47 minute read
Number of enrolled student members, plus any associate members. Does not include inactive student members. Current as of 06/07/2011. Membership number listed may be inaccurate if PR forms or fees have not been turned in for members. 0.0 University reported GPA for the Fall 2010 term. President’s Cup for the 2009 – 2010 academic year. President’s Most Improved Trophy for the 2009-2010 academic year.
ABrACADABrA 49 3.52
Bhavik Vashi “E” We’ve always prided ourselves on our academic performance and achievements. This year, we were once again recognized for earning the highest GPA among fraternities and sororities on campus. In addition, we had four brothers accepted into the prestigious HAAS Undergraduate School of Business. One particular brother has taken our tradition of excellence to an unprecedented level. After years of hard work, Michael Waks ’11 was accepted into Harvard Law School and will begin his legal studies there this fall. His achievement has inspired us to push ourselves further.
ALABAMA 60 2.55
Joseph Ritchey “E” We’re focusing on improving our operations this year. Last fall, we had an outstanding semester with our recruitment efforts, alumni relations, and active member retention. Our GPA is also on the rise. This spring, we plan to continue building our image with the addition of four associate members and more philanthropic involvement.
Idaho Responds to Tragedy
Matthew Greene “E” 73 2.76 Recently, two Kappa Delta Sorority sisters were involved in a serious car accident that took the life of the driver, Michelle Bonasera. Andree’ Maxwell, a close friend to many of the brothers and one of the passengers, sustained significant injuries and is completing rehabilitation in Spokane, Washington. We teamed up with the women of Kappa Delta to execute a coin drive to help with the medical bills for both families. Through our efforts, Kappa Delta and Delta Chi raised over $7,500. We’re continuing our effort to raise even more funds and hope brothers will keep Michelle, Andree’, and their families in your thoughts and prayers.
ALBertA 19 N/A
Adam Risling “E” Our members are currently focused on building our public image. We’ve been working to build personal relationships with our Greek Advisor and the Dean of Students. We recently made a banner that stated “Good Luck on Your Finals! From the Men of Delta Chi,” to gain exposure on campus and also improve the image of Greek organizations on campus.
AMerICAN 31 3.41
Erik Payn “E” On Saturday February 26, 2011, we celebrated our 20th anniversary in the heart of our nation’s Capital. Brothers and alumni gathered to commemorate 20 years of fraternal bonds, memories and experiences.
AppALAChIAN StAte 35 2.79
Craig Kassek “E” We worked hard to plan our annual Byron Cherry Invitational golf tournament, which occurred on April 30, 2011. Brother Cherry lost his life as an undergraduate in a tragic car accident. Since his passing, we’ve hosted this commemorative outing to honor his spirit, with our funds this year going to the V Foundation. Our donations came from mulligans, team fees, sponsored holes, and regular donations.
ArIzoNA 42 2.59
Thomas Milillo “C” After an extensive reorganization, we’re focused on getting back on the path to success. We’ve been planning new community service projects with local associations and schools. We’ve also been planning a brotherhood trip to boost morale and bring the members together. We are confident that, by next fall, our newfound motivation will allow the Chapter to be reborn in accordance with the values of the Fraternity.
ArIzoNA StAte 62 2.68
Brian Kincaid “E” This spring, we’ve pledged over 700 community service hours and have committed $3,000 to the V Foundation. We’re getting involved with local trash pickups and well as a community service event with St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital. This spring marks our 10th anniversary since re-chartering, so we’ve been working to send commemorative postcards to our alumni.
Brothers at St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital.
AuBurN 39 2.77
Ben Dixon “E” While one hopes that life’s many turns will always be full of enjoyment and excitement, we’ve learned that tragedy can strike at any time. The mother of one of our brothers is currently battling a life-threatening fight with cancer. We’ve dedicated our annual coin drive to her and have donated the proceeds to the V Foundation. In total, we raised over $1,000.

Brothers on campus for their annual coin drive.
AuguStA 22 N/A
Alec Miller “E” Last fall, we hosted our now-annual White Carnation Formal for our brothers and alumni. Our alumni in attendance were able to meet our six newest initiates, who have brought great potential and a fresh perspective to our Chapter.

BehreND 24 N/A
Peter Gracey “E” We’re proud of the work our brothers are doing as involved members of our campus community. W. Andrew Peterson ’14 and Joseph Moskal ’13 have been elected to IFC positions. Moskal serves as Financial Communications Secretary and Peterson serves as Internal Communications Secretary, where he’s worked to create a “Fraternity and Sorority Life” page in The Behrend Beacon. In addition, Cody Brown ’11 serves as IFC President and has been working diligently to secure a plan for “Greek Row” housing as early as 2014 and an IFC scholarship.
BINghAMtoN 19 3.14
Sean Pabon “E” Our annual “Miss Aphrodite” event was held on April 7, 2011. This event consisted of a talent show, during which one woman from each sorority competed in a number of skits and dance routines. Money was raised through ticket sales to all of Greek Life and a “Penny Wars” competition. All proceeds from the event went to the V Foundation. “Miss Aphrodite” has been one of the biggest events of the year within the Greek community, bringing everyone together for a good cause and fun night!
BoWLINg greeN 27 2.59
Keith Giesler “E” We welcomed five associate members and two alumni initiates into our brotherhood this spring. After initiation, we hosted a formal dinner downtown, which allowed for us to spend some quality time with our alumni.
BryANt 21 N/A
Shaun Crimmins “E” Last fall, we planned and executed a clothing drive to help those in need of warm clothing during the cold holiday season. We made signs advertising the event on campus and utilized Facebook to reach out to over 500 students. Overall, we collected 250 articles of clothing to donate to Our Lady of Good Help, a local church. We hope this event will allow those on our campus and in our community to see that we are truly committed to philanthropy and service.
CAL poLy 103 2.82
Matt Freie “E” For the second year in a row, the Mustang Daily chose Delta Chi as the best fraternity on campus, with support of a vote of students on campus. This is indicative of our hard work at maintaining positive relationships across campus. In addition to campus involvement, several members are on the Board of Directors for their colleges, which has increased our professional image as well.
CALIforNIA uNIv.-pA 13 3.03
Craig Miller “E” This spring we’ve focused on increasing our exposure on campus. We held an event in the Student Union and played Apples to Apples, Risk, video games, and corn hole. We also hosted “Pie-A-Chi,” to benefit the V Foundation. In having more visible events on campus, we’ve met many potential new members and strengthened our relationships with other Greeks and non-Greek students.

CASe WeSterN reServe CoLoNy 23 3.14
John Shorter “E” On February 12th, we took a road trip to visit The University of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Chapter. As we initiated one new member, we were able to, for the first time since our founding last November, observe our Ritual and internalize its meaning. We really enjoyed meeting all of the Brothers in the Pittsburgh Chapter, and we learned a lot from them over the weekend. We’d like to thank the Chapter for such a great experience!
Eastern Washington’s Growth Fuels
Success Patrick Lashway “E” 27 2.42 When Kyle Waletich, Oregon State ’08, visited us as a Leadership Consultant, he challenged us to work harder towards the goal of chartering. When he asked our 11 members why we haven’t chartered yet, we sat in an awkward silence, because we didn’t know to respond. He told us, “You haven’t chartered because you haven’t decided to be a chapter yet. You haven’t decided to be great yet.” He then helped us re-evaluate our assumptions about recruitment and operations. In less than one year, we’ve grown from 11 men to almost 30 members who now do far more work than talking. We have operating committees, are working to be involved on our campus and in our community, and now have a functional ABT and House Corporation. We’ve also moved into our first house. For many of us, the progress we’ve made seemed so out of reach only one year ago. While we still have many things to work on, we’re grateful for Kyle’s help and wanted to take this opportunity to thank him. Thank you for helping us finally decide to be great!
CeNtrAL MIChIgAN 45 2.53
Keith Roberts “E” We’ve been working hard in preparation for our annual Kimball Golf Outing. On April 16th, 2011, brothers and alumni teed off at 8 a.m. and golfed until about 5 p.m. It was a fun and relaxing time for those in attendance. We look forward to seeing more brothers make the trip back next year!
CeNtrAL MISSourI 41 2.80
Gabe Bure “E” During January and February, we volunteered our time over weekends to help build a house with Habitat for Humanity in Leeton, Missouri. This turned out to be a great series of brotherhood events for our men, and we logged over 100 hours of community service. We’d also like to thank all of the Chapters and alumni who attended and helped with the recent Regional Conference. Thank you for making this year’s conference a memorable, record-breaking event!
CINCINNAtI CoLoNy 25 3.11
Benjamin Carter “E” This winter, we teamed up with the men of Alpha Epsilon Pi and the lovely women of Kappa Alpha Theta to host a night of skating downtown in Fountain Square. With some unexpected fair weather and over 70 in attendance, the event was a great time!
CLeMSoN 55 2.74
Eric Luther “E” This spring, we’re focusing our attention on giving back to our community and campus. We adopted a section of the main road through campus and have been working to keep it looking great. We paired with the women of Kappa Delta for Relay for Life and have exceeded last year’s fundraising goal tenfold already. We’re looking forward to our “Ace of Cakes” Baking Competition, where each sorority will compete to have the top cake. We intend to raffle the cakes off within our community to raise money as well. Our hope is that through these continued initiatives, we can shape the future of an involved Greek community.
CoAStAL CAroLINA 36 2.55
Jimmy Turnmeyer “E” We’ve welcomed 11 men as associate members as part of our Nu class. Our intramural teams have excelled, and our softball team and basketball teams are currently first in their division. We’re planning our first annual Jimmy V Fundraising Concert for “Jimmy V Week” as well. We’ve currently completed 677 service hours and are working hard to reach our goal of 1,000 by the end of the spring. Josh McCall ’14 also won the “People’s Choice” award during Gamma Phi Beta’s “Big Man on Campus” event.
CoLorADo StAte 17 2.1
Chris Cook “E” Since last spring, we’ve grown from eight men to over 20 men in the Chapter. Because of this, we received two awards, including the Recruitment Award, at our Regional Leadership Conference this spring. We hope to start a second associate member class this spring to continue our growth. Our next goal is to raise our GPA above the all-men’s average.

Brothers pose for a picture at the Region IV RLC.
CoNNeCtICut 0 N/A
The University of Connecticut revoked recognition of the Connecticut Chapter on 3/02/2011 after a risk management incident. The Chapter has ceased operations and members no longer reside in the Greek Village. Please direct any questions regarding the current status or future of the Connecticut Chapter to Justin Sherman (justins@deltachi.org).
CorNeLL 76 3.33
John Scrugham “E” We’ve welcomed David Brodnick ’10 as our new “BB”. As an undergraduate, David contributed in numerous ways, including serving as “B” and Social Chair, and was eager to continue his service to the Chapter. We’re looking forward to the coming months with his assistance.
Duquesne Gets Snagged James Lebair “E” 39 3.31
The Duquesne Chapter, continuing our affinity for public service, partnered with the Circle K club in hosting the first annual “I Got Snagged for Jimmy V.” This event included numerous games, raffles, and other activities promoting cancer research. “I Got Snagged for Jimmy V” brought together numerous Duquesne clubs and organizations, as well as others from the Duquesne community, to raise awareness of the V Foundation and what it stands for. With the aid of the Duquesne community, the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives declared February 12th, 2011 “Jimmy V Day” in recognition of the foundation and our philanthropy work. Together with Circle K, we raised over $3,000 towards the V Foundation for Cancer Research.
CorpuS ChrIStI 33 2.93
Anthony Renteria “E” For the third year in a row, we’ve won the Philanthropy award in Region III. We expect to raise between $3,000 and $5,000 for the V Foundation through our annual “Don’t Drop the Ball” event this spring. We’ve also formed a team for Relay for Life and hope to continue our tradition of raising the most money for this event as well. We’re also looking forward to our annual “Braveheart” brotherhood event. Our Chapter recently earned the highest GPA among fraternities. Finally, we’ve created a Housing committee and are working to obtain a house within the next few semesters.

Brothers at their “Braveheart” brotherhood event.
CortLAND 25 2.80
Brendan Lowe “E” This past fall, with the help of our newest members, we earned the most improved GPA among fraternities with a cumulative GPA of 2.87. Our Chapter volunteered at the Cortland Youth Bureau, JM McDonald Center, “Pumpkinfest,” and “CROP Walk.” We’re also proud to announce our first ever intramural flag football playoff game.
DAvIS 46 2.90
Kevin Bagley “E” We had a larger than expected attendance at our annual Superbowl event. This allowed for members of the Chapter to meet some of our founding fathers and other alumni, which has inspired us to do more with our time in the Chapter.

Brothers at Fall ’10 Bid Night Dinner.
DeNISoN 37 2.98
Henry Augustine “E” For the University’s “Big Red Weekend,” we hosted a parents and alumni barbeque lunch and dinner outing. George Bodenheimer ’12, Stu Jeffers ’12, and H.B. Augustine ’12 planned the event and are directly responsible for its success. Everyone had a great time, and the weekend was a perfect opportunity for everyone to get to know one another better.
DepAuW 0 N/A
Brad Shewalter “E” The DePauw Chapter voted to cease operations on 3/06/2011. Any questions may be directed to Justin Sherman (justins@deltachi.org). Chris Granger ’11 and Stefan O’Neil ’12 worked with an alumnus to recently develop a winter term course on the subject of competitive internet gaming. Kross, a nationally-ranked Starcraft 2 player, incorporated Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and other military and strategic texts to create a course covering logic, multi-tasking, strategy/improvisation, decision-making, and intellect.
eASt CAroLINA 30 2.76
Jordan Butler “E” Last fall, we hosted our annual “Skate for Cancer” event, which included a charity hockey game and a raffle for items donated by 15 local sponsors. We had a great crowd for both the hockey game and open skating event. We look forward to improving the event further in the future.

Brothers at Fall ’10 Bid Night Dinner.
eASt StrouDSBurg 34 2.92
Joseph Kelly “E” This spring we started an all-Greek intramural basketball league, with all fraternities on campus participating. Our team made it to the finals. We hope the success of this tournament will allow us to plan other intramural leagues for Greeks in other sports year-round in the future.
Mankato Brother Creates Non-Profit
Jared Hensch “E” 13 2.72 Sheka Mansaray founded 50Strong50Wise, a charitable organization to benefit school children in Sierra Leone, after realizing the need to improve education when visiting family from his country. Children were being sent home because they couldn’t afford to pay the school fees mandated by the national government. 50Strong50Wise will give local children $100, $50 to be allocated for school fees and $50 for books and school expenses. His mission is to raise $10,000, enough to send 50 children to school and possibly fund a new school building in his hometown. Mansaray is also active in the Minnesota State University Student Association and has founded Voice & Vision, an organization on campus allowing students to express themselves through performance art.
eASterN ILLINoIS CoLoNy 13 2.59
Josh Cahill “C” In February, six of our members attended the Regional Leadership Conference at Illinois State University. We had a great time meeting brothers from around the region and also learned new recruitment techniques. Brad Saribekian ’12 will remember the weekend for another reason: it was his initiation night. We’re excited to have Brad as a member and are looking forward to seeing him bring his skills to our Colony.
eMBry-rIDDLe 20 2.85
Steven Moshinksi “E” We’ve started a weekly tailgate to support our basketball team and boost our presence on campus. Each week we invite brothers, potential new members and women from the Greek system to join us at the tailgates. So far, we’ve had the women of Sigma Sigma Sigma and Theta Phi Alpha accompany us. Next year, we hope to have a different fraternity or sorority join us each week.

ferrIS StAte 0 N/A
The Chapter voted to cease operations and surrender its charter on March 19, 2011.
fLorIDA 108 3.18
Jesse Goodrich “E” Our Chapter’s Founding Banquet saw over 100 brothers, undergraduate and alumni, gather for an evening of celebration. This year’s speaker was Bill Tallman, “CC”, who delivered his message to those in attendance via Skype. His message was great, and it was a unique way for us to be able to connect to those unable to physically attend our gathering.

John Mica Scholarship winners, Antonio Renda ’11 and Daniel Dean ’11, pose for a picture with the Chapter’s Faculty Advisor, John Denny (center).
fLorIDA StAte CoLoNy 18 2.54
Joshua Laredo “E” On February 26, 2011, we held our first Earthball philanthropy event to benefit the V Foundation. With help from the Florida Chapter, we learned the ropes of putting on this event successfully. Brothers from the Spring Hill Colony also assisted in officiating the games. We had three sororities participate, with Zeta Tau Alpha winning the first annual event.

Brothers preparing for their “Earthball” event.
freDoNIA 26 2.70
Luke Reger “E” On November 16, 2010, we hosted our second annual “Miss Delta Chi” philanthropy event. Over 180 people showed their support for the event and cause. Thirteen lovely ladies participated in talent, speech, formal wear and question-and-answer events. With everyone’s support and participation, we raised over $800 for the V Foundation.

freSNo StAte CoLoNy 12 2.17
Michael Rivera “E” This spring, we’re working to develop our first philanthropy project to benefit the V Foundation. We’re hoping to use an event to gain some name recognition on campus and raise money for this great cause.
froStBurg 16 2.29
James Knapp “E” We’ve welcomed twelve men to our brotherhood and are planning our White Carnation Formal. Last fall, our annual Delta Chi Lip Sync had a stellar turnout. We also hosted a hazing prevention seminar on campus. We’ve been continuing to engage ourselves in our community with events such as our Adopt-a-Highway cleanups, the “Cans for Kids” can collection, and our “Pie a Delta Chi” event to benefit the V Foundation. We’re looking forward to a flag football game against the brothers of Phi Mu Delta and have plans for a whitewater rafting trip this spring.
Northwestern Dances for Charity
Douglas Gibson “E” 37 3.39 This March, we partnered with Delta Zeta to participate in this year’s Dance Marathon. Our team danced for 30 hours, non-stop, and raised $10,000 for the Children’s Heart Foundation. We wrote letters to friends and family, went caroling before the holidays, hosted a “munchies” night, and went “canning” throughout our community to raise money. Our work for this year’s Dance Marathon has yielded our largest donation in recent years.
fuLLertoN 20 2.58
Scott Carlson “E” We’re preparing to participate in Relay for Life, a 24-hour walk to benefit the American Cancer Society. Alexander Flores ’13 is a coordinator for the event and has organized our team for this year. Last year, we raised over $1,500, one of the largest contributions made by a student organization. Our goal is to top that this spring!
gANNoN 17 3.21
Trever Kelly “E” On April 16, 2011, we hosted our 40th Anniversary at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie, Pennsylvania. With over 100 in attendance, Founding Father Roger Pelc ’71 delivered the keynote speech. The night was a success, and we all look forward to seeing more faces at our 45th anniversary.
georgIA SoutherN 34 2.38
Travis Greene “E” This year, we’ve worked hard to grow as a Chapter. We initiated 17 men last fall and currently have ten associate members. We recently attended a high ropes course to work on our team-building and leadership skills. We’ve also been busy selling pizza for Jeffrey’s Voice, a local cause created in honor of two Delta Chi brothers. We’ve also been selling wristbands to raise awareness and funds for the V Foundation.

georgIA teCh 76 3.42
Brian Meier “E” Not satisfied with our fall recruitment effort, we set out to learn from the experiences and advice of our alumni for the spring semester. We found an incredible amount of untapped knowledge within our alumni, and their support assisted us in recruiting 17 men this spring. This has given us a rejuvenated spirit, and we’re looking to continue this energy into our 20th anniversary.
gorhAM StAte 22 2.20
Brennan Parker “E” In February, we participated in our first annual “Freezin’ for a Reason” polar plunge to benefit Camp Sunshine, which supports children with lifethreatening diseases and their families. We raised close to $1,300, allowing us to send 12 brothers into the freezing Atlantic of Casco Bay in Portland, Maine. We look forward to continuing this event next year!

Brothers support Camp Sunshine.
hAMILtoN CoLoNy 43 2.72
No submission received
hAyWArD 12 N/A
No submission received
hoBArt 9 3.12
Nathan Ginnetty “E” Four executive board officers attended the Regional Leadership Conference in New Haven, Connecticut in March. We attended workshops on financial planning, philanthropic involvement, and other topics of fraternity operations, and also met many brothers from other chapters.
hofStrA 21 N/A
Connor Barrows “E” This spring, we held our third annual “Powder Puff” football tournament, where teams from sororities and other female campus organizations competed in games of “touch” football. The event was a huge success, with all proceeds donated to the V Foundation.
huNtSvILLe 18 N/A
Arthur Moore “E” Over half of our brothers assisted with the “Bow Wow Fun Run” 5k race, which benefited the Huntsville Botanical Gardens. Our members managed the finish line, which involved tearing tags and recording finishers both on paper and on a tape recorder.
ILLINoIS 51 3.04
Max Russell “E” We’re preparing for our second performance with the beautiful women of Kappa Delta for a musical show for families that come to visit during Mothers’ Day weekend. We’ve been practicing under the guidance of last year’s performers for this year’s “Grease”-themed musical. Last year, we received the highest raw score from judges but were disqualified due to a miscommunication. This year, we hope to redeem ourselves and bring home a victory.
ILLINoIS StAte 53 2.57
Sean Palmer “E” We hosted over 200 brothers for the Regional Leadership Conference, where we spent the weekend learning ways to improve ourselves and our chapters. We received the region’s “Most Improved Chapter” award during the banquet. We’d like to welcome and offer our support to Regent-Elect Jeff Broderick, Illinois State ’81, and also thank Mark Schramka, Northwestern Alumnus, for all his efforts over the past six years.
INDIANA 107 3.02
Samuel Koppel “E” We recently held a retreat to focus on issues facing the Chapter and generate ideas to improve our fraternity operations. Besides these intended purposes, the retreat also renewed our sense of brotherhood. We’re looking forward to holding this retreat again in the future.

Ryan Brechtl, “A,” addresses brothers at their chapter retreat.
IoWA 39 2.79
Drew Davis “E” We’ve begun a new community service initiative. We’ll be volunteering to assist local farmers, through Local Foods Connection, in preparing the fields, planting crops, and harvesting the fields. We hope that our work will greatly benefit this local organization and our community.
JAMeS MADISoN 55 2.95
Zach Rolfe “E” Our new officers have been working to revitalize our committees. We have welcomed 14 men as associate members this spring and look forward to continuing this trend into the fall semester. We’ve also been reconnecting with our alumni, which has helped us double our alumni contact list in only four months. We have many upcoming philanthropy, intramural, charity, and brotherhood events that we look forward to sharing in the next issue of the Quarterly.

Brothers and guests at a holiday party.
JohNStoWN 16 2.53
Kevin McDonald “E” We’ve welcomed six associate members this spring and have been working to create new, exciting brotherhood events. We’ve also begun training for Greek Week and spring intramurals.
George Mason Brothers Receive
Campus Awards Mark Ahlijanian “E” 15 2.37 At the 2011 Standards of Excellence for Greek Life ceremony, two of our brothers received the most prestigious awards given to individuals within the Greek community. Michael Marino ’11 received the “Greek Man of the Year” award, and Christopher Jones ’11 received the “Outstanding New Member” award. Since his initiation, Jones was elected “C” and also assumed the Brotherhood Chairman position. He continues to come up with new and innovative ideas on a consistent basis. Marino has held numerous positions: “A”, Public Relations Chairman, By-Laws Chairman, and Scholarship Chairman. On campus, Marino is the President of Order of Omega. He has worked with LEAD Scholars, Mason Ambassadors, and the Student Involvement Office. We are extremely proud of both men and offer our gratitude for their hard work and dedication to the Fraternity.
KANSAS 77 2.99
No submission received
KANSAS StAte CoLoNy 26 2.96
Rhett Jones “E” We attended the Regional Leadership Conference in February, where we sought to learn all we could from the presentations and other brothers in attendance. We left Warrensburg, Missouri with a sense of excitement and an eagerness to get to work. During the following weekend, we held our first major recruitment event, at which we played dodgeball with many high school seniors and enjoyed some sloppy joes. We’re working to follow up with those who attended in the coming weeks.

Brothers outside their rooms at the Regional Leadership Conference.
KeNNeSAW 27 2.76
Patrick Maloney “E” We’ve welcomed five men as associate members and recently celebrated our one-year anniversary on April 17, 2011. We also recently hosted an alumni event and have several social and philanthropic events we’re looking forward to.
KetterINg-A 20 3.19
Blake Wischer “E” On February 19, 2011, brothers and dates attended our annual Semi-Formal at the Carpathia Club. The night was filled with dancing, great food, social merriment, and our beloved rendition of the ‘Gator to the song “Taking Care of Business.”

KetterINg-B 16 3.27
Cameron Janiga “E” Last fall, we hosted our “D-Chi on the Rocks” recruitment event, where brothers brought their off-road vehicles to the Mounds Off-Road Vehicle Park in Mount Morris, Michigan. There were plenty of open seats for brothers and guests to experience some off-roading. Despite one brother sinking his 1975 International Scout in a pit of mud, the event was a huge success with many stories to tell.

One brother’s vehicle gets stuck in the mud at the Chapter’s recruitment event.
33 2.67
James Keck “E” Our Bowling Grab-a-Date event was a huge success. Each brother picked a date to bring to a bowling party with food and drinks. At first, brothers and guests were hesitant, bowling modestly and apathetically. After a few frames though, everyone relaxed and started having a lot of fun. Many brothers shared that it was one of the most fun date parties we’ve had, and they’d definitely like to do another in the future.
LAKe foreSt 21 3.08
Joseph Randol “E” On December 2, 2010, we hosted our 3rd annual “Miss Jimmy V” Beauty Pageant and Talent Show. The event was an even bigger success this year, raising $2,351 for the V Foundation. With over half of our fundraising goal met, we’re already looking forward to next year’s pageant.

Brothers after “Miss Jimmy V” with our Fraternity Mom and Ms. Delta Gamma.
Missouri Recognized for Involvement
Andrew Owens “E”
32 2.95
We’ve been recently focusing on our campus involvement and leadership. Casey Berner ’13 and Andrew Owens ’14 were selected for the Alumni Association Student Board. Ryan Johnson ’14, Jake Gordon ’14, Skylar Morris ’14, and Andrew Owens ’14 were selected for Outreach, the University’s student recruitment team. Morris was also chosen to be on the steering committee for GAMMA (Greeks Advocating the Mature Management of Alcohol). Jazz Rucker ’11 was recently honored as a member of this year’s “Mizzou 39,” a group of 39 seniors recognized for their outstanding academic achievement, leadership and service to the University. All of these organizations are highly selective, and involvement requires multiple rounds of interviews. Our representation across student organizations continues to be a point of pride for our chapter.
LehIgh 40 2.99
Eric Williams “E” We welcomed 16 men as associate members through our spring recruitment efforts, which included dinners, Lehigh basketball games, and even a bus trip to Philadelphia for cheesesteaks at Pat’s and Geno’s and a ’76ers game. We took the time during our events to have meaningful conversations with potential new members, so we could see if their values aligned with our Basic Expectations. Despite not having a house, we’re confident that, with continued attention to putting our best foot forward in regards to recruitment, we’ll continue to attract a high caliber of student to our Fraternity. Two comments were heard by countless potential new members: “I was against joining a fraternity until I got to know you guys,” and “You guys really seem to have a strong brotherhood. That’s what I’m looking for.”
LIvINgStoN CoLoNy 22 2.39
Wesley Bolling “E” We participated in Alpha Sigma Alpha’s dodgeball tournament to support breast cancer awareness. Our team of ten competed against other Greek organizations and various campus organizations. Many of our brothers have friends or family whose lives have been affected by breast cancer. Showing our support for this great cause and fun event was a no-brainer.
LoNg BeACh 31 2.89
Michael Quibuyen “E” This spring we created a new philanthropy event to benefit the V Foundation. Our inaugural “Del-Tiki” Dance Off was quite successful within the Greek and campus communities. In the event, teams of six competed against one another with dance routines for bragging rights and a $200 cash prize. We raised over $1,000 from ticket sales and entry fees.
MArquette 29 N/A
Aaron Gilling “E” After a successful recruitment effort, we’ve focused on bolstering our philanthropic contributions. We’re planning for several events, including a wheelchair basketball tournament and a Battle of the DJ’s/Bands event. We also celebrated our annual formal on April 2nd.
MArShALL 44 2.68
Wesley Jordan “E” Over winter break, brothers attended a chapter retreat in Canaan Valley, West Virginia. We stayed three days and two nights in the Canaan Valley Lodge, where brothers skied and went snowboarding. We also used the retreat to discuss goals for the upcoming term. Our executive board then broke these goals down into action plans for each officer. The trip was both a relaxing break from school and a productive planning event for our chapter.
MAryLAND 57 3.10
No submission received
MASSAChuSettS CoLoNy 23 N/A
Darrell McTague “E” During Homecoming, we hosted a tailgate and alumni barbecue adjacent to Alpha Chi Omega’s tent at the game. We had many alumni, make the trip back to Amherst. In fact, groups of alumni who lived in all three Delta Chi houses came back to share stories and reconnect with one another. Miles Washburn, “DD”, also made the trip back for Homecoming.

MIAMI 41 2.95
Austin Powell “E” We’ve welcomed 22 men this spring as associate members, our largest group in recent years. The house has new carpet, funded through donations from our members’ parents. In February, we also brought home third place at Delta Zeta’s “Puttin’ on the Hits.”
MIChIgAN StAte 69 3.1
Joseph Hale “E” We’ve hosted our annual “Jimmy V” Kickball Classic, which features three divisions: Greek, Residence Halls, and independent. A great turnout made this event successful again!
Jacksonville State Coaches Little
League Team Todd Garrison “E” 47 2.66 We’re looking forward to sponsoring our little league baseball team again this year, the Delta Chi “Little Reds.” In conjunction with the Jacksonville Parks and Recreation Department, we elect three or four brothers to coach the team. Most other brothers assist throughout the season with practices. This project allows us to bond with the kids and serve as role models for them. At the end of the season, we throw a pizza party and give trophies to the entire team. In our 11 years sponsoring a team, the “Little Reds” have taken home first place four times. We’re looking forward to continuing our winning tradition this spring! Brothers pose with last year’s 1st place team.
MINNeSotA 30 3.09
Christopher Gaffney “E” With the support of our Alumni Board of Trustees and House Corporation, we’ve been able to make several renovations to our house. We’ve replaced the hardwood floor on the main level, created an Alumni Foundation Chamber, and renovated the main level bathroom. Our goal is to continue work upstairs in the future, renovating the bedrooms as needed, to have our house furnished better than anyone on campus. We’d like to thank the numerous donations from alumni and parents who’ve made these projects possible so far!
Steffan Hall “E” This spring, we planned a brotherhood retreat in Camden, Mississippi where one of our brothers had a cabin. We spent the weekend shooting clay pigeons, grilling, and talking around a campfire. We had a great time and many of the brothers got to know one another better throughout the trip.
MISSourI StAte 33 2.78
William Ulbricht “E” We’ve begun renovations within our house. The first apartment, which previously required brothers to walk through one bedroom to access the other, will be redesigned so that all bedrooms will be accessible from the living room. The south wall of our chapter room will be removed to create a study room and bathroom for the members. We’ll also be adding shelves to display all of our trophies.
MoNtCLAIr 17 N/A
Rory Kane “E” We’ve been actively planning our third annual Polar Bear Plunge, Quarters for Cancer, and Boating for Breast Cancer events this spring. At the Plunge, we enjoy the cold swim, because we know it benefits those less fortunate than us, and we’re grateful for those who support us with contributions.
MoNtevALLo 18 2.26
Jason Ellis “E” Last fall, we formed a team for Relay for Life and walked all day in support of finding a cure for cancer. As the only fraternity to participate in the event, we raised over $3,000 for the organization.
NeW hAveN 31 3.02
Jake Belval “E” On April 16, 2011, we held our annual Actives vs. Alumni softball game at Painter Park in West Haven, Connecticut. We had a great turnout, with alumni coming from all over the Northeast to play in the game. Afterwards, we held a barbecue in the park and shared stories. We’re looking forward to next year’s softball game, which promises to be even bigger and better.
North ALABAMA 26 2.55
Casey Bedingfield “E” We participated in “StepSing” this spring, which is a performance competition between Greek organizations on campus. Proceeds from the event supported United Way. With sold out audiences both nights, our take on the theme, “Remembering the Good Times,” involved taking classic songs and changing the lyrics to describe everyday life at the University. The competition was also a bonding experience for the brothers who dedicated their time during practices and preparations.
NortherN ArIzoNA 39 2.25
Nelson Johnson “E” We’ve welcomed seven associate members this spring and have planned a canned food drive to benefit the local food banks in Flagstaff, Arizona. We brought home the 2-on-2 volleyball championship and are on our way to a basketball championship as well.

Brothers pose for a picture outside their house.
NortherN CoLorADo 20 N/A
Gregory Watkins “E” We’ve been executing an ongoing food drive effort to benefit local Somalian immigrants in the community. We’re quickly reaching our goal of 200 cans. At the Regional Leadership Conference, we also received a Public Relations award.
NortherN ILLINoIS CoLoNy 42 2.50
Nicholas Nudo “E” Our inaugural Earthball tournament was held on April 9, 2011. Sororities formed teams to compete to push an eight-foot ball past the opposing team’s goal. We held the event at a field on campus, and we raised funds through registration fees, t-shirt sales, and sponsorships.
NorthWeSt MISSourI 24 2.70
Jameson Hutchins “E” May 1, 2011 marked our 40th anniversary as a chapter. With over 900 alumni, our 40 years on campus have been filled with many memories and stories. We’re working to make sure we’ll be here another 40 years.

Brothers pose for a picture outside their house.
ohIo StAte 39 3.19
Tim Sampey “E” See “Ohio State Chartering,” page 9
South Dakota State Hosts President’s
Dinner Eric Haiar “E”
42 3.21
The President’s Dinner is an annual event, held at our house, where we invite influential members of our city and state for a barbecue in our backyard. It’s a great opportunity for our members to be able to talk with and learn from the leaders of our community. We were please to have both Lieutenant Governor candidates, several area legislators, our Student Regent, and many alumni attend.
oKLAhoMA CoLoNy 24 N/A
Ying-Ting Chen “E” At our Regional Leadership Conference, Preston Seaberg ’11 was named Region III’s Delta Chi of the Year for 2010. As a brother since spring of 2007, Seaberg served as “B” from 2008 to 2010 and set the bar high, completing a record number of community service hours each semester. In addition to maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout college, he has recently been accepted into medical school.
oregoN StAte 39 2.65
Anthony Goryl “E” Last fall we participated in Delta Gamma’s “Anchor Splash” and brought home second place in the synchronized swimming event with our human boat. During the winter term, we hosted our annual Valentine’s “Sweethearts” Dance, our annual formal held at our house. Everyone’s favorite sweetheart was, of course, our house dog. We also participated in Kappa Delta’s “Mock Rock,” where we performed a choreographed dance routine for the entire Greek community.

Brothers and guests at the Chapter’s “Sweethearts” Dance.
peNN StAte 77 3.19
David Steinfield “E” This year we partnered with the women of Kappa Kappa Gamma for Thon 2011. We placed 7th among Greek organizations and raised $139,000. Andrew Mondell ’11, John Sullivan ’11, Joe Abesh ’11, and Adam Zaccari ’11 danced for over 46 consecutive hours to represent Delta Chi during Thon.

John Sullivan ’11 and Alaina Pollack at “Thon.”
purDue 133 2.90
Kyle Lucas “E” We’ve been focusing our efforts this year on philanthropic involvement. Last semester, we participated in seven events, ranging from a sand volleyball tournament to lip-syncing at “Arrow Jam.” This spring, we held our own dodgeball tournament and raised over $1,100 from 38 teams within our fraternity and sorority community. We’re also working hard to repeat last year’s victory at Big Man on Campus.
rADforD 19 2.61
Gabe Guglielmo “E” We’re hard at work planning a 5k race to benefit the V Foundation. We’ve already secured several sponsors for the event. Recently, many brothers attended an alumnus’ wedding.

Brothers pose for a picture.
rutgerS 18 2.92
Patrick Villa “E” We participated in the annual Dance Marathon, a 32-hour event to raise money and awareness for the Embrace the Kids Foundation, which supports families of children with cancer and blood disorders. With eight brothers participating, we raised $3,157.18 for the event. Going beyond just Dance Marathon, we also participated in the “Heel to Heal” 5k and raised $1,000, visited Roman, our sponsored child, in the hospital and celebrated his birthday with a party at Chuck E. Cheese’s.
SACrAMeNto CoLoNy 34 2.60
Christen Brown “E” We held our first, soon to be annual, “Crab Feed” fundraiser. With much help from our alumni, we sold 170 tickets and raised over $3,000 to split between the Colony and the V Foundation. We worked for six months planning and promoting the event to friends on campus and our local area alumni. Nearly at capacity this year, we’re hoping to hold the event at a much larger, 600-capacity venue next year to raise even more money. We’d like to thank our Alumni Board of Trustees for their time,
South fLorIDA 63 N/A
Daniel Monks “E” On March 28, 2011, we held our second annual “Lady of the Leges” philanthropy event to benefit the V Foundation. This year, we were excited to see seven of eight sororities on campus participating in the event. The event is geared towards impacting our community, with one portion involving setting up a carnival at a local elementary school. Participants and their organizations set up small booths at the carnival for the kids to
enjoy. Every brother was in attendance during the evening event, along with many parents, local alumni, and University Faculty & Staff.
SoutheASt MISSourI 34 2.65
Ross Bolinger “E” This spring, we participated in the Southeast Dance Marathon, dancing for 12 hours and playing games with cancer patients. Michael Dowell ’11 and Ethan Bridgewater ’12 placed first in the spirit competition.
SoutherN CALIforNIA 36 3.10
Jordan Grant “E” We brought home the intramural championship in kickball, capping off an immensely successful season. The team consisted of Nick Houchin ’11, Trey Block ’13, Jim Carnes ’15, Lance Carlin ’12, Nick Strozza ’15, Will Townsend ’12, Patrick Frawley ’13, and Ben Gross ’12. After finishing the regular season undefeated, the team celebrated an 18-9 victory in the finals.

Brothers pose after winning the championship.
SoutherN ILLINoIS 29 2.58
David Schau “E” In our 55 years of history, we’ve had many houses and apartment complexes in which brothers have lived in. This year, we moved into a new property that will give us room to grow as a chapter and host great events. Our letters are visible from the residence hall towers, and we’re the first house students see on their way to recruitment events.
SprINg hILL CoLoNy 10 3.59
Alan Corder “E” We’ve welcomed four men as associate members this spring and have maintained the best GPA on campus of any Greek organization. We’ve learned much from the Florida State Colony by assisting with their Earthball event, and we’re currently working to plan our own tournament.

Zeta Tau Alpha team members with Team Coach Ethan Rivers ’13 and Alan Corder of the Spring Hill Colony.
StepheN f. AuStIN 26 1.88
Ricky Tharp “E” On April 9, 2011, we hosted our second annual “Alumni vs. Actives Challenge.” The Challenge involves flag football, softball, volleyball and other sports. Following the day’s games, we host a social event for our alumni as well. Last year, the alumni won the Challenge by a narrow margin, but after nearly doubling our size, we were more competitive this year.
SyrACuSe 18 N/A
Timothy Wilke “E” On March 26, 2011, we hosted our fourth annual “D-Chi Cup” broomball tournament at the Tennity Ice Pavilion on South Campus. We’ve been working hard to surpass our previous participation record of 16 men’s and eight women’s teams at the event.
Michigan Takes a Plunge Ari Kaye “E” 56 3.18
On February 19, 2011, we participated in the Law Enforcement Torch Run “Polar Plunge” to support the Special Olympics. Brothers gathered at The University of Michigan golf course dressed in Speedos and compression shorts to take a plunge into the icy water. Despite the Fire Department’s ruling that the pond’s ice was too thin to walk on, brothers plunged into a small pool erected with water and ice cubes. We were proud to support this event because the money we raised will benefit over 18,000 children and adults with intellectual disabilities in the State of Michigan.
Associate Member Ben Rosenthal belly flops into the freezing water.
tArLetoN 14 N/A
Jacob McCay “E” On April 9, 2011, we attended our annual formal, planned this year by Elliott Schlottman. We’ve had great participation from our brothers and much support from our alumni to make this event successful.
texAS 10 3.21
Brian Banks “E” Our associate members last fall earned an overall 4.0 GPA for the semester. They were the top new member class academically, and the Chapter ranked fourth among fraternities academically.
texAS A&M 10 1.73
Reynaldo Merlos “E” We held a golf tournament for our brothers, alumni, and parents on April 2, 2011 at the Bear Creek golf course in Houston, TX. There was a barbecue buffet at the event, which was enjoyed by all who attended.
texAS teCh 70 2.52
Julian Gurany “E” Before school started, brothers took a trip to the Ruidoso Country Club in Ruidoso, New Mexico for a retreat filled with skiing, team building, and brotherhood. For us, these annual retreats help us strengthen our brotherhood and build lasting friendships with one another.

Brothers at their ski trip to Ruidoso, New Mexico.
trI-StAte 51 N/A
Brandon Nothnagel “E” Last semester, we raised over $3,700 for the V Foundation, with much of that coming from our annual “Delta Chi Dash for Cancer” 5k race. We had over 40 brothers and 80 other runners and walkers participating in the event on
October 16, 2010. With our months of planning, we secured sponsorships from Trine Marketing, JCorp Energy, Vestil, Circle K, and Regional Cancer Care Center. We also hosted a 50-50 raffle, a garage sale, and an Italian formal dinner to raise additional funds. We’ve also accumulated over 1,000 community service hours through events in our community.

Brothers hanging out in the basement after the 5K.
troy StAte 30 N/A
Jordan May “E” Delta Chi moved into a new house with 12 double-occupancy bedrooms when the University opened “Fraternity Village” on campus this year. The house also has a foyer, formal chapter room, large social room, patio, and a side yard. We’d like to thank our alumni for furnishing the house with leather couches, chairs, tables, cabinets, televisions, and a 150-inch projector and sound system for the social room.
truMAN StAte 41 3.07
Patrick Lynch “E” We’ve worked to improve our relationships with sororities on campus by creating a 2011 calendar. Organized by Michael Kirner ’11, the calendar featured pictures of graduating seniors, associate members, study sessions in August, and holiday-themed group pictures. We’ve heard nothing but praise for the calendar so far! We’re currently at our largest size in many years, which allows us to do more than ever before. We also received recognition at our Regional Leadership Conference for earning the highest GPA in the region.
uSp CoLoNy 19 2.60
Andrew Rodriguez “E” As we grow as a colony, we’re working hard to promote Greek unity across campus. Multiple teams of brothers participated in Delta Phi Epsilon’s “In It To Win It” event, and we ran a “Dizzy Bat” carnival stand for Alpha Sigma Tau’s “Alcohol Awareness” Carnival. Two brothers have also run for Student Government and Inter-Greek Council positions.
Pittsburgh Holds Lavaliering Ceremony
Adam Cetra “E”
39 3.17
On February 27th, the Brothers of the Pittsburgh Chapter held a Lavalier Ceremony for Megan Neuf, the longtime girlfriend of our “B”, Greg Nicosia. Greg has always been one of our most active members, and, by extension, Megan is also around the Chapter often. She even assists with our fundraising efforts. Every week, Megan helps out with our Unlimited Pancakes Thursday, where we offer unlimited pancakes for $2 per person, along with hot chocolate for $0.25 and two for a dollar hash browns. Many of the Brothers are close friends with Megan because of her frequent involvement. The ceremony was relatively low key, and we finished off by singing “Delta Chi Sweetheart” and “The Bond Song.” We are proud to welcome Megan into a closer bond with our Chapter and to celebrate the love she shares with our brother. Greg had the following to say of the ceremony: “I’m proud to say that I am, in part, responsible for keeping a cherished Delta Chi tradition alive at our Chapter. While it appears as though I’m the second or possibly third brother of our Chapter to hold a Lavalier Ceremony, no current active member was around to witness those ceremonies. This special ceremony really allowed me to share the bond and love I feel from Delta Chi with someone who I truly love and respect and want to spend the rest of my life with. While she’ll never know our secrets and the reasons why we conduct ourselves as we do, she’ll always know that I value her as my friend and companion as much as I cherish the bonds I’ve established within Delta Chi.”
vALDoStA 9 N/A
Kyle Stopek “E” After going through a reorganization, we’re focused on exceeding expectations and rebuilding a great fraternity experience. Our brothers are getting involved on campus to meet others and generate interest for involvement in the Fraternity. We are also hosting our 8th annual charity softball tournament, honoring Joshua Dykes ’06.
vIrgINIA CoMMoNWeALth 53 N/A
Bobby Cockerille “E” We initiated 13 men in the fall and currently have eight associate members this spring. With a successful 20th anniversary celebration in the fall, we looked forward to a successful Homecoming weekend this spring. Great weather welcomed a strong alumni turnout for the weekend. We also held our second annual Kimball Cup sporting event, a competition between brothers and alumni. This year’s events consisted of basketball, softball and flag football. We brought home the intramural soccer championship as well. We’re working hard to plan our 5th annual 3-on-3 basketball tournament to benefit the V Foundation.

The Flag Football team poses for a picture.
WAShBurN 10 2.94
Joseph Wasinger “E” We’ve been meeting potential new members during video game nights, poker tournaments, and a Super Bowl Party. We’ve been busy planning a camping trip for our brothers, alumni and new associate members.
WAShINgtoN 54 3.22
Austin Hebert “E” Our house is at full capacity, with 60 members, including seven seniors, living in. We’ve added a requirement for all brothers to complete at least five hours of community service each quarter and have added incentives for brothers going beyond this requirement. We’ve planned events with local food banks, for the Magnuson Park cleanup, and are looking forward to the upcoming Sun Splash philanthropy. We’ve also been planning for our alumni barbecue and golf tournament at Jackson Park Golf Course.
WAShINgtoN StAte 54 2.87
Ben Zipp “E” We’ve been selling bracelets to raise money and awareness for the V Foundation. So far, we’ve raised over $250.
WeSt CheSter 32 3.04
Mitchell Paulinho “E” Throughout February, we’ve raised $393 by selling 131 shirts to benefit the Susan G. Komen fund. Each shirt is pink and says “I Heart D Chi.” Our efforts raise awareness for breast cancer and also serve as a way for more people to see “Delta Chi” on campus.
WeSt georgIA 24 2.50
Andrejs Malovs “E” We currently rank second among fraternities academically and have been approved to move into a larger on-campus house next year. We’re looking forward to new goals and accomplishments!
WeSt vIrgINIA teCh 12 N/A
Garrett Goosman “A” We’re focused on raising more money than ever before for the V Foundation. Through working home football games at Martin Field, we’ve already raised over $200. We’ve also been planning a “Quarter Mile of Quarters” event, a dunking booth event, and a “Pie-A-Chi” day.
WeSterN MIChIgAN 19 3.01
Jared Johnson “E” Last fall, we ranked first among fraternities academically. We’ve also recently signed leases to move onto Fraternity Village Drive next year. On March 26, 2011, we hosted our annual “Powder Puff” football tournament to raise money for the V Foundation.
WhIteWAter 28 2.70
Josh Pomerenke “E” We raised over $500 last semester during our “Buy-A-DChi” fundraising event, where women bid on brothers for date nights full of dinner and dancing. We’d like to thank the women of Delta Zeta, Sigma Sigma Sigma and Alpha Sigma Alpha for their attendance and participation at the event!
WILLIAM & MAry 35 3.01
Reid Francis “E” We celebrated our chartering anniversary on April 2, 2011 with an afternoon barbecue and games. The event allowed for our brothers to meet our alumni. After the barbecue, we held a semi-formal dinner, featuring a slideshow and tribute to our senior brothers.
WILMINgtoN 32 2.56
Michael Kanupp “E” We’ve been eagerly preparing for our chartering banquet, which was held on April 30, 2011. Look for a feature story on Wilmington’s Chartering Banquet in the Summer/Fall issue of the Quarterly.
WINDSor 20 N/A
Ackel Cupid “E” This quarter, we celebrated our 40th anniversary with many brothers and alumni gathering to share stories and reminisce about times enjoyed in Delta Chi. We have also volunteered at a local community garden on campus. We’re looking forward to our upcoming formal.
Rhode Island Hosts “Miss URI Pageant”
Ryan Elkas “E” 33 N/A On March 11, 2011, we held our second annual “Miss URI” Pageant, with over 300 people in attendance and eight women competing. Jay Salafia ’12 planned most of the event and has used his connections to have our event recognized and added as a qualifier for the “Miss Rhode Island” Pageant. Proceeds from the event are split between scholarships for the winners, the Chapter, and the V Foundation. We also held a 50-50 raffle at the event, where all proceeds went to the V Foundation.
Louisiana Tech Jared Harper “E” 43 2.70
We’ve recently unveiled plans for our new chapter house. We’re confident the new facility will be competitive with top houses across the country. We would like to thank our House Corporation, Alumni Board of Trustees, the Delta Chi Housing Committee, and all of our donors involved with the project. We will be hosting a House Unveiling Ceremony in September, following the completion of construction. Our 25th anniversary will also fall during our Homecoming Banquet this October. To follow the construction of the house, go to: http://latech.deltachi.org