








Noticeishereby giventhat DeltaCity Council will consider giving first, second,and thirdreadings tothebylaws referencedbelow atitsRegular Meetingat 5:00p.m. on Monday,November 4, 2024 at the North DeltaCentreforthe Arts,Theatre, 11425 84 Avenue,Delta,BC.
File No.LU009677(BylawNo. 8427)
Location: 9568 BurnsDrive,Delta,BC
Applicant: WalesMcLelland Construction
Proposal: Application forRezoning, DevelopmentVariancePermitand DevelopmentPermitinorder toallowconstructionof twolightindustrial buildings.This application is consistent with Delta’sOfficial Community Plan.
DeltaZoningBylaw No.7600,2017- AmendmentBylaw No.8427
Torezone thesubjectpropertyfromComprehensiveDevelopment Zone 8(CDZ8) to LowImpactIndustrial (I1)toallow alight industrial development
Development VariancePermitLU009677
To vary Section 6.2.5in“Delta Zoning BylawNo .7600, 2017”byreducingthe minimumfront setbackrequirement from 7.5 mto3 mfor theprincipalstructuresfrom thesouth property line DevelopmentPermitLU009677
Adevelopment permitisalso requiredtoregulatetheformandcharacterofdevelopmentand to protectdevelopment from floodhazards inthe Ladner EastRural (LV5)Development PermitArea.
Approval of this Development VariancePermitand Development Permitis delegatedtotheGeneral Manager, Development
StaffContact: Janet Zazubek,604-946-3355
File No.LU009688(Bylaw No. 8448)
Location: 8099 Nordel Way
Applicant: JeremyStam,Buro47Architecture
Proposal: Application forrezoningtoallow abroader range of industrial uses andfutureredevelopment.Nonew development iscurrently proposed.Thisapplication is consistent with Delta’sOfficial Community Plan.
Delta Zoning BylawNo. 7600,2017- AmendmentBylaw No.8448
Torezone thesubjectpropertyfromComprehensiveDevelopment Zone No.253(CD253) to Medium ImpactIndustrial(I2)toallow forthe continuationofthe existinglumber storageoperation as apermitteduse, abroader rangeofmediumimpactindustrial uses andenable thefutureredevelo pment of thesubjectpropertyunder I2 Zoneregulations
StaffContact: JanetZazubek,604-946-3355
File No.P21-07(BylawNo.8451)
Location: City-Wide; alllands withinthe City maybeimpacted. Applicant: City of Delta Proposal: On June 24,2024, Counciladoptedchanges to Delta’sZoningBylaws to permit small-scale,multi-unithousing(SSMUH)onall single-detached andduplexlotsinthe city, asrequiredbythe Provincial government.Thesechangesenabledevelopersandhomeownerstosubmit building permit applicationsfor SSMUHwithoutthe need forrezoningor Councilapproval.
TofurtherstreamlineSSMUH relatedrezoningapplications,the City of DeltaisintroducingBylawNo. 8451,whichwaives therequirement fornotice of app lication signsfor SSMUHprojects.
Development ApplicationProcedures Bylaw No. 8347,2023- AmendmentBylawNo. 8451,2024
To amend “Development ApplicationProceduresBylaw No.8347, 2023” by waivingthe notice of applicationrequirementsfor SSMUHprojectsin ordertostreamlinethe SSMUHrezoning applicationsand help facilitate theconstructionofmoreinfill homesinDelta.
Staff Contact: EmilyGray,604-952-3601
Materialsrelated to theproposals such astheproposedbylaws, detailedmapsand otherinformation maybeinspected at DeltaCityHall, 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Delta, BC,MondaytoFriday, excluding statutory holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Thursday,October 24,2024toNovember4,2024.
If youhavea generalinquiryregarding theproposalorifyouwouldlikeassistance to inspectany relevantdocumentation,p leasecontact theDevelopment Department by emailatdevelopment@delta.caorby phoneat604-946-3380.
Co rrespondence receivedupto10:00 a.m. on Friday,November1,2024 willbe included in theAgendapackage.All correspondence mustinclude your name andfulladdress and will form part of thepublic recordfor theproposal andbepublished on theCity’swebsite
Email: mayor-council@delta.caOR
Writeto: Mayorand Council,Cityof Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta,BC V4K3E2
TheHalloweenspirit wasalive and wellin South Deltaon Tuesday night astheCityof Deltahosteditsannual Fright Fest.The eventattheLadner CommunityCentre featuredahaunted house,trick-or-treatingaroundMcKee Senior ’s Centre,gamesandactivities, a photobooth, face painting,Halloween crafts, foodandaflashmob-styledance per formance. Seemorephotosonour websiteatwww. delta-optimist .com.
PHIL MELNYCHUK pmelnychuk@delta-optimist.com
Tsawwassen residents showed up at Winskill Park early Monday as work started onthe new $130-million aquaticand fitness centre.
With police watching nearby, yellow constructionfencing began to arrive inorder to block off thearea before trees were chopped down prior to construction beginning.
The city has to take out166 trees to make roomforthenew U15 baseball diamondand relocated U13 ball diamond.
But protesters are against removing theforest inthe southwest cornerofthe site.
“We are opposed to the destructionofthisforest,” said Annika Taylor, who livesnearby, pointing out the baseball diamondsonly will be used for three monthsofthe yearand there are better locations “This placeis beautifuland valuable and ratherthandestroy it, itshould be managed and restored.”
Taylor saidshe recognizes there are trees that are sick and damaged, but not everything
has to go Winskill Park isthe only green spaceinthearea, she added.
“It’sa crying shamethat we’re doing this.”
She saidthat she’s not opposed to buildinga newfitness centre and aquaticcentre either
“I’m happy withthenew facilities. We can have these two things together There has to be a way,” she said.
Norman Taylor saidthat more roomcould be found by adjusting the layoutforthe parking spots
Carol Vignale saidshe’s lived inthearea for 44 years andthat years ago, there were lots of
trees in Tsawwassen.
“We have to preserve what’s left instead of cutting itdown,” she said.
Seth Phillipshelped organize the Save the Forest Delta group.
He saidtheproject seems rushed. “I just thinkthere needs to be way more deliberationon this,” he said. “Thebiggest problem has beenthe rate at which this has been pushed through.”
Council last week reviewed thepreliminary conceptforthe park, followingpublic input.
The planincludes a perimeter reforestationarea with a walkway, a community plaza, and about 300trees retained aroundthe baseball diamonds
onthe south sideofthe park
As well, thecity will replace thetrees that were takendown on a two-to-one basis.
City manager Donny van Dyk saidconsultation will continue withthe reforestationplan.
“We share the passionand concernsofthose residents, which iswhy we will have a detailed reforestationplanas part ofthisproject,” he said.
“Definitely,theengagement is working anditiscreatinga betterproject forus.”
Most ofthe166trees being removed would have to be takendown anyway because of poor health, headded.
The commitment is to ensure
there’sa “tremendousgreen space” whenthe park isdone, van Dyk added.
He added that there has been a “robust engagement process” andthecity istrying to design a betterproject based onthe feedback
Van Dyk saidthere’s nodelay anticipated and that tree cutting will beginin a few days, “andtheproject will proceed on schedule.”
Completion oftheproject, which includes four baseball diamonds,a fitness centre and a 10-lane, 25-metre lap pool, four-lane teach pool, hot tub, cold-plungepool and sauna, is expected by late 2027.
DeltaOptimistreaderswillvisitour websiteover400,000timesthis month –mostlyontheirphones.
Ifyouonlyadvertiseinprint, you’reonly reachinga fraction ofouraudience.
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yarm ati@delta
-o ptimis t. co m
Anhistoric andprominent building inEast Ladner willfinally have added heritage protection.
Council at its Oct. 21 meeting gave preliminary approvalfor theEast Delta Hall to have heritage designation.
The building on Hwy.10isalready in Delta’s rural heritage inventory,which identifies, but doesnotprotect, properties having heritage valueand character.
Heritage designationis a legal protection toolforpropertiesof particular value to a community,donethrough a bylaw that must be adopted by council.
The bylaw sets out theproperty’s significanceandany on-going requirementsthat are needed to maintainthe property to a specified standard.
In 1931,the McKee family donated onehectare (2.5acres)offarmland,created by the McKee AthleticAssociation, and builttheEast Delta Hallas a community resourcefor socialand athletic
events Earlierthis year, an agreement between theCity of Deltaandtheassociation was reached to transfer ownershipofthe halland its surrounding property to thecity for$1.
Part ofthedealincludesthecity entering into a multi-year agreement withMr Mom’s World Catering and Events, the current tenant on site providing catering, eventsand hall rental services.
Staffare also working withtheassociation to develop commemorative signage to acknowledge thehistory of East Delta Halland thecontributions fromindividualsand families that constructed andoperated the hallfor more than90 years.
Once a heritage designation bylaw isadopted after a publichearing, local governmentsare required to provide notification to the BC Minister responsibleforthe Heritage Conservation Act within30 days so that thenew sites can be added to the BC Register of Historic Places.
PHIL MELNYCHUK pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis t.co m
A De lta re si dent and oneofthecofounders ofthe Va ncouver Ma rathon and Va ncouver Su n Ru n and co-founderof Sp ortMed BC , ha s died.
Dr Ja ck Taunto n’s deat h Oc t. 23, wa s noted on so cialmedia.
Taunto n,76, wa s ap po inte d as a membe r oftheOrderof Ca na da in Ju ne, and wa s describ ed by the Gove rnor Ge neral’s office as “a n early leader in sp or t andexercis e me dicin e,” notingt hat he wa s professo r emeritu s at UB C, anactive fundraiserandhelp ed found Sp ortMed BC an d the Ca na dian Health and Fi tness In st itute.
Douglas Cl ement, along wi th Do n Mc Ke nzie, and Taunto n, we re all pa rt of b ri ng ing sp or t medicine to UB C.
“Jack wa sa re lentless, se lfless pe rs onwho traine d ma ny pe ople at UB C,” Cl ement sa id Thursday . Th e effortshelp ed sp read sp or t medicine into the ma instrea m of me dicalpracticeand establishthe va lueof re gu la r exercis e.
Orderof Canada recipient,Dr.Jack Taunton diedlast week.
“It’s throu gh h isenergy andeffor t andleadershipthat so ma ny pe op le have be entraine d and st imulated , and inspired by hi s wo rk,” sa id Cl ement, whoal so help ed co-foundthe Sun Ru n.
“He wa s onein a millionin te rm s of h is ab ilit y to re tainand champion a po si tive ou tlook onallaspe ctsof l if e,” he sa id.
“A ndhe wa sa natural-b ornleader, in the se ns e that he ha d a cu ri ou s, explorator y ap proachto lifeand heforme d grou psand tea msarou ndhimthat wo rked to ge ther to ge t toth os e goals,” Cl ement sa id.
“He wa nt s to help
pe ople. That ’s what he di d allhi s life.”
Ro ge r Ro binson sa idthe sa mething on Fa ceboo k.
“D r. Ja ck wa s unhesitatingly ge nerou s in sharing hisexper t medica l advicethrou gh ever y injur y …”
“He su ffered ma ny healt h problemsin late r years bu t wa s aninspirationinhiscourag eous i nsi stenceon rigo rous exerci se He wi ll be misse d.”
Anotheron Facebook called Tauntonan,“icon ofthe runningand sports medicinefamily …”
“Humani ty ne ed s m ore Ja ck Taunto n for su re.”
Another said, “I can’t imagineafinishline without Jack standing there.”
Taunto n als o se rved asthemedica l officerfor Ca na da inthe Olympic Ga mes in Lo s Ange lesin 1984,in Se ou l 1988,and in Ba rc elona in1992, accordi ng to UB C’s Schoolof Ki nesiolo gy .
He wa s als o ch ief medicaloffice r for Team Ca na da at the Sydne y Olympics in 2000;and fortheorga nizi ng commi ttee at the Va ncouver 2010 Olympicsan d Pa ra ly mp ics
Call604-946-5171 oremaildistribution@delta-optimist.com
Route #RouteInfoforthisweek
16001131stAve,50thSt, WalkerAve, WallaceAve..........................................................................................................57 16002031AAve,3rdAve,67AST,CentennialPkwy.........................................................................................................70 16002041AAve,66ASt,67thSt.....................................................................................................................................60 1600232GreenlandDr,ParkgroveCres, WoodlandDr......................................................................................................76 1600234AlpenwoodLane,GroverridgeWynd,SherwoodBlvd,Pl.....................................................................................44 1600301 PacificDr, WesleyDr,Pl. ....................................................59 1600302EhkolieCres,ShamanCres,SkanaDr,WalaleeDr.............................................................................................83 1600304 KumaCres, PacificCrt,Dr,PlSkanaDr..............................................................................................................57 1600305 PacificDr. ..............................................................36 1600306 PacificDr, StahakenCrt,Pl................................................................................................................................44 1600321GaleDr,GalePl.................................................................................................................................................40 160032254thSt,56thSt,7BAve,7thAve,GilchristDr,Pl. ..............77 1600324 4Ave,4AAve,55AST,55ST.............................................................................................................................77 16003254AAve,54thSt,5BAve,6thAve,AllenDr,RawlinsCres....................................................................................83 160040413BAve,15BAve,16thAve,54thSt,55ASt,55thSt........................................................................................70 160040952ndSt,53ASt,BelairCres,SaratogaDr,WindsorCres,BelairDr.....................................................................79 160041316thAve,53ASt,WildwoodCres.......................................................................................................................52 1600425OspreyDr,BlueHeron Way. .56
PHILMELNYCHUK pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis t.co m
Theheavy rainon Oct. 18and19 camedown in torrents,andled to the deathsoffour peoplein southwest B.C.,while flooding basementsand turning some streetsinto temporary streams.
Deltathough largely weathered the storm.
According to general managerofengineering StevenLan,thecity has made “significant improvements to our drainage system resiliency sincethe atmospheric river,three years ago.”
The atmospheric riverthat hit southwest B.C. in November2021, caused billionsofdollars of damage, wiping out roadsandbridgesand temporarily cutoff Metro Vancouverfromthe rest ofthecountry.
Someofthe recent improvementsorpreparations made by Delta includeacomprehensive refurbishmentof the Oliver Street pump
station,as wellasthe installationofanew high-capacity pump at the Chilukthan pump station.
Thecityalso bought anew sandbagging machine so itcould respond better to future events.
Staffalso switched its
water systemoperation fromirrigation to drainagemode,thuslowering waterlevelsaroundthe city.
Other major steps includeddrainingditches, clearing catchbasins, fuellingup gas-powered generators so theywere readywhenneeded,and
ensuring personnel were on hand24/7forthe storm.
Informingthe public aboutthecomingdelugeandcommunicating withfarmersalsohelped ever yoneknowand be able to prepareforthe weather.
Oncethe storm
hit,all butoneofthe pumps kept running, exceptforthe pump station at Third Avenue, whichshutdown briefly becauseofa power outage, only to restart witha backup generator.
Anotherincident involved atree falling at 59th Avenue,which required closingthe road. BySunday, Oct. 20however, “fewer calls werereceived,indicating effective managementof the situation,”Lan said.
According to Environment Canada, the tempestthat lashed thefieldsand streams and backyardsand roads dropped 43mmof rain on to the Delta Burns Bog stationonFriday, Oct. 18.
Saturday, Oct. 19, was the worst, witha total of94mmof rainfalling, withas much as11mm inanhour.
Lan saidcrews arenowintheprocessofinspectingthe steep slopesaround Tsawwassenbluffsand
the CougarCreekarea in North Delta. Most ofthe cityfared well,exceptfor some pooling waternear the Planet Icearenain North Delta.
He considered last weekend’s storm, the second-biggest, afterthe November2023 event.
“Butthese typesof stormsarefairly new. We’ve had twointhe last four years basically, these atmospheric rivers. We’retrying to getmore resilience builtinto our system,” Lan said.
“Just make sure all our infrastructureis working well,anditdid,this past event.”
Preparationthoughis the key, such as having staffon hand to deal with the weather.
“I can’t sayenough about our staff. We were outthere early We were running staff24/7,duringthat whole event. That’s a reallycritical part ofensuring our system’s operating well duringthese typesof events,” Lanadded.
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
GFL Environmental Inc., inEast Ladner, is waiting for a decisionon its application to Metro Vancouver, under the Greater Vancouver RegionalDistrict air quality management bylaw,for short-term authorization to discharge air contaminantsfromitsexisting composting facility.
As a result of a June19,2024 Supreme Court ofBritish Columbia Judicial Review ruling of a 2018 Environmental Appeal Board decision, the 72nd Street facility’s current authorizationexpireson Dec. 19,2024.
GFL Environmental Inc. has applied for the15-month authorizationuntil they can apply for a new permit Metro Vancouverissued anair quality permitfortheoperationin2018, paving the way for a transition to a new fully enclosed compostingfacility, which was completed in September 2020.
The regionaldistrictnotesthat the permit required that GFL fully enclose itscomposting facility to reduce odour impacts on thecommunity.
While numbers have decreased since theenclosed facility was commissioned in late 2020, Metro Vancouver says it continues to receive complaints about the facility.
According to Metro, which chartsthe number of complaints naming GFL/ Enviro-Smart asthe suspected cause, 145complaints were madethis year, as of September 2024.
The composting facility receives approved organic waste, including food waste, and processes itinto nutrientrich compost and landscaping products such as planting mix and soilmix.
GFL also usesits own products at its sodfarm, West Coast Instant Lawns.
Prior to thecompletionofthefacility upgrades,East Ladner residents filed hundreds ofcomplaints with Metro Vancouver about the odour produced by the GFLfacility.
4140 ArthurDrive,Ladner, BC |Nov 2&3,202410am-4pm
Livemusicby: Jana Seale
Foodonsiteby: Mr.MomsWorld Catering
SpecialGuests: SouthDelta MinorHockeyAssociation (Fundraising)
Jodie Blaney,ElaineBrewer-White, Garr yBrookes, RichardBrodeur,Ailsa Brown, DonelleClarke, Krista Cunningham, Stephanie Graves, Marsha Hoggan,Marilyn Hurst, NadineKelln, Jennifer James, RobinJenkins,Linda Jones, Tina Kilpatrick,Norma Jean McCallan, Janice Mclean,ShirleyMaurice,Gar yNay,Mar yPainter,Scott Pleydell-Pearce, Jan Rankin, Lana Sabatino, IritSorokin, RonStraight, KathySwift, TomTaylor, TomTeague,Haike Tremblay,Jim Unger, Natalie Way, ShelleyWales
Published every Thursday by the DeltaOptimist, adivisionofLMPPublication Limited Partnership
5008 47A Avenue, Delta,BCV4K1T8
Phone 604-946-4451
Deliveries 604-946-5171 www.delta-optimist .com
MattBlair mblair@glaciermedia.ca
EDITOR: IanJacques ijacques@delta-optimist.com
REPORTER S: Sandor Gyarmati sgyarmati@delta-optimist.com
PhilMelnychuk PMelnychuk@delta-optimist.com
PHOTOGRAPHER: Jim Kinnear jimgkinnear@netscape.net
MarianneLaRochelle mariannel@glaciermedia.ca
SALE S REPRESENTATIVE S: JohnGallinger jgallinger@delta-optimist.com
Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@delta-optimist .com
Lee Fruhstorfer lfruhstorfer@delta-optimist.com
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SALE S SUPPORT: Linda Calendino lcalendino@delta-optimist.com
DISTRIBUTION: Roya Sarwary distribution@delta-optimist.com
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The Delta Optimist is a member oftheNationalNewsmedia Council,whichisanindependent organization established to deal withacceptablejournalistic practices andethicalbehaviour If you have concernsabouteditorial content, please contact theeditor ateditor@delta-optimist.com or 604-998-3616 If you are not satisfied withthe responseand wish to file a formal complaint, visitthe website atmediacouncil. ca or call toll-free1-844-877-1163 for additionalinformation.
It’s candytime! Halloweennight(Oct.31)isupon us. Tonight, childrenofall ages will dressupintheirfavouritecostume and go door-to-door,trick-or-treating.
Thisnightbringsup many fondmemoriesof Halloweens past whenI wasa child. I was bornand raised in Saskatchewan. Ilived ontheprairiesuntilI was12, when my dad relocated ourfamily to B.C. becauseofa change inhis job.
As young kids, we had some terrific Halloweensin Saskatchewan–and some coldones two.
One such Halloween occurred when we lived in North Battleford. It was so cold, thatmy dadtrailed my brother, sisterand myselfinhis car. We would stop at three orfourhousesandthenpileinto the car to warm upand have a sipofhot chocolate from our Thermoses.
Other Halloweenmemoriesinclude spendinggreattimes withfriendsand neighbours, a Halloweennighthotdog roastinthe backyard,filling ourpillow cases to thebrim-if we could- with candy andthen rushinghome to pour outtheloot to seewhat we had– just alotof good times andmemories.
I’mhopingthatmany morefamily memories will be made tonightforall.
Delta police will be outand about making sure that Halloweenisafunand safe nightfor ever yone.
Police have providedus withafew Halloween reminders forallthelittle ghoulsand goblins outthere:
*Make sure that nothingobstructs your vision so you can see clearlywhile walking
* Stick to well-litareasandalwaysuse crosswalkswhentrick-or-treating
*Add reflectiveelements to costumes to stayvisible
*Ensurecostumesare flame-resistant and well-fitted to prevent tripping or snagging
Let’s all have a safeandfun Halloween and make sure more wonderfulmemories are made.
Our society often equates mistakes with failure, but it’s time to shift our perspective. Embracing the idea that “your best teacher is your last mistake” can transform how we approachchallenges and setbacks. Mistakes are nottheendofthe road; they are valuablelessonsthat empower and teach us.
Ever y great success stor y is peppered withmisstepsand errors. Thinkof renowned figureslike Thomas Edison, whose countless experiments ultimately led to theinventionofthelight bulb
Edisonfamously said, “I have notfailed. I’ve just found10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Thismindsethighlights theimportanceofviewing mistakesas stepping stones ratherthan stumbling blocks. Each mistake presentsan
opportunity to learn,adapt, andgrow
In our daily lives, mistakes oftentrigger feelingsofdisappointment orfrustration. However, it’s crucial to recognize that these moments are essential for personal development. They push us to reflect, analyze, and improve. Instead ofshying away frommistakes, we
should welcomethemas part of our journey.Each misstep can revealhidden strengths, unearthnew skills, and encourage resilience
It’s also important to keep inmind that fosteringa culture that acceptsmistakes can lead to innovation. In educationalandprofessional settings, whenindividuals feel safe making mistakes, they are more likely to take risks andexplore newideas Thisopenness fosters creativity and can lead to groundbreaking advancements
So, thenext time you find yourselffacing theaftermath of a mistake,remember itis not a failure but rather a lesson that propels you for ward. Embrace your mistakes, forthey are thetrue teachers that shape our characterand guideus toward future successes. Let each misstep be a stepping stoneon your path to greatness.
Editor :
Politicians cannotcreate communities-- peopledo!
Ladnerisunique The citizens value itsheritage.
It isextremely upsetting to learn two heritage buildingsonthe south sideof Chisholm Streetare slated fordemolition. Has anybody fromcity hall ever viewed them? They are far better built than any replacement could be, with heavy irongirders fore andaft, built apparently, to hoist aircraftduring the Second World War.
Andwhy are they being removed–for a possiblefive-storey hotel?
Ladnerdoesnot have a nightlife, nor
high-endshops. Hotelsare so passé!
Most travellersprefer Airbnbs.
I agree there are some buildingsthat need an upgrade but please leave4920 and4930 on Chisholm Streetalone.
We could use anart gallery. It appears that Ladner willnow have a jeweller, again,which is badly needed.
We live in Tsawwassen, but we usually shopinLadner. Our shopping mall here isdismaland poorly laid out, and yet, again,could be infor a overhaul. Businesses have moved on to either Tsawwassen MillsorLadner
Iask thecity to leave theantiquity of Ladneralone.
Kerri Beaulieu
Editor : Councilendorsed Delta’s cycling master planin2023 to provide a well-connected, complete cycling network along 56th Street to Hwy. 17. So far, publicinput has beenlimited, but recently, three city employees met on site with a group of interested local individuals The meeting was instructional,cordialand fair.
The mainissue with
theinitialproposal was the narrowness ofthe land to accommodate a 3.5-m multiuse path and toprotecttheexisting trees.
Ifthe pathway is built parallel to 56th Street, andusing the municipality’s figures of approximately six metres from the curb side, approximately 60 to 70trees would be felled, although several trees would be felledanyway, because of stress, disease and age.
There was talkof a meandering pathway, but that,I suspect, would resultin a loss ofmore trees.
As I see it, the proposal is doable, but withan estimated cost of$1.3 millionand part funding fromTransLink, one must considerif thisis money well spent on a pathway which now,is not overly subscribed Ideas andoptionsare still being entertained.
Rodney Asher
Editor : Deltacouncilaske d for community fe edback, (on Winskill Park) and it was provided. I als o submitte dmy opinions, but we are just being ignored
We don’t want the planthat councildecided to implement. We don’t want thecouncilmembers who chose to ignore the citizens’ response.
We want a park We want improvement and modernizationofthe
Nov2nd &3rd
Forthe Love ofAr tShow AtHarrisBarn
Nov6th,7th,8th &9th
Creative TreasuresChristmasShow EastDelta Hall
McKeeSeniorsRecCentre 515547 Ave
re creation centre. We want re creation forall,including young families, mature adults, seniors, handicapped, children, pets, etc. a place to gather, to stroll, to exercis e, to enjoy the beautiful climate that Tsawwass enoffers. There are many types of re creationand baseball isalready represente d fully in Tsawwass en. What I wouldlike to se e is a pavilion, a place for musicians to playa
little jazz, somepicnic tablesfor gatheringsof local groups, an outdoor gym, perhaps rock climbing, anewdis c golf course, which encouragesall ages toparticipate, a walking pathforall.
Didcouncil and the city thinkofany ofthis? Shouldtheexisting plan go ahead, I willdecide to be vocal about councilcomethe municipalelectionin 2026. Kelly Schindelhauer
TheCity of Deltaparticipates in the MetroWestInter-MunicipalBusiness Licence (IMBL)partnership whichallowstradecontractorsand construction industry professionalstooperateacrosssixLower Mainland municipalities without requiring separate businesslicencesfromeach local government.
TheIMBLisgoingtobeaddinghealthcareprofessionalsand servicestothe programsothatbusinessesprovidingin-home healthcareandrelatedservices can operateinVancouver,Burnaby,Delta,New Westminster,Richmondand Surreywith onelicence. TheIMBLfeeisalso goingtobeincreasedfrom$250to $300 effective January1,2025. Theannualfeehasnotchanged since 2013.The increasewillbringIMBL fees morein line with other licencingfeesthathave increased over theyears to covermunicipalcostescalation.
DeltaCity Council will give consideration of thefirstthree readingsfor BylawNo. 8445,2024and 8446,2024 atitsRegularMeeting at 5:00 pm onMonday November 4,2024 at theTheatre,North DeltaCentrefortheArts,1142584 Ave, Delta, BC
If youhavea generalinquiryregardingthebylaws,email DavidSchaefer, Property Use &Compliance Manager, DSchaefer@delta.ca.
Allcorrespondence must includeyournameand full address andwillformpart ofthepublicrecordfortheproposalandbepublishedonthe City’s website.
Email:mayor-council@delta.caORWrite:Mayor andCouncil
City of Delta
4500 Clarence TaylorCres Delta, BC V4K3E2
Thein-person eventonNovember2 is SOLD OUT,but youcan stillparticipate by: Making an online donation
Buying raffletripdrawtickets (4 nights for two in theWindy City of Chicago)
Buying 50/50drawtickets
Biddingononlinesilentauc tion items including Taylor Swif ttickets andan exciting home renovationpackage
Editor :
Iam not surprised to hearthat MP Carla Qualtroughisnot seeking reelection,considering her party iscirclingthe drain.
I still have notheard ofany “imminent” funding for a newcrossing to replace an aging Massey tunnelcoming fromthe Liberal government. Can she at least publicly advise her constituents if we will see some federal funding ornot before she starts collecting herlucrative pension?
Shaif Manji
CarlaQualtroughannouncedthatshe willnotbeseeking re-election.
Deltasunrise wasinspiring.
Editor :
Sunrises arereminders ofnew beginnings and rejuvenation.
They are new waysto see things, new opportunities to start anew, and potent
Editor :
We are the Kindness Krewfrom Pebble Hill Elementary. Wednesday, Nov. 13,is World Kindness Day. We feel a great need to do something kindin our community, sowe decided we are going to make Cards for our Communityanddeliver themon Nov. 13 to those around our
symbolsofthe beauty and serenity that earth bringsandgives
In Delta, we are blessed to call home the landthat isalso home to stunning flora andfauna. Calling it home, these plantsbring joy and revival to residents asthey too bask inthe morning light.
Riding into work one day, I caught the beautiful sun raysdancing inthe crisp, autumn airand peeking through thebranchesofthe large trees parading down the streets, accompanying me on my drive to work It isthis sunlight that accompanies me to work today,and always will. This sunlight, that guides us all tomorrow andalways.
May theglor y that thisessential star bringsusinspire and strengthen our communities.
Let the sunlight dancethroughthe sky as we gallopthroughthe rhythms of ever yday, mundanelifeintheextraordinar y City of Delta.
Kulwinder Gill
schoolneighbourhood. We are writing thisletter inthehope we willinspire children, families, students, classrooms – evenwhole schools – to join and spread a little kindness around our Delta community. A note of care and encouragement can go a longway. Kindness Krew at Pebble Hill Elementar y
sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om
New signage, branding, artwork andother enhancementsare coming to theLadner Harbour Marina.
Last week, Deltacouncil approved a harbour regulation bylaw which includesupdated moorage fees, while staffare to proceed withengagement with marina customers andthe publicon the completionoffurther enhancements, such as local artwork installations and landoptimization.
The marina is a dedicated smallcraft harbour facility,located at theend of McNeely’s Way.
A staff report notes newplace-making features are proposed to recognize theunique identity ofthe harbour andfurtherenhancethe charm and appealofthe area, includinga new street sign off River Road, updating the namefrom BoatBasin to themore prevalent Marina and a standard uniform forthe harbour masterthat is recognizable to visitors
The report also notes that place-making can also be achieved through artwork that isnotably absent fromthearea.
Staffproposed to engage alocal artist to complete newart installationsfor benchesand
thenet shed,installations that would be unique to Ladner
Ladner Harbour Marina isfederally owned property undertheSmall Craft Harbours branch ofthe Department of Fisheriesand Oceans.
Day-to-day management was transferred by way oflease to theCity of Deltain 1998,andwhile dutiesincluding minor repairs, maintenanceand operating the marina are the responsibility ofthe city, major repairs and annualinspectionsare the responsibility ofSmall Craft Harbours.
The current lease with thecity isin placeuntil April 30,2038.
sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m
Ifyouare interested inbecoming acarrier pleasecall604-946-5171
•5776Ladner TrunkRoad LADNER
The City of Delta hasa plan to accommodate disc golfers, oneof Winskill Park’s usergroups, as a major redevelopment isonthe horizon.
Council last weekdiscussed anupdate on a preliminary conceptfor thenew Winskill Aquatic and Fitness Centre, showing how the resultsofthe first phase ofthe public engagement program have beenincorporated into theplan.
The staff report also provided updates onthe project cost estimate, a planforthe park reforestation,next stepsfor publicengagement, a grant application,as well as relocationoptionsfor disc golf at the park
The report notes that thecity continues to meet with representatives of thedisc golfcommunity to evaluate potential optionsfora relocated disc golfcourse and, basedon those discussionsandfurther technical and site analysis,a multi-faceted approach has beendeveloped
Having played on green space onthe west sideof Winskill Park for several years, the TsawwassenDisc Golf Club had concernsthat there was noplaninvolving keeping thegreen spaceandthedisc golf course.
There is a letterof support for theproposed solution by representativesofthedisc golfcommunity.
Asanimmediate interim measure, staff have ordered six newdisc golf basketsfor installation inthe wooded area in Dennison Park, and have engageda disc golf course designerwho will
provide guidanceonthe installationofthe baskets withinput fromthedisc golfcommunity.
The temporary baskets will be installed thisfallin advanceofthe removal of the Winskill Park baskets
Councilalso agreed to a pilot installationof a 9-to-12holecourse at Diefenbaker Park The course layout will be also be developed with a professionalcourse designer withinput fromthedisc golfcommunity.
“Thedisc golfgroup has been vocal intheir advocacy for a course at Diefenbaker Park to replacetheone at Winskillon a more per-
manent basis. They have emphasized the suitability ofthe landscape, terrain,and support amenities such as parking and washrooms. Though Diefenbaker Park is a busy passive park, the disc golfcommunity has historically used the park for pop-up eventsand informal play withlimited instancesofconflict,” the report adds.
Staff willalso consider an appropriate location forinstallationofoneor two baskets at Winskill Park to recognize thehistorical legacy ofdisc golf inthe park, and to provide a spaceforplayers to practise putting.
10AM -8PM
in-storespecials • refreshments • doorprizes • &more
sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om
Thereisatremendous opportunityfor a“community-first”approach in making theCityofDelta adesirable tourismdestination.
That’s accordingto Tourism Delta,whichhas comeup withthe Delta CommunityTourism Plan
endorsedbyDeltacouncil last week.
“Throughthisplan, we haveidentifiedthe current stateoftourismhere, established the needfor baselineanalytics and developa strategicpath forfuturegrowththatwill benefit ourcommunity,”
Jill McKnight,executive-directorof Delta ChamberofCommerce,
Elizabeth Clark, tourism managerfor Tourism Delta,said severalkey themesemergedfromthe engagementprocess, and stakeholdersunderstand that tourismisan economicdriverof Delta.
Twoyears ago, Tourism Delta came under the umbrellaofthe Delta ChamberofCommerce.
We wanttohear fromyou!
Apar tmentand TownhouseProposalat 112Streetand 82 Avenue
Addresses: 8206 ,8216, 8224& 8232 112S treet, 11225& 1123782Avenue, and11248 82 AAvenue
Applicant: JP S19Developments Ltd FileNo: LU009689
The CityofDeltahasreceivedan applicationfor adevelopmentin your neighbourhood. The application isfor132dwellingsin afourstorey apartmentbuilding and20dwellings intwothree-storey townhouse buildings.AnOfficialCommunityPlan amendmentisrequired forthe proposeddevelopment.
Deltaishostinganin-person, drop-informat,PublicInformation Meetingforthisprojectgivingyou theopportunity to learnmoreand provideyourfeedback to theCity.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024 5:30 pm–7:30 pm
NorthDeltaSecondary School (Cafeteria) 1144782 Avenue,Delta
• Detailsontheproposalare availableat letstalk.delta.ca/lu009689
• Shareyour feedbackonlineat: letstalk.delta.ca/lu009689 until November 16,2024
Thetourismplannotonlyaimstoattract visitorsbutalsoseekstomaximize economicbenefitsforlocalbusinesses andcreatelasting value forresidents, accordingtothe DeltaChamberofCommerce.
Thechangesaw oversightbya new tourism advisory committeeof the chamber, whichwas to include representationfromtheprevious Tourism Delta board.
Together, they operateDelta’s VisitorCentre and the Destination MarketingOrganization, manage the We Love Deltabrand andother tourismassets under a $166,000 service agreementwiththecity.
Lastyear, theyutilized Destination British Columbia andPacific Economic Development Canada fundingtodevelop a10-yearcommunity tourismplan, “whichsets acohesivetourism’vision for Deltathat will notonly attractvisitors, butalso generates social, cultural, and economic opportunities,” aDelta staffreport explains.
Thefirst phaseofthe plan, whichinvolved extensiveengagement with Delta staff, thecommunityand localbusi-
nesses, involvesdevelopinga new Tourism Delta brand, seekingadditional fundingsources to support strategiccommunity tourismplanning, as well asundertakinga Valueof Tourism survey “The Community Tourism PlanisconsistentwiththeOfficial CommunityPlanand Delta’s broadermunicipalgoals,policiesand priorities. It complementsexistingDelta initiativesincluding newbrandedbikeand mobilityroutessuchas Barns to Beaches, bike infrastructure amenities, theLadner Village mixed-useaccommodationprojectandDelta’s revitalizationplans.It alsosupportsefforts to enhancevisitationand fostercommunitypride by increasing thefrequency ofcommunity eventsandfestivals,” the Delta report notes.
Anewsreleasebythe chambernotesthe new planemphasizesdesti-
Have otherquestions or comments? ContactDeepinderDhaliwal,Planner,Development Department: 604.946.3395 ddhaliwal@delta.ca or •Shutters &Faux WoodBlinds •Silhouettes, Pirouettes&More! •MirageRetractable ScreenDoors
nationdevelopmentby leveragingnaturalassets withthecreationdiverse experiences that reflect thecity’scharm,from sportand agri-tourism to culinaryexperiences and festivalsandevents.
Theplanalsoseeksto engage residentsthrough itscommunity-first approachto ensurethat all tourisminitiatives align withlocalprioritiesand delivertangible benefits.
“Thisplan represents a transformativemoment for Delta,chartinga clear path toward sustainable, community-first tourism that will supporteconomic developmentand preserve the unique naturalassetsthatmakeour communityspecial,”said KenMalenstyn, chair, Tourism Deltaadvisory committee, in anews release.
Councilalsoagreed to have staff report back onintegratingtheplan into thecity’sOfficial CommunityPlan.
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1. Flat-topped formation
5. Podinhabitant
8. Wentlikemad
12.October stone
13. Placeforscientists
14. Imprison
18. Cave sound
20.Observe Lent
21. Largetank
23. Tart
28. Blondshade
33. Desertplants
45.Bear’s extremity
52.Less thanthree
54. Telegraph
57.Tibetan oxen
3. Windowframe
4. Recessedareaof aroom
5. Fabric fold
6. _Greytea
7. Side by side
8. Book type:hyph.
9. Eden
11. Fenderflaw
27.Historic structure
41. Beasts ofburden
49.Debtor’s burden
Crossword puzzleanswers use American spelling
ARIES March21-April19
Evenifyourchoicesseem clear-cut, take allthetime youneedto make afinal decision.Newinformation couldcometolight, clarifyingthesituationand making youseethebigger picture.
TAURUS April20-May20
Changeyourdietand findtimeto relaxtoavoid heartburn.Balanceyour lifestyletomaintainyour physicalandmental health.
GEMINI May21-June20
Expectto receivespecial attentionfrom aloved one. Youmayfeelanxious about amedicalexam. However,youmustbe patient.The resultswill take alittlelongerthan expected.
CANCER June21-July22
Yourleadership skills willbeinhighdemand this week. You’llfillinfor yourbosswhilethey’re onvacationand replace acolleaguewho’son medicalleave. You’llbe therightpersonto take on these responsibilities.
LEO July23-Aug.22
Afamilygetawayisinthe works. However,sorting outcertaindetailswill take longerthanexpected. You’llbeonthemove a lotthis week, whichwill make youappreciatethe comfortsofhome.
VIRGO Aug.23-Sept.22
Your networking prowess willbeneededthis week. You’llbe asked tohelp plananeventthat requires yourcommunication, organizationand negotiation skills.
LIBRA Sept.23-Oct. 22
You’llbe working overtime this week! Fortunately, yourhardworkwillbe rewarded.Afteradjusting yourschedule, take the timetospoilyourselfand enjoythe resultsofyour efforts.
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov.21
Afterlayinglowfor a while,you’llfinallybe readytoact.Familyand friendswillchallengeyou. You’llhavethemoneyto tackle aspecialprojector treatyourselftosomewelldeservedluxuries.
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec.21
Althoughyoumayfeel asifyou’retreading water,everythingwill soonpickupspeed. Carefullylookoveryour billstoavoidbeingdinged for amistake.
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan.19
Youandyourteamwill accomplish aremarkable feat. You’llbeawarded infrontof acrowd. Thisexperiencewill boostyourself-esteem andself-confidence.
AQUARIUS Jan.20-Feb.18
Yourimpressive roster ofclientswillbringin additionalincomethis week. Explorespiritual practicesoradopt a lifestyleinlinewithyour convictions.
PISCES Feb. 19-March20
Keepaneyeonyour deadlinestocomplete your tasks ontime. Youmayspontaneously plan atrip,whichwill make youver yhappy Rememberthesaying, “Slowandsteadywins therace.”
Fillinthegridsothat everyrow,every columnand every3 x3box contains thenumbers 1through 9onlyonce. Each 3x3box isoutlinedwith a darkerline. Youalreadyhave a fewnumbers to get youstarted. Remember:youmustnot repeatthe numbers 1through 9inthesameline, columnor 3x3 box.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
3900 Ar thurDrive, Ladner 604-946-4522
4979-44A Avenue,Ladner 604-946-9179 •604-946-4224
AllSaintsAnglican Church
JoinusSundayService @10am
WednesdayService @10am followedbyBibleStudy Formoreinformation
www.allsaintsladner.orgor call604-946-8413. 4755ArthurDrive,Delta
www.ladnerlife.com info@ladnerlife.com 5545Ladner TrunkRd. ONLINEORIN-PERSON, Sundays @9:30a.m.
1115 –51AStreet Tsawwassen
st.davidsdelta51@gmail.com www.stdavidsdelta.com
St Da vid’ s AnglicanChurch
The reading onthe Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18) challenges us to use our God-given authority inthefamily,in the Church, and society, withfidelity and responsibility.
Today, pastoralministr y includesnotonly the pastoral care given by those named orordained as “pastors,” but also the loving servicegiven by all Christianswhofollow different callings to serve andleadothers
The analogy ofleaders asshepherdsis bothtimeless andprofound. Just like biblicalshepherds who cared fortheirflocks, our modern-day leaders shouldexhibit similar
Sundaysat10:00 a.m. Rev.Jason Truell
中文主日崇拜 10:00a.m.
Nancy 楊牧師
4594 –54AStreet, Ladner,B.C. 604-946-7033, office@ladnercrc.com www.ladnercrc.ca
Tsawwassen United Church
693–53rdStreet,Tsawwassen Welcometoeveryonefor Worship &Friendship Sundays @10:00am tuc@telus.net604.943.2911
“Be Faithful,betrue, be ablessing”
qualities: compassion, guidance, and a genuine concernforthe well-being ofthose they lead.
Shepherdsinthe Bible were intimately compassionate andconnected to theirsheep. They knew each one by name, understood theirneeds, andprotected themfrom harm.
They guided their sheep to green pastures and still waters.They led them away from danger and toward safety. Shepherdsprotect their flock. Theywere selfless intheirduty. Leaders shouldprioritize service over self-interest. Shepherds were accountablefor ever y sheep Transparency,integrity, and responsibility are essential.
Asleaders in various areas oflife bothinthe nationandin our families, letusimitate Jesus Christ who was moved withcompassion to make sure that noneof usis scattered, but allare gathered as a flock with oneshepherd. May God heal our nation.
We appreciatethe greattimeand sacrificegiven by our veterans,and alltheygaveofthemselvessothatall ofusmightcontinue to livefreely, ina democracy. We willalwaysremember thosewhodiedso we mayliveon.
Thanks to theVeterans fortheirbrave andselflessservice.Wesalutethem on Remembrance Day. Placeanad inour Remembrance DayFeature andshareyourmessagewithour Delta Optimistreaders.
Dates: Published Thursday, November7th
Booking Fr iday, November1
Copy Monday, November4
The provincialelection has comeand gone but the work of chosen leaders continues. It’s not enough to secure a position;the realtask liesin serving thecommunity faithfully. Let’s hope our leaders embracetheir roles withtheheart of a shepherd, tending to the needs oftheir“flock” and nurturinga betterfuture. And remember, just like sheep, we all need a good shepherd to guide usthroughlife’s challenges
Sixth annualshow set for Nov. 2 to 3 at Ladner’s Harris Barn
South Delta’s vibrant artscommunity will once again delight and dazzle visitors at the sixth annual For the Love of Art Show & Salethanks to dedicated event organizer andartist Jan Rankin.
This family-friendly event features a wide range ofart andartisanal itemsforshow and sale from32of Delta’s finest creators. Browse two floors andmeettheartists, enjoy live music, onsite food, doorprizes, and more.
The show is Nov. 2 and 3 from10 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days at Ladner’s Harris Barn(4140Arthur
Drive).Free admission andfree parking.
Sincethe inaugural show in 2018, Rankin’s missionand passion has been to bring together the diverse talent ofartistsandartisans in the Ladnerand Tsawwassen area withart lovers and collectors. This gently juried and carefully curated show supportsartistsand offers so muchto visitors.
“It’sa chance to get to know artistsandtheir artwork and soak in the beautiful show ambiance the Harris Barn offers,” explains Rankin. “It’s also the perfect way to shoplocally forthe
holidays because there’s something for everyone. Explore one-of-a-kind handcrafted, exquisite items you won’t find anywhere else.”
The enthusiasmand energy that visitors and artists alike bring to the show draws locals and visitors across the Lower Mainland.
Catch headliner music act Jana Sealeand a performance by local musician Sam Wallace On-site food by Mr Mom’s World Catering. Special community fundraiser guests include South Delta Minor Hockey Association. See this year’s artist lineup at https://www.janrankin. com/for-the-love-of-art -Submitted
ijacques@delta-optimist.com or 604-998-3616
Ongoing Thrift ShopHours: Monday 1– 4:30pm,Tuesday -Saturday10am–3pm
Joinusfora nightofholidayfun,treats, andeverythingyouneedtomakethe holidaysspecial.
Blackthorn returns to Ladnerforanother appearance at the Sunday @3 Concert Series at Ladner United Church on Nov. 3.
Blackthorn is a Canadian Celtic folk band that saw its inception back in 1989 with a group of musicianswhofound a common interest in a music that wasn’tallthat common in Vancouver at the time.
Early highlights included performing at Vancouver’s seminal Celtica Festival in 1990 along with De Dannan andAndy M. Stewart and performing and recording withthe World Champion SFU Pipe Band Sincethen,thegroup has travelleda long road throughthe streetsof
traditionalandcontemporary Celtic music, performing concertsand at Celtic and Folk Festivals and Highland Games throughout Western Canada andthe Pacific Northwest.
Blackthornfeatures fourtalented musicians, three ofwhomshare lead vocals, bringinga refreshingdiversity of character to thegroup’s polished soundandall fourcontributea mastery of a colourful variety of instruments. The results of their collective musical backgrounds, skills and experience are witnessed in thehigh-calibre, entertaining performances they consistently deliver to audiences ofall ages.
The Sunday @3 Concert starts at 3 p.m.
Blackthorn returnstoLadner foranotherappearanceattheSunday @3 Concert SeriesatLadner UnitedChurchonNov. 3.
Admission is $10 (cash) at thedoor. Ladner United Church is located in his-
toric Ladner Village at 494048th Ave. -Submitted
Auditions willtake place on Monday, Nov. 4 and Tuesday, Nov. 5 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the TsawwassenArtsCentre
Bedtime Stories by Canada’s Norm Foster and directed by Carroll Lefebvre will run at the TsawwassenArts Centre from Jan.17 to Feb. 1.
Bedtime Stories is a comedy of six scenes, which featurea bed as the primar y focus. A shock radio jock pays a couple to make love on the air.A woman visits a dying man she hurt years ago. Two thievesdiscovera shocking secret. An aging rock staris confronted by a groupie An accident-prone stripper meets withhernononsense boss.A woman
leaving her husband lectures themovers on the proper way to treata lady.
There are 15 characters that will be played by five actors.
Requirementsare one male actorwhois 50-60 years old, two male actors 30 to 40 years old, onefemale actorwhois 50 to 60 years old and onefemale inher20’s.
Auditions will take placeon Monday, Nov. 4 and Tuesday, Nov. 5 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the TsawwassenArts Centre (117256th Street).
Those wishing to audi-
tionare asked to prepare a comedy monologue approximately 30 seconds long andthere will be a cold readfromthe script
Sidekick Players is a volunteerorganization that is celebrating its28th seasonin South Delta
Thisisan award-winning theatre company that bringsexcellent theatre to thecommunity at very affordable prices!
For more information if required, please contact Sidekick Players at : sidekickplayers@outlook. com.
We’reproudtoannouncethegraduationof 6newteams: 1newGuideDogteamand5newOSI-PTSDServiceDog teamsthismonth!
We can’twaittoseethepositiveimpactthey’llmakein theircommunities!
We'reexcitedtoannouncethatourCapitalCampaignhashitamajormilestonewiththe groundbreakingofournewBreeding &TrainingCentreofExcellence,takingplaceearly November!Thisstate-of-the-artfacilitywill reducewaittimesanddoubletheindividuals weservebybreeding& trainingmore amazingGuideandServiceDogs. Thankyouforyourcontinuedsupport!
OnDecember3rd,yourdonationcangotwiceasfar thankstotheCanadianTillingFoundationandtheirmatchingprogram!
Contribute$250ormore toourPuppySponsorshipProgrambetweenNov. 1 andDec.15forachancetonameafuturepup.DonateonGivingTuesdayand receiveTWOentries!ThedrawdateissetforJanuary6,2025.
Dementia is a general term for various braindisorders that can affect behavior, thinking and memory.Among the condition that qualifyasdementia, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) isthemost common.
ADisanirreversible condition that destroys memory, thinking and the ability to carry out daily activities Although initialAD symptoms may be mild,the diseaseworsens overtime and eventually people withAD will need full-time care. Many peopleare interested in any ways they can reducethe severity ofADor stave offitsprogression. Cardiovascular fitness could be an
important toolinthat fight. Cardiovascularactivity mayhelp lessen theimpactofdementia and AD in particular. Aerobicexercise programs aimed at improving cardiovascularfitness seem to have moderate effectson cognitive function amonghealthy older persons. But datafrom current randomized controltrialsare insufficient to show that these improvementsare due exclusively to improved cardiovascular fitness.
Still, incorporating cardiovascular exercise inall stagesoflifeisimportant. Here area few notable ways exercise couldaffectAD outcomes
Improved blood flow: Regular cardiovascularexercise facilitates blood circulation to thebrain. Betterblood flow delivers adequate oxygen and nutrients to thebrain, which isimportant for maintaining cognitive function.
Risk factor reduction: Cardiohelps manage several risk factors associated withAD, such asdiabetes, high cholesterol and highblood pressure By lowering these risk factors, individuals may reducetheirlikelihood ofdeveloping formsofdementia.
Reduced inflammationand oxidative stress: Physicalactivity can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress inthe
body, each ofwhich are linked to neurodegenerative diseases. The American Brain Foundation says high levelsof inflammation ofthebrain may accelerate brain aging and contribute to the progressionof neurodegenerative diseases like AD, Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia.
Improved sleep: Regular exercise can helppromote more regular sleep patterns, which improvesmood and cognitive health.
Although cardiovascularexercise cannot prevent dementia, it may helpdelay its onset.
-Metro Creative
Three seconds go by in a flash, but that’s enough timefor another person to jointhe massesalready diagnosed with dementia. According to Alzheimer’s Disease International, ever y three seconds someone inthe world develops dementia, a conditionthat more than55million people were living within2020.
The World Health Organization notesthat various diseases and injuriesthat affectthe
brain can contributeto dementia. Asmenacinga threatas dementia presents, individualsare not helpless against it. In fact,exercise, which can helplower risk for heart disease, stroke and various other conditions, can bea valuableally against dementia as well.
Whatisthe link betweenexercise and dementia?
Dementia remains something of a mystery, but theAlzheimer’s Society notesthat evi-
dence is now strong enough to support theassertionthat lack ofphysical exercise increasesa person’s risk ofdeveloping dementia.
The Alzheimer’s Society also notesthat researchers have discovered improvementsin thinking and memor y and reduced rates ofdementia among middle-aged and older adultswho exercised compared to those that did not.
How shouldaging adultsapproachexer-
cise ifthey have been largely sedentary?
Middle-aged and older adultswho have not been physically active throughout their adult life but want to begin incorporating exercise into their daily routines are urged to speak withtheirphysicians prior to beginninga fitness regimen.
Preexisting conditions may make itdifficult, if not impossible, to engage incertainformsofexercise. A personal physician can consider a patient’s
uniquemedicalhistory and then recommend certainexercisesthat won’t put himorherin jeopardy of suffering an injur y or illness. A gradual approachto exercising is typically best for individualswho have lived a sedentar y lifestyle.
Starting off slowly with a short walkorlight physical activity like gardening can helpthe body acclimate to physical activity at a safe pace.
Asadults’ bodies become more accustomed to
exercise, men and women can thengradually increase theintensity oftheir workouts, switching from walking to jogging on a treadmillwhen possible There is no cure for dementia, but adults are not helpless against the various forms ofthe condition. Researchers have discovered that preventive measureslike routine exercise can be aneffective way to reduce dementia risk.
-Metro Creative
Birds Ca nada
People have a strange love-hate relationship withinsects.
Many of us can remembera timewhen flies, mosquitos, and midges werereadily seen on a warm summer evening and our windshields were covered with splattered bugs.
Now it seemsthat those days are behind us. Oh, the joy of not being bitten!
In recent years, Canada has witnessed alarming declinesininsect populations,a trend echoed
globally. Thisdecline poses significant ecological threats, particularlyto aerial insectivores- birds like swallows, swifts,flycatchers andnightjars, that rely on insectsas prey
These birdsplay a crucial rolein maintaining ecological balance by controlling insect populations, yet their reliance on insects makes them susceptible to fluctuations ininsect availability. In Canada, aerial insectivores have declined by 43 per cent sincethe1970’s, asshown in the recent Stateof Canada’s Birds report by Birds Canada.
What unites allaerial insectivoresistheir reliance on insects, and their population declines because of thedrop in insect numbers.
Habitat degradation, largely due to urbanization and agricultural expansion, disruptsthe ecosystemsthat support diverse insect popula-
tions Wetlands, forests, andgrasslands, essential habitats for countless insects, are increasingly fragmented, reducing the availability of food for birds. Climate change furtherexacerbates these issues, asshifting temperaturesand weather patternsalterthe availability of insects
Fortunately, efforts to combat these declinesare gaining momentum. Initiativesaimed at restoring habitats, reducing pesticideuse, and promoting sustainable agriculturalpracticesare vital.
essential notonly for the survival of aerial insectivores but for the overall health of Canada’s ecosystems. By safeguarding insect populations, Canada can ensure the survival of itsaerial insectivoresand maintainthe intricate web of lifethat sustainsits natural environment.
Editor ’s note: Nature Notes is a monthly column produced by the Delta Naturalists and their community partners. For more informationonmonthly meetings and more see www.deltanaturalists.org and www. facebook.com/DeltaNats.
There wasa full house at the Coa st Ts aw wa ss en In n on Sat urday, Oc t. 26,as the De lta Sp orts Ha ll of Fa meheldits 18th annual Ba nquetof Ch ampions
Th e so ld-out ev en t re co gn iz ed 15 Ha llof Fa me In duct ee s and 2024 Sp or t Ch ampions
Th e ba nquetinclude d a ke ynot e addres s f ro m Pa ra ly mp ia n Jo sh Va nder Vi es, who re centl y se rv ed ascoch efdemis si onfor
Te am Ca na da at the Pa ri s 2024 Pa ra ly mp ic Ga mes.
Va nder Vi estalk ed ab ou t hislifeexperienceas a pe rs on wi th a dis ab ilit y andthe w ay th at sp or t open ed door s and gave himthe oppor tu nit y to liv e his v alues.
He encourag ed ev e ryone to find a way to expres s their ow n va lue st hrou ghtheir pa rticip at ionin sp or t.
Ha llof Fa meinductee s sp ok e ab ou t the im pa ctof sp or t ontheir l ivesandwh at itmean t to them to be honoured by the ha ll.
Bu ilderinduct ee Ka thy Lane, re co gn iz ed forhercontributions to so ft ba ll, sa id, “You don’ t ne ed an aw ard to
kno w th at you ’v e done a goo d jo b– bu t it ’s nic e to kno w th at so meone noticed.”
De ltaMP Ca rl a Qu altrou ghcommended the Ha llof Fa mefor re co gn izin gt hecont ri bu tionsof sp or t to De lta.
“O urcommunit y is st ro ng an d re si lie nt –a nd sp or t isone of the re asonsforth at,” sa id
Qu altrou gh
Ha llof Fa meinduc tee s include da thlet e Sa ra McMa nu s (field ho ck ey ),pione er Pe te r Da rv ill(pic kle ba ll),and sp onso rs Al la na nd Phyl lis Wawr yk (Sund a nc e Ne ig hb ou rh oo d Pu b).
Sp or t ch ampions from So uth De lta include d you th a thl etes Za ch Mc Le od (s wi mming), De smond Treg as ki s (b as eb all), and Ni st ara Up pa l (s occer); a ndcoaches Ka re n and Mi ke Ki lp at ri ck (volle yb all).
De lta Sp orts Ha llof Fame ch air Ri ck Le wa ll thank ed the ba nquet ’s sp onsor s, notin g th at their su ppor ta llo we d the ha ll to invit e al l honouree s to at te nd free of ch ar ge
Me mb er s of t he De lta Spo rt s Ha llof Fa me a re re corde d onthe De lta
Sp orts Wa llof Fa me, lo ca te d onthepl az a atmu nicipal ha ll. Fo r more infor ma tion ab ou t the Sp orts Ha llof Fa me, includin ga fulllis t of pa st induct ee s and Sp or t Ch ampionsand infor ma tiononho w to nomin at e so meonefor the ha ll,visittheir we bsite at h tt p://www.deltas po r tshalloffame.c a.
- Su bmitte d
ijacque s@ delta-optimis t. co m
The South Delta Secondar y SunDevilslooked poised for longplayoff runsafter a pairof blow out wins last week
The senior varsity team scored 22unanswered points in thethird quarter breaking open a 13-7 game to beat Notre Dame35-7inits final home gameof the season last Saturday.
The win improved the Sun Devils overall record to 8-1and 4-1 inconferenceplay.
South Deltaalso secured at least the second seed in the conference whenthe playoffs start in two weeks.
South Deltatravels to the North Shore on Saturday forits final conference game against Handsworth.
South Deltaled 13-7 at halftime but blew the gameopen
withan85-yard kick-off return touchdown by Koen Hubbard to open the second half
The defence cameupbig on several drives, stifling the Jugglers’ offence, while the Sun Devilsoffence capitalized on several drives to win going away
Dominic Dumas finished with154 rushing yards with two TDs, as wellas134 passing yards and two TDs. Damian Dumas rushed for78 yards on 12 carries Quinn Sjoberg led the wide receivers with two catches for 48 yards, while Holden Hunter had four catches for 40 yards. Defensively, Gage Spargo led the way with seven tackles while Tommy Cowan, Dominic Dumas and Hudson Robinson, each had five tackles
“We beat a really solid and wellcoache d team the y slow ed our primar y offensive weapon today, but we show ed
that we can win indifferent ways,” saidassistant coach
Scott Martens
“This wasa total teameffort especially in the second half, with special teamsanddefence leading the way.
“That, to go with a well-balanced offencethat was able to spread the ballaround. It was a great way for our seniors to
go out on with their last home gamein South Delta.”
Junior Varsity
The junior varsity Sun Devils played itsfinalconference gameof the season last Thursday, resulting in a 34-0 win over Sullivan Heights. The win pushed the Sun Devils record to 5-4 overalland 3-1inconferenceplay.
South Delta hasa bye this weekand will have to wait to see what seed they will getfor the playoffs.
South Deltaopened the scoring on a 55-yard punt returnfrom Cameron MacVeigh.
This wasfollowed by a 33-yard touchdown pass from Quinn Kirincic to Easton Geisbrecht fora 13-0lead.
Luke Farrell ended the first quarter scoring with a 22-yard touchdownrun.
There was no scoring in the secondor third quarters
In the fourth, the SunDevils scored a pairof running touchdowns–a seven-yard rushfrom Ben Fuerniss and a 27-yard run from Evan Steeves.
South Deltadresseda lotof back-upplayers giving them lotsofplaying time, while resting many of their key starters.
Alison is aconsummateprofessionalinevery way.Shewaspatient,helpful,andpresented our propertyusingmanymediums.Shegave uslotsofnoticeforshowingsandwasalwayspresent forthem. Hergreatcommunicationskillskept usinformed andattimes,putusatease.Wehighly recommendher!
Fallistheperfecttimetoexplorenewrealestateopportunitiesandfindyourdreamhome. Whetheryou'relookingtobuyorsell,letmehelpyoumakethemostofthemarketthis season.Don’tmissout—yournewhomeisjust acallaway!
D&BHansen “ClientTestimonial”
2bed, 2bathGORGEOUScondo
Largeparcelincentral Tsawwassen, twoproperties tobesold together 5215+ 52256th Ave. OCPis for duplex/coachhomes/ townhouses.NEWPRICE $4,700,000! Contact Aileen fordetails!
YourIdeal FamilyHomeinImperialVillage! Thisbeautifullymaintained4-bedroom,3-bathroomhomeoffers over3,000sq/ftofbrightlivingspace. Thetraditionallayoutfeaturesallbedroomsand aspaciousgamesroom upstairs,including agrandprimarysuitewith awalk-inclosetandsoakertub.Enjoytheprivacy of afully-fenced backyardbackingontothehillsidewithmaturelandscaping. With a6yearoldroofandnewflooring,thishome ismove-inready.
CharmingBeachGrove RancherinSunnyTsawwassen.Centrallylocatedandonly afewblockstotheBeach, BeachGrove ElementarySchool,shopping,recreationcenter,transitandgolfcourse.2bedroom/2bathroomwith newerroof,furnace,andhot waterondemand.Large,coveredpatioandpowered workshopoutback.Great Starterhomeorbuild yourdreamhome.(6140sqftlot55.77ft x110ft)providesflexibledevelopmentoptions.
#307 –20686EastleighCr.
TheGeorgiais aqualitybuilt4-year-oldpetfriendlyapartmentlocatedintheheartofLangley.This 2beds/ 2bathsplusinsidestorageunitfeatures a9feetceiling,granitecounters,A/Cinmasterbedroom,openconcept livingandqualityfinishingthroughout.EquippedwithanexerciseCenter,2parkingstallsplusstoragelocker, andamplestreetparking.Centrallocation,closetoKwantlenUniversity,shopping,dining,andthefutureSurrey LangleySkytrain.Greatopportunitytolive orinvestin!
Experienceserenelivingon1.58acreswiththisbeautiful4-bedroom,2-bathhome.Boasting13,000sqftofflat,usablespace,this propertyoffersendlesspotential. Thehomefeatures awalkoutbasementwith afullyequippedkitchenbothupstairsanddown.Upstairs, find 2bedrooms, 1bath,andanupdatedkitchenandflooring.Downstairs,twogenerouslysizedbedroomsprovideamplespace.Enjoy stunningviewsofthe FraserRiverandcityfromthelarge,covereddeck, overlooking avastgreenspaceand ravine. Featuringanupdated roof,HWtank,furnace,and AC,thishomehasbeenmeticulouslymaintained.Anenclosedcarport,currentlysetupas aworkshop,can easilybeconvertedinto agarage,addingfurtherflexibilitytothisproperty.Idealformulti-generationallivingorinvestment!
Beautifullyredesignedandsignificantlyrenovated by KempConstructionin2010,thisfamilyhomeintheUpperTsawwassen/PebbleHillareais readyfor yourfamily.Themainfloorwelcomes youwith alargeopenkitchen,greatroomconceptwith vaultedceilings,living/diningroom,spacious kitchenandeatingareaopeningto alargepatio,plus aseparatefamily/gamesroom. Thegreatroomis overlookingthelargesunnybackyardwith astunningnewsaltwaterpoolandcoveredhottubwith aprivatefirebowlseatingarea. This yardissetupforthekidstoplaywhileentertaining familyandguests.Completingthemainflooris aconvenientoffice/guestroomwithensuitebathroom. 4largebedroomsupwith 3bathsincluding aluxuriousensuiteintheprimarybedroom.Incredibleimprovementsinclude,HRVsystem,on-demandhot water,newelectrical,plumbing, in-groundsprinkler,stainlesssteelappliances,roof,siding,windows,fireplaceandmore...atraditionalhomewithallthemodernfeatures.
48378A Ave.
NestledintheprestigiousUpperTsawwassenneighborhood,justminutesfromthebeach,thiscustom ownerbuilt3-bedroom,3-bathroom rancheroffersbothcomfortandpotential.Situatedon abright8,300+sq/ftlot,the propertyboasts acharmingpondand apowered workshop,cateringto avarietyofinterests. Theprimarybedroom featuresan oversizeden-suitebathroom, agenerous walk-incloset,andlargewindowsthatprovideviewsofthe park-likebackyard. Theexpansive 1,400+sq/ftunfinishedbasementis ablankcanvas,readytobetransformedinto asecondarysuite,homegym,theater,additionalbedrooms,oranythingelse yourfamilydesires.
• DevelopmentSite: 9,545sq.ft.lot,approximately0.22acres.
• ZoningPotential: Municipality suggests RM 1orRM2zoningfor a four-story building.
• PotentialAssembly: Sitecouldbecombinedwithadjacentproperties (11659,11663,and11671229thStreet)fordevelopment.
• NeighboringDevelopments: Fivelotsnextdoorarecurrentlyunder redevelopment.
• CurrentUse: Familyhomesuitablefor rental;sellerprefers long-term rentback.
•PrimeLocation: Formershowhomein CollegeHeights onan11,518sq.ft.pool-sized cornerlotwith asprinklersystem,offeringfantasticprivacyand aviewofMt.Baker
•OutdoorFeatures: Sidingonto aCDS,providing greataccessforRVparkingor afuture shop,withmanyoptionsforuse.
•InteriorDesign: Customhomewith10ft. ceilings andnearly 8ft. high doorsonthe mainfloor,featuring agourmetislandkitchenopento alarge family roomwith agas fireplaceandbackyardview
•SpaciousLayout: Foyerwithopenstaircaseleadingto 4sizablebedroomsupstairs, 2 fullbaths,and afullbasementsuitableforin-lawaccommodation.
•Immediate Availability: Oneofthelargest propertiesinthe neighborhood, available forimmediatepossession
•PrimeParcel: 20.25-acrepropertywithtwohomesandan8,400sq.ft.barn,located ona quietsectionof104thnearBoundaryBayand aprivateairstrip.
•DrivewayAccess: FuturedrivewayaccessoffHornbyDrive,suitableforlarge trucks.
•MainHome: A3,162sq.ft.4-bedroomrancher,builtin1972, renovatedin1987, with aroof replaced12years ago and a30-carcementdriveway
• SecondHome: A3-bedroomrancher,idealas afuturebuildingsite.
•Barn: Afirst-classfacilityusedforbreedingracehorses,with asteel roofand cladding, suitableforvariousfarminguseswith good nearby irrigation.
•LargeParcel: 17.34-acresquarepropertywithsubstantial roadfrontage and a roughed-in seconddrivewayentrance.
•CharmingHome: Cozy4-bedroom English stylehomewith a4-year-old roof, freshexteriorpaint,andnewcarpets
•Equestrian Facilities: Includes a5-stallbarn,hayfield,andspaciouspasture areapreviouslyusedasanequestrianfacility
•ConvenientLocation: SituatedbetweenLadnerand Tsawwassen,closeto TsawwassenMillsMall,BCFerries,TFNIndustrialPark,and30minutesfrom Vancouver
•InvestmentPotential: Propertyhas significantinvestmentpotential withfuture portexpansionplansandadjacencyto 2BCRailpropertiesneartherailway
•PrimeLocation: 3.19-acreparcelon WesthamIsland,offeringthetranquilityof countrylivingjust10minutesfromurbanconveniences.
•CharmingHome: Features awell-maintained1,479sq.ft.3-bedroomrancher withspacious roomsthroughout.
•OutdoorFeatures: Includes alarge gardenarea, astorage shed,andbeautifully landscapedsurroundings.
•ExpansionPotential: DeltaMunicipalityallowsfortheconstructionof a3,552 sq.ft.homeplusanadditional1,937 sq.ft. dwelling, idealforextended families.
•UniqueLifestyle: Enjoya speciallifestyle closetonaturewhilebeingmoments awayfromtheamenitiesofDelta.
•PropertySizeand Location: Amazing16,071sq.ft.estate-sizedlotin aquiet,central Tsawwassenlocation.
•HomeFeatures: Two-levelhomewith 5bedrooms, a6-year-old roof,hardwood floors,and acomfortablefloorplanwith roomforin-lawsdownstairs.
•FuturePotential: Massivelotwithspaceforfuturedevelopments,suchas ashop, duplex,orlarger second dwelling; Deltapermitsupto 4unitsor8734sq.ft. maximumbuildingenvelope.
•DevelopmentOptions: Deltaisopentoconsidering alarger seconddwellingwith squarefootage potentiallycomingoutofthemainhouse.
•Convenience: Convenientlylocatedjust a15-minutewalktomostamenitiesintown.
479544A Aven ue
4Bed |2Bath |2050sqft
Quiet WestLadnerlocationwith asolid4Bed, 2Bath,2050sqft 2levelhomewithinequalwalkingdistancetoDelta SecondarySchool &LadnerElementary.Classicfloorplanwith3Bedroomsand 1Bathroomupalongwith adownstairs thatincludes 1Bedroom,living room &kitchen.Improvementsincl.2013windows, roof,furnaceand a2014fully renovatedupstairsbathroom.Features apeek-a-booviewofLadner’spicturesquefarmlandfromtheupstairsliving room,spaciousbedrooms,gasfireplaceandplentyofstoragespace.Withitscloseproximitytoschools,Ladnervillage &transit,thiswelllovedhomeistheperfectspacefor afamilylookingtosettleinoneofthelowermainland’smost popularcommunitieswiththepotentialforextendedfamilyor amortgagehelperonthegroundfloor.
Welcometothe1stof 2builtgreenhomesinLentelConstructionslatestdevelopment.Thesearecollectionsof carefullycrafted,highquality,energyefficienthomes.This 4Bed +Den, 5bath,2533sqfthomeftr’stimelessdesign coupledw/anintelligentfloorplan.Ftr’sincltripleglazedwindows,A/C,EV ready &pre-wiredforsolarpanels.The homealsoftr’sa512sqft,3rdstoreymedia/flexspacew/fullbathroom. WalkingdistancetoHawthorneElementary, transit,walkingtrails,shoppingandhistoricLadnerVillage.Buildingpractices,technology,andmaterialshave changedovertime,butonethingthathasn’tchangedatLentelistheirpassionfornevercompromisingonquality, doingthingsright &constantlystrivingtobethebuildersthattheywouldwantintheirownhomes.
Thisultrarare,oneof akindpropertyinBoundaryBaySouthDeltaistheabsoluteperfectplacetobuildyourdream home.LocatedonprestigiousCentennialParkway,on ano-thru roadthisRS6zonedlotisdirectlyacrossthestreet fromCentennialBeach. Yourbuildingplanscouldincl. asinglefamilydetachedhomew/either a3rd storeyortake advantageoftheendlessocean &mountainviewsw/anexpansive rooftopdeckexperiencew/otheroptionsto incl. asecondarysuiteorcoachhome.57CentennialPkwyexistsin aecologicallyrichareaw/sandybeaches &tidal flatswhiletheneighbourhoodissurroundedbyproductivefarmlandendlesswalking &bikingtrailsaswellasthe Southlandsthatfeaturesnewadditionslikecoffeeshops,farmersmarkets &localfavourite…FourWindsBrewing.
#156105RiverRoad $1,199,000
•Fullydetached 2bedroom &den rancherwith1658sq.ft.oflivingspace
•Featuresopenconceptstyleliving, largegourmetkitchen,familyroometc,
•SidebysideDoublegaragewithlarge fencegardens!
•StepstoMillennium Trail,Riversetting &Restaurants!
•Spacious 2Bedroom 2Bathrenovated modernupstylecondo
•Bringyourboat(30’Boatslip)toenjoy yearroundcruising
•Primelocationtostroll(1dogor 1cat Welcome)toparks,recreation,shops ,& restaurantsinHistoricalLadner
•Greatopportunitytoenjoytranquilresort styleliving!
•Outstandingcustombuilt 4bedroom &denhome
•Nestledin aquietcul-de-saconlargesouthwestlot
•Beautifulopenconceptlivingwithhigh-end appliances: Wolfe,SubZero &Miele
•Coveredpatiowith 2heaters,ingroundsprinkler system &shed
•Primelocation! WalkingdistancetoLadner Elementar y, DeltaSecondar ySchool,parks,shops, transit &more!
•Uniquepropertieslikethisare arareopportunity tofind
•TOP FLOORcondo at Tsawwassen Springs
•Spacious1368sq. ft.2bedroom &den
•Doublecar garage
•Totallyupdated2,660sq.ft. 5Bedroom 3Bathhome
•GourmetKitchen,newbathrooms, flooringetcMoveinCondition
•Large9602sq.ft. Westfacinggardens
Beautifulfamilyhomeon agreatstreetinupperTsawwassen.Homefeatures3600sq.ft, 5bdrms,3 fullbathrooms,largegreatroom,biggamesroom,hardwood floors,manyupdatesandalllargerooms.Homehasexcellentfloorplanthatopenstoa fabulousprivatesouthernexposed yard.Don’tmissthisGreathomeina Greatlocationat aGreatPrice.
FabulouslocationonTsawwassen’sfineststreet. Beautiful80’ x126.6’withfabulousorganicgardens andtotalprivate. Thepropertyfeatures agreat 2120Sq.Ft.Rancherwith 3bedrooms,denand goodfloorplan. Thisoutstandingpropertyhasmany opportunities,build ahugehomewith aview,builda duplexwith 2suitsandvieworrenovatethe rancher. Thesegreatproperties rarelycometomarketdon’tmiss your chanceto ownafabulouspartofTsawwassen. Callfordetails.
FABULOUSPENTHOUSEWITH 3BEDROOMS, 2FULL BATHROOMS,1188sq.ft.,CORNERUNITANDfootstepsto TsawwassenMillsshoppingdistrict!THISOpen &BrightSouthEast unitoffershighqualityfinishing.Beautifulkitchenwithstainlesssteel appliances,quartzcountertops,undermountsink &oversizedisland forentertaining.9’ceilingsgive thiscondo WONDERFULspaceAND LIGHT.BEAUTIFULPRIMARYbedroomtuckeddownthehallwith walkthroughcloset &gorgeousensuitebath wdoublesinks.Bonus underground2 parkingstalls &securedstoragelocker.THISComplex features aGym &amenityroom.Easyaccess Freeway,Ferry &public transit.ComeexperiencethelifestyleofSunnyTsawwassen!THESE PENTHOUSE’SRARELYCOME TO MARKET. CALLFORDETAILS.
Tsawwassenspringsgolfcourseisresortstylelivingat it’sfinest.Beautifulopen &bright 2bdrm &denwith 2fullbathroomsandlargeheateddeck. Thiscondo hasspectacularviewsofgolfcourseandNorthShore mountainsfeaturing11’ceilings,gourmetkitchen,large primarybdrm,big walkinclosetandspa-likeensuite. Enjoytheendless180degreegolfcourse,NorthShore mountainsandbeautifulsunsets. Thisunitcomeswith 2parkingspacesclosetoelivatortandbikeroom. Walking distancetoTsawwassen FitnessCentre, PatQuinn’s Restaurant,Nat’s,Coffee,Newman’sandTsawwassen Mills.Don’tmissthisfabulouscondo. #506-5011SPRINGSBOULEVARD
2Bedroomsanddenongroundlevelinroyaloaks. Greatdevelopmentandlocation, walkingdistancetoall amenitiesand veryquietlocation. Thisunitwithitssize andextraden rarelycometomarketsodon’tmiss your chanceto owninthisfabulousdevelopment.Thisnice unitisingoodconditionwithundatedappliances.
Bedrooms: 2•Bathrooms:2 FloorArea:1,022Sq.Ft. •Built:2024
Welcome to Salt &MeadowII! This stunningtwobedroom, two bathroom cornerpenthouseunitofferstheperfect combinationoflifestyleandluxury.Thisunitboastsgorgeous oceanviews andsunsets to beenjoyedthroughoutthehomeand fromthespaciouspatio.Brandnewandneverlivedin,withan openandtastefullydesignedkitchen, extending to thelargeliving roomwithsoaring ceilingsthroughout.Other featuresinclude access to theclubhouseincludingoutdoorpoolas wellas afitness centrelocatedinthebuilding,twoparking stalls,one storage lockerand AC.Convenientlylocatedclose to ampleshopping, restaurantsandmoreatTsawwassenMillsand Commonsand only25kmfromVancouver.
Bedrooms: 3•Bathrooms:2.5 FloorArea:1484sq.ft.
Welcome to Boardwalk!Builtin2022,thislovely 3bedroom, 2.5bath,1/2duplexhasitall. Thishomeoffers afunctionallayout with aspaciouskitchen,islandand aFisher Paykelgas range.The openmainfloorboasts9’and vaulted ceilings,largewindows andamplenaturallight.Upstairs youwillfindthebedrooms,main bathroom,laundry roomandtheprimarybedroom completewith aluxuriousensuiteand walk-incloset. Thishomeprovidesmany comfortsincludinglaminate throughout, asouth facingpatio withnaturalgashookup,adoublecargarageandtheclubhouse amenitiesincludingoutdoorpool,jacuzzi, yoga,kidsareaand more. Enjoythe conveniencesof TsawwassenMillsand Commons withshop,services, restaurantsandmore.
Bedrooms: 2• Bathrooms:2 FloorArea:1,181sq.ft.
Welcome to Pilothouse! Thisluxurious2-bedroom,2-bathroom condoboasts ararewest-facing,private, walk-upgardenentrance withbeautifulsunsetviews thatissteps to theMillennium Trailand Captain’s Cove Marina. Featuring10’ ceilings,plentyoflightanda functionalopenlayout,this contemporaryandelegantlydesigned 1,181sqfthomeoffersqualityfinishesthroughoutincluding agas range,built-in oven,integratedfridgeanddishwasher,largeisland, quartz countertops,marblebacksplashandplentyof storage throughout.Other featuresinclude:separatelaundry room, engineeredhardwood,spa-likebathrooms,pet-friendlybuilding, 1largeandsecureparking stall,bikestorageandanimpressive clubhouseoffering resort-likeamenities.
Fullyrenovatedfamilyhomewith separateentrancein-lawsuite.
2050thStreet, Tsawwassen
$1,849,000 PebbleHill,LargecornerLotHome inPrimelocation- featuringSarah GallopdesignedKitchen.
1bedroomcondowithitsown privatesunnypatiojuststeps away fromthetowncenter.
Greatstarterhomewhich includesa Legalsuite down,withviewsover BoundaryBayandfarmlands!
GROVEGEM– Exceptional Opportunity!
Beautiful4 bdrmfamilyhomein PebbleHill.
suitable onlargecornerlotwith RV parkingoff8A.
NestlednexttoPointRobertsthis quiet propertyisa perfectlocationfor investors,builders,orsmallfamily.
330 Tsawwassen,BeachRoad
$3,998,000 Panoramicoceanfrontproperty!85FT waterfrontage.Byappointmentonly.
573648B AveLadner
Renovated3bedroom 2bathfamilyhome withsunnyprivatebackyard
309S 110056Street,RoyalOaks
Spacious 2bedroompenthouse, inimmaculate condition.
Beachgroverancherupdatedto accommodate afamilywith 3bdrms and2 fullbaths
Discovertheepitomeofrancherstylelivingin thislovely homesituatedina quietcul-de-sac locationinImperial Village
598 TsawwassenBeach Road
1.308acres ofwalkoutbeachfront.Livingon thefinestbeachinTsawwassen.Custom-built one-ownerhomewithamazingsunsetviews.
”GARRYCOURTINLADNER”Unbeatablelocation neartheheartofLadner,juststepsfromshopping, restaurantsandparks.Spacious1,750sq.ft. 3bedroom 3fullbathroom townhome.Open conceptlivingspace completewithsolidmaplehardwood,9’ ceilings &gas fireplacesurrounded by builtins.Entertainer ’s sized kitchen completewithwhitecabinetry,quartz counters, stainlessappliances w/gas range,brandnewBosch dishwasher &pantrywithwine rack. Topflooroffers generousdualprimarybdrmseachwithanensuite& walkincloset.Bottomfloorincludeslargeden/easily usedas3rdbedroom/recroom/office.Bonus170sq.ft. Fullheight attic storagespacecouldbefinished additionallivingspace. Unitalsooffers afenced yard w/ patioand abalconyabove andhas agarageandcarport.
e-rachel@southdelta.homes w-www.rachelmacinnes.ca
4853CedarCrescent, Tsawwassen
OpenHouseSaturday,November2,from2:00 -4:00
OpenHouseSunday, November3,from2:00 -4:00
Charming CountryHomeon aSpacious Lot. This beautifullymaintained10,740sq.ft.property features adelightful3-bedroom,1-bathroomhome withmodernupdatesandclassiccharm.Enjoya newmetal roof,afully renovatedkitchen, aclassic clawfoottub,andnewerwindows.Themainfloor includes 2bedroomsand apotential3rdbedroom orrec/playroomupstairs. Additionalhighlights are a15x28detached workshop,gardenshed, andgreenhouse.Outside,the fenced yard offers flowerand veggiegardens, afirepit,andspacefor achickencoop.Justa 20-minutewalkfromLadner Villageand stepsfromtheFraserRiverDyke, this property combinespeaceful countrylivingwith convenientaccess to amenities.
NoStrataFees!Executivelivingatitsfinest!Thistranquil 3-bedroom,3-bathhalfduplexoffersoceansideliving! Enjoyoceanviewsfromthecomfortofyourprivatewest facingbackyardnestledin aprimelocationof Tsawwassen Shores!Theopen-conceptlivingspaceisbeautifullyfinished with18ftceilings,hardwoodfloors,andanabundanceof windowsforbeautifulsunsets. A4-footheatedcrawlspace offersample roomtokeepyourbelongingsorganized. Locatedjust a2-minutedrivefrom TsawwassenSpringsGolf Course,andTsawwassenMillsShoppingMall.
Priced @$1,245,000
ThisclassicCapeCod-stylehomeinUpper Tsawwassen offerscharmandspaceonan11,335sq.ft.cornerlot. With 4-5bedroomsand 4bathrooms,the3,073sq.ft. residencefeatures avaultedentrance,cedarwalls andhardwoodfloors.JustblocksfromEnglishBluff Elementary,youcanenjoythisfamilyfunctionalkitchen withanislandanddiningareaoverlookingthepool. Extra’sincludeanattachedworkshop,sauna,ample storage,andparking!Opportunityforduplexandtwo gardensuitebuildsavailable.
Welcome to ShannonHillsEstatesinCloverdale! This 2,737sq.ft.homeon a1/4 acreprivatelotincludes RV parking,a 24x30detachedshop,covereddeck, gazebo,water feature, andfruittrees. Themainfloor featuresspaciouslivinganddining rooms, afamily room,largekitchenwithgas range,eatingarea,full bath,andmud/laundry roomleading to thebackyard Upstairs,find alargeprimarybedroomwithensuite andwalk-incloset,plus 4additionalbedroomsand ahugebonus room. Twoseparateentrances to the secondfloor couldeasilycreate aprivatenanny suite. Thesidedriveway provideseasyaccess to the insulated,poweredshop.Upcomingupdatesinclude anewCloverdalehospital/cancercenter,KPU Tech Campus expansion,andtransitimprovements.
RAREFIND!Spaciousupdated2 bedroom &den penthousewithopenconceptplanandvaultedceilings offerslargeinterior& exteriorviewsfrom2 decksof Mt.Baker,VancouverIsland,themarinaandfreighterson theFraserRiver.Asanendcornersuiteallowsforextra windowsprovidingamazingnaturallightinthegreat room/livinganddiningareaandfeelslikea rancherin thesky!Thequalityhigh-endkitchenfeatureselaborate customcherrycabinetry,anoversizepeninsulaeating areacomplimentedw/granitecountertops,pullout appliancedrawer,thelatestsmartappliancesanda hugepantry.Otherupdatesincludelushflooringand qualitypaintthroughout.Alsooffersa nicegymfacility& workshop,2 parkingstalls,a hugestoragelookeranda 5minutewalktooldtownLadner.(30127774)
TOP10%GREATER VANCOUVERREALTORS *REBGVstats CALLAmber &Jenniferfor acomplimentaryhomeevaluationtoday!
2 |2|1 141sqft
Beautifullyupdatedground-levelcondowith townhouse-styleliving!Enjoyextrastreetparking &a gatedentranceto afencedprivateyardideal forentertainingorplay.Inside,find acozyliving roomwith abaywindow &gasfireplace(gasincl). Thekitchenfeaturesdarkwoodcabinetry,granite counters &s/sappliances &isconnectedtothe diningarea.Bothbdrmsarespacious, &theprimary offersdblclosets &fullensuite.StepstoLadner Village,LadnerPointeis awell-maintained,fullyrainscreenedbuilding!
3| 2.5 |1 691sqft
WelcometoLaurelCourt!Thischarming,wellmaintainedcomplexofjust14unitsoffersplenty ofgreenspaceand awelcomingcommunity.This fully renovated2-level,3-bedroom,3-bathroom townhomespans1,691sq.ft.ofmodernliving. Updatesincludenewflooring,kitchen,bathrooms, andlighting.Themainfloorfeaturesspaciousliving areasand apowder room,whileupstairshas akingsizedmasterwithensuite,twomorebedrooms,and anopenareafor aplayroomorhomeoffice.Enjoya sunnybackyard,patio,andtwoparkingspaces!
4| 3| 1836sqft |6 000sqftLot
Thissplit-levelfamilyhomeexudesmid-century charmwithangled rooflinesandvaultedceilings, creating abrightmainfloor.Twolargebedrooms shareafullbath,whiletheprimarysuiteincludesa halfbath,bothupdatedovertheyears.Thelower levelfeatures afourthbedroom,fullbath, recroom, and aseparateentranceforsuitepotential.Enjoy thesunny,private,south-facingyardwith anewdeck andcharmingpergola.Numerousupdatesover51 yearsofcherishedownership.Locatedin aquietPort Guichoncul-de-sac.
4| 3| 2345sqft |7 500sqftLot $1,559,000
Thishomehasitall!The renovatedkitchenfeatures whiteshakercabinets, agasstove,granitecounters, slatefloorsandstainlesssteelappliances.Enjoy potlights,builtinspeakers,smoothceilingsanda newergasfireplace.Upstairsare3bedrooms,while downstairsoffers aprimarybedroomwith aluxurious 5pieceensuite,including asoakertub,plus aflexible spacefordressing room,officeornursery.Bachelor suite,perfectfor anannyorin-laws.Hugecovered deckandspaciouspatiowith ahottub.Newexterior paint &sidingLocatednearBellPark,withample parkingand ashortwalktotown.
4 |3|2 645sqft | 6600sqftlot
Nestledon aquietstreetinthefamily-friendlyN.Delta neighborhood,this renovated2-levelhomeoffers aperfectblendofcomfortandstyle.Thedesigner kitchenfeaturesshaker-stylecabinets,stainlesssteel appliances,granitequartz, recessedlighting,and anoversizedislandwithpendantlighting.Updated bathrooms,customclosetorganizers,andefficient windowsaddmoderntouches.Enjoyoutdoorliving with alarge,covereddeck,sunnybackyard,pool,hot tub,andlow-maintenancelandscaping.Conveniently locatednearschools,shopping,amenities,andeasy transitaccess.
462853St -Ladner
2+ den |1|1164sqft 9178sqftlot |$1,679,000
Prime realestateopportunity!Perfectlysituatednear town,this2-bedroomranchergraces aspacious,flat 9178sq.ft.lotwith70.57ftfrontage &129.98ft depth.Boasting asunnyeastern-exposed rearyard. Thesubdivisionpotentialwhencombinedwiththe neighboringproperty463853rd, resultsin atotalof 18,225sqft &thepossibilityfor3-4lots. Aunique andsubstantialopportunityforfuturedevelopment!
3| 2| 2174sqft |1 acrel ot $1,939,000
Waterfrontviewsofthe TrailIslandsfromevery room!Bright &airymainfloorw/open-concept living/dining, &gourmetkitchen.Mainfloorprimary bedroomalsow/deckaccess.Upstairs,twospacious bedrooms,lowerleveloffers arec-roomleadingto thehottub,yogadeck,outdoorshower,sandyfirepit area &directbeach/oceanaccess.
3| 1| 1221sqft
Unlock arealmofpossibilitieswiththisexceptional realestategem!Nestledinanideallocationjust stepsfromtown,this3-bedroomrancherstands proudlyonanexpansive9,052sq.ft.flatlotwithan easternexposure,featuringanimpressive77-foot frontage &adepthof117.15feetMustbesoldwith 462853rdbothpropertiescombinedoffer atotalof 18,225sqftcreating acanvasfor3-4lots.
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George William
GeorgeWilliamBurden,81,passedaway peacefullyonOctober26,2024,atLaurelPlace HospiceinSurrey,BC.BorninRossland,BC,on October5,1943,Georgewasknownforhiskind andsteadfastnature,a manofquietstrengthwho wasalways positive,friendly, andencouraging.
Georgetruly believedthatMathisFun.Hespent hiscareeras aMathteacherinDelta,wherehis passionforteachingandhisencouragingnature lefta lastingimpacton countlessstudents Outsideofwork,hewasanactivememberof WhiteRockBaptistChurchandthenCloverdale BaptistChurch.George cherishedtime spentwith friends,prioritizingearlymorningwalks,curling, meetingforcoffeeandotherget-togethers
George’sfamilywasthecornerstoneofhislife.He wasa lovingfathertoBrent(Priscilla),Sher(Jim), and Taralyn,and adotinggrandfathertoDaniel (Kairi),Ben(Jett), Tiana(Nick),Isaiah(Hadas),and Dylan.Georgealsodelightedinhisroleas agreatgrandfathertoSilas,Oli,Alexei,andElena.Hewas precededindeathbyhisbelovedwife,Marley Burden
AservicetocelebrateGeorge’slifewillbeheldat CloverdaleBaptistChurchonSunday,November 3,2024,at 2PM.Inlieuofflowers,contributions canbemadetotheBCCancerFoundation
CRAIG, VeraKathleen
November22,1926 -October17,2024
Itiswithgreatsadnessthatweannouncethat VeraKathleenCraigpassed awaysuddenlyonOctober17,2024,attheageof97,inDelta,BC.Bornon November22,1926,in Worthing,England, Veradedicatedherlifetoherfamily, embodyingtheroleof awonderfulwife,mother,andgrandmotherwhoalways prioritizedherlovedones.Shewaspredeceasedbyherbelovedhusband, John,andshewillbeoverjoyedtobewiththeloveofherlifeonceagain.
Veralefthighschoolearlyduetotheurgentdemandsof World WarII,choosing tosupportthewareffortthroughherwork.ShelatermetJohn,andtogether theyspentmanyyearsmotorracingandmarriedin1955.Afterherchildren wereborn,Verafoundfulfillmentinherroleas ahomemaker.Sheadeptly managedherhousehold,supportedherhusbandJohn’sbusinessendeavours byentertainingclients,andwasdeeplyinvolvedinherchildren’seducationand extracurricularactivities.Herroleexpandedbeyondthehomeafterherchildren weregrown;sheobtainedherrealestatelicense,showcasingheradaptability andeagernesstotakeonnewchallenges.Atthattime,herpersonallifewas alsoenrichedbyextensivetravelsacrossthePacificRimwithherhusband, experiencesthatbroadenedherworldviewanddeepenedherappreciationfor differentcultures.
VerawasanactivememberandpastpresidentofherlocalchapterofBeta SigmaPhi, awomen’ssocialgroupcommittedtocommunityserviceand fosteringlifelongfriendships.Herinvolvementinthisorganizationwas a testamenttohercommitmenttohercommunityandherskillinleadership.In herlateryears,sheremainedintellectuallyengaged,readingextensivelyand stayinginformedoncurrentevents.
SheissurvivedbyherdaughterJaniceRoperandherhusbandDon;sonJohn Craig andhiswifeLeslie;grandchildrenDavid(Cindy),Kristina(Mike),and Dayton;aswellashergreat-grandchildrenChristopher andLayla.
ACelebrationofLifewillbeheldinherhonouronNovember29,2024, at 1:30pmattheDeltaFuneralHome,locatedat5329Ladner TrunkRoad, Delta,BC,V4K 1W6. Areceptionwillfollowtheservice,wherefriends andfamilycansharememoriesandcelebrate Vera’sremarkablelife.
January 7,1949 -October5,2024
Itis withgreatsadnessweannouncethepassing ofRichardJamesCherry(Jim)ofLadner,BC.Jim passedawaypeacefullyOctober5, 2024, atthe ageof75.BorninVancouver, BCthesonofDick andDoreenCherry.Jimissurvived byhis oving wifeClaudette,sonRyan(Ana), childrenLuka, Milana,Amelia,daughter Tiffany(Jeff),children Carter,Jack,sisterPat(Gord)andLynn.Hewas predeceasedbyhisparents,brotherDavidand brother-in-lawGordHart.
JimcalledLadnerhishomeandwherehechoseto raisehisyoungfamily.Heenjoyedathletics throughouthislife,excellinginfootballinhis youngeryearsandenjoyedthegolfgreenslaterin life.Jimbuilt asuccessfulcareerinthefood industryandwasanactivememberofmany industryassociationsand clubs.Alongthewayhe madeseverallife-longfriendships. Apersonable andoutgoing man,Jimwasalwaysopen to a conversation anddebate.
Alovinghusband,father andgrandfatherhewill alwaysberememberedandmisseddearlybyhis familyandfriends,butneverforgotten.
Aprivatecelebrationoflifewillbeheldon November9, 2024.
Itiswith deepsadnessthatweannouncethe suddenpassingofCarolAnnHillson Tuesday, October15th,2024attheageof61. CarolAnnwas knownforher kindness,humourandunwavering supportforherfamilyandfriends.Shebrought light,laughterandlovetoallwhoknew her.
CarolAnnwas abelovedmother, grandmother, sister,auntandfriend.Sheleavesbehindherson Matthew,hispartnerMackenzieandtheir daughter Myla, alargefamilyofsiblings,niecesand nephews,manyclosefriendswhocherishedher deeplyand acommunitythatembracedher
PleasevisitCarolAnn’smemorialwebsitetoshare messages,photos,musicand memories. www.forevermissed.com/carolann-hills
We willrememberherforever
Withprofoundsadness,wemournthelossofRay Forsythe;husband,father,grandfather,brother, uncle,andfriendonOctober6, 2024. Hetouched somanylivesandwillberememberedforhis warmsmile,senseofhumour,kindnessandthe twinkleinhiseyes.
Raylovednothingbetterthanjumpingonhisbike andheadingdowntoa favouritewateringhole, shootinga coupleofgamesofpool,socializingand listeningtogoodmusic.
Hispassionsinlifeincludedvintagecars,creating art,camping,fishing,andbeingwithfamilyand friends.Hevaluedthetimespentwithfamilyand friends,eating,drinking,laughing,talking,and having agoodtime.
Raywasborn inRegina,Saskatchewan.Hemet hiswifeandlifepartnerof 45 years,Mae,in Kamloops,wheretheylivedforseveralyears beforesettlinginLadnerforthelast32years.
RaywillbelovinglyrememberedbyMaeandtheir childrenKimberley (Adam),Jillian(Josee)andBrian (Shannon);grandchildrenAndreandAndrew;sister Joanne,brotherBarry(Michele),andbestfriend Terry(Bonnife)
Hewaspredeceasedbyhisparents,Earleand RuthForsythe,brotherDennis,sister-in-lawLeah, brother-in-lawBarryandbrother-in-lawWilliam.
ACelebrationofLifewillbeheldon January5,2025,atMcKeeHouse inLadner.
October10,1947 -October23,2024
ItiswithprofoundsadnessthatwemournthelossofJack Taunton.Hecrossed hislastfinishlinewithhisfamilybyhissideonOctober23, 2024, aftera courageousbattlewithcancer.
Jackwillbelovinglyrememberedbyhiswifeof55years,Cheryl;children,Kristen (ScottAlleyn)andCarla(BrianLongo);grandchildren,Grace,Lily,Austin,Ethan, Ruby,andRowan;sisterPattiCrowdis(Everett),numerousfamilymembersand countlessfriendsfromaroundtheworld.
Jackwasborn inVancouverandspenthischildhoodinBurnabyandVictoria, graduatingfromBurnabySouthHighSchool.Hestudiedscienceandkinesiology atSimonFraserUniversity,wherehewas avarsityathlete,playingonthefootball andtrackteams.Thiswasthebeginningofhislongrunningcareer,completing 63marathonsandrunningover200,000miles.JackmetCheryl,theloveofhis life,atSFU,andtheyweremarriedin1969. Together,theyformedanincredible teamthatwouldgoontoaccomplishgreatthingsandformlastingfriendships overthenextsixdecades.
Jack’spassions,unmatchedworkethic,andnever-say“can’t”attitudedrovehim inallaspectsofhislife.HeattendedmedicalschoolatUBCand,afterfinishinghis internship,joinedhismentor,Dr. DougClement,inRichmond.Withtheirpassion forsportandmedicine,theystartedtheAllanMcGavinSportsMedicineClinicat UBC.Hewas aprofessorintheFacultyofMedicineatUBCand adedicated educatorwhotaughtundergraduateandgraduatestudents,medicalresidents, andsportsmedicinefellows.Hewas avisionarywhomadegreatcontributionsto enrichingourcommunity -afounderofthe VancouverSunRun, Vancouver Marathon,SportMedBC,SportCardiologyBC,CanadianHealthandFitness InstituteandtheBCBrain WellnessProgram.
Ahobbygonewild,oneofJack’sgreatestjoyswasworkingwith athletes.He wastheteamphysicianforcountlesslocal,national,andinternationalteamsand events,includingmanyOlympicGames,NBA VancouverGrizzlies,ChiefMedical Officerforthe Vancouver2010OlympicandParalympicGamesandmost recently,theMedicalServicesAdvisorforthe2025InvictusGames.Thisyear,in recognitionofhislife’swork,hereceivedtheOrderofCanada.
Jack’saccomplishmentsandawardsarelong,butwhatourfamilycherishes mostishisloveforhisfamilyandfriends.Hewastheproudesthusband,father, andgrandfather.Hewasanincrediblerolemodeltousall,andhislegacywill continuetoinspireus.Jackwas aleader,andhispassionandenthusiasmwere contagious. We hopeheismostrememberedforhisgenerosity,empathy, kindness,determination,passionforlifeandhisabilitytoalwaysbringothers alongwithhim.Jack,weareforevergratefulforyou.“Ithasbeen agreatrun.” A special thankyoutoDr.SaulIsserow,Dr. RobynnLesterandallthestaffat VancouverGeneralHospitalfortheircareandcompassion.
ACelebrationofLifewillbeheldon Sunday,November17,2024, from1-4pmatTsawwassenSpringsBallroom, Tsawwassen,BC.
SMITH,RobertEdward August3,1933 -September30,2024
Robert(Bob)tookhisfinalflight peacefullyatage 91atDeltaHospitalonSeptember30
HewasborninHalifax,NS, theonlysonofRobert WilliamandEuniceLillianSmith.Bob’syounger yearswerespentinHalifax,StHyacintheandlater livinginthecoachhouseattheRoyalCanadian NavalCollege(laterRoyalRoadsMilitaryCollege) atHatleyParkinVictoriawherehisfatherwasan instructor
Aftergraduatingfrom BelmontHighschool,Bob joinedtheRoyalCanadianAirforce wherehe completed a5-yearshortservicecommissionand thenjoinedthe443Airforce AuxiliaryatSeaIsland. AfterleavingtheRCAFRegular force, Bobworked at TransportCanadaas aCivil AviationInspector, retiringin1995astheRegionalDirectorofFlight Operations.
Bobwaspredeceasedbyhiswife Donna Margueritein1984andlatermarriedElizabeth.He leavesbehindhis 3children,Victoria(Brent), MitchellandMark(Wendy),grandchildrenChelsea (Mike),Katrina(Neil),Jennifer(Sarosh)andJereme (Kimmie)andgreatgrandchildren
BobandElizabethlovedtotravel, visitingsixofthe sevencontinents withthemostmemorabletrips beingtoAntarctica,theGalapagos Is ands,river raftingonthe Tatshenshini RiverandAustralia wheretheydrovethe2800 kmfromSydneyto AliceSpringsbeforetheroads weresealed.Bob lovedanythingwithan engineandownedmultiple boats,flewbothwheeled andfloatplanes, restoredandracedvintagecars.Theyalso travelledintheirrestoredvintageGMC motorhome,exploringwesternUSNationalParks tothesouthandAlaskainthenorth. Bob’s other passionwasmusic.Heplayedsaxophonein a numberofbandsovertheyears,as wellas banjoin a smallcombo.
Bobwillberememberedforhiskeen,wittyand oftendrysenseofhumour,andlove forhis family Althoughheisgone,helived alife withoutregrets, andwemisshimeveryday.
TheFamilywishestothankDr.Nobleat the TsawwassenMedicalClinic,Dr.Bajwa andDr TurnbullatDeltaHospitalandallthestaffatDelta ViewCareCentre fortheircareand kindness. A specialthankyougoestoMichael,Bob’samazing caregiver,forhiscompassionandthespecial bond hedevelopedwithBob.AtBob’srequest,therewill benoservice,butdonationstheParkinson’s SocietyofBCor acharityofyourchoicewouldbe appreciated.
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WAREHOUSEMAN’SLIEN PASSI,MANYAisindebtedto RoadwayTo wi ng Ltd. fo r sto ra geandtowingon2019 BMW/3−S er ie sw it hV IN# W BA5R7C58KFH00506. A LienisclaimedundertheAct. Thereispresentlyanamount dueandowingof$9,646.74 plu sa nyadd it io nalcosts o f storage,seizureandsalethat mayaccrue.Noticeishereb y giventhaton11/22/2024,or t herea ft er, th es ai dv ehicle wi llbeso ld.Th ev ehicl ei s currentlystoredatRoadway TowingLtd.,7391Progress P lace, Del ta ,B C,V4G1A1, andwasplacedinstorageon 02/08/2024.
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