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VotersinDeltaSouthwillbegettingthesameIanPatonasbefore. That’swhatPatontoldthe Op imis Tuesday,announcingthathehas decidedtojointheBCConservative Partyinthisfall’sprovincialelection, hopingtocontinuetorepresentthe ridingthathehasheldsince2017for theBCLiberals,wholaterchanged theirnametoBCUnited.
“Themostimportantthingisthat IanPatonisnotchangingonebit.I’m stillIanPaton,hereinDeltaSouth, tryingtodogoodthingsforthepeoplehereanditdoesn’treallymatter whatpartyI’mwith.I’mnotchanging justbecauseIwentfromBCUnitedto BCConservatives,”hesaid.
TheEastLadnerfarmerandformer citycouncillorwasforcedtodecide whethertoquit,runasanindependentorjointheBCConservatives afterlastweek’sshockingannouncementbyBCUnitedleaderKevin FalconthatBCUnitedwouldessentiallyfold,notrunningintheelection, toavoidsplittingthevote.
OnlineRegistrationOpensSept16th@ 10AM In-PersonRegistationSept16& 17,10AM- Noonat ElderCollegeLearningCentre,TsawwassenTownCentreMall Seeourwebsiteforfullcoursedetails. www.ElderCollegeDelta.wildapricot.org ElderCollegeDelta@gmail.com604-943-0262
StayingSafeOnline& HowtoAvoidScams
Thursday,Sept19th,10:00 -Noon
Thursday,Sept19th,1:00 -3:00pm
AndroidCellphone Basics
Presenter: KenMcGrath
Saturdays, November 2& 9th,10:00 -Noon
Monday& Tuesday, Sept 23 &24th,1:00 -2:30pm
Microsoft Word:The Basics
Wednesday& Thursday,Sept25& 26th,1:00 -3:00pm
Presenter: KenMcGrath
Friday &Saturday, Sept 27 &28th,1:00 -3:00pm
Facebook Basics
Tue& Mon,Oct1st,10:00 -11:30am& Oct7th,1:00- 2:30pm
Mon/Wed/Fri,Oct2,4,7,9 &11th,10:00 -Noon
Wednesday, October9th,1:00- 3:00pm
Wednesday, October16th,1:00 -3:00pm
Mon/Wed/Fri,October16,18,21,23 &25th,10:00 -Noon
Wednesday, October30th,10:00 -11:30am
Grade1:iPadforAbsolute Beginners
Presenters:Paul& Kathleen Vanderwood Wednesdays &Fridays,Nov 6,8,13,15 &20th1:00- 3:00pm
Thursday,November7th,10:00 -Noon
Presenter:BillDidur Thursday,November14th,10:00 -Noon
UseA.I.withGoogleGemini:ArtificialIntelligence Presenter:BillDidur Thursday,November21st,10:00 -Noon
AStong Towns’Vision forDelta Presenter: Norm VanEeden Petersman
Wednesday &Thursday,Sept25& 26th,10:00 -Noon
CommunityNewspapers EvolvingThroughTime; aQ&A Presenter:IanJacques Friday,September27th,10:00 -11:30am
Fridays,October4,11,18,25 &Nov 1st,1:00 -3:00pm
CrimeStoppersandSafety forSeniors Presenter:MargarettLange Thursday,October24th,10:00 -11:30am
KinVillage Update andDay ProgramsInformation Presenters:JenFisher &KristenThomas Monday, November4th,1:00 -2:30pm
What ’s My Bag?
Presenter:MarionMcComb Tuesday, November5th,10:00 -Noon
LearnaboutHospiceCare inDelta Presenter:BarbStackandDana Ward Wednesday,November13th,10:00 -11:30am
TheGoodLife:PleasurevsMeaning Presenter:LisaWoudzia Fridays, November15& 22nd,10:00 -Noon
EmergencyPreparednessforSeniors Presenter:JasonWindblad Tuesday, December3rd,1:00- 3:00pm
CaptainVancouver ’s VoyagesThroughtheEyesofMarine ArtistJohnHorton
Presenter:JohnHorton Tuesday, October1st,1:00- 3:00pm
TheCurseofLord Curzon:the British PolicyofPartitionin India
Presenter:GuillermoBustos Thursdays,Oct3,10,17,24 &31st,1:30 -3:00pm
Presenter:AlanQuigley Monday, October28th,1:00 -3:00pm
Wednesday,November6th,1:00- 3:00pm
HistoryofDelta ThroughtheDecades
Presenter: KevinHicks Thursday,November7th,1:00- 3:00pm
What ’s News
Presenter: RodMacKinnon
Tuesdays,November12,19,26th& Dec3rd,10:00 -Noon
Presenters:KitGrauer &PeterScurr
Thursdays,Oct3&10th+ another, 1:00 -3:00pm
Presenter: KevinPark
Friday,September20th,1:00 -3:00pm
Weds,Sept25,Oct2,9,16,23 &30,10:30- 11:30
Tues,Oct8,15,22,29& Nov5th,1:00- 3:00pm
Tuesdays,October8,15,22,29th,1 0:00 -Noon Into theWildwithPhotographerLironGertsman
Monday, October21st,1:00 -3:00pm
Art,PropagandaandtheFrench Revolution
Wednesday,October30th,1:00 -3:00pm
HowWill YouBeRemembered?
Presenter: RobbLucy
Monday, November18th,10:00 -Noon
ALazyGardener’sGuide to FallCleanup
Tuesday, September24th,10:00- Noon
Thursday,October17th,10:00- Noon
Monday, November18th,1:00 -3:00pm
Thursday,October10th,10:00- Noon
Presenter:Beth Triano
Tuesdays,Nov 5,12,19 &26th,6:30 -8:00pm
Thursday &Tuesday,Nov 14 &19,12:30 -3:30pm
Wednesday,October2nd,1:00 -3:00pm
Presenter: Paul VanWestendorp
Wednesday,October23rd,1:00 -2:30pm
Snow Geeseand BulrushintheFraserRiver
Saturday,October5th,10:00 -Noon
TheContainer Trail;Global TradeinAction
Presenter: TanyaHawke
Monday, September23rd,9:45 -Noon
MuseumofAnthropology at UBC
Guided TouroftheMuseum
Friday,November8th,8:45am- 2:00pm
yarm ati@delta-optimis
t. co m
It’s anexciting timefullofanticipation for Delta SchoolDistrict staffand studentsasthe2024/25 school year starts.
In aninterview withthe Optimist, assistant superintendents Brad Bauman and Jane Macmillan,and schooltrustee Joe Muego, talked about what isnew for the districtandwhat students and parents can expect.
“I just thinkit’s such anexciting time for staffandforfamilies. I’m always consciousthis will be someone’s first day of kindergarten, someone’s first day ofhigh schoolor someone’s first day in a new country and a new school,and seeing theenergy of staff thefacilitiesand maintenancefolks worked hard to get the schools ready, staff have been getting classes ready andnow we’re just so excited to have the kids,” said Macmillan.
Thenewcellphone policy begins,a mandate by theprovincial government foralldistricts toban cellphones“bell to bell” starting this year
TheDeltadistrict’s new Feeding Futures program will be entering its second year.
Receiving funding fromthe province, based on student enrolment numbers, about40 percent ofthefunding will be distributed to schools to support familiesinneed directly.
Bauman saidthedistrictispleased to finally receive government support for Integrated Childand Youth Teams, with Delta to have three teams to provide multi-supports in partnership with various community partners.
“Like thetitle says, it’s integrated supportsthat would typically have been fragmented inthe community. Through childand youth mentalhealth, or through substanceandaddictions counsellors, wewould have to pull
those groupsindependently,orfamilies would have to tr y to reach out andfind themthemselves. It’s likea wraparound hubwhere wework withthose teams, with district representatives, to case manage someof our studentswho requirea multi-disciplinar y support network,” said Bauman.
Muego said many families wouldnot know where to even start to find additional supports, but parents willnow be able to have betterconnections with
various advocatesand resources
Macmillan saidoncefamilies reach out for services, various services willall be aligned to provide a “reach-in”coordinated approach, with a reduced need for childrenand youth to re-telltheir storiesas teammembers willshare information.
Asfaras student enrolment, projected to be inthe15,600-range this year, Bauman said early reports from several schools, including withinLadner, indicate additional student registration thananticipated. The numberof studentsinthe International Student Program isalso up slightly, currently at around670 kids.
Noting thedistrict has benefitted greatly withits close collaboration with theCity of Delta, Muego saidheisalso particularly excited about the board’s reviewofthedistrict’s strategicplan, which eventually willhelpshape an updated District Vision. The revised strategicplanis to be in ready in2025. Baumanadded they are looking forward to reconnecting with parents and studentsas part ofthefocus revising theplanandits seriesof goals.
Meanwhile, the Delta SchoolDistrict willalso be holding itsfirst Truthand Reconciliation Walk, involving all schools, on Sept27. The districtalso plans to hold a related event at the Delta Manor Education Centre.
ijacque s@ delta -o ptimis t. co m
A 32-year-old Surrey man has been charged withallegedly assaulting aDelta policeofficerfollowing anincident after a traffic stopfor suspected impaired driving.
According to a news release from police, officers responded to a report of an impaired driveron Hwy.17and 80th Street, at approximately 6:30 p.m., on Aug. 22.
Police say the reported vehicle was located by
officers and a traffic stop was attempted.
“Thedriverinitially failed to stopfortheofficer,” saidA/Insp. James Sandberg.
“A short distance away, the vehicle stopped, the maledriver got out of the car and charged at theofficer.A conducted energyweaponfailed to stopthe man’s alleged assault
“A secondofficer arrived on scene to assist, andwhiletaking the maleintocustody, received injuriesas a resultof punches to his
The officer received medical care for hisinjuries.
Sandberg said a suspect, Sahib Punia, was arrested and didnot receive any injury.
As wellasthe charge ofassaultinga police officer, Punia has been charged with dangerous operationof a motor vehicle, flight from police, andcontinues to be underinvestigation forimpaired driving. Punia was released from custodyfollowing hiscourt appearance.
yarm ati@delta-optimis
t. co m
The City of Delta has issued a request forbidsfor a professional geotechnicalengineering firm to support the design andconstructionofthenew Winskill Aquaticand Fitness Centre in Tsawwassen.
The city has already hired anarchitect, along withengineering sub-consultants, and a construction manager fortheproject.
The geotechnicalinvestigationis to beginas soonasthecontractis awarded, taking placeinthe selected refined northoptionofthe site.A preliminary investigationofthe soilconditions aroundtheexisting facility was undertakenfive years ago.
Whilethenew building’s locationand pool size have been approved, theexact building layout will be determined during thepreliminary design process.
The detailed design by the architect andtheirengineering sub-consultants is to beginthisfall.
The city notesit has begun public
consultationandengagement withthe architectandconstruction manager.
Whencouncil voted infavourofthe location at Winskill Park earlierthis summer, staffnoted that,during the initial engagement program, thepreferencefortree retentionled many people who participated to supporta west option. However, the updated north optionincorporatesthat feedback by reconfiguring the parking area, while deferring further work on a future fourth baseballdiamond pending the resultsof a field use analysis.
Regardless oftheoption, many ofthe park trees have beenfound in need of removaland replacement due to safety. Opinions were also splitwhenit comes to adding thefourth diamond. However, councildecided not to defer but to have staff report back this September, following furthertalks with fieldusers.
To be completed in2027,thenew Winskillcentre isplanned to be approximately double in size, at 6,000 square metres, and willlikely be two storeys in mostareas, saidthecity.
Saturday,September7,2024from 6to10pm
JoinusfortheannualLuminar yFestival atSunstonePark!This free, family-friendly eventisa joyful send-offtothesummer.
Comeand brightenupour communitywithyourcostumes, lanterns,andcreativity.
Formoreinformation,visit Delta.ca/LuminaryFestival.
NOTICE OF INTENTIONTOLEASE MUNICIPALPROPERTY (PursuanttoSection 26 of the Community Charter)
TAKE NOTICE thatThe City of Delta(“Delta”) intends to leaseapproximately 2.72 acresoflandknownastheLadner ExchangeParkand Ride tothe SouthCoast of BritishColumbiaTransportationAuthority, legallydescribedas:
1. CivicAddress:4695 ClarenceTaylor Crescent,Delta,B.C
Parcel Identifier:005-355-672
LegalDescription:Lot 10 Section 35 Township 5New Westminster DistrictPlan55320
2. CivicAddress:4685ClarenceTaylor Crescent,Delta,B.C
Parcel Identifier:005-355-699
LegalDescription:Lot 11 Section 35Township 5New WestminsterDistrict Plan 55320
3. CivicAddress:4675ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,B.C
LegalDescription:Lot 12 Section 35 Township 5New Westminster DistrictPlan55320
TheconsiderationtobereceivedbyDeltaforthe Parcelsis$122,500 (plusapplicable taxes) per annumwith escalationsovera thirteen year periodcommencing September 1, 2024.There is one optiontorenew for an additionalfiveyears.The purpose of theleaseisforoperatinga public transitfacilityand providingpublicparking THIS NOTICE ISFORTHE PURPOSEOFPUBLICDISCLOSUREONLY. IT IS NOT AN OFFER TOTRANSFER,LEASE ORGRANTASSISTANCETOANOTHERPARTY
Anyinquiries should be made totheLandsManager at (604)354-6686, Mondaythrough Friday(except statutory holidays)between the hoursof9:00amand 5:00 pm or by email at lands@delta.ca.ReferenceAgreement No.LAD124-L-04
“IfI could get some good thingsdoneforthis community on things like dredging andtransportation andthenew crossing and secondexit (fromLadner),all sorts of things, I’m betteroff to go withwho stands anexcellent chance to form thenext government, andthat’s the BC Conser vatives,” he said.
Paton said he has hada good relationship with BC Conser vative leader John Rustad, going back to the days when they were in the same party,andthat the BC Conser vatives have been courting him formore than a year to switchparties
“He (Rustad) kept not putting anyoneforward to run against me in the Delta South riding, which was kindof unusual, because they
were tr ying to get candidates in ever y riding, and people were telling me John was still waiting if I wouldcome over, butI wouldn’tdo it But, when this implosion took placeand BC United was done,I thoughtIreally didn’t have too many options.I couldeither join or retire, whichI don’t want to do because I still think I can do some good things for four more years here. I could have runasan independent, but I’ve seenthat movie too many times because you virtually get nothing donefor yourcommunity,” explained Paton.
Saying his family has always leaned toward the Conser vativesfederally, Paton added a BC Conser vative win this Oct. 19 wouldgive him a chance to have a cabinet posting, perhapsas minister of agriculture. Paton has beenthe
Ian Paton,after consideringhisoptions,saidon Tuesdaythathe’s joiningtheBCConser vatives.
agriculture critic forthe opposition sincehe was in office, speakingout on issues impacting the farming community.
In a news release, Rustad said thedecision
by Paton,along with severalothers joining the BC Conser vatives, reflects a growing momentum among conser vatives to unite against the BC NDP andPremier David Eby’s
failed leadership.
Falcon’s joint announcement with Rustad last week caught BC United, including caucusmembers, completely off guard, Paton said,adding Falcon gave no indication he was going to foldthe party when attending the Beansand Jeansfundraiser at the Paton farm, Aug. 25.
Reflecting on hisfirst election win in 2017, Paton pointed out how thethen-Liberals had more seats, but ended uplosing whenthe Greens backed the New Democrats.
One ofthe first pieces of business fortheNDP was to cancelthe BC Liberals’ plansfor a new bridge to replacethe Massey Tunnel, a project which would have been completed by now.
Paton,who was preparing to run forthe BC
United this fall, won the Delta South riding in the 2020election with52.42 per cent ofthe popular vote.
However, that election saw theNDP win a 55-seatmajority, and things have gone steadily downhill sinceforthe BC Liberalswhoended up changing the party name.
Paton saiditis difficult to pinpoint why his former party’s fortunes have beentakinga nosedive in the polls, but the rebranding not only did not resonate withthe public, it backfired.
He said he believed Falcon wasa good leader with goodpolicy ideas but, “for some reasonhe wasn’t resonating with themedia.”
Jason McCormick will be theNDP candidate in Delta South, while the Greens have yet to formally announce a candidate.
sg yarm ati@delta- optimi st .c om
A callfortheprovincial government for more intersection safety cameras will be one of the hot topics at the upcoming Unionof BC Municipalitiesconvention in Vancouver
The City of Deltaand several othercommunities have put for ward motions for speed and red-light cameras, including at allintersections across B.C. with a higher rate ofcrashes recorded.
Deltacouncil earlier this summerendorsed a recommendation by the city’s Transportation Advisor y Committee (TAC) to put for ward the motionformore intersection cameras to curb speed and red light infractions
The motion callson the provincial government to installthe speed and red-light cameras at intersections, “upon a reasonable request from local municipalities.”
The City of Victoria sent lettersto other municipalities requesting they also write lettersto the government to install
redlight and speed cameras at locationswhere there were more than20 casualty collisions from 2018 to 2022,or to allow B.C. municipalities to install cameras at their owncost andcollectthe fines.
The letter notesthat the province has stated most crashes happen at intersectionsandthe cameras are proven to be effective at reducing sideimpact,head-onand pedestrian crashes. They arelocated where red-light running and high-speed cause serious crashes.
A report to Delta councilnotesthat TAC members discussed the correspondenceand noted thefinancial and logistical challenges for municipalities to install their own intersection safety cameras
Among othercommunities having similar resolutions, the City of New Westminster is calling onthe province to expand theimplementationof speed and redlight intersection safety cameras, prioritizing intersectionsnear schoolsandthose with a high rate ofcrashes that
Some communities wanttheB.C. governmenttoallowcitiestoinstallspeed and red-light camerasanddirectly collectfines, but Deltaisasking forthe provincetoinstallthem.
resultininjuriesorfatalitiesasidentifiedbyICBC. That motionalso callsfor theprovincial government provideall revenue fromadditional cameras to local governmentsas grants to be invested in implementing local and
safety improvements
New Westminster and North Vancouver ’s motionsask that the provinceallow local governments to install cameras at their own expense, whileLake Country’s motionasks
forthenecessary funding and resources to facilitate theinstallation, maintenanceandoperationof intersection cameras
The Districtof Saanich’s motion callson theprovince to develop a more transparent process
for municipalities to be involved intheidentificationandinstallationof new cameras
In 2018,theprovince announced that red-light intersection cameras would be operating 24/7 at 140 intersectionsin B.C. thathad someofthe highest crash rates.
Cameras had previously only beenactivated for six hoursa day during hightraffic periods.
Ofthose cameras, just a fewdozen are equipped to identifyandticket speeding vehicles
In NorthDelta, there are fourintersection cameras : Nordel Way and Scott Road, Scott Roadand80th Avenue, Hwy.10and Scott Road, and Nordel Way and 84th Avenue None were added in Tsawwassenor Ladner, including at such busy intersectionsas Hwy.17 at 56th Streetor Highway 17A , at Ladner Trunk Road.
According to the province, theonlyDelta camera that currently is also equipped to capture speeding drivers isthe one at Nordel Way at 84th Avenue. The UBCMconvention takesplace Sept 16 to 20
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ROB SHAW Gl acierMedia
In theend, it wasa handshake deal at midnight in the boardroomof adowntown Vancouver law firm that brought together the BC United and Conser vative parties.
Kevin Falconand John Rustad, togetherin a room, talking at length at some points even jovially— for the first timein more than two years. How they gotthere happened quickly,andinvolved onlysix people In theend, some of Falcon’s closest advisers and longest-serving MLAs had no idea what he’d doneuntilthe last moment. Many watched Wednesday’s televised press conference with the rest of the public to learnwhat was going on.
It started Sunday, when Caroline Elliott, the United candidate for West VancouverCapilano, former party vice-president and Falcon’s sister-in-law, reached out by text to Angelo Isidorou, the Conser vative party’s executive-director. Would he be willing to meet andtalk about where things are at, sheasked.
PROVINCEOFBC/FLICKR Inadramaticmove,BCUnitedandConser vative leadershave finalizedamergertochallengethegoverningNDP.
enoughcommon ground for a formal meeting.
They quickly determined there was.
Tuesday, at 2 p.m., Elliott and United executive-director Lindsay Coté gathered in a boardroom in Vancouver with Isidorou and Conser vative president Aisha Estey.
Wednesday, but didnot)and divulged which Conser vative candidatesit believes have documented problematicviews.
The staffers starting pulling out spreadsheets, going throughthe listof United and Conser vative incumbents and candidates
theelection to theNDP. Enough progress was madethat they all broke so the Conser vativescould go to brief Rustad at the party’s newdowntown Vancouver office
Rustad had for months refused to consider any deal with United where it would require him to dismiss candidateshe’d previously recruited and were loyal to his party— evenifthey ended up being revealed to have extremeviewson social policies, scienceand COVID-19 vaccines
The questionhe faced now was, wouldit be worth compromising onthat position,and replace a few candidates with United members, ifitmeant removing the United party off the board entirely for the Oct. 19 election?
Ultimately,he agreed
The Delta Optimist is a member oftheNationalNewsmedia Council,whichisanindependent organization established to deal withacceptablejournalistic practices andethicalbehaviour If you have concernsabouteditorial content please contact theeditor ateditor@delta-optimist.com or 604-998-3616 If you are not satisfied withthe responseand wish to file a formal complaint visitthe website atmediacouncil. ca or call toll-free1-844-877-1163 for additionalinformation.
Falcon had empowered Elliott to start face-to-facediscussions He wanted to heardirectlyfrom the Conser vatives, amidsta swirl of political rumours, pressured meetings from business leaders anddeclining party donations
Labour Day was looming— the unofficial start of theelection campaign, whenthings would kick into high gear Ifanything was going to happen, it had to happennow.
Elliott and Isidorou sat down at Browns Socialhouse in North Vancouver ’s Lonsdale area for an informal chatSunday evening— two trusted interlocutors fromeither side feelingout, over a Guinness, whether there was
The Conser vative staffers took themeeting withlow expectations. Some of the same people had tried to brokera dealin May. The failure to do so, had led to three BC United MLAs defecting to the Conser vatives
Elliott set the toneofthemeeting off the top: Falcon has spent his life fighting the BC NDP, and he’s very, very serious about gettinga deal to avoid handing the NDPanother term in power and doing irreparable damage to the province, she said.
It wasa serious opening play, andthe Conser vatives took notice.
United thenoffered upits large packageof opposition research oncontroversialviewsheld by Conser vative candidates(the party had planned to release informationona Conser vative candidate who believes in the chemtrails conspiracyon
Elliott, Isidorou andEstey have a friendly relationship outside of politics, so theconversation was openand candid. United pushed to save itsincumbent MLAs, as wellas someofwhat itviewed asits best candidates
The Conser vatives pushed to keeptheir best candidatesonthe tableas well.
After a couple ofhours, the United staffers got word that Falcon’s flight had just landed in Vancouver from Victoria, where he’d spent themorning announcing the party’s forestr y policy. Couldhe jointhemeeting, they asked.
Soon, Falcon himself was in the room.
He had his own pitch for the strengthof United candidates Instead of being downtrodden at what would be theendofhis political career, Conser vatives foundhim surprisingly energized. Falcon saidhedidn’t want to be the personwho handed
Staffers madethe calls, and quickly, by 9 p.m. onthe same Tuesday, Falconand Rustad found themselves togetherinthe boardroomofEstey’s law firm, Kazlaw Injury Lawyers, in Vancouver’s financialdistrict, for their first real meeting in two years.
Bothleaders had saidcritical— somemight say disparaging— things about each other since Falcon fired Rustad from the United caucus over Rustad’s views about climate science.
But they buried the hatchetin the boardroom, shaking hands
Falcon said to Rustad: “In all candour,I agree with75 percent ofthings you do But on your very worst day, you’ll bebetterthan David Eby onhis very best day, and I can’tlose sight ofthebigger picture here.”
The two leaders sat down withEstey, Isidorou and Elliott to hammer out what eventually becamethedeal.
Rob Shaw has spent more than 16 years covering B.C. politics, now reporting for CHEK News and writing for Glacier Media.
Editor :
The letter to the editor, The Optimist builds our city, a few weeks back, is right on.
Where else are you going to be informed about what, when, where and sometimeswhy, eventsare unfolding in our city?
No othermediumdoes a better job of delivering local newsinblack andwhite to your discerning mind.
I was recently educated by an Optimist article ofthe “why” behind very frequently serviced, sometimes parked, No 310transit buses across from my Delta residence.
This particular bus stopis rarely utilized, except at theendofa school day
for a handfulof students, andthe buses are regularly empty the rest ofthetime.
I asked myself why is this so when otherLadner bus stop servicesare “so unreliable” (as stated inanother Optimist letter).
Withthe possibility ofdeepfunding cutscoming to TransLink service because of unsustainability,it just didn’t make sense.
The Optimist filled intheblanks.
Afrequency of public transitisone of theprerequisitesin my neighbourhood for legal changes in residential zoning bylaws to increase higherdensity under provincial political mandates NowIunderstand.
Brian Britten
Editor :
Althoughthe number of EVs may be small, they still add to congestionvia the HOV laneswhen having only one passenger. EVs still weardown the highways and roadsthat are maintained by the taxes collected through fuel sales.
Sure, EV owners pay taxon electricity,however, thecost isminimal compared to thetaxon gasoline
I amnotconcerned about the numberofEVs onthe road,however, carbon-fueled vehicle owners should not have to footthebill for them.
Texasinstituted an annualfee forEV owners to cover lost taxes. Why can’tICBC collect a tax based onthe number of kilometresdriven annually?
I amcertain a cost-perkmcould be extrapolated out that would be fair. Lance McAllister
Editor :
As reported inthe Optimist Aug. 15,the River Road overpass at the newFraser River tunnel remainsunresolved, due to a lack offunding. I findthisdiscouraging. Thefederal, provincial and municipal governments must get to work to address thefunding shortfall. This overpass will distribute traffic loadsand reducecongestion.
The provincial government will benefit fromthe overpass which will support mandated growth strategies The overpass alsowill provideanotheraccess into Ladner to address risk-
management responsibilities.
An overpass will help theCity of Delta address accessibility and public safety needs.
All governments benefitfrom a funding agreement oncompletion of the overpass. Time to get itdone!
Dave Rudberg
Editor :
The article inthe Aug. 22 editionofthe Optimist clearly shows harm reductionisnot working. Why do we continue to enable andpromote druguse? We need access to detox and treatment and recovery houses. We need to findmore ways to get offdrugsinsteadof making it easier to get on drugs.
We need to bring drug awareness into our schools to educate our youngsters. I want a drug free society, not a free drug society.
G. Santee
sg yarm a ti@delta -o ptimis t. co m
ElderCollege DeltaSocietyis pleasedtoacknowledge fundingdonations from Envision Financial, TsawwassenRotar yClubandthe City of Delta.Thesewelcomeddonations will assist ElderCollege to continue to provide opportunities forlifelonglearningand personal growth, geared to the interestsandneedsofthe seniorsinourcommunity.Picturedleft to right;LouiseLatremouille (ElderCollege), LaureenMcCleer y, (Rotar y) andBillDidur(Eldercollege).
We aretruly grateful fortheir efforts!
Former Tsawwassen First Nation Chief Kim Baird has been recognized forheradvocac y for Indigenous peoples and work in reconciliation, withthe King CharlesIII Coronation Medal.
On Aug. 27, Janet Austin, Lieutenant GovernorofBritish Columbia, awarded Kwuntiltunaat,Kim Baird and 53others, for their various contributions to society in a ceremony at HMCS Discover y in Vancouver.
The Coronation Medal is a Canadian honour created to mark the Coronationof His Majesty King CharlesIII.
The honour was launched by Mary
Kim BairdhelpednegotiatetheTFN’streaty, B.C.’s firsturbantreaty undertheB.C. treaty process.
Simon, Governor Generalof Canada, and recognizesthose who have made significant contributions to Canada and their homeprovince
The medal will be awarded to thousands ofindividualsacross the countr y andisthefirst Canadianhonour to mark a coronation.
It was noted that Baird, currently serving as Kwantlen Polytechnic
University’s chancellor, hasa life work ofprovidinga foundation to create opportunities for theprocess of reconciliation to exist andthrive, including acknowledging that First Nations have a right to self-determination, aquality oflife equal to all, andin partnership withall people
The ceremony at HMC S Discover y was the secondofthree celebrating the recipientsofthe Coronation Medal.
The first ceremony tookplace at Government House on July 18, where 60 recipients wererecognized, andthethird willtake placein late 2024.
Former Delta police Chief Neil Dubord was among thefirst 60 peoplewho wererecognized
Pleasejoinuson Wednesday September25th at7pmforour AGM! Thismeetingisanin-personeventandwillbe achancetotak eacloser lookathowDeltassistcontinuestosupportthecommunity. Deltassisthasbeenrespondingtothecommunity’sneedssince 1972, throughprovisionsofprofessionaland volunteerservicesthroughout Delta. We welcomeregistrantstoinviteafriendorfamilymemberfor aneveningofmeaningfuldialoguetogo overallthewaysDeltassist hasbeencaringforourcommunity.Lightsnacksandrefreshments willbeserved. Forenvironmentalreasons,pleasefeelfreetobring yourownwaterbottle. Thereisnocosttoattendbutweaskthatyouregisterinadvance. Pleaseregisterinadvancetoinquiry@deltassist.com.Letusknow yourname(first &last)andhowmany guestsyou’llbebringing.
Pleaseregisterpriorto FridaySeptember20th
EventDate: WednesdaySeptember25th
EventT ime: 7pm
Event Location: 9097 120th Street,Delta,BC
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t.
co m
The City of Deltaisplanning to begin community engagement this fall to gatherfeedback on the future of the bike pump track inEast Ladner. Following thefinal approvalthis summer of anadjacent townhouse project, thecity isnow shifting its focus on theexisting bike track at 6100 LadnerTrunk Rd.,which could be relocated to either a modified footprint in Holly Park or moved to anew location inLadner, such as Kensington Park
The residentialproject consists of the properties at 4726,4740and475260B St. and a portion of 6100LadnerTrunk Road. The application involvesaproposal to enter into a land exchange with Deltaand redevelop the siteto accommodate a 56-unit townhouse development comprising of 13 buildings
Formalized through a landexchange agreement, theexchange includes the rear portions of 4726and474060B St for a portion of 6100Ladner Trunk
Road,which was owned by thecity.
Theplanning department notesthat, as part of the landexchange, the realigned park boundary wouldprovide space to accommodate a potential playing field expansion inthefuture andthe owner has provideda voluntary amenity contribution to assist withfuture park upgrades
As far asthebike track, the costs to design and reinstate it would be undertaken by Delta.
Staff have met with representatives involved inthe construction of the current bike track to betterunderstandthe impacts of the landexchange on the interim condition of the park, the planning department notes.
Two of thefourexistingbike tracks have already beendecommissioned, whilethenoviceandadvanced tracks and parking lot are to remain operational until a newfacility is constructed.
The upcoming publicengagement is to guidethedesign and construction of a replacement. The track was builtin 2014through a collaboration between thecity and a local bike club
RegistrationbeginsSeptember 5at6:15 SouthParkElementar ygym 735GilchristDrive,Tsawwassen
•TheonlytraditionalJapanese karate clubinTsawwassen
•Allinstructorscertified by Japan Karate Association
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Mostaffordable clubin Tsawwassen. Childrenfromage 8toadults,includingseniorsarewelcome.
Trainingtimes:MondayandThursday Juniors:6:30 to 7:15,Seniors:6:30 to 8:00
Formoreinformation: www.jkatsa.com mallettgraham@gmail.com
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
Work has started on theinstallation of sewer and water service connections for anindoor training facility at Cromie Park, inLadner.
The section of road between the driveways of 425149th St and489242B Ave. will be temporarily closed Council earlierthis year approved a construction andlease agreement with the Ladner Minor BaseballAssociation to build a newindoor baseballtraining facility at the park.
The 14,300-square-foot facility will be at the southern edge of the park, between theexisting baseballdiamond and the current all-weatherfield.
The facility willalso include exterior access public washrooms, meeting space,a concession and storage space
The city’s parks and recreation department willalso be able to use the $3.7-million facility to host public programs
The City of Delta willprovide$2.5
million in funding withthe remaining funds contributed by the LMBA .
According to thecity,the LMBA will be responsible for booking thefacility for use by otherDelta-based sport and community groups The association will have the solediscretion to allocate and book thefacility,whileDelta will have access to any remaining hours thatmay be available at no cost to Delta
The facility is to be completed by April 2025.
Meanwhile, concerns had been conveyed by some residents about increased traffic and speeding throughtheneighbourhood.
The city’s Transportation Advisor y Committee earlierthis year was informed that public consultation had been undertaken on proposed trafficcalming measures, but it was decided, due a low survey response, to notify residentsthat thecity would not proceed at thistime.
It was noted, however, that it may be valuable to revisittheprocess once the facility was approved.
sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om
The City of Deltais once againhoping that other communities will agree to joinforcesin the callfor port policing thistime calling for a
containerfee to pay for the service.
A proposed Delta resolution at the upcoming Unionof BC Municipalitiesconvention requeststhe provincial government to work withOttawa to
developa containerlevy as a funding mechanism to re-establishdedicated resources to police ports and waterfronts to addressorganized crime.
ADelta report notes a similar resolution was submitted in2019and
endorsed by UBCM, howevera report last fall by Peter Germanand resulting focuson the issuehighlighted the importanceforcollaboration between alllevels of government to address the concernsand war-
Germantold Delta councillast yearthatmostwho workatthepor ts arelaw-abidingcitizensbutthere isanelementthathave connectionswithorganizedcrimegroups.
rantsa new resolution.
The 2024UBCMconvention willtake place Sept 16 to 20, in Vancouver.
security-cleared, Dubord said clearanceisan issue that needs to be addressed.
The UBCM Resolutions Committee notesthat, as part ofits response to the 2019 resolution,theprovince states port policing is a federal responsibility.
installationwithanycompleteunitorderof$850or more.
TermsandConditions:40%off anyorder of$1000 ormoreor30%offanyorderof$ 700-$1000 on any completecustomcloset,garage,orhomeoffice unit Takeanadditional 15% offonanycompletesystem order.Notvalidwithanyotheroffer.Free installationwithanycompleteunitorderof$850or more.Withincomingorder,attimeofpurchase
Termsand Conditions:40%offanyorder of $1000 ormoreor30%offanyorder of$700-$1000 onany completecustomcloset,garage,orhomeoffice unit. Take anadditional15%offonanycomplete systemorder.Not validwithanyotheroffer.Free installationwithanycompleteunitorderof$850or more. Withincomingorder,attimeofpurchaseonly. of$1000 of$700-$1000onany completecustomcloset,garage,orhomeofficeunit.
Withapprovedcredit.Calloraskyour Designer fordetails. Notavailableinallareas. Offernotvalidinallregions.Expires11/30/23.
Withapprovedcredit.Callorask your Designer fordetails Notavailableinallareas
The latest resolution, andthe2023 report commissioned by Delta, highlightsdecisions made by the Government of Canadato downloadfederal responsibilitieson to local governments
The committee also statesthat itis a UBCM general policy that “access to additional revenueshould be provided whenlocal government isassigned new responsibilities.”
At a presentation to the Delta Police Board last fall,then police Chief Neil Dubord said a small fee for ever y container could go a longway in addressing the major security concerns at Deltaport.
Noting that about 30,000 peopleenter the port on a regular basis, ofwhich only 7,000are
“A $10 surcharge is very small. That’s the priceof a latte, almost. That moneywould be dedicated to a security teamthat would be able to policethe ports, both onthe generalduty sideand beefing upthe investigative sideas well,” Dubord added.
The Ports Canada Police was disbanded in 1997andthe Vancouver Fraser Port Authority discontinued itsfinancial contribution to the RCMPled Waterfront Joint ForcesOperationin2015.
This April, BC Solicitor General Mike Farnworth responded to Mayor George Harvie’s letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Delta’s call onthefederal government to increase and change the enforcement model at Canadian ports.
In a letter to Harvie, Farnworth saidheshared Delta’s concernsand will continue to support any joint effort withthefeds and municipalities.
FileNo.LU009220(Bylaw No.8429)
Location:5055 Whitworth Crescent North
Applicant: Mandip andSimoneGill
Proposal:Applicationfor rezoningtopermita two-lotsingledetached residentialsubdivision.This applicationisconsistent with Delta’s OfficialCommunity Plan.
DeltaZoningBylaw No. 7600, 2017 AmendmentBylaw No.8429
Torezonethe property from Single DetachedResidential1 (RS1) to ComprehensiveDevelopment Zone 51(CDZ51)to allow subdivisionintotworesidentiallotsand construction of a510.5m2singledetacheddwellingonproposedLot 1 and a389.5m2singledetached dwelling on proposed Lot2
Staff Contact: JanetZazubek –Planner,604-946-3355
FileNo.LU009636(Bylaw No.8428)
Location: 11139 KendaleWay
Applicant: Malwinder Bhullar
Proposal: Applicationfor Rezoningtopermita two-lot singledetached residentialsubdivision.Thisapplicationisconsistentwith Delta’sOfficialCommunity Plan.
DeltaZoningBylaw No. 7600,2017Amendment BylawNo. 8428
Torezone thesubjectproperty fromSingleDetached Residential1 (RS1)toSingleDetached Residential7 (RS7)inorder toallow subdivisionofthe property into twosingledetached residentiallotsand theconstruction ofa new single detacheddwelling on each lot.
StaffContact: HelenStanton– Planner,604-952-3613
FileNo.LU009431(Bylaw No.8410)
Location: 8984112 Street
Applicant: Noor Muhammad
Proposal: Applicationfor rezoningtopermitatwo-lot single detached residentialsubdivision.Thisapplicationisconsistent with Delta’sOfficialCommunity Plan.
DeltaZoningBylaw No. 7600,2017Amendment BylawNo. 8410
Torezonethesubjectpropertyfrom Single Detached Residential4 (RS4)toSingleDetached Residential6 (RS6)inorder to allowsubdivisionofthe property into twosingledetached residentiallotsand theconstruction ofa newsingle detacheddwelling with asecondarysuiteoneachlot
StaffContact: EmilyPaterson – Planner, 604-952-3612
FileNo. LU009652 (Bylaw No.8435)
Location:8465 BrookeRoad
Applicant:Gurpreet Saini
Proposal:Applicationfor rezoningtopermitatwo-lot single detached residentialsubdivision.Thisapplicationisconsistent with Delta’sOfficialCommunity Plan.
DeltaZoningBylaw No. 7600,2017Amendment BylawNo. 8435
Torezone thesubjectproperty fromSingleDetached Residential1 (RS1)toSingleDetachedResidential 7(RS7) in order toallowsubdivisionofthe property intotwolotsand theconstructionofa new single detacheddwellingwithsecondary suiteon each lot.
StaffContact: Hayley Burns– Planner,604-952-3332
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
It’s that timeof year again when drivers are reminded about pedestrian safety around school zones.
As summerbreak draws to a close and school resumesnext week, the Delta Police Department (DPD)ishighlighting theimportance ofdriving safe as roads will see increased foottraffic, particularly around school zones.
Pedestriansare reminded to stay visible by wearing bright or reflective clothing, use crosswalks and always look both ways before crossing. Pedestrians are also reminded to avoiddistractions like phonesand stay fully aware oftheir surroundings.
Drivers are reminded to reduce speed and be mindfulof pedestrians and school buses, as wellasensuring they are cautious at crosswalks.
Drivers need to give themselvesextra time to get to theirdestinationsand remember the speed limitin school
According to ICBC, in B.C. ever y year, on average, three childrenare killed and359are injured incrasheswhile walking or cycling.
In schoolandplayground zones, 51 children are injured incrashes ever y year.
Ever y school day,unless other wise posted,a 30km/h speed limitisin effectin school zonesfrom 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In playground zones,a 30km/h speed limitisineffect ever y day from dawn to dusk.
Meanwhile, thecity’s Transportation Advisor y Committee was recently updated on aDelta school zone safety project completed this year.
The city installed 30 speed humps and raised crosswalksin all school zones
City staffnoted that the initiative was well received, andthecity has received requests foradditional speed humps on adjacent roadways.
Location: 11479 and 1148974A Avenue
Applicant: R. Pandher,PandherProperties
Delta Zoning BylawNo. 7600,2017Amendment BylawNo. 8376
Don’tmissoutonlearning to skatethis Fallwithour PreCanSkateandCanSkateclasses!
FigureSkatingand PowerSkatingprogramsavailableupon evaluation. *NEWTHISYEAR*PreCanSkateclassesofferedon TuesdaysandThursdays11:15-11:45AM.(Small classsizes!)
Proposal: Application forrezoningtopermitathree-lotsingledetached residential subdivision. Thisapplicationisconsistent with Delta’sOfficial CommunityPlan.
Torezonethesubject property from Duplex/SingleDetached Residential3 (RD3)to Single Detached Residential7 (RS7)in order toallowsubdivisionof theproperty intothreesingledetached residentiallotsand theconstructionofa new single detacheddwelling withan in-groundbasement andsecondarysuiteoneach lot.
Staff Contact: HelenStanton– Planner, 604-952-3613
Materialsrelatedtothe proposalssuchasthe proposed bylaws, detailed maps andotherinformationmay be inspectedatDelta City Hall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC, MondaytoFriday, excluding statutory holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.fromThursday, August 29,2024 to Monday,September 9, 2024.
If youhavea general inquiryregardingthe proposal or if youwould likeassistancetoinspectanyrelevantdocumentation, pleasecontactthe DevelopmentDepartmentby email atdevelopment@delta.caorbyphone at 604-946-3380.
Correspondencereceivedupto12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 4,2024 will beincluded in the Agendapackage.Corresponden cereceived thereafter will beprovided to Council in advanceofthe Council meeting. Allcorrespondence must include yournameand full address andwillformpartofthe public recordforthe proposal andbepublishedon theCity’swebsite.
���� Email: mayor-council@delta.caOR
���� Writeto: Mayorand Council,CityofDelta 4500 ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
3/ 3
When school starts on Sept. 3,the site ofthe former Farm Roots Mini School at 65701A Avenue in Boundar y Bay, Delta will be opening its doors to studentsonce again.
Theeight-acre location will be enjoyed by studentsfromacross the district through a variety
of different programs.
Students in the district’s provincial online school, Home Quest, will be regular visitors. As part ofthe outdoor program, they willexplore thecommunity from an Indigenous perspective throughthe Naut’sa mawt and First Peoples
Jeffrey Greenfeld,CFP®,RIS,EPC
Principles of Learning.
Jeffrey Greenfeld,CFP®,RIS,EPC Senior Wealth Advisor,iAPrivate WealthInc
SeniorWealthAdvisor,iAPrivate WealthInc.
*InsuranceAdvisor, iAPrivateWealthInsuranceAgency
Arecent2024RBCFamily Finances Poll surveyed grandparents55andolder.Itfoundthat 54% were sacrificingtheir savings by financiallyassistingtheir adultchildrenorgrandchildrenandthat 52% had to make lifestylechangestocontinuehelping. Many grandparentsfeelincreased pressure toprovide assistance,ratherthan abasicdesiretohelp.Sound familiar?
Familysupportshouldassist, notenable. Here’s how: Ifthisis agift :
•Befirm onwhat yourbudgetallows, andit can’t be ongoing
•Encouragethemto buildanemergencyfundforthe unexpected
Ifthisis aloan, make arepaymentplanwiththe following:
•How it will be used
•Whenitshould be paidback
Aloanispreferable over agift ;especiallyif theyare married orcommonlawasitcancomplicateissuesif theyseparate. Question ‘cash-only’ gifts Financialassistance canalsoincludeofferingaroom forauniversity student, lendingyourcarfor ashort time,meal-sharing, payingfordebtcounseling,buying gift cards, andpaying off acredit card balance.Suggest avisitto afinancialplanner.
Keeptrackofwhat you gave andtowhom.Don’t getcaughtupwithfamilymemberscomparing themselvestoothersandwhat you gave them.Don’t make decisionsbased onemotion. Have frequent conversations outliningyourexpectationsfullyand encouragingfinancial responsibility.
Lastly,consult yourinvestmentadvisor beforeyou becomethenewfamilybank
ContactJeffreyGreenfeld at 604-940-8617 orJeff@greenfeldfinancial.com
ThisinformationhasbeenpreparedbyJeffreyGreenfeld,whois aSenior Wealth Advisor for APrivateWealthInc. Opinions expressed inthisarticleare those ofJeffreyGreenfeldonlyand donot necessarily reflect those ofiAPrivate WealthInc.iAPrivate WealthInc.isamemberof theCanadian Investor ProtectionFundandtheCanadian Investment RegulatoryOrganization. *Insurance productsand servicesareofferedthroughIAPrivate Wealth Insurance Agency,an independentand separate companyfromiAPrivate WealthInc.Onlyproductsand servicesoffered hroughiAPrivate WealthInc.arecoveredbytheCanadian Investor ProtectionFund.
“Students will spend their mornings investigating andobser ving the landandliving things that inhabit thearea. You willoften find us exploring theshoreline oradventuring in the surrounding forest areas,” said Tiffany Cherry, Home Quest coordinator “In theafternoon we will learnthroughcollaboration. Our afternoons will often involve time in our stor y studio creating, connecting, and sharing thelearning fromthe morning adventures.”
“Students participating in theFrench Immersion program willalso be regular visitors to the site,” said Gwenaëlle OgerBlack, French Programs Coordinator. “Before the summerbreak, I brought several field trips involving classesfromgrades 2 to 12here to learn about the landand I lookforward to doing the same againthis year.”
The site willalso be visited by groupsofnew teachers that are focusing
Thesiteofthe former Farm RootsMini Schoolat6570 1A Avenuein Boundary Bay, Deltawillbeopeningitsdoorstostudentsonceagainon Sept.3.
using outdoor education, place-based learning and storytelling as part of their practice
“We are extremely fortunate that students get to learn, discover, connectandplay once again in this lovely environment,” said Neil Stevenson, Director of Learning Services “Sadly,the pandemic caused us toclose the Farm Roots Mini School
With studentsnolonger visiting the site during that time, many members ofthecommunity beganusing thearea as a place to take their pets Withthe return of staffand students in September, we respectfully ask thelocal community to avoid bringing petsonto the school grounds. The presenceof animalson schoolproperty is a potential threat
to the safety of childrenoradultswhoare engaged in activities on the site, someofwhom we already know are fearfulof animals.”
In addition, community members are asked to avoid parking in the school parking lot. Access to thelot is required at all times by school district staffand school buses. -Submitted by Delta SchoolDistrict
Isabelle wona giftcard courtesyof ISABELLE O.
McDonald’s •183556thStreet TSAWWASSEN •5776Ladner TrunkRoad LADNER
Ifyouare interested inbecoming acarrier pleasecall604-946-5171
Localgovernments can regulatethesaleanduseoffireworkswithintheir localboundariesbutthere arediscrepancies amonglocal bylaws.
sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om
A motionthat will be put forward by the City of Delta at the upcoming Unionof BC Municipalitiesconvention isasking the feds to stop theimportationofillegal fireworks.
Previously endorsed by the Lower Mainland Local Government Association, themotion also requeststheprovince work withlocal governments to amend the BC Fireworks Act andconcurrently work withthe federal government to address the online saleof fireworks.
Delta wantsa con-
sistent approach on the sales and permitting of fireworks to reducethe unauthorized and unsafe use offireworks within theprovince.
Council earlierthis yearasked staff to report back on opportunities to improve Delta’s regulations related to the use of fireworks withinthecommunity.
Stafffound significant differences inhow local governmentsin B.C. are regulating the sale and use ofthem withintheir communities. Where no local bylaw exists, the provincial Fireworks Act applies, resulting infurtherdiscrepancies.
Just one example noted
is Delta, where a permit is required to possess and use fireworks withinthe municipal boundaries and the saleoffireworks isprohibited. However, a resident of Deltawho does not have a permit can still purchase fireworks inother nearby communities where the saleisallowed, without having to demonstrate they have a permit to possess and use fireworks withintheircommunity.
Fireworks are also readily availablefrom sources outsideof B.C. and Canada through online purchase
The 2024UBCM conventiontakesplace Sept. 16 to 20in Vancouver.
The Boundary BayQuilters Guild and Dragonfly Quilting and Gifts –PRESENT–
What’s happening... Shopping– DragonflyQuilting Kevinwillbebringingthestore!
New!!! - BBQGMakers’ Market -Start yourholiday shopping earlywithquiltsandmore made by ourmembers
Sneak Peak at ourUpcoming Guild Year– Speakers,Workshops, Demos,CommunityEvents, and Retreats,Bus Trips,SewDays and More Demonstrations– Learnanew techniqueorsomenewtricks
Door Prizes •Refreshments•andmore!
When: Saturday, September7thfrom 11am -4pm
Where: Benediction LutheranChurchHall 55756th Avenue(cornerof6thand56th),Tsawwassen,BC
If youhavequestionsor wouldlikemoreinformation,pleaseemail info@boundarybayquiltersguild.com Everyone Welcome!
SANDOR GYARMATI sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
The City of Delta recently issued a request forbidsfor a qualified mechanicalcontractor to design-buildone replacement air handling unit at theLadner Leisure Centre and four at South Delta Recreation Centre.
The project includes thedesign-buildof a new roof-topunit to supply heat andairconditioning to the mainlobby andcoffee shoparea of Ladner Leisure Centre, whilefournew roof-top unitsare to replaceexisting units at South Delta Recreation Centre.
The city also notesthat
it wants to identifythree contractors that can be called upon to provide design-buildmechanical servicesonan, “as and when requested” basis.
Meanwhile, council recently gave the goaheadfor staff to develop anenhanced corporate asset-management program.
A report to council notesthere isgrowing awareness oftheimportanceofimplementing long-term asset management practices, and senior governmentsare increasingly requiring enhanced asset management reporting as a conditionofgrant funding.
range financialplan.
The secondphase willinvolve implementing formalized practices across allareas ofthe city.
Once Delta’s program isfully developed, ongoing reviewandupdates will be essential,the report adds
Asfaras having the appropriate staff to oversee theprogram, Delta recently implemented organizational changes to place a greaterfocus on long-term facility planning andasset management. Througha departmentalamalgamation, the Facilitiesand Major Projects Department was created.
Delta hasconducted someassessmentson civicfacilitiesandutility infrastructure, however, theneed existsforthe city to undertakeamorecomprehensiveand systematicassetassessment andplanning approach, the report notes.
To adequately address capacity challenges related to a backlog of capitalprojectsinfacility life cycle andasset management, additional staff resourcesare required, including hiring four-tosix additional positions
The process involves continuously assessing management practices andthe state ofassets
The report explains that the first phase of Delta’s enhanced corporate asset management program willinvolve gathering datafor a thoroughconditionassessment ofasset classes, thendeveloping anassetmanagement policy, strategy, planandintegrationinto Delta’s long-
Among the positions, one will oversee maintenanceoperationsacross multiplefacilities, leadinga teamof maintenance staff, coordinating schedules, prioritizing tasks and allocating resources.
A new lands specialist will work withthecity’s lands manager andother staff to enhancethe dayto-day management of the Delta’s real estate holdings.
Joinusforthenext Sunday@3concert featuring Alex Whittakerand Linda Kidder
Kidderand Whittaker have beenfriendsand bandmates making beautiful music togetherfor the past 20 years.
They play a wide range of music including swing, ballads, Latin, pop and originals.
Whittakeris a master guitarist, with a voicethat can sing anything, while Kidderisfirst andforemosta wonderful vocalist,many saying “she has the voiceofanangel.”
She willalso be playing electric bass. Together these two are very enter-
ThenextSunday @3 Concert
taining, personable with a good helping of humour.
Theconcert is Sunday, Sept.8 at 3 p.m. at Ladner
United Church (496048th Ave.). Admissionis$10 cash at thedoor. -Submitted
andideally theirunderstanding
1. Burro
4. Bakingdirection
8. Bill
13. Soothingplant
14. Wheel rod
16.Dog’s hounder
18. Belief
28. Seat
33. BeeorClara
37._ rehearsal
41. Quake
43.Tropical fruit
57.Skier’s stick
1.Amazed 2. Go away! 3.Ditty 4. Africantrip 5. Unwell 6. Enemy 7. Mock
8. Debutante’sdebut
9. Test
10.Singing voice
11. Sharp-edged
23. Fireplacedust
30.Paddle’s cousin
48.Came to ground
54.The totalamount
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Yourartistic talentsmay helpyousecureasecond sourceof income. Creating an exceptional workof artwill be agratifying achievementdespitetime constraints, andyou’ll enjoy stayingactive.
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AQUARIUS Jan.20-Feb.18
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PISCES Feb. 19-March20
Anextraordinary opportunity totravel will present itself. However, the main challenge will befinding the time and money.Bepatient and methodical in planningthis incredible escape.
Fillin thegridsothat everyrow,every columnand every3 x3box contains thenumbers 1through 9onlyonce. Each 3x3box isoutlinedwith a darkerline. Youalreadyhave a fewnumbers to get youstarted. Remember:youmustnot repeat the numbers 1through 9inthesameline, columnor 3x3 box.
TheDelta Photo Club beginsits 2024/25 season withanin-person gathering Saturday Sept. 7.
Previousandprospective members are invited to join clubmembers at Boundary Bay Regional Park (Centennial Beach)for a quick meeting to outline the coming seasonfollowed by a team-based photo scavenger hunt and a social.
The club willalso announceits Photographerofthe Year awardfor last season.
Upcoming seasonactivitiesinclude photo nights, skillsdevelopment sessions, workshops, competitions, and fun outings
Photographers from beginners to prosare welcome. Bring your cameras, whetherthey are cellphones to pro rigs Register by email: outings@deltaphotoclub.com by noon, Wednesday, Sept. 4. It istimeformembership renewals andinviting others to becomea member ofthe Delta Photo Club by filling out themembershipform at : http:// deltaphotoclub.com/member-sign-upform
Guestsare welcome to attendthe
Sept.7 outing as a guest at no charge For specificdetailsonthe season opener see:www.deltaphotoclub.com.
First workshop
On Wednesday, Sept 11from7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on Zoom, the club’s workshop “Land & Sky- The Art ofthe Night” by professional photographerand instructor Richard Tatti from Bendigo, Australia will be held.
He willshare inspirational stories, practical guidance, location scouting, gear, shooting considerationas wellas post processing to capture the beauty and splendourofthenight sky.
The meeting Zoomlink will be sent out intheafternoonof Sept. 11.
To attend: becomea member of the Delta Photo Club by filling out the membershipform at : http://deltaphotoclub.com/member-sign-up-form or attendas a guest by sending an e-transferof$10 to:treasurer_membership@deltaphotoclub.com by noon, Wednesday, Sept. 11. Please include your name, emailaddress, and club affiliation withthetransfer
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
3900 Ar thurDrive, Ladner 604-946-4522
AllSaintsAnglican Church 4979-44A Avenue,Ladner 604-946-9179 •604-946-4224
JoinusSundayService @9.30am WednesdayService @10am followedbyBibleStudy Formoreinformation www.allsaintsladner.orgor call604-946-8413. 4755ArthurDrive,Delta
ONLINEORIN-PERSON, Sundays @9:30a.m.
www.ladnerlife.com info@ladnerlife.com 5545LadnerTrunkRd.
1115 –51AStreet Tsawwassen
Rector Rev.SimbarasheBasvi
st.davidsdelta51@gmail.com www.stdavidsdelta.com
Sundaysat10:00 a.m. Rev.Jason Truell
中文主日崇拜 10:00a.m.
Nancy 楊牧師
4594 –54AStreet, Ladner,B.C. 604-946-7033, office@ladnercrc.com www.ladnercrc.ca
Tsawwassen United Church
693 –53rdStreet,Tsawwassen Welcometoeveryonefor Worship &Friendship Sundays @10:00am tuc@telus.net604.943.2911
“Be Faithful,betrue, be ablessing”
Growingupinan Africanvillagethere wasatimewhenthe seniors wouldtakeus to thecommunalmeeting placeformotivational lessons aboutlife.
One storyI remember vividlyisthat aboutthe elephantandthe jackal. A storyis abouthow anelephantandadog becamepregnant simultaneously
Threemonthsdown thelinethe jackal gave birth to six puppies. Six months laterthe jackal waspregnant again,and ninemonthsonit gave birth to anotherdozen puppies. The pattern continued.
Onthe18thmonth, the jackal approached theelephantquestioning, “Are you sure that youarepregnant? We
becamepregnanton the same date,I have givenbirththreetimes to adozen puppies,and theyarenowgrown to becomebig jackals, yet youare stillpregnant. What’s goingon?”
Theelephant replied, “Thereis somethingI want you to understand. What Iam carr yingis not a puppy butanelephant. Ionlygivebirth to one in two years. When my baby hitstheground,the earth willfeelit. When my baby crossesthe road, human beings stop and watchinadmiration, what I carr ydraws attention. So,what I’m carr yingismighty andgreat.”
Themoralofthis story isthat there istimeand placefor everything. Everyflowerblooms at adifferent pace. There’s nocomparison between the sunandthemoon. They shinewhenit’s theirtime. Don’tlose faithwhen you seeothersachievingtheir success. Uniquenessliesin notcomparing oneself to others. Yourtimeis coming!
ORCHEQUEONLY Taxreceiptsgiven for$25ormore! McKeeSeniors RecreationCentre 515547 Ave,Delta| 604-946-1411
Call604-946-5171 or emaildistribution@delta-optimist.com 16002031AAve,3rdAve,67AST,CentennialPkwy.........................................................................................................70 16002041AAve,66ASt,67thSt.....................................................................................................................................60
160032011AAve,12thAve,50thSt,BayviewDr,ChehalisDr,WilmingtonDr,50BSt......................................................97 1600321GaleDr ,GalePl................................................................................................................................................40 16003358AAve,12thAve,49thSt,EnglishBluffRd........................................................................................................40 160040413BAve,15BAve16thAve,54thSt,55ASt,55thSt.........................................................................................70 160040952ndSt,53ASt,BelairCres,SaratogaDr,WindsorCres,BelairDr......................................................................79 1600425OspreyDr,BlueHeron Way.
Thefirst Fall Showcase was such a roaring success, so the Boundar y Bay Quilters are hosting it again.
This year ’s Fall Showcase is at the Benediction Lutheran Church, this Saturday, Sept.7 from11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The newandimproved versionfeatures everything on hand last year, plus theadditionof a “Makers’ Market” where products hand made by Guildmembers will be for sale.
Quiltsand a variety of other sewn, knitted,crocheted and woven items will be featured and, again,Dragonfly Quilting and Gifts will be there withtheir “popup” store. If you know Dragonfly, you know that there’s always good deals and
if you haven’tshopped therebefore forquilting supplies, you’re in for a treat.
The popular “Banner Bags” will again be available at thepreview. The first yearofthis joint project withthe City of Delta has been terrific. Approximately 600 bags have been made from “upcycled” nylon street banners so far,transforming used textiles into useful itemsand keeping them out ofthe landfill.
There will be a display ofquilts and other projects made at Guild workshops, information onupcomingworkshops and speakers, as well asother Guild activities such as retreats, bus trips andcommunity quilts
Once again, our Block of the Month program will make quilts to be
donated to theIrene Thomas Hospice This program was launched last year, and enough butterfly blocks were madefrom kits given out in September that Guild members were able to make anddonate five quilts.A totalof12quilts were made over last year and received by representativesofthe Hospice. Again,free patternsand kits will be available at thePreviewforthefirst BOTMof our new year
Once again,there will be free refreshmentsand doorprizes
The first regular Guild meeting of the year will take place on Sept 17 at theLadner Community Centre, 473451 St.
Doors willopen at 6:30 meeting begins at 7 p.m. Benediction Lutheran Church islocated at 5575
ContactIanat ijacques@delta-optimist.com or 604-998-3616
KimHollowayis workingon“ Banner Bags”usinghervintageSinger Feather weightsewingmachineatHarris BarninLadneronJuly1.
6th Ave. (cornerof56th and6th)in Tsawwassen. For more information
orif have any questions, please go to www.boundar ybayqg.comoremail
Joinus at the Southlandsin Tsawwassenon Sept 8,from10
a.m. to 4 p.m. asthe South Delta Artisanscelebrate their second anniversary with a spectacular artisan-only Show and Sale
Thisunique event willfeature the inspiring talentsoflocal artisans(some40 have beenaccepted) showcasing their handmade creations, including stunning jewelry, captivating paintings, unique beach art, exquisitewood turnings, and so much more.
Thisis a fabulousopportunity to meettheartisans behindthe magic, support our local creative community,andfindthat per-
fect handmadetreasure. Many of these talented creators rarely attend marketcircuits, making this eventa rare andexciting chance to discover newlocal South Delta artisansandtheir unique work.
Underthevisionar y leadershipof Pete Blair, the SouthDelta Artisansprovides a platform to showcase the rich lore oftalent within our community. Our Facebook group servesas a virtual forum, whilethe Sept.8 event will bring thiscreative energy to lifein person,offering local artisansthe exposurethey deser ve We invite you to be part ofthis
uniquecelebrationofcreativity andcommunity. Come out, meet theartisans, andexperiencethe remarkabletalent thatmakes South Delta so special.
Artwork by someofthe artists have beendonated fordraws. Be sure to add your name! We’ll also have somefood trucksto further enhance your walkabout ofthe show. Plus, weather permitting, you’ll geta chance to view Blair at work during a live small woodturning demoonhis Midi wood lathe, Fiona Sizer demonstrating some hand-building of clay at the show,andlikely others.
info@boundar ybqyquiltersguild.com. -Submitted
Saturday,September 7,2024from10amto4pm
Joinusfor acelebrationofagricultureandfarminginDeltaat Day atthe Farm,hostedbyDelta Farmland andWildlife Trust.
Thisfree,family-friendlyeventoffers afun-filleddaywith interactive activities,whereyoucanexperiencewhat aday inthe lifeofalocalfarmerisallabout.Comeandhonourthededication, passion,andresilienceofourlocalfarmerswho bringfresh, qualityproduce to ourtablesandstrengthenourcommunity.
Formoredetails, visitDelta Farmland andWildlife Trustat: deltafarmland.ca
MICHAELWHITE Contributing Wr iter
Day at the Farm, oneof Delta’s most popular latesummerfamily events, returns to Westham Island Herb Farm (4690 Kirkland Road)on Saturday, Sept 7,from10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Day at the Farm (DATF) has evolved impressively throughout its20-year history.
Valerie Miller, of DATFpresenters Delta Farmland & Wildlife Trust, notesthat the event beganin2004underthe much less compelling name Farm Awareness Day andconsisted of little more than hay bales and some signage inthe parking lot ofLadner Village
Market. It relocated in 2007 to Westham Island Herb Farm
Last year ’s DATFis estimated to have drawn roughly 5,000 attendees
“Theoriginalintent was to build awareness of the value of local farms,” says Miller, “butit also addressed theunspoken value that farmlandprovides to both resident andmigrator y waterfowl andotherbirds.
“It was anopportunity forthe general public to see forthemselveswhat farmers in Delta were doing— what theywere growing andwhat was involved in local agriculture.”
Miller addsthat while some long-time attractions, includinga dis-
play ofvintage tractors, remainas popular as ever, organizers strive to addnewonesasoftenas possible. Participator y attractions, such as haywagon ridesand a potato dig, draw especially enthusiasticcrowds.
This year ’s DATF also includes performances from music duo Thorn and Sparrow and singersongwriterAndrew Schneider ; cookie-and jam-making contests; educationaldisplays; farm animals ;a selection offood trucks ; and more.
Admission to DATFis free, but attendees must reserve ticketsinadvance Visit deltafarmland. ca/a-day-at-the-farm for thisand to learnmore about the event.
Coping withthedeath of a loved oneisnever easy
Eventhose comforted by the acknowledgment that a recently deceased friendorfamily member lived a fulllife may still struggle withthe sense of loss that comes withthe passing of a loved one.
Uponthe passing of a loved one, anindividualisoften tasked withwriting anobituar y. Some people may find writing anobituar y is cathartic, providing anopportunity to tell a loved one’s life stor y and indicate how uniquethe deceased was. Because writing an obituar y isnot something peopleare asked to do ever y day,it’s understandableif many menand womendon’t know where to begin.
Obituariesdonotnecessarily have to followa formula,
but thefollowing tips can help peoplecompose anobituar y that conveys whotheir deceased loved one was and how much this personmeant to friends and family
* Contact yourlocal newspaper: Some newspapers may have obituar y guidelinesthat governthingslike writing style andobituar y length. Before writing anobituary,contact your local newspaper to determine ifthey have any such rulesinplace. Somenewspapers may only publishobituarieswritten by their own staff members
* Do not feelobliged to includecause ofdeath : While acquaintanceswhofirst learn of a person’s death viaan obituar y may be curious about cause ofdeath, loved onesof thedeceased do not have to
include such informationif they are uncomfortable doing so Many obituaries never include such information, so readers likely won’texpect it. Those whoare comfortable including such informationin theobituar y may findithelps them avoid having to answer numerous inquiries about theloved one’s demise at the ensuing visitationandfuneral services
* Include some biographicalinformation: Obituaries are typically more than simple announcementsofdeath.
Some simplebiologicalinformation can shed light onwho thedeceased was andhisor her personalandprofessional accomplishments Avoid getting too detailed, asnewspapers may not acceptobituariesthat are very lengthy But
biographicalinformationlike full name, placeofbirth, family (i.e., spouse, children,grandchildren,etc.),militar y service, placeofemployment, charity work, andhobbies can give readers anaccurate idea ofthe life yourloved onelived.
* Includedonationinformation: Well-wishers who read theobituar y may want to send flowers or make donations to express their condolences Includethefamily preference regarding flowers ordonations intheobituary. When requesting donations be made to the deceased’s favoritecharity, includethe charity’s full name andcontactinformationor a website intheobituary.
* Include visitationand funeral information: Be sure to includethe day,location andvisitationhours forview-
Herearesometips forpreparinganobituar y.
ings Ifthefuneral will be public, includethe day andtimeof thefuneralas well.
* Have theobituar y ready one totwo days before the services are scheduled: Publishingtheobituar ya coupleof days inadvanceofvisitationhours givesloved onesof thedeceased time to arrange to visitand paytheir respects.
-Metro Creative
Blendedfamiliesare thenewnormal! Buttheyraisechallengingissuesthat requireexperienceand expertisewhenit comes to estateplanning.
AtWilsonRasmussen,ourestateplanning teamisup to thechallenge. We have preparednewestate plans for many coupleswhohave re-partnered laterinlifewith childrenfromprevious relationships.Thereare uniqueand important considerationswiththeseestateplans,and we areheretoadviseandguide youasyouimplementan estateplanthatworks foryouand your lovedones.
Forhelpwith yourestateplan,orjust forsome good advice,giveusa call orvisitusonline!
EffectiveJuly1,2024,WilsonRasmussenLLP,aleading Surrey lawfirm, acquiredSeverideLaw, aleading law firminDelta, ledbyDavidandDeirdreSeveride.Allsix ofSeverideLaw’slawyers and allitsstaffmembershave joinedWilsonRasmussenLLPandpracticeunderthe WilsonRasmussenLLPname.TheSeverideLawteamis operatingundertheWilsonRasmussenLLPbannerfrom their existingDeltalocation.
Addinganadultchildtotitletoone’shome mayavoidprobatefeesand avoid adelay inadministeringanestateandalthough well-intentioned,itmay comewithunanticipated consequences. To unwindthetransactionmay, in thelongrun,bemorecostlytoone’sestate.
•Exposuretocapitalgainsasitisnotthe child’sprincipalresidence
•Theriskthatcreditorsoran ex-spouseofthe childmayclaimaninterestinthehome
•Theobligationtopayoutdeferredtaxesor mortgagesinadvanceofthetransfer
•Therequirementtofileanannualtrust returnforbaretrustsunderCanadaRevenue Agency’snewtrustreportingrules
Mostimportantly,youlose acertainamountof control over, inmanycases,one’slargestasset.
We’d behappytomeetwith youtodiscussthisor anyotherof yourestateplanningneeds.
Discussing end-of-lifeissues can be an emotionalexperience Making decisionsupon the death of a loved one can be challenging, especially if the wishes of the deceased are murky or unknown. Funeral trusts oftenhelpfamilies avoid making decisions at times when their emotions may make such decisions more difficult.
What is pre-planning a funeral?
Pre-planninga funeral can save family andfriendsfrom having to make difficult decisions. It also enables people to choose their burial space, servicesand transportation.Pre-planning also allows people to pay fororarrange payment for their funeralcosts aheadof time.
Whatis a funeral trust?
Funeral trust can be a smart investment for peoplewho have not spelled out their wishesin a willorconveyed them inwriting to someonewho will be managing their estate
Funeral trusts may be referred to as revocableorirrevocable. Anirrevocable funeral trust, orIFT, is a tool people whoare facing the highcost of skilled
nursing care can consider AnIFT establishesanaccount into which money forfuneralexpensesisdeposited. The money cannot be withdrawn or refunded, andfunds must be used forfuneral expenses
Whenis a trustunnecessary?
In certaininstances,a funeral trust willnot be needed. Those who have the means to fundlong-term care services and willnotneed assistance later inlife may not want their money locked up in a trust. Others optforlifeinsurance policies to pay forfuneralneeds.
Assistance with funeral trusts
Funeralhomes may work directly with companies thatmanage funeral funds Speakwitha funeraldirector if youwant to learn more about trusts
Trusts also can be established by working with anelder care attorney or with a funeral trust agency.
Taking care offuneralplanning in advance can relieve familiesof the stress of making funeral decisionsin the wake of a loved one’s death. -Metro
MThelossofa friendorlovedoneis seldom easy,particularly if aperson hadbeensufferingfromanillness. Closefriendsandfamilyhonorthe memoriesoftheirdeceased lovedones in differentways. Charitablegivingcan be agreat waytohonor aloved one’s memor ywhilehelpingothers.
Survivorsoftenfindcomfortinthe knowledge that theycando some good in the nameof aloved one.Tributes or memorialgifts canbeapproached in different ways and serveasanongoing reminderof adeceasedloved one.
Create acharitablefoundation
Thosewho have the timeand resources canestablishtheir owncharitablegroupsinthedecedent’sname. Thismethodofcharity requires the mosttimeandeffort, butcan prove to be quiteanimpactfulmemorial. Individualswho wouldlike to go this routecanconsult withfinancialand taxprofessionals aboutthe best wayto establish acharitablegroup.
Communityfoundation Families canfocuson something
theirlovedone careddeeplyabout, such asanimal rescue,children,the arts,orevenparticularplaces inacommunity, such as alocal park
Memorialgiftsthatassistmedicalassociationsorgroups workingto find curesoroffertreatmentsfordiseasesare quitepopular.Ifaloved one passedawaydue to aspecific illness, itiscommontoask for donations to a specificorganizationthat specializes ininformationand services pertaining to thatillness. Many such groups have a“donateinmemory”optionon their websites.Oftentimesfamiliesarenotifiedregardingwho madememorial donationsintheirlovedones’names, buttheamountofthedonationneed not be revealed.
Thosewho wouldliketomakea donation butcannotthinkof acharitytoassociate withtheirdeceased lovedone have ahostofoptions at theirdisposal. Consider donatingtoa schoolorlibrary,requesting materials
Survivorsoftenfindcomfor tintheknowledgethatthey candogoodinthe nameof alovedone.Tributesormemorialgiftscanbeapproachedindifferentwaysandserveasanongoingreminderofa deceasedlovedone.
be purchasedinthedecedent’sname. Otherwise, donatetoageneral scholarshipfund, possiblyatthedecedent’s almamater.
Finish their work
If thedecedent wasengaged in a
charitableprojectprior to theirdeath, volunteer to helpcompletethatproject Givingbackafterthedeathof aloved oneis agreat waytokeepthememor y ofthat person alive.
By leavinga Legacy Gift throughyourWill, youcan make ameaningful impact on healthcare at theDelta Hospital Campusand strengthenour communityfor many generationstocome.
Formoreinformationon howyou canleave agif tin your Will,pleasecontact: Jodi Stokes Legacy andLeadershipGivingManager jodi.stokes@dhchfoundation.ca
The death of a loved is difficult to confront. Emotionsare elevated and griefisprominent, which can make it hard to make important decisions. Quite often several peopleneed to come together to make decisionsnecessary for a family member’s funeral arrangements There also is a financialcomponent to consider.
Funeralpre-planning is a good way forindividuals to make a difficulttime a littlemore manageablefortheir survivors. Funeralhomes frequently work handin-hand withindividuals and families tocustomize pre-planning packages and facilitate theprocess. Here’s a rundown ofpreplanning asindividuals
Explore youroptions
Pre-planningafuneral enables people to consider alloftheoptions withoutthetimeconstraintsof making funeral arrangementsdirectly after the passing of a loved one.A knowledgeable staff member at afuneralhome, can explaintheofferingsand answer any questions.
Straightfor ward process
Unlessan individual has plannedafuneral inthe past, there could be alotof unknowns. Funeral homes handle these events ever y day and can guidefamilies throughtheintricacies of the process with ease. Most have pre-planning kitsthat include all ofthe
essentialsoftheprocess, such as choosing caskets, deciding onprayer cards anddesigning floral arrangements.
Avoid confrontations
Working directly with
final wishes Whenpreplanninga funeral,individuals can spell out in their own words exactly what they desire and evenfinancethefuneral inadvance.
Establish a payment plan
Works with religious officials
a professionalalso helps alleviate the burden onfamily members, who may not agree on arrangementsorconcur onwhat they believe would be aloved one’s
A funeralhome staff member can go over the various waysto fund funeralexpenses, and may work outa payment schedule to spread out theexpense over a period oftime. He orshe also may explainhow funeral prearrangement can be a way to “spenddown” assetsin a way that protectsthose moniesfrom look-back periods when determining eligibility for certainassisted living or nursing facilitiesshould that be required inthe
Very often a funeral homeis a conduitthat facilitates allfacetsofthe funeralprocess. They may reach out to a preferred house of worship to organizea mass or other religious service, and willalso contactthe cemeter y and work with them to secure a plotand deed Thisalso alleviates pressure down theline ongrieving family members whoneed time to mourn.
Pre-planninga funeral meritsconsideration. Working with a trusted funeralhome removes much ofthepressure during such difficult times.
-Metro Creative
Welcometothe2024DeltaOptimist Readers’ChoiceAwards!
Onceagain, you’ve steppeduptospotlightthebestofthe bestin TsawwassenandLadner—whetherit’s your favorite coffeeshop,thatgo-tolocalbusiness,orthe people who makeourcommunityshine.
We were thrilledtosee yourincredible participation this year,with nearly 13,000 votesrollingin.Yourexcitementandinvolvement reminduswhy theseawardsare someaningfultoSouth Delta
To keepit fair,wesetsomesimple rules:eachballothadtoincludevotesacross a minimumnumberofcategories, and only onevoteperIPaddresswascounted.
To everyonewhocast avote—thankyou!You’vehelpeduscelebratethe realgems inourcommunity.
Butdon’tjusttake our word forit—getoutthereandexperiencethese local favoritesfor yourself
Andtoall thewinnersand finalists, ahugecongratulations! Thisspecialeditionisfor you, atestamenttotheloveandsupportyou’ve earnedfromour readers. You’rewhatmakesSouthDelta such aspecialplace.
MattBlair Publisher
WeatNewVisionwouldliketogivea tremendousthankyoutothecommunity forvotingforusasnumberoneinthe categoryof“HomeRenovations”. IncreasethevalueofyourpropertywithNewVisionProjects.Whetheryou’re
DiscoverendlessinspirationatTsawwassenMills,wherepremiumfashionbrands, parking,andavibrant20,000squarefootfoodcourt,makingiteasierthaneverto expressyourpersonalstyle.
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MakeyourmarkwithTsawwassenMills,theultimateshoppingdestinationinMetro Vancouver.Community.Culture.Convenience. TSAWWASSENMILLS
Monday10:00AM-7:00PM Tuesday10:00AM-7:00PM Wednesday10:00AM-9:00PM Thursday10:00AM-9:00PM
Friday10:00AM-9:00PM Saturday10:00AM-9:00PM Sunday11:00AM-7:00PM BusinessHours
TsawwassenDecoratingandDesign Ltd. wouldliketo send aheartfeltthank you to ouramazing community for votingusbest paint storeinSouthDelta!
Your continuedtrustandsupportmeanssomuch andinspiresus everydaytodeliverthebestcustomer service, expertiseandknowledgeand overallshoppingexperience.
Thank youagainfor your continuedbusiness. Welook forwardto continuingtoserve ourcustomers andtheSouthDelta community.
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ABigThank YouForSupporting Your LocalBookshop.
Thanks forreadingwithBlackBond Books for61years!
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Welovewhat we doandwehopewhen youwalkthrough ourdoor,youwillfeelit too. We’renotonlypassionate aboutdentalcare, we’repassionateabout relationships. We careaboutour team,our patients,andour community, andwebelieve thatour commitment to these relationships iswhatdrivesus to bebetterevery day.
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Iwould give TNTcrew 6starsif Icould.Arrivedontimeduringoneofthe worst weather days ofthe year. Protectedthecarpetpathways firstthen movedourheavyand awkward pieces expertlythrough toosmallopenings andcur vedstaircasewithoutdamage to the interiororfurniture. They werevery gentlewiththemoredelicate itemsas well.Themove in at thedestination went smoothly.Becausethemove wassoefficientlyaccomplished thefinaltally,basedontheirhourly rate,was- fortheseinflationar ytimes -ver y reasonable.WelldoneTNT! ~Charles Callan
Spot Tsawwassen
Discovertheultimate giftdestination!Our storeoffers acuratedselectionofuniqueand thoughtfulgifts forany occasion.
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We arethrilled to announcethat FancyThisGiftswillbe expandingour currentoperations to include afantasticnew WellnessCentreandproductscateringtoyour personal wellnessplan! Stay tuned forour forthcomingannouncement.
We aresoverygrateful to allourcustomers,new andlong-term, foryour continuedsupportand loyalty overthepast30years. We appreciatethe trustyou’veplacedinusandarethrilled to have been apartofthis wonderful communityinLadner forsolong. We look forwardtoserving youinour expanded storesoon!
Christmas favouritesie:
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Experience thecrisp,cleanessenceofFraserFir,evoking the freshness ofthegreatoutdoors.
504448th Avenue
HistoricLadner Village,Ladner 604.940.1812
StirsCoffeeHouse (LADNER)
Ossie’s Deli (TSAWWASSEN)
Café de Gourmet (LADNER)
Delta TouristAttraction
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A packed Ladner Leisure Centre crowd witnessed some lacrosse history, Saturday night.
The LadnerPioneers won their third straightnational Senior B men’s title with a 9-2 win overthe Edmonton Miners to bringa highly successful conclusion to the week-long President’s Cup tournament
Ladner jumped out to a 4-0 lead,afterthefirst period, on a pairof goalsfrom Tyler Pace and singlesfrom Mitch Jones and Ryan Benesch Edmonton responded with a pair to openthe second, but Ladner restored itsfour-goal advantage with markers from Jason Jonesand James Rahe to lead6-2after two periods.
HaidenDickson, Jake Carey and Pace scored inthe third period to put the game out of reach.
Pacefinished withthree goalsandfourassists to lead all scorers inthe game
Pace was also the top point producerinthe tournament with10 goalsand26 points.
Jones was secondin tournament scoring, with17 goals and 17assists.
Goalie ChristianDel Bianco was stellarinthe championship final, stopping 44of46 shots. He was named tournament MVP.
Paceand Del Bianco were both named asfirst team allstars, while SpencerBromley
and Nathan Henare were named second teamall-stars.
“Those guys ...thewhole team they were so focused throughoutthewhole tournament,” said teampresident John Burr.
“The Edmonton Miners are a good team Whentheir goalie getshot, they are tough to beat, sowewere fortunate to jump ahead withfourquick goals and put themontheirheels, but thecrowd we had inthat arena that night… had to be 1,400plus. It was just amazing. There was so much energy,
electricity,andI thinkthat is what helped the team be successful.”
Ladneristhefirst team to win three straight titles since the Minersaccomplished that feat when based in St. Albert, Alta.,from2016 to 2018.
The Pioneerstopped the round robin standings with a 5-1 record beating Standing Buffalo 16-8, Six Nations12-7, Allegany 16-8, Victoria 5-4 and Snake Island 5-3. Their loneloss wasa 6-3decision to Edmonton.
In the semifinal,the
Pioneers scored on a delayed penalty inthe last minute only to see Snake Islandtiethe score at 9-9, with two seconds to play to sendthe game to overtime.
Dickson scored in overtime and thePioneers heldonfor a 10-9 win.
Edmonton beat Allegany 11-8intheother semifinal.
Allegany,who hailfrom upstate New York, beat Snake Island11-8,forthebronze medal.
“Everyone stepped up The volunteers were tremendous,
thefans came out to watch so it was fantastic,” Burr said.
“Thefans gota chance to share thePresident’s Cup with usandthat’s whatmademe happy because the last two we won onthe road. To be there in person to experiencethat emotionandthat pride was really something.
“This tournament would never have beenthe success it was withoutall our sponsors I’m truly gratefulforall the businesses that cameon board fromacross the Lower Mainlandthat helped us put onthe best President’s Cup ever.”
The PioneersPresident’s Cup rosterincluded: Christian Del Bianco(Coquitlam), Zak Boychuk (St. Catherines), JakobDoucet(New West), Mitch Jones(Delta), Jake Carey (Delta), Patrick Corbett (Burlington), Dan McDermott (Delta), Keegan Rittinger (Coquitlam), SpencerBromley (Delta), Connor Davidson (Delta), Ryan Benesch (Kitchener), Ryan Keith (Delta),TravisIrving (New West), Jason Jones(Delta), Nathan Henare (Langley), Keegan Kozack (Delta), Owen Barker(Nanaimo), Matt Hills(Delta), Tyler Pace(Coquitlam), James Rahe(Langley), Patrick Szabo (Delta), Mark Yingling (Delta), Sam Clare (Delta), Coady Adamson(Whitby), Nick Jensen(Delta), Haiden Dickson(Delta).
Terrific1,660squarefoot1/2duplexboastsmainfloorlivingwith 4bedroomsup.Juststepstoparks,library,LadnerElementaryandDelta Secondary.NOSTRATA FEES!Enjoythisterrificbackyard -greatforkidsor gardening.Windowsapproximately 8yearsyoung,Hotwaterondemand heatingsystem 2yearsyoung.Thisis afantastichome!
Large14,607squarefootlotcurrentlyzonedRD3Locatedintheheartof Ladner,stepsawayfromDeltaSecondarySchool,LadnerElementary, library, parks,communitycenter,andshops.Interestedpartiesshouldcheckwiththe CityofDeltaforthebestuseofthislovelyproperty.
Floathomelivingistruly auniqueandappealinglifestyle.Surroundedby naturesbeautywithmountains,theFraserriver,sunsets,sunrises,eagles, swansandsomuchmore.Boastingover1,500squarefeetthishomeoffers 3levelswithopenconceptliving/kitchenarea. 2bedrooms(or 1bedroomand familyroom),plus aden.Loadsofdeckstoenjoytheviews.Manyupdatesover thepast10years.BONUS35footboatsliprightatyourdoorstepplus agarage withloadsofstorageintheloft.
Fallistheperfecttimetoexplorenewrealestateopportunitiesandfindyourdreamhome. Whetheryou'relookingtobuyorsell,letmehelpyoumakethemostofthemarketthis season.Don’tmissout—yournewhomeisjust acallaway!
2bed, 2bathGORGEOUScondo intheheartofLadner.Staytunedfordetails,orgetin touchtodayformoreinformation!
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FABULOUSPENTHOUSEWITH 3 BEDROOMS, 2FULL BATHROOMS,1188sq.ft.,CORNERUNITAND footstepstoTsawwassenMillsshoppingdistrict!THIS Open &BrightSouthEastunitoffershighquality finishing. Beautifulkitchenwithstainlesssteelappliances,quartz countertops,undermountsink &oversizedislandfor entertaining.9’ceilingsgive thiscondo WONDERFUL spaceANDLIGHT.BEAUTIFULPRIMARYbedroom tuckeddownthehallwith walkthroughcloset &gorgeous ensuitebath wdoublesinks.Bonusunderground 2parkingstalls &securedstoragelocker.THISComplex features aGym &amenityroom.Easyaccess Freeway, Ferry&publictransit.Comeexperiencethelifestyle ofSunnyTsawwassen!THESEPENTHOUSE’SRARELY COME TO MARKET. CALLFORDETAILS.
FabulouslocationonTsawwassen’sfinest street.Beautiful80’ x126.6’withfabulous organicgardensandtotalprivate. Theproperty features agreat2120Sq.Ft.Rancherwith 3bedrooms,denandgoodfloorplan. This outstandingpropertyhasmanyopportunities, build ahugehomewith aview,build aduplex with 2suitsandvieworrenovatethe rancher. Thesegreatproperties rarelycometomarket don’tmiss your chanceto ownafabulouspart ofTsawwassen.Callfordetails.
Tsawwassenspringsgolfcourseis resor tstylelivingatit ’s finest.Beautiful open &bright 2bdrm &denwith 2fullbathroomsandlargeheateddeck. ThiscondohasspectacularviewsofgolfcourseandNorthShoremountains featuring11’ceilings,gourmetkitchen,largeprimar ybdrm,big walkincloset andspa-likeensuite.Enjoytheendless180degreegolfcourse,NorthShore mountainsandbeautifulsunsets.Thisunitcomeswith 2parkingspacesclose toelivator tandbikeroom.WalkingdistancetoTsawwassenFitnessCentre, PatQuinn’sRestaurant,Nat ’s,Coffee,Newman’sandTsawwassenMills. Don’tmissthisfabulouscondo.
2Bedroomsanddenongroundlevelinroyaloaks.Greatdevelopmentand location, walkingdistancetoallamenitiesand very quietlocation.Thisunit withitssizeand extradenrarelycometomarketsodon’tmiss yourchance toowninthisfabulousdevelopment.Thisniceunitisingoodconditionwith undatedappliances.
Build yourdreamhomeonthebestviewlotinTsawwassenwith280degree view.Thisproper ty isthemoststructurallyengineeredlotonTsawwassen’s WesternBluff.New B.C.higherdensit ypolicieswillallow2 units,bigger squarefoot age(3,000to3,500sqft)andDelt awillallowabasement.Delta hallwillprioritizealldevelopmentpermitsandarefullyinsuppor tofbuilding. Locationis a10,viewis12andbestpricedpropert yontheMarket.
Beautifulfamilyhomeon agreatstreetinupperTsawwassen.Home features 3600sq.ft, 5bdrms, 3fullbathrooms,largegreat room,big games room, hardwoodfloors,manyupdatesandalllarge rooms.Homehas excellent floorplanthatopensto afabulousprivatesouthern exposed yard.Don’t missthisGreathomein aGreatlocationat aGreat Price.
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Garry CourtinLadner: Primelocationnearshopping, restaurants,andparks. This1,760sq.ft. townhome features 3bedrooms,3fullbathrooms,andan open-conceptlivingspacewithmaplehardwood, 9’ ceilings,and agasfireplace. Thekitchenincludes whitecabinetry,agas range,andupdatedappliances. Thetopfloorhasdualprimarybedroomswithensuites and walk-inclosets. Thebottomflooroffers alarge den/3rdbedroom. Additional featuresinclude a170 sq.ft. finishedattic,privatefenced yard,balcony, garage, andcarport.
Welcome to ShannonHillsEstatesinCloverdale! This 2737 sqfthomeon a1/4 acreprivatelotincludes RV parking, a24x30 detachedshop,covereddeck,gazebo,water feature, andfruit trees. Themainfloor featuresspaciouslivinganddining rooms,a family room,largekitchenwithgas range,eatingarea,fullbath,and mud/laundryroomleadingtothebackyard.Upstairs,find alarge primarybedroomwithensuiteand walk-incloset,plus 4additional bedroomsand ahugebonus room. Twoseparateentrances to the secondfloor couldeasilycreate aprivatenannysuite. Theside driveway provideseasyaccess to theinsulated,poweredshop. Upcomingupdatesinclude anew Cloverdalehospital/cancer center,KPU TechCampus expansion,andtransitimprovements.
Welcome to Ladner Pointe! This2-bed,2-bathground floorunitspans1168sqft. Theliving/diningarea seamlessly connects to thekitchenandeatingspace. Enjoythegasfireplaceorthe300sqftbalcony. The primarybedroomincludes aprivate4-pieceensuiteand patioaccess.Thesecondbedroom,ideal foranofficeor bedroom, featuresFrenchdoorsopeningintotheliving room. This complexboasts aprimelocationneartransit andLadner’samenities,withlowmaintenancefeesand awell-run strata.
ADLINGTON COURT: Spacious859sqft1-bedroom corner unitwith agreat floorplan.Open conceptlivinganddining withlaminate floorsandfreshpaint.Brightkitchen features ample counterandcabinetspacewith awindowabove the updatedsink.Enjoycozyevenings by thegasfireplaceor relaxonthebalcony. Thelargeprimarybedroomfits aking bedandincludesdoubleclosetsplus abuilt-in vanity/desk. Thebathroomhas adeeptubandservesas acheaterensuite. Additional features:newHWT(2021),newwashingmachine, 1parkingspace, and 1storagelocker.Close to shops,transit, and recreation.
RAREFIND!Spaciousupdated2 bedroom &den penthousewithopenconceptplanandvaultedceilings offerslargeinterior& exteriorviewsfrom2 decksof Mt.Baker,VancouverIsland,themarinaandfreighterson theFraserRiver.Asanendcornersuiteallowsforextra windowsprovidingamazingnaturallightinthegreat room/livinganddiningareaandfeelslikea rancherin thesky!Thequalityhigh-endkitchenfeatureselaborate customcherrycabinetry,anoversizepeninsulaeating areacomplimentedw/granitecountertops,pullout appliancedrawer,thelatestsmartappliancesanda hugepantry.Otherupdatesincludelushflooringand qualitypaintthroughout.Alsooffersa nicegymfacility& workshop,2 parkingstalls,a hugestoragelookeranda 5minutewalktooldtownLadner.(30127774)
familyhomenestledin apeacefulcul-de-saconan expansive9,415sqftlot.Themain floorshowcases hardwood flooringthroughout,gourmetkitchencompletewithquartzcounter tops,Fisher &Paykelovenand gasrange,formaldining room &living roomequippedwith gasfireplace &bay windows.Upstairsdiscoverfour wellappointedbedroomsincluding amastersuitewith vaultedceilings,spa-likeensuite, andsunlitbalcony to enjoyyourmorningcoffee.Durablemetal roof,efficienthot waterradiantheating,and twoskylightsthat providenaturallight.Outside,amaturegardenlandscape awaitsin yoursunnyandprivatebackyardperfect forentertaining.Convenientlylocatedjuststeps away fromCliffDrive Schooloffering
3•Bathrooms:2.5 FloorArea:1484sq.ft.
Welcome to Boardwalk!Builtin2022,thislovely 3bedroom, 2.5bath,1/2duplexhasitall. Thishomeoffers afunctional layoutwith aspaciouskitchen,islandand aFisherPaykel gasrange.Theopenmainfloorboasts9’and vaulted ceilings,largewindows andamplenaturallight.Upstairs you willfindthebedrooms,mainbathroom,laundry roomand theprimarybedroom completewith aluxuriousensuiteand walk-incloset. Thishomeprovidesmanycomfortsincluding laminate throughout, asouth facingpatiowithnaturalgas hookup,adoublecargarageandtheclubhouseamenities includingoutdoorpool,jacuzzi, yoga,kidsareaandmore. Enjoythe conveniencesof TsawwassenMillsand Commons withshop,services, restaurantsandmore.
3•Bathrooms:2.5 FloorArea:1484sq.ft.
Welcomehome! Thistastefullydesigned, 3bedroom, 2.5bathroom,1/2duplex,has room forthewhole family.Boasting abright &openlayoutonthemain floorwithsoaring vaulted ceilingsintheliving room thatextendsfromthekitchen completewithFisher Paykelappliances, alargeisland,quartz countertops& morerefinedfinishes.Upstairs you’llfind 3bedrooms includingtheprimarywith afullensuite&walk-incloset, aseparatelaundry room,andthe3rdbathroom.Other featuresincludelovelygardenviewsto beenjoyedfrom the coveredpatiowithgashookup,finisheddoublecar garage(usedas fam.room),laminate throughoutand outstandingclubhouseamenities.
Bedrooms: 2•Bathrooms:2 FloorArea:1,181sq.ft.
Welcome to Pilothouse! Thisluxurious2-bedroom, 2-bathroom condoboasts ararewest-facing,private, walk-upgardenentrancewithbeautifulsunsetviews that is steps to theMillennium TrailandCaptain’sCove Marina. Featuring10’ ceilings,plentyoflightand afunctional openlayout,this contemporaryandelegantlydesigned 1,181sqfthomeoffersqualityfinishesthroughout including agas range,built-in oven,integratedfridge anddishwasher,largeisland,quartz countertops,marble backsplashandplentyof storagethroughout.Other featuresinclude:separatelaundry room,engineered hardwood,spa-likebathrooms,pet-friendlybuilding, 1largeandsecureparking stall,bikestorageandan impressiveclubhouseoffering resort-likeamenities.
Welcome to INGASTOWNlocatedintheheartof Gastown’sHeritageDistrict. Acontemporaryone bedroomandonebathroomsuitecompletewith anopenlayoutandamplelight. Featuresinclude polished concretefloors,anefficientkitchenlayout completewithquartz countertops, agas range,abuilt in ovenandEuropeanintegratedcabinetry.Enjoythe shared rooftoppatiowithanoutdoorkitchenand BBQarea.Close to Chinatown,Downtown,Railtown, Yaletown,transit,parksandsomuchmore.Thisisan excellentopportunity to ownandliveclose to allthat downtownhas to offeror agreat investment.One storagelockerincluded.
48378A Ave
NestledintheprestigiousUpperTsawwassenneighborhood,just minutesfromthebeach,thiscustom owner-built3-bedroom, 3-bathroom rancheroffersbothcomfortandpotential.Situated on abright8,300+sq/ftlot,thepropertyboasts acharming pondand apowered workshop,cateringto avarietyofinterests. Theprimarybedroomfeaturesan oversizeden-suitebathroom, agenerous walk-incloset,andlargewindowsthatprovideviewsofthe park-likebackyard. Theexpansive 1,400+sq/ftunfinishedbasementis ablankcanvas,readytobetransformedinto asecondarysuite,home gym,theater,additionalbedrooms,oranythingelse yourfamilydesires.
Beautifullyredesignedandsignificantlyrenovated by KempConstructionin2010,thisfamilyhomeintheUpperTsawwassen/PebbleHillareais readyfor yourfamily.Themainfloorwelcomes youwith alargeopenkitchen,greatroomconceptwith vaultedceilings,living/diningroom,spacious kitchenandeatingareaopeningto alargepatio,plus aseparatefamily/gamesroom. Thegreatroomis overlookingthelargesunnybackyardwith astunningnewsaltwaterpoolandcoveredhottubwith aprivatefirebowlseatingarea. This yardissetupforthekidstoplaywhileentertaining familyandguests.Completingthemainflooris aconvenientoffice/guestroomwithensuitebathroom. 4largebedroomsupwith 3bathsincluding aluxuriousensuiteintheprimarybedroom.Incredibleimprovementsinclude,HRVsystem,on-demandhot water,newelectrical,plumbing, in-groundsprinkler,stainlesssteelappliances,roof,siding,windows,fireplaceandmore...atraditionalhomewithallthemodernfeatures.
Welcometo Aura,approx.1450sqftContemporarytownhomelocatedattheheartofLadner.3bedroom/3 bathplusflexroomonmainfloor.Closetoallamenities,schoolsandshopping. Thishomeboastsquality constructionwithGEcafeappliances,quartzcountertop,largeisland,gasstove,plusdoublegarage. Very EnergyefficientasGeo ThermaltechnologyprovidesheatingandcoolingplusenergyefficientOnDemand hot watersystems. Aura iswithin walkingdistancetoallshops,parksandschools.Contactusforviewing appointment
TheGeorgiais aqualitybuilt 4-year-oldpet friendlyapartmentlocatedintheheartofLangley This 2beds/2bathsplusinsidestorageunit features a9feetceiling,granitecounters,A/Cin masterbedroom,openconceptlivingandquality finishingthroughout.Equippedwithanexercise Center,2parkingstallsplusstoragelocker,and amplestreetparking.Centrallocation,closeto KwantlenUniversity,shopping,dining,andthe futureSurreyLangleySkytrain.Greatopportunity tolive orinvestin!
•PrimeLocation: Formershowhomein College Heights onan11,518sq.ft.pool-sized cornerlotwith asprinklersystem,offeringfantasticprivacyand aviewofMt.Baker
•OutdoorFeatures: Sidingonto aCDS,providing greataccessforRVparkingor afuture shop,withmanyoptionsforuse.
•InteriorDesign: Customhomewith10ft. ceilings andnearly 8ft. high doorsonthe mainfloor,featuring agourmetislandkitchenopento alarge family roomwith agas fireplaceandbackyardview
•SpaciousLayout: Foyerwithopenstaircaseleadingto 4sizablebedroomsupstairs, 2fullbaths,andafullbasementsuitableforin-lawaccommodation.
•Immediate Availability: Oneofthelargest propertiesinthe neighborhood, available forimmediatepossession.
•PropertySizeandLocation: Amazing16,071sq.ft.estate-sizedlotin aquiet,central Tsawwassenlocation.
•HomeFeatures: Two-levelhomewith 5bedrooms, a6-year-old roof,hardwood floors,and acomfortablefloorplanwith roomforin-lawsdownstairs.
•FuturePotential: Massivelotwithspaceforfuturedevelopments,such asashop, duplex,orlarger second dwelling; Deltapermitsupto 4unitsor8734sq.ft. maximumbuildingenvelope.
•DevelopmentOptions: Deltaisopentoconsidering alarger seconddwellingwith squarefootage potentiallycomingoutofthemainhouse.
•Convenience: Convenientlylocatedjust a15-minutewalktomostamenitiesintown.
•PrimeParcel: 20.25-acrepropertywithtwohomesandan8,400sq.ft.barn,located on aquietsectionof104thnearBoundaryBayand aprivateairstrip
•DrivewayAccess: FuturedrivewayaccessoffHornbyDrive,suitableforlarge trucks.
•MainHome: A3,162sq.ft.4-bedroomrancher,builtin1972, renovatedin1987, with aroof replaced12years ago and a30-carcementdriveway
•SecondHome: A3-bedroomrancher,idealas afuturebuildingsite.
•Barn: Afirst-classfacilityusedforbreedingracehorses,with asteel roofand cladding, suitableforvariousfarminguseswith good nearby irrigation.
•PrimeLocation: 3.19-acreparcelon WesthamIsland,offeringthetranquilityof countrylivingjust10minutesfromurbanconveniences.
•CharmingHome: Features awell-maintained1,479sq.ft.3-bedroomrancher withspacious roomsthroughout.
•OutdoorFeatures: Includes alarge gardenarea, astorage shed,andbeautifully landscapedsurroundings.
•ExpansionPotential: DeltaMunicipalityallowsfortheconstructionof a3,552 sq.ft.homeplusanadditional1,937sq.ft. dwelling, idealforextended families.
•UniqueLifestyle: Enjoy aspeciallifestyleclosetonaturewhilebeingmoments awayfromtheamenitiesofDelta.
•LargeParcel: 17.34-acresquarepropertywithsubstantial roadfrontage and a roughed-in seconddrivewayentrance.
•CharmingHome: Cozy4-bedroom English stylehomewith a4-year-old roof, freshexteriorpaint,andnewcarpets.
•EquestrianFacilities: Includes a5-stallbarn,hayfield,andspaciouspasture areapreviouslyusedasanequestrianfacility
•ConvenientLocation: SituatedbetweenLadnerand Tsawwassen,closeto TsawwassenMillsMall,BCFerries,TFNIndustrialPark,and30minutesfrom Vancouver
•InvestmentPotential: Propertyhas significantinvestmentpotentialwithfuture portexpansionplansandadjacencyto 2BCRailpropertiesneartherailway
• DevelopmentSite: 9,545sq.ft.lot,approximately0.22acres.
• ZoningPotential: Municipality suggests RM 1orRM2zoningfor a four-story building.
• PotentialAssembly: Sitecouldbecombinedwithadjacentproperties (11659,11663,and11671229thStreet)fordevelopment.
• NeighboringDevelopments: Fivelotsnextdoorarecurrentlyunder redevelopment.
• CurrentUse: Familyhomesuitablefor rental;sellerpreferslong-term rentback.
$589,000 $875,000
THECAMPTONatWindsor Woods!Thisideal 2bdrm, 2fullbath homefeatureselegant9”ceilingsthroughout,desirableopen conceptplan,spaciouskitchen &cozygasfireplace.Stepoutonto yourpeacefulbalconywithserenelagoonviews,equippedwitha naturalgashookupforeasyBBQing.Comeswithsecuredparking &largestoragelocker.Amenitiesincludebikestorage,exercise room,hottub &sauna.Perfectlysituatedon aquietcul-de-sac nexttoHighlandParkwithstepstoTsawwassen TownCentreMall. AMustSeewellkepthomebyoriginalowner.
Explorethepotentialofthis4-bedroom,2.5-bathhomeon aspacious69x105ftcornerlotinpopularWestNewton! Ownedbytheoriginalowners,thiscentrallylocated propertyisclosetotransit,MarthaJaneNorrisElementary, andTamanawisSecondary.Readyforyourideas,thishome offersendlesspossibilitiesforrenovationorrebuilding. Don’tmisstheopportunitytocreateyourdreamhomein thisprimelocation.Scheduleaviewingtoday!
Yaletown –Vancouver,BC.Thisamazingcondohas abeautifulmountainviewrightfrom yourlivingroomwindow.Atnight,anotherspectacularcaptivating,viewawaitsyou, asthousandsofgorgeouslightsglistenandshinelikediamondslightinguptheentire mountainsideofGrouseMountain.Breathtaking,mesmeric PANORAMICVIEWSofthe citylightsspanningformiles.Fabulousopenfloorplanwithhardwoodfloorsthroughout, kitchenwithS/Sappliances,granitecountertops,customlightfixtures.Enjoytheterrific amenitiesofClubH2Owithindoorpool,sauna/steamroom,exerciseroom,clubhouse forentertaining &more!Primelocationwithshortwalktoseawall,DavidLamPark, boutiqueshops,bestrestaurants &everything Yaletownlifestyleoffers!
WelcometoPrestigiousMarinaGardens!Thislovelyhomefeatures primarybedroomonthemainplus 2bedroomsup.Beautifully renovatedkitchenwithisland,skylights,whiteshakercabinets, quartzcountertops &S/Sappliances.Laminateflooringthroughouton mainandupdatedpowderroom.Radiantinfloorheating, 2cozygas fireplaces,privatefencedbackyardwithspaciouspatioperfectforyour outdoorentertainment!Ladner’spremierNeighbourhoodwithstepsto beautifulwalkingtrails,Captain’sCoveMarina,CoveLinksGolfCourse, NeilsenGroveElementaryandeasyaccesstotransit.Amustsee!
Contemporarysingle-familyhomeinthesought-after WestCoast Estates!Boasting 4bedrooms &3.5bathroom,spacious2-levelhome, 2,151sfofopenlivingspace.Fullyfenced3,300sqftyard.Detached doublegarageplusseparateparkingpad.EVchargingroughedinand ACincluded.MoveinReady!
1355sqft, 1parking, 1storage. Natureiscalling!1/4AcreFlatBuildingLotinthegatedcommunityofSunshine Valley nearManningParklessthan 2hoursfrom Vancouver.Flexiblebuildingcodeallows full-timelivingin aTinyHomeorCabin/HomePLUSgaragew/Carriagehomeabove. 999 YearPre-PaidRegisteredLease. Water &Poweratthelotline.Easy &quickbuilding permittingprocess. Water,powerand$5000credittowardclearinglotincluded.
517145th Ave.
Beautiful 5bedroom &denhomeincentralLadner.Featuresinclude hardwoodfloorsthru-out,onebedroomonmainand 4up,allwith accesstoensuites.Openfloorplandownwith gourmetkitchen, granitecounters &stainless-steelappliances.Privatebackyardwith coveredpatio.Oneblocktohighschool,memorialpark,librar y&pool. Excellent familyhome.
BeachGrovefamilyhome.Oneofthebestlocationsavailablewitha westernexposedbackdeck/yardoverlooking“BeachGroveMini Park”. This 5bedroom 3bathroomhomeisonlyminutesto golfcourse, Dyke &schools. Perfect forkids&pets.Bonus:in-law-suiteavailable for extraincomeifneeded.ViewsofOcean &Mountainsfromthefront covereddeck.
Centrallylocatedinthehear tofTsawwassen &walkingdistanceto shopping,restaurants,buses &golfcourse.This 2bedroomandden rancher wasbuiltas a“PassiveHome”in2015. Abuildingstandardthat istrulyenergyefficient,comfortable,affordableandecologicalatthe sametime.Mustbeseentoappreciateits valueandgreatlocation. Conver ttoa “heatpump”heatingifdesired.
Natalie Walker PREC*
GarrettChu PREC*
AustenLangill PREC*
Michelle Wright REALTOR
ElleBradbury MARKETING
4bed | 3bath | MLS#R2887936
LuxuryLivingonthe6thHoleatTheLinks GolfCourse!Renovated2,722sfview residencelocatedin agated neighbourhoodononeofthemostdesired streets inLadner.Thisfamily-friendlyhome is ashortwalk fromNeilsonGrove Elementary.Itfeatures 4largebedrooms, incl ahugemastersuiteplusensuite w/upgradedshower& jettedtub.
Turn-key,1,131sq.ft.officein Tsawwassen’s premierprofessional building,Northgate.Beautifully finishedwithhundredsofthousands spentonimprovements, thisspace boasts 3glass-enclosedofficesas wellasaconference room.Concrete construction, 2securedparking,AC.
Experiencebreathtakingviewsfrom this 2-bedroomfloathomenestledonthe riverinLadner.Thisstunning residence boasts 2bedroomsonthelowerlevel and aspacious livingareaon theupper floor.Nokids &Nodogsallowed.
DEVELOPERALERT!Thiscentrally locatedsitepresents aprime opportunityfor redevelopment. Situatedwithin theKingGeorge HighwayCorridorPlan, thecurrent designationof15UPAoffers the potentialfor rezoningtohigher density.
5,043sqft | 6Beds | 5Baths
Experiencepureluxuryin this 6bedroom,5 bathroomhome,just3 yearsyoung.Bright &spaciouslayout thatisdesignedfor entertaining.The kitchen &dining roomare separatedfrom theliving roomby the doublesidedgasfireplace.Chef’s kitchen boastscustomwhitecabinetrywith alarge island,granitecountertops &s/sappliances
1,784sqft | 2Bed | 2Bath MLS#R2897515
Discoverthesought-afterChelseaGardens, thisupperlevel 2bedroomhomeboasts 1,783sq.ft.of livingspace.Enjoy barbecuesontwoexpansivecovered balconies.Thespaciouskitchenopensto theeatingareaandfamily roomwith agas fireplace.
1Bed | 1Bath I Salt &Meadow2
Salt &MeadowPhase 2junior 1bedroom, 1bathroomcondoboastsstunningocean viewsandincludes aspacious162sqft patio.ThebrightA2floorplanoffersan expansivekitchen,open-concept living spaces,anda bedroomwitha walk-in closet,plusoneparkingspot.
Prime 6-acreparcelnestledwithin an 18.67- acresiteofnewly rezoned light industriallandinCastlegar.This expansivepropertyoffersunparalleled potentialforindustrialdevelopmentin athriving regionalhub.Opportunityto build &leasetosuitaswellas subdivideintosmallerparcels
TimRohwer 604.762.2041
•CompletelyDetached 2BedroomplusDen Rancher Townhouse
•Featuresopenconceptstyleliving,large gourmetkitchen,familyroometc,
•SidebysideDoublegaragewithlargefence gardens!
•StepstoMillennium Trail,Riversetting& Restaurants!
•TOPFLOORcondoat TsawwassenSprings
•Spacious1368sqft. 2bedroom &den
•Spacious 2Bedroom 2Bathrenovatedmodern upstylecondo
•Bringyourboat(30’Boatslip)toenjoyyear roundcruising
•Primelocationtostroll(1dogor 1cat Welcome)toparks,recreation,shops ,& restaurantsinHistoricalLadner
•Greatopportunitytoenjoytranquilresor tstyle living!
An eventdesignedtohelpunpaid caregiversandelderly spousesnavigate theircaregivingjourneybyprovidinghelpful informationandsupportiveresources Learnabouthelpfulproducts &services provided by localbusinesses OCTOBER 5TH •11–3pm KINVILL AGE,541010 AVE,DELTA
theheartofour businessispeople.
Thisultrarare,oneof akindpropertyinBoundaryBaySouthDeltaistheabsoluteperfectplacetobuildyourdream home.LocatedonprestigiousCentennialParkway,onano-thruroadthisRS6zonedlotisdirectlyacrossthestreet fromCentennialBeach. Yourbuildingplanscouldincl. asinglefamilydetachedhomew/either a3rd storeyortake advantageoftheendlessocean &mountainviewsw/anexpansive rooftopdeckexperiencew/otheroptionsto incl. asecondarysuiteorcoachhome.57CentennialPkwyexistsina ecologicallyrichareaw/sandybeaches &tidal flatswhiletheneighbourhoodissurroundedbyproductivefarmlandendlesswalking &bikingtrailsaswellasthe Southlandsthatfeaturesnewadditionslikecoffeeshops,farmersmarkets &localfavourite…FourWindsBrewing.
5202 Westmi nsterAvenu e 4Bed +Den |5Bath |2533Sq.Ft.
Welcometothe1stof 2builtgreenhomesinLentelConstructionslatestdevelopment.Thesearecollectionsof carefullycrafted,highquality,energyefficienthomes.This 4Bed +Den, 5bath,2533sqfthomeftr’stimelessdesign coupledw/anintelligentfloorplan.Ftr’sincltripleglazedwindows,A/C,EV ready &pre-wiredforsolarpanels.The homealsoftr’sa512sqft,3rdstoreymedia/flexspacew/fullbathroom. WalkingdistancetoHawthorneElementary, transit,walkingtrails,shoppingandhistoricLadnerVillage.Buildingpractices,technology,andmaterialshave changedovertime,butonethingthathasn’tchangedatLentelistheirpassionfornevercompromisingonquality, doingthingsright &constantlystrivingtobethebuildersthattheywouldwantintheirownhomes.
113851 STREET 4Bed |4Bath |3197Sq.Ft.incl’sLegalSideSuite
ThisCentralSunny TsawwassendetachedhomeistheepitomeofshowcasingoutstandingCURBAPPEAL!With along listofupdatesthroughout,this renovated4Bed,4Bath3197sq.fthomealsoincl’saLEGAL,up/down, 1Bed, 1Bath sideSUITEperfectforextendedfamilyor amortgagehelper.Locatedon ano-thrustreetthishomeisabsolutelydialled inw/anupdatedkitchen,bathrooms,lighting &paintthatalsoincl’srenovationstothesuite,allcompletedin2018.No needforavacationw/theprivatebackyardoasisthatftr’sapool,palmtrees,patiosandplentyofextraspacetoenjoy theupcoming WestCoastsummerweather.Walkingdistance &rightaroundthecornerfromCliffDriveElementary, SouthDeltaSecondary,transit &TswCentre.Superclean, readytogo,turnkeyfamilygem!
Ladner 603245Ave 5Bed|3Bath|2045Sq.Ft.
Tsawwassen 301-128055Street 2Bed+Den|2Bath|1928Sq.Ft.
Warm,cozy &nicelyupdated familyhome“Low E”Thermowindows &Dimplexelectricbase boardheat.UpdatesincludekitchenwithHickory Cabinets,disposal, 2sinks,allappliances, cabinetslightings,5piecemainbathroom & laundr ywithcabinets &sink!Laminate&carpet flooringthroughout. FamilyroomwithMurphyBed forguests &1car garagewith workshop! Walking to downtownLadner,shopping &transit. GregZyp604-807-9700
townhomenext to park
Large3427sq ft warehousein Tilbur y Industrial Park.Gradeloading.Thisunit offerslotsofoptionswithofficespace, warehousespace,mezzanineand retail options!I-2(mediumimpactindustrial zoning )allows forawide rangeof distributionandmanufacturingusesand somecommercialuses
GregZyp 604-807-9700
Situatedinon a7653SQ FT WESTfacing ot, itoffers main floorliving 5bedrooms.Thereiscrosshallliving anddining roomswith avaultedceiling inthe living room to the2nd floor.ThesunnyupdatedU-shaped kitchenisatthebackofthehouse over ookingthe eatingareaandadjacent to the familyroomandback south west facing gardens.Upstairs the masteris a trueretreatwithfullensuite andslidingdoorstoa tiereddeck. Amust to see!
Builders!Large7875SqFt(75x105) CornerR5 DuplexLotinEastBurnaby!Build a3story duplex with alegalsuiteinthebasement!Homeislivable butvaluemainlyinLand. Very quietarea.Shor tdrive toroyalSquareMallwhichhas your Safewayand manyothershops!
DiscoveryourdreamhomeinSunnyTsawwassen! Thisspacious3280sqftresidenceboasts5bedrooms and3baths,includinga1-bedroomself-containedin lawsuite-anidealmortgagehelper.Enjoyoversized rooms,brandnewpaint,carpetandflooring throughout.Stepsontothebrandnew34’by17’ west-facingsundeck,perfectforrelaxingor entertaining.Situatedonalarge9268sqftlotona quietcul-de-sacwithexpansivewestandsouth-facing yards.Locatedinahighlysought-afterneighborhood, thishomeoffersbothcomfortandconvenience.Don’t missout-scheduleyourviewingtoday!
RareOppor tunity! WATERFRONTproper ty that features a25berth Marina business.Situatedon a13,250sq ft lot,this uniqueofferingincludes anew berths,docks,water andelectricalplus aver ylivableandcharming onebedroomhomewith abonusloftin addition to arentalboathouse.Thismarinaoffers someof themost STUNNINGVIEWS youwill findinallof Ladner!Marina businessisprofitablemakingthis afantasticINVESTMENTopportunity. Bonus two homescanbe builtonshore!
This extensivelyrenovatedcondoshowcases aspaciouschef inspiredkitchenwithbrand-newappliances,quartzcounter tops, whitecabinets,high gradelaminatefloorsandabundantstorage.Off thekitchen, youcanenjoyyourmorningcoffeeontheprivate south-facingbalcony. The expansivePrimarybedroom features hisandhersclosetsalongwith aluxuriousen-suitecompletewith doublesinks,walk-inshowerand ajettedtub forultimaterelaxation. Thesecondbedroomboasts aversatileMurphybedandample storage,ideal foruseas ahomeofficeorguest room.Nestledon a serene,tree-linedstreetjustminutesfromTsawwassenCityCentre. Includesoneparkingspotand astoragelocker. Call to View!
Charming3bedroomRancherBackingtoSerene PointRoberts!Discoverthis3-bedroom,2bathroom rancher,perfectlysituatedonannearly quarter-acresouth-facinglotinthispeacefuland friendlycul-de-sacbackingontoPointRoberts.This 1863squarefoothomeoffersaharmoniousblendof comfortandtranquility,makingitanidealretreatfor thoseseekingaserenelifestyle.
Valuable9,500sq ft lot,thisproper ty offers an incredibleopportunityforinvestmentorthe perfectopportunitybuild yourdreamhome.While thecurrenthousemayneedsomeTLC,itsprime locationin afamily-friendlycommunitymakes itanidealchoice.Don’t missoutonthis rare chance to createahomethattrulyreflects your visioninoneofLadner’s mostdesirableareas
Welcome to PACIFICRIDGEin CentralTsawwassen, a prestigiouscomplexbuilt byrenownedlocal builder Peter Scholz.This exceptionalcornerunitonthe topfloor features asouth-facingprivatepatio,offeringabundant naturallightand asereneoutdoorspace.Ideallylocated, itisjuststeps away fromTsawwassen Town CentreMall, Save-On-Foods,restaurants,andmore. With over 1,300squarefeet,this‘rancherinthesky’boasts a welcoming,open,andspaciouslayout.Highlightsinclude a cozy gasfireplace,updated flooring,and amodern kitchen. Perfect forsomeonedownsizing! GregZyp604-807-9700
TOP10%GREATER VANCOUVERREALTORS *REBGVstats CALLAmber &Jenniferfor acomplimentaryhomeevaluationtoday!
1| 1| 479sqft
ModernandSharp!LocatedintheexclusiveDeltaRise,this1BDRMunitwith 10ftCEILINGSisnottobemissed!Designerkitchencompletew/Quartz countertops,S/SFridge &builtinMicrowave,Dishwasher &W/D.LEDunder counterlightingandloadsofstorage.FLOORTOCEILINGWINDOWSto maximizenaturallight.NorthfacingtotakeinthecityandmajesticMountain views.Locatedonthequietsideofthebuildingfeaturinganextralarge balcony.1parkingspot.Over1/2acreofamenityspacefeaturingcommunity gardens,playground,BBQpit,firepit,puttinggreen,fitnesscenter,library, theatre,party room(withkitchen &pooltable)On-siteConcierge.Centrally locatedjuststepsawayfromshopping, restaurantsandtransportation.
3| 2.5 |1521sqft
ResortstylelivingatFairwindsriverfront communityboastinga12,000sqftclubhouse w/gym,guestsuites &pool!Bright &spacious townhomefeaturing 9ftceilings &openconcept living,updatedlightfixtures,frontloaderwasher dryer,stainlesssteelappliances, &laminate flooringthroughout.Locatednearthemarina,golf course,NeilsonGroveElementary &walkingtrails.
2+ den |1|1164sqft
Prime realestateopportunity!Perfectlysituatednear town,this2-bedroomranchergraces aspacious,flat 9178sq.ft.lotwith70.57ftfrontage &129.98ft depth.Boasting asunnyeastern-exposed rearyard. Thesubdivisionpotentialwhencombinedwiththe neighboringproperty463853rd, resultsin atotalof 18,225sqft&thepossibilityfor3-4lots. Aunique andsubstantialopportunityforfuture development!
3| 2.5 |1,450sqft
Welcometoyournewoceanfrontcommunity!Modern livingwith aspaciousopenfloorplan,oversizedwindows, 9ftceilings,and astunningchef’s kitchenopeningonto adeckoverlooking abeautifulpark.Enjoybreathtaking viewsoftheocean,NorthshoreMountains,MountBaker, and avastpark.Perfectforfamilieswith alargedining area,full-sizedliving room,laminateflooring,premium S/Sappliances,on-demandhotwater,andmore.One ofthelargestfencedbackyardsforentertaining,plusan oversizedA/Cunit,2-cargarage,anddrivewayparking. BeachHouseamenitiesincludeanoutdoorpool,hottub, gym,yogastudio,andBBQarea.
4| 3| 2345sqft |7500sqftLot $1,599,000
Thishomehasitall!The renovatedkitchenfeatureswhiteshaker cabinets, agasstove,granitecounters,slatefloorsandstainless steelappliances.Enjoypotlights,builtinspeakers,smooth ceilingsand anewergasfireplace.Upstairsare3bedrooms, whiledownstairsoffers aprimarybedroomwith aluxurious 5pieceensuite,including asoakertub,plus aflexiblespacefor dressing room,officeornursery.Bachelorsuite,perfectfora nannyorin-laws.Hugecovereddeckandspaciouspatiowith ahottub.Newexteriorpaint &sidingLocatednearBellPark, withampleparkingand ashortwalktotown.
3| 1| 1221sqft
Unlock arealmofpossibilitieswiththis exceptional realestategem!Nestledinanideal locationjuststepsfromtown,this3-bedroom rancherstandsproudlyonanexpansive 9,052sq.ft.flatlotwithaneasternexposure, featuringanimpressive77-footfrontage &a depthof117.15feetMustbesoldwith4628 53rdbothpropertiescombinedoffer atotalof 18,225sqftcreating acanvasfor3-4lots.
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Fond memories linger everyday, Remembrance keeps themnear.
July18,1991 -September5,2017
Hardtobelieveit’s been 7years sinceyouleftusfartooearly, Mark Youliveoninourmemories andour hearts.
Another Markism...
Mark:ona fieldtripto afarm, “whattheHECKkindofananimalisthat?”
Mom:“It’s agoat,Mark...”
We loveyouforeverandmore, - Your Family
CarolWadsworth− CelebrationofLife September15,2024,2pm −4pm
Carol’sHome −Ladner,BC
PleasejoinustocelebratethelifeofCarolWadsworth, who we sadlyan du nexpectedlylos tonJ un e6 th .W ea rehold− i ng ac elebrationoflifeinCarol’shonourand wo uldlovefo r ou rf riendsandfami l ytoj oinusinremembering t hebeauti− ful,dedicated,and lo vely li fe ofCa rol.In he rt ribute ,wew il l besharinganafternoonte a. Feelfre etob rin gy ou r favouritephotosandmemoriesalongwithyou.
Calloremailtoplaceyourad, MondaythroughFriday8:30amto4:30pm 604-653-7851
Bookyouradonlineanytimeat delta-optimist .ad perfec t.com
With heavyheartsweannouncethepassingof RalphScottMcCuaig.Ralphwasbornon December 30th,1944in Ormstown, Quebec. He lived alongandhappylifeinwhichhe travelled extensively,taughtthousandsof students, volunteered inhis communities, anddidsomuch more. Heflewplanes, navigated boats,andscuba dived. Hewas akind,thoughtful,andfunnyman. Ralphwas apassionate teacher whosoughtto make learningexciting andtoinspirehis students. Hehighly valued his connections with others and wassocial wherever he went. He lovedspending timeinnatureand marvelling atthe beauty ofour world.Ralph spent 35 yearsteachingin Tsawwassenbefore movinguptoDenman Island, where hehappily enjoyed his retirement. He passed away peacefullyonJuly17thatVictoria General Hospital.Heis survived byhispartner Margie, sonJordan(Mika),andgranddaughter Felix. Informationabouta memorial service willbe shared soon. We loved himandwillmisshim dearly
“Hewasn’tjust ateacher. Hewas afriendtoeveryone.”
Itiswithgreatsadness thatthefamilyofBrian Wilsonannouncehis sudden passingonJuly19th attheageof59.
Predeceased byhis father Arthur,in2007Survived byhisloving,wonderful mother,Rosina; sisters, Eileen (Rick),Carol(Rod),Janis,Brenda (Bob); niece,Michelle (Tyler);nephewsMichael (Andrea), Paul,Zachary,Spencer,Brody,Dane;great nephew Jacob;great niece Charlotte; cousins MarkandJulie Miller.Also,Scottish relatives, aunt Jean andcousinsCarole, ClaireandDanielle, and longtime friend ConniePirruccio
Rememberingyouiseasy.Wedoiteveryday Missingyouistheheartachethatnevergoes away.ResteasyonyourjourneyBrian. GoCanucks!
Joinusat acasual gathering to remember Brianon September 22nd,2024at Ladner Fisherman’sHall, 4481SavoyStreet, 1-4PM.CanucksandLions attire welcome!
Honourthememoryof someonespecialby making adonationintheir nametoDeltaHospital andCommunityHealth Foundation.
Donationsmadein memoryofyourlovedone canbe acknowledged with cards senttofamily membersandan acknowledgement and receiptsenttothe donor Tributesfor August
DeltaHospitaland CommunityHealth Foundation acknowledgesgifts inmemoryof:
Joseph P. Collett
Deb Commander
Barbara Geddes
Rolf Gerhards
FredK. Kennedy
Trudi Laurence
Margaret Maidens
Randy Malmas
Wendy JayneWhitley
Linda Wiseman
MonicaChing WahYu
Yourgenerosityhelps supporttheDeltaHospital CampusofCare including IreneThomasHospiceand MountainViewManor
Caringforour community, today andalways.
5800 MountainViewBlvd. Delta,B.C.V4K3V6 www.dhchfoundation.ca
Itiswith sadheartsweannounceJimFordpassed awaysuddenlyattheageof74onAugust18, 2024. BorninVancouveronSeptember17,1949.
Life shouldnotbe ajourneytothegravewiththe ntentionofarrivingsafelyin aprettyandwell preservedbody,butratherto skidinbroadside in acloudofsmoke,thoroughly usedup,total ywornout,andloudlyproclaiming “wow,what aride!”
Jimlovedtosail, ride hismotorcycleandtour aroundinhisantiqueBMW.Heenjoyedlife,family andfriends.Survivedbyhiswifeof52years Yolanda,hissisterPattyGrant(Barrie),hisbrother RonFord (Pam),and manyniecesandnephews.
Veryfewpeoplehavehad aspecializedcareerthat theywereproudof.Jimdid. Hewaspartofa worldclassteamforBCEmergencyHealth Services.A memberoftheInfantTransport Team basedatWomen’s/Childrens Hospitals.Hewould travelbyambulance,plane,helicopterand hovercraftto pickup sickchildren,premature babiesorhighriskmaternitypatientstohospitals. Averyspecialmanwhowillbemissedbyallwho knewhim.“What’s for dinnerJim?”
AserviceforJimwillbeheldatalater date forall whowantto celebrate hislife
Spencer Pringle &K atie Hiki− da areexcitedtoan nounce the birthoftheirbeautiful ba− by gir l, Ad di so nE vi eH ik ida Pr ingle ,b or n7 lbs .3 oz .a t Ri ch mond Ho spit al on Wednesday, August28. Sh ei sw elcom ed by pr ou d grandparents, Doug &S andy Pringle andLloyd &P aulette Hikida, alongwiththe rest of the family. Welcometotheworld,Addie!
Whoneeds PinkFlamingos? Leteveryoneknowwitha ClassifiedAnnouncementAd. 604-653-7851
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Byvirtueofthe Warehouseman’sLienAct
ARIATOWING LTDwilldisposeof: 2010MercedesBenzS400 VIN -WDDNG9FB5AA289053
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Unitcanbeviewedat12711#5 Road,Richmond, B.C.
1996FordMustang VIN -1FALP4442TF170364
DebtorR/O -Miranda Cire
Unitcanbeviewedat12711#5Road, Richmond, B.C.
Allemailwrittenbidsto Aria TowingLtd. Email:info@ariatowing.com bySeptember15,2024
Cremation Package$993.00 includesDeath Certificate& Taxes
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34863Cemetery Avenue, Mission,BC CommunityCrematorium &CelebrationCentreLtd. $99
Byvirtueofthe Warehouseman’sLienAct Mundies Towing,Storage &Service(1976)Ltd willdisposeof:
Head Office:34863 Cemetar yAvenue,Mission,BC
HALL & MEETINGROOMS forRENT withCommercialKitchen ALLSAINT’SCHURCH 4755ArthurDrive, LADNER
Callforinfo: 604-946-8413 allsaintsladner.org
Unitsmaybeviewedand bids tobesubmittedon TUESDAYSEPT10/24 at5917Thorne AvenueBurnaby, BC between10:00amto3:00pm.Allwritten bids to Mundies Towing5917Thorne Ave,Burnaby, BCV3N2T8.
Saturday,Sept 7th. 9am-1pm 4405Maple Lane, Ladner Clothing,craft supplies,household, toysandlotsmore!
Sept.7,9am−12pm Christmas de corgalore , camping ,h omedecor, books, li nens,doggy things,lotsofwom en s’ clothing(size L−1X;some withtags),shoes(size 8− 9)andchinasets. 1110PacificDr.,Tsaw
Sept.7&14,9am-2pm 54837th ave, Tsawwassen Power Tools,Hand Tools, Ladders, WorkMates Garden Tools,Electric Pressure Washers,Bissell CarpetCleaner,Kawahari FoldingBike,Stereo Equipment,SatelliteRadio, SeahawkIIInflatableRaft, Oars &BellowsPump, 2ndRubberRaft,Camping Gear,CeramicHeaters, DCPowerSupply,etc.
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eventhasbeenheldintwoyearsduetothepandemic.Seemorephotosonlineat:www.delta-optimist.com. Blinds,Shades,ShuttersandDrapery
OCTOBER 5TH •11–3pm
An eventdesignedtohelp unpaid caregiver sandelder ly spousesnavigate theircaregivingjourneybyproviding helpful informationandsu ppor tiveresources . Lear nabout helpfulproducts &services provided by localbusinesses