We are so fortunatetoliveinsucha breathtaking community and we knowour readers feelthe sameway. Helpuspromotethe communitywelove.
Pleasesend usa photo of yourfavourite SouthDelta place, person,or thing,along with yourname,and afew words(lessismore -under 100,please) tellinguswhy you love livinginspectacular, stunning, stupendous, SouthDelta. Weâllincludeyoursubmissioneitherinprintoronline withourJuly11thâWeLoveDeltaâfeature.
TheBCMinistr yofHousing isnot beingfairinthe wayithasdeterminedtheCityofDelta hasnot been good enoughinmeetingitshousingtargethanded down by theprovince.
Thatâs the responsefromMayor George Harvie to theprovinceâs releaselastweekofsix-monthprogress updatesfromthefirst 10prioritycommunitiesselected forhousingtargets.Theupdatespointout some aremakinggoodprogress, whileothers, including Delta,are not making as much progress asexpected.
Harvie toldthe Optimist that relyingondevelopers to completeapproved projects quicklyandthenonly countingthe occupancypermitsas anetnewunit, doesnâtaccuratelyconveywhathiscityhasdone to encouragemoredevelopment.
He pointedouttheongoingstreamliningfor a fasterapprovalprocess, whichhas resulted inmore than100 reportsnot havingtocome to council,as wellastheupcomingmajorupdateto theOfficial CommunityPlan(OCP),includingthe recent zoning amendments to allowsmall-scalehousingunitson single-familylots.
CONTINUED:see Page 5
BeutifulSmiles Crtedbythe Artisansa t EstheticsDenture Studo
If youâre going to have a beach party in Delta this summer, itâs going to be without a bonfire, unless youâre lucky enough to get oneofthe fourdesignated fire rings at Centennial Beach.
Open fires such as campfires, bonfiresor beach firesare banned everywhere else in Delta, year-round.
Delta Fire and Emergency Services is trying to get out themessage that burning ofany kind is notallowed by having firefighters regularly visit Tsawwassen Beach, as wellasthe Hwy.17 causeway that leads to the BC Ferries terminal.
Dep. Chief Dave Wood says thetask is the same every year, educating high schoolgrads, newcomers, visitors or long-time residentsthat beach bonfiresare not allowed, at any time. In
fact, open burning such as campfires, cooking fires, slash burning orany kindofopenflames, are not allowedâ anywhere in Metro Vancouver.
âThere are noopen burningor beach fires allowed in Delta, at any time ofthe year,â Wood said. âHopefully,the message will get out. There are never anyopen fires.â
The designated fire rings on Centennial Beach are available on a first-come, first-served basis but those also will be closed if conditions get too hazardous
Wood said that last Saturday (June22),15 bonfires were spotted on both sidesofthe causeway to theferry terminal.
Often, people will extinguish the firesthemselves, but sometimes peopletake off, leaving firefighters to put out the blaze.
And every evening, the fire department also checks with BC Ferries to ensure thearea is clear.
BC Ferries controlsaccess to the boat launch and opensthe roadfrom sunrise to sunset
Instead of handing out ticketsundera city bylaw, firefighters just tell people that beach firesare not allowed. Period.
âAt this point, itâs all just education,â he said.
Wood added that when
motorists pass by and see those firesonthe beach, they also think that bonfiresare allowed. Signs have been posted however advising that beach firesare notallowed.
âItâs ongoing,but once the word is out, people willunderstandthat it wonât be tolerated. Weâll be there every night look-
ing for fires to ensure everyoneâs safe,â Wood said.
Firefighters started theirfirst patrols in early May asthe weather warmed up The further summer goeson,andthe hotter it gets, themore the fire department will be getting out the word.
âWith our climate now
and everyone is onhigh alert⌠andthe fire danger rating starts toclimb, we want to make sure that weâre ahead of it,â he said.
So far this year, with a relatively wet spring, the fire-danger rating remains at low in Delta
But fire conditions can change quickly with just a few weeks ofhot weather.
âSo far so good If we geta couple weeks of nice sunshine and a weekof rain, that wouldnât be a bad thing,â Wood said. Oncethe fire danger rating gets to high and extreme, theyâllalso start patrolling parks.
A/Insp. James Sandberg said Delta Police also deal with the issue every year but theyâllonly respond if they geta complaint, such asalong Tsawwassen Beach near Point Roberts, while they also help clarify if the firesare taking place in Deltaor Tsawwassen First Nation.
Statement of FinancialInformationshowscouncil,staffsalaries
sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om
Delta residents have a chance to see notonly what their elected council members made last year, but also the highestearning city employees with the recent release
of the 2023 Statement of Financial Information report.
The Financial Information Act requires municipalities to prepare and approvea report by June30 each year In addition, the Community Charter requires munici-
palities to report publicly, council pay and benefits, as wellas their expenses for the preceding year
The latest report is once again a breakdown of council salaries, car allowancesand other benefits, which are also combined to provide
their total remuneration. The report also hasa separate lineitemlisting their expenses
The report also lists the City of Deltaâs audited financial statements, employees with remunerationexceeding $75,000, supplier pay-
mentsfor goods and servicesexceeding $25,000, and paymentsforgrants, among other information.
According to the report, Mayor George Harvieâs salary last year was $178,101, while his total remuneration totalled $198,358. His expenses were listed at $3,183.
Councillors Rod Binder, Dan Boisvert, Jessie Dosanjh, Alicia Guichon, Jennifer Johal all hada base salary of $75,962, with total remuneration at $89,156.
Coun. Dylan Kruger hada salary of$93,839 and his total remuneration was $107,033, while he topped all councillors inexpenses at $10,408.
Deltacouncilin2023 approved a salary raise, the first council remunerationadjustment in four years.
The mayorâs base salary increased from $154,264, while councillor salariesincreased from$62,788.
Ten years ago, in2014, Mayor Lois Jacksonâs base salary had increased to $113,832, while councillors saw their pay increased to $48,734.
Using several other municipalitiesfor a salary comparable,Delta continues to be the largest municipality in the province to employ a
mayor and six councillors. Itâs normal practice for municipalities with populations over50,000 to have eight councillors.
The 2023 Statement of Financial Information also lists the top salaries for various employees, ranging frommembers of the fire department to seniorcity management. The top total remuneration earners were Marcy Sangret ($354,765), Guy McKintuck ($292,281), ParmajitGrewal ($258,198), StevenLan ($255,579)and Michael Donoghue($250,303).
Among the lengthy list of goodsand suppliers in2023, was the cityâs share as a member of the Fraser Valley Regional Librar y (F VRL) at $4,214,807. The budget for2024 will see an increase of close to seven per cent, which will work out to almost $276,800, anamount that will be shown innext year âs report.
Among theother increases, are Greater Vancouver Regional District, listed at $9,888,854,and the Greater Vancouver Water District, listed at $21,658,299.Last year âs report covering the 2022 fiscal yearlisted those lineitems at $9,020,635 and$18,698,572 respectively.
Metro vote movesDelta OCP closerto reality
sg yarm ati@delta-opt imi st .c om
The Metro Vancouver boardonFriday (June 28) unanimously approved theCity of Deltaâs proposed new Regional Context Statement.
The approvalmoves the cityone step closer to being able to grant final approval to thenew Official Community Plan (O CP).
Approvalis still required,however, from the AgriculturalLand Commission(ALC).
A regionaldistrict staff report recommended that the boardaccept the Regional Context Statement.
The city isdoing its best and has many more units approved, but the development industr y faces challenges including delays due to high interest rates, the carbon tax , constructioncosts and otherproblems, said Harvie
He added heâs confidentDelta can meetits housing target andits timelines are now one of the best inthe Metro Vancouverarea.
He then read a prepared statement, which, in part, noted, âI want to ensure the publicand Delta residentsthat the city isdoing everything it can to make it easier to get housing built Over the same period, the provinceis reporting the city has issued 242 occupancy permits but 990 units were giventhird reading.The city cannot be held responsiblefor the developersâ decision
The submission and reviewofa Metro member jurisdictionâs Regional Context Statement isalegislated processused to determineconsistency with theregionalgrowth strategy. It isnotaprocess that allowsfor reconsideration by the boardofa local OCP.
In April, Deltacouncil gave preliminary approval to thenew OCPfollowing a publichearing, butother approvals were needed includingfromtheALC to confirmcompliance withtheAgricultural Land Commission Act and Metro to approve
to hold offconstructiondue to prohibitive constructioncosts. The city has made significant progress but the challenges we face gobeyond thecity...I take issue withtheprovince putting usonnotice so early on,asif we havenât been actively making progress on getting housing built.â
Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon toldthe Optimist that whilethere are challenges, communities with housing targetsthathave been reported to making good progress, including thecitiesof Victoria and Port Moody,are meeting their goalsusing the samemeasure
Noting high-risesand single-family homes arenâtenoughwhen itcomes to housing options, healso believes that while Delta approved a zoning amendment forsmall-scalehousing onlots, they are far too restrictive compared to theprovinceâs suggested
thecityâs new Regional Context Statement.
The Metro report states that the Delta submission is generally consistent withthe goals, strategies and mapsin Metro2050, the regionâs long-term growth strategy.
The Metro2050 policy provides regionalgrowth targets by location.
Throughthe Metro evaluationofthe Delta submission, Metro staff identifiedafewareas whereadditionalinformationis required.
However, thoseareas are technicalin nature, and staff at theCity of Delta have confirmed that they willupdate the information.
âIn someplaces, yes, sometaller buildingsare more appropriate, but we need to have more gentle density in our communities, and so I thinkone oftheplaces Delta, if they want to address this in a serious way,is to look at thesmall-scale, multi-unit policy that they brought for ward.I thinkitisthemost prohibitive policy thatâs been brought for ward by any local government.
âI thinkthatâs a missed opportunity becauseI think people, certainly people Iâve beentalking to, in NorthDeltaand other communities, they understandif a house reachestheendofits life and something needs to be built, most people canâtafford that singlefamily home. Having the ability to make itinto a smallerunit willactually make itmore viablefor young families to be able to get into,â said Kahlon.
Federal court caseseeks to halt port expansion
Gl acierMedia
Canadaâs approval to expandits largest port faile d to properly justify how the government would re duce or eliminate threats to endangere d southern resident killerwhalesand their critical habitatâ anâunreasonableâ decisionthat breached the fe deral Species at Risk Act.
That âs according tolawyers for fourenvironmentalgroups
Ge orgiaStraitAlliance, David Suzuki Foundation, Raincoast Conser vation Foundation,and Western Canada Wilderness Committe eâ who made the claims last we ekin a Vancouver Fe deral Cour t.
The case comes 14monthsafter the fe deral government approved the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 expansion project in Delta.
Builton a new man-madeisland adjacent to the current Deltaport container facility,the VancouverFraser Port Authority project se eks to expand the terminal to handleanincrease in internationaltradeinanera where container vess elsare getting increas-
ingly bigger
The expansionis forecast to grow container capacity on Canadaâs West Coast by a third. Withoutit, the fe deral government says $3billion inadded GDP would be put at risk by capacity shortages.
Detractors ofthe port expansion say building the facility willdestroy 177hectaresofvital habitat for juvenile chinook salmon,the southern residentsâ prefer re d prey. Nois e from constructionofthe port âs expansion, and subs equent increase inshipping, couldals o throw off the whalesâ ability to forage and have âsignificant advers e effe ctsâ on a speciesthathas stagnated at 75individuals, warne d anexper t panelintheleadup to thedecision.
Listed asendangere d underthe Species at Risk Act in2003,the genetically distinct populationcontinues to be threatene d by a combination of climate change, toxic chemicals,a lack ofprey, vess el strikes and under water acousticdisturbances.
One re cent scientific analysisshows thewhalesare heading toward extinction at a rate ofone to tw o per cent annually and could be wipe d out
within100 years.
But the case is expecte d to echo be yondthe fate oftheiconicwhales That âs be caus e the port expansion representsthe first timea major industr ial project iscoming into dire ct conflict with a speciesprotecte d as endangere d under Canadaâs Species at Risk Act (SARA), said Margot Venton, a staff lawyer at Ecojustice, the fir m representing the applicants
âItâsa pretty profoundquestionin a lotof ways. Is therea floorofprote ction for endangere d speciesin Canada, oristhere not?âshe said.
Lawyers for theenvironmental groupsargued before fe deral Justice Christine Pallottathat the decision to approve theexpansion lacke dâjustification,transparency,and intelligibilityâ and faile d toclarify how it fell into line with SARA
Lawyers for the fe deral governmentand port authority came back, slamming thelegal challenge as âfundamentally flaw ed.â The applicants essentially aske d thecour t to be come an âacademy of scienceâ and prejudge the outcomesofthe370 mandator y conditionsthat came withthe port
expansionâs approval, said Jon Khan, a lawyer for the Attorne y Generalof Canada and Ministr y of Environment and Climate Change.
Khan told Justice Pallottathat the cour t should reje ctthos e invitations anddismiss the application. Cabinet âs decision wasa âdiscretionar y one base d onthe widest considerations of polic y and publicinterest,â andgiven impactson supply chainsandinternationaltrade, was âjustifie d inthe circumstances,â he said.
âO nly the governor-in-council,not thiscour t, is equipped to evaluate such considerations,â Khan toldthe cour t.
Ge off Cowper,a lawyer for the port authority, saidtheenvironmental groupsâ argumentslooked to âstop the worldâ in a approved project where adverse environmental effe cts âcanât be mitigated.â
âIt can sound jarr ingâŚâ he said. â[But]the economy iswhat provides themoney,in a basic sens e, to allow us to live out our nationalcommitment to conser vation.â
Justice Pallottaisexpecte d render a decision by early 2025.
The City of Delta is inviting residents to share their ideasfor a possible hotel at theformer Delta Hotel site inLadner Village.
Staffare seeking input fromthecommunity as they put togetheran expressionofinterest (EOI) to solicit parties interested in submitting full proposals for a tourist accommodation The input gathered fromthecommunity, along withthecityâs requirements, will inform the criteria that will be used to develop the EOI and evaluate the submissions, according to the city.
âLadner Villageâs rich history and special charm attractvisitors to our community, making it a great locationfor a tourist accommodation,â said Mayor George Harviein a news release. âThrough the engagement program,
residentsare invited to help usensure that any new tourist accommodation reflectsthis character andcontributes to the enjoyment ofthe village by both locals andvisitors.â
Also hosting an online information sessionon July 10, thecity will gather feedback until July 28.
Thecity retaineda consultant to investigate thefeasibility of a hotel at the site as part ofan overall planforLadner Village revitalization,after having purchased several commercial propertiesnear the harbour earlierthis year
Salim Kassam, representing Kadence Hospitality& Development, outlined theiranalysis at a councilmeeting last month, concludinga six-storey, 88-unitaccommodation withmore than 18,000-square feetof commercial space would be viable forthe market
Focusing ontheupper
endofthe market, he described theaccommodationsasan âaparthotelâ that would have shortterm and longer-term guestsand a high level ofamenities. Instead of individual rooms, small apartments would have their own bathroomsand kitchens.
The commercial space and amenities would be available to thecommunity as well, making the complexa hub for the community.
Council agreed, itâs still early intheprocess, with thenext step to be community engagement, to develop criteria that can be used to inform the EOI scoring process.
A report to council notesthat Kadenceâs modelisoneof several accommodationmodels that could be viable for the redevelopment.
An EOI process is required totest the market andidentify/shortlist interested parties to submit full proposals
Published every Thursday by the DeltaOptimist, a divisionofLMPPublication
(Note, allclassifiedsare done overthephoneand remote.Nobookingsare made outofouroffice).
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The Delta Optimist is a member of theNationalNewsmedia Council, whichisanindependent organization established to deal with acceptablejournalistic practices andethicalbehaviour If you have concernsabouteditorial content, please contact theeditor at editor@delta-optimist.com or 604-998-3616 If you are not satisfied withthe response and wish to file a formal complaint visit the website atmediacouncil. ca or call toll-free1-844-877-1163 for additional information.
Ourhealth-care systemincrisis
Editorâs Note
South Deltaisin a realmedicalcrisis right now.
Thisiswhat anurse toldme last Monday as I went into what I thought wasa walk-in clinicin Ladnerfortreatment of a minormedicalneed
According to this nurse, there are nomore walk-in clinicsin South Delta right now.And at the few clinicsthat dotake some walk-in patients â availability islimited to maybea day,once aweek. If you donât have a family doctor at any ofthelocal clinics,there are no appointments to be made. You are simply out ofluck.
As I live in NorthDelta, along the Scott Roadcorridor,I thought,maybeI would have betterluck. Nope, same stor y. No availability. Clinics closed on weekendsand walk-in availability, maybe in a few weeks, saidone nurse that I spoke too.
Luckily, I do have a family doctor â albeit at a medical clinicin Port Coquitlam and I was able to get an appointment on a Tuesdayafternoon.
Three hours later (including traveltime), I was back at my desk here in Ladner with my medicalissue squared away.
My ordeal,albeit a minorone, really had methinking about how luckyI am to have a family doctorandthe ability to miss work to travel to see my doctor.
Many, especially inthiscommunity,donât have that luxury, so what dothey do? How dothey get themedical care that they so desperately need?
Our reporter attended a recent Fraser Health board meetingasking about the possibility ofan Urgent and Primar y Care Centre for South Delta. Itâs not even ontheir radar.
How can theNDP government continue to pushcommunities likeDelta to increase itshousing numbers, bringing more and more peopleinto our community,when we donât have thenecessary infrastructure and medical services to meettheneeds ofits current citizens?
A medicalcrisisasthe nurse put it ⌠thatâs an understatement ofepicproportions
Thedarksideofonline anonymity
Thismonth,I received several emails at mydeltastory@gmail comexpressing frustration withonlineinteractions.
Whetherthe topics were local or global,the sentiment was clear: socialmedia has become a battleground for bothconstructive and destructive behaviour
On one side, we have keyboard warriorsâ individuals whoadvocate fortheir beliefs through socialmedia â but whooften resort to controversial or aggressive tactics.
On theother, we encounter trolls â those whodeliberately create conflict, makeabusive comments, and seek to spread hate or cause drama. Both groups, hidden behind theanonymity oftheir screens, wreak havoc in our community.
Here in Delta, this dynamic plays out daily inthethreads of our local community Facebook groups
The sense of security provided by onlineinteractionencourages people to say things they would
Community Comment
neverexpress face-to-face
This lack ofaccountability leads to a range of harmful consequencesfor our community. Victimsofonline harassment may experience severe emotionaldistress, leading to anxiety,depression,and withdrawalfrom society. Local businesses are notimmuneeither ; negative trolling can harm their brandimage, deter potential customers, and create public relationsnightmares.
The broadercommunity suffers as well. Hate speech, false information,and toxic interactionsdamage the quality ofonlineconversationonplatformsintended
to foster healthy communities. Many people take the information posted onthese community groupsasfact, making the spreadofmisinformation to have far-reaching implications, influencing publicopinionandundermining trust inlegitimate sourcesofinformation.
So, whathappened to civilized discussionand kindness? It seemsthey have become relicsof a forgotten era, andthe security of hiding behind a keyboard has stripped away the basic human decency that once grounded publicdebate.
As a society, we must find waysto reclaim respectful dialogue andhold individuals accountablefortheironline behaviour. Encouraging platforms to enforce stricterantiharassment policies, promoting digital literacy,and fostering a culture ofempathy and respect are crucial steps toward mitigating the damage caused by keyboard warriors andtrollsalike. In Delta, we have the power to seta positive exampleand restore a sense ofcommunity, both online andoffline.
Outraged by Winskill re-development plans
The following letter was sent to Delta Mayor and council and copied to the Optimist
Mayorand council:
I amwriting to you to express my outrage at the proposalsforthe Winskill Aquatic Centrere-development.
I have lived on8B Avenue since1983and look on to the park from my backyard.I amnot a useroftheaquaticcentre but know that itisan aging facility andneeds to be replaced.
My objectionisthe locationofthenew building. It should be combined withthe South Delta Recreation Centre (SDRC) into onefacility.
We have been told that there are water table
issues at SDRC. How then, was theLadner Leisure Centre built?
We are toldthat there isnot enough land,however, relocating the skateboard park and Lions playground to Winskill would be a betteruse of bothlocations.
It isunreasonable to suggest removing the urban forest at Winskill forthisfacility, and even more unreasonable to be considering doubling the parking spaces to 350.
I have walked my dogs through the park or over to the local stores,frequently, for more than 40 years and can assuredly state that theexisting parking isfull maybe20 days/year andonlyfor special eventslikeSun
Festival, swimmeets and the occasional, baseball tournament. This park is formore than athletes
The suggested locationalso doesnot make sense from a transportation point ofview,asonly one bus goesdown 56th Street ever y hour.
Perhaps that iswhy we wouldneed such a large parking lot.
Why notlocate it where all the busesin Tsawwassenmeet, at the South Delta Recreation Centre?
My last point isthe removal oftheDisc Golf Course, one ofonly two inthe Lower Mainland, andthe remaining forest. Why are we considering removing it?
Steve Scott
Column was very dismissive of real concernsaboutplan
Editor :
Re: Community Comment (Optimist, June 20)
Columnist Mike Schneider has been a vocalproponent of Bill 44 andthenew Official Community Plan(regardless ofthe way it was adopted) and has defended mayor and council consistently,that their hands have beentied.
Firstly,in my opinion, itâs false to state our OCP had not beenupdated since1985andimply itâs a reasonfor our city to not push back andadvocate for our community.
Our OCP had many
revisionsandamendments overthe years, but notthecomplete overhaul other cities have committed to. He certainly never calls out the negligenceonthe part of mayor andcouncil for never being proactive andcontributing to the problem athand, with their lack ofplanning for Delta.
Secondly,hisview that citizensshould essentially, âbe quietand take itâ because when push comes to shove,aprovincial government can dictate our local policies, is telling.
When governments
(local or other wise) remove the democratic process, itshouldconcernall ofus, regardless ofwhether we directly benefitornot. Ifitâs something we agree with thistime, what about whenitisnât? Itâs an incredibly slipper y slope.
His condescending anddismissive attitude towards those expressing realconcernsandfrustrationsare disappointing but he remindsus that our provincialNDP leadershipand choice to govern with autocracy versusdemocracy is a red flag.
Kristin Roberts
adjustmentsonpreviously purchaseditems)
BoutiqueBlanche Tsawwassen TownCentre Mall by theB.C.LiquorStore 604-943-8088
I read withamusement your June20,article, âFormer chairof Metro Vancouver âs tripexpenses were more thanhis colleaguesâ. â
Like countless others in Delta,I recently received my 2024property taxnotice, complete with a glossy flyer from the mayorâs office. It outlinesthis year âs average taxincrease for residentialproperty andthat the tax willincrease by 7.75 per cent.
In addition,onthe back page, there is a statement that reads : âAchievingResults : Iâm proud of Deltaâs contin-
ued economic resilience. Delta remains a fiscally responsiblecity, putting its residentsand businesses first.â
Yourarticle by Graeme Wood says that Metro Vancouver hasa board expense policy which has six generalprovisions, including that : âTravellers are expected to minimize expenses andtraveltime such as overnight stays wherever possible based uponthe particularcircumstances oftheirtravel.â
The policy also states : âThelowest available fares applicableor appropriatetoparticularitinerariesshall be sought and
bookings shall be made asfarinadvanceas possible.â
New Westminster Coun. Daniel Fontaine saidit appears to him that Mayor George Harviedidnotfollow the âspiritâ ofthe policies
It wouldalso appear that Harviedoesnâtfollow his own words of wisdom with regards to his statement of economic resilienceand remaining fiscally responsible.
Property-taxincreases at twicetheinflation rate demonstrateshis total lack offiscal responsibility whentravelling at the taxpayersâ expense.
Chris Dowsett
Editor : I just found my 2018 proper ty tax as I was preparing topaymy 2024bill. Iâm astonished.
What reasons can our government pointto?
My bill has increase d by 61 per cent in six years.
What is happening withthiscity that demands such an
Is ittheprovincial government, which has demande d that Deltaincrease housing, re quiring increase d spending oninfrastructure, first responder numbers, more public services, etc., allof which demandsmore
Oristhis simply poor management by Delta be caus e citizens have no choice but topay whateverthecity demands? Either way, we simply cannotcontinuethistraje ctory.
It âs timeforcitizens to actually standupforus anddemand changes.
Stephen Holding
FrustratedwithICBC claim
Editor :
Back in April, I had an incident withane-scooter.
pedestriansare present.
I was in my car driving slowly out of my driveway and just crossing the sidewalkwhenan e-scooter ridden by an 11-or12-year-old girl plowed into my car.
I have a four-metrehighcedarhedge across thefront of my property, andthislimits my view, so I drive slowly in case
Fortunately,the girl was not hurt, but my car received a good size dent, and the paint was chipped
ICBC foundme100 per cent at faultand liable topay my deductible because they claimed the onusisentirely onthe drivercrossing the sidewalk
I have sincefound out that itisillegal forany-
bodyto rideane-scooter onthe sidewalkin Delta Anidentical situation was reported inthe Richmond News where thedriver tookhis case to theindependent tribunal and won.
I am, and will,continue to fight them to get justice Itâs frustrating that ICBC chooses to ignore theprecedent thathas been set.
Richard Heath
Editorial was justwrong
The editorial in the June20 editionofthe Optimist was so wrong I am tempted to think it was written simplyto create controversy
You called it callous and self-involved that a writerobjected to a three-and-a-half-hour traffic block so police could investigatea fatal accident. You dismissed as a mere inconvenience the factthat thousands couldnât get where they needed to go.
Note that theunfortu-
nate victim was not saved by the shutdown. What was at stake was evidence about who to blame for the accident, the semi, the first vehicle, or even the victimhimself
Weighed against that is that whenthousandsof people have their plans disrupted, inevitably, some will have their lives changedforever,missing a job interview, a medical appointment, aplane, or going intolabour in mid tunnel.
This community hasa history of waiting, with-
out complaint, for paramedics topatch someone up, or a suicide to be talked down. Longtime residents will remember one suchsituation where grandmothers were forced to pee onthe side ofthe road because traffic could not move
It appears to methat a shutdown forlegal or symbolic reasons, ratherthan to deal with an immediate emergency, brings theadministration ofcompassion andfellowfeeling into disrepute.
GailNeff Bell
Time for anelection,time forchange
We received to our home thecommunication fromMP Carla Qualtrough last week.
To hearher tell it, we are living in a utopian paradise andallofusshould be exceedingly,andforever, grateful to her, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and the Liberal party,for their largesse to us
Reality tells a different story. A record 25 per cent of Canadiansare living
in poverty. The national debt stands at something like $1.2trillion. Debtservicingcosts are around $47 billion yearly,meaning that $47 billion canât be spent on socialprogramsorthe military,or what have you. Every Canadian can tell you how much harder itis to make endsmeet due to risingcost of living, housing costs andhightaxes, alldue to the policiesinitiated by the Liberal gov-
ernmentsince 2015. I have noallusionsthat analternative government will be a lot better, but they couldnât possibly be worse.
Sadly, to get spending undercontrol, cuts will have to be made.
Thatâs a factof life. Even countries, like households, canât keep spending more thanthey make Itâs time foran election, and change.
Bob Hart
Where is our federal funding, Carla?
I recently received Hon. Carla Qualtroughâs May 2024newsletter and noticed that funding for the newFraser River tunnel was conspicuously missing.
I vividly recall Minister Qualtrough publicly stating, numerous times, that the funding was com-
ing, imminently, a few months ago. I guess my definition of âimminentlyâ differs significantly fromthat of our federal Liberal government.
Minister Qualtrough, a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Trudeau, has done absolutely nothing for ourcommunity while in office since2015
No funding for infrastructure improvements, Fraser River dredging, Delta Port policing, and the list goes on.
When our elected officials fail to improve their constituency while in office, then itis time for the public to voice its dislike and vote them out.
The Optimist encourages readers to write letters to theeditor. Letters are acceptedonany topic, although preference isgiven to thoseonlocalmatters The Optimist reserves theright to edit letters and thedecision to publishis at thediscretionof theeditor or publisher All letters mustbe signed, datedand include thewriterâs phone number (not for publication). TheOptimist will notprint âname withheldâletters. Copyrightinletters andothermaterials submitted voluntarily to thepublisher and accepted for publication remainswiththe author, but the publisherand its licensees may freely reproduce theminprint, electronicorother forms.
Have otherquestions or comments? Contactthe Development Department: 604.946-3380 development@delta.ca or
Notice is hereby giventhatDelta City Councilwillconsidergiving first, secondandthird readings to thebylawsreferencedbelow at itsRegular Meetingat 5:00 p.m. on Monday,July8,2024 in theTheatre, NorthDelta Centre for theArts,1142584Avenue,Delta BC
File No.LU009552 (Bylaw No.8407)
Location:8479 BrookeRoad
Applicant: Gurpreet Saini
Proposal: Torezonethesubjectproperty from SingleDetachedResidential1 (RS1)toSingleDetached Residential 7 (RS7)topermitsubdivisionintotwo single detachedresidentiallotsand constructionof asingle detacheddwelling withan in-groundbasement andsecondarysuiteoneach lot. This applicationis consistent with proposed âOfficial Community PlanBylawNo. 8400,2024â.
ShouldBylaw No.8400 not be adoptedprior to final considerationand adoption of BylawNo. 8407, staff wouldbring forwarda bylawtoamendâTheCorporationofDe ltaOfficialCommunity Plan BylawNo. 3950, 1985âtoallowthe proposed subdivisionand aPublic Hearingwould berequired
Location: 7555,7595 and7597120 Street and7592 and7594119A Street
Applicant: BarnettDembek Architects Inc.
Proposal:Applicationfor Rezoning, Road ClosureandCancellationand Dispositionofclosedroadarea, DevelopmentVariancePermitand Development Permit in ordertoconsolidatethesubjectproperties and a189.4m2 lane dedicatedasroadtoconstructa six-storey 285-unit apartmentbuilding. This applicationisconsistent with DeltaâsOfficial CommunityPlan.
Tostop up,closetoalltraffic andcancelthe dedicationashighway of the existing189.4m2oflane dedicate dasroadidentifiedasâRoadtobeClosedâ asshownonMap No.2.Following theclosureand cancellationof theâRoad to be Closedâ, Deltaintends to disposeof itsfee-simpleinterestintheâRoad tobeClosedâ to 1390349 B.C. LTD. astheadjacentpropertyowner as part of aconditional road transfer andexchangeagreement.The fee-simple interest in theâRoadto be Closedâ willbe disposed ofinaccordancewiththe Community Charter andwillbeconsolidatedwiththeadjacentproperty ownedby 1390349 B.C. LTD. TheconsiderationtobereceivedbyDeltainexchangefor the disposition ofitsfee-simple interest in theâRoadtobe Closedâ is $1.00, togetherwith dedicationby1390349B.C LTD., asroad, of thatapproximately189.4m2portion identifiedasâRoadto be Dedicatedâ of 7555, 7595,7597 120Street, 7592 and7594119A Streetasshown on MapNo. 2inorder tocreate anew lane between 119A Street and120 Street
Theproposedclosure, cancellationand dispositionare dependent on adoption of BylawNo. 8420, 2024aswellasâDeltaZoningBylaw No.7600,2017â,Amendment BylawNo. 8419,2024.
This notice is for the purposeofpublic notificationonly.Itisnot an offertodispose of theabove property toanyotherparty.Ifyou feelthat youmay be affected by BylawNo. 8420,2024 or the proposeddisposition,you maynotifyDeltaCityCouncil by making representationsorsubmitting writtencommentstoDelta City Councilattheaddressstatedbelowbythestateddeadline.
Development Variance PermitLU009650
To vary Section6.2.10(b) of âDelta ZoningBylaw No.7600,2017â by increasingthe maximum permittedprojections intorequired frontand exterior side setbacks on thesouthand eastsides from 1.2 mto2.0 m. Approval of thisDevelopment Variance Permit is delegatedtotheGeneral Manager, Development.
Development Permit LU009650
Adevelopment permitisalsorequiredtoregulate theform andcharacterofdevelopment in the Scott RoadCorridor(SRC) Development Permit Area.Approval of this Development Permit is delegatedto the General Manager,Development
StaffContact: JanetZazubek
MapNo. 1
MapNo. 2
Deltapolice urging cellphonelevy
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co
The Delta Police Department continuesits push to have a cellphonelevy to help fund E-Commcosts.
A recent report by Chief Neil Dubord to the Delta Police Board notesthat sincethe departmentâs transition to E-Comm in2015,there âhave been numerous issues with E-Comm failing to meetthe established service standards.â
As a result, Delta police had to manage non-emergency calltaking during peakhours (7 a.m. to 7 p.m.) which âhas imposed significant operational and financial burdensâ on the department, necessitating training and equipping staff, responsibilitiesthat E-Comm was expected to handle.
The policedepartment has not received any financial adjustments to the contract for taking back non-emergency
call-taking, whileE-Comm continues to placeadditional costs withoutfirst resolving its operationalissues.
His report also notes that Delta police, and by extension, the community,through municipaltaxes, has faced annualfee increases resulting inunplanned financialcosts that exceed the budgetprojections provided by E-Comm. E-Comm attributesthe increases to growing call volumesandnecessary, costly technology improvements, but itisanunsustainablefunding model, according to Dubord, To addresstheissue, Delta police have beenactively pursuing theimplementationofa 911 cellphone levythroughout B.C.,a proposalthat is still before theprovincial government.
Cellphone leviesare already inplacein several Canadian provinces, providinga stable and equitablefunding source
for emergency communication services, ranging from 52cents in Quebec to just over$2in Saskatchewan.
âInotherprovinces, this levy has proveneffective inenhancing public safety andemergency response capabilities withoutimposing additional financial burdens on municipalities. Implementinga similar levyin B.C. wouldensure E-Commâs ability to meetthe growing demands of our communities, invest innecessary technologicaladvancements, and maintainthehigh standards of emergency communication servicesthat communitiesthroughout B.C., including Delta, deserve,â the report adds.
The BC Associationof Chiefs of Police(BCACP) has formally written to theprovince, requesting theimplementationofa levy,whilethe Delta Police Board has reached out to the BC Associationof Police Boards(BCAPB), requesting
Thelevyproposalhasbeenendorsed by theBCAssociation ofChiefsof Policeandtakentotheprovince.
that BCAPB also advocate for thelevy.
âIf this matter remains unresolved,it will continue to
File No.LU009644(Bylaw No.8421)
Location:11400 Daly Place
Applicant: Manny Kingra âMysaHomes Ltd.
Proposal: Theapplicantisproposing to rezonethe subjectpropertyfromSingle Detached Residential 2(RS2)toSingleDetachedResidential 7(RS7)inordertoallowsubdivision of thepropertyintotwo lotsandtheconstructionofa newsingledetacheddwelling withsecondary suite on eachlot.Thisapplicationisconsistent with DeltaâsOfficial CommunityPlan.
StaffContact: Emma Adams, Plannerâ 604-952-3136
exacerbate theundue burden on our community throughthe property tax base inthefuture,â the report adds
Materialsrelated tothe proposalssuchasthe proposed bylaws, detailed maps andotherinformation maybeinspectedatDelta City Hall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta,BC, MondaytoFriday, excludingstatutory holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. from Thursday,June 27,2024 to Monday, July 8,2024
Ifyou have ageneralinquiryregarding the proposal or if youwould likeassistancetoinspectanyrelevantdocumentation, pleasecontactthe DevelopmentDepartmentby emailat development@delta.caorbyphoneat604-946-3380.
Correspondencereceivedupto12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, J uly3,2024 will be included in theAgendapackage.CorrespondencereceivedthereafterwillbeprovidedtoCouncilin advance ofthe Council meeting. Allcorrespondence must include yournameand fulladdress andwillformpartofthe public recordforthisproposaland bepublishedonthe Cityâs website.
Writeto: Mayorand Council City of Delta, 4500 Clarence TaylorCrescent Delta,BCV4K3E2
City approves zoningchanges for single-familyneighbourhoods
sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om
Deltacouncil has granted final approval to a set of zoning changes that will pave the way formore small-scale, multi-unit formsofhousing on single-family and duplexlots, while choosing to maintain city standardsthat controlhow many units can be built.
The province last fall, introduced several piecesof legislationaimed at increasing housing supply, including legislation requiring local governments to permit increased density inareas traditionally designated for single-detached homes.
The zoning changes, required forimplementation by June 30, will permit a minimum offourdwelling units onany property exceedinga
certain size,with a minimum of six units permitted inareas within 1,132-square-feetoffrequent transit.
Applications that meetthe new provincialsmall-scale multi-unit housing (SSMUH) requirements will go straight to the building permit stage withoutthe need for public notificationletters and on-site signage.
To support local governmentsinimplementing the requirements, theprovince has released a Policy Manual and Site Standards document to provide guidance onhow to implement the zoning changes. It includes site standardsthat must be considered by a local government.
However, citiesare not required to follow those standards and can continue to use their own standardswhenit
comes to thingslike setbacks, height and floorarea coverage.
That means property owners canât expect to automatically be allowed to have four units ontheirlots.
Council agreed to send a letter to Housing Minister Ravi Kahlon,confirming that the City of Delta has adopted zoning bylaw amendments
âIn addition, Deltacontinues to work withthe ministr y onachieving our housing target and implementing the changes required forpro-active planning using only existing resources,without significant additional funding. Regardless, council isunanimousinits strong support to see increased supply and diversity of residentialdevelopment and looks for ward to continuing to work withthe ministr y to improve housing forallin Delta,â the
ReidBrothersPlumbing&Heatinghasbeenproviding plumbing,heatingandairconditioning to Greater Vancouver since 1976.Ourhighlytrainedstafftakeprideinprovidingthe bestservice to ourcustomers.
Council agreed to have the changes monitored closely with a report to come back to staff in early 2025on possiblefurtheradjustments to floor-space ratios, heights and setbacks
Concern was expressed that having 450 square feetfor garden suitesexempted fromthe floor space ratioallowance may not be enoughfor such units Council also had concerns on infrastructure requirements, which was noted intheletter.
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City planning majorwharf, boat-launch upgrades
sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om
The City of Delta has issued a request forconstructionbids forimprovements to theLadner Wharf on Chisholm Street.
The work includes, among otheradditions, the supply andinstallationof wood decking onthewharf, repaving sectionsofadjacent cityowned propertiesas well asthe supply andinstallationofconduitsand junction boxes.
The city isplanning to openthe site for a variety of publicuses
The city isalso gathering feedback onideas forthe revitalizationof Ladner Village andthe waterfront, including potential upgrades to the Elliott Street Wharf.
Meanwhile, thecity also recently issued a request forbidsforthe rehabilitationofthe viewing wharf at Wellington Point Park on River Road West,which has been closed to the public since January.
A staffupdateto councilnotesthat, based on a January 2024 marinestructural consultantâs site review, further deficienciesinaddition to recommended rehabilitation work in a 2019 inspection report were identified.
The report says the estimated costs ofthe refurbishment are considerably higherthan budgeted, owing to additional deficienciesidentified andtheescalationinconstructioncosts overthe past several years.
The project hada bud-
The former Seven Seasfishprocessingplant, constructedin1974, wasdemolishedatthesitein 2022.
get of$292,500 but isestimated to have a shortfall of up to $500,000 due to theadditionaldeficienciesandconstructioncost escalation.
The shortfall will be funded from reserves, but the exactamount will be determined when thepreferred tenderis
The city isalso planninga replacementfor the boat launch ramp at Wellington Point. The boat launchâs woodenfloat system was replaced in2022and included theinstallation ofnewpiles to restrain the float system
Whilethe top threequarters ofthe concrete ramp is in relatively soundcondition,the lowerquarter isdeteriorated andbroken with the waterside edge ofthe ramp being noticeably undermined,according to the city
A complete replacement oftheconcrete ramp is required.
The detailed design ofthe Wellington Point Park boat launch ramp was budgeted in2024 at $100,000.
Staffanticipate that an in-streamconstruction work window wouldtake place between November 2025and January 2026, the report notes.
The city isalso planning forthe reconstructionoftheexisting Ferry Road Boat Launch, located at the northend of Ferry Road. That boat launch inits entirety has reached the endifits servicelifeand replacement ofthefloat systemandthecomplete reconstructionoftheconcrete ramp areneeded.
The staff report notes that the detailed design ofthe boat launch has beencompleted, and government approvals have beenobtained, which have identified an in-stream work window of Nov. 1,2024 to Jan.31, 2025fortheproject. Total cost oftheproject is budgeted at $1.65million.
A request forbids recently wrapped upfor that project.
Council at its June24 meeting, voted infavour of a motion by Coun. Dylan Kruger to review thefee structure of boat launchesinothercities
Delta Police Board member wants privateagendaitem madepublic
sg ya rm ati@delta-optimis t.
co m
It wasa lengthy debate, apparently something to do withmoney, but it was notopenforthe public.
At the start ofthe Delta Police Boardâs monthly public meeting on June19 at the North Delta Centre fortheArts, board member Lara Victoria brought for ward a motion to pull several itemsfromthe agenda ofthe boardâs in-camera meeting that was to follow the public meeting, asking that they be put
on the boardâs public meeting agenda for discussion.
Saying she wanted to pullthe âgovernance itemâ fromtheprivate meeting to the public because âit involvesthe use of public funds,â
Victoria did geta seconderonhermotion to have the matter discussed
However, board chair Ian Tate thenmoved that the matter first be discussed in-camera, which was also approved on a vote.
Victoria said she disagreed because when it
comes to theuse of public funds, âthewhole idea is transparency.â
The viewing galler y was then cleared,andthe online feed ofthemeeting shutoffand remained dark for overanhour while the board debated the matter in-camera.
The board eventually resumed the public portion ofmeeting and voted on Victoriaâs motion to move the items to the public meeting agenda, but it was defeated with only Victoria voting in favour
The boardâs agendas clearly state that, in accordance withthe Police Act, a portion of a meeting may be held in
BoardmemberLara Victoria wantedtodiscussthe
private if certain issues are expected to arise includinga matter concerning public security,
the disclosure ofwhich could reasonably be expected to seriously impair effective policing
or law enforcement, or a matter concerninga personâs financialor personal affairs, if that personâs interest in the matter outweighsthe publicâs interest in the matter.
Meetings can also turnprivate if the issue involves a matterconcerning labourcontract discussions, labour management relations, layoffs oranother personnel matters, or a matterconcerning information that a person has requested he orshe be allowed to give in private to the board or committee.
After a break forthe summer, the boardâs next public meeting is Sept 18.
Burnabymayorelected new Metro board chair
GRAEME WOOD Gl acierMedia
Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley is thenew chair ofthe Metro Vancouver regional district followinga vote Friday (June28) by its board of directors
Hurley defeated lone competitor Lisa Dominato, a Vancouver city councillor, in a weighted vote in which results were not immediately disclosed.
Hurley spoke ofthe need for greater transparency at the regional district. He said hisfirst order of business would be to establish an âindependent external reviewâ ofthe North Shore sewage plant,
which was disclosed earlierthis year to be $2.8 billion over its last budgetestimate of$1.1 billion.
Hurley added Metro will hire external lawyers to framethe terms ofthe review.
Hurley replaces Delta Mayor George Harvie.Deltacouncil removed Harvie as Deltaâs representative on Metro Vancouver at a council meeting in May, which also subsequently removed him as Metro board chair.
Hurley said he has his councilâs support andas such will be paid $105,000forthe position on top of his $189,863 mayor salary.
Hurley also said the board needs to examine overall governance
The board also voted last Friday to ask staff to reviewits travel policies
Overthe past two years, select directors have flown to internationalconferences in business class while staying at four-and four-and-a-half starhotels at destinations such as Singapore, Brisbane, Dublin and Amsterdam. In total, Metroâs board spent $227,442on out-of-town conferences in 2023alone. In 2019,the board spent $139,042on junkets andconferences
Metro Vancouver âs board is comprised of41 directors from local jurisdictions aroundthe region.
Youmaystruggleto communicatewithcertain peoplethis week. They may take longertoget backtoyou,evenifyouâve leftmultiplemessages. Patienceisessential, whetherthematteris urgentornot.
HOWTOPLAY: Fillin thegridso that everyrow,every columnand every3 x3box contains thenumbers 1through 9onlyonce. Each 3x3box isoutlinedwitha darkerline. Youalreadyhave a fewnumbers to get youstarted. Remember:youmustnot repeatthe numbers 1through 9inthesameline, columnor 3x3box
HistoricEast Delta Hallgiftedto City of Delta
The City of Delta has an agreement with McKee Athletic Associationfor thetransfer of ownership of theEastDelta Halland its surrounding property to the city for theprice of $1.
According to thecity, this generous contribution marksa significant stepinpreserving Deltaâs heritage andensuring the continued use of this iconiccommunity hall.
âWe are extremely grateful to the McKee AthleticAssociation for their exceptional generosity,â said Mayor George Harviein a news release. âTaking ownership of East Delta Hallunderscores councilâs dedication to preservingDeltaâs rich history and culture. This hall will continue to serve as a vital community gathering place, and we look for ward to enhancing and preserving it for future generations.â
Built by Deltaâs pioneer farming families on land donated by the McKee family,EastDelta Hall has been a cornerstone of the community sinceits opening on Jan. 29, 1931.
Located inthefarmingcommunity of east Delta, the hall has hosted a variety of eventsincluding
TheCityof DeltahasanagreementwithMcKee Athletic Association forthetransferof ownershipoftheEast DeltaHall anditssurroundingproper ty to thecity.
âWe arepleased to have the opportunity to gift the historic East Delta Hall to theCity of Delta,â said Lorne Embree,a director of the McKee AthleticAssociation. âThis hall has been a cherished part of ourcommunity for over90 years, and we are confident that thecity will continue to honouritslegacy
whileensuring it remains a vibrant gathering place for our community.â
As part of the donation, the McKee AthleticAssociation has requested council consider adoptinga heritage designation bylaw to formally recognize EastDelta Hallâs heritage status. WhileEast Delta Hallis currently listed inthe civic rural heritage inventor y,city staff willpresenta heritage designation bylaw for EastDelta Hall at a future council meeting forconsideration to helpensure thelongterm preser vationof the building.
The city also entered into an agreement withMr Momâs World Catering and Events, thecurrent caterer and curator of theEast Delta Hall.Mr Momâs is responsible for managing bookings and eventsand maintaining the property, in addition to thehistoric St. Stephens Church locatednearby.
The city plans to install a commemorative plaque to acknowledge thehistory of EastDelta Hallandthe contributions from individualsandfamiliesthat constructed and operated this hall for more thanninedecades
- Staff Writer
FinancialHardship LIF Withdrawal
Jeffrey Greenfeld,CFPÂŽ,RIS,EPC
Senior Wealth Advisor,iAPrivate WealthInc.
*InsuranceAdvisor,IAPrivate WealthInsuranceAgency
Life canbeunpredictable.Hardships suchas divorce, job loss, illness, andinjuryare allthings that areunforeseenand canaffect ourfinancial circumstances.Inshort, life happens.Aclientof mine recentlyfoundherself without ajoband was strugglingtopay hermortgage.
Mirandacontributedtoher BC companypension throughouther20 yearsofemployment. Onceher job ended, itwasconverted to aLocked-InRetirement Account(LIRA). Generallyspeaking, withdrawals from aLIRAcan startatage 55 by convertingthe accounttoa Life Income Fund(LIF). Like any pension, LIFs aremeanttolastalifetime,hence thereisamaximum withdrawalamount. Luckilyfor Miranda,thereare exceptionstothisrule.
Miranda turned55atthe beginningof2024 so Iwas abletoconvert her LIRA to aLIF.Sinceher2024 annualincome wasbelow thethresholdof$45,667, she waseligibleto applyforfinancial hardship withdrawalusingher LIFaccount.
Howithelped Miranda
Each jurisdiction hasits applicationformforfinancial hardship. Aftercompletingthe BC Financial Hardship Form fromthe BC Financial Services Authorityand calculatingthe applicabletaxes,Miranda waseligible to withdraw $23,580fromher LIFbased onher income.Since Mirandaâs LIFwas valuedat$125,000, she still hadagood amountleft inheraccountto assisther inher retirement.
In Mirandaâs case,the$23,580eased herfinancial struggleconsiderably.Thisformcanalsobeused forhighmedicalordisability-related costs suchas treatmentsnotcoveredbyourprovincialplan.
Canada Day in Delta startedwiththe Canada Day Cruise, hosted by South DeltaClassic Cars. Festivities moved toDiefenbaker Park in Tsawwassen, Kirkland House in Ladner, andChalmers ParkinNorth Delta. Events were hosted by the Tsawwassen Boundary Bay Lions Club, North Delta Lions Club, Kirkland House Society and theCityof Delta.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
3900 Ar thurDrive, Ladner 604-946-4522 sacredheartparish.ca
Pray for Canada
AllSaintsAnglican Church 4979-44A Avenue,Ladner 604-946-9179 â˘604-946-4224
Growing upin both America and Canada, this week has always been a special timeofthe yearformeas Canada Day and Independence Day fallonthe same week.
The bible clearly showsthat God cares about nationsandcities, and God teachesus to organize ourselvesin ways where citizens can flourish.
For example, God calls leaders to not abuse their authority (Matt. 20:25-28) and spiritual teachers to be held to a stricter account (Jas 3:1). He also commandsus to respect the authoritiesthat God has placed in government (Romans13:1-7).
This week,I encourage you to pray forthe welfare ofthe nationin
Ministerâs Minute PAUL PA RK
which we dwellandfor theleaders that serve us.
I watcheda soccer match on Monday between Portugaland Slovenia inthe UEFA European Championship.
In this match, Cristiano Ronaldoâone ofthegreatest playersof alltimeâhad a chance toclose the gameinextra time with a penalty kick, but the goalkeeper saved hisshot. Immediately following the missed opportunity,the camera caught a close-upof Ronaldoâs faceâhe was in tears. This match clearly meant a lot to him. Later inthe match, his teammates performed spectacularly inthe penalty shootout and won. Each timehis teammate scored or saveda goal, Ronaldo was cheering enthusiastically. Hereâs the lesson: Itâs not all about one player ; socceris a team sport. The same goes for a nation. Itâs not individualheroes thatmake usgreat. Thriving as a nationis a team thing. Pray for Canada and participate init to make it a great homeforallofus
Calling all outdoor enthusiast wannabees! Do youwant to try camping but youâre not sure how to prepare?
Take the guesswork out and attend Camping 101 at the Ladner Pioneer Library on Thursday, July 4,from 1 to 2 p.m. The entire family is welcome to discover how easy and enjoyable camping can be.
A team from Parks Canada Learn-to-Camp will guide you on packing necessities so you willfeelprepared and able to enjoy your first of manycamping trips.
Anamazing part of spending timein nature is seeing wildlifeintheir natural habitat. Stay longer to becomeAnimal Aware. From2:30 to 3:30 p.m., the team willprovidetipson how to safely viewanimals while keepinga respectfuldistance.
Get up close and personal withlive birdsofprey, reptiles and parrots. The first Summer Reading Club performance - OWL
Orphaned Wildlife - willintroduce you to the vast world of raptors onFriday, July 5, from 11 a.m. to noon at the George Mackie Library, and
on Wednesday, July 10, from 11 a.m. to noon at theLadner Pioneer Library and 2 to 3 p.m. at the Tsawwassen Library.
Registrationis required at George Mackie Library and LadnerPioneer Library only.
On Friday, July 12, from 2 to 3 p.m., there will be Lizardsin the Library.
West Coast Exotics BC will be coming to the George Mackie Library with some scaly critters to learn aboutâŚandif youâre brave enough even pet orhold.
Bringyour curiosity to the George Mackie Library on Wednesday, July 24, from11 a.m. to noonandexplore the world of parrots.A presenter fromGreyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary willbring Sherlock, a Blueand Gold Macaw and Huey,a Quaker Parrot, and answer all yourquestions.
Rubber ducks on displayinPoint Roberts
Peopleheading into Point Roberts this summer have somewhere new to go forfamily fun.
Koraâs Corner Countr y Store, on Gulf Road,is addinga newdimension to theshopâs usual fare of souvenirs, handicrafts and specialty foodsâ rubberduckies
The Rubber Duck Museumopensinthe store on July 4, at 10 a.m. and features an extensive collection of rubberduck artifacts, autographed memorabilia, and rubber ducks.
âLaunching the worldâs first historical Rubber Duck Museumis a spe-
cialmilestoneforus. We hope thiswhimsicalcollectionbrings joy, sparks creativity,and reminds ever yoneofthe simple pleasuresof childhood,â saidKr ystal King, coownerof Koraâs Corner, in a release.
The museumincludes piecesfromdifferent
countriesanderas, autographed memorabilia, andvintage rubberduckrelated productsand showcasesthecreativity and joy that rubberducks inspire, making it a destinationforfamilies, tourists, andenthusiasts, said the release.
-Staff Writer
Sasquatch, aka Bigfoot, means Wild Men fromthe Salish word Sasqâets. Kidsare invited to make their own Sasquatch Feeton Monday, Aug. 12, from 2 to 3 p.m. at the George Mackie Library.After you finishcreating them, step infront of a green screenand get yourpicture taken!All suppliesare provided. Registration is required, and childrenunder 10 years of age must be accompanied by anadult
To register forprograms requiring registration,visitthe Events Page at www.fvrl.ca. -Submitted
What is nature up to after dark? Find out onFriday, July 19,from11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the George Mackie Library. Join a ParkInterpreter from Metro Vancouver Regional Parks for Mysterious Creatures ofthe Night. See real specimensandenjoy games/ activities. Whileall agesare welcome, thisprogram is recommended for agesfour to nine.
Koraâs CornerCountryStore,on Gulf Road,isaddinganewdimensiontotheshopâs usual fare of souvenirs, handicraftsandspecialty foodsârubberduckies.
DELTA SPORTS Visitors take allat Losse memorialtourney
Sixthannual minor baseball event took place on long weekend
IAN JACQUE S ijacques@delta-optimist.com
The Victoria Mariners and North Langley Trappers are this yearâs Kyle Losse Memorial Tournament champions.
The sixth annual tournament, heldduring the Canada Day long weekend at Winskill Park in Tsawwassen, saw 14 teams battleforthe bantam baseball titlewhile eight teamsplayed forthe peewee title.
On the peewee side, North Langley beat Aldergrove 10-8 in Mondayâs final.
The Trappers finished second in their pool after round robin play and beat theLadner Red Sox 15-6 in oneof Mondayâs semifinal games
Aldergrove also finished second in their pool and beat Campbell River 15-6 in theother semifinal.
Sports stories? ContactIanat ijacques@delta-optimist.com or call 604-998-3616
Victoria beat their rivals Victoria Eagles6-2 in the semifinalwhile Abbotsford edged the Mid-Island Pirates2-1 in theother semifinal.
The Delta Blue Jays topped the standings with a 3-0 record in round robin play with wins over Vancouver(9-4), Calgary (3-0)and Coquitlam (2-0), but lost 5-3 to the Pirates in thequarterfinals.
The Tsawwassen Athleticsfinished seventh afterthe round robin beating Vancouver10-7 and Parksville 12-4 while droppinga 12-1decision to Langley.
Tsawwassenlost to Cloverdale in a play-in gameon Sunday to end their tournament.
Tournament organizer Niki Losse said she was very pleased withthe weekend.âIt was super successful. There was lots ofgreat feedback onwhat an awesome tournament it was,â she said. âBig crowdsall weekendand lotsof support.â
Asforthe Red Sox, they won their pool with a 2-0-1 record playing to a 6-6 tie with Vancouver and beating Aldergrove 13-2andTrout Lake 8-7.
The Tsawwassen Athleticsfinished fourth
in their pool with a 1-2 record beating North Langley 11-3, while losing 13-4 to Richmondand6-4
to Campbell River.
The Athletics beat Trout Lake 11-8 in a consolation game Sunday afternoon.
On the bantam side, the Mariners beat the Abbotsford Cardinals 10-4 in the final.
It wasnâtall bad news forthe Blue Jays this week asthey punched their ticket to the nationalqualifying semifinals with a 7-0 home win over Whalley on June24. The semifinalsand finalare Aug. 3 in Chilliwack.
Bombers beat Yankees for Interlockbaseballtitle
Friday, June21
was theFraser Delta Interlock 13U A Tier 1 Championship baseball game, between the Ladner Bombers and North Delta Yankees. Each team entered the finals with a 1-1 series split.
Coaches Paul Nakagawa, Kyle Cashin and Spencer Underhill lead the Bombers to a championship win by the score of 8-5.
Dashten Kingston helped withanRBI and made a game winning solodoubleplay to secure the championship.
The game was dominated by unbelievable pitching fromBr yden Nakagawa and Cory
Maxwell. Catcher Dante Mollica keptthe ball in front ofhimensuring no players stealing home
Corey Maxwelladded three RBIs, plus Leif Bustinand Mitchell Underhillpicked up a couple oftheotherRBIâs.
Theo Mollicawas awallletting nothing past at second base Outfielders like Jaxon Davies were quick on theirfeet making sure to get the ballinquickly, includingThomas Polhill whothrew a laser-beam from right field to geta crucial out at second. Base runnershad spectators on edge all game, Kayden Cashin and AtlinFrohused their quick feetandthinking to steal multiple bases
each Jacob Scott kepthis teammates positive and always had anencouraging word whenthings got tough, he had three hitsonthenight and cameinasthe closing pitcher to finish the game.
The Bombersâ chants and cheers could be heard loudand clear; as LadnerPride ran high at the balldiamondthat night!
The North Delta Yankees were a tough competitor making it a close game at the end. Congratulations to the Ladner Rockets for a greatyearandthe Ladner Mariners for winning the regular season. - Submitted
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Sports South Deltabaseball coaches return to Mexico to deliver another camp
Donations are being accepted at the Winskill Park concession
Coachesand volunteers from South Deltaand the Vancouverarea will be returning to the Oaxaca Coast/Huatulco, in Mexico, to givea baseball experience camp for two weeks to underprivileged children.
Theorganization startedin2022in Puerto Escondido(84 kids)and in2023in Pochutla(108 kids).
âOur goalis to have three associationson the Oaxaca coast so they can continue to play each other for years to come,â
said Tsawwassen resident Mike Canaday.
Thegroupprovides all equipment, uniforms, andmoney to deliver camp With the help fromLadner Minor Baseballand Tsawwassen Amateur Baseball Association (TABA) gear collection has beengreat in years past.
âWe are lacking used gloves and pants for this year âs camp,â said Canaday.
TABA has puta donationbinforused gloves and pants at the Winskill
Park concessionduring opening hours.
âWith the support of TABA , we are hoping to collect the amount of used gloves needed for this year âs camp,â added Tsawwassen coach RJ OâNeil.âWe are expecting close to 100 children.â
If you have any used gloves or baseball pants for children ages five to 14, you can donate at the Winskill Park concession. For more information, email Mike Canaday at : mdcanaday@yahoo.ca - Submitted
Welcometoyournewhome!Idealforseniors,executives,oranyoneseekinga sophisticatedlayout,thisimmaculateresidenceoffersa formallivingroomand elegantlydesigneddiningareaforseamlessentertaining.Therenovatedkitchen boastsanislandandopenstoaninvitingeatingarea,leadingto astunningraised deckenvelopedbynaturalgreeneryforprivacyandaperfectblendofsunand shade.Outside,enjoythenewlylandscapedgardensandfrontyard.Themainfloor features aluxuriousprimarybedroomwith agasfireplace,Californiashutters, and a5-pieceensuite.Upstairs,findtwospaciousbedrooms.Skylights,vaulted ceilings,andcharmingdecorthroughoutenhancetheairyatmosphere.Donâtmiss yourchancetoviewthisexceptionalpropertyâyournewhomeawaits! 492263AStreet,Ladnerâ˘$1,499,900
Welcome to Chelsea Gardens,thisupperlevelhomeboasts1,783 sq.ft. oflivingspace. Thespacious kitchenopens to theeatingarea andfamily roomwith agasfireplace.Thislayoutincludes twolarge bedrooms,anensuitewith asoakertubandshower, and aguest bathroomwith ashower. Chelsea Gardensis asecure, gated55+ communityspread over23acreswithfabulousamenitieslikean outdoorpool,hottub,gym,librar y, workshop,and Fridaypubnights.
Donâtmissthis exceptionalopportunitytoacquireastandalone retail/officebuildingin Tsawwassen! Positionedontheprimary businessthoroughfare, thisproper ty isalsodesignatedinthenewly proposed Official CommunityPlan formedium-densitymulti-family redevelopment, potentiallyup to 6storeys.Currentlyleased to a veterinar yclinic,the existingbuildingboasts over2,700sqftofspace. Its layoutsuitssimilarbusinesses,medicalpractitioners,andmore, featuring afront reception,multiple examination rooms,andprivateofficeareas.
1605116thAve,SouthSurrey | $4,888,000
DEVELOPERALERT! This centrallylocatedsitepresentsa primeopportunityfor redevelopment. Situatedwithinthe King George HighwayCorridor Plan,thecurrent designation of15UPAoffersthepotential forrezoning to higherdensity. Similarsitesintheareahaverecentlybeen rezoned for6-12 storeymixed-usebuildings,highlightingthepotential forthis proper ty
1,203sf |3beds |2baths
Discover TheBreezebyAdera,an award-winningdevelopment in SouthSurrey. Thischic3-bed,2-bathroom townhome features anamazinglayoutand atandem2-cargarage.Enjoyexclusive access to TheBreezeâsWest CoastClub,offering agym, yoga studio,entertainmentroom,andsauna.
Welcome to INGASTOWNlocatedintheheartof Gastownâs HeritageDistrict. Acontemporaryonebedroomandone bathroomsuitecompletewithanopenlayoutandamplelight. Featuresincludepolished concreteďŹoors,anefficientkitchen layout completewithquartz countertops, agas range,a built in ovenandEuropeanintegratedcabinetry.Enjoytheshared rooftoppatiowithanoutdoorkitchenandBBQarea.Close to Chinatown,Downtown,Railtown, Yaletown,transit,parksand somuchmore. Thisisan excellentopportunity to ownandlive close to allthatdowntownhas to offeror agreat investment. One storagelockerincluded.
AmassforPaulwillbeheldatSacredHeartParish inLadneronJuly8that1:00PMfollowedby a CelebrationofLifeatBeachGrovegolfcourse. Inlieuofflowers,donationsmaybemadetothe PacificParkinsonâsResearchCentre(PPRC) https://www.pacificparkinsons.org/
MartaBrigittaBoulden August3,1971-September1,2023
PamelaJoanBoulden July11,1941 -June12,2024
Itisannouncedwith deepsadness thatPamelaJoanBo ulden passe da way o nJ une12,2024.Her daughter,M artaBrigitta Boulden, passedawayon September1,2023.Theyaresurvivedbytheir daughter an ds ister,J oanna B ou lden. Therewillbe ac ombinedCelebratio nofL ifeservicefo rP amela B oulden andMarta Boulden at 2 :00pm o nS aturday,J uly6,2024atSouth DeltaBaptistChurchin Ts awwassen,BC. Am emorybo o ka ndpaperwillbe availableforgueststowritetheirmemoriesandthoughts,andalsoanopen micforanyonethatwantstoshare.
Byvirtueofthe WarehousemanâsLienAct MundieâsTowing,Storage &Service(1976) Ltd. will dispose of:
4)2003 MAZDAPRTG5VIN#JM1BJ245631202671
5) 1999TOYOTA4RUNRVIN#JT3HN87R1X9020971
8)2008 MAZDA MZDA5VIN#JM1CR293380310893
10)2019AUDIS4 VIN# WAUC4AF47KA039647
15)2003FORD VANVIN#1FDAF56P63EB96694
Welovethemountains,the river, theocean -the ďŹowers and birdsthatreturn eachsummer. We love creation andthepeaceitcan bring.Imagine ifweallcreated andhadnohand indestruction.I thinkofJohnLennonâssong,âImagine...livinglifein peaceâ andtheBibleverse,âloveyourneighbouras yourself.â Imaginewhatthe world wouldbe like. Letâsgoforit!Mybest regards,Leslie.
Byvirtueofthe WarehousemanâsLienAct
MundieâsTowing,Storage &Service(1976) Ltd. will dispose of:
Youcanget acopyofthedocument(s)inyour case,orviewyourcourtfile, atthe courtregistry at theaboveaddress.Referto courtfilenumber 45712
HARVEY AMANDAis indebtâ ed toRoa dwa yT owing Lt d. for stora ge andtowing on 2019 KIAFORTEwithVI N #3KPF 54AD3KE 057 274 .A Li enisclaimedunderthe Act. The reispresentlyan amount due andowingof $3 ,539.11 plus an ya dditiona lc osts of storage,seizureandsale that may accrue.Noticeis hereby gi venthaton 2024/07/12 or th ereaft er ,t hesaidveh ic le wil lb es old.Thevehicle is currently storedat Roadway Towing Ltd., 73 91 Progress Place ,D el ta,BC, V4G1A1, and wasplacedinstorage on F ebruary9, 2024. Fo rm ore infor mation,call Roadway Towing Ltd. 604â940â0329