Quarterly Spring/Summer 2006
A Call to Action By Steven P. Bossart, “AA”
Inside The Quarterly Volume 103 Number 1 Spring/Summer 2006
2 3 4-5 6-12 15 15
From The “AA” From the Exec. Director Cover Story Featurettes Keeping in Touch Farewell & Parting
Delta Chi Quarterly (USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc. Fulton, MO. One-year subscription $45 Address Changes Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529 Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69 Assistant Editor: Karl Grindel, CEMO ’01 E-mail: Visit our website at Layout and Design Drew Dallet, Kent State ’93 Boom Creative, Inc. 1011 Pennfield Rd., Cleveland, OH 44121 216.291.2411 Fax: 216.383.0080 E-mail: Please Help Delta Chi Save Money! If you would like to receive the Quarterly electronically instead of in paper format, email and let us know. This will save Delta Chi both printing and postage costs.
2 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006
I have just returned from the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) Annual Meeting, where we spent an entire day on Capitol Hill lobbying members of Congress to support the Collegiate Housing and Infrastructure Act (H.R. 1548/S.713). This is an important piece of legislation for the fraternity and sorority movement, and we need your help to get it passed. The legislation seeks tax parity for our members. As it stands now, I can make a donation for a dorm at my alma mater, and it would be fully tax deductible. If I make the same gift to the fraternity house, it is not. Students live in both places. So what is the difference? College communities nationwide such as State College (home to Penn State University) and Ames (home to Iowa State University) have passed ordinances mandating the installation of fire sprinklers and other life safety equipment in all collegiate housing. Unfortunately, current tax law prevents most fraternities and sororities from raising the money needed to make these improvements, which can cost as much as $200,000 per house. Without a change in the tax law, many of these fraternity houses will close, and some host institutions lack the financial ability to build other housing for the impacted students. Passing the Collegiate House and Infrastructure Act would: • Encourage new charitable contributions to improve current collegiate housing, thereby preserving and upgrading existing housing capacity and helping construct the new housing capacity needed to accommodate rapidly growing student populations.
• Result in safer student housing by enabling fraternities and sororities to fund the installation of modern life safety equipment such as fire sprinklers, smoke detectors, and alarm systems. • Promote a private sector solution to protect and preserve public investments in higher education institutions and the students themselves. Please, take a moment to write to your Congressional representatives in both the House and the Senate and ask them to co-sponsor the bill. We left Washington with over 100 bipartisan co-sponsors in the House and 18 bipartisan sponsors in the Senate. We need more. For contact information on your representatives, please go to for the House of Representatives and for the Senate. I am asking for your help for legislation that is extremely important for Delta Chi. Please take 20 minutes to write. When you write your representatives, please fax a copy of the letter to Delta Chi at (319) 337-5529 so that we can integrate your efforts into a much larger one. Thank you for your support of Delta Chi and the Greek world.
Steven P. Bossart, “AA” Kent State ’90
Quality vs. Quantity...Revisited By Raymond D. Galbreth, Executive Director
I think all too many members are doing damage to their chapters out of what is meant to be a good intent. But a good intent, when it is misdirected, can still do harm. I continue to hear or read members saying or writing, “We need ’quality’ not ’quantity’.” And I truly believe that they think that saying this is a good thing. That, somehow, this will “inspire” their chapter to pledge only “good guys” and never to pledge a “bad guy.” That the chapter will be more selective and, by taking fewer guys, will be sure to pledge only the best. Well, I believe that the actual effect is, at best, to help the chapter rationalize once again that the small size of its next AM class is justified as “quality”, as the chapter once again fails to pledge enough men to improve itself or, all too often, to simply maintain itself. When I engage in a conversation about “Quality vs. Quantity”, I like to ask those with whom I am talking to list the top 2-3-4 (depending on the number of men’s groups on the campus) chapters. After they name their choices, I ask how many of those have fewer than 20 men? It has never failed; the ones •they• name are always above average in size. Lest anyone think that I am espousing “the bigger the better,” I am not. My personal favorite chapter size is in the 55-65 range. Of course, on a campus where everyone else is between 20 and 30, a chapter with 60 men would look out of place. On a campus where everyone else is over 100, it may be difficult to compete. But all that is beside the point. The real point is the amount of effort (the number of men we actually go out and meet during recruitment) we make and then how many we choose not to bid! The way I like to say it is that “Quality Recruitment” is measured not by how few you take but by how many you turn down. And, as ironic as it may sound, I don’t think that we are turning away enough!! Because we aren’t talking to enough to turn very many down!!!
Picture two AM classes: one of 10 men and one of 15. Which is the higher “quality” class? The answer is, you can’t tell! Now, if I tell you that the 10 was derived from talking to 40 guys and that the 15-man class was derived from talking to 16, then I would expect that you might agree that the 10-man class is a higher quality class because it is restricted to only 25% of those the chapter pursued, while the 15 represents 94% and was clearly less selective. If you really believe in “Quality Recruitment,” you need to actively recruit 60 men and pledge only 12 of them! That is only 20%!! To make my point another way, I believe that the choice is not between pledging a few good men as opposed to a bunch of losers but, rather, between accepting the few guys who we end up settling for vs. going out, making a full-force, pounding the pavement, pumping the flesh effort and, in the end, pledging the •quantity• of quality men we deserve.
the size of its house, if it has one or wants one. The rule of thumb there is 40% as well. The house needs to sleep roughly 40% of the chapter’s average size over the past five years. Too often, a chapter looks for a house when it has reached the highest membership in its history and then expects everyone to move in. This is a sure recipe for failure. Empty beds are very expensive and can easily bankrupt a chapter. If the target size of the chapter is 40 and it has been maintaining that size for some time, then it will be able to support a 16-bed house. Seniors will want to move into luxury apartments, some members will need to live at home, some members will co-op, freshmen have residence “The way hall contracts, etc., etc., etc.
I like to say it is that ’Quality recruitment’ is measured not by how few you take but by how many you turn down.”
What is “the quantity we deserve?” Well, I think we need to clear up a couple of misunderstandings there as well. First, the chapter needs to decide on its target size. For the sake of illustration, let’s assume that is 40 men. Now, the question is, “How many men does the chapter need to •initiate• (not just pledge) each and every year in order to maintain that size? While some may think 10, it is actually 40% of the target size, or 16! Depending on the chapter’s associate member retention rate, you can calculate how many it will need to get from its recruitment efforts. The second issue to clear up is the relationship between the chapter’s size and
Finally, there is an old saying in business that the best salesman in every company hears the word, “No” more than anyone else. I don’t think we are hearing it enough. By far. By the way, that salesman seems to often have one more “Yes” than the potential customer has “No”s.
If you think that there are only so many guys interested in fraternity, then try the following. Go to your next chapter meeting, and ask for a show of hands of those who, as high school seniors, intended to “Go Greek.” It is usually a decisive minority. Someone had to go and talk to the others! Do that more!!! Fraternally,
Raymond D. Galbreth Executive Director Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006 3
Oregon State Charters on Original 75th Anniversary! By Shad Andrews, R.J. Sohler, and Jeff Peterson
As the ink of the signature of the “CC” dried on the chartering proclamation, applause, cheers and a sense of accomplishment filled the Corvallis Country Club on April 22, 2006. Nearly one hundred fifty people packed the banquet hall to celebrate, as the Oregon State Colony became the Oregon State Chapter of Delta Chi. After three long and busy years, the founding members, including their five new Eta class brothers, were finally able to watch their hard work pay off, as they received their chartering proclamation. Featured speakers at the banquet included Bob Kerr, Director of Greek Life at Oregon State, who delivered some encouraging words about Delta Chi’s past and future at OSU; Ron Thiesen, International Vice President of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity, who spoke about how the Greek community at Oregon State was proud of the Chapter for successfully chartering, a feat that is impressive and shows the dedication of the members; and “CC” Tom Horowitz, who presented the chartering proclamation. House Mom Nikki Olson served as emcee for the banquet. Olson recounted her memories of being a single working “mother” to over thirty “kids”
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and the various funny moments during her time as the House Mom. Kerr, having watched the Chapter grow from its inception, also spoke about the importance of avoiding the common post-chartering “slump” that happens to many newly chartered chapters. He gave the Chapter important tips on how to avoid the slump and how to continue succeeding. Horowitz presented a plaque to the Colony in recognition of the 75th anniversary of its original chartering in 1931 and read a letter from Executive Director Ray Galbreth congratulating the Colony on its anniversary and its new charter. “It was great to see everybody’s hard work finally pay off,” said founding “A” Matt Reid. “I don’t think people understand how difficult and complicated it is to build a fraternity from the ground up, but over the course of a few short years, Delta Chi has reemerged and begun once again to motivate young men into becoming better citizens.” Several awards were presented at the banquet. Kerry Nussbaumer was awarded the Alumnus of the Year by the Chapter for his help with the Colony. Richard Sohler received the Senior of the Year Award for his contributions as a former “A”. The Chapter presented the E.B. Lemmon Top Academic
Scholar Award to Matt Chin for top academic performance during the previous school year. And Andrew Merfeld earned the Ray Wyatt Academic Improvement Award for his dedication to studies. A slide show was also presented at the banquet, showing photographs from our three-year journey from Colony to Chapter. It provided many funny and important memories for the audience. The Chapter’s White Carnation Formal, also at the Corvallis Country Club, followed the Chartering banquet. By the end of the night, the brothers and their guests were exhausted by the busy past few days, relieved that the long process of chartering was over, but eager to continue a future as a Chapter that is just beginning.
AUSPICIOUS BEGINNINGS Delta Chi was originally chartered at Oregon State on June 7, 1931, when two local fraternities, Theta Delta Nu and Delta Kappa, merged together to petition to join the international organization. It was the forty-fourth chapter of Delta Chi and is the twenty-fourth oldest chapter still active. The Chapter remained active on campus between 1931 and 2000, with the exception of the World War II years, when every chapter
at Oregon State closed. For many years in the 1970s and 1980s, the Chapter was one of the largest, if not the largest, fraternity on campus. It is known for its large scholarship fund for members, established in memory of Charles and Edward Rosenkrans, two members of the original Theta Delta Nu Fraternity, who died in 1926. The Rosenkrans Scholarship still distributes tens of thousands of dollars to help members pay for college each year and is one of the largest scholarship funds in the country. The chapter closed in March 2000, and for three years the house, originally built in 1925, remained empty. In the winter of 2003, Leadership Consultants Marquez Brown, Reed Davis, Jon Moore and Jonathan Stovall traveled to Corvallis to re-establish the Chapter. On April 5, 2003, members of the Chico Chapter came to Corvallis to help initiate eighteen men as founding fathers of the reborn Oregon State Colony.
MAKING A HOUSE A HOME The House Corporation, which kept watch over the house for three years, totally remodeled the house over the summer of 2003 with a $170,000 loan from the Housing Fund. The house was in bad condition, and three years of neglect made it much worse. The entire roof
had to be replaced, and almost every wall in the house had to be rebuilt. In September of 2003, the members of the Colony moved in and put their own hard work into the house to make it fit for the home of a fraternity. Members had to spend their own money, with help from alumni, to remodel each individual study room. A lot of re-modeling had to be performed on the kitchen, the basement, the hallways, and every other room in the building before it was ready.
petitioning the Fraternity and then organizing the banquet after the petition was approved. “It meant a lot that we had so many people at the banquet to celebrate with us,” said Matt Lewis, current “A”. “We put in a lot of hard work over the last three years, and this was a chance to show it off to everyone. I’ve never been more proud to be a Delta Chi than after the banquet, when all of the current members circled up to sing The Bond Song with the alumni. It was really special for all of us.”
Along with the physical work on the house, the colony members also focused on establishing a new fraternity with new traditions and The Oregon State “CC” Tom Horowitz and Chapter “A” Matt Lewis with the chartering proclamation procedures. Members had Chapter is just one of to learn how to work as a chapter and to many chapters that have made the recent choose what kind of fraternity they wanted transition from colony to chapter. Within the to be. They had to decide what being a Delta past year the following chapters chartered: Chi would mean. Coastal Carolina, Colorado, LSU, Southern Illinois, Texas Tech, and William & Mary. During its first three years, the members of the Like Oregon State, these chapters have all Colony struggled through some tough times. worked very hard and should be commended. With luck and perseverance, they were able to These chapters are a good example and an meet those challenges, and finally, within the inspiration for current colonies that are starting last year, chartering was in sight. Chartering their own journeys. Committee Chair Stephen Young directed the efforts of every member of the Colony in Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006 5
CAMPUS FEATURETTES ABRACADABRA February 24, 2006 marked the 5th anniversary of the initiation of the most recent founding fathers. These young men worked to build what is one of the biggest chapters on the UC Berkeley campus today. The current members would like to thank them for their hard work and promise to keep the tradition strong.
APPALACHIAN STATE We were honored to be an integral part of Delta Chi returning to Western Carolina University when we hosted and initiated the new Colony members. On Saturday, we gathered prior to the annual battle for “The Old Mountain Jug” between the Appalachian State and Western Carolina football teams. Keeping with the tradition, we created the Delta Chi Jug to be given each year to the chapter of the winning school.
Appalachian State and Western Carolina brothers at the initiation of the Western Carolina Colony
BRYANT Philanthropies
we concluded the weekend with Ritual exemplification and a social event.
COLORADO For the spring, we focused much of our attention on what hopefully will become an annual springtime event, a philanthropy that will donate all of its proceeds to the American Cancer Society. The Chapter is planning either a golf tournament or a male/female fashion show. No matter which event is chosen, we will not look just within the Chapter for support, but also to the other fraternities and sororities on campus. We are very excited and anxious about raising as much money as possible.
We had the honor of hosting the Region II Leadership Conference in March of this year. Chapters from California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico were in attendance. One hundred fifty members from these chapters participated in seminars ranging from financial management to chapter marketing. “AA” Steve Bossart, “BB” David Caillier, Regent Eric Woolfitt, and Executive Director Ray Galbreth helped host the seminars and conducted an alumni initiation. Last year Regent Eric Woolfitt created a new competition for all of the chapters called the Man Miles Award. Last year the Hayward Chapter won the award, because it had the most men come the longest distance. After the seminars, 6 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006
This past January, we hosted our 7th annual January Jams Concert. We had Bowling for Soup and Five-Year Echo perform at the concert, and it was a great success. Every year we hire the bands and do the advertising, stage setup and concert security. Both bands were great, and every year we look forward to meeting new groups. The past seven concerts have had bands such as Trapt, Nickelback, and Reel Big Fish perform. Each year people cannot wait for the concert.
DENISON Has Great Rush We have 22 graduating seniors, which made recruitment the focus of the Chapter. Formal Recruitment took place during the first two weeks of second semester and went very well. With half of our Chapter leaving, we wanted to get a strong pledge class to ensure the livelihood of our chapter. Mike Henderson ’06 streamlined the rush process by planning dinners and events and bringing a mass of prospective guys out to meet the members. We talked to a lot of great men and welcomed thirteen associates, a gigantic class for our Chapter.
We have been working very hard this spring. Our philanthropies have included the planning of the Dance-A-Thon, which will be held in the upcoming year. Due to the nature of this huge undertaking, we have started to plan the event this spring to ensure it is successful. We have also participated in highway clean-ups, a Rock-A-Thon, and helped those in need by raising money to give to a family in the form of heating oil this past winter.
The latest Denison associate members
EAST CAROLINA At the conclusion of the fall, we participated in the 2nd annual canned food drive, Can the Van. Sponsored by Hastings Ford, through Thomas Alcock ’99, a 16-passenger van was parked in Wright Plaza, the main central campus thoroughfare. Students, faculty, and local grocery stores filled the van with canned goods. Over 500 pounds of food were collected and distributed to shelters such as the Eastern Food Bank of North Carolina. We are proud to give back to our community, and we look forward to other annual events such as the Special Olympics and Heart Walk.
Ferris State brothers host “Bowling for Soup” concert
FLORIDA COLONY Our efforts are in full throttle, as we had a founding father class of 30 men. With the assistance of Leadership Consultants Rusty Williams and Justin Roberts, we have compiled a group of some of the University’s finest men. Furthermore, we have begun our efforts to become the top fraternity on campus by excelling in academics, athletics and community involvement. Not only are we excited about the expansion, but we have also drawn much attention from our alumni. With over 1,400 initiates, it is easy to say that our alumni support has been nothing short of perfect. Congressman John Mica ’67, his brother David Mica ’77 and several other distinguished alumni have been more than willing to help us create a successful colony. With their support and the persistent dedication of the Founding Fathers, the Delta Chi Fraternity will return to its prior prominent role at The University of Florida.
Florida Colony’s first pinning ceremony
FREDONIA Our final community service event of 2005 was “The Miracle on Main Street” at the Grange on West Main Street in Fredonia.
CAMPUS FEATURETTES For this community service event, we worked five hours helping Mrs. Michelle Twichell to set up, clean up and help children from the ages of six months to ten years old make different crafts throughout the afternoon. These crafts were things such as Christmas tree ornaments and Christmas colored bead necklaces. The children also got to sit on Santa’s lap, and we helped them write letters to Santa. There were over 20 brothers who helped support this event and were involved with our community. We put in more community service hours in the fall 2005 (250 hours plus a walk for charity) than any other group. Our community service chairman, Nate Blood ’05, put this together, and he has plans to achieve even more hours of community service this spring.
GANNON’S 35th Anniversary Celebration This year we celebrated our 35th chartering anniversary. It was a very special event for the entire Chapter. We invited and encouraged all of our alumni to come back and join us on this special occasion and meet the current brothers. We are glad that many of our alumni still live in the area and were able to return to Erie, Pennsylvania to share in this great thing we call the Bond of Delta Chi. Every five years we host our anniversary event, and every time the event seems to get bigger and better, and this, our 35th, was the biggest yet. With the help of our alumni advisor, Bill Williams ’83, and the hard work of all the brothers involved, this turned out to be a great time. We look forward to the next five years and many more here on the campus of Gannon University.
GEORGIA’S Fall Festival We believe philanthropy is very important, and we helped continue this tradition last November by teaming up with Gamma Sigma Sigma Sorority in order to co-host the first annual Fall Festival benefiting the Boys and Girls Club of Athens. Fall Festival was a surprise event for the children, giving them an exciting change from their daily routine and something extra to smile about around the holiday. Some of the events included a pie toss, face painting, pumpkin decorating, a cakewalk, and various relay races. As an inaugural event, everything was built from scratch. It could not have been a success without the generosity of our corporate sponsors. We even had about $600 left over to donate to the Boys and Girls Club. Everyone was pleased with the event; and the brothers, the sorority, the Boys and Girls Club supervisors, and the children are already excited about next year’s event.
GEORGIA SOUTHERN Because of our new fifteen-man chapter house on Greek row and a very enthusiastic group of brothers, this year’s spring recruitment has proven to be our best yet. Starting out with nine associate members, we tripled our past spring class size and started out with the largest group of potential members on campus. Though rush officially ended on campus on January 27th, we still saw the opportunity to recruit. Utilizing the new initiated brothers and associate members who still live in the dorm, we recruited three more men. We are still building interest through pickup softball games, flag football, brotherhood dinners, and just through seeing people around campus. Our plans for recruitment next fall will hopefully continue this trend, as we will present to many different student organizations. Our goal is to show people who are already involved in different organizations what accomplishments can be made by joining a bond such as Delta Chi and gaining a whole new generation of leaders for our chapter.
Ten Hofstra men at their Delta Chi pinning ceremony
We pinned ten guys this semester, which is the largest out of any social fraternity at Hofstra. Our G.P.A. is first among social fraternities. Everyone has paid dues, and our financial situation is solid. We have been engaged in charitable events, one of which benefits the Ronald McDonald house. We have been working with Delta Gamma on various charities as well. A four-page newsletter has just been published and has been sent to alumni in the area to inform them of the strides the Chapter is making here at Hofstra.
HUNTSVILLE With Brotherhood Comes Direction
Georgia Southern’s fall ’05 associate members
GEORGIA TECH We served as the host of the 2006 Region VIII Regional Leadership Conference from January 27-28. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our RLC Chair, Elliott Wood ’06, and Regent Eric Kerstetter, as well as the insightful sessions given by the speakers, we are glad to announce it as a rousing success. Over 140 brothers from 18 chapters from the Southeast attended the RLC, making it one of the biggest of all time. Attendees heard sessions on all aspects of leading a successful chapter, including sessions given by Tom Horowitz, “CC”, Chuck Mancuso, “DD”, and Miles Washburn, Vice President of the Delta Chi Educational Foundation. Of course, the Regional Leadership Conference is more than just presentations; brothers also had the opportunity to mingle and trade stories and ideas at a cookout at the house, as well as enjoy the Atlanta nightlife. Thanks to all presenters and attendees for helping make this year’s RLC an enriching and fun event.
Huntsville members and alumni work together at their February brotherhood retreat
During the “A”s’ Academy in January, the recently elected “A”, Justin Anthony, took in many new and creative ideas from the other chapter leaders from across the nation. One idea, however, interested him the most: the idea of defining what exactly it meant to be a brother from the Huntsville Chapter. With the growth and prosperity the Chapter had been experiencing, the Chapter as a whole agreed this idea was definitely worth pursuing. On February 3-5, a majority of our actives and associate members, joined by a couple of support alumni, traveled to a campground in Chelsea, AL for a brotherhood retreat. The weekend was extremely productive, relaxing, and, most of all, fun for all who attended. That Saturday was spent in a daylong meeting where we discussed everything from the direction of our Chapter, rewriting house rules to accommodate the new house opening in September of this year, to defining Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006 7
CAMPUS FEATURETTES what exactly it means to be a member of the Huntsville Chapter. Spirits were high, and motivation was skyrocketing by the end of the weekend. “BB” Chris Kilroy commented on the weekend, “In the ten years I have been affiliated with this chapter, this brotherhood retreat has been, by far, the most productive I have ever had the honor of attending. The year remains young, and a large amount of work remains to be done. In closing, I leave you with what the Huntsville Chapter defined itself to be: We are imperfect, but we are mature enough as men to identify our imperfection and determined enough to improve upon ourselves as a self and as a whole.” The Huntsville Chapter: Striving for Perfection in Diversity, Honor, Justice, Creativity, and Scholarship.
JAMES MADISON Recuitment Our chapter’s greatest success this past year has been our recruitment. During the fall and spring, we put an enormous emphasis on recruitment to deal with our membership retention. Because of the dedication of each brother, our vision led to success. We had an associate member class of thirteen, which gave us the biggest new member class out of all thirteen social fraternities. With a brotherhood of twenty-two to start the semester, we each had to dedicate more time and energy than before to make the associate member process successful. The members of the Nu class were more than thirteen random guys we found around campus; these were thirteen quality men who would help our chapter’s relations with sororities, social events, fundraising efforts and much more. We were proud to initiate all thirteen of the Nu class into full brotherhood on November 19, 2005. Since then, the Nu members have taken on leadership roles within the Chapter, as well as maintaining a good standing academically.
associate member counselor has designed one of the best new member programs that our Chapter has seen in many years and has led the Xi class to be challenged with many opportunities to grow as men. I have full confidence that before the end of the semester, we will be able to initiate all eight members into the brotherhood of a lifetime. We hope that with our continued success in recruitment and new member education, we will soon be honored as chapter of the year.
KANSAS The Success of our Third Annual Philanthropy On April 19th, we teamed up with the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma to host our Third Annual Kaw River Carnival to benefit the Boys and Girls Club in Lawrence, Kansas. This event was a success thanks to the hard work of brothers dedicated to community service. We provided less fortunate children with entertainment, as well as prizes and educational games to help them grow and excel. A special thanks goes to Brother Brent Miller for his countless hours of work preparing this tremendous event.
KANSAS STATE Chapter Retreat
Kansas State members at their semester retreat
James Madison’s newest associate members
This semester we had our normal chapter retreat, but we decided to change it up a little bit. We had an overnight retreat at Living Water Ranch, starting on Saturday night and going through to Sunday afternoon. Saturday was devoted to brotherhood. We had a great night just hanging out, playing cards, watching movies, playing ping-pong, and listening to K-State basketball. There were two things we did that will stick in everyone’s mind for years to come though: going down the waterslide in the pitch black with freezing cold water and the marshmallow fight in the middle of the night that lasted for 30 minutes.
Our success has continued with the Xi class this spring. By extending bids to eight young men, we again have a solid associate member class that holds a great deal of potential for the future of this Chapter. Our
On Sunday we got down to business. We met as a chapter and discussed many issues that affected the chapter, and then we broke up into groups to brainstorm ideas on how to solve those problems.
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After brainstorming, we came up with some weekly goals to try to reach throughout the semester. These goals were designed to try to help the chapter grow and succeed. After setting all of our goals, we discussed what we thought makes Delta Chi what it is and why. We ended the day by telling stories of memorable Delta Chi experiences. We then concluded motivated and ready to help make our Chapter better.
Region VI brothers gather during this spring’s Regional Leadership Conference.
This February we had the honor of hosting the Region VI Leadership Conference. Delegates from 11 chapters in Region VI traveled to Oxford for this event. Highlights of the conference included an involved discussion of fraternity perceptions and realities hosted by Steve Bossart, “AA”, a breakout session discussing risk management hosted by Sergeant Squance of the Oxford Police Department, and several other very informative sessions hosted by current students and alumni. The event was capped off by a formal dinner in the Heritage Room of the Phillip R. Shriver Center. We would like to thank all the Delta Chi alumni and students who made this event a tremendous success, and we hope to see you all again next year at Kent State, the 2007 site of the Region VI Leadership Conference.
Dan Guest, Kegan King, Kyle Matthews, and Bill Richeson at this year’s steak dinner where they were the recipients of the Lacchia Merit Award
In February, we had our annual Joseph Lacchia Merit Award Scholarship Dinner. It is awarded based on grade point average, chapter involvement, campus and community
CAMPUS FEATURETTES involvement, and a strong preference for in-house residence. Former Michigan State Building Corporation treasurer, Joseph Lacchia, NYU ’25, founded the award. This program has continued with the generous support provided by alumni contributions. The applicants had to fill out an application and write an essay to be considered for the award. The Building Corporation Board selects the award recipients based on the criteria above. The winners this year were Kyle Matthews, Bill Richeson, Dan Guest, and Kegan King. Kyle Matthews received this award due to his outstanding efforts as the VP of Philanthropy and “D”. Bill Richeson achieved this award with his outstanding leadership as the “F” and as a member of the Army’s ROTC. He will be leaving for Iraq within the coming months; please wish our brother a safe return home. Dan Guest was honored for his efforts in helping to bridge the gap between the Chapter and its alumni as our “E”. Kegan King received the award for the leadership that he showed while “F”. Finally, please send your updated mailing addresses to along with any new or changed email addresses.
MINNESOTA Formal Rush Week
food, games, and many more activities. The great thing about this event is the t-shirts. Every t-shirt ordered results in a donation of $10 to the Boys and Girls Club. Despite having less than 40 active members right now, we are still going to be considered one of the gold sponsors, which only very few chapters achieve. A chapter can achieve this status once it has ordered 60 or more t-shirts total. This is an event we are proud of, because not only will it help advertise the Chapter to people and places it has never been advertised to before, but it will also allow us to donate over $600 to the Boys and Girls Club.
MISSOURI STATE We were honored to host this year’s Region IV Regional Conference. It was a long process that could not have been completed without the help of many men from our Chapter and all of the others in Region IV. We had a great showing, with nearly 100 undergraduate and alumni members participating in this great event. Again, thank you to everyone, and we look forward to a successful semester here at Missouri State.
With our chapter losing twelve members to graduation this year, recruitment was essential. With the help of our Recruitment Chair, Sean Scallen, and with help from Josh Redshaw and every other member of the house, we had a five-day formal recruitment week full of different events and finished the week with the Associate Member Ceremony. The week enabled us to find new high quality brothers, as well as to increase the strong brotherhood bond.
We are in the process of securing funding for the upcoming chapter house addition. The addition, which will add onto the currently owned house and also renovate it, will house 13 men - up from the current seven. In addition, it will add a large multipurpose room, chapter library, and dining area. The chapter has already secured $130,000 in funding but still needs alumni support. Alumni interested in supporting the brothers and the house addition may contact faculty advisor O.J. Carson. The brothers are very excited about the house addition and hope to begin construction during the upcoming year.
Missouri brothers showing their letters after volunteering for Adopt-a-Highway
This semester Delta Chi is looking forward to participating in what is probably the biggest philanthropy on campus. The men of Beta Theta Pi are hosting an event called Block Rock, which is a function that will have bands,
like to go hungry, and also raised some money for a great organization. We feel those involved in charitable acts such as these should be recognized and commended for their efforts at putting other people above themselves.
OHIO STATE COLONY Winter quarter has been nothing short of spectacular. The thing most worthy of note, however, has been our continuation of the distinguished John W. Bricker Sorority Woman of the Year Award. Well known by every sorority at Ohio State, it is one of the most sought after awards and is given to a sorority woman who has excelled in academic prowess. Delta Chi alumni and past recipients of the award judge applicants. Finalists are treated to a lavish award ceremony and dinner, currently scheduled for May 14th, with the top three receiving significant monetary prizes, personalized plaques, and newspaper recognitions in their hometowns.
Oregon State brothers celebrate the holidays
While the weekend before Mardi Gras is an opportunity for many to enjoy all things in excess, eight of our brothers decided to pass up the opportunity in a humble act of selflessness. They all participated in the 30-hour famine, a fundraiser through the World Vision Charitable Foundation meant to raise awareness of the food shortages around the world and donate money to people who cannot afford to eat. These men all took monetary pledges for their participation and completed 30 hours without eating any solid food.
We have been growing by leaps and bounds over the last term. With the recent success of the Colony in many different facets of Greek life, we are proud to say that chartering will be occurring fairly soon. We are also proud of the fact that we finally have members involved with IFC. Richard Sohler has been elected as the IFC VP of Recruitment, and Kyle Waletich was selected to be on the IFC All-University Sing Committee, as well as the Judicial Committee. Ken Morgan, a new member with a background in home improvement, has led the house in some drastic changes as we are renovating the entire basement.
For all of us who have never had to worry about when our next meal would be, the participating brothers gained a small bit of empathy and understanding for what it feels
This project, as well as landscaping the outside and a facelift of our dining room, has drastically helped the members take more pride in our lovely 80-year-old house. Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006 9
CAMPUS FEATURETTES PENN STATE Dance Marathon It has been an enjoyable year for us. We have participated in many university events and have stayed active within the community. The most important event occurred on the weekend of February 17th-19th. This was the weekend of the Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon, or THON as we call it, which is a 48-hour dance marathon that culminates the yearlong effort of Penn State students, including Delta Chis, to raise money for kids with cancer. All the money is donated to the Four Diamonds Fund. Our chapter, along with our partners from the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, proudly raised over $92,000 of the over $4.2 million that the Penn State community donated. We finished 7th among all Greek organizational pairings for total money raised, a feat of which we are very proud. It was the first year that we were coupled with Kappa Kappa Gamma, and we anticipate it to be a very long-lasting and successful relationship that will only continue to thrive in the future. Four of our senior brothers were selected to dance in the 48-hour marathon. The dancers could not sleep or even sit down for the duration of the event. It was a great weekend and was highlighted by the enthusiasm of all the brothers and dancers.
PITTSBURGH Delta Chi Law states that, “Each undergraduate chapter shall be in registered attendance at each convention and regional conference to be in good standing.” This past February, we followed not only the letter of Delta Chi Law, but also had the honor of enabling other chapters to do so as well. On the weekend of February 24th, 2006 we hosted the Region IX Regional Leadership Conference. Our undergraduate conference coordinator was Matthew Reuter, who managed to find time to plan and execute the entire RLC in addition to serving as the “F”. He was assisted in the preparations and conference events by our “BB” and the Fraternity’s “CC”, Tom Horowitz, and by Regent Mike Geary. With the help of our brothers and with the attendance of nearly 100 members from throughout the region, this year’s RLC was a huge success. Notable events included an always enjoyable presentation on “How to Impress the Women in Your Life” by Mrs. Lorrie Bossart and the closing social at Dave & Busters. Our thanks and gratitude go out to all the presenters at this year’s Region IX RLC, to all the brothers who made the commitment to attend, and especially to Matt Reuter, Tom Horowitz, and Mike Geary for all their hard work. 10 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006
PURDUE The Region V Regional Leadership Conference was held at Purdue University this year. Brothers from all over the region came on February 24th and stayed for the weekend. The brothers welcomed our visitors, and the weekend was kicked off with a speech given by the Executive Director, Ray Galbreth. The next day started with an early breakfast at the chapter house. Presentations were held throughout the entire day. Topics included leadership, recruitment, and risk management. The day ended with a formal dinner held and catered by the Purdue Memorial Union. Many of the regional brothers came back to the chapter house that night to hang out and play cards. Nick Polito from Purdue said, “It was great to meet brothers from other schools. I would like to go see their chapter houses now.” Sunday started with another breakfast at the house and concluded with the closing speech from Ray Galbreth. We were glad to share the house with our regional brothers. Many ideas and thoughts were shared, and hopefully they will all be taken back with the men in order to make Delta Chi a stronger organization. Mike Eichstedt, also from Purdue, said, “I learned a lot from going to the conference, and I hope to attend again next year.”
RUTGERS We participated in Dance Marathon recently, the largest student-run philanthropic event in New Jersey. This event raises money for the Institute for Children with Cancer and Blood Disorders. This year our chapter had ten captains and twelve volunteers, which was double the participation of last year. The Dance Marathon raised an impressive $235,362!
SOUTH DAKOTA STATE Travels the World Last March, a group of us went on a trip to West Africa with our faculty advisor. We had a blast and have been planning our next trip ever since. Our next one will be to India for a couple of weeks. This got us to thinking, and in February, we decided to find out just how many countries we have been to as a Chapter. We knew that we had several guys who like to travel, but it wasn’t until we actually started writing down countries that we realized just how much of the globe we have covered. We’ve had guys visit countries on every continent except South America, which we will have covered by the end of the year. According to our list, among our 35 active
Troy Miller tries to make the South Dakota Chapter international by recruiting a young boy in Bolgatonga, Ghana.
members, we have been to a total of 44 different countries at least once. We’ve been to 18 countries in Europe, 12 countries in Asia, five countries in Africa, four countries in North America, four countries in Australia and Oceana, and Antarctica. We plan on getting a large world map for our house so that we can keep track of all the countries we’ve been to over time. It will be really cool to come back as an alumnus and see where our travels have taken us.
SOUTH FLORIDA Philanthropy Events This year we wanted to not only improve our participation in other organizations’ events, but to also stand out as more than just a leader in our community and to be known as a service-oriented Fraternity. We have been meeting our expectations and going far beyond. In the three philanthropy events that were available for us, we were able to place in the top three and have even started our very own annual event. Every year the Delta Gamma Fraternity hosts its annual philanthropic event, Anchor Splash, benefiting Service for Sight. Anchor Splash is a set of multiple, water-oriented competitions, including pocket change collection, T-shirt sales, banner competition, swimming relays, a Mr. Anchor Splash pageant, and ending with a synchronized swimming routine. Of these events, we placed first in the banner and relays, second in synchronized swimming, and third in t-shirt sales, helping us take home a Third Place Overall Trophy. Chi Omega contributes to the Make-AWish Foundation by holding a multitude of philanthropy events. One of these events is their annual Spike It Up Volleyball Tournament. Every year we participate in this event; we
CAMPUS FEATURETTES consistently have a great performance, and this year was no exception! Six brothers took their entire Saturday afternoon to participate in this tournament and along with several personal awards like Best Bump, Best Spike, Best Serve, and Best Sportsmanship; they were able to obtain First Place honors for the second time in three years. Another achievement we were able to add to our trophy case was a Third Place overall finish in Sigma Delta Tau’s “Putting on the Hits.” With several competitions such as Pocket Change, T-Shirt Sales, and Lip Sync Routine, we were able to win a Top Three placement for the first time in our Chapter’s history. After amassing a large donation as well as having a top-notch routine, we were definitely a dominant force in the competition. Just participating in other organizations’ events was not enough, and we all wanted to do more than what was required. Along with donating to My Two Front Teeth, a Christmas seasonal philanthropic organization, we have put into place our very own annual philanthropy. In association with St. Jude Children’s Cancer Research Hospital, we are hosting for the first time at The University of South Florida the annual Square Off Against Cancer Four Square Tournament. Students from all over campus can participate in this unique event that takes a children’s game and benefits a child’s life. By simply participating in St. Jude’s letter writing campaign, a team of four students can become eligible to play in our daylong competition. These accomplishments, as well as our newly developed philanthropy program, are just a few examples of how we plan to achieve our goal of Fraternity of the Year.
Southern Illinois chartering celebration
We received our charter November 12, 2005, exactly 50 years from the first chartering in 1955. We have worked hard and have had our ups and downs, but our hard work has paid off. The chartering banquet was held at the Sheraton Westport in St. Louis, MO. The banquet was a huge success, and we were very lucky to have some of the original founding fathers from 1955. It was a big night for all of us with memories we will
never forget. We are proud of our charter and take it as the beginning of something great. Our charter will help us move on and progress to be the biggest and best chapter at Southern Illinois. We are just getting started.
TEXAS Cleans up Neighborhood We have been implementing many changes under our new executive board and have planned more brotherhood activities and have had more involvement in campus community service events. One such activity was an on-campus, full day community service event called “Project 2006.” This event is the largest community service activity held by The University of Texas in which all major organizations take part. It involved going to East Austin, an underprivileged neighborhood, where we cleaned up parks and schools, planted trees, built various structures for kids and overall made the area a much better place. Our entire chapter participated in this event, serving at various times throughout the day, and put our full effort into helping those not as lucky as us.
TEXAS A&M It is our pleasure to report the success of the Chapter over the last year concerning recruitment, chapter administration, and brotherhood. We have doubled in size within two years through the efforts of every brother. Executive Council members have shown extreme ambition and passion for the Chapter and have developed those positions to levels never before achieved. This increased level of professionalism has contributed to our ability to organize and plan additional events and adds to the overall quality of our brotherhood. Our alumni are benefiting from an extreme makeover of the “E” position, and we have newsletters going out to keep them in touch as never before. After such success with growth, we will continue to focus on consolidating our resources and hope to begin the process of budgeting for a new house. We are the new big boys on campus and are proud to be gentlemen of Delta Chi!
our Building Corporation. Rich has already dedicated so much of his time to our chapter, but according to him, he may become even more involved in the future!
UNLV The undergraduate student government of UNLV, officially known as CSUN, is well under the influence of Delta Chi. The legislative branch, the Student Senate, which controls a $1.25 million budget, is made up of students who each represent their respective college. Four brothers hold Senate positions. The Fine Art College is represented by Eric Guideng. The Business College is represented by Keeton Little and Marco Valera. University Studies is represented by Bret Medina. Judicially, Steven Pace was recently sworn in for a two-year term as Justice of CSUN’s Justice Court. The Directors of the Executive Branch have been the busiest. Rebelpalooza, a concert organized by UNLV student government and attended by thousands, was produced and directed by Entertainment & Programming Director Sean Holmquist and Deputy Director Blake Hannon. Adam Zucco, the Elections Director, upgraded the electoral system to the 21st century by transferring it from a paper ballot to an all digital system. With such leadership representation, it’s no surprise that our latest associate member class is four times larger than the campus average new member class.
VALDOSTA We hosted the third annual Delta Chi Charity Softball Tournament in memory of Victoria Newsome this year. She was a beautiful eight-year-old girl who suffered from medulloblastoma. Sadly, Victoria passed away on November 6, 2005. She will be missed and was loved by everyone. The money raised from the tournament went to the family and also to build a memorial in honor of her vibrant life.
TRI-STATE Celebrating 41 years with Rich Kruger This fall, during Homecoming Weekend, we will be celebrating the retirement of our Faculty Advisor, Rich Kruger. Rich has dedicated 41 years to teaching here at Tri-State University. However, he isn’t leaving us entirely. Rich still plans to serve on the Alumni Board of Trustees as well as
Western Carolina brothers enjoying winter outside their new house
Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006 11
CAMPUS FEATURETTES Our first recruitment week as a colony was a successful venture. Special thanks go to the ladies of Phi Mu and Alpha Xi Delta for their participation in the week’s events. Our efforts yielded an associate member class of ten men, and we are continuing to recruit. Pending Initiation, the colony membership will swell to 31 brothers, placing us above the campus average. In keeping with our academic excellence, our associate members have boosted what was already the highest average GPA among men’s fraternities on campus. We have also have begun working closely with our newly acquired Faculty Advisor, Brother Nyaga Mwaniki, in order to maintain those standards.
WEST GEORGIA Champions 2005 This past homecoming was one of great success. We were paired with the ladies of the Phi Mu Sorority. This was the first time we had ever been paired with them, and through this we were able to build a great relationship. The theme was Mardi Gras, and the week lived up to its name. For our float, we went with a Bourbon Street feel. We had a balcony built on the float with brothers dressed as football players, blues brothers, partygoers, and our very own king and queen. Thanks to the hard work and participation of everyone involved, it allowed us to not only have a great-looking float but come out as the overall champions.
Faculty Advisor and a member of Kappa Delta, and Tracie Massey, UNCW’s Greek Affairs Coordinator and a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma, also attended the ceremony conducted by Director of Expansion Reed Davis and Leadership Consultant Sean Rossiter. The Colony has the highest GPA of all fraternities on campus and has several members who are varsity or club athletes.
West Georgia’s “Mardi Gras” theme homecoming parade
WEST VIRGINIA TECH Thank you founding fathers Once upon a time our chapter was in financial despair. Troy Smith, a founding father, donated money to our Chapter to help us pay our debt, and he donated the money in the name of his late wife. To Troy, the current brothers would like to formally say thank you.
Wilmington Colony’s first pinning
We are the ninth member fraternity of a young and quickly growing Greek system. For more information regarding the newest fraternity at UNCW, contact Wes Dinsick, “A”, at
WILMINGTON COLONY Thursday, February 16, 2006, marked the official colonization of the Wilmington Colony. The Associate Member Pinning Ceremony was hosted by the women of the Panhellenic community and was attended by several local alumni, including Miles Washburn, Massachusetts ’87; Don Harty, Georgia Southern ’82; and Adam Skinner, Kansas City ’95. Aimee Hourigan, the Colony’s
Planned Expansions 2006 -2007 Cincinnati, Indiana, North Alabama, and Winthrop For more information please visit or contact Rusty Williams, Director of Expansion and Colony Operations, at
Brotherhood Rocks Cleveland in 2006! Visit and click “Conventions” to learn more
From Aerosmith to Zappa, all the icons of rock are represented here at the must-see Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. The museum features a high-impact, multi-media production to tell the stories of inducted rock and roll legends as well as the single largest collection of rare and priceless rock and roll memorabilia assembled anywhere in the world. The architecturally stunning structure, designed by I.M. Pei, towers above the Lake Erie shore at North Coast Harbor. Convention Logo donated by Drew Dallet ’93 |
12 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006
Delta Chi Loyalty Fund “Brothers Helping Brothers”
The Loyalty Fund is an important opportunity for our brothers to help ensure that Delta Chi not only remains competitive but a leader in the fraternity world. Your continued support, besides ensuring that you continue to receive your personal copy of the Quarterly, will help provide for: • • • • • • • •
“A”s’ Academy Leadership College Recruitment assistance Life Loyal Lapel Pin Returning to campuses with closed chapters Expansion onto new campuses that share our values Updating and expanding our website Providing on-line resources for our student members Ensuring that we continue to publish the Delta Chi Quarterly
We especially thank those of you who are already Life Loyal members and sincerely hope that you will continue to support your Fraternity’s efforts! To help, please mail your contribution to The Delta Chi Fraternity or visit us at: Gifts to Delta Chi Fraternity are not tax deductible
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314 Church Street | P.O. Box 1817 | Iowa City, Iowa 52244 | 319-337-4811 | 319-337-5529 (fax) Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006 13
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14 Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006
Jerrold R. Simmons ’02, married Kristin Leigh Strader on April 22, 2006. Born to Brother and Mrs. Sean Welsch ’95, a son, Jackson Thomas, on January 19, 2006.
Born to Brother and Mrs. KoeKen Charles Ong, Jr. ’99, twin sons, Owen Daniel and Bryce Charles, on March 18, 2006.
BRYANT Born to Brother and Mrs. Mike Hebert ’98, a son, Michael Warren, on March 21, 2006.
CALIFORNIA-PA Born to Brother and Mrs. Andrew Kelley ’95, a son, Matthew David, on April 12, 2006.
DEPAUW Wallace Nichols ’89, was named president-elect of the International Sea Turtle Society in April during the group’s annual conference in Crete, Greece. Born to Brother and Mrs. James Roach ’97, a son, Parker James, on September 20, 2005. Born to Brother and Mrs. Christopher Terhune ’02, a son, Gabriel Christopher Samuel, on January 10, 2006.
DENISON Mark Snider ’01, is an attorney with the law firm of Porter Wright in Columbus and serves on the ABT for the Denison chapter. Steve Hinkson ’03, is an associate project director at Luntz Research Companies in DC. Charles Andrew Young ’03, is a pilot for American Eagle in the Caribbean.
GEORGIA Born to Brother and Mrs. Keith Conner ’98, a daughter, Megan Nicole, on January 18, 2006.
GEORGIA TECH Herbert Victor Allen IV ’04, received his wings of gold from Helicopter Training Squadron Eight in Milton, FL in a ceremony on March 24. He will be headed to Helicopter Antisubmarine Squadron Ten in San Diego, CA.
IDAHO Born to Brother and Mrs. Tom Sheffield ’94, a daughter, Helen Margaret, on February 19, 2006.
ILLINOIS STATE Matt Hawley ’99, married Heather Bunge on April 8, 2006.
KANSAS Born to Brother and Mrs. Scott Smetana ’96, a daughter, Katerina Jolee, on September 21, 2005. Sir Robert Worcester ’55, has been appointed chancellor of The University of Kent in the United Kingdom.
KANSAS STATE Born to Brother and Mrs. Kris Dekker ’95, a daughter, Meagan Noella, on December 28, 2005. Born to Brother and Mrs. Matt
Howe ’98, a son, Evett Frederick, on October 31, 2005. Paul Morizzo ’04, was promoted to Senior Field Sales of ECCO, USA.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Paul Taubman ’95, a son, Jonathan Joseph, on March 13, 2006.
Born to Brother and Mrs. Tony Emery ’95, a daughter, Rebekah Dawn, on March 3, 2006. Born to Brother and Mrs. Drew Dallet ’93, a son, Quinn Benjamin, on March 25, 2006. Born to Brother and Mrs. John Van Huffel ’93, a daughter, Margaret Elizabeth born March 24, 2006.
KETTERING A Born to Brother and Mrs. John Melton ’00, a son, John Gaines, on December 29, 2005.
LONG BEACH Born to Brother and Mrs. Wayne Evans ’93, a son, Dylan, on December 27, 2005.
Jeff Shirrell ’01, married Tierney Hofeditz on September 17, 2005.
TEXAS A&M Adam Everett ’04, married Stephanie Baker on January 14, 2006.
TROY STATE Born to Brother and Mrs. Jonathan Broyles ’03, a daughter, Emma Grace, on November 25, 2005.
VALDOSTA Andrew Duckworth ’01, married Sarah Denise Martin on December 10, 2005. Joseph Wisenbaker ’03, married Trista Rountree on December 17, 2005.
Eric Stuhl ’99, married to Sarah K. Sommerkamp on December 30, 2005.
Jeffrey R. Zbilicki ’96, married Kristina M. Kratzer on September 10, 2005.
MICHIGAN Joe Burak ’98, married Elisabeth Wright on February 4, 2006.
MICHIGAN STATE Born to Brother and Mrs. Pat Lowman ’99, twin daughters, Kinsley Karen and Stella Cecilia, on March 19, 2006.
OHIO STATE William Walker ’02, married Amanda Robison on April 22, 2006.
Let us know what’s new by “Keeping in Touch” Mail your information to: The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters c/o: Keeping in Touch PO Box 1817 Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 Or e-mail:
FAREWELL & PARTING These men have lived amongst us for a time, and we have been honored to call them Brothers. Now they are gone and we bid them a fond farewell at this parting.
Norman Briggs ’38, November 23, 2004
Richard T. Shifllett ‘51, April 24, 2006
Keith D. Tovey ’38, January 15, 2006
Michael J. New ’64, April 9, 2006
AUBURN John William Ames ’61, August 4, 2005
Raymond J. Helbling ’44, February 11, 2005 Edgar J. Grieser ’45, February 28, 2005 Hardy C. Lyons ’45, August 21, 2005
KANSAS James D. Spencer ’70
Ben Nicholas ’52, October 04, 2005
Richard W. Gully Alumnus, February 27, 2005
Dr. Robert Beardemphl ’59, Sept. 10, 2004
Joseph Eveland ’47, October 21, 2005
Donald H. Nielson ’67
Daniel M. Castaneda ’03, September 29, 2005
Richard Barren Howells ’36
George G. Hibbs ’47, February 21, 2006
Brian D. Root ’07, February 26, 2006
Jared L. Rhea ’06, March 8, 2006
Dr. Stanley S. Spaid ’32, November 14, 2004
David G. Campbell ’59
Victor G. Morton ‘72, July 10, 2005
Delta Chi | Quarterly | Spring/Summer 2006 15
MOVING? Send your mailing label with new address to: The Delta Chi Fraternity, International Headquarters PO Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 Phone (319) 337-4811 FAX (319) 337-5529
POSTMASTER - If undeliverable send notice on Form 3579 to The Delta Chi Fraternity International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817 Iowa City, IA 52244-1817
New Address (Please Print) __ Home __ Work Name _____________________________________ Address ____________________________________ City _______________________________________ State ________________ Zip __________________ E-mail _____________________________________
ABRACADABRA: Univ of Calif - Berkeley - 2721 Channing Way
KETTERING B: Kettering Univ - 1700 W 3rd Ave, Flint, MI 48504 LSU: Louisiana State Univ - Office of Greek Affairs, 137 Johnston Hall
WASHINGTON: Univ of WA - 1819 NE 47th St, Seattle, WA 98105 WASHINGTON STATE: Washington State Univ - 800 NE Monroe St
ALABAMA: Univ of Alabama - Tuscaloosa - PO Box 11127
LAKE FOREST: Lake Forest College - 555 N Sheridan Rd, Box D1
WEST GEORGIA: St Univ of West Georgia - 415 N Cliff St,
ALBERTA: Univ of Alberta - Box 165 SUB, Univ of Alberta
LIVINGSTON: Univ of West Alabama - Drawer CC, Livingston, AL 35470 LONG BEACH: CSU - Long Beach - 1067 Grand Ave #1
WEST VIRGINIA TECH: West Virginia Inst of Tech - 621 First Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
Tuscaloosa, AL 35486
Edmonton, AB T6G 2J7
AMERICAN: American Univ - 4400 Mass Ave NW, Box 18 Washington, DC 20016
APPALACHIAN STATE: Appalachian St Univ - Box 9084, Boone, NC 28607 ARIZONA: U of Ariz - 1701 E. 1st St, Tucson, AZ 85719 ARIZONA STATE: Arizona St Univ - Sun Devil Inv Ctr, PO Box 873001, Tempe, AZ 85287
AUBURN: Auburn U - 530 Biggio Dr, Auburn, AL 36830 AUGUSTA: Augusta State Univ - 2500 Walton Way, Augusta, GA 30904 BEHREND: Behrend Col - 3316 Buffalo Rd, Erie, PA 16510 BOWLING GREEN: Bowling Green St Univ - 1217 E Wooster Bowling Green, OH 43403
BRYANT: Bryant Col - Box 3289, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI 02917 CAL POLY: Cal Polytechnic State Univ - PO Box 15633 San Luis Obispo, CA 93406
CALIFORNIA UNIV - PA: California Univ of PA - PO Box 516 California, PA 15419-0516
CENTRAL MICHIGAN: Central Michigan Univ - 1007 S Main St Mt Pleasant, MI 48858
CENTRAL MISSOURI: Central Missouri State Univ - Unit D, Fraternity Complex, Warrensburg, MO 64093
CHICO: California State Univ - Chico - PO Box 4932, Chico, CA 95927-4932 CLEMSON: Clemson Univ - 10174 Univ Station, Clemson, SC 29632 COASTAL CAROLINA: Coastal Carolina Univ - PO Box 261954 Conway, SC 29528-6054
COLORADO: Univ of Colorado - 1135 11th St,Boulder,CO 80302 COLORADO STATE: Colorado St Univ - 321 Myrtle St, Ft Collins, CO 80521 CONNECTICUT: Univ of Conn - PO Box 806, Storrs, CT 06269 CORNELL: Cornell Univ - 140 Thurston Ave, Ithaca, NY 14850 DENISON: Denison Univ - PO Box 0594, Granville, OH 43023 DEPAUW: DePauw Univ - 912 S Locust St, Greencastle, IN 46135 DUQUESNE: Duquesne University - 600 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15282 EAST CAROLINA: East Carolina Univ - 109 Mendenhall Student Center Greenville, NC 27858
EMBRY-RIDDLE: Embry-Riddle Aeron Univ - PO Box 950, Daytona Beach, FL 32115
FERRIS STATE: Ferris State Univ - 805 Campus Dr, Rankin Ctr Rm 233 Box 155, Big Rapids, MI 49307-2226
FREDONIA - SUNY: Fredonia - SA Office Stu Ctr - SUNY, Fredonia, NY 14063 FROSTBURG: Frostburg St Univ - Box 213 LaneCtr, FSU Frostburg, MD 21532
FULLERTON: California State Univ - Fullerton - 2100 Associated Rd Fullerton, CA 92631
GANNON: Gannon U - 510 Myrtle St, Erie, PA 16501 GEORGIA: Univ of Georgia - Grk Life Office - 216 Memorial Hall, U of Georgia, Athens, GA 30605
GEORGIA SOUTHERN: Georgia Southern University - 100 Olympic Blvd, Statesboro, GA 30458
GEORGIA TECH: Georgia Institute of Tech - 170 Fifth Street NW Atlanta, GA 30313-2512
GORHAM STATE: Univ of Southern Maine - 23 Preble St Gorham, ME 04038
Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Lake Forest, IL 60045
Long Beach, CA 90804
LOUISIANA TECH: LA Tech Univ - 201 Everett St, Ruston, LA 71270 MANKATO: Minnesota State Univ - Mankato - 1300 Warren St Mankato, MN 56001
MARQUETTE: Marquette Univ - 845 N 16th St, Milwaukee, WI 53233 MARYLAND: Univ of Maryland - 4603 College Ave, College Park, MD 20740 MIAMI: Miami U - 131 E Withrow, Oxford, OH 45056 MICHIGAN STATE: Michigan St Univ - 101 Woodmere Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
MINNESOTA: Univ of Minnesota - 1601 University Ave SE Minneapolis, MN 55414
MISSISSIPPI STATE: Mississippi State Univ - Drawer GK Mississippi State, MS 39762
MISSOURI: Univ of Missouri - 111 E Stewart Rd,Columbia, MO 65203 MISSOURI STATE: Missouri St Univ, 1116 E Elm St, Springfield, MO 65806 MONTCLAIR: Montclair State Univ - Stu Ctr Box 103 SGA Off Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
MONTEVALLO: Univ of Montevallo - Drawer AC, Montevallo, Al 35115 NEW HAVEN: Univ of New Haven - PO Box 8937, West Haven, CT 06532 NEW MEXICO STATE: New Mexico St Univ - PO Box 3893 Las Cruces, NM 88003
NORTHEAST MISSOURI: Truman State Univ - 904 S First St Kirksville, MO 63501
NORTHERN ARIZONA: Northern Arizona Univ - 318 S Humphreys Flagstaff, AZ 86001
NORTHERN COLORADO: Univ of No Colorado - 1803 10th Ave Greeley, CO 80631
NORTHWEST MISSOURI: NW Missouri State Univ - 219 W Second St Maryville, MO 64468
NORTHWESTERN: Northwestern Univ - 619 Colfax Ave, Evanston, IL 60201 OREGON STATE: Oregon State Univ - 203 NW 13th St, Corvallis, OR 97331 OSHKOSH: Univ of WI at Oshkosh - 911 Wisconsin St, Oshkosh, WI 54901 PENN STATE: Penn State Univ - 424 E Fairmount Ave State College, PA 16801-5714
PITTSBURGH: Univ of Pittsburgh - 255 N. Dithridge St, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 PURDUE: Purdue Univ - 501 Russell St, West Lafayette, IN 47906 RADFORD: Radford University - 1058 Stockton Rd, Radford, VA 24142 RENO: U of NV - Reno - PO Box 8585, Reno, NV 89507 RHODE ISLAND: Univ of Rhode Island - PO Box 1941, Kingston, RI 02881 ROWAN: Rowan Univ - 5 Eben St, Glassboro, NJ 08028 RUTGERS: Rutgers Univ - 4 Mine St, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 SOUTH DAKOTA STATE: South Dakota St Univ - USU 065, Box 2815 Brookings, SD 57007
JAMES MADISON: James Madison Univ - MSC 3518 Harrisonburg, VA 22807
JOHNSTOWN: Univ of Pittsburgh - Johnstown - Box 0288, UPJ Johnstown, PA 15907
KANSAS: Univ of Kansas - 1245 W Campus Rd, Lawrence, KS 66044 KANSAS STATE: Kansas St Univ - 508 Sunset, Manhattan, KS 66502 KENT STATE: Kent St Univ - 312 E Main, Kent, OH 44240 KETTERING A: Kettering Univ - 1700 W 3rd Ave, Flint,MI 48504
2461, PO Box 8793, Williamsburg, VA 23186
WINDSOR: Univ of Windsor - 408 Indian Rd, Windsor, ON, Canada N9C2M4
COLONIES BINGHAMTON: Binghamton Univ of SUNY - 5 Main St, Binghamton, NY 13902
CORTLAND: State Univ College - Cortland, %Adam Fetterly, 305 Alger Hall, Cortland, NY 13045
DAVIS: Univ of California - Davis - PO Box 72432, Davis,CA 95617 EAST STROUDSBURG: East Stroudsburg Univ, Greek Life, 200 Prospect St, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 EASTERN WASHINGTON: % Student Life Office, 320 Peance Union Bldg, Cheney, WA 99004-2463 FLORIDA: 310 J Wayne Reitz Union, Gainesville, FL 32611 HOFSTRA: Hosfstra University - 260 Stu Ctr, 200 Hofstra University Hempstead, NY 11549-2000
IOWA STATE: Iowa State Univ - c/o Greek Affairs Office, B-6 Memorial Union Iowa State Univ, Ames, IA 50014
KENTUCKY: Univ of Kentucky - 211A Maxwell St, Lexington, KY 40508 MARSHALL: Marshall Univ - Student Act, MSC Ste 2W38 One John Marshall Dr, Huntington, WV 25755
MICHIGAN: Univ of Michigan - 1705 Hill St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 OHIO STATE: Ohio State Univ - Ohio Union #314, 1739 N High St Columbus, OH 43210
OKLAHOMA: Univ of Oklahoma - PO Box 2722, Norman, OK 73070 WASHBURN: Washburn Univ of Topeka - Off Stdnt Act, 1700 SW College Ave, Topeka, KS 66621
WESTERN CAROLINA: Western Carolina Univ, 319 AK Hinds Univ Ctr, Cullowhee, NC 28723
WILIMINGTON: Student Act Off, 601 S College Rd, Wilmington, NC 28403
BOSTON AREA: Pres Stephen Bianchi, NE ’79 BLUEGRASS AREA: Pres Stephen Meyer, Jr, Louisville ’92, CAPE FEAR AREA: Pres Miles Washburn, Mass ’87
COLUMBUS AREA: Pres Paul Bohlman, Ohio State ’70
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: Univ of Southern California - 920 W 28th St
DALLAS/FORT WORTH AREA: Pres John Gioffredi, IA St ’78
SOUTHERN ILLINOIS: Southern Illinois Univ - 502 Freeman St
EASTERN IOWA: Pres Karl Grindel, Cent MO ’01, GREAT LAKES AREA: Pres Barry Aronson, NW AL, ILLINOIS AREA: Pres Ray Mathews, IL ’76, KANSAS CITY AREA: Pres John Hess, Creighton ’75, LOS ANGELES AREA: Pres Michael Woolbright, LB ’86
GKY 4072, Tampa, FL 33620 Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 Los Angeles, CA 90007 Carbondale, IL 62901
SYRACUSE: Syracuse Univ - 303 University Pl, 228E Schine Ctr
Jacksonville, AL 36265
Kalamazoo, MI 49006
WILLIAM & MARY: College of William & Mary - % Jonathan DeLong, CSU
SOUTHEAST MISSOURI: Southeast Missouri State Univ - 330 N Pacific
HOBART: Hobart Col - 574 S Main, Geneva, NY 14456 HUNTSVILLE: Univ of AL - Huntsville - 606 C John Wright Dr Huntsville, AL 35805
Montgomery, WV 25136
WESTERN MICHIGAN: Western Michigan Univ - 1503 Fraternity Village Dr
SOUTH FLORIDA: South Florida Univ - CTR 2432, 4202 E Fowler Ave
STEPHEN F AUSTIN: Stephen F Austin Univ - Stu Act Box 13021 SGA
IDAHO: Univ of Idaho - PO Box 3076, Moscow, ID 83843 ILLINOIS: Univ of IL - 1111 S First St, Champaign, IL 61820 ILLINOIS STATE: llinois State Univ - 603 S Broadway, Normal, IL 61761 IOWA: Univ of Iowa - 309 N Riverside Dr, Iowa City, IA 52246 JACKSONVILLE STATE: Jacksonville State Univ - PO Box 3062 JSU
Carrollton, GA 30117
CAPITAL AREA: Pres Michael Magri, John ’84. CHARLOTTE AREA: Pres James Marascio, Bryant ’93
HAYWARD: California St Univ - Hayward - 1491 Roosevelt Ave Hayward, CA 94544
Pullman, WA 99163
Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3021 Syracuse, NY 13244
TARLETON: Tarleton State Univ - Box T-1557, Tarleton Station, TX 76402 TEXAS: U of Texas - 2641 Rio Grande, Austin,TX 78705 TEXAS A&M: Texas A&M Univ - 11490 Walnut Rd College Station, TX 77845
TEXAS STATE: Texas State Univ - PO Box 2500, San Marcos, TX 78666 TEXAS TECH: Texas Tech Univ - Box 42031-262, Lubbock, TX 79409-2031 TRI-STATE: Tri-State U - 112 S Darling, Angola, IN 46703 TROY STATE: Troy Univ - PO Box 820633 TSU, Troy, AL 36082 UNLV: Univ of Nevada - Las Vegas - 3632 Fox Glen Las Vegas, NV 89154-2008
VALDOSTA: Valdosta State Col - PO Box 1112, Valdosta, GA 31603-1142 VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH: VA Commonwealth Univ 3423 Kensington Ave Apt 2, Richmond, VA 23221
VIRGINIA TECH: Virginia Polytech Inst and State Univ - 560 Cinnabar Rd Christiansburg, VA 20473
NEW HAVEN AREA: Pres Robert Morey, New Haven ’00,
NORTH ALABAMA AREA: Pres Joe Pickett, Troy St ’76
NORTHEAST OHIO AREA: Pres Mike Bresnahan, Kent St ’93
SACRAMENTO AREA: Pres John Shelby, Sac ’86
TAMPA BAY AREA: Michael Shelton, FL ’98, SOUTH FLORIDA AREA: Pres Michael Agnello, Mich St ’81
THREE RIVERS AREA: Pres Tom Horowitz, Mich St ’87
TORONTO AREA: Pres Elliott Chun, W Ontario ’03,