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From the “AA”
Inside The Quarterly
Volume 105 Number 4 & 5 Winter 2009
2 From the “AA” 3 Remembering... 4-7 Convention Review 8 Convention Attendees 9 State of the Chapters 10-11 Convention Recognition 12-13 Loyalty Fund Donors 14-15 Award Winners 16 Campus Scene 18-19 Risk Management 19 Chapter Situations 21 V Foundation 28-29 Alumni 31 Keeping in Touch 31 Farewell & Parting
Delta Chi Quarterly
(USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc. Fulton, MO. Three-year subscription $35 Five-year subscription $50
Address Changes
Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529 Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69 Assistant Editor: Karl Grindel, CEMO ’01 E-mail: rayg@deltachi.org Visit our website at www.deltachi.org
Layout and Design
Drew Dallet, Kent State ’93 Boom Creative, Inc. 1480 Timber Trail, Hudson, OH 44236 330.963.6181 Fax: 216.383.0080 E-mail: drew@boom-creative.com www.boom-creative.com
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It’s All About the People
As I start my fifth year serving on the Board of Regents and first year as “AA”, I look forward to the challenges, successes and work ahead. I am optimistic that Delta Chi will withstand the tough economic times that we are facing. To me it’s all about the people who drive this organization and make it worth devoting our time and energy.
The past summer at the 56th Convention in Las Vegas was a special one for me as well as great fun. Being elected “AA” made good on a promise I made to myself twenty-three years ago at my first convention in Chicago as an undergraduate. I watched the leaders of our Fraternity in the front of the room and told my chapter brothers that i hoped it would be me up there one day. Fred Hammert was elected as the 42nd “AA”, Larry Audlehelm “CC” and Greg Hauser “DD”. They were the brothers who set the path for me and defined Delta Chi as more than just an undergraduate experience. It’s all about the people.
I developed some very special relationships with these brothers and so many others after them over the years. Serving as a “BB” for fourteen years gave me great perspective on our Fraternity and was a truly rewarding experience. I have been lucky to know so many brothers over the years and so many consultants and staffers and of course Marge Lee. We spoke, perhaps a few times a year, exchanged some email, but every two years at Convention I just couldn’t wait to see her. Her warm greeting and smile was something special. She was recovering from surgery, and I didn’t expect to see her at the 2008 Convention. I was wrong, and she was working as hard as ever trying to get everyone registered. For so many it was the highlight of their Convention to see her. Little did we know that for most of us it would be the last time. It’s all about the people.
It was truly fitting that I asked Fred Hammert to swear me in as the 50th “AA”, along with Miles Washburn, “CC”, and RC Damle, “DD”; bittersweet in that we lost Fred to cancer only a few months later. I saw Fred more in the last few years at various Delta Chi functions than I had in some time. He never let his battle stop him from serving Delta Chi. Fred was special, and so is his wife Marian for spending her time with us as well.
I have been around many special people in my twenty-six years as a brother in the bond. Many have led the Fraternity in various ways. I met Steve Bossart, Kent State ’90, now the Retiring “AA”, when he was an undergraduate, and I attended his Chartering Banquet. We have been friends ever since. He has provided Delta Chi with steady leadership, and he is one of the reasons I chose to run for the board when I did. Talk about a dedicated brother who spent eight years working for the fraternity, and about as many more years in service on the Board. Delta Chi has remained on solid ground through the capable leadership of our Executive Director, Ray Galbreth, Missouri ’69, now in his thirtieth year in that capacity. Ray built a career and helped build Delta Chi into the organization it is today. For that we owe him big thanks. He had a plan to grow the Fraternity, to make us look bigger than we were with the resources available, and have money in the bank. Our unique governance provides a recent graduate with an opportunity to serve on the Board, as well as someone like Dr. Duane Meyer, Hobart ’58, who served as Regent in the 60s and again in this decade for the past six years. He will leave the fraternity board this year at age 77 but was elected as a Director of the Educational Foundation at this past Convention. It’s all about the people.
Every Executive Committee and Board member wants to leave his mark on the organization. In recent years the “A”s’ Academy was established, which is a three-day program to work with our chapter presidents. We recently partnered with Phired Up Productions to provide intensive recruitment training to our chapters and colonies. In their program, presented at this past convention as well as every Regional Leadership Conference this season, they stated, “People don’t join organizations. People join people.” This is true. We joined based on our relationships with one or two members. So, if this is how we joined Delta Chi, let us apply that same concept as alumni and be that “guy” for Delta Chi! You are never too young, never too old and it is never too late to assist your Fraternity. I hope you will accept the challenge whether it is your time, your talent or your dollars. It’s all about the people.
I look forward to hearing from you during my term as “AA”. This is your Fraternity and I welcome your comments, suggestions and support. (aa@deltachi.org and please put Delta Chi in the subject line)
In the Bond,
Tom Horowitz “AA” Michigan State ’87 Life Loyal