Thankyou,Delta!You‘jumpedin’toshareyourideasforthe newaquaticandfitnesscentreinWinskillPark.Herearethe highlightsofwhatweheardduringPhase1ofthecommunity engagementprogram.Youcanreadthefullresultsat letstalk.delta.ca/Winskill.
2.Incorporatewellnessfeaturesintheleisurepoolas wellasplaystructures.
3. Sizethepoolandfitnesscentretoaccommodate communitygrowth.
4.Locatethenewbuildinginanareathatpreservesthe existingnaturalareaandtrees.
5.Opinionsaresplitonaddingafourthbaseball diamondatthistime.
DeltaCouncilmadethefollowingdecisionsbasedoninput fromthecommunityandfurthertechnicalanalysis:
• Includea25-metrelappoolwith10lanesto accommodategrowth.
•Locatethebuildingonthenortheastcornerwith modificationsthatallowforenhancedtreeretention.
•MeetwithTsawwassenAmateurBaseballAssociation andotherWinskillfieldusergroupstodiscusspark layoutandafuturefourthballdiamond.
• Prepareaconceptualdesignguidedbythe communityengagementresults.
Theresultsoftheengagementprogramwillnowbeprovidedtotheprojectteamtoconsiderinthedesignofthefacilitywiththegoal andpreparingconceptsforCouncilandthecommunitytoconsiderinPhase2oftheengagementprogramthisfall.
Manyquestionssurfacedthroughtheengagementactivities.TheCityhascompletedtheresearchandpreparedanswerstosomeof themostcommonquestions.
Inanefforttoprovidealternatelocationstopreservethe naturalarea,someparticipantssuggestedlocatingthe facilityatSDRC.Areviewofthisproposaldeterminedthere isnotenoughlandtoaccommodatethesizeofthefacility andparkingneeded.Thiswouldrequireexistingfacilities onthesitetobedemolishedtomakeroomforacombined facility,potentiallydoublingthecostoftheprojectfrom $120to$130milliontoatleast$250million.Further complicatingthisproposalarethecostsassociatedwith thedewateringthatwouldberequiredtoexcavateand reinforcethepooltankbelowsealevel.
Withthecurrentplan,fielduserswillcontinuetoenjoy thesameamenitiestheyhavetodayincludingthreeball diamonds.Councilfurtherdirectedstafftomeetwith TsawwassenAmateurBaseballAssociationandother Winskillfieldusergroupstodiscusstheparklayoutand possibilityofafourthdiamond.
SomeparticipantssuggestedtheCitybuilda50-metrepoolto keeppacewithanticipatedgrowthandsupportlocalswimclubs andsporttourism.TheCityreviewedthisandconcludedthata 25-metrepoolbestmeetsthediverseneedsofthecommunity whilealsoprovidingmorelanespaceforcompetitiveswimming andtrainingpurposesFurthermore50-metrepoolsinwould increasetheprojectcostsapproximately30%.
Aspartoftheengagementprocess,theCitysharedtheresults ofanarboristreportthatindicatedthatnearly46%ofthetrees inWinskillParkareinpoorcondition.Despitetheconditionof thetrees,theCitylearnedthatthenaturalareaintheparkis importanttoparticipants.Asaresultofthisfeedbackandfurther technicalanalysis,theCityisproceedingwithplanstobuildthe facilityattheNorthlocationwithmodificationsthatwouldallow formoreofthenaturalareatoberetained.Sometreeswillneed toberemovedandreplacedinordertomaintainthethree diamondscurrentlyavailabletoday.Councilhasaskedstaffto reportbackonplanstoreplantanytreesthatareremoved.
The Delta Police Department’s drones have become useful tools but now that will be taken a step further with their use as first responders in North Delta.
Members of the department were on hand at the North Delta Safety Building last Thursday to announce the launch of the pilot Drone as
First Responder program, an initiative that will have drones launched from the top of the building to fly over accidents or crimes in process.
Only recording if there is evidentiary value, the drones can provide a live video feed to enable officers to know what to expect upon arrival and deploy resources more quickly.
The program builds on the DPD’s existing use of drones for public safety and investiga-
tive response. Once a call for service is initiated, a drone operator classifies the call and makes a decision to launch, regardless of the operator’s location.
The drones can be useful in showing real-time accident scenes or other scenarios, such as capturing a live image of a suspect vehicle leaving a crime scene.
Any recorded data is handled confidentially and pro-
tected against unauthorized disclosure.
A/Insp. James Sandberg described the initiative as a potential game-changer and the initial response has been positive.
A/Staff Sgt. Jim Ingram, provided a demonstration with an operator launching a drone from the rooftop and flying over a certain vehicle in a nearby parking lot, for a rapid scene assessment.
Not only can the operator see the live feed, but, if needed, it can be forwarded to officers in their cars and even to Ingram’s video screen on his police vest.
Noting the devices as first responders are being built into the department’s emergency management program, Ingram added that getting eyes on a scene right away can also assist in improving the safety of officers.
EnjoyasensationalsummersunsetonthebeautifulTsawwassen FirstNationBoardwalk,featuringliveentertainment,cool drinks, greatconversation,along-tablepicnic-stylesupperwith magnificentviewsoftheSalishSea.
Award for Neil Dubord, who put in his last shift last week
MICHAEL WHITE Contributing Writer
Delta Police Chief Neil Dubord has become one of a select number of British Columbians to receive the prestigious King Charles III Coronation Medal.
Dubord was among 60 people who received the medal July 18, at Government House, in Victoria.
The medal, created to mark the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, is awarded to those who have, “made a significant contribution to Canada or to a particular province, territory, region or community of Canada, or have made an outstanding achievement abroad that brings credit to Canada,” per the Government of Canada.
Dubord received the medal in recognition of “representing the Delta Police Department, [and] for dedicated service as an Honorary Aide-de-Camp to the Lieutenant Governor since 2018.”
Dubord learned he would be
a recipient in early July, when he received a letter from the Private Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor, Janet Austin.
“I was just so honoured — and a little bit shocked, because I wasn’t expecting it,” said Dubord. “I’m very appreciative to be recognized for [my] community service.”
The ceremony itself was an experience Dubord says he’ll treasure forever.
“Any time there’s a ceremony at Government House — the location is just so elegant and dignified. And there were people there who have contributed to all kinds of different aspects of the community,” he said.
Dubord has received many honours throughout his career, including the Police Officer Order of Merit from the Governor General of Canada, the Police Exemplary Medal, and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee medal.
But this latest honour, he says, should prove especially memorable because of its timing.
Dubord just retired on Friday, July 26, bringing a career of 37 years in law enforcement to a close.
He joined the Delta Police Department in June 2015, following three years as chief of the Metro Vancouver Transit Police, and 25
built an organization that’s known for innovation, whether it be body cameras . . . our drone operation . . . ”
years with the Edmonton Police Service, where he was the deputy chief in charge of the community policing bureau.
Dubord considers his nine years with the DPD to be among the most rewarding of his career.
“My time in Delta has been very special,” he says.
“We’ve built an organization that’s known for innovation, whether it be body cameras, a ‘top employer’ designation that we received, our drone operation …
“We have a lot of innovation and new concepts we’ve brought to Delta that have proved to be very beneficial for both our community and our police organization.”
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist.com
It’s one of the last of the original houses in the area but could soon make way for new multi-unit housing.
A subdivision and rezoning application was recently submitted for a property at 5043 47th Ave. in Ladner, a proposal that would see two, three-storey townhouse buildings. The application, which also seeks a variance permit to vary the minimum parking requirements, would result in seven new strata units.
The oldest surviving original house on the block, it was built in 1926 by James Brunton Sr., a carpenter by trade.
The block was originally part of the William Ladner estate and later by a member of the Huff family before the lots were all sold off.
As far as the creation of new housing units in Delta, the city last week said
it continues to make progress on the Housing Target Order set by the province to meet the growing needs of the community.
At the July 22 meeting of council, amendments to the zoning bylaw were advanced that could see 589 units, including apartments, townhouses and single-detached homes added to the city’s inventory over the next few years. The city notes that list of projects also includes 138 non-market rental apartment units in Ladner, helping to provide diverse and affordable housing options for the community.
Local governments were required to make changes to zoning bylaws by June 30 to allow either a minimum of one secondary suite or detached accessory dwelling unit, a minimum of three-tofour dwelling units on a lot, or a minimum of six dwelling units in areas near bus stops with frequent transit service, depending on location.
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist.com
Delta council last week unanimously approved a revised second phase of a large below-market housing redevelopment project underway in Ladner.
The rezoning and development amendment will see a six-storey development containing 138 apartment units for Phase 2 of the Evergreen Lane project, located at the southern section of the first phase in 4600block of Evergreen Lane. It will include a mix of one, two and threebedroom units.
This proposal follows a previous application by the owner, Dogwood Holdings Society, for a 198-unit, two-phase, non-market rental apart-
ment building development, which was approved by council in July 2022.
The first phase is currently under construction and includes 130 seniors housing units in a fourstorey apartment building on the north portion of the site. The second phase was approved for 68 family housing units in a 48-unit four-storey apartment building and a 20-unit three-storey townhouse building on the south portion of the site.
Phase 2 has not started and since the original project was approved, economic and affordable housing need conditions have changed and additional BC Housing funding became available, according to the planning department.
The applicant identified an opportunity to respond to current housing needs by requesting additional density and height to increase the affordable housing supply and economic viability for the project. The applicant subsequently proposed modifying the second phase, which is focused on seniors and families.
The owner proposed operating all of the 138 dwelling units at affordable rental rates moving forward. BC Housing is providing a grant for the project, as well as an ongoing operating subsidy to ensure affordability is maintained.
A public hearing on the revised plan was not held as the proposal was consistent with the Official Community Plan.
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist.com
If you think traffic going through the George Massey Tunnel is bad enough now, just wait for the impact of even more vehicles if TransLink carries through with massive service cuts.
That was one of the warnings made at a special meeting of council Tuesday to discuss the worrisome prospect of major region-wide reductions that TransLink has warned could happen unless a sustainable funding solution from government arrives.
Facing a funding gap of approximately $600 million, the transit authority reported to the Mayors Council last week of
potential cuts that that would be devastating, prompting Delta Coun. Dylan Kruger to call the meeting of council to discuss the cities strategy.
Noting a half-million people in the region would be affected, Mayor George Harvie, a member of the Mayors Council, said that May 2024 traffic figures for the tunnel indicate 90,465 vehicles per day travelled through the crossing, up around 5,000 from the same time last year. Council agreed to spread the word to all residents about what the community is facing as part of a lobby effort to the provincial government, as well as those seeking office in October’s provincial election.
Delta is also asking that all other municipal councils follow suit.
The Delta Chamber of Commerce will also coordinate a meeting with its members.
Saying suburbs like Delta would be especially hit hard, Kruger added that residents who don’t take public transit should also be concerned at the prospect of more drivers on the roads, clogging up already congested routes like the Massey Tunnel and Alex Fraser Bridge.
He said what is needed is a new funding structure that provides certainty for TransLink.
Harvie agreed, adding one-off funding is not viable and “constantly getting a new package of Band Aids isn’t working at all.”
six-month period.
Day parole will continue for a man convicted in a gruesome double murder that occurred in Tsawwassen over three decades ago.
with the victims’ family members, including extended family members, as well as Crown witnesses.
Ican experiencenormallifeagainandthe worldisn’tsilentanymore. Iamsohappy.
Byers– CFBH AwardRecipient on howhearing aids have made hislifebet ter.1
Following a review, the Parole Board of Canada this month decided to continue Derek Lord’s day parole for another
He has extended leave privileges for 21 days at his family home and must stay two days in a community-based residential facility. Various conditions continue including not travelling to the Lower Mainland and having no contact
The Appeal Division recently ordered a review of the parole board’s decision to deny full parole for the 50-year-old Lord.
- Sandor Gyarmati
5-StoreyRental Apartment Building at4501Arthur Drive
Address: 4501ArthurDrive
Applicant: LovickScottArchitects FileNo: LU009626
TheCityofDeltahasreceivedan applicationforadevelopmentinyour neighbourhood.Theapplicationis fora81-unit,5-storeypurpose-built rentalapartmentbuilding.
Deltaishostinganin-person, drop-informat, PublicInformation Meetingforthisprojectgivingyou theopportunity to learnmoreand provideyourfeedback to theCity.
InformationMeeting Wednesday,August14,2024 5:30 pm–7:30 pm HarrisBarn 4140ArthurDr, Delta
• Detailsontheproposalare availableat letstalk.delta.ca/lu009626
• Shareyourfeedbackonlineat: letstalk.delta.ca/lu009626 until August30,2024
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist.com
Delta residents will finally be able to grab a bite from a food truck and mobile vendor.
Council on Monday approved a pilot program allowing food trucks at a variety of designated locations throughout the city.
In Ladner, vendors will be allowed in such places as the Chisholm Street Wharf and the Stokes Plaza, while they will also be allowed to operate on various streets in Tilbury and Annacis Island.
Delta staff determined the best locations for mobile vendors in North Delta and Tsawwassen are all located in parks.
Metro Vancouver, meanwhile, has a pilot
The city notes that mobile food and beverage vendors provide more choice and services to residents while enabling local businesses to sell their products in new and creative ways.
program allowing mobile food vendors to operate at Centennial Beach in Tsawwassen.
Both programs are to run until Oct 14.
As far as the Delta program, the new policy
requires mobile food and beverage vendors who wish to operate their businesses on city streets or in parks to apply for and receive a special permit.
A report notes that the Ladner Business Association, Delta Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Delta were aware the pilot program was being proposed and have been concurrently discussing the program with members.
The city will also get input from residents, local businesses and mobile vendors during the pilot program.
Coun. Dylan Kruger noted council also recently legalized busking, another move to help create more vibrant spaces in Delta.
Aswecelebratethebeautyanddiversityofourprovince,let’s takethisopportunitytoconnectwithfamily,exploreour community,andcreatelastingmemories.
Published every Thursday by the Delta Optimist, a division of LMP Publication
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PUBLISHER: Matt Blair mblair@glaciermedia.ca
EDITOR Ian Jacques ijacques@delta-optimist.com
REPORTERS: Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@delta-optimist.com
Phil Melnychuk PMelnychuk@delta-optimist.com
PHOTOGRAPHER: Jim Kinnear jimgkinnear@netscape.net
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t’s an organization whose spending is out of control.
For the past two months, this newspaper, alongside our team of investigative reporters from Glacier Media and other Lower Mainland journalists, have put the spotlight on the out-of-control spending and mismanagement at Metro Vancouver.
It all started here in Delta, in May, when several councillors put in place sanctions on Mayor George Harvie, with one of those sanctions removing him as Delta’s representative at Metro. Since Harvie was the board chair, he was out as chair too.
During the meeting in North Delta, it came to light that Harvie was to be part of a delegation going to Amsterdam for a conference.
After more questions, Harvie pulled out of the trip, but that didn’t stop four other Lower Mainland mayors who are their cities’ reps on Metro, along with three Metro staffers, from making the trip.
Costs of that trip have yet to be disclosed, but a lot of other exorbitant expenses for other international travel have been, including a $64,000 mix-and-mingle event at a conference in Toronto last year.
All of this is coming to light as costs are ballooning on the North Shore wastewater treatment plant that taxpayers across the Lower Mainland will be on the hook for.
With the heat rising on recently elected chair Burnaby Mayor Mike Hurley, last week, Hurley ordered a pause on all international travel by the Metro board and its committee members, while policies and spending limits are reviewed.
This review is overdue, but the damage and financial hit to taxpayers has already been done. This review is one of just several that need to take place and which need to be done by outside third parties, who have no ties or connections to Metro Vancouver, or any of its directors.
Metro Vancouver is a mess and it’s going to take a lot more than a travel pause and cutting out the wine and cheese parties to fix it.
Emotional intelligence — what is it, and why is it so important?
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others.
It includes self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication.
In a world dominated by technology and rapid advancements, emotional intelligence is a vital part of personal and professional success, yet it often takes a backseat.
Despite its importance, emotional intelligence is often overlooked. Many organizations prioritize technical skills and academic achievements, neglecting the human aspect that drives successful interactions and relationships. This oversight can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, and a lack of harmony, both
at work and in personal life.
Consider our community here in Delta.
Amidst the city’s growth and development, and the controversial topics that sometimes divide our community, the need for emotionally intelligent individuals is essential.
Whether it’s a local business owner navigating customer relations or a teacher connecting with students, it’s the ability to understand what truly shapes the prog-
ress of our community.
In the workplace, emotionally intelligent leaders are better equipped to handle stress, resolve conflicts, and inspire their teams. They create a culture of trust and respect, essential for any organization’s success.
In Delta, organizations that prioritize emotional intelligence in their hiring and training processes often see higher employee satisfaction and retention rates.
As a community, we need to recognize and value emotional intelligence. It should be nurtured from a young age and integrated into our educational systems and workplace cultures. By doing so, we not only improve individual well-being but also build a stronger, more resilient community.
Do you have a topic you’d like featured or a story to share? Email me at: mydeltastory@gmail.com.
On a recent afternoon walk with our chocolate lab, we noticed he had sniffed a foxtail (the tip of a blade of spear grass) up one of his nostrils.
Within seconds it was no longer visible, and he was sneezing uncontrollably and unwilling to open his mouth for water.
Foxtails have become much more visible around Ladner this summer, with a particularly high cluster around the public parking lot at Chisholm and Elliott streets.
The leaves are sharp and commonly get stuck in fur, and if the grass has been cut and the trimmings left, the spears can easily be snorted up by our unsuspecting pets.
Once inside, they can cause harmful infections, or worse.
Despite catching it as it happened, the foxtail was still too far up our dog’s nose to extract it easily.
A trip to the vet, a rhinoscopy, and
Resident will be avoiding walks along Chisholm Street until the cold weather returns and the foxtails disappear.
nearly $2K later, we had our weary boy back, along with a container holding the offending spear.
I know we’ll be avoiding walks along Chisholm Street until the cold weather returns and the foxtails disappear.
Jordon Miller
To all those mean-spirited persons who believe Angela’s Corner should be paid for by the City of Delta, I want to be in the room when you realize it’s your taxpayer money paying for it.
This memorial to Angela is brought forward by the countless people she impacted.
This includes fellow business associates, family, friends, customers, employees, group and association members and the numerous people that she always helped in times of need.
What impact have you, dear reader, done over 40 years to benefit your community and fellow man?
She was loved and beloved.
The money, and then some, was raised in less than 24 hours.
If you don’t want to contribute, then don’t, but don’t let your cold hearts poison a tribute to an incredible person and a remarkable human being.
Carol Miles
Not sure why people complain about having “only” three lanes each way in the tunnel.
Sure, you could build 10 lanes for future growth, although those wide roads would take out a lot of productive farmland. And guess
what? When you get to Oak Street Bridge you’re still going to back up because, it’s only four lanes and that isn’t going to change. Plenty of research shows that when you expand roadways, the traffic quickly increases to plug it up again. The best thing about
Ian.Paton.MLA@leg.bc.ca /IanPatonDelta
this tunnel design is dedicated transit lanes.
I own a car, but I hardly ever drive it through the tunnel. Transit is fast, efficient and I can read my book. People need to get out of their cars, unless they don’t have an option.
Jane McCall
SANDOR GYARMATI sgyarmati@delta-optimist.com
A Delta city councillor, who helped organize a
local fundraiser to support Angela Husvik’s legacy, is thanking the community.
During council’s meet-
ing on July 22, Coun. Dylan Kruger said a GoFundMe fundraiser that began earlier in the day saw all $3,000 needed for a memorial bench with plaque donated.
“Angela’s Boutique was more than just a store; it was a cornerstone of the community. Angela’s service with the Ladner Business Association and her commitment to various local initiatives reflected her deep love for Ladner. Her vibrant fashion shows brought joy to countless families, enhancing the community spirit, said Kruger when the fundraiser was launched.
Husvik, who owned Angela’s Boutique in
Ladner Village, passed away on March 15, 2024 following a battle with cancer.
Assisting the family, community members and businesses in the effort, Kruger spread the word about the fundraiser on social media to install a bench outside Husvik’s store.
Later in the day at council, he noted the cost is part of Delta’s Park Asset Donation Program in which families can purchase such memorials for loved ones, and the amount was raised within six hours. The effort saw 50 individuals donate to the cause.
A small surplus of
$250 will be donated to the Orange Shirt Society in Angela’s name at (https://orangeshirtday. org/).
At the start of the fundraising campaign, he also noted the community is also rallying to name the corner of Bridge and Delta streets “Angela’s Corner” as a lasting tribute.
Kruger also reminded residents to mark their calendars for Fashion Fest at the Bridge Street Pop-Up Park on Aug. 10.
At 5 p.m., prior to the fashion show, Camille Turner from Camille’s Boutique will be holding a memorial for Husvik.
The fashion show will begin at 5:45 p.m. and there will also be entertainment throughout the event starting at 4 p.m. There will also be food trucks on site and a family street dance with lots of prizes up for grabs starting at 6:15 p.m.
Delta council earlier this month approved a recommendation for the city to enter a licence of occupation with the Tsawwassen Independent School Society for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a pedestrian footbridge along the boundary line between the Southpointe Academy school prop-
erty and Grauer Park. A report to council notes that pedestrian connectivity to the park is poor and students at the 56th Street private school regularly access the site but are currently required to travel along a roadway shared with motor vehicles.
The school last year contacted the city, requesting approval to construct an 18-metrelong bridge over an existing city maintained
irrigation/drainage ditch located along the boundary line of land owned by the City of Delta and the school’s property.
Staff concur that, in addition to providing improved and safer pedestrian access between the two properties, there are no negative impacts to city operations at the park or the irrigation/drainage system, the report notes.
As part of the licence, the society will be
required to construct and maintain the bridge throughout the term, which was proposed at a period of 25 years, beginning Aug 1, 2024 and ending on July 31, 2049.
The licence contains the terms and conditions granted by the city, including non-exclusive use and rights of public access.
The licence fee is $1 for the duration of the term.
PHIL MELNYCHUK pmelnychuk@delta-optimist.com
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is making it easier to bring Foofoo and Rex across the border but the president of the chamber of commerce in Point Roberts says that’s not enough.
“Nothing less than a complete exemption for dog owners from Canada is acceptable,” said Brian Calder.
“The unnecessary U.S. government proposed regulation will bring further economic devastation to U.S. border communities like Point Roberts, which continue to suffer the economic after-shock of the 20-month border lockdown,” from the pandemic, Calder said.
Calder has long advo-
cated for more relaxed measures at the border that Point Roberts shares with Delta, B.C., saying that in the past 30 months, business activity has dropped by half.
In a news release July 22, the CDC says it has clarified and simplified bringing dogs into the U.S. from rabies-free or low-risk countries, such as Canada.
Under the change, dogs must still have a microchip and be older than six months. But if they’ve been in a lowrisk rabies country such as Canada for at least six months, owners only need to show a receipt for a CDC Dog Import Form in order to cross the border.
That form can be filled out on the day of travel and the receipt can be shown by phone or on
paper to airlines and border officials, said the CDC. The receipt also will be good for six months and for multiple entries.
The Dog Import form asks for personal information from the owner and the dog’s name with other information listed as optional. The form doesn’t ask if the animal has been vaccinated or not.
Previously, dog owners had to get more detailed documentation, including from veterinarians.
“These updates incorporate the feedback received from the public, industry partners, and various countries on the dog importation rule, and clarify and simplify the processes for those bringing dogs from dog rabies-free or low-risk countries,” CDC said.
The provincial government has chosen a team to design the new eightlane immersed tube tunnel that will replace the George Massey Tunnel connecting Richmond and Delta.
Cross Fraser Partnership, which is comprised of four companies, Bouygues Construction Canada Inc., Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas Canada Ltd., Pomerleau BC Inc. and Arcadis Canada Inc., has been chosen by the province for this next phase of the project.
The project is now entering the development phase, which includes the tunnel design and an agreement between the province and Cross Fraser Partnership on project costs and risks.
The final design and cost submission will culminate in a design-build
agreement, the province noted in its announcement Tuesday.
The tunnel replacement is budgeted to cost $4.15 billion and to be completed in 2030.
In advance of tunnel construction, the province is delivering several corridor improvements along this vital
stretch of Hwy. 99.
Transit and cycling upgrades along Hwy. 99 have been completed and the first half of the Steveston Interchange Project is expected to be completed this year.
In June 2024, crews began erecting the 21 concrete girders that will support the first half of the new interchange.
Steveston Highway traffic will then move on to the new structure so the old overpass can be removed, and work can
begin on the second segment. The interchange is expected to be finished in 2025.
Preloading of soil for an additional southbound lane between the Westminster and Steveston highways starts his summer.
The additional Hwy. 99 lane will result in eight lanes from Westminster Highway, in Richmond, to Ladner Trunk Road in Delta, once the new eight-lane tunnel is in place in 2030.
hearing is no longer required.
Delta council has given preliminary approval for another new townhouse complex in Ladner.
The application by Maple Leaf Homes Ladner would see a 40-unit development at 4876, 4888, 4896, 4906, 4918, 4928 and 4938 57th St. The almost 70,000-square-foot site is located one block to the north of Ladner Trunk Road.
The existing singlefamily houses would be torn down.
The plan will see the three- and four-bedroom townhouses on one lot consolidated from the seven, single-family lots.
The current zoning of the site is Duplex/Single Detached Residential 3 (RD3), which is intended for single detached or duplex housing.
The proposed development is consistent with the sites land use designation in the updated Official Community Plan, which means a public
However, the applicant must satisfy a number of requirements as a condition of final consideration and adoption, including, among other things, providing final building designs and a landscape plan, including adequate driveway clearances and waste storage and staging facilities, as well as sanitary sewer infrastructure upgrades or a cash-in-lieu contribution to adequately service the proposed development, including downstream sanitary sewer upgrades .
The planning department notes that there are 47 trees on the property, 41 of which are proposed to be removed.
Twenty-one of these are black cottonwood trees that are in poor health and considered to have a high risk of failure. There are also two city trees to be removed. The owners are proposing to plant 51 on-site replacement trees and to provide cashin-lieu in the amount of $37,500 for the rest.
KinVillage Community Centre is looking ahead to their 2025 Book Sale.
KinVillage Community Centre is looking ahead to their 2025 Book Sale.
This popular event is the Centre’s largest fundraiser, which helps support programs and activities for seniors.
This popular event is the Centre’s largest fundraiser, which helps support programs and activities for seniors.
Do you have books and other items listed below that you are ready to pass on? If so, then KinVillage has a convenient solution for you. Load up your car and drive over to the Community Centre’s drive-thru book drop.
Do you have books and other items listed below that you are ready to pass on? If so, then KinVillage has a convenient solution for you. Load up your car and drive over to the Community Centre’s drive-thru book drop.
Items accepted include gently used hard and soft cover fiction and nonfiction, DVDs, games, puzzles, and vinyl records.
Items accepted include gently used hard and soft cover fiction and nonfiction, DVDs, games, puzzles, and vinyl records.
Items not accepted: textbooks, reference
books, manuals, coffee table books, magazines, religious texts, books in poor condition, travel/
business/sports/health and wellness more than five years old. The Book Drop
Items not accepted: textbooks, reference books, manuals, coffee table books, magazines, religious texts, books in poor condition, travel/ business/sports/health and wellness more than five years old. The Book Drop
will take place at the entrance of the Community Centre (5430 10 Ave.) on Saturday, Aug. 10, from
will take place at the entrance of the Community Centre (5430 10 Ave.) on Saturday, Aug. 10, from
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. To keep the flow of vehicles moving, please have books in boxes or bags that can be left behind, and
KinVillage thanks you in advance for your donations.
please follow the arrows. KinVillage thanks you in advance for your donations.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. To keep the flow of vehicles moving, please have books in boxes or bags that can be left behind, and please follow the arrows.
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My family enjoys watching the athletes compete in the Olympics. The display of remarkable agility, strength, and stamina causes us to “ooh” and “aah” as we cheer on the athletes who have trained for this moment through sweat and tears.
As I watch the events with my children, it’s been a great opportunity to show them the value of hard work. No athlete slacks off as they prepare for the Olympics. In fact, you can see their competitiveness in their performances.
The bible claims that hard work and zeal are necessary for our society to flourish.
Sundaysat10:00a.m. Rev.Jason Truell 中文主日崇拜 10:00a.m.
Nancy 楊牧師
Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow
weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
As athletes persevere for the gold, we ought to persistently fight for doing good in this world.
God also teaches us to, “love one another
with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honour. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.” (Rom. 12:10-11).
Talk about competitive fire!
The world was never designed for us to be lazy. Although I have previously written about the importance of rest to combat the temptation of workaholism, that does not mean that the bible commends a lifestyle of slothfulness.
Contrarily, the bible teaches us the value of hard work and training for righteousness. So, let’s go out there and outdo one another in showing honour and loving one another with fervour and persistence.
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st.davidsdelta51@gmail.com www.stdavidsdelta.com
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4594 –54AStreet, Ladner,B.C. 604-946-7033, office@ladnercrc.com www.ladnercrc.ca
Tsawwassen United Church 693– 53rdStreet,Tsawwassen Welcometoeveryonefor Worship&Friendship Sundays @10:00am tuc@telus.net604.943.2911
“BeFaithful,betrue, be ablessing”
16002031AAve,3rdAve,67AST,CentennialPkwy.........................................................................................................70 16002041AAve,66ASt,67thSt.....................................................................................................................................60 160021016thAve,BraidRd,DuncanDr,EnderbyAve,KirkwoodRd,WhitcombPl...........................................................79 1600232GreenlandDr,ParkgroveCres,WoodlandDr......................................................................................................76 1600234AlpenwoodLane,GroverridgeWynd,SherwoodBlvd,Pl.....................................................................................44 1600236BeachGroveCrt,BeachGroveRd......................................................................................................................76 1600302EhkolieCres,ShamanCres,SkanaDr,WalaleeDr.............................................................................................83 1600305PacificDr.........................................................................................................................................................36 1600306PacificDr,StahakenCrt,Pl................................................................................................................................44 160032011AAve,12thAve,50thSt,BayviewDr,ChehalisDr,WilmingtonDr,50BSt......................................................97 1600321GaleDr,GalePl.................................................................................................................................................40 16003358AAve,12thAve,49thSt,EnglishBluffRd........................................................................................................40
The Four Winds Beach House & Brewery has been eight years in the making
MICHAEL WHITE Contributing Writer
After eight years of planning, daydreaming, government obstacles and a global pandemic, Delta’s own Four Winds Brewing Co. is about to unveil its long-awaited Four Winds Beach House & Brewery, located at 6350 Market Ave., in Tsawwassen’s Southlands development.
Its projected opening is in the first week of August; an exact date is still to come.
The multi-awardwinning craft brewery first conceived the idea in 2014, following a conversation with real estate developer Century Group.
Century Group’s Southlands project, which combines residential and commercial properties, is North America’s largest community deliberately rooted in food and farm-
ing. Its 530-plus acres is directly adjacent to Boundary Bay Regional Park and Centennial Beach, and 80 percent of the site is public land.
Adam Mills, co-owner of Four Winds, says the Beach House was originally meant to open in 2021 or 2022, but Delta council rejected the first proposed structure in May 2019 for being too large.
Then the pandemic arrived.
But rather than bring the project to a halt, the pandemic provided Mills and his colleagues the opportunity to “go back to the drawing board,” he says, and design a smaller version that could still adequately accommodate a restaurant and a brewing facility.
“Basically, this entire project was planned through the pandemic — everything from financial details to the business plan, the architectural
plans and working with Century Group,” says Mills. “It was extra stressful, because here we were planning this very lofty project, and it was hard to know what the future would hold.
“But we were optimistic. We’ve always really believed in this project.”
Mills is especially excited that the Beach House will be in Southlands, which was always Four Winds’ first choice.
“We had our eye on this development since its inception,” he says.
“Being from Tsawwassen — we were raised here and we’re raising our own families here. And Southlands is such a cool concept, seeing this sort of stagnant farmland transformed into a productive 500-some-odd acres. And there’s something special about the land here. It has a unique feeling to it.”
Mills adds that the
Beach House’s proximity to bountiful farmland means many of the crops grown nearby will find their way into the beers and food menu.
He describes the Beach House as “a West Coast interpretation of a European beer hall tradition. We’re doing a lot of traditional Europeaninspired beers, but then we’re juxtaposing that with the other half of our beer menu, which is modern beers — all kinds of innovative, interesting new takes.”
The Beach House will also have a cocktail program, and a wine list made up exclusively of B.C. bottles.
Meanwhile, the food menu is “inspired by the land and sea that surrounds us,” meaning guests can expect the likes of Salt Spring Island mussels, locally caught seafood, fish and chips, burgers, salads, bar snacks and more.
or 604-998-3616
And fans of the original Four Winds taproom, on 72nd Street, needn’t worry. It will continue as always, with rotating beers on tap and a menu featuring tacos, quesadillas, burritos and burgers. “We look forward to opening our doors and being here for a long time,” says Mills. “We can’t wait to serve our community.”
LAUREL JOHNSON Contributing Writer
Now’s your chance to get in on some wonderful bargains as the South Delta Artists Guild presents their blowout sale, opening this Friday, Aug. 2 at Gallery 1710, in Tsawwassen.
You might wonder what happens when artists peruse their studios for the hidden gems which might just be the perfect painting
to complement your décor. What will it be? It might be a beautiful scene, or a picture of a remarkable cat that looks just like your favourite, furry friend. Perhaps sculpture, or fantasy figures, may appeal, or you might spot a graceful horse streaming across a flower-studded meadow. Art often reminds us of an unforgettable event. A stunning abstract may surprise you and be guaranteed to make your digs shine.
Our artists will hang their work (remember at bargain prices), at Gallery 1710 on 56th Street, in Tsawwassen, beside the South Delta Rec Centre.
If you just want to enjoy the show, drop in, as admission is always free.
Sale ends on Aug. 18. Gallery hours are Friday to Sunday, from noon to 4 p.m.
See more details at: www.southdeltaartistsguild.com.
9:30am -4:00pm 10amto 4pm 10:30amto 7pm 11amto 5pm 11:30amto 6pm 1pmto4 pm 6:30pm
OutdoorMovie:TrollsatSouthlands -TheGrange(Dusk)
PresentingSponsors :
8amto11am 9amto3:30pm 9amto4 pm 10amto 5pm 11am---> 11:30amto6 pm
PieEatingContestatChildren’sMidway &KidsBingo 8amto5 pm 10amto 4pm 11amto 5pm 11:30amto 6pm 10pm
MainStage- MusicbyICONIX
MainStage- MentoroftheArts
MainSponsors :
MICHAEL WHITE Contributing Writer
The Tsawwassen Sun Festival — one of Delta’s most popular and longest-running summer events — will be returning for its 52nd edition from Saturday, Aug. 3, to Monday, Aug. 5.
Each year, thousands of families, couples and individuals from across the Lower Mainland come to Tsawwassen to enjoy the festival’s diverse roster of attractions, from long-running cornerstones like the Rotary Parade and Slo-Pitch Tournament, to newer additions including the
classic car show, skateboard competition and pickleball tournament.
Most of the festival’s attractions take place in and around Winskill Park, on 56 St. between 8 and 12 Aves.
Steve Scott, Treasurer for the Tsawwassen Sun Festival Committee, knows the festival and its history better than most. He first became involved with the committee in the 1990s, then returned in 2010 and has been a part of it every year since. (He also lives a stone’s throw from Winskill Park. “It’s basically our backyard,” he says.)
Scott has taken great
pride in watching the festival grow throughout many decades, adding new attractions and drawing larger crowds seemingly every year. It also returned triumphantly
from the pandemic, having been cancelled in 2020 and held virtually in 2021. This year’s festival is primed to be the biggest and best yet.
Brand new this year
is a drone show, taking place Aug. 4 next to the South Delta Recreation Centre, beginning at 10 p.m. A modern, exciting and more environmentally friendly alternative to fireworks, it features, Scott says, “200 drones that act simultaneously. Each of them is programmed individually, but they rise as a unit 400 feet into the air and change colour and direction. It’s a great addition to the festival.”
Meanwhile, the always popular Outdoor Movie Night (Aug. 3, beginning at dusk) returns this year in a new location: Southlands Grange. People of all ages are
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invited to gather under the night sky and enjoy the animated blockbuster, Trolls.
True to its name, the Sun Festival tends to always be blessed with clear blue skies and warm temperatures, which is why attendees appreciate being able to unwind and cool down at the shaded Beer Garden (ages 19 and over) and the Children’s Midway. Plus, Winskill Park is home to plenty of old-growth trees that provide a perfect retreat from the heat.
For more information about the Tsawwassen Sun Festival, visit sunfestival.ca.
CenterStageGifts &Accessories
MaMaison &Co
Fromfixinga TeddyBear to hemming beautiful bridaldresses Wedoquality work.Stopby andsayhito Rezaandhis brotherSayed.
MICHAEL WHITE Contributing Writer
For many years, when the summer weather allows, Steve Whitelaw and some of his fellow classic-car enthusiasts have been getting together on Wednesday and Friday nights — usually in the parking lot of the Tsawwassen A&W or Ladner Dairy Queen — to show one another (and curious passersby) their prized four-wheeled possessions. They admire them, talk about how they acquired them and the work they
put into restoring them, and fantasize about other rare autos they hope to own someday.
Delta is home to a surprising number of vintage-vehicle enthusiasts.
Whitelaw himself has
eight of them, describing cars as “a hobby I’ve had since the beginning of time. I think I was born with gasoline in my veins.”
CONTINUED: see Page 21
CONTINUED from Page 20
So, he was understandably thrilled when, a little over a decade ago, committee members from the Tsawwassen Sun Festival approached Don MacAllister, owner of Don’s Classic Cars & 50s Museum, about adding a classic car show to the festival’s programming. Don, too, was thrilled to make that happen.
In the first year, Whitelaw figures there were fewer than 100 cars on display. Last year, there were more than 200 — everything from perfectly restored ’50s hot rods to modern-day electric cars. At this year’s Sun Festival — the ninth
year for the car show — he expects there to be even more.
And the cars aren’t just from within Delta. Owners from across the Lower Mainland arrive at the festival in their newest or favourite classic car. One collector regularly drives up from Washington State in his ’57 Chevy.
Citing the impressive variety and quality of cars at the festival, Whitelaw says, “We may not be the biggest car show around, but we’re definitely the best.”
He also points out that the Sun Festival’s car show has the added advantage of being held on grass, which provides a much cooler environ-
ment than pavement for both owners and spectators.
Each car is rated by judges on a scale of one to 10 in a specific category, and the winner of each category drives home with a trophy.
The only potential downside of the car show, Whitelaw says, is that it might get too popular.
“One of my biggest fears is that one of these years, 450 cars are going to show up on that field,” he says, laughing. “We may have to turn some away.”
The car show takes place at Winskill Park (5575 9th Ave), on Monday, Aug. 5 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
SaturdayAug3rd -6:30PM @Southlands- TheGrange OUTDOOR
SouthDelta RecCentre SouthDelta RecCentre
MayorHarvieandDeltaCouncilwishourcommunityanamazingSun Festivalweekend!FromAugust3to5,enjoyexcitingactivitiesand games,localtalents,plustheexcitingRotaryParade.
Thankyoutoallthededicatedvolunteersandsponsorsformakingthis BCDaylongweekendfestivalacherishedeventforallages.
1. Fifty percent
5 Hadbeen
8. code
12 Whitishgem
13. Be indebted to
14. Herringlike fish
15.Acapulco money
17. Crate 18. Manorandland
36. Printingliquid
41. Use a needle
42.Fruitor color
54.Just managesto earn
55 Husky’s burden
56 Incision
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1. Keepthe faith
3.Mostrecent 4.Drifts
5. Intermingled
7.Schoolyard items
8. Typeoftie
9. “____inBlue”
19 Flinging
24. King topper
25. More, to Juan
27. BPOEmember
33. Saintly
38. Roused
40.Paid to play
41. Tiredout
42. Has
43. Banister
45 Construct
46. Sincere appeal
47. Examination
50 “____ SendMe”
ARIES March21-April19
Thisweek,you’llattend largegatheringsorbe activeonsocialmedia. You’llconsiderorganizing a partyforyournearest anddearesttowrapupthe holidays.
TAURUS April20-May 20
Evenifyoudon’thave children,back-to-school advertisements remindyou ofsimilar responsibilities, includingcaringforcertain lovedones.Prepare yourselfforcommitments withsimilardemands.
GEMINI May 21-June20
Althoughyou’veplanned somesocialactivities, professionalobligations coulddampenyour excitement.Prioritizeyour responsibilities,butdon’t forgettosetasidetimefor fun.Thiswillmakeyour activitiesmore enjoyable.
CANCER June21-July22
Whetheryou’re onholiday ornot,you’llwanttoget awayfromitall.Maketime fornewdiscoveriesand treatyourselfto a change ofscenery byhittingthe road.
LEO July23-Aug.22
Despiteexperiencingstrong emotions,it’s essential to findopportunitiesto celebrateyourhappiness and rememberthatafter raincomessunshine.The simpleactofsmilingcan boostyourmoodandmake youfeelhappier
VIRGO Aug.23-Sept 22
A particularsituationwill beanirritatingwasteof time.Thinkbefore you speaktoavoidfuture misunderstandings. Work ondeveloping a faster understandingtohelp maintainharmony
LIBRA Sept 23-Oct. 22
Workwilltakeup a lotofyour time.However, spending qualitytimewithyourloved onesisstillimportant. Strikingtherightwork-life balancewillbringyoupeace.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
Prepare forchangewhen returningtoworkafter theholidays. Youcould beoffered a promotionor a managementposition after a seniorexecutive leavesthecompany This situationwillastonishyou.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec 21
Youcouldinvestin a home improvementproject,such as aredecorating aroom. Explore yournewtalents andtakeprideinthe results.Personalfulfilment liesinyourachievements.
CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan.19
Shoppingforbargains andtreasureswillbring youhappiness. Youcould evenunearth a precious antiquein arelative’s attic orbasement. Yourhunt forunique findswillbe fruitful.
AQUARIUS Jan.20-Feb 18
After a stressfulperiod, treatyourselftosome well-deserved relaxation at a spaorengageinother formsofself-care. Take care ofyourselfandenjoy thepresentmomentto rechargeyourbatteries.
PISCES Feb 19-March20
Giveyourself a break. Ifyou’rereturningto work,getorganizedby rearrangingyour filesand adjustingyourschedule. A systematicapproach willhelpyougetbackon track.
Fillinthegridsothat everyrow,every columnand every3x3 boxcontains thenumbers 1 through 9 onlyonce. Each 3x3 box isoutlinedwith a darkerline. Youalreadyhavea few numbers to get you started. Remember:youmust not repeatthe numbers 1 through 9 inthesameline, columnor 3x3 box.
Delta’s Beck Malenstyn has a new area-code for next year’s NHL season.
During the June NHL draft, the six-foot, 200pound winger from Delta, who is a restricted free agent, was traded from the Washington Capitals to the Buffalo Sabres. The Capitals received the 43rd pick in the draft in return.
Malenstyn was drafted in the fifth round by the Capitals in the 2016 NHL draft.
In the Capitals minor league system, he won the Calder Cup with the Hershey Bears, in 2023, where he scored 10 goals and added eight assists in 60 regular season games and the playoffs.
With the Capitals, he played in 105 games during four seasons, scoring eight goals and 24 points.
On July 23, the Sabres avoided arbitration with Malenstyn, as they signed him to a new, two-year contract worth $2.7 million.
Ladner native James Paxton is heading back to Boston.
On Friday, the veteran pitcher was acquired by the Boston Red Sox from the Los Angeles Dodgers in a trade. The 35-year-old left-hander was designated for assignment by the Dodgers on July 22. He signed with the Dodgers as a free agent in the off season after being with the Red Sox the previous year.
The Junior B Tier 1 Delta Islanders saw their season come to a close July 23 in Coquitlam.
The Islanders lost 9-8 in game three of their bestof-three semifinal playoff series.
Coquitlam won game one 12-5, with Delta winning game two 5-4.
Coquitlam will now play Victoria in the best-offive league championship final.
The Adanacs had a first-round bye, while the Islanders beat the New West Salmonbellies 2-0 in their best-of-three quarterfinal series with a 6-3 win at home and a 10-4 win in New West.
The Islanders finished fourth in the regular season with a 12-6 record.
Delta athletes brought home great results and lots of medals from the recent BC Summer Games in Maple Ridge.
Local athletes were part of the Vancouver Coastal Zone 5 team that finished third overall in the final medal standings with 123 medals.
In team competitions, Tanaz Aulakh-Kahlon won a bronze medal with the girls 4x100m relay.
In baseball, two medals for Zone 5 teams including silver for Cole Hudic and Drew Sochting on the Zone 5 (A) team and a bronze medal for Mayden Mangat, Kesler Curtis and Mason Dubnov on the Zone 5 team.
In girls’ softball, Avery Dewitt, Savannah Grant, Brynn McKee and Isabel Watt won silver.
In boys’ volleyball, Matt MacKay, Kian Grewal and Omar Elfarra won silver.
In girls’ volleyball, it was a fifth-place finish for Grace Marriott and Rebecca Prisecarui, while in wrestling, Ahmad Nazari had fourth-place finishes in the mixed team and mixed dual competitions.
In the boys’ 4x400
relay, Xavier Johnson was part of the fifth-place team.
In field lacrosse, it was a fourth-place finish for Samuel Jackman, Lauen Leong, Douglas Miele, Liam Posterski, Gurmukh Singh, Riley Tan, and Conover Van Iperen.
In swimming, Emma Zhang was part of the
silver-medal winning 4x50 medley relay team, while Markus Orejuela won gold with the 3x3 boys basketball team.
In individual athletics, Aulakh-Kahlon was sixth in the 100m and fourth in the 300m hurdles; and won silver in the 300m ; Miguel Phillps won bronze in the boys 300m, and fifth
in the boys 1200m; Nav Rai was 13th in the javelin and eighth in the 80m hurdles while Xavier Johnson finished fourth in the 300m hurdles.
In Special Olympics athletics, Sophia Krische won silver in the 100m, bronze in the 200m and finished 99th in the 800m.
MICHAEL WHITE Contributing Writer
For the first time in its eightyear history, the annual West Coast Polo Fest is going to be held in Delta.
It takes place Aug. 10 and 11, at the Vancouver Polo Club, located at 3948 88th St., in Delta.
Previously, the event had taken place at the Southlands Riding Club in Vancouver. (It debuted in 2014 and was held there every year with the exceptions of 2020 and 2021, when it was cancelled due to COVID.)
Paul Sullivan, co-founder of the club (which, despite its name, has always been based in Delta), says this year’s fest is poised to be the best yet, thanks in part to the VPC’s vastly larger playing field.
“A proper polo field is the
equivalent of nine football fields — about 10 acres,” he explains.
“In Vancouver, we were playing on a field that’s less than one acre. That’s just not as exciting to watch. For horses to get up to full speed, which is 40 miles per hour, you need the space of a proper field.”
Also new at this year’s fest are the additions of a live country-rock band in the afternoon and a DJ at night (Aug. 10 only), as well as food trucks, a beer garden, a margarita bar and more. Although it has a liquor licence, the event is family-friendly and open to all ages.
For an additional cost, attendees have the option of renting a tailgate spot (which includes four generaladmission tickets) as well as a personal or corporate cabana, each of which includes chairs, hay bales, and optional à la
carte additions. Plus, every attendee has the chance of winning a gold bar valued at $3,500.
Despite being a relatively low-profile sport, polo has deep roots in Metro Vancouver, dating back to the 1920s. While
AsofAugust8th theDeltaOptimist willnolongerbedeliveringflyers
Whilewewillnotdistributeflyers,wehaveoffered accommodationstoyourfavouritegrocersandbusinesses tocontinuetoputtheirbestdealsinthepagesofthis newspaper–andweencourageyoutokeepaneyeout andtakeadvantageoftheiroffers!
Pleasereachoutdirectlytothestoreorbusinessin questionandletthemknowyou’dliketoseetheminthe pagesoftheDeltaOptimist
its popularity has ebbed and flowed throughout the past century, Sullivan believes polo is poised for a major comeback.
“Some 40 years ago, there was a different polo club and a different generation of people who played polo in Delta. Then there was a 25-plus-years gap,” he says.
“But every time we bring a group of people to our club in Delta who haven’t seen polo, they’re amazed by how exciting it is. People always, always enjoy the experience.
“We play polo in the summertime every Sunday, at 2 p.m., and the public is welcome to come, bring a picnic and enjoy some time in the country.”
For information on the West Coast Polo Fest and to purchase tickets, visit vancouverpolo.com/west-coast-polo-fest.
Allysia Arriola, from Delta Secondary, and Brianna McKee and Ryan Assaly, from South Delta Secondary, recently captured a gold medal at the Volleyball Canada Cup, in Calgary.
The three U16 players were selected amongst 150-plus volleyball athletes from across the province to train and play as part of Team BC.
Team BC battled 12 other provincial teams across Canada, leaving undefeated and victorious with gold.
This is the first time since 2016, that a U16 Team BC team has won gold.
After eight games, Team BC girls won 21 sets and only lost a mere four sets.
All three talented South Delta athletes look ahead to their school senior volleyball seasons, and opportunities to play post-secondary as well. - Submitted
Allysia Arriola, from Delta Secondary, and Brianna McKee and Ryan Assaly, from South Delta Secondary, recently captured a gold medal at the Volleyball Canada
in Calgary.
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A team representing Delta/Surrey captured the gold medal on Sunday, at the 2024 U17 lacrosse provincials at the Langley Events Centre.
Delta/Surrey defeated the Port Moody Thunder 8-3, in the final.
Delta/Surrey silenced the Port Moody Thunder over the final 51 minutes, holding their opponent to a single goal over that span. The Thunder were ahead 2-1 at that point, but the Delta/ Surrey squad dominated the rest of the way.
Logan Lawrence led his team with a hat trick in the victory, while Levi Sadlo chipped in with a goal and three assists.
Jerome Raine, Jacob Glass, Cypress Fiessel and Spencer McEvoy each scored once, with Glass also chipping in a pair of assists.
Shots on goal were 46-34 for Delta/ Surrey. Both teams went 3-0 during pool play, with Delta/Surrey defeating
A team from Delta/Surrey won their division at the U17 lacrosse provincials, taking gold at the Langley Events Centre, last week.
the Langley Thunder 8-3 in one semifinal, while Port Moody was a 7-4 winner over the Coquitlam Adanacs in the other.
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Welcome to thischarming 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom Townhouselocatedinthevibrant communityof Tsawwassen!Boastingmodern amenitiesand convenientlocation,thisproperty offers comfortablelivingspacesideal for families orthoseseeking to downsize. Someofthe key featuresare it’s spaciouslayout,modernkitchen, brightlivingareasandsituateddirectlyacross from TsawwassenMills.
TsatsuShores!AtrueGem!DirectWaterfront BuildingwithspectacularviewsoftheGulfIslands. Nevermissanothersunsetinthisjawdropping2 bedroom/2bathroom,3rdfloorunit.Manyupdates includingGEconvectionoven,3compartmentfridge andLGdishwasher.Newlytiledensuitewithradiant, (nuheat)floorsandwalkintubinmainbathroomwith rainshowerandEuropeanstyled,heatedtowelrack.
Rare&fabulous1Bed,1Bathcondointhehighly soughtafterbeachcommunityofTsatsuShores. Lovinglykept,thisuniquepositionedtopfloor,corner unitoffersalltheseasonalcomfortsw/acozygas FP&228sq.ft.patiosurroundedbyanabundance oflushgreenery&N.Shoremtnviews-idealfor entertainingorsimplybaskinginthetranquilityw/a goodbook!
Rare&fabulous 1 Bed, 1 Bath condointhehighly soughtafterbeach communityof TsatsuShores. Lovingly kept,thisuniquepositioned topfloor cornerunitoffersalltheseasonal comforts w/a cozygasFP & 228sq.ft.patiosurrounded by anabundance oflushgreenery & N.Shore mtn views- ideal forentertainingorsimplybaskingin thetranquility w/a goodbook!
204726ORCAWAY|$899,000 3BEDS,3BATHS,1,605SQ.FT.,BUILT2022
Welcome to thepicturesquebeach townof BoundaryBay inSunnyTsawwassen.Nestled just3 blocksfromthebeachthischarming 3 bedroom, 2 bathroomhomeofferstheperfect coastaloasis.Fully fenced yardforprivacy, RV/Boat parkingand a gardenersdelight! With directaccessto thebeachvia a private laneway, youcanenjoy endless summerdays.......
WelcometoSeasideWestbyMosaic.Thisend, cornerunitwithaviewofthemountainsandbacking ontoagreenbeltisjustwhatyou’vebeenwaitingfor! Builtin2022,this3bedroom,3bathroomTownhome with10ft.ceilingsfeelslikeresortlivingwhilebeing superfamilyfriendly!TheSeasideCluboffers10,000 sq.ft.ofindoorandoutdoorfun-apool,fitness center,kidsplayareaandgreatroom.Calltoday!
19866STREET|$1,449,000 3BEDS|2BATHS|1,439SQ.FT.|BUILT1973
Welcometothepicturesquebeachtownof BoundaryBayinSunnyTsawwassen.Nestledjust 3blocksfromthebeachthischarming3bedroom, 2bathroomhomeofferstheperfectcoastaloasis. Fullyfencedyardforprivacy,RV/Boatparkinganda gardenersdelight!Withdirectaccesstothebeach viaaprivatelaneway,youcanenjoyendlesssummer days
Welcome to Seaside Westby Mosaic. Thisend, cornerunitwith a view ofthemountainsand backingon toa greenbeltisjust whatyou’ve been waiting for!Builtin2022,this 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom Townhomewith10ft. ceilings feelslikeresortlivingwhilebeingsuper family friendly! TheSeasideCluboffers10 000sq.ft. ofindoorandoutdoorfun -a pool,fitness center, kidsplay areaandgreatroom.Call today!
TsatsuShores! A trueGem!Direct Waterfront Buildingwithspectacularviews oftheGulf Islands.Nevermiss anothersunsetinthisjaw dropping 2 bedroom/2 bathroom,3rd floorunit. Many updatesincludingGE convection oven, 3compartmentfridgeand LG dishwasher Newlytiledensuite with radiant,(nuheat)floors and walkintubinmainbathroomwith rain showerandEuropean styled,heated towel rack.
Welcometothischarming3bedroom,3bathroom Townhouselocatedinthevibrantcommunityof Tsawwassen!Boastingmodernamenitiesand convenientlocation,thispropertyofferscomfortable livingspacesidealforfamiliesorthoseseekingto downsize.Someofthekeyfeaturesareit’sspacious layout,modernkitchen,brightlivingareasand situateddirectlyacrossfromTsawwassenMills.
WelcomehometoLUMAbyPolygon! Get readyto enjoy theultimate in highrise living. 850squarefeet of openlivingspacewith panoramicviewsof the mountains, oceanand the city.Bright and airy this corner unit boasts stainlesssteel appliances, granite countertops,storage locker and2parkingstalls.LUMA isa concrete building intheheart of itall!Shopping, transit,restaurants,parks andentertainment.Also,a gym andparty room.Calltoday!
Welcomehome toLUMA byPolygon!Get ready to enjoy theultimate inhighriseliving.850 squarefeetofopenlivingspace withpanoramic views ofthemountains,oceanandthecity Bright andairy, this cornerunitboasts stainlesssteel appliances,granitecountertops, storagelocker and 2 parking stalls. LUMAis aconcrete building intheheartofitall!Shopping,transit, restaurants, parksandentertainment.Also,a gymandparty room.Call today!
Welcome ho metot hehighl ys ough t-after Be ac h Grove!Thischarminghomeisperfectlysituatedin aprimeBeachGrovelocation,closetoexcellent schools,golf,shopping,and,ofcourse,thebeach. Theh ome featuresup da tedla mi nateflo oring t hrougho utt hemainli v in gare as andacozyg as f irep l ace in t he br ig htandf un ctional li v in groom. Therearethreenicelysizedbedroomsandgreat outdoorlivingspacesonthelargerfencedlot. Buildonthisperfectlotormoveinyourself-the c ho iceisyour s. 3bedrooms|2bathrooms 1210sqft|6631sqftlot
Explorethisexpansive2,631-square-footresidence situated on asecluded8,988-square-footpropertyalong thesought-after StevensDriveincentralTsawwassen Idealforagrowingfamily,thishomeboasts5bedrooms and3bathroomsandisnestledinawarm,family-friendly neighbourhood.Alternatively,seizethe opportunityto constructyourdreamhomeononeofTsawwassen’smost desirablestreets.Convenientlylocatedwithinwalking distanceto high schools,elementar yschools,Winskill AquaticCentre,sportsfields,andpublictransit,thishome offersbothcommunityconnectivityandaperfectsetting forfamily life. 5bedrooms|3bathrooms 2631sqft|8988sqftlot
Welcometothe1stof2builtgreenhomesinLentelConstructionslatestdevelopment.Thesearecollectionsof carefullycrafted,highquality,energyefficienthomes.This4Bed+Den,5bath,2533sqfthomeftr’stimelessdesign coupledw/anintelligentfloorplan.Ftr’sincltripleglazedwindows,A/C,EVready&pre-wiredforsolarpanels.The homealsoftr’sa512sqft,3rdstoreymedia/flexspacew/fullbathroom.WalkingdistancetoHawthorneElementary, transit,walkingtrails,shoppingandhistoricLadnerVillage.Buildingpractices,technology,andmaterialshave changedovertime,butonethingthathasn’tchangedatLentelistheirpassionfornevercompromisingonquality, doingthingsright&constantlystrivingtobethebuildersthattheywouldwantintheirownhomes.
Custom,craftsmanstylehomeonaprimeLadnercul-de-saclocationinaquiet,desirablefamilyfriendlyneighbourhood. Openconceptfloorplanincludesagrandentrancefoyer,highceilings,extensivemillworkthroughoutanda2cargarage w/anEVcharger.This4Bed+Den,3Bathhomealsofeaturesengineeredhardwoodflooring,stainlesssteelappliances, newhotwatertank,gasfireplaceandgenerouslysizedbedroomsonthesecondfloor.Thishomesitsonaprivate&west exposedbackyardspacethatiseitherstepstoLadnerElementaryorDeltaSecondarySchoolaswellasashortstroll totransit,recreation,shopping&historicLadnerVillage.Thishomehasbeenwelllovedbyitsoriginalownersandis completelyturnkeyandreadyforanotherfamilytoenjoy.
ThisCentralSunnyTsawwassendetachedhomeistheepitomeofshowcasingoutstandingCURBAPPEAL!Withalong listofupdatesthroughout,thisrenovated4Bed,4Bath3197sq.fthomealsoincl’saLEGAL,up/down,1Bed,1Bath sideSUITEperfectforextendedfamilyoramortgagehelper.Locatedonano-thrustreetthishomeisabsolutelydialled inw/anupdatedkitchen,bathrooms,lighting&paintthatalsoincl’srenovationstothesuite,allcompletedin2018.No needforavacationw/theprivatebackyardoasisthatftr’sapool,palmtrees,patiosandplentyofextraspacetoenjoy theupcomingWestCoastsummerweather.Walkingdistance&rightaroundthecornerfromCliffDriveElementary, SouthDeltaSecondary,transit&TswCentre.Superclean,readytogo,turnkeyfamilygem!
Tsawwassen 511-5055SpringsBoulevard 1Bed+Den|2Bath|1048Sq.ft $809,000 $2,489,000
Tsawwassen 1510FarrellCres 3Bed|2Bath|1592Sq.ft $1,429,000
Tsawwassen 301-128055Street 2Bed+Den|2Bath|1928Sq.ft
Tsawwassen 1623Duncandrive 3Bed+Den|3Bath|2436Sq.ft $989,000
Tsawwassen 210-1120TsatsuShoresDrive 1Bed+Den|2Bath|910Sq.ft
Tsawwassen 5659CopsefieldPlace 3Bed|3Bath|1941Sq.ft,
603245Ave 5Bed|3Bath|2045Sq.ft $1,299,000
Tsawwassen 4924CedarSpringsDrive 4Bed+Flex|4Bath|2526Sq.ft
TimRohwer 604.762.2041 tim@thedeltagroup.ca
•CompletelyDetached2Bedroomplus DenRancherTownhouse
•Featuresopenconceptstyleliving, largegourmetkitchen,familyroometc,
•SidebysideDoublegaragewithlarge fencegardens!
•StepstoMillenniumTrail,Riversetting &Restaurants!
•Wellpriced3Bedroom2Bath 1230sfRancher
•6000sfpropertyjuststepsaway localschools
•Primelocation-perfectforfamilies orretirees
•Totallyupdated2,660sq,ft. 5Bedroom3Bathhome
•GourmetKitchen,newbathrooms, flooringetcMoveinCondition
•WOW!3,280sf5Bedroom3Bath Familyhome
•Bonus1Bedroomself-contained mortgagehelperorinlawsuite
•Large9.268sfWest&Southfacing propertyonquietcul-de-sec
•HugeNearly1/4Acre9935sf Gardenlot
4350ACormorantWay,Tsawwassen $1,139,900
Bedrooms:3•Bathrooms:2.5 FloorArea:1473sq.ft.
WelcometoBoardwalk!Builtin2022andtheGSThasalready beenpaid!Thisprofessionallydecorated,3bedroom,2.5bath, 1/2duplexhasitall.Thishomeoffersafunctionallayout withalargekitchenislandandagasrange.Theopenmain floorboasts9’ceilings,largewindowsandamplenatural light.Furtheryouwillfinddesignerlighting,customdrapes andaccentsthroughout.Thishomeprovidesmanycomforts includingasouthfacingpatiowithnaturalgashookup,a doublecargarageandtheclubhouseamenitiesincluding outdoorpool,jacuzzi,yoga,kidsareaandmore.Enjoythe conveniencesofTsawwassenMillsandCommonswithshops, services,restaurantsandmore.
Bedrooms:4•Bathrooms:3 FloorArea:2,491sq.ft.
Welcometothisfourbedroomplusdenhomethatisperfect foragrowingfamilyorhomeoffice!Onthemainflooryouwill findacozylivingroom,aspaciouseat-inkitchen,theformal diningroom,thefamilyroomandaden.Allfourbedroomsare locatedupstairsincludingthespaciousprimarybedroomwith alargeandbrightensuiteandplentyofstorageandaccess tothesundeck.Otherfeaturesincludeaprivateeastfacing yard,singlecargarage,andupdatedfurnace,hotwatertank, skylights,fencingandpaint.Locatedwithinwalkingdistance toHollyElementary,recreation,transitandmore!
WelcometoINGASTOWNlocatedintheheartofGastown’s HeritageDistrict.Acontemporaryonebedroomandone bathroomsuitecompletewithanopenlayoutandamplelight. Featuresincludepolishedconcretefloors,anefficientkitchen layoutcompletewithquartzcountertops,agasrange,abuilt inovenandEuropeanintegratedcabinetry.Enjoytheshared rooftoppatiowithanoutdoorkitchenandBBQarea.Closeto Chinatown,Downtown,Railtown,Yaletown,transit,parksand somuchmore.Thisisanexcellentopportunitytoownandlive closetoallthatdowntownhastoofferoragreatinvestment. Onestoragelockerincluded. Bedrooms: 1• Bathrooms: 1 FloorArea: 515 sq.ft.
Thishomepaintsapictureofatrulyexceptionalfloatinghome!Thecombinationofcustomwhite oakflooring,slatebathroomfloors,andtop-of-the-linerenovationscreatesaninvitingandluxurious atmosphere.Themountain,island,andriverviewsarebreathtaking,offeringaserenebackdropto dailylifeandsparklingfacetedglintsoflightfromthewaterbounceoffthelivingroomceilings.The inclusionofa40-ftboatslipaddsevenmorevaluetothisuniqueproperty,perfectforthosewho lovebeingonthewater.KitchenrenovationsincludeBoschkitchenappliancepackagetomake cookingandentertainingajoy.
Nestledintheheartofcentral Tsawwassen,thismeticulouslyrenovatedresidence, spanning2,287squarefeet,offersanabundanceofspacewithitsfivegenerously proportionedbedrooms,allsituatedupon a large19,881squarefootlot.Onthe mainfloor, residentsarewelcomedinto a warmandinvitinglivingspace,with threebedrooms, a charmingdiningareaprovidesforintimategatherings,and a well-appointedkitchenseamlesslyextendsontothedeck,creatinganideal spacefordiningandrelaxation.Descendingbelow, youaregreetedbytheallure of a versatiletwo-bedroomrentalsuite,with a pinekitchenandstainless-steel appliances,promisingbothfunctionality andstyle,offering a havenofcomfort andconvenienceforresidentsandguestsalike.Fromitsserenelocationtoits thoughtfuldesign,thishomewillnotlastlong.Calltodayforyourprivateviewing.
Tsawwassenspringsgolfcourseisresortstylelivingatit’sfinest.Beautifulopen&bright2bdrm&denwith 2fullbathroomsandlargeheateddeck.ThiscondohasspectacularviewsofgolfcourseandNorthShoremountains featuring11’ceilings,gourmetkitchen,largeprimarybdrm,bigwalkinclosetandspa-likeensuite.Enjoythe endless180degreegolfcourse,NorthShoremountainsandbeautifulsunsets.Thisunitcomeswith2parkingspaces closetoelivatortandbikeroom.WalkingdistancetoTsawwassenFitnessCentre,PatQuinn’sRestaurant,Nat’s, Coffee,Newman’sandTsawwassenMills.Don’tmissthisfabulouscondo.
2Bedroomsanddenongroundlevelinroyaloaks.Greatdevelopmentandlocation,walking distancetoallamenitiesandveryquietlocation.Thisunitwithitssizeandextradenrarelycome tomarketsodon’tmissyourchancetoowninthisfabulousdevelopment.Thisniceunitisingood conditionwithundatedappliances.
BuildyourdreamhomeonthebestviewlotinTsawwassenwith280degreeview.Thispropertyisthemoststructurally engineeredlotonTsawwassen’sWesternBluff.NewB.C.higherdensitypolicieswillallow2units,biggersquare footage(3,000to3,500sqft)andDeltawillallowabasement.Deltahallwillprioritizealldevelopmentpermitsand arefullyinsupportofbuilding.Locationisa10,viewis12andbestpricedpropertyontheMarket.
Beautifulfamilyhomeon a greatstreetinupperTsawwassen.Homefeatures3600sq.ft, 5 bdrms, 3 fullbathrooms,largegreatroom,biggamesroom,hardwoodfloors,many updatesandalllargerooms.Homehasexcellentfloorplanthatopensto a fabulousprivate southernexposed yard.Don’t missthisGreathomein a Greatlocationat a GreatPrice.
WelcometoLadnerPointe!This2-bed,2-bathground floorunitspans1168sqft.Theliving/diningarea seamlesslyconnectstothekitchenandeatingspace. Enjoythegasfireplaceorthe300sqftbalcony.The primarybedroomincludesaprivate4-pieceensuiteand patioaccess.Thesecondbedroom,idealforanofficeor bedroom,featuresFrenchdoorsopeningintotheliving room.Thiscomplexboastsaprimelocationneartransit andLadner’samenities,withlowmaintenancefeesand awell-runstrata.
WelcometoBoardwalk!Immaculate&bright3bed&3bathENDunit locatedinTsawwassen’soceanfrontcommunitybyAquilini.Modern WestCoastarchitectureoffersaspaciousopenfloorplanwith oversizedwindows,9ftceilingsandgorgeouschef’skitchenopening upontodeckoverlookingquietparkette.Thelayoutallowsforan entertainmentsizediningtable&fullsizedlivingroomfurniture.Good sizedbedroomsmakesthistheperfectfamilyhome.Upgradesinclude EVCharger,pulloutshelvesinpantry&upgradedS/Sappliances. Unitoffersoneofthelargerfencedbackyards&patiooverlooking parkette,withanabundanceofspaceforentertaining,2cargarage& additionaldrivewayparking.EnjoytheamenitiesattheBeachHouse: Outdoorpool,hottub,gym,yogastudio,BBQarea+more!!
RAREFIND!Spaciousupdated2bedroom&den penthousewithopenconceptplanandvaultedceilings offerslargeinterior&exteriorviewsfrom2decksof Mt.Baker,VancouverIsland,themarinaandfreighterson theFraserRiver.Asanendcornersuiteallowsforextra windowsprovidingamazingnaturallightinthegreat room/livinganddiningareaandfeelslikearancherin thesky!Thequalityhigh-endkitchenfeatureselaborate customcherrycabinetry,anoversizepeninsulaeating areacomplimentedw/granitecountertops,pullout appliancedrawer,thelatestsmartappliancesanda hugepantry.Otherupdatesincludelushflooringand qualitypaintthroughout.Alsooffersanicegymfacility& workshop,2parkingstalls,ahugestoragelookeranda 5minutewalktooldtownLadner.(30127774)
Perfectfamilyhomenestledinapeacefulcul-de-saconanexpansive9,415sqftlot.Themainfloorshowcases hardwoodflooringthroughout,gourmetkitchencompletewithquartzcountertops,Fisher&Paykelovenand gasrange,formaldiningroom&livingroomequippedwithgasfireplace&baywindows.Upstairsdiscoverfour wellappointedbedroomsincludingamastersuitewithvaultedceilings,spa-likeensuite,andsunlitbalcony toenjoyyourmorningcoffee.Durablemetalroof,efficienthotwaterradiantheating,andtwoskylightsthat providenaturallight.Outside,amaturegardenlandscapeawaitsinyoursunnyandprivatebackyardperfect forentertaining.ConvenientlylocatedjuststepsawayfromCliffDriveSchoolofferingFrenchimmersion, minutesfromtowncenterandmuchmore! ContactmeforallyourRealEstateneeds!|www.michaelwawryk.com|604.910.7039
PebbleHill,LargecornerLotHomeinPrime location-featuringSarahGallopdesignedKitchen.
Spacious2-bedroomPenthousewithgarden exposure-moveinready.
1.308acresofwalkoutbeachfront.Livingonthe finestbeachinTsawwassen.Custom-built one-ownerhomewithamazingsunsetviews.
Renovated3bedroom2bathfamilyhomewith sunnyprivatebackyard
$2,599,000 Brandnewmoveinreadyhomein BeachGrove.
$1,749,000 Discovertheepitomeofrancherstylelivinginthis lovelyhomesituatedinaquietcul-de-saclocationin Imperial Village
Executivehomeon10,200sqftprivategarden lotinTheVillage!
$3,998,000 Panoramicoceanfrontproperty!85FTwater frontage.Byappointmentonly.
FullyRenovatedfamilyhomeinquietcul-de-sac withentertainingoutdoorlivingspace,andviews fromPrimarybdrmdeck
Brandnewmoveinreadyhomein BeachGrove.
$1,485,000 Beachgroverancherupdatedtoaccommodatea familywith3bdrmsand2fullbaths.
Meticulouslykeptfamilyhome-suitable onlargecornerlotwithRVparkingoff8A.
MasterfullydesignedCustom-builtExecutive Home,offering3400sqftofLivingSpacein PrimeLocation.
FullyRenovatedPebbleHillRancheron GardenLot!
Exceptionallylargelot(18,170sqft)inthe heartofthevillage.
onQUIETcul-de-sac!Backyardwithmaturegardens&spaciouspatioisaprivateoasis!Walktoschools,parks, LadnerVillage,naturetrails,marina,golfandtransit!
WelcometoPrestigiousMarinaGardens!Thislovelyhomefeatures primarybedroomonthemainplus2bedroomsup.Beautifully renovatedkitchenwithisland,skylights,whiteshakercabinets, quartzcountertops&S/Sappliances.Laminateflooringthroughouton mainandupdatedpowderroom.Radiantinfloorheating,2cozygas fireplaces,privatefencedbackyardwithspaciouspatioperfectforyour outdoorentertainment!Ladner’spremierNeighbourhoodwithstepsto beautifulwalkingtrails,Captain’sCoveMarina,CoveLinksGolfCourse, NeilsenGroveElementaryandeasyaccesstotransit.Amustsee!
WelcometoTHECAMPTONofWindsorWoods!Thisideal2bdrm, 2fullbathhomefeatureselegant9”ceilingsthroughout,desirableopen conceptplan,spaciouskitchen&cozygasfireplace.Enjoycoffee/teaor aglassofwineonyourLagoonviewbalconyequippedwithanaturalgas outletforyourBBQ!Comeswithsecuredparking&largestoragelocker. Amenitiesincludebikestorage,exerciseroom,hottub&sauna!Perfectly situatedtuckedawayonaquietcul-de-sacnexttoHighlandParkandwith stepstoBlenzCoffee,ThriftyFoods,Joes’FarmMarket,trendyBoutique shops&more!AMustSeewellkepthomebyoriginalowner!
WelcometoyourdreamhomeintheheartofClayton!Thisidealdetachedhomeoffers everythingyou’vebeenlookingforandmore.Perfectlysituatedrightacrossfrom StarrPark.Featuring3bdrmsupstairsandafullyfinishedbasementwithaseparate entrance,thishomeprovidesamplespaceforagrowingfamilyorpotentialrental income.Thebasementincludesaspaciousrecrm,bdrm&completewithconvenient wetbar,perfectforleisuretime.Kitchen,renovatedin2021,featureselegantwhite shaker-stylecabinets,luxuriousgranitecountertops,anddurablevinylplankflooring onthemainfloor.High9’ceilingsandanopenfloorplanenhancethesenseofspace andlightthroughoutthehome.Staycoolinthesummerwithcentralairconditioning!
FabulousLadner’sHollyNeighbourhoodcul-de-saclocationona6018sqftlot!This perfectfamilyhomeboasts4beds,2.5baths,over2,500sqftoflivingspace.Enjoyvaulted ceilings,skylights,cozyfireplaceinthelivingroom,spaciouskitchenwitheatingarea andalovelyfamilyroomleadingtoyouroutdooroasis.SunnySouthernfacingprivate backyardwith52’x16’coveredpatioperfectforBBQs,hottubbingandplentyofroomfor entertaining.ManyupgradesovertheyearsincludingInnotechwindows&doors,roof, newAC,highefficiencyfurnace,gasfireplaces,hotwaterondemandallin2022.Superb locationwithwalkingdistancetoHollyElementary,localparks,shortdrivetocharming LadnerVillage&easyhighwayaccesstoVancouver,ferries&TsawwassenMills!
255-1388870thAvenue,Surrey|$675,000 1,784sf|2Bed|2BathMLS#R2897515
WelcometoChelseaGardens,thisupperlevelhomeboasts 1,783sq.ft.oflivingspace.Thespaciouskitchenopenstotheeating areaandfamilyroomwithagasfireplace.Thislayoutincludestwo largebedrooms,anensuitewithasoakertubandshower,anda guestbathroomwithashower.ChelseaGardensisasecure,gated 55+communityspreadover23acreswithfabulousamenitieslikean outdoorpool,hottub,gym,library,workshop,andFridaypubnights.
Experiencepureluxuryinthis6bedroom,5bathroomhome, just3yearsyoung.Bright&Spaciouslayoutthatisdesignedfor entertainingwithopenconceptlivingfeaturingadouble-sided fireplacethatseparatesthechef’skitchenfromthegreatroom.
1,203sf|3beds|2baths|TheBreezebyAdera|MLS#R2871331 DiscoverTheBreezebyAdera,anaward-winningdevelopmentin SouthSurrey.Thischic3-bed,2-bathroomtownhomefeaturesan amazinglayoutandatandem2-cargarage.Enjoyexclusiveaccess toTheBreeze’sWestCoastClub,offeringagym,yogastudio, entertainmentroom,andsauna.
5535CommodoreDrive,Ladner|$1,958,800 4bed|3bath|MLS#R2887936
LuxuryLivingonthe6thHoleatTheLinksGolfCourse!Discover charm&exclusivityinthisrenovated2,722sqftviewresidence onararelyavailable,gatedMarinaGardensstreet.This family-friendlyhomeisashortwalkfromNeilsonGrove ElementarySchoolandwasextensivelyrenovatedin2021. Enjoynewwideplankoakhardwoodflooring,Thermador& Vikingkitchenappliances,radiantheating&Californiashutters.
12-3350WesthamIslandRd,Ladner|$389,000 MLS#R2875176
Experiencebreathtakingviewsfromthis2-bedroomfloathome nestledontheriverinLadner.Thisstunningresidenceboasts 2bedroomsonthelowerlevelandaspaciouslivingareaon theupperfloor.Enjoytheopenconceptlayoutwithvaulted ceilings,laminateflooring,andcontemporaryglassrailings.The livinganddiningroomsopenuptoanincrediblebalconywith framelessglassrailings,offeringunobstructedviewsoftheriver.
BayviewHills,Tsawwassen 49658AAvenue|855BayviewDr 871BayviewDr|$6,600,000 34,000sf|5Lots|RS5Zoning|Tsawwassen Exceptionalopportunitytoacquire3existingpropertiesthat have3rdreadingapprovaltobecomefiveRS5zonedlots. NestledinoneofTsawwassen’smostcovetedenclaves, thisexpansive34,000sfparcelisararefind.
151256thStreetTsawwassen|$1,999,000 MLS#C8059353
Don’tmissthisexceptionalopportunitytoacquireastandalone retail/officebuildinginTsawwassen!Positionedontheprimary businessthoroughfare,thispropertyisalsodesignatedinthenewly proposedOfficialCommunityPlanformedium-densitymulti-family redevelopment,potentiallyupto6storeys.Currentlyleasedtoa veterinaryclinic,theexistingbuildingboastsover2,700sqftofspace.Its layoutsuitssimilarbusinesses,medicalpractitioners,andmore,featuring afrontreception,multipleexaminationrooms,andprivateofficeareas.
1605116thAve,SouthSurrey|$4,888,000 MLS#R2875565
DEVELOPERALERT!Thiscentrallylocatedsitepresentsaprime opportunityforredevelopment.SituatedwithintheKing GeorgeHighwayCorridorPlan,thecurrentdesignationof 15UPAoffersthepotentialforrezoningtohigherdensity. Similarsitesintheareahaverecentlybeenrezonedfor 6-12storeymixed-usebuildings,highlightingthepotentialfor thisproperty.
Prime6acresparcelnestledwithinan18.67-acresiteofnewly rezonedlightindustriallandinCastlegar.Thisexpansiveproperty offersunparalleledpotentialforindustrialdevelopmentina thrivingregionalhub.Opportunitytobuild&leasetosuitas wellassubdivideintosmallerparcels.Don’tmissoutonthisrare chancetoshapethefutureofCastlegar’sindustriallandscape.
$2,188,000 $995,000
BeautifullyredesignedandsignificantlyrenovatedbyKempConstructionin2010,thisfamilyhomeintheUpperTsawwassen/PebbleHillareaisreadyforyourfamily.Themainfloorwelcomesyouwitha largeopenkitchen,greatroomconceptwithvaultedceilings,living/diningroom,spaciouskitchenandeatingareaopeningtoalargepatio,plusaseparatefamily/gamesroom.Thegreatroomisoverlooking thelargesunnybackyardwithastunningnewsaltwaterpoolandcoveredhottubwithaprivatefirebowlseatingarea.Thisyardissetupforthekidstoplaywhileentertainingfamilyandguests.Completing themainfloorisaconvenientoffice/guestroomwithensuitebathroom.4largebedroomsupwith3bathsincludingaluxuriousensuiteintheprimarybedroom.Incredibleimprovementsinclude,HRV system,on-demandhotwater,newelectrical,plumbing,in-groundsprinkler,stainlesssteelappliances,roof,siding,windows,fireplaceandmore...atraditionalhomewithallthemodernfeatures.
WelcometoAura,approx.1450sqftContemporarytownhomelocatedattheheartofLadner.3bedroom/3bath plusflexroomonmainfloor.Closetoallamenities,schoolsandshopping.Thishomeboastsqualityconstruction withGEcafeappliances,quartzcountertop,largeisland,gasstove,plusdoublegarage.VeryEnergyefficientas GeoThermaltechnologyprovidesheatingandcoolingplusenergyefficientOnDemandhotwatersystems.Aurais withinwalkingdistancetoallshops,parksandschools.Contactusforviewingappointment
Fabulous1816sq.ft.3bed/2bathrancherwithattractiveupdatesona9369sq.ft.lotinaquietlocationyetclose toTsawCentre!Sunnywestrearwithprivatepatiooffkitchen,Masterandfamilyroom.Updatesincludegorgeous kitchen,newflooring,bathrooms,roofandmore.Newerwindows,highefficiencygasfurnace.Spaciousrooms &greatlayoutononelevel.HandydenoffhugeLivingroom.Showerensuite.Bonusisfullyfinished&insulated detachedshop280SF.Shortwalkthroughparktostores&amenities.Closetotransportation.
LangleySkytrain.Greatopportunitytolive orinvestin!
Discoverthischarming3bed,2bathrancherincliffdrive.This updatedhomeboastsforestandmountainviews,apatio,anda beautifulgardenonaspacious11,324sq.ft.lot.Fantasticopportunity toowninoneofTsawwassen’spremierlocationswithpotentialto buildupto4396sq.ft.Convenientlylocatedneartheferryterminal, mall&shopping,thishomeoffersbothTranquilityandaccessibility. Stepintotheopenconceptlayout,floodedwithnaturallight,embrace theserenityofyourprivateretreat,savouringmorningcoffeesonthe patio.Withupdatedfeaturessuchaskitchen,bathrooms,furnace, h/wandmore,enjoymoderncomfortandrusticnaturalbeauty,this rancherisalifestylechoice.Don’tmissthechancetoseizeyour dreamhomeonuplanddrive-whereparadiseawaits!
Thistastefullyupdated2858sqft4bed/3bathhomeon aprivate7653sqftsouth-facinglotisturnkeyandready fornewowners!Withabrightgourmetkitchenfeaturing granitecountertopsandstainless-steelappliancesthatflow seamlesslyintothediningandlivingrooms,thisentertainer’s delightisreadyforguests.Thewraparounddeckoffthe kitchenthattakesyouintothesprawlingprivatepatioand yardfurtheraddstotheoutdoor/indoorlifestyle.Thelower floorhasaspaciousfamilyandflexroom,agenerouslysized bedroomandbath,withabonusworkshopspace!Situated onaquietstreetjuststepsfromtheHighSchool,thiscentral locationprovidesbothtranquilityandconvenience. $1,499,000
Thisregal5-bedroom,4-bathroomresidenceisflooded withnaturallightfromnumerousskylightsandfeatures a spacious,openconceptlayout. Thegrandkitchenopens upto a south-facingpatio;generouslysizedbedrooms (3up)offer a greatentertainingandlivingspace.Large 2 bedroomsuitedownstairsperfectforrentalincome or a multi-generationalfamily, withits ownkitchen, 2 bathrooms,andentrance.Locatedin a quietsoughtafter neighbourhood,thishomeofferseasyaccesstoschools, parks,andtowncenter $1,588,000
ModernandSharp!LocatedintheexclusiveDeltaRise,this1BDRMunitwith 10ftCEILINGSisnottobemissed!Designerkitchencompletew/Quartz countertops,S/SFridge&builtinMicrowave,Dishwasher&W/D.LEDunder counterlightingandloadsofstorage.FLOORTOCEILINGWINDOWSto maximizenaturallight.NorthfacingtotakeinthecityandmajesticMountain views.Locatedonthequietsideofthebuildingfeaturinganextralarge balcony.1parkingspot.Over1/2acreofamenityspacefeaturingcommunity gardens,playground,BBQpit,firepit,puttinggreen,fitnesscenter,library, theatre,partyroom(withkitchen&pooltable)On-siteConcierge.Centrally locatedjuststepsawayfromshopping,restaurantsandtransportation.
ResortstylelivingatFairwindsriverfront communityboastinga12,000sqftclubhouse w/gym,guestsuites&pool!Bright&spacious townhomefeaturing9ftceilings&openconcept living,updatedlightfixtures,frontloaderwasher dryer,stainlesssteelappliances,&laminate flooringthroughout.Locatednearthemarina,golf course,NeilsonGroveElementary&walkingtrails.
Primerealestateopportunity!Perfectlysituatednear town,this2-bedroomranchergracesaspacious,flat 9178sq.ft.lotwith70.57ftfrontage&129.98ft depth.Boastingasunnyeastern-exposedrearyard. Thesubdivisionpotentialwhencombinedwiththe neighboringproperty463853rd,resultsinatotalof 18,225sqft&thepossibilityfor3-4lots.Aunique andsubstantialopportunityforfuturedevelopment!
3|2.5|1,450sqft $899,000
Welcometoyournewoceanfrontcommunity!Modern livingwithaspaciousopenfloorplan,oversizedwindows, 9ftceilings,andastunningchef’skitchenopeningonto adeckoverlookingabeautifulpark.Enjoybreathtaking viewsoftheocean,NorthshoreMountains,MountBaker, andavastpark.Perfectforfamilieswithalargedining area,full-sizedlivingroom,laminateflooring,premium S/Sappliances,on-demandhotwater,andmore.One ofthelargestfencedbackyardsforentertaining,plusan oversizedA/Cunit,2-cargarage,anddrivewayparking. BeachHouseamenitiesincludeanoutdoorpool,hottub, gym,yogastudio,andBBQarea.
3|2|2174sqft|1acrelot 1,999,999
WaterfrontviewsoftheTrailIslandsfrom everyroom!Bright&airymainfloorw/ open-conceptliving/dining,&gourmet kitchen.Mainfloorprimarybedroomalso w/deckaccess.Upstairs,twospacious bedrooms,lowerleveloffersarec-room leadingtothehottub,yogadeck,outdoor shower,sandyfirepitarea&directbeach/ oceanaccess.
3|1|1221sqft 9052sqftlot|$1,799,000
Unlockarealmofpossibilitieswiththis exceptionalrealestategem!Nestledinanideal locationjuststepsfromtown,this3-bedroom rancherstandsproudlyonanexpansive 9,052sq.ft.flatlotwithaneasternexposure, featuringanimpressive77-footfrontage&a depthof117.15feetMustbesoldwith4628 53rdbothpropertiescombinedofferatotalof 18,225sqftcreatingacanvasfor3-4lots.
Honourthememoryof someonespecialby making a donationintheir nametoDeltaHospital andCommunity Health Foundation.
Donationsmadein memoryofyourlovedone canbeacknowledgedwith cards senttofamily membersandan acknowledgementand receiptsenttothedonor Tributesfor July DeltaHospitaland Community Health Foundation acknowledgesgifts inmemoryof:
Tom andBarbGigliotti
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Mary Waterman
Barbara Wood
Yourgenerosityhelps supporttheDeltaHospital CampusofCareincluding IreneThomasHospiceand MountainViewManor
Caringforour community, today andalways.
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BARTRAM,Valerie November26,1962 July21,2024
Itiswithgreatsadnessthatweannouncethe passingofValerieBartram,bornandraisedin LadnerB.C.Shewas avibrantandnurturingsoul, wholeftanindeliblemarkonthelivesofeveryone shetouched.Withhergreenthumb,shecoaxed beautyfromthegarden,justasshedidwiththe peoplearoundher.Herkitchenwas ahavenof warmthandlove,whereshesharedher extraordinarycookingskillsandgenerousspirit. Valerie’sfamilywasherjoy,andsheleavesbehind alegacyoflovethroughherdaughterChantelle, grandsonDeacon,fatherJohn,brotherLarry(Kim), andsisterLynda.Thoughshemaybegone,her memorywillcontinuetobloomliketheflowersshe tendedwithsuchcare.Letuscelebrateherlife,her love,andthecountlesswaysshemadetheworlda brighterplace.
AcelebrationoflifewillbeheldonSept.29,2024, attheFisherman’shallinLadnerB.C
ThecelebrationoflifeforBarbara LouiseGeddes willbeheldonSaturday, September7th @2pm. Theservice willbeat TsawassenUnitedChurch, 693 53rd Street,Delta, BC.Thefamilywelcomesall whoareable toattend.
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PEGGI,George November8,1942 July16,2024
Withheavyhearts,weannouncethepassingof GeorgePeggiofLadner,whopassedaway peacefullyatthishomesurroundedbyfamilyatage 81onJuly16,2024,after alongbattlewithcancer. Heissurvivedbyhiswife,Lidia,andhischildren, IsabellaandRiccardo.
Thefuneralwillbe aprivateceremony.
Itiswith profoundsadnesstoannounceour mum’s passingonJuly3,2024from a briefbut courageousbattlewithbreastcancer Shewas borninWhitleyBay, EnglandonDecember26, 1948andimmigratedwithherfamilytoCanadaon May6,1964.Althoughshewasinitiallyhomesick, shequicklygrewanaffectionforCanada.Shehas livedinmanyoftheprovincesandeventuallyset rootsin Tsawwassenbackin1986.Shewasthe eldestofsevensiblings,Helen,Vicky, Robert, Lorna,Bill,andAngela.Issurvivedbyson Christopher, daughterAmyandgrandson Jackson.Shesaidthathergreatestachievementin lifewasbeing a mother Shewasfondlyknownby manyinhercommunitywhereshedidvolunteer workwith herchurchfamily Althoughsheleaves a greatvoidinourhearts,wetakecomfortknowing she’s inheaven.
Inlieuof flowers,pleasemake a donationtoyour localfoodbank.
A CelebrationofLifewillbeheldonSeptember28, 2024at 2 pmatSouthDeltaBaptistChurch,1988 56Street, Delta.
Ourmostbeautifulmotherpassedawayoneyearago August4,2023inTsawwassen.
“Momo”lovedherfamilyandenjoyedvisitingwithclassical musicplayinganda niceglassofredwine.Giselahadan amazingfashionsenseandreceivedmanycompliments duringherdailywalks.
Everyonewhomether,lovedher!Sheimprovedany occasionwithherstyleandgrace.
Predeceasedin2013byherhusbandof59years, Richard.LovedandmissedbyherchildrenNormanand Susan(Brian),sisterAlice(Tony),grandchildrenJustin (Emily),Ryan(Sydney),Lauren,DonovanandCody.Great grandchildrenSophieandLucas
Love YouMore
HappyBirthday! 1974 theyearBaileys IrishCreamwasintroduced. Rubik’scubewasinvented. ABBAwontheEurovisioncontest. AndthefutureMrs.CoreyHartwasborn!
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ISarvapalliSreeSubba BhagavathiGeethaw/o: BabullaShaSayyedRafi, MotherofSayyedJohith holderofIndianpassport No :V3085392,issuedat Vancouveron8/12/2021, Permanentresidentof 42-2-18,sarvepallivari street,4thline, Ramakrishnapuram, Vijaywada,Krishna,Andhra Pradesh-520003and presentlyresidingat4225 grangestreet,Burnaby, BCCanadadohearby changethenameofmy sonfromsayyedjohithto sarvepalli Johithwith immediateeffect.
NoticeofApplicationto DisposeofWasteorOtherMatteratSea
NoticeisherebygiventhatCaptain’sCov eM arina ,6 100 Ferr yR oadDelta ,B Ci ntendsonthis1s td ayofAugust 2024,toapplytoEnvironmentandClimat eC hang eC ana dafor aD isposalatSeaPermitundertheCanadianEnvi ronmenta lP rotectionAct .1 999,toloa du pt o7 5,000cubi c metres(m3)ofdredgedmateria la tC aptain’sCov eM ar i na’saquaticfacility(theloa ds ite,49°06’51.2"N, 123°04’21.3"W),generallylocate da tt heabovenotedad dressonthelowerFrase rR iver,southofDeas.Theloading method sw il lb eb yc lamshellorcutter suctio nd redgean d ab ottom openingbargeortowedscow.Theproposed disposallocatio nist hePoin tG reyDisp os al Site (i.e. ,w ithin ao nenauticalmileradiusof49°15’24.0"N,123°21’54.0"W) Itisproposedthatloadingan dd isposalactivitieswillbegi n onorafterSeptembe r0 1,2024,andwillterminateonor beforeFeb29,2025.
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Thepublicmayrais ee nvironmenta lc oncernsrelatedto thisnotic eo ro btaininformationonthepermittingproces s bycontactingthenearestDisposalatSeaProgramregiona Office:
HeadOffice:34863 Cemetar yAvenue, Mission,BC Celebratewitha BirthdayGreeting intheclassifiedsection! Delta-Optimist.com
EnvironmentalProtectionandOperationsDirectorate EnvironmentCanada No.201 401BurrardStreetVancouver,BCV6C3S5 Fax:604 666 6800
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Alladvertisingpublishedinthisnewspaperis acceptedonthepremisethatthemerchandise andservicesofferedareaccuratelydescribed andwillinglysoldtobuyersattheadvertised prices.Advertisersareawareofthese conditions.Advertisingthatdoesnotconform tothesestandardsorthatisdeceptiveor misleading,isneverknowinglyaccepted. Ifanyreaderencountersnon-compliance withthesestandardsweaskthatyou informthePublisherofthisnewspaperand TheAdvertisingStandardsCouncilofB.C. OMISSIONANDERROR: Thepublishersdo notguaranteetheinsertionof aparticular advertisementona specifieddate,oratall, althoughevery effortwillbemadetomeet thewishesoftheadvertisers.Further,the publishersdonotacceptliabilityforanyloss ofdamagecausedbyanerrororinaccuracy intheprintingofanadvertisementbeyond theamountpaidforthespaceactually occupiedbytheportionoftheadvertisement inwhichtheerroroccurred.Anycorrections ofchangeswillbemadeinthenextavailable issue.TheDeltaOptimistwillberesponsible foronlyoneincorrectinsertionwithliability limitedtothatportionoftheadvertisement affectedbytheerror.Requestforadjustments orcorrectionsonchargesmustbemade within30daysofthead’sexpiration. For bestresultspleasecheck youradfor accuracythe firstdayitappears.Refunds madeonlyafter7 businessdaysnotice!
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Spacious3,000squarefoot, 4bedroomfamilyhomewith 2bedroomsuitelocatedin Tsawwassensdesirableareaof“TheVillage”. Anopportunitytoowna large13,000sqftlotwith abeautifulprivatewestfacinggarden.Thishomeoffersloadsofupdatesincluding agorgeousgourmetopenislandkitchenwitholdworldkitchencustomcabinetryandgranitecountertops.Largebeautifuldeckoffthe kitchenforgreatentertaining.Newerbathsthroughoutthehome.Selfcontained 2bedroomsuiteincludeslaundry, separateentrance, &patioDoublecargarageandRVparking. Agreatfamilyhomereadyformovein.
Thisprivate10,000squarefootsunnypropertylocatedinexclusiveBoundaryBayand justshortstrolltothebeach.Enjoyactivitieslikepaddleboarding,swimming,boating, andcrabbing.Closetoparks,tenniscourts,SouthlandsareawithCoffeeshop,Four WindsBrewingCo,andpublicmarkets.Cozy 3bedroomrancherwithtonsofcharacter &charm.Relaxing,quietandfriendly,neighborhoodcanbeenjoyedforyearstocome. Or,exploredevelopmentoptionstobuildyourdreamhomewithpotentialforsuitesfor addedincome,orduplex.Enjoy alifestylethatissecondtonone!
Floathomelivingistruly auniqueandappealinglifestyle.Surroundedbynatures beautywithmountains,theFraserriver,sunsets,sunrises,eagles,swansandsomuch more.Boastingover1,500squarefeetthishomeoffers 3levelswithopenconcept living/kitchenarea. 2bedrooms(or 1bedroomandfamilyroom),plus aden.Loadsof deckstoenjoytheviews.Manyupdatesoverthepast10years.BONUS35footboat sliprightatyourdoorstepplus agaragewithloadsofstorageintheloft.