52 minute read
V Foundation

$100,000 V Foundation Scholar Grant awarded in Delta Chi’s name!
During the opening events of the 56th International Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, Delta Chi presented The V Foundation with a check in the amount of $101,963.00. The check represented the efforts of Delta Chi chapters, colonies, and alumni in the pursuit of fulfilling the Fraternity’s pledge to donate $100,000 to The V Foundation by the 2008 Convention. Delta Chi’s efforts were a huge success, and as a result, The V Foundation named a V Foundation Scholar grant in the Fraternity’s name for 2008. What follows is a description of the grant and the recipient of the 2008 Delta Chi Scholar grant.
The V Foundation for Cancer Research announced in mid-October that it had awarded the 2008 V Scholar grants and Translational grants to elite researchers across the United States. The V Scholars are the cornerstone of The V Foundation’s grant program, funding young investigators as they initiate their research. Translational grants transform basic scientific discoveries into clinical applications such as new diagnostics and treatments. The contribution of funding to these research initiatives continuously brings science steps closer to eradicating this horrible disease.
The V Foundation’s Scientific Advisory Board selects each V Scholar through a competitive process. The V Scholar grants are designed to identify, retain and further the careers of young investigators. This unique funding process provides the essential funds to a facility, earmarked for an individual doctor, allowing the V Scholar to decide how best to use these funds in his or her research project.
“Each of the more than 50 National Cancer Institute-designated Cancer Centers nominates their most outstanding new faculty member as a candidate, and the V Foundation Advisory Committee then selects the most promising 15 young investigators as V Scholars,” said Robert C. Bast, Jr., M.D., Vice President for Translational Research at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board. “This is an extraordinary group who will have a major impact on cancer over the next decades.”
The Delta Chi Scholar Grant went to Sendurai Mani, Ph.D., 1998 Indian Institute of Science; The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Molecular Pathology.
Mani’s research Interests include the role of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and the stem-like cells generated by EMT in cancer invasion and metastasis, and the role of FOXC2 in EMT, stem cells and cancer metastasis.
Greater than 80% of all tumors are carcinomas, which are derived in epithelial tissues. During the initial stages of carcinogenesis, the cancer cells are confined to the primary site by the continued expression of epithelial cell-cell adhesion molecules and an intact basal lamina. It is known that, as carcinomas progress, a few cancer cells in the primary tumor reactivate an embryonic program, known as epithelialmesenchymal transition (EMT). Through EMT, these cells gain the mesenchymal-like traits necessary to escape these confinements and metastasize. Previously, Dr. Mani identified several key embryonic transcription factors, including Twist and FOXC2 that regulate both EMT and breast cancer metastasis. In a more recent study, he discovered that human mammary epithelial cells forced to undergo EMT have many properties of stem cells. These findings suggests that EMT not only generates cancer cells with the ability to disseminate to distant organs but also endows these cells with the stem cell properties that seem necessary for the initiation of secondary tumors following dissemination. Presently, his laboratory is interested in further delineating the role that EMT/CSCs plays during cancer metastasis as well as the role of a number of these EMT-associated transcription factors during cancer metastases. To answer these critical questions, Dr. Mani and his team are using a variety of in vitro and in vivo tumor models as well as tissue-specific, inducible, transgenic mouse models. The main goal of the research laboratory is the facilitation of the development of improved prognostic and therapeutic tools targeting cancer metastasis.DON’T GIVE UP DON’T GIVE UP®EVER
“Dynamic Recruitment Model,” as made famous by Phired Up Productions and as one that is used at many campuses all over the country, the brothers began to overhaul their entire recruitment strategy. By August, momentum was beginning to build. During the formal recruitment period of two weeks, the men utilized recruitment tabling on campus and would follow that with hosting an event that evening at the chapter house. Brother Dario Coralic and Brother Gus Nuño, “A”, would go on campus every day with the goal of meeting as many potential new members as possible. They would average, on any given day, 41 new names and numbers of men they had met during the course of four hours. At the end of week one alone, they accumulated over 180 contacts! During the events held in the evenings, the brothers were awestruck when they realized how many potential new members showed up to their events and never left once to check out any of the other chapters. The feelings of being overwhelmed proved to be one of the more positive problems that we have had in a long time. Brother JB Bonilla, AMC, has developed a new member education program that puts an emphasis on the development of a well-rounded man, fit for college and beyond. Aside from assisting the brothers in their efforts to achieve a sound education, JB has also provided them with a list of websites that aim to promote friendship, develop character, advance justice, and assist in the acquisition of a sound education. A few of the noteworthy sites include CollegeScholarships.org; Hank Nuwer’s Hazing Blog, HankNuwer.com/blog; Study Guides and Strategies, StudyGs.net; and CollegeDrinkingPrevention.gov.
Armed with rags and paint remover over 20 brothers from the Chapter, along with the Erie Graffiti Task Force, set out in the early morning of October 26th to remove graffiti in the City of Erie. Graffiti was tagged everywhere from the sides of buildings to garages in back alleyways. Matthew Soffel said preserving the reputation of the City of Erie is why he and the rest of his Chapter were out trying to reverse the damage done by a handful of people. Vandalism is something that the Chapter will not stand for. So by going out and working diligently, the brothers hope that their actions will help send a message to the vandals that the City of Erie and Delta Chi will not put up with this sort of vandalism. However, it is only one piece to the big puzzle of preservation. Everyone needs to put forth the effort to make a place better.
georgiA soutHern
We have had an excellent semester in boosting recruitment, member retention, and overall Chapter morale. This semester, we exerted all of our efforts in the beginning of the new year to boosting recruitment, and it has shown. We nearly doubled our Chapter size through our recruitment efforts this semester and exceeded the semester new member recruitment average among the rest of the IFC fraternities on campus. We also introduced a separate new member program for juniors and seniors that has also enabled recruitment rates to rise. The Chapter held its Alumni Weekend during Homecoming this year, and it was a blast. Due to the strong efforts of Micah Crosby, we saw over 30 recent and older alumni attend with their friends and families to take part in the weekend festivities. Such events included the following: on Friday night an Alumni “meet and greet” was held at a local hotel in which alumni could catch up with old friends and enjoy the company of the brothers. On Saturday, brothers and alumni tailgated before the Homecoming football game and later that night held a delicious dinner fixed by Bill Thomas ’87. Following the dinner, brothers and alumni moved over to the “Rusty Tavern,” a local club we had rented out for that night, and it was a great time to say the least. On Sunday morning before all alumni left town with their families, a Southern brunch was served to alumni and brothers at a quaint little inn located in Statesboro. The fall semester has been the foothold that the Chapter has been looking for.
georgiA teCH

Brothers crack open crawfish and shrimp before a football game to celebrate the completion of their new kitchen and the start of a full meal plan.
To celebrate four years of the House Corporation’s fundraising efforts and the addition of a chef-prepared meal plan cooked in our newly furnished kitchen, the House Corporation and the Chapter jointly held two tailgates this fall: a country fried lunch at Homecoming with over eighty alumni attending and a separate low country broil with twenty alumni attending. Adding over $80,000 and a full-time employee to our annual budget has added a new level of both stress and excitement to our Chapter officers, but the benefits stemming from eighty brothers sharing lunch and dinner together every weekday are immeasurable and allow for more rapid integration of associate members, more bonding for brothers, and much healthier meals for house residents. The Chapter also held its first “Delta Chi Career Expo” during the 2008 Homecoming weekend. Alumni were invited back to share the trials and tribulations of their careers with an audience of undergraduates and alumni eager to hear their advice. Nine different companies and graduate schools were represented, their careers ranged from robotics to city planning to consulting, and the attendees stretched from first-year associate members to founding fathers of our Chapter. The Chapter bested thirty-three other fraternities in the 2008 IFC Homecoming competition, bringing the recent total to three first places and two second places in the past five years. The Chapter also received the Dean Dull Best Overall Fraternity Award by taking first place in leadership, scholarship, and Homecoming, while winning intramural championships in volleyball and bowling and having a total of eleven intramurals teams make it to post-season playoffs.
Over the past six months the Chapter has undergone some changes. We are back on the right track this October and sponsored a clothing drive, netting over 23 bags for the Community Assistance for the Retarded and Handicapped. In November we sponsored a canned food drive, collecting over 360 cans that we donated to “A” Street Homeless Shelter before Thanksgiving. On Thanksgiving Day we had our annual turkey bowl, and there was a great amount of participation from our chapter alumni, who they won 31 to 0.
The fall semester was a busy one for the men of the Chapter. We worked hard to recruit the strongest class of associate members possible and brought eight highly qualified men to the Chapter. In addition to time devoted to recruitment activities, the Chapter undertook an intensive house restoration project. The brothers worked together to completely repaint the parlor, and the Chapter purchased new couches, a new television, and refelted the Chapter’s billiards table to complete the project. Outside the Chapter house walls, we participated in the American Cancer Society’s “Making Strides Against Cancer” event, raising almost $500 for cancer research while joining in a community walk at the local outlet mall. The Chapter has continued its annual participation in Hobart & William Smith’s Day of Service and has been active in the upkeep of a stretch of road through the Adopt-a-Highway program. The Chapter was also proud to hold our first can drive, collecting over $150 worth of empty cans and donating the proceeds to a brother in significant financial need. Within the campus community, we played hard and made it into the final tournaments for intramural sports in soccer and basketball. The soccer team fought hard against its opponent up until its defeat in the finals of the tournament but retired proudly. Among fraternities on campus, the Chapter finished second in the race for the President’s Cup, despite the breadth of its efforts in philanthropic and extracurricular activities. However, we remain proud of our accomplishments and extremely happy with the great work that our Chapter continues to do.
The beginning of the fall semester the Chapter was determined not to fall into the post chartering slump that had become the bane for countless others, and so we were resolute in attacking the semester head on. Early in the first weeks of the semester Homecoming came, and the chapter secured a first place victory for the second year in a row with best overall float in the student parade. Next the Chapter hosted its first “Wing Bowl,” which was a buffalo wings eating contest that raised $400 for Soldier’s Angels, an organization that donates care packages to American Iraqi War soldiers and veterans and their families. The Chapter then marched on to another philanthropy event with a walk for Breast Cancer Awareness and Research and was able to raise $200 for that cause.

Associate members hanging out with Charger Blue, the University’s mascot.
The Chapter witnessed a landmark semester this fall. After having one of the biggest associate member classes that it has had in years, we are proud to now have sixteen new men initiated into the bond. In addition to increasing chapter size by about one third, these men are ready to do their part to make this chapter excel to new horizons. Hopefully they can raise the bar higher than our active members did this semester. The Chapter had a large hand in numerous philanthropies this semester. We helped out at a local school, Holy Family, in their fundraising efforts as well as a local Episcopal church, St. Stephens. Other philanthropic events included Toys for Tots and giving over seventy man-hours to other small events. Fundraisers included a bachelor auction, jewelry sale, and working concessions stands at Talladega Superspeedway. All of these events were quite successful in helping the Chapter with its fundraising goals. There were three major public social events held at the house. There was also a nice Founders’ Day celebration at a local country club, as well as a couple alumni poker nights that were held at the house.
In late October we held our second annual Alumni Homecoming tailgate. We had a good showing of alumni including ABT members Mark Stahl and Brian Oliger and former “A”, Jeff Chandler. All three of these men have put a lot of hard work into rebuilding our Little 500 bike team. We had three members compete in Zeta Tau Alpha’s philanthropy “Big Man On Campus.” We also participated in Dance Marathon, which raised $1,376,550.23 for the Riley Foundation. This exceeded last year’s total by more
than $300,000. Our intramural soccer team only lost one game during the regular season and made it to the final four in the playoffs.
In the fall of 2008 we initiated 16 new members into the Chapter. We overcame some adversity because there was a new recruitment system that was implemented by the University. In addition to the new recruitment system, a community service program was approved which requires every chapter to have an average of three hours of community service per member, per semester. This community service program will help the Greek community be more visible in Iowa City and within the University. We also have made immense progress on having a new philanthropy in the spring after our fall effort had to be cancelled due to the flood. One of our biggest focuses this semester is community involvement and service. All of the proceeds of the philanthropy will go towards the V Foundation.
JACKsonViLLe stAte

Chapter members gather for a photo. This past summer and fall has been one of the best and most historic for our Chapter. Last May our Chapter was privileged enough to celebrate our fortieth anniversary. There was a huge turnout of many older alumni and current brothers. Then at Convention, we walked away with three awards. This has been a very busy fall for us also. We had another great Homecoming as we won the float completion for the second straight year with Zeta Tau Alpha. We also were able to repeat our largest new member class in the past five years. We added 14 new brothers to our Chapter. Our chapter went from 21 brothers to 35 brothers in just one semester. Our Chapter is looking to carry this momentum forward.

Brothers celebrating a win over Acacia in “Fraternity Bowl.”
This fall has been an active and exciting time for our Chapter. This year we had another very successful Homecoming. As usual, we had our annual pig roast at Homecoming that was cooked by brothers all night. We were also very excited to have a good alumni turnout. This fall our Chapter also won, for the second year in the row, our traditional fraternity football bowl game against Acacia. This year we came out on top 13-6, and there were many stand out performances by our brothers. This fall we also continued one of our fundraising traditions of having a car smash. The car smash was a hit on campus, and we were successful in raising money.
Kent stAte
After the installation of new hardwood floors in our foyer and living rooms, our semester was bound to be a success. Alumni and parents were impressed to see our house when we held our annual Homecoming pig roast. The Homecoming Parade was back for this year. Our Chapter tied for first in the Homecoming activities that included building a float for the parade while paired with Chi Omega and Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Songfest was held this fall and our Chapter came in third place with Delta Zeta and Sigma Nu. This semester our Chapter also participated in the Greek intramural flag-football league and had our annual Tub-n-Toga date party.
Kettering A

Soap Box Derby team members with the 1st place trophy.
The Chapter took first place in the annual “Soap Box Derby” held to benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. We held our annual LAN party with excellent attendance, as well as a new event, a root beer keg party, which proved to be a great hit with the freshmen. We had a pledge class of ten this winter. We are very happy to report that we celebrated our ten-year chartering anniversary this summer. Members and alumni alike from both sections gathered for a weekend of food, fun, and festivities. Many alumni were returning years after graduation, and it was a great pleasure to see them again. We look forward to furthering the brotherhood of a lifetime.
Kettering B
Over the course of this term, we have improved in many areas. Our grades rose by four percentage points last term, putting us in fifth for grades on campus. We have kick started what we hope to be an excellent philanthropy program by holding a 50/50 raffle for The V Foundation and by helping to set up for several events at the Flint Institute of Arts. We are very excited for next term and the bright future that lay before us.
Our fall semester was jam packed with activities and social events for both actives and alumni. Tiger Tailgating was in full swing, from Appalachian State to Ole Miss. Dan Shapiro, President of Shaw Capital, was our keynote speaker at our Founders’ Day gathering, providing great advice for the future to both our active brothers and associate members. When it came to getting creative with social events, we turned our annual Halloween party into a bus trip to Tropical Isle in New Orleans. All members and alumni present felt our Mystery Ball semi-formal was the highlight of our social calendar. During Homecoming festivities, we placed second in yard decorations with the ladies of Pi Beta Phi. Several young men were initiated this semester, adding to a legacy that has been at LSU since 1941. We are excited and ready for these new actives to leave their mark on our Chapter. We are also excited about revamping our alumni relations programming, and are planning many events for our alumni and their families to attend.
LAKe forest
Pan-Hellenic Council sponsored a competitive Greek Week this fall. We came in third in overall points. However, we came in first in the last day of competition. The final day of competition was a test of strength, determination, and courage known as Greek Olympics. After several grueling rounds, we beat Lambda Chi Alpha in the epic showdown known as tug-of-war. It is Lambda Chi Alpha’s first semester on campus, so this was our first direct competition with the new fraternity. We are glad we had the opportunity to show our dominance. This dominance extends to campus involvement too. Chase Cook ’11, was reelected Student Body Treasurer in a landslide election. Noah Dion ’10, finished his term as Student Government President and left office with a legacy of change that includes a new constitution, more oversight, and more direct student involvement in College governance. Homecoming Celebration has become an annual tradition every Forester looks forward to, this year was no exception. Even though the game was lost, the day was not. Over 400 people took part in the Homecoming parade and tailgating celebration. Our float may have come in fourth place, but Steve IV, our annual roasted pig, was the talk of the day. Steve IV was made possible thanks to Goran Bauk ’06, and his parents who were nice enough to wake up at 5:00am and roast the pig. Over 15 alumni made it home to help celebrate properly. The returning alumni got to meet the future of the Chapter as well as reconnect over some sugary sweet roasted pig. Alpha Phi hosted the inaugural Mud Olympics to benefit the Alpha Phi Foundation, which supports women’s cardiac care. We sponsored two teams in this muddy event. Our two teams competed rigorously with representatives from other Greek organizations as well as Student Government but failed to take top prize. All brothers offered up valiant performances even though we lost. The event was still a success, as all proceeds went to charity. The Chapter also raised $1,203 for the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. Brother Doug Adolph ’07, and “BB”, generously matched this amount in a donation back to the Chapter. Over all, alumni donated over $1,500 back to the Chapter in this past year alone. The Chapter wouldn’t be possible with out the generosity of its alumni who give their time, money, and expertise to keep our chapter great.
Long BeACH
We started early the fall semester with a summer retreat where we got pumped up for recruitment and the upcoming semester. The highlights of the semester were definitely recruitment, our annual philanthropy event, Greek awards, and the alumni/dad poker tournament. We are happy to welcome the Gamma Xi associate member class into the bonds of brotherhood! They are in their first step and we are certain that we can expect great things from them in the future. Our annual inner tube water polo tournament helped raise nearly $1,000 for The V Foundation. Delta Delta Delta was the returning champion and they came through again to win first place. During Greek awards our Chapter was honored with five awards including Most Improved GPA, Best Educational Programming, and Best Family Relations. Also this semester we held our second annual Alumni/Dad poker tournament and helped raise $800 and allowed for some much-valued time to interact with our fathers. We would like to point out one new aspect about our chapter to all of our alumni….OUR NEW WEBSITE! Please take a look at DeltaChiLongBeach.com and fill in your contact information including your email address. This will help us with communication between our alumni and active Chapter. Also this will be the new medium by which we send our biannual chapter newsletter.
LouisiAnA teCH
The end of last year and the beginning of this one has been a very exciting and busy time for us. At the end of Spring Quarter 2008 we had the highest GPA of all fraternities on campus. We recently completed a large-scale annual community service project that we call Percy the Pelican. Percy the Pelican is an anti-drug coloring book that we have designed and produced. We have taken these coloring books to third graders in all ten Elementary schools in Lincoln Parish to read and color with them and teach them about the many dangers of drugs.

Chapter members at the 2008 Convention.
Genesis. That is the word that highlights our year so far. We published the first Chapter newsletter, “Rivets,” that was sent to all our alumni to keep them updated on Chapter activities. We also became supporters of the local Boy Scout council. Through this alliance, we enhance our commitment to connect with the local community by helping out with Cub Scout programs. We are moving out of our current house to a newer one that will continue to provide our members an environment that is safe and conducive for academic success. We raised $1,100 for The V Foundation by raffling off a hockey jersey signed by the Mavericks men’s hockey team. We had our annual retreat with our alumni that solidify our connections. We are continuing our mission to aid the development of personal and educational growth of young men by initiating five more members to our Chapter.

Brothers help prepare for winter during “Make A Difference Day.”
Fall semester certainly kept the Chapter busy. In addition to welcoming four new members into the bond, the brothers’ participated in several service, social, and athletic events. During the annual Al’s Run through downtown Milwaukee, brothers helped provide water for the race’s 15,000 participants along the five-mile course. October marked the return of the annual Alumni-Active football game, with the alumni once again triumphing over the Chapter’s active members. The chapter also participated in Make A Difference Day, helping senior citizens in southeast Wisconsin prepare their homes for winter.

Brothers and associate members after the fall pinning ceremony.
Recruitment was very successful this year. By planning and beginning recruitment efforts before the last school year ended, the Colony has drawn its largest associate member class to date. We have been active in community service as well. We have taken part in activities such as Adopt-a-Highway and volunteering at a local soup kitchen. The brothers have been involved in improving our Greek community as well. Brothers Scott Hamlin and Matt Morrison have both been elected to IFC Executive board positions. The Colony has performed well on the field too. In the 2007-08 school year the Colony finished first in intramural and second in Greek Week. This fall we can boast about a first place Derby Days win and a second place finish in intramural football. After a few years of building a foundation, the Colony is confident that we are close to obtaining our charter. The application has been reviewed and critiqued by our ABT, leadership consultants, and our Regent with positive feedback from each. Upon revision of a few areas our application should be acceptable for chartering. Our ABT has been a tremendous help in getting the application to this point.
We started a successful new philanthropy event at the beginning of last semester. Over $4,000 was raised in less than a week for The V Foundation during our “Delta Chi Movers” event. We hope to improve upon this success by earning over $8,000 by the end of the year and continuing to hold this event for many years to come. We have developed a flexible donation plan for alumni that are looking to give back, including a red and buff plan, and common room sponsorships. We hope to strengthen alumni relations and really bring some old members back into everything that is currently going on with our Chapter. We have done very well in intramural sporting events last semester. Flag football and soccer have undoubtedly been out best sports, and we are looking to form other great teams to finish out the year. We held the first “rap battle” in College Park that turned out to be an excellent fundraising event for the Chapter. We were able to raise almost $2,000 with a sold-out performance of local rappers and talented students going head to head in an intense eight-person playoff.

Brothers having another successful Broom Ball season.
In late November, the Chapter held its first bi-annual Scholarship Dinner honoring 20 brothers who worked diligently to attain at least a 3.1 GPA. The dinner featured an evening of brotherhood bonding and academic appreciation. Marquez Brown, Region VI Regent, joined us for the event. Recently, 25 brothers helped to make over 30 fleece blankets for C.S Mott Children’s Hospital in a joint philanthropic effort with the Pi Beta Phi sorority. The girls treated us to dinner at their house and honored us with a special ceremony showing their appreciation for our help and friendship. The Chapter is also looking forward to its first “Greek Challenge Polar Plunge.” The event raised money for the Michi0gan Special Olympics and features a traveling trophy for the Michigan fraternity or sorority that has the highest participation of jumpers into the freezing Huron River. With Intramural sports, we completed a successful season in Outdoor Soccer with a determined playoff run that ended in a heartbreaking loss in the championship game. We are pleased to report that the Chapter initiated ten quality men to bring our house to over 50 active brothers, a record high for Chapter membership. Lastly, the long-running Chapter newsletter, The Launch Pad, has been reinstated and distributed, reaching out to alumni around the world.
miCHigAn stAte
This semester has been a large success on multiple fronts for the Chapter. House improvements have been a staple for us brothers here, and this semester was no exception. We continue to work on our lawn, by laying new sod. We also have been working on the visual aspects of our house by waving new flags, touching up our chapter sign, as well as repainting our letters surrounded by rocks on our front lawn. Indoors has been improved as well. We all helped install brand new wood paneling around the house where it was necessary, and repainting the remaining walls. New, more efficient tables are used and the fireplace mantle was remodeled, appealing to brothers young and old. Safety is also a main concern of ours, leading us to replace all our fire escape doors with new, and more effective doors. Our Chapter has always prided itself on unity within the house, which carries over to our athletic teams. We participated in both football and soccer fraternity leagues, qualifying for the playoffs in both. We lost a tough first round match in soccer and pulled off some close wins against tough opponents in football, before falling in the semifinal to the eventual champion. Our teams are stacked with young talent, making us a force for the future. Our alumni have been a frequent visitor at the house this year, with our big alumni tailgate on October 4th. We appreciate whenever alumni pay a visit, especially this year with the success of Michigan State’s football program. This year was extremely important in terms of recruitment for our Chapter, having a large amount of brothers graduating this year. We are excited for the 21 associate members who started their careers as members and to continue the legacy we have on campus. We have been doing many things socially and through the community to improve on what we already have accomplished on campus. We have had many events with sororities and have participated in the community with events such as Safe Halloween. Congratulations to the new officers and executive council members, as we will continue what we started 73 years ago on this campus. The Chapter is doing well and we feel strongly about the direction we are headed.
The Chapter had its largest associate member class in years with ten new members in the fall semester. We also had a very successful Hot Dog Feed for our Sweetheart Week, accompanied with a Demolition Derby in which we raised $1,197 for The V Foundation. Last year we began doing Feed My Starving Children for philanthropy events. We set up a couple of events for each semester where we put together meals for starving children in Africa. We have continued these events and will continue to do it into the future. For our Chapter house, we recently purchased and new ping pong table and a new sixty-inch television for the chapter room. We continue to recruit with the hopes to follow up a successful associate member class. The one thing we are particularly proud of is our four members who were named Sweethearts for Gamma Phi Beta, Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, and Kappa Alpha Theta. We continue to improve relations with all of the chapters on campus in order to build a strong Greek community.

Brothers and friends conclude the successful “Haunted House” by posing in front of the house. The Chapter has seen a stellar semester by bringing back an old philanthropy, our haunted house. It was very popular with the community and we were proud to bring the event back. It has been four years since we were able to host this
event due to conflicts with building codes. After working with the local fire marshal, we were able to come up with a successful plan to bring back the haunted house. The function was held over three nights, donating a grand total of $1,365 to The V Foundation. We would like to welcome retired Air Force Colonel Phil Davidson into the bond after being initiated on October 26th. We also celebrated our 45th Anniversary Reunion by welcoming alumni that have graduated and moved on. The reunion is held every five years and we had an excellent turnout with alumni support.

Chapter members raising money for Kappa Kappa Gamma’s “Kappa Klassic.”
The fall semester was one of achievement for the Chapter. We started the semester with nine active members. Faced with the prospect of closing, we decided to dedicate ourselves in the expansion of our Chapter’s growth and quality. By the end of the semester, we had nearly doubled our size. We participated in Homecoming and for the fourth consecutive semester our skit made finals. With our new membership, we were also able to enter a flag football team into our school’s Greek Division. We participated in two sorority philanthropies this fall. During Zeta Tau Alpha’s Rockin’ for the Ribbon we placed first in a battle of the bands competition, and in Kappa Kappa Gamma’s Kappa Klassic we placed first overall. It was a rewarding experience for our Chapter.
missouri stAte
The Chapter initiated 11 men in the fall semester. We also raised $1,000 for The V Foundation at our annual Powderpuff Football Tournament.

Chapter members at the White Carnation Ball.
We had a great winter in 2008 starting off with our inaugural “Polar Bear Plunge” where brothers were “freezin’ for a reason” as a video camera rolled to post it on youtube. com for people that could not attend. Onlookers, consisting of faculty, teachers, and students watched in awe as our members stripped down to their knickers on a single digit December afternoon to fly down a 20 foot slip n’ slide into an ice bath of water. Of course all this was not only a good brotherhood event but also a philanthropy project as we raised over $700 for the National Cervical Cancer Coalition. The Chapter received an outstanding report from the advisor with only minor room for improvement. This report also notified us that we would continue to hold the highest GPA for a national fraternity on campus. Spring showed a new wave of motivation. By preparing, planning, and executing we have the ingredients to accomplish anything.
neW HAVen

Brothers gather during Founder’s Day.
The fall semester began with a very successful Founders’ Day celebration at the Fort Nathan Hale Park in New Haven. This year, we stressed the family orientated atmosphere that created an amazing alumni turnout. Family and friends of brothers enjoyed a day of barbequing under the sun and the exchange of stories and antics from older brothers to younger. This unusually large turnout of alumni, from as far back as 1984, undoubtedly contributed to our immensely successful White Carnation formal in November. This event yielded one of the best turnouts in recent memory. With around 100 brothers and guests in attendance and much support from our alumni, it is safe to say that although our little Chapter is expanding, the emphasis on retaining lasting bonds and meaningful relationships has remained of the upmost importance. In other news, our semi-annual blood drive once again proved extremely helpful to the Red Cross, as we were able to greatly exceed the requests they set. In addition to helping the Red Cross, we were also able to raise awareness about the importance of donating blood and show the campus that individuals have the ability to make positive change in the world around them.
nortHern ALABAmA
The Colony is pleased to announce that the fall semester has provided significant prosperity. Before starting the semester, we achieved a goal of owning our own house. The first event held in the house was fall recruitment. Through recruitment, we gained a total of 16 new associate members. The Colony is now two members shy of reaching a chartering requirement. Currently, our brothers are involved in over 100 organizations out of the 142 that are offered on campus. The Student Government Association is deemed to be the most prestigious organization at UNA. We are pleased to announce that Winn Brewer, a founding father, has the title of Student Government President. During the two and a half years we have been on campus we have kept close relations with alumni. We hosted our first Founders’ Day, enjoying high attendance from alumni. The week after we earned second place in Homecoming and our Colony also hosted the inaugural “Zombie Walk.” Teaming with local radio stations and businesses, we raised a significant amount of money for the American Cancer Society. We humbly accepted recognition by the University for our outstanding efforts. We realize this is only the beginning and look forward to a successful future.
nortHern AriZonA

Chapter members gather for a photo.
The members are honored to have initiated 21 new brothers in the fall. With their help, we will be hosting our inaugural Snow Tug-O-War Tournament that will raise money for The V Foundation. Our Chapter received awards for placing second in GPA, and first in recruitment. We are very excited to start our new philanthropy and get the newly initiated members involved more around campus.
nortHWest missouri

Chapter members gather in front of the house before the annual basketball tournament.
Our 21st annual philanthropy “Fall Fall” was a huge hit. We went around the community raking the leaves in the yards of elderly people’s homes. Not only are we doing the community a service by raking leaves; we also make t-shirts to sell to people on campus. The money raised from the t-shirts is given to the charity of our choice. This year instead of giving the money to a charity we found one of our own brothers who was in need of the money. We are proud to say we have a cancer survivor among us. After taking the semester off from school to recover, our brother is facing hospital bills and we did all we could to help. This year’s “Fall Fall” was one to remember as the chapter raised nearly $2,000 to help our brother. This Chapter seems to be headed in the right direction. We are excited about the direction our newly elected “A” has us headed and expect great things from ourselves in the spring semester.

Brothers during the inaugural car bash for The V Foundation. With a current membership of 23, we are filled with the thoughts of reestablishment and building a strong influence on campus. Paired with Theta Tau, Phi Kappa Theta, and Alpha Gamma Delta, we finished third in the Homecoming week festivities. The week began with a strong showing in Alpha Gamma Delta and Phi Gamma Delta’s ultimate Frisbee philanthropy to benefit diabetes research. We also had a strong showing in intramural football making it to the playoffs in the fraternity division. Our annual Founders’ Day celebration was held once again this year. Members and alumni from around Ohio gathered at Gresso’s restaurant to celebrate the great bond of Delta Chi. This annual celebration allows active members to interact with alumni and really help establish the bond we all share. On October 25th before our Homecoming we held our first ever “Car Smash” to raise money for The V Foundation. Before the Homecoming game, starting around noon we rolled out the car and sold hits with a sludge hammer to “Bash Penn State and Cancer.” Participation was excellent and the event was a huge success raising over $400 for The V Foundation. Delta Chis from the Penn State Chapter joined in the fun by participating in on our Homecoming BBQ that also took place on this day. Alumni and actives from both Ohio State and Penn State were around for good times and to help support the philanthropy.
oregon stAte

Members doing community service at the Special Olympics.
We came into the fall term running and were able to pick up right where we left in the spring term. Over the summer we were able to recruit 12 new men, bringing our membership up to 34! This is the largest recruitment class since reopening the chapter in 2000, showing a bright future for the Chapter. We also initiated four new brothers into full membership this term. All four men have already taken on active leadership roles within the Chapter and have been very involved so far. Our Homecoming BBQ was well attended this year and with continued alumni support our ABT has grown. Jeff Briggs was voted as this year’s “Alumnus of the Year” with his generous $2,000 donation towards bringing our fire suppression system up to code. Over the past year our Chapter’s involvement within the community has been consistently improving with all members donating over 250 hours of community service this term alone. The Delta Gamma’s annual Anchor Splash philanthropy was one of the largest contributions with multiple men participating in the swimming competitions and Matt Tycksen in Mr. Anchor Splash. The Chapter also contributed many hours to the Special Olympic activities that took place in Corvallis this year. Brotherhood Secret Santa proved to be a big hit especially among the new members. Our past “C”, Nathan Moore, was elected to be the Vice-President of Regulations for IFC. His position marks the fourth consecutive year our Chapter has held an IFC position. As our Chapter continues to grow, we will be housing more and more members. The Chapter house will hold at least 27 men for the winter and spring terms. This marks the highest number of live-in members since re-chartering in 2003.
Penn stAte

A dinner for Mr. Steve Spencer to recognize his “BB” Emeritus award (center).
The Chapter volunteered 392 hours of community service as well as Raised $778 for The V Foundation in an effort to give back to the community.
Coming into the fall semester one of the major goals for the Chapter was to greatly increase its contributions in philanthropy and community service. At the 2008 Convention the Chapter pledged to raise $1,600 a year for The V Foundation. Knowing this, the Chapter got started early and during freshman move-in, known as “Arrival Survival,” Rich Rosenow and Mike Walker set up a 50-50 raffle on campus. Half of the money went to a lucky winner and the other half went to The V Foundation. Over the course of a few days they were able to raise $500, of which $250 went to The V Foundation. Then the Chapter held the inaugural “Delta Chi Dime Toss.” Participants tried tossing dimes into glasses that were of varying types and on a two tier table. If the participant got the dime into the glass they were aiming for then they were able to keep the glass as a prize. After two full days, we had managed to raise nearly $815. Between these first two events, the Chapter surpassed its initial goal of $800 for the semester and will continue to try and raise the bar for philanthropy. On the community service side, the Chapter has also increased its efforts. As usual the brotherhood has continued to participate in Adopta-block once a month cleaning up a local Oakland street. Also, early in the semester the Chapter held a sandwich making night for the Jubilee Soup Kitchen where we made simple lunchmeat sandwiches that were to be given to the homeless. The Chapter also participated in the “Pitt Make a Difference Day,” which is a new campus wide initiative to cooperate with the City of Pittsburgh to better the surrounding communities. The Chapter is also getting involved with Habitat for Humanity. The Chapter also held its annual Homecoming Alumni Weekend. This included a tailgate for the Pitt versus Rutgers game at Heinz Field and an alumni dinner at the local restaurant Church Brew Works. Both events were a great success with a large number of alumni attending the events. Homecoming weekend has begun to become one of the standing traditions in our young Chapter’s history. The Chapter wants to thank all of the alumni who came out and helped support the Chapter and looks forward to furthering the undergraduate-alumni bond in the future.
The Chapter experienced another outstanding recruitment for the fall 2008 semester. We had over 160 young men come through our doors eclipsing the previous fall’s impressive number of 150. We continued to use our newly adopted motto of “Deriving Quality from Quantity.” The Chapter initiated 25 brothers in the spring. Delta Chi remains one of the largest fraternities on campus. We would like to thank the “B”, Nathan Welch, and the Director of Recruitment, Gerrit Rosenboom, for their outstanding efforts and dedication for the spring and fall 2008 recruitments. Over the summer vacation, the Chapter received some major renovations to greatly increase the Chapter’s visual appeal. The basement floor was completely redone. The renovated floor now portrays our Greek letters along with a Latin phrase that boldly states, “Our Bond is Uncommon.” The restroom facilities on the third floor were also redone in order to match the restrooms on the south end of the house.

The Chapter celebrating the initiation of 15 new brothers this fall. During the fall 2008 semester, we continued to make huge strides in all aspects. We moved into a beautiful new house located on Greek Row that has made our presence felt on campus more than ever. Months of work were spent remodeling the house over the summer and they have greatly paid off. We take great pride in the appearance of the chapter house. For the first time in Chapter history, our cumulative Chapter GPA is above a 3.0, which is above the All-Greek and All-Men’s average. We are looking to improve our academic performance every semester. We raised close to $2,000 for The V Foundation the fall semester, thanks to the success of two philanthropy events that we hosted. Our second annual “Dodge This!” dodge ball tournament, hosted with the sisters of Alpha Chi Omega, was a great success, with many Greeks turning out to support our cause. In addition, we hosted the inaugural “Sing for the Cure” karaoke contest with the sisters of Zeta Tau Alpha, which was an incredible event that raised money for both The V Foundation and the Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. For the second time in the past year, we initiated the most new members on campus, and we are very excited to have 15 new brothers ready to get involved making our Chapter even better. Our brothers continue to take on leadership positions around campus. Brother Chris Keating is the Rutgers University Student Assembly President, and brother Yan Lipovetskiy is IFC President. Our intramural teams made the playoffs in soccer and football, and for the second consecutive year we took first place in the golf tournament. Most recently, we hosted a potluck Thanksgiving dinner for the families of all our members. There were over 100 people in attendance, and all the parents were extremely proud of the progress we have made. The event was a great success, with good food and a good time had by all. With success in so many different areas of our organization, our Chapter has risen to the top tier of fraternities on campus. We cannot wait to build on our success and take our Chapter’s growth to the next level!
soutH fLoriDA

Members on the river during a brotherhood event.
The Chapter had a very busy and productive fall semester. Our intramural flag football teamed finished in the top eight in the school, marking the second time this has happened in the Chapter’s history. In October, we partnered with Zeta Tau Alpha and placed third in Homecoming. We also held our second annual “Legends of the Inner Temple” philanthropy event. With this event, we raised over $1,500 for The V Foundation. Also in philanthropy, we finished first place in Chi Omega’s “Spike It Up” volleyball tournament and third place in Sigma Delta Tau’s “Putting on the Hits” lip-sync contest. Topping off all of these accomplishments, we were able to initiate 24 new members, which will help propel us to even greater accolades in the future.
soutHeAst missouri

Chapter members and alumni at Formal.
Homecoming this year was a great success. We were paired with the men of Sigma Tau Gamma and the women of Alpha Chi Omega and our theme was “Toy Story.” The entire Chapter put a lot of hard work into the entire week including the Talent Show, Field Day and Float. We placed second overall out of eight fraternities. A very special thank you to brother Billy Bess for hosting our annual Alumni BBQ at Capaha Park. Afterwards we came together with our dates and a few alumni for a formal dinner and dancing.
soutHern CALiforniA
The fall 2008 semester was an eventful one for the Chapter. In November, we initiated our 16 new members. Our Chapter had a strong showing during Greek Week and
took home a first place finish. The Chapter continued its sports domination by going to the finals in intramural flag football, Delta Gamma’s “Anchor Splash” and Delta Delta Delta’s “Kick it for Cancer.” Brother Brian Gabbay was the winner in Kappa Kappa Gamma’s “Kappa Kasino,” a Texas hold-em poker tournament. The Chapter house underwent major renovations during the summer and the first few weeks of the fall semester. A large coat-of-arms was painted on the exterior front wall of the Chapter house and new brass letters were placed above the front door. Inside, hardwood floors, wood paneling, a new trophy case and a 90” high-definition projector were installed in the main room and all of the common areas of the house were repainted. The conference room was remodeled with study stations, a new conference table and leather couches. The walls of the conference room will be adorned with commemorative placards listing every Chapter member since our establishment in 1910. The Chapter member’s parents had high praise for the renovations and the breakfast our new cook prepared at the Parents Weekend brunch. To show off our renovations, the Chapter also invited young alumni back for a barbecue and viewing of a USC football game on our new projector television. At the end of the semester, outgoing chapter “A”, Eric Van Aelstyn, was elected as Executive Vice-President of the IFC.
Our Chapter has seen growth in every respect during the past semester. Membership reached record numbers since our founding in 2001, and we initiated six quality men who have already proven to be great assets to the Chapter. We were also selected to initiate the Albany Colony, expanding the Fraternity’s presence in New York. The Chapter’s combined GPA of 3.4 is above the campus average. We started a new broomball tournament philanthropy called the “D-Chi Cup,” which had great reception among the fraternities and sororities on campus and promises to be a phenomenal annual event to raise money for The V Foundation. We continued to build our presence on campus through the various philanthropies we participate in. We made the championships in Alpha Xi Delta’s soccer tournament while on the same day several brothers excelled in Delta Gamma’s “Mr. Golden Anchor” talent show, and we took second place in Sigma Alpha Mu’s pancake eating contest. Although we have a fairly young alumni network, we are continuing to reach out to local and past alumni to increase their involvement with our Chapter.
The fall semester saw the Chapter very active on campus. During “Howdy Week” the Chapter put on a fundraiser concert for The V Foundation, and we hope to make it an annual event. In addition, the Chapter participated in Relay for Life with the local Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Chapter. The Chapter also did well in campus intramural events, with our flag football team and our soccer teams making to the final games.
The past fall semester has been an exciting one for our Chapter. We began by initiating our newest class, the Kappa class, a great group of 24 gentlemen. We also participated in the annual Homecoming festivities and placed second in the Spirit Board Competition and first in the Greek Float Build competition for the second year in a row. We had a great Alumni Weekend for the football game against the University of Texas and finished the year with our men’s volleyball team winning the Greek Black Division Championship.
This fall we were able to accomplish many of our goals. We initiated six new members and two alumni initiates. We are looking forward to increasing the size of our Chapter each and every day. The Chapter held its second annual “Delta Chi Dash” 5k run in support of The V Foundation. The race kicked off Angola’s “Fall Fest” celebration on September 27th. The 5k race leaded its participants through the beautiful streets of Angola, Indiana, and it was successful in raising over $2,600. The Chapter also helped close down Camp Arcadia for the fall. We donated 200 hours helping clean up the camp and preparing it for next year. On October 23rd we hosted our semi-annual blood drive with the Red Cross. They had a large turn out of around 75 people who donated blood. Parent’s Weekend was held on October 18th, at the Chapter house. There was a cookout and many outdoor activities for brothers and family members to enjoy. In the afternoon family and brothers were encouraged to cheer on the Trine Thunder football team. On December 6th we held “Chuck’s Belly Rub,” our winter formal. Alumni and brothers enjoyed the evening and activities. Last year members of our Chapter helped to bring Order of Omega to campus; this fall we had two more brothers who were inducted into the Order. We now have six brothers who are members of the Greek honorary. Members Anthony Steward, Sam Lowery, and Austin Aldrich were elected to three of the four executive board positions in our Student Senate. The Chapter is looking for each and every opportunity to lead our campus and Greek life in the right direction.
trumAn stAte
Since Convention in Las Vegas the Chapter has shifted its focus to philanthropy. We are well on our way to our goal of raising over $1,000 for The V Foundation by next Convention. In the fall semester we hosted a variety of events to maximize our effectiveness and give all active and associate members an opportunity to participate. In October we hosted a charity date auction with the women of Alpha Gamma Delta with all proceeds raised going to The V Foundation. This event raised over $250 in under an hour. In addition to the date auction the Chapter has also sponsored a spaghetti dinner at a local restaurant where half of the money spent will be given to The V Foundation. This is an ongoing event and has already raised over $300. In addition to raising funds for The V Foundation the Chapter has not abandoned its local philanthropic efforts. In November we hosted our fourth annual “Smile-A-Thon” to raise money for depression research. This event was coordinated with University Counseling Services and received televised coverage by a local news station.

The new brothers of the Chapter.
To start the fall semester, we came out of the gates running as we recruited and initiated one of the biggest classes we have ever had, which was fitting for our tenth anniversary! This helped in winning Alpha Delta Pi’s “King of the Diamond” honors, 2008 Homecoming King, second in 2008 Homecoming overall (with the help of the Delta Zeta Sorority), and the most overall philanthropic work of any fraternity or sorority on campus! The increasing support and effort each brother has put into this Chapter has helped us with philanthropies, special events, and especially intramurals! With the return of old brothers, and the initiation of new, the Chapter has now become the most diverse and well-known chapter on campus. Just as the quantity of new members is fitting for the time, so is the variety of character and style each brother brings. To celebrate these overall achievements, we had an amazing semi-formal at the Planet Hollywood Hotel and Casino where there was a fantastic dinner, fond memories shared between new and old, and a special appearance by former “AA”, Bill Williams. The semester came and went, but with it came a new spark in each and every brother that will carry us forward as not only members of this college and community but as brothers in the Chapter and as brothers to those around the country.
VirginiA CommonWeALtH

Chapter members in front of the new house.
Our Chapter has made great strides in improving our campus presence and associate member program. Another great semester of recruitment has put our chapter at 49 active brothers, which is well above the average. A great success for our Chapter was the addition of a Chapter house. Since there is no Greek housing on campus, this is a big accomplishment and a great place to display our composites as well as a good place for brothers to hang out between classes. Another aspect that is making our Chapter the most elite on campus is our intramurals sports. We have become the intramural powerhouse by winning football, softball, soccer, basketball, and dodge ball championships all in the past two semesters. A major goal of our Chapter has been to focus more on philanthropy and community service in our area. Last semester we did a joint program with the Richmond Police Department. We provided the manpower to help coach youth basketball and soccer at the local schools as well as providing referee services for various sports. Two to three brothers volunteered seven to ten hours each week, which totaled well over 110 hours for the semester. Our help was greatly appreciated by the Richmond Police Department and the community. Also, our philanthropy this semester went extremely well. We hosted our first 3-on-3basketball tournament to benefit The V Foundation. It was a great success for our first tournament and we expect to have even more success next year. The proceeds from the tournament allowed us to donate over $700 to The V Foundation. In conclusion, our Chapter was the only greek organization nominated for all five categories of organizational awards on campus; Philanthropy, New Member Education, Community Service, Risk management, and Educational Programming. We won overall best for Philanthropy, New Member Education, and Community Service awards. Overall, we have made great strides to improve in these areas and continue to make our Chapter an outstanding representation of our great organization.
The 2008-year was a “Red Letter” year for the Chapter. The first three months were all about chartering, an event that went off better than anyone dared hope. We were the only fraternity on campus to achieve the Standard of Excellence, and we had the second highest greek G.P.A. on campus (highest of any fraternity). Over the summer, our Chapter managed to send eight brothers to Convention, one of the highest of any chapter. The fall semester was much more laid back, with three socials going splendidly: a Casino Royale exchange with Kappa Alpha Theta, a barn party and a Thanksgiving dinner with the women of Zeta Tau Alpha. Zeta was also our partner for Homecoming this year; we took first in banner decorating, top hat decorating and the float competition with strong finishes in the other contests.