322 54th St, 56th St, 7B Ave, 7th Ave, Gilchrist Dr, Pl 77 1600331 6th Ave, 7A Ave, Dogwood Dr, Lane, Stevens Dr Lane, Weaver Dr 69 1600335 8A Ave, 12th Ave, 49th St, English Bluff Rd 40 1600408 52nd St, 53A St, Belair Cres, Saratoga Dr Windsor Cres 70 1600423 Birch Spring aland, Cedar Spring Dr, Fir Springs Lane, Spring Blvd, Willow Springs Ave 77 1600425 Osprey Dr, Blue Heron Way 56 1600427 Pine Springs Lane, Springs Blvd, Cedar Springs Dr, Pl, Willow Springs Ave 71 1610115 5510 Admiral Way 6000 Admiral Blvd 58 1610604 Central Ave, Fenton Dr Linden Dr 104 1610605 Bentley Crt, Dr, Lane, Linden Dr, Westminster Ave, Crt 70 Ballet Jazz Lyrical Hip Hop Tap Contemporary Musical Theatre Breakdance Modern Move and Groove Storybook Ballet Adult Classes Tiny Steps for Twos Adapted Dance Unit 320 - 4949 Canoe Pass Way, Tsa (Between Marks And Petsmart) • 604.946 D CLA PRESCHOOL TO TO REGISTER EMAIL: ADMIN@DEASISLANDDANCE.COM



The South Delta Sun Devils are replacing B.C. Ferries reservations with regular trips across the Alex Fraser Bridge for the coming 2023 season.

A shuffling of B C High School Football’s three “AAA” divisions has taken the Sun Devils away from some of their long-time rivals including Victoria’s Mt. Doug Rams, Vancouver College and Notre Dame They are now part of the Central Division where they are joined by TriCities schools Centennial and Terry Fox, along with New West, Seaquam and West Kelowna’s Mt Boucherie.

“I figured with Tsawwassen being right on the edge of the water we would always be playing (Mt Doug and Belmont),” said Ray Moon, entering his 17th season as the Sun Devils head coach and 21st overall “Having those games against VC, Mt. Doug or Notre Dame pushed us to excel We knew we had to be our best on that day. We also know there are no pushovers in this division with programs like Terry Fox and St. Thomas More. It’s

going to be interesting”

Thanks to a now wellestablished junior varsity team run by teacher coach Scott Martens, student interest in football has never been stronger with the senior team expecting to dress 46 players this season.

“We’ve got 16 defensive linemen, 16 defensive backs and about 13 or 14 linebackers, so instead of heavy concentration in one group we ’ ve got depth in all of them,” said Moon “The hope is to try and get a number of them only

playing one way We’ve got some great athleticism, size on the lines and a good mixture of seniors and Grade 11s.

“We had a good number of them in the (offseason) weight training and completing conditioning programs, so they

loss to GW Graham in the provincial quarterfinals

Legendary offensive coordinator Jerry Mulliss has plenty of returning weapons to work with including top receivers Morgan MacCubbin and Dawson Sjoberg, along with leading rusher Ryan Roberts.

Darius Hanna and Dominic Dumas are the team’s options at quarterback with the graduation of standout Kenny Scott Hanna made the most of his lone start last season, leading the Sun Devils past New West in the Kushnir Boot rivalry game.

“We are in decent shape with the biggest challenge being how quickly our kids can gain from quality game reps because there were some Grade 12s that we really leaned on last year, ” added Moon

are really starting to buy in and be excited about it. Our biggest challenge now is making sure all of them stay interested.”

The Sun Devils are coming off a highly-competitive campaign that concluded with a heartbreaking 48-47 overtime

The Sun Devils’ preseason schedule includes a visit from the Kelowna Owls this Saturday, Sept 9 (3 p.m.) followed by a trip to Chilliwack to face GW Graham on Sept 15

All home games will be played across the street at Dennison Park as the program anxiously waits for field improvements at the SDSS oval.

Sports stories? Contact Ian at ijacques@delta-optimist com or call 604-998-3616
Ray Moon is in his 22nd season coaching the South Delta Sun Devils senior varisty team including the last 18 years as head coach. September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A27 BSc, MBA, Diploma Urban Land Economics, Post Grad Certificate in Real Property Valuation Royal LePage Regency Realty Ltd., 1333 – 56th Street, Delta, BC Contact Dean at 604.603.8538 or
The Sun Devils’ pre-season schedule includes a visit from the Kelowna Owls this Saturday, Sept 9 Personal Real Estate Corporation RealEstateConsultant



Optimist Contributor

The Delta Ice Hawks will be shooting for much more than repeating as champions when they open their Pacific Junior Hockey League (PJHL) regular season schedule on Sept 10

With more than a dozen returning players, the Ice Hawks should not only be in position to win their sixth title, but also help the franchise sail into unchartered waters the following season

That’s when B.C. Hockey’s new junior “A” tier 1 league is expected to take flight.

Earlier, the sport’s provincial governing body announced all 45 junior “B” teams in the PJHL, Vancouver Island and Kootenay leagues have been reclassified as junior “A” tier 2 under a new player development pathway

It’s in response to the long-established B.C. Hockey League (BCHL) opting to end its affiliation with Hockey Canada and operate as an independent league this coming season.

It will then be up to an advisory board to determine through a rigorous process

which applying franchises will be elevated to junior “A” tier one.

The future goal for those teams will be to eventually seek membership with the Canadian Junior Hockey League. It would open the door to competition for the Centennial Cup, Canada’s junior ‘A’ championship, and eligibility for players and bench staff for Hockey Canada’s CJHL’s World Junior A Challenge.

It’s a challenge the Ice Hawks didn’t hesitate to take on, under owner/president Eduard Epshtein and GM/head coach Steve Robinson.

“We were one of the first teams to that put forward a plan to go to tier one the following season, ” said Robinson “We put our hat into the ring and we will see where it goes from there, but it should be fun Nothing structurally changes too much because we already ran things higher than the level that we were obligated to For some though, erasing the ‘B’ and making it an ‘A’ will change people’s perception and make (the league) a more viable alternative where every team should be getting three to five more good players and make the league more competitive”

Robinson has already seen the benefit of the league’s change in status with two rookie standouts from a year ago opting to return rather than try to play in the BCHL or a junior “A” league outside of B.C.

Soon-to-be 18-year-old Zach Shaughnessy was one of the league’s top goaltenders last season with 1.92 goals

against average and .927 save percentage in 25 appearances Also opting to stay put is forward Payton Hu, 18, who compiled 70 points over 41 games in his rookie campaign

They join a solid core of returning veterans, including high-scoring 19-yearold twins Conner and Carson Merriman, along with newly-appointed captain and standout blueliner Yuji Akimoto Robinson’s recruiting class includes Greater Vancouver Canadians’ alumni Brandon Petrie and Declan Warburton who both saw regular minutes during last year ’ s post-season run. Ryan Bal, Caelan Mander and Ladner’s Ty Hemenway are other d-men returning.

“We definitely got a really nice core and with this young group of six or seven rookies I’ve signed, a couple of free agent guys I traded for, I feel pretty good about the composition of the team and giving ourselves a really great chance to run it back and win it again”

The Ice Hawks will host Port Moody in their home opener on Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 7:35 p m at the Ladner Leisure Centre.

Experience the charm of country living in this cute farmhouse! The interior up is 1128 sq.ft featuring a blend of rustic character & modern comforts boasting refinished original hardwood floors, a cozy gas fireplace in the living room & a spacious kitchen. The 1088 sq.ft unfinished basement with outside access presents an exciting opportunity to customize to suit your needs. The private, gated lot offers space for a garage or workshop Savor the tranquility of the surrounding farmland with mountain views & gorgeous sunsets, make this quaint house your own!

Experience modern luxury in this stunning family home. Beautifully renovated w/premium fixtures & contemporary finishes. Chef’s kitchen + side prep kitchen feat. custom quartz countertops, gorgeous millwork, high-end appliances, inc. a panel fridge, double wall oven, & 2 pot fillers (coffee & stove). New flooring & paint throughout, plus new furnace & A/C. Large, private backyard oasis boasting an outdoor cedar kitchen, gas BBQ, custom pergola, & heated 12x24 pool w/custom deck. This home offers the perfect blend of style, comfort, & functionality

A28 The Delta Optimist September7,2023
The Delta Ice Hawks home opener is set for Tuesday, Sept. 12 against Port Moody.
2 | 1 | 2216 sq.ft | 6,534 sq ft lot | $1,159,000 6 | 4.5 | 3,355 sq ft | 7,524 sq ft Lot | $1,785,000
3450 64 Street - Ladner
539 55 Street - Tsawwassen


It was a golden trip to Calgary for a trio of Delta basketball standouts

Camryn Tait (Seaquam), Syra Toor (Seaquam) and Zoe Millette (South Delta) helped Team B C capture gold at Basketball Canada’s U15 National Championships at the University of Calgary

B.C. capped a perfect run with a 73-51 win over Quebec in the championship game The result came on the heels of a thrilling 65-60 upset victory over top ranked Ontario in the semifinals

Tait and Toor had significant roles as aged up Grade 9s with the Seahawks senior girls team last season that reached the quarter-finals of the B C AAAA Championships and will be a provincial contending force over the next three years. They were also members of Seaquam’s provincial junior

girls championship team in 2022 as Grade 8s.

Millette helped the Sun Devils reach the B.C. Junior Girls Invitational Championships last March

B C opened the championships with a 79-31 win over Prince Edward Island Toor and Tait had 11 and 10 points respectively, while Millette chipped in with seven.

Two more victories against Newfoundland (75-70) and Nova Scotia (71-49) sent B.C. to the semifinals where Tait hauled in a teamhigh 13 rebounds and added eight points Toor also had eight points

Tait added 10 more boards in the final and was named to the tournament’s first all-star team

SUBMITTED PHOTO Delta basketball standouts (left to right) Cameryn Tait, Syra Toor and Zoe Millette helped Team BC capture gold at Basketball Canada’s U15 National Championships in Calgary

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A29 WHYDOYOUTHINKOURNUMBERIS604-943-SOLD? BobCooke 604-943-SOLD(7653) • ServingLadner,Tsawwassenandtheworldforover30years. ReMax City Realty. 1492GILLESPIERD,TWSN 5BEDROOMS,DEN,6BATHS,GOLFCOURSEVIEW Th
This home was Sold in June and
Luxury finishes, $145,000 in upgrades. BACKONTHEMARKET $2,788,000 SORRY, BUTWE SOLDIT, AGAIN.
is 3055 sq ft home is just 13 months old and in
the deal has just collapsed. So it is back on the market.
A30 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 LINDA CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. BOB CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. THE CHANCEYS REAL ESTATE GROUP C TY REALTY The only Re/Max Team in South Delta to achieve the prestigious PINNACLE CLUB award! STUNNING LUXURY HOME GREAT STARTER HOME OR PERFECT FOR CAR ENTHUSIAST 5386 Crescent Drive, Ladner $2,299,892 4848 57th Street, Ladner $1,289,000 This beautiful residence was built in 2010 and offers 3,600 square feet of living space and a total of 5 bedrooms High end finishings throughout included large gourmet kitchen and eating area, entertainment size dining area and family room Coffered ceilings, crown mouldings, engineered hardwood flooring Bedroom on main floor with 4 piece ensuite and 3 more bedrooms up Attached studio above garage with separate entrance includes den & flex area Large 45x190’ lot Come check out this cozy 1,839 square foot home on a 7550 square foot lot in the heart of Ladner Featuring a living room with fireplace, country size kitchem, eating area and family room on main 3 bedrooms up ***900 square foot garage/workshop or potential to create a suite*** Spacious east exposed back yard, 5-year young roof Walk to parks, Hawthorne elementary, bus loop, shopping and recreation 4980 58B St $1,849,000 JUST SOLD IN MAY 780 Gilchrist Pl, Tsawwassen $1,599,900 JUST SOLD IN MAY AS BUYERS AGENT 5464 Candlewyck, Tsawwassen $1,169,900 Candl T JUST SOLD in APRIL 5278 Westminster Ave, Ladner $1,699,000 W A e, JUST SOLD in APRIL 4581 53rd St, Ladner $1,799,000 S JUST SOLD IN JUNE 5365 6 Ave, Tsawwassen $1,888,000 Av T wwasse JUST SOLD IN JULY JUST SOLD IN JUNE 209, 1150 54A St, Tsawwassen $788,000 1, 4887 Central, Ladner $1,099,000 en JUST SOLD IN JULY SPACIOUS TOP FLOOR CONDO IN THE LEXINGTON Top floor with skylight and high ceilings!! Come check out this fabulous 1,375, 2 bedroom condo in one of Tsawwassens most sought-after complexes Loads of renovations and upgrades since these owners moved in Prepare to entertain Fabulous country kitchen with tons of counter space, cabinets, double stove, and pantry space Spacious living room with ceiling peak reaching 12 feet high & dining room will accommodate house size furniture 2 very generous size bedrooms (one with built-in murphy bed) and 2 lovely full baths The Lexington features a social room and a beautiful backyard patio area that can be enjoyed by all 307, 1150 54A Street, Tsawwassen $889,900
A32 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 TheDe ltaGro Gus says: AT LAST! AT LAST! Dog food again! LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! POPULAR “Parkside Place”! • Need MORTGAGE HELPER, LOW HOUSEHOLD ANNUAL COSTS • Check this 1829sf 4 bdrm 2 bath & 2 kitchen duplex on 5057 sf garden lot • Features new steel roof, heat pump, AC & 2 level charger • Solar panels generate 10,000 Kwh annual (low hydro costs) • Lush green gardens & large storage shed. • Steps to ocean, schools & Tsawwassen amenities • 3 bedroom 3 bath 1720sf boutique townhouse • Immaculate condition, updates- paint, flooring and more • Gas fireplace, garden balconies, double side by side garage • Best location in Ladner - 85 Walk Score • Steps to shops, library, schools, park, transit, Community Centre & pool TSAWWASSEN LADNER GREAT PRICE HOT NEW LISTING 5844 17A Avenue $1,098,000 1144 Fairway Views $1,034,000 1749 Duncan Drive $1,599,000 #10 5053 47 Avenue $968,718 TSAWWASSEN TSAWWASSEN on 48th Avenue SUNDAY 10 - 4 SEPTEMBER 10th No Dogs Allowed SOLDSOLD SOLD $4,288,000 | 3845 Wellington Road, Delta 4 Bedrooms l 3 Bathrooms 3,267 sq.ft l Horse/animal barnMechanic dream shop Covered 50x100 storage barn l 6.53 acres $449,000 | 414-1792 Starling Drive Top floor unit 1 bed 1 bath 1 parking 1 storage 523 square feet $1,449,000 | 8 4638 Orca Way, Delta 4 Bedrooms l 3 Bathrooms l 2 246 sq.ft Scan the QR code with your phone camera to view my recent sales! 3999 Exton St, Port Alberni 4 Bedrooms l 2 Bathrooms l 2164 sq.ft $979,000 29 3459 W RIVER Road, Delta 3 Bedrooms l 4 Bathrooms l 1868 sq. ft JUST SOLD

Quite simply one of the finest condo buildings in all of South Delta!!! CANU has always maintained a solid reputation for its overall superior quality, design & location and this 2 Bed, 2 Bath, 920 sq ft ground floor south facing suite is no different. This spotless & extremely well maintained home includes a private, spacious and covered patio space with its own access to the slough, gardens & walking trails. This suite also features a beautiful kitchen w/ stainless steel appliances, modern white cabinetry, hardwood flooring, crown moldings & a floor plan that works perfectly w/ its prime location in the building. Steps to shopping, recreation, transit & all of the finer things Ladner Village has to offer Purchase with a peace of mind at “CANU” in the heart of Ladner


$60,000 worth of upgrades are front & center in this beautiful 2 bed, 1 Bath,1002 sq ft ground level suite at the well loved and centrally located “Camelia” building in the heart of Sunny Tsw Updates incl. a brand new kitchen with shaker style, soft close cabinetry & new appliances, new electrical, heating, plumbing, vinyl plank flooring, paint, toilet, vanity and the list goes on! Superb floor plan includes a primary bedroom with walk-in closet, 2nd bedroom, 4 piece bathroom, gas fireplace and a covered patio space with its own private entrance 1 parking, 1 storage and holding Open House Sunday September 3 from 2-4PM.

Welcome to Tsawwassen, the sunniest, least rainiest place in all of Metro Vancouver This 37.25 acre parcel of Prime A1 agricultural farmland sits on some of the most fertile & productive soil in BC and this Summer’s crop of choice is none other than local, South Delta corn. With easy & convenient paved road access for machinery and an outbuilding once used as a country vegetable stand, this farmland forms part of a rich, long standing & well known farming community whose reputation & products have earned world wide interest.

sold sold sold sold sold

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A33 1333 56 Street, Delta Regency Realty Ltd Independently Owned & Operated brad: 604-779-6764 frank: 604-862-5731 ladner 4702 holly park wynd 3 Bed + Loft | 3 Bath | 2218 ft2 $1,549,900 LADNER 113-4768 53 STREET 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 752 ft2 $579,000 TSAWWASSEN 123-1792 STARLING DR 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 756 ft2 $549,000 TSAWWASSEN 4726 SPRUCE WAY 3 Bed | 3 Bath | 2040 ft2 $1,325,000 TSAWWASSEN 103-1942 STARLING DRIVE 1 Bed | 1 Bath | 471 ft2 SOUTH SURREY 17245 3A AVENUE 5 Bed + Flex | 4 Bath | 3523 ft2 $1,679,000
$569,000 $5,990,000
sold Ladner 207-4689 52A 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 920 ft2 Tsawwassen 141-1440 Garden Place 2 Bed | 1 Bath | 1002 ft2 Tsawwassen 6020 28 avenue 37.25 Acres

Vicky Hamilton Personal Rea Estate Corporation cell 778-839-8947

� ce 604-946-1255

vicky@homeswithvicky com www homeswithvicky com


1 4533 W RIVER ROAD I A smaller home with everything you could want. Big view. Warm in winter and cool in summer. Low upkeep and a place of respite from the world. Sit on your deck and watch the wildlife all day long. Sunsets are spectacular. Fireplace keeps it cozy in winter and river breezes keep it cool in summer. Bring your kayak or canoe and live like you are on vacation all summer long. Sorry no rentals and no children. Pets are welcome. Two bedrooms or one bedroom and an office. Home has its own laundry. City water, city sewer and internet. Fantastic way to live for a smaller budget.


208-4728 53 Street | BRIGHT CORNER UNIT! This is absolutely a must to see Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo located in desirable Sunningdale I Full size white kitchen with stainless steel appliances and window above sink The open concept living/dining room has a cozy gas fireplace and opens onto a lovely patio overlooking the courtyard Generous primary bedroom that can comfortably fit a King size bed along with an ensuite bathroom Other comfort features include new flooring, 9 ceiling with large windows providing a ton of natural light, 1 parking and 1 storage locker This home is move-in ready! Quiet location yet within walking distance to transit shops village and recreation!


113-4889 53 Street | EXTENSIVE UPDATES!!! This 2 bed 2 bath, 1104 sq ft unit in Green Gables is move in ready! No expenses spared!! Unit offers a spacious open layout with generous sized bedrooms Entertain in stunning new kitchen complete with stone countertops sta nless steel appliances & white cabinets Primary bdrm is a generous size with updated ensuite complete with marble tile wh le 2nd updated bathroom showcases a beautiful pebble shower Enjoy cozy nights in the living room with the modern ledgestone gas firep ace or peacefu summer nights in the 400sq ft fenced patio/yard surrounded by the beautifully designed flower garden Perfect for those that love to BBQ/garden or those who have pets-1 dog & 1cat allowed The complex has undergone rainscreen (2014) and new windows Sought out comp ex within walking distance to shops schools & transit

sutton group seafair realty

27-5510 Admiral Way Welcome to Polygon s Charterhouse! Executive style 4 bedroom 4 bathroom 1919 square foot home w th quality fin shes and craftsmanship throughout Offering a gourmet kitchen with an abundance of storage a large is and, gas range and ntegrated fridge This un t boasts high ceil ngs, a fantastic f oorplan, powder room on the main and 4th bedroom with ful bathroom downsta rs Upstairs includes the pr mary bedroom w th large wa k n closet and spa l ke ensu te Perfect for entertaining with a pr vate yard and pat o! Bonus doub e car garage A riverside fam ly oriented community just steps to trails golf course, mar na and Ne lson Grove School En oy exclusive access to The Hampton Club featuring over 12000 SF of resort-sty e amen ties including outdoor pool hot tub, gymnasium, exerc se fac lities guest suites and Club House


1606-121 Tenth Street, New Westminster | A br ght remodel ed obby welcomes you into this fr endly bui ding to wh sk you up to this bright corner suite with an exceptional v ew over ook ng a community garden park and tennis court Ti e floors at the entry meet carpet running through-out the living & dining room Bright cabinets wrap around the k tchen & pass through to the dining room The primary bedroom has a remode led ensu te and the second bedroom opens up to the ba cony and sits next to the renovated full ma n bathroom Both bedrooms share a br ght Northwest exposure along with the balcony that ooks towards Burnaby and the Fraser River A ful laundry room with nsuite storage rounds out th s spacious suite A renovated gym, upgraded plumbing & boiler newer roof secure residence & visitor parking add to the appeal of this Bosa bui t, Vista Roya e Only minutes away from New West Skytra n station Landmark theatres grocery shopp ng Starbucks Oxygen Yoga restaurants & banking Sorry no pets allowed


#100-5000 Bridge Street Delta, BC V4K 2K4

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A35
#121 - 4638 Orca Way #216 - 1315 56th Street 968 52A Street #308 - 1140 55th Street Bev Kingston 778-230-8753 Email: Your Realtor for Life! - Investment Properties - Property Management Sold Sold Sold Sold



Beautiful family home on a great street in upper Tsawwassen. Home features 3600 sq ft, 5 bdrms, 3 full bathrooms, large great room, big games room, hardwood floors, many updates and all large rooms. Home has excellent floor plan that opens to a fabulous private southern exposed yard. Don’t miss this Great home in a Great location at a Great Price.






Beautiful updated split level home on large private lot in upper Tsawwassen. This home features 4 bdrms, 3 full baths, huge primary bdrm & ensuite, gourmet kitchen and good floor plan that suits main lifestyles. Fabulous location on quiet street in Upper Tsawwassen. Don’t miss this home, it’s a great home.


Fabulous 3 bedroom penthouse at Tsawwassen’s Royal Oaks. This rare find has never been on the market and truly is one of the best units in this development. Excellent floor plan with huge living, dining area, beautiful bright great room, big master suite and 2 private sunny decks. Don’t miss this special penthouse. Call for your exclusive showing.

A36 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 ROBIN REIMER 604-868-2844 ROBINREIMER.COM ROBINREIMER@TELUS.NET #1 SOUTH DELTA 37 YRS MLS MEDALLION CLUB* Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON # OF YEARS QUALIFYING FOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATER VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE BOARD 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 Call ROBIN 604-868-2844


Fabulous Resort Style Rancher with a pool. This beautiful rancher has sunny western exposure and gorgeous landscaping that surrounds a totally private pool and jacuzzi. Home has a great floor plan featuring 3 bedrooms and den with an outstanding spa like bathroom Home is designed to take advantage of the amazing sunrises and sunsets. Direct Park access on no through street with sunny western exposed yard Come home to your private resort. Call ROBIN 604-868-2844



Fabulous opportunity to purchase one of Ladner's historic family businesses This great pub is located on Ladner's inner harbour with marine access and potential marine business The business has been great for decades and now is time for another buyer to put their own business ideas and energy to continue this long established pub. Call ROBIN 604-868-2844



September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A37 Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON # OF YEARS QUALIFYING FOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATER VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE BOARD 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022
BEST SUNSET VIEWS & LOCATION Custom Designed Home with simply the Best Views in Tsawwassen. This Totally Private 2 Bedroom & Den home has an Outstanding Open Floor Plan to take full advantage of all the spectacular Ocean Sunset Views. Delta will also consider a basement level if you need more square footage. There will NEVER be another home like this in Tsawwassen. Call for Floor Plans and more Info.
ROBIN 604-868-2844
Gorgeous new homes in Beach Grove Still time to do some customizing. Excellent floor plans with 3250 sq.ft. and beautiful sunny southern exposure yards 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms Great quiet area and close to all amenities Don't miss your opportunity to live in fabulous Beach Grove Homes built by an excellent experienced builder Please call Robin Reimer 604-868-2844
UPPER TSAWWASSEN JUST LISTED • 3 new homes in Tsawwassen
4800 square feet
Legal suite
Customize your new home Call for plans & information ROBIN 604-868-2844 OPEN SUNDAY 2-4
Ruby Lidder 604-626-9360 5744, 5754 & 5758 16A Avenue, Tsawwassen LOTS IN GOOD LOCATION IN
A38 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 4721 Blue Heron Way $1,495,000 1124 Skana Drive $1,575,000 TOP 1% OF 2022 GREATER VANCOUVER REALTORS® 604.312.7621 15 YEARS • SUCCESSFULLY SELLING SOUTH DELTA REAL ESTATE • Lulu Godin Licensed Realtor & Marketing Specialist Sutton Group - Seafair Realty: #2-1359 56 Street, Tsawwassen, BC V4L 2P3 Dynamic Marketing • Expert Contract Knowledge Experienced Negotiating Skills 486 Tsawwassen Beach Road $3,980,000 Over 13,000 sq.ft. oceanfront lot with custom built executive home with triple car garage 209-5555 13A Avenue $849,000 2 bedroom with patio. Walk out to the park and views of water feature JUSTLISTED 5129 Wilson Drive $2,598,000 New custom-built executive, luxury entertainment home in prime Tsawwassen location without GST! Luxury Home JUSTSOLD 4533 W River Road $1,299,000 This is a unique once in a lifetime opportunity for an owner and/or investor NEWPRICE 5717 Timbervalley Road $1,535,000 3 bedroom rancher with open plan on a gorgeous garden lot. NEWPRICE 5466 6A Avenue $1,299,000 1178 Walalee Drive $1,549,000 1723 Farrell Crescent $2,599,000 Outstanding custom home by reputable builder Amar Bath, in the best neighbourhood in Beach Grove! NEWLISTING Canada’sMostAccurateWeather ForecastsinyourNeighbourhood fromProfessionalStationsinyour area.Bepreparedforanything.
September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A39 4903A 53 ST - NEW COACH HOMES • 4/5 BEDROOM + DEN & FAMILY ROOM-MAIN HOUSE • SEPARATE 1 BEDROOM COACH HOME WITH LAUNDRY • QUALITY BUILDER WITH 2-5-10 NEW HOME WARRANTY • CONVENIENT CENTRAL LADNER VILLAGE LOC • PRICED TO SELL AT $1,889,900 $1,889,900 5094B BENTLEY DRIVE • LUXURY BUILT 5 BEDROOM & 5 BATH QUALITY FAMILY HOME • OPEN PLAN WITH ACCORDION 12 FT DOORS LEADING TO BACKYARD • BONUS 3RD FLOOR OFFERS HUGE RECREATION ROOM WITH FULL BATH • COVERED PATIO & 2ND FLOOR SUNDECK OFFERS GAS OUTLETS • FULLY LOADED WITH A/C HRV, IRRIGATION & SECURITY SYSTEMS • REPUTABLE BUILDER OFFERING 2-5-10 NEW HOME WARRANTY 5529 MAPLE CRESCENT • RARE OPPORTUNITY TO OWN A FULL DUPLEX • LARGE 90 X 100 LOT WITH POTENTIAL FOR SUBDIVISION • PRIVATE BACK YARD OFFERS COVERED DECKS FOR ENTERTAINING • OFFERS 4 BEDROOMS FAMILY ROOMS & 2 BATHS ON EACH SIDE • NEWER ROOF, DRIVEWAY AND OTHER UPDATES SIDE BY SIDE DUPLEX 5094A BENTLEY DRIVE • METICULOUSLY DESIGNED 5 BEDROOMS & 5 BATH FAMILY HOME • 3RD STORY OFFERS RECREATION ROOM WITH FULL BATH • MAIN FLOOR OFFERS A BEDROOM WITH FULL BATHROOM • OFFERING A/C, HRV, 4 CAMERA SURVEILLANCE, & EV CHARGER • GOURMET KITCHEN WITH FISHER PAYKEL APPLIANCES • SOUGHT AFTER BENTLEY DRIVE LOCATION CLOSE TO EVERYTHING $2,288,888 $2,148,888 4950 59A STREET • SPACIOUS 2-LEVEL: 4 BEDROOMS & 3 BATHS • 1 BEDROOM INLAW ACCOMMODATIONS • OFFERS 2564 SQUARE FEET OF LIVING • PRIVATE 7500 SQ FT LOT (75 X 100) • PRIMARY BEDROOM WITH ENSUITE BATH. $1,199,900 4729 64 STREET • CALLING INVESTORS AND BUILDERS LOOKING FOR OPPORTUNITY • LARGE 80 FOOT FRONTAGE LOT WITH SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL • LARGE RENOVATED HOME OFFERING 7 BEDROOMS & 3 BATHS • LOWER LEVEL OFFERS RENTAL & HOME BUSINESS POTENTIAL • GREAT LOCATION NEAR HOLLY SCHOOL & EASY HIGHWAY ACCESS • LOADS OF ONSITE PARKING AND ROOM FOR YOUR RV/BOAT SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL 721 56 STREET • 4 BEDROOMS AND 2 FULL BATHS • BASEMENT RENTAL SUITE POTENTIAL • LARGE SQUARE 7500 SQ.FT PRIVATE LOT • WALKING DISTANCE TO BOTH SCHOOL LEVELS • UPDATED FLOORING, BATHROOM, FURNACE & HW TANK $1,299,900 4595 61 STREET • UPDATED 5 BED & 2 FULL BATH CAPE COD HOME • HUGE 13,950 SQ FT LOT ON DEAD END STREET • CITY OF DELTA APPROVAL FOR 2 LOT SUBDIVISION • EACH NEW LOT IS APPROXIMATELY 6975 SQ FT • PLANS AVAILABLE FOR 2 NEW LUXURY HOMES 5770 48A AVENUE • RANCHER STYLE HOME • LARGE 7,590 SQ.FT LOT • CENTRAL LADNER LOCATION CLOSE TO TRANSIT • EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS OR INVESTORS APPROVED 2 LOT SUBDIVISION 778.773.9563 Kat JOHNSON seafair realty 5000 Bridge Street, Ladner 604.943.3110 4515 W River Road, Ladner $3,299,000 #12 - 23080 Dyke Road, Richmond $369,000 5172 11A Avenue, Tsawwassen $1,399,000 #28 - 3871 River Road, Ladner $239,000 #1 - 800 South Dyke Road, New Westminster $889,000 4533 W River Road, Ladner $1,299,000 Double land lot. Water lease and room for two float homes on water lot plus boats. • A Wonderful community to call home • Life on the water will be special in this floating home with just under 800 square feet • 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,794 square feet • Corner lot - home needs extensive updates inside & out • Or Demolish the home and build new • 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 500 sq.ft. float home • This home can be moved to a new location elsewhere • Unqiue opportunity for a project property • 2 bedroom and den float home in New West • Stunning panoramic views from sunrise to sunset • Close to shopping, restaurants and highway connections • Sensational Waterfront property with revenue from two float homes - separately owned • Turnkey property • 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1081 sq.ft. • Home can be used as AirBnB WATERFRONT WATERFRONT WATERFRONT WATERFRONT #42 - 3459 W River Road, Ladner $1,299,000 • Gorgeous custom built 2 bed and den floating home, includes strata water lot, boat slip - 34 Ft, outside dock position at outer edge of canoe pass • Single car garage and extra parking. WATERFRONT WATERFRONT 534 Ewen Avenue, New Westminster $1,249,000 NEW LISTING • 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1919 sq.ft., YB: 1940 • Lane Access, Marina, Recreation, Shopping and Golf Course nearby Open House Sept. 17, 2-4 PM
A40 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 Sutton Group - Seafair Realty - Unit 2 1359 56 Street, Tsawwassen, BC THINKING OF A MOVE??? CALL US!!! SERVICE THAT WILL MOVE YOU!!! IT’S A GREAT TIME TO SELL!!! CALL US FOR FREE (NO OBLIGATION) MARKET EVALUATION!!! 213-1738 55A Street, Tsawwassen • $925,000 END UNIT at City Homes - bright & spacious 3 bed 3 bath 1449 sq ft townhome featuring open plan, beautiful H/W flooring, gourmet’s kitchen & TWO private decks to enjoy the sunshine all day! Situated in best location in well run complex, walking distance to schools, beach, town center & transit. Includes 2 parking, pets (2) OK, rentals (6 mo min.) OK. 404-1300 Hunter Road, Tsawwassen • $898,000 HUNTER GREEN - bright & spacious 2 bed & den 1574 sq ft PENTHOUSE CONDO on quiet court! Kitchen with white shaker cabinets, quartz counters & entertainers’ island has sliders to private deck. Ideal floor plan with generous room sizes to fit house sized furniture. Includes 2 side by side parking stalls & storage locker Walk to coffee shops, town center, medical, transit, golf course, dyke trails & beach! OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 115 4662 Hemlock Way, Tsawwassen 1492 Gillespie Rd, Tsawwassen 211-4977 Springs Blvd, Tsawwassen 194 53 Street, Tsawwassen 1112 Skana Drive, Tsawwassen 4719 48B St, Ladner 11-6105 River Road, Ladner JUST SOLD!!! JUST SOLD!!! JUST SOLD!!! SOLD!! SOLD!! SOLD!! SOLD!! Listed by ReMax City Realty Listed by Onni Realty Listed by ReMax City Connecting agents to the community Reach more home buyers and sellers in your market 778-875-3594 |


5075 1 Ave, Delta

Another quality built home by Glenhaven Contracting. Situated on a large 11,300 sq foot lot. This 5 bedroom 5 bathroom home offers over 4000 sqft of luxury living space. Top quality finishing including: Engineered hardwood flooring throughout with radiant heat, air conditioning & high end Fisher & Paykel appliances in the gourmet kitchen. Bonus 1 bedroom & full bathroom on main for guests or potential in-law-suite. 2-5-10 home warranty included.


Queensborough - One of the largest heritage style homes in Thompson Landing. This home offers 1 bedroom on the main & 2 large masters above. Features includes: hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace & southern exposed back yard and only minutes to playground, River Parks & buses. Priced below assessed value. PRESENTLY RENTED @$3200, PER

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A41
Salter Street,
Personal Real Estate Corporation 604-790-5859 | www alisonsteen com Looking for guidance on your next purchase or sale? It’s back to school time! As summer comes to an end, the Fall Market is upon us. If you’re looking for support on your home search, or thinking of selling, I’m here to guide you through to your next chapter. Reach out today! Living and working in South Delta for more than 40 Years! Sutton Group - Seafair Realty | 1625 - 56 Street, Delta, British Columbia V4L 2B2 RECENT SALES 22 4638 ORCA WAY 2 BED AND DEN 2 BATH 1,255 SQFT (listed by Pacific Evergreen Realty LTD). SOLD SALT AND MEADOW D4 PLAN 2 BEDS 1 BATH | CONDO. 659 SQFT Marketed by Rennie SOLD 878 57 STREET $2,750,000 6 BEDS | 6 BATHS | 5,988 SQFT SOLD 1426 VIEW CRESCENT | $998,000 2 BEDS 3 BATHS 2,560 SQ FT SOLD 4916 11A AVE $998,000 3 BEDS 1 BATHS 1,534 SQ FT SOLD S E R V I N G A L L Y O U R R E A L E S T A T E S a a Rea N E E D S S I N C E 1 9 8 4 604.946.1255 ■ Barry Chreptyk Sutton Group Seafair Realty #100-5000 Bridge Street, Ladner, BC V4K 2K4 604.946.1255 ■ ■ An ndependent Member Broker S a a Rea Lovingly cared split level nuthin’ to do but move in! Everything updated gorgeous kitchen, hardwood floors, gas fireplace, windows, roof, furnace, new A/C & H/W tank 2022 and more! Extensively landscaped lot with approx. 750 sq.ft. of patio… room for large gatherings. Steps to Hi-Knoll park, shopping & downtown Langley Tons of parking & sheds for the home handyman. MLS R2810917 JUST LISTED @ $1,349,000 “SIMPLY STUNNING”
MONTH $1,098,000


160 5421 10th Ave

Lovely 2 bedroom/2 bath 1345 sq ft townhouse in family-friendly Sundial Villa. This spacious townhome includes a 337 sq ft sunny fully fenced southeastfacing patio, perfect for outdoor entertaining, gardening or children’s play area. Open concept living areas are connected to the kitchen and dining room by the patio, allowing for maximum space and light. Upstairs is a large primary bedroom with a walk through closet and 4 piece ensuite. Opposite end has another spacious bedroom and large storage room. Boasting an updated kitchen, newer flooring and paint and hot water tank. This home is turn key and ready to move in In the heart of Tsawwassen, steps away from the schools, the dog-friendly Winskill Park and the Tsawwassen Town Center Mall.

Beach Grove 5857 16th Ave

Charming Beach Grove Rancher in Sunny Tsawwassen. Centrally located and only a few blocks to the Beach, Beach Grove Elementary School, shopping, recreation center, transit and golf course. 2 bedroom/2 bathroom with newer roof, furnace and hot water on demand. Large covered patio and powered work shop out back. Great Starter home or build your dream home. Duplex Zoned provides lots of development options.

5217 Upland Drive

Discover this charming 3 bed, 2 bath rancher in cliff drive. This updated home boasts forest and mountain views, a patio, and a beautiful garden on a spacious 11,324 sq ft lot. Fantastic opportunity to own in one of Tsawwassen’s premier locations with potential to build up to 4396 sq ft. Conveniently located near the ferry terminal, mall & shopping, this home offers both Tranquility and accessibility Step into the open concept layout, flooded with natural light, embrace the serenity of your private retreat, savouring morning coffees on the patio. With updated features such as kitchen, bathrooms, furnace, h/w and more, enjoy modern comfort and rustic natural beauty, this rancher is a lifestyle choice. Don’t miss the chance to seize your dream home on upland drive - where paradise awaits!

A42 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 Eugene Knoedler 604.219.3177 Jack Knoedler 604.353.6410 SERVICE ND RESULTS YOU DESERVE Eugene Knoedler K PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 2021 * Meda l on C ub represents the top 10% o Greater Vancouver Rea tors based on MLS sales DELTAREALESTATE.NET Independently Owned and Operated RE/MAX City Realty | 5090 48 Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1V8 | Office 604.943.8080 | |
Connecting agents to the community Reach more home buyers and sellers in your market 778-875-3594 |



#310 – 1369 56 Street, Tsawwassen | $589,900

690 sq ft | 1 bedroom | 1 bath | Windsor Woods

Completely renovated condo offering both convenience and style! Enjoy new appliances in the updated kitchen, retreat to the spacious covered deck w/ gas line for BBQ or heater, or stay comfortable indoors w/ new remote-controlled ceiling fans Walk-in shower w/separate tub, gas fireplace (all gas incl in strata fee), 1 parking stall, storage locker & amenities

109 4723 53 Street, Ladner | $519,000

731 sq ft | 1 bedroom | 1 bathroom

SUNNINGDALE! Perfect for first time buyers, investors, or downsizers!

1 Bedroom condo located in the quiet building away from Ladner Trunk and just steps from Ladner Village, shopping and transit Great layout that maximizes space and a generous size bedroom Plus, you have a bonus laundry storage area within the unit Now is your chance to live in a central, well-maintained building with some recent updates! 1 parking and 1 storage locker included!

5090 1 Avenue, Tsawwassen | $9,980,000

3,746 sq ft | 3/4 bedrooms | 3 5 bathrooms | 78,762 sq ft lot

THE POSSIBILITIES ARE GRAND! Stunning custom home sitting on 1 81 acres / 78,762 sq ft / 7,317 23 sq metres in a prime residential area in Upper Tsawwassen extending from 1st Avenue to the border Ready for the next phase, with a potential for up to 10 new lots to be created YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!

5531 49th Avenue, Ladner | $1,449,000

1,952 sq ft | 3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms |8,288 sq ft lot

California living without the traffic and earth quakes!

Located in a quiet cul-de-sac and backing onto Leslie Park this home is an outdoor oasis with an in ground pool, hot tub, private yard and two powered out buildings Plenty of parking out front for an RV or Boat!

2,595 sq ft | 4 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 3,863 sq ft lot

Historically known as Roycroft, this is an impressive 2 storey home restored to its Edwardian era with detailed craftsmanship & millwork distinguished by its octagonal turret & high ceilings on both floors Prominent corner location in the heart of Ladner A stunning piece of artwork & history

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A43 Todd Jackson, B.A. Personal Rea Estate Corporation Richard Lowe, RIBC Persona Real Estate Corporation Amy Lambert, B.A. Personal Real Estate Corporation Mike Van Straaten, BMgt Realtor P esdentsClub-2020 Top1%-REBGV 5323 Laurel Drive, Ladner #121-4638 Orca Way, Tsaw 5692 Clipper Road, Ladner #50-5900 Ferry Road, Ladner SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD #201-4755 51st Street, Ladner | $799,000 1,155 sq ft | 2 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | Ladner Village Gate Convenience at your doorstep! Located on the fringe of Historic Ladner Village is this amazing 4 year old corner unit in a boutique building w/ open concept and surrounded by windows. 5351 Jibset Bay, Ladner | $929,000 1,333 sq ft | 2 bedrooms plus den | 2 bath ARGUABLY THE BEST LOCATION IN SOUTHPOINTE! Adult oriented (55+) gated community! One level living in a prime cul-de-sac location featuring a spacious floorplan, stamped concrete patio and private south facing gardens with only one neighbour! DOUBLE CAR GARAGE, full sized driveway, and extra parking for your guests! Easy access to walking trails, golf, shopping and transportation 4856 48th Avenue, Ladner | $1,799,000

NEW PRICE $835,000


The Shaughnessy - Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1,342 sf corner unit in the most amazing location adjacent to Tsawwassen Town Center & Highland Park. Fabulous layout with generous room sizes. MLS# R2721122



Seaside by Mosaic 2,246 sf 4 bed 3 bath 1/2 duplex in the best location in the complex with ocean & greenbelt views. Plenty of upgrades and the spectacular tower set this apart from anything else on the market. MLS# R2795054

NEW LISTING $1,570,000


Charming 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom 2,700 sf split level home situated on a large 10,473 sf corner lot in Tsawwassen. The location of this home is simply unbeatable, with South Park Elementary School & SDSS right next door. MLS# 2809726

Almost square 17.34 acre parcel with 823 ft. of road frontage features an English style country home, 5 stall barn, hay field and generous pasture area which has been an established equestrian facility for decades. The property offers an ideal central location just 5 minutes to Tsawwassen or Ladner, Tsawwassen Mills Mall, BC Ferries, DeltaPort Way, TFN Industrial Park, transportation and more. This parcel is close to BC Railway in an area of transitional properties with amazing future potential. Call anytime for more information.


4774 104TH STREET $6,250,000

First time this amazing secluded 20.25 acre parcel has been offered for sale since 1955 which is located just off Hornby Drive on the quiet section of 104th close to Boundary Bay and private member grass airstrip. All 3 buildings on this property were built in 1972 which includes a sprawling 3,162 sq. ft. 4 bedroom rancher w/30 + car concrete driveway was substantially renovated and enlarged in 1987 and roof redone 10 years ago The second residence is a 1238 sq ft Woods bungalow presently rented and the spectacular 8,400 sq ft 20 stall barn which was used from day 1 to breed race horses up until 7 years ago is truly a first class facility complete with steel roof and cladding. Attention to detail here is second to none including chain link fencing that surrounds the entire property.

A44 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 Re/Max Real Estate Services 110-3540West41stAve,VancouverV6N3E6 John Nielsen PERFORM NCE Real Estate Ser ice 35 Successful Years The next move is yours... Experience • Knowledge • Professionalism 604.250.8216 CALL JOHN TODAY M ZING FUTURE POTENTI L
STREET $5,950,000
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Your Community



memories linger everyday, Remembrance keeps themnear.

BULLIS, Lois M. May 20, 1935 August 25, 2023 Lois came to Vancouver from Saskatoon as a child. As a young wife and mother she lived in several places around BC before settling in the South Delta area in the early 1970s. Lois loved sitting in her garden on a warm day, a good meal out, but most of all, she loved her kids. Wife, Mom, Gramma, friend Lois rocked them all. Missing her lots are David, Sheri, Curt and Jack.

No service by request. Donations can be made to the Canadian Mental Health Association.

Call or email to place your ad, Monday through Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm 604-362-0586 • 604-653-7851 •

WENGER, Lorraine Mae

November 22, 1930 - August 25, 2023

GREEN, Gordon Keith

September 14, 1954 - August 10, 2023

In Memory Of BOWCOTT, Gordon

July 15, 1939 - August 23, 2023

It s with great sorrow that the ‘How It Works Group’ announces the passing of our Founder, Gordon Bowcott This very special man worked trelessy for nearly haf a century to save ives, allevate suffering, and pass along a message destned to change the world

We have been gifted by his teachings, inspired by his example, and forever changed wth a way to make a rea dfference in the world by supporting our cubrooms, istenng to others, and beng the kind of friend that he was to all of us

Thank you, Gordon We love you so very much!

Lorraine passed away August 25, 2023

A beloved mother and great-great grandmother

Lorraine was born in Brtsh Columbia and spent her early years in the East Kootenays of B C where she lved and worked in the famly owned loggng camp near Kmbery She started a famly there wth daughter Jacke and sons Gary, Rick and Chrs

The family later moved to the Lower Mainand where she worked in hote and hospitalty

Her ater years were fulfiled by tme spent wth her grandchildren Danie, David, Shawne, Jennifer, and recenty passed Jesse and their famiies

Thanks to her dear friends Charene, Elaine and Sue

Lorraine had Frst Nations ties and was the proud daughter of hereditary Chef Maxme George of Nadeh

She will be greatly missed by all

Gordon Keith Green passed away after a bref lness at the age of 68 He was the youngest son of Wilam Donad and Marguerite Jeanette

Gordy had a great adventurous sprit which took him around the world many times and ended up faling in love with Thailand, but he mantained hs ife n Ladner He was a Ladner boy through and through Gord had vast array of friends He never had a bad word to say about anyone

We will miss our little brother.

He is survved by his daughter Mchele, and sbings Gary (Cathy), Dave (Audrey), Lz (Hans) and Dan (Jane), and many neces, nephews and cousins Predeceased by his son Josh

A Celebration of Life honouring Gordy wll be held on September 14th at 2:00pm at Tsawwassen Springs, 5133 Sprngs Boulevard, Tsawwassen

September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A45 continued on next page
Celebrate the lives of loved ones with your stories, photographs and tributes on deltaoptimist
Book your ad onl ne anytime at


LOW COST Cremation Packages Available.


In Loving Memory of LARDEN, Anita Louise (nee Raby)

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Anita Larden Anta passed away peacefuly on August 30, 2023 n Delta, B C She is now reunted wth the ove of her life Doug Larden

Born on Juy 18, 1939, the world was blessed with a beautfu daughter to Bl and Hilda Raby, sister to Gordie and Bil, a ovng mother of four, Doug (Trish), Dean, Diane and Terri and a cherished grandmother to Doug (Henly) Jacqueyn (Cayton), Alex (James), Levi, Lyle, Dane and greatgrandmother to Ivan, Rowan and Gabriel Each of them held a special pace in her heart Anita spent many years being part of an ncredbe fishng community alongside her husband and chldren

She aso enjoyed traveing and had unforgettable moments wth her family n Mau creating astng memories When she wasn’t traveling or with family you could find her in her beautiful garden Anita wl be forever missed by dear famly and friends who are comforted by the knowledge that she has found peace alongside her husband Doug

The family wll commemorate her memory by means of a celebration of lfe at Valey View Funera Home at 14660 72nd Ave, Surrey on September 7th at 1 pm with a reception to follow In lieu of flowers, donations may be made n her memory to The Parknson’s Research Foundation, a cause close to her heart

VAN TOL, Johannes (John)

December 24, 1933

August 29, 2023

John Van Tol passed away peacefully into the arms of his Lord and Saviour at the age of 89.

John was predeceased by his son Henry (1992), wife Jenny (2004), son Tim (2020). He is survived by his loving wife Wilma and family Ralph (Barb), Johnny (Morag), Denny (Taya) and Norine, along with eight siblings and many grandchildren and great grandchildren.

The Van Tol family would like to express our deepest appreciation to the caring staff at Ladner’s Mountain View Manor.

A celebration of life will be held on Saturday, September 9, 2023, at 1:30PM at the Ladner Christian Reformed Church, 4594 54A Str.

URN’s starting at Arrangements made in the comfort or your home, our office, by email or fax for your convenience. No pressure sales or commission. Bakerview only provides what you ask for.


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Head Office

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trucking & transport

Lions Gate Fisheries Ltd. is Hiring Local 5 Ton Driver for Operation in Ladner.

Fu t me w th Benef ts


LegaL/pubLic notices


MONGOV US CHRISTOPHER is ndebted to Roadway Towing Ltd for storage and towing on 2011 VOLKSWA


#3VW2K7AJ6BM091078 A

L en s c aimed under the Act

There s present y an amount due and ow ng of $6,684 68, p us any add tional costs of storage, seizure and sale that may accrue Notice s hereby g ven that on September 22nd, 2023, or thereafter, the said veh cle will be sold

The veh cle s current y stored at Roadway Towing Ltd , 7391 Progress Place, De ta, BC, V4G1A1, and was placed n storage on De cember 16, 2022 For more information, call Roadway Towing Ltd.

Info: 604 940 0329


SIDHU SUKHWINDER S NGH is ndebted to Roadway Towing Ltd for storage and towing on 2009 INTERNA


#1HTMMAAMX9H062102 A

Lien s c aimed under the Act

There s present y an amount due and owing of $8,001 48 plus any add tional costs of storage, seizure and sale that may accrue Notice s hereby g ven that on 2023/09/22 or thereafter, the sa d veh cle w be so d The veh cle s current y stored at Roadway Towing Ltd , 7391 Progress Place, De ta, BC, V4G1A1, and was placed in storage on July 15, 2023.

Info: 604 940 0329

Hours: Monday to Friday, 7:00am 3:30pm P ease send your resume to chris@lgf ca before September 15, 2023.


Moving Sale

Sep. 9, 10AM 4PM Sep. 10, 10AM 4PM Top quality household goods, furniture, puzz es, designer women’s cloth ng (sizes 8 12) and purs es, ch na, k tchen tems and more. Rain or shine. 5055 Springs Blvd., Tsawwassen





I speca ze n RECORDS, Engish Bone Chna & Figurines, Co ectbles, Toos, Antiques, ETC Rob • 604-307-6715

A46 The Delta Optimist September7,2023
REMEMBRANCES ANNOUNCEMENTS Place Your Ad Today! 604-362-0586
In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to your local food bank.
I will pay CASH for your
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.
1 Secondsight 4 Standardelectrode potential 7 Typeofgibbon 8 JohnJoseph : Americanindustrialist 10.Manningand Whitneyaretwo 12 Abrupt 13 Baroquemusical instrument 14 Post-burning residue 16 Whenyouhope toarrive 17 Signup(Brit Eng) 19 SunupinNew York 20 Employeestock ownershipplan 21 Wherepeoplelive 25 Methodtorecord anelectrogram 26 Angry 27 Nolongerliving 29 Simple 30 Swissriver 31 Portionofaplay 32 It’sunderthetree 39 Woodsorrels 41.No(Scottish) 42 DialectofEnglish 43 FormerSteelers’ QB 44 Popularbeer 45 Itcanmakeyou sick 46 Tropicaltreeand fruit 48 Companyofficer 49 Contactlensterm 50 Yourconsciousnessofyourown identity 51 “GhettoSuperstar” singer 52 Pieceofturf 1 Numberofplayers oneachsideina footballgame 2 Containingsalt 3 Reasoningor knowledge:a 4 Carmechanics group 5 Leaveaplace 6 Southern Colombiancapital 8 OldEnglishletter 9 Tide 11 Walkheavily 14 Chemical compound(abbr) 15 Artificialopenings 18 Luteinizing hormone 19 Unitofenergy 20.Circular movementofwater 22 Awayofholding 23 Popularbookof words(abbr) 24 States’group 27 Dashes 28 Bodypart 29 Electronic countermeasures 31 Consumed 32 Smallbird 33 Unhappy 34.Football’sbiggame (abbr) 35 Valuedobject offeredingoodfaith 36 Wildgoats 37 Precedeinplace 38 Smallediblefish 39 Noticeofdeath 40 Bodycavityofa metazoan 44 Partnertocheese 47 Notaround DOWN ACROSS
needs Pink Flamingos? Let everyone know with a Classified Announcement Ad 604-362-0586
September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A47 HOME SERVICES classifieds delta-optimist com • classifieds delta-optimist com Hot Spot For Sale call 604-362-0586 PETS DOG WALKER and SITTER 7 days/wk Dog Wakng Certficate and Pet Frst Ad course, can work wth aggressive’s Ref’s ava Ins’d bonded Joe, 778-325-3659 BUSINESS SERVICES computer/ internet IT TECHNICIAN ¾ Wifi issues solution ¾ Maintenance: laptop and desktop ¾ Software installation ¾ Technical support ¾ Analogic and digital systems ¾ CCTV systems: installation and configuration Free Estimate MARCIA: 604-716-8631 REAL ESTATE out oF town property 3BR/1BA Downtown Chilliwack Clean and recent y renovat ed rancher w th fu unfin ished basement Spac ous l ving room, kitchen w th eat ing area, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath and laundry on the main floor The basement is ready for your ideas Newer fur nace and HWT, A/C, refur b shed driveway, and a large backyard Located n a fam ly oriented ne ghbourhood, c ose to schoo , hospital, recreation centres and parks 604 819 4857 RENTAL apartments/ condos For rent Choose your Apartment Rental from one of our well maintained and managed buildings in South Delta: Rental Office 604 948 9111 Inquire about some of our Pet Friendly buildings Please visit our website for availability: barbicanpm ca Sorry, no BBQs permitted Reference required ----------------------------------A Div sion of Century Group Houses For rent LADNER 3600sf, Upper ev 4 BR, 2 vg ving room, 5 apps, deck, nice yard, own drveway, db garage Newly reno’d NS/NP $3800/mo Aval Sep 15 604-506-1015 RENTAL storaGe U STORE ITU LOCK IT 3 Self Storage Buldings n Tsawwassen to serve you Varous szes availabe Contact us at: 604-424-9977 Storage@BarbicanPM ca For more details visit: BarbicanPM ca/Storage HOME SERVICES cLeaninG Residential C eaning Service Week • Bi-Week y • Monthly Move In • Move Out Sophia • 604-805-3376 www pumacleaning com SUNSHINE CLEANING “you’ve tr ed the rest, now try the best ” Move ns - Move Outs, Weeky • Bi-Weeky • Monthly Starting @ $120 cleanings • Window Cleaning • Work guarantee Exc refs 604-716-8631 eLectricaL YOUR ELECTRICIAN Lc#89402 nsured Guar’d Fast same day service We ove BIG & smal jobs! 604-568-1899 go denleafelectrical com FencinG West Coast Cedar Installations since 1991 New • Repaired • Rebuilt Fences & Decks 604-788-6458 (no text) cedarinstal@hotma com FLoorinG Hardwood Floor Refinishing Experts • Repairs • Stanng • nstalaton • Free Estimates 604-376-7224 Gutters Gutters CALL Today for Summer DISCOUNTS! GUTTERS • REPLACEMENTS • DOWNPIPE • LEAF GUARD • DRAIN GUARD • SIDING Commercial & Residential Free Estimates Gutter Specialists. Licensed. WCB Insured. 604-724-5493 • 604-721-0372 • a1guttersltd@gmai com BOUNDARY BAY WINDOW WASHING • Exterior house cleaning • Pressure washing • Gutters Steve Watts 604-943-4134 778-228-5639 Handyperson • A Handyman for Seniors • BRUCER the SPRUCER 604-946-9206 HANDYMAN • RENOVATIONS •Ktchen •Bath • Pumbing •Countertop •Foors •Pant & more Ca MIC for quote: 604-725-3127 Handyperson Electrical Maintenance Hydraulic Maintenance Garage Organization Window Cleaning Floor Cleaning Reliable and Affordable! Call Marcia 604-716-8631 HANDYMAN LandscapinG SHAW LANDSCAPING LTD Complete Landscaping Clean-up Lawn Cuts. 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Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisement on a specified date, or at all, although every effort will be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers Further, the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes will be made in the next available issue. The Delta Optimist will be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad’s expiration. For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice! ADVERTISING POLICIES Click for the classifieds! classifieds. Looking to do some Refer to the Service Directory for all of your home improvement, decorating and gardening needs. Home Improvement?
A48 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 CALL THE EXPERTS HOME SERVICES classifieds delta-optimist com classifieds delta-optimist com #135-7391 Vantage Way, Delta All Garage Doors & Garage Door Motors Sales • Service • Installations 604-940-8918 Fencing and decking > inFO@HOMeSTeadSeRViceS ca > WWW Specializing in FenceS and deckS JaSOn WellS 604 948 5296 HOMeSTead SeRViceS 604 786 7145 CallShawn B I G G E R B E T T E R G U T T E R S  Cont nuous 5”Gutters  Fascia  Custom Flashings  Soffit  Leaf Screen  Powerwashing  Cleaning and Repa rs GUTTER BROTHERS GUTTERS gutter-brothers ca laWn & garden 604.7771.5340 greensavega den GREEN SAVE GARDENING & LANDSCAPING LTD. Lawn Cutting Trimming & Pruning Yard Cleanup & Pressure Washing Yard Maintenance We handle Japanese Beetle Commercial & Strata moving ABE MOVING • DELIVERY and Rubbish Removal $ $45/hr per p person 24/7 604-999-6020 painTing/ Wallpaper D & M PAINTING Exterior/Interior Specialist Many Years Experence Fully nsured Top Qua ty • Quck Work Free estimate 604-724-3832 EXTERIOR & INTERIOR Residential & Commercial 778-984-0666 A. RIGHTWAY PAINTING Ltd 25 years experience Free Estimates 35%OFF SPECIAL SUMMER PAINTING DISCOUNT Fully Insured 20 yrs. exp • Free Est. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR SPECIALS 10% OFF Call 6047291234 FAIRWAY PAINTING plumbing Complete Renovations • Licensed Builder • Pumbing • Back Fow Test • AC & Heat Pumps • Heating / Furnaces • Hot Water Tanks • Bolers •Gas Fittings •Fireplaces 604-767-2667 plumbing • Hot Water Tanks • Plumbing • Heating • Furnaces • Boilers • Drainage • Res. & Comm. • 24/7 Service 604-437-7272 properTy mainTenance Property Maintenance $150 Window Washing Pressure Washing Gutter Cleaning Driveway Sealing 604 209 3445 renoS & home improvemenT ALL RENOVATIONS: •Kitchen •Baths •Addtions •Patio •Stars •Deck •Fences •Pantng •DDrywa & MORE 778-892-1530 a1kahlonconstruction ca RDM ENTERPRISES • • • For All Your Household Additions & Renovations nteror & Exterior Finshing, Fences & Decks, Ktchens & Bathrooms, Plumbng Refs Aval Free Est Local Resdent & Serving Delta for over 20 yrs • • • Call Rob 604-830-9401 renoS & home improvemenT Since 1989 604-732-8453 Need anything done or repaired?  RENOS  REPAIRS  PAINTING  TILING  DOORS  WINDOWS  DECKS  FENCES  ROOFING  GUTTERS □Renos □BathRooms □RePaIRs □PaIntInG □tILInG □DooRs □KItchens □WInDoWs □DecKs □Fences □RooFInG □GUtteRs roofing A-1 Contracting & Roofing New & Re-Roofing • All Types All Maintenance & Repairs GUTTER CLEANING Gutter Guard Installations • RENOVATION WORK • WCB 25% Discount • Emergency Repairs • Jag • 778-892-1530 a1kahlonconstruction ca New Roofs, Re-Roofing, Repairs & Gutter Clean ng WCB BBB • GLRoofing ca 604-240-5362 Re-Roofing & Repairs Specialists 20 Year Labour Warranty Available 604-591-3500 rubbiSh removal “You Call It, We Haul It!” ROD’S HAUL-IT-AWAY Rubbish Removal and Recycling 778-668-4285 Located in Ladner • So you pay less • • FULL SERVICE JUNK REMOVAL & Clean-Up at Affordable Rates • Pianos & Hot Tubs No Problem • Booked Appointments • Same-Day Service • Residential & Commercia 20 YARD BIN RENTALS from $249 for a week + dump fees BRADS JUNK 604.220.JUNK (5865) 20 YARD BIN RENTALS Starting at $249 + dump fee. Starting at $249 + dump fees. 20 YARD BIN RENTALS 280 Tree ServiceS TREE SERVICES Pruning, Hedge Trimm ng Tree & Stump Removal 75 ft Bucket Trucks 604-787-5915 $50 OFF * on jobs over $1000 Tree • Shrubs • Hedges Pruning & Trimming • Removals • Plantng • Landscapng Servces Johann Baart, B Sc ISA Cert fied Arborist 778-235-0343 AUTOMOTIVE Scrap car removal VEHICLE REMOVAL CASH FOR ALL! Servng Deta & area snce 1986 Call 604-649-1627 Need help with your Home Renovations? Find it in the classifieds! TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS
September7,2023 The Delta Optimist A49 EVERYONE LOVES A GOOD DEAL Scoutssupport: Funds pour in fol owing tree lot theft 3 property assessments look this year 6,7 BOXLA BOSS A wY a ’ START YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY! SUBSCRIPTION.DELTA-OPTIMIST.COM OR CALL 604-946-4451 *VOLUNTARY PAY PROGRAM IS LIMITED TO CURRENT DISTRIBUTION AREA
A50 The Delta Optimist September7,2023 DL#8933 KINGGEORGENISSAN 604-536-3644 32 Ave. Div. & King George Blvd., Surrey Drive south and save thousands. NET OF APPLICABLE TAXES. ALL REBATES SUBJECT TO GOV APPROVAL

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