Delta Optimist May 16 2018

Page 1

WHAT A MESS: Former premier concerned by state of Ladner farm, 3 ON THE RUN: Track athletes head to Fraser Valley championships, 27 CLIMB FOR KIDS

Team tackles stairs, 11



The voice of Delta since 1922

Harvie set to announce mayor’s bid

Flippin’ out for Mother’s Day!


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Delta MP Carla Qualtrough shows members of the TOOBs her pancake flipping skills during a Mother’s Day breakfast she hosted at Ladner United Church last Saturday.

Donation was likely a mistake Tsawwassen thrift store receives $23,000 in jewelry, turns it over to police IAN JACQUES

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A kind citizen has donated thousands of dollars of jewelry to a Tsawwassen thrift store, which believes the gift might have been made in error. Delta Youth Support Link (DYSL) Thrift Store received a donation of what appeared to be costume jewelry, but board member Jim Silver told the Optimist the look of the items

just didn’t seem right. “We went into Vancouver and had the items appraised. We wanted to make sure we knew what we were talking about,” said Silver. “It looked valuable. Once we realized the value of it, obviously someone has made a mistake here, so we took it to the police just in case it was stolen or they would have a better idea if someone had reported this stolen.” The donation came into the

thrift store around March 1. The jewelry is valued at $23,000. DPD public affairs coordinator Cris Leykauf said since an initial release about the items was made public last Thursday, police have received several inquiries, but as of Monday, no one had come forward to identify the items in person. “We are hoping someone comes in and claims it,” added Silver. “To have that amount of

money donated — I think someone has made a mistake and doesn’t realize it.” Silver said the store has got valuable items by mistake in the past, but nothing of this value. “You get some pieces that are worth a few dollars, but certainly not something like that,” he said. Because of the nature of the donation, police are not providing a description of the jewelry. To claim, contact DPD at 604946-4411.

It’s likely the worst kept secret in Delta. Former Delta CAO George Harvie is set to make an announcement next Tuesday evening at Tsawwassen Springs about his political future. “I hope you can join me for a special announcement regarding the upcoming Delta municipal election,” he stated on social media Monday. On Tuesday morning, Harvie’s campaign manager Micah Haince confirmed that Harvie would be running for mayor. “We will be unveiling the slate of five that will be running George Harvie alongside George,” said Haince. “They will be running under the slate name Achieving for Delta. The name represents the past 18 years and the accomplishments that (Mayor) Lois (Jackson) and George have made together, but also bridges what they would like to do and their promises for Delta and continuing George’s record of success, so Achieving for Delta represents both the past and future.” On Monday, former Delta fire chief Dan Copeland posted a similar announcement on social media. Haince said he could not name the other four candidates, but did confirm Copeland will be running alongside Harvie. HARVIE: see Page 3

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A2 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

PUBLIC HEARING - Tuesday, May 22, 2018 Delta City Council will hold a Public Hearing, in accordance with the Local Government Act, to consider the following proposed projects and related applications: Date: Time: Place:

Tuesday, May 22, 2018 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber Delta City Hall 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, BC V4K 3E2

A Council meeting is scheduled to immediately follow this Public Hearing in the event Council wishes to give further consideration to any projects at that time. Any persons who believe that their interest in property will be affected by the proposed projects shall be given an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing on matters contained in the bylaws and/or proposed by the applications. Should you have any concerns or comments you wish to communicate to Council in advance of the Public Hearing, you can write to: Mayor and Council City of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, BC V4K 3E2 Fax: 604-946-3390 Email: Correspondence addressed to Mayor and Council will form part of the public record for this Public Hearing. To be considered, correspondence must be received by the Office of the City Clerk no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 2018. Project No. 1

Application for Land Use Contract Discharge and Rezoning (LU008400)

Location: 7786 115 Street, as shown outlined in bold on MAP NO. 1 Applicant: Jasvir Basi Telephone: 604-805-4440 Proposal: Application for Land Use Contract Discharge and Rezoning in order to permit subdivision of the subject property and development of two single detached residential lots.

To amend “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” by rezoning the subject property from Duplex/Single Detached Residential 3 (RD3) to Single Detached Residential 7 (RS7) in order to permit a two-lot subdivision and construction of a new single detached dwelling with an in-ground basement on each lot. No secondary suites are proposed. Development Variance Permit LU008216 To vary Section 11.70.8 in “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” by reducing the minimum lot width for subdivision from 12 m to 10.97 m for proposed Lots 1 and 2. Staff Contact: Nick Danford – 604-946-3201 Web Location: April 30, 2018 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Item E.03 Project No. 3

Application for Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Development Variance Permit and Development Permit (LU007994)

Location: 11142 River Road, as shown outlined in bold on MAP NO. 3 Applicant: Maggie Koka, Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.

Proposal: Application for Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Development Variance Permit and Development Permit in order to permit subdivision of the subject property, development of six bare land strata single detached residential lots, and protection of Knudson Creek within the riparian area noted as Rem 99.

“Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” Amendment Bylaw No. 7746 To amend “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” by rezoning the subject property from Single Detached Residential 1 (RS1) to Single Detached Residential 7 (RS7) in order to allow a two-lot subdivision and construction of a new single detached dwelling with an in-ground basement on each lot. No secondary suites are proposed. Staff Contact: Nick Danford – 604-946-3201 Web Location: April 23, 2018 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Item E.05 Application for Rezoning and Development Variance Permit (LU008216)

Location: 11679 74 Avenue, as shown outlined in bold on MAP NO. 2

MAP NO. 3 FILE NO. LU007994

• Amending the Future Land Use Plan in Schedule A by reconfiguring the boundaries of the One and Two Unit Residential (R) and Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) land use designations for the subject property; and • Amending the North Delta Future Land Use Plan in Schedule C.1 by reconfiguring the boundaries of the Single Family Residential (SFR) and Environmentally Sensitive Area 2 (ESA 2) land use designations for the subject property. “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” Amendment Bylaw No. 7703 To amend “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” by rezoning a portion of the subject property from Single Detached Residential 1 (RS1) to Single Detached Residential 7 (RS7) in order to allow a six lot bare land subdivision and construction of a new single detached dwelling with an in-ground basement on each lot. No secondary suites are proposed. Development Variance Permit LU007994 To vary the following provisions in “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017”: • Proposed Lot 1: o Section 11.70.6 by reducing the minimum rear setback from 9 m to 7.5 m for a principal structure; and

• Proposed Lot 5: o Section 11.70.8 by reducing the minimum lot width for subdivision from 12 m to 10.6 m. • Proposed Lot 6: o Section 11.70.8 by reducing the minimum lot width for subdivision from 12 m to 11.7 m.

Telephone: 778-896-7552 Proposal: Application for Rezoning and Development Variance Permit in order to permit subdivision of the subject property and development of two single detached residential lots.

To vary the following provisions in “Delta Subdivision and Development Standards Bylaw No. 7162, 2015”:

MAP NO. 2 FILE NO. LU008216 City of Delta 4500 Clarence Taylor Crescent Delta, BC V4K 3E2 (604) 946-4141

Development Permit LU007994 To protect the natural environment and to protect the development from hazardous conditions related to potential slope instability within the ND1 Fraser River Escarpment and SPEA Streamside Protection and Enhancement Development Permit Areas. Staff Contact: Susan Elbe – 604-946-3389 Web Location: April 30, 2018 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Item E.04 Project No. 4

Application for Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning, and Development Variance Permit (LU007878)

Telephone: 604-614-0565

o Section 11.70.8 by reducing the minimum average lot depth for subdivision from 30 m to 25.2 m.

Applicant: Raghabir (Ruggy) Aujla

• Section 7.3 of Schedule A and Drawing L2.22 of Schedule C by waiving the requirement to provide road improvements to the Local Road standard along the Knudson Road frontage in order to maintain a modified Local Road standard and by accepting the existing road cross-section.

Applicant: Tars Malhi, Tars Home Developments Ltd.

To amend “The Corporation of Delta Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3950, 1985” as follows:

To discharge Land Use Contract S.A. No. 2769 MAP NO. 1 from the subject property FILE NO. LU008400 in order to expose the underlying Single Detached Residential 1 (RS1) zone.

• Section 7.3 of Schedule A and Drawing L2.14 of Schedule C by reducing the minimum required effective pavement width along the River Road frontage from 12 m to 10.6 m in order to maintain a modified Collector Road standard and by accepting the existing road cross-section.

Location: 8151 Turner Place, as shown outlined in bold on MAP NO. 4

Telephone: 604-597-9058

“The Corporation of Delta Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3950, 1985” Amendment Bylaw No. 7702

Land Use Contract Discharge Bylaw No. 7745

Project No. 2

“Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” Amendment Bylaw No. 7762

• Section 7.2 of Schedule A and Drawing L2.14 of Schedule C by reducing the minimum required dedication width along the River Road frontage from 20 m to 12.7 m in order to maintain a modified Collector Road standard and by accepting the existing road dedication.

Proposal: Application for Official Community Plan Amendment, Rezoning and Development Variance Permit in order to permit subdivision of the subject property and development of two single detached residential lots.

MAP NO. 4 FILE NO. LU007878

“The Corporation of Delta Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3950, 1985” Amendment Bylaw No. 7758 To amend “The Corporation of Delta Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 3950, 1985” by amending the land use designation for the subject property in the North Delta Future Land Use Plan in Schedule C.1 from Single Family Residential (SFR) to Infill Single Family Residential (North Delta) (ISF(ND)). “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” Amendment Bylaw No. 7759 To amend “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” by rezoning the subject property from Single Detached Residential 2 (RS2) to Single Detached Residential 7 (RS7) in order to allow a two-lot subdivision and construction of a new single detached dwelling with an in-ground basement on each lot. No secondary suites are proposed. Development Variance Permit LU007878 To vary Section 11.70.8 of “Delta Zoning Bylaw No. 7600, 2017” as follows: • By reducing the minimum lot width for subdivision from 12 m to 10.7 m for Lot 2; and • By reducing the minimum average lot depth for subdivision from 30 m to 24.4 m for proposed Lot 1. Staff Contact: Jimmy Ho – 604-943-3331 Web Location: April 30, 2018 Regular Council Meeting Agenda Item E.05 Additional Information Additional information, copies of the bylaws, supporting staff reports, and any relevant documentation may be inspected from Wednesday, May 9, 2018 to Tuesday, May 22, 2018. City Hall: Hours:

Website: Email: Phone:

Community Planning and Development Department 8:30 am to 4:45 pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday (except statutory holidays) 8:30 am to 8:00 pm Thursday 604-946-3380

Please note that Council may not receive further submissions from the public or interested persons concerning the project after the Public Hearing has concluded.

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May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A3

Got News?

Contact Ted, Sandor, Dave or Ian at or 604-946-4451

Zalm fed up with farm mess Former premier wants something done about contentious Ladner property SANDOR GYARMATI

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It’s a blight on the community. That’s how former B.C. premier Bill Vander Zalm sums up the clutter, made up of vehicles and other materials, on the Hothi farm near the corner of 44th Avenue and Arthur Drive in Ladner. Vander Zalm, who lives just down the street, says many others he’s spoken to about the property have had enough, and want the city and provincial government to do something about it. “I’ve been chasing this for two years and nothing gets done,” he told the Optimist. “They seem to be getting away with murder and all the things you would never see get allowed in an Agricultural Land Reserve property, they’re doing it.” In a recent letter to the mayor, Vander Zalm complained the property was being used as a “cheap dump.” The property has been a contentious one for the City of Delta, which lodged a complaint to the Farm Industry Review Board about excessive and unsightly storage of vehicles, equipment and more. Delta also claimed activities on the farm negatively impacted the adjacent Hawthorne Grove Park as well as neighbouring residents’ properties. That complaint two


Former premier Bill Vander Zalm says he’s been trying for two years to get Delta or the provioncial government to do something about the vehicles and more stored at a Ladner farm. years ago was dismissed by the review board, which ruled although the activities of the farm could be considered an “eyesore,” they don’t fall within the definition of “other disturbance” which the board can rule on, such as odour, noise or dust. Delta bylaws manager Hugh Davies told the Optimist the city has been working directly with the operators, Santokh Hothi

and his son Sukhjeaven Hothi, toward resolving the issues. He noted one of the issues the city faces in urban-farm conflict cases is that farmers are covered by right to farm legislation that can override city bylaws. Sukhjeaven Hothi confirmed they have been working with the city. “We’ll be moving the equipment again. We use

most of the equipment but whatever we don’t use, and we’ve talked with the city, we’ll move it and scrap it,” he explained. They are also looking at building a storage bay, but a big challenge they’re currently working to resolve is having a more suitable access for the property, which currently can only be accessed from the Sacred Heart School site. A small separate

bridge from Arthur Drive would help resolve many of the problems, he noted. Davies confirmed the city is working with the operators on better access. The farmers had previously been at odds with the city over a storage building on the site which had been issued a stop work order during construction, but Davies said that matter has been resolved.

Harvie had been Delta’s top bureaucrat since 2001

CONTINUED from Page 1 “We have a cool thing planned, including a video, so it will be worth the wait,” he said. “I will not deny that Dan sharing his information is an indication that he will be running alongside George.” Harvie had been Delta’s

top bureaucrat for the better part of two decades, brought in by Mayor Lois Jackson during the first of her six terms. His contract with the city expired earlier this month. Last year, he announced he would be retiring once


Telephone: 604.943.9712

his contract expired, but in December the long-time top bureaucrat cleaned out his office and left early following an in-camera meeting. Details weren’t made public. Since then, he has still been on the city’s payroll, using up his unused vaca-

tion time until his contract expired. A Tsawwassen resident for over 40 years, Harvie joined the Corporation of Delta as CAO in 2001. Prior to that, he spent more than 30 years with the City of Burnaby in a variety of senior execu-

tive positions, including deputy city manager. He would become the second candidate in the race to replace the retiring Jackson as two-term Coun. Sylvia Bishop announced her candidacy in March. The civic election is set for Saturday, Oct. 20.

A4 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

Duck dilemma is turned into inspirational children’s book SANDOR GYARMATI

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A former hunter is writing a book about some Delta ducks he helped out of a dilemma. On June 21, 2016, Archie Tanner noticed a mother duck and her eight ducklings trying to navigate their way across Highway 17 at 56th Street, a precarious predicament given the volume of the traffic. Knowing they needed a crossing guard, Tanner

went out to wrangle the ducks to safety. “The farmer was working the field and the duck family had to move across the highway while the youngsters were way too young to fly. Without thinking, I rescued them knowing in mid-afternoon traffic there was little chance of the slow moving ducklings being seen and making it across the six lanes of highway,” explains Tanner. He said it wasn’t until

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I am happy to hear you back on radio as well as in the local Optimist newspaper. I have a question for you; we have a bad odour coming up out of the kitchen sink as well as our bathroom basins. We’ve tried the obvious items they sell in the grocery Now folks for my take on the industry of improvements to your home. store and hardware stores with no results. Can you help me with Some of you may be dealing with concerns relating to your first home our spring house cleaning?

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many months later he realized the story had the makings of an inspirational children’s book. According to the Delta police file, which was hilariously named Bad Parenting — Mother Duck, a concerned driver called police worried a mother duck and her ducklings were attempting to cross Highway 17, causing vehicles to slam on their brakes and swerve. While the complainant was concerned about the ducks, police were concerned about the human drivers. In the end, police didn’t have to attend as the ducks made it safely across the road. Tanner can be reached at


Archie Tanner has written a children’s book about a mother duck and her ducklings crossing a busy highway.


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What to expect is anyone`s guess for example, what improvements problems. may have already been done to your new home that is first home not a newly constructed home. Items such as windows, doors, draft proofing, 1. If you have an “insinkerator” (Garborator) follow this insulation, new roof per or new heating system an mayice have beentray changed procedure once month – freeze cube with over the last few years with the grants that were available from the juice of 2 lemons mixed into water. Turn water on cold Provincial and or Federal Governments for qualified home owners.

running down garborator sink drain for two minutes

Now that you purchased moved into at your followed byhave treated ice and cubes, one a home time and till want tray to as effectively as possible information will is operate empty. itAllow the water to runtheforfollowing another 2 minutes. help you achieve your goals within your budget. I am going to deal Bingo, it’s just that easy. with the home in a generic way as you may have purchased a condo, a2.townhouse, detached home or a duplex. am Don’t useapartment, liquid or single powdered drain cleaners; first Iturn presuming you will had a Home Inspector the Trap) house water offthat under thehave sink. Remove all draininspect pipe (P and that report will beof a guide to see any items have been from the bottom sinksfortoyou the outwhat fall ifdrain through the pinpointed as needing attention. wall. Sitting a plastic scrub pail under each sink drain will Let`s start the top with roof; is it was new, to when andon who installed the stop anyataccidents if the someone turn the faucets. roofing whatdrain is thepipes warranty It may be a local adding supplier Put all and plastic in information. a laundry tub or bathtub or from outHome of province. Your realtor should be obtain myit could Shellbe Busey’s Cleaning Formula to able thetowater, this information for you.of hot water. Fully immerse the trap 1 lid to 1 gallon

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Insulation and the draft water proofing is one of the best bangsTo forcomplete your buck pieces into and soak overnight. when it comes to home comfortof and energy it is not the job, scrub the inside the trapsavings. parts However with a bottle uncommon for awell homeowner improveIt’s thejust insulation not the draft brush. Rinse and retoinstall. that but easy! proofing. Draft proofing is the most important part of adding extra Cleaningasmaintenance if you haveplumbing a garborator insulation it stops air fromprocedure passing through around pipes, after usage not and putattic bones or rawLack meat of any kind into electric wires, (do ducting accesses. of draft proofing can cause such things as the discovery of egg mould on theare underside the roof garborator) vegetable waste, shells fine; asoflong as sheathing. informationWhen should grinding be outlinedisincomplete, the Home Inspection the waterThis is running. shut off report as well. and allow water to run for at least 30 seconds. garborator

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Telephone: 604.943.9712

Sarra not back in court until next March IAN JACQUES

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A South Delta manslaughter case won’t be back in court until next March. Franco Douglas Sarra, 20, a graduate of South Delta Secondary who now lives in Burnaby, will next appear in Surrey provincial court on March 5, 2019 for a preliminary inquiry. March 6 to 8 have also been set aside to hear evidence. According to Crown counsel David Simpkin, if following that inquiry the court determines there is sufficient evidence for Sarra to stand trial, dates will be set for B.C. Supreme Court. Sarra is facing a manslaughter charge in connection with the death of

Russ Armfelt, 53, outside the Rose and Crown Pub in Tsawwassen in December 2016. Previously, Delta police said Armfelt was located unconscious and unresponsive early in the morning of Dec. 11, 2016 outside the rear of the 56th Street pub. Despite efforts by paramedics to revive him, he later died in hospital. Armfelt’s ex-wife Julie McGuire told the Optimist Monday afternoon that the time it is taking for the court proceedings to get through is daunting. “We have to be patient. I understand that the courts are backlogged,” she said. “I’m happy with everything that has been done. We now have to get to healing and forgiveness on both sides.”

May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A5

Walking for Alzheimer’s


Approximately $3,200 was raised at the second annual Investors Group Walk for Alzheimer’s Walk in a Box in Ladner last Saturday. About 35 participants came out on the beautiful, breezy, sunny day for the event, which was held at the Delta Secondary track, according to organizer Youla Thomas. She said organizers were glad they were successful in raising some awareness and much needed funds for Alzheimer’s.

New DPD policy has cut false alarm calls IAN JACQUES

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A new false alarm strategy is resulting in a reduction in calls for service for the Delta police. Chief Neil Dubord presented the department’s new alarm response protocol at last week’s Delta police board meeting. A department analysis showed the DPD attends 1,500 calls annually and spends close to 2,000 hours each year responding to alarm calls, 95 per cent of which are false or cancelled. “These false alarm calls take up an enormous amount of patrol resources, both in terms of their frequency and the overall

time they take officers away from other important duties,” said Dubord. “The department collaborated with alarm companies operating in Delta and amended its procedures for call response between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. utilizing an enhanced call verification process. This protocol places more responsibility on alarm companies to verify legitimacy of the alarms prior to calling police.” The new procedures were implemented last December and the data indicated a 37 per cent reduction in calls for false alarms during the first four months and a savings of more than 150 hours of officer time.

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Cigarette causes Bay house fire

A dropped cigarette in a couch prompted a callout for Delta firefighters in Boundary Bay last Friday night. Deputy Chief Brad Wilson said fire crews were called to 67th Street around 5 p.m. Wilson said the report was that grey smoke was coming from the eaves of the house. While on their way to the scene, firefighters were told there was one male inside the home refusing to leave, while a female

was seen going in and out of the home. “Our crews arrived and took command and removed the female to a different area and then went into the house and pulled the male out,” said Wilson. “The fire was relatively small — a couch fire due to smoking. The crew extinguished it and provided some overhaul to the house and cleared the scene.” Both occupants were taken to hospital and released later that evening.



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A6 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018



May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A7

Delta appears to be on the right track Council agrees to pursue partnership with school district for tracks in South Delta, North Delta SANDOR GYARMATI

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New track facilities in Delta have inched a step closer to reality… or have they? After a lengthy debate at the Delta council table Monday, civic politicians voted in favour of a motion by Coun. Bruce McDonald that the city “develop an agreement with the Delta School District to pursue funding to bring a track to North (Delta) and South Delta which will achieve an acceptable standard for our citizens.” McDonald said there are other partnership examples of school boards and city councils, adding the province and feds have signed a new agreement to significantly fund appropriate local facilities. “I can tell you that I’ve had more emails and discussion with people over this issue than almost anything else we’ve been involved in because there’s people who’ve been advocating for a track for years. The track is not just used for track meets, it’s a safe


The rubberized surface was removed from the track at South Delta Secondary last month due to safety concerns and lines painted on the asphalt below. place for people to walk… We’ve moved other projects up and down on the scale over the years when it’s appropriate to do so,” said McDonald. It was noted by staff that around $157 million over the next decade would be available for playground and recreation centre initiatives, but details aren’t available as far as which projects would be eligible. Staff stated the city would likely have to fork over at

least 60 per cent of the cost of the local project. It was also noted by staff during the discussion that any potential funding by senior government would have to involve city-owned land and projects, and not schools, which steered the discussion to the possibility of having new tracks on Delta property. Coun. Sylvia Bishop noted the track issue has been discussed at the school board/council


liaison committee where members learned it’s complicated. “What we have discovered in the work is that it’s very complex and there are always more questions than there are answers, and sometimes the answers seem to contradict themselves,” she said. Mayor Lois Jackson was the only council member to vote in opposition, noting there’s a long list of other unfunded parks

and recreation projects that have been waiting for the green light. She also pointed out how Delta hasn’t been in the habit of funding projects on school district land. Coun. Robert Campbell said having a partnership puts Delta in a position to immediately pursue funding opportunities when they become clear. Concerned what taxpayers and user groups would have to say, Jackson

wondered if it is to be on school district property, then perhaps it would be more appropriate for the board of education to seek government grants. Noting the bill for two new tracks could have a $16 million total price tag, Jackson added she’s concerned the city isn’t approaching the issue in a logical manner and council should first sit down with school trustees. Coun. Heather King asked why Delta doesn’t have a strategic plan for its parks and recreation facilities. Parks, recreation and culture director Ken Kuntz answered most cities have moved away from them because they often create expectations that can’t always be realized. He said Delta, in essence, does have a plan in the $30 million to $50 million in unfunded projects on an extensive wish list. He also told council the land issue is the big unknown which should be sorted out, as well as where new tracks stand in the city’s priority list.









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A8 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

Published every Wednesday & Friday by the Delta Optimist, a division of LMP Publication Limited Partnership 5008 47A Avenue, Delta, BC V4K 1T8 Phone 604-946-4451 Deliveries 604-946-5171


OPINION Suddenly in vogue

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Murphy’s Law



he idea for an indoor sports facility in Delta has recently gained some momentum, but it’s got a long way to go before it becomes a reality. With Delta’s approval of a casino spelling the end of the bubble at the Delta Town & Country Inn, a yearround tennis facility, or lack thereof, became a political issue, yet despite a lot of lobbying, it didn’t appear proponents were making any headway. Just prior to this month’s casino public hearing, civic politicians basically told tennis players they needed to come up with a plan, and a bunch of money, then get in line behind other groups seeking parks and recreation improvements. Two days later that tune changed significantly when it was announced discussions were happening behind the scenes regarding the possible construction of a multi-use indoor sports facility. Whether that was intended to minimize fallout from the casino decision or simply because an election is just five months away, but suddenly the issue was front and centre. There’s no doubt there are many groups, in addition to tennis, that could be accommodated by such a facility, including dry floor users (lacrosse, ball hockey, roller hockey, etc.) that get arenas during the best weather months of the year but are forced outside once the ice returns. If it’s to be located centrally in Ladner, then a gym also makes sense given the community doesn’t have one, which adds basketball, pickleball and more to the list. There’s certainly no shortage of potential users, including squash players who lost their Boundary Bay home a couple of years back, but two massive hurdles — funding and location — have to be cleared before this project can ever get off the ground. With an indoor tennis facility pegged at as much as $8 million, you can bet a multi-use structure would be that much or more, which is a tall order in no-new-debt Delta. It’s a shame civic politicians didn’t insist Gateway provide some sort of amenity contribution, particularly given the casino company will be getting a break on property taxes and fees, but since they didn’t it will be up to city hall, and its sporting partners, to foot the bill. It’s still do-able, but it’s definitely going to take some time to come to fruition.

Question about new electoral system should be what, not if


n my last column, I wrote about changing our electoral system in B.C. This was a commitment made by the NDP during the election last year, and is a strong requirement for the continued support from the Greens. I mentioned that moving away from our current system would change how elections look in B.C., with many more fringe parties coming out of the woodwork. There are more than a few supporters of changing the system that say that’s fear-mongering. Well, I don’t think so. If you make a significant change to something, people will look for ways to take advantage of that change to benefit themselves. I took a flight recently on a discount airline. Not only do they charge for checking a bag, they are now charging for a carry-on as well. You are allowed a personal item, as long as it fits under the seat in front of you. When airlines started charging for checked bags, it was nearly impossible to find space in the overhead bin. Not on this trip. They were half empty. I watched the checked bags go on as well, just a couple of luggage carts with suitcases and golf clubs. Change the system, people will work around it. Another example is gas prices. Vancouver recorded the highest fuel prices in North America

Community Comment BRAD SHERWIN

recently. With that increase, and the progressive taxes that go along with it, we should be awash in tax revenues for transportation, but we are still talking about a road tax. Why is that? The answer is as simple as looking at the line-up at the Point Roberts crossing. They have a population of a large high school that live on the peninsula, yet they have five gas stations. Tsawwassen has three, with more than 10 times the population. Action causes a reaction. That’s why we have to be very careful about changing our electoral system. That’s why I’m even more concerned after hearing news last week that the vote we are supposed to be taking in the fall about electoral reform won’t be an alternate system, but a referendum on desire to change with details to follow.

The problem will be handed to “experts” of the government’s choosing to determine the system that gets adopted. So, in other words, let us know you want it changed, but you can’t determine what it gets changed to. Ask anyone if they want something new, most will say yes. It’s only after they find out what “new” is can they properly decide if it’s good or not. Having a vague referendum with a result of 50 per cent plus one handed to a government appointed panel to come up with a solution that will not be given back to the electorate is not how the people’s democracy should work. It reminds me of another famous quote, this time from Ronald Reagan: “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” For most policies, we elect a government and let them figure it out, good or bad. If we don’t like it, vote them out. But when it comes to how we elect our governments, I think an extra level of scrutiny is required. Brad Sherwin, MBA is a longtime resident of South Delta, and has over 25 years’ experience in marketing, public relations and business strategy. He teaches marketing at Douglas College, coaches hockey goalies and is president of the board of directors at Deltassist.

May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A9


Youth theatre is first class

Editor: The Delta Youth Theatre’s recent production of Beauty and the Beast Jr. featured at Genesis Theatre was simply outstanding, from the extremely talented cast, to the creative and incredible sets and costumes, to the hard working crew and everyone involved (too many to list). There are not enough words to express just how fortunate the Delta community is to have such a professional theatre group available for our gifted youth. Congratulations Delta Youth Theatre for providing another impressive production.

Thank you for giving the youth involved a place where they are accepted and pushed to their full potential, a second family and a place where dreaming of a future in the arts feels like it’s achievable. I would also like to applaud the Delta School District, Delta Secondary and Genesis Theatre staff for hosting the Delta Youth Theatre’s productions since 2017. Thank you for supporting this amazing community outreach program. As the volunteer school matinee coordinator, I have both seen and heard that the school matinee shows are treasured events

for teachers and students alike. The feedback from schools is unanimous as they leave with the same sense of awe and gratitude we all feel after attending a show. Together you have fostered an opportunity for all schools to attend unbelievable shows at an affordable cost. Genesis Theatre is an impressive community theatre that reminds us how many wonderful opportunities Delta has to offer. Thanks to this school program, countless young children have been amazed and inspired to pursue their dreams. Anna Wyman

Other ways for Delta to save money

Editor: I did not attend the public hearing on the casino proposal as I thought it was a waste of time given Delta council had already made up its mind. I am against the casino as we are a 15-minute drive from the River Rock in Richmond and 20-minute drive from Starlight in New Westminster, presuming it’s not rush hour. If you have to go to a casino in rush hour, give your head a shake. If organizations need

extra money, council could save money by not planting trees at Paterson Park. It could also make sure we don’t buy an old barn and move it and then build a very expensive one-way bridge to get to the barn with its own traffic light. I wonder how many tennis courts could have been covered with that money? Then there is the almost kilometre of curb, gutter and sidewalk that goes out to Sacred Heart School

on Arthur Drive. I am along that stretch of road often and don’t see much foot traffic at all. How many sports fields could have been fixed with that money? This has nothing to do with the casino but go up to city hall and the names of all the mayors and council members, who are paid, are etched in concrete while the people who volunteer for nothing get their names in plastic. It makes you wonder. Max Scabar

Complainers are holding Ladner back

Editor: I am a resident of Ladner and I must say I am really sick and tired of reading letters from anti-development people speaking for the majority, myself included. I am in favour of the casino and development of Ladner. Ladner has so much potential to be a

really interesting place like Steveston, but we are in the Dark Ages. The problem is you couldn’t build an outhouse in Ladner without these people complaining. Look at all the people that complained about the Tim Hortons, for example. It’s not like a Tim Hortons would ruin Ladner.

All the people I know who live here want new restaurants, buildings, entertainment, nice waterfront and a casino. So stop ruining everything for the people in Ladner that want to see it thrive, so it can become the great little town its capable of in a modern world. N. Martin

Casino coming here one way or another

Editor: Was it a surprise to see that residents are still debating and ranting about the casino? It baffles me why the folks that are against the casino approval do not understand that it is happening. It’s coming. If we don’t build it at the Delta Town & Country Inn loca-

tion, the Tsawwassen First Nation will. We’ll see the casino plunk in the middle of Ladner and Tsawwassen. Stop beating up our city councillors. They saw an opportunity to increase our revenues and took it. If the casino was built on TFN land, the city would see zero revenue and we’d

still have a casino in Delta. And please put this into perspective. It’s reported that 100 people spoke at the public hearing. The City of Delta has over 100,000 people, so 100 people does not represent “all of Delta,” nor can it be considered an “in force” showing. Laura Laferte

Valuable farmland being gobbled up by pot

Editor: Re: 1.7 million square feet of pot, May 9 I was very disappointed to see the front page of the Optimist about the local pot farm greenhouse. Are

we supposed to be happy about this? I find it quite offensive that valuable farmland has been gobbled up by something that has nothing to do with a good diet

or healthy lifestyle. A huge thank you to our traditional farmers that grow food for our tables. You cannot beat the taste of homegrown produce. Tina Doughty


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You are invited to attend an open meeting of the Board of Directors of Fraser Health. The meeting will include a presentation on the health care services offered in the Tri-Cities, as well as an update from our president and CEO, Michael Marchbank. The Question and Answer Period will provide an opportunity for the public to ask questions. This is a valuable opportunity to connect directly with the Fraser Health Board and Executive. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, contact us at: 604-587-4600

A10 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

Community Harry Manx to play the blues at Genesis Theatre Friday night PHOTO COURTESY OF HARRYMANX.COM

“Mysticssippi” blues man Harry Manx visits Genesis Theatre in Ladner this Friday for a 7:30 p.m. concert. Manx, who creates musical short stories that wed the tradition of the blues with the depth of classical Indian ragas, has won multiple Maple Blues Awards. For tickets, which are $40, visit http://connect37. (and search for manx) or call 604-9405550. Spa Time

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Skateboarder to take on world’s best in Cloverdale competition DAVE WILLIS

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Diego Pires Afonso, 28, will be putting his skills to the test at the World Freestyle Skateboard Round Up this week in Cloverdale. Afonso, originally from São Paulo, Brazil and now

living in Tsawwassen, will be competing in the pro category for the second year. He finished in seventh place in 2017. “My goal is to get a good place and do my best, as always,” he said. He also has a second place and third place finish to his credit in the

annual event’s amateur category. The four-day competition with $10,000 in prize money starts Friday and brings in the top amateur and pro freestyle skaters from around the world, its website states. It takes place at the Cloverdale Curling Rink in conjunc-

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Diego Pires Afonso, who volunteers at DYSL WearHouse Thrift Store in Tsawwassen, is a pro skateboarder.

tion with the Cloverdale Rodeo & Country Fair. Afonso started skateboarding when he was 15 and listed skaters like Rodney Mullen, Per Welinder, Kevin Harris, Jaspion, Per Canguru and Rene Shigueto as influences in his competitor profile. “Skateboarding has changed my life and although freestyle is my love, I also practice street skating and try to skate every day,” he explained in the profile. He said he’d like to see more support for freestyle skateboarders. Afonso volunteers at the DYSL WearHouse Thrift Store in Tsawwassen. He said he loves to help people and enjoys being there.

May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A11




Climb for Kids raises over $5,000



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Dave Lemire and a team of his co-workers from the Tsawwassen Save-On-Foods raised just over $5,000 at the fourth edition of his Climb for Kids at Fred Gingell Park earlier this month. Lemire climbed the stairs at the park for four hours straight during the event, which benefited B.C. Children’s Hospital. “All in all, it turned out well,” he said. Firefighters were there to put on a pancake breakfast as well as a hotdog barbecue in the afternoon.

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A12 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

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May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A13


Rotary invites public to a screening of Breathe

Breathe is a true story about a couple who must overcome incredible odds just to regain the semblance of a normal life together after one of them contracts polio. The public is invited by the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen to a private screening on Saturday, May 19 at 7 p.m. at the KinVillage Community Centre. Cost is by donation to the Rotary Foundation (Canada) as Rotary continues to work with the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control to eradicate polio. There will also be a short talk from a polio survivor. While polio has disappeared from the Western world, there are still children being crippled and paralyzed by the disease. Highly-infectious, it mainly affects children under five years old. For about one in 200 who contract the ailment, it will lead to paralysis and for about 20

per cent of them, an early death. Anyone who was alive in the 1940s, ‘50s or ‘60s will remember houses being quarantined, public spaces closed and images of youngsters living out their days inside “iron lungs” because they could no longer breathe on their own. Vaccines were developed in 1955 and 1961 which were hailed as a miracle in the battle against polio, but vaccines could only prevent polio, they couldn’t cure

it. Two years later, Rotary launched an effort to immunize six million children in the Philippines and eradicate polio from that country. At that time there were over 350,000 cases per year in 125 countries. In 1985, Rotary International, working with the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control, made the eradication of polio its number one humanitarian priority and launched the PolioPlus campaign. During the polio campaign Rotary and its partners have vaccinated over 2.7 billion children, and every year over 400 million children in 70 countries are vaccinated in national campaigns. In 2017, there were only 22 confirmed cases in two countries — Pakistan and Afghanistan. These last bastions of the polio virus are in the most inaccessible and dangerous places to reach.

IT’S BACK! Saturday, June 16

NATIONAL POLICE WEEK Mayor Lois E. Jackson and Delta Council would like to recognize the dedication and efforts of all the members of the Delta Police Department. We are fortunate to have such a committed group of police officers protecting and serving our community.

Join us on Wednesdays!

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Starts at 11:00 am Karts race down the 6th Ave hill

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June 15 in the parking lot at Save-On-Foods Tsawwassen Come down and check out the creativity used by the kart builders.

You can still join the fun!

There are a few spots still available. To sponsor a kart or for more information email

Maximum 2 free kids meals per adult entrée purchased. Valid on entrees from the kids menu. Additional charge for beverage or higher priced items may apply.

A14 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018


Skeptical no longer, time for the anti-aging magic


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I see them every time I am at the spa. Or the drug store. Or at the magazine stands. Anti-aging products. They will, scream the headlines from the women’s magazines or the beauty-counter signs, stop the progression of time right in its nasty tracks and keep you looking youthful. All you need to do is to slather on a cream or mist yourself with a spray. Bingo! The instant fountain of youth. These magical products will not only eliminate the progression of wrinkles,

Club of Tsawwassen

I am told, but get rid of the lines entirely. One assumes they will also get rid of under-eye circles, under-arm flab and underthan-ideal eyesight. I must say I’ve always been a skeptic. But get to be my age, which is somewhere north of 40 and somewhere south of 70, and you start to think, well, bring it on. Seems to me that if these anti-aging potions can stop the ravages of time, there’s no reason why they can’t also turn back the clock. Me? I’d rather like to have the bikini bod I had when I was 21. I’d like to be old enough to order a cocktail, but young enough to be without the need for glasses. In a perfect anti-aging world, I’d like to be without the odd grey hair, but peppy enough to stay up past midnight. “Excuse me,” I imagine myself saying at the antiaging drug store counter. I would be eyeball to eye-

ball with some gal who looks 24, but is actually 62. “I’d like to get a cream that would make me 35 again. No, make that 37.” “Thirty-seven?” the lovely sexagenarian would say. “Yes,” I’d reply. “Granted, we still had a hefty mortgage back then, but at least the kids were finally sleeping through the night. And hey, I still looked pretty darned good at 37.” She will, I am guessing, then produce an array of elixirs, all designed to stop the clock, if not turn it back entirely. Yep, bring it on. In a perfect anti-aging world, I’d like to be past retirement but have the appearance of someone who’s still shlepping a backpack to college. Indeed, I used to be a skeptic, but I’m prepared to put all my doubts behind me. I’m seeing these products wherever I go, so I’m guessing the claims must be true.

& Present & host

BREATHE Ladner ‘Finding Santa’ Town Square Gazebo

“Inspirational, heartfelt, and educational! Absolutely superb!” Saturday, May 19 7 pm KinVillage Community Centre, 5430 10th Ave., Tsawwassen • Admission by donation ($10 minimum suggested. Tax receipts will be issued.)

• Popcorn & Cash Bar Available. All proceeds to the Rotary Club of Tsawwassen’s Polio Plus Fund to help in the fight to eradicate polio

May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A15

Spring 2018

Gallery walls make a statement

Gallery walls, also called moment walls, are one of today’s hottest home decor trends. Gallery walls enable homeowners to create visually appealing groupings of photos, frames, wall art and more to dress up any room. Gallery walls can make a statement in the living room, add finesse to an entryway or showcase special items along a staircase. One need only do a quick Internet search or browse through lifestyle magazines to see examples of gallery walls for inspiration. Anyone with a little determination can design a gallery wall: • Find your muse. The first step to creating a gallery wall is to choose a theme. If floral prints are your thing or you love abstract art, build your

The first step to a gallery wall is choosing a theme. gallery around these elements. You can even use colour or frame style as the coordinating factor. • Take your time. Some people rush into creating gallery walls, and that can be a mistake. Spend time picking out pieces and trying different combinations before you take out the hammer and hardware. The mix should be capti-

vating and look like it was a curated collection. • Experiment with dimensions and levels. Gallery walls need not be restricted to flat photos on a wall. Texture and depth can be used in wall designs. Intersperse shelving, sconces, wooden letters, clocks and more to make the gallery even more eclectic.

• Establish your focal point. Pottery Barn suggests making the centre of the display at eye level. Then build the gallery out from around that focal point. There are many patterns that can be built into the gallery, from spiral to centered to reflection designs. • Create a template. Lay the gallery design on the floor and cut newspapers or other paper to the size of each piece. Use masking tape to position these guides on the wall, trying a few arrangements until you are happy with the finished product. Then replace the paper with the artwork. • Hang items with precision. Don’t skimp on technique. Use a ruler, level and the right tools. This ensures pieces are straight and in line with others.



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A16 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

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Determining what you hope to achieve with the space will guide the design.

Design areas that will make outdoor living comfortable Upon the arrival of warm weather, many people prefer to spend their free time outside, relishing the sunshine and evenings spent under the stars. But cracked patios and makeshift chairs and tables may not establish the desired ambiance. An outdoor entertaining area that offers the same amenities found inside a home can make outdoor retreats both comfortable and functional. Creative planning can help homeowners design dream areas perfect for hosting friends or family. Establish goals As with any project, the first step when coordinating outdoor living areas is to determine what you hope to achieve with the space. Will it be a location for lounging? Will people be cooking meals outside? Is the pool the central focus of the yard? Answering these questions and more can help homeowners decide how to design their entertain-

ing spaces. Evaluate the space Look at the lot and decide what will go where, such as where to place the party space, where to create a quiet hideaway and where to locate a pool house or outdoor shower. A large, flat yard can be divided into a series of patios that serve different purposes. Yards that are built on a hill or a slope can still be utilized with creative design elements, such as multi-tiered decking. By working with qualified designers, homeowners can bring their ideas to life. Easy food and drink access Traipsing in and out of the house for refreshments can become tiresome when entertaining outside. In such situations, people also can track dirt inside or leave a trail of pool water in their wake. Outdoor kitchens allow easy access to food and drink that makes outdoor entertaining much easier.

Outdoor kitchens should include a sink, small refrigerator, built-in grill, and bar area. Creature comforts Homeowners should think about the things that make the inside of their homes so comfortable and then replicate that outside. Sofas and loveseats covered in fabric suited for outdoors and plenty of pillows can make for great lounging. Lighting that can be adjusted for day or night, or even to set the mood, is another consideration. Shade structures, like a trellis or retractable awning, will keep the area comfortable and can also define outdoor “rooms” and establish privacy. Fire it up Many homeowners enjoy having fire elements in their yards. Lanterns and candles may create a romantic feel, but a fire pit or outdoor fireplace may help extend use of the outdoor entertaining area beyond summer.

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May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A17

At Home

Have you gone nose blind to all those pet odours? Dogs, cats, birds and lizards have evolved from wild animals and outdoor companions to become beloved members of the family. Canada’s Pet Wellness report estimates there are 7.9 million cats and 5.9 million dogs in Canada. Over time, pet owners grow accustomed to their pets’ antics, messes and even their odours. Dealing with smells is par for the course for pet owners, and many become desensitized to certain common smells. But when company is on the way or people are thinking about selling their homes, pet odours must be addressed. Even though it will take effort, homeowners can freshen their homes and eliminate unpleasant petrelated smells. • Find ways to ventilate. Odours can build up inside closed environments and prove overpowering. Opening windows when applicable, using exhaust fans and encouraging crossbreezes can air certain odours from the home. • Clean frequently. Cats

The Blue Door Interiors Now is the time to give your home a fresh look!

Before Pet owners can become desensitized to certain common smells. and dogs can leave behind fur, dander, food messes and more. Eliminating the debris that pets create can reduce odours. Sweeping, vacuuming and mopping floors can help as well. Don’t forget to vacuum draperies and furniture, and consider purchasing cleaning appliances specifically designed for homes with pets. • Keep on top of accidents and litter boxes. Puppies and even adult dogs may have their share of accidents. Cats may avoid litter boxes if they are not cleaned frequently and then soil around the house. Be sure to clean up pet waste messes promptly. • Purchase an air puri-

fier. Air purifiers can help remove odours and allergens from the air. They’re relatively inexpensive and can be placed in rooms that pets frequent. • Wash pet blankets and beds. Launder pet beds, cloth toys, blankets and any other items that pets lounge on. Sweat, saliva and dander can cause these fabrics to become stinky and, in turn, make the house smell worse. • Keep pets clean. Most pets are very good at selfgrooming, but can benefit from a spa treatment once in a while. Dogs that spend ample time outdoors or frequently get wet and dirty may need routine baths.

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A18 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

At Home

It’s imperative to declutter before downsizing move

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7402 Progress Way Delta, BC V4G OA1 (Tilbury Industrial Park)



$ 33

REG. $399ea

SKU: 5053-899


(Not exactly as shown) Hummingbird not included


a queen-sized bed, donate or trash bed linens that will no longer fit. Pay close attention to kitchen and bathroom items, which FOR tend to accuLD mulate over SALE O S time but might not be discarded when clearing a home of clutter. People moving from a detached home to a condominium or a townhouse may to avoid clutter in a new learn that homeowner’s home. association fees cover People downsizing can everything from snow attempt to sell items they removal to lawn maindo not need via newstenance to pool upkeep. paper classified sections If so, it’s unnecessary to or online classified sites. bring lawn and garden Appliances and furniture supplies. in excellent shape may Homeowners are fetch good prices. Any advised to look at the floor extra cash can be put plan of their new dwellings toward buying new items and pay attention to storthat are size-appropriate age space. This can make for the smaller home. it easier to plan ahead for Another way to clear what may fit, what will out clutter is to sort duplineed to be purchased cates from the stock of new and which storage items. A person may no solutions may be needed. longer need multiple sets Having a plan in place can of dishes or silverware. If make unpacking and setthe move involves switchtling in go smoothly. ing from a king-sized to


$ 99

REG. $999ea

SKU: 5454-215



(not exactly as shown)

$ 99

REG. $1099ea

SKU: 3603-451


building centre

1140 - 56th Street, Tsawwassen 604-943-0141


HB Roofing professional roofing contractor is experienced in all types of sloped and flat roofing systems. HB Roofing offers new and re-roofing installations for commercial, industrial and residential markets. They offer service for repairs and maintenance for both tar & gravel and torch-on membrane roof systems. HB Roofing works with all type of roofing materials such as synthetic, wood, green, metal, asphalt shingles, torch-on membrane and concrete & slate tiles. HB roofing is a professional roofing company that is locally owned and operated. Our professional roofing contractor philosophy is to provide quality workmanship and customer satisfaction to all HB Roofing’s clientele. HB roofing, the professional roofing contractor’s services include a full sheet metal shop onsite production of metal roofing, fabrication of materials onsite, continuous gutters, and a fully equipped disposal service. HB roofing manufactures many of their roofing materials. This advantage gives HB roofing the edge among the competition in providing quick and efficient service. • Fully insured and certified • Offers 24 hr emergency service • Up to 50 years manufacturer guarantee on products and installation • On-site WCB-compliant Call Sean Donnelly Construction Safety officer Mobile 604-240-6843 • On-site clean up In business 25 years • Disposal Service

May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A19

At Home

How you treat your windows impacts room

Plantation shutters? Mini-blinds? Cafe curtains? Formal draperies? Window treatment options are extensive, which can make outfitting home interiors challenging for novice decorators. Some people do not pay a lot of attention to window treatments, failing to realize just how great an impact the right window treatments can have on a space. According to the design experts at Hunter Douglas, window treatments are often an afterthought because residents may not consider them necessities. As a result, homeowners may install whatever is on hand or accept window treatments that came with a house or apartment. But ignoring window treatments, especially when they can fulfill certain needs, is a missed design opportunity. One of the first steps to choosing window treatments is determining your end goal. Is it privacy? Are you seeking more natural light in a room? Is there too much light and you need to darken the room? Semi-sheer window treatments Semi-sheer window treatments are often fabric and can help brighten rooms with natural light but offer little privacy. They’re usually appropriate for spaces where people gather, such as living rooms, dens or dining rooms. Semi-sheer curtains may be paired with another complementary window treatment so privacy can be customized as needed. For example, sheer curtains let light into a bedroom, but shades can be drawn at night. Maximum privacy Bedrooms, work spaces or bathrooms can benefit from extra privacy. While some people may think that

Curtains can be paired with a complementary window treatment to achieve objectives. privacy comes at the cost of light, that’s not always the case. Functional curtain panels can be drawn closed when privacy is desired and then opened to let in light. The thickness of the fabric will also dictate the amount of privacy the panels create. Tiers are hung on a short rod-pocket panel and usually cover the lower onethird of a window. They’re popular choices to let light in from the top, but obscure views from the bottom portion of the window. Cellular shades are another option that provide privacy but still let light in. Cellular shades come in hard and fabric varieties and their use depends on the room. Blackout shades/shutters Perfect for rooms where babies nap, shift workers rest during daylight hours or external lights, such as that from a street lamp, need to be blocked out, blackout shades do just what their name implies. A dense fabric lining helps keep light out entirely. Shutters also can block out light but add to the character of the room. They can be painted a bright colour to make a statement or match wall colours to blend in seamlessly.




FREE 7 point electrical safety inspection ($99.00 value) *LIMITED TO 1 OFFER PER PERSON, RESIDENCE ONLY, MUST BE BOOKED BY MAY 31, 2018

A20 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

ADVICE FROM THE PROS QUESTION I keep hearing about ‘new hearing aid technology’, but how much can hearing aids have actually changed?

I was in the pharmacy recently and kept seeing #GETLOUD – what is this all about? A. Thanks for the great question. #GETLOUD is our commitment

here at the Medicine Shoppe to support the Canadian Mental Health Association’s May awareness campaign. GET LOUD means speaking up to stop discrimination and stigma that often goes hand-in-hand with mental illness. It means using our and your voice to raise awareness and build support for your yourself, family members, friends, neighbours or anyone with a mental illness. In Canada, one in four seniors suffer from a mental illness and, as our population ages, this number is expected to increase dramatically. This means in OUR community, a minimum of 25% of our seniors are suffering from depression, anxiety, dementia or substance abuse/addiction. The stigma around mental health issues does prevent some from reaching out for help – our goal is to break the stigma and, working alongside your care team, provide as much support as possible during the treatment & recovery periods. Come speak with us about how we can best support you and your loved ones during this challenging period of their life.

ANSWER Like many other high-tech devices, hearing aids have experienced a major technological revolution in the past decade, and specifically in the last several years. The best of today’s hearing aids can do the following: • Have settings adjusted by the latest iPhone® or Android devices Mark Nickel BC-HIP, BBA Hearing Instrument Practitioner Phone: 604-943-0033 5682 12 Avenue, Tsawwassen

• Make listening in noisy environments easier and more comfortable with adaptive directional microphones • Virtually eliminate feedback • Stream stereo sound from TVs and other media players directly to the hearing aids themselves • Be used as hands-free Bluetooth devices These features are contained within hearing aids that are smaller (even invisible, in some cases) and more comfortable and powerful than those that have been available before. We offer the latest technology available from all the major hearing aid brands and are available at any time to assist you. Call us at 604-943-0033 to book your free hearing consultation.

“WhoCares? I Do” is not just a slogan – it is THE reason Paul Gibbons, Pharmacist/Owner at the Medicine Shoppe in Tsawwassen, looks forward to helping you every day.

Windsor Woods, Tsawwassen #4 - 1363 56th Street Tel: (778) 434-3300 email:


Q: What is Bitcoin and Blockchain?

I was in you new store and was amazed at the size and amount of merchandise.

A: Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and worldwide payment system. It is the first decentralized digital currency that functions without a central bank or single administrator.

Do you now have more display cases than at your old store?

ANSWER: Yes, we have expanded our displays dramatically. In our first room we now have 3 revolving cases with Canadian and Newfoundland coins and 1 with Canadian paper money. There are 3 revolving cases with World Wide coins, 1 with USA coins and 1 with World Wide paper money. We have 6 glass cases filled with Royal Canadian Mint product, with most of them priced below the Mint’s issue price.

Jim Richardson, owner Western Coin and Stamp

There are 2 large wooden cases filled with coin albums and supplies. In our second room we have all our stamps,stamp supplies and catalogues. We also have many stamp packages and small collections for sale here. With the closing of our Sears store I am now in the Richmond store from Monday to Saturday (instead of only Mon.,Wed., and Fri.) This makes it much easier for people bringing scrap gold to sell. Also I still have Dave working here five days a week (Tuesday - Saturday) so we can serve more people at a time. We hope to see our old clients and all new clients who have not visited us yet.

Western Coin & Stamp


#2 - 6380 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC •

Our team goal at BestplansCrypto is to reach out to the public for a future global shift to CryptoCurrencies. Bitcoin provides the latest technology capabilities that have transformed numerous industries. The widespread application of Kyle Dunn, CBP Blockchain technology, Bitcoin, and Alternate CryptoCurrency Coins has recently 888-617-6177 taken the world by surprise. There are various benefits to Blockchain Technology including decentralized systems resulting in removing the power from central authority; potential savings of millions of man hours in each and every industry; secure storage for important records; reducing intermediaries by using smart contracts, among many more advantages. These benefits just skim the surface of what Blockchain Technology can offer, not to mention the savings potential towards any application. Investing in this technology will generate rates of return unlike any other asset class.

Kyle Dunn, CBP

Advocate for CryptoCurrency






ANSWER: No … they are different and one can save you thousands! While the amount of the payments might be the same, a semi monthly payment frequency will be taken 2x a month (usually the 15th and the 30th) and really does not have anat interest savings to your mortgage. A bi-weekly payment is paid every 2 weeks and in the case of a 25 year amortization paying every 2 weeks can take up to 4 years off you mortgage. Many smart home owners will match their biweekly payments with their payroll dates ensuring that the funds are there come mortgage payment time!

LISA MANWARING 604-805-1833


From the moment your cruise sets sail, you can sit back and enjoy a floating resort where the scenery changes with every breathtaking moment. Pamper yourself at the spa, indulge in exceptional dining options, laugh the night away at a comedy show, or experience unique cultures during a shore excursion. With a cruise, you can experience all of this and more in one single trip!

Sandy Drover

Expedia CruiseShipCenters offers exceptional itineraries to bucket list destinations all around the world that are sure to get you racing to book your first cruise! Relax on the sandy beaches of the Caribbean, embrace the island life in the Greek Isles, or experience the rich culture and history in Europe or Asia. When it comes to cruising, the options are endless! Contact us today so we can start “Navigating your Spectacular Vacation Experience”.

Expedia CruiseShipCenters 152-4857 Elliott St (Ladner Harbour Center) 604-946-7444

May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A21




How can seniors best deal with hot weather?

ANSWER: Sunny days are cheerfully welcomed after a long gloomy winter! Hotter weather though, even a few degrees, can affect the elderly quickly and adversely. Dehydration is the primary cause of heat-related illness and seniors are more affected as they don’t perspire as much as younger adults, and also store fat differently which complicates body heat regulation. Early warning signs of heat exposure include excessive sweating, tiredness, weakness, dizziness, headache and muscle cramps. If unchecked, symptoms can progress to high body temperature, nausea, vomiting, confusion, fainting and even seizures.


Several longstanding volunteers, some with more than 49 years of service, were recognized by the Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society at a special Auxiliary Day tea at Ladner United Church last Thursday.

Auxiliary recognizes its long-time volunteers


Lifestyle Assistant Inc.


i j a c q u e s @ d e l t a - o p t i m i s t .co m

The Delta Hospital Auxiliary Society celebrated volunteer achievement at a special Health Care Auxiliary Day Tea at the Ladner United Church last Thursday. The Delta Hospital Auxiliary has been holding events on Auxiliary Day for the past 10 years, but this year’s tea was a first. It was a special occasion for the members and was used as a chance to recognize many of the volunteers that make the organization such a local success. “Our auxiliary functions seven units run mostly by volunteers to assist Delta Hospital patients and their families,” said present Yvonne Chard. “Some of the ladies in this room have volunteered for more than 49 years. Before we had an auxiliary we had neighbourhood groups called chapters that SUBMITTED PHOTO

Ladner-Tsawwassen Kinsmen presented Reach with a $2,500 cheque last week. Club president Ian Sandham said, “Proud to continue supporting local organizations — it’s what the Kinsmen are all about.” Pictured are (from left): Stuart Holmes, Kristin Bibbs, Ian Sandham, Renie D’Aquila and Andy Pinch.

HoneyDo is here to assist you in enjoying the nicer weather safely with walks, outings, outdoor lunches, nursery visits, planting spring pots!

2017 Readers’ Choice ‘Best Seniors Services’ Award 2017 AirMiles ‘Social Venture of the Year’ Award 2016 Business Ethics Award

Tea held at Ladner United to mark Auxiliary Day IAN JACQUES

Prevention can include: - Regularly sipping cool fluids throughout the day, and a glass of water at every meal - Add Gatorade to your daily routine & avoid consuming caffeine or alcohol - Fresh airflow: open windows, circulating fans, air-conditioning (visit the climate-controlled public places to help cool down) - Dressing in loose fitting clothing, avoiding heavy fabrics or sweaters, add a broad-brimmed hat - Use a broad spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher - Enjoying the outdoors in the shade, use an umbrella, limit direct sun exposure - Applying a wet, cool washcloth to wrists, ankles, forehead and neck when feeling heated

QUESTION: What are some tips to help prevent injury while gardening?

Dedicated volunteers honoured

The following long-time volunteers were recognized at last week’s event: Volunteers who worked in chapters Lorna Richardson, Maxine Geddes, Marge Paton, Elsie Humphrey, Mary Waterman, Anne Noble, Edna Dodman, June Plouffe, Anna Zellweger, Joan Matkin, Donna Van Horn Joined in the 1980s when chapters dissolved Gerry Swenson, Pat Swenson, Cheryl Rawlings, Helen Weaver, Joan Knight, Shirley Kouwenhoven, Janette MacLeod, Paddy Bruce, Betty Davis, Carmen Wiechers, Marion Atkey, Trudy Lutje, Lorraine McKinnon, Donna Freeza, Barbara Holloway Joined in the 1990s Zlata Nikic, Lis Jensen, Shelley Waithe, Krishna Syal, Sam Marland, Eva Pesalj, Diane Ruggles, Jean Juulsen, Helen Tripp, Jhande Jantzen, Anne Brandt. worked to raise funds for the hospital.” Chard said over the years, volunteer numbers have steadily grown. There were 159 volunteers by 1979 and now there are at least 450. “Volunteers in the early days were very active in fundraising — they sold cookbooks, fashion shows, dinners, shoe shines, bingo nights, casino

nights, luncheons and silent auctions,” added Chard. “Most of our fundraising now is mostly through the thrift shop and the gift shop at the hospital. So today is the perfect day to thank you as your president and a Delta resident for all you have done and continue to do to support our community members at the Delta Hospital.”

Kinsmen support Reach


Spring has Spring and what does that mean for your back. As the weather improves, most of us are out pulling weeds, trimming our shrubs and planting our gardens. We are placing our bodies in positions that are awkward and put undue stress on our already aching joints. According to the BC Chiropractic association there are tips to avoid injury. 1. Warm up your muscles before working in the yard or garden. Practice stretching with various movements you will be doing or take a short ten or fifteen - minute walk around the block

Dr. Sereena Uppal D.C.

2. Avoid prolonged bending, pushing and pulling while raking and hoeing; use long-handled tools or the resulting forward and sideways bending can aggravate the neck and lower back 3. Switch hands frequently while raking or hoeing 4. When using a hedge trimmer, keep your back straight and use short stokes to avoid upper arm and neck strain; pause after three to five seconds

Delta Village Chiropractic

For more tips visit health-tips/back-health-tips-for-gardening/ or follow us on Facebook and Instragram at deltavillagechiropractic

Suite 2, 4882 Delta Street, Ladner, BC V4K 2T8 Tel: 604-952-0538 |

Q: I

have been wearing dentures for many years and they are to the point that my gums are extremely sore and red: what can I do?


Soft tissue management is the answer you are seeking. Rehabilitation of soft tissues is primary. First, your dentures require cleaning to remove offensive organisms that may be contributing to the inflammation and edema (swelling). Tissue conditioners (temporary soft lining material) are placed on the tissue fitting surface of your dentures to provide a clean positive adaptation to your gum tissues. Healing begins and your tissues are reassessed in a week to confirm the progress of healing. Generally a second and or third tissue conditioner may need to be applied before proceeding to the construction of new dentures. New dentures promote a healthy clean fitting surface for many years. If you have any questions regarding this procedure or any other denture related subject, please book your free consultation with us.

A22 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

ADVICE FROM THE PROS Q: I am afraid of the dentist. Will sedation work for me?

Dr. Raj Dhiman 604-946-9588

A: You are not alone. Many people have fears around dental appointments, resulting from previous bad experiences or just deep seated irrational fears. Regardless, It is possible to have conscious sedation ensuring that you remember little or nothing about your dental appointment. By taking just one little pill, the dentist can complete all the treatment required in as little as one or two appointments.We have treated many patients who have avoided the dentist for decades due to these fears and they would never have thought they could have a healthy mouth. Ask your dental professional about conscious sedation for your next dental appointment.

130 – 4977 Trenant Street Delta


QUESTION: I have a new high-efficient, Washing Machine. I am curious about my water temperature supply to it. – Mike from Richmond


Paul Bach Owner 604-940-2268


QUESTION: I have heard a lot about IV therapy, what is it? ANSWER: The absorption and assimilation of vitamins and minerals is dependant on many factors starting with farming practices, food storage, intestinal absorption and their processing through the liver. Dr. Susan Steeves Typical IVs include therapeutic doses of B Vitamins, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium and other trace BSc. Dietetics, Naturopathic Physician minerals which are delivered directly to the blood stream to address nutritional deficiencies. Persons with intestinal issues, prolonged illness, or stressed lifestyles often feel better once nutritional needs have been addressed.

ANSWER: The most common complaint of owners who manage their own property is the emotional roller coaster that eventually ensues. David Moore

Q: Is it a good time to list our home for sale?

Q: When Should You Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer


We have seen some interesting fluctuations in the market this year, but typically spring is a good time to list your home.

Personal Real Estate Corporation 604-946-8899

THE CHANCEYS Real Estate Group 604.946.8899

To sell your home, hire Real Estate professionals like us who know how to market your home with professional photos and vibrant descriptions to allow your home to be marketed on multiple websites, print advertising and beautiful brochures. All of this is seamlessly integrated online to hundreds of websites and through social media to ensure that buyers can easily navigate information on your home from any of their platforms – mobile, tablet or laptop. And, if it matters to you, we are selling more real estate in South Delta this year than any other team or individual !

Years of experience has enabled us to consistently deliver an excellent experience.

Call Your Rental Champions Today! David 778-991-1966 direct. #203 1624 56 St Delta BC V4L 0A2

BOB Chancey

As professional managers we avoid this by sticking to a strict protocol.

Our owners and tenants are entitled to and do receive fair, transparent, and accountable service.

1338 56th Street, Tsawwassen 604.943.0411 or book in at

Spring brings more sunshine, and colourful flowers begin to bloom, that enhance the street appeal of your home. Add a bit of maintenance such as some landscaping, power washing and maybe repainting the front door to give a great first impression to potential buyers.

Are you washing your clothes in cold water? You might be… new high efficient front load washing machines use very little water. You need to be conscious of how long it takes for your washing machine to fill. If this is less time than it takes for you to get hot water at your laundry sink, then guess what…you’re heating water for nothing, and washing all of your clothes in cold water. Depending on how far away your water heating source is from your laundry machines, it may take 30 seconds or more for hot water to arrive there. You see, the pipes are full of water, but the water is cold. All of this water needs to be drained out of the pipes first for the hot water to arrive. So, in the case of a laundry machine, it is a good idea to turn on your hot laundry taps first, then turn on your laundry machine, this will ensure your laundry is filling up with hot water and not cold water. - Paul

Rauni Malhi Paralegal

A: People tend to stay away from lawyers because of the perception that they are expensive. In the case of ICBC claims, often they are a necessary component of the claim. If ICBC was prepared to offer full value of the claim to unrepresented claimants then there would be a lot less lawyers practicing in the area of personal injury litigation. However, since most ICBC adjusters are trying to keep their “severities” (the amount they pay per claim) down you are unlikely to get an offer from ICBC that represents the full value of the claim. This is why using a personal injury lawyer almost always gets you more money at the end of the claim than without a lawyer. In some situations, hiring a personal injury lawyer immediately after the vehicle accident is important. Some of the circumstances include: 1. The death of a family member in the car accident; 2. A serious injury requiring hospitalization; 3. Where liability for the accident is in question and you suffered moderate to severe injuries; 4. Where ICBC is denying a claim because of the nature of the collision (low velocity impact) and you suffered more than a minor injury; OR 5. Where there is an anticipation of permanent injury to you resulting in a loss of future earning or the need for future care. The reason being is that the lawyer needs to carry out investigations early on before evidence is lost and to obtain expert reports to ensure that the claim is fully developed. Further, the advice given by a lawyer throughout the early stages of the case is usually helpful in ensuring you are heading in the right direction to best document your injuries.


4873 Delta Street, Delta, BC V4K 2T9 • 604-946-2199

May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A23





The Delta Stroke Recovery Society will be offering a weekly series of Perk Activities classes beginning next month in Tsawwassen.

Pilot project for stroke survivors

Delta Stroke Recovery Society, Stroke Recovery Society of BC and March of Dimes Canada are joining forces to offer a pilot program this summer. A series of eight Perk Activities classes will be held on Wednesdays at 10:15 a.m. at Tsawwassen Mills in June and July. Led by a trained volunteer, this dynamic program is designed specifically for stroke survivors. The goal is for participants to feel a deeper-level connection with self and others by engaging physically, emotionally, mentally and socially.

Each week, stroke survivors will participate in a blend of activities drawn from 14 complementary domains — everything from meditation, memory work and concentration to music, brainstorming and theatre games. Anyone who has survived a stroke knows that social connectedness can be difficult to maintain. Community-based programs such as Perk can support the forging of new friendships and social networks, which are vital to stroke recovery and emotional well-being. The one-hour weekly

program is free of charge and will be held in the mall’s fully accessible training room. There are 10 spots available in the program that is geared to stroke survivors whose primary health challenge is stroke (not overridden by other more dominant challenges). It’s best suited for people with mild or no aphasia. For more information or to register, contact Susan at 604-721-8571 or s.e.mcalpine@gmail. com. Learn more about the society’s other programs on Facebook at @ deltastrokerecovery.

At average speed, it can take a mile or more to stop a freight train. Stay Safe. When you’re near railroad tracks, always obey all posted signs and signals, and follow a few simple rules: Only cross railroad tracks at designated crossing areas. Crossing tracks anywhere else is dangerous and illegal. Stop, look both ways, and listen before crossing. Limit distractions such as phones, loud music, and conversation.


Never disregard gates, signs, or lights. If a crossing does not have signals posted, it doesn’t mean that the tracks are not in use.

MAY 1 – JUNE 28 MONDAY TO THURSDAY 5:00pm – 9:00pm Adult $29.95 Adult Encore $26.96 Senior $25.95 Senior Encore $23.36 Child $14.95 Regular weekday dinner price. Taxes and Gratuities not included. Service is on a first come first serve basis. Completed parties will be honoured first. The Buffet has the right to change, add or remove menu items due to availability. Image shown may vary from selection.

At BNSF Railway, we’re proud to have one of the lowest grade crossing collision rates in the industry. And we’re committed to working with the communities we serve to make grade crossing even safer.

A24 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

City Realty

LINDA Chancey

BOB Chancey

BLAKE Chancey

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Personal Real Estate Corporation






Meticulously maintained and updated three-level split located in a quiet cul-de-sac in West Ladner! Private huge 9,558 sq.ft. lot (85ft x 112ft). Potential to subdivide into 2 lots! Terrific back split featuring 2,000 sq.ft. of interior living space including 3 spacious bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Spacious and bright living room with vaulted ceilings and gas fireplace plus formal dining room. Below features large family room. Renovations include updated kitchen with granite counters, new roof, newer windows, bathrooms,furnace and hot water tank. Fantastic location just steps to Ladner Elementary & Delta Secondary schools and only a few minutes into Ladner Village and all town amenities.

5098 Kirk Place, LADNER NEW PRICE



No strata fees or bylaws! Bright and spacious 3 bedroom + den duplex in a quiet cul-de-sac steps from Bell Park. Massive fully-fenced backyard is perfect for kids, pets, or gardeners - loads of space to play + entertain! Updates include: new kitchen, updated bathrooms, designer paint + new light fixtures throughout, newer windows, furnace, flooring, and appliances. Main floor boasts new farmhouse eat-in kitchen; loads of built-in storage; and spacious living rm/dining rm overlooking huge patio + backyard. Upstairs features 3 good-sized bedrooms, den + massive sun drenched private deck. 2 storage sheds for all your gear; plenty of parking with newer asphalt driveway; spacious carport with potential to convert to garage. Easy access to Hwy 99 access and transit. Great home for a great price!

4880 Coleman Place, LADNER


Get in to the vibe in this super desirable oceanside community of Beach Grove. This amazing home has been extensively renovated to todays modern look, but still retains its natural west coast, beach home charm. With 2,750 square feet of living and 4 or 5 bedrooms this home would be perfect for the family or a couple who loves to entertain. Living room with floor to ceiling river rock fireplace and vaulted cedar ceilings. Truly amazing kitchen with high end appliances, quartz countertops and loads of working areas. Master bedroom suite with stunning spa like ensuite. Must be seen to truly appreciate - call us today!

5976 Kirkwood Road, TSAWWASSEN

Bright, beautiful and spacious 2,500 sq.ft custom built home in Port Guichon. Absolutely fantastic floor plan with loads of room for entertaining. Open concept featuring a gorgeous fireplace in the living room, massive gourmet kitchen and eating area with stone counters and 36” Bertazzoni gas range, plus a open flex room (great for formal dining, office or TV room). Beautifully appointed with luxurious features including wideplank oak flooring, radiant in-floor heating, recessed lighting, hardiplank siding and much more. Upstairs features a lovely spacious master bedroom with spa like ensuite & walk in closet, plus another 3 more bedrooms for the family. Rear lane access to a double garage. Excellent location close to Elementary and High school, parks, river walks & Ladner Village shops.


4671 Arthur Drive, Ladner



So much character in this Heritage Home! BEAUTIFULLY RESTORED with original timber ceilings, refinished fir floors and wainscoting throughout. Character lighting and built-in cabinetry with leaded glass doors. Bathroom with antique free standing sink and KOHLER cast iron claw foot tub. Main floor features large living and dining rooms plus sitting room with beautifully appointed gas fireplace. Updated kitchen boasts new cabinets, butcher block counters, farmhouse sink and tin tiled ceiling. New furnace, windows, electrical, roof and more. Front porch is perfect for sitting and relaxing with a refreshing glass of lemonade. Don’t just dream.. you can make this your home.



Beautifully kept one owner family home in a quiet cul-de-sac. This is the first time this home has been available to the market! Ahead of it’s time this home features a desirable open concept living, eating, and dining area perfect for entertaining. Updates include a 4 year young roof and new flooring Step outside into your backyard oasis with a stunning water feature, grape vines, and a shed with 220V wiring. This home has been extremely well kept by it’s original owner and it’s time for a new family to make memories in this friendly, inviting, cul-de-sac neighbourhood.

Check out this 2,500 square foot, 4 bedroom family home on a 10,000 square foot lot. Features include a formal living room with see-through gas fireplace to office/den. Formal dining area with french doors to stamped concrete patio and large yard. Kitchen, eating area and family room. Upstairs features 4 bedrooms. Central west Ladner location, close to schools, shops and amenities.

4929 52A Street, Ladner

4706 Kensington Place, LADNER

The Chanceys Real Estate Group

City Realty





4560 W River Road, LADNER



May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A25

City Realty

LINDA Chancey

BOB Chancey

BLAKE Chancey

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Personal Real Estate Corporation






OPEN SUN 2 - 4

Great home in a beautiful tree lined cul-de-sac. With 2,370 square feet this terrific floor plan features a master bedroom on the main floor with full ensuite. Formal living and dining rooms; kitchen, eating area & family room overlooking west exposed backyard. 3 more bedrooms up. This home is perfect for empty nesters or a young family. Smartly priced. Only 1 block from Holly Elementary and close to transit and Rec. Centre. Move in ready. 4693 63rd Street, LADNER













302-1363 56th St., TSAWWASSEN $529,000

#104 1118 55th St., TSAWWASSEN $539,000

#112 1166 54A St., TSAWWASSEN $649,000

#209 1150 54a St., TSAWWASSEN $658,000

1771 55 St., TSAWWASSEN $888,000

1619 Spyglass Cresc., TSAWWASSEN $1,129,000

5328 12 Avenue, TSAWWASSEN $1,229,000














#109 4808 Linden Dr., LADNER $288,000

#206 4745 54a Ave, LADNER $418,700

#118 4770 52A St, LADNER $495,000

D221 4845 53rd St., LADNER $529,000

#102 4745 54a St., LADNER $559,900

5250 Schooner Gate LADNER $608,000

5351 Regatta Way, LADNER $659,000

#4 4728 54A Street, Ladner $788,000

4726 45A Avenue, Ladner $946,500










4685 Kensington Pl, LADNER $1,035,000

4958 53rd St., LADNER $1,128,000

5841 Fair Wynd, LADNER $1,299,000

5289 Windjammer Rd, LADNER $1,388,000

5716 49B Avenue, LADNER $1,399,000

5875 Cove Link Road, LADNER $1,488,800

5327 Paton Drive, LADNER $1,498,000

4948 57 Street, LADNER $1,499,000

5001 Fenton Drive, LADNER $1,888,000






















#72 3009 156th St., SOUTH SURREY $579,900

#206 2450 161a St., SOUTH SURREY $619,000

#59 3009 156th St., SOUTH SURREY $634,000

5132 207b Street, LANGLEY $818,888

19957 39a Avenue, LANGLEY $859,900

1630 King G. Blvd SOUTH SURREY $939,800

4162 199a Crescent, LANGLEY $1,099,000

6091 146 Street, SURREY $1,149,500






Instagram - @thechanceysrealestategroup <

A26 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

GENESIS THEATRE 5005 45th Avenue, Ladner

HARRY MANX In concert

Friday, MAY 18, 7:30 PM


General admission seating. ON-LINE: PHONE: 604-940-5550.

Community Coming Events CLUBS AND GROUPS Cyclists, if you would like to ride with others, meet us at the Ladner Pioneer Library parking lot Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m. The ride is especially suited for reasonably fit, mature cyclists but anyone is welcome. Contact Bob at 604943-1603 for more information. The Kinsmen Club of Ladner - Tsawwassen is pleased to be in their new clubroom in the Lois E. Jackson Kinsmen Centre for Children. If you would like to visit or want more information head to 5050-47th Ave., Ladner, call 604-9466622 ext 352 or email

Congratulations to


Ian won a gift card courtesy of

McDonald’s • 1835 56th Street TSAWWASSEN • 5776 Ladner Trunk Road LADNER

If you are interested in becoming a carrier please call 604.946.4451

South Delta Newcomers Club welcomes new members to our group from Ladner, Tsawwassen and Point Roberts. We look forward to meeting new and returning members at our next monthly meeting Thursday, May 17, 7:15 p.m. at the Kiwanis Longhouse, 1710-56th St., Tsawwassen. Gary Nay, Tsawwassen’s own award-winning digital artist, will present himself, his art, his creative process and iPad painting technique. Delta Spinners & Weavers have a meeting Monday, May 21 at 1 p.m. at Kirkland House, 4140 Arthur Dr., Ladner. Bring your creative spirit to be encouraged as a beginner or reacquaint yourself with these traditions in a casual, friendly setting. Contact a2maggie@ If you have been bereaved

Kids and Adults Needed to deliver the Delta Optimist

Papers are delivered to your door. No need to insert flyers either! Deliver 2x week, Wednesdays and Fridays, right in your neighbourhood. Call our circulation department for information.

Call Katie 604-946-4451 or email

Route # 1600101 1600105 1600111 1600333 1610206 1610309 1610324 1610506 1610507 1610509 1610511 1610612

Route Info

# of Papers

English Bluff Rd, Georgia Wynd, Tsawwassen Beach Rd ........................................60 1A Ave, 2 Ave, 49 St, English Bluff Rd, Graham Dr, Murphy Dr W, Nixon Ave ................72 3 Ave, 4 Ave, 49B St, English Bluff Rd, Kerry Dr/Pl .................................................79 7B Ave, 52 St, Dennison Dr/Pl................................................................................65 44 Ave, 45 Ave, 47 Ave, Arthur Dr, Lynn Pl..............................................................74 46 St, 47A Ave, 55 St, 55A St, 55B St ...................................................................63 45B Ave, 63 St, 64 St, Holly Park Dr.......................................................................53 49 Ave, 55B St, Central Ave, Grove Ave..................................................................91 52 Ave, Central Ave, Pleasant Way, Walnut Pl .........................................................67 48B Ave, 56 St, 57 St, Egan Pl, Ladner Trunk Rd ....................................................66 48B Ave, 55B St, 56 St, 57 St, Grove Ave ...............................................................54 Crescent Dr, Paton Dr, Westminster Ave .................................................................71

recently, consider joining the Delta Hospice Society’s Adult Bereavement Walking Group where you can walk and talk with others in similar situations. The Group meets at the Centre for Supportive Care, 4631 Clarence Taylor Crescent, Ladner for six Saturdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. starting on May 19 and ending on June 23. For more info and to pre-register, contact the Centre at 604-948-0660. Program is complimentary. Discover what kind of leader you can be! Ambassadors Tsawwassen Mills Toastmasters presents, Characteristics of Leadership on May 22 from 7 to 9 p.m. Learn what the attributes of successful leaders are. Presentation lead by Margaret Page, nominated candidate for International Toastmasters 2nd VP. The club meets at the Tsawwassen Mills Mall Training Room; beside Karma Athletics near entrance 4 of the mall. For more info contact Delta Hospice Society offers a Drop-In Relaxation Circle, led by a music therapist, for those living with cancer or serious illness, as well as their family members & friends, every Tuesday from 10:30 a.m. to noon at the Centre for Supportive Care, 4631 Clarence Taylor Cres., Ladner. Program is complimentary. A Brit Club will hold its first meeting at the Tsawwassen Legion Saturday, May 26 at 2 p.m. Have lunch, swap stories and arrange outings. For more information phone Roy at 604-308-3699. The Tsawwassen summer car boot sales take place at the Centennial Beach parking lot. The first one takes place Saturday, June 9 and then bi-weekly thereafter on Saturdays. 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. No vendor set ups prior to 8 a.m., out by 12:30 p.m. Cost: $10 first come first served for vendors - bring ground cover/display stands. Weather permitting. Hosted by Boundary Bay Park Association. Contact Tom at 604-940-9296 or visit for more information.

SENIORS McKee members are invited to a free Heart Health workshop May 17 from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Sign up at McKee Seniors Recreation Centre

front desk, 5155-47th Ave., Ladner. Time for Tea. All Saints Church community invites seniors, caregivers, friends and family to come for afternoon tea and lighthearted singing Thursday, May 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. For more information and to RSVP call All Saints at 604-946-8413. McKee members are invited to a free workshop by ICBC: Safe driving for Seniors, May 24 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sign up at McKee front desk. The Unique Boutique’s Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon takes place at noon, Friday, May 25 at KinVillage Community Centre, 5430-10th Ave., Tsawwassen. Tickets are $17 for members, $20 for nonmembers. Cash, cheque, credit/debit. Call 604-9430225. eCleCtiC café, Saturday, May 26, 7 to 9 p.m. at McKee Seniors Recreation Centre. Come along, perhaps after some time at May Days, and enjoy songs from the varied repertoire of Howard Solverson, and his guest, in a coffee house setting. Members $5; non-members $7. Coffee, tea and goodies will be served. The Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall is looking for community groups and/or special interest clubs that focus on the valued seniors in our community, to join in on a Seniors Celebration, Saturday, June 2 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is no cost. Email Shannon.Taylor@ CenturyGroup to express your interest, and receive a formal invitation/event program. KinVillage Travel has a trip Thursday, June 21 with lunch at Newlands Golf Course and a visit to Krause Berry Farms. $60 for members and $65 for non-members. Call 604-943-0225.

FUND RAISERS DSS Dry Grad 2018 Meat Draw, Saturday, May 26 from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Ladner Landing Pub & Grill. All proceeds to DSS Dry Grad 2018. Canadian Federation of University Women-South Delta proudly presents the Vancouver Welsh Men’s Choir, directed by Jonathan Quick, and the South Delta Sounds Jazz and Concert

Choirs, directed by Danielle Hamilton, Tuesday, May 29, 7:30 p.m. at South Delta Secondary School’s Equinox Theatre. All proceeds fund bursaries for local female students. Tickets: $20 or $10 for students/children. Available at Centre Stage Accessories, Tsawwassen; and Black Bond Books, Ladner; or call Shelley at 604-946-5559.

SPECIAL EVENTS McKee Seniors Recreation Centre presents a Royal Luncheon celebrating the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Luncheon is Friday, May 18 at noon at McKee. Tickets are on sale now. Members price $16 and $18 for guests. Come dance to fun and lively rock and roll music from the 60s to the 80s. Saturday, May 26 at KinVillage Community Centre, 5430-10th Ave., Tsawwassen. Singles welcome, couples welcome. Doors open at 7 p.m., dancing 7:30 to 10:30. Tickets are $12 for members, $14 for non-members, sold at the door, cash or cheque only.

ARTS Delta Concert Band performs Saturday, May 19 at KinVillage Community Centre, 5430-10th Ave., Tsawwassen Doors open at 1:30, concert 2 to 3 p.m. Admission by donation. Transformation art fair, May 25 to 27 at Tsawwassen United Church. The sixth annual open submission gallery will show and celebrate the work of local artists and artisans. Contact 604-9432911 or for more information. June 2 and 3 are the dates of the 14th annual Ladner Bandfest. This event brings amateur community concert bands to Ladner for continuous 40-minute concerts on two stages throughout the weekend between 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. at Memorial Park. More info at The Coming Events column is published every Wednesday as a community service. If you have a non-profit event, mail, drop off, or e-mail (events@ the details to the Optimist by 3 p.m. Monday. Submissions are subject to space limitations (no phone calls, please).

May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A27


Sports Shorts SCOREBOARD LACROSSE WEST COAST SENIOR W L Nanaimo 3 0 Coquitlam 2 0 Ladner 2 0 Langley 2 1 Victoria 1 2 Royal City 1 4 Scores Ladner 12

T Pts 0 6 1 5 0 4 0 4 0 2 0 2

Royal City 8 6 6 5 5 4 2 2 0

Delta 13

B.C. JUNIOR “B” TIER ONE Coquitlam 4 0 0 Victoria 3 1 0 Delta 3 1 0 Nanaimo 2 3 0 Maple Ridge 2 0 0 Langley 2 1 0 New West 2 1 0 Port Coquitlam 1 1 1 Burnaby 1 5 0 Richmond 0 4 1 Scores Delta 10 Victoria 20

Contact Mark at or 604-946-4451

Valleys next for track programs Even with no proper training venue Sun Devils & Pacers continue their momentum MARK BOOTH

m b o o t h @ d e l t a - o p t i m i s t .c o m

B.C. JUNIOR “A” LEAGUE New West 3 0 0 Port Coquitlam 2 1 2 Coquitlam 2 0 1 Victoria 2 2 1 Burnaby 2 2 0 Delta 1 1 0 Langley 1 2 0 Nanaimo 0 5 0 Scores Burnaby 14

Got Sports?

8 6 6 4 4 4 4 3 2 1

New West 7 Delta 4

UPCOMING WEST COAST SENIOR LACROSSE ASSOCIATION Thursday, May 17: Nanaimo Timbermen at Ladner Pioneers 7 p.m. LLC.

The teams without a home are well-represented at this week’s Fraser Valley Track and Field Championships in Abbotsford. The South Delta Sun Devils and Delta Pacers have taken their momentum from a year ago and continued to build from it. Thanks to impressive results at the recent Delta/Coquitlam District Championships, the Sun Devils have 24 athletes competing in Abbotsford and most are in multievents. The Pacers will also have their share of entries and all will be trying to secure spots in the upcoming provincials in Langley at the end of the month. The success comes with neither school having a proper 400-metre track to train on. Recent developments that include Coun. Bruce McDonald putting forward a motion for the city to partner with the school district for track upgrades is encouraging news. Something has to be done soon, especially after the school district ripped up what was left of the original 31-year-old Polyurethane surface a few weeks ago. Students have been training on asphalt since which means proper spiked running shoes are out of the ques-

LOCAL TIDES Pacific Standard Time. Height in feet THURSDAY, MAY 17 1:22 am 10.2 6:23 am 13.5 1:37 pm 1.6 9:04 pm 14.4 FRIDAY, MAY 18 2:17 am 10.5 7:04 am 13.1 2:22 pm 1.6 9:59 pm 14.4 SATURDAY, MAY 19 3:22 am 10.5 7:49 am 12.5 3:11 pm 2.0 10:54 pm 14.4 SUNDAY, MAY 20 4:40 am 10.2 8:45 am 11.8 4:03 pm 2.6 11:49 pm 14.4 MONDAY, MAY 21 6:04 am 9.8 9:57 am 10.8 5:00 pm 3.6 These predictions are supplements to and not replacements for the Canadian Tide and Current Tables, which include the only authorized tidal predictions for Canada and are provided by Canadian Hydrographic Service.


South Delta Sun Devils and Delta Pacers are well-represented at this week’s Fraser Valley Track and Field Championships in Abbotsford. The programs are guided by (top row left to right): Katharine Bubel (DSS), Andrew Robson (DSS), Gatlin Saip (SDSS) and Jennie Condonopoulos (SDSS).

South Delta’s Logan Vaitkus qualified in hurdles.

tion. It still beats running on grass which was the only option until the temporary surface was completed. The Sun Devils and Pacers have combined their training efforts in recent years since there is no hard surface track at DSS for kids to safely practice on. “We have built momentum from last year to this year. We have some very successful, elite and talented athletes,” said SDSS coach Gatlin Saip. “These are hard-working kids who have also improved greatly in the past year. I attribute a lot of that to their determination

and also training on their own as what we can do here is limited.” In an era where athletic organizations are beginning to recognize the importance of kids not “specializing” in one sport, a proper running track is an ideal crosstraining venue for everyone of all ages. “I think people are starting to realize this just isn’t a school track it used by members of the entire community. I was really happy to see the motion Coun. McDonald made to partner with the school district in making something happen here not just for our kids but

the whole community,” added Saip. “We have built momentum and the community sees a need for this. We are at a crucial point now where something needs to happen and I think people recognize that now.” Saip added training off-site is not an option for the teams. The Clement track and Minoru Park is probably the nearest option but Richmond schools and residents would have priority over outside users. “We also don’t have the time and resources to do something like that.”

Sun Devils advance to Fraser Valley AAA soccer final South Delta Sun Devils senior girls soccer team is off to the Fraser Valley AAA championship game for the first time in four years. The Sun Devils produced a 2-0 home field win over Panorama Ridge on Monday to advance to the final of the 16-team tournament. They will now take on the Centennial Centaurs on Thursday (2 p.m.) at Cloverdale Athletic Park.

The Centaurs defeated Coquitlam rival Charles Best 4-2 in extra time in the other final four match-up. Goals from Olivia Wickett and Campbell Brown gave South Delta its second win of the season over its league rival on a sweltering afternoon playing on the Winskill turf. The Sun Devils will be looking for their first Valley championship since defeating Charles

Best four years ago. It will be their ninth title game in the past 16 years. The last time they squared off with Centennial in the banner game was 2009. The Devils have also assured themselves one of the top seeds for the B.C. AAA Championships, slated for May 31 to June 2 at UBC. South Delta has earned provincial berths for 17 consecutive years.

A28 The Delta Optimist May 16, 2018

Sports Sun Devils advance to semi-finals PHOTO BY MARK BOOTH

Andrew Kraft and the South Delta Sun Devils rolled past visiting Fleetwood Park in Fraser Valley AAA tier one senior boys playoff rugby action. South Delta heads to Abbotsford Thursday for a much anticipated rematch with the Yale Lions in the semi-finals. Both teams are destined for the provincials later this month in Abbotsford.

B.C. Summer Games next for Titans standout

Alexa Kusel ages up to lead Southpointe Academy junior girls basketball team to league title game MARK BOOTH

m b o o t h @ d e l t a - o p t i m i s t .c o m

South Delta Secondary isn’t the only school in Tsawwassen with impressive Grade 8 girls basketball talent. The Sun Devils capped a tremendous season with a fourth place finish at the provincial championships. Meanwhile, Alexa Kusel was making a name for herself at the north end of 56th street. She aged up to lead the Southpointe Titans to a second place finish in the Junior Girls League of the Greater Vancouver Independent Schools Athletic Association. Kusel took care of the bulk of her team’s scoring — pouring in 24 points in the championship game. Her contribution to the school’s success is just the tip of her involvement in hoops thanks to her commitment and passion for the game. She grew up coming through the South Delta Steve Nash program until Grade 5 when she wanted to test her ability at the competitive club level. She joined the Athelite Basketball Academy then the Vancouver-based Split Second Academy where she has worked under Eric Butler. That also led to another opportunity playing for a collaborative club program — the B.C. United U14 youth development team — over the winter.

Alexa Kusel is off to the B.C. Summer Games in July.

Now she is back with Split Second and preparing for the 2018 B.C. Summer Games in Cowichan Valley after earning a spot on the Vancouver Coastal team. She is joined on the roster by SDSS teammates Andie Assaly and Makena Rutledge. The roster of 10 players and two reserves was finalized after two days of tryouts that attracted about 30 hopefuls last month. Vancouver Coastal represents Delta, Richmond, Vancouver, North Shore, Squamish and the Sunshine Coast. “I know every single player just from club play,” said Kusel. “They are all like my friends.” She knows most of the SDSS girls as well from playing gold level soccer this past season with U14 South Delta United. Field hockey with the Delta Falcons program is also part of this well-rounded athlete’s busy schedule. Yet, it’s basketball where she really wants to excel. The focus right now is adding to her point guard skill set. “I’m working a lot on my shot. Twice a week I’m doing one-on-one shooting practices,” added Kusel. “I usually drive (to the basket) or pass and my goal is to shoot more from further distances. “It just takes tons of practice and learning from tons of different people.” The B.C. Summer Games are slated for July 19-22.



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May 16, 2018 The Delta Optimist A29

Your Community


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Celebrate all your family occasions in the




ANNOUNCEMENTS A big thanks to the two lovely young people, a lady and man that helped me while I had a dizzy spell. They got me water and called the fire department and the ambulance. A thanks to the fire and ambulance as well.

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1947 – September 19, 2007 September 19,

The families of

Megan White & Daniel Hunter Are pleased to anno their engagemen unce t which took place May 20, 2007 while in Hawa ii.

Congratulations Megan & Danie l

Wedding to take place March 9, 2008

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23 GOLF COURSE LOTS Cranbrook, BC. Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers Unreserved Auction, June 13 in Edmonton. 23 parcels of recreational/residential real estate in the River’s Crossing Golf Course Community. Jerry Hodge: 780-706-6652; Brokerage: Ritchie Bros. Real Estate Services Ltd.

Love fro your famm all

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Love, All our san, Rick, SuBrian Kate &



All advertising published in this newspaper is accepted on the premise that the merchandise and services offered are accurately described and wil ingly sold to buyers at the advertised prices. Advertisers are aware of these conditions. Advertising that does not conform to these standards or that is deceptive or misleading, is never knowingly accepted. If any reader encounters non-compliance with these standards we ask that you inform the Publisher of this newspaper and The Advertising Standards Council of B.C. OMISSION AND ERROR: The publishers do not guarantee the insertion of a particular advertisement on a specified date, or at all, although every effort wil be made to meet the wishes of the advertisers. Further, the publishers do not accept liability for any loss of damage caused by an error or inaccuracy in the printing of an advertisement beyond the amount paid for the space actually occupied by the portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred. Any corrections of changes wil be made in the next available issue. The Delta Optimist wil be responsible for only one incorrect insertion with liability limited to that portion of the advertisement affected by the error. Request for adjustments or corrections on charges must be made within 30 days of the ad’s expiration. For best results please check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Refunds made only after 7 business days notice!

HARDY, Harold Kenneth July 3, 1934 - May 6, 2018 It is with great sadness that we share the sudden passing of Harold. Lovingly missed by Lynn, his partner and best friend of 38 years; his children Lana (Peter), Patty, Jennifer (Jim), Stacey (Kevin) and Ross (Billie); grandchildren Alex, Trevor, Ryan, Keegan, Elizabeth, Jake and Emma; sister Iona and brother John (Margie); predeceased by sister Mimi. Harold was born on Salt Spring Island and spent his first 6 years on Galiano Island. The family moved to North Pacific Cannery on the Skeena River, eventually settling in Prince Rupert. Harold was a well-respected commercial fishermen for nearly 60 years fishing halibut, herring and salmon. His first job as a skipper was at the age of 12, running a gut scow between canneries along the Skeena. He worked on packers and tugboats, and then spent a year working as a deckhand on a seiner before realizing the only place to be was in the wheelhouse. He was one of the first fishermen to participate in the roe on kelp and roe herring fisheries on the West Coast. Of his fleet of fishing vessels, the “Snow Queen” was his favourite and the last boat he fished from before retiring. In his retirement years, Harold looked forward to Thursday lunch at either the Ladner Legion or with the Retired Skippers group. He was also a member of Beach Grove Golf Club and the Tsawwassen Men’s Club. Special thanks to the doctors and staff at Delta Hospital and Surrey Memorial Hospital HAU Ward. Join us for a Celebration of Life at Beach Grove Golf Club, 5976-12th Avenue, Tsawwassen, on Saturday, June 16, 2018 between 1:00-4:00pm.



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