3 minute read
From the “DD”
Calling All Alumni...
I was a Delta Chi from the Massachusetts Chapter….no… wait…I still am a Delta Chi from the Massachusetts Chapter. Don’t you hate when someone says he was a Delta Chi? Does something happen after graduation that makes a brother no longer a brother? Absolutely not! In fact you will spend more time as an alumnus Delta Chi than as an undergraduate Delta Chi, so let’s make the most of it.
My first question is, have you gone through the alumni ceremony?
If not, do it! All the RLCs conduct the alumni ceremony, and it is also offered at the international convention. (We will talk about that in a minute.) Many local alumni chapters also conduct it. Just contact one of them, and find out when it is being offered.
Now that I have brought up the topic of alumni chapters, are you a member of one (second question)?
They are a great way to meet other alumni brothers from a variety of chapters and regions, but most importantly, the alumni chapters are a great resource to offer support to the undergraduate chapters and colonies. Many alumni chapters often have a variety of social activities that you can participate in and further your brotherhood experience. Most often they are family friendly as well.
Here is my third question. Are you involved with a local chapter or colony? We currently have 129 chapters/colonies, and all of them welcome alumni support. There are so many things you as an alumnus brother of Delta Chi can do. There are multiple support roles for chapters/colonies: “BB”, ABT member, House Corporation member, mentor for an undergraduate, donor to the Delta Chi Educational Foundation, donor to The Delta Chi Fraternity or donor to the local chapter/ colony. I’m sure you can think of a few more. The role of the alumnus is vital in the future growth and success of Delta Chi. For the fourth question, have you been to an RLC or convention lately? They are amazing experiences. Delta Chi is offering an Alumni Track Program, ATP, at the convention geared directly to you, the alumnus, and any graduating seniors who want to get involved right away. We are also creating a smaller version for the RLCs. Regions IV and IX offered them this past spring during their RLCs. These alumni track programs offer information on how communicate with undergraduates, form an alumni chapter, and much more. Now when you, the alumnus, come to an RLC, the programming is not geared just for the undergraduate.
Unfortunately, every year a few chapters or colonies close. Frequently it is a result of some bad decisions being made - parties with alcohol, hazing or any number of other issues. Often these troubled chapters or colonies didn’t have the much needed alumni support to help guide them and advise them toward better decisions.
On the flip side, our strongest chapters generally have a very strong alumni support base that is active and engaged in the chapter operations and activities. The relationship, which is critical, between the undergraduates and alumni is strong and very meaningful. Both communicate well with each other, and this relationship makes the chapters stronger.
With over 65,000 living alumni, imagine what a difference we alumni could make with our involvement with our chapters and colonies. Often we alumni wait for the chapter or colony to contact us to get involved. Perhaps we need to take a more active role in reaching out to them. Let’s offer our time and knowledge to them. Sometimes it is hard for an undergraduate to ask for help; let’s make it easy for them by contacting them and offering to get involved.
Remember when you were an undergraduate? Remember when you thought, “Where are the alumni?” Here is YOUR chance to make a difference. Show up. Go to a meeting. Volunteer your time. Help them to make good decisions with your advice and experience to back you up.
YOU are a Delta Chi, and the undergraduates need your support So here is my last question for you…