Delta Optimist September 14 2023

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T H U R S D A Y | S E P T E M B E R 1 4 | 2 0 2 3 604.946.9588 4977 Trenant Street, Unit 130 Delta Dr Dhiman is accepting new patients! (604) 809 2855 09 2 55 #211 6505 3 Ave Just Listed 2 bed, 2 bath rancher in Monterra - 2,024 sqft $1,649,000 2nd Annual Cheers for Fears ALL FUNDS RAISED WILL HELP SUPPORT KINVILLAGE'S ENHANCED DAY PROGRAM FOR OLDER ADULTS food,drinks, dj, door prizes, 50/50 SATURDAY 28th October, 2023 5430 10 AVE, TSAWWASSEN doors at 6:30PM TICKETS $50 Soldoutevent lastyear,don’t missoutthis year! Getyourtickets today! A NIGHT OF BREWS, BOOZE & BOOS


Notice is hereby given that Delta City Council will consider the bylaws referenced below at its Regular Meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Monday,September25,2023intheCouncilChamber,DeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,andbyelectronic meansasauthorizedbyCouncilProcedureBylawNo.5000.

WATCH attendmaylistenandwatchtheproceedingsontheCity’swebsite.VideorecordingsarearchivedontheCity’swebsite.


Location: 5000CliffDrive

Applicant: KaramjitSidhu

Proposal: TorezonethesubjectpropertyfromSingleDetachedResidential1(RS1)toSingleDetached Residential5(RS5).

A development variance permit is also requested to vary Section 11.50.8 of “Delta ZoningBylawNo.7600,2017”byreducingtheminimumlotwidthforsubdivisionfrom 16mto15mforproposedLots1and2.


StaffContact: AlexCauduro-6049523163


Location: 6569LambertCrescent

Applicant: BrianHart,BrianGHart&Company

Proposal: TorezonethesubjectpropertyfromSingleDetachedResidential1(RS1)toSingle DetachedResidential5(RS5)toallowatwolotsubdivisionandtheconstructionofa singledetacheddwellingwithsecondarysuiteoneachlot


StaffContact: HayleyBurns-6049463332


Materials related to the proposals such as the proposed bylaws, detailed maps and other information may be inspected at Delta City Hall, 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,MondaytoFriday,excludingstatutoryholidaysfrom8:30a.m.to4:45p.m.fromThursday,September14,2023 toMonday,September25,2023.

Ifyouhaveageneralinquiryregardingtheproposedbylawsorifyouwouldlikeassistancetoinspectanyrelevantdocumentation,pleasecontact theDevelopmentDepartmentbyemailatdevelopment@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380.

Correspondencereceivedupto12:00p.m.onWednesday,September20,2023willbeincludedintheAgendapackage.Correspondencereceived afterandupto10:00a.m.onMonday,September25,2023willbeprovidedtoCouncilinaseparatepackagepriortothestartofthemeeting Allcorrespondencemustincludeyournameandfulladdressandwillformpartofthepublicrecordforthisproposalandbepublishedonthe City’swebsite.

Thosewishingtoprovidecommentonproposedbylawsmaydosointhefollowingways: OR



4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2

F2 The Delta Optimist September14,2023


Emma O’Halloran noticed her little mini-Australian shepherd wasn’t quite herself after taking her for a walk around Winskill Park, the evening of Aug. 28.

When she got home, she noticed her three-month-old pup named Pepper didn’t look good and couldn’t stand by herself and was “totally glassy eyed,” O’Halloran said in an interview with the Optimist Sept. 8.

Pepper was rushed into Boundary Bay Veterinary Specialty Hospital at about 8:30 p.m. where they tested her urine and found it positive for fentanyl and other opioids. “It was a scary, 24 hours for sure, ” O’Halloran said

“I never would have thought I’d have to worry about opioid

poisoning in Tsawwassen”

O’Halloran said that she just walked along the trail in the park and that her dog didn’t swallow any drugs, but inhaled them by sniffing at something at the side of the trail. Her dog was on a leash and they were

closely watching her Based on the timeline of symptoms, her pup inhaled the drugs off the ground, she added.

Pepper is now doing OK but O’Halloran is avoiding any parks.

“I had no idea that inhala-

tion would be a risk,” she said

She’s telling her story because she wants other pet owners to know and that it’s something she never thought about

“This being a family friendly and very popular park this is super concerning. Just wanted to let everyone know and give the heads up, and know the symptoms of potential overdose in animals,” she said on Facebook.

Delta Police spokesman Acting/Insp. James Sandberg, said there are a variety of street drugs in Delta “We’re not immune to it,” he said.

As a result of the decriminalizing of the possession of 2.5 grams or less of street drugs earlier this year, some cities in B.C. are passing bylaws banning drug use in local parks

Port Coquitlam in June did so in its parks and open spaces

Under decriminalization, small amounts of drugs can be used by adults, but not near places like school grounds or daycares.

But Sandberg hasn’t heard of people ingesting or inhaling as a result of accidental contact with discarded street drugs

“I’m not aware of any people being affected in the way this dog has been apparently affected,” Sandberg said.

He said police don’t want to scare people so that they no longer let their kids play in parks. “We haven’t seen it,” Sandberg said, adding that he can’t think of any such case

The federal government last year announced that the province would be granted a three-year exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act to remove criminal penalties for those who possess a small amount for personal use

T H U R S D A Y | S E P T E M B E R 1 4 | 2 0 2 3
(604) 809 2855 2 5 #211
Just Listed 2
- 2,024
EMMA O’HALLORAN PHOTO Emma O’Halloran’s little puppy Pepper is OK after overdose scare in park. $1,649,000
604.946.9588 4977 Trenant Street, Unit 130 Delta Dr Dhiman is accepting new patients!
bath rancher
A2 The Delta Optimist September14,2023



When Derek McKeen was living in his car, sleeping in the front seat, spending most of every day and night in his 2015 Hyundai Elantra, he was just steps away from possible help.

Next to his preferred parking spot on 57th St. in Ladner, a family member lived just three blocks away, while his former boss was also nearby.

Yet, “I never went to anybody. I didn’t want to bother anybody,” he said in a recent interview at the end of a work day.

While McKeen is a big guy at 6’2” , 260 pounds and drove trucks for a living, he found that asking for help wasn’t easy Even after Delta Police Const. Leon Farrell helped get him into Surrey Memorial Hospital for a psych evaluation, McKeen lied to doctors and told them he was “fine”

His life took a down-

ward spiral after family problems, along with depression and anxiety, piled on to the trauma of losing his job in April 2020 because of the pandemic

By October, he couldn’t pay the rent for his Abbotsford basement suite and instead of asking for help, he abandoned his apartment and belongings and walked into the wilderness of homelessness.

“I panicked. I didn’t know how to talk to my landlord. I was afraid. I ran out,” he said.

“And not thinking very clearly, I didn’t know what to do.”

With nowhere to go and no money, his car was his home.

He spent nine months in 2020/21 in the vehicle in Ladner, his beard and hair growing longer, his depression deepening.

He used to sit in the nearby McDonald’s and people would buy him food Sometimes, he’d go three or four days with-

out eating A few times, he drove out to Roberts Bank and watched the trains, thinking about jumping underneath one, before being told to leave

McKeen explains he has suffered from depression and anxiety, off and on for 20 years.

He looks back at other life events he’s been through and says, “I don’t explode, I implode I hurt myself.”

McKeen remembers a resident who lived close to where he parked, asked him how he was doing and gave him some food.

“I’m fine,” he told him. But complaints began to come in and Const. Farrell found him again in his car

In May, the officer returned, this time with two outreach workers from Options Community Services “Yes,” he told them “I want some help.”

He eventually got into Timber Grove supportive

housing in Surrey, run by Coast Mental Health.

The staffed facility gave McKeen his own little room for low rent, along with a meal a day and support.

Yet McKeen just stayed in his room

“I was getting all this help. I was just a recluse. My beard and my hair were long for about a year and a half in that place I stayed away from people,” he said.

People were afraid of him

One morning, he looked at himself in the mirror and realized he

soon would be 60 years old.

“Hey, J C man, smarten up man. What the hell are you doing?” he said to himself

With the help of counselling and antidepressants, he slowly started feeling better. He got a haircut and new clothes, and a job driving a truck

McKeen knows he helped himself as well, but staff also listened to what he had to say, particularly Anjelika Zaremba

“She helped me, very, much,” he said “I put a lot of it down to her”

She’s been his strength, he added.

“People love me in Timber Grove right now, ” he said.

“I’m a likeable guy –not so much when I’m depressed.”

Yet he also worries depression and anxiety will return. He’s still on a small dose of antidepression medication and the winter time hits hard

However, he has his room, for as long as he wants it and he still sees a caseworker and psychiatrist once a month.

McKeen says it’s common to tell people to ask for help, but he just felt too embarrassed and ashamed. He says he’s a good worker, and big and strong and thought he just had to tighten his boot laces and get on with things

“No matter if you ’ re a big tough guy or whatever– a big biker dude or whatever – don’t be afraid to ask for help Just reach out,” he said

Got News? Contact Ian, Sandor or Phil at ijacques@delta-optimist com or call 604-998-3616
September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A3
With a little help, Derek McKeen is on right track.




sgyarmati@delta-opt m st com

Delta council on Monday gave the thumbs-up to a staff recommendation to scrap a series of tax incentives that previous councils had initiated.

YOURartwork couldbechosen asthenextDelta streetbanner!


Deltassist 2023 AGM

Please join us on Wednesday September 27th at 7pm for our AGM! This meeting is an in-person event and will be a chance to take a closer look at how Deltassist continues to support the community.

Deltassist has been responding to the community’s needs since 1972, through provisions of professional and volunteer services throughout Delta. We welcome registrants to invite a friend or family member for an evening of meaningful dialogue to go over all the ways Deltassist has been caring for our community. Light snacks and refreshments will be served. For environmental reasons, please feel free to bring your own water bottle.

There is no cost to attend but we ask that you register in advance. Please register in advance to Let us know your name (first & last) and how many guests you’ll be bringing. Please register prior to Friday September 22nd .

Event Date: Wednesday September 27th

EventTime: 7pm

Event Location: 9097 120th Street, Delta, BC

Local governments may offer targeted economic incentives to encourage investment in particular areas of a community or to encourage certain types of development and, between 2011 and 2016, Delta enacted five such revitalization tax exemption bylaws.

Earlier this summer, council approved a recommendation to provide municipal property tax exemptions and municipal fee reductions, under the South Delta Revitalization Tax Exemption Program, for the six-storey Headwater Living development at the corner of Bridge and Elliott

streets, currently the Dunbar Lumber site.

Set to expire this year, that bylaw was enacted in 2016 as part of the South Delta Business Sustainability Strategy to encourage investment in new and existing retail, commercial and mixed-use projects.

A staff report notes that, over time, local and regional economic conditions have changed, development needs have changed, and Delta’s vision for some areas of the community has changed.

Council last year already approved a new development cost charge (DCC) waiver bylaw to offer incentives for the development of affordable, non-profit housing units in Delta.

Next on the list is a review of potential new economic incentives for development in the Ladner core/waterfront area, consistent with the Ladner Waterfront

Redevelopment Strategy and Ladner Village Official Community Plan update Staff are to report back on a new program, while the practice of collecting cash-in-lieu of parkland contributions in connection with strata subdivisions in Ladner Village will be ceased.

“In Ladner Village, there is a continued identified need for measures to incentivize redevelopment Since the adoption of Official Community Plan amendments for Ladner Village in 2021, there are increased height and density allowances that better enable redevelopment.

“However, at this time only one Ladner Village development has taken advantage of the incentives offered under the current South Delta Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw,” the report notes

A4 The Delta Optimist September14,2023
1602-4949 Canoe Pass Way, Tsawwassen • Monday - Saturday 11:30am - 8:00pm 778.630.0470 • • great google reviews CHOICE OF TWO BURGERS OR SANDWICHES with green salad & french fries $3000 Maximum 2 coupons per table Valid Mon - Thurs Expires October 31, 2023 DINNER FOR TWO
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New York Steaks and Prawns Served with mashed potatoes and asparagus $5000 Maximum 2 coupons per table. Expires October 31, 2023 Godis real, Godis love, Godis better than food

911 Memorial Ride

JIM KINNEAR PHOTO The 9-11 Memorial Ride marking the 22nd Anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the U S. started at the Cascades Casino in Delta on Monday morning with a ride to Peace Arch at the Pacific Border Crossing for a Remembrance ceremony. September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A5 61 YEARS SERVING DELTA We have everything you need for your fall decorating Schoolhouse pumpkins... red, white and pink pumpkins too! 6508 LADNER TRUNK RD, LADNER • 604-946-5986 OPEN DAILY 9AM - 5:30PM Fall Garden Mums in all sizes NO Tulip Bulbs 50 pack Reg. $29.99 $2499 SUPER SPECIAL King Alfred Daffodil Bulbs 50 pack Reg. $29.99 NOW $2499 Pansies Full of Bloom 8 pack ea $599 CERAMIC POTS 1/2 PRICE NOW Orchids in bloom Reg. $39.99 ea $2499 NOW Or Buy 10 for $129 ea $1099 uliip SUPER SPECIAL • Top Soil • Sand • Gravel• Bark Mulch • Drain Rock • River Rock • Turf Blend Soil • Composted Bark • Road Base • Special Soil for top dressing your beds BULK LANDSCAPE PRODUCTS WE DELIVER EVERYDAY NOW In aid of the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Station 8 Delta The Delta Marine Rescue Society Saving lives on the water Deas Island Regional Park Thank you to our Sponsors SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2023


The Red Door Housing Society will submit a new application to redevelop the Ladner Willows complex

Representatives with the society and others, including BC Housing and a communications firm, were on hand for a presentation at Delta council’s committee of the whole meeting Tuesday to go over the plan to redevelop the 40-unit low-income townhouse complex, located in the 5600-block of Ladner Trunk Road. The proposal would see a 146-unit complex replace the existing structure.

The new building would be five storeys including four storeys of residential units and one

of above-grade parking.

A formal rezoning application has not yet been submitted.

An amendment to the Official Community Plan (OCP) would require a public hearing as part of an application as the current OCP for the site has a maximum of 48 units

This June, emotions ran high at a public hearing for the earlier application to redevelop the site into a 150-unit non-market rental complex, a proposal that was unanimously rejected by council.

Society executive director Bailey Mumford told council this week that they’ve made several changes within the Society, including adding new members to their board with experience

in affordable housing, changes to staffing at all levels including new, experienced property managers, as well as streamlined their internal processes to be more responsive

He said they’ve “embraced a culture of continual improvement”

The city’s planning department notes that a key change in this proposal would see an increase to a building setback, resulting in the loss of four units

The society’s power point presentation said, “We heard the feedback from council and the community during our previous application and we have acted on it….Red Door Housing Society has made changes to our team and operations in response

to this feedback, and to align with industry best practices for community engagement, project development, operations and maintenance.”

A Delta staff report

on the latest proposal notes the next step for the owner is to prepare detailed architectural and landscape plans and supporting documentation before submitting

a formal development application. Upon receipt of an application, staff would prepare a report to council advising of a public engagement process.

The city’s planning department says there are 32 units currently vacated in the complex and the owner is working to relocate tenants in the remaining eight units.


Delta Police Department (DPD) Sgt Katie Garcia is not your average police officer.

She has gone above and beyond in a variety of different ways.

Earlier this month, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) recognized her commitment and achievements with a Top 40 Under 40 award.

The IACP’s award program is designed to recognize 40 law enforcement professionals under the age of 40 from around the world who demonstrate leadership and exemplify commitment to their profession

The IACP has 33,000 members from 170 different countries around the world

The award considers demonstrated values, a commitment to law enforcement, and a capacity for leadership.

Garcia grew up and went to school in Delta She connected

with her school liaison officer and began volunteering with the DPD while in high school. She obtained an undergraduate degree in sociology and

an associate degree in criminal justice She played and excelled in softball, an environment that taught her team and interpersonal skills, and then in 2012, she joined the DPD.

At the DPD, Garcia has worked in Patrol, Drug Section, and Major Crimes.

She has field trained, led teams, and was promoted to Sergeant earlier in 2023.

She has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence, displaying outstanding leadership attributes and dedication to her colleagues and community.

Her exceptional ability to collaborate, take initiative for major projects and willingness to share knowledge has helped the DPD grow Her exceptional work is positively changing the culture of policing.

“Katie exemplifies the strength and courage that it takes to be a Delta Police officer,” said Delta Mayor and

Police Board chair George Harvie

“Her unwavering commitment to her values is a prime example of why the DPD continues to deliver excellence in policing

“On behalf of Delta council and the Delta Police Board, congratulations and thank you for your continued dedication to keeping our community safe.”

As a member of the 2SLGBTQI+ community, Garcia is an advocate and an ally for diversity initiatives

Recently she founded the DPD’s Proud Initiative, which provides an inclusive environment to support DPD’s 2SLGBTQI+ members while increasing positive police connections with the 2SLGBTQI+ community within Delta.

Her lived experience as a 2SLGBTQI+ community member has been instrumental in driving positive change both

internally and externally

She has also participated in forming the DPD’s first-ever formalized mentorship program

The program ’ s goal is to establish a collaborative work environment through mentorship, providing both personal and professional development for all members of the DPD

She is part of the British Columbia Women in Law Enforcement (BCWLE), where she is now in her second term as a board member for women in law enforcement across the province.

And if that’s not enough, she volunteers as a softball coach and a soccer coach in her offduty time.

Her involvement and commitment to these projects have contributed to fostering a positive, caring, and inclusive culture within the DPD and the community.

-Submitted by Delta Police

September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A7 SIDEKICK PLAYERS PROUDLYPRE NTS One Performance Only Saturday, September 23, 2023 • 7:30 pm The TsawwassenArts Centre RESERVATIONS-604-288-2415 “It is the best theatrical meal you will ever have If they gave out Michelins for theatre, I would have given them 5.”Jay Brazeau (actor/director) “You can’t go to a Chair Series without either laughing, crying or asking yourself, “What the hell just happened?” “ Featuring Erica Bearss * Cathy Collis * Terry Ford * Lisa Gach * Justine Jones * Marcia Strang * Laura Sutherland-Smith * RESENSOLDOUT Getttheresultsyouwantfrom expeerienceddentistswho Listen,Serve&Care. 555012th Avenue,Tsawwassen•604-943-3343• Drs.Jan&WarrenRoberts ACCEPTING NEWPATIENTS
The International Association of Chiefs of Police has awarded Delta Police Sgt. Katie Garcia with a Top 40 Under 40 award.

Deliveries 604-946-5171 wwwdelta-optimist com


Pierre Pelletier ppelletier@delta-optimist com

EDITOR: Ian Jacques ijacques@delta-optimist com


Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@delta-optimist com

Phil Melnychuk PMelnychuk@delta-optimist com



Marianne LaRochelle


John Gallinger jgallinger@delta-optimist com

Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@delta-optimist com

Lee Fruhstorfer lfruhstorfer@delta-optimistcom

John Avdic javdic@delta-optimistcom


Linda Calendino lcalendino@delta-optimist com


Kristene Murray 604-946-5171 kmurray@glaciermedia ca

Roya Sarwary rsarwary@delta-optimist com

CLASSIFIED 604-444-3056


HellNightnot toohellish

Hell Night, the Delta tradition that has been in place for decades, sees most of the grads classes of that year head out the night of the first day of school and party.

In recent years, Hell Night has brought with it a significant amount of vandalism to public and private property, so much so in fact, that this year, Delta Police sent out a message through their social media channels and this newspaper, encouraging our youth to have a fun night, but a safe night without the needless and pointless vandalism.

The good news is that, for the most part, the grads – and parents – listened to that message.

Delta Police reported to us several liquor related offences involving youth that resulted in tickets or warnings being issued. One carton of eggs was seized as it was clear they were intended for throwing and not eating.

A few intoxicated youth were taken home to parents and there was one intoxicated youth who vomited in a police car while officers were waiting for further care from a guardian to pick up the youth Police say they have had no reports of property damage in South Delta

In North Delta, “Grad 2024” was dug into the athletic field at Seaquam and Burnsview secondaries Seaquam received some graffiti as well.

But all in all, the problems seen in previous years, did not manifest, say police Grads of 2024, thanks for heeding the message and treating this community with respect.

I don’t agree with Hell Night. Never have and never will I think this tradition should be scrapped, but if it must carry on, then we need more Hell Nights in the future like this year

Travel in a whole new world

Post pandemic travel is not for the faint of heart.

I don’t care if you ’ re going to Harrison Hot Springs or Timbuktu, the new reality is, travel has changed.

My husband and I hadn’t flown since the fall of 2019 and four years later, as we prepared for overseas this month, I wondered how it would be?

The biggest question was to mask or not to mask. To my surprise, no one wears masks on planes, it’s like the pandemic never happened.

The young man beside me on the airplane chatted freely, his breath wafting over me

I asked myself, “does he have COVID, is he giving me COVID?”

Frankly I didn’t want to wear a mask on an eighthour flight, so it was a relief not too.

The package of dispos-

Community Comment


able masks I bought at London Drugs has not left my hand luggage. Our first few days in Paris were spent sightseeing with the rest of the world and let me tell you it’s crowded The streets, the museums, the shops, the cafes, all packed, sometimes shoulder to shoulder. Then there is the unprecedented heat wave in Europe that continues If

the Parisians are complaining, you know it’s hot. Here we are in 2023, all of us in a frenzy to travel Economically it’s a boom. France alone will make $19 billion in tourism revenue this year.

Canadian tourism numbers have reached pre-pandemic levels with no signs of stalling Why, because the urge to travel is human nature Most importantly, travelling widens our view of ‘the other’ . Travel instills empathy and gratitude for what we have. Fills us with pride when people discover we are Canadian and love us instantly for it.

Whether close or far, discovering the world is magical and I am grateful for the depth of experience it gives me, no matter what comes.

Ingrid Abbott is a freelance writer who can’t sleep on a plane no matter what position she contorts too

Canadian Publications Agreement #212490 Thursday s circulation is 17,500 This paper is made of 40% recycled newsprint and printed using vegetable inks The Delta Optim st is a member of the National Newsmedia Counc l which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethica behaviour If you have concerns about editorial content please contact the editor at ed tor@delta-opt mist com or 604-946-4451 If you are not satisfied w th the response and wish to f le a forma comp aint visit the webs te at mediacounc l ca or cal to l-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional nformat on Entire Contents © 2023 The Optimist A l Rights Reserved Published every Thursday by the Delta Optimist, a division of LMP Publication
Editor’sNote IAN JACQUES
Limited Partnership 5008 47A Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1T8 Phone 604-946-4451
A8 The Delta Optimist September14,2023

Thevillaininthedredging sagaisPortofVancouver


Re: Where is Delta’s dredging money (Optimist, editorial, Sept 7)

The villain in the failure to dredge Ladner Harbour, such that the lifeboat got stuck and houseboats grounded, is neither Delta, nor the provincial government.

The villain is an agency of the Crown, the Port of Vancouver, whose responsibility it is to keep

the main and secondary channels of the Fraser Estuary navigable and free of silt

Imagine if you were a tenant paying rent that included your heat and light, but the bill for electricity went unpaid, so you were left in the dark and cold.

That is analogous to the situation in Ladner Harbour.

The Port used to keep these secondary chan-

nels clear, but stopped doing so

The Port is a Crown agency effectively owned by the federal government, through Transport Canada Keeping the Fraser River and its channels in good shape is therefore a federal responsibility. If the federal government is the owner, then the buck stops in Ottawa, not Delta and not Victoria.

A warning to dog owners in Beach Grove


On the afternoon of Sept 9, my husband and I were walking our dog on the beach.

Our dog quickly ate something in the sand before we could stop him.

When we got home our dog grew ill We took him straight to our vet where they tested his urine. It came back positive for THC They injected him with fluids and we were told to monitor him overnight.

If his heart rate became too high or if

he began having trouble breathing, we were to take him to emergency

My husband returned to the beach to the spot our dog ate something and found peanut butter THC cookies spread around the area. He collected almost a full Ziplock bag’s worth and disposed of it safely

Consumption of THC by dogs can be lethal Thankfully, with the help of the amazing staff at Huff Animal Hospital, our dog is going to be okay.

The Optimist encourages readers to write letters to the editor Letters are accepted on any topic, although preference is given to those on local matters The Optimist reserves the right to edit letters and the decision to publish is at the discretion of the editor or publisher. All letters must be signed, dated and include the writer’s phone number (not for publication) The Optimist will not print “name withheld” letters Copyright in letters and other materials submitted voluntarily to the publisher and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the publisher and its licensees may freely reproduce them in print, electronic or other forms


September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A9
The Ladner Legion recently donated $10,000 to the Legion Foundation for the following programs: PTSD Dog Program, Veteran’s Transition Program and the Leave the Streets Behind (Homeless Veteran’s Program) The Legion donated $2,500 to George Derby (Veteran’s Housing) In the centre of the photo is Ava Turner with George Derby, Barb Dyck (Legion volunteer) and Gerry Bramhill (Legion past president) The Legion donated $5,000 to Honour House Left to right: Gerry Bramhill, Barb Dyck, Tim Armstrong (director of Honour House) and Rob Gardener

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Deltaneedsaworld-class bandstand


Either Memorial Park or the new waterfront development in Ladner could be the site of a world-class bandstand and event-venue

The pop-up park on Chisolm Street was tons of fun this summer, and we noticed an architectural rendering on the fence that indicated a terraced area for seating when completed.

This might be our one chance to do it right, to create a great Delta venue.

But this should not be left in the hands of an architect – I can gather a committee of music, arts, theatre, and acoustic specialists to be the leading force in assisting city hall to create the greatest outdoor perfor-

hearing aids

mance site in the Lower Mainland.

Why? Because Delta is “music-central,” containing four concert bands, a large youth orchestra, many excellent community choirs, outstanding high-school music programs throughout Delta, as well as the longstanding Delta School of Music

Popular music events abound, including the early June Ladner Bandfest that draws hundreds of musicians and thousands of audience, the popular South Delta Jazz Festival in August, the well-loved Concertin-the-Park Program by Parks and Rec, Christmas music events on the Ladner dock, and a whole lot more

Imagine many of

these events taking place on the Chisolm Street waterfront, in a carefullydesigned bandstand.

The small town of Kalama WA has built, with help from corporate sponsors, just such a beautiful venue, and it hosts presentations throughout the spring and summer

If the Ladner waterfront location is not feasible, then what about building it in Memorial Park, which already has a track record of hosting large music events?

City Hall is paying $750k for new bathrooms in the park, so a top-tier outdoor performance facility should definitely be on the table!

Vehicle overpass is needed at this intersection


A recent horrendous accident at a highway intersection in Manitoba killed 15 seniors The intersection of slow tertiary roads with high-speed highways is common practice in Canada.

Here in Delta, we have a number of these intersections

The accident in Manitoba will not be the last terrible accident of this kind

The ferry terminal here in Tsawwassen is a source of particularly high-speed traffic Vehicles speeding to get a spot on a ferry, or racing into Vancouver after leaving a slow-moving ferry, pass through several dangerous intersections in Tsawwassen and Ladner

The 52nd Street and Highway 17 intersection is perhaps the most dangerous

With a huge shopping mall on one side of the highway and the town of Tsawwassen on the other, a momentary lapse of attention at this intersection could see a repeat of Manitoba – a terrible, and avoidable loss of life.

B.C. is a rich province. The City of Delta should be putting pressure on the province and Tsawwassen First Nation to get started on a vehicle overpass for this intersection It is only going to get busier.

Waiting for an accident that is so bad that it draws national attention to the problem is not acceptable.

A10 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 *A comprehensive hearing assessment is provided to adults ages 19 and older at no cost. The results of this assessment will be communicated verbally to you. If you request a copy of the Audiological Report an administrative fee will apply Child hearing tests are conducted at select locations for a fee, please contact us for more information. **This limited-time offer is valid for private sales of select hearing aid models and accessories and is subject to change without notice For Government funding, the discount is after the grant is applied. Limit one offer per customer per year Offer not valid in Quebec Offer not applicable for industrial hearing tests. Some conditions apply see clinic for details. Offer expires 10/15/2023
code: NSP-ASK-HL
more with a FREE hearing test.*
HearingLife formerly Expert Hearing Solutions HearingLife formerly NexGen Hearing Tsawwassen 111-1315 56 Street 1-888-703-2048 Scottsdale Mall 7039 120th Street 1-888-703-5169 Harbour City Centre 4857 Elliott Street, Unit 154 1-888-703-3247

Newoff-leashdogenclosure comingforDeltapark


sgyarmati@delta-optimist com

The City of Delta has issued a request for proposals for a contractor to build an enclosed offleash dog area at Pebble Hill Park in Tsawwassen

The existing dog offleash area was established in 2010 and is within a BC Hydro transmission right-of-way. The off-leash area is not fenced and has relied on signage and natural boundaries

The new project is to include fencing, gates, benches and landscaping. Since the new offleash park will be within a transmission right-ofway, special design considerations have been put

The amenity will be located near a high-voltage 230 kV electrical line and related equipment.

in place for the unique location, according to the city

The city hopes the work will be completed this December.

The off-leash dog enclosure plan was initi-

ated a couple of years ago by the city

The plan would undergo design changes and the city earlier this year finally received conditional approval by BC Hydro

More Cars for Less... at Delta Auto

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September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A11
236-513-5571 5101 Ladner Trunk
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2017 BMW X5
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2013 FORD F-150


NoticeisherebygiventhatDeltaCityCouncil will holdaPublicHearingto receiverepresentationsfrom anypersonswhodeem itintheirinterestto addressCouncil regardingthe followingproposedprojects ThePublicHearingwillbeheldaspartoftheRegularCouncilmeetingasfollows:

Date: Monday,September25,2023

Time: 4:00pm

Place: CouncilChamber&Virtual/Zoom DeltaCityHall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC

WATCH LIVE: This Public Hearing will be broadcast live at Membersof the public who do not wish to speakmay listen and watch theproceedingson the City'swebsite.VideorecordingsarearchivedontheCity’swebsite.ThisPublicHearingistobeconvenedbyelectronicmeansasauthorizedbytheCouncilProcedureBylawNo.5000



Applicant:HarjitSinghSangha,1186864BC LTD

Proposal: Application for Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning, LandUseContractDischargeandDevelopmentPermittoallowredevelopment ofthepropertyintotwosix-storeyresidentialapartmentbuildings.

The Corporation of Delta Official Community Plan Bylaw No 3950, 1985

AmendmentBylawNo 8302,2023

Toexemptthelandsfromthe22FloorSpaceRatio(FSR)densityprovisionof theMediumDensityResidential(ScottRoad)(MDR(SR))landusedesignation, andallowanewdensitylimitof266FSR Theproposalotherwisecomplieswith theheightandlandusepoliciesoftheMDR(SR)landusedesignation


AmendmentBylawNo 8301,2023

Torezone Residential Townhouse40 (RT40)toComprehensive Development ZoneNo 33(CDZ33)toallowthedevelopmentoftwosix-storeymulti-family apartmentbuildings

LandUseContractDischargeBylawNo 8303,2023

TodischargeLandUseContractLU-74-43toallowdevelopmentunderthenew CDZ33regulations


DevelopmentPermitLU009521would address theform and characterofthe proposeddevelopment,whichislocatedinScottRoadCorridorDevelopment


StaffContact: JanetZazubek–604-946-3355



ThePublicHearing isopentoall members ofthepublic.Any personwho believes that their interest in property will be affected by the proposed projects shall be givenanopportunitytoprovidetheircomments(support,concerns,oropposition) toCouncilinthefollowingways:


Writeto: MayorandCouncil,CityofDelta 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2

ProjectNo 2(FileNo LU009536)


Applicant: HardeepBassi,BassiProperties/HighmarkHomesLtd

Proposal:ApplicationforOfficialCommunityPlanAmendment,Rezoning,RoadClosure,Cancellation and Disposition, Development Variance Permit and Development Permit in order to consolidate the subjectpropertiesanda970.1m2 City-ownedlanetoconstructtwo6-storeyapartmentbuildingswith atotalof211unitscomprisingarentalbuildingwith87dwellingunitsandamarketbuildingwith124 dwellingunits.

TheCorporationofDeltaOfficialCommunityPlanBylawNo 3950,1985

AmendmentBylawNo 8327,2023

TochangethelandusedesignationofthesubjectpropertiesasshownonMapNo.1fromResidential Ground-Oriented(RG)toanewdesignation,MediumDensityResidential(Corridor)6(MDR(CR)6),which wouldpermitamaximumfloorspaceratioof25andheight ofsixstoreys.Anewfloorspaceratioof 239isproposedforthisdevelopment.

DeltaZoningBylawNo 7600,2017


To rezonethesubjectpropertiesasshownonMapNo 1fromSingleDetachedResidential 2(RS2)to Comprehensive Development Zone 38 (CDZ38) in order to redevelop the site for two apartment buildings,parking,andcommonindoorandoutdooramenityspaces.


Toclosetoalltrafficandremovethehighwaydedicationfromtheexisting9701m2 ofCity-ownedlane identifiedas“ProposedLaneClosure”asshownonMapNo 2inanticipationofthelandbeingdisposed ofinaccordancewiththeCommunityCharterandtransferredtothesubjectproperties’owneraspart ofaproposedconditionalroadtransferandexchangeagreement.


Tovarythefollowingprovisionsin“DeltaZoningBylawNo 7600,2017”:

i Section773byreducingtheminimumamountofcommonoutdooramenityspacefrom1,266m2 to1,156m2;

ii Section842byreducingtheminimumnumberofresidentialparkingspacesfrom259to202;

iii Section855(a)byreducingthenumberofaccessibleparkingspacesfrom21to14;and

iv Section921byreducingthenumberofoff-streetloadingspacesfrom2to0


To regulate the form and character of the proposed apartment buildings, which are located in the LadnerVillage1(LV1)DevelopmentPermitArea.

StaffContact: JimmyHo–604-946-3331



���� Email: mayor-council@deltaca

���� TospeakvirtuallyatthePublicHearing,youmustregisterwiththeOffice oftheCityClerkbefore10:00a.m onMonday,September25,2023

To register, email publichearing@deltaca or call 604-946-3220 and provide:

1 PublicHearingmeetingdateandProjectnumber;

2 WhetheryouwillspeakbytelephoneorbyZoomvideoconference;and

3 Your contact information (name, address, phone number, and email address)

Once registered, you will be provided details needed to participate Youdonotneed toregistertospeakinperson

Correspondence received up to 12:00 p.m. on Friday, September 22, 2023 will be included in the Agenda package Correspondencereceived up to 10:00 a.m on Monday, September 25, 2023 will beprovided to Councilinaseparate packagepriortothestartofthemeeting Allcorrespondence mustincludeyournameandfulladdressandwillform partofthepublicrecordforthisPublicHearingandbepublishedontheCity’swebsite


A12 The Delta Optimist September14,2023


The City of Delta last week informed residents of a list of intersections that will undergo safety improvements by the end of October

The sites include:

Cliveden Avenue at Eaton Way, 10 Avenue at 53A Street, 48 Avenue at Bridge and Garry streets, 75A Avenue at 115 Street, 112 Street near Devon Gardens Elementary School, 1 Avenue at 55A Street, Arthur Drive near Sacred Heart Elementary School, as well as Ferry Road at River Road

Part of the city’s ongoing Crosswalk, Streetlight and Traffic Signal Improvements Project, the upgrades include construction of crosswalks and traffic lights

to enhance pedestrian safety and accessibility On Nov 19, 2021, a pedestrian was struck in the crosswalk at 1 Avenue and 55A Street, resulting in serious injuries. The improvements to pedestrian safety at that site will include an upgrade of the

existing crosswalk with new pedestrian activated rectangular, rapid flashing beacons, curb extensions and new LED street lighting

As far as the Ferry Road and River Road site, residents of Marina Gardens expressed con-

cerns with traffic volumes in the area, indicating support for a full traffic signal to enhance safety and to relieve some traffic demands using the Admiral Boulevard and River Road intersection. The city this year issued a request for bids for the

design and construction inspection services for four more crosswalk improvements and two traffic signal improvements

The crosswalk improvements will be located at 6 Avenue at Milsom Wynd and 62 Street at Holly Park Drive, 112 Street at 88 Avenue, while a new crosswalk will be added for Nicholson Road at Chateau Wynd.

The traffic signal improvements are coming to 12 Avenue at Ferguson and Hunter roads as well as 116 Street and 75A Avenue. Meanwhile, Engineering Director Steven Lan recently said that safety measures are also planned for the intersection of 47A Avenue at Garry Street.

The engineering department last October

launched a review of 47A Avenue following several accidents, which prompted safety concerns including vehicle speeds along the avenue

Staff reviewed ICBC claims information and traffic data, including speeds and volumes, and retained a transportation consultant to provide peak hour traffic and pedestrian counts at the intersections of 47A Avenue at Delta Street, Garry Street and 48B Street.

The findings indicated the intersection of 47A Avenue at Garry Street would benefit most from additional traffic safety measures, said Lan.

The plan includes converting the existing twoway stop at that intersection to a four-way stop, as well as installing temporary curb extensions

September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A13
The intersection at 48 Avenue at Garry and Bridge streets is one of several undergoing safety improvements.



Contributing Writer

As the Tour De Duck fundraiser returns after a five-year hiatus, thousands of rubber ducks will race down the Fraser River on Sept 17. The ducks will race down the river, each with a corresponding number to the donors’ tickets, and the top five finishers will win prizes.

Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCMSAR) Station 8 leader Craig Caplan said this fundraiser sheds light on the RCMSAR’s roll in the community

“Each of these 31 different units has to do their own form of fundraising to be able to keep the boat running and

maintained and the crew safe,” said Caplan RCMSAR Station 8 Delta, funded by the Delta Marine Rescue

Society, is a non-profit organization dedicated to marine search and rescue missions. Fundraising efforts remain crucial to

bridging financial gaps and keeping the station operational.

In a testament to their rapid intervention,

RCMSAR’s Station 8 leaped into action on Aug 20, answering a distress call from a 35’ vessel taking on water. The crew arrived within 20 minutes with the tools for a successful rescue

“It was a lot of commitment for our members, so the fundraising component just adds the additional requirement we need,” Caplan said, “We band together as a group and work through various ideas from a fundraising perspective.”

Tour de Duck will commence at 11 a.m. with a live band, food trucks, and other entertainment, while the duck races will start at 1 p m Tickets for the race are available through various outlets, including selected Ladner

markets, SAR 8 members, and other community events throughout the summer.

To be eligible for the prizes, participants must have a duck in the race. Ducks can be purchased at $5 each or at a discounted rate of five ducks for $20

The prizes up for grabs include a Tofino getaway, a two-night stay at the Penticton Lakeside resort, a $200 gift certificate to the Old Spaghetti Factory, 18 holes of golf with a power cart at Tsawwassen Springs, or a custommade crab trap.

For more information about Tour De Duck, visit the official website Patrons are also welcome to support through Canada Helps

A14 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 Chevron 360-945-0828 8AM-10PM Call to check gas prices COME VISIT POINT ROBERTS TODAY! Nielson’s Building Center 360-945-3116 9AM-5PM UPS Store 360-945-4877 9AM-7PM CONVENIENTLY LOCATED Point Fuel & Pantry 360-945-7611 7AM-11PM Call to check gas prices FILL UP AT ONE OF OUR TWO LOCATIONS, BRING US THE RECEIPT AND PICKUP YOUR PARCEL FOR 99 CENTS*. *See store for details. Fuel Prices on our website or call 360-999-6027 • 360-786-8950 CHEAPEST GAS IN TOWN Mind Your Business IntroducingtheBusinessWire.Accesstop businessnewsonlineanytime. ScanQRcode,orvisit POWEREDBY
The Tour de Duck is one of the largest fundraisers for Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCMSAR) Station 8.

Public Notice – 2023 Tax Sale

PursuanttoSection647oftheLocalGovernmentAct,PublicNoticeisherebygiventhatthefollowingpropertieswillbeoffered for sale by public auction at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, September 25, 2023 in the Council Chamber at Delta City Hall, 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC,unlessthedelinquenttaxesandinterestthereonarepreviouslypaid

Address Legal Description















September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A15

EarthwiseSociety’sHeirloom TomatoFestivalreturns

The much-anticipated Earthwise Heirloom

Tomato Festival is back on Saturday, Sept. 16 from 10 a m to 2 p m in the Earthwise Garden.

The Tomato Festival is a family-friendly community gathering that celebrates the history and diversity of B C agriculture with a focus on heirloom tomatoes, drawing attention to the impressive variety of produce that is available at our local farms

One of the festival’s star attractions is the dazzling array of unique heirloom tomatoes available for sampling and purchase From sweet and juicy to tangy and robust, the heirlooms showcase the incredible diversity of flavors and colours that tomatoes can offer The Heirloom Tomato Fest would not be complete without highlighting the cultural and culinary significance of tomatoes, and this year, food enthusiasts are in for a real treat

Las Catrinas Cuisine, a beloved Mexican takeout business based in Ladner, will be on hand showcasing their culi-

nary skills with tomatoinspired dishes. Guests will enjoy a cooking demonstration featuring the vibrant flavors of authentic Mexican cuisine, with a special focus on tomatoes

While at the festival, don’t miss the chance to visit the Earthwise Farm Cart, which will be brimming with Earthwise Society’s own certified organic produce.

Ve-Jane Duong from Fusion Micro Farm will also be on site to show-

case her unique selection of heirloom vegetables. Wrap up the day with a leisurely stroll through the Earthwise Garden’s picturesque landscape to see what’s in bloom.

Mark your calendars and join in celebrating the tapestry of local produce, the wonder of heirloom tomatoes, and our vibrant community.

For more information about the Earthwise Heirloom Tomato Festival, email: info@ -Submitted

A16 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 Ballet Jazz Lyrical Hip Hop Tap Contemporary Musical Theatre Breakdance Modern Move and Groove Storybook Ballet Adult Classes Tiny Steps for Twos Adapted Dance Unit 320 - 4949 Canoe Pass Way, Tsa (Between Marks And Petsmart) • 604.946 D CLA PRESCHO TO TO REGISTER EMAIL: ADMIN@DEASISLANDDANCE.COM HOME SERVICES Mobile Same Day Blind Cleaning 604-948-5450 or text 604-307-2032 Route # Route Info # of Papers Interested in becoming a carrier? Call or email to be added to the waiting list. Kids and Adults Needed for These Upcoming Routes Call 604-946-5171 or email distribution@delta-optimist com 1600106 1A Ave, 2nd Ave, 51A St, 52A St 59 1600204 1A Ave, 66A St, 67th St 60 1600207 12th Ave, Compston Cres, Morris Cres, Whitcomb Pl 48 1600221 16A Ave, 17A Ave, 57th St, 57A St 59 1600305 Pacific Dr 36 1600306 Pacific Dr, Stahaken Crt, Pl 44 1600322 54th St, 56th St, 7B Ave, 7th Ave, Gilchrist Dr Pl 77 1600331 6th Ave, 7A Ave, Dogwood Dr, Lane, Stevens Dr, Lane, Weaver Dr 69 1600335 8A Ave, 12th Ave, 49th St, English Bluff Rd 40 1600336 51st St, 8A Ave 53 1600408 52nd St, 53A St, Belair Cres, Saratoga Dr Windsor Cres, 70 1600423 Birch Spring aland, Cedar Spring Dr Fir Springs Lane, Spring Blvd, Willow Springs Ave 77 1600425 Osprey Dr, Blue Heron Way 56 1600427 Pine Springs Lane, Springs Blvd, Cedar Springs Dr, Pl, Willow Springs Ave 71 1610115 5510 Admiral Way 6000 Admiral Blvd 58 1600302 45th Ave, 54A St, Hutcherson Lane, Maple Cres 71 1610521 Brodie Rd, 61st St, Crescent Dr 54 1610605 Bentley Crt, Dr Lane, Linden Dr Westminster Ave, Crt 70
The Heirloom Tomato Festival is this Saturday at the Earthwise Garden.


ECD Learning Centre in Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall

Android Cell Phone or Tablet

Presenter: Ken McGrath (Broadcast and Internet Instructor)

4 sessions: $40 Class size: max 8

Saturdays, Sept 30, Oct 7, 14, 21 10:00-Noon

Apple iPad for Absolute Beginners

Presenters: Paul and Kathleen Vanderwood (Returning Presenters)

4 sessions: $40 Class size: max 8

Fridays and Tuesdays, Oct 13, 17, 20 & 24 1:00 - 3:00 PM

Using A.I. to Write Stories for Your Grandchildren (or friends!)

Presenter: Geraldine Sombke (Retired Technology Instructor)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 8

Tuesday and Thursday, Oct 10 & 12 12:30 - 2:00

Apple iPad - Email Only

Presenter: Geoff Eldred (Returning Presenter)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 6

Monday and Wednesday, Oct 16 & 18 10:00 - Noon

Apple iPad - Camera and Photos Only

Presenter: Geoff Eldred (Returning Presenter)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 6

Monday & Wednesday, Oct 23 & 25 10:00 - Noon

Apple iPad - Web Browsing and Using Various Apps

Presenter: Geoff Eldred (Returning Presenter)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 6

Monday & Wednesday: Oct 30 & Nov 1 10:00 - Noon

How to Stay Safe Online; a TELUS Wise Presentation

Presenters: Advinder Greywall (TELUS Wise) and Louise Latremouille (ElderCollege)

1 session: In-person attendance $10 Class size: max 20 Free on Zoom, and non-members can register to attend as well.

Monday, Oct 23 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Cellphone Photography

Presenter: Ken McGrath (Broadcast and internet Instructor)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 8

Friday & Saturday, Oct 27 & 28 10:00 – Noon

Microsoft Word: The Basics

Presenter: Louise Latremouille (ECD Administrator)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 8

Monday & Wednesday, Nov 6 & 8 10:00 - Noon

History of Computing

Presenter: Bill Didur (ECD Administrator)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 25

Friday, Nov 17 10:00 - Noon

Gmail and Google Apps

Presenter: Louise Latremouille (ECD Administrator)

2 sessions: $20 Class size: max 8

Monday & Wednesday, Nov 13 & 15 10:00 - Noon

Advances in A.I.

Presenter: Bill Didur (ECD Administrator)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 20

Friday, Nov 10 10:00 – Noon


ElderCollege Learning Centre unless otherwise stated.

Making Beeswax Wraps

Presenter: Andie Froese (New Presenter)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 10

Tuesday, Oct 3 9:30 – 11:00 AM

Writing the Memories of Your Life

Presenter: Donnaleen Miller (Writing Instructor)

6 sessions: $60 Class size: max 10

Thursdays, Oct 12, 19, 26, Nov 2, 9 & 16 10:00 – Noon

Super Glue and Its History Come Together To Repair Your Broken items

Presenter: Ivor Hewitt (ECD Administrator)

Tuesday, Oct 10 10:00 – Noon

Grow a One-Container Garden from October to April

Presenter: Angelika Hedley (Garden Enthusiast)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 16

Wednesday, Oct 11 10:00 – Noon

Lino Printmaking

Presenters: Kit Grauer & Peter Scurr (Art Educators)

3 sessions: $30 Class size: 10

Wednesdays, Oct 11 & 18 1:00 - 3:00 PM

*3rd class date and time TBD by class - at the artists’ studio on Galiano Island.

New Agricultural Plan for Delta

Presenter: Marcy Sangret (City Planner for Delta)

1 Session: $10 Class size: max 25

Friday, Oct 13 10:00 – Noon

The Buzz on Bees and Hornets

Presenter: Paul Van Westendorp (Provincial Apiculturist)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 25

Friday, Nov 3 10:00 – Noon

Conversational French - Les Conversations qui Comptent

Presenter: Karen Harvey (Returning Presenter)

6 Sessions: $60 Class size: max 12

Tuesdays, Oct 24, 31, Nov 7, 14, 21 and 28 10:00 - Noon

Patagonia - A Marvelous Adventure

Presenter: Jen Kormendy (Wildlife Biologist and Adventurer)

1 Session: $10 Class size: max 30

Wednesday, Oct 25 4:30 - 6:00 PM

Brain Recovery, A Journey of Hope

Presenter: Laura Stoicescu (Stroke Recovery Speaker)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 20

Tuesday, Nov 7 1:30 – 3:00 PM

Meals on a Budget with Professional Caterer Mr. Mom

Presenter: Russell Pohl (Professional Caterer & Author)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 20

Tuesday, Nov 14 2:30 - 4:00 PM

Dementia Education: 3-Part Series

Presenter: Riten Tamang (First Link® Alzheimer Society of BC)

3 Sessions: $30 Class size: max 12

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Nov 21, 22, 23 1:00 – 3:00 PM

Navigating Stress

Presenter: Beth Triano (Registered Clinical Counsellor)

4 sessions: $40 Class size: minimum 6, max 12

Fridays, Oct 27, Nov 3, 17 & 24 1:30-3:00 PM

NOTE: KinVillage Multi-Purpose Room


Cedar Park Church, Ladner

Capitalism: How Sweet It Was!

Presenter: Guillermo Bustos (History Educator)

5 sessions: $50 Class size: max 30

Thursdays, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 and Nov 2 1:30 - 3:00 PM

What’s News?

Presenter: Rod MacKinnon (Geopolitical Enthusiast)

4 sessions: $40 Class size: max 24

Tuesdays, Oct 17, 24, 31 & Nov 7 1:30 - 3:30 PM

WWII History: Hunger Winter of ’45: A Sneak Preview of this Documentary with its Producer

Presenter: Alison MacLean (Award Winning Historical Documentary Film Producer)

1 Session: $10 Class size: max 45

Thursday, Nov 9 1:30 - 3:30 PM

Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven: Creating a National Vision

Presenter: Linda Quigley (Art Historian, Instructor and Artist)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 24

Wednesday, Nov 15 1:30 – 3:00 PM

Hudson Bay’s Namesake Henry Hudson: A Remarkable Explorer

Presenter: Anthony Dalton (Author, Poet, Geographer)

1 session: $10 Class size: max 30

Thursday, Nov 16 1:30 - 3:00 PM


Global Boiling: What’s Happening with the Earth?

Presenter: Jim Morin, PhD (Retired Educator and Geologist)

5 Sessions: $50 Class size: max 25

Saturdays, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28 & Nov 4 1:30 – 3:00PM

NOTE: Zoom Presentation

Indigenous Organizations: Who, What, Where, Why & How

Presenter: Jim Morin, PhD (Retired Educator and Geologist)

5 sessions: $50 Class size: max 24

Mondays, Nov 6, 13, 20, 27 & Dec 4 1:30 – 3:00 PM

NOTE: Zoom Presentation

Uncovering a 4,600-year-old City: Archeology Digs in Israel and Belize

Presenter: Don Plant (Retired Journalist)

1 session: $10 Class Size: max 24

Thursday, Nov 23 10:00 – Noon

Zoom Presentation

Ice War Diplomat, An Insider’s Account of the Canada-USSR Summit Hockey Series

Presenter: Gary J Smith (Author and former Canadian Ambassador)

1 session: $10 In-person class size: max 25,

Zoom registration class size: open

Wednesday, Nov 29 1:00 - 3:00 PM PST

Hybrid Class: Zoom and ElderCollege Learning Centre


A Morning with Member of Parliament Carla Qualtrough

Presenter: The Honorable Carla Qualtrough, MP for Delta

1 session: Free

Friday, Nov 24 10:00 - Noon

ElderCollege Learning Centre


Bus Trip to Vancouver Museum: Exhibit Dressed for History

Presenter: Ivan Sayer (Tour Guide & Collector)

1 session: $20 Group size: Max 20

Wednesday, Oct 4 9:15 - 1:00 PM

Bus leaves ElderCollege at 9:30 AM; guided tour starts at 10:30 AM.

Bus Trip to Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre

Presenter: Guided Tour by Museum Staff

1 session: $30 (lunch included) Group size: max 20

Wednesday, Nov 22 9:15 - 2:00 PM

Meet the bus at ElderCollege at 9:00 AM.

September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A17 FALL 2023 SEMESTER PROGRAM Online and In-Person Registration opens • September 18 at 9:00 AM ElderCollege Delta Courses Fall 2023 Phone: 604–943–0262 | email: Go to our webpage to get detailed information on all our course offerings!
Registration continues throughout the term.
Phone: 604-943-0262 • Email:
In-Person Registration Sept. 18, 19 & 20, 9:00 AM - Noon Delta Learning Centre, 1249 – 56 Street
Town Centre Mall

MakeAWishoffersunforgettable tripforLadnercancersurvivor

After helping out with a fundraising event this spring, fighting off acute lymphoblastic leukemia for two years and going through a bone marrow transplant last fall, it was time to relax a bit and have some fun.

That’s exactly what Ladner nine-year-old Tyson Greaves, along with his brother, mom and dad, did from July 18 to 25, with a Make-AWish Canada trip to Walt Disney World in Florida.

“It was absolutely amazing It was so good,” said Tyson’s mom Erin, adding that she doubts if anything will be able to top that.

The trip, that marked Make A Wish Canada’s 40th anniversary, included a pre-trip visit by the Make a Wish folks bearing gifts and included a stay in the Give Kids the World Village resort, which includes an ice cream store that’s open almost 24 hours a day

The resort also has a feature where kids put up a star on a wall that marks and celebrates their return to health That star remains there forever and can be visited by the fam-

ily twice a year for free.

“They just go over and above for the kids. They make it such an amazing experience for them and celebrate them being healthy again,” Erin said At breakfast every morning, they would have special visitors, such as Mickey Mouse, at the dining hall. As far as Disney World itself, Tyson’s favourite two rides were Star Wars and Tron.

In 2019, when he was five years old, Tyson was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

After two years of chemotherapy treatments at BC

Children’s Hospital, Tyson went into remission in August 2021.

Last summer, Tyson’s family learned that after only one year into remission, Tyson’s cancer had returned Oncologists at BC Children’s Hospital quickly started chemotherapy treatment and concluded that Tyson needed a bone marrow transplant to help reduce the risk of the cancer returning

His big brother Cooper, 11, stepped up and donated his bone marrow Tyson now is going into Grade 4 and is doing well.

“The doctors are really happy with his progress, ” said Erin.

He’s down to monthly checkups which soon will be reduced to once every six months, she added

On Aug 23, Tyson got to throw out the first pitch at the Vancouver Canadians game

In June, the RBC Race for the Kids took place at Hawthorne elementary where students in Grades 3 and 5 raised just under $18,000 for BC Children’s Hospital. Tyson helped out with that and in 2020 also helped raise $5,000 in another fundraiser.

A18 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 360-637-2800 ext.103 • BUSINESS HOURS:Wednesday - Saturday • 9AM – 4PM ATTN: US & Dual Citizens WESTWIND MARINE, POINT ROBERTS IS NOW HIRING!! Certified Marine Mechanics starting @ $25-30 USD/hr Experienced Shipwrights starting @ $30-33 USD/hr Service Coordinator/Scheduler starting @ $20-22 USD/hr Apply Within McDonald’s • 1835 56th Street TSAWWASSEN • 5776 Ladner Trunk Road LADNER If you are interested in becoming a carrier please call 604-946-5171 Andrew won a gift card courtesy of ANDREW WAGNER •RV,BOATPARKING&STORAGE•PT ROBERTSMINI&MOBILESTORAGE 360-945-6464 GOT STUFF? Need local storage? /MONTH FROM $50 CALL 604-943-7735 FOR LOCAL STORAGE LADNER STORAGE 4141 RIVER ROAD, DELTA $ ONLINE Community News
Ladner family Mike, Cooper, Tyson and Erin Cooper liked the Star Wars ride at Walt Disney World.



Barnside Harvest Festival will be shining the spotlight on Ladner when The Sheepdogs launch their opening Friday night headline set into rock ‘ n roll paradise with their rich harmonies and classic rock influenced sound

West Coast rock legends 54-40 are certain to get a hero’s welcome from the locals given the outstanding reaction to Saturday’s country/ rock line-up with The Road Hammers, Chad Brownlee and Jesse Roper. Other festival highlights Dear Rouge, The Zolas, Tony Furtado and Warren Dean Flandez will be bringing their best to Paterson Park.

The spotlight truly shines on Ladner on Saturday afternoon when the Maple Buds Ladner Showcase takes over the Market Stage with some of the best budding talent in our region including Kate Yahn, Blue Strange, The Rambling Gentlemen, DogGone and Bryce Malenstyn Look beyond the music and you’ll discover the food

The festival is tastefully celebrating our local harvest with two charity barbecues.

Delta Firefighters will be hosting their barbecue menu featuring salmon burgers, hamburgers and poutine while the Heron Hospice Society will be roasting corn and serving up ribs and potato salad Top that with apple and blueberry pies, plus the incredible cuisine of 12 top food trucks and

you ’ ve got a veritable harvest feast!

Delta’s farming history is being honoured in the Heritage Pavilion with historical exhibits from Delta Farmers Institute and Delta Archives, plus a pop-up stage to keep everyone entertained. McDonald’s Kids’ World is right beside it with face painting, crafts and Storyville highlighting two local authors, Alison Acheson and Alison Monk

Bring your dog’s and kids for free on Sunday for Paw Pals Electric Picnic.

Paterson Park is renowned for dogs and

dog walkers, so festival patrons will be invited to bring their dogs for a fun Sunday afternoon in the park. Programming will include agility areas, musical mats and the 21-station Pet Parade, with the music vibe provided by DJ jaXon Hawks from JR-FM, Larry Hennessey (JACK Up the 80’s) spinning vinyl classics, DJ Bobby James with live percussion and Goodspin.

The Farm & Artisan Market will feature some of the region’s best artisans and crafters, along with huge tents featuring locally grown produce. You can even check your

fresh produce in our ‘Chill Check’ refrigerated container while you enjoy the show

Produced by Barnside Brewing Co with an award-winning event team, this new event will offer more than just great music, food and festivities. The onsite experience will also include a site-wide license to showcase Delta’s finest farm fresh craft beer, local wines and ciders, and farm focused nonalcoholic options.

“We’re very pleased that Barnside Harvest Festival has been so well received by our community and by festival fans

from across our region,” said Barnside general manager Ken Malenstyn.

“We’re bringing together our farming community and local businesses to deliver an amazing music festival with a warm atmosphere and an impressive food and beverage experience. Thanks to the tremendous support from the City of Delta and over 30 local sponsors, we ’ re proud to promote Delta’s family farms and celebrate the harvest of locally grown food with music, fun and of coursefarm fresh beer!”

There is paid parking on site, free bike valet plus a free shuttle

service being offered by Tsawwassen Shuttles coming to and from Tsawwassen Mills Guests choosing transit will be pleased to learn that TransLink is putting extra 601 buses on post-event on Friday and Saturday nights to deliver festival patrons to the Bridgeport SkyTrain Station

The Festival runs from 4 to 10 p m Friday, Sept 15, 11 a m to 10 p m Saturday, Sept. 16 and 11 a m to 6 p m on Sunday, Sept. 17.

Tickets and more information is available at www.barnsideharvestfest. com.

Event to report? Contact Ian at t ijacques@delta-optimist com or 604-998-3616 6
September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A19
West Coast rock legends 54-40 are certain to get a hero’s welcome from the locals given the outstanding reaction for their headlining show on Saturday night.


Barnside Harvest Festival will be shining the spotlight on local Delta talent on Saturday afternoon when the Maple Buds Ladner Showcase takes over the Market Stage with some of the best budding talent in our region

Here is a sampling of the local artists being featured in this year ’ s festivities:

Warren Dean Flandez

A luminary in the Canadian music industry, with a sound and style that’s uniquely his own, Flandez blends soulfully

charged R&B/pop with the uplifting sounds of gospel and has become a celebrated voice across many genres.

Blue Strange

This Canadian threepiece, melodic blues-rock band formed in Ladner as Dirty Mike and the

Boys, with Mike Stewart, guitar and vocals, Blair Nielsen on bass, and Terence Donnelly on the drums. The boys have been playing together for more than 10 years, sharing stages with The Sheepdogs, 54-40, Bif Naked, The Zolas, Daniel

Wesley, The Boom Booms, and more.

Kate Yahn

Kate Yahn combines the glamour and strength of rock n ’ roll with a sophisticated storytelling edge. Often echoing the energy of Stevie Nicks, the vocal abilities of Linda Ronstadt, and the style of Debbie Harry to draw listeners in

The Rambling Gentlemen

This vocal duo plays traditional jazz standards in the style of the 1930s and 40s Their arrangement of standards are inspired by groups and individual artists such as the Mills Brothers, Guy Lombardo & His Royal Canadians, Al Bowlly, and so on.

The band is led by Emmett Martin Hatlelid, a young and up-coming jazz vocalist from Ladner with a love for the traditional jazz styles.

Bryce Malenstyn

Delta-born vocalist, Bryce Malenstyn now thrives in the vibrant music scene of Toronto For the past three years, he has been immersed in studies at Humber College, where he has honed his musical talents and expanded his creative horizons. Specializing in funk, soul, and jazz, Bryce is a vocalist who shines in both his original compositions and captivating live performances.

Dog Gone

Indie alt-rock, creative guitar riffs and catchy vocals make for an entertaining show with Dog Gone. With guitars, bass and lead singer switching every song, Dog Gone aims to showcase all their member’s best tunes.

Warren Dean Flandez

We also have two local authors being featured in the Storyville zone in Kids World

Alison Acheson

Alison Acheson is the author of 11 books for all ages, including her most recent, Dance Me to the End, a memoir of caregiving, and the picture book she will share at the event - Little House in a Big Place.

Alison Monk

Alison Monk has lived in England, Lesotho (Africa), Germany and now Canada She currently lives in South Surrey with her husband Rod Most of her teaching career in Canada was spent teaching in Ladner. Now retired, she enjoys spending time with her four grandchildren, playing pickleball and writing stories. Her first children’s novel, Noah’s Universe, was published in June 2023.


A20 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 2023 © A ll R igh ts R eser v ed Closets b y D esig n, nc Terms and Cond t ons: 40% off any order of $1000 o more o 30% off any order of $700-$1000 on any complete cus om c oset, garage or 40% Off Plus Free Installation 15% Off PLUSTAKE AN EXTRA Call for a free in home design consultation and estimate 604-265-0698 DO Locally Owned and Operated Licensed and Insured Terms and Conditions: 40% off any order o f $ 1000 or more or 30% off any order of $700-$1000 on any complete custom closet, garage, or home office unit Take an additional 15% off on any complete system order Not valid with any other offer Free installation with any complete unit order of $850 or more. With incoming order, at time of purchase only Offer not valid in all regions Expires 8/19/23 SPECIAL FINANCING FOR 12 MONTHS! With approved credit Call or ask your Designer for details Not available in all areas Imagine your home, totally organized! Custom Closets, Garage Cabinets, Home Offices and more! Terms and Conditions: 40% off any order o f $ 1000 or more or 30% off any order o f $ 700-$1000 o n any complete custom closet, garage, or home office unit Take an additional 15% off on any complete system order Not valid with any other offer Free installation with any complete unit order of $850 or more With incoming order, at time of purchase only Offer not valid in all regions Expires 9/30/23. and Conditions: order order complete closet, home Take additional complete 9/30/23. SPECIAL FINANCING FOR 6 MONTHS! With approved credit Call or ask your Designer for details Not available in all areas
is just one of the many local talents that are part of this weekend’s Barnside Harvest Festival at Paterson Park in Ladner.

At Home

The kitchen is a busy room in many homes.

That popularity likely has something to do with why so many homeowners spend sizable sums renovating their kitchens.

There are many aspects of a kitchen that homeowners can change.

Renovators either fully or partially replaced cabinets in their improvement plans. Cabinets are a major component of kitchen layouts.

Cabinets help to establish the aesthetic of a kitchen and serve a useful function, providing necessary storage space to ensure the room does not appear cluttered

Homeowners have different options when it comes to cabinet renovations, and they may need to decide if they need to replace or reface their cabinets.


Cabinet replacement involves removing all of the existing cabinets before new cabinets are leveled and installed Cabinet replacement is a good idea when homeowners want

to add more cabinet space or create a new layout in the room.


Cabinet refacing is less messy and less disruptive than replacement. All cabinets remain the same size and in the same location The cabinet boxes must be in good shape to facilitate a refacing. The process involves installation of new drawer fronts and cabinet doors, as well as veneering of the cabinet boxes. New hardware typically is installed as well The insides of the cabinets typically remain the same.

Most people call in professionals to change their cabinets Cabinet replacement can be a do-it-yourself job, but it involves measuring and ensuring everything fits and is leveled appropriately. Homeowners who choose to reface their cabinets themselves may opt to paint or restain. Wood veneer or a new door and drawer panel installation can be complicated and is best left to qualified contractors

-Metro Creative

Homeowners have different options when it comes to cabinet renovations, and they may need to decide if they need to replace or reface their cabinets.

September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A21 604 9481124 kempconstruction ca @KempConstructionVan Wetakethehouse-as-a-system(HAAS)approachtobuildbeautiful high-performancehomesandrenovationprojects ComevisitusattheVancouverFallHomeShowfrom September28–October1,2023andseejusthowbeautifulscience canbeinourrecentaward-winningproject • Experienced in all types of sloped and flat roofing systems • New and re-roofing installations for commercial, industrial and residential markets • Repairs and maintenance for tar & gravel, torch-on membrane roof systems • We work on All types of roofing materials such as synthetic, wood, green, metal, ashphalt, torch-on membrane and concrete & slate tiles • Fully insured and certified • Offers 24 hr emergency service • Up to 50 years manufacturer guarantee on products and installation • On-site WCB-compliant Construction Safety officer • On-site clean up • Disposal Service FREE ESTIMATE 604.946.5346 7402 Progress Way Delta, BC V4G OA1 (Tilbury Industrial Park) Call Sean Donnelly • Mobile 604-240-6843 In business 30 years


Houses typically feature various areas that are traditionally designed for storage, such as garages, basements and attics However, with some renovation, these spaces can be transformed into livable areas.

Homeowners who would like to convert attics into livable spaces need to take certain things into consideration before starting an improvement project While the attic may seem like it has plenty of room and is structurally sound enough to walk in, that’s not necessarily so. To be converted into usable living space, an attic must be brought up to the standards of modern building codes, so it is

best to consult an expert to see if an attic can be converted

Furthermore, an attic that was not initially designed as a room when the house was built can add extra “load” upstairs if it is converted. That could present certain structural problems

That means a structural engineer also must be consulted to see if adding beams, flooring and drywall will necessitate other changes elsewhere in the home to accommodate the extra load

In order to have a functional attic room, building codes will dictate that it needs to be accessible by a full-size staircase. Also, it will need to have another exit

in case of an emergency so that will likely be an accessible window

Homeowners’ budgets and renovation plans will need to factor into these considerations. Homeowners also are advised to check local permits to determine what else may be required to go forward. It is best to follow the rules. Lack of a permit for work can affect the ability to sell a home down the line.

Individuals also should plan for heating and cooling upgrades as the home will need to have ductwork installed in the attic, or at the least, a stand-alone heating and cooling unit. As heat rises, it can get quite

warm in an attic, so ventilation and comfort should be considered

The attic will need to be wired for electricity for lighting and other needs

Air sealing and additional insulation can the attic space more comfortable as well. Consult with a qualified electrician and an HVAC technician and have an energy audit done to discuss needs

Attic renovations can give homeowners more space in their homes, which can be used as offices, bedrooms or cozy corners. This is no small undertaking and all of the right steps need to be followed to ensure a legal, safe and successful renovation.

A22 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 (604) 999-3479
Homeowners who would like to convert attics into livable spaces need to take certain things into consideration before starting an improvement project.

At Home


Creatures were climbing up on beams to munch on grapes


For a while now, Ron and Janice Wasik have been waging a war of wits with rascally racoons who’ve developed a taste for grapes they grow on their deck.

The raccoons wait until the grapes have ripened on the vines, then make regular raiding parties to relieve the

Tsawwassen couple of the juicy crop. To access the vines though, the critters have to climb the support beams underneath their back patio in order to get the fruit that’s growing along the underside of the deck

The Wasiks have tried several measures to keep the racoons on the ground and the fruit on the vines

“Some worked for a

few days and some not at all,” Ron said.

Then about a month ago, he installed stove pipes around the grape vine trunks and support posts.

“The stove pipes worked!” Ron said

The stove pipes are about a metre long and come in varying diameters and the cheapest place to buy them is Rona’s website, he added.

PHOTO COURTESY RON WASIK Tsawwassen resident Ron Wasik installed stove pipes around the grape vine trunks and support posts in their backyard to deter racoons from climbing up on beams to munch on their grape trees.
September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A23 c a r p e t • v i n y l • l a m i n a t e • w o o l • h a r d w o o d v i n y l • c a r p e t • l a m i n a t e • h a r d w o o d • w o o l carpet • vinyl • laminate • hardwood • vinyl plank • area rugs • wool carpet • vinyl • laminate • hardwood • vinyl plank • area rugs • wool Free in home consultations • Lifetime guaranteed installation • Prompt, professional service DELTA CARPETS & FLOORDESIGN 5025 48th Avenue, Ladner | 604.946.6291 | Visit our 3000 sq.ft. showroom or call today for a free in home estimate. We have a great selection of mats and area rugs to cozy your space for the cooler days ahead and the perfect care products to keep your floors fresh and clean all on sale now! Fall is just around the corner!

Kids’ World

Kids Crafts! • Face

Painters! • Farm Fun!

Balloon Twisters!



Fri Sept, 15 5:00 Al son Acheson


festival site map



Farm Market

Celebrate the Harvest and pick up some locally grown produce and baked goods here!

CHILL CHECK! You can bag-check your purchases in our refrigerated container and pick hem up after he show!

Heritage Pavilion

Enjoy the exhibits from Delta Farmers Institute, Douglas J. Husband Discovery Centre and Delta Archives!

PawPals pet parade stations


Windset Farms

Celebration Station




Sponsored by 102.7 NOW ! RADIO.
















BARNSIDE BAR - Reward yourself!

A24 The Delta Optimist September14 2023 September14 2023 The Delta Optimist A25 Food Bar Artisan Market South Gate East Gate Food Bar Bar Bar Market Stage Heritage pavillion Mini Golf Chill Check Parking K ds’ World Fun CRAFTS Games main Stage VIP
Friday Saturday S unday
pet parade 1 pm PUPPY
2 pm
mats 3 pm BEST DRESSED DOG contest
6:00 Alison Monk sat Sept, 15 1:00 Alison Acheson 4:00 Alison Monk

Day at the Farm

Day at the Farm was another great event on Saturday, Sept. 9. Hosted by Delta Farmland

Wildlife Trust in partnership with the Ellis family, Day at the Farm gives visitors a unique opportunity to learn about our farming history and how Delta farmers play a key role in supporting wildlife conservation. See more photos on our website at www delta-optimist com.

A26 The Delta Optimist September14,2023


Ladner Village Market wraps-up

final Ladner Village Market for 2023 was held on Sunday, Sept. 10. On hand to mark the occassion was pictured left to right; Delta MP Carla Qualtrough, Jan Salvador, Mayor George Harvie, Bill McKnight, Coun. Dylan Kruger, Jill McKnight and Tracey McKnight. The City of Delta will be taking over the Market next season.


follow us on @deltaoptimist
September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A27 604-948-5450 or text 604-307-2032 • Shutters & Faux Wood Blinds • Silhouettes, Pirouettes & More! • Mirage Retractable Screen Doors Custom Blinds Local owner/operator since 1997 CALL FOR YOUR FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE
SelectionsfromtheirnewalbumHUMANand favouritesfromtheirbodyofwork. BLUEMOONCOLLECTABLES SpecializinginUsedVinylRecords Presents Apopupconcertwith SaturdaySept16th Noon-2pm atourstore 4926DeltaStreet,Ladner 604-273-0907 UsedRecords,SportsCards,Entertainment andSportsMemorabilia

Life is short

Sacred Heart Catholic Church

3900 Arthur Drive, Ladner 604-946-4522

All Saints Anglican Church

Join us this summerSunday Eucharist @ 9:30 am, Eucharist and Bible StudyWednesdays @ 10 am

For more information or call 604-946-8413.

4755 Arthur Drive, Delta

James 4:14 (NIV) “You do not even know what will happen tomorrow What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

To say that life is short is an understatement. It flies by at breakneck speed

When I was a kid playing with my siblings and cousins on the farm in the hot dry Saskatchewan summers it seemed like life would go on forever I couldn’t imagine life outside my carefree childhood

I’m in my sixties now and while in some ways those summers seem like ancient memories, I also wonder how life zipped by so fast

I’m thinking about all this because my wife and I just moved into a home

Sundays at 10:00 a m

Rev. Jason Truell

10:00 a.m. Nancy 楊牧師

4594 – 54A Street, Ladner, B.C. 604-946-7033 www ladnercrc ca

Minister’s Minute

after more than three years of living in an RV, where we had to become minimalists. We had all our belongings in storage. Now we have the dubious pleasure of unpacking all our precious possessions. In some ways, every day is like Christmas as we open boxes and are joyfully reunited with a trin-

ket that brings back good memories of bygone days There are other things we come across, however, and wonder, “Why in the world are we hanging on to this?” We need another round of purging.

Life is short One of the things I regularly ask myself is, “Is there baggage I’m holding onto that I need to let go of? Is there resentment, regret, anger, unforgiveness, fear, or shame that I need to resolve? If I am lacking peace in my heart, what can I trace it back to?”

And then I do the hard work of purging: forgiving, facing fears, letting go of shame, and reconciling broken relationships. Each time I do that my heart recovers a little more peace


693 – 53rd Street, Tsawwassen

Welcome to everyone for Worship & Friendship

Sunday’s @ 10:00 am

Rev Daniel Kirkegaard 604.943.2911

“Be Faithful,betrue, be a blessing”

A28 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 A Warm and Joyful welcome to... Mass Schedule Saturday at 5pm Sunday at 9am, 11am and 5pm Daily Mass in the Chapel at 9am Mon-Sat LOVE LIKE JESUS SOUTHDELTA ORG 604-9438 - 244 SUNDAYS 10AM Everyone welcome to worship with us owship Benediction Lutheran Church Join us as we celebrate God’s grace We invite you to worship in person Sundays at 9am or online anytime at 5575 6th Ave Tsawwassen, BC 604-943-3432 Pastor Thomas Keeley LADNERGOSPEL ASSEMBLY Sunday Worship Service 10:30am All Ages Welcome! “Aplacewhereloveandfriendshipmatters” 5545 Ladner Trunk Rd. ONLINE OR IN-PERSON, Sundays @ 9:30 a.m. ST DAVID’S ANGLICAN CHURCH 1115 – 51A Street Tsawwassen Rector Rev. Simbarashe Basvi
Service 10 am Wed. Service 11 am
United Church
Courtyard Café at the Delta Hospital Dogwood Gift Shop at the Delta Hospital Lifeline Medical Alert System New Volunteers Always Welcome
Patient Care
Comfort at the Supporting Patient
at the Delta
Campus of
Delta Hospital Campus of Care Programs Pillow Pals Music Therapy Spiritual Care Mountain V ew Manor Recreation Thrift Shop in the Ladner Village
604-946-1121 ext. 783212
Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society Supporting


ijacques@delta-optimist com

A nearly perfect week was capped off with a second straight President’s Cup championship for the Ladner Pioneers.

After compiling a 5-1 record in round-robin play, Ladner edged the Snake Island Muskies 10-8 in the semifinal Friday (Sept 1) before toppling the Edmonton Miners 12-8 on Saturday (Sept 2) in the championship final.

“It’s a tough tourna-

ment – eight games in seven days and trying to get everyone prepared and the line-ups,” said head coach Ross Frehlick “The competition was unreal – every team was good It was as expected It was managing guys and making sure we were as healthy as we could be for the semifinal It was a collective effort on our part –everyone played great”

The semifinal was a back-and-forth contest with Ladner taking the lead with under two minutes to play. They scored into an empty net a few

seconds later to seal the win

In the final, Ladner led 4-1 after the first and 9-5 after two Each team scored three goals in the third period. Ladner never trailed in the game Ladner is the first B.C. team to repeat as champions since the Vernon Tigers accomplished the feat way back in 1976.

The Pioneers now have four President’s Cup titles. No team in B.C. has won more.

The bronze medal went to the host team as the Oakville Rock beat the

Muskies 18-9 in the thirdplace game

The Pioneers roundrobin wins came against the Miners (10-9), Kahnawake Mohawks (17-9), Six Nations Rivermen (8-3), Tuscarora Tomahawks (5-4) and Muskies (9-8) while their lone loss came against the Rock (10-7)

Ryan Benesch led the team in scoring with nine goals, 23 assists and 32 points.

Benesch finished fifth overall in tournament scoring.

Next on the team was

Austin Shanks with 15 goals and 15 assists good for 30 points. He finished seventh overall in tournament scoring

Tyler Pace was next with 11 goals, 19 assists and 30 points good for eighth overall in tournament scoring.

Zach Herreweyers had a 20-point tournament with six goals and 14 assists, while Phillip Caputo had nine goals and four assists, good for 13 points alongside James Rahe who also had 13 points with six goals and seven assists.

Goalie Christian Del Bianco went 6-1 in the tournament with a 7.25 goals against average stopping 293 of the 351 shots he faced.

The Pioneers could be looking at a three-peat as the club will be hosting the 2024 President’s Cup at the Ladner Leisure Centre

“That’s exciting. A lot of work needs to be done and we will need a lot of support from the community to get it done, but we ’ re looking forward to the challenge,” added Frehlick.

Sports stories? Contact Ian at ijacques@delta-optimist com or call 604-998-3616 DELTASPORTS
September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A29
Contact Dean at 604.603.8538 or
The Ladner Pioneers celebrate their second straight President’s Cup championship. BSc, MBA, Diploma Urban Land Economics, Post Grad Certificate in Real Property Valuation Royal LePage Regency Realty Ltd., 1333
– 56th Street, Delta, BC
Personal Real Estate Corporation

Sports PadreswinSeniorAAprovincialtitle

The 2023 Baseball BC Senior AA Provincial Championship concluded Monday afternoon (Sept 4) in Maple Ridge with the South Delta Padres completing a perfect 5-0 weekend, to win gold with a 13-8 win over the defending champion Poco Blue Jays.

The Padres opened the round robin with a 19-3 win over the Poco Phillies before sneaking past the Vancouver Gunners (VRBL) 2-1.

A 3-0 win over the South Delta Brewers (BC Minor) in its final round robin game gave the Padres a direct berth into the semifinals.


Monday began with a marathon as the eventual champion Padres outlasted the Brewers 5-4 in

10 innings.

The Padres battled back down a run twice to extend the game before plating the winning run in the 10th .

The Blue Jays got revenge for an opening night loss to the Kelowna Pirates in the other semifinal, cruising to an 11-1 win.

In the final, South Delta rallied early, hammering three home runs in the second inning to take a 5-1 lead.

After the Padres tacked on six more runs in the third, the Blue Jays chipped away with five runs over the next two innings to keep it a game. As it did all tournament, the South Delta defense stepped up in big moments with a double play to stall a Poco rally

in the sixth before shutting the door in the seventh.

The Padres became the fourth different team from the fourth different league to win the Senior AA Provincial title, in the event’s four-year history.

Timely hitting, clutch defense and gritty pitching allowed South Delta to manage their way to the bye and then ultimately the championship The Padres will look to rally around each other again this Sunday Sept 10th as they faceoff vs the Vancouver Mounties in the LMBA semifinal (4 p m at Latrace Field).

The Padres will also represent BC at next year ’ s Western Canadian Championships expected to be held in


The Padres roster includes: Andrew Gillon, Christian Jolley, Colin Hutchison

Damon Hutchings, Evan Douglas, Jackson Gooch, Keegan Lott, Kyle Dhanani, Matteo Manzi Nick Fry, Nick

Loney, Scott Nevison, Tori Malinoski, Ryan Buchanan and Matt Paculan -Submitted

A30 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 DEALS Prices effective September 14 to 20, 2023. Offers require use of More Rewards card Shop this week’s flyer at for more deals.
49 lb 449 ea 599 ea Lean Ground Beef Tube 7.69/kg Western Family Shredded Cheese 320g Natural Selections Sliced Deli Meat 175g or 150g Shop at any Save-On-Foods store until Sept. 27, fill in the entry form on the bottom of your receipt and drop it in store for your chance to win *One prize of “Free Groceries for a Year”avai able to be won, consisting of Eight Thousand Dollars CAD ($8,000) in Save-On-Foods gift cards See customer serv ce for more details Some cond t ons app y Win* FREE Groceries for a Year 100 Save-On-Foods gift card (1 per store). OR
The South Delta Padres went 5-0 over the Labour Day long weekend to capture the 2023 Baseball BC Senior AA Provincial Championship.

TsawwassenMartialArts shinesinScotland

Tsawwassen Martial Arts helped put South Delta on the international stage this summer.

TMA had 19 students part of the Canadian National Karate Team who competed at the World Karate Championships in Dundee, Scotland.

It was an unforgettable experience for the Team Canada members to participate in Kata (Forms) and Kumite (Sparring) in one of the biggest World Karate Events with more than 5,000 athletes, coaches and officials and 1,800 participants from a total of 65 federations from

across five continents

All of the TMA competitors did a great job and should be commended for their hard work, dedication, sacrifice and professionalism.

Team Canada collected 18 medals (two gold, seven silver, and nine bronze).

TMA collected seven of those medals and 15, top 10 finishes

TMA medal winners included:

Jane Weir – silver in Kumite

Emily Lapadatu –bronze in Kumite

Ariana Lidder – bronze in Kumite

Amelia Jorgenson –bronze in Kumite

Noah Larsen – bronze in Kumite

Nate Larsen – bronze in Kumite

Kolt Hewlett-Kaufman – bronze in Kumite.

Top 10 finishes included:

Emily Lapadatu –fourth place in Kata

Donald Jorgenson –fourth place in Kata

Hannah Francis-Bain –fifth place in Kata

Nate Larsen – fifth place in Kata

Noah Larsen – seventh place in Kata

Dallas Maxwell –eighth place in Kata

Connor An – ninth

Tsawwassen Martial Arts had 19 students part of the Canadian National Karate Team who competed at the World Karate Championships in Dundee, Scotland.

place in Kata

Emily Montgomery –10th place in Kata

Isabelle Lapadatu –10th place in Kata

Aayan Lidder – 10th

place in Kata

Donald Jorgenson –fifth place in Kumite

Ariana Lidder – fifth place in Kumite

Grayson Montgomery

– sixth place in Kumite

Emily Montgomery –sixth place in Kumite

Noah Larson – sixth place in Kumite -Submitted

September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A31 FOR SALE SOLDS 307 1768 55A STREET $739,000 Super Clean 2 bed 2 bath Boasting a modern decor with a calming colour pallet, 10 ceilings and large picture window stainless steel appliances, gas range, stacker washer dryer Private Master Suite upstairs. Patio space includes gas hook-up for BBQ Great amount of storage and 1 underground secured parking easy to rent a 2nd Sti l under balance of 2-5-10 home warranty Steps from the bus stop and the prestigious South Point Academy Bakery, coffee shop gym salon Fantastic Investment and even better place to live! Call today! 5966 KIRKWOOD ROAD $1,580,000 1/2 block to the beach! Visions of a simpler life flash through your mind all the while the modern day convenience of high end appliances are here Cheery renovated kitchen and bathroom Original stone fireplace too beautiful not to touch and wonder how lovely and cozy it would be to live here Romance and splendour will captivate you One block from the beach and dyke walking paths and situated on a 7000sq lot. Upgraded 200 amp electric Separate garage FOR SALE FOR SALE Phone: 604-644-5821 Email: georgia@sutton com Proudly Serving Delta by Referral for 13 Years! 92 Centennial Parkway JUSTSOLD 403 Seashell Drive SOLD 307-4768 53rd street JUSTSOLD 401-5099 SPRINGS BLVD Tsawwassen $689,000 WelcometothebeautifulandsoughtafterTSAWWASSEN SPRINGS! This one bedroom plus den, south facing, penthouse condo offers 9’ and vaulted ceilings and plenty of natural light. You will find luxurious and stylish details throughout including a custom California Closet, California shutters, granite countertops, Fisher & Paykel appliances, Miele washer and dryer, geothermal heating and cooling and much more. Other features include: large patio complete with gas hookup, new paint and carpet, 2 parking stalls, in-suite storage, golf course views, close to shops, golf course and pro-shop, coffee shops, Pat Quinn’s Restaurant and fitness and wellness studio. 604.250.6981 INFO@KENDALLAYRES.COM KENDALLAYRES.COM Sutton Group - Seafair Realty 100-5000 Bridge Street, Delta, BC 04 250 6981 201-4768 53RD STREET Ladner $619,900 Welcome to Sunningdale! This bright, corner unit is a delight offering 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and a spacious living room with extra windows and light Other features include new pain throughout new dishwasher, engineered hardwood through the main living area and new carpet in the primary bedroom One storage locker one parking rental and pet friendly building guest suite fitness centre and domestic gas and hot water are included in the maintenance fee Located in the heart of Ladner’s conveniences including grocery stores restaurants coffee shops, markets schools, transit, recreation and more Quick possession available JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD
A32 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 LINDA CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. BOB CHANCEY Personal Real Estate Corp. THE CHANCEYS REAL ESTATE GROUP C TY REALTY The only Re/Max Team in South Delta to achieve the prestigious PINNACLE CLUB award! 4980 58B St $1,849,000 JUST SOLD IN MAY 780 Gilchrist Pl, Tsawwassen $1,599,900 JUST SOLD IN MAY AS BUYERS AGENT 5464 Candlewyck, Tsawwassen $1,169,900 Candl T JUST SOLD in APRIL 5278 Westminster Ave, Ladner $1,699,000 W A e, JUST SOLD in APRIL 4581 53rd St, Ladner $1,799,000 S JUST SOLD IN JUNE 5365 6 Ave, Tsawwassen $1,888,000 Av T wwasse JUST SOLD IN JULY JUST SOLD IN JUNE 209, 1150 54A St, Tsawwassen $788,000 1, 4887 Central, Ladner $1,099,000 en JUST SOLD IN JULY STUNNING LUXURY HOME OPEN SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:30 SPACIOUS TOP FLOOR CONDO IN THE LEXINGTON OPEN SATURDAY 2:00 - 3:30 5386 Crescent Drive, Ladner $2,299,892 307, 1150 54A Street, Tsawwassen $889,900 This beautiful residence was built in 2010 and offers 3,600 square feet of living space and a total of 5 bedrooms High end finishings throughout included large gourmet kitchen and eating area, entertainment size dining area and family room Coffered ceilings, crown mouldings, engineered hardwood flooring Bedroom on main floor with 4 piece ensuite and 3 more bedrooms up Attached studio above garage with separate entrance includes den & flex area Large 45x190 lot
backyard patio
Top floor with skylight and high ceilings!! Come check out this fabulous 1,375, 2 bedroom condo in one of Tsawwassens most sought-after complexes Loads of renovations and upgrades since these owners moved in Prepare to entertain Fabulous country kitchen with tons of counter space, cabinets, double stove, and pantry space Spacious living room with ceiling peak reaching 12 feet high & dining room will accommodate house size furniture 2 very generous size bedrooms (one with built-in murphy bed) and 2 lovely full baths The Lexington features a social room and a beautiful
area that can be enjoyed
September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A33 Scan the QR code with your phone camera to view my recent sales! $4,288,000 | 3845 Wellington Road, Delta 4 Bedrooms l 3 Bathrooms 3,267 sq.ft. l Horse/animal barnMechanic dream shop Covered 50x100 storage barn l 6.53 acres $449,000|414-1792StarlingDrive Top floor unit 1 bed 1 bath 1 parking 1 storage 523 sq.ft $1,449,000 | 8 4638 Orca Way, Delta 4 Bedrooms l 3 Bathrooms l 2,246 sq.ft 3999 Exton St, Port Alberni 4 Bedrooms l 2 Bathrooms l 2164 sq.ft $979,000 29 3459 W RIVER Road, Delta 3 Bedrooms l 4 Bathrooms l 1868 sq.ft loft | 1 bath | 809 sq.ft | No parking JUST SOLD $749,000 | #317 55 E Cordova St, Vancouver NEW LISTING SOLD WITH MULTIPLE OFFERS Supporting IndigenousVoices llM h h b m nou Ed tion S 4 3 V N D 15 h lleD y 5 People Introduce yourself to your customers and neighbours. People T O K N O W Booking deadline Oct. 05 778-875-3594

3 beds 4 baths 2095 sq ft home is nest ed am dst the 18-ho e par-70 go course w th resort amen t es at your doorstep En ertain ng s easy w th the gourmet k chen d ning, and iving room ayout! Hardwood oors, 10ft ce l ngs, granite counters gas stove s ainless appl ances and spa- ike baths This home eatures the master on he ma n with a walk-in closet and ensu te flex space on the 2nd f oor and a fu -s ze 2-car garage Upgrades

A34 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 #121 - 4638 Orca Way #216 - 1315 56th Street 968 52A Street #308 - 1140 55th Street Bev Kingston 778-230-8753 Email: Your Realtor for Life! - Investment Properties - Property Management Sold Sold Sold Sold AN ARTIST S BOHO HOME! Nest ed on a private street this 2-story spl t-level 2791 sq ft home boasts an expans ve 11 270 sq ft private lot 2 kitchens 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms and an ndoor pool Take in the north shore mountain v ews rom your kitchen d n ng area and l ving space The upstairs v ng space has solid oak f oors that spark e in the natura day ight that floods this home W th ocal schools and the town center ust a short walk away, th s sleek, iconic home effort essly b ends sty e views and convenience This home is r pe for a fun renovat on to put your personal touch onto it! Book your showing today! 3 BEDROOMS | 3 BATHROOMS | 2791 SQ FT | 11270 SQ FT LOT 4823 13 AVENUE - TSAWWASSEN • $1,899,000 1610 MAPLE SPRINGS LANE - TSAWWASSEN • $1,789,000 715 GILCHRIST DRIVE - TSAWWASSEN Resor iving at Tsawwassen Spr ngs!
inc ude stone patio pavers artific al tur and extended garage space Easy access to he coffee shop butcher Pa Qu nn s restaurant gym, driving range & more! Your dream l esty e awa ts! 3 BEDROOMS | 4 BATHROOMS | 2095 SQ FT Discover the perfect b end o comfort and convenience in th s charm ng 5-bedroom 3 ba hroom spl leve home s tuated on a 10 473 sqft corner ot adjacent to the high y-regarded South Park Elementary Schoo Tsawwassen A standout feature of th s home is the new y renovated rec room wh ch offers end ess possib l es W th ts versat e des gn his space could ef ort ess y transform into an n-law su te The updated k tchen s comp ete w th shaker cabinets & gran te counters The al ure o the ou doors s just as captivat ng w h a sou hwest-fac ng backyard that captures p en y o sun igh throughout the day The ocation of this home is simp y unbeatable with South Park Elemen ary Schoo & SDSS r ght next door Cen ral y located a quick walk to parks shops, and amenit es RE/MAX CITY REALTY 5090 48 AVENUE, DELTA, BC V4K 1V8 EACH OFFICE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED SOLD (604) 868-0028 City Realty NEW LISTING $1,570,000 715 GILCHRIST DRIVE IN TSAWWASSEN Charming 5 bedroom, 3 bathroom 2,700 sf split level home situated on a large 10,473 sf corner lot in Tsawwassen The location of this home is simply unbeatable, with South Park Elementary School & SDSS right next door MLS# 2809726 NEW PRICE $835,000 205-5500 13A AVENUE, TSAWWASSEN The Shaughnessy - Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1,342 sf corner unit in the most amazing location adjacent to Tsawwassen Town Center & Highland Park. Fabulous layout with generous room sizes. MLS# R2721122 $1,449,000 8-4638 ORCA WAY, TSAW Seaside by Mosaic 2,246 sf 4 bed 3 bath 1/2 duplex in the best location in the complex with ocean & greenbelt views Plenty of upgrades and the spectacular tower set this apart from anything else on the market MLS# R2795054 SOLD!!! JUST SOLD IN 3 DAYS!!!
September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A35 TheDeltaGro Gus says: Dogs are not your whole life BUT they make your life whole! LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! POPULAR “Parkside Place”! • Need MORTGAGE HELPER, LOW HOUSEHOLD ANNUAL COSTS • Check this 1829sf 4 bdrm 2 bath & 2 kitchen duplex on 5057 sf garden lot • Features new steel roof, heat pump, AC & 2 level charger • Solar panels generate 10,000 Kwh annual (low hydro costs) • Lush green gardens & large storage shed. • Steps to ocean, schools & Tsawwassen amenities • 3 bedroom 3 bath 1720sf boutique townhouse • Immaculate condition, updates- paint, flooring and more • Gas fireplace, garden balconies, double side by side garage • Best location in Ladner - 85 Walk Score • Steps to shops, library, schools, park, transit, Community Centre & pool TSAWWASSEN LADNER GREAT PRICE HOT NEW LISTING 5844 17A Avenue $1,098,000 1144 Fairway Views $1,034,000 302 4689 52A St $799,900 1749 Duncan Drive $1,599,000 #10 5053 47 Avenue $968,718 TSAWWASSEN LADNER TSAWWASSEN SOLDSOLD JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD JUSTSOLD SOLD TOP 1% OF 2022 GREATER VANCOUVER REALTORS® 604.312.7621 15 YEARS • SUCCESSFULLY SELLING SOUTH DELTA REAL ESTATE • Lulu Godin Licensed Realtor & Marketing Specialist Sutton Group - Seafair Realty: #2-1359 56 Street, Tsawwassen, BC V4L 2P3 Dynamic Marketing • Expert Contract Knowledge Experienced Negotiating Skills 486 Tsawwassen Beach Road $3,980,000 Over 13,000 sq.ft. oceanfront lot with custom built executive home with triple car garage 209-5555 13A Avenue $849,000 2 bedroom with patio Walk out to the park and views of water feature 5717 Timbervalley Road $1,535,000 3 bedroom rancher with open plan on a gorgeous garden lot. 1723 Farrell Crescent $2,599,000 Outstanding custom home by reputable builder Amar Bath, in the best neighbourhood in Beach Grove! JUSTLISTED JUSTSOLD

A36 The Delta Optimist September14,2023

Vicky Hamilton Personal Real Estate Corporation cell 778-839-8947

� ce 604-946-1255

vicky@homeswithvicky com www.homeswithvicky com




208-4728 53 Street | BRIGHT CORNER UNIT! This is absolutely a must to see Spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo located in desirable Sunningdale I Full size white kitchen with stainless steel appliances and window above sink The open concept living/dining room has a cozy gas fireplace and opens onto a lovely patio overlooking the courtyard Generous primary bedroom that can comfortably fit a King size bed along with an ensuite bathroom

Other comfort features include new flooring, 9 ceiling with large windows providing a ton of natural light, 1 parking and 1 storage locker This home is move-in ready! Quiet location yet within walking distance to transit shops village and recreation!


113-4889 53 Street | EXTENSIVE UPDATES!!! This 2 bed 2 bath 1104 sq ft unit in Green Gab es is move in ready! No expenses spared!! Unit offers a spacious open layout with generous sized bedrooms Entertain in stunning new kitchen complete with stone countertops stainless steel appliances & white cabinets Primary bdrm is a generous size with updated ensuite complete with marble tile while 2nd updated bathroom showcases a beautiful pebble shower En oy cozy nights in the living room with the modern ledgestone gas fireplace or peaceful summer nights in the 400sq ft fenced patio/yard surrounded by the beautifully designed flower garden Perfect for those that love to BBQ/garden or those who have pets-1 dog & 1cat allowed The complex has undergone rainscreen (2014) and new windows Sought out complex w thin walking distance to shops schools & transit

sutton group seafair realty

27-5510 Admiral Way | We come to Po ygon s Charterhouse! Execut ve style 4 bedroom 4 bathroom 1919 square foot home with qua ity finishes and craftsmanship throughout Offering a gourmet k tchen with an abundance of storage a large island, gas range and integrated fridge Th s unit boasts h gh ce lings a fantastic f oorplan powder room on the ma n and 4th bedroom w th full bathroom downstairs Upsta rs inc udes the primary bedroom with arge walk in closet and spa like ensuite Perfect for entertain ng with a private yard and patio Bonus double car garage A r verside fami y oriented commun ty just steps to tra ls, go f course, marina and Nei son Grove

Schoo Enjoy exclusive access to The Hampton Club featuring over 12000 SF of resort-style amenities including outdoor poo , hot tub gymnas um, exercise faci it es, guest suites and C ub House


1606-121 Tenth Street, New Westminster | A bright remodelled lobby welcomes you nto this friendly building to whisk you up to this bright corner suite with an except ona view overlooking a community garden park and tenn s court Tile floors at the entry meet carpet runn ng through-out the living & d ning room Bright cabinets wrap around the kitchen & pass through to the dining room The pr mary bedroom has a remodel ed ensuite and the second bedroom opens up to the balcony and sits next to the renovated fu l main bathroom Both bedrooms share a bright Northwest exposure along with the balcony that looks towards Burnaby and the Fraser River A full laundry room w th insuite storage rounds out this spac ous suite A renovated gym upgraded p umbing & boiler newer roof secure res dence & visitor parking add to the appea of th s Bosa built, Vista Royale On y m nutes away from New West Skytrain station Landmark theatres grocery shopping Starbucks Oxygen Yoga restaurants & bank ng Sorry, no pets allowed

#100-5000 Bridge Street Delta, BC V4K 2K4


Group Seafair Realty #100-5000

JUST LISTED @ $1,349,000

1 4533 W RIVER ROAD I A smaller home with everything you could want. Big view. Warm in winter and cool in summer. Low upkeep and a place of respite from the world. Sit on your deck and watch the wildlife all day long. Sunsets are spectacular. Fireplace keeps it cozy in winter and river breezes keep it cool in summer. Bring your kayak or canoe and live like you are on vacation all summer long. Sorry no rentals and no children. Pets are welcome. Two bedrooms or one bedroom and an office. Home has its own laundry. City water, city sewer and internet. Fantastic way to live for a smaller budget. S E R V I N G A L L Y O U R R E A L E S T A y T E ea a Re N E E D S S I N C E 1 9 8 4 604 946 1255 ■ BarryChreptyk com
BC V4K 2K4
■ ■ An independent Member Broker ea a Re t
Barry Chreptyk Sutton
Lovingly cared split level nuthin’ to do but move in! Everything updated gorgeous kitchen, hardwood floors, gas fireplace, windows, roof, furnace, new A/C & H/W tank 2022 and more! Extensively landscaped lot with approx. 750 sq.ft of patio room for large gatherings Steps to Hi-Knoll park, shopping & downtown Langley. Tons of parking & sheds for the home handyman. MLS R2810917
September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A37 778.773.9563 Kat JOHNSON seafair realty 5000 Bridge Street, Ladner 604.943.3110 5172 11A Avenue, Tsawwassen $1,399,000 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1,794 square feet • Corner lot - home needs extensive updates inside & out • Or Demolish the home and build new 4515 W River Road, Ladner $3,299,000 Double land lot. Water lease and room for two float homes on water lot plus boats. WATERFRONT #12 - 23080 Dyke Road, Richmond $369,000 • A Wonderful community to call home • Life on the water will be special in this floating home with just under 800 square feet WATERFRONT #1 - 800 South Dyke Road, New Westminster $889,000 • 2 bedroom and den float home in New West • Stunning panoramic views from sunrise to sunset • Close to shopping, restaurants and highway connections WATERFRONT 4533 W River Road, Ladner $1,299,000 • Sensational Waterfront property with revenue from two float homes - separately owned • Turnkey property • 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1081 sq.ft. • Home can be used as AirBnB WATERFRONT 534 Ewen Avenue, New Westminster $1,249,000 NEW LISTING • 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1919 sq.ft., YB: 1940 • Lane Access, Marina, Recreation, Shopping and Golf Course nearby #42 - 3459 W River Road, Ladner $1,299,000 • Gorgeous custom built 2 bed and den floating home, includes strata water lot, boat slip - 34 Ft, outside dock position at outer edge of canoe pass • Single car garage and extra parking. WATERFRONT Open House Sept. 17, 2-4 PM SOLD 23000 Dyke Road #14, Richmond $550,000 • Gorgeous 1 bed, 2 bath, 1183 sq. ft. home • Custom built floating home with 9ft ceilings on both levels • Open concept kitchen-dining and living room with large built in bankette for seating. NEW LISTING 4903A 53 ST - NEW COACH HOMES • 4/5 BEDROOM + DEN & FAMILY ROOM-MAIN HOUSE • SEPARATE 1 BEDROOM COACH HOME WITH LAUNDRY • QUALITY BUILDER WITH 2-5-10 NEW HOME WARRANTY • CONVENIENT CENTRAL LADNER VILLAGE LOC • PRICED TO SELL AT $1,889,900 $1,889,900 5094B BENTLEY DRIVE • LUXURY BUILT 5 BEDROOM & 5 BATH QUALITY FAMILY HOME • OPEN PLAN WITH ACCORDION 12 FT DOORS LEADING TO BACKYARD • BONUS 3RD FLOOR OFFERS HUGE RECREATION ROOM WITH FULL BATH • COVERED PATIO & 2ND FLOOR SUNDECK OFFERS GAS OUTLETS • FULLY LOADED WITH A/C HRV, IRRIGATION & SECURITY SYSTEMS • REPUTABLE BUILDER OFFERING 2-5-10 NEW HOME WARRANTY 4950 59A STREET • SPACIOUS 2-LEVEL: 4 BEDROOMS & 3 BATHS • 1 BEDROOM INLAW ACCOMMODATIONS • OFFERS 2564 SQUARE FEET OF LIVING • PRIVATE 7500 SQ FT LOT (75 X 100) • PRIMARY BEDROOM WITH ENSUITE BATH. 5094A BENTLEY DRIVE • METICULOUSLY DESIGNED 5 BEDROOMS & 5 BATH FAMILY HOME • 3RD STORY OFFERS RECREATION ROOM WITH FULL BATH • MAIN FLOOR OFFERS A BEDROOM WITH FULL BATHROOM • OFFERING A/C, HRV, 4 CAMERA SURVEILLANCE, & EV CHARGER • GOURMET KITCHEN WITH FISHER PAYKEL APPLIANCES • SOUGHT AFTER BENTLEY DRIVE LOCATION CLOSE TO EVERYTHING $2,288,888 $2,148,888 5092B BENTLEY DRIVE • NEWLY BUILT LUXURY HOME • SOUGHT AFTER HAWTHORNE NEIGHBOURHOOD • WALKING DISTANCE TO LADNER VILLAGE AND HAWTHORNE ELEMENTARY • BONUS LEGAL 1 BED 1 BATH SUITE OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2PM-4PM OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2PM-4PM 4729 64 STREET • CALLING INVESTORS AND BUILDERS LOOKING FOR OPPORTUNITY • LARGE 80 FOOT FRONTAGE LOT WITH SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL • LARGE RENOVATED HOME OFFERING 7 BEDROOMS & 3 BATHS • LOWER LEVEL OFFERS RENTAL & HOME BUSINESS POTENTIAL • GREAT LOCATION NEAR HOLLY SCHOOL & EASY HIGHWAY ACCESS • LOADS OF ONSITE PARKING AND ROOM FOR YOUR RV/BOAT SUBDIVISION POTENTIAL 721 56 STREET • 4 BEDROOMS AND 2 FULL BATHS • BASEMENT RENTAL SUITE POTENTIAL • LARGE SQUARE 7500 SQ.FT PRIVATE LOT • WALKING DISTANCE TO BOTH SCHOOL LEVELS • UPDATED FLOORING, BATHROOM, FURNACE & HW TANK $1,299,900 $1,199,900 4595 61 STREET • UPDATED 5 BED & 2 FULL BATH CAPE COD HOME • HUGE 13,950 SQ FT LOT ON DEAD END STREET • CITY OF DELTA APPROVAL FOR 2 LOT SUBDIVISION • EACH NEW LOT IS APPROXIMATELY 6975 SQ FT • PLANS AVAILABLE FOR 2 NEW LUXURY HOMES 5770 48A AVENUE • RANCHER STYLE HOME • LARGE 7,590 SQ.FT LOT • CENTRAL LADNER LOCATION CLOSE TO TRANSIT • EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS OR INVESTORS APPROVED 2 LOT SUBDIVISION $2,399,900


A38 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 5632 WELLSGREEN, TSAWWASSEN A UNIQUE, SPACIOUS,
BEAUTIFULLY! MLS# R2802246 QUALITY BUILT RANCHER! IN PRESTIGIOUS STAHAKEN! The Geffke Top 10% in SALES of ALL GREATER VANCOUVER for 38 YEARS#1 at ROYAL LEPAGE REGENCY Rlty for 10 YEARS • Johanna 604-719-7345 Medallion Club 30 Years Stefan B.B.A. 604-767-4038 Medallion Club 12 Years Bonnie Ma Assistant Speaks Mandarin & Cantonese TEAM CALL US FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION! REGENCY REALTY 1333 - 56th St, Tsawwassen (next to Starbucks) (We speak German, Finnish, Cantonese & Mandarin) READY TO SELL YOUR HOME? SO ARE WE! GIVE US A CALL! 604-767-4038 Connecting agents to the community Reach more home buyers and sellers in your market 778-875-3594 |
September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A39 Connecting agents to the community Reach more home buyers and sellers in your market 778-875-3594 | Sutton Group - Seafair Realty - Unit 2 1359 56 Street, Tsawwassen, BC THINKING OF A MOVE??? CALL US!!! SERVICE THAT WILL MOVE YOU!!! IT’S A GREAT TIME TO SELL!!! CALL US FOR FREE (NO OBLIGATION) MARKET EVALUATION!!! 213-1738 55A Street, Tsawwassen • $925,000 END UNIT at City Homes - bright & spacious 3 bed 3 bath 1449 sq ft townhome featuring open plan, beautiful H/W flooring, gourmet’s kitchen & TWO private decks to enjoy the sunshine all day! Situated in best location in well run complex, walking distance to schools, beach, town center & transit. Includes 2 parking, pets (2) OK, rentals (6 mo min.) OK. 404-1300 Hunter Road, Tsawwassen • $898,000 HUNTER GREEN - bright & spacious 2 bed & den 1574 sq ft PENTHOUSE CONDO on quiet court! Kitchen with white shaker cabinets, quartz counters & entertainers’ island has sliders to private deck. Ideal floor plan with generous room sizes to fit house sized furniture. Includes 2 side by side parking stalls & storage locker Walk to coffee shops, town center, medical, transit, golf course, dyke trails & beach! 115 4662 Hemlock Way, Tsawwassen 1492 Gillespie Rd, Tsawwassen 211-4977 Springs Blvd, Tsawwassen 194 53 Street, Tsawwassen 1112 Skana Drive, Tsawwassen 4719 48B St, Ladner 11-6105 River Road, Ladner JUST SOLD!!! JUST SOLD!!! JUST SOLD!!! SOLD!! SOLD!! SOLD!! SOLD!! Listed by ReMax City Realty Listed by Onni Realty Listed by ReMax City


$1,988,000 $1,529,000


Beautiful family home on a great street in upper Tsawwassen. Home features 3600 sq ft, 5 bdrms, 3 full bathrooms, large great room, big games room, hardwood floors, many updates and all large rooms. Home has excellent floor plan that opens to a fabulous private southern exposed yard. Don’t miss this Great home in a Great location at a Great Price.




Fabulous Resort Style Rancher with a pool. This beautiful rancher has sunny western exposure and gorgeous landscaping that surrounds a totally private pool and jacuzzi. Home has a great floor plan featuring 3 bedrooms and den with an outstanding spa like bathroom. Home is designed to take advantage of the amazing sunrises and sunsets. Direct Park access on no through street with sunny western exposed yard. Come home to your private resort. Call ROBIN 604-868-2844



Beautiful updated split level home on large private lot in upper Tsawwassen. This home features 4 bdrms, 3 full baths, huge primary bdrm & ensuite, gourmet kitchen and good floor plan that suits main lifestyles. Fabulous location on quiet street in Upper Tsawwassen. Don’t miss this home, it’s a great home.


#402N-1100 56TH ST, TSAW

Fabulous 3 bedroom penthouse at Tsawwassen’s Royal Oaks. This rare find has never been on the market and truly is one of the best units in this development. Excellent floor plan with huge living, dining area, beautiful bright great room, big master suite and 2 private sunny decks. Don’t miss this special penthouse. Call for your exclusive showing.

A40 The Delta Optimist September14,2023 ROBIN REIMER 604-868-2844 ROBINREIMER.COM ROBINREIMER@TELUS.NET #1 SOUTH DELTA 37 YRS MLS MEDALLION CLUB* Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON # OF YEARS QUALIFYING FOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATER VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE BOARD 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 Call ROBIN 604-868-2844

5744, 5754

& 5758 16A Avenue, Tsawwassen

Gorgeous new homes in Beach Grove. Still time to do some customizing. Excellent floor plans with 3250 sq.ft. and beautiful sunny southern exposure yards. 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms. Great quiet area and close to all amenities. Don't miss your opportunity to live in fabulous Beach Grove. Homes built by an excellent experienced builder Please call Robin Reimer 604-868-2844

Ruby Lidder 604-626-9360

more Info. Call ROBIN 604-868-2844

September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A41 Seafair Realty - 1625 56th Street, Tsawwassen group *BASED ON # OF YEARS QUALIFYING FOR MEDALLION CLUB IN GREATER VANCOUVER REAL ESTATE BOARD 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 Fabulous opportunity to purchase one of Ladner's historic family businesses This great pub is located on Ladner's inner harbour with marine access and potential marine business The business has been great for decades and now is time for another buyer to put their own business ideas and energy to continue this long established pub. Call ROBIN 604-868-2844 SPEED'S PUB FOR SALE 111 GRAHAM DRIVE BEST SUNSET VIEWS & LOCATION Custom Designed Home with simply the Best Views in Tsawwassen. This Totally Private 2 Bedroom & Den home has an Outstanding Open Floor Plan to take full advantage of all the spectacular Ocean Sunset Views. Delta will also consider a basement level if you need more square footage. There will NEVER be another home like this in Tsawwassen. Call for Floor Plans and
3 new homes in Tsawwassen
4800 square feet
new home
• Legal
• Customize your
Call for plans & information ROBIN 604-868-2844

302 1153 54A St - Tsawwassen

Welcome to a bright penthouse residence at Heron Place! This remarkable unit features 9 ft ceilings throughout & vaulted ceilings in the spacious living room, two generously-sized bedrooms, including a walk-in-closet in the primary bedroom, along with two full bathrooms. Gas incl. in your strata fees - heat your home on those rainy west coast days. Step out & unwind on your private & serene south-facing balcony In-suite laundry & storage, 1 parking & locker Prime location steps to restaurants & shops in Tsawwassen Town Centre!

3450 64 Street - Ladner

Experience the charm of country living in this cute farmhouse! The interior features a blend of rustic character & modern comforts boasting refinished original hardwood floors, a cozy gas fireplace in the living room & a spacious kitchen. The unfinished basement with outside access presents an exciting opportunity to customize to suit your needs. The gated private lot offers space for a garage or workshop. Savor the tranquility of the surrounding farmland with mountain views & gorgeous sunsets, make this quaint house your own!

Experience modern luxury in this stunning family home. Beautifully renovated w/premium fixtures & contemporary finishes. Chef’s kitchen + side prep kitchen feat. custom quartz countertops, gorgeous millwork, high-end appliances, inc. a panel fridge, double wall oven, & 2 pot fillers (coffee & stove). New flooring & paint throughout, plus new furnace & A/C. Large, private backyard oasis boasting an outdoor cedar kitchen, gas BBQ, custom pergola, & heated 12x24 pool w/custom deck. This home offers the perfect blend of style, comfort, & functionality

A42 The Delta Optimist September14,2023
2 | 2 | 1,188 sq ft | $679,000 2 | 3 | 2,000 sq ft | $1,159,000
6 | 4.5 | 3,355 sq ft | 7,524 sq ft Lot | $1,785,000 539
- Tsawwassen 205 67A St - Tsawwassen 208 4728 53 St - Ladner 29 8217 204B St - Langley 4980 1st Ave - Tsawwassen Sold Marketed by Sutton Group Seafair Sold Marketed by Royal LePage Regency Sold Sold Canada’sMostAccurateWeather
55 Street
ForecastsinyourNeighbourhood fromProfessionalStationsinyour area.Bepreparedforanything.

160 5421 10th Ave

Lovely 2 bedroom/2 bath 1345 sq ft townhouse in family-friendly Sundial Villa. This spacious townhome includes a 337 sq ft sunny fully fenced southeastfacing patio, perfect for outdoor entertaining, gardening or children’s play area. Open concept living areas are connected to the kitchen and dining room by the patio, allowing for maximum space and light. Upstairs is a large primary bedroom with a walk through closet and 4 piece ensuite. Opposite end has another spacious bedroom and large storage room. Boasting an updated kitchen, newer flooring and paint and hot water tank. This home is turn key and ready to move in In the heart of Tsawwassen, steps away from the schools, the dog-friendly Winskill Park and the Tsawwassen Town Center Mall.

Beach Grove 5857 16th Ave

Charming Beach Grove Rancher in Sunny Tsawwassen. Centrally located and only a few blocks to the Beach, Beach Grove Elementary School, shopping, recreation center, transit and golf course. 2 bedroom/2 bathroom with newer roof, furnace and hot water on demand. Large covered patio and powered work shop out back. Great Starter home or build your dream home. Duplex Zoned provides lots of development options.

5217 Upland Drive

Discover this charming 3 bed, 2 bath rancher in cliff drive. This updated home boasts forest and mountain views, a patio, and a beautiful garden on a spacious 11,324 sq ft lot. Fantastic opportunity to own in one of Tsawwassen’s premier locations with potential to build up to 4396 sq ft. Conveniently located near the ferry terminal, mall & shopping, this home offers both Tranquility and accessibility Step into the open concept layout, flooded with natural light, embrace the serenity of your private retreat, savouring morning coffees on the patio. With updated features such as kitchen, bathrooms, furnace, h/w and more, enjoy modern comfort and rustic natural beauty, this rancher is a lifestyle choice. Don’t miss the chance to seize your dream home on upland drive - where paradise awaits!

September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A43 Eugene Knoedler 604.219.3177 Jack Knoedler 604.353.6410 SERVICE ND RESULTS YOU DESERVE Eugene Knoedler K PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 2021 * Meda l on C ub represents the top 10% o Greater Vancouver Rea tors based on MLS sales DELTAREALESTATE.NET Independently Owned and Operated RE/MAX City Realty | 5090 48 Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1V8 | Office 604.943.8080 | |
Connecting agents to the community Reach more home buyers and sellers in your market 778-875-3594 |

5075 1 Ave, Delta

Another quality built home by Glenhaven Contracting. Situated on a large 11,300 sq foot lot. This 5 bedroom 5 bathroom home offers over 4000 sqft of luxury living space. Top quality finishing including: Engineered hardwood flooring throughout with radiant heat, air conditioning & high end Fisher & Paykel appliances in the gourmet kitchen. Bonus 1 bedroom & full bathroom on main for guests or potential in-law-suite. 2-5-10 home warranty included.

Queensborough - One of the largest heritage style homes in Thompson Landing. This home offers 1 bedroom on the main & 2 large masters above. Features includes: hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace & southern exposed back yard and only minutes to playground, River Parks & buses. Priced below assessed value. PRESENTLY RENTED @$3200,

A44 The Delta Optimist September14,2023
Salter Street,
$2,699,000 1404
LANCE HUGHES LANCE HUGHES Personal Real Estate Corporation Re/Max City Realty 604.943.8080 ■ 604.833.3844 Re/Max Real Estate Services 110-3540West41stAve,VancouverV6N3E6 John Nielsen PERFORM NCE Real Estate Ser ice 35 Successful Years The next move is yours... Experience • Knowledge • Professionalism 604.250.8216 CALL JOHN TODAY AMAZING FUTURE POTENTIAL 2975 53RD STREET $5,950,000 Almost square 17 34 acre parce with 823 ft of road frontage features an English style country home, 5 stall barn, hay field and generous pasture area which has been an established equestrian facility for decades The property offers an ideal central location just 5 minutes to Tsawwassen or Ladner, Tsawwassen Mills Mall, BC Ferries, DeltaPort Way, TFN Industrial Park, transportation and more This parcel is close to BC Railway in an area of trans tional propert es with amazing future potential Ca l anytime for more information MLS R2775898 360º TOUR PORT GATEWAY ROSEWOOD COURT GEM! 5 4748 54A STREET $929,900 HIDDEN GEM Rarely avai able fam ly fr endly Rosewood Court townhome with premier spot in the complex and deal West Ladner location c ose to everything Th s bright 3 bedroom, 3 bath un t w th spacious ayout has been beautiful y maintained and offers one year old floor ng, paint and more Featuring open ground floor l ving and 3 bedrooms up with a gorgeous ensuite off the master that is perfect for the young fam ly or downs z ng t also offers a pr vate South exposed yard w th good-sized covered patio for entertain ng and 2 park ng spots, one covered w th add t ona storage in the carport A great opportun ty to ive carefree in a amaz ng commun ty MLS R2769971 360º TOUR JUST LISTED! MLS R2770705 360º TOUR NEW PRICE! MLS R2711985 360º TOUR NEW PRICE! 20 ACRES, 2 HOMES & HUGE BARN 4774 104TH STREET $6,250,000 F rst t me this amazing secluded 20 25 acre parcel has been offered for sale s nce 1955 which s ocated just off Hornby Drive on the qu et section of 104th c ose to Boundary Bay and pr vate member grass airstrip A l 3 bu ldings on this property were bu lt in 1972 wh ch ncludes a spraw ing 3 162 sq ft 4 bedroom rancher w/30 + car concrete driveway was substant al y renovated and enlarged in 1987 and roof redone 10 years ago The second residence is a 1238 sq ft Woods bunga ow present y rented and the spectacular 8,400 sq ft 20 stal barn wh ch was used from day 1 to breed race horses up unt l 7 years ago is tru y a first c ass fac l ty comp ete w th stee roof and cladding Attention to deta l here s second to none inc uding chain ink fencing that surrounds the ent re property HINKING OF SELLING? HE F LL M RKE IS COMING SOON! AMAZING FUTURE POTENTIAL 1160 EHKOLIE CRESCENT $1,549,000 THE V LLAGE! Th s tastefu y renovated rancher with wa kout basement on qu et no thru road in a beaut fu area o upper Tsawwassen is ideal for the grow ng fam y or downs zing with room for company downs ai s Featur ng we l over a $100 000 was spent 10 years ago to c eate the warm spac ous w de open p an up w th an amaz ng opt oned out gourmet k tchen w th S/S app ances and enlarged pr mary bedroom w th nice y done ensu te Other notab e updates nclude the w ndows w th Hunter Douglas bl nds, Lennox 95% effic ent urnace and brand new H/W tank The home lends itse f to natura su te potent a down plus a sunny West exposed composi e deck out front and a very large fenced backyard with fresh grass w th bonus backyard access to Eng sh B uff Road perfect o the ut l ty tra er Come check out his super nv ting comfortab e home SOLD! SOLD! T O P 1 0 G R E A T E R V A N C O U V E R R E A L T O R S * RE/MAX City Realty 5090 48th Avenue, Delta, BC P E R S O N A L R E A L E S T A T E C O R P O R A T I O N * based on 5 year Meda l on Award REBGV (778) 688-5972 % 407-1428 56 St, Tsawwassen MLS# R2758817 • $869,000 Beautifully appointed two level, 1581 sf penthouse with 17’ ceilings in main. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 side by side parking and storage locker Centrally located. Tsawwassen Custom Home in Stahaken 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2633 sf on a sunny 7600 sf lot.

5090 1 Avenue, Tsawwassen | $9,980,000

3,746 sq ft | 3/4 bedrooms | 3 5 bathrooms | 78,762 sq ft lot

THE POSSIBILITIES ARE GRAND! Stunning custom home sitting on 1 81 acres / 78,762 sq ft / 7,317 23 sq metres in a prime residential area in Upper Tsawwassen extending from 1st Avenue to the border Ready for the next phase, with a potential for up to 10 new lots to be created YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY!

5531 49th Avenue, Ladner | $1,399,000

1,952 sq ft | 3 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms |8,288 sq ft


690 sq ft | 1 bedroom | 1 bath | Windsor Woods

Completely renovated condo offering both convenience and style! Enjoy new appl ances in the updated kitchen, retreat to the spacious covered deck w/ gas ine for BBQ or

| $1,749,000

2,595 sq ft | 4 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | 3,863 sq ft lot

Historically known as Roycroft, this is an impressive 2 storey home restored to its Edwardian era with detailed craftsmanship & millwork distinguished by its octagonal turret & high ceilings on both floors Prominent corner location in the heart of Ladner A stunning piece of artwork & history

September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A45 Todd Jackson, B.A. Personal Rea Estate Corporation Richard Lowe, RIBC Persona Real Estate Corporation Amy Lambert, B.A. Personal Real Estate Corporation Mike Van Straaten, BMgt Realtor P esdentsClub-2020 Top1%-REBGV 5323 Laurel Drive, Ladner #121-4638 Orca Way, Tsaw 5692 Clipper Road, Ladner #50-5900 Ferry Road, Ladner SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD #201-4755 51st Street, Ladner | $799,000 1,155 sq ft | 2 bedrooms | 2 bathrooms | Ladner Village Gate Convenience at your doorstep! Located on the fringe of Historic Ladner Village is this amazing 4 year old corner unit in a boutique building w/ open concept and surrounded by windows 5351 Jibset Bay, Ladner | $929,000 1,333 sq ft | 2 bedrooms plus den | 2 bath ARGUABLY THE BEST LOCATION IN SOUTHPOINTE! Adult oriented (55+) gated community! One level living in a prime cul-de-sac location featuring a spacious floorplan, stamped concrete patio and private south facing gardens with only one ne ghbour! DOUBLE CAR GARAGE, full sized driveway, and extra parking for your guests! Easy access to walk ng trails, golf, shopping and transportation 4856 48th Avenue, Ladner
lot Resort like oasis in West Ladner! Located in a quiet cul-de-sac and backing onto Leslie Park this home is an outdoor oasis with an in ground pool, hot tub, private yard and two powered out buildings Plenty of parking out front for an RV or Boat!
– 1369 56 Street, Tsawwassen | $589,900
heater, or stay comfortable ndoors w/ new remote-control ed ceil ng fans Walk-in shower w/separate tub, gas fireplace (al gas incl in strata fee), 1 parking stall storage locker & amenities 5587 45th Avenue, Ladner | $1,450,000 2,200 sq ft | 4 bedrooms | 3 bathrooms | 6,000 sq ft lot Meticulous 2 leve basement home offer ng separate legal 1 bedroom suite with separate aundry and private covered patio entrance The main part of home inc udes 16 x 14 covered deck oasis overlooking mature gardens, primary ensuite, and private office space Well maintained w th many updates 124 5535 Admiral Way, Ladner | $1,199,000 1,364 sq ft | 3 bedroom | 2 bath | Pilothouse Spacious 3 bedroom corner apartment at sought after Pilothouse Ground level unit with separate entry Features oversized patio off gourmet kitchen and dining area Exclusive use of Hampton Club and all its amenities just steps from your home 109 4723 53 Street, Ladner | $519,000 731 sq ft | 1 bedroom | 1 bathroom SUNN NGDALE!Per ectforfirsttimebuyers nvestors,ordownsizers!1Bedroomcondo
nthequetbuiding awayfromLadnerTrunkand uststepsfromLadnerVi age,shoppngandtranst
Great ayoutthatmaxmizesspace andagenerousszebedroom Plus,youhaveabonuslaundrystorageareawthintheunt Now syourchanceto ive nacentral wel-mantanedbuldngwithsomerecentupdates!1parkingand1storagelocker ncuded!

Mary Barbara Patricia Hart (nee Shea)

September 03, 2022

Nurse, Librarian, Advertising Manager, Lake Louise Toast Lady, Business Manager, Dancer, Weaver, Knitter, Potter, Rafael Nadal Fan, Cancer Survivor x2, Cat Herder, Spiritual Seeker, and beloved wife of Brian for 53 years.

Mary’s life travels started in her birthplace of Calcutta, early school in Naini Tal, in the foothills of the Himalayas, school in Grays in Essex, England, working in London, emigrating to Canada, working in Montreal, Lake Louise, and Vancouver, then to Melbourne, back to Vancouver, and finally, in 1972, to Ladner where she and Brian lived until her death

“They are not long, the days of wine and roses: Out of a misty dream Our path emerges for a while, then closes Within a dream.” (Dowson)

Miss You More!!

14 July 1938 - 4 September 2023

It is wth profound sadness that we announce the peaceful passng of our beloved husband, father and grandfather

Dae was born in Caresholm Aberta on July 14th, 1938 He s predeceased by his father Joyce King, mother Jean and sister Shrley Dae is survived by hs sster Betty, hs loving wfe of 59 years Sandra, chidren Kerry (Brad) Murray, L Co Brent (Lesley) Purcel and grandchldren Logan (Marysia), Spencer (Patrcia), Conall and Rylyn

Dae grew up on the praries and oned the RCAF at the age of 18 On completon of flight trainng, he oned 419 squadron on the CF-100 at 4 (F) Wng Baden Soelingen He had three tours in Germany includng 441 Squadron on the CF-104 Starfighter Dae spent 10 years in Traning Command which included an exchange posting to Texas His fina flyng tour n the RCAF was as CO of VU 33 Squadron in Comox Upon retirement from the RCAF, Dae began a second career working for the BC Government flyng the Air Ambuance and then as a Corporate Pilot Remarkably, Dae remained flying untl the age of 70, takng great pride in seeng hs grandsons folow n his aviation footsteps

Next came true retrement - trave and more trave, golf and special times with his famly and friends Dae and Sandra forged lasting friendships durng their time in the Air Force and later when they settled in Chesapeake Landing Dale’s Grandchildren and Grand-dogs were a great source of joy He prided himself on being a very involved grandparent You could always count on seeing hm at the Grandkids soccer, hockey and horseback riding

Dad, you eft us much too early, but you taught us so much You taught us integrty, humiity, the vaue of hard work and the importance of a good sense of humour You wil ive forever n our memories untl we meet again

A Ceebraton of Lfe wil be hed at 3pm October, 6th 2023 at the Chesapeake Landng Cub House, Ladner B C In leu of flowers, a donation to the Irene Thomas Hospice or a charty of your choce would be greaty appreciated R S VP dalecheck71@gmail com

Condolences may be offered at www deltafunera ca

Delta Funeral Home (604) 946 6040

continued over next 3 pages


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MONGOV US CHRISTOPHER is ndebted to Roadway Towing Ltd for storage and towing on 2011 VOLKSWA GEN JETTA w th VIN #3VW2K7AJ6BM091078 A Lien s c aimed under the Act

There s present y an amount due and ow ng of $6,684 68, p us any add tional costs of storage, seizure and sale that may accrue Notice s hereby g ven that on September 22nd, 2023, or thereafter, the said veh cle w ll be sold

Head Office 34863 Cemetery Avenue, Mission, BC Community Crematorium & Celebration Centre Ltd.

We are here to help every step of the way

The veh cle s current y stored at Roadway Towing Ltd , 7391 Progress Place, De ta, BC, V4G1A1, and was placed n storage on De cember 16, 2022 For more information, call Roadway Towing Ltd.

Info: 604 940 0329

A46 The Delta Optimist September14,2023
PURCELL, Dale Richard Lieutenant- Colonel (Retired)

OWEN, Mary Louise

February 17, 1945

August 28, 2023

Mary Lou (ML) was born in Edmonton, Alberta, but spent most of her early years in Halfax, Nova Scotia, where she attended Gorsebrook School and Queen Elizabeth High School. She had such good memories of growing up in Nova Scotia and maintained friendships from these years right up until she passed.

After graduating high school, ML moved to BC, where she attended post secondary to become a teacher. One of her earliest positions was in Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island, and she told many funny and heartwarming stories of her time there. As a primary teacher in District #37 (Delta) for over 30 years, ML taught at several schools, including Ladner, Hawthorne, Cliff Drive and Neilson Grove Elementary. She truly enjoyed teaching her students how to square dance and then perform for assemblies, creating their own personal autobiographies and leaving her class knowing the basics of arithmetic calculations Each of her students would receive a gift of a personal copy of that year’s class activities on a CD ROM.

ML split her time between Ladner and the Sunshine Coast after she retired. Her apartment in Sechelt was on the ocean, and she could be found swimming out front during every season of the year. It was one of her favourite things to do! She was also an avid collector of 19th and 20th Century dolls, books, toys and games, which were proudly displayed in her Ladner and Sechelt home. ML was a lifelong learner, most recently attending Capilano University to learn more about computers and creating websites, as well as joining the bible study group at the Baptist Church in West Sechelt.

ML’s faith ran deep, and she was a lifelong member of the United Church of Canada. She was a very generous financial donor to the Sechelt Hospital Foundation and Delta Hospital Foundation, spending countless hours pricing donations to the Foundation’s Ladner Thrift Store. Over the years, she supported many immigrant families who came to Canada with needed clothing, schoo supplies and friendship.

ML was predeceased by her father, Gordon and mother, Elizabeth. She is survived by her brother, Bill and her special friend and past student, Timothy Lake. She will be sorely missed by her many, many friends and family from across Canada and the US.

No service at her request.

Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity.


May 20, 1935 August 25, 2023

Lois came to Vancouver from Saskatoon as a child. As a young wife and mother she lived in several places around BC before settling in the South Delta area in the early 1970s. Lois loved sitting in her garden on a warm day, a good meal out, but most of all, she loved her kids. Wife, Mom, Gramma, friend Lois rocked them all. Missing her lots are David, Sheri, Curt and Jack.

No service by request. Donations can be made to the Canadian Mental Health Association

LAURENCE, Trudi (Gertrude) (Nee Frerichs)

March 23, 1935 - August 1, 2023

Watson, Saskatchewan

Teacher, BMO (Kerrisdae), Ar Traffic Control (YVR)

Marred July 1961 to Louis, 3 beautiful daughters, Michele Wlson (Ken), Melanie Laurence (Barrie Milar), Noelle Laurence (deceased 2011)

Trud vounteered wth the Diabetes Socety, Meals on Wheels, School Activites, Red Cross Cinc (50+ donor), Church Activites, Deta Assst Drver In later years Trudi worked in the WoodwardsOakrdge store (chna and housewares department)

Trud was a loving person and made many frends wherever she went She was also a fantastic cook, dedcated mother, and a passionate gardener

Trudi was a thing of beauty and a joy forever, as such, she wil aways be remembered in our hearts



SIDHU SUKHWINDER S NGH is ndebted to Roadway Towing Ltd for storage and towing on 2009 INTERNA TIONAL MA025 w th V N #1HTMMAAMX9H062102 A Lien s c aimed under the Act There s present y an amount due and owing of $8,001 48 plus any add tional costs of storage, seizure and sale that may accrue Notice s hereby g ven that on 2023/09/22 or thereafter, the sa d veh cle w be so d The veh cle s current y stored at Roadway Towing Ltd , 7391 Progress Place, De ta, BC, V4G1A1, and was placed in storage on July 15, 2023.

Info: 604 940 0329



CASH for your CLUTTER I will pay CASH for your UNWANTED ITEMS! I specaize n RECORDS, Engish Bone Chna & Figurnes, Colectbles, Toos, Antiques, ETC Rob • 604-307-6715


ANDERSON, Margaret Dianne

October 17, 1940 September 2, 2023

Margaret Dianne Anderson, born and raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, departed this world peacefully on September 2, 2023, at the age of 82.

Dianne was predeceased by her parents, George and Alice Sutherland; brother, Dennis Sutherland; and her second husband, James Anderson. She is survived by her daughter, Kathryn Baird (James Thorhaug) and son, David Baird (Nancy). She also eaves behind her loving grandchildren, Kiirsti Owen, Kent Owen, Tom Baird, Dan Baird, and Sam Baird; as well as three great grandchildren, Victoria, Nathan, and Jacob. Dianne’s memory will forever be treasured by many other beloved family members and friends.


Celebration of Life

Our beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother, Cousn and Friend passed away on Aprl 27th

We invte famly and friends to celebrate his lfe Casual dress, jerseys and Hawaian apparel wecome

Pease join us on September 23rd from 1:00 - 3:00 pm at Ladner Community Centre 4734 51st Street, Ladner

Dianne dedicated her life to nurturing her family and fostering connections with friends and acquaintances. Her passion for socializing and her genuine interest in the lives of others endeared her to all who had the privilege of knowing her.

In memory of Dianne’s kindness and the love she shared with her family and friends, we kindly request that, in lieu of flowers, you consider making a donation to the Alzheimer Society of Canada ( Your contribution will support those affected by this challenging condition and honour Dianne’s legacy of compassion and care. Dianne’s presence will be greatly missed, but her memory will live on in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to be a part of her life.


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September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A47 Celebrate the lives of loved ones with your stories, photographs and tributes on deltaoptimist

FLOYD, Joy Lorraine

June 27, 1940 - August 28, 2023

It is with heavy hearts we announce the passing of a wonderful wfe, oving mother, doting grandmother and great friend

Joy is survved by her devoted husband Fred, daughters Hayey, Kerry (Michae), grandchldren Kai (Hannah) and Max and reatives and frends in Engand and Canada Joy loved spendng time with her famly, grandchldren and frends Joy s predeceased by her parents Iris and Abert, and several aunts and unces

We wil always remember her smle, laughter and fun oving, easy gong nature

She wl be forever missed, but never forgotten

Service wi be held on September 30, 2023 at 11am at Deta Funeral Home 5329 Ladner Trunk Road, Delta

In lieu of flowers, the famly requests donations be made to Elm Vlage Foundaton (Fleetwood, BC)

Condoences may be offered at www deltafunera ca

Delta Funera Home (604) 946 6040

REAL ESTATE out oF town propErty

Downtown Chilliwack

Clean and recently renovat ed rancher w th fu unfin ished basement Spac ous living room, k tchen w th eat ing area, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath and laundry on the ma n floor The basement s ready for your deas Newer fur nace and HWT, A/C, refur b shed driveway, and a arge backyard Located n a fam y or ented ne ghbourhood, c ose to schoo , hosp tal, recreation centres and parks.

CHONG, Yet How (Howe Chong) 1938 - 2023

It is with great sadness that we announce the passng of Yet How Chong (84), of Ladner, B C How passed away peacefully at home surrounded by his lovng famly after a short battle with cancer on September 2nd, 2023 Yet How, or Howe as he is known by frends and famly, was born on November 20, 1938, n Mui Kok Vlage, Guangzhou, n the provnce of Guangdong, China He mmigrated to Canada when he was 13 years old, the thrd generaton to make Ladner their home Howe worked long days and nights as a farmer and n 1965, he married Shu Chun (Yin) and they began ther family Howe worked hard to support his famiy through growing potatoes, cabbage, vegetabes, and eventualy bueberries

His highy actve retirement was filed wth the love of fishing, gardening, traveling, and spending time with friends and famiy and havng good conversations He especialy oved his grandchldren and spent time wth each one of them Howe wll be remembered for his work ethc, integrity, honesty, kindness, and generosty He was a loving and supportive husband, father and grandfather who always brought the family together We wil cherish the many memories he created wth famiy and friends celebratng specal occasions, going out for dnners, traveling, and sharng the produce from hs ncredbe gardens and greenhouse He supported many communty organizations and thought Ladner was the “best place on earth”

Howe wil be greatly mssed by his oving wfe of 58 years, Shu Chun, his daughters Nancy (Steve), Joyce (Lloyd), and sons Gary and Jeffrey and by hs beloved grandchildren Meissa, Elzabeth, Sarah, and Anna

A funeral service for Howe wil be held at the Rchmond Funeral Home (8420 Cambie Rd, Rchmond) at 9:00 a m on Wednesday, September 20th, 2023 Interment to folow at Forest Lawn Memoral Park (3789 Royal Oak Ave, Burnaby) at 12:30 pm

In ieu of flowers, please consider makng a donation to the BC Cancer Agency, The Salvation Army or Deltassst

HUNTER, Norma Jane

May 07, 1925 – August 07, 2023

Norma was born in Ladner BC, May 07, 1925 on the family farm on the GB Main Road (41B Street) to James and Lela Davs (nee Kirkland) She spent her formatve years attending the Canoe Pass School, helping at home and workng the farm Norma loved her years on the farm where she raised turkeys, rode horses and attended family gatherngs at her grandparents home, Hawthorne Grove (Krkland House) Ladner remained a chershed place for Norma all her life

Norma left for the big city of Vancouver in the eary 1950’s to attend Ptman Business Colege Upon graduation, she worked as a Bookkeeper for Dueck’s (on Broadway) She fathfully returned home on weekends, when not lured away to hke up to Grouse Mountain to ski or attend dance lessons at Arthur Murray

In December 1956, Norma married Bil Hunter and moved to West Point Grey raising a famiy at 6th & Tolmie wth Brent n 1961 and Karen in 1962 These began the busy years of young chidren, her ife long nvolvement wth West Pont Grey United Church, a return to work for Eaton’s ‘Buy Lne’ and hostng famiy gatherings, as her mother and grandmother had done

After Bil’s retrement, they enjoyed travel to Brtain, Europe, Mddle East, Australa and cruises to Hawaii, the Caribbean and Aaska

Norma was predeceased by her nfant sister Elva (1924), father Jim (1961), sster Edna (1964), mother Leia (1982), brother the Rev Bil Davis (2009), niece Sylvia (2015), and her husband Bl (2014) of 58 years

Norma wll be fondly remembered by her daughter Karen, son Brent (Dr Stan Marchuk), cousin Dr Beverley Tambolne, long-tme famiy friend Elke Engicht, her extended Davis famly and frends at West Point Grey United Church Many thanks to the staff at Tapestry, Arbutus Walk and for the care receved at Sunrise of Vancouver by her prmary Care Managers: Mayden, Edgar, Amado, Lubin and the entire Sunrse famly A specia thank you to her long-tme caregver Flordeiza with Nurse Next Door

A Ceebration of Lfe wl be hed on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 2:00 PM, at West Pont Grey Unted Church 4595 West 8th Avenue (8th & Tolmie) Vancouver, BC V6R 2A4, (604) 224-4388 Reception to folow in the Community Hal

Please note that the Celebraton of Lfe Service wil be hed both n person and via Zoom: https://us02web zoom us//2250992372

In ieu of flowers, a donation may be made to Krkland House (info@kirkandhouse ca) or West Point Grey United Church - Intercutural Mnistry (donate@wpguc com)

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McGILL, John Sheperd Nichol

October 31, 1943 - September 8, 2023

John arrived in Vancouver n November 1964 from Renfrew, Scotand as a 21 year od with hgh hopes of a bigger and brghter future He succeeded n every way

Pre-deceased by his parents James (Jimmy) and Heen (Nely) McGil, and brothers Jim and Coin

With great sadness John wil be mssed by hs oving wife of 56 years, Audr, hs two sons Sean (Erin) and Jason (Antoinette), grandchidren Kheya, Tayln, Paisley and Fnn Aso eft to mourn are his sisters Isobel and Heen (Mke) and brother’s Wi iam (Jennifer) and George (Sharon) along with many nephews and nieces

John moved to Ladner n September 1970 where he continued to raise hs famiy He spent many hours on the soccer fieds coachng hs sons, then in ater years as a spectator His booming voice on the sideines could be heard by everyone ncuding the “other team” But he was Scottsh!

John’s greatest and proudest moments were as Papa to hs four grandchidren They brought so much joy to his ife with ther accompishments whether t was a graduation or watching them play soccer, baseball or Special Olympics

John’s grandchidren had the uncanny ablity to brng the tough Scotsman to tears of oy and prde

John enoyed vacatoning with famiy and frends which included trps to the Caribbean, Panama Canal and hs final cruse to South America He also oved Mau where he spent many of his vacatons

Many years were spent at his vacaton home at Beachwood in Brch Bay, Wa where he was surrounded by famly and frends Many hours were spent around the campfire or out on a boat fishing or crabbing The crab night feasts were always his favourte

John wil be sorely mssed by al that had the peasure to make his acquaintance He was a generous man, that would give the shirt off his back to someone in need

He lived oud and proud and loved deeply

A Celebraton of Lfe wil be hed on Friday, September 22nd, 2023 from 4:00 PM onwards at Harrs Barn 4140 Arthur Drve, Deta (Ladner)

In leu of flowers, a donaton may be made to John’s heartfelt charty, Children’s Hosptal Foundaton in honour of Tayin McGl https://secure bcchf ca/SuperheroPages/man cfm?Event=12&Member=70239

HOULISTON, Edward Gallon 23 February 1936 to 28 April 2023

Ed peacefuly departed this world at the age of 87, due to natura causes Hed, hs wfe was by his side when he passed at the Delta Vew Care Home Centre We would ike to thank the staff there who gave care above and beyond

Ed was born in Vancouver to Edward and Mary Houliston He grew up on Fraser Street and 47th He wil be lovingly remembered by his wife Hed of 55 years, hs chldren Jmmy (Cindy), Bobby (who predeceased him in 1999), his grandchildren Sean (Sophia), Meissa (Dwayne), and Michae and his great grandchldren Skyden, Hunter and Kaeden

Ed’s fath in Jesus Christ payed a central roe in his lfe, guiding his actions and shaping hs character His first Church was Metropoitan Tabernacle n Vancouver, Gabroa island Felowshp Church and later Ladner Baptist Church

Prior to retirement, Ed was a commercia bulding contractor responsibe for the construction of many wel known buidngs in B C , Yukon, Aberta and Calforna n 2000, Ed and Heidi moved from Vancouver to Ladner where they rased Melissa and Michae They enjoyed travelng and spending time with family and friends at their second home on Gabroa Isand

Ed was a member of AA for 50 years He aso vounteered at the Ladner COPS office He kept fit through huntng, biking and swmming Most of al he would always give a wling hand to anyone who was n need

Whie we fee the loss of Ed, we know his integrity, genuine kndness and ove for famly and friends has touched many

A ceebration of lfe wil be hed on September 28, 2023 at 1:30 PM, at Ladner Baptist Church

5624 Ladner Trunk Road, Delta, B C

In ieu of flowers, please consder making donations to Ladner Baptist Church https://ladnerbaptst ca/

MALLOY, Murray Earl

It s with sadness that the family of Murray Ear Maloy announce his passng, August 12, 2023

We said goodbye to Grandfather, almost 5 months to the day since his beloved Marge passed and take comfort in them beng reunited

Dad was the ast iving member of his famiy from 1 Tower Rd in Halfax He was the third youngest of eight siblngs and ived his entire life as a proud Maritmer and famiy man Murray marred hs hgh school sweetheart, Marge, n 1953 and in 1972 moved across the country with their chldren to sette in Tsawwassen, where he ived for the remainder of his lfe

Dad s survived by his sons, Richard, John, Chris (Eaine), daughter Heather (Warren); grandchldren Braeden (Vanessa), Stephanie (Aviv), Spencer (Danele), Alexandra (Tyrone), Jackson, Keenan and great-grandchidren Lea, Mcah (and 2 more on the way!)

Dad was affectionately known as Grandpa Mur-Mur to his grandchldren and recenty to his greatgrandchildren

Murray Maloy was the definition of a gentleman throughout his entire ife He was poised and always professional - sometimes beng referred to formaly as Grandfather He exuded confidence in how to carry oneself and he instled that n hs famiy and those around him

Dad was a Professiona Engineer educated at Dahousie Unversity and went on to establsh Square M Engineering He served as President of the Montrea chapter of ASHRAE n 1962 and 1963

Dad was an avid golfer and passonate about the game

The last few months were tough, as he refused to believe that the love of his ife was gone; he couldn’t stand the separation and passed quiety in his sleep

In lieu of flowers, the famiy requests any donations be made to the Delta Hospice Society

September14,2023 The Delta Optimist A49 HOME SERVICES classifeds de a-op mst com cass eds de a-op mst com classifieds delta-optimist com
gutters CALL Today for Summer DISCOUNTS! GUTTERS • REPLACEMENTS • DOWNPIPE • LEAF GUARD • DRAIN GUARD • SIDING Commercial & Residential. Free Estimates. Gutter Specialists Licensed WCB Insured 604-724-5493 • 604-721-0372 • a1guttersltd@gmail com BOUNDARY BAY WINDOW WASHING • Exterior house cleaning • Pressure washing • Gutters Steve Watts 604-943-4134 778-228-5639 Handyperson • A Handyman for Seniors • BRUCER the SPRUCER 604-946-9206 HANDYMAN • RENOVATIONS •Kitchen •Bath • Pumbng •Countertop •Floors •Paint & more Ca MIC for quote: 604-725-3127 Fencing West Coast Cedar Installations s nce 1991 New • Repared • Rebult Fences & Decks 604-788-6458 (no text) cedarnstall@hotmai com gutters Handyperson Electrical Maintenance Hydraulic Maintenance Garage Organization Window Cleaning Floor Cleaning Reliable and Affordable! Call Marcia 604-716-8631 HANDYMAN Landscaping SHAW LANDSCAPING LTD Complete Landscaping Clean-up Lawn Cuts Shrubs & Tree Prunng 778-688-1012 HOME SERVICES Call to advertise in Home Services 604-362-0586

STARRETT, Belva Anne (nee Louden)

Beva was born n Port Alberni, BC September 29, 1937 and passed away on May 20, 2023 due to compicatons from dabetes Beva grew up in New Westminster, BC, surrounded by her ovng parents (Juia and Bil Louden), grandparents (Frank and Bessie Smth) and aunt and uncle (Belva and Fred Hume) She met the love of her life durng her hgh school days while ice skatingSheldon Starrett Belva and Sheldon were married n New Westminster on October 11, 1957

Sheldon entered the Canadian Air Force to become a plot and the newlywed couple lved near several Ar Force bases across the country Durng ths tme, Beva and Shedon welcomed four chidren into their lves Belva, Mel, Keith and Sandra In 1966, Sheldon left the Air Force when he oned Canadian Pacific Airines as a commercial airlne plot The famiy setted in Tsawwassen, BC

Beva encountered an absolute shock to her ife, when her dearly loved husband Sheldon died suddeny in 1971 She was aone at the age of 34 to raise 4 children on her own Luckly, her parents and aunt were there to hep in whatever way they could

Beva then worked at Canadian Airlnes n the accounting department untl she retired at the age of 55 From there Belva enjoyed her home and garden n beautifu sunny Tsawwassen untl her tme at Hiton Vila in Surrey, BC Whle at Hiton Vila, Beva was known for her love of the garden Whle there she inspired the staff to hep her maintan the summer garden for all to enoy The family extends thanks to al the staff at Hlton that made her time at Hilton the best it could be and cared for her with kndness

Beva s survived by her 4 children, Belva & David Smith, Mel & Marne Starrett, Keth Starrett, Sandra Starrett & Greg Voute; 9 grandchildren Tayor (Ryan), Meane (Michele), Amanda (Mke), Julia (Tim), Scott, Shedon (Hayun), Kyle (Ai), Skylar (Emye) and Lynden Also survved by 6 greatgrandchildren

Prvate family cremation was done June 1st followed by a private famiy graveside where Beva’s ashes were added to her husband’s restng pace at Forest Lawn, on June 9th - hs birthday Together agan

Condolences/trbutes are avaiabe on line at http://www asmplecrematon ca/trbute

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