s I sat down to prepare this message, I found myself experiencing many emotions. The events that took place on September 11th in New York and Washington D.C. have affected us all in some way, shape or form. Personally, the news hit me while I was at work and I went into what might best be described as a minor state of shock. I could not believe that someone would dare strike out in this manner against the United States of America. The plane that went down in western Pennsylvania brought me out of my state of shock because it crashed less than 25 miles from the town in which I was born and raised. I still have family members there. I then began to worry about their safety, as well as wanting to communicate to them that I was okay and had not been traveling for the Fraternity. It took a while to get through, but I was finally able to talk to my youngest sister and she was able to get a message to the rest of my family. The next thing I did may come as a surprise to some but not to others. Even though I do not, as they say, wear it on my sleeve, I am a somewhat religious man. I began to pray. I prayed for all the victims and their families and the rescue people at the scenes. I know not all of us believe in God or some other Higher Power, and to have or not have those beliefs is one of the great things about this country: the freedom to choose and express yourself. Since these events, churches have seen record attendance.
I have always considered Delta Chi my family and, just like communities have rallied together, it is time for us to do the same. There is a real possibility that there are Delta Chi brothers who are victims. Delta Chi is a family of different races, religions, ages and economic classes united in one live up to our Founders’ expectations. This is a time for family, friends and fraternity brothers. For me those three words can be very easily interchanged. This is a time to be with those you can comfort or those who can comfort you. This is a time when the brotherhood of a lifetime, which we hold so dear, should become even more apparent. It is sad that it sometimes takes tragic events like these for us to come to the realization that we need to cherish every moment with those most important to us and to live each day as if it could be our last. We are never guaranteed tomorrow. We have complained about how the media have painted us in an uncomplimentary light. We can change that light now by living up to our values as expressed by the Ten Basic Expectations and by doing what we should be doing ALL the time, helping those who need it and presenting ourselves as honorable gentlemen. On a lighter note, this will be my final Founders’ Day Message to you as the “AA”. Even though I will still be in office until the closing session of the 2002 Convention, this will be the last Founders’ Day I will be in office. My policy of ALL brothers being able to call me at home on a twenty-four hour basis is still true, more now than ever. I thank you all for this opportunity to have served you and for allowing me to be Delta Chi’s fortyseventh international president. I hope I have made you proud.
“AA” Bill Williams
So let us go as a family into our communities and help America get past this tragedy, by doing more for the individuals of the community and for each other. Remember, brothers may have lost co-workers, friends and family members. I thank our C a n a d i a n b ro t h e r s f o r b e i n g s o supportive and realize that they too may have suffered loss. To my Brothers who may be called into active duty or to do something behind the scenes as the next phase of this historic time unfolds, I wish you Godspeed, and know that you have my love and prayers with you. Let us come together to prove to all that no matter what, NO MATTER WHAT comes our way, Delta Chi is and always will be “The Brotherhood of a Lifetime” and unite as a Fraternity/ Family like never before!! I am Proud of You and Proud to be one of You! Your Brother in the Bond,
Bill Williams, “AA”
Inside the Quarterly Fall/Winter 2001
Volume 98 Number 2
2 Founders’ Day Message 11 3 Redefining “Fraternity” 12 15 6 Richard Peck, 2001 Newbery Award Winner 15 8 Annual Report 16 10 Award Winners 17 DELTA CHI QUARTERLY (USPS 152660) Published quarterly at Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity. Editorial and Business Office at P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church St., Iowa City, Iowa 52244. Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at
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additional mailing offices. Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc., Fulton, MO. One-year subscription $10. ADDRESS CHANGES: Send all notices of address changes to Delta Chi International Headquarters, P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817.
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A Living Legend Keeping In Touch Farewell And Parting Borelli Award Winners Masters of Design Campus Classics
Phone: (319) 337-4811; FAX: (319) 3375529; e-mail: Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69 Website: Give us a look!!!
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