Delta Optimist December 12, 2024

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Noticeishereby giventhat DeltaCity Councilwillconsider giving first, second,and thirdreadings tothebylaws referencedbelow atitsRegularMeetingat 5:00p.m. on Monday,December16, 2024 inthe CouncilChamber, 4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent, Delta, BC.

File No.LU009634 (Bylaw No.8460)

Location: 504347 Avenue

Applicant: Pavinder Lalli, 1441997 B.C.Ltd

Proposal: Applicationfor Rezoning,Development Variance Permit andDevelopment Permit in ordertoallow construction of aseven -unittownhouse development This application is consistent with Delta’sOfficial CommunityPlan.

DeltaZoningBylawNo. 7600,2017 -AmendmentBylaw No.8460

To rezone thesubjectproperty from ApartmentResidential 20 (RA20) to Comprehensive DevelopmentZoneNo. 54 (CDZ54) to permit theconstructionofa sevenunittownhouse development.

Development Variance Permit LU009634

DevelopmentVariancePermitLU009634 to vary thefollowing provisions in “DeltaZoningBylawNo. 7600,2017”:

• Section8.4.2 by reducingtheminimumnumberofparking spacesrequiredfora townhousefrom2 spaces to 1space perdwellingunit.

•Section 8.4.2byreducingthe number of required visitorparking spacesfrom1 to 0.

•Section 8.5.3(b)by reducingtheminimum required widthofparkingspace abutting awall, acolumn, apillar,a pole orotherobstruction from 3m to 2.75 m.

Development Permit LU009634

DevelopmentPermitLU009634 to addressthe form andcharacter of thepro posedtownhouse buildings, whichare locatedinthe Ladner Village(LV1) Development Permit Area

Approval of theDevelopment Variance Permit andDevelopment Permit is delegatedtothe GeneralManager,Development,as per“ DevelopmentApplication Procedures BylawNo. 8347,2023”.

StaffContact: Deepinder Dhaliwal –Planner, 604-946-3395

File No.LU009695 (Bylaw No.8474)

Location: 9185112 Street Applicant: JasCheema, Fika DevelopmentInc.

Proposal: Applicationfor rezoning to permit atwo-lot smallscale residentialsubdivision.Thisapplication is consistent with Delta’s Official CommunityPlan. Delta ZoningBylawNo. 7600,2017 -AmendmentBylaw No.8474

To rezone thesubjectproperty from Single DetachedResidential 5(RS5) to Single DetachedResidential 7(RS7) in ordertoallow subdivisionof thepropertyinto twosmallscaleresidential lots

Staff Contact:Kateryna Morenets –Planner,604-952-3485

File No.LU009748 (Bylaw No.8469)

Location: 1527 Cliveden Avenue (StrataLot 7) Applicant: Phyton BiotechLtd

Proposal: Applicationfor rezoning to allowthe addition of cannabis production and cannabis research and development as permitteduseswithinthe subject property andbuilding.Thisapplication is consistent with Delta’s Official CommunityPlan. DeltaZoningBylawNo. 7600,2017 -AmendmentBylaw No.8469

To rezone thesubjectpropertyandbuilding asshown on themap belowfromMediumImpactIndustrial(I2)toMedium Impact Industrial Cannabis (I2C)inorder toallowcannabisprod uction andcannabis researchand developmentusesinconjunction with an existing biotech facility in an existing building fronting Cliveden Avenue.

Staff Contact: Emily Paterson –Planner, 604-952-3612


Materials relatedtothe proposalssuchasthe proposed bylaws,detailedmapsand otherinformation maybeinspectedatDelta City Hall,4500ClarenceTaylorCrescent,Delta, BC,Monday toFriday, excludingstatutory holidays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Thursday, December 5, 2024,toMonday, December 16,2024. Ifyou have ageneralinquiryregardingthe proposal or if youwouldlikeassistancetoinspectanyrelevantdocumentation,p leasecontactthe Development Department by emailat or byphone at 604-946-3380.

Correspondencereceivedupto10:00 a.m. on Friday, Decemb er 13,2024willbeincluded inthe Agendapackage.All correspondence must includeyournameand full address andwillform part of the publicrecord forthe proposalandbepublishedonthe City’swebsite. OR Writeto: Mayorand Council,City of Delta 4500 ClarenceTaylorCrescent Delta, BCV4K3E2

*Duetoa service disruption at Canada Post,written comments canbesubmitted by emailorin-person to the Officeofthe CityClerkatthe above-notedaddress bythedeadline.

Postalstrike hurts hospitalcharity


pmeln yc huk @d elta- optimis m

The strike at Canada Post, now initsfourth week, is being felt by one of Delta’s largest charities.

Withno mail service, many people haven’t even seentheletters that theDelta Hospital and Community Health Foundationusually sends out as part ofitsholiday fundraising campaign

Last year, the campaign raised almost $400,000for buying medical equipment for thehospital.

So farthis year, the foundation has received only abouta quarter of that, whereas normally they’d begetting close to the target by midDecember.

“It’s significant,” said Lisa Hoglund,executivedirector withthefoundation. “It’s definitely

havinga big impact The holiday season is actually oneofthe busiest times forthe charitable sector aswhole.”

Many people want to give at Christmas, keeping inmindtheend-ofyeardeadlineforincome taxdeductions, Hoglund said.

She added that the holiday campaign is skewed to anolderdemographic who stilllike to dothings theold school way,via Canada Post, ratherthan online

“They like getting that tangibleletter and they like responding to that letter,” by mail, said Hoglund.

Withthe strike starting Nov. 15, many ofthefirst wave of mailoutsnever got to households, let aloneallowing residents to writea chequeand mailit back.

CONTINUED: see Page 7

The Carol Sh



City of Deltatohave Naloxonekits at rec centres


sg yarm ati@delta-optimis t. co m

Deltacouncil last week approved a pilotprojectplacing Naloxone nasal spray kitsin sixcityfacilitiesand13 bylaw cars.

It wasoneofa seriesof requests recently putfor ward by the Delta Community Action Teamonhowthe city canfurtherhelpdeal withthe ongoing overdosecrisis.

The kits will be available at city hall, North Delta Recreation Centre, Sungod Recreation Centre, Ladner Leisure Centre, South Delta Recreation Centre and Winskill Aquaticand Fitness Centre.

A staff report alsonotesthat thepilot project willalsoincrease the capacities ofcity bylawofficersto respond to potential overdose events.

Theproject wasdiscussed withand received thefull supportfromthecity’s healthand safetycommitteeandunion representatives.

Emergency response policiesand plans will be updated to reflectnew processesandproceduresfor staff responding to a potential overdose

emergency,the report adds.

City staff will report back ina year withtheinterim outcomesofthepilot projectandany recommendationsas farasexpandingormodifyingtheproj-

ect. The report also notesthat Delta’s first responders carr y kits.

Therearefour outdoor park sites that housethe St. JohnAmbulance AEDunitsthat used to have kitsas

well, butthoselocations have hadtheir kits removedand replaced twice.

A report by DCATnotesthat,according to the BC Coroners Service, Delta has reported the largest numberof deaths related to substanceuseinits history overthe past three years.

In 2023, Delta had22deathsand 142 suspected paramedic-attended toxicdrug poisoning events,the report notes,addingthe numberofdeaths last year wasthe second-highest number ever recorded,following 26deathsand 22deathsin2022and2021, respectively.

Councilalsodirected staff to work with DCATonacity-wide campaign in April2025,inconjunction with the National Dayof Actiononthe OverdoseCrisis, to raise awareness aboutthe overdoseanddrug toxicity crisisandthe availablecommunity resources.

Amongtheother requests made by DCATisthecitytransformingits recreationcentres to moreofacommunity centremodel by havingfree,accessible andunprogrammed spacesforthe community to gather.

DCAT notesthe recent actionstaken by thecity in support of a youth hub at the NorthDelta Recreation Centre but isasking for the resource to be extended to allneighbourhoods across Delta, including widening the scope of recreationcentres

Harlow andMaryAnnBurrows Foundationdonates $250K

In December 2023,the Harlow and Mary Ann Burrows Foundation committed to giving $250,000 to supportDelta Hospitaland Community Health Foundation’s Coming Home campaign.

In recognitionofthis generousdonation,the foundationconfirmed theart roomlocated insidethenew Beedie Long Term Care Centre will be namedthe Mary Ann BurrowsArt Studio.

being. We are proud to name this meaningful spaceinher honourand to highlight theimpactof their generosity on our community.”

The Harlow and Mary Ann Burrows Foundation isdedicated to supportingthe Deltacommunity intheareasof education,health care,and social welfareinitiatives andthenew Mary Ann BurrowsArt Studio will be a perfectfitfortheir mission.

The Mary Ann Burrows Art Studio will be an inspiring, therapeutic art and wellness space where all residentsof Delta’s new200-bed long-term care home can engage inart and music therapy, gardening, woodworking, crafting, andother wellness activitiesdesigned to improve quality oflife. The studio aims to fostercreativity, support mentalhealth, andprovide a soothing environment for residents

In recognitionofthisgenerousdonation,DHCH Foundationispleasedto confirmtheart roomlocatedinsidethenew Beedie Long Term CareCentrewill benamedtheMaryAnnBurrowsArtStudio.

“We are incredibly gratefulfor Harlow and

Mar y Ann Burrows’ steadfast dedication to enhancing healthcare and wellness in our community,” said Lisa Hoglund,executivedirector oftheDHCH


“Thisdonationisan incredible way to honor Mary Ann’s passionfor art andher beliefinthe power ofcreativity to improve mental well-

The Burrows’ commitment to fostering positive change and promoting social justice, mentalhealth, creativity,and wellness makes theirfoundation a driving forceincreatinga brighterfuture forthe community of Delta

The Beedie Long Term Care Centre, owned andoperated by

Fraser Health Authority, will replacethe aging Mountain View Manor at Delta Hospital. The new facility willprovide residents with a home-like environment, featuring socialand recreational spaces such asliving rooms, dining rooms, activity areas, and access to outdoor spaces. In addition,the facility willinclude a 32-space adult day program and a 49-space daycare center for children,creating opportunitiesforintergenerationalconnections andprogramming.

To learn more about the Beedie Long Term Care Centre, andhow to support this meaningful campaign, please visit theDHCH Foundation website at :

- Submitted


Police investigating fire inLadnerpark

One person sufferedserious burnsinlate

Wednesday afternoon incident

ijacque s@ delta-optimis t. co m

Delta policeand Delta fire are investigating what both agencies say is a suspiciousfire inLadner

Police say thatat about 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 4,officers were asked to attend a suspiciousfire insidethe washroom building at Dugald Morrison Park in Ladner

One person received burnsand was transported to hospitalfor treatment.

On Monday, police saidtheinjuries were significant.

“It is too earlyto say ifthe cause ofthefire wasaccidental or intentional,anditis too early to provideanestimate onthe valueof damage, ifany,” saidA/Insp. James Sandberg, public affairs manager for Delta policeinanemail to the Optimist.

Sandberg saidonce theinvestigationfileis completed,a reportwith a charge recommendation will be sent to Crown counsel.

He saidthisprocess may take several weeks to complete.


In a post onits Facebook page, the South Delta United Soccer Club saidthe clubhouse, bathrooms, change rooms and all related areas withinthe clubhouse building are offlimits untilfurthernotice to allow for the police to investigate and to repair any damage to thefacilities.

The club saidall soccer-relatedactivities can stillcontinueonthe field.

The club willprovide anupdate onwhen all thefacilitiesinquestion can be used again.


Noticeis hereby giventhat DeltaCityCouncil will consider giving finalreading to the DeltaConsolidatedFeesand Charges BylawNo. 8386,2024atits RegularMeetingat 5:00p.m. on Monday,December16, 2024 inthe Council Chamber, 4500ClarenceTaylor Crescent,Delta,BC.

The City of Deltahas establishedfeesinmorethanten differentbylaws,whichcan be confusingfor staff,the publicandbusinesses.By establishinga consolidatedfeesand charges bylaw, most feesand chargeswillbeincludedinone bylawand more will be addedinthefuture.

Staffhaveundertakenextensive reviewofsimilarservicesateight comparable municipalitiestodetermine amedianrateforeachservice,permit,charge andlicence, and it wasdeterminedthat Deltahasfallen behindthe medianin many areas.Staffare proposingsettingDelta’srates so thattheyare comparable to themedianfeevalue of the eightcomparablemunicipalities.

Formoreinformation regardingthisnew bylaw, please contacttheOffice of the City Clerk

Correspondencereceivedupto 10:00a.m. on Friday,December13, 2024 willbeincluded inthe Agendapackage.All correspondence must include your nameandfulladdress andwillformpart of the public record forthe proposalandbepublishedonthe City’s website.

Email:mayor-council@delta.caORWrite: Mayorand Council City of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Cres Delta,BC V4K3E2

*Due to aservice disruption at Canada Post,writtencommentscan be submittedbyemail or in-persontothe Officeofthe City Clerkatthe above-noted address by thedeadline.

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City council OKs 4.75% property taxhike

sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om

Council has given preliminar y approvalfor the latest property tax increase.

The increase for2025 will seea 4.75 percent hike, inaddition to a two percent recreation capital investment levy.

The average homeownerin Delta would seea $192increase in theirproperty taxesfor next year That doesn’t includewhat other taxing authorities will charge, including Metro Vancouver.

Also receiving prelimi-

nary approval was the latest flat rate utility bill, which for2025, will see the average residential home next year pay an increase inthe sewer charge by about $14 per month.

Increases for waterand solid waste are anticipated to be $6and$1 per

month respectively.

A report also notesthe significant increase inthe Metro Vancouver ’s sewer levyis mainly attributed to theincreased cost ofthe North Shore Wastewater Treatment Plant project.

According to the city, theplanproposescontin-

Thecityis continuously exploring responsible waystostreamlineoperationalprocesses andfind efficiencies, financestaffnote.

ued investmentsin community infrastructure, with$153.1 million dedicated to new recreation, roads, drainage, parks, sewer and water projects to supportDelta’s current andfuture needs.

One ofthe major projectsfunded inthedraft 2025 budgetisthenew Winskill Aquaticand Fitness Centre

It was noted during later discussiononthe possibility of a new recreationcentre in North Deltathat the recreation investment levycould bump up to three percent by next year

“Recognizing the impactthe current economic environment and persistent inflation has on residents, families, and businesses acrossDelta, council has worked hard to ensure thecity achievesa disciplined Financial Plan that invests in key prioritieswhile maintaininga strong fiscal position,” the report notes.

In the current economic environment, the city isalso dealing with significant inflationar y pressures and rising costs beyondthe city’s control,

the report adds.

Financedepartment staff outlined the expanded publicengagement process andfindings, including that 60 percent of respondents supported thecity’s goals andpriorities, however, some also expressed concern about affordability whileothers suggested cost-cutting measures by thecity.

Asfarasthe businessto-resident tax ration, Deltais most favourable compared to othercommunitiesinthe region with populationsof 75,000orgreater.

During council’s discussion,it was noted that a provincialproperty taxdeferment program forthose whoqualifyis available, including one streamfor homeowners 55 years oldandup as wellas families with children.

Councilalso agreed that thecity willdo more to let residentsknow abouta city monthly payment optionforproperty taxesandtheutility bill.

About 10 percent of homeowners currently participate inthe payment program.

Other charitiesare having the sa me problem, she added.

“But I don’t think we’re different thanany charitableorga niz at ion.”

In re sp ons e, the f ou nd at ionis en courag ing pe ople to do nate on lin e, vi a its websit e at : https:/ / , or to st op by the foundatio n’s offic e at 5800 Mountain Vi ew Bl vd .,during bu si ness hour s.

CUPW, wi th55,00 0 membe rs, we nt on st ri ke Nov. 15 whenthe unio n ca lle d for a cu mu lative wag e hike of 24 pe rc entoverfour ye ar s, while Ca na da Po st offered an11.5 pe rc ent increa se.

At Vi nca’s Ki tc hen, inLadner Vi ll ag e, the labourdispu te ha sn ’t ha d mu ch ofaneffect, howe ve r.

Mo st of the sa lesare doneinth e st ore, whic h als o doesits ow nd eliveries anywhere wi thin De lta

Ow nerAlviene Wi lkins sa idthat the st ore ha s optionsfo r ship p ing and nor ma ll y uses bo thcourierco mp anies an d Ca na da Po st, bu t now wi th the st ri ke on,isusing courierco mp ani es, alt houg h courie rs wi llno td eliver to po st office box add re ss es “S o, thos e are the pa rc elsthat are

left be hind,” she sa id. “S o that isth e onl y way that itisaffecting me,” noting there isone pa rc elthat is st ill wa iting deliver y be caus e ituses a po st office box address.

Ri chard Wi sc hnews ki , president of the Ladner Bu si ness Asso ci at ion, sa id t hat so far, he ha sn ’t he ard complai nt s from lo ca l bu si ness.

He ad d ed thatma ny bu si nesse s don’tus e Ca na da Po st andth e gy mna st ics cl ub, ofwhic hhe isexec utivedirec to r, ismoving away from pape r co rrespo ndence.

Th e po st al st ri ke ha s re su lt ed in deadlinesforordering Ch ri st ma s boo ksto be move d up, while pu blisher s and su pplie rs are be ing cautious in their deliver y date gu arante es, sa id Ho ll y Mo rgan, manage r ofLadner Vi ll ag e Bl ack Bo nd boo ks.

“It’s no t impa ct ed ou r ab ilit y to se rve ou r cu st omer s bu t… the su pplier s are taking into account th e po st al st ri ke fo r su re,” Mo rgan sa id.

Th e st ri ke though ha s hu rt Ch ri st ma s ca rd s howe ve r.

“It definit e ly ha s impa ct ed ou r sales ofgree ting ca rd s, that ’s fo r su re. We usuall y se llalotof them and ou r sa les are way down be caus e ofit pe ople obvious ly aren ot ma iling,” she sa id.

STOCKINGSPONSORS: Bridge &Elliott,BrookeAlexander,RealEstateProfessional,CityofDelta, Eastlink,ExpediaCruises,GlobalTecsProductionServicesCanada,L adner HarbourCentre,LadnerCentre,LadnerVillageMarket,MenInKilts, NeighbourhoodPlumbing &Heating,WestlandInsurance

CANDYCANESPONSORS: BriaCommunities,CSNLadnerAutoBody,E quineEssentials,DeltaOptimist, HoskinsHomesLtd.,Good HoundTraining& Daycare| Followu s

Published every Thursday by the DeltaOptimist, adivisionofLMPPublication

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5008 47A Avenue, Delta,BCV4K1T8

Phone 604-946-4451

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EDITOR: IanJacques

REPORTER S: Sandor Gyarmati



Jim Kinnear



Ruth VanBruksvoort rbruks@delta-optimist .com

Lee Fruhstorfer

John Avdic

SALE S SUPPORT: Linda Calendino


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Sounding thealarm overMetro Van’s work


Deep concerns raised by Surrey board directors about Metro Vancouver painta troubling portrait of anorganizationthat lacks expertise, fails to consult, and forcesthe region’sofficials to make multibilliondollardecisionsaffecting taxpayers without adequate information.

The criticism, intheform of a sharply worded letter Nov. 12 to Metro’s financecommittee andobtained by Glacier Media, isthemost extensive andprominent challenge yet fromthe board directors for change at the regionalfederation of21 municipalities,oneelectoralarea andonetreaty First Nation.

It callsforan overhaulof the 2025 budgeting methods, arguing that inaccurate and insufficient information has beengiven to directors, including anexhaustive reviewofdecisionson development cost charges and a repealof various bylaws

More broadly,it callsfor changesinhow the body is governed.

It identifies, as specific pain points, two Metro Vancouverprojects, the North Shore WastewaterTreatment Plant in North Vancouverand the looming Iona Island WastewaterTreatment Plant in Richmond,and disparages how they are among the seven top

“...atroublingportrait of an organization thatlacks expertise, fails to consult...”

projects reporting directly intochiefadministrative officer Jerry Dobrovolny, “withnoindependent third-party engineering andfinancial auditor to providetransparency,accountability and evaluate cost-benefitdesign-based principles/assumptions.”

The projects lack detailed, audited informationonhow costsare calculated, says theletter.

In the case of the North Shore plant, the budget has soared seven-fold to $3.86billion,from anoriginal $550-million contract withlittle publicinformationalong the way.

Meanwhile, the budgetforthe Iona plant in Richmondis$9.9billion,andconstruction remains years away

The letter was submitted just before the committee’s Nov. 13meeting by Surrey Coun. Pardeep Kooneron behalfoffive other Surrey directors, including Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke Surrey’s six directors are second-most to Vancouver’s seven onthe41-director board.

The letter’s generalcontents were briefly discussed but theletter itself was not part of themeeting package. It wasn’tformally dealt

with at the committee meeting and has been referred to Metro Vancouver stafffor a response in 2025.

But its language arguesnothing short of significant shiftsinitsoperating culture andquality ofcompetenceare necessary.

“Ibelieve there must be additional board oversight anddecisions madeonthecosting ofthese major capitalprojects at a minimum,” Koonerwrote.

The letter reflectsthefrustration many directors have of a staff-dominated operationthat leavesthem withouttheneeded decision-making information – but withtheaccountability as elected officials to taxpayers intheirdistricts

There have been callsfor a third-party audit to examinewhat Koonerandothers have complained is a chronic sprawl of budgetsand a culture ofindifference about them. While a performance audit will be conducted in-house on the North Shore plant costs, it hasn’t satisfied those whofeelitisinsufficiently independent.

The B.C. government, which created Metro Vancouver, has so fardeclined publiclyto involve itself.

The three-page letter goes on: “The way the current board isoperating has many gapsin information, lacks sufficient details to make thedecisions we need to and thefullfinancial impactsoroptionsare not being provided.”

Kirk LaPointe is a Glacier Media columnist with an extensive background in journalism.

A smileand a ‘Merry Christmas’ can work wonders

We are kind people in Delta Organizations such as Deltassist will not take any more donationsfor familiesinneed this Christmas. Familiesthathave registered have beenidentified and will be enjoyinga littlemerriertimethis year –allthanks to the generosity of our community.

Otherorganizations, schools andindividuals have been quietly going about the business of deploying our human valuepropositionofhonour, respect, and empathy by doing the right thing andhelping whenever possible. It would be niceif we feltcompelled to help our fellow humans this way throughoutthe year, but culturally engrained motiva-

tionmoves us to excel at it at Christmas timewhich isas good a timeasany to develop and perhaps expandonthe mutually beneficialexperienceof charity.

The spiritofgiving is a real thing, as is theadage that Christmas isfor kids. It isimportant to remember that wewere all kidsonceandthat theunbridled Christmas joy that we have all experienced remainsintactin certain memoriesthat percolate to the surface at thistimeof year.

Despite our best efforts at charity andcompassion,there are still childrenandfamiliesthat slipthroughthecracks. We do not see themas easily, but they are there. Evenmore invisible are single seniors in care who, due to a variety of scenarios, are ontheir own whilethose memories of

Community Comment


Christmas past rise totop ofmind intheir lonely lives.

Many seniors in care are not only enduring thephysical chal-

lenges of aging,but many are also emotionally compromised by declining mentalacuity.

For olderindividuals suffering from poorcognitive health, recollectionsof Christmas past can be far clearer than aconversation that occurred five minutes ago.

If you have anopportunity to engage someoneof age that you thinkcould benefit - even a stranger - indulge yourself.A smileand a “Merry Christmas” can work wonders.

The world can sometimesfeel likea swirling eddy ofdespair and Christmas is something we can grab on to and pull ourselves andothers up, ifonly for a brief time.

Blessed are we that love and are loved andthat care andare cared for Merry Christmas!

Questions remainon centre

Editor :

The city has received a rezoning applicationfor a high-rise development at Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall.

Whilenot much detail is provided,itdoesnote the proposalincludes “approximately 1,400 owned and rentaldwellingsinfourmix-use towers of varying heights up to 24 storeys, complemented by adjacent residential buildings ranging fromfive tosix storeys.”

For thecity to consider approval, a community contributionis required which isnoted as “a library, a mobility centre withbike storage and car share, andan outdoor gathering space.”

Like past proposals, we know this willdividethe community. We must focus on getting answers to thepressing questions : What will be done to deal withtheadded traffic and congestion to our already-congested main arterial routes?

What willtheimpact be

Newproposalhasbeenmade for Tsawwassen.

to the skylineandshadowing fromthe towers?

Who will pay forthe required upgrades to infrastructure, including water, sewer, and electrical?

How willthisimpact schoolenrolment at the elementar y and secondar y levelsand will portables be required?

What will be the impact to health care (hospitaland general practitioner) withan added 3,000 to 5,000 residents?

How willthelikely five-plus-year build out impactthequality of life of residents?

Who will pay for

required upgrades to, for example, fire and rescue equipment to handle 20-plus storey buildings?

What willtheimpact be to existing mall business?

I urge ever yone with questionsandconcerns toparticipate inthe publicengagement process.

Also, be sure to email yourthoughts to and include, as required, your full nameandaddress as it will become part ofthe public record.

Our community is stronger togetherthan divided.

No roadimprovementplan

Editor :

The Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall redevelopment proposal submitted to thecity(Optimist,Dec. 5) isproposing to build four, 24-storey, high-rise and more low-rise buildings at 12th and56th


As I see it, thisproposaldoesnotaddress road improvements

56th Streetisalready maxed out withthe Southlandsdevelopment, and add to that, alltheextra trafficfrom

thedevelopments west of Tsawwassen Mills, that also addstrafficon to 56th Street

Transitis bad in Tsawwassen, so where istheplanforthefuture increase in vehicletraffic?

Hal Genzel

LookaroundMetro Van region


So, Metro Vancouveris critically short ofindustrial land (Optimist, Dec. 5).

Here’showtomakeyourgifttoDeltaHospital gotwiceasfar

ChempositeIncismatchingalldonationsupto$50,000toDeltaHospital andCommunityHealth FoundationuntilDec.31.

DeltaHospitalandCommunityHealthFoundationis anonprofitthatfunds andsupportshealthcareatDeltaHospitalandinthecommunity.

Withtheyearcomingtoaclose,it’sagreattimetostartthinkingabouthow youcanmake apositiveimpactinyourcommunity.

ChempositeInc.ismatchingalldonationstoDeltaHospitalandCommunity HealthFoundationupto$50,000untilDec.31.

DeltaHospital’sEmergencyDepartmentisoneofthebusiestintheregion,with over40,200patient visits lastyear -double whatitwasjustfiveyearsago. Withthecommunityconstantlygrowingandaging,peopledependonDelta Hospitalmorethaneverbefore.Thepressureontheemergencydepartment isunyieldingandwhenemergencieshappen,ever ysecondcounts.


To continueprovidingexceptionalmedicalcare,DeltaHospitalstaffneeds thever ybestequipmentandtechnologyavailable. Yourcontributioncan helppurchasevitalmedicalequipmenttoprovidethebestcaretoyour community.You’llsupportpatientsatDeltaHospital,MountainViewManor andIreneThomasHospice.

DuetotheeffectsoftheCanadaPoststrike, Delta HospitalandCommunity Health FoundationwantstoensureyourgiftreachesthembeforeDec.31. You’reinvitedto visitthefoundationoffice, located inside Delta Hospital(throughthemainentrance). FromDec.16-20,between8:30a.m.and4:30p.m.,stopbytodropoffyour donationsfor DeltaHospital’sHoliday WishListandenjoysomecoffeeandtreats. YoucanalsodonateonlineusingtheFoundation’ssecurewebsite:

Lookaroundthe region. You will see numerous areas with stacks ofempty containers, somehigherthan apartment blocks, taking up valuableindustrial land.

What a waste of good industrial landthat would be far betterutilized for manufacturing.

Metro should levy a special fee and charge it to the VancouverFraser Port Authority. Perhaps thenthe Port would clean upits wasteful business practices

Roger Emsle y

Yourgenerosityhelpspurchasevitalmedicalequipmentandtechnology, enablinghealthcareteamstodeliverexceptionalcare.

DeltaHospitalandCommunityHealthFoundation(DHCHFoundation) is anot-for-profitorganizationwhosemissionistofundandpromote outstandinghealthcareattheDeltaHospitalCampusofCareandinthe communityofDelta.

City amendingparkinglaws for commercial vehicles

Council has directed staff to explore possible bylaw amendmentsthat would allow business owners topark their commercial vehicles ontheirprivate residentialdriveways.

The motion put for ward by Coun. Dylan Kruger, who saidthecity should be reducing barriers forlocal small business owners, followsa recent order by the city’s bylaw department forthe ownerof Cookie’s Ice Cream truck to not park their vehicleintheirdriveway.

Kruger ’s motion requests staff to reviewexisting bylaws, provide a report onthe current restrictionsandproposed amendments, while ensuring “reasonablelimits” on vehicle weight and size

Mayor George Harvie recommended adding to the motion, asking council to direct staff to puta pause onenforcement untilthe city has reviewed the

current bylaw and put for ward a recommendation.

His recommendation resulted in a lengthy debate on whetherthecity should have a pause.

City manager Donny van Dyke noted staff wouldfollow council’s direction, but admitted itcould resultinunintended consequences.

“I can tell you that evenin my career, my first location, a small town, it wasa numberoneitem where folks parked theirlogging trucks,” he said.

Krugeropposed the recommendation, sayinga pause would be “reckless” andthat he would be more comfortable following due process.

Coun. Rod Binder agreed, saying he doesnot want to see property owners suddenly taking advantage by parking tractortrailers orotherheavy-duty equipment in residentialareas.

Council voted infavourofKruger ’s originalmotion, but not topause current enforcement.

City of Delta,Alpha Aviationto hold2025 airshow

sg ya rm ati@delta-optimis t. co m

Deltataxpayers willnot pay forthe VIP tent serving free alcoholandfood at the Boundary Bay Airshow. That was anamendment introduced and approved by council last weekduringa discussionon recommendationsonhow thecity will helpfundtheannual summer event at the Boundary Bay Airport moving forward.

“I really thinkthat if we’re putting city fundsinto this event, they should be going into areas ofthe event that allmembers of our community are able to enjoy. Thisisan event forfamilies to comeandexperience the miracleofflight and aviation. Idon’t believe it’s appropriateto be spending taxdollarson exclusive VIP tents withfree food, beer, wineandliquorfor a small number of people,” said Coun Dylan Kruger, whointroduced that amendment

Councilalso approved that, subject to the2025airshow remaininga free community event, thecity would provide a cashcontributionof50 percent ofnet, actual

Thecitynext yearwillprovideanincreased cash contribution fortheairshow andtransfer responsibilityofsponsorshiptoAlpha Aviation,whichoperatesthemunicipally-ownedairpor t.

out-of-pocket airshow costs to a maximum of$150,000, as wellas a premieraerial performance grant ofup to $50,000, subject to Alpha Aviation securing a premier aerial performance

The city wouldalso providetraffic andoff-site parking andbike valet management, estimated to cost $65,000,emergency services support, estimated to cost

$40,000,and support to operate the Kids Zone, set up equipment,manage solid waste andcoordinate washrooms The estimated in-kind staff support would cost $70,000.

The financialcontribution is part of a newfunding modelproposed by staff.

Under thenewmodel,whilethecity’s financialcontribution wouldincrease, Alpha Aviation wouldtake over responsibility forobtaining sponsorship support, a report to councilnotes.

Alpha Aviation will manage on-site parking and proposed a $25on-site vehicle parking fee to encourage attendees to findalternative parking or sustainable transportation.

The city will be responsiblefor overalltraffic management forthe2025 Airshow andplans to coordinate theshuttle bus servicefroman off-site parking facility to help alleviate trafficcongestion.

The city willalso send a letter to the Canadian Armed Forces approvinga request to conductfly-bys as low as500feet over Delta between July 17 to 20,2025.

The airshow takesplaceon Saturday, July 19

Metro Vancouver to look for cost savingsafter hikingtaxes and fees

Metro Vancouver chair Mike Hurley says the regional government will seekcost savings next monthafter hiking utility feesandtaxes25 percent next year to an average of $875 per household.

“Metro Vancouver’s servicesare foundational to quality oflifeinthis region,” said Hurley in a Dec. 5 statement.

“We willcontinue to meet our responsibility to protect human and environmentalhealth

through our various roles —asa regionaldistrict, as a water, sewerage, and solid waste utility, andas oneofthe largest providers ofnon-market rental housing in B.C. and we’llmeetit with careful considerationofhow we budgetand spend.”

On Nov. 29,the Metro Vancouver board directed staff to report back in early 2025 with potential operational cost savings by department, including detailsoffinancialand serviceimplicationsfor any potential revisions

This work will be inte-

grated into an early start on the budgeting process, and willcreate an opportunity for the board to identifycost efficiencies, according to a statement from Metro Vancouver’s public relations team.

The 2026 budgetprocess will beginin January 2025,andthe review will help guidecore decisions related to the2026 budget andthenext five-year financialplan,the statement noted

Metro Vancouver has already halted out-ofprovincetravelfor staff and board directors

This year, the average household paid$698for criticalutilitiesas well as regional government operations Next year, the samehousehold will pay $875, a 25.3 percent increase, on average.

The billisadded to one’s municipalproperty taxbill.

Much oftheincrease $98,or14 percent— is to account for thecommencement of payments forthenearly $3-billion, over-budget North Shore Wastewater Plant.

The sewage plant project has faced remarkable

cost overrunsanddelays, someonly made public earlierthis year.

Metro Vancouveris also looking to increase its overalloperating tax bill,which accountsfor a 9.9 percent hike forthe average householdin 2025,on top ofthe sewage plant costs.

Metro Vancouver’s commissionerand CAO Jerry Dobrovolny received a 15 percent pay raise in2023and cashed in over$200,000intaxable benefits to pushhis total remuneration to $711,668.

In 2023, Dobrovolny was paid a base salary of$451,949,upfrom $393,607the yearprior Hurley’s annual salary as chairis$106,879, according to the government’s website.

Metro’s operating expensesare also set to rise sharply inthecoming years, climbing to $2.2 billionin2029from$1.2 billionin2024.

The largest increase is forthe region’s sewage services, where expenses are expected to more than double to $1.2billion by 2029.



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Point Roberts still struggles, low loonieisnohelp

Whether it’s the lowloonie, low U.S. gasolineprices, or U.S. president-elect Donald Trump’s talk, Point Roberts residentsare seeinga change in the nature of the visitsfrom their northern neighbours.

Former Point Roberts Chamber of Commercepresident Brian Calder says that people just aren’t staying as long as they used to, and they’re not visiting as much as they did before the pandemic

He cites U.S. border stats that show there were 84,379 border crossings in September, way down from the samemonthin 2019 whenthere were 116,195 visits.

The area’s economy was declining even before the lockdown that resulted from the pandemic, which seems to have permanentlychanged visiting habits, he said.

Economicstudywilltrytofinda waytoboost Point Rober ts’ economy. Picturedisthe Point Rober ts Marina.

“Over half ourvisitsnow are to purchase gas or use our parcel services, which are short visitsof 15minutes,” he said.

There’s also been a reduction in tourist, holiday and weekend trips

“They generally stay 15 minutesand do not make a healthy, overall commercial market. Those visitsincrease anddecrease along with the dollarfluctuation,” said by email.

Trump’s talkand jokes reported in the media about Canada isalso causing a “negative connotation,” with Canadians who may notfeelas welcome, said Calder, adding it’s just onemore burdenfor Point Roberts.

“… because of the TrumpTrudeau meeting media coverage, we are finding many Canadians very upset about Trump’s remarks vis a vis Canada, andfurther distancing

them fromus,” Calder said.

“Not a healthy economic situation here withnoletupin sight.”

Business was slowat the Saltwater Cafeon Gulf Road, Thursday (Dec 5)

Owner Tamra Hansen said business has really decreased in the last few weeks at a place where most of the customers are fromacross the border.

“Absolutely, I’ve noticed the last two weeks. It’s just dropped off to nothing,” she said.

“We have no su ppor t here wh at so ev er. Ab so lutel y dead.”

After bouncing back after the pandemic, businessin the last year has beendown, althoughthe summer was OK,she said. “The dollar’s not helping that’s for sure,” she said.

She’s working on another strategy to draw inmore local residents “We’re just working ontrying to drive local business,” she said.

However, Hansen said a

low looniealso entices Point Roberts residentsnorth, so they can enjoy the strong U.S. dollar Calder saidthelocal economy has beenindecline forthe last twodecadesand compares Point Roberts to Sumas, Wa., just across from Abbotsford.

He said the economy won’t improve until Point Roberts takes “significant, pro-active measures.”

“Why does Sumas do so much betterthan Point Roberts?” he asked.

He added thatSumas has its own council.

“They locally determine their own economicanddevelopment direction,” he said.

In November, the Canadian dollarfell to itslowest level since May 2020afterTrump threatened to impose tariffs on Canadian goods shipped to the U.S. once he takesofficein January.

The Canadiandollar was still at the 7-cent range asof Dec. 4.

It’s thattime of year to show off yourChristmas lightdisplay! Ourannualfeaturewillruninprint& onlineinthe Dec.19thedition,butinorderto complete ourlistweneed to hearfromyou.

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EmailyoursubmissiontoEditorIan Jacques at: Andifyouhave takenpartinthepast,please re-submitaswe want to ensurenooneisleftout.

City expands youthpasses for recreation centres


sg yarm ati@delta-optimi st .c om

The City of Deltais creatinga Free Childand Youth Recreation Pass, also known asthe Youth and Kids Pass

The free access for residents18 years of age and under will be availablefor young people to access recreationfacilitiesand drop-inprograms starting April 1.

The newprogram isan expansionofthe Youth Admission Pass currently available to Delta youth between the agesof 10-and-18 years.

A report to council notesthat asthe youth admission pass category had grown to encompass a broader range of ages,

Theprevious expansionofthecity’s youth passprogramhadan immediateimpact on participationinphysical activity,withsubstantialincreases in recreation centrevisits, the citynotes.

thecity has seen acontinualincrease inutilization of passes

“Theexpansionofthe free admissionprogram

will reduce barriers to physical activity and recreation,and support council’s goals andpriorities to buildaninclusive and safecommunity by developing initiativesthat further support diversity, equity andinclusion. This initiative supports Delta’s Poverty Reduction Action Plan by reducing thecost of recreationfor economically disadvantaged residentsand young familiesthroughoutthe community,” the report explains.

The new Youthand Kids Pass will be implemented as part ofthe 2025 Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw, which received preliminary approval by council last week.


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Lifestyles Deltashowcases FrozenJr. for theholidays

Delta’s best talent isbringing the magicof Disney to lifein Frozen Jr., a family-friendly musical just intimefor theholiday season.

Running from Dec. 19 to 21 at the Genesis Theatre, thisheartwarming productionpromises to captivate audiencesofall ages with stunning performances, vibrant costumes, andthe timeless taleoflove, family,and selfdiscovery.

Directed by local theatre artist Jyla Robinson,theshow features a cast of dedicated performers who have poured theirheartsinto creating a magical experience

“Theenergy and passionfromthese young performers istruly inspiring,” says Robinson. “Audiencesare infora realtreat whenthey see theirfavourite characters like Elsa, Anna, and Olaf… live on stage!—it’s the perfect way to celebrate the season withloved ones.”

The show run time is approximately

onehourinduration. Ticketsare $25 and can be purchased online at www. Don’tmiss this enchanting productionof Frozen Jr., a must-see event this December! -Submitted

Picturedtop row lefttoright; Finn Kofoed,Olivia Gilmore, Ruby Koehn, JJ Toribio,bottom rowlefttoright; Sophia Vannerus,MatthewMain.

DeltaModel Railway Clubwillneed a homewhenmall redevelops

Model railway hobbyists in Deltaare looking for a newplace, perhapsa large basement or a mini warehouse, astime runs out ontheirpresent location.

The Delta Model Railway Club has beenlocated in Tsawwassen Town Centre Mallforthe last half a dozen years.

But now with redevelopment plans for the mallimminent, the club knows it will have to find a new spot, andone that’s largerinorder to make room forits growing membership

Clubpresident Stewart Goumans said the club can stay inthe malluntilconstruction begins, adding that Century Group has been good to the club, charging only nominal rent

But the clubisnow lookingfor a space with about 1,500 sq. feet to allow the track andtheminiature scenery, which representsaspectsof Deltaand B.C., to be set up.

But afteroneand a half years oflook-

ing, so far, it’s had noluck.

“Trying to find a placeinLadneror Tsawwassen,it’s very difficult,” Goumans said.

One possiblelocationin Tsawwassen fellthrough, so the clubisnow looking inLadnerand maybe eventhe Tilbury industrial area, thoughthat would be a long way to travelforthe club’s youth members.

With a larger space, the clubcould grow evenmore, headded.

Andthe clubisfortunateto have its own spacefor a track.

“We are notlooking for handouts. We need a space We’ll pay. We’ve just got to figure out how much that is, obviously,” Goumans said.

The club’s motto is “Open to All” and Goumans points out that the clubtakes a relaxed approach saying ifmembers bought theirtrains, they can bring them to the cluband run themonthe HO-scaletrack.

Somemodel railway fans have trains that are60 to 80 cars long, which the trackcan accommodate.

The club has been chugging away for 16 years and has range ofmembers from 12 to 90 years.

The digitizationofmodel railways and great detail attractsthe youth, headded.

Goumans saidthe club will keeplooking andifthey don’t find a place, then they’llcross that bridge whenthey come to it, adding he’s not ready to give upon the club.

Nopurchaserequired.ContestbeginsonDecember9,2024at10a.m. PDTandendsonDecember24,2024at11:59p.m.PDT.Thereis atotalof[12]prizes availabletobe won.Skilltestingquestionrequired.Opentolegalresidentsof BritishColumbia,Canada,whoareageofmajorityintheprovinceattimeofentr y. Oddsofwinningdependon numberofeligibleentriesreceivedbefore contest closes.Limit 1entr yperperson.Enteroncetoqualifyfor allavailableprizesattimeofentr y.

DeltaModel Railway Clubislooking foranewhome.


1. Hotspring

4. Maildrop

8. Papermoney


13. Listen to

14. Confused

15.____out aliving



18. Ties theknot





32.Ofthe eye

33. Kayak’scousin




39.Smallfib: 2wds






52.Hickory, e.g.


54. Chums


56.Cee’s follower



2. ____funat


4. Ship’s pronoun

5. Paged(through)

6. Desertstops

7. Candies, e.g. 8.Crushingblow

9. Landamid water


11.“____andthe Tramp”


21.Male feline


24. Bunny’sstep


26.“ aGift”

28. Rowed






38. Octobersign









Crosswordpuzzleanswers useAmericanspelling


ARIES March21-April19

Your familymay becounting onyoutohandleallthe holidaypreparations. Considerdelegating some taskstodistribute responsibilities moreevenly thisyear.

TAURUS April20-May20

You’llhaveplentytotalk aboutthisweek! You’llstart wrappingyour Christmas presents,addingyour personaltouchto impress yourlovedonesanddelight thekids,evenifittakes sometime.

GEMINI May21-June20

You’ll findyourselfinthe spotlightasyouworkon aspecialproject. Youmay bringthe family together foran impromptu tripor a specialholidayactivity

CANCER June21-July22

You’ll receive many invitations,whichyou may initiallywantto decline.However,you may changeyour mind atthelast minute, especiallywhenit comes toparticipating inthefestivities

LEO July23-Aug.22

Youmayfindstickingtoyour budgettobe abitof astruggle, asyou might beinclined tochoose moreexpensive giftsthanplanned. Youmay alsogivecertainlovedones preferentialtreatment.

VIRGO Aug.23-Sept.22

Yourcreditcardwillget a workoutthisseason! You’ll havetochoosewhetherto buy Christmas presents, participateinsocial activitiesorgoon afamily trip. Youmustdigdeepas youconsideryouroptions overthenextfewdays.

LIBRA Sept.23-Oct. 22

Your home willbebustling withactivityevenbefore thefestivitiesbegin. Your childrenwillturnyourabode into abase camp withtheir friendsbeforetheholidays officiallystart,addingto your responsibilities.

SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov.21

You’llbecarriedawayby the magic of Christmas, even ifyouthoughtyoucould escapeitthisyear.You’ll dedicate time tocharitable causes,bringingjoytothe

peoplewhoneedit most.

SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec.21

You’ll embrace the excitement of Christmas thisyear,feeling cheerfulandexcitedto participateinthecelebrations. You’lleagerlyvisitbustling shopping malls toenjoy yourselfandjoininonthefun.

CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan.19

Thethoughtoftaking atrip orgoingon agetaway may crossyour mind, asignof yourdesireforadventureand newexperiences. Youmight considerworkingabroadfor achangeofscenery.

AQUARIUS Jan.20-Feb.18

Dependingonyoursituation, goingbacktoschoolcould considerably improveyourlife. Agreatopportunity may arise, bringingsignificantmaterial gainandproviding relieffrom yourfinancialstress.

PISCES Feb. 19-March20

It may be time to re-evaluate yourpersonalandsocial media connections. You don’tneedtoxicinfluences inyourlifesowing discordand harming your relationships.


Fillinthegridsothat everyrow,every columnand every3 x3box contains thenumbers 1through 9onlyonce. Each 3x3box isoutlinedwith a darkerline. Youalreadyhave a fewnumbers to get youstarted. Remember:youmustnot repeat the numbers 1through 9inthesameline, columnor 3x3 box.

Community Ladner Rotary receives awards

The most significant performance recognition the 1.4-million-member Rotar y International can award to oneofits 35,000 clubsisthe Rotar y Citation.

Rotar y ClubofLadner received aninternational Citationfor2023/24 by achieving its goals, including sustainable projects serving needs of our community and world, giving totop-rated The Rotar y Foundation, and building awareness of Rotar y inthecommunity,thanks to members, local residentsandthe Optimist.

Ladner Rotar y also received international recognitionforitsdonations to the global campaign to End Polio Now,

which Rotar y initiated in1986and since joined by foundations, world healthorganizationsand governments to so far rid the world of99 per cent oflifetimecrippling and sometimes deadly disease.

Rotar y District5040, of48 clubs from Greater Vancouver, upthecoast to Prince Rupert and inland to Prince George area, also recognized Ladner Rotar y as a Major Donor Level1 to The Rotar y Foundation.

Rotar y District5040 GovernorDrewAntrobus presented thethree recognition awardswhen he visited Ladner Rotar y on Dec. 3.

Congratulations to Ladner Rotariansas

Peopleof Action,for empowering through unity togetherin service to our community and our world,more recently through :

• StoryWalkfor childrenandfamilieson the Millenium Trailin Ladner

• providing food for lowerincome high school studentsandfamiliesandfor South Delta Food Bankusers

• sponsoring the Interact Club at Delta Secondar y

• sponsoring andproviding some summerpicnicand Christmas dinner cheer forfamiliesand guardiansofneurodivergent, or special needs, adults

Formany years Rotary ClubofLadnerhas sponsoredanInteract Clubof50to100 studentsat Delta Secondary School, whichprovidesservices andsupporttoour communityand communitiesinotherpar ts ofthe world.

• providing water filters and systems to remote villagesofLaosamong various services -Submitted

Tsawwassenlegion hasan extra marginofsafety


pmeln yc huk @d elta-optimis m

Members at the Tsawwassen Legion Branch 289are feeling proud and a littlepleased that an automated external defibrillatorisnow on thepremisesin case someone hasa heart attack.

Legion executive member Andy Ramage started theprojecta year ago with a desire to have an AEDon site and to see volunteer stafftrained in basic first aidandinthe use ofthedevice.

“It’sa big deal to us We’re very proud of ourselves,” saidlegion president Tanya MacNeill.

Minutes will make a big differenceifanybody hasa cardiac issue, she said.

“Minutes can make the world ofdifference to

somebody’sfuture,” said MacNeill.

She added that for people withheart issues, it’s comforting to have an AED nearby.

“It is absolutelya life saver. It’s amazing what that can do, just to give people peaceofmind,” she said.

The legion bought the AED about two months

ago with guestsand members making donations to allow thelegion to afford the approximately $1,700device, while a bandnight fundraiser in October raised some money forfuture first-aid trainingof the staff.

Last weekend, abouta dozen ofthelegion staff took part in a demonstrationonhow to use the device.

MacNeill saidtheAED is very easy to use and has voicepromptsthat guide people ever y step ofthe way.

She added that she’s noticing more ofthe devicesin buildings around town andthat otherorganizations may want to consider getting AEDs.

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Thistimeofyear, Christiansre-tellthe storyofJesus’birth. Inoneversion,the storybeginsinJerusalem withanagedpriest namedZechariahtendingtohispriestlyduties inthetemple. Suddenly,anangel appearsdeclaringthathis elderlywife,Elizabeth, willbearachild,John (theBaptist),whowill preparethewayforhis merciful,liberating,and forgivingcousin,Jesus, tobeborn.Zechariahis skeptical,andduetohis inabilitytobelievegood newswhenhehearsit, hismouthissilenced, forcinghimtolearnhow tolistenforthenextnine months!

Thespotlightthen shiftsfromamale-dom-

Sundaysat10:00 a.m. Rev.Jason Truell

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Rev.MariePaul Welcometoeveryonefor Worship &Friendship Sundays @10:00am tuc@telus.net604.943.2911

“Be Faithful,betrue, be ablessing”

Minister’s Minute

wisdomoftheirbodies, tradingstoriesabout theirpregnancies,and singingasacredsong abouttheirGodwho lowerstheloftyandlifts upthelowly.

Thisstoryremindsus thatGodisoftenfound whenpeopleinpower stoptalkingandstart listening,whenwetrust theembodiedwisdomof women,andwhenwelistentosongsofliberation sungfromthemargins.

inatedplaceofreligious andpoliticalpowerto thestoriesoftworuraldwelling,marginalized women–Elizabethand Mary.

Thesetwowomen engageinholyconversation,listeningtothe

Onanothernote,I’ve enjoyedcontributingto theMinister’sMinute thisyear.However,asa part-timepastor,Ihave otherresponsibilities totendto,andthiswill bemylastsubmission fornow.Iwonderwhat othervoiceswemight hearfrominthefuture?


The Delta SkatingClubwillbethrowingitback withaniceshowshowcasingalllevelsandtalents on Dec. 13attheLadner LeisureCentre.

Delta Skate Club hasgreat results atJingle Blades

TheDelta Skate Club produced some top results at the recent Jingle Bladescompetition.

Congratulations to the figure skaters who participated

Star 1 Skaters:

Cedric Chan


Finnley Eunall

Ashlyn Ho

Naomi Kajdan

Frankie Klammer

Andrea Ng

Aurora Steele

Tanya Wu

Star 2 Skaters:

Alysia Ho

Blake Trenkel

Bella Kelly

Kaitlynn Sun

Olivia Ying

Olivia Yu

Star 3 Skaters:

Breanne Skinner

Victoria Tang

Myla Walsh

Parker Zang

Jayden Zhang

Kelvin Zhang

Colleen Zheng

Caitlin Jerrett

Star 4- 13 & Over :

Violet George -5th

Star 5 Artistic:

Caitlin Jerrett- 6th

Star 5- Under10:

RainnyRen- 6th

Seraphina Han- 9th

Star 5- Under13:

Alyssa Yu - 11th

Star 5- 13 & Over :

Alisha Liu- 7th

Lucia Sedgwick -11th

Star7/8 Elements : Kaitlin Hu -2nd

TheDelta Skating Club will bethrowing it back with an iceshow showcasing alllevelsandtalents. Comeon out to the Ladner Leisure Centre onFriday,Dec. 13 at 5:45 p.m.


Sports stories? ContactIanat or call 604-998-3616

IceHawks riding10-gamewinstreak


ijacque s@ delta- optimis t. co m

TheDelta Ice Hawks are flying high following a perfect 9-0 Novemberandnowa 1-0 start to December.

Those resultstranslate into a 10-game winning streakand a 23-5-1 record, good for47 points and top spotinthe Tom Shaw Conferenceofthe Pacific Junior Hockey League

Delta’s latest win wasa thrilling 9-7victor y overthevisiting Chilliwack Jets,Dec. 3.

Forward Grady Lentonled the way withfive goalsandthree assists and was named the game’s firststar.

Assistant captain Mateo Sjoberg added two goals andthree assists and was named the second star

Sjoberg istied fortheleague leadin points with57(30 goals and27assists) with Zach Lagrange from Ridge Meadows (26 goals and 31assists).

“Results have been really good recently,” saidheadcoach Steve Robinson.

“Overall, winning isthe ultimate measurement and we are happy withthose results We have somethings we need to work on … power play and afewthings we need to improve in our game, cutting down onthe goals against as we go into the second half [of the season], but you can’tcomplain about the resultsandthe boys have beenplaying really well.”

Novemberbroughta mixed bag of games– someblowout wins, sometight winsand a few games won in overtime

“That clichéof a win is a win–there isno such thing as a bad win,

butI know it’s also hard to win in any leagueandthat includesthis one,” he said. “It’s not easy to deliver your top game, ever y game, so part ofthat resiliency that you are building as a teamis a teamidentity throughoutthe yearandthe personality ofthe guys andhowthey form that team so when adversity hits, they have allthe tools to work throughthat.”

Robinson saidtheplay of Sjoberg has been a big key to the club

“Mateo came to usmiddleof last seasonand wasa kidI had never coached before andplaying on our other teamshe was more of a checker, but what isgreat about himisheisoneofthe hardest working guys at practiceallthe time,” said Robinson. “So, it’s great when you have oneof your best players withthat kindof character. You can tellthe way heconducts himself It’s beengreat to have him inthe roomand to be a great hockey player, oneof our leaders and a

tone setter has been huge.” Robinson also said keyed ontheplay of Lentonand Tye Hemenway.

“We have great depth with Tye our captainwhois a pointa game defenceman. We also just got back Ryden Mathiesonfrominjury and have beenfortunate to addlocal kid Grady Lentonwho came to us about 17 games ago. He’s hada year with the Kelowna Rockets, Coquitlam Express, but is at that point inhis journey where he wants to be closer to home, but still wants to play,” said Robinson. “He is a terrificplayer. Grady has foundhis way withus and stepped uphis gameandhe hasa lotofconfidence andiscoming onlike gangbusters.

“That healthy mixof having some young ascending players that are 16and17 climbing the ladder and mixing those guys with guys like Sjoberg and Lenton, I think that is our secret sauce finding that right mixof young andold.”

The DeltaIceHawksstretchedtheirwinningstreakto10games with a 9-7win overtheChilliwackJetson Dec. 3.


•PrimeParcel: 20.25-acrepropertywithtwohomesandan8,400 sq.ft.barn,located on aquietsectionof104thnearBoundaryBayand aprivateairstrip.

•DrivewayAccess: Future drivewayaccessoffHornbyDrive, suitableforlarge trucks

• MainHome: A3,162sq.ft.4-bedroomrancher,builtin1972, renovatedin1987, with aroof replaced12years ago and a30-carcementdriveway

•SecondHome: A3-bedroomrancher,idealas afuturebuilding site.

•Barn: Afirst-classfacilityusedforbreedingracehorses,with asteel roofand cladding, suitableforvariousfarminguseswith good nearby irrigation.

•PropertySizeandLocation: Amazing16, aquiet,central Tsawwassenlocation. •HomeFeatures: Two-levelhomewith 5bedrooms,a 6-year-old roof,hardwood floors,and acomfortablefloorplanwith roomforin-lawsdownstairs

• FuturePotential: Massivelotwithspaceforfuturedevelopments,suchas ashop, duplex,orlarger second dwelling; Deltapermitsupto 4unitsor8734sq.ft. maximumbuildingenvelope.

•DevelopmentOptions: Deltaisopentoconsidering alargerseconddwellingwith squarefootage potentiallycomingoutofthemainhouse.

• Convenience: Convenientlylocatedjust a15-minutewalktomostamenitiesintown

•PrimeLocation: Formershowhomein CollegeHeights onan11,518sq.ft.pool-sized cornerlotwith asprinklersystem,offeringfantasticprivacyand aviewofMt.Baker

• OutdoorFeatures: Siding onto aCDS,providing greataccessforRVparkingor afuture shop,withmanyoptionsforuse.

•InteriorDesign: Customhomewith10ft. ceilings andnearly 8ft. high doorsonthe mainfloor,featuring agourmetislandkitchenopento alarge family roomwith agas fireplaceandbackyardview

•SpaciousLayout: Foyerwithopenstaircaseleadingto 4sizablebedroomsupstairs, 2fullbaths,and afullbasementsuitableforin-lawaccommodation.

•Immediate Availability: Oneofthelargestpropertiesinthe neighborhood,available forimmediatepossession.

• DevelopmentSite: 9,545sq.ft.lot,approximately0.22acres.

• ZoningPotential: Municipality suggests RM 1orRM2zoningfor a four-story building.

• PotentialAssembly: Sitecouldbecombinedwithadjacentproperties (11659,11663,and11671229thStreet)fordevelopment.

• NeighboringDevelopments: Fivelotsnextdoorarecurrentlyunder redevelopment.

• CurrentUse: Familyhomesuitablefor rental;sellerprefers long-term rentback.

•PrimeLocation: 3.19-acreparcelon WesthamIsland,offeringthetranquilityof countrylivingjust10minutesfromurbanconveniences.

•CharmingHome: Features awell-maintained1,479sq.ft.3-bedroomrancher withspacious roomsthroughout.

•OutdoorFeatures: Includes alarge gardenarea, astorage shed,andbeautifully landscapedsurroundings. •ExpansionPotential: DeltaMunicipalityallowsfortheconstructionof a3,552 sq.ft.homeplusanadditional1,937sq.ft. dwelling, idealforextended families.

•UniqueLifestyle: Enjoy aspeciallifestyleclosetonaturewhilebeingmoments awayfromtheamenitiesofDelta.

roadfrontage and a roughed-in seconddrivewayentrance.

•CharmingHome: Cozy4-bedroom English stylehomewith a4-year-old roof, freshexteriorpaint,andnewcarpets.

•EquestrianFacilities: Includes a5-stallbarn,hayfield,andspaciouspasture areapreviouslyusedasanequestrianfacility

•ConvenientLocation: SituatedbetweenLadnerand Tsawwassen,closeto TsawwassenMillsMall,BCFerries,TFNIndustrialPark,and30minutesfrom Vancouver

•InvestmentPotential: Propertyhas significantinvestmentpotentialwithfuture portexpansionplansandadjacencyto 2 BCRailpropertiesneartherailway

Asaproud4th-generationSouthDelta resident, alocalexpertraisingmyfamilyinthisincrediblecommunity,and

chapteroftheir realestatejourneyswithcare,expertise,and acommitmenttogettingitrightthefirsttime. Ispecializeinallaspectsof residential realestate-fromfirst-timebuyerstointricatesales involvingfarms,powerofattorney/executororseparations.Whateveryourcircumstances, Iapproacheverytransactionwiththesamededicationasifitweremyownhome,ensuringtheprocess isassmoothandsuccessfulaspossible.Fromunderstandingyourfirststepstostagingyourhomefor aquickersaleandtopdollar,we’llcreate atailoredplandesignedtoachieveyourgoals.With innovativeonlinemarketingthroughTikTok, YouTube,Facebook,Instagram,andtargetedSEOads,yourpropertywill receivethemaximumexposureitdeservesintoday’scompetitivemarket. Callmetodayat604-362-0350orvisittaylorbrownrealty.comtostartplanningyour2025move.Let’sworktogethertomakeyournextchapter asuccess!


Welcometotheentire6th-floorpenthouseatNorthgateOffice Tower,amodernandvibrant6-storyconcreteofficebuildingatthe gateway toTsawwassen. Thisexceptionalpenthouseoffersnearly3,000sqftofpremiumofficespace,featuringexpansive views and alargepatio. Thespaceboasts10-footceilingsandlargewindows,fillingtheareawithnaturallightandcreating abright,open atmosphere. Themoderndesignincludes aspaciousmainofficearea, aseparatereceptionspace,and aprivatesuite,withflexiblelayout optionstoaccommodate variousbusinessneeds.Additionally,thepropertyofferssevendesignatedparkingstalls,lowmaintenance fees,andamplevisitorparkingbothabove andbelowground.If you’relookingforthefinestofficespaceinSouthDelta,thisisit.


585716th Ave

CharmingBeachGrove RancherinSunnyTsawwassen.Centrallylocatedandonly afewblockstotheBeach, BeachGrove ElementarySchool,shopping,recreationcenter,transitandgolfcourse. 2bedroom/2bathroomwith newerroof,furnace,andhot waterondemand.Large,coveredpatioandpowered workshopoutback.Great Starterhomeorbuild yourdreamhome.(6140sqftlot55.77ft x110ft)providesflexibledevelopmentoptions.



Experienceserenelivingon1.58acreswiththisbeautiful4-bedroom,2-bathhome.Boasting13,000sqftofflat,usablespace,this propertyoffersendlesspotential. Thehomefeatures awalkoutbasementwith afullyequippedkitchenbothupstairsanddown.Upstairs, find 2bedrooms, 1bath,andanupdatedkitchenandflooring.Downstairs,twogenerouslysizedbedroomsprovideamplespace.Enjoy stunningviewsofthe FraserRiverandcityfromthelarge,covereddeck, overlooking avastgreenspaceand ravine. Featuringanupdated roof,HWtank,furnace,and AC,thishomehasbeenmeticulouslymaintained.Anenclosedcarport,currentlysetupas aworkshop,can easilybeconvertedinto agarage,addingfurtherflexibilitytothisproperty.Idealformulti-generationallivingorinvestment!



Experienceluxuryand charminthiscustomexecutive homeintheheartofStevestonVillage. Featuring vaultedceilingsandmassive windows,thisbeautifullydesignedresidenceisfilledwithnaturallight. Withfourspaciousbedroomsandthreebaths,thehome includes astunningprimaryensuitewithskylightsand asoakertub. Thegourmetkitchenflowsintothefamilyroom,creatinga perfectspaceforentertaining,complemented by aseparateformaldiningroom.Enjoylow-maintenancelandscapingand adetached doublegaragewithextrastorage. ThishomecombineseleganceandpracticalityinoneofSteveston’smostdesirablelocations.



YourIdeal FamilyHomeinImperialVillage! Thisbeautifullymaintained4-bedroom,3-bathroomhomeoffers over3,000sqftofbrightlivingspace.Thetraditionallayoutfeaturesallbedroomsand aspaciousgamesroom upstairs,including agrandprimarysuitewith awalk-inclosetandsoakertub.Enjoytheprivacy of afully-fenced backyardbackingontothehillsidewithmaturelandscaping. With a6yearoldroofandnewflooring,thishome ismove-inready.



Beautifullyredesignedandsignificantlyrenovated by KempConstructionin2010,thisfamilyhomeintheUpperTsawwassen/PebbleHillareais readyfor yourfamily.Themainfloorwelcomes youwith alargeopenkitchen,greatroomconceptwith vaultedceilings,living/diningroom,spacious kitchenandeatingareaopeningto alargepatio,plus aseparatefamily/gamesroom. Thegreatroomis overlookingthelargesunnybackyardwith astunningnewsaltwaterpoolandcoveredhottubwith aprivatefirebowlseatingarea. This yardissetupforthekidstoplaywhileentertaining familyandguests.Completingthemainflooris aconvenientoffice/guestroomwithensuitebathroom. 4largebedroomsupwith 3bathsincluding aluxuriousensuiteintheprimarybedroom.Incredibleimprovementsinclude,HRVsystem,on-demandhot water,newelectrical,plumbing, in-groundsprinkler,stainlesssteelappliances,roof,siding,windows,fireplaceandmore...atraditionalhomewithallthemodernfeatures.

ToddJackson, B.A.
RichardLowe, RIBC
AmyLambert, B.A.
Mike VanStraaten, BMgt Realtor









•Fullydetached 2bedroom &den rancherwith1658sq.ft.oflivingspace

•Featuresopenconceptstyleliving,large gourmetkitchen,familyroometc,

•SidebysideDoublegaragewithlarge fencegardens!

•StepstoMillennium Trail,Riversetting& Restaurants!


•Spacious 2Bedroom 2Bathrenovated modernupstylecondo

•Bringyourboat(30’Boatslip)toenjoy yearroundcruising

•Primelocationtostroll(1dogor 1cat Welcome)toparks,recreation,shops, &restaurantsinHistoricalLadner

•Greatopportunitytoenjoytranquil resor tstyleliving!

•Outstandingcustombuilt 4bedroom &denhome


•Nestledin aquietcul-de-saconlargesouthwestlot

•Beautifulopenconceptlivingwithhigh-end appliances: Wolfe,SubZero &Miele

•Coveredpatiowith 2heaters,ingroundsprinkler system &shed


•Primelocation! WalkingdistancetoLadner Elementar y, DeltaSecondar ySchool,parks,shops, transit &more!

•Uniquepropertieslikethisare arareopportunity tofind

•TOP FLOORcondo at TsawwassenSprings •Spacious1368sq.ft.

517145th Ave.

Beautiful 5bedroom &denhomeincentralLadner.Features includehardwoodfloorsthru-out,onebedroomonmainand 4up,allwithaccesstoensuites.Openfloorplandownwith gourmetkitchen,granitecounters &stainless-steelappliances. Privatebackyardwithcoveredpatio.Oneblocktohighschool, memorialpark,librar y&pool.Excellent familyhome.

Centrallylocatedinthehear tofTsawwassen &walkingdistance toshopping,restaurants,buses &golfcourse.This 2bedroom anddenrancher wasbuiltas a“PassiveHome”in2015. Abuilding standardthatistrulyenergyefficient,comfortable,affordable andecologicalatthesametime.Mustbeseentoappreciateits valueandgreatlocation.Newheatpumphasbeeninstalled.


BeachGrovefamilyhome.Oneofthebestlocationsavailable with awestern exposedbackdeck/yardoverlooking“Beach GroveMini Park”.This 5bedroom 3bathroomhomeisonly minutesto golfcourse,Dyke&schools. Perfect forkids& pets.Bonus:in-law-suiteavailable forextraincomeifneeded. ViewsofOcean &Mountainsfromthefrontcovereddeck.


WelcometothiswonderfulfamilyhomeindesirablePebble Hill!Situatedon aover7700sqftsundrenchedlot,this2200 sqft 4bedroom 2bathroomhomeis aperfectlocationfor yourgrowingfamily.Justa shortwalktotransit,Diefenbaker park,andPebbleHillTraditionalElementary.Thishomehas beenincrediblywellmaintainedbyitsoneandonlyowner, since1969.

4bedrooms |2 bathrooms 2283sqfthome |7718sqftlot

Stepintothisspacious2-bed,2-bathground-floorunitwitha walk-outcoveredpatio,perfectforyear-roundbarbecuing. Theprimarybedroomboastsanensuiteandwalk-incloset, whilethekitchenimpresseswithstainlesssteelappliances andsleekquartzcountertops.Thisunitalsoincludesparking withEVcharging.Residentscanenjoyamenitiessuchasa gym,gamesroom shopping,restaura minutesaway,this livingandurbanco

2bedrooms |2 b

,andmore.Convenientlylocatednear nts,andtransit,withWhiteRockBeachjust homeofferstheperfectblendofcoastal nvenience athrooms |853sqft

VANCOUVERREALTORS *REBGVstats CALLAmber &Jenniferfor acomplimentaryhomeevaluationtoday!

463853St -Ladner

2+ den |1|1164sqft

Prime realestateopportunity!Perfectlysituatednear town,this2-bedroomranchergraces aspacious,flat 9178sq.ft.lotwith70.57ftfrontage &129.98ft depth.Boasting asunnyeastern-exposed rearyard. Thesubdivisionpotentialwhencombinedwiththe neighboringproperty463853rd, resultsin atotalof 18,225sqft &thepossibilityfor3-4lots. Aunique andsubstantialopportunityforfuturedevelopment!

Waterfrontviewsofthe TrailIslandsfromevery room!Bright &airymainfloorw/open-concept living/dining,& gourmetkitchen.Mainfloorprimary bedroomalsow/deckaccess.Upstairs,twospacious bedrooms,lowerleveloffers arec-roomleadingto thehottub,yogadeck,outdoorshower,sandyfirepit area &directbeach/oceanaccess.

3| 1| 1221sqft

9052sqftlot |$1,679,000

Unlock arealmofpossibilitieswiththisexceptional realestategem!Nestledinanideallocationjust stepsfromtown,this3-bedroomrancherstands proudlyonanexpansive9,052sq.ft.flatlotwithan easternexposure,featuringanimpressive77-foot frontage &adepthof117.15feetMustbesoldwith 462853rdbothpropertiescombinedoffer atotalof 18,225sqftcreating acanvasfor3-4lots.

2Bedroomsanddenongroundlevel inroyaloaks.Greatdevelopmentand location, walkingdistancetoallamenities and veryquietlocation. Thisunitwithits sizeandextraden rarelycometomarket sodon’tmiss your chanceto owninthis fabulousdevelopment. Thisniceunitisin goodconditionwithundatedappliances.

FABULOUSPENTHOUSEWITH 3BEDROOMS, 2FULL BATHROOMS,1188sq.ft.,CORNERUNIT ANDfootstepstoTsawwassenMillsshoppingdistrict! THISOpen &BrightSouthEastunitoffershighquality finishing.Beautifulkitchenwithstainlesssteelappliances, quartzcountertops,undermountsink &oversizedisland forentertaining.9’ceilingsgive thiscondo WONDERFUL spaceANDLIGHT.BEAUTIFULPRIMARYbedroom tuckeddownthehallwith walkthroughcloset &gorgeous ensuitebath wdoublesinks.Bonusunderground 2parkingstalls &securedstoragelocker.THISComplex features aGym &amenityroom.Easyaccess Freeway, Ferry &publictransit.Comeexperiencethelifestyle ofSunnyTsawwassen!THESEPENTHOUSE’SRARELY COME TO MARKET.CALLFORDETAILS.



Tsawwassenspringsgolfcourseisresortstyle livingatit’sfinest.Beautifulopen &bright 2bdrm &denwith 2fullbathroomsandlarge heateddeck. Thiscondohasspectacularviews ofgolfcourseandNorthShoremountains featuring11’ceilings,gourmetkitchen,large primarybdrm,big walkinclosetandspa-like ensuite.Enjoytheendless180degreegolf course,NorthShoremountainsandbeautiful sunsets. Thisunitcomeswith 2parking spacesclosetoelivatortandbikeroom. WalkingdistancetoTsawwassen Fitness Centre, PatQuinn’sRestaurant,Nat’s,Coffee, Newman’sandTsawwassenMills.Don’tmiss thisfabulouscondo.

Beautifulfamilyhomeon agreatstreet inupperTsawwassen.Homefeatures 3600sq.ft., 5bdrms, 3fullbathrooms, largegreatroom,biggamesroom, hardwoodfloors,manyupdatesandall largerooms.Homehasexcellentfloor planthatopensto afabulousprivate southernexposed yard.Don’tmissthis Greathomein aGreatlocationata GreatPrice.

209-555513A Avenue,Tsawwassen


Spacious1400sqftcondowith 2parkingstallsat Windsor Woods!



Discovertheepitomeofrancherstylelivingin thislovely homesituatedin aquietcul-de-sac locationinImperialVillage



$1,699,000 Fullyrenovatedfamilyhomewith separateentrancein-lawsuite.

330 Tsawwassen,BeachRoad


Panoramic oceanfrontproperty! 85FTwaterfrontage.By appointmentonly.



1bedroomcondowithitsown privatesunnypatiojuststeps away fromthetowncenter.

1555Enderby Avenue,Tsawwassen


Beachgroverancherupdatedto accommodatea familywith 3bdrms and2 fullbaths.


RV parkingoff8A.






$1,350,000 Greatstarterhomewhich includesa Legalsuite down,withviewsover BoundaryBayandfarmlands!


573648B AveLadner


Renovated3bedroom 2bathfamilyhome withsunnyprivatebackyard



NestlednexttoPointRobertsthis quiet propertyisa perfectlocationfor investors,builders,orsmallfamily.


$1,849,000 PebbleHill,LargecornerLotHome inPrimelocation- featuringSarah GallopdesignedKitchen.

309S 110056Street,RoyalOaks


Spacious 2bedroompenthouse, inimmaculate condition.


$1,569,000 Beautiful4 bdrmfamilyhomein PebbleHill.


RAREFIND!Spaciousupdated2 bedroom &den penthousewithopenconceptplanandvaultedceilings offerslargeinterior& exteriorviewsfrom2 decksof Mt.Baker,VancouverIsland,themarinaandfreighterson theFraserRiver.Asanendcornersuiteallowsforextra windowsprovidingamazingnaturallightinthegreat room/livinganddiningareaandfeelslikea rancherin thesky!Thequalityhigh-endkitchenfeatureselaborate customcherrycabinetry,anoversizepeninsulaeating areacomplimentedw/granitecountertops,pullout appliancedrawer,thelatestsmartappliancesanda hugepantry.Otherupdatesincludelushflooringand qualitypaintthroughout.Alsooffersa nicegymfacility& workshop,2 parkingstalls,a hugestorage lookeranda 5minutewalktooldtownLadner.(30127774)

4423 41BSTREET


Charming CountryHomeon aSpacious Lot. This beautifullymaintained10, features adelightful3-bedroom,1-bathroomhome withmodernupdatesandclassiccharm.Enjoya newmetal roof,afully renovatedkitchen, aclassic clawfoottub,andnewerwindows.Themainfloor includes 2bedroomsand apotential3rd bedroom or rec/playroomupstairs. Additionalhighlights area15x28detached workshop,gardenshed,and greenhouse.Outside,the fenced yard offersflower and veggiegardens, afirepit,andspacefora chicken coop.Justa20-minutewalkfromLadner Villageand stepsfromtheFraserRiverDyke, this property combinespeaceful countrylivingwith convenientaccess to amenities.

NewFloatingHomewithstateoftheartengineeredconcretepositive flotation.Fully rainscreened exterior.Two heatpumpsinhomefor yearroundcomfortandsupplementalbaseboardheatand propanefireplace. Twobed/twobathwithden/office.Customkitchenwithinductioncooktop, wall oven,dishwasher,frenchdoorfridge/freezer,pulloutpantryand walkinpantry.Incrediblerooftop deck with360degreeviewofGoldenEarsandRiver. Plentyofparkingplusextrafor RVs.Giant communitydeckwithpatiotablesforgroupeventsorjust aglassofwineatsunset.Privaterooftopdeck onhomewith railingsurround.Roomtoadd aGazeboorgreenhouse. Petsarewelcome.Moorage $1200/mthincl.sewer,garbage/recycle, water,parking.Boatmooragepossible-discusseswithmarina. HomecanbeineitherLangleyorRichmond.Sellerwillmove it.

5533183A STREET

Welcome to ShannonHillsEstatesinCloverdale! This 2,737sq.ft.homeona1/4acreprivatelotincludes RV parking, a24x30detachedshop,covereddeck, gazebo,waterfeature, andfruittrees. Themainfloor featuresspaciouslivinganddining rooms, afamily room,largekitchenwithgas range,eatingarea,full bath,andmud/laundry roomleading to thebackyard Upstairs,find alargeprimarybedroomwithensuite and walk-incloset,plus 4additionalbedroomsand ahugebonus room. Twoseparateentrances to the secondfloor couldeasilycreate aprivatenanny suite. Thesidedriveway provideseasyaccesstothe insulated,poweredshop.Upcomingupdatesinclude anew Cloverdalehospital/cancer center,KPU Tech Campus expansion,andtransitimprovements.

$1,699,800 -$1,799,800












Bedrooms: 2•Bathrooms:2 FloorArea:1,022Sq.Ft. •Built:2024

Welcome to Salt &MeadowII! This stunningtwobedroom, two bathroom cornerpenthouseunitofferstheperfect combinationoflifestyleandluxury.Thisunitboastsgorgeous oceanviews andsunsets to beenjoyedthroughoutthehomeand fromthespaciouspatio.Brandnewandneverlivedin,withan openandtastefullydesignedkitchen, extending to thelargeliving roomwithsoaring ceilingsthroughout.Other featuresinclude access to theclubhouseincludingoutdoorpoolas wellas afitness centrelocatedinthebuilding,twoparking stalls,one storage lockerand AC.Convenientlylocatedclose to ampleshopping, restaurantsandmoreatTsawwassenMillsand Commonsand only25kmfromVancouver.

















4338B Cormorant Way, Tsawwassen


Bedrooms: 3•Bathrooms:2.5 FloorArea:1484sq.ft.

Welcome to Boardwalk!Builtin2022,thislovely 3bedroom, 2.5bath,1/2duplexhasitall. Thishomeoffers afunctionallayout with aspaciouskitchen,islandand aFisher Paykelgas range.The openmainfloorboasts9’and vaulted ceilings,largewindows andamplenaturallight.Upstairs youwillfindthebedrooms,main bathroom,laundry roomandtheprimarybedroom completewith aluxuriousensuiteand walk-incloset. Thishomeprovidesmany comfortsincludinglaminate throughout, asouth facingpatio withnaturalgashookup,adoublecargarageandtheclubhouse amenitiesincludingoutdoorpool,jacuzzi, yoga,kidsareaand more. Enjoythe conveniencesof TsawwassenMillsand Commons withshop,services, restaurantsandmore.















Bedrooms: 2• Bathrooms:2 FloorArea:1,181sq.ft.

to Pilothouse! Thisluxurious2-bedroom,2-bathroom condoboasts ararewest-facing,private, walk-upgardenentrance withbeautifulsunsetviews thatissteps to theMillennium Trailand Captain’s Cove Marina. Featuring10’ ceilings,plentyoflightanda functionalopenlayout,this contemporaryandelegantlydesigned 1,181sqfthomeoffersqualityfinishesthroughoutincluding agas range,built-in oven,integratedfridgeanddishwasher,largeisland, quartz countertops,marblebacksplashandplentyof storage throughout.Other featuresinclude:separatelaundry room, engineeredhardwood,spa-likebathrooms,pet-friendlybuilding, 1largeandsecureparking stall,bikestorageandanimpressive clubhouseoffering resort-likeamenities.


Thor778-994-8314 Kate604-836-0462

444716Orca Way, Tsawwassen •$979,000

SEASIDE -bright &spacious 4bed 3bath1636sqfttownhomeindesirablecomplexwithpool,gym &clubhouse! Greatopenplanwith 3bedsup &1down-idealguestroomorhomeoffice. Walkto TSprings, TMills,beach, boardwalk &transit.Idealfordownsizingfrom ahouseorupsizingfrom acondo!


Welcome to SouthGrovewheremoder ndesignmeetsfunctionalliving.Thisbrightandluxurious home features 3bedroomsplus aversatiledenorofficespacealongwith 3spa-inspiredbathrooms. Thegourmetkitchenisequippedwithquartzcounter tops,stainlesssteelappliances, gasrangeand shakercabinets.HereyoucanenjoycoolsummerswithA/Corcozyupnext to the fireplaceinthe openconceptliving room.Thishomealsoincludes adouble garageprovidingamplespace forboth vehiclesandadditionalstorage! Centrallylocatedandjuststeps to SouthDeltaSecondar ySchool, South Park Elementar y, Winskill,Dennison Park,tennisandpickleballcourts. Contactme forall your RealEstateneeds! | |604.910.7039

OpenHouseSunday,December1,from2:00 -4:00

NoStrataFees!Executivelivingatitsfinest!Thistranquil 3-bedroom,3-bathhalfduplexoffersoceansideliving! Enjoyoceanviewsfromthecomfortofyourprivatewest facingbackyardnestledin aprimelocationof Tsawwassen Shores!Theopen-conceptlivingspaceisbeautifullyfinished with18ftceilings,hardwoodfloors,andanabundanceof windowsforbeautifulsunsets. A4-footheatedcrawlspace offersample roomtokeepyourbelongingsorganized. Locatedjust a2-minutedrivefrom TsawwassenSpringsGolf Course,andTsawwassenMillsShoppingMall.

4853CedarCrescent, Tsawwassen

ThisclassicCapeCod-stylehomeinUpper Tsawwassen offerscharmandspaceonan11,335sq.ft.cornerlot. With 4-5bedroomsand 4bathrooms,the3,073sq. ft. residencefeatures avaultedentrance,cedarwalls andhardwoodfloors.JustblocksfromEnglishBluff Elementary,youcanenjoythisfamilyfunctionalkitchen withanislandanddiningareaoverlookingthepool. Extra’sincludeanattachedworkshop,sauna,ample storage,andparking!Opportunityforduplexandtwo gardensuitebuildsavailable. Priced@ $1,699,000

Tsawwassen SeafairRealty

Thelifestyle youhavebeensearching for! Aunique collectionof waterfrontresidences nestledbetween agolf courseand ayachtclubwithdirectaccess to the16 km waterfront Millennium Trail.Thisspacious1350sq.ft.,3 bedroom, 2bathroomsuiteisalsoa S/W exposed cornerunitwithstreetaccesslike atownhouse.2parkingspots& largestorage too! Countr yclublivingwith a12,000sq.ft. clubhouse.Trulyis ararefind!

TheCoast at TsawwassenShores!Spaciousopen concept 2bed,2bath &densuite. Approx.865sq.ft. Privatepatiowithdirec toutsideaccess… per fect fordog walking.Steps to Tsawwassen Mills Mall,BCFerries,freeway access,golf,recreation &allamenities.Callnow!MLSR2945956.





Calloremailtoplaceyourad, MondaythroughFriday8:30amto4:30pm 604-653-7851 Bookyouradonlineanytimeat delta-op

Fond memories linger everyday, Remembrance keeps themnear.

PHYL, Alwaysin ourhearts, Missingyou, Bob,Sandra andRobert


OEUVRAY,JohnRaymond April18,1961 −November11,2024

OnNovember11,2024,ourbelovedfather,John RaymondOeuvray,passedaway.Johnis predeceasedbyhisparents,Raymondand FrancesOeuvray.Heissurvivedbyhispartner AnneLarson;childrenTrisha(Chad),Craig(Brooke) andTara;grandchildrenDayton,Kassia,Briarly, Kasey,RhyleyandVictoria;brotherDon(Gloria); nephewAndrew(Wyatt);andniecesKoral(Mitch) andNadine(Tyler). Toexpresscondolencesandmemories, pleasevisitourmemorialpageat

POSTHUMA, Thomas (Tom) 1961 -2024

BornDigbyNovaScotiaonMarch31,1961.Passed awayNovember 4, 2024aftera brave 3yearbattle withcancer.PredeceasedbyhisbrotherKelly.

TomwillbegreatlymissedbyhismotherConnie Lucas,father DrAllanPosthuma, brotherMichael, sisters AnnaandCleo,andniecesandnephews andmanyfriends.Hewas amemberofthe CanadianFalcon,Fairlane,CometClubforover30 years.

ACelebrationofLifewillbeheldonSunday,May4, 2025atDeasIslandRegionalPark -Fisher’sField PicnicShelter from10:00a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

FARRANT,Sandy November13,1951 -November30,2024

Itiswithdeepsadnessandheavyheartsthatwe announcethepassingofourbelovedSandyafter a briefillness.Hispassingwaspeaceful,withhis devotedwife,Karen,byhisside.They were marriedforfifty-fourwonderfulyears

Sandyissurvivedbyhischerishedwife,Karen,his much-lovedchildrenKelly(Jason),andPeter (Kirsten,James,andSean),hisstepmother Verna; andhisadoredgrandchildren,JaredandAlex,who brought himimmenseprideandjoy.

BorninVancouverandraisedinRichmond,Sandy was atrueathlete,participatingin avarietyof sportsincludingbaseball,soccer,curlingand hunting Hisloveforsportsneverfaded,andhe tookgreatprideinwatchinghischildrenexcel, whetheritwasKelly’s passionforsocceror cheeringonhisgrandchildrenastheyplayed lacrosseandsoftball

Sandy’struepassion,however,wasfishing,a love thathesharedwithmanyofhisfriends,thoughhis favoritefishingbuddywas undoubtedlyhisson, Peter

As afamily,wewerefortunatetohavemany incrediblemomentstogether, fromtripsto ShuswapandPalmSprings,toexploringtheEast Coast,andeventheunforgettab eSundaydinners, includingthefamousdeep-friedturkeydebacle.

Sandy waseverythingtous -alovinghusband, father,grandfather,andfriend.It goeswithout saying thathehasleftanirreplaceablevoidinour lives.Hewillbemissedbeyondmeasurebutwill foreverremaininourhearts.

GoneFishin’ Noservicebyrequest.

Celebratethelives oflovedoneswithyourstories, photographsandtributeson deltaoptimist

SCHROEDER,RichardDavid January19,1953 -December1,2024

Richard“Dick”Schroederpassedawaypeacefully surroundedbyhisfamilyin aroomfulloflove,on December1, 2024, attheageof71.

Dick’sfamilywasthecornerstoneof hislifeandhis proudestachievement. Hewaspredeceasedby hisfatherandmother,FrederickandMary Schroederandhisin-laws,JohnandMickey Watson.Hewillforeverberememberedlovinglyby hiswifeandbestfriendof46years,Susan; daughtersMeghan(Eric)andKristin(Allon); granddaughterLeahandgrandsonElliott;brother James(Vickie);andextendedfamilyandfriends.

Anaccountantbytrade,hewaseasilyrecognized aroundtheofficebyhissignaturesuspenders.He alsoenjoyedgardening,spendingtimewithhis dogs,running,andbuildinghisdreamcabinon MayneIsland.

Thefamilygivesthankstotheteamsat Vancouver General Hospital,BC Transplant,andDeltaHospital fortheircareoverrecentyears.

AtDick’srequest, aprivatefamilygatheringwillbe held.Inlieuofflowers,pleaseconsider adonation inhismemorytoDeltaHospitalFoundation



TADGELL,Marilynn(Lynn)J. September5,1949 −December4,2024

Marilynn(Lynn)JeanTadgelldiedpeacefullywith herhusbandBlairatherbedsideonDecember4, 2024,inNanaimo,BC,attheageof75.Lynnis survivedbyhermother,Jean;husband,Blair (childrenChristina,JesseandMatthew);and siblings,John(Roberta),Scott(Brenda)andLori (Curtis).Lynnwasprecededindeathbyherfather, TedandbrotherMark.

LynnwasbornonSeptember5,1949,inHamilton, Ontario,toJeanandTedTadgellandestablished earlyfriendshipswithMaryVirtueandKathryn Nicholson.SheattendedhighschoolinHamilton, Ontario,andcompletedherdegreeinDental HygieneattheUniversityofTorontoin1969.Lynn movedouttoVancouverin1969withherfriend SueRobichaud,whereshemetlifelongfriends TriciaHughesandHeatherLoewen. Shepracticed dentalhygienewithseveraldentistsinthe Vancouverarea.

Lynnmetherfirsthusband,GeorgePugach,in Vancouver,andtheyweremarriedfrom1976to 1989.Lynnmaintained alifelongfriendshipwithher sister−in−law,AnyaNimmon(Pugach).They travelledextensivelytoEurope(Switzerland),Africa (Senegal),MexicoandCentralAmericainthe1970s and1980s.Lynnwasanaccomplishedskier, windsurferandscubadiver.Sheservedonthe Whistlerskipatrolinthe1980s.Later,Lynnhada numberoftripsdowntotheSouthernBaja, enjoyingwindsurfing.

LynnraisedhernephewJesseTadgellfromthe ageof 1asa singlemomfrom1994onwards.Lynn methusbandBlairGohlin1999inPointRoberts, Washington,at aBeavercampfortheirtwoboys, JesseandMatthew,andtherestishistory.Lynn andBlairmarriedin2001inTsawwassen,B.C.and raisedtheirblendedfamilyinTsawwassenfrom 2001to2012andlatermovedtoParksville,B.C. Overtheirmarriedlife,theyenjoyednumerousski tripstoSunPeaks,mainlandMexico,theBaja, HawaiiandEngland.

AcelebrationoflifeisscheduledforJanuary18, 2025,atKnoxUnitedChurch,Parksville,BC,witha receptiontofollowatthechurch.Allarewelcome toattendandcelebrateLynn’sveryfulllife. The familywouldliketothankAvenirMemoryCarein NanaimoforLynn’scareoverthelast3 monthsof Lynn’slife.Inlieuofflowers,pleasesenddonations toAlzheimer’sB.C.(


Grand Openingof West Coast SelectWholesaleFreezer!

We’re thrilled to announce theGrandOpeningofthe West Coast SelectWholesale Freezer righthereinyour neighbourhood! Comestockuponpremiumwildsmoked salmon at wholesaleprices—justintime for yourholiday entertainingand gifting.

Here’s what to expect:

•Top-qualitysmokedsalmonthat ’s wild-caught andsustainablysourced.

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When: Monday-Saturday, 10:30am -7:00pm by appointment,phoneor text 604-306-7700 to book atime

We’re so excited to bringourlocally-made,West Coast Selectsmokedsalmoncloser to home.Thisis yourchance to getpremiumseafoodwithoutthemarkup— direct fromthemanufacturer!

Visit https://westcoastselect.caformoredetails.

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Brainstem part

Town in NewYork state

Little (Spanish)



Short-billed rails

Smallperiodof time(abbr.)

Womaninancient times

Republican Party




Cityin Zambia

Confused 21. Ateamneedsone




44.One pointeastof southeast 45. Indian soldier 46. Tree type 48. Midwaybetween southand southeast 49. It coolsyourhome

Gurus 38. Small, gray-headed

Designated space


Part of yourface



Corncomes on it 52. Ship’s deck 54. A waytobake 56. Improvised 60. Butterfly genus 61. Baseball fieldshave





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UnitsmaybeviewedandbidstobesubmittedonFRIDAY DEC27,2024at5917 Thorne AvenueBurnaby,BC between10:00amto3:00pm.AllwrittenbidstoMundie’s Towing5917Thorne Ave,Burnaby, BCV3N2T8.


ThepersonalpropertyofLeeMallory,formerlyof167456th St, Tsawwassen,BC,V4L2M5,storedat3480RiverRd W, Delta,BCandconsistingofhouseholdgoods, willbesoldby publicauctiononJanuary3, 2025.Amountowing:$475.00. Formoreinformation call604-961-0988



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Rate: $1 7.40perhour,4 0-45h/week ,M onday -S aturda y

•P erformsomeorallofthefollowingduties:

•P runing,deleafing,lowering,etcoftomatoplants

• Pickin ga ndpackingoftomatoes

•M ayoperateequipmentsuchastractorandothermachinery

•A ssistinirrigatio ns ystemplacements

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2Ave, 4Ave,52ASt,52St,MurphyDR W.

16001131stAve,50thSt, WalkerAve, WallaceAve..........................................................................................................57 1600232GreenlandDr,ParkgroveCres, WoodlandDr......................................................................................................76 1600234AlpenwoodLane,GroverridgeWynd,SherwoodBlvd,Pl.....................................................................................44 1600302EhkolieCres,ShamanCres,SkanaDr,WalaleeDr.............................................................................................83 1600304 KumaCres, PacificCrt,Dr,PlSkanaDr..............................................................................................................57 1600305 PacificDr..........................................................................................................................................................36 1600306 PacificDr,StahakenCrt,Pl................................................................................................................................44 1600321GaleDr,GalePl.................................................................................................................................................40 160032254thSt,56thSt,7BAve,7thAve,GilchristDr,Pl. .....................................................77 1600324 4Ave,4AAve,55AST,55ST.............................................................................................................................77 16003254AAve,54thSt,5BAve,6thAve,AllenDr,RawlinsCres....................................................................................83 160040413BAve,15BAve16thAve,54thSt,55ASt,55thSt.........................................................................................70 160040952ndSt,53ASt,BelairCres,SaratogaDr,WindsorCres,BelairDr.....................................................................79 160041316thAve,53ASt,WildwoodCres.......................................................................................................................52 1600425OspreyDr,BlueHeron Way. .56

Alladvertisingpublishedinthisnewspaperis acceptedonthepremisethatthemerchandise andservicesofferedareaccuratelydescribed andwillinglysoldtobuyersattheadvertised prices.Advertisersareawareofthese conditions.Advertisingthatdoesnotconform tothesestandardsorthatisdeceptiveor misleading,isneverknowinglyaccepted. Ifanyreaderencountersnon-compliance withthesestandardsweaskthatyou informthePublisherofthisnewspaperand TheAdvertisingStandardsCouncilofB.C. OMISSIONANDERROR: Thepublishersdo notguaranteetheinsertionof aparticular advertisementon aspecifieddate,oratall, althougheveryeffortwillbemadetomeet thewishesoftheadvertisers.Further,the publishersdonotacceptliabilityforanyloss ofdamagecausedbyanerrororinaccuracy intheprintingofanadvertisementbeyond theamountpaidforthespaceactually occupiedbytheportionoftheadvertisement inwhichtheerroroccurred.Anycorrections ofchangeswillbemadeinthenextavailable issue.TheDeltaOptimistwillberesponsible foronlyoneincorrectinsertionwithliability limitedtothatportionoftheadvertisement affectedbytheerror.Requestforadjustments orcorrectionsonchargesmustbemade within30daysofthead’sexpiration. For best resultsplease checkyouradfor accuracythefirstdayitappears.Refunds madeonlyafter 7businessdaysnotice!

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RoofCleaning &Repairs

TheRichmondAutoMall &theRichmondNewsarebackagaintolend abighelpinghand totheRichmondChristmasFund!WindowsofHope,theirlargestfundraiser,generates ahuge portionofthedollars requiredtohelpstrugglingfamiliesinRichmondenjoy ahappierChristmas.

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