•Meetwith TsawwassenAmateurBaseball Association andotherWinskillfieldusergroups to discusspark layoutand afuturefourthballdiamond.
•Prepare aconceptualdesignguided by the communityengagementresults.
Theresultsoftheengagementprogramwillnowbeprovidedtotheproject team to considerinthedesignofthefacilitywiththegoal ofpreparing conceptsfor Councilandthe community to considerinPhase2oftheengagementprogramthisfall.
Manyquestionssurfacedthroughtheengagementactivities.TheCityhas completedtheresearchandpreparedanswers to someof themostcommonquestions.
Inaneffort to providealternatelocations to preserve the naturalarea,someparticipantssuggestedlocatingthe facilityatSDRC. Areviewofthisproposaldeterminedthere isnotenoughland to accommodatethesizeofthefacility andparkingneeded.This wouldrequireexistingfacilities onthesitetobedemolished to makeroomfor acombined facility,potentiallydoublingthe costoftheprojectfrom $120 to $130million to atleast$250million. Further complicatingthisproposalarethe costsassociatedwith thedewateringthat wouldberequired to excavateand reinforcethepooltankbelowsealevel.
Arethereplans fora fourthballdiamond?
Withthecurrentplan,fielduserswill continue to enjoy thesameamenitiestheyhave todayincludingthreeball diamonds.Councilfurtherdirectedstaff to meetwith TsawwassenAmateurBaseball Associationandother Winskillfieldusergroupstodiscusstheparklayoutand possibilityofa fourthballdiamond.
Whynotbuild a50-metrepool?
SomeparticipantssuggestedtheCitybuild a50-metrepoolto keeppacewithanticipatedgrowthandsupportlocalswimclubs andsporttourism.TheCityreviewedthisand concludedthata 25-metrepoolbestmeetsthediverseneedsofthe community whilealsoprovidingmorelanespacefor competitiveswimming andtrainingpurposes.Furthermore50-metrepools would increasetheproject costsapproximately30%.
Canwepreserve thenaturalareaandtrees?
As partoftheengagementprocess,theCitysharedtheresults ofanarboristreportthatindicatedthatnearly46%ofthetrees inWinskill Parkareinpoor condition.Despitethe conditionof thetrees,theCitylearnedthatthenaturalareaintheparkis important to participants. As aresultofthisfeedbackandfurther technicalanalysis,theCityisproceedingwithplanstobuildthe facilityattheNorthlocationwithmodificationsthat wouldallow formoreofthenaturalarea to beretained.Sometreeswillneed to beremovedandreplacedinordertomaintainthethreeball diamondscurrently available today. Councilhasaskedstaff to reportbackonplanstoreplantanytreesthatareremoved.
Heritage Minutes tell Canada’s stories
pmelnychuk@delta- optimist.com
Fora few dayslast week,a smallpieceofthe dike on Westham Island, was turned into a battlefieldfrommore than a century ago.
Atrench wasdugand reinforced withtimbers, the waythe Canadian troopsdidinthe First World War, inthe Sommearea,innorthern France. Poppies had beenplantedalong
a mudembankment.
“Behind ever y one of those poppies isa dead soldier,” says one ofthe crew shooting the latest episode of Heritage Minutes.
Historica Canada producesthevideos to show partsof Canada’s history people mayor may notknow. The episode features Megan Follows (AnneofGreen Gables) as Mary Riter Hamilton, thefirst female war artist.
Historica CanadaCEOAnthony Wilson-Smith, above,onsetin WesthamIsland. Twoepisodes ofHeritageMinutes were shotin Deltalast week. ActressMegan Follows portrays Canadianpainter, Mary RiterHamilton,who capturedscenesfrom the First World War.
BeutifulSmiles Crtedbythe Artisansa t EstheticsDenture Studo
KinVillagepilotingprogramthatuses virtual care tohelpseniors
pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis t. co m
TheMinistry of Health launcheda programonJuly31that delivershightech help to seniorssotheycan stay in their homesor apartmentslonger beforehavingtomovetoresidential care.
However, thenewprogramhas been operatinginDelta since Januar yasa pilot programinwhichKinVillageis ser vingasthe supporthub
The Long-TermCareAtHomeprogramequips seniors’ housesand apartments with technology to allowvirtual care and monitoringbya care team. Theprogramislikethelong-termcare residence monitoringand watchesfor falls,medication adherence, activity levels,wanderingand vital signs.
“This newprogramwill provide comfortandassurance to seniorsand theirfamilies by deliveringthequality health care needed to ageinplace,” said Harwinder Sandhu, Parliamentar y Secretar yfor Seniors’ Services and Long-TermCareina newsrelease.
“Thisvirtualprogramwill empower seniorstoage in thecomfort of their ownhomes.”
Someofthe technology involved includes atabletforconnecting seniors tovirtualprograms,awearable pendant or wall-mounteddevice forfalldetection, two-way emergencycalls,and
The programalso includes respite care to helpalleviatefamily caregiver burnout,extendingtheir abilitytocare for aloved one in thehomelonger.
At KinVillagefor instance,seniorsin theprogramcan stay in arespitesuite forshort periods, givingcaregiversa break.
KinVillageisthe supporthubfor the servicein the pilot programinwhich
11 seniorscurrently areenrolled.Longterm care personnel within KinVillage canreach outtoseniorsandhelpwhere needed.
Thecombination ofdevicesused is tailored to theseniors’ homeandhealth needs, ensuringtheyare safewherever they areintheir homes,saidthe release fromthe Ministr y of Health.
Thegoalisto expand to othercommunities around B.C. overthenext
yearandahalfandtosupportmore than2,700 seniorsand caregivers.The programispaid forviathe Canada-B.C. Agingwith DignityAgreement which providesupto$47 million overfour years.
“Weknowseniorswantthe choice to ageinthecomfortoftheirown homes, closetofamily,friendsandneighbours. This initiativewill extend servicestypically onlyavailable in long-termcare homes to olderadults livinginthe community, supportingthedesireformore independentliving, while potentially reducingpressureonotherareasofthe health-caresystem,”said DanLevitt, B.C.’s seniorsadvocate.
LevittalsousedtobetheCEOof KinVillage untilhis appointment as seniorsadvocateinJanuary.
TheLTC@Homeprogramisdesigned to supportseniorswhofeel this is a viablesolution forthem,andwhose care needsmeetatleast oneofthefollowing:
*onoreligibleforlong-termcare wait listand is livingathome with aprimary caregiver(familyorfriend);
*onoreligibleforassisted livingwait listand is livingathome;or *livingat homewithorwithout a primary caregiverand is capableof managing dailyactivities, butisat risk of isolation, at anelevated risk of afall, or would benefit from vitalsmonitoring and/ormedication dispensing.
Deltadoesn’t gettheanswerit hoped on water-lotleases
PHIL MELNYCHUK pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimi st .c om
Delta Mayor George Harvie’s request for longer-term leases on submerged water lots to create more certainty fordevelopment has been rejected by the province.
Nathan Cullen, minister for Water, Landand Resource Stewardship, wrote to the mayor recently listing many factors that affect long-term decisionson water lots
Cullen saidin a July 17 letter to Harviethe lower Fraser Riverestuar y is a complex system, withissues such asdredging and that thearea isofhigh importance to First Nations, when itcomes to landtitle, climate change, archaeology and impactsfromprevious use.
As well, the government has heard from First Nationsthat offering long-term leases can affect a First Nation’s ability to exercise itsfuture rights.
Giving up long-term control of submerged lots can limit the tools available for navigation, economicdevelopment and environmental management, Cullen said.
Given the value ofthe lower Fraser River estuary,the minis-
try,“worksto ensure decisions regarding theuse ofthisare considered in a mannerthat supports economicactivity, environmental sustainability and reconciliation with First Nations,” said Cullen.
As well,leasesthat stretch
beyond30 years start to look like straight forward land ownership, he said.
The issue has influenced development of Delta’s riverfront for several years. In 2017, made a submission to the Unionof B.C. Municipalities ontheissue withthecity saying that the inability to have longer term leases will limit redevelopment ontheLadner waterfront.
Without long-term tenure, the Delta-owned properties at the Seven Seas site inLadner, which was put upfor sale with thehopesofencouraging redevelopment, wasn’tan attractive place to invest.
Harviewrote to theprovincial government this April, asking that theprovincefind a way ofcreating long-term certainty for lease holders on water lots that would encourage investment.
“Such conditions have not only stifled waterfront develop-
Retirement the WayItShould Be
With spacioussuitesand variousfloor plans, Pacific Carltonoffersmore than just aplace to call home. Enjoy all-inclusiveliving with freshmeals , housekeeping, ac tivities ,and more CentrallylocatedinSouth Surreywith ashor twalktoshopsand services you’ll be glad youmadethe move.
ment proposals, but have also placed undue strainon local government efforts towards community revitalization,” Harviewrote.
Harvie saidthat hecommended the government for engaging with First Nations, “However, amidst these positive strides, theneed for an expedited tenurereplacement process that balancesthe interests of all stakeholders— providing long-term certainty for leaseholders, facilitating waterfront development, and honouring First Nationsconsultations remains pressing,” Harvie said.
Harvie also notes without long-term water lot leases, float-home owners can’t secure affordable financing.
However, Cullen replied that float homesare notconsidered part ofthe solutions to address housing needs because of environmentalanddredging issues.
The developmentfrontingthe Cascades Casino Deltaproposesanaffordable home ownershipprogramwherebyfiveper centofthepurchasepriceof somedwellingunits wouldbeloanedtoeligiblepurchasers.
A pairofdevelopment applications by Shato Holdingsthathave already moved close to final approvalisnow being revised by the applicant.
A report to councilnotesthe revisions to the applications have been received with “significant changes” following third reading oftheirproposed zoning amendment bylaws.
One ofthe applicationsinvolves two proposed six-storey apartment buildingsinthe4800-block of53rd Street and 5300-block ofLadnerTrunk Road.
Following a publichearing, council had givenpreliminar y approval to an Official Community Plan(OCP) amendment fortheproject that would have seen124 marketcondos and87 secured rentalunits
The proposed changes include increasing the numberofunits to 222, none ofwhich includes rentalunits.
Theother applicationincludesa residentialdevelopment fronting the Cascades Casino Delta.
In the summer of2022,council,following a publichearing, granted third reading for a rezoning and OCP amendment forthe application by Shato Holdingsforthe153-unitdevelopment at 6115 Highway 17A The project included 138condosin two, six-storey
buildings, 15 townhouse unitsinone building and a single-stor y parking structure.
Located neartheinterchange of Hwys. 99and17A , thedevelopment was still waiting forprovincial highways approval.
A revision to the project was recently submitted to thecity that would see the two, six-storey condo buildings with a combined 157unitsand a mix ofunderbuilding at-grade parking.
Anaffordable home ownershipprogramis stillproposed as part ofthe revised application.
A report to councilnotesthat since thenew OCP was adopted by council andisnow ineffect, OCP amendmentsare nolonger required forthe proposed developments. Both applicationsare now consistent withthe Neighbourhood Centres and Corridors (NC) landuse designationinthenew OCP.
That designation permits townhouses, low-to mid-rise apartment buildings and commercialor mixed-use buildings up to six storeys.
Staff willinitiatea public consultation process forthe two revised applications
Staffalso note that aspects ofthe proposals may change in response to furtherdetailed staff reviewandcomments received throughtheconsultationprocesses.
Historic Ladnerhousetobedemolished
sg yarm ati@delta- optimis t. co m
The City of Deltaishostinga public informationnext weekfor aproposed rental apartment building inLadner at the site of a heritage structure to be demolished.
Having 81 residentialunits, the purpose-built rentalcomplex would be located at 4501 ArthurDr.,the site ofthe former Delta Lodge seniors’ care facility. It would have four storeys of rental units andone with parking.
The information sessiontakes place at thenearby Harris Barn (4140 Arthur Dr.)on Wednesday, Aug. 14, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The vacant existing house onthe site, the Westhome Residence, would be torn down.
The house islisted on Delta’s Heritage Register andlocated withintheLadner Heritage ConservationArea.
The Westhome Residence was built for DavidAlexander McKee, son of John McKee, who purchased the property from WilliamLadnerin1904and built thehomein1905 The McKees soldthe house in1925
Thearchitecturalstyleoftheold house,whichunder wentmodificationswhenitbecamea care home,is Tudor Revival.
It remaineda private residence with several different owners until 1964, whenit became a careresidence. The Lord familytook ownershipthat year and called thefacility Melodie Court.
Subsequent owners continued the business untilit was eventually called Delta Lodge.
The care home business was relocated overdecade ago after Fraser Healthidentified the replacement ofthe aging Ladnerfacility as a highpriority. The health region at thetimenoted the building would have required significant
upgrades to remain a care facility.
The privately-owned site was subsequently sold.
A subdivision application was later submitted that would have accommodated theheritage structure. That applicationincluded seven single-detached bare land stratalotsandcommon property fordriveway access offArthur Drive
The application received third reading by councilin November2017, but it was abandoned andtheproperty was sold yet again.
Three years ago, thecity received a development application to construct a 61-bed community care facility at the property
That applicationproposed a new three-storey building withonelevel of under-building parking.
The heritage house would have been located closer to ArthurDrive and fully restored as part ofthe care facility, but that applicationnever proceeded.
At a presentation to council last year, architect Andrea Scott with Lovick Scott Architects Ltd., saidtheexisting house ontheproperty isin very poor conditionand would require extensive
City of Delta to have new residential zone
sg yarm ati@delta- optimi st .c om
The City of Delta is currently gathering feedback on a proposed market rental apartment complexfor a vacant site in Ladner.
Called The Landing II, the rezoning and development variance application would seea six-storey purpose-built 78-unit rental building at a loton5737Ladner Trunk Rd.
The project would include 40 residential, two visitorand five rideshare parking spaces. The application would see the site rezoned to a new Comprehensive Development Zone (CDZ).
According to the planning department, thedevelopment is consistent withthe Neighbourhood Centres and Corridors (NC) land use designationinthe newOfficial Community
A publicinformation meeting will be heldon Thursday, Aug. 15from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Delta Manor Education Centre multi-purpose roomlocated at 4750 57th St.
Meanwhile, city council recently gave preliminar y approvalfor a new standard Apartment Residential 6 (RA6) Zone to enable six-storey multi-unit apartment buildingsundertheNC
designation. It isintended for residentialdevelopmentsup tosix-storeys along arterial streetsand collector streets.
TheRA6 Zone has beencreated based on recent applicationsand over a dozen similarCDZ zonesfor six-storey residentialandmixed-use developmentspreviously approved acrossDelta, theplanning department explains
The new zone would apply to residentialproj-
A planning department report at thetimenoted that whilethe applicant forthe latest proposalprovided aninspection report documenting the deteriorating conditionoftheexisting building, staffencouraged the applicant to consider retention, restorationand integrationofthehouse withtheproposed development, and to engage a heritage professional to provide a more substantive heritage evaluation report with possiblemitigationand restoration recommendations Staff toldcouncilthey woulddiscuss withthe applicant potential options, but Mayor George Harvie at themeeting described thehouse as“rotting” and having long heldupdevelopment at the property.
According to theplanning department, the site underthe recently updated Official Community Plan (OCP)designatestheproperty as Mixed Residential. The current application would require an OCP amendment tochange the landuse designation to Neighbourhood Centres and Corridors to permittheproposed height and built form.
ectsonly,and a separate zone would be required to enable a mixed-use form withofficeor retail commercialuses.
The principaluses include apartment buildings, seniors congregate housing, as wellas townhouseswhere an apartment building isalso provided.
Townhomes approvedonsiteof former Delta seniors’ care facility
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
Deltacouncil has unanimously approved a new townhouse development inLadner, but onecouncillor expressed frustrationthat a plan to build a new seniors’ care facilityat the location had been scrapped.
The townhouse project, called Wildwood Townhouses, will be located on a vacant site at 4900 Central Ave., behindtheTrenant Park Square shopping mall.
The 40-unit development willconsist of six, three-storey buildings, 80 residential parking spacesandninevisitor parking spaces Vehicularand pedestrian access to thedevelopment will be from Central Avenue.
The reasoning consistent withthe site’s designationundertheOfficial Community Plan(OCP).
However, whilehe supported the application, Coun. Dylan Kruger said he remainsupset a previously approved application to redevelop a seniors’ care facility there was cancelled.
“I’m still struggling foranswers what happened there. I know it was nofault
Aphotoofsomeofthestaff, residents and volunteersat West ShoreLaylum, afterplans were announcedto rebuildthe care homeonits currentsite.
of our planning department ortheCity ofDeltathat this seniors’ care facility decided to notcontinuetheir work in our community. So, now there’s a townhouse application but it’s unacceptable what has happened to those seniors and,frankly, seniors in our community deser ve betterthan whathappened,” saidKruger.
Mayor George Harvie saidtheanswer to why the West Shore Laylum seniors’ care home planon Central Avenue was scrapped can be found by looking at Fraser Health’s lack offunding
In 2019,council approved a redevelopment applicationforthe 55-bed West Shore Laylumfacility at the Central Avenue site.
Builtinthe early 1970s, thefacility was to be demolished and replaced with a newthree-storey, 74-bed community care facility.
The residentsoftheLadnerfacility wererelocated to a space at the Suncrest Retirement Community,located on King George Boulevard in Surrey
“We havesuch a shortage asitexists today oflong-term care bedsin Delta, letalonewhat is going to be needed for what we know is a rapidly aging populationin our community,in our region andin our country,” headded. Noting the redevelopment and expansionof Mountain View Manor at Delta Hospitalis still years away,
The move out to Surrey was meant to be only temporar y andthey were to move back to thenewLadnerfacility oncecompleted The old building was subsequently demolished but the site remained vacant.
Last year, families were notified that the redevelopment was notproceeding, andthe relocated residents would be remaining atSuncrest.
The development permit was subsequently cancelled,andthe site was sold to a developer.
The Delta Optimist is amember of theNationalNewsmedia Council, whichisanindependent organization established to deal withacceptablejournalistic practices andethicalbehaviour.If youhave concernsabouteditorial content,please contacttheeditor at editor@delta-optimist.com or 604-998-3616.Ifyouarenot satisfied withthe responseand wish to file aformal complaint visitthe websiteatmediacouncil. ca or call toll-free1-844-877-1163for additional information.
Governmentsshould prioritizelocal media foradvertisingspending
Gl acierMedia
TheGovernmentofOntario recentlydirecteditsCrowncorporationstospend aquarterof theiradvertisingbudgets with localmedia.Theumbrellagroup that representstraditionalmedia, News MediaCanada, isencouragingotherprovinces to followsuit. Thissupportisnothingnewor unique.
Overdecades –indeed,going back nearly250 years–governmentassistanceofmedia throughadvertisinghas been common, mainlybecause it has beenaneffectiveway to convey relevant publicinformation. Thereisn’t abusiness alive thatdoesn’tqualifyfortaxtreatmentthat mostindividuals wouldconsiderpreferential.
In recentyears,thefederal governmentbegan subsidizing journalism salaries.Mostmedia inthiscountr ybenefitfrom a
labourtaxcreditfor newsroom employees :upto35percentof salaries,withaceilingofanyone making $85,000annually,meaningasubsidyofupto$29,750.
Andunder recentfederallegislation, Googlenowfurnishes $100millionannuallyto media, disbursed by anindependent mediacollective, underits exemptionfrom afederal law that requires mandator yagreements with publishers.
Speaking as ajournalist, and notas someonewho hasto worr yaboutthe balancesheet, ouroccupationisplacedinan uncomfortablesituation withthe labour subsidy.
It createsinsomeminds a perceived conflict ofinterest and the appearanceofthefinancial backingofPrime MinisterJustin Trudeau –andthe appearance that the supportcomes with a priceonindependenceandfairnessinreporting. People have always squawked aboutsoft
mediacoverageofgovernments, butthesedaysany stor ythat doesn’ttackleTrudeau comes under withering criticismas evidenceweare inhis pocket.
Therehavebeensignificant increasesinthe workloadof a typical journalist, due mainlyto the reductioninthe size ofnewsrooms,due mainlytothedecline inadvertising revenue. Google and Facebook carr ymorethan 80 percentofthecountry’sonline advertising,using those tech stacksto helpadvertiserstarget specific audiencesfortheir goods and services.
This cheaperdelivery system hasundercutprint andbroadcast advertising.Theimpact has hurt disproportionatelyata local level, wherethereisasmaller base of business. Thebusinessof localmedia hasbeenlooking for a wayoutofthe woodsfor some timenow,anddurableanswers escape theindustry.
What’s clearisthatitisn’t pos-
sible to reversetheadvertising lossesthatthe tech giants gained, so medianeednew sourcesof revenuetopay forjournalism
Thus,atthischallenging economiccrossroad,as itsorts out the business solution,theindustr yhaslittle choice buttoturn to government– at leasttemporarily.
Providedit’sdone at arm’s length,Ontario’s approach would be areasonable strategy here to encouragenewandexisting mediawith agreater chance to sustainitself.
Kirk LaPointe is aWest Vancouvercolumnist with an extensive background in journalism.
Summerdeadly:Slowdown, yourlifedependsonit
While summer mayfeellikeit’s speedingby,it doesn’tcompare to what’s happeningonthe roads.I’mhereto saythatit’smadness outthere! Idrive alot,soIfeelqualified to commentonthecrazydriving Iwitnessevery time Iget behind thewheel.
Let’sstartwith speed.Ifyou’re notgoingwell over100kmhin thefastlane,watch out, because you’llbetailgateduntil you move over.Aggressive,fast drivingis the newnorm.
abouttoturn red. Maybethat’s becauseIdon’t want to be smoked by atransport truck. Look outforthe Teslas...can yousay acceleration? They are
scary fast. Makesmewonderif thedriversare incontrolorif Elon Musk is Distracted driving…everyone is textingintheirmovingcars. I sawa senior tooold to be driving, letalone textingwhiledriving. Anotherrecentscary obser vation wassomeone vaping, texting anddrivingatthe sametime,an accidentwaiting to happen.
Tr ymergingontoabridgeor into the tunnel ...it’sashock when someone hasthe manners to let you in.Also,pleaseuse yourindicator.Weare notmind readers.
Road rage is to be avoidedas my husbandfoundout He changedlanesinfront
ofsomeoneon Knight Street, in Vancouver,andthedriver became so aggressive that he changedhis routetoworkand finallyditched him.
Delta police have been posting updateson socialmediaabout speedersand begging us toslow down.Nowonder,asthe risk of deadlycarcrashes spikesannuallyfromJulytoSeptember, with 19 people dyinginone week last month
Please,forthelove of your familyandfriends,bepatient, slow down anddon’t text and drive.
Ingrid Abbott is afreelance writer whokeeps her foot on the brakes.
Meals onWheels folks needmore drivers
Editor :
On several occasions, South Delta Mealson Wheels has madean appeal to the publicfor financial support.
The resultofthat appeal has beenincredible The funds received allowed us to continue to servea daily hotmeal to someofthemost vulnerablein our community.
Thistime, however, our appeal isdifferent.
It isnotmoney weseek, but additionaldrivers to delivermeals If, forany reason,any of our current drivers isunable to continue, we arein deep trouble because we have noonewho can stepin to fillthat void.
Thismeans our operation willgrind to a halt,
and our customer-base will be withouttheir regular hotmeals foran indefinite period.
Drivers are reimbursed forallmileage during deliveries.
If you wish to volunteer, please contactus at 604-948-4869.
Maurice Newby,vicepresident, South Delta Mealson Wheels
Our MPsare not honourable
Our federaldebt will cost us over$40billion in interest this yearandMPs will voteto approve this, as they have overprevious years, yet they lookforward to $9,000-a-month pensions.
In thefuture, while the MPs collecttheir
pensions, the massive debt will have to be paid by selling offassetsand defunding services
How about we get the MPs to passa law to use allof their pensions to pay down thedebt?
We will see ifthey care more for themselves than Canadians, asthey prob-
ably won’tdothis.
Increasingly, wesee we are helpless andthat our politiciansare untouchableand out of touch.
The following letter was sent to Delta council and copied to Delta Optimist.
As a former owner of waterfront property, namely Massey’s Machine Shop, at 4915 Chisholm St., I urge you to seek outa joint proposal with First Nations, the provincialandfederal governments, andprivate property owners in
a manner to developthe Ladner waterfront properties
It could be a waterfront property assembly and development proposal that would be in keeping with First Nations’ aspirationsandthefishinghistory that began over150 years ago.
The Massey family was involved inthe serving of
bothnon-aboriginaland aboriginalfishing families involved inthecommercialfishing industry for some68 years andfeels that a joint waterfront development would be the only viable way to proceed, giventhe economic andphysical status of the propertiesinvolved
Douglas George Massey
Gratitude to Deltapolice fora quick response
Editor :
I wouldlike to express my gratitude to the Delta policeforthegreat job the y are doing.
We had anincident re cently,anddidn’t know what to do, sowe
finally calle d the police, thinking the y wouldn’t bother helping, but we were wrong.
Officers ar rive d within 15minutes Theywere so kindandcompassionate.
TheinauguralSupper at Sunsetevent,supportingDeltaHospitalandCommunityHealth Foundation, istakingplace at theTsawwassen FirstNationboardwalkAug.22
‘Supper at Sunset’featuresanelegantdinnerandentertainmenttosupporttheDeltaHospitalandCommunityHealthFoundation’s‘ComingHome’ campaignfortheBeedieLong-TermCareCentre. PhotoviaDeltaHospitalandCommunityHealthFoundation
Thank you againfor caring. Als o, thank you to the paramedicswhich we have had to call severaltimes. Glad to live in a community where serviceis so fast.
H. Enns
Thepartiallytax-deductible$200ticketfor‘Supper at Sunset’isonsalenow –purchase at https://trellis.org/ supper-at-sunset.Youcanalsopurchase50/50ticketsnow forachancetowinbigandsupport!
To learnmoreabouttheBeedieLong-TermCareCentre,visitdhchfoundation.ca/capital-campaign.Don’tmiss outonthisone-of-a-kindevent.
DeltaHospitalandCommunityHealth Foundation(DHCHFoundation) is anot-for-profitorganizationwhosemissionistofundandpromote outstandinghealthcare at theDeltaHospitalCampusofCareandinthe communityofDelta.
LiberalMPbacks herleaderdespite his unpopularity
PHIL MELNYCHUK pmelnychuk@delta-optimist.com
Delta city council se ems to have lost hope for a se condex it at River RoadwhenthenewFraser River tunnel is built, but Delta’s representative in Ottawa remains positive that the cheque isin the mail.
Her most up-to-date conversation indicatesthat theprocess is continuing fortheproject, as is any future funding announcement fromthe government.
“There is no issue. There are no re d flags,” said Carla Qualtrough, Liberal MP andfederal sports minister.
She saidin a re cent interview with the Optimist that she has noconcerns at all about federalmone y being availablefortheproject.
“Absolutely, my expectation is before the(B.C.)ele ction, (in October) there will be a public announcement, butI can’t guarante e that But it ’s happening,” Qualtrough said.
Deltacouncil is tr ying to geta me eting withTransportation and Infrastructure Minister RobFleming
to dis cuss the issue at the Union of B.C. Municipalities convention in September.
AndtheTransportation Investment Corp. has toldcouncil it ’s procee ding withthe tunnel’s environmental ass essment andprocurement forthe project as it currently stands, without thefullex it at River Road,unless the province says it has thefederalmoney.
Mayor Ge orge Harvie has said previously that he’s lost confidence in the federal government.
Qualtrough spoke during a midsummerbreak for Parliament and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau plummeting in the polls
Qualtroughthough is committe d to the Liberal leader.
“Thepr imeminister hasmy full suppor t,” she said, adding the re cent byele ction loss in a Liberal stronghold in Toronto in June wasa toughloss andnot the outcomethe y wanted.
The Angus Reid Institute’s Trudeau Tracker shows a 66 percent disapproval rating in April, while only 28 percent approved.
Qualtrough saidit ’s up to the
Liberal party to work to restore support and confidence among voters
“We have to dowhat it takes to show Canadiansthat we want to make life easierandmore fair for ever yone. That ’s where the work ne eds to be done,” she said.
Following a cabinetand caucus retreat, she expectsthe party to come back to Parliament in mid-September with a new strategy.
She said thepr ior ity should be to deliveron their promis esand to get out thenews about polic y successes.
The government re cently announce d that open-net salmon aquaculture onthe B.C. coast will be banne d by June2029.
The process wasn’tas quick as many would like but it takes time to make thetransition in a large industr y in a responsible way,sheadded.
Qualtrough is vice-chair ofthe global affairs and public se curity committe e in cabinet anddoesn’tknow the namesand said shedoesn’t have a position on releasing the namesof MPs accus ed of conniving withforeigngovernmentsandhesitates to say
yes until sheunderstandstheconsequences of releasing the names
She said sheunderstandsthe inclination to want transparency.
“But I’m completely open to being convince d that it should be done andthat there are safeguardsthat we couldus e to doing it,” she said,adding shedoesn’t have confidence yet that releasing the names willnot je opardize national se curity or individuals’ safety.
But sheals o wants Conser vative leader Pier re Poilievre to get se curity clearance so that he can read the June report done by the National Se curity and Intelligence Committe e of Parliamentar ians which said that someMPs are, knowingly ornot, collaborating in foreign interference.
Then perhaps politicalleaders can meetand dis cuss
“I think it ’s super convenient that he’s not getting that clearance. It allows him to cr iticize andnot be part ofthe solution,” she said. “I wishhe would just get the clearance, readthe namesandthentake an infor me d position.”
Fullparoleformanconvicted inTsawwassenmurders
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
A50-year-old man, who took part in agruesomedouble-murderin Tsawwassenmorethan three decades ago, has beengranted full parole.
Following aParole BoardhearingThursday (Aug.1), DerekL ord wasgranted full parole butwithconditions attached.
Whenhis dayparole wascontinuedin January, apanelhearing wasalsoordered for a full parole review. That washeldthefollowing monthand at that time he wasdenied.
Afterhisbidforfull parole wasdenied, Lord submittedarequestto the AppealDivision to reviewthe board’sdecision.
TheAppealDivision subsequentlyordered areviewofthe Parole Board’sdecision to deny full parole
Anew review was ordered by wayofa hearing, asthe Appeal Divisiondeterminedthat the boarddidnotadequately demonstratehow it considered all available informationandwhy full parolepresenteda higher riskto society.
appearas arobber y.
Lord andhis friend DavidMuir were hired in 1990 by Darren Huenemann tokill Huenemann’smother andgrandmother, Sharon Huenemannand DorisL eatherbarrow, soDarrenHuenemann could getaninheritance.The womenwere stabbed to deathattheir homeafter havinginvited the youngmeninside Allthree youngmen were convicted of firstdegreemurderin 1992.
Lord and Muir were both sentencedtolifein prison withno chanceof parolefor10 years.
Huenemann received alife sentence withno chanceof parolefor25
Lord wasgranted day parole withconditionsin March2020andthathad beencontinuingatsixmonthinter vals.
Muir wasgranted day parolein April2002and full parole ayearlater.
Huenemann,whonow goesbythe name Darren Gowen, wasgranted dayparoleon six-month intervals startingAugust 2022.
Lord continues to claimhisinnocence. Editor ’s note: The Optimistwill have more onthis stor yinthe comingweeks,oncethe ParoleBoardreleasesits full report of the Aug. 1 hearing.
Delta is hostinganin-person, drop-informat,Public Information Meetingfor this project givingyou theopportunity to learnmoreand provide yourfeedback to the City.
• Details ontheproposalare available at letstalk.delta.ca/lu009626
• Shareyourfeedback online at: letstalk.delta.ca/lu009626 until August30,2024
Newstudy willtrytofind away of growing Point Roberts economy
PointRobertsistrying to figure outits economic destinyvia astudy that willtakeplace overthe next year.
ThePortofBellingham hasreceived agrant of $72,000from Washington stateandis kickingin $18,000inlocalfundsto doan economicdevelopmentstudy of Point Roberts, Wa
“Thisprojectwill createaneconomicstrategy for PointRobertsincludinginfrastructureinvestment, businessdevelopmentstrategies,housing and workforceneeds,” said Mike Hogan, public affairs administrator with the Port of Bellingham
ReidBrothersPlumbing &Heatinghasbeenproviding plumbing, heatingandairconditioning to Greater Vancouver since 1976.Ourhighlytrainedstafftakeprideinprovidingthe bestservice to ourcustomers.
Once complete, the studywill be shared with Whatcom County politiciansand staff to implementrecommendations and seekgrantfunding.
“The economicdevelopmentstudy willprovide agood blueprintfor futuredevelopment,”said Hogan.
Oneofthe obstaclesto growingthe economyis that thearea requiresthe crossing of twointernational borderstoaccess the U.S. mainland.
As well, PointRoberts hasfew sitesavailable forcommercialactivity andneedsinfrastructure improvements and land-
usezoningchanges to get property readytosupport newbusinesses,Hogan said.
PointRoberts ChamberofCommerce president BrianCalder saidthat planningand zoningissues must be consideredortheycould endupworking at cross purposes.
He added,it’s known what doesn’t work, includingwarehousing, manufacturingorshipping.
Instead, tourism may work,orwater-related activities,although zoningregulations would need to be updated, or perhapsasmall-scale medicalcentreserving bothAmericansand Canadians,headded.
Exciting News:
•Starting June1, take advantageof FortisBC’s rebateprogram.
•$50 rebatefor gasfurnaceorboilerservice.
•$50 rebatefor tankless waterheaterservice.
•$25 rebateper fireplace(up to twoper household).
•Scheduleear lyto beatthe busy heatingseason!
Heritage Minutes in Delta
Hamilton wasa Canadianartist whotravelled to the battlefields just afterthe First World War ended in1918. Day after day,for more than a year, shelived among the ruins topaint thebloody hangoverfrom years of trench warfare, creating about 350 works, with paintings such asthe Trenchesonthe Somme becoming famous. Canada Post in2020,featured theimage onone of its stamps
Historica CEO Anthony Wilson-Smith saidwhileher paintings were well received after the war, they decreased in popularity as people wanted to move onand forget thebloodshed.
The battlefield set also served foranother Heritage Minutes featuring legally blindactor
Bruce Horak (of StarTrek fame) portraying Edwin Baker.
Baker wasa Canadian soldierwholost his sight
in battleandwhothen went on to helpfound the Canadian Institute for the Blind.
Back then, being blind meant a lifeofdisability and reclusion, but Baker wanted tochange that, said Wilson-Smith
He saidthehope ofthe episodesis to get people intrigued abouta topic and maybe leadthem to dotheir own research about parts of Canada’s past, noting they’re used in classrooms across the countr y.
Heritage Minutes has about half a million followers on social media andtheepisodes are shot across Canada.
The two episodesin Delta were produced by Scopitcone Films out of Vancouver.
So far, about 105 Heritage Minutes have beenproduced,including theinitial seriesdone inthe1990s Wilson-Smith, isthe former editor-in-chiefof Maclean’s magazine and
said,“We don’tknow our history as wellas we should,” adding that’s notthefault ofindividual Canadians
That could be improved by havingthe provincesand territories agreeona general curriculum, withallowances for regionalhistory.
A basic starting point would be to make Canadianhistory a mandatory course inthefinal years ofhigh school.
“Our mandate is teaching Canadians about history, thingsthey don’t know.
“How do we become bettercitizens by understanding more about our history, boththethings we’ve done wellandthe thingsthat we didn’t,” said Wilson-Smith.
He saidhe’s wanted to do a Heritage Minute about Hamilton for about 10 years.
“She really sort of got under my skin, this remarkable woman,that nobody knew about.”
The 53rd Tsawwassen Sun Festival lived up toits name on the weekend
Ifit ’s Augustand you’re in Tsawwassen, youare goingtoseethesun. This Aug.3to5 wasno exceptionasthesun soaked festivallivened upthestreets forthe B.C. Daylong weekend withfun for ever yone.
Community Livingindignitywithourdifferences
St Da vid’ s AnglicanChurch
International Olympic Committee(IO C) president Thomas Bach delivered a powerful speech duringthe Opening Ceremonyof the Olympic Games Paris 2024.
He said, “Now we are part ofan event that unitesthe worldin peace. In our Olympic world,thereisno “global south”or “globalnorth.”
“Weall respectthe same rulesand each other. In our Olympic world, we all belong. In a world torn apart by wars andconflicts,itisthanks to this solidaritythat we canallcome together
tonight, unitingthe athletesfromthe territoriesofall206 National Olympic Committees andtheIOC Refugee Olympic Team. Letus celebratethis Olympic spiritoflivinglifein peace,astheoneand only humankind,united inall ourdiversity.”
In our world of differences, those differences pale into relative insignificancewhen viewed against the gentle but ohso-powerfullove of God.
In one of our most widely used mother tongues in Zimbabwe, isiNdebele,I greet you: San’bonani! If I were greeting oneof you individually, I woulduse the singularform ofaddress, which is Sawubona! That
word means, “I see you,” andusing Sawubona as a form ofgreeting underlines the importance in our African culturesof recognising the worth and dignity of each person.
Asit has been said, to greetanother with thephrase “Sawubona” means “I seethewhole of you yourexperiences, your passions, your pain, your strengthsand weaknesses, and your future. Youare valuable to me.”
Oneof SouthAfrica’s wisest Chief Rabbis,who worked with Nelson Mandela to leadhis communityinto democracy, said:“We cancelebrate ourcommonheritage andliveindignity with ourdifferences.”
If arelaxing holiday wasn’t inthecardsthissummer, you’ll considergoing on arefreshing getawayto rechargeyourbatteries. Thiswillbeextremely rejuvenating.
TAURUS April20-May20
You’llfeelthe need to pleaseeveryone. However, you’ll realizethatthisis impossible.Followyour heartand trustyour intuition. Anextradoseof self-confidence wouldbe beneficial.
GEMINI May21-June20
After alongvacation, returning towork mayleaveyou feeling exhausted. Yourpartner and loved ones will requiremoreattention. However,youmusttake timeto resttogetthrough theweek.
You’lldevotetimetoyour family andenjoy thepeace and quietofyourown home. Your relationship withyourpartner willbe a priority.You’ll demonstrate yourcreativity,evenin simpleactivitiessuchas cooking ameal.
VIRGO Aug.23-Sept.22
Youcouldbeinthe moodtobuy anewcar You’ll spend alotoftime negotiatingandlistening to endless speeches and presentations. Atwork,you coulddiscoverthatyou havehiddensales talents.
Youmay need tostepback beforeacritical turning point inyourlife. You must think carefullyabout your passionsand howto manage stress.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan.19
Youractivesociallifecould leadto overspending. Even thoughyou’regenerally thrifty,youcould find it challenging to manage your budget and payoffyour debts.
AQUARIUS Jan.20-Feb.18
You’llgotogreat lengths toimpress strangersand familymembers. Your childrenwillbe asource ofgreatpride. You’llseize opportunities of abundance thatcomeyourway
PISCES Feb. 19-March20
Atwork, atraining coursewill bring about opportunities for advancement,bringing you closerto acareerin line withyourvalues. You’ll redefine your ambitions with anewfoundconviction.
Fillin thegridsothat everyrow,every columnand every3 x3box contains thenumbers 1through 9onlyonce. Each 3x3box isoutlinedwith a darkerline. Youalreadyhave a fewnumbers to get youstarted. Remember:youmustnot repeat the numbers 1through 9inthesameline, columnor 3x3 box.
T he Ladner Ba ptis t Ch urch isceleb ra tin g 125 ye ars!
On e ofthe ways the ch urch is ma rk in g thismiles to neis by compilin ga bo okof st oriessharin g experiences of Go d’s faithfulnes s throu gh the ge nerat ions.
Th e ch urch isinvitin g re si den ts to sh are you r memories
“We’ re acceptin g st ories, draw in g, poe ms, photos… anythin g th at we ca n prin t in a bo ok ,” sa idthe ch urch in anemail to the Optim is t.
A few ide as to ge t you thin ki ng :
We re yo u ma rr ie d at LB C?
Did yo u meet Go d forthe f ir st time at LB C? Ge t ba ptiz ed here?
We re yo u influence d by a pa rt icula r Su nd ay Sc hool te acheror Yo uth Le ader whoinve st ed timean d love in you ?
Wh at brou gh t you to Ladner Ba ptis t Ch urch ?
Th e si gn ?
Move d in to thearea ?
Fa mil y gat herings, ch urch or c ommu nit y ev ents, cl ubshos te d here?
Fu nn y st ory?
Li ke th e sp ec ia l la dies ev en t wi th
“mo od lightin g” ca ndles inthe f iresi de ro om… whic h se t offthefire al a rm.
Or af ormer you th pa st or w ho b at he d his do g inthe ba ptistry…
Yo uthgrou p shenani ga ns…
An y sp ec ia l memories re late d to Ladner Ba ptis t Ch urch ?
Ema illbc125@l adner ba ptis t. ca, or th ro ugh th eir we bsit e at : la dn er ba ptis t. ca
Tsawwassen Martial Arts (TMA) madehistory at the recent WUKF Karate World Championships in Monterrey, Mexico.
TMA’s 14 athletes brought homefive gold medals, nine silvermedals and two bronze medals
Below are the Delta results :
Sensei Laurian
Gold - Team Kumite
Jane Weir
Silver - Individual Kumite
Silver - Team Kumite
Bronze- Team Kumite
Christin Nelson
Silver - Individual Weapons
Emily Lapadatu
Gold - Team Kumite
Silver - Team Kata
Silver - Individual Kumite
Bronze- Individual Kata
Grayson Montgomery
Gold - Team Kata
Silver - Individual Kumite
Silver - Team Kumite
Isabelle Lapadatu
Gold - Team Kumite
Silver - Team Kata
Emily Montgomery
Gold - Team Kumite
Silver - Team Kata
Amelia Jorgenson
Gold -Team Kumite
Silver -Team Kata
Donald Jorgenson
Gold -Team Kumite
Silver -Team Kumite
Lucas Maxwell
Silver -Team Kumite
Silver -Team Kumite
Kolt HewlettKaufman
Gold -Team Kumite
Rotation - (U11)
Silver -Team Kumite
Gold -Team Kata
Silver -Team Kumite
Ariana Lidder
Gold -Team Kumite
Silver -Team Kata
Kirk Smalley
5th Place - Individual Kumite
Blue Jaysget theirshotatthree-peat
ijacque s@ delta- optimis t. co m
The chance at a three-peat national baseball championshipis alive forthe Delta Blue Jays.
Delta punched theirticket to baseball’s 15U Ray Carter Cup, Aug. 22 to 25inLaval, Que., with an 8-3 win overthe Victoria Eagles, at the final-four Bantam AAA Provincial Championshipin Chilliwack, last Saturday (Aug. 3).
Earlierinthe day,the Jays defeated the Abbotsford Cardinals 8-5 inone semifinal,whilethe Eagles beat the Ridge Meadows Royalsintheother semifinal.
The Jays were up4-0 against Abbotsford,whotied the game, but the Jays pulled aheadinthe end.
Against theEagles, Delta was down 3-1, but scored six inthefifth inning, thanksto a two-runtriple and a two-runhome run.
“We’re thrilled. The offence camealive. We played twogreat games,” saidheadcoach Cam Frick. “Back-and-forth games it was anamazing day.”
Thisisthe Jays’ fourthtrip to the nationalsandtheirthird in a row afterthe tournament was notheld in2020/21 because ofthe COVID19 pandemic.
Each team has beendifferent, but also has had many similarities according to Frick.
“Ourfirst trip was 2019and I’ve always said,that wasthe best team we’ve ever had– lotofgreat pitching, defenceandlotsofcontributionsdefensively. We ended up secondthat yearlosing to Ontario inthe final,” he said.
“I think this year’s teamis very similar to that team … we’re young we have a lotoffirst-year guys whocontribute. We don’t have a set starting nine. Ifthey are hot, they’re inthelineupandthey can contribute Our pitching is outstanding, just a complete teamthis year.”
Delta won the regular season leaguetitle, clinching that a few weeks ago.
They went into theleagueplayoffs asthe top seed, winning theirfirst three games, only to lose to Victoria inthe semifinal. Victoria went on to win theleagueplayoff championship.
Frick saidthat loss provided some extra motivationforthe team
“We didn’tplay our best at the league tournament, but we rolled on all cylinders last weekend,” he said.
“It helped usthat we came back from Victoria disappointed. It was motivationforus. It’s a long season, it’s tough to play great theentire year There isalwaysa bitof a letdown, so
I was happy that was last weekend andnot this weekend.”
Aftertakinga few days off, the Jays will start to prepare for nationals
“I haven’t had August off in a long time, but I’m OK withthat,” he said.
“We’re thrilled. Montrealis such a great city.
“We have six guys returning,but theother10 guys haven’t been to Montreal, so thewholeexperienceof checkingout thecity, the culture and thefood. They put on a great tournament, so I’m just thrilled forthe kids to get thisexperience.”
The Jays roster includesAlex Tamayo, Caleb Miller, Cole Hudie, Colin Skelly,Drew Sochting, Hayden Mangat, JaxxonLawrence, Kane LaPorte, Kelser Curtis, Lucas Yu, Mason Dubnov, Nico Yau, Noah Wegner, Reece Abbott, TobyWiding and Yohta Suzuki Coaches - Cam Frick, Tim Frick, Joseph O’Krafka, Doug Miller, Quinn Betteridge, Ford Marcotte, Tommy Richards, Dave Empey.
The DeltaBlueJays celebratetheir8-3win overthe VictoriaEagles, last Saturday, inChilliwack.
side West by Mosaic. This end, aviewofthe mountainsand backing on to agreenbeltisjustwhatyou’vebeenwaitingfor! Builtin2022, this 3bedroom,3bathroom Townhome with 10 ft.ceilingsfeels likeresort livingwhile being superfamily friendly!The SeasideCluboffers10,000 sq.ft. of indoorandoutdoor fun-apool, fitness center,kidsplayareaand greatroom.Calltoday!
Rare &fabulous 1Bed,1Bathcondo inthehighly sought afterbeach community of Tsatsu Shores Lovinglykept, this unique positioned topfloor,corner unit of fers allthe seasonalcomforts w/acozygas FP &228sq.ft. patiosurrounded by anabundance of lush greenery &N.Shore mtnviews -ideal for entertainingorsimply baskinginthe tranquility w/a good book!
Welcometothe picturesque beachtownof BoundaryBayinSunnyTsawwassen. Nestled just 3blocksfromthe beachthischarming 3bedroom, 2bathroom home of fers theperfectcoastaloasis Fully fenced yard forprivacy,RV/Boatparkingand a gardeners delight! With direct access to thebeach viaaprivate laneway,you canenjoy endlesssummer days
Welcomehome to LUMA by Polygon!Get ready to enjoytheultimate inhighriseliving.850 squarefeetofopenlivingspacewithpanoramic views of themountains,oceanandthecity.Bright andairy,this cornerunitboastsstainlesssteel appliances,granitecountertops, storagelocker and 2parking stalls. LUMAis aconcretebuilding in theheartofitall!Shopping,transit, restaurants, parksandentertainment.Also,a gymandparty room.Call today!
Experiencepureluxur yinthis 6bedroom, 5bathroomhome, just 3years young.Bright& Spaciouslayoutthatisdesigned for entertainingwithopen conceptliving featuring adouble-sided fireplacethatseparatesthechef ’s kitchenfromthe greatroom.
203177756 Street,Tsawwassen
Turn-key,1,131sq.f t. office in Tsaw wassen’s premierprofessionalbuilding, Nor thgate.Beautifullyfinishedwithhundredsofthousandsspenton improvements,thisspaceincludeshigh-endvinylflooringthroughout updatedLEDdesignerlightingwithindependentLutrondimmers,3 separateofficesseparatedby glass walls,boardroomwithglasssliding doorswhichallows fortheabilityto openorcloseupasneeded,reception area, kitchenettew/Fisher &Paykelfridge,plusan openarea foradditional workspaces
3387145 St,SouthSurrey
GORGEOUS CustomBuiltElginChantrell Residence. This6,441sqft homeboasts West Coast Contemporar yinteriordesignwithquality construction;built by renownedBlairGunn. Walkinginto the foyer, youare greeted by aformalLiving RoomandDining Roomwitha custom Wine Cellar foryourentertainingneeds.
*Listed by MacDonald Realty.
DEVELOPERALERT! This centrallylocatedsitepresents aprime opportunityfor redevelopment. Situatedwithinthe King George HighwayCorridor Plan,thecurrent designationof 15UPAoffersthepotential forrezoning to higherdensity. Similar sitesintheareahaverecentlybeen rezoned for 6-12storeymixed-usebuildings,highlightingthepotential forthis proper ty
MLS#C8059353 Don’tmissthis exceptionalopportunitytoacquireastandalone retail/office buildingin Tsawwassen! Positionedontheprimar ybusinessthoroughfare, this proper ty isalsodesignatedinthenewlyproposed Official CommunityPlan formedium-densitymulti-family redevelopment, potentiallyup to 6storeys. Currentlyleased to aveterinar yclinic,the existingbuildingboasts over2,700 sqftofspace. Itslayoutsuitssimilarbusinesses,medicalpractitioners,and more, featuring afront reception,multiple examination rooms,andprivate officeareas.
Thishomepaints apictureof atrulyexceptionalfloatinghome! Thecombinationofcustom white oakflooring,slatebathroomfloors,andtop-of-the-linerenovationscreatesaninvitingandluxurious atmosphere. Themountain,island,andriverviewsarebreathtaking,offering aserenebackdropto dailylifeandsparklingfacetedglintsoflightfromthe waterbounceoffthelivingroomceilings. The inclusionof a40-ftboatslipaddsevenmore valuetothisuniqueproperty,perfectforthose who love beingonthe water.KitchenrenovationsincludeBoschkitchenappliancepackagetomake cookingandentertaining ajoy
Bedrooms: 1•Bathrooms: 1
FloorArea: 515 sq.ft.
Welcome to INGASTOWNlocatedintheheartof Gastown’s HeritageDistrict. Acontemporaryonebedroomandone bathroomsuitecompletewithanopenlayoutandamplelight. Featuresincludepolished concretefloors,anefficientkitchen layout completewithquartz countertops, agas range,a built in ovenandEuropeanintegratedcabinetry.Enjoytheshared rooftoppatiowithanoutdoorkitchenandBBQarea.Close to Chinatown,Downtown,Railtown, Yaletown,transit,parksand somuchmore. Thisisan excellentopportunity to ownandlive close to allthatdowntownhas to offeror agreat investment. One storagelockerincluded.
Large3427sq ft warehousein Tilbur y Industrial Park.Gradeloading.Thisunit offers lotsofoptionswithofficespace, warehousespace,mezzanineand retail options!I-2(mediumimpactindustrial zoning )allows forawide rangeof distributionandmanufacturingusesand somecommercialuses
Situatedinon a7653SQ FT WESTfacinglot,itoffers main floorliving 5bedrooms.Thereiscrosshallliving anddining roomswith avaultedceilingintheliving room to the2nd floor.ThesunnyupdatedU-shaped kitchenisatthebackofthehouse overlookingthe eatingareaandadjacent to the familyroomandback south west facing gardens.Upstairsthemasteris a true retreatwithfullensuiteandslidingdoorstoa tiereddeck. Amust to see!
RareOppor tunity! WATERFRONTproper ty that features a25berth Marina business.Situatedon a13,250sq ft lot,this uniqueofferingincludes anew berths,docks,water andelectricalplus aver ylivableandcharming onebedroomhomewith abonusloftinaddition to arentalboathouse.Thismarinaoffers someof themost STUNNINGVIEWS youwill findinallof Ladner!Marina businessisprofitablemakingthis afantasticINVESTMENTopportunity. Bonus two homescanbe builtonshore!
This extensivelyrenovatedcondoshowcases aspaciouschef inspiredkitchenwithbrand-newappliances,quartzcounter tops, whitecabinets,high gradelaminatefloorsandabundantstorage.Off thekitchen, youcanenjoyyourmorningcoffeeontheprivate south-facingbalcony. The expansivePrimarybedroom features hisandhersclosetsalongwith aluxuriousen-suitecompletewith doublesinks,walk-inshowerand ajettedtub forultimaterelaxation. Thesecondbedroomboasts aversatileMurphybedandample storage,ideal foruseas ahomeofficeorguest room.Nestledon a serene,tree-linedstreetjustminutesfromTsawwassenCityCentre. Includesoneparkingspotand astoragelocker. Call to View!
DiscoveryourdreamhomeinSunnyTsawwassen! Thisspacious3280sq ft residenceboasts 5bedrooms and 3baths,including a1-bedroomself-containedin lawsuite-anidealmortgagehelper.Enjoyoversized rooms,brandnewpaint,carpetand flooring throughout.Stepsontothebrandnew34’ by 17’ west-facingsundeck,perfect forrelaxingor enter taining.Situatedon alarge9268sq ft lotona quietcul-de-sacwith expansivewestandsouth-facing yards. Locatedin ahighlysought-afterneighborhood, thishomeoffers bothcomfor tandconvenience.Don’t missout-schedule yourviewing today!
Charming 3bedroom RancherBacking to Serene Point Roberts!Discoverthis3-bedroom, 2bathroom rancher,perfectlysituatedonannearly quar ter-acresouth-facinglotinthispeacefuland friendlycul-de-sacbackingontoPoint Roberts.This 1863squarefoothomeoffers aharmonious blendof comfor tandtranquilit y, makingitanideal retreat for thoseseeking aserenelifestyle.
Valuable9,500sq ft lot,thisproper ty offers an incredibleopportunityforinvestmentorthe perfectopportunitybuild yourdreamhome.While thecurrenthousemayneedsomeTLC,itsprime locationin afamily-friendlycommunitymakes itanidealchoice.Don’t missoutonthis rare chance to createahomethattrulyreflects your visioninoneofLadner’s mostdesirableareas
Welcome to PACIFICRIDGEin CentralTsawwassen, a prestigiouscomplexbuilt byrenownedlocal builder Peter Scholz.This exceptionalcornerunitonthe topfloor features asouth-facingprivatepatio,offeringabundant naturallightand asereneoutdoorspace.Ideallylocated, itisjuststeps away fromTsawwassen Town CentreMall, Save-On-Foods,restaurants,andmore. With over 1,300squarefeet,this‘rancherinthesky’boasts a welcoming,open,andspaciouslayout.Highlightsinclude acozy gasfireplace,updated flooring,and amodern kitchen. Perfect forsomeonedownsizing! GregZyp604-807-9700
We askthatinlieuofflowers,donationsinLinda’s namemaybeforwardedtoeithertheBCDiabetes orDeltaHospitalFoundations. We wouldliketo thankthosewhoassistedwithhermedicalneeds andwhomhavereachedoutwithsupportduring thistime.Lindawillbegreatlymissed.
Fi rs tC anadia nL ogisti cs Ltd. Underth eW arehouse Lien Ac to fB C,willbepl acing the good sf orZoriaGloba l T radi n gI nc.fo rA uctio na t Love’s Auction.Thereare 17 pallets ofcoilsoftoofing nails and rolls ofwi ndow fibre. 2720 No 5R oad, Richmond, BC. Theauctionis"Online."