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Convention Review
The 56th International Convention Las Vegas • July 30-August 3, 2008

VIVA LAS VEGAS! The 56th International Convention, held at The Riviera Hotel & Casino from July 30-August 3, was attended by more than 260 student members, as well as more than 250 alumni and guests from across North America. The four days of programming, legislation, brotherhood and festivities began with a highly anticipated check presentation and finished with a lofty goal and the second largest gathering of Delta Chis in history!
WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 Awards and V Foundation Check Presentation
Wednesday evening kicked off with Patrick Alderdice, Ball State ’92, and Paul Picciani, Connecticut ’89, rocking through nearly 300 programming and individual awards for chapters, colonies and alumni chapters (see pages 12 and 13 for a full list of awards). We were all in for a surprise when they introduced the Executive Committee, as each man appeared dressed in full Elvis costume! It was a classic start to a Vegas Convention! But the feature of the kick-off was the presentation of a check to The V Foundation for Cancer Research, totaling the amount of money raised by the chapters and colonies of Delta Chi since the last Convention. On hand to present the check were two courageous brothers from the South Dakota State Chapter. Ben Wise and Troy Miller rode their bicycles from Brookings, South Dakota to Las Vegas, Nevada in an effort to raise awareness and money for The V Foundation. These two men logged more than 1,600 miles in less than one month and raised nearly $10,000. As the lights dimmed for the check presentation, the doors in back flew open and the two brothers on bicycles circled the room and stopped at the stage to hand off the check. They received a standing ovation for their incredible journey and commitment to Delta Chi and The V Foundation.
John Leshney, Senior Vice President of Development for The V Foundation, was on hand to accept a check worth $101,963.00 from “AA” Steve Bossart. “You (Delta Chi) have great leadership in Steve (Bossart) and your staff. I have had such a great feeling in getting to know the men of Delta Chi. You have people with vision and purpose, and they are going to help lead the way, with you on this journey, to help find the cures,” said Leshney. Leshney went on to say that due to Delta Chi’s commitment and support a V Scholar grant will be given out in Delta Chi’s name. The V Scholar grants are designed to identify, retain and further the careers of young researchers. Only 15 V Scholar grants are awarded each year throughout the U.S.
THURSDAY, JULY 31 Elections and Ritual
A procession of the Board of Regents, past “AA”s and members of the Order of the White Carnation began the first general session on Thursday morning. Tom Viola, New Haven ’82, called the session to order as “FF”, and the Bond Song was sung. “AA” Steve Bossart, Kent State ’90, led the Convention in the U.S. and Canadian National Anthems, as well as the recitation of the Preamble. Executive Director Ray Galbreth, Missouri ’69, recognized attendees based on the number of conventions attended. Jimmie J. “Doc” Underwood, Kansas ’51, was recognized for attending his 23rd Convention, and Fred
Hammert, Oklahoma ’60, was recognized for attending the 1956 Convention. Sadly, this would be the last convention for Brother Hammert. The Convention delegates gave a standing ovation for these members’ dedication to Delta Chi.
General Session I saw the following legislative items regarding Delta Chi Law pass: a change regarding the initiation of fathers; technical changes regarding the Housing Fund and Investment Advisory Committees, eligibility for membership, the single membership clause, term limits for committee members, and duties of the “BB”; a change to the definition of membership; a change in the performance of the Oath for incoming Fraternity officers; a change regarding officer emeritus positions; a change in the minimum standards; a change in the convention attendance fine; and dues increases effective August 1, 2008 for associate member dues, initiation dues, and membership dues. Following the adoption of the legislative items above, nominations were received for Executive Committee positions. Tom Horowitz, Michigan State ’87, was nominated for “AA” and Miles Washburn, Massachusetts ’87, was nominated for “CC”. The nominees for “DD” were Ratheen Damle, Texas ’01, and Mark Schramka, Northwestern Alumnus.
The Convention delegates then heard the presentation of the three men to be inducted into the Order of the White Carnation. The delegates unanimously approved the three men. Welcomed into the Order of the White Carnation were Russ Driscoll, Florida ’57, Keith Shriver, Florida ’79; and Steve Michels, Marquette ’87. General Session I came to an end with attendees patiently filing in order at the back of the room to take the Convention photo. It took lots of shots and a little digital magic, but we finally fit everyone in. After a quick lunch the delegates entered Regional Caucuses to discuss the elections of the “AA”, “CC” and “DD”. General Session II saw Tom Horowitz unanimously elected as Delta Chi’s 50th “AA” and Miles Washburn unanimously elected as “CC”. Ratheen Damle was elected as “DD”. Steve Bossart, Kent State ’90, will now assume the role of Retiring “AA”. The Convention delegates also granted Officer Emeritus status to Greg Hauser, Michigan State ’75, “AA” Emeritus; Larry Nothnagel, Truman State ’79, “AA” Emeritus; Rich Kruger, Tri-State Faculty, Faculty Advisor Emeritus; James Sturm, Fredonia Alumnus, “BB” Emeritus; Frank Hinds, Illinois Faculty, “BB” Emeritus; Steve Spencer, Penn State ’54, “BB” Emeritus; Father Art Humphrey, Montclair Alumnus, “BB” Emeritus. After General Session II, the Convention adjourned for dinner. After a brief recess, the delegates witnessed the Ritual exemplification, a model rehearsal of the Fraternity’s Ritual, and called to order the third General Session of the day. During the Ritualistic Session there were some small changes made in the Ritual Manual to enhance the understanding and performance of the Ritual. Greg Hauser, Michigan State ’75, presented the Memorial Resolution in honor of those brothers who had passed away during the past biennium, and Chris Johnson, Kentucky ’77, was selected as the Convention Honoree. The Alumni Ceremony ended the long day of events.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 1 Alumni Recognition and Educational Sessions
The 7th Annual Kimball Classic golf tournament kicked off Friday morning! The tournament was played at Desert Pines Golf Club, a Pete Dye designed course. Participants had the
opportunity to win a new driver, $10,000 Sony Gift Card or tickets to Las Vegas shows. Friday morning and afternoon, attendees could choose to attend an array of educational sminars, beginning with guest speaker Dr. Lori Hart-Ebert, who gave an insightful presentation on “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Opposite Sex” (this opening session was presented with the generous support of Pennington and Company). Other sessions included Smart Party Planning, FIPG; GIN System: How it Works; Chapter Financial Management; Powerful Public Speaking; How to Impress the Women in Your Life; AM Program; Scholarship Program Planning; From Colony to Chapter; GREEKBILL: How it Works; How to start an Alumni Chapter; How to get an ‘A’ in every Class; Proper performance of the Delta Chi Ritual; History of a Ritual; and Greek Advisor/ Headquarters Partnership. Many of Delta Chi’s outstanding alumni and volunteers were recognized during Friday’s Delta Chi Educational Foundation luncheon. The Outstanding “BB”, Outstanding ABT, Outstanding House Corporation, Humanitarian, Valor, Meritorious Service, and Distinguished Delta Chi Awards were handed out (see a complete list of recipients on page 13). To add a bit of the “lure of Vegas” to the convention experience, attendees enjoyed a Casino Night to raise money for The V Foundation on Friday night. The event surpassed all expectations, raising over $5,000 with nearly 250 participants. Several non-cash prizes were awarded to the winners, which enabled attendees under the age 21 to enjoy several of the traditional casino games: Roulette, Black Jack, Poker and Craps. Top prizes included two tickets to the 2009 Allstate Sugar Bowl in New Orleans; two sets of two tickets each to see Zumanity and Blue Man Group; as well as a Suite Upgrade at the Riviera for the remainder of the Convention. As another exciting day came to a close, everyone headed out to “The Strip” for a full Vegas experience!
On Saturday morning, the educational sessions continued, and alumni volunteers and guests shared their personal and professional experiences in small breakout sessions in the day-long Advisor Track Program. This year,
outgoing seniors were encouraged to attend the ATP, and as Steven Haught, Georgia Southern, said, “I have a much greater understanding and perspective of what our advisors go through. It really helps as an undergraduate to know how to help them.” All undergraduates participated in a half-day seminar on Dynamic Recruitment presented by Phired-Up! Productions, The Convention just wouldn’t be the same without the etiquette luncheon, “Manners Matter: A Luncheon Like No Other,” hosted by the talented Lorrie Bossart. Sessions on Warm Fuzzies, Cold Pricklies & Managing Change; Aficinado; Capital Fraternal Caucus; Leadership Consultant Recruiting; Personal Financial Management; Facilitating a Chapter Retreat; How to write a Killer Cover Letter; Smart Investing; A Business Called Fraternity; and Professional Selling- Closing the Deal wrapped up the last day of educational programming. Saturday evening brought out the second largest gathering of brothers and guests at any single Convention in history, more than 520,

for the presentation of the Fraternity’s highest awards. Steve Bossart, “AA”, welcomed all in attendance, and the Convention Chorus, led by Dr. E. Duane Meyer, Hobart ’58, then sang the United States’ and Canadian National Anthems to begin the banquet. Bossart then invited everyone to enjoy dinner. Following dinner, Ray Galbreth, with assistance from Doc Underwood, started the “Handshake Across Time,” a tradition begun by Founder Monroe Marsh Sweetland to bridge future generations of Delta Chis with the Founders through this meaningful and inspiring tradition. During the evening the Fraternity presented its highest awards, starting with the recipients of the 2007 and 2008 Outstanding Greek Life Professional awards to Mark Koepsell, Colorado State, and Dr. David Lusk, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Truman State, respectively. Dr. E. Duane Meyer, Hobart ’58, Robert Hendershot, Purdue ’72, and Patrick Weber, Oklahoma ’87, were honored as tthe Fraternity’s most recent New Founders for their individual, lifetime donations exceeding $100,000 to the Fraternity and Educational Foundation. Two undergraduate men, Christopher Marshall and Charles D. Wineland, III were thanked for their service as Convention Recorders. Ray Galbreth, on behalf of the Fraternity Executives Association (FEA), made a special presentation to Brother Richard “Dick” McKaig. Ray presented him with FEA’s Order of Fraternity Excellence Award, which is presented to a college or university administrator who has attained a level of professional accomplishment, relating to the college fraternity, that is of such excellence as to merit recognition by FEA, [his] devotion and commitment to the college fraternity is acknowledged by all. A graduate of Ball State University and a loyal member of Delta Chi Fraternity; Dick is known by his contemporaries as the “fraternal dean.” He has been involved with the Greek community at Indiana University and nationally, since his arrival on campus in 1971. Author Richard Peck, DePauw ’56, was honored as the 2007 Delta Chi of the Year recipient. Peck has written 37 novels, two of which were recipients of the Edgar Allan Poe award, and another two that were winners of the John Newberry Medal, the highest prize in children’s literature. In 2002 he was the first children’s writer to receive a national Humanities Medal in a White House Ceremony. As First Lady Laura Bush’s appointed delegate, he represented American writers at the Russian Book Festival in Moscow in 2005. Actor G.D. Spradlin, Oklahoma ’41, was honored as the 2008 Delta Chi of the Year recipient for his career success. Before he turned to acting he founded the Rogue Oil Company. Then, in 1964, his daughter Wendy took him to a father-daughter acting competition. It was there that G.D. was bitten by the acting bug. He went to Los Angeles where he was soon cast in the Jack Webb production Dragnet. Throughout the 1960’s, Mr. Spradlin appeared in numerous television programs and motion pictures and such television shows as I Spy and Gomer Pyle. Then he won the part of the corrupt Nevada senator in The Godfather Part II. It was Mr. Spradlin’s breakthrough role, and it helped establish him as a confident, authoritarian figure, which led to his portrayal of many such figures in his future roles. Since then Mr. Spradlin has acted in over seventy films and alongside such notable actors as Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Some of his most memorable roles and credits include Tora! Tora! Tora!, Tank, North Dallas Forty, Ed Wood, The Long Kiss Goodnight, and Apocalypse Now. In 1999, he retired from the world of acting with his last film Dick. Today, he is widely regarded as one of the greatest Hollywood character actors. William Jenkins of Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity and Kevin O’Neill of Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity were awarded the 2007 & 2008 John J. Kuhn Awards for outstanding service to the interfraternal movement. The President’s Cup, the highest chapter award given by the Fraternity, is given in two different divisions, the Red and the Buff. In the Red Division the Cup was awarded to the chapters at: Georgia Tech, Kansas and Pittsburgh. In the Buff Division the Cup was awarded to the chapters at: Duquesne, Louisiana Tech, Tri-State and Truman State. The President’s Most Improved Trophy is given to the chapter with the most notable improvement over the past academic year and was awarded to the South Florida Chapter. Ray Galbreth, Executive Director, recognized Peter Lane, Georgia Southern ’07, as Convention Coordinator, for an exceptional job in planning the Convention. Peter thanked the staff and volunteers for helping make the Convention a success. He also gave a special thanks to Marge Lee, the adored Delta Chi Office Manger who has unselfishly served the Fraternity for over 44 years and attended every Convention since 1979 (15) and is the only First Lady Emeritus; for her guidance during preparation of the Convention and commitment to our Fraternity. She received a long, standing ovation from the Convention attendees and guests. Before the site of the next Convention was announced, Peter acknowledged Matt Killingsworth, Kansas State ’02, for his challenge two years ago at the 2006 Convention closing banquet, which became affectionately known as the “Big Bet.” The challenge was this, for each of the red Delta Chi poker chips brought to the Las Vegas Convention (which were handed out in Cleveland at the closing banquet) in person by a registered attendee from the Cleveland Convention, a donation would be made to the Delta Chi Fraternity and the Educational Foundation. By the close of the 2008 Convention the “Big Bet” had seen 48 members join Matt in his challenge and pledge a combined total of $253.76 per chip returned. With 150 attendees returning, the “Big Bet” raised over $38,000 for Delta Chi and the Foundation combined. Peter then announced the site of the 57th Convention in 2010: New Orleans, also know as the Big Easy. The Convention will convene at the Marriott located at 555 Canal St. The hotel is located on the edge of the historic French Quarter District and is within walking distance to Jackson Square, home of St. Louis Cathedral, the Natchez River Boat, and just a couple of blocks from Bourbon St.!
The Convention came to a close with Fred Hammert administering the oath of office and swearing in the three new International Officers. Tom Horowitz addressed the attendees with his closing remarks, revealing that after a survey of each region’s fundraising expectations and multiple discussions with the Board of Regents, Delta Chi will embark on a new goal to raise $130,000.00 for The V Foundation by the next Convention! He also strongly encouraged everyone to attend the 2010 Convention in New Orleans! The evening ended with the singing of the Bond Song and the official adjournment of the 56th Convention.
Born in 1954, Johnson attended the University of Kentucky where he became a founding father of the Kentucky Chapter. While at UK as an undergrad, he served as “A” and “C”. After graduating from Kentucky, Chris attended law school at the University of Louisville, where he helped establish the Louisville Chapter in 1980 and served as the Chapter’s “BB” from October1984 to February 1987. His role in Delta Chi did not stop there. He served as Delta Chi’s legal advisor, Regent for Region VI, “BB” for the Kentucky Colony from September 2005 to February 2007 and its House Corporation president from December 2005 until October 2006. He also served as the Fraternity’s “BB”-at-large. Chris sat on the Delta Chi Educational Foundation as a board member and also served as its legal advisor and secretary. As a result, Johnson was inducted into the Order of the White Carnation in 1994. He attended many Regional Conferences and twelve conventions over the years and would drive long distances to attend initiations, especially ones of founding fathers, at a number of different chapters. He worked for the Attorney General’s office for the Commonwealth of Kentucky, legal advisor for the Kentucky State Police, and as Assistant General Counsel in the Kentucky Justice Cabinet. During the 2002 Convention, Chris donated his personal badge to be used as the official “CC” badge. Chris passed away on March 8th, 2007. The Kentucky House of Representatives adjourned its regular session early on March 26, 2007 in Chris’ honor. Johnson’s support and dedication has been greatly missed throughout the Delta Chi world.