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From the “AA”
Inside The Quarterly
Volume 108 Number 1 Spring/Summer 2011
2 From the “AA” 3 From the “DD” 4-5 “A”s Academy 6 Dave Lefkow 7 Paul Giblin 8 Jason Dvorkin 9 Ohio State Chartering 10-21 Featurettes 22 Paul Giblin Continued 23 Farewell & Parting 23 Keeping in Touch
Delta Chi Quarterly
(USPS 152-660) Published quarterly in Iowa City, Iowa by The Delta Chi Fraternity Editorial and Business Office P.O. Box 1817, 314 Church Street Iowa City, IA 52244 Periodicals Postage paid at Iowa City, Iowa 52244 and at additional mailing offices Printed by The Ovid Bell Press, Inc. Fulton, MO. Three-year subscription $35 Five-year subscription $50
Address Changes
Send all notices of address changes to: Delta Chi International Headquarters P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244-1817 319.337.4811 Fax: 319.337.5529 Editor: Raymond D. Galbreth, MO ’69 Assistant Editor: Michael Dean, TSU ’08 E-mail: rayg@deltachi.org Visit our website at www.deltachi.org
Layout and Design
Drew Dallet, Kent State ’93 Boom Creative, Inc. E-mail: info@boom-creative.com www.boom-creative.com
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Summer Break!
In the previous three issues of the Quarterly, I wrote about Promoting Friendship, Developing Character, and Advancing Justice. Continuing on my journey through our Preamble, I had written a piece on our Acquisition of a Sound Education. Due to the timing of this summer issue, I opted to hold the article until the next issue, when the majority of our undergraduates were back at school from summer break. Summer break. How I miss those words! Summer break – an opportunity to recharge your batteries, make some extra money, travel, glance into your profession with an internship, spend time with family, and do whatever you want to do. Over the summer, the majority of our undergraduates leave our chapter houses, and surprisingly, many of them put Delta Chi “on hold” until they return in the fall, when bonds are renewed and their commitment is re-energized. Without regular chapter meetings and a place to congregate, fraternity experiences are a bit different during the summer. In a way, many alumni have been on “summer break” from Delta Chi after graduation as well. This is very natural. College offered us the ability to be in one place, at one time, sharing similar experiences. We associated “campus” with “Delta Chi.” But although college introduced us to Delta Chi, friendship is what keeps us together. So, as “AA”, I request that you make an effort to end your “summer break” from Delta Chi. It is time to renew those bonds and reenergize your commitment to your fraternity brothers. On the back cover is a list of Alumni Chapters; is one near you? If not, would you be interested in starting one? Your fond memories of Delta Chi from your collegiate days should not end after leaving campus. The joy of fraternity continues if you will let it be a priority in your life once again. Email me at aa@deltachi.org – I want to hear from you. Have fun!
A Look Ahead...
In the next issue of the Quarterly, look for my article on Education. Writing for you has been an experience that I wished to share with the rest of the members of the Executive
In this issue, please take the time to read the article by your “DD”, Miles Washburn, and in two issues, an article from your “CC”, Bill Tallman.